#Freddie page x you
billys-slutcherson · 2 months
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'It's You I Hold On To'
Mike Schmidt X Gen!Reader
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Abby stubborn as she is just wants to go camping, which is a total no-go for Mike. But in the garden, under the stars with you there? He can't shake the idea. So movie night, and junk food huddled around a little DVD player, is worth it just to make both you and Abby smile.
Fluff, Domestic, Eventual Romance, Awkward Romance? Hand Holding, Romantic Realisation, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Lust, Kissing, Accidental Touching? Camping.
Words: 2,826
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You were picking up her crayons. Carefully placing them back in the box. Colour by colour. She was so particular. Abby was a sweet kid and to her credit, behind her curious behaviour, you could tell she had grown to quite like your company maybe because you were a little immature and loved to make her laugh. Almost as much as you loved to catch Mike cracking a smile.
He’s been working consistently. Focused on work. And Abby. And most of his conversations consisted of the two. Despite technically being hired to ‘work for them’ it didn’t necessarily feel like work.
You bundled up the colouring books and sketchpads. Stacking them on the coffee table. The crayons settled on top as you flicked through the TV channels for background noise. Abby came running through. Checking the clock intently.
“He’ll be back soon Abb’s.” You smiled. “Maybe another hour or so?” Reassuring her. You moved to the kitchen where you were planning on cooking her favourite - spaghetti and meatballs. Abby followed you. Nearly catching on the backs of your shoes.
“Oo! Yes! I am hungry….” She peeked out behind you as you started to toss the meatballs into their pan. And the spaghetti into its pot.
“That’s because you didn’t finish lunch, you were too busy drawing…” You playfully scolded, tapping her on the nose. You always made sure to make a little extra for Mike. Making sure he was taking care of himself. If he wouldn't, you vowed you would. Even if he didn't know that. He seemed better since working day shifts again. The door kicking shut left you with a slight fright. The noise echoed, as you felt that similar flutter in your chest. Peering out the kitchen archway. Abby nearly knocked you flying as she ran to him. Telling him about what she had drawn today and bouncing in place about dinner.
“Meatballs, and spaghetti!..." Abby chimed in a sing-song voice. "You are early. They said you’d be another hour!” Abby grinned ear to ear. Turning to you as you stood quietly leaning on the doorframe. You caught him flick those morose soft eyes of his towards you. Returning a gentle smile to him. Mike's tired face softened, lips curling as he listened to Abby drawl on about her day spent with you.
Cringing slightly as she spoke about you to him.
"Hide n' seek?..." His eyes darted to you with a smile sneaking back on his lips. Dipping his head down as if to hide it. You were staring, unable to drag your eyes from him, though quickly realising you'd almost forgotten the food. Snapping to move back into the kitchen in a rush. You finished up peacefully, Mike popped his head in. Eying you, then the food. Hearing the evident grumble of his stomach.
"Need a hand or?..." Mike never really waited for an answer, stepping close to you, the cabinet door swinging open, as he reached to pull out some plates. Grabbing the pot of spaghetti, he began serving it while you finished the rest. Helping you carry them through and setting them down at the table. It could have been quiet, perhaps mildly awkward, but Abby would never allow for that, rambling about needing pens, and maybe paints. Mike nodded, you loved to just, watch. How he smiled, that little glimmer in his eyes. You were zoned out, eyes tracing his freckled nose. Watching his tired dark eyes. Until they looked over to you. Catching your gaze a moment, his brow furrowed, and then the little frown quickly faded. However, Abby ultimately brought his attention back to reality.
"I want to go camping! It is the Summer vacation, Mike, please?" She moped. Even with her big puppy eyes, he quickly mumbled 'no'. Without even a second of thought. Determined, Abby did try to persist. Pushing Mike, however, in true Mike fashion, he only offered head shakes that then left Abby frustrated.
"Abby, no. Drop it. Okay?" He was sharp. And it was unlike him. But you knew why. And so did Abby. She tried to prod at Mike further before you caved and stepped in. You knew you were butting in. And tried to stop yourself. It wasn’t your place but you offered an alternative. “What about camping in the garden?” Trying to pacify Abby’s stubbornness. A grin grew on her lips. Mike looked at you. Chin leaned against his knuckles as his elbow sat against the table.
“Will you come too?” Abby pleaded. Shaking your head with a little laugh. She pouted and suddenly turned her attention to Mike. “Can they? Please Mike, please?” You felt a warmth in your cheeks.
“Abby I can’t.” You retorted suddenly. As she pouted. Mike chimed. “I mean it was your idea.” Taking you by surprise. Blinking at him. “So we can?!” Abby practically banged her palms down on the dinner table shaking it. He nodded softly. Wrapped tightly around her finger. She quickly wolfed down her remaining food. Rushing to her room. There was a slight silence.
“Do… you even have a tent?” You scoffed at him. He shrugged a little. “We can figure it out. She seems, excited.” He finished up dinner before standing. “You can say no, y’know?” Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. You were conflicted. He looked at you. Soulfully staring. “Well you kinda already said yes on my behalf, I don’t like letting her down.” Referring to Abby. Mike stood awkwardly. “Well, do you know how to build a tent or a pillow fort out of sheets?” You smiled widely stifling your laughter.
Before you knew it, you were outside with him and a tangle of old bed sheets. Using the washing line to hang them over into a tent-like shape. Hoping it looked and fit enough of the part that you wouldn’t freeze to death. You bunched and clipped as much as you could using clothes pegs and chairs to balance the sides of the tent. Tossing duvets inside as you moved inside to test it. Flopping down onto your back in the bundle of pillows. A trust fall almost, that you definitely should not have fallen for.
“Comfy?” Mike quipped. “Not really.” You grumbled as he laughed. Grumbling you sat up giving your back a quick rub. “But it will do.” He reached his hand out and pulled you to your feet. His callous fingers laced on your forearm for a moment. The simple touch lingered on your skin. You saw a flicker of something in his eyes. Unsure what, but he quickly dropped your arm as it fell back to your side. Mike cleared his throat. The sun was setting and he scratched the back of his head. “I’ll go get Abby if you want to sort some lights out and a few more blankets?” You nodded and finished up the tent. Tangling little fairy lights round the fabric walls, cursing as they caught and twisted in your fingertips. But the moment you turned them in, you couldn’t help but smile at the set-up. Then you went inside to make some popcorn and grabbed a bag of candy just for good measure. At least you knew Abby had a sweet tooth like you. Just as the thought left your mind Abby came rushing through in Pyjamas and a hoodie. Giddy. Barely able to speak. “SEE YOU OUTSIDE!” She squealed. Running with one of those old DVD players and a few DVD boxes to choose from. Almost tripping out the door in her excitement.
You joined her in the tent laughing as you checked through them. Mostly cartoons or animated films. All fun though. You felt her nudge you asking for your favourite. “Well, I used to watch this one when I was younger.” It was ‘My Neighbour Totoro’. Soon Mike's head peeked by the curtain-like entrance. “Cold?” He asked softly. You shook your head but he still tossed you one of his hoodies as he climbed in clumsily. Abby nestled between you both. You shifted to tug the hoodie on. It smelled like him. You nuzzled into the neckline. Certain it was not washed, but it was weirdly comforting. You knew that the way you felt about Mike exceeded what it should. And try as you might, with every minute spent with him that longing and hope only grew. But you buried it. Locking it away and tossing the key. Figuratively of course.
Redirecting your focus. It was quite roomy in the tent and yet it still felt like a hug. Moving forward you flopped down to your tummy like Abby. Mike sighed and followed suit as the three of you huddled around the small DVD player. “I didn’t think they still made these…” You snickered and Mike quickly retorted. “They probably don’t…” pointing to the stickers that were evidently his from many years before. Tracing the frayed and peeling corners with his thumb softly. As he popped the top open. Clipping the DVD inside. Quickly leaning back to you both to not miss the opening of the film. It was nice. Fluffy. A flurry of smiles on your face. As you and Abby giggled and laughed. Especially at Totoro. But you were distracted. Seeing him smile, Mike that is. It was rare. But he had the warmest little smirk on his lips. His tired eyes were so strained but persisted in staying awake. He was so stubborn. But you liked that! You gazed at how the flecks of warm brown and blue danced over his hazel eyes in the low dying light. The batteries were short-lived in the fairy lights. You paid no mind. Too busy catching sight of Mike's shallow breaths falling from his lips. Inhaling softly, the smell of his hoodie was a reminder. A reminder that you were glad you stayed.
You could have continued watching him for the remainder of the film. Mike's head turned slightly. Compelled to flick your eyes away quickly. Dammit, was the staring that obvious? You felt the pink rise on your face. Sighing a little to yourself, you drag your eyes back to him. Catching his gaze. A smile curled on your lips. And he nodded gently. Smiling back. Your eyes traced his mouth. Up every inch of his face. Noticing how the longer you looked, the pinker his cheeks became. Interrupted suddenly by Abby bouncing upward. Catching the silent stare you were both sharing. She was about to say something. And with Abby, you couldn’t risk whatever that may be. Interrupting her quickly.
“Did you enjoy it then?” You piped up. Abby nodded. She seemed a little in thought. Almost. “Hey, no more films okay? How about some cartoons…” Mike yawned sleepily. Propped up to his knees. He shifted to lay back into the bedding as Abby popped another DVD in. You leaned back and as time dragged on. All you could hear was a chime of episodes from a SpongeBob DVD. Occasionally you felt a giggle escape your chest. Sleepily. Fighting the urge to close your eyes. Peeking between you and Mike. Abby was asleep between you both and you rolled till you were facing the edge of the tent. The sound of the DVD trailing on. You’d thought you wouldn’t be able to sleep so soon. But quickly drifted.
You were awoken by squeals of laughter from Abby. Confused at first you wiped your wet face. What the hell? Cursing at whatever was happening. Then you heard it. The crash of thunder, as the heavens practically caved in. Water spilt through thin cotton sheets above and rained down over you. Mike was snatching the stuff you had in the tent and pulling Abby to her feet. The small space suddenly filled with the low hearty rumble of his laughter. He had taken his hoodie off. Standing in the arch of the tent. The white t-shirt clung to his body tightly. Soaked through. Wiping sleep from your eyes as you looked up at him. His dark curls fell down over his forehead. Mike's laughter quietened. Though not fully, he reached for your hand. Though you were still very much dazed from being ripped from your slumber. Staring up at him. “Get moving sleepyhead…” He shouted as the raindrops bounced against his head. You grasped at his hand as he pulled you to your feet haphazardly. Keeping his grip dragging you out of the tent. Running across the garden as you all jumbled into the house. Nearly slipping on the vinyl as you realised you were still clinging to Mike's hand. His grip stopped you from falling. “Easy!” He cackled a little at your misery. He reached into the dryer grabbing some towels as he tangled Abby in hers. And reached one around you. Catching you shivering a little. As he rubbed it up and down your arms that were still encased in the hoodie. Lingering closely a moment. As you both stared a moment. Before Mike inevitably let go. Mumbling a weird apology.
He shifted attention elsewhere and urged Abby to change. And cleaned up some of the stuff soaked from the tent as you tried to quietly help. Before he left, checking on Abby and tucking her in. “And this…is why camping sucks…” he said defiantly. Pointing at her and poking her nose. She was going to bite back at his remark but just giggled instead. “I still had fun!” She called after him. “Just go to sleep…” Mike rolled his eyes. You were already heading to the living room to check your phone. It was dead. You had already decided it would be best to go home after all that. Heading to get your shoes. Shoving them on, wobbling on one foot as you fixed the laces. Mike wandered in. The t-shirt and jogging bottoms drenched into his silhouette as he fiddled with the edges of it as if to remove it. Until he saw you standing just shy of the front door. You felt yourself unable to look away. Washing your eyes over his hairy chest beneath.
“A-are you leaving?…” He asked with a slight rasp of what you could only read as, disappointment. You hesitated. “Well…the weather kinda ruined it…” Trying to poke fun at the otherwise lovely night. Mike simply nodded. “It is late though, sure you can get home safe? I mean I could drive you…” He offered. “No don’t wake Abby. I’ll be okay.” You fumbled to reassure him. He stepped a bit closer. The curls of his hair drooped down and stuck to his rain-soaked skin. “Or… or you could stay?…” Eyes half-lidded. Dark under the moonlight drifting through the windows.
“I… can’t expect that from you…” You resigned.
“Please stay…” Mike said with sudden urgency. “But where… where will I-“ Cut off by him.
“I’ll sleep on the sofa.” Mike persisted. “I can’t ask you to do that.” You returned, you wanted to. God you wanted to stay. You hadn’t realised his callous hand was lingering around your smaller palm. Stroking circles with his thumb on the inside of your fist. “Please…just…” Mike stepped closer. His mouth was slightly agape. As if trying to say something. Anything. For so long. So long. He was impossible to read. You could never quite figure him out. But with him this close. Leaning over you. Asking you to stay. You felt a flurry of anticipation in your stomach. But he was frozen in place. “Please what?” You asked so quietly you were unsure he’d hear.
“Just…stay with me… please…” His voice was breathy, heavy. The words ‘stay with me’ echoed in your ears repeatedly. Yet you found yourself nodding quietly. Mike's hand drifted up as if to touch your face. Stiffening as he let go of you defeatedly. Pressing one foot back he created space between you both. Quickly you were gripping the front of his soaked t-shirt so he couldn’t create any further distance. Leaning forward your lips ghosted his. Unsure if this is what he was trying to do and faltered. You waited to see if he would stop you. ‘Can..I-“ Instantly cut off as he interrupted. “Yes.” A heavy breath left his lips. You nudged noses with him. Tilting your head as your lips pressed to his. You practically fell into his chest as you did it. Pulling back shyly. Hearing a little ‘no’ fall from Mike's lips as he pressed into you. Reaching to cradle the back of your head. Kissing you deeply. His tongue brushed against your lips. Seeking more. A soft moan followed as you let him. Tasting his mouth on yours. You both stayed in one another arms. Lost in the moment.
You were the one to break it. “D-don’t sleep on the sofa…” That was all you managed to mumble as you caught his nervous laugh. Red crept across his cheeks. Mike's lips returned to yours with complete desperation.
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I just really liked the idea of Mike eventually going camping again, even if it is just in the garden! Also, romantic tension. Unresolved feelings. And LONGING. It is all I ever want, fluff and mild angst.
I may write a more NSFW follow-up between the reader and Mike if the people want it!!! I just didn't want to include any of that in this one because sometimes all you need is domestic fluff to get by!
(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭🩵~💜
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
Kaz Brekker Navigation
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Banners below sort fics based on type of work(s)
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Underestimated: Kaz Brekker x Reader *~
Description: 8.3k wc, Three times Kaz almost tells reader y/n (but ultimately refuses to admit) his feelings and one time Kaz finally confesses (in his Kaz-like way). There are separate sections in case you need/want to break the 8.3k wc up!
Warnings: typical SoC/S&B warnings of violence, trauma, fights, emotional suppression, etc.
Pumpkin: Kaz Brekker x Reader ~ (+ Platonic Six of Crows x Reader)
Description: 5.2k wc, Fall time in Ketterdam with Kaz x Reader where it’s not explicitly stated if they’re already together or just crushing/pining (you decide!), but Kaz caves in to y/n’s one wish and goes out of his way to make it happen.
Warnings: six of crows typical stuff so minor mentions of having trauma, violence, cursing or threats, etc. but super minor especially for being six of crows
Progress Over Perfection: Kaz Brekker x Reader *~
Description: 3.7k wc, fluff/angst fic of Kaz working with reader to improve his touch aversion and getting mad at his lack of progress so reader has to help him work on making progress not being perfect.
Warnings: general SoC topics including mention of trauma and touch aversion.
Emotional Intimacy: Kaz Brekker x Reader *~
Description: 9.7k wc, y/n and Kaz both have touch aversions, meanwhile they’re pinning for each other.
Warnings: SoC typical triggers/topics, PTSD, touch aversion, violence
Lowering The Tides - The Power of Music: Kaz Brekker x Reader *~
Description: 14.5k wc (if including lyrics) reader is a crow and Kaz has long harbored feelings for her (cause as we know, the man can’t be honest about that) but when he learns her secret hobby it only intensifies his feelings.
Warnings: typical SoC warnings/material, mentions of trauma, violence, etc.
Be My Hands: Kaz Brekker x Reader *#~
Description: 3.6k wc, smut/spicy fic with Kaz. Cannon Kaz, still has a touch aversion but finds himself and his girlfriend needing release so they compromise by verbally guiding the other while they be each other’s hands. (Kaz style aftercare featured)
Warnings: sexual content, mentions of touch aversions (anxiety & related notes), 18+ Only, cursing
Cracked : Kaz Brekker x Reader *~
Description: 6.7k wc, Kaz mistakes the reason y/n’s hands are cracked and it leads to him needing to fix the situation and do something he rarely does; apologize. Hurt-comfort fluff
Warnings: SoC topics, couple fighting, that’s all I think
Over It All : Kaz Brekker x Reader *~
Description: 3.8k wc, reader struggles with her ADHD to the point of breaking into tears, prompting Kaz to find a way to come to her aid. Hurt-comfort, angst-fluff
Warnings: SOC content (and applicable warnings), ADHD symptoms and experiences discussed, mention of crying and sadness, negative thoughts of self, some angst but fluffy ending /comfort
Foolish One : Kaz Brekker x Reader *
Description: 4.7k wc, angst set to the tale of Foolish One by Taylor Swift. Reader has feelings for Kaz and her wishful thinking results in her suffering from a heartbreaking realization when Inej returns.
Warnings: angst, heartbreak, sadness, crying, unrequited? feelings, SoC standard triggers/topics, no happy ending
Risk : Kaz Brekker x Reader ~
Desc: 1.65k wc. Reader is in a no longer secret relationship with Kaz, making her a risk to him. Will he accept such a risk?
Warnings: mentions of injuries, infections, near death, capture/kidnapping, and similar SoC topics, Kaz threatening others, protective!Kaz, themes of violence, mentions of war , confessions, mentions of romantic feelings such as love, etc.
My Far Better Half : Kaz Brekker ~ (slight *)
Desc: 3.4k wc, As far as Kaz is concerned, y/n is his far better half; everything good in the world, everything he wasn't, and everything that made him a slightly better person. He vowed to keep her safe to the point very few people knew about her or their relationship. So when she acted recklessly, Kaz's emotions lead to confessions of how he perceived her/their relationship. (Kaz is still canon but is softer here -only to y/n- due to storyline and the fact he's had years to make progress). Fluff, Slightly Hurt-comfort, minor angst.
Warnings: typical SoC topics, mentions of physical fights (minimal with no detail) and Kazzle Dazzle being hard on himself.
Burning Vengeance : Kaz Brekker x Reader ~ (slight *)
Desc: 5k wc, reader seeks out vengeance for what Kaz went through upon arriving in Ketterdam as a child. Protective, vengeance/revenge, hurt-comfort/ angst-fluff
Warnings: typical SoC and Grishaverse content including but not limited to: violence, fire/burning, fighting, vengeance/revenge, trauma, nightmares, touch phobia, mentions of gangs and theft, etc.
Stuck : Kaz Brekker x Reader ~ (minor *)
Desc: 3.3k wc, y/n plans to stick it out with Kaz no matter how many times or how hard he tries to push her away. Hurt-comfort, slight angst-fluff, fluff
Warnings: typical SoC topics and warnings, including but not limited to; thievery, risk/danger, potential attack, touch-phobias, trauma, drinking, etc.
Closure : Kaz Brekker x Reader *~
Desc: 5.7k wc, Kaz’s wife seeks help from Nina to allow Kaz to get some closure surrounding Jordie’s death. Hurt-comfort, fluff, slight angst (turned fluff), healing.
Warnings: typical Six of Crows and Grishaverse warnings, mentions of death and funerals and related topics, mentions of trauma and injuries, etc. Again, typical SoC warnings.
Lock and Key : Kaz Brekker x Reader *~
Descr: 4.5k wc, Reader and Kaz have unspoken feelings for each other. But Kaz's attempts to work through what to do only cause misunderstandings and upsets. Until it all comes out and feelings are finally revealed. Hurt-comfort, angst-fluff.
Warnings: misunderstandings, SoC content. One curse word.
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Never Steal From The Devil : Kaz Brekker x Reader *~
Description: Some fool thought it would be wise to kidnap Y/N to harm Kaz, so Kaz makes it his mission to show them their fatal error in judgment.
Themes: Angst-fluff / hurt-comfort / protective / revenge.
Warnings: So standard warnings, descriptive violence, kidnapping, captivity, anger, death, mentions of blood, etc.
Note: Broken into 4 parts for ease of breaks/pauses between sections and so it's not so long of a read.
Lying Bastard : Kaz Brekker x Reader Mini Series *~
Description: roughly 17k wc broken into two parts (both linked above) Kaz ends his relationship with the reader and sends her away after she makes a mistake during a heist. But fortunately for Kaz, Jesper senses he’s lying and tries to get to the bottom of it.
Mini Series Themes/tropes/etc.: hurt-comfort, angst-fluff, handwritten letters, kaz x Reader, crow!reader, soc themes, etc.
Warnings: angst, some curse words, standard soc type material, slight SaB (BOOK) spoiler (referenced but not stated)
Notes: You can end at whichever part without problems / to get a different aesthetic or ending. There are two parts.
Karma : Kaz Brekker x Reader *~
Desc: y/n suffered at the hands of the Darkling years before but her karma was now on her side. Whereas, the Darkling couldn't say the same about his karma; especially when Kaz learns of his presence upon him nearing Kaz's girlfriend, y/n once again. Hurt-comfort, Protective!Kaz, Exes-turned-enemies, angst, fluff, etc. Somewhat set to tone of (&/or connected to) Karma by Taylor Swift, but it goes beyond that.
Warnings: Typical SoC, S&B/SAB, and Grishaverse triggers and warnings, mentions and descriptions of violence, abuse and physical harm, stalking/ tracking/hunting down people, the Darkling and his shadow army and other character related topics, lying, threats, fear and flashbacks (and other trauma related things), betrayal, themes related to topics and notions mentioned in Karma by Taylor Swift, weapons, protectiveness, emotions, a few curse words, and related warnings.
Worrier and Warrior : Kaz Brekker x Reader!Sister *~
Desc: Kaz's little sister is the latest victim of Kaz's lack of communication and transparency. This results in actions that cause even more tension between them. Will Kaz ever get over his toxic habits and be truthful with his sister or will it be too late?
Warnings: SoC type content and applicable warnings, cluding mentions of trauma, violence, sickness, injuries, death, etc.
Themes: family, found family, protective, sibling love, trauma and healing, bonding, soc type themes
Note: 2 part
Symmetrical Healing: Kaz Brekker × Sister!Reader *~
Desc: multi-part fic that takes place following events from S&B Season 2, Reader is Kaz's younger sister and finds herself getting hurt physically and emotionally/mentally because of their shared trauma over losing their older brother Jordie (& the events surrounding it) and Kaz and her have to actually start to talk it out and find a way to move forward. (8.85k wc Total)
Warnings: hurt-comfort, angst, self deprecating comments/thoughts, sibling dynamic, typical S&B and So themes and warnings, hallucinations (as occurred in season 2), au!Kaz in that he has a sister and is more accommodating and kind to her than normally is, a few curse words, talks about Jordie's death and illness, etc.
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TikTok Prank Preference: Stuck Tampon ~
Description: blurb preference based on the viral TikTok prank where the person pretend they have a tampon stuck and need their partner to help them to see how they react.
Warnings: mentions of period related items and topics, minimally suggestive words, otherwise fluff
Dead : Prompt Preference *~
Description: 5.8k wc, for the prompt of “You’re supposed to be dead”
Warnings: brief mention of passive suicidal thoughts (NO action), mentions of death and injuries, trauma references, drinking, grief, loss, etc. and typical SOC/SAB trigger warnings
Disappointed : Prompt Preference *
Description: 479 wc for prompt of “I mean, what did you expect?” “Nothing. And I was still disappointed.” angst.
Warnings: angst, heartbreak, break ups, fights/arguments, disappointment, no fluffy endings
‘Til Death : Kaz Brekker x Reader ~
Description: Blurb/headcanon and small fic for Kaz Brekker based on the Happily Ever After character series of fics; covers topics such as the proposal, wedding planning, who is in the wedding party, etc. leading up to -and including- the wedding day!
Warnings: wedding, proposal, bachelor party briefly mentioned, SOC/SAB related topics.
Kaz Brekker Having a Sister Headcanons *~
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More Kaz x Reader posts can be found under:
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springbonnie2024 · 11 months
did a one hour animation challenge and got this...
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ishipthis · 1 year
Chapter 2 - Ship Happens, but there's motorbikes.
Ship Happens, take a cruise (25092 words) by Ishipthis, rainbowsandklainebows Chapters: 2/10 Fandom: iCarly Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Freddie Benson/Carly Shay Characters: Freddie Benson, Carly Shay, Original Characters Additional Tags: Fluff, Feels, Love Confessions, Friends to Lovers, Falling In Love, Cruise Ships, Holidays Summary: It's almost 5 years since Carly left for Italy and the gang have been planning a spring break to end all spring breaks with an iCarly reunion cruise! What happens when Sam bails and Carly and Freddie are left to enjoy the sun, sand and waves by themselves? Well…. Ship Happens…..?
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happy74827 · 8 months
I think the FNAF fandom died too quickly… it’s crazy that there’s barely anything new being posted although it’s only been four months. Maybe this will spark some motivation 🤷‍♀️
Song: The Contortionist— Melanie Martinez
Movie: Five Nights at Freddy’s
Character: Steve Raglan/William Afton
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ohwowimlonley · 9 months
Hii love ur writing could you do a / another ( I can’t find any on ur page but I don’t know ) Fred Weasley x fem reader breeding kink : ) Algs if not thank
Well now i feel bad because this ask is from september 2023 and its now 2024 (and its just a blurb im so sorry)
“Stop squirmin’, honey,” his breath hits your ear, damp fringe tickling your neck as he moves against you. You can’t help yourself as you disobey him, bucking your hips up against him, desperate for more friction. He doesn’t enforce his command, just tightens his grip around your thighs, squishes them closer to your tummy.
“Want your cum,” you sob, curling your nails into the taut skin of his back, no doubt leaving angry red lines on the alabaster tone. He’s been fucking you for close to an hour now, overstimulating the both of you in the process. You can’t even count the amount of times he’s made you cum, but he’s emptied himself into you at least three times already, working himself towards his fourth, “Freddie! Feels s’good,”
“Shh, s’okay, baby,” he doesn’t let up until you’ve cum again, and so has he. It’s somewhat of a relief to you when he pulls out, but you cringe when a fat glob of semen escapes your hole and drips onto the bedsheet below you. Fred tries to rectify it as quickly as possible, easing your legs down and slipping a plump cushion under your bum to keep his spend from leaving, “gonna keep it all in, sweetheart,”
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amomentsescape · 9 months
I'm dead, its finals for the semester at my school. Could you do a different slashers x reader were the reader has finals and is burnt out, emotional, and overwhelmed and they hate to see the reader that way and maybe some even get mad at the school for causing this and do somthing about it like making it shut down for a while?
Slashers with Stressed! Reader During Finals Week
A/N: Thank you so much for the request! Please, make sure to take care of yourself during this time. I wish you the best of luck on your finals! :)
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Freddy Krueger
Anything but smiling is basically a no-go in his book
The fact that he also hasn't seen you in a while only makes him more frustrated
He's aware of the all-nighters you've been pulling recently
Your head buried in numerous books and pages
He decides enough is enough and shows up in your world instead
Your desk is a mess, and he can see the slight puffiness under your eyes from your most recent breakdown
Yeah, he needs to end this
He gives you a reassuring hug and disappears again
He finally comes back about an hour later, a smile on his face
"There won't be school for a while"
You look at him confused
However, all the lack of sleep was catching up with you, so you don't argue as he leads you to bed, tucking yourself under the sheets
The next morning, you wake up to several notifications on your phone, all of them saying that several students were found dead in their beds last night
The whole school was going to be shut down for a while as an investigation ensues
You could practically hear Freddy's laugh echo in your mind
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Michael Myers
He doesn't understand why you're so stressed out
It's just a few tests
If they're bothering you so much, just skip them
But as he watches your desperate attempt to explain why you have to take them and everything that's on the line if you don't, he finally gives up
He hates seeing you so upset about something so trivial
So he heads out that night while you're snoozing on the desk, having passed out on accident
You finally wake up a couple hours later, you eyes slowly adjusting to Michael in front of you
He's changing out of his dirty clothes, trying carefully not to wake you
However, when he notices you looking at him confused, he just walks over to you
In his hands, the bloody school ID's from every single one of your professors
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Jason Voorhees
Jason has been practically begging you to go to sleep or eat SOMETHING
But you keep refusing him, too overwhelmed at the amount of studying you have to do
You are hoping that by using every possible minute you have, you'll be able to at least pass these finals
But Jason feels like you're just torturing yourself
So while you're drowning out the world with your headphones, Jason is slipping out to your school
He somehow manages to destroy most of the campus's electrical supply
This gives you a couple extra days to prepare and actually take care of yourself
When you find out the news, you can't help but jump onto Jason
He's just happy to finally see a smile on your face
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Thomas Hewitt
You had to explain just what a final was and how it affects you by not passing
He understands why you're so stressed now, but it doesn't make the situation any better in his opinion
He tries to tend to you as much as possible
Drinks, food, back rubs, blankets, etc.
Literally anything that he feels would make you comfortable in the moment, he brings to you
Will stay up with you too, waiting for the minute you need something
He really enjoys taking care of you too, so none of it feels like a chore
As much as he would like to make dinner out of your professors for overwhelming you this much, he knows that it would only stress you out more
Plus, he's confident you'll do well on your finals!
You are the smartest person he knows, honestly
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Bubba Sawyer
He's also completely at your beck and call
He doesn't feel comfortable leaving home on his own, so he doesn't know how to help get rid of the source of your stress
But he's very much willing to alleviate it as much as he can
He makes you dinner, prepares some warm tea, and even gets the fireplace going for you
He also tries to clean and tidy up the area around you, hoping it will help you focus more
He's never taken an exam before, but he definitely knows it's important to you
And what matters to you, matters to him
He shushes everyone who walks by just a little too loud, earning a couple laughs from you
He does pull you away from the desk every once in a while though, making you lie down with him and cuddle
He assures you that taking breaks is good for you, but you're starting to think the cuddles are more for him than you
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Brahms Heelshire
Grades were pretty important to his parents growing up, so he understands the pressure
But taking 5 huge exams in the span of a week?
That's actually ridiculous
Will play some classical music for you, telling you that it always helped him focus when he was younger
Will be a little more lenient about you following the rules
But he still expects you to give him attention
If he feels you haven't given him enough affection in the past hour, he will be all up in your business like a neglected cat
He isn't helping your focus much unfortunately
But he eventually makes a deal with you to help you study
This way, you're still using your time wisely, and Brahms is still receiving your attention
Will ask you questions from flashcards to see if you're answering them correctly
Gives you a kiss every time you get one right
He honestly has full faith that you'll do great on your finals
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Norman Bates
Norman is trying his best to relax you, holding you tight while you explain your worries and frustrations
But the moment he hears your voice break and sees the tears running from your eyes, his memory goes blank
All he remembers is feeling an intense rage settle into his body
Not at you, but at your school for making you feel this way
He finally comes to a few hours later
It's already dark out, and he's standing over your sleeping form lying on the couch
He tucks you in quietly and helps tidy up your papers a bit
When you wake up the next morning, you have different notifications from your school and fellow classmates
You pull up a news report stating that the school was basically in shambles, and they even found a body of one of the professors in an empty classroom
This meant that your tests were going to be pushed off for a while until they sorted everything out
Norman looks just as confused as you do
"It's okay, dear. You should go back to sleep, okay?"
You simply nod and tuck yourself back in, thankful that you have some time to finally rest
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Billy Loomis
Billy has thought this through for a while
Because he's also needing to take finals with you
He kind of just shrugs them off, being fortunate enough to ace every test he's ever taken, with or without studying
But you on the other hand, were barely holding yourself together
You were basically surviving on just caffeine and adrenaline, the fear of failing being enough to keep you awake late into the night
Now, as much as Billy would love to kill off half the school's population, he knew better
Graduating was important to you, and he didn't want to risk prolonging that
So he went with plan B
He threatened the school
He did the second best thing he knew how to do, and that was making a phone call and telling the school that if professors or students showed up during the next two days, they were going to end up killed
This was enough to put everything in lockdown for a few days
How he managed to not get traced was unbeknownst to you
But you were still incredibly thankful, finally relaxing in his arms for the first time in days
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Stu Macher
Now Stu didn't really think this through like Billy had
He just went in for plan A
He didn't want to take these tests either!
But he also didn't want to put in a lot of work to prevent them
He just wanted to stay by your side as much as possible, hating to see you so worked up over these finals
So he did the "bare minimum" in his words
He went to school, killed a couple teachers, cut the phone lines and major electrical units, and went on his merry way
And of course, the school was immediately shut down as a huge investigation ensued
But Stu was happy with his decision
Now, he could spend the next few days with you AND see you relaxed for once
It was a win-win
Although murder may not have been your first option, you still gave him a big kiss as compensation
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Eric Draven
Of course Eric being Eric, murder is not the first solution in his book
He's taken plenty of finals in his day
He knows the pressure and the stress
And as much as he hated seeing you this way, he knew that the storm would blow over soon
But that's not to say he can't make you as comfortable as possible during it
He dug out an old heating pad and gave it to you, happy to see the wide smile you showed him once you grabbed it
He also lit a few of your favorite candles, trying to keep the atmosphere as relaxing as possible
He ordered take out for you both, got you your favorite drink, and even played some good studying music for you
He knew he wasn't going to be able to prevent you from pulling an all-nighter, so it only made sense for him to join you!
He ended up turning the whole night into one big study sleepover
He even helped you stay organized and provided a few study techniques that always worked for him
He's truly the perfect man to have by your side during this time
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chakkll · 11 months
Worries, Worries
Mike Schmidt x gender neutral!reader
Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy’s
Synopsis: Mike’s been doing better. He hasn’t dreamed of his brother since Freddy’s and hasn’t needed sleeping pills for almost a week now. Well, at least he thought he was doing better.
Warnings: Post movie, established relationship, fluff
Word count: 1k
*please forgive how short and probably rusty it is, it’s been a minute since i’ve posted!
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Everything’s been good. One might say almost too good.
Mike has been sleeping well, been happier, and been getting along with his sister better, all because of what happened at Freddy’s.
But all this goodness is making Mike nervous. You can feel it.
“You sure you don’t want me to tuck you in?” You call after Abby as she shuffles down the hall, her drawings and crayons tucked into her arm.
A soft “yeah” is all you get in return before you hear Abby’s door shut. You smile to yourself before glancing to the clock.
9:32pm. Mike will be home soon.
Mike asking you to watch over his little sister in the evenings has become part of your schedule. He has Fridays and Saturdays off, but other than that, you’re cooking Abby’s dinner and making sure she gets some sleep, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Some might think it an inconvenience to constantly watch over your boyfriend’s little sister and end up seeing her more than him, but you adore Abby.
Sure, she might not talk very much, but she’s a very creative girl. It’s hard not to like her.
When Mike first introduced you to each other, Abby ignored your greetings and went right back to her room to draw. At first, you were pretty sad about her initial reaction to you and Mike’s relationship, but Mike managed to convince you that her reaction was a positive one.
That was five months ago.
Now, Abby draws next to you instead of in her room and will answer questions about the drawings. Plus, if you catch her in the right mood, she’ll tell you about her friends.
You yawn as you flick through the TV channels until you land on a documentary about seals. You glance to the clock.
9:46pm. Mike will be home soon.
Your eyes drift from the clock to the floor. A rather beaten up book lays half open, a ripped page on display.
You heave yourself off the couch and over to the book. You carefully pick it up and close it to see the cover.
Dream Theory. Interesting.
You flip to the back to read the blurb while walking back to the sofa.
You flop back onto the couch and flip to the first page. The seal documentary plays in the background, the narrator now detailing the wonders of how they hunt.
You prop your head up on the armrest and lay down, reading through the book.
Just as you’re getting invested in the book, you hear the lock unlock. Turning the TV off with a click, you turn around, only to be met with the sight of your exhausted boyfriend. You smile.
“Hey,” You greet as you get up and off the couch to meet him at the door.
Mike nods and grunts a small “Hey, baby.”
“How was work?”
Mike shrugs, and his gaze drifts down to the book in your hand. He blinks.
“You’re reading my book?” He asks curiously, causing you to glance to the book.
“Oh… yeah. Sorry.” You apologize bashfully and hand him the book, resting your other arm at your side.
Mike shakes his head dismissively at your apology. “What d’you think?”
You stare at him blankly. “…What?”
“The book. What do you think of the book? The theory?”
Realization dawns on you. When you see an eager glint in Mike’s eyes, you weakly shrug.
“I mean… I’m not too far in, but it seems interesting.”
A hint of a smile graces Mike’s lips. “So it seems possible.” You nod.
You smile softly at his excitement from your words.
“Anyways…” You wrap your arms around his neck for a hug. “How was work?” You ask again.
His arms loosely wrap around your waist as he buries his head into your neck. “Fine,” He murmurs quietly. “How’s Abby? Did she eat dinner?”
You smile at his worry for his sister. “Yeah. And she drew next to me afterwords.” At your words, you can feel Mike relax.
“She’s been doing better. You’ve been doing better. I can tell.” A low chuckle rumbles from his chest.
“I don’t know about that.” He murmurs dismissively into your shoulder.
You blink, frowning at his words. “What makes you say that? You haven’t dreamt of Garrett since Freddy’s, right?” You pull away from the hug and rest your hands on his shoulders. His hands come to rest on your hips as he sighs softly.
“Well, no…”
“So why do you say that?” You frown softly, bringing a hand to cup his face.
“Just… things have been going smoothly. Almost—almost too smoothly.” Mike mumbles, leaning into your touch as his eyes flutter closed.
You sigh again. “Mike… look at me,” He reluctantly opens his eyes, but his gaze rests on your chin instead of your eyes.
“You’re okay. You have a new job that has pretty okay pay and hours, both Abby and you are happier, and you know what happened to Garrett. Right?”
Mike stubbornly stares at your chin, staying silent.
“So why do you say that, baby?”
“I just…” Mike trails off. “…I’m used to having something to worry about.”
You frown. “What, and there’s nothing to worry about now?”
Mike blinks and slowly looks to your eyes. “…Huh?”
“I don’t mean to make you feel worse, but you still have things to worry about.”
You can see panic rise in Mike’s eyes. “What… what do I have to worry about?”
You smile fondly at your boyfriend.
“You gotta think of a present for me for our six-month anniversary.”
You can practically see the gears turning in the man’s head as he stares at you quizzically. Finally, he cracks a smile.
“…Weird way to comfort me.” He looks away, smiling to himself.
“Yeah, but what else would get you to smile?” Mike rolls his eyes, causing you to chuckle. Your gaze drifts to the kitchen, reminding you that Mike almost never has dinner when he works evenings.
“You didn’t have dinner, right? I’ll make you something.” You start to head to his kitchen to quickly make him something to eat.
“…Wait.” Mike murmurs softly, lightly grabbing your sleeve.
You turn to him curiously, only to see a slightly bashful Mike staring at the floor.
“…Sleep here tonight?”
You can feel yourself smiling. “Of course.”
Mike’s shoulders visibly relax.
“Now, let’s get you something to eat.”
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cryptidcorners · 11 months
Could I have a fluffy imagine/one-shot of Mike with a librarian girl? Like Mike goes back to the place he got the dream book from, and now he wants something to get his mind off (the trauma of the movie) so the librarian helps him find something else he’d like. Maybe a Sherlock Holmes detective or something. Thanks so much!
~ Mike Schmidt x Reader ~
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= Title: Friendly Nostalgia
= Character: Mike Schmidt
= Media: Movie!Five Nights At Freddie's
= Prompt: N/A
= Description: The aftermath of Mike's job as a security guard had got him thinking, as well as tripled his internal hardships. In an attempt to cool his troubling mind, Mike decides to go into his old library to find one of his favorite literatures, and maybe a new friend along the way.
= Request: "Could I have a fluffy imagine/one-shot of Mike with a librarian girl? Like Mike goes back to the place he got the dream book from, and now he wants something to get his mind off (the trauma of the movie) so the librarian helps him find something else he’d like. Maybe a Sherlock Holmes detective or something. Thanks so much!"
= Tags: Fluff ! Small Angst? Librarian Reader + Setting, Shy Mike, Sweet Talk, One-Shot, Platonic (with Slight Romantic Implications? It's up for you to decide !) + Reader is !Fem
= Warnings: Childhood Trauma + Kidnapping Mentions, Child Death/Spirits, Struggles with Mental Health (Depression, Anxiety, Stress) + FNAF Movie Spoilers !
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Morning birds flocked through the featherweighted clouds thinning across the fresh sky. A chilled exhale rattled out of Mike's throat, the cold dawning air nipping at his skin. His head was foggy with exhaustion, yet flickering with soft excitement. The streets were empty, much to his content. Crowded boulevards and sputtering car exhaust muddied his senses, he hated it more than anything.
He shoved his reddened hands down his pockets to shield the breezes from his fingertips. Mike hated the overwhelming traits of the outside world even more after his accursed job as a solo-unit of security. The crumbled children in the machines, Vanessa wilting away within her hospital bed and William. It was too much and he couldn't handle it.
This whole mess was the reason he was heading towards his local library, one he hadn't stepped in the years. It was the only place he was comfortable visiting now. It was quiet, no people to talk to, and he'd be able to pluck out his favorite contents in peace.
Mike had been particularly fixated on Sherlock Holmes, lately. The whole idea of mysteries had made him want to learn more, even after being injured at Freddie's. Weirdly enough, after scavenging through his old contents, it unraveled more and more about what happened those dreaded nights ago.
Mike hummed quietly as he lazily pushed the glass door. The silence calmed his senses. There were a few locals, but they were buried between pages. After awkwardly exposing his card and being gently discarded to explore the aisles alone. He started trailing around the mystery section. He couldn't pick one story, so he was doing nothing but strolling.
"Do you need some help?" A voice peaked his shoulders for a flash. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, sir."
You apologized, your voice was soothed. Mike shook his head gently, "No, no. It's fine, don't worry."
A smile spreads across your lips and you read the aisle with an eager eye. "You like mystery?"
"I've just gotten into it, really." Mike slid his hands through his curls promptly. It was strange how comfortable he felt, it felt tender, weird enough. "It's a sweet genre. I like it when it keeps me guessing. Gets my mind off everything."
"Yeah. Fiction is a great outlet, that's why I became a librarian." You explained warmly, "It's something I've always dreamed of."
Mike released a breathy chuckle in response, unsure how to reply.
You extended your hand towards the neatly rowed bookshelf, trailing your finger until you slipped out a rough looking cover. Your eyes wandered to him, "You like Sherlock Holmes?"
"He's actually the reason I'm here." Mike tilted his head lightly with a calmed grin. He had no idea why he felt so comfortable around some random librarian girl he had just met, but he had no internal reason to question it. "I have a few of his stories at my house, my little sister found them."
"That's adorable," you brushed your cheek. "Maybe you'd like this one. Personally, I think it's one of his most underrated works." You handed him the book, and his eyes flickered up and down in interest.
"Cool right?"
Mike nodded.
"I don't think I've seen you before here, uh," You trailed off.
"Oh. Oh, sorry, I'm Mike. Mike Schmidt," He shook your hand softly. "I actually haven't been here in a long time."
You arched a brow, face still settled, "What made you come back?"
"Well, first off, Sherlock Holmes." He shook the book lightly with a low chuckle. "And, well, work. It's been hard, so, I thought I could read a bit to calm things down."
You curled down to pile some scattered books in your hand, "Well, I hope you come back again, Mike. Maybe we can talk about some more stories, outside of here of course. I get a bit loud with stories."
You both chuckled, "I'll come back. I could always use some more mystery." Mike had been clutching the book with eager hands, along with a fluttered expression. He hadn't connected with someone in quite a while. It felt refreshing.
"Well, I have to get back to work. Goodbye, Mike." You stirred back into the halls. Mike whispered in response. "Thank you,"
He wanted to talk more, but, he didn't want to hold you back. Mike's eyes flew down to the hard-leathered surface. He chewed his lip,
I should have asked her for her name . . .
And with that thought resting heavily in his mind, Mike left the library, with a giddy attitude and a little too many mystery books in his hands.
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
hi :) i was wondering if i could get somethin with the cricket crew folks (those who are a-okay with xreaders) and a reader who deals with type 1 diabetes, like the reader is having low blood sugar troubles while hanging out pretty please 🦕 (platonic or romantic doesnt, matter to me)
OF COURSEEE OMG sorry for taking so long to get this out, I did a lot of research into this so hopefully I got everything accurate! my dad has type 2 diabetes so sorry if anything got mixed up with that as well 😭 billzo and aimsey are the two that aren't cool with x reader fanfics so I didn't include them, although I'm pretty sure they're okay just being in the bg? lmk if I need to change anything! I genuinley appreciate it ; also all hb content will no longer have tubbo!!
HANDSOME BROS ; you have type one diabetes
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, & freddie badlinu
warnings ; swearing, mentions of fainting, mentions of needles/dexcom
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instantly shoving bills diet coke down your throat
he just panics at first and kinda asks you what to do
yk like in movies when all the characters are shouting over each other in panic? that's him
bill rushes over since his drink just got stolen
"dude, their dexcom needs changed"
"what the fuck is a dex-com!?"
Tommy's too scared to help you in the beginning, literally forces Bill to help you if you need it
even seeing the damn dexcom app on your phone scares him sometimes
like when you walk too far away and it starts doing that scary ass beeping thing, he jumps out of his skin
you left your phone with him while you went to use the bathroom in a public area and your phone started doing the thing because you were too far away and his face went from 😊 to 😨 in a millisecond
"What if they're dead in there???"
wilbur and tubbo are usually the ones reminding him that you're fine and it beeps when you're out of reach
after time, he gets used to it
although he never lets you forget your phone
he's still scared of the beeping
but he learns a lot on how to help you and shit from both you and bill
if he's got an embarrassing question, he'll go to billzo bc he's so scared of making you uncomfortable LMAO
has a whole notes app list for procedures when you're having issues with your dexcom/blood sugar troubles
makes sure you eat some snacks through the day
🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 I'm so hopelessly in love
the first time it happens it was while you were out with them and aimsey
you only told the both of them "hey I'm diabetic just so u know" and left it at that
so when you started having blood sugar troubles out and about with them, they didn't know what to do
you kinda had to explain yourself and tell them how to help and stuff
ranboo made a little safe plan after that, now worried that you could possibly faint and stuff
he has a whole like 3 page note on his phone (like size 9 font too) of what to do in certain situations and when to call 911 if needed
he runs it by Bill too in case you guys missed anything
like bi-hourly checkups that your sugar is okay and stuff, making sure the dexcom is working etc etc
makes sure to only take you to restaurants and fast food places where you'll actually eat instead of pulling the "I'm not hungry" bullshit
he's just looking out for you
"we can't go there, y/n won't eat and I haven't seen them eat today. if you guys wanna do that, that's cool, we'll probably run by a gas station or a store to get something for them, though"
"ran, it's fine-"
"shut up. youre eating, you toe muncher"
if you're recovering from low sugar and being weasy/feeling like you're gonna faint, he just tries everything to make you smile
from dumb jokes to comfort videos, etc
they'll do anything to make sure you're better than you were before
you and bill have a diabetes competition where you're just talking shit and spewing about how you've got it worse than the other and ranboo just records it 💀💀💀
during the pov you're at a family reunion ranboo stream is the first time you have troubles around your friends
you forgot you needed to change the dexcom and almost halfway through you step out
like half an hour later you're still not back and the whole groups confused to Freddie goes to retrieve you
brother finds you in the bathtub in and out of consciousness
tbh you blame yourself for writing it off and not thinking about a plan just in case but lessons learned
he texts the groupchat to inform the others what happened while you stumble back into frame with Freddie's help bc you were not gonna ruin this for the others or chat, no matter how much he told you that you weren't ruining anything
you were acting a little out of it but he got you eating off the charcuterie board which helped a bit
afterwards, he always makes sure that you're eating properly and helps you with communicating if you need help with your dexcom and stuff
like Tommy, the beeping when you're too far away from your phone scares the shit out of him sometimes
sometimes he gets a little anxious and slides your phone under the bathroom door or quickly gives the phone back like "I'm just making sure you're okay! it disconnected, I got a little worried"
God I'm so head over heels for him 💔💔
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steve-faglan · 6 months
Breaking and Entering pt. 2
Reader x William Afton/ Steve Raglan
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Summary: You can't stop thinking about that place. About him. You make one more foolish visit and end up in a new predicament.
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It's been weeks since you and Mike narrowly escaped the infamous William Afton. Mike doesn't talk about it, though he does find himself masturbating to the feeling of your mouth around his cock. The two of you hang out pretty regularly still, despite the horrors inflicted upon you.
You and Mike get together at a local park. It's usually empty, and today is no different. There's a small nook behind the trees on the far side of the park and that's where the two of you go to smoke. As the weather gets colder, the foliage around the woods dies down, revealing a perfect view of Freddy's. You swallow the lump in your throat when you see it and Mike quickly catches on.
"Hey, don't look at it. Let's just go back to my house." Mike tried to redirect your attention, but you continued to stare. A strange yearning builds in you that you're certain can't be what you truly want. Why would you want to go back there? You don't know, but the longing remains. You attempt to fill that craving in other ways.
"Let's go to your place." The two of you head to Mike's and he tries to softly reassure you that you're safe. Something he's had to do for you these past few weeks after the attack. He doesn't know that something in you has changed.
When you get inside, the second the door closes, you press your lips to Mike's, both hands gently holding his face.
"Is this okay?" You ask, breathlessly breaking the kiss.
"Y/N, are you sure you want this?" Mike looks shocked and concerned.
"Is this okay?" You ask again, more sternly. Mike looks into both of your eyes and finally nods before desperately reconnecting his lips to yours. In minutes the two of you are naked and fucking all over the living room. Mike is rough and desperate like he's only ever dreamt of this moment and won't let it go to waste. But it's not enough.
Mike pulls out and finishes on your ass and the two of you collapse next to each other on his couch. The room is silent aside from the unsteady, deep breaths.
"Holy shit..." Mike sighs in disbelief. You nearly fall asleep next to each other. You're not sure how to ask this, but you need to know if it's just you who can't stop thinking about that night.
"Do you ever... Think about going back?" Your question confuses him so much, he doesn't even realize what you're talking about.
"Back there? No, I don't. I-I'm sorry I didn't say anything. I don't- I never think about that day. I try not to, for you." He rambles on, but you tune it out, disappointed in his answer. "Why?"
"No reason. I've just been having a lot of dreams."
"Nightmares?" Mike attempts to clarify.
"Huh? Oh, yeah. Nightmares." You shrug it off. Hoping the subject gets dropped seeing as you aren't on the same page.
"Oh shit, Abby will be home soon." That's your cue to leave. Mike drives you home and it's clear he's developing feelings at a rapid rate. He bids you goodbye with a beaming smile and you do the same. Once he's gone, you go inside your house and beeline right for your bedroom.
No amount of fucking Mike or touching yourself to the memory would satiate the urge you have to let Afton has his way with you again. Your only drawback is... Would you get to live a second time? The nighttime air is crisp and chilly as winter rolls in. You stand on your porch for an entire hour before you finally get in your car and make the drive.
At first, you just sit in the parking lot. You look for another car, maybe you missed it last time. You don't see one. You begin to wonder if he's even here tonight. What a waste of this manic, dangerous behavior that would be. You eventually step out of your car and shakily approach the doors you snuck through last time.
"What the fuck am I doing?" You whisper to yourself. Something like a wave of common sense washes over you and you take a few steps away from the building. You're torn between using logic and getting the fuck out of there and the curiosity of him even still being inside. You didn't see a car, after all. You hold your breath and carefully enter the building.
Last time you were here you were careless and loud, this time your steps are as delicate as falling leaves. You hold your breath at every turn. The place is entirely silent and you don't disrupt it any further. You're carefully treading across the main area when you come across the table. You become tense as warmth pools between your legs.
You swallow the lump in your throat and quickly realize you don't want to be here. This was a mistake. You keep your eyes on the crime scene as you run away, not looking where you're going. You run into a tall, broad frame and it leaves you flat on your ass, looking up at him. William Afton. The man you came looking for and hoped you wouldn't find.
"Back already? You're filthy." He chuckles as he stands over you, basking in his power over you.
"N-No! Please I'm sorry. I- I was confused. I don't know- I don't-" You struggle endlessly with your words, raising a hand to shield yourself as you remain on the ground.
"Stand up." His demand confuses you. He's calm and quiet, it's unsettling.
"Stand. Up." He speaks sternly. Impatient. You do as you're told and scramble to your feet. William places a controlling hand at the nape of your neck, guiding you like a dog on a leash. You're too scared to speak, protest, or even cry. This is it, you think.
"I- I'm sorry," you sob, but he only rolls his eyes.
"Why'd you come here?" He asks, coldly.
"I don't know! I couldn't-" he cuts you off.
"I meant the first time. Why'd you come here?" William seems to lean into your ear when he speaks, sending chills down your spine.
"I- we came here as kids," you say, hoping your nostalgic ties could earn you mercy.
"You and Micheal?"
"Yes. I just wanted to relive it for a while. I'm sorry," your story dissolves to pleas.
"That's adorable." His voice is cold and evil and the two of you disappear into a dark corridor.
Back at his house, Mike calls your landline several times. A little tied up at the moment, you're unable to answer. He recalls your troublesome questioning earlier and decides you need to be checked on. After all, in his mind, you're already his now. Mike pokes his head into Abby's room and sees she's sound asleep so he makes the drive to your house.
"Y/N?" He calls, careful not to be too loud outside your home at night. He knocks for a little while longer and even looks through your bedroom window. Nothing. He climbs back into his car to return home, not wanting to leave Abby alone for too long.
On the way he passed that damned restaurant and at the last second spots your car in the furthest corner of the lot. His stomach drops. He doesn't know how, but he's certain William lured you back there to finish the job. He squeals the tires as he whips the car into the lot and haphazardly parks before clamoring inside through the shifty entrance.
"Have a seat." William gestures to a chair similar to a dentist's chair. It has restraints and looks like it's meant to take different positions. You swallow the lump in your throat.
"P-Please. I know coming back was stupid." You shake your head and try to back away from the threatening furniture, but his hand holds you in place. His grip grows tighter and he pushes you toward the chair. Fight-or-flight takes over and you begin to fight back. You swing at him and scream for help as loud as your lungs will let you. The sound rips through your throat and burns as you pray someone hears you.
"Y/N?!" Mike calls out, having heard your screams echo through the building. "Where are you?! I'm here!" He runs up and down the many passages and doorways of Freddy's, feeling more hopeless by the second.
William successfully fastens you into the chair and steps back to admire your helpless form. He's breathless from the struggle. Pushing his hair back into its coiffed position, he licks the blood off his lip from your resistance.
"You're unbelievable. Coming back for more and acting so ungrateful. Don't think it's not perfectly obvious why you've come back," William taunts. He circles you like a shark in dark waters. He reclines the mechanism and begins to carefully remove your clothes. He's oddly gentle compared to the way he cut your clothes off last time. He unfastens each restraint one at a time until you're exposed before him in nothing but your panties.
William starts to gingerly massage your breasts, his mouth hangs slightly open in an expression that asks "What's next?" Your face becomes red and you can't help but look away from him, squeezing your eyes shut and begging your body to stop rewarding him. Your nipples harden for him and your lace panties become soaked with your arousal.
"You must've worn there for me," William gushes as his hand finally travels down to your waist. Goosebumps ignite on your skin and it's everything you can do to stop yourself from moaning. He's teasing you. He slips his fingers inside you and you lose the battle, releasing a loud, desperate moan as he curls his knuckles inside you. He's older, and more experienced. It's as if he knows your body better than you do.
He fingers you until you've given up on holding back and you're just a writhing, moaning mess in front of him.
"Shh, shh..." He whispers as he knowingly guides you to your climax.
"William-" you start to protest, but it just comes out as you moaning his name. Just as he brings you to your limit, he removes his hand entirely. Something he seems to love to do. "No!"
"Filthy little thing. Look at you," he ridicules you as he licks your arousal off his fingers. He adjusts the chair again and you're left with your legs spread for him. He takes his position, waist high to your aching entrance. "You knew what you wanted when you came back. I'm going to give it to you." William unfastens his belt and releases his throbbing cock. It seems even bigger this time. Likes he's been teasing himself this whole time. His breath shudders as he slips the tip up and down in the wetness of your clit.
"I-" you stutter.
"What is it, puppet?" He roughly runs his hands up and down your thighs, awaiting your next line of resistance. The pet name makes you feel disgusting and your face reddens.
"I don't know if-"
"You don't know if you can take it?" He asks but gives you no time to respond before he's slammed completely inside of you. He releases a loud guttural moan as your cries cause you to flex around his erection. "You're gonna fucking take it."
He thrusts into you repeatedly, stretching you out and stimulating you beyond pleasure. Your screams and moans carry throughout the hallways and Mike follows the sound.
"Looks like we have a visitor," William laughs, continuing to fuck you as he watches Mike scramble around through the security monitors. "He's getting warmer."
"Let her go!" Mike finally reaches the security office door and watches in horror as he bangs on the window. His screams are muffled, but William can still hear enough to laugh at him.
"Come take a turn, Micheal. Listen to her," he begins to toy with your clit while he's thrusting in and out of you. You want to hold back so badly, but it's not an option. You release screams of pleasure. Mike didn't even know you could make sounds like that. So degenerate and needy. It's almost distracting. Finally, he busts through the door, sustaining some damage from using his body as a battering ram.
"Let her go. Now." Mike is a new kind of angry. Protective. William tilts his head as he slowly slips out of you and fastens his slacks. You're left whimpering and exhausted.
"Here, Micheal. Have a go. Tell me how tight she is." He holds out a hand to you like he's offering a friend a tray of cigars. "Don't tell me, you two already fucked, right?" William laughs. "Was it anything like what she needed from me? Are you capable of that?" William's words set off a rage inside of Mike. He charges at the tall, broad, older man, but he's quickly and easily tossed aside. William grabs Mike by the shirt and pins him against the wall.
"Don't be stupid. She's alive because I'm using her. I don't have that much reason to keep you around." He drops the short, protective man and turns to face you where you lie half-conscious on the table.
"Just leave us alone. What more could you want?" Mike sighs, defeated.
"Oh, plenty. Unfortunately for you, it's not enough just to fuck your friend. I want the suffering." He unfastens your restraints. "I want the shame." William wraps a hand in your hair and all but throws you onto the floor. You collapse on the floor with a cry of pain and Mike runs to your aid.
"Hey, hey. I'm here, okay? I'm here," Mike frantically tries to comfort you.
"Micheal, you're really disappointing. You have to know the only reason she gave it up was to relive what I did to her," William laughs. Truly amused to be so powerful over the two of you.
"Shut your fucking mouth. Don't talk about what you did to her!" Mike holds you to him protectively, but he seems to freeze up when William comes to collect you. He stands you up on all fours, holding your head by your hair, forcing his length down your sore throat right in front of where Mike remains on the ground behind you. He's frozen as he watches you put up no fight. Your swollen hole is perfectly presented to him and he can see it becoming wetter by the second.
"Y/N..." Mike mumbles your name as he watches. He's unsure if he's heartbroken, scared, or aroused.
"I'm not always going to share her, Micheal." William's manipulative words wrap around Mike like strings on a puppet. Like it's the last time he'll ever feel your skin again, he digs his fingers into your hips and pulls you against him, grinding against your throbbing cunt. Finally, no holds barred, he shuffles his pants down and roughly slams into you. It's as if William's influence was inescapable inside the walls of the restaurant, and Mike couldn't stop his darkest urges.
You moan against William's dick as he manually bobs your head with his fist full of your hair.
"All you're good for is getting fucked. Even your 'best friend' thinks so." William laughs as tears streak down your face. You're jostled back and forth as each man shoves themselves deeper and deeper inside of you. Afton finishes first, filling your mouth and throat with warmth as Mike takes over. He plows into you, quickening his off-beat thrusts as he reaches his peak.
"M-M-" Mike assumes you're trying to say his name. Ask him to stop. Lust has completely taken him over and he gently shushes you between hard thrusts. To his, and William's surprise, you finish your sentence. "More."
With a devilish smirk, William shoves Mike out of the way. He pulls out just as he finishes, covering you in his cum as he sits back, reeling from the orgasm. William takes over, effortlessly spinning you around to take advantage of your battered pussy. He lies you on your back and lifts your pelvis to meet his. He hesitates for a moment to look at you. Your demeanor has been completely shifted. The fear and struggle were replaced with an out-of-character neediness.
"Please!" You wail, arching your back and begging to be fucked. He chuckles as he uses one hand to guide himself inside you. You gasp as he slips past your lips. He has more girth than Mike, and seems to hit something inside you Mike just can't. You release a continuous stream of degenerate moans as he drills you. He laughs over your wails as he picks up his pace, chasing his second climax. Mike can only stare at the two of you. The way you unfold for him and how rough he is with you. He's jealous but frozen watching you cum harder than he thought possible.
William finishes inside you just as he did last time, claiming you. Mike doesn't get that power. You scream as you flood William and his well-pressed slacks and he fucks you through your high. Once he's finally done, he leaves you on the floor, too weak to move. He's so swift with fastening his pants and belt, that Mike barely realizes what's happening until Afton lands a devastating blow to his temple, knocking him unconscious.
You weakly lift your head, slowly coming to and the orgasm and lust clear from your mind.
"Mike!" You exclaim, but it's nearly silent as your throat has been used so roughly.
"Shh..." He whispers and he kneels over you next. His two strong, calculated hands reach your neck and begin to squeeze. Your eyes widen. This is it, you're certain. Tears stream down your cheeks as you look into his eyes, watching as he turns blurry and eventually fades to black.
Hours pass, days, who knows how long? Mike wakes up in the same dark alley as before. He searches for you frantically, but you're nowhere to be found.
"No, no, no, no..." Mike bangs on the doors, screaming your name to no reply. He quickly notices your car is missing and he hopes that you just left him there and went home. He deserves it and worse, after all. He stumbles to his car and drives to your place.
"Y/N," William tauntingly calls your name as he watches you come to. You realize it's the first time you've heard him say your name and you hate the way it makes your clit throb. You squeeze your eyes shut and open them again to see him standing in front of you. "I think I like you. You may feel like a prisoner for a while. But let's see what freedoms you can earn, okay?" You rise from your spot and notice you're in a room that looks almost like an incredibly tiny apartment. Like a pet cage for a human.
"Wait, what? What are-" he cuts you off as he steps out the door.
"You'll be here for a while." The door closes and you're left alone in the plain, beige room. To be used, whenever.
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skyewritesstuff · 10 months
paper rings (mike's version)
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my masterlist.
entry 2 in my (taylor’s version) songfic series.
summary: despite the recurring hardships, you and mike make a vow to stay together through it all.
pairing: mike schmidt x reader
fandom: five nights at freddy's
warnings: tooth rotting fluff, yall. :')
notes: based on "paper rings" by taylor swift. has been beta read. yall, i swear i'm going to leave the josh hutcherson tag alone for a bit after this, i promise lmao. i also know i need to update my masterlist. i'm going to do this soon!
word count: 3k
At this point in your life, you did not need an alarm clock. 6:30 in the morning started at 6:20 when you’d hear the tell-tale honk of your boyfriend Mike’s car being locked. You technically didn’t have to be up until 7:00 to get Abby up and ready so that she’d be on the bus right at 7:45, but you always liked to greet him when he walked in since work had never been something he’d regard as an easy part of his life.
You’d known Mike since high school. You’d been chemistry lab partners, occasional study partners, and then prom dates. It was as cliche as a “will they/won’t they” situation could be until you two separated after graduation. You’d gone off to college and Mike had stayed local. You didn’t reconnect until you ended up back home working as a nurse in the local hospital and one of Mike’s various work (fight) related injuries landed him in the ER. After reconnecting there and exchanging numbers, you began casually seeing Mike whenever you could. Sometimes he’d flake due to job and schedule changes, not feeling up to it, or needing to meet Abby's needs. That was until the dates became more frequent and it wasn’t so casual anymore. You then moved into his small home with him and Abby, sticking by him despite his numerous job changes.
You got up, putting your discarded pair of Hello Kitty pajama shorts back on despite the black t-shirt of Mike’s falling to a point where they were almost covered. You then wandered into the living room, still a little sleepy, but glad to see Mike after spending all night sleeping on your own.
“Hey, you…” You said with a yawn, reaching to take his vest and keys from him to hang them up.
“What are you doing up?” he asked, sounding rather groggy himself.
“You ask me that every single day…” You laugh, leaning in to gently kiss his lips, “I just want to be there for you as soon as you get home, because I’ve been on graveyard before and it’s the longest, shittiest night you can have.”
He leaned in and kissed you again, his lips curving up into a slight smile, “Thanks, baby…as always.”
You take his hand and begin to walk with him back towards your shared bedroom, knowing you only have about twenty minutes or so to lay with him before you have to get back up for Abby. Mike strips down to his boxers and then crawls into bed with a heavy sigh and you follow suit, not even bothering to take off your pajama pants knowing what little time you had was going to pass by in what felt like an instant.
“Things still super weird down there?” You ask, referencing the pizzeria where Mike had taken his security position.
“As fuckin’ always…” He mumbled as he scooted into your side, hiding his face in the side of your neck.
“I wouldn’t get too comfy, babe…I’ve gotta get Abby up and situated in like ten minutes.” You warned, only to get a passive ‘Mhm’ in response. “I’m just warning you.” You rolled your eyes affectionately, wrapping one arm around him, lacing it into his hair, and running your fingers through his hair as you picked up one of the random books he had on the bedside table. This was a book with photos of nature and wildlife in the mountains of Wisconsin. As you flipped through the pages, you were trying your best to avoid falling back to sleep. As much as you wanted to lay there with Mike, you knew that if you fell back to sleep it’d mean that Abby would miss the bus. You’d either have to take her to school yourself, causing your morning to be shot or she’d miss school altogether, ruining any chance at having a day at home with just you and Mike on your day off.
Right at 7:00, you carefully slid out of bed, putting a pillow in your place. This didn’t seem to phase Mike, who was sound asleep when you walked out of the bedroom to head across the hall to wake up Abby.
Abby was already awake, sitting up in her bed. She was still in her pajamas with a sketchbook in her lap and a crayon in her hand. She was drawing a very abstract-looking yellow rabbit when she looked up at you.
“Do I have to go?”
“Yes…Please get up and get the outfit we picked out last night, okay?”
“Is that Mike’s shirt?”
“Yes ma’am.”
With only short instances of protest over what shoes to wear, brushing her hair, and the lack of orange juice in the house, Abby was ready for school. She collected her backpack and gave you a tight hug before running out the door towards the yellow vehicle. Once you were certain she got on safely, you headed back to the bedroom, yawning as you crawled back into the warm bed. You settled under the covers and then moved over next to Mike, who was now turned with his back towards your side of the bed. You wrapped your arms around him and pressed your lips to the back of his neck gently.
He stirred slightly, moving to rest his hands against yours before lacing them together. “Welcome back…” he murmured, “Abby on the bus?”
You nodded, “Mhm…even ate two bowls of cereal this morning.”
“Good work, baby.” he chuckled before turning towards you, wrapping both arms around your waist to snuggle into you. “I try.” You replied with a soft laugh, kissing his forehead. It wasn’t much longer before Mike was sound asleep again and you were starting to drift yourself. The blankets were just too soft and warm. Factor in Mike’s body heat and you were a goner from the start. Sleep took you over sooner rather than later and you found yourself snuggled up into Mike as you finally got to go back to sleep.
Roughly three hours later, you were woken back up by the sound of the trash truck coming to collect the garbage from the cans placed by the curb. You groaned, wanting nothing more than your peace back as you slept next to your boyfriend, but instead, your eyes didn’t feel as heavy anymore.
You turned to Mike, letting out a sigh of relief when you noticed how soundly he was sleeping. It wasn’t a normal occurrence by any means. Normally, he’d sleep for an hour or two before being jolted awake by nightmares from his past and whenever you could be there, you’d try to hold him and coax him back into what you hoped would be a more relaxing sleep.
Today, he was lying in your arms with his head on your chest, breathing slow and steady and his expression was peaceful. You stayed next to him, attempting to fall back to sleep to no avail for around an hour before deciding to slip out of bed and head to the kitchen. You began to prepare breakfast, despite it being almost noon, turning on the small radio in the kitchen so that music would softly begin to pour out of the speaker without being loud enough to wake Mike.
You were focused on the food, trying to make sure nothing burnt, blissfully unaware of Mike leaning against the wall in the entrance to the kitchen. “You know, I’ve told you before you don’t have to do all of this for me.” He sounded both sleepy and amused, but his sudden presence still caused you to jump, emitting a small gasp as your hand came to rest on his chest.
“Michael, I swear to God…”
He fully laughed this time as he watched your reaction with a smirk, “Cute”
“Not cute, you scared the shit out of me. How many times do I have to tell you to stop sneaking up on me?”
“What can I say? Maybe those creepy ass animatronics at work are rubbing off on me because I swear I’ve seen them move without anyone pushing the button…” He spoke, wrapping his arms around your waist, leaning into you. He knew you were a bit of a scaredy cat. You’d made it known several times how you could handle all the real-life gore of a lifetime at work, but horror movies…let alone being in an abandoned building for five nights a week…were an absolute no-go for you.
A chill ran through you, partially due to what Mike said and partially due to the kisses he kept casually pressing against your neck, “That’s so weird. I hate that. I hate that. Maybe they just kind of settle…like how the house settles and makes weird noises.”
“Or they’re possessed..” You could feel him shrug from behind you and you rolled your eyes.
“Like that happens…who’s going to pull a Chucky and voodoo their souls into a giant animatronic bear?”
“The world’s full of freaky people.” he said, letting go of you to go sit down at the table. You promptly turned on your heel and leaned back against the counter, prepared to drop the sarcastic comeback that immediately popped into the forefront of your brain.
“Oh, I know that for sure. You should meet my boyfriend.”
“I’d love to. He sounds like a winner. He’s probably pretty hot too.”
“You’re a loser.” You laughed.
“Please, at least your first jab was original. Your mother calls me a loser like that’s my actual job title.” He was also laughing despite the awful reality of his statement.
You sighed, “And that’s not true and you know that. She and your aunt are just shitty people and when we get our shit situated to the point that we do not need them…then, no contact and we live stress-free.”
You turned back to the stove and started plating the food as Mike replied, “I genuinely don’t think stress-free is ever something in my future.” Your heart sank as it always did whenever Mike would make a statement like this. He’d made one mistake, as a child nonetheless, and it’d started a chain of events that consumed his entire life. He deserved better and a much brighter future than the present you two were currently situated in.
“You know I love you, right?” you said, turning, and putting some of the plates on the table.
He nodded, looking a bit confused by your question, “Yeah…”
“So, let it be known, that if it’s the last thing I do…We’re going to have the best life. You, me, and Abs and we’re going to be fine..” You sat the rest of the food out and then walked over to his chair, nudging it with your foot so he’d scoot back from the table, allowing room for you to sit on his lap.
“I mean…If this is where I think it’s going, I’ll be more than fine.”
You pursed your lips, taking a deep breath before putting both hands on each side of his face. His hands were on your thighs, trailing upwards very slowly as if you wouldn’t notice. “Mike…focus…what I’m saying is…I’m with you. I’m with you no matter what and even if things are shitty and could be better, you’ve still got me and you’ve still got Abby at the end of the day. I know you’re going to tell me no…but again, if we got married the benefits would be there for you and possibly Abby and…”
He shook his head, “I’m not marrying you for benefits. That’s just…shitty. That's beyond my levels of shitty. I want to marry you, but not like that. You talk about me deserving better all the time, but you deserve better than that. You take care of all of us and haven’t ditched me even after I beat the ever-loving shit out of some guy at the mall. You’re a saint. If I can’t properly propose with like..a ring, candles, Abby not harassing me about when I’m going to do it like she’s been doing for the past…I don’t know…six months…then, I’m going to put it on hold.”
You chuckled at his comment, “You think too highly of me, baby boy.”
He wrapped his arms around your waist and raised an eyebrow, “Do I, though? You do all of this on the regular and I don’t even ask you, and in fact, I’ve told you to stop.”
You shrugged, still laughing softly as you wrapped your arms around his neck, “Just accept the love, Mike.”
You leaned in and kissed him gently. “You could do so much better, you know?” he stated. You kissed him again.
“How can I do that when I’ve already got the best?”
You spent the rest of the day with Mike, relaxing at home, watching TV, and napping off and on until Abby got home from school. Once her homework was done and everyone had dinner, Mike had gone to lay down for a bit to prepare for his nightly shift at Freddy’s and you were sitting at the table with Abby. Abby was drawing, per usual, and you were trying to finally put some of the pictures of Abby, you, Mike, and all three of you that you’d gotten developed placed into the frames you’d thrifted a few days prior.
“Why do we have to look at Mike any more than we have to?” she stated, eyeing a frame you’d just shut and were putting to the side containing a picture of the three of you on Abby’s last birthday.
You looked at her and then eyed the picture that she’d been drawing for the past hour. “That’s pretty bold coming from someone who puts him at the center of all of their artwork.” You laughed, causing her to immediately flip the paper over and act like nothing was there to begin with.
“You say that like you don’t pick on Mike too!” The younger girl rebutted. You shrugged in response. She had you there.
“You both just gang up on me. I’m outnumbered here. Two girls against me.”
You looked up and smiled, seeing Mike standing against the wall in a very similar stance as he’d appeared in the kitchen that morning.
“If you two have a baby and it’s a boy, we’ll all be even.”
“Abby!” You and Mike called her name in unison causing her to look up at the both of you as she flipped her drawing back around and grabbed a black crayon. No matter how long you and Mike spend informing Abby that she can’t just share whatever thought crosses her mind, all efforts seem to be futile. The comments should be expected at this point, but they still never ceased to shock not only you and Mike but her teachers and peers as well.
“What? I’m right.” she said, shaking her head before turning her attention back to the picture.
You let out a long sigh, sinking into your chair a little more as you went back to finishing the frames and Mike made coffee as part of his routine before work. He sat back at the table and took a sip, looking at what you were doing before looking at what Abby was doing. He sat his coffee mug on the table and took a piece of paper from Abby.
“You’ve got like…twenty more pieces. You’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, but I could’ve had twenty-one!”
You rolled your eyes at the banter between the two siblings before putting the photo frames into a box so that you could start putting them out after Abby went to bed. You set the box aside and then turned your attention back to Abby and Mike. Abby was delicately coloring in the sky in her picture and Mike was ripping a small square out of the paper. You watched him carefully as he started folding the small square in a few different directions, his brows knit together in concentration.
You let your head come to rest on your hand as you watched Mike. He remained completely oblivious to your observations of him and kept working until the square of paper had been transformed into a small circular shape. He reached over and grabbed Abby’s red crayon, drawing something on top of it, and then put the crayon back before the girl even noticed its absence.
“What are you…”
Before you could finish your sentence, Mike had gotten out of his chair and dropped to one knee right in front of you, holding up a paper ring with a small misshapen heart drawn on top. Abby abruptly turned her attention to her brother’s action, the dark blue crayon in her hand falling to the floor as her jaw dropped slightly.
“Y/N L/N, I love you more than life itself…which doesn’t sound like it’s saying a lot coming from me, but I promise it is. You talk about giving me a good future, but I just want to do the same for you. You deserve so much more than I’ll ever be able to give you, but I promise I’ll love you for the rest of my life. Will you…one day…let me replace this with an actual engagement ring…and marry me?”
You couldn’t help the way your face heated up at his words, your hands coming to cover your face to try to hide your reaction.
“Are you serious? Is this real? Do you really want to marry her? Is this finally happening?” It all left Abby’s mouth in a string of what felt like run-on sentences.
“It’s not up to me anymore, Abs.” Mike said, nudging your leg with his free hand that wasn’t holding the ring.
You laughed, shaking your head as you removed both hands from your face and held your left hand out, earning a gasp out of Abby. “I’d marry you whether you replaced the ring or not. I just want you.”
Mike grinned and then slid the paper ring onto your finger, “Then, I’m yours.”
You grinned back before leaning in to kiss him, your left hand coming to rest on his cheek as he smiled into the kiss.
“Oh gross…no…let’s skip to the part where I get to pick out a pretty dress.”
In paper rings, in picture frames, and all my dreams
Oh, you're the one I want
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
Freddy Carter Navigation
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Banners below sort fics based on type of work(s)
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Safe In His Arms : Freddy Carter x Reader ~
Description: 2.7k wc, Freddy’s wife y/n loves the seemingly small ways her husband makes her feel safe, and the way she wants to spend her life in his arms.
Warnings: none really, maybe the reference of a guy staring but that’s all. Otherwise fluffier than cotton candy 💜🖤
Under The Weather: Freddy Carter x Reader ~
Description: 3.6k wc, reader is sick and Freddy goes into protective and caring boyfriend mode as he works to get her feeling better.
Warnings: mentions of being sick, fainting, hospitals, otherwise fluff
Fantas(ticall)y Fun Times : Freddy Carter x Reader ~
Description: 2.2wc fluff. At a Fantasy Worlds comic convention, the reader and Freddy interact with fans and fellow casts members. Warnings: none
Anxious Love : Freddy Carter x Reader *~
Description: 3.5k wc, Freddy Carter helps the reader through and after an anxiety attack. (I’m aware that anxiety and panic attacks are different as I suffer from both, but after discussing with the requester I’ve settled on this being semi generic but referred to as anxiety as it is statistically more common and I want people to hopefully get comfort from this). Warnings: anxiety/panic attacks discussed and described, self doubt, that’s it. It’s hurt-comfort.
Cursed : Freddy Carter x Reader ~
Description: 1.4k wc based on request of Freddy hearing y/n curse for the first time, fluff Warnings: a few swear words and some playful teasing, but otherwise fluff
Pregnant Pause : Freddy Carter x Reader *~
Description: 5.3k wc, Freddy and his wife are expecting a child and it results in them trying to find a balance between getting enough rest and not putting their lives on pause for the pregnancy; fluffy, based loosely on funny videos from Tiktok
Warnings: pregnancy and related topics
New Chapter : Freddy Carter x Reader *~
Description: 4.2k wc, Freddy and his wife welcome their newborn into their lives. Can be read as a stand-alone or as a part two to Pregnant Pause. Fluff, family.
Warnings: pregnancy and newborns and related topics including by not limited to: pregnancy, labor, blood, discharge, accidents, changing diapers, breastfeeding, hospitals, etc.
Supercharged Love : Freddy Carter x Reader ~
Description: 2k wc, reader is very hyper and energetic making Freddy have to calm her down every now and then so she doesn't pass out. Fluff
Warnings: mentions of dizziness and worry of passing out, mentions of some drinking/wine, otherwise fluff
Brunching with Crows : Freddy Carter x Reader ~
Description: 3.2k wc, reader and Freddy host a brunch with the other Crows from Shadow and Bone prior to the start of Season 2 (I ran with the idea based on Freddy actually hosting a brunch with said crows for Season 2), fluff!
Warnings: mentions of food and eating, Freddy and Reader being too cutesy of a couple, mentions of engagement/wedding, mention of money/Euros, that's all I can come up with
Over It All : Freddy Carter x Reader *~
Description: 1.9k wc, reader struggles with her ADHD to the point of breaking into tears, prompting Freddy to come to her aid. Hurt-comfort, angst-fluff
Warnings: ADHD symptoms and experiences discussed, neurodivergencies mentioned, mention of crying and sadness, negative thoughts of self, some angst but fluffy ending/comfort
My Wife! : Freddy Carter x Reader ~
Description: 3k wc, Freddy and his wife watch his Vanity Fair interview and y/n tried to answer all the questions. Based on an interview /video (linked at top of fic). FLUFF.
Warnings: a few curse words, use of the word God in a non religious manner (aka "Oh my God"), brief mentions of being sick, food discussed, spillers for answers to the questions in the above interview, otherwise flufffff
Drunk In Love : Freddy Carter x Reader ~
Description: 4.7k wc, y/n has to help take care of her boyfriend Freddy when he drinks too much. Fluff, Freddy being a simp for reader, comfort. 'sick' fic trope.
Warnings: a few swear words, drinking and talks of alcoholic beverages, mentions of hangovers and other side effects of drinking, very minor warnings tbh
Going the Distance : Freddy Carter × Reader *~
Description: 4.7k wc fic about Freddy and his long distance relationship with y/n. Fluff, slight angst (turned fluff) and some hurt-comfort.
Warnings: some angst, long distance relationship dynamics discussed, flirtatious comments but nothing suggestive.
I Think He Knows : Freddy Carter x Reader ~
Desc: 2.5k wc, y/n finds a photo of her boyfriend Freddy and tries to hide her reaction do it from him. Only, based on his actions, she fears he already knows.
Warnings: if you want to skip the more spicy (NO smut/nothing explicit) part, only read till the second banner/divider! Otherwise: Suggestive (but NO smut), a little spicy (again NO smut), flirting. mentions of relationship and being attracted to someone, could curse words
Bite Me : Freddy Carter x Reader ~
Desc: 2.3k wc, y/n is fortunate enough to be looked after by her wonderfully caring husband Freddy after her recent vacation took an unexpected turn. Fluff, hurt/sick comfort.
Warnings: not proofread yet, one curse right at the start, mentions of bug bites and bugs, mentions of bug bite symptoms and treatment (including prescriptions and other medical settings & topics), minor mentions of a small amount of blood (from scratching too hard).
Picture Perfect : Freddy Carter x Reader ~
Desc: 2.97k wc, Freddy and his wife go on a photography date. Fluff
Warnings: fluff, Freddy being too precious, that's all I think haha, maybe a bit suggestive at the very end depending on how you interpret it
In Sickness & In Health : Freddy Carter x Reader ~
Desc: 3.5k Wc, Freddy has been sick but pushed himself to go to a convention he'd previously committed to. He is home now and his wife makes it her mission to nurse him back to health. Fluff, sick comfort
Warnings: fluff, Freddy being too precious, sickness/illness, marriage terminology/phrases, cold symptoms.
Twenty-Five : Freddy Carter x Reader ~
Desc: 2.6k wc, It's Y/N's 25th birthday and (as always) Freddy makes it his mission to celebrate it properly with her.
Warnings: mentions of marriage, birthdays and gifts, mentions of food/brunch.
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TikTok Prank Preference: Stuck Tampon ~
Description: blurb preference based on the viral TikTok prank where the person pretend they have a tampon stuck and need their partner to help them to see how they react.
Warnings: mentions of period related items and topics, minimally suggestive words, otherwise fluff
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Real Life “Book Boyfriend” : Freddy Carter x Reader SMAU
Description: Fluffy Social media AU for Freddy Carter and reader/wife
Warnings: None
Sassing Siblings : Freddy Carter x Sister!Reader SMAU ~
Description: Freddy and his sister engage in playful sibling banter on their social media platforms
Warnings: middle finger emoji, bantering, "bullying*
Honorary Crow : Shadow and Bone Cast x Platonic!Reader ~
Description: SMAU showing that the S&B cast and y/n have a sibling-type relationship
Warnings: none
Tag Yourself: Freddy Carter × Reader SMAU
Description: Social media AU preference for Season 2 Premiere y/n attends to support Freddy and his cast-mates
Warnings: Freddy looking far too attractive for his own good, otherwise fluff with some light flirting.
Premiere Pride: Freddy Carter x Reader SMAU
Description: Social media AU of Freddy's girlfriend attending the S&B Season 2 Premiere. Fluff
Warnings: flirting, and Freddy's gorgeousness might melt your phones, otherwise it's all just fluff.
Behind the Scenes Love : Freddy Carter x Reader SMAU / Shadow & Bone Cast x Platonic!Reader & Freddy Carter x wife!reader & Freddy Carter x co-star!reader
Descr: SMAU, Reader is Freddy's wife and part of the SaB cast and their coworkers love their relationship
Warnings: relationships dynamics including but possibly not limited to; kissing, flirting, etc.
Another one is listed under “Multi-part” area below
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Through Every Season: Freddy Carter x Reader (Fics + SMAUs) ~ Part One
Description: Traveling with your boyfriend Freddy entails lots of candid and posed photos but you wouldn’t have it any other way. SMAUs and small fics / blurbs
Warnings: none I can think of!
Through Every Season: Freddy Carter x Reader (Fics + SMAUs) ~ Part Two
Description: Traveling with your boyfriend Freddy entails lots of candid and posed photos but you wouldn’t have it any other way. SMAUs and small fics / blurbs
Warnings: none I can think of!
Love of a Lifetime : Freddy Carter x Reader Mini-Series (+ SMAUs) ~
Description: Blurbs, headcannons, SMAUs, and small fics for Freddy Carter based on the 'Happily Ever After character series of fics I did for other characters. This mini-series covers topics such as the proposal, wedding planning, the wedding day, etc. Each post will have its own moodboard (minus the smau ones)
Warnings: family, wedding, proposal, bachelor & bachelorette parties briefly mentioned, possibility of cold feet, & related topics.
Catastrophic Blues : Freddy Carter x Reader *
Desc: 5k wc (including lyrics) set to the tone of Hits Different by Taylor Swift. After their breakup, the beautiful color of Freddy’s eyes shifts to a painful shade -a catastrophic blue- for y/n now. Angst, breakup, heartbreak, post-breakup, longing, sadness, etc.
Warnings: drinking, Angst, breakup, heartbreak, post-breakup, longing, sadness, vomiting, crying, etc.
Hits Different : Freddy Carter x Reader *
Desc: 2.5k wc (including lyrics) set to the tone of If This Was a Movie by Taylor Swift. Part 2/Freddy's POV of Catastrophic Blues. Angst, breakup, heartbreak, post-breakup, longing, sadness, etc.
Warnings: I advise you re-read (or read) part 1/Catastrophic Blues first! Other warnings: drinking, Angst, breakup, heartbreak, post-breakup, longing, sadness, vomiting, crying, etc.
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Kaz Brekker Navigation
Main Six of Crows Navigation
Pin Hawthorne Navigation (Archived Character)
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Request Information/Process/Status
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Main Masterlist Navigation (All My Works)
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Freddy Carter Taglist: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @missdreamofendless @nikfigueiredo @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @alex-kazbrekkersimp @opheliaofficial07 @historynerd77 @el-de-phi @booklover2389 @whistle1whistle
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emeritusemeritus · 1 year
Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight. Pt 8.
[Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley]
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Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Title: Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Timeline: Predominately set between GOF and OOTP (some canon has been altered to fit the story)
Summary: Both twins like Gryffindor!reader. Reader likes both twins. How will she decide who to chose in the end? Amortentia might be able to help, or not.
Warnings: Smut, oral sex, p in v sex, 69’ing, established relationships, threesomes, friends to lovers, all the good stuff. NO Twincest. Mentions of illness, Brief mentions of vomiting. Tiny bit of angst, possessiveness, talk of kids. Mentions of dominant behaviour. Snape has a soft spot for reader. Love potions? But none are actually used. Not beta-read nor spell checked, we die like Sirius ❤️
The Freddie smut train isn’t stopping 🌹
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George returned a little while later, taking a suspiciously long time in the shower which you didn't doubt had been organised by Fred.
"Are you both decent?" He asked as he crept in, smiling at seeing that you were both now clothed and sat on the bed laughing.
"Reckon tea will be ready soon," George says, hopping onto the bed, now clean and redressed. He immediately pulls you into his arms, getting the cuddles you'd promised earlier as you absently draw shapes onto the skin of his arm with your finger as you all chat until Molly calls you for tea.
You all sit and chat as you eat, Fred, Harry and Ron all celebrating their win from earlier in the day. Molly has made a heap of mashed potato, steak and onion pies and veg which you excitedly tuck into, knowing how much you'll miss her cooking when the week comes to an end. It was Hermione's last day at the burrow tomorrow before she went home to her parents and so you were all trying to think of something you could do tomorrow, gathering ideas or group activities but not quite deciding anything.
Fred looks increasingly fidgety throughout dinner, which made you glance at him questioningly a few times. It wasn't entirely uncharacteristic for him to be squirmy and hyper but this seemed different, like he couldn't wait to get away from the table. Once the meal had been had, you and both twins make your way up to their bedroom with Fred immediately fluttering round the room grabbing random things and slinging them into a little shopping bag he'd knicked from Molly.
"You'll probably need a sweater princess, want one of mine?" He asks as he delves into the drawers, not waiting for an answer as he pulls out a green knitted jumper with a big 'F' on the front in gold lettering. You gladly accept and look down at what you're wearing, suddenly wondering if they're suitable.
"Fred, do I need to get changed?" You ask, making him pause briefly as he looks at you up and down.
"No princess, though if you want to wear less I'd have no qualms," he smirks before returning to his digging. You roll your eyes and turn your gaze to George who is lay on the bed reading. You slink into bed beside him and without ever taking his gaze off the page, he opens up his arm for you to cuddle into his side.
"Gonna miss you," you whisper in his ear, quiet enough so Fred wouldn't hear. You see him smile and turn to you as his hand creeps down to reach your bum, giving it a little pat.
"You already know I'll miss you," he smiles, pressing a kiss to your head.
"Right! Princess if you would like to follow me," Fred says, standing beside the bed and offering his elbow to you like a man in an old fashioned movie. You giggle and stand to grab his elbow, casting one last glance back at George before you slip out of the door and down the stairs, following Fred until he leads you out of the house.
"Where are we going?" You ask, your arms still gripping his arm as he guides you. He looks over at you with a smirk and winks, not disclosing anything.
You follow the familiar path up to the back field, praying that he wasn't going to make you play quidditch.
When you got to the field, he pulled the bag off his wide shoulders and pulled out a large picnic blanket and laid it on the floor as he knelt down, gesturing for you to take a seat.
"Okay my princess, we have a blanket, some candles, some beer and."
"Where did you get that?" You interject, laughing as he pulls out two bottles of beer from the bag, no doubt stolen from Arthur's stash. He gives you a wicked smile and leans in to pull you into a kiss, both of you giggling as your lips meet. He then lights the candles around you and reaches into the bag to pull out a little box.
"Okay we have Weasley's whizzbangs, whizzfire bangs, whammy rockets and miraculous mystic mayhem makers," Fred smiles as he pulls out a selection of fireworks from the bag, all tried and tested Weasley products they'd been developing.
"Putting on a show for me handsome?" You flirt, looking at the selection of explosives in front of you.
"Sweetheart, I'm constantly putting on a show for you, have been since second year," he admits with a little chuckle, making you laugh.
You actually end up sitting and talking for the majority of the night, reminiscing about previous pranks you'd all pulled and memories together over the years as you sip on stolen beer. You were both lay on the blanket, your head on his chest as you looked up towards the stars, feeling at peace.
"You're so beautiful," Fred says suddenly, making you turn to face him. Instead of a teasing smirk that you'd expected, he actually looks a little bashful with a smile tugging at his lips. You blush at the sudden intimacy and lean up to kiss him. The kiss starts off slowly and playfully but in no time you are beginning to rut against each other, hands wandering and little breathless gasps falling between your lips in between the passionate kisses.
Something changes in you immediately like a switch had been flicked and you needed to feel him on you, in you, however you could get him, surrendering to the intense desire that Fred always seemed to pull from you.
You began tugging at his sweater, needing to get it off his body to feel him. As he sat up slightly, you immediately began attacking his brown, woven belt to get to what you really wanted.
"What's your rush princess? You need me?" He asks, his hand coming up to grab the side of your face, long fingers tangling into your hair as he feverishly kisses you. You nod and a little whimper falls from your throat without realising as you carry on trying to undress him, the lust you felt becoming a burning need.
Fred pulled off his sweater and T-shirt, leaving him in just his trousers which were quickly pulled down as soon as you'd worked his belt.
"A little unfair don't you think sweetheart?" He smirks, pulling your body to his, your hips meeting as you feel the growing bulge in his underwear against your thigh. He immediately pulls off the sweater and top you're wearing, gasping and growling as he realises that you aren't wearing a bra, your naked breasts spilling out. He immediately latches onto your nipple with his mouth, feasting on the feverish skin as his other hand grabs hold of your neglected breast and toys with the nipple. Your hips chase his at the overwhelmingly pleasurable sensation as he sucks and nips at your pebbled nipples.
"Fred," you groan, throwing your head back as he sucks little lovebites into the side of your breast, never neglecting the nipple as his tongue switches back and forth, devouring your aching breasts.
"That's it princess, tell me who makes you feel this good," Fred smirks, pushing your breasts together to pay attention to them both. "Such perfect tits," he mumbles as he dives right back in.
Your hands begin to wander on his body, running down his smooth abdomen until you reach the little fuzz of his happy trail and the waistband of his boxers. You slip your hand into his underwear and immediately reach for his big, swollen length earning a loud growl from Fred as you wrap your hand around him. He breaks apart from your breast just for a second to pull down his underwear, exposing his perfect cock and balls to you, allowing you to toy with him without restriction.
You slowly begin to move your hand on his cock, tugging and gliding gently just how he likes, causing a broken moan of your name to fall from his lips. He bends his neck to reach down and kiss you, slipping his tongue into your mouth as it wrestles with your own, the sensual glide making you squeeze your legs together to relieve some tension. Fred misses nothing and immediately moves his hands to your jeans to tug them off. You reluctantly let go of his length to let him pull off your jeans and panties in one go. He then pulls off his boxers the rest of the way and slings them away, leaving you both completely naked and exposed.
A single moment passes as you look at each other, your eyes wandering all over his perfect body, really trying to commit it to memory as you look at him with sheer adoration.
He leans down and presses a sweet kiss to your lips, smirking against them as his hand begins to trail up your thigh with teasingly delicate touches which only fuel the fire within you further.
His hand meets your wet folds as his fingers slip beneath them, earning a groan from him as he discovers just how wet you are.
"Is all of this for me princess?" He smirks.
You nod, desperately trying to buck your hips so he'll touch you more, chest heaving already at the sensation.
"Have you been thinking about this sweetheart? About how my big cock is going to stretch you out? Filling you up just right."
"Fuck, Fred yes!" You moan as his long, talented fingers slip inside you, curling up to hit that special spot that makes you keen.
"There it is princess, fuck you're so hot, can't wait to get my cock in you," he says as he leans back down, attacking your breasts once again as he works his fingers in and out of you. You immediately reach for his cock and begin pumping him, making deliciously lewd noises fall from his mouth.
"Come here sweetheart," he suddenly says pulling away, gesturing for you to sit up. He moves you and positions you into a similar fashion to what you'd done that afternoon but instead of being on top of him, you are laid on the blanket in opposite directions whilst facing each other.
His cock is right in front of your face, flushed pink and leaking precum already, just begging to be sucked. Fred parts your legs with his big hands and moves to rest his head on your thigh, wrapping the other one over his shoulder as he kisses your pussy lips, teasing you. You buck your hips, trying to get more than just butterfly kisses and he immediately reaches up to spank your ass, causing you to let out a gasping moan.
His hand comes up to spread your little lips and he begins giving little kisses to your sensitive clit, swirling his tongue teasingly around the exposed nub as you gasp.
You can't hold back any longer and grab hold of his cock at the base, squeezing gently before wrapping your lips around his cock, swirling your tongue devilishly around the fat head, licking up all the little beads of precum. Fred immediately moans out your name and begins feasting on your cunt perfectly, both of you trying your hardest to please the other. Your paces are slow and unhurried, trying to tease and please the other to give the most pleasure you can.
You can feel your orgasm building as your hips undulate over his face. He moans, sensing your impending release and strokes your thighs as he begins wildly sucking on your clit, tugging gently and licking over the spot repeatedly as his pace increases, keeping perfect rhythm until you cum.
You have to pull off his cock as a loud moan erupts from you, your body completely at the mercy of his as your climax takes over, the white hot flames burning you from the inside out as you shout if his name.
"Fucking hell princess," he gasps, stroking your thighs as you come down from your high, a blissful smile plastered on your face. "So hot when you cum."
Fred leans up and moves to lie beside you again, smiling and kissing you as he sees your little blissful, fucked out smile and heavy eyelids.
"Want you Freddie, please," you moan, reaching for his cock again.
"One time not enough sweetheart? Or do you need my big cock?"
"Need it Freddie, please," you beg, completely overwhelmed by the emptiness you felt, needing to be filled by him.
"I've got you sweetheart," he cooes, pulling you closer to him so that your bodies are directly facing each other. He kissed you passionately, hands wandering as they slip down to your ass again. He squeezes and massages the skin of your ass before reaching down to grab your leg and hitch it over his hip. You gasp at the sudden feel of his heavy length pressed against your pussy, just begging for entry.
You reach down and hold his cock steady at the base before rolling your hips just right so that he sinks into your wet heat, both of you gasping and moaning in sync as the bliss of him stretching you out.
"Oh princess, so tight for me," he gasps, thrusting deeper inside of you until every inch of him was buried inside, making you breathless. "Oh you feel perfect princess, so fucking good."
He begins to thrust in and out and you have to hold back your loud moans which you're sure could be heard all the way back at Hogwarts.
You begin to roll your hips in time with his thrusts and you both immediately cry out at the sensation as you fuck yourself on his cock. His hands come up to grab at your ass, guiding your movements, helping you to roll your ass back and forth as he fucks you deep.
"Fuck Freddie, so good, you're so deep," you moan out as the angle of his cock presses hard against your g-spot with each harsh thrust.
"Princess, y/n," he moans, "not gonna last, you feel so fucking good."
"Cum Freddie, please, want you to cum inside me!"
He begins brutally thrusting into you, abandoning your hip movements as his hands dig deliciously into the skin as he grips you hard. His groans and moans mix with yours as he sets a brutal pace, fucking into you with abandon as he nears his end. He suddenly grips you bruisingly hard and slams your hips down onto him one last time, holding your body tight to him as he buries himself as deep as he can. His face scrunches up deliciously as he cums, the blistering hot cum shooting deep into you as his hands keep you firmly in place as your walls clench around him, another orgasm surprising you and taking over your senses.
As the climax slowly begins to wear off, Fred's grip loosens and he slowly rubs the skin where his hands have been to soothe it. He looks up at you with a wide smile and leans down to press a sweet and gentle kiss to your lips as your hands run over his chest.
"Didn't even need the fireworks," he quips as he leans his forehead on yours. You laugh, causing your muscles to contract around him where he's still inside you and you hear him let out a little gasp of over sensitivity. He slowly pulls out, limp cock now resting between you in his thigh as you both take a few moments to catch your breath before untangling yourselves .
"You never needed fireworks to get me into bed... or the ground I guess," you laugh, sitting up and reaching for your clothes. He smiles, watching you dress with a tenderness that made butterflies spread within you.
"You know, it would be a shame to waste these," he says, sitting up and fiddling with the magical fireworks.
"Alright big boy, clothes on first though," you laugh, chucking his T-shirt towards him. You were surprisingly warm and so opted not to wear the sweater, staying in a T-shirt and your jeans as Fred quickly dressed and started preparing the whizz bangs.
You couldn't help but watch him as he moved with proficiently, seeing him in his element of causing mischief as he lined up the whizzbangs.
Moments later, the enchanted fireworks erupted in the sky with a resounding bang, illuminating the entire sky with a prism of colour. One of the particular fireworks turned into a dragon midair and began circling around the rest of the explosions in the most spectacular sight you'd ever seen.
You sneaked a look at Fred's face seeing him smiling in utter delight which made you feel so proud of him and George at their incredible inventions, forever thankful that you could always get a firsthand show.
When the ash settled, the familiar scent of gunpowder and settling smoke overwhelmed your senses and took you back to the potions classroom, smelling the Amortentia. The scent was so unmistakable, like the smell of an extinguished candle with a little more dry smokiness and a lingering musky that was entirely Weasley's wizzbangs.
"Y/n?" Fred asks, bringing your attention back to him. You realised that whilst you had been spaced out, he'd tied away the leftovers from the fireworks and was now lay back on his elbows with his long legs crossed at the ankle, watching you. "Where did you go pretty girl?"
"Nowhere important," you smiled, lying down with him as you looked back at the Burrow, seeing a couple of lights still on throughout the house. A sense of dread suddenly overwhelmed you. "No one can see us right?"
He laughed and shook his head, "only window that looks out back here is mine and George's," he explains with a smirk, "think he was watching?"
"Fred!" You laughed, hitting his chest at the thought.
"Think he was taking notes on how to please a woman?" He laughs and you nudge him again, throwing him off balance of his elbows, forcing him down. "You didn't argue it, he really that bad?"
"Merlin no, just didn't think you'd want to know all the details about how your twin brother pleases me and how he likes when I-"
""Alright I get the point," he says quickly, pulling a disgusted face at the idea. You had to chuckle as you settled back onto the blanket, sprawling your legs back as you looked up at the stars.
You sneaked a glance over at Fred who was doing the same as you with his eyes closed as he relaxed and thought back to all the times you'd tried to sneak glances at him over the years without him noticing. It was one of those moments when you realised how incredibly lucky you were to have not only Fred but George too, for however long you could have them.
The whizzbang smoke had brought back memories of the Amortentia incident and had stirred something up inside you which was eating away at your happiness, never truly knowing who it was you desired more.
When you and Fred were alone together, it was easy. You'd liked him for years, daydreamed and fantasised about him every chance you could, even so much as scribbling his initials in little notebooks in your younger years like any good schoolgirl would. You'd fantasised of your life together if he ever reciprocated your feelings, your wedding, your future children, all a distant but hopeful thought. It should be easy really, he liked you back and for that you were eternally grateful.
You'd been best friends for years, even closer than you and George had been and it was constantly exciting and passionate, like everyday was a new relationship but without all the awkwardness of learning about each other. Your mischievous best friend turned boyfriend, the constant prank master and joker, always the ringleader; he kept you on your toes at all times, bringing joy and laughter to your life like no other. Your relationship was filled with teasing and witty banter that you hope never faded and you were almost certain that you loved him, and had for a long time.
But then there was George. A prankster and joker at heart but with a stronger conscience and greater moral compass. He was sensitive and kind, at-least more often than Fred tended to be and he was comforting, above all else. George made you feel secure and loved. He was the personification of that feeling after a long, stressful day when you finally got home and could relax, putting on your cosiest, comfiest clothes and shutting out the world as you sought comfort. You'd never anticipated falling for him so hard and just like his brother, you were near certain that you were falling in love with him, if you weren’t already fully there. How were you ever going to chose between them?
"Your thoughts are loud," Fred says and you can hear the smirk in his voice.
"Sorry," you say, turning your attention back to him, "I think I'm just tired."
"Want to go to bed sweetheart?" He asks tenderly, placing his hand on your thigh. You had to admit that going to bed did sound very appealing right now, but you didn't want to cut the cut your little date short.
"Not just yet Freddie," you say, leaning back against him. He hums and extends his arm out to you so that you can lean on it.
"Love when you call me that," he says bashfully, touching the braids on your head as he brushes away the little wisps in your face. You smile up at him and immediately your mind, filled with problems and negative thoughts is calmed and quiet again.
You decide to head in not too long after, throwing everything back into the shopping bag and walked back to the house. You managed to sneak in undetected and immediately head up to the twins' shared bedroom, carefully avoiding the creaking stairs whilst trying not to wake anyone, if they'd been able to sleep through the fireworks at least.
Upon entering the room, you noticed that George had in fact made himself scarce and wouldn't be sleeping here tonight, his pillows gone from the bed. You briefly thought of asking Fred but it was his night with you and you didn't want to bring up any potential conflict. Fred had gone to the toilet and so you took the opportunity to take off your makeup with a wipe and get dressed.
You tossed the jumper in your arms over to the washing hamper and shimmied out of your jeans, replacing them with your sleep shorts. Your T-shirt was switched out to one of Fred's old ones that you kept and you dragged yourself into bed, your tiredness from the night before hitting you like the hogwarts express.
When Fred strolled back into the room, he smiled at seeing you in bed. He tore off his clothes, opting to just sleep in his boxers and climbed into bed behind you. It was strange sleeping without George but you didn't fixate on it, you just hoped that wherever he was, he didn't feel pushed out or alone.
Fred's arm immediately falls over your waist, falling just underneath your breasts as he pulls you tightly to him so that his body is directly connected to your back.
"How do you fit so perfectly in my arms?" He whispers into your ear, musing at the near perfect fit of your body in his. It was true; you suspected that his height versus yours had a lot to do with it but you fit neatly into the plains of his body. Your ass was pressed against his crotch whilst his arm reached perfectly with the curve of your waist, your head slotted right under his head to rest against his chest whilst his arms encased you.
"Maybe you just fit perfectly around me," you smiled into the dark room, feeling him squeeze you tighter at your words.
"Did you have a good time tonight princess?" He asks quietly and you can sense a slight hint of vulnerability in his tone.
"The best Freddie," you answer honestly, "atleast, the fireworks were great." He immediately grabs you and begins tickling your ribs as you fight back, squirming and struggling to hold in your squeals at the horrendous sensation.
"Oh I see how it is, I give you some of my best work and all she remembers is the bloody pyrotechnics," he says dramatically, causing you to roll your eyes.
"It was perfect Fred, every bit," you say quietly, no longer playing around. You twist slightly in his arms to seek out his lips, placing a kiss of sheer gratitude on him.
"This is really nice," Fred says after a few moments of comfortable silence. You hum in agreement, enjoying the peace and the feeling of his arms securely wrapped around you. "One day we'll be able to do this every night," he says, sounding as if he's narrating his thoughts. "When school is over and me and George have opened the shop, you can move in with us and every single night I'll kiss you goodnight and hold you until you fall asleep."
"That sounds perfect," you say with a yawn, feeling as if you could fall asleep within mere seconds.
"And every morning I'll bring you a cup of tea in bed and kiss you before I leave for work," he adds, clearly daydreaming though he sounds increasingly more tired with each word. "You can help me pick out my tie, checking that it matches with my suit. Did I tell you me and George decided we'd wear full suits at the shop? Like real businessmen. Anyway, you'd pick out my tie and straighten it for me before I leave because you know I always leave it wonky."
He tiredly mumbles out more of his dreams and secrets to you in the still, dark room but you don't hear them, having fallen sound asleep, comforted by the sound of his voice as it acts like your own personal lullaby.
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hretoprvdthepltnx · 1 year
would you please write an ineffable husbands fic where they cook together (at Azeriphale's request of course)? It can regard or disregard season 2. Just please make it fluffy and cute
3 O'clock Breakfast
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Ineffable Husbands x daughter-son!reader
Summary: Y/n stayed up late to finish the novel they were reading, and it ended sadder than they expected. Seeking out comfort in their Mother-Father, Aziraphale - a fellow book enthusiast, they didn't except him to insist upon a family Smile, Love breakfast at 3am. Their other parent isn't entirely pleased.
Content: hurt/comfort, reader is written as a teenager (can be older or younger but a teen nonetheless), tears over fiction are valid tears, Aziraphale is a sweetheart, Crowley is sour about having to get out of bed, the reader is Crowley and Aziraphale's biological child - don't ask me how that works, just sweet things with an ethereal family,
Rating: 14+ || 1.5k+ words
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Their eyes burned with exhaustion and the salt of tears. Five minutes ago, they could barely stay awake - but it was only a couple more pages and they couldn't stop there, not with what was happening in the story. Now the book sat, upside down and offending, on the nightstand by their bed. The tears wouldn't stop, it was a numb sort of cry. They should have seen this coming. Everything was leading up to it they had just hoped...but no. They wanted their parents - someone they could rant to who would share in their grieving. They wanted Aziraphale. He was the one who recommended the stupid book to begin with. But they weren't mad, not really, just grieving and tired.
Sliding out of bed, they made the trek from their room to their parents' down the hall. They paused at the door to wipe their eyes and clear their airway with a sniffle, then gently pushed it open. "Are you guys awake?" They asked, feeling fresh tears block up in their throat at being so close to their parents. Why did it have to work that way? One second you think you've got yourself under control and then your parent speaks or shows up and suddenly you're crying again. The bedside lamp switched on and Aziraphale sat up, Crowley grumbling unintelligibly and rubbing at his slitted yellow eyes. "Darling? Is everything alright?"
They made their way to his side of the bed and Aziraphale opened his arms to welcome them into his freely offered comfort. Their tears were now back in full, and they wrapped themself around the softness of their Mother-Father with the need to be held. Crowley sat up and exchanged a look with his husband. "Love, are you alright?" he asked, his voice thick with sleep. "I-I fin-finished it." They sobbed into the collar of Aziraphale's shirt, and he made a sound of understanding, nodding. "The novel I lent you? Did you enjoy it? I do believe the ending was quite sad, I was rather dewy eyed over it as well."
"Wait, all this is about a book?" Aziraphale shot Crowley a look of warning. "I do believe it is. A rather emotional story, wasn't it love?" Their child mumbled something in to Aziraphale's shirt that might have been 'yes' or perhaps 'fuck you'. Crowley couldn't believe he'd been pulled out of what might have been a dream, or perhaps a memory, either way it involved Freddie Mercury, just for this. Why would anyone ever want to read if this was the result? "Do you want to sleep with us tonight, darling?" Crowley asked, flopping back down with his head on his pillow. He looked at the clock, the red lettering projected an offensive 3:07AM.
Y/n sat up and wiped their eyes, then laid their head back down on Aziraphale's shoulder, looking out. He rubbed their back soothingly, always so empathetic. "I don't think I can sleep right now." Aziraphale hummed, an upturned chipper to roll the sound from his throat. "Well," he said, a breathless excitement and loving smile that cast one identically on to the tear puffed face of his child. His little world right there, teary eyed and oh-so lovable, in his warm and inviting lap. "Why don't we go downstairs, and I make us a pot of tea? Perhaps some breakfast?" Crowley groaned and threw his arms up over his face in exhausted exasperation - both husband and his child ignored him. "Can we make pancakes? With toppings?"
Aziraphale smiled. "Why, of course! Anything you'd like! And we can all make it together!" Crowley sat up, glaring. "Woah, hold on. All of us? I never said anything about breakfast, I don't even like breakfast." Aziraphale guided y/n to stand up and then he followed suit, standing at the base of his side of the bed and glaring back at his husband while their child waited in the doorway, amused. "Well, Crowley, not everything is about you. Our child wants pancakes, now get up and come help us make them." Crowley and Aziraphale exchanged a long look, each silently daring the other to act against them. Finally, Aziraphale grabbed the bottom of the duvet and yanked it off the bed, sending pillows and sheets flying to the floor. Crowley yelled out in protest; y/n stood laughing in the doorway. He glared at them; they glared back playfully.
Aziraphale wacked Crowley gently on the foot. "Up." He demanded with an accusatory pointing of fingers. Crowley groaned in the most dramatic fashion and threw his legs over the side of the bed to stand up, cursing Aziraphale under his breath all the while. His husband and child didn't wait for him as they headed down the stairs to the kitchen. "So, what will it be? Chai? Chamomile? Earl Grey?" Y/n took a seat at the bar while Aziraphale hunted for the kettle. "Which ones do we still have?"
"Umm, let's see," Aziraphale set the kettle down on stove and searched the pantry for tea bags. "I can only find Chamomile. Will that be alright, my love? Would you prefer I made us some hot cocoa?" He waved the box of chocolate powder in the air, and y/n found themself fantasizing about tiny marshmallows. "Let's do hot cocoa." Aziraphale beamed and practically skipped his way back to the kettle. "I was hoping you'd pick that one." It was then that Crowley decided to make an appearance, now fully dressed. "Dad," they said, and he stopped in the middle of the walkway, looking at them with a raised brow. "We are planning to go to bed after this, you do know that, right?"
Crowley walked over to his kid, swaying in the way that Aziraphale and y/n often teased him for, and placed a kiss to the top of their head. "You might be, but I'm not." They looked at him with furrowed brows and confusion so obvious he could practically hear their question in his head. It was like looking into a mirror sometimes, looking at his kid - only they were every bit the angel their Mother-Father was. It was a shame, a damn shame. "Awe, it's too late for that now, sugar. I'm already awake." The clinking of mugs brought their attention back to Aziraphale, and Crowley took the seat next to y/n. "Ah, here we are!" the angel announced, setting two steaming mugs down in front of his little family. Y/n beamed at the little marshmallows sloshing against the walls of the cup, yellow eyes gleaming with delight.
Aziraphale retrieved his mug and lifted it for a toast, Crowley and y/n followed suit. "To the fascination that is human literature." Y/n echoed his toast and Crowley mumbled something about ridiculousness, they all took a sip of their cocoa, hissing as it burnt each of their tongues. "Perhaps we should have waited." Aziraphale commented, making a face at y/n who laughed and agreed. "Perhaps we should have all stayed in bed while we still had the chance."
"Yes, maybe we should have left you there," y/n teased, exchanging slitted glares with their parent. "But then you would have missed the pancakes." Crowley leaned back in his seat and rolled his eyes. "I don't even like pancakes." Aziraphale had started grabbing ingredients out of the pantry, y/n and Crowley got up to help. "How could you possibly know that? You've never even tried them." While Crowley grumbled pointless excuses, Aziraphale handed him the flour and the salt. Y/n grabbed the wet ingredients from the fridge. "Yes, yes, you don't care for human food," Aziraphale waved him off, setting an armful of ingredients on to the cabinet and nearly knocking over his hot cocoa. As soon as his arms were free, he picked up the mug and took a sip, y/n following suit. "However, these pancakes are special pancakes."
"Oh, really?" Aziraphale hummed, exchanging glances with his kid. He sent them a playful wink. "Yes, very special. Because we'll be making them as a family, Crowley. Isn't that nice?" The expectant look on his child's and husband's faces were one in the same. Crowley hated the way he never stood a chance against them. "Ugh, fine," He fought back a smile at the hugs that engulfed him immediately after he caved. "But only if the two of you will stop pestering me." Y/n and Aziraphale exchanged a grin and a nod, "Deal." they said in unison. Crowley leaned against the counter as y/n got out mixing bowls and Aziraphale began measuring ingredients, and he sipped his cocoa. It's going to be a long night, he thought and then, despite himself, he smiled. If this is what love does to a demon, it was pathetic. Yet he couldn't help but to allow it to warm him from the inside out. He was going soft.
"Hey, dad?" y/n asked, looking up at him bashfully. "I can't reach the mixer." Crowley sighed, putting emphasis in to an exasperation he didn't feel, and set down his mug. "I got it." Aziraphale looked up from his carton of eggs and smiled at the pair, his little family. Crowley pretended not to notice, and he purposefully ignored the smiles his loved ones sent each other - not so sneakily - behind his back. It would be a long night, indeed, having to keep up pretending he wasn't enjoying it. He wasn't, not really. Well...perhaps just a little.
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|| masterlist ||
story by hretoprvdthepltnx©
Ineffable Husbands/Good Omens copyrighted by Neil Gaiman©
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yellowbunnydreams · 2 months
Masquerade (Part 2) (William Afton x F! Reader)
@ruh--roh-raggy .
Credit to; saradika-graphics for the page dividers.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Want more or something different? *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Want some ambience whilst you read?
CW: Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), Female Reader, Meet-cute! William in a suit, sunshine dad energy Henry, William is older than reader, kissing a stranger(?), flirty banter, light mention of murder, soft!dom Will, predator/prey metaphors
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The encounter with the man had left you shaken, but the taste of fruit and alcohol on your tongue only served to remind you of how intense those silver eyes looked as he stared into your very soul. The sweetness on his breath, the subtle creak of leather gloves as he wrapped those large but somehow dexterous fingers around your wrist. The feeling of the warm leather stroking up the delicate and all too thin skin there.
But soon everybody started making their way over to the middle of the floor, leaving room in the middle as you looked over curiously, not moving from your little spot by the bar and too afraid that you could bump into the handsome, flirty stranger once again.
"Are you not going to see the performance, miss?" The bartender asked, making you turn your head as you carefully adjusted your mask to make sure it was still in place. Tipping your head to one side curiously before glancing back towards where people were gathering.
"Performance?" You somehow managed to pull enough of your thoughts together that you recalled the man had mentioned a performance, along with who seemed to be a friend of his before the two of you had met. Part of you hoped it was, the part that felt like that frightened little rabbit under his intensity didn't.
"Yes. Some of the donors are performing to help promote their newest innovations, I don't know how they got it approved, but it's supposed to revolutionise the entertainment industry." He shrugged, giving you a smile "But some people are sceptical. Especially since they requested that nobody go near the creations with drinks."
Something about the conversation you had overhead earlier stuck in your head, buzzing about annoyingly but never quite coming to you. Shaking your head, you headed over after placing your now empty glass down, feeling the pleasant burn and buzz running through you as you carefully picked through the masked crowd and to the front. Not that anybody seemed to be paying you attention.
Not when there was two giant golden animals stood in the middle of them all.
They weren't true animals though, you could see that much. They were rather anthropomorphic, one resembling a golden coloured bear with a purple top-hat and matching bow-tie, cartoonish big pale brown eyes and blocky foam teeth that made it look more like something from a children's show you might have seen once upon a time. The yellow rabbit by it's side however, made your heart skip slightly as you found it staring directly at you, head cocked to one side slightly like it was regarding you. The green eyes looked almost half-asleep, one ear flopped forwards cutely with a little purple bow-tie affixed to the neck, or rather just under the head.
A glass tinkled lightly, turning your attention there as you realised that the music had stopped, leaving room for the feminine voice that spoke to enunciate clearly and project to the large gathering.
"Thank you for attending everybody," it was the woman in the red dress from earlier, perhaps they were a troupe of performers? You could see her mask more clearly now, and how it was a careful construction of golden roses and leaves, placing the empty glass she had used to gather their attention onto a passing tray, noticing a shine on her hand that you assumed was a wedding ring of some form. "It is our pleasure to debut Freddy's newest innovations in Children's Entertainment, in honour of this year's chosen charity."
There were pleased murmurs from the crowd and a few glasses raised to toast, but you could also see a few people turning to each other and whispering like they had their own doubts. The name 'Freddy's' rang a bell, but it was lost in the back of your mind somewhere, faintly ringing as you simply looked on in awe.
"These suits combine the latest in robotics technology, developed in house, and combined with the life-like realism of suit-performers! The Springlock Suits! I'm sure there are a few faces that remember Fredbear's Family Diner, and the Fazbear-Family decided that they would like to revive those characters into these new iterations." It made you smile, that this seemed to be a company of some form that hadn't abandoned it's characters, but rather chosen to breathe new life into them. Your ear however, caught some discontented tutting behind you.
"What a death trap!"
"Yeah, they're really bringing those things back after that kid got murdered outside of Fredbear's?"
"I heard that an employee was killed inside the first versions of those things."
Surely it was gossip, just rumours that people liked to get riled up about without any basis. The drone of the woman talking about the technical specifications without giving away trade secrets and what it would mean for the local business filtering through without you really paying attention it. But the thought of those silver eyes lingering on yours, the closeness of his breath to your face as he stole your cherry, lingering over the words that had slipped out moments before from the both of you.
'Maybe it's you who's in disguise then.'
Your thoughts were quickly snapped back to the performance as a large golden hand appeared in front of you, palm held up expectantly, your eyes tracing up the blocky but rounded shapes of the multi-part suit. Landing on those sleepy green eyes, the robotic parts clicking as the eyelids slid forwards in a blink. Hearing the faint hiss and crackle of static behind the voice that came from a voice box you couldn't see, although being this close you could hear that chillingly low baritone beneath it.
"May I have this dance, Miss Bunny?"
You paused for a moment, before your much smaller hand slipped into his, and you followed the yellow rabbit.
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The orchestra started up again in a dark and whimsical version of what sounded like a waltz, the yellow rabbit seizing your smaller hand in his and the other wrapping around your waist. Squeezing you tightly against it's velveteen body whilst you tried not to step on the over-sized feet with your heels, not wanting to trip up the man inside as he began to gracefully move in time with the music. A quick glance around saw the golden bear moving amongst the crowd and gesticulating like it was showing off other features, but only you and the rabbit were dancing in amongst a crowd of other people who decided to join the soiree.
He moved with a shocking amount of grace and precision for both his natural size and the seven feet tall suit, hearing the tiny click and whirr of mechanics inside as the head blinked blindly down at you, over shadowing you as you caught a tiny glimpse of perhaps a salt and pepper beard through the darkness of the teeth. Up close, he still had that smoky, tart fruit smell about him, spiced cologne and the articulate fingers tightened on your hand as he spun and whirled you like he had done it a thousand times before.
"Such a pretty little thing." The dual voice crackled quietly, making you jump slightly as you snapped out of your focus on the flashes of skin inside the suit and the spinning lights all around, yelping and then laughing as he spun you out of his grip before pulling you back in, your shoulder hurting from the sudden snapping motions it had been forced through in the delicate twirl.
"Everything looks small compared to that suit, Mr. Rabbit." Heart racing inside your chest, you felt his grip tightening on you once more as you thought you heard a quiet hum beneath the music around you.
"It does...but you look particularly delicious in that dress." It seemed nobody could hear the two of you, your own little slice of personal time with the stranger as you could feel that cold, yet somehow heated gaze on your mask, your eyes, the curve of your collarbones leading to the valley of your breasts. "I could eat you alive."
"Do you want to?"
"More than anything, bunny. It's been a while since I felt anything like this....That burning desire to consume, to hold onto and burn us both out or keep the blaze roaring."
"You speak like an old man." You teased, earning a low growl from within the suit that was tactfully disguised as a cough as some onlookers glanced sideways at the pair of you. Your head was spinning, from the proximity or the whirling waltz you had been pulled into, you weren't quite sure.
"I speak my mind, little bunny. Tonight is not a night for patience or for holding back." Baritone mixed with the lighter notes of the character voice forcing a weird attraction to build in your head as he gripped onto your waist with what felt like bruising force, making you wince for a moment before gasping, heart pounding harder in your chest.
"Then don't, Mr. Rabbit...What's stopping you?"
You had a sudden view of the ornate plaster moulding on the ceiling, along with the glittering chandelier before the yellow rabbit put his head back into your view. Feeling his strong hand supporting your back as the music swelled to it's final act, unsure where the notes ended and your pulse began as your lips parted unsurely, taking shaking breaths before you saw the grin in the darkness of the teeth behind, licking over his own teeth and giving that low growl again as he gripped onto you.
"What's stopping me, is witnesses, Miss Bunny. I don't fucking share, particularly when it's something I really want." The tone of his words made the hair on the back of your neck stand up on end as even though you couldn't see his eyes, you could hear the feralness seeping through into his voice, feeling him slowly drag you back to your feet. The clapping of the audience you had garnered meeting your ears finally as you realised that the dance was already over. Watching the yellow rabbit bow as you curtseyed as best as you could on unsteady legs, watching the suit head tilt up slightly and tilt to one side before he brushed past you towards his collegue, whispering as he once again left you.
"Meet me in the butterfly study in an hour. You don't want to be late for a very important date, do you, Miss Bunny?"
Glancing at the clock at the end of the hall, his touch lingered against your skin at least mentally whilst you tried to catch your breath. Listening to the congratulatory conversation around you and feeling a few hands shaking yours, congratulations on your performance.
You heard none of it however, watching the second hand ticking by already as you wondered what awaited you in an hour. And you couldn't help but feel like you had been caught in an elaborate spider's web of fantasy whilst your hands trembled and you felt as if you couldn't move for fear of breaking the spell that the yellow rabbit had cast upon you.
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