#Foreign Language Learning
I've never been more ecstatic than rewatching anime after learning chinese and being able to read and understand the kanji on screen
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monstercollection · 2 years
If you are Spanish-speaking, what were your favorite books growing up? Maybe something that would be at the reading level of a 10-13 year old (though I’d also probably enjoy kids picture books or graphic novels/comics too).
I’m a native (US) English speaker and only have high school level Spanish. I haven’t used it much since so I’d have to start with the basics, but I really want to try.
I have a learning disability that makes retaining things like the spelling of vocabulary words very difficult. I was already flunking my English spelling tests in school, never mind Spanish. I had one teacher who would let me take tests orally but most had written tests where you were graded on spelling (and if the teacher was particularly sadistic, they’d make us write down the English and Spanish words and grade us on the spelling of both).
It left stuck on the idea that I was bad at learning new languages. But I’ve found that I can understand more Spanish when I read or listen to a conversation than I can write or speak it. Maybe trying a different learning style as an adult will help me.
I’d especially like historical fiction recs (or even non-fiction) so I can get a perspective from outside a (white) USAmerican worldview while I’m learning.
Much as I love fantasy and sci-fi, I kind of want to avoid anything that has its own in-universe jargon. I think I’d have a hard time following both a real unfamiliar language and an imaginary one.
I appreciate any suggestions!
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christadeguchi · 3 months
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i'll let phie-san say it:
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strategiadvizo · 7 months
Elevating Employability: Short-Term Course Suggestions for College Students
Empower your future with our latest blog on short-term courses for college students! 🚀 Enhance your employability and unlock new opportunities. Dive in to discover courses that fit your passion and career goals. #EmpowermentThroughEducation #SkillUp
“विद्या ददाति विनयं, विनयाद् याति पात्रताम्।” “Education bestows humility, humility leads to worthiness.” In a world that’s constantly evolving, the importance of education—especially for students from lesser-known colleges in India—cannot be overstated. Education not only paves the way for personal growth but also significantly boosts employability in today’s competitive job market. Here are…
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daegred-lux · 9 months
Any recommendations on artists that sing in German?
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kuturkoglu · 1 year
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learnelle · 2 months
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I posted a chatty video on my YouTube channel all about how I started reading in French, with some francophone book recommendations too! You can find it here 🇫🇷📚✨
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todayontumblr · 1 year
Wednesday, September 27.
If ever you're in France, accompanied by your kitty cat, and you find yourself unintentionally (and quite unexpectedly) projecting intestinal gas produced within the body by bacteria that has broken down food, and said kitty cat looks a little alarmed, and you don't know what to say, well. Fortune smiles upon you this day. Consider #langblr your knight in shining linguistic armor. Chat, j'ai pété.
It really can happen to anyone. But langblr is here for all your polyglot needs: learning how to say chai tea in Czech, the frankly adorable etymology of peninsula, Greek paleographic fonts, for words of support for those underway with their language-learning adventures, or if you're in need of some support yourself. It is a particularly wholesome corner of Tumblr, for those with an interest in the slow-burn magic of learning another language. 
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rachels-rendez-vous · 4 months
the weirdest thing about learning a language is not knowing a specific word.
not sure what a puddle is called but i can say little ocean in the road !
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One Song in Every Language
Okay, tumblr. Let's try something.
I want to make a playlist with one song in every single language. Of course, this is impossible- the spotify playlist limit is something like 5,000- but I want to try. Of course, I can't do this alone, and so I'm sharing the project with the entire online language nerd/ music nerd community. Together we can celebrate linguistic diversity- and find some really cool music :)
Here's how it works. This spreadsheet will document every song and language represented. When you want to add a song, first look in the spreadsheet to see if that language is already represented. If it isn't, add the song to the playlist, and then add it to the spreadsheet.
What counts as a language? This is, as we all know, a fundamentally political question (Russian/ Ukrainian? Hindi/ Urdu? "Chinese" and its "dialects"...) We don't have to solve those debates here. My thinking is: the point is to celebrate linguistic diversity in as many forms as possible. If you can make a reasonable argument for why a song and its linguistic variety should be represented, go ahead and add it.
Yes, this means conlangs count (cause conlangs are SICK!) This also means dead languages count- throw in all the Latin and Classical Nahuatl you like. Glossolalia (à la Sigur Ros) and semi-linguistic scat-esque nonsense (à la Kobaian)? Sure, why not!
I'm calling this one song in every language, but we also want to highlight small and minority languages. So maybe we don't want ten different French songs, but if there are two or three different artists singing in Sami (especially different varieties of Sami), throw it in!
Let's make this awesome. Let's make this huge. Spread it around to every language nerd and music geek you know.
Thanks, dankon, merci, etc :)
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nenelonomh · 5 months
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learning languages study guide
daily: ♡ vocabulary and grammar practice ♡ lessons (i have four lessons per week at school. if you don't already take lessons, look into free language courses on alison, coursera or 101 languages)
once per week: ♡ translate a short text (i like to translate my journal entries)
one per fortnight/month: ♡ watch a movie in your target language, preferably animated movies as the language used is easier. you can watch with subtitles
additionally: ♡ talk to yourself; your friends; your pets in your target language ♡ text with someone in your target language ♡ repeat what you hear (in a podcast, lesson or movie)
luck with your language learning❤️
(images are from pinterest)
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nihongo-enthusiast · 4 months
The Difference of それに、それでは、それで、それでも
1. それに = on top of that; in addition...
• このレストランは料理が美味しい。それに、値段も安い。
This restaurant serves delicious food. On top of that, the price is cheap too.
2. それでは = and so ...; and now...
• それでは、次の議題に移りましょう。
And so, let's move on to the next topic.
3. それで = so; therefore...
• 昨日は大雨が降った。それで、試合は中止になった。
Yesterday it rained so heavily. Therefore, the game was cancelled.
4. それでも = even though A, but still wanna do B; Despite..., but he still...
• 雨が降っている。それでも、彼は出かけるつもりだ。
It is raining. But he still intends to go out.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 4 months
are there any youtube channels you like watching for japanese studies?
Yeah I have some recommendations. I break my language stuff into study purposes and entertainment purposes. So channels I watch explicitly for studying and reviewing grammar rules and note taking and channels I watch for fun and laidback listening practice.
Because I think a mixture of both are pretty important for my own progress. Sometimes I am in the mood to study and other times I can't really bothered whether it be because I'm busy or lazy.
Study Purposes
Miku Real Japanese
Japanese Ammo with Misa
Mochi Real Japanese
YuYu Nihongo (this channel is specifically for learning Japanese through Spanish though)
YuYu Nihongo Podcast
Entertainment Purposes
Honestly, just about anything or anyone will do in this section as long as you find someone you like personally. But here are some stand out channels I enjoy watching/listening to.
じんむ - ACNH youtuber primarily but you'll see her playing other games like the Suika game.
マフィア梶田と中村悠一の「わしゃがなTV」 - a channel ran by Mafia Kajita and Nakamura Yuuichi (JP voice actor for Gojou Satoru, Gray Fullbuster, Sohma Shigure in Furuba 2019). They do a lot of things related to card games, video game streams, and things like that. They usually have JP subtitles on the screen.
梶裕貴 - the channel ran by Japanese VA Kaji Yuki (Eren Jaeger, Todoroki Shouto). I love when he plays visual novels he voices in, he's pretty hilarious.
ひかりん♂🍡- now these aren't actually the JJK VAs but people who are mimicking the voices. But they're pretty fucking funny and they play in character, so I enjoy watching their content. They have shortform and long form videos for your amusement. Usually they have JP subtitles on the screen.
良平は酒飲みながらゲームしたい。- Kimura Ryohei's (HQ Bokuto, Childe from Genshin, that blond dude from Kuroko no Basket) official channel. He's been streaming a lot of Genshin lately.
Tbh a lot of VAs seem to have channels, so I'd try looking them up. These are the ones that I've been watching most lately or tend to get a lot of notifs for.
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adhd-languages · 6 months
Keeping up your Languages when you’re Busy
Confession: I’ve been slacking on Japanese recently because my life has been so hectic recently. So here are some of the ways I’ve been trying to keep it in my brain when I can’t dedicate a lot of time to studying.
This applies to computers as well! This is the easiest way to ensure you see at least some of your target language every day. It’s good for any level, even beginners.
If you haven’t already done this, do it now. I understand that some things are important and you need to be sure you understand them — in that case, you can always change individual apps to have different languages, just look up the app name in settings.
Find some podcasts in your target language and listen to them before bed, during your commute, whatever. There are lots of podcasts made specifically for learners, or you can look up topics in your target language to find a podcast you might enjoy.
Music is also an amazing way to hear your target language being used. If you find an artist you like, that’s another good way to study your TL! Follow them on socials, look up interviews with them, etc.
Talk to Yourself
Any spare minute you have, talk to yourself in your target language. It doesn’t need to be out loud. You can have a conversation with yourself, try to express how you’re feeling, make up stories, or just describe the things around you in your target language. This is also a good way to see what kind of vocabulary you’re missing.
Duolingo has fired a ton of translators and started using crappy AI translations — so they’re probably not the best choice.
I’d recommend dictionary app that has some sort of flash card feature is also good, or an anki deck. Drops is good, and has a lot of languages, but keep in mind you’ll need audio. Anything that’s easy to get out and do for even just a few minutes is perfect.
Apps won’t teach you a language on their own, but doing a little every day helps remind me the language exists and keeps it in my mind.
Whether your friends know your TL or not, force them to experience it by randomly messaging in Japanese! Or, if you feel fancy, download an app like “HelloTalk”, “Tandem”, “Speaky”, “Tabee”…there are a lot.
If you keep a digital journal (like I do…inconsistently), try to write some entries in your TL.
If you have a blog, which I assume you do, post in your TL. Even if you’re a beginner, you can make a sideblog dedicated to saying stuff like “I’m hungry” and “Green is my favourite colour” in your target language.
Open your notes app and just write random words you can remember or sentences you can string together.
I know it’s really difficult, and don’t beat yourself up because you aren’t studying as hard. A language can be a lifelong companion — you’ll have phases of studying constantly, and sometimes it’ll take the back seat, but there’s no rush to learn it. Have a great day :)!
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hi-i-am-a-sock · 5 months
hot take: opinions "german sounds harsh" and "german sounds beautiful" can coexist
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belle-keys · 5 months
Recommendations for media about translation, interpreting, and foreign languages
Movies and TV
Quo Vadis, Aida? (2020) The Interpreter (2005) The Last Stage (1948)
Babel: An Arcane History by R.F. Kuang The Centre by Ayesha Manazir Siddiqi Translating Myself and Others by Jhumpa Lahiri The Interpreter by Suki Kim Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok Translation Nation by Héctor Tobar Alphabet of Thorn by Patricia A. McKillip Translation State by Ann Leckie
Other Important Topics and Subjects
La Malinche The Rosetta Stone The Tower of Babel The Adamic Language Esperanto Philology Goethean World Literature
Documentaries and History
The Interpreters: A Historical Perspective The Nuremberg Trials Biblical Translation St. Jerome - patron saint of translators Shu-ilishu's Seal (first depiction of an interpreter)
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