#Freddie Junior Waite
kihratsu · 1 year
Wake up Babey!
It's Fnaf Halloween!!!!
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need to rename freddy but im coming up blank all I got is Lieutenant Marvel or captain marvel jr shortened to Marvel Jr. but like there's gotta be something better that still ties into the marvel name. we've got captain marvel, mary marvel, hmmmm maybe marvel jr. is the way to go idk
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kenandeliza · 10 months
That One Time Captain Marvel Was Asked Out [ and Freddy pretended to be his son to get out of that situation]
[ I Think of Freddy as a Protective Big Brother, so this was the result XD]
The JL/JSA welcomed its new members with dining in a restaurant
A Female hero asks Captain Marvel out but Captain Marvel is oblivious to her flirting, he just thinks she's being nice.
Freddy who is looking at the scene outside the restaurant window is pissed, his 'Big Brother Mode' intensified
“Billy doesn't know that lady has other intentions” “But I can't just go in there-Wait..I have an idea” He thought to himself before turning into Captain Marvel Jr.
Junior put on a childish persona, and he walked into the restaurant, approaching Captain Marvel and the female hero“Hi Dad!” Captain Marvel spits out his drink, he composes himself “H-hi Junior, whatcha doing here?”
Female hero:”Junior!? Is he your son?”
Captain Marvel: “ I-”
“Yup, and he promised to take me to the Amusement park today, right Dad?” Junior gave a look telling Billy to play along.
“Oh I’m sorry I almost forgot about that, We’ll go there right now! Sorry miss, I have to take my leave”
The female hero made a sad look presumably for flirting with a married man, “ Oh, that’s alright captain, have a nice family bonding time!”. Captain and Jr flew off the building “Yahoo!”
“What made you do that Freddy?” “She’s dangerous Billy,I had to get you out of there!”
“But we were just talking” he raised his eyebrows in confusion
It was a reminder for Freddy that his baby brother still hasn’t gotten the concept of romance..
“Billy, just trust me when I say that she’s dangerous” 
“Oh okay”
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thebluestbluewords · 8 months
"The council," Evie says brightly, "Is prepared to release more young VKs, on the condition that we find them appropriate foster families." 
There's a moment of absolute stillness, and then-- 
"And that's a good thing?" 
"Nope, no way--" 
"They don't even fucking trust us--" 
"Hey!" Evie shouts. "Everybody shut up. One at a time, please. Freddie, you can go first." 
All the eyes in the room swing over to Freddie Facilier, who crosses her arms over her skinny chest and scowls back at them. "Pass. I can't say anything nice right now, so I'm taking my Auradon lesson, just like they want us to do, and saying nothing at all." 
Of course. 
"Fuck's sake, Fred," Mal bites out. "You were literally just saying that they don't even fucking trust us. Finish the thought or get out." 
Freddie pushes off the wall, the whole long line of her rolling upright, from her shiny purple boots to the tip of her sleek pigtails. She looks mad, and it makes her look like her father. "I said pass, princess. We can't all pretend we love these Auradon folks when they keep coming up with new hoops for us to jump through. My baby sister's the circus freak here, and I can't even get her over without a goody-two-shoes grownup to what, adopt us both? Let them take my sister off the Isle, just to lock her up with some prissy princess family who's gonna treat her like dirt because of where she comes from? I can't just sit back and watch her go through what we did alone, and if she's locked up with some Auradon family, instead of here at school with the rest of us, she's gonna feel more alone than a mouse on main street. I'm not doing it. If they wanna make your market kids go through foster families, fine, but I'm not gonna sit here and just let it happen to my sister." 
She pushes her way towards the door, stepping through the whole mess of them, the tangle of kids and homework and jackets thrown across the floor barely impeding her path. 
Freddie doesn't turn her head at the sound of Evie's voice, but she does pause, which is something. "I don't much care what you have to say, blueberry. You're the one working with them."
Mal's watching Evie's face like a goblin watches the sun, which is why she sees the flash of discomfort that flickers across the set of Evie's mouth, in the corners of her eyes, before she smooths them out into her perfect mask again ."I know. I am working with them, which is why you don't have to believe me when I say this is the best thing that could happen to us." 
Freddie turns, snapping a hand to her hip, her feet still pointing towards the door. "Talk." 
"We have an opportunity to invite families to apply for the VK foster program," Evie says, quick and smooth, like she's been rehearsing it. They sleep in the same room, in the same bed most nights, but Mal's not a member of Ben's junior court representatives, and she's only an associate for Evie's upcoming Isle project, so she's not allowed to know what goes on in the phone calls Evie has with the Bureau of Isle Affairs offices each week. An admirable commitment to Auradon standards of privacy, that's what Evie has, and it's not Mal's place to resent her for apparently rehearsing a whole speech about the VK program without asking her to listen to it even once. It's a good thing that Evie has so much moral integrity when it comes to her secret projects, that's it. There's no reason at all for Mal to feel jilted by the fact that Evie hasn't practiced this speech with her even once, even though they're girlfriends and roommates and ex-rivals. "We can hand pick the families we invite, so there's no chance of horrible people like Audrey's parents applying and making our new kid's lives a living hell." 
"Just whatever assholes can hide long enough to make it through your vetting program." 
"Yes. But--" Evie raises a hand before Freddie can jump in. "The requirements for being a foster family are flexible. The only hard requirement is that there's one adult over eighteen for each minor foster kid placed in the household." 
"We're nearly eighteen." Mal realizes. "Eves." 
"We meet the rest of the requirements too," Evie says, her eyes bright with what might be tears or her own cleverness. "Or we will, once I have my castle set up. We can take one VK for each of us." 
"We can get our friends on board. Jorden already said har family would do it, and Ally's working on her mom as well. Lonnie's not eligible because of her international citizenship, but she's asking all the people she trusts to ask their parents, and she has a lot of friends across all the sports teams she's been in, and the hip-hop club, and the school paper.”
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cherry-pop-elf · 6 months
Happy Birthday To We
George Weasley x Reader
It’s April 1st. The busiest day of the year, and most traumatic. You figured to steal your husband away, and have a nice little picnic. You, your son, George, and of course…. Fred
Warnings: Grief, Mourning, Talks of self harm, suicidal ideology, hurt comfort, wizarding war angst, lots of angst, dead Fred, Umbridge, hopeful ending ((because reading a story that starts sad and ends sad can be frustration. Spoliery? Kinda, but hey. Heavy topic story with an actual pay off? You deserve it))
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“You gotta eat, young man-!” You tsked, but smiled. You knew he went heavy with work. Especially today of all days. April 1st. Not only the busiest day of the year, but also the day of his birthday. A birthday he was no longer able to share. So, he would try and drown himself in work. Make his mind so numb, he can’t feel anything.
“I will I will, after I-“ He tried to excuse, but you waved your wand. Having the box he was carrying quickly be sent into the shelf. He held his hands in mock defeat, as you smiled in victory. You won this round.
“Good boy! I made us a picnic basket and everything! Junior would love some fresh air with you too.” You smiled, as he couldn’t say no to that. A picnic, with his family? How could he resist? Fresh air, fresh food, and his little baby boy? You staked his heart, and he was at your mercy.
“Alright alright. Let me transfer my notes, and schedule, to Lee-“ That had you giddy. Hell yeah, you won this round. That had you proud, as you watched him go and find that good friend of his.
Meanwhile, you were quick to run to the back of the shop. Up the stairs, and into the flats above. Specifically the one where Fleur was, given Bill worked at Gringotts again. Ever since Fred passed, Bill figured being closer to family was wise. Fleur was already packing their bags, the moment he suggested the idea. A Weasley indeed.
“Thanks for baby sitting, the place gets so swamped-“ You wheezes, before you picked up your little boy from the Veela. Those beautiful ginger curls danced in his face, as he reached out for you. Little chubby fingers eager to touch your face. You happily allowed, as Fleur made sure to remind you he should eat soon.
With him safe in his sling, the picnic basket grabbed, you would wait outside of the shop. That way Junior wouldn’t get overstimulated. Was just you, and him. You playing with him, as he babbled away. Your eyes, and his hair. He was just perfect. You loved him so much, and so did George.
George was just enjoying the view. Watching you play with his son. How little Freddy was eager for your attention, and you happily gave it to him. With kisses, and tickles to his tummy. Made him gurgle and squeal so happily. Seeing all that just helped heal him. Like all that pain from the war was worth it. It wasn’t for nothing. Nothing at all.
“My family.” He sighed, as he would be by your side. The way Freddy’s eyes lit up made you want to cry. He was so happy to see his daddy. Out of his work suit, his dress shirt, and tie. Actually enjoying the fresh air on his skin. So many scars, so much ink. So much to his skin, it’s hard to tell the self inflected apart from the war torn. You knew, but you were happy to see them healed over. Finally.
Without another worrying thought, he aparated you three off. There again, to a oh so familiar place. Familiar, and painful, place. One memorized to its core, for George. Even the very ground was indented from his endless visits. The wind seemed to be aware of his presence, and blew. Cooling down the anxiety in his soul.
Across the worn down paths, with the scent of freshly laid flowers next to them. Little Freddy, ever curious, would cooe at all the pretty flowers. Laid for those who have long passed on. You wondered if this was healthy for Freddy. To be exposed to such things so young, but maybe understanding such could be helpful. You would worry about it later, now was the time to see him. See Fred.
His grave was well taken care of. George visits at least once a week, and it was quick to be realized that by the masses. That meant that not only were offerings left for Fred, but George as well. Such as something George had come to love the most.
The grave was that of the familiar W, with its star, and said star would have a little purple and orange beaded bracelet on it. A friendship bracelet, that Luna made. That way the twins could still be twinning, even beyond the grave. Never was there a day you ever saw George without his, and no storm seemed to be able to blow it off the stone. You were surprised no cruel soul tried to steal it, but then again who would want to steal from a prankster who was friends with Peeves?
“Oh, someone seems to need some tummy time.” You giggled, as Freddy was fighting to get free. George was quick to lay the blanket over the grave of Fred, and you were careful in setting Junior down. He was much happier, as he rolled around. Giggling, as he looked up at the cloudy blue sky. Fascinated by the clouds.
While George set up the picnic, and you made sure Freddy didn’t roll into someone’s grave, you have a sight. Reading over the engraving, after moving the endless presents and flowers aside.
Here lies Fredrick Fabian Weasley. Brother, Twin, Son, Friend, Inventor, Prankster, Hero. Your sacrifice promised happiness to endless. Rest In Peace. Mischief.
When the day comes, Mischief will be managed. One day. Maybe times, you thought that day was soon. As soon as Voldemort died even. Not even a chance to get off Hogwarts grounds, did George’s attempts at his life started. You hated how creative he was with it. You couldn’t understand how each one failed. Deep down, you could only imagine it was Fred. Fred, even beyond the grave, found a way to protect George. No ghost needed.
“And I thought I would be the once to space out-“ He snorted, alerting your attention. How embarrassing, but at least you had George there. Funny how he was the one to keep you grounded, right now. Suppose little Junior helps him as well. How his chubby little fingers poked at the stone.
“Ed-!” Junior spoke. “That’s right. Fred. You are named after him.” George encouraged. They say having a kid doesn’t fix all your problems. They are right, but George Weasley was never one for conventional norms. Sure solved alot of his. How he wasn’t bursting into tears was a mystery. Today was such a hard day, yet….Here he was.
“Come here, ya little bugga. You gotta eat, yeah? Ya like grapes don’t ya? Just like yer uncle Fred.” As George said that, you could see the pain in his eyes. He was happy, but it was bitter sweet. One Fred for another. The wound will never truly heal, but to say you weren’t proud of how far he came? A total lie.
You would soon rest your head on George’s, and watched him feed your son. Eyes glancing to the many scars on his inner arms. Burns, self harm, battles, and of course the many faded words of Umbridge. You could hardly see the words, but knew them well. How they were forced to write different words, so that they could never be identical again.
No, you had to fight those memories. If you were thinking them, Merlin knows what George was thinking. You fought your tears, so that he knew he wasn’t alone. Seemed to be what he needed, as he leaned his head on yours. Bandaged fingers gentle in cleaning your little boys face.
“I miss him, so much. It hurts, but I guess it doesn’t hurt so much anymore. Does that make me a bad person?” That caught you off guard, as George would play with Junior. Tickling his nose, and making him squeal. As if on auto pilot. Make everyone else happy, not yourself.
You had to sit on that, for a moment, as you looked at the grave. How well taken care of it was. George made sure it stayed such, and you would safely assume others did as well. Seeing that made it clear. So, you kissed his cheek.
“No, you aren’t. If anything, it makes you a better person. We all heal differently, sweetie. What better way to honor Fred, then allowing yourself some joy. Maybe…..Maybe you’ll cast a patrnous again.” Hearing that made George wonder.
With a wand drawn, he looked it over. To his wand, you, Junior, and Fred’s grave. A thought crossed his mind, and breathed. As gentle as the wind in the air, he whispered the incantation.
It was weak, but something was there. A whisper of hope, as the light swirled around Freddy’s fingers. Utter enchainment was in those big eyes, as George’s eyes watered. Spilling down his cheeks, as he smiled. It hurt to remember those happy memories with Fred, but at the same time it felt so good.
You held George tightly, beyond words of proud, as he kissed his cheek again. He was healing, and he was living. Living, not just surviving. Oh you had to rub your eyes to fight the tears. You were so happy.
When your eyes cleared, you blinked. With George busy with Junior, you noticed something. A beautiful bird, standing on the star of the stone. Such beautiful purple hue to its black feathers. Looked so curious, as its beak poked the bracelet. When that moment passed, it looked at you both. Watching, before it flew off. Leaving behind a single feather in its wake.
“A magpie feather. Say, we could turn this into something for Freddy. Like a training quill, since it’s so small.” With your tears falling down your cheeks, you nodded at what George said. What a lovely gift for Freddy. What a wonderful Birthday present…..for Fred.
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To @thefantasmarex and other Cap adopts Kon AU enjoyers
I just thought something, Captain Marvel isn’t an inherited title. In the OG comics and still in a lot of later ones it’s specifically a chosen one thing, we know that with Billy, but his entire family is honorary members and titles passed between close friends and family specifically to share the power. Not pass it on.
Billy has 3 potential candidates for succession depending on canons; The original being BillBat from the 30th century, Power of Shazam’s CeCe Beck from the 90th century, and Tanist of the 853rd century in the DC 1,000,000 comics.
(Pictures and more below the cut)
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Only one is actually related to Billy, and that’s BillBat of earth, his distant descendant. CeCe is from Bindermann and Tanist is from Mercury, both having stumbled into the RoE some how and have no prior relation.
No one in the current Marvel family as they know it is supposed to usurp Billy or replace him, he’s supposed to take the Wizards mantle fully later on in life and wait until his successor is old enough to inherit his power. Billy has to live to see that day, weather it’s 1,000 or 7,000 or 83,000 years into the future, he has to make it to pass the torch to the next being Pure of Heart and Strong of Spirit.
There is no replacing Marvel in the modern day, no keeping his name alive till the next guy needed, Conner has no expected inheritance or standards if he’s taken in as a member of the Marvel family. He can be whatever he wants as long as he’s a good person, he could wear his symbol and call himself Junior or another Lieutenant Marvel but he doesn’t have to.
There has to be a Superman once Clark’s gone, he’s too much of a symbol to fade, he means too much. But in a way Marvel doesn’t, and it’s not something bad or sad in context.
Being Captain Marvel is always shown as a thankless and isolating job, but one that has to be done to keep ancient evils at bay and the balance of Magic in order. That’s why Billy takes the job as Wizard only when Shazam dies, magic needs a warden but he doesn’t want that job right away, when he takes it he chooses Freddy as a champion to be Captain Marvel but they aren’t Shazam, he is. That’s what separates the Wizards champion, which is what Billy is, from the gods champions that his family is.
Conner has no expectation in his family, not because he isn’t good enough or because of a flaw in his upbringing, but because of a highly selective criteria for a job no one really wants.
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slvtformen · 1 year
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“I watched him, and I watched him die, and it was so painful for me, because I really loved Freddie Mercury, the way that he just truly went with his voice.”
pairing; dave mustaine x fem!reader
summary; you and dave basically have sex in your car lmfaoo
warnings; smut, also no use of condom (wrap that shit)
note; THIS WAS SUPER RUSHED, so it might be cringe and not make any sense since i was sleepy and made this at like 2am in my drafts 🫡
the car was on, but it was geared into park, and the windows fogged out. the tape deck was empty as the tape was taken out and placed somewhere in the car. dave had crawled into the backseat with you, and he was on top of you, his hands roamed and brushed against your sensitive and soft skin until they reached your hips, his hands clenched your hip dip, and your body writhed underneath him while he pounded into you.
all that could be heard, coming from the car, was slapping noises from you and dave's skin slapping together. he practically shoved himself into you, and continued to do that for about a minute or so. you let out cries of pleasure and your stomach was torn to bits with butterflies and electricity, that shot bolts through your body. your head was thrown back and your back arched while you held onto the nearby seatbelt that was scratching up against ur skin. you bit and tugged at your own bottom lip, and it bruised almost.
"dave, oh god–" you cried out, while dave continued to thrust his size inside of you. "fuck baby," he groaned, and he had his head thrown backwards in a swift motion. one of his hands dropped to your thigh, and he caressed it and grasped onto it. "dave- i think i'm close," you said softly, your pussy clenched around him. he nodded and went at a more sloppier pace.
soon enough, you came on dave's dick, and dave immediately pulled out and came on ur stomach. he panted, breathing heavily. "i'll help you clean up.." he mumbled, and before you knew it, someone was knocking on the window. dave immediately grabbed his clothes and started to pull them on, and you did as well. "dave! what are you doing?" nick and marty called out. "just a minute!" dave grumbled, and once you two were all dressed, you two got out of the car and shut it off. "what were you two doing in there?" nick asked. "none of ur business, nick." dave said, and nick rolled his eyes. "well, lets go guys, junior is waiting for us." marty said and you all four went and got food, etc etc.
This writing belongs to slvtformen! Please don't steal, or copy it in any way. thank you. if you would like to use some of my writing, come to me beforehand and let me know and get my permission first! again, thank you. <3 🫶🏼
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blackypanther9 · 1 year
The Spook - Loki x Reader (Marvel x Fnaf Crossover)
WARNING!: Cursing, mention of murder, violence AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !
Part 9 - Discovery
As it turned 10PM William twitched and made sounds. Everyone was braced and had a weapon just in case.
As he was awake and looked at them, Destiny and Loki saw that his eyes were white and he looked scared as he saw the weapons.
“W-what are you doing…?”, William asked scared from his new voice box.
“Everyone, weapons down. This is William. The good one.”, Loki said and dropped his weapon.
Everyone followed his example. Destiny carefully walked towards him and held his Animatronic head, then put her forehead on his.
“You were controlled to kill us hours ago. We wanted to be ready that you would wake up controlled. No one will hurt you, William.”, she said softly.
“B-but the kids…”, he said in fear, gripping onto Destiny tightly.
“They helped us find you. They know that you were controlled to kill them. They are sorry.”, she shushed him softly.
William whimpered in fear.
“D-don’t leave me alone with them…”, he silently begged.
“For now I fear you will have to stay with them… We need to get to the bottom of everything.”, Destiny said.
“We still have 3 more Locations. We have Juniors, Fredbear’s Family Diner and Circus Baby’s Rentals.”, Dominic told William.
William stared at Dominic and all of a sudden his eyes turned red. He pushed Destiny behind him and stood up.
“What the fuck are you doing here ?!”, William hissed at him.
“Whoa ! Calm down ! Do we know one another ?”, Dominic asked.
Some picked up their weapons, but Loki stopped them. His eyes weren’t purple. They were red. They waited for now.
“You Fucker messed with my Animatronics ! Because of you everything went south !”, William yelled angered.
“I didn’t do anything !”, Dominic yelled.
Loki saw that.
“Liar.”, he accused Dominic.
Destiny looked at Dominic from behind William/Springtrap.
“What have you done ?”, she asked.
“I didn’t do anything ! I swear !”, Dominic yelled.
“LIAR !”, Loki yelled.
“Shut up ! I am honest !”
“You can’t lie to the God of Lies ! WHAT DID YOU DO ?!”
“He messed with the Animatronics ! He messed with the Funtimes, with Fredbear and Spring Bonnie and with the Originals ! The bite of 1987 was Toy Foxy biting a Guard’s head ! The Guard luckily survived, but we found out that someone messed with Toy Foxy ! And every time they were messed with YOU were there and had a satisfied smirk on your visage !”, William yelled.
Destiny stared at Dominic in shock and then at Loki.
“Loki ?”, she asked.
“William isn’t lying. Nothing to detect. But Dominic…he lied now 3 times already.”, Loki confirmed.
Dominic knew his cover blew and there was no way out of it. He cursed and pulled out a gun. He pointed it at Destiny.
“Give me William and no one gets hurt.”, he said coldly.
William growled and started to twitch out in anger, shielding Destiny. He was about to slap Dominic, but Destiny stopped him.
“Don’t ! These bullets are explosive ! They will blow you up !”
“Smart girl.”, Dominic said smirking.
William glared him down and continued to shield Destiny.
“If any of you move, I will shoot them.”, Dominic said loudly.
“I knew he was bad news !”, Freddy yelled.
“You are from HYDRA, aren’t you ?”, Destiny asked emotionlessly.
“You are getting smarter. Sadly too late and slow. I am thankful that you brought me the Asgardian Brothers too. The Boss will be happy to have them as an extra.”, he said darkly.
William growled even louder at that.
“If you touch even one of them I will kill you.”, William said.
Dominic laughed darkly.
“And how will you do that ?! You can’t even move !”
Destiny gave him an empty glare.
“HYDRA will be so happy to have you back, Test Subject 119087.”, Dominic told William.
William stared in fear at Dominic as he held up a needle. He laughed evilly and then stopped all of a sudden. He stared at his feet and the floor in shock. The floor was frozen and his feet were frozen in too.
“What the…?!”
“You forget that I never go alone without precautions. I AM NEVER ALONE.”, Destiny said darkly.
An animalistic growl was heard and not even a second later a Frost Giant pounced at Dominic from the dark. Dominic screamed in panic and pain, his gun frozen. The Giant beat the living shit out of him and then chained him up.
He turned to Destiny and William.
“Are you alright ?”, he asked.
“Yeah. You should go back home now. Thank you. I owe you.”, she told him and hugged the Giant.
“Anything for an old friend.”, he mumbled.
Destiny smiled and then playfully smacked the Giant’s ass, making him yelp.
“Now get back home. They will be worried sick.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
With that he disappeared.
“What just happened ?”, Bonnie asked.
“A FROST GIANT ?! YOU WORK WITH A FROST GIANT ?!”, Thor and Loki yelled at Destiny.
She looked at them.
“Well, he was like a Brother to me. After what all happened…he found me and raised me. He was stranded on Midgard and with that had a roof. With time he found his way back to Jotunheim and I wanted to stay behind.”, she explained casually.
They blinked at Destiny, mouth agape.
She smiled softly and then looked at William.
“Will ?”, she called softly.
“What do YOU want ? Do you want to accompany us or do you think you can stay with the Missing Children ?”, she asked him.
“I rather help you.”, he told her.
She nodded.
“But we have no van now.”, Thor said.
“I have his keys. So I drive the van and the next stop is Juniors.”, she said.
“What are we searching still ?”, Loki asked.
“First off, we need all the recordings of the Phone Calls in every Location. Golden Freddy you had the ones from Fazbear’s Fright collected and gave them to me. We still need the rest. In Circus Baby’s everything started. The bite of 1983 happened in Fredbear’s Family Diner. I want to know what happened to the soul of the bite victim and I need to find out what happened to Elizabeth. And I need to track down…Michael.”, Destiny said.
“Why ?”, Thor asked confused.
“I don’t want to know if HYDRA took them somehow.”
“Michael is alive ?”, William asked.
“Not sure, Will. We will find out.”, Destiny said.
“What are we waiting for then ?! Let us look for my children !”, William said and marched off.
Loki and Thor started at Destiny.
“All three are his ?!”, he asked.
With that they left Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza and went into the van, driving off.
A/N: I FINALLY got another part done ! EEEEE !
Masterlist Here !
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Halloween Cinderella; Eddie Munson x reader
*Author’s note*
Okay so this was for a favor for a dear fav. blog of mine @sweetpeapod when she needed some help in clearing out some requests so to the requester who asked this of her during her last event, look no further than here.  Now I made some changes to the request (just some small minor stuff to fit with the time period and all that) but other than that the only warnings are swearing, cheating, some minor angst but also some fluffy, comforting and a bit flirty Eddie.  Hope you enjoy this my lovelies and to @sweetpeapod​ thanks for sending this fic my way, had a blast writing it and I’m happy to help anytime you want your inbox cleared of some work :)
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*Halloween 1984*
I still don’t even understand why I even came here to begin with? All I wanted to do was stay at home, do candy duty and just wait for this day to be month to be over.  Not to say that I don’t like Halloween cause I do, but the fact that my douche of a boyfriend dumped me just a week before we would go as our couple costumes of Kane and Ripley from Alien.  That’s something I can’t look past, especially when he admitted to cheating on me with some slut from the swim team.
So my best friend/brother from another mother Ferris (who was dressed as Michael Myers) thought it would still be a good idea for us to go to the party just to rub Jefferson’s face in it.  And believe me when I say that it is hard to say no to Ferris Worthington, the boy’s as stubborn as a mule and won’t take no for an answer.
And that’s where I am.  Sitting in my car, parked right outside Heather’s place where the party was debating whether or not I should go in or just drive away and lock myself in isolation.
“Goddamn it Ferris. Why do I always let you talk me into these things seriously why?” I said talking to myself.  “Because I was a jackass in a previous life. Now grow a pair and get your sexy Ripley butt in there!” I said knowing what he’d say if we had drove together.  “I hate you so much, you better be in there and I swear there better be some serious booze if not a little buzz of the Mary Jane.” I said muttering to myself again as I got out of the car and locked it.
I walked up to Heather’s house and opened the door and already blaring music was playing, streamers were flying everywhere, and over a hundred people were already in the large mansion.
“Think I’ll also be needing some earplugs too and maybe whiskey instead of beer to drown this noise out.” I said adjusting my fake rifle further up my shoulder.  I had been fabricating with my dad since the start of summer, he actually works on indie horror films so he’s gone some weapons and makeup sculpting skills.
As I walked through the crowd of seniors and even a couple of juniors that somehow managed to sneak in, I noticed a problem.  Ferris said he’d be dressing up like Michael Myers from Halloween, well I’m barely at the living room and already I spotted three different Michael Myers masks.
“Brilliant move Ferris. Seems like every freaking guy in here had the same idea you did.” When I finally got to the living room, low and behold there were about seven, maybe 10 other Michael Myers at the party.  I mean Jesus Christ there are other slasher killers you can choose from; Freddie Kruger, Psycho’s Norman Bates, Leatherface, Jason, any of those guys but nope everyone chose Michael Myers.
Again not that there’s anything wrong with it, Jamie Lee, perfect final girl material and an extreme badass next to Sigourney Weaver, but come on guys.  Ferris could’ve at least given me something to distinguish himself from all the other Michael Myers’ at this party.
“Okay so first thing I’m gonna do is find that smug son of a bitch, then kick his ass for making me search for him, and then drink, drink, drink.” I said to myself before going in and walking to the first Michael Myers costume I saw.  “Ferris?!” the person turned to me and motioned to them to take their mask off. They removed their mask and I saw it was one of the football players.
“Sorry.” He told me before putting his mask back on.  Okay one down, nine to maybe a dozen or so to go. I moved through the crowd, keeping my plastic rifle close to me and walked up to the next Michael Myers I saw.
“Ferris is that you under there?!” the person lifted up their mask and it was some other random dude, probably from either another school or even a former graduate (by a year or two).
“You got the wrong guy, sweetheart. But if you stick around, I can make you forget about him.” He said as he eyed me up and down with a lustful look in his eyes.
“Yeah and I’d like to tell you a joke about my vagina but you’re never gonna get it.” I said walking away annoyed.  One by one I asked each Michael Myers I saw to remove their mask, but all of them turned out to be a bust.
I was now by the drinks deciding to just get me some spiked punch and just accept the fact that either Ferris had ditched the party all together and lied to me, or the little shithead is hiding somewhere knowing I’d probably kill him for making me search for him.
I soon took notice of another person coming up as Michael Myers coming to get a glass of punch.  I set my cup down and turned to the guy and told him.
“Need I ask if that’s you Ferris?” the guy soon turned his attention to me and removed his mask.  Unlike the rest of the guys who had short hair underneath, this guy had long, shaggy brown hair.  Deep brown deer like eyes, maybe even puppy brown.  “Oh.” I said dejectedly returning to my drink.
“Just what every boy dreams of hearing from someone who's just seen your face for the first time.” He told me.
“I’m sorry. Really I didn’t mean anything by it, it’s just I’ve been searching for my friend for what feels like hours. He told me he came as Michael Myers and low and behold, almost every guy came in dressed like the guy.”
“I know. At first I was gonna come as Freddie Kruger, but then one of my little sheepies whose part of the drama department in charge of makeup fell sick and couldn’t come to work on my makeup.”
“No kidding, they were really gonna do that?”
“Yeah. Said his dad or uncle or whatever works with VFX makeup in Hollywood. Has his own shop and everything of all the face casts and costumes he’s sculpted. Would’ve been so metal but unfortunately I got stuck with Old Michael. No offense the dude is one badass mother fucker, but the mask just suffocates me.”
“That’s a shame. Cause that is a very lovely face, a really handsome face that I’d hate to see be suffocated and—” oh shit please tell me I did not just say that to some stranger.  I slowly turned to him to see him pondering on what I just said with a smirk before he turned to me and asked.
“Lovely face? No wait scratch that, really handsome face?”
“Can I just the spiked punch made me say it?” I gulped defeatedly.
“You know what they say, drunken lips brings out sober thoughts.”
“That doesn’t even rhyme!”
“Who cares if it does?”
“I do!”
“What are you? The rhyming police?”
“Yes and I’m placing you under arrest for crimes against poor rhyming.” He laughed before saying.
“Whatever you say, Ellen Ripley.”
“You know you’re the first person to actually say who I am.”
“Uncultured swine’s!” he said exasperatedly as he gasped and placed his hand over his heart dramatically.
“Right!? Alien is a badass movie. If they ever think about making a second movie they better not fuck it up.”
“You never know.” He shrugged.  “But if I may be inquired to ask your real name? Just so I can put a name to the girl who called my face handsome.”
“(Y/n). (Y/n) (l/n).”
“Munson. Eddie Munson.” We shook hands as I said.
“With an intro like that, surprised you didn’t come as James Bond.”
“Ehh, cool guy but boring films.”
“Oh don’t tell me…..”
“Uncultured swine!” I exclaimed.  Once again he shot his hand to his heart and threw himself backwards which made me laugh.  “How could you think the Bond films are boring!?!”
“I’m sorry but they drag the plot too long and the humor is kinda stale.”
“Which Bond films have you seen?”
“What was that last Bond film that came out last year?”
“Oh Octopussy with Richard Moore? Okay I will give you that, that one wasn’t as good. But if you get to watch any of the Sean Connery ones, I swear you’ll think he’s the best Bond ever.”
“Okay, I’ll hold you to that.” A brief moment of silence came around us.  It wasn’t uncomfortable or awkward but—comforting? “Hey, I don’t normally ask this but uhh…..do you wanna step outside? Party’s getting more crowded and all that. I was gonna offer that to you earlier when I saw how dejected you seemed earlier.”
“I’d actually like that. Promise not to murder me once we get outside Michael?” I teased his character’s name at the end.
“Oh sweetheart, if anyone’s gonna murder anyone it’s you who’d murder me Ripley. You took on a fucking alien with an extended alien tongue. Compared to that, I’m mere child’s play.” So Eddie and I walked out of the house and into the backyard.
Hardly any people were outside.  Most of them having a quick smoke break or to get some air from the mass of bodies that occupied the house.  As Eddie prepared himself a smoke, he offered me one and I thanked him and he offered up his lighter.
I took a deep inhale before exhaling the smoke as I felt the cigarette between my index and tall finger.
“So the guy you mentioned earlier, you said his name was Ferris?”
“Yeah, Ferris Worthington.”
“Hold on, Ferris Worthington?” he asked me as he turned to me.
“About yay-tall, short brown hair, always wears a sweater vest?”
“Yeah. Wait how do you know him?”
“You kidding me? Ferris the Cunning Paladin. Dude may dress like a nerd but he’s one smart son of a bitch in my campaigns. He told me he was gonna dress up as Jason from Friday the 13th and I’ve been looking for him everywhere. We were gonna try to battle it out in front of everyone. Find out just who would really win in a fight.”
Oh that little shit! I’ll kill him I swear!
“Really? Cause like I said before, he told me he was gonna dress up as Michael Myers. Seems we’ve been played.”
“It would seem so.” He said taking an inhale of his cigarette.
“I should’ve known. I’ve known that boy since we were in kindergarten and he always does shit like this. He knew I didn’t want to come to the party anymore and he still managed to somehow convince me only to stand me up just like my douche of an ex-boyfriend!” I ranted angrily and when I turned to see Eddie looking at me stunned I exhaled deeply and shook my head. “I’m sorry. You probably don’t wanna hear me rant, so I wouldn’t blame you if you left me to my misery.”
“I may be known as the ‘Freak of Hawkins High’, but being the King of the social outcasts does come with its priorities.”
“And what’s that?”
“Being a good listener. Since I’m not so stuck up in my head of my own vanity and pride, I can take time to truly listen to those who need to rant, scream or shout. Not like those who follow the force conformity of ignoring other people’s problems.”
“I don’t know Eddie—”
“I won’t pry, if you tell me to drop it, we’ll drop it. But—you do seem like you really need to rant, and it seems like Ferris didn’t really take your feelings seriously.”
“Lately he hasn’t.” I took another intake from my cigarette before exhaling the smoke out and stomping on the last bit of bud that was left.  “My ex-boyfriend, cheated on me with some bimbo from the swim team. And he told me he had been cheating on me for five months while we were still together. Not only that but he dumped me for said bimbo through a note he put in my locker.”
“Jesus what a cowardly dick.” I laughed coldly.
“I wish there was a word to describe him. Couldn’t even work up the balls to break up with me face to face. Anyway, we had planned to come together to this party with me as Ripley and him as Kane. Even made a tiny alien baby to have pop out of his chest and everything.”
“That would’ve been so metal.” I nodded.
“I hated him so much. So much so that I felt like Halloween was ruined for me. I’ve actually wanted to do a couple’s costume ever since we went out. I planned, prepped and tried to come up with a cool costume duo that wasn’t gonna be predictable or standard.”
“I hear yah. I may not look it but I can respect a good costume couple, and already seeing you I would’ve like to have seen that.”
“Sorry to disappoint in not having the other half.”
“Not disappointed. You still look pretty badass. I mean your rifle alone looks awesome.”
“Just your basic nerf gun that I painted and redesigned a bit.”
“Metal.” He said impressed.  “And seriously, I meant what I said when I called your ex a cowardly dick. He shouldn’t have done that to you.”
“I know I shouldn’t let it get to me this badly but—he was the first guy who really took interest in me. And not just because he wanted to have someone to fuck or please him. We did have a lot in common, but then it turns out he had to fuck some other girl behind my back just to keep what was between his legs satisfied. Sometimes I feel like something’s wrong with me.”
“Hey,” he came in front of me.  His head tilted downward so he could try to look me in the eye. Eventually I looked up at him and he continued, “There is nothing, okay absolutely nothing wrong with you. The relationship failed because of him, not you. If he couldn’t see the beautiful woman that was standing right at his side, then it’s his loss.” I felt my cheeks heat up as I crossed my arms over my chest and said.
“Did you just—call me beautiful?”
“I’m not the only one with a good looking face.” He said with a small grin.
“Eddie, I appreciate the comment but…..if this is some attempt for you to be Prince Charming and swoop in on a girl who’s emotionally vulnerable, this isn’t the right way to go about it.”
“I know. I’m just giving a lovely girl a compliment. I don’t expect anything in return.”
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?” We turned around and speak of the devil there stood Ferris with his lifted up Jason Vorhees mask.  “This was not how I pictured this going!!”
“Did you seriously think I would want another relationship so sudden after my last one?!” I snapped.
“If it gets you to stop mopping, yes! Plus you guys were really hitting it off! C’mon Eddie’s a good guy just kiss him already!” I shook my head at Ferris.
“Permission to beat the shit out of this little turd, my lady?” Eddie asked me.
“He’s all yours.” I said.  Eddie put his mask back on and as quick as lightning, he charged at Ferris who let out a girlish scream and went running for the hills.  I shook my head and decided to just head home knowing that all of this was just Ferris Worthington’s scheme to make me have another man just so I would stop my bitching and mopping.  
Monday at school, I was opening my locker to get my trig book when a note fell out of my locker.  I picked it up, unfolded it and read it.
Hey Ripley,
The party was fun, sorry about Ferris. He says he’s sorry for what he did. And don’t worry, even if he doesn’t mean it, I’ll make sure he pays for it at our next D&D campaign hehehe (devil face drawing).
Anyway, I meant what I said about both your ex being a douche and you being beautiful.  Now I’m not trying to flirt or start an instant relationship but if you ever want to rant or punch someone, give me a call.  Just know you’ve got someone on your side who will really listen to you, be your punching bag, or even a shoulder to cry on and won’t complain at all. Hope to see you around the school, or just reach me here.
Eddie aka Michael Myers #9
He even drew little devil horns around his name.  I smiled and folded the note and put it in my flannel pocket over my heart.  I grabbed my book and headed off to my trig class with a slight pep in my step.
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that-darn-clown · 3 days
if you'd like a fun fact about the au (which is. steadily becoming the Rewrite. welp), here ya go:
so. i've mentioned before that Cassidy is semiverbal (doesn't talk often, sometimes can't talk but not for Anxiety Reasons (which would likely make it selective mutism, which isn't something he deals with), can't say A Lot of things, to describe what it's like for him). he hangs out with Bea, Junior, and Gabi at Daycare (or Freddy's, if they happen to be there), so they all know each other, right?
so. Gabi, for several weeks, never heard him talk. she straight up thought he couldn't talk (though she didn't know the term, she basically thought he was mute).
so one day she asks everyone (mostly Bea and Junior because again. thought Cassidy couldn't talk) what their favorite candy was, and while Bea and Junior both start bickering over whether chocolate or skittles were the best candy, Cassidy suddenly (and quietly) just said "Caramel's my favorite 😊"
everyone goes quiet, and after a few seconds, Gabi suddenly goes
which. then led to the other two going "Yeah? He doesn't talk a lot, but he says things sometimes" and then Gabi just got more confused. "HE'S TALKED TO YOU TWO BEFORE???" "...Wait, you legitimately haven't heard him talk? Like at all?"
and the whole time, Cass is just sitting there like "🙂" while playing with a plushie.
like, to be fair. Gabi was like four. she's autistic herself, but this was the first time she'd ever met someone who either didn't (or kinda couldn't) talk as much as she did. the other two before this just thought Cassidy was shy.
anyway, long story short, Gabi my beloved <3 this was how she found out that semi/nonverbal people existed. it. sure was a way for it to happen, i'll say that!
I love that she kinda just thought he was weird and went with it. And then was like WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUVE ALL KNOWN THIS THE WHOLE TIME
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freddiekolbeck · 6 months
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{ taylor zakhar perez, 22, cis man, he/him } Is that  FREDDIE KOLBECK? A JUNIOR originally from NEW YORK, they decided to come to Ogden College to study MUSIC. They’re THE MISCREANT on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance. 
FULL NAME: hanno louis frederick kolbeck
NICKNAMES: freddie, becks
BIRTHDAY: 2nd nov
HOROSCOPE: scorpio
SEXUALITY: bisexual
PET(S): none
OCCUPATION: actor/student
THREE POSITIVE TRAITS: persuasive, fun-loving, charming
THREE NEGATIVE TRAITS: spiteful, irreverent, selfish
THREE SKILLS: lying, powering through a hangover/come down, being a bad influence
trigger warnings: drugs, addiction, violence, abuse, manslaughter
RELATIONSHIP TO GREER: childhood friend. freddie was probably the only one out of his friends who didn't have a crush on greer when they were growing up. no one believed it, though. all the hair pulling, throwing mud on her new white shoes, disapproving of everyone she dated. he was the guy all of her boyfriends hated, and she was the girl he told his girlfriends not to worry about. everyone was waiting for his confession, but it never came. instead, what had developed, was something more of a fragile co-dependency -- a friendship built on understanding, spite and control -- where it was less hateful than family but more binding than friends.
PLEASE EXPAND ON HOW THEY EMBODY THEIR SKELETON TROPE. the miscreant. it's the classic troubled child star story, with parents who exploited him from a young age and threw him into an environment where he could only learn from the worst. his ruined reputation precedes him. he's selfish, unruly and unstable. he's inconsiderate of other people's feelings and prioritises what will give him instant gratification. his drug abuse, of which he has been to rehab for three times now, only makes things worse. having emancipated from his parents and being blacklisted from hollywood, he's resorted to illicit means in trying to keep his name in the spotlight. try as he might, if he's going down, he's not afraid to drag everyone down with him.
dad is a violent alcoholic hollywood exec who married a failed actress who is half is age. he got their maid pregnant, and she decided to stay with him and raise the child as their own, not out of the goodness of her heart or true love but because she's a natural social climber. it also gave her an excuse to run back to hollywood.
from a young age, he was put to work. taken to all the events and parties, left to his own devices as his mom mingled and tried to worm her way back into the golden circles.
but it was worse at home. his dad wasn't a pleasant man to be around. if freddie complained, his parents reminded him that he had to earn his spot in the family. and so, earn he did.
photoshoots, commercials, tv shows and then, eventually, the big movie franchise that would bring the kind of fame his mom had always wanted. he was everywhere.
he was happy, because it made his mom happy, and he thought this kind of attention was love. but with every move of his documented and criticised, he started to lash out.
he was drinking and doing drugs as a young teenager, no one was around to tell him it was wrong, and even if there were, he wouldn't have stopped. it was the only way he could handle the pressure.
by the time the final instalment of the movie franchise was starting to film, freddie had secretly been to rehab once, been arrested on a charge of assault for attacking paparazzi, and was causing issues on set as he returned to old habits.
after he was done shooting the last film, but before it was released, he takes his parents to court, wanting control of his own earnings. the film bombs and he's drowning in scandals: more arrests, law suits, cheating on america's sweetheart, also his co-star.
eventually, he gets what he wants but he's on his own. his parents blacklist him from hollywood, he's dropped from all projects and is deemed unemployable. his reputation is ruined. there's nothing left for him.
ogden was greer's idea. she'd be able to keep an eye on him, he'd be surrounded by his friends, true friends that know the real him. but college was not the right place for a boy with addiction.
his time at ogden was filled with more benders, antagonising people, and of course, like every icky white man, becoming a dj. he opened a club, giving space for people to be the worst versions of themselves.
then, greer doesn't come back and neither does freddie. however, unlike her, everyone knows where he went. his third stint in rehab made headlines once again, some news outlets were kinder than others, most were not.
upon his release, he returned to ogden but not for long, as his agent manages to get him booked onto a film, without auditioning! ironically, it's a recovering addict role. he gives one of his best performances, but it came with a cost.
his mother, having divorced his father with no prenup, was back in his life. there's premiers and pr circuits. he's drowning in debt. greer's still missing and there's ida's death. it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure how he'd spent his summer.
freddie can't afford another bad scandal. he's in his so-called redemption era, at least in the eyes of the public, and if another movie fails because of him then he fears he'll never get booked again. so, that leaves him with one solution: be better at hiding it.
the emma to his dexter? can also be platonic?
more coming soon!
You wouldn’t have wanted Greer to disappear, would you?
freddie smirks sardonically, then begins to clap slowly. " that is some incisive questioning there, man ... " he slumps against the uncomfortable seat with the confidence and irreverence as someone who'd sat through many depositions in his lifetime. " i don't care who's told you what, but everyone at some point would've wanted her to go missing. " there was no point in lying about it. at the end of the day, this was all just a game. " everyone except for her new friends, probably. who actually didn't know her at all, and yet here they are ... all fucking crying over her. " he sighed exaggeratedly. " so melodramatic, don't you think? but, i guess that's greer for ya. " and as much as he hated her, he loved her in equal measure. " so did i want her to go missing? yes, of course. " a beat. then, it takes a solemn turn, " but i would've wanted her to come back. always. "
“Were you at the Commons the night of the fire? Do you know why students even were there when they should’ve been at the Commencement Gala?“ 
a wide, humourless grin spreads along his lips. he knows when there's bait dangling in front of him, and he'd be damned if it was his blood that drew the sharks out of the water. how greer would rejoice! " hmm, " he taps a finger against his lips, pretending to be deep in thought, a comically bad performance worthy of a razzie award, but there's a pained look in his eyes that tells another story, as if he'd seen something he couldn't quite forget. " i don't recall. "
“Over the past year, have you gotten any anonymous messages? Any threatening ones? Or any with…leading information?”
" check my dms, " he says, and it sounds like a brag but it isn't. " you'll find everything, from death threats to marriage proposals. " both equally as threatening. fan accounts counted as anonymous, right? " very fuckin' spooky, am i right? none about greer, though. " hands fold behind his head and he shrugs nonchalantly. " guess i'm just not that important. "
“What do you know about the nature of Greer’s relationship with Penelope Klein?”
" i fucked penny in greer's bed once. thought it might loosen her up a little. " a beat. " didn't work, though. " it had pissed greer off, which hadn't necessarily been his intention, but he had been looking to start a fight. " definitely wasn't me, " that didn't do the trick, " so must've been greer. her bed. maybe it brought back some bad fuckin' memories. "
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fishsticksloser · 2 years
A hc of reader sister (little sister) who loves using memes sound effects to communicate with the family instead of her talk like " bruh " or " why are you running? ".
And it's fun because it makes everyone laugh.
Meme!Younger Sibling
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RotTMNT & gn!reader
Warnings: swearing, platonic fluff, what you say is in green
A/N: They are meme connoisseurs, Raph doesn't understand, but is supportive. Coloring the words took way longer than I thought... I have a 6 hour car ride to the hospital so ask away!
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You got your taste in memes from your brothers
Leo and Donnie definitely have the most knowledge in memes
"Tight! So let me be, I'm here to give you customer service. and I'll set you free! (right)"
"Reese's Puffs! Reese's Puffs! Reese's Puffs! Reese's Puffs! Eat 'em up! Eat 'em up! Eat 'em up! Eat 'em up!"
It's almost completely random
They've learned not to ask what you're doing...
"Hey, what are you doing Waiting for them to play Gangnam Style..."
Mikey and Leo participate the most
At one point you were really into Bully Maguire memes
Raph was terrified of you
"I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye... W-What!? What did I do?"
Remember that video of the country guy standing on his truck with Nunchaku?
Yeah... That's a you and Mikey staple
"Daisy Dukes, bikinis on top. Sunkissed so hot it'll melt your popsicle!"
You, Leo, and Donnie are the most chaotic about it
Raph and Mikey are a little annoyed by the meme bond you guys have
"I got a plane! I got a plane! I love the fame! I love the fame! You know my name! You know my name!"
Being the 2 youngest, though, you and Mikey have something you will never have with the others
and that's having unlimited meme potential
"It's wizard time, motherfucker! Fire Ball!!"
Raph was very upset about this... ^^^
You are probably the only one allowed to chill in Donnie's lab because of your shared love of certain memes
He vocally stims in his lab and I have a feeling a lot of those are memes
"Wow... Your raps are too wack to handle. Let's do this like we do on the Discovery Channel!"
Leo is the one you go to if you want to recreate some dance you saw on TikTok
And he's very good... It should be a crime
Leo also quotes the Pedro Pascal edit that went around...
"How would you like to ride home on a real cowboy? I got a 6 pack of cold ones all nice and my roomies out all night, so you can scream my name as loud as you need to, sugar."
Is anyone surprised by that though?
"Aren't you excited? You're going to the airport tomorrow! Ehrpohort? I'm not going to the ehrpohort."
Although Raph isn't that knowledgeable in memes, he does know some
"Excuse me, brah. You're excused.... But I'm not your brah..."
Just random things they'd quote:
"I'm almost proud of you... That's the most proud of me you've ever been!"
"Give me back my gamer girl!"
"Material girl!"
"Just got diagnosed with cool guy syndrome... Now I take Adderall!"
"Ugh, you can't sit with us. Actually, Leo, I can't sit anywhere, I have hemorrhoids..."
"Look at all those chickens!"
"Is this an internal dialogue? I can't see the end of the horizon... Hastune Miku!?"
"Its really cute how you're going to defeat me with the power of friendship, but again, I am da Devil... From da Bible..."
"Hey~... What's up... It's me!"
"Whopper. Whopper. Whopper. Whopper. Junior, Double, Triple Whopper. Flame Grilled taste with perfect toppers. I rule- I rule this day!"
"You're an asshole, Leo. You are what you eat, Donnie." I'm so sorry...
"Freddy, you're supposed to be on lock down... VanessaAAAAAA!" When he's been working in the lab too much
"Nah, nah, nah nah. Nah, nah, nah nah, yeah. You're are the music in me! You know the words 'once upon a time' make you listen... There's a reason!"
"Laloyd? That's right! It's me, your son! And it's Lloyd, Dad! No. L-l-o-y-d. I named you. You ruined my life! How can I ruin your life? I wasn't even there!"
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kenandeliza · 8 months
Marvel Family Doodle idea
Courtney and Billy sipping colorful milkshakes with a heart straw (shazam and stargirl)
Mary teaching Freddy how to use silverware (he’s a representative for his newsboy organization and he had to talk with fancy rich folks in a fancy diner and Mary is teaching him the three different types of knives to not embarrassed himself)
Shenanigans where newsboys who were formerly from a gang( were rescued by the Marvel Family and then their normal selves would provide for them by giving them connections(Billy being a famous TV host has plenty of connections for finding a job specific for the former gangsters, Freddy could offer a job by selling newspapers, Mary could provide fund a reform school and shelter for them as they’re looking for jobs or currently schooling)
so it’s why they’re thankful for the Trio, treated them like their new ‘bosses.’
“Hey bos- I mean Freddy, That Guy just ruined my stand, I’m going to stab him-“
“No need Terry, Let Junior handle it”
Or i could easily imagine a child who was sucked into the criminal underworld life and saved by Mary Marvel who would later recommend going to Mary Batson for help would act similar like his:
“That man said mean things to you.”
“It’s alright Tommy, It’s nothing…wait. Where did you get that Tommy gun?”
The child chuckled, “no reason!”
Some robbers who broke into WHIZ station looking for an audio transcript ended up getting beaten by the sound engineer, the camera man, and the janitor who were all former gang members
Or another scenario where Billy told his past to his friend (former criminal gang member) about his backstory and it was similar to his own story.
“That slimy ebenezer! I’m gonna cement him and throw him to the ocean! “
“Please don’t Mister Tony..”
I need to break away from this art block….
I need to actually finish the wips…
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qualcosadelgenere · 1 year
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1) Freddie McQueen: "Rages that he will enter into the MI6 as a spy in the future."
2) Johnny Gascoigne: "He might dress and act like a punk, but deep down he's a real softie."
3) David Buckingham: "Royal family enthusiast who buys anything with a royal warrant."
4) Lance Rotten: "Clinging to the rights and privileges of the aristocracy, he asserts his right to lead"
5) Edge Ripper: "A heavy metal vocalist. He is popular enough to perform abroad at his age."
6) Peter Cole: "A music buff who insists that the British music scene is the best in the world."
7) Gary Links: "The scones he makes are perfect in any English tea!"
8) Paul Appleton: "He wants to form a band that will go down in history, but members don't gather."
9) Eric Purpleton: "An expert of tennis that was said to compete at Wimbledon. He went to soccer due to wrist injuries."
10) Edgar Valtinas: "A quiet, brave leader. One of the best players who has both ability and popularity."
11) Philip Owen: "He wants to succeed in English cooking and prevent anyone from saying that it's absolutely bad."
12) Gareth Barrett: "Born in the house of a butler and is an expert at entertaining people."
13) Martin Squall: "He worked well to take care of a horse who had successfully won a Derby!"
14) Nick Woodgate: "He's seriously thinking about opening a school for wizards."
15) Mikey Richards: "There is no junior high school student who exceeds him by the knowledge of suits and the technology of tailoring."
16) Beat Smash: "Sometimes makes a mistake by touching the ball with his hand because he is good at rugby."
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1) Thorsten Berger: "His family are brewers, but he prefers a nice glass of Apfelschorle."
2) Alexander Hausen: "This player always acts logically, no matter what kind of situation he's in."
3) Heinrich Fritz: "Because of his strange hobby of sharpening knives, he is often mistaken for a baddy."
4) Kurt Zabel: "If he doesn't get his daily portion of Kartoffelsalat, he's got no energy."
5) Luka Schmitt: "He is big on tanks and goes around tank museums in Europe."
6) Theodor Ulrich: "His civilized manners and steel temperament make him the German model athlete."
7) Jan Oldeno: "Since he thinks that Germany's technical strength is the best in the world, he goes around recommending German products to people."
8) Niklas Kuster: "People call him "Niklas of Blitzkrieg" due to him breaking through opponent's lines with his speed."
9) Jonas Polak: "His dream is to go on a manned flight to Mars with a rocket that he made."
10) Maximilian Milatz: "He believes that German wine is the best in the world, but has never drank wine."
11) Peter Nimke: "He loves German poetry and always carries a collection of poems by Heinrich Heine."
12) Gerald Enders: "He can't wait to pass his test and get behind the wheel of a smart German motor."
13) Erwin Völz: "He is interested in ecology more than anyone else and keeps in mind to always act earth-friendly."
14)Jens Hoffmann: "He is studying to be more of a composer than Beethoven in a music school."
15) Ernst Frodeno: "He's from Breman, but is driven to distraction by caterwauling farm animals."
16) Manuel Ewers: "An accomplished sausage maker who keeps his team well supplied with protein."
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1) Nasser Mustafa: "Powerful tribal clan's son. He is said not to come back until he wins the tournament."
2) Far Farouk: "Good at making cakes by processing the fruit of a date palm."
3) Bjorn Kyle: "A boy who seems to live in the shadows. He pulls the team with high mobility."
4) Djamel Djammadu: "He is trying to aim the country to be less reliable on oil and more focused on tourism."
5) Musa Sirer: "This player wants to improve Qatar's manufacturing base and diversify."
6) Yusuf M'hadi: "This player deeply respects tribal traditions, and wouldn't like to live away from home."
7) Sulai Sulaiman: "He is thinking about a method to have seawater to freshwater cheap for everyone in Qatar."
8) Seiyd Armand: "This player is concerned that his country's economy is dependant on oil exports."
9) Messer Jassim: "This player is an expert at finding natural pearls. They're pretty pricey these days."
10) Zack Abdullah: "Best among the tribes in taking care of camels. He seems to hear anything that the camel says."
11) Majidi Ismail: "A master at catching monitor lizards in the desert. However its better not to show a girl."
12) Talal Hamad: "His dream is to enter the Middle East's best TV station and send news to the world."
13) Hassan Ahmed: "This forward is known as the Eagle of Qatar for his swooping attacks."
14) Khalfan Jibril: "This player is keen on preserving ancient mosques, and the fine arts of the Middle East."
15) Rajab Ismail: "He is going to make a novel about Qatar's social problems so it can appeal to everyone."
16) Adel Siddique: "He wants to make a popular movie that is loved by everyone in Qatar."
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fusionnukacola · 2 years
same anon who asked for the companions favorite songs, could you do what songs fit the companions this time? thanks again <333
Of course anon! I love asks like these. I'm super tired so I'll list the lyrics and songs, not explanations for now. Sorry :(
Cait: Cinderella Man by Eminem
"There's a storm comin' that the weatherman couldn't predict I start to bug, prick, you better flee, 'cause I get ticked It's a wrap, I was down, when I was down I was kicked I got up, I'm back to punch you to the ground, you're tricked"
Curie: Fourth Of July by Sufjan Stevens
"Sitting at the bed with the halo at your head Was it all a disguise, like Junior High Where everything was fiction, future, and prediction Now, where am I? My fading supply
Did you get enough love, my little dove Why do you cry?"
Paladin Danse: My Body Is A Cage by Arcade Fire
"I'm standing on a stage Of fear and self-doubt It's a hollow play But they'll clap anyway
My body is a cage That keeps me from dancing with the one I love But my mind holds the key
You're standing next to me My mind holds the key
I'm living in an age That calls darkness light Though my language is dead Still the shapes fill my head"
Deacon: Freaks by Surf Curse
"My head is filled with parasites Black holes cover up my eyes I dream of you almost every night Hopefully, I won't wake up this time"
Desdemona: The President Has A Sex Tape by K.Flay
"The president has a sex tape The oceans all dried up The devil got the dealer The dealer got the dollar Don't tell me I can live off love The president has a sex tape Your daughters aren't safe at night I got a feeling that my body is owned A feeling that my body ain't mine"
Hancock: The Other Side Of Paradise by Glass Animals
"Bye bye baby blue I wish you could see the wicked truth Caught up in a rush, it's killing you Screaming at the sun, you blow into Curled up in a grip when we were us Fingers in a fist like you might run I settle for a ghost I never knew Superparadise I held on to But I settle for a ghost"
MacCready: Ain't No Rest For The Wicked by Cage The Elephant
"Oh, there ain't no rest for the wicked Money don't grow on trees I got bills to pay I got mouths to feed There ain't nothing in this world for free I know I can't slow down I can't hold back Though you know I wish I could Oh, no there ain't no rest for the wicked Until we close our eyes for good"
Nick Valentine: Time Waits For No One by Freddie Mercury
"Time waits for no one We've got to build this world together Or we'll have no more future at all Because time It waits for nobody Nobody
You don't need me to tell you what's gone wrong You know what's going on And it seems to me we've not cared enough Or confided in each other at all It seems like we've all got our backs against the wall
Time waits for nobody Time waits for no one We've got to trust one another Or we'd have no more future at all"
Piper: Cigarette Daydreams by Cage The Elephant
"You can drive all night Lookin' for the answers in the pourin' rain You wanna find peace of mind Lookin' for the answer
Funny how it seems like yesterday As I recall, you were lookin' out of place Gathered up your things and slipped away No time at all, I followed you into the hall Cigarette daydream You were only seventeen Soft speak with a mean streak Nearly brought me to my knees"
Preston Garvey: ...History Has Its Eyes On You.... from Hamilton..
"I was younger than you are now When I was given my first command I led my men straight into a massacre I witnessed their deaths firsthand I made every mistake and felt the shame rise in me And even now I lie awake, knowing history has its eyes on me History has its eyes on me"
X6-88: Oh No! By MARINA
"I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine I'm now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy Oh! Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no, oh!
One track mind, one track heart If I fail, I'll fall apart Maybe it is all a test 'Cause, I feel like I'm the worst So I always act like I'm the best"
Elder Maxson: Viva La Vida by Coldplay. I can't help myself
"It was a wicked and wild wind Blew down the doors to let me in Shattered windows and the sound of drums People couldn’t believe what I’d become Revolutionaries wait For my head on a silver plate Just a puppet on a lonely string Oh who would ever want to be king?"
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zannolin · 1 year
@define-lying replied to your post “writing my fics and planning the notes in advance...”:
Wait I’ve always been confused about this because of the scene in the first movie where the boys hide in Darla’s room and she learns the secret. Was there another bed in the room that I missed? Where was Mary during that scene? Genuinely would love your insight
​yes SO. i have two pieces of evidence for this and if you really wanted it to, it could go either way but i will discuss that shortly. so exhibit A, we have this passage in the shazam junior novel (chapter 8) which originally planted the thought in my mind:
They could hear Rosa coming up the stairs. There was no time- no way they'd make it to Freddy's room. Billy opened the first door they came to, yanking Freddy in behind him and slamming it shut. He turned around, heart hammering, and there, in the darkened room, was Darla. She was sitting up in bed, staring at them, her eyes wide with fear. In the other bed, Mary slept soundly, earplugs in and eye mask on. "Billy? Freddy?" Rosa called from the hallway. They heard her footsteps pass Darla and Mary's door and head farther back toward Freddy's room.
(they do explain why she doesn't wake up during this scene and yes it's because of the mask and earplugs and personally i thought it was hilarious)
so there's that, of course, and we'll come back to the canonicity of this momentarily. there's also exhibit B: the deleted scene of darla and billy having a tea party, wherein you can see a second bed (and two desks) in darla's room:
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this bed is not visible at all during the main scene in darla's room so i actually thought the room was much smaller than it actually is. it's hard for me to make out some of the details because youtube quality but i'm not really seeing anything that's explicitly mary's, but the entire room DOES look lived in so take that as you will.
NOW. this can go either way for a couple reasons. first, the junior novel is arguably not canon. some events are changed towards the end, and it follows the earlier/alternate version of sivana's backstory from the deleted scenes. the wizard also like straight up dies, but then again it really seemed like he did in the original before fotg so i'll cut that some slack. however, this is dc we're talking about. doesn't everyone just cherrypick canon from the comics anyway? jk but really i do what i want. secondly, there's also the argument of the canonicity of deleted scenes, but i feel like that's kind of neither here nor there for this one since it seems to have just been cut for runtime or something, not because it alters the story in any way. thirdly you could just make the argument that there happens to be another bed in darla's room for purposes of, idk, taking more kids in at some future point, because there's actually two sets of bunk beds in billy and freddy's room.
i will elaborate on this because i've been wanting to talk about it for ages but could never find an excuse. you can see in the first scene in the room that one set is to the right of the door upon entering, are parallel to each other, and pretty low to the ground:
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while the billy sneaks out scene shows the ones they sleep on has the bottom one perpendicular to the top. you can see in the scene where the kids come in after victor tells him off that billy is sitting on this bottom bunk, and the beds are placed across from the door, in the corner of the room we don't really see much in any other scenes, which is why it's not something i caught on my first or second watch:
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sidenote this room is shaped so weirdly my brain cannot comprehend it. also did anyone else notice his fully packed backpack sitting there on the bed? he was totally gonna run after this :) anyway if you pay attention you can see they're a lot taller than the other set; they actually stand next to them when freddy is showing billy his batarang. more unnecessary shots to prove my point (note how you can see the unused set in the background):
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point being if you wanted to give mary her own room you could just make the argument that the novel isn't official canon and the bed is just there for in case they get another kid. but i think the original intent is that mary and darla share a room, just going off the junior novel, which also gives a valid and entertaining explanation for where mary was during the scene that took place in darla's room (or alternatively, you can go with the option presented in the billy sneaks out scene that she's just up late when everyone else is asleep or something). it can go either way but my instinct is yeah they share a room (there's only so many rooms in this house, after all, and there's eight of them) it's just never explicitly stated in the movie.
thank you for coming to my highly unnecessary TED talk.
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