#Friendship: Elf-Dad
raayllum · 8 days
Why is Clauderry together / why is Terry with Claudia?
This is a question I've seen posed more than a few times in the fandom, of people feeling confused with why Claudia is with Terry (despite her dislike of elves) and more so why Terry is with Claudia despite her being a walking collection of red flags. This has, admittedly, always questions I felt the show answered quite well and obviously, but if it's still being probed, then... why not?
Let's talk about it.
Why is Claudia with Terry?
The only prior examples we have with Claudia having any kind of romantic connection is with Callum, which never came to fruition; I've also gone on record saying myself that the show made it clear Callum's feelings for Claudia were a lot stronger than whatever, if any, she held for him. However, in her interactions with Callum even just as a friend, we can see what she appreciates in her free time. For starters, we see that Claudia enjoys being a goofball:
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We see that a shared sense of humour is something that Claudia cares about, as one of the only compliments she gives to Callum is "You always make me laugh" and "That was very confident Callum" as he was able to go with the flow while asserting himself.
Words of affirmation is also something she clearly enjoys. Appreciation, acknowledgement, and gratitude are very important to her.
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(Side note: This is also part of why she spirals into "I did all THIS FOR YOU" on the beach in a "You owe me your life" kind of way, because she was prepared and sacrificed and saved you, and doesn't that deserve acknowledgement? Doesn't that mean getting what she wants? What she's owed? But I digress.)
We also see early fracturing in Callum not trusting her (1x03, 2x03), a subsequent breakdown in honest communication on both sides, and that Claudia reads Callum as being judgemental of her dark magic use, which is also something that frustrates her about Soren:
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(Part of this is because Claudia has gone from seeing dark magic as just an amazing beautiful tool to a terrible but necessary one, so necessary that it overrules any other reservations... because she's attached to seeing herself as a Good Person—"But I'm not evil, it's me"—but again, I digress.)
Conversely, Terry has all of those things in spades. He admires and relies upon her dark magic use, he's someone she can be reciprocally goofy with, he's extremely attentive and loyal (and loyalty/devotion is something that is also extremely important to her), and perhaps most importantly, he's helpful and non-judgemental.
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Terry also explains that one of the things Claudia likes about him is his smarts / creative thinking ("Goofy and glorious, just like you" / "You saved the day Ter-Bear") and his thoughtfulness:
Claudia says I think too much about everything, and that makes me weird, and wonderful, so...
This makes sense as Claudia values being prepared in her own day-to-day life curtesy of being a dark mage, and that Soren's tendency to being impatient when they were growing up together (lying about Harrow without consulting her, picking the fight with the dragon, etc) was something that got on her nerves.
As for the Elf 'elephant' in the room... Claudia also doesn't have an issue trusting Aaravos for one simple reason: he's helping her save her dad.
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Even while she's warning Soren against trusting or forming friendships with other elves and dragons because they might "take advantage" of him and be fake friends, she can't see that's precisely what Aaravos is doing to her. In a similar vein, Terry also believes in her (as he says directly in 4x09) and is helping her save her father, so why would she have a problem with him even if he's an elf?
That doesn't mean there aren't problems in Claudia's worldview, or that exceptionalizing people is a Good thing to do, particularly to your partner, but it's a clearly defined and realistic cognitive dissonance. Claudia has moved past seeing all elves as Bad™ to "these ones are good" because they're helping her, and not getting in her way, and that's all she really personally cares about.
However, I think most people can understand why Claudia's with Terry, given how sweet and routinely supportive she is. The bigger thornier question then is the opposite. So let's talk about that too.
Why is Terry with Claudia?
One of the most common things people say when it comes to Terry and Claudia is that they wish we could see how they met (and presumably whether that initial attraction was there from the start or how it developed). This usually leans into an underpinning idea (and I could be wrong) that seeing their beginning would help indicate why Terry fell for her (and thereby why he stays). And I would definitely be interested in how they met, and am open to seeing it, whether in a show, graphic novel, or novelization mention.
That said, I think the show has also answered these accordingly. In a lot of ways, there's really only two reasons why Terry is with Claudia as she is in arc 2:
1) He doesn't have an Issue with dark magic.
He admires Claudia's use of it ("And your daughter's amazing, she brought you back from the dead, wow!"), is open and receptive to using it ("Dark magic has a tingly aftertaste, nobody ever tells you that"), and doesn't see anything fundamentally wrong with it ("Should I give up dark magic? Terry, tell me what to do" "Claudia, I can't"). On the one hand, this makes sense; there are spell ingredients of dark magic that aren't that different from hunting and given that Terry grew up near the Drakeriders, I'd find it hard to believe if the Drake riders don't hunt and eat meat, so even if Terry's village didn't, he was at least somewhat close to societies that did.
That doesn't mean he has zero reservations about dark magic ("I've seen you do some awful things, dark magic things" / "Are you mixing the pentapus ink with your own blood?") but that to him, it's not any different from how Claudia thinks about it. She also thinks she's done terrible things in the name of saving her father:
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But I'm not evil. It's me. You know me.
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I had to do things... [starts crying] I never imagined I would be able to do. (4x01)
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This is also how Terry copes with murdering Ibis, citing "I had to, I couldn't let him hurt you," "and he was going to take Claudia's life, I had no choice," and "I'm going to be strong enough to do whatever I need to do and still have feelings." To Terry what matters most is exactly what he says in 4x09: why are you doing these things? Are they actually necessary?
Terry loves Claudia (and Viren by extension) above anything else. Everything he does is for them, good or bad. That devotional loyalty is something that Claudia also lives by, and is arguably her and Terry's biggest shared life value.
Doing terrible things is okay if it's in the name of love, and if it's not, then you shouldn't do them. This is why when he talks about his grief/guilt with Ibis, Terry always scaffolds it alongside the reason why he did it.
This is also why Terry steps in exclusively when what Claudia is doing is unnecessary. She didn't need to trick Rayla in order to get away. She doesn't need to kill the dragon ("It won't follow us anymore, it's trapped") as it's already helpless. They're actions without good reasons, which is also why Terry distrusts Aaravos, because he realizes:
Maybe this story started out as a story of love, but along the way it got twisted. [...] He isn't doing anything for love. He's doing it out of revenge.
So long as Claudia is doing things out of love, Terry will stick by her. And if she stops doing it out of love, then she stops being the Claudia he knows.
Which, I'll also note, is fundamentally different from the Claudia that everyone else knows, because
2) He didn't know Claudia beforehand.
Terry doesn't know Claudia as a semi sheltered girl growing up in the palace who did dark magic solely for fun, nor how most of her close personal relationships (Soren, Callum, Ezran) got destroyed in the span of 3ish weeks. He only knows Claudia who uses dark magic (seemingly) 90% out of complete necessity for flight, safety, and bringing her father back. He seemingly doesn't really know how Soren and Claudia had their falling out, nor does he have any real clue who Callum or Ezran are.
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Because Claudia was his only way to know these things rather than knowing multiple people involved, or even living through experiences, Terry would've gotten sparse details or the version that is how Claudia experienced them, and he has no reason to doubt her.
To be clear, I'm not saying that their set up is perfect or that their relationships is perfectly healthy. It's not. Claudia's singular control over how Terry knows the experiences of her life when we as an audience know it's very different is an issue, but is not that dissimilar from when you meet / date new people to begin with (i.e. was their ex really that bad, or were they the problem is sometimes something that can only be known in time). Terry's passivity and mirrored worldview helps enable Claudia's even when she's being destructive to herself and others, and her treating Terry as an exception for his people is also not good in the long run. Clauderry walks this line of being incredibly sweet and uncomfortable, and I think that's one of the things that makes it interesting and with spades of tragedy, particularly going into S7. Terry may not yet have a deep seated issue with dark magic (which enables Claudia but also frees her up to grow on her own terms), but it is the reason they may be torn apart in the future for a time.
I do think they'll find their way back together eventually (even if they'll always be Divorced Eventually in my head). To me, it's clear why they love each other, and while TDP could say that's not enough (and I think that'd be a very interesting valid route to take), I don't think that they will. This scene exists, after all:
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not sure if you’ve done this one before but if this one interests you, how about Adaine and Fabian friendship headcanons?
god the rich elf kids are so fun and insane to me
When Adaine moves in with Jawbone, Fabian starts asking Cathilda to pack him two lunches. He always gives the extra to Adaine, silently, at her locker before school starts. He knows she’d be fine with school food, much more than he would, but that she’d probably prefer the nicer food. She’s always so touched by it. They never talk about it.
Fabian hates doing homework. Fighters don’t get a lot of it, but he almost never does it. In not doing it, he’s coming close to needing summer school (that plus prison time isn’t great for the GPA). Adaine notices first, and gets Riz to start a study group with her so they can get their friends to not fail out of school. Shenanigans ensue. Fabian doesn’t do a lot of homework, but does enough that he’s out of the danger zone.
After Adaine kills her dad, Fabian makes sure she knows he’s there if she needs to talk to someone who did something similar. He knows it’s not the same. But that he’s the closest to it. She doesn’t fully take him up on it, but she spends more time with him after spring break than she did before. Because something about his presence reassures her.
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tanoraqui · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: Some Much-Needed Downtime TBH
ok I kinda read these species-swap chapters quickly without commenting 2 nights ago bc I REALLY wanted to catch up to the show, and honestly I didn't have much to say? It was a fun showcase of some different species talents, and introduced multiple fun problems for the characters to solve [takes notes in DM]. But it didn't seem to move either plot or characters forward much. Some notes:
Honestly it's surprising that there's only been 1 count of food poisoning so far, when they're trying SO MANY new things. One must credit Senshi's cooking skills!
This might be the single funniest joke so far:
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I've seen multiple posts saying Senshi's elfsona reveals him to be feminine by dwarf standards, and I'm genuinely BAFFLED by that take because it is SO obvious that Senshi's elfsona reveals him to be 1. the Hottest Man You Have Ever Met, and 2. HAIRY. We have seen 0 other elves with facial hair. I dug up that showcase of different elves and 0 of them have facial hair. In the Tolkienien lore from which all modern fantasy, or certainly this sort of fantasy, is derived, exactly 2 elves in the history of the world are said to have had facial hair. Elf!Senshi has a tiny little moustache. Elf!Senshi isn't feminine, he is the HOTTEST, HAIRIEST bear in the metaphorical gay club.
...it's possible that he's more of a himbo than we realize, though.
I don't know what's up with Kensuke and I AM worried that it's being directed by the demon. I want it to be Laios's friend so bad...
It occurs to me that "the winged lion is actually the demon at the root of all of this" is probably the biggest spoiler I've gotten, and I didn't even realize how huge a spoiler it was because I DIDN'T get spoilered for the fact that, so far as the characters know, the lion is supposed to be a helpful god. Don't play with spoilers, kids! Even if you want to read the juicy meta!
This initial fight with the gargoyles is probably my new second-favorite "Laios is really quickly analytical and problem-solving in combat" moment (the living armor fight is still #1). He sees how everyone is failing, prevents more problems as he can, realizes they can't win and puts together what pieces they need to get out. In group social dynamics, he's a mediocre leader at best, but he's a superb combat tactician.
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Laios is just living in his own little after-school special, and I love him for that.
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That first panel is definitely support for the theory that the 50-60yr life expectancy of "short-lived" races like tallmen, orcs, kobolds and halffeet is shorter than it should be, relative to their ages of maturity, because the long-lived races control and hold most of the resources. It's even possible that their ages of maturity SHOULD be even older, but social conditions force them to become "adults" at a younger developmental age than dwarves, gnomes and especially elves!
Panel 3 is Marcille mentally shoving Chilchuck higher on her list of Lives to Extend by Whatever Magic I Can Learn.
I love how the way they figure out that the mushrooms' effects are easily reversible is literally by thinking through the greater social worldbuilding implications of the effects.
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^This is the single most Dad we've ever seen Chilchuck...topped only by that 'carry child like a football' a moment later. Actually, he yeets Marcille a LOT while tall - here, over the jump in the travel montage, with Laios to make a loop for the gargoyle...which I'm dead certain is an indication of how he physically treated his daughters. Those kids got casually, affectionately tossed like salad.
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...okay maybe I did have several thoughts about those 2 chapters.
"[Falin] was much tougher than I was. I hear she and our parents still write to each other" is SUCH a line for painting a picture of Laios and Falin's childhoods, and Laios's feelings on it.
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you can keep your Kabru Wink(TM)s, I am weak only for the Laios Fond Little Smile(TM).
I love how Senshi is still musing on this soul = egg metaphor, and I LOVE how both times now that we've seen Laios genuinely lose his temper, it's because someone was saying "why are you just being excited about eating monsters when Falin is in danger?!", and he's snapping because he is fucking NOT dismissing his sister in favor of eating monsters, he is doing EVERYTHING IN HIS POWER to save her and it just so happens that the only plans with a smidgen of success involve leaning into eating monsters. And by trying to stop him from that, you're stopping him from saving Falin.
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Laios, how tf do you remember the Wink? I'm 99% sure Kabru never once winked in your interactions; I WAS looking for it. Was he just exuding wink energy? (I mean...yes.)
The dramatic irony jokes in this chapter are on POINT. Chilchuck: "There's no way this thing still works" [tram door slams shut on his heels, cars immediately starts moving]. "You won't find a military company in the dungeon" [smash cut to Shuro, Namari and Kabru unhappily leading the Canaries into the dungeon]. Impeccable.
Stopping this one here in preparation for going nuts about implied elf-related worldbuilding in the next chapters!
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bonuscatart · 6 months
Things I know about Dungeon Meshi via Tumblr osmosis
Dwarf guy, halfling guy, blond knight dude, elf lady, and catgirl are a group of adventurers in a dungeon (called Meshi?) I thought there were two elves, but I think there's actually just one?
Dying in the Dungeon Maybe-Meshi kinda works like Minecraft, AKA no permanent deaths. There's a bunch of monsters that will kill you. There might be other dungeons, but we only really see this one
Dwarf guy, Senshi, is good at cooking stuff. The anime sometimes blows his skirt up for some reason. Idk if the manga also does that. His beard metaphorically slays, and he doesn't take off his helmet. I'm starting to wonder if that's his head/horns
Halfling guy, Chilchuck, is this universe's version of a hobbit. I think he has something to do with traps. Halflings get kinda babied by other races, which Chillchuck objects to. He is a dad with daughters. He's a union member and knows workers rights for realsies. I haven't heard audio of DM, so I'm guessing he either sounds like a middle schooler or a 40-year-old man
Blond knight dude, Laos, Latois, uhhh *checks post* Laois, is a nerd with Kenergy. One time he sang a secret song back to sirens perfectly, and it weirded the sirens out. He likes to eat monsters. He would probably eat roadkill (not judging)
Elf lady, *checks post again* Marcille, is kinda like Éowyn or Galadriel from Lord of the Rings? She's good at magic. She can make cool soap. I think her hair is magic? One time she ran bloody fingers through her hair to do dark magic, which was Plot Significant
Catgirl, Izutsumi (yes I had to check the post for spelling), does? cat stuff? She likes to sleep on top of people for warmth, like a cat. She's sometimes drawn like a silly cat in the manga. I don't really know much about her, sorry
I have no idea who the main villains are. They locked the protagonists up, but the gang got out with the power of friendship and being confusing
Honestly, if there's people exploring a dungeon, why would you not expect them to know how to pick locks? I think it was kinda dumb for the villains to try that. Idk, maybe there's a good track record for Dungeon in a Dungeon™
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lai-mar · 5 months
I think. For me L+M is another example of a male+female pairing that seems a little too straightforward to ship in canon and hence some fans view it as “boring” and “low hanging fruit”, and as a result the ship is less popular despite having canon crumbs that you can interpret in a shippy way. So the ship being low hanging fruit turns around? In canon they have a strong friendship and lots of moments, and that’s what I like them as, friends (and they are canonically friends). Shipping these “straightforward straight pairings” can be a bit squicky (because I tend to think they are more interesting nonromantically) but it turns out in the end I will blatantly blaze through my squicks because I am desperate for content. And also because shippers actually care about them and their bond.
However, for these pairings people SOMEHOW usually impose a familial interpretation (siblings, in-laws) even though they are not related in canon either by blood or marriage. It’s more acceptable in DM because F/M certainly gets a lot of crumbs but it also kinda makes me salty to see people reduce L+M to being in laws only, like their only connection is through Falin, and that is just plain wrong. I have seen so many male+female pairings that get stuck in the fanon “sibling-coded” area and it’s like… guys it’s okay to not like them as a ship and not make them siblings. Guys. Not every kind of love has to be romantic or familial. I think sibling coding is fun and all that but sometimes it does feel like a “gotcha! I totally do not ship them because they’re like SIBLINGS to me and if you ship them you’re WEIRD”.
L+M would still be funny if it’s the fanon “lesbian elf teams up with her gf’s autistic brother and they squabble but work together to save the day” but canon L+M just drives me crazy because they obviously develop a bond outside of the other people they love, and they’ve basically known each other for two years only which is short even for a tallman lifespan, let alone Marcille’s. Actually I think what really gets me about L+M is that every time they get a moment that can be interpreted as shippy (eg. succubus, M wearing the dress in the Golden Country, even M knitting in the room with L in the Kensuke extra just like her mom used to do with her dad), there might be a few blushes and nervousness, but they quickly return to the status quo of being comfortable and physically affectionate with each other. Which you can interpret them as not seeing each other romantically, in deep denial, or they’re just so comfortable with each other that they don’t need to define their relationship, they just are.
Tbh the widespread DM fanon did mislead me a bunch, I thought we would get obvious F/M shipping or even confirmation after the bath scene but nope. I thought L+M would kinda stay the way they were pre Ep 11 and have a fun back and forth bit noooo they had to go and save each other and learn about each other’s deepest desires. I was shocked that they weren’t being discussed on such a widespread level considering how much screentime and importance they both get. Saw someone say “the romance between F/M is the catalyst and main plot driver” and I want to bang my head against the wall. DM has ship crumbs for a ton of ships but nothing has ever been confirmed canon and I’m happier because of it and it’s fun to explore.
I would say L+M needs better PR but honestly just read the manga, it does all the PR lmao. I can forgive anime onlies but if you read the manga you surely cannot ignore the elephant in the room.
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Headcanon that somehow Finrod is Elrond’s most legally legitimate relative besides Galadriel, Celebrian, and his children (Aragorn excluded).
• Whenever Finrod had a Good Friendship with a Beorian they would make him a godfather of their kid(s).
• Beren is legally Finrod’s godchild (along with several other beorians).
• Then Luthien and Beren decided to honor Finrod by making him the godfather of their kid, Dior.
• By some divine humor, Dior adds Finrod to the legal family registry as his uncle or something.
• Elwing keeps the family registry as it is because if her dad claimed this “Finrod ‘Nóm’ Felagund” is family, it must be true.
• The argument can be made that Elwing left her kids, sure, but whatever anyone’s opinion about Elwing is, Finrod is still legally e&e’s grand-uncle/great-grandfather
Now for the other side!
• Finrod is Idril’s honorary uncle and legal guardian if her parents die. Because Turgon in Valinor never thought death would be a thing and he wanted to annoy his siblings.
• Idril makes Finrod Earendil’s Honorary Grand-Uncle and Legal Guardian, to keep the joke going in an increasingly stressful world.
• Eärendil doesn’t know the joke but the paperwork says Finrod Felagund is his family, and they’re both blonde so it’s probably true.
• Eärendil makes sure to put Finrod in the family registry after Gondolin has fallen and he is all grown up. Gil-Galad squints, but doesn’t question The Dreaded Finwean Family Tree™️.
• Eärendil does not think to communicate Grand-Uncle Finrod to Elwing.
• Elwing does not think to talk to Eärendil about Grand-Uncle Finrod.
And finally
• By his marriage to Celebrian, Elrond is legally Finrod’s nephew-in-law.
• By his feanorian kidnap-adoption, Elrond is Finrod’s second half-cousin.
• Once in Valinor; Elrond has to read all this paperwork and go through the slow realization of “Finrod, again.” As the sunshine elf continues to pop up Everywhere in his family tree both biological and adoptive.
Of course, there are other people that Elrond is also ridiculously related to but, the idea of Finrod “That Friendly Guy” Felagund somehow being Elrond’s most Legally-Binding relative is great.
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choccy-zefirka · 6 months
We previously had a whole Discourse Session about x reader fic on this blog, but I just saw this in visual form on my dashboard (Blorbo hugging/kissing a greyed-out silhouette instead of the artist's OC), and I am back to thinking how being expected to insert my OC into the author-prepared slot is not my thing (and makes me a bit sad, actually) because... all my OCs fall for their love interest, even if it's the same person, for different reasons.
Isk and Wyll are childhood friends who keep being torn apart by circumstances but inevitably find each other. Mariposa and Wyll are gender-swapped Beauty and the Beast; he is the radiant guiding light that inspires her to rise above her Dark Urge. Wilhelm is a classic sad dad, so his partners Wyll and Karlach help him find joy and whimsy in life again. Or, for example, Alyrr stirs Halsin's heart because she is kind to him, while Cinder falls for Halsin because he is kind to *her*; same goes for Niamh and Zevlor vs Dee and Zevlor.
Likewise, in other fandoms, Azelma Cadash and Blackwall initially despise each other because she thinks he's a boring straight-laced fuddy duddy, and he thinks she's a spoiled princess luxuriating in her father's crime spoils and wearing a Stop Being Poor T-shirt, but as their friendship progresses, each discovers that the other is a more nuanced person than their first impressions might suggest. While Naali Adaar teams up with him as Protector of the Small, and Adiba Adaar turns his head with her incredible Nerd Powers (Nana Lavellan is somewhere at the intersection of that, because she is both a nerd and a professional babysitter in her clan). Thraer Aeducan bonds with Morrigan like a golden retriever excitedly following her around; and Revas Mahariel sits across the room from her like they are a cat and she is also a cat, slowly getting accustomed to each other. Nella Amell gets to Zevran with her sweetness and faith in people, and Zevran gets to Brianna Cousland with his roguish charms, even as she appears to have hidden herself behind a wall of ice and grief.
Alisa Shepard is a neurotic perfectionist, Natalie Shepard is an enthusiastic, confident space adventurer; Garrus loves each of them. And in my newest obsession, Cyberpunk, my current rough and tough but secretly artistic street kid V is going to employ different tactics when convincing Takemura to ditch Arasaka through the power of love (shhh, let me have my headcanon) compared to a hyper-stressed, disillusioned corpo V and a happy-go-lucky nomad V I also have planned. And so on and so on and so on.
Can all these different love stories truly be expressed through x reader fics? Even if x reader is mostly focused on smut, I am not sure how much maneuvering you can do while leaving it generic. Again, going back to my own OCs, Arryn Lavellan, a hot-headed 20-something Dalish First, is a virgin who pretends to be sexually experienced to win Respect Points, and then learns the lesson that he did not have to do that; while Elgara Lavellan, a Circle mage and ex-Tranquil, is also a virgin due to her life circumstances, and her lesson is that there's no shame in having a "first time" after 40. Cinder the Tav is a half-Orc, half-Tiefling, used to being fetishized by intimate partners because of her appearance, so she gets her mind blown when Halsin worships her body as a great gift of nature. Laulu the Tav is a half-Orc, half-Halfling, a humble farm girl with dreams of someone who will love her for her, not her glamorous elf bard persona (courtesy of Disguise Self), so she gets *her* mind blown when Gale takes her, the real her, on a journey through the stars. But Amaya, a full Halfling this time, is a vengeful paladin who used to be married to an evil wizard that entrapped her in illusions of love and bliss in order to manipulate her to do his bidding, so she opts for the humble tryst in the woods, blowing *Gale's* mind this time as he realizes that he can be wanted for more than his magic. So for all of them, even smut will flow differently.
Some anons I got argued that inserting your OC into a love story focused on a canon character is too self-centered; you have to give other people a chance to imagine *their* OCs in this blank spot! And I guess it works for some people (a lot of people, in fact), but I would rather write stories and make art about specific OCs and read stories and admire art with *your* specific OCs and all the endless ways they can kiss that Blorbo.
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celestialjellii · 4 months
Insomnia is kicking my ass, so I wanna just word vomit about Marcille, and just Dungeon Meshi as a whole.
Spoilers for the Dungeon Meshi manga, and trigger warning for mentions of Suicide.
I find myself relating to Marcille in a lot of different ways. One of these way is her relationship with her dad. Ask any of my friends and they'll confirm that my dad was one of the most important people in my life. I lost him in 2020 to cancer; I got genuinely so emotional when I saw Marcille reminiscing about her dad to the others. And how she wishes she got more time with him
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These kind of stories always seem to rewonate with me because I feel like my dad was taken from me too soon as well. Marcille's facial expression in the bottom panels is an expression I'm all too familiar with making. When talking about my dad (especially with people who never got the chance to meet him) its always really bittersweet. Its great because I'm able to talk about the greatest man I've ever known, but painful too because I know I'll never be able to talk to him again, be able to cry in his shoulders, be able to turn to him for help. And it hurts.
Theres also how Marcille views death inregards to herself, and her loved ones.
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This part made me genuinely cry because, in a way, I know how it feels. While its not necessarily in regards to death (I have had some harsh deaths in my life, like my dad's passing, and two friends of mine taking their own lifes) I do know how painful it can be to say goodbye to people, which is how Kui expresses Marcille's fear of death in Dunmeshi. With Marcille's long life she's going to likely outlive everyone she loves and thus have to say goodbye to them. I also have had to say goodbye to people I didn't want to: be it because of death, ending a toxic friendship,or other reasons. I also just love this part because you can see how badly everything that transpired in that chapter affected her, after bringing everyone back her first instinct was to chew them all out for being so reckless, but when ahe finally verbalizes what had happened her emotions catch her, and all she can do is fall back against the wall and begin crying.
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I also just love how immediate Laios and Senshi is to comfort, and apologize to her, as well as promising that they won't put her through that again.
I remember I was texting my friend Terra and we were joking about Marcille being my favourite because she's a "silly gay elf" but my love for Marcille can be summed up with "I came for the silly gay elf mage, but I stayed for the beautifully written character who struggles with issues that I frequently find myself struggling with.
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Additionally I just love how Laios and the others talk Marcille downfrom the edge after she's become the master of the dungeon, it reminds me of all the times my friends have talked me down from my own edge (I love you guys 💖)
Marcille's sexuality is another thing I resonate with. I know that Kui never explicitly states anything, but as a queer person I had a hard time reading Marcille and Falin's relationship as anyother other than romantic, like, we've all seen horny Marcille's "whoa hey!" reaction to Chimera Falin tearing her own shirt off (honestly such a valid reaction from her), but the part that really got me was how tender and loving Marcille is with Falin after she's been resurrected.
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My sexuality is something I've been struggling with a lot recently. A little over a year ago my boyfriend of nearly 8 years left me, and up until recently I was identifying as bisexual. However within the past few months I've found myself caring less and less for sex, and a strong desire for the roamntic aspects of a relationship, specifically with women. So seeing Marcille look at Falin with such adoration really resonated with me; I just really love their relationship.
This series is just so amazing, and it resonated with me in so many different ways from everything I've mentioned in this post about Marcille, to things like how Laios is such an amazing allegory for living with autism, to how Senshi has helped myself get a better, healthier relationship with food. Itw just an amazing series and easily in my top 5 anime/mangas.
That is all, I'm gonna try to get some sleep now, here have a dancing Marcille as thanks for reading.
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imfromthemiddlekingdom · 11 months
There’s been a persistent headcanon I cannot get rid of in my head. There’s been many contradictory statements on when Finwë and Indis got married and how old Feanor was when they did. We know Feanor married young and I don’t imagine Nerdanel and him wasted anytime to get going making babies unless Feanors fear of childbirth got to him due to his mothers death. But if we consider that elf’s are said to have other kids when the first child is grown or as close to it as possible and Nolofinwë was the second child of Finwë and Indis, there’s a chance that Maedhros is older or at least the same age as Nolofinwë. This means that at least four of Feanors kids are older than their aunt and uncles and the rest may be older than all their cousins added together. I’m just thinking of the dynamics between cousins if the Feanorians are that much older than them. We know Maedhros was close to Fingon in Valinor, Curufin and Celegorm was said to be close to both Aredhel and their Arafinwean cousins, it makes for an interesting dynamic if all of them were older than them.
If Maedhros was born around the same time as Fingons father their dynamic is all the more interesting. And since Celegorm is the third eldest he might be around Arafinwes age if this headcanon holds true, and that makes his friendship with both Nolofinwes daughter and the sons of Arafinwe all the more interesting. Although the most interesting may just be Caranthirs beef with elves younger than his younger brothers. Imagine a grown Caranthir glowering at 50 year old Aegnor or Angrod.
If Meadhros was born before Nolofinwë then his father name Nelyafinwë would be less of a pointed jab towards his uncle and more of Feanor reaffirming his own line of succession, but that could mean that Indis named Nolofinwë “high chieftain” in retaliation but I don’t want to think of her as that much of a petty person no matter how interesting that line of character development may be. Or if Nōlo was a bit older than Maedhros I can definitely see Feanor being that stupendously petty and aiming to hurt his new born infant brother who’s the same size as his son.
I think an AU where all seven of Feanors sons are closer in age to their aunts and uncles than their cousins would be really interesting, especially since we know how much each sons friendship with their cousins meant to them and vice versa inspite of the betrayal as Losgar and the First kinslaying. Even after the first kinslaying Celegorm and Curufin fled to Finrod and was welcomed and was the vanguard needed for Orodreth to escape, we know that even after the sons of Feanor condemned the entire host of Nolofinwë to cross the grinding ice Aredhel still went to visit them first after escaping her guards when she fled gondolin. I think it would be much more interesting if they instead were their fathers age then there’s cuz it really does show how fucked elven aging is compared to our understanding of how we age and age differences.
Also I think it would be hilarious for caranthir to have beef with babies ngl. I think it’s hilarious he’d want to throw hands with golden haired toddlers when he’s the same age as their dad.
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sotwk · 4 months
Hey i found your page by accident and i can definitely say that it was one of the best accidents i have ever had, because i love thranduil and his fans...but i like the book version of him more, but still Lee did a great job to make this charecter alive in my opinion.
Now imagine what Thranduil might have felt when he heard that his only son went into suicidal mission to save the world...
I have seen many hcs and memes Elrond telling him this and Thranduil going apeshit and all protecfive dad mode because of his green leaf. Poor Elrond!
By the way your blog is amazing and as a writer i am telling you that your fics are good as well!
Stay healthy and well!💕
What a happy accident that you found my blog, and I'm so glad to have you here, and that you like what you see! <3
It's funny that you mention that popular headcanon regarding Thranduil's reaction to Legolas's joining the Fellowship, under Elrond's watch. In the SotWK AU, Thranduil and Elrond do have a strong bond of friendship, which developed originally from Elrond's kinship with Elvenqueen Maereth. But there were certainly periods of time when the two elf-lords' relationship was challenged and strained; one major disagreement in particular, involving Thranduil's son Turhir, led to them not speaking at all for almost two centuries.
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So definitely, when Thranduil finds out that Elrond was once again involved in risking the life of his last remaining son, he was far from pleased. However, Thranduil is also greatly wise, and by then had learned to respect and trust in Legolas's judgement, regardless of how he felt about Elrond's hand in the matter. So his reaction to the news was probably not that extreme. Besides, by the time Legolas had gone off on his quest with the Fellowship, Thranduil had his own serious problems to deal with!
Thank you for your sweet message and for sharing your thoughts; I hope you are well too! :)
I apologize for the delay in this response; I want you to know I have been reading your message repeatedly since I've received it, and it has brought me so much joy. Thank you and bless you for your kindness!
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whenyoucallmelover · 1 year
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everything i read this month! ✷
august flew by as it seemingly always does, but i still managed to read a decent amount! no smut recs this month…sorry to all of you naughty lil readers hehe, i just didn’t really read much smut this month for once.
(just a lil heads up~ i read a few fics this month that contained some scenes/discussions that may be upsetting to some. i find a lot of catharsis in writing + reading stories that i can see myself in, but i know it’s more triggering than therapeutic for some people! so please, as always, read the author’s tags & warnings!)
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✷ under 10k words.
🍎 Ice, Ice, Baby, @beelou (1.1k) tags; tooth-rotting fluff, figure skater harry, pining, no smut
🍎 Hold On Tighter, @hellolovers13 (1.4k) tags; no romantic relationship, coming out, trans harry, angst and feels
🍎 A Beacon of Hope, @justanotherghostblr (2k) tags; girl direction, non-traditional a/b/o dynamics, insecurity, nesting, alpha/alpha
🍎 The Elf Who Saved Christmas, @ladyaj-13 (2k) tags; meet cute, christmas, mall elf harry, sweet big brother louis, fluff
🍎 listen to me, butterfly, wherewestood (2k) tags; a/b/o, alpha louis, omega harry, nesting, emotional hurt/comfort, established relationship
🍎 Take the Moment and Taste It, @hellolovers13 (4k) tags; strangers to lovers, first date, footballer louis, singer harry, fluff and smut, cheeky harry
🍎 Running Over Thoughts That Make My Feet Hurt, @enchantedlandcoffee (5k) tags; a/b/o, baker harry, little league coach louis, dad harry, omega drop, confessions, kid fic
🍎 The Scent Of Grapefruit, @red-pandaaa (5k) tags; fluff, no smut, demisexuality, coming out, established relationship, lots of cuddles
🍎 Sex Drunk Suckerpunch, @thinlinez/@gaygodlou (7k) tags; reverse sugar baby, sugar daddy harry, sugar baby louis, but! harry is louis’ baby, escort louis, fluff and smut, stubbornness, banter and humor, tw: brief mentions of death, age gap (25 & 39)
🍎 Your Secret's Safe With Me, @lightwoodsmagic (7k) tags; online friendship, secret identity, prince harry, friends to lovers, first kiss, fluff
🍎 In Shining Armour of Trackie and Trainers, @ladyaj-13 (9k) tags; bad dates, strangers to lovers, famous louis/non famous harry, fan harry, protective louis, tw: non-con elements (read end notes for more info!)
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✷ over 10k words.
🍎 Been Here All Along, @bravetemptation (10k) tags; college/university, american football, mascot harry, first kisses, mutual pining, quiet harry, jock louis, secret identity (...? kinda?), tw: panic attacks *absolutely adored this one! i found this to be a great representation of what social anxiety feels like to me and i really appreciated it! x
🍎 It's A Start, Anonymous (10k) tags; neighbors, angst and fluff, first meetings, hate to love (ok, hate is a strong word…annoyed neighbor-to-lovers?), protective louis, hurt/comfort, tw: past abuse
🍎 tread lightly on my ground, @lookslikefairytale (20k) tags; a/b/o, mpreg, miscommunication and misunderstandings, touch deprivation, omega drop, angst with a happy ending, mutual pining
🍎 (Gimme a Solution and) Watch Me Run With It, @lululawrence (21k) tags; famous harry/non famous louis, friends to lovers, sharing a bed, assistant louis, emotional hurt/comfort, lovely sweet caring louis, harry styles needs a hug, touring, tw: panic attacks
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✷ multi-part.
🍎 Take me, Take Mine, @likelarryfics (54k, 5/5) tags; a/b/o, boudoir photoshoots, photographer louis, slow burn, healing and recovery, angst with a hopeful ending, tw: discussions of past abuse *favorite of the month <3 
🍎 Just a Flower Boy, Larryruinedme (70k, 15/15) tags; highschool au, popular louis, openly gay harry, jealous louis, secret admirer, first time, discovering sexuality, tw: mentions of homophobia *a classic fic that i just read for the first time…a lil late to the party; love a cheesy old fic tho!
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don’t forget to leave a comment and kudos for the authors & reblog their fic posts! ・゚*。・
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wildissylupus · 8 months
I want to share what the dynamics of my BG3 party with my character, since I've nearly finished ACT 1. I will probably do this at the end of every act cause I am so excited to see how all these dynamics develop.
(Slight Spoilers for BG3 ACT 1)
Medea - My Durge character, often goes with the diplomatic approach, she's charismatic and hides her urges well (except with Alfira but everyone thinks it the tadpole). I'll probably make a separate post going into detail, this is more just to give context
Shadowheart - Second person Medea met, saved her from the Nautiloid, they both have an insane amount of trust in each other. Romance is also blooming between them. With Medea as the leader of the party, you could say that Shadowheart is her second in command. Medea is also getting a lot of bad vibes from what Shadowheart says about Shaar but is trying to be open minded while trying to subtly convince her that maybe she should leave and that what she's going through with Shaar isn't good. They also bond over their shared memory problems.
Astarion - Second person Medea met after the crash, pulled a knife on her when she went to help him, no blood was spilt though. After that they basically started bickering like siblings, Medea being the responsible one, Astarion being the bad influence, both of them chaotic. Also in my mind, since Medea is also an elf and has the same sleep schedule as Astarion, she was suspicious of him sneaking off at night. Though she didn't think he was a vampire, speaking of which, she will never not make fun of Astarion for trying to bit her even though she is literally the one other person who traces, meaning she was the worst person to bite from if he didn't want to get caught. Basically they act like siblings, also Medea has only heard the basics of who Cazador is and already wants to kill him.
Gale - Third person to join the party and the person Medea has the highest approval rating with. When she found out about Gale's condition she instantly sought out magical items that he could use, she was also very stunned when she found out about him a Mystra. Medea was never the studious type, even without a majority of her memories she knows she has a distaste for casting the magic wizards cast, however, casting that magic with Gale is different. She genuinely enjoyed it, and something tells her that he's the best teacher she's ever had. Honestly, even though this is act 1, I didn't expect Gale and Medea to become so close or like each other so much.
Lae'zel - First person Medea met (cause that's how the game goes) and honestly when it comes to her urges, Lae'zel is the one she thinks will take her out if needed. She's even considering telling Lae'zel about the urges. They have a lot of respect for each other even if they disagree on sertain situations, and they probably want the tadpoles out of their head the same amount as at this point Medea thinks her urges could be influenced by the parasite, so she wants it out. Honestly compared to the others there isn't much to say, mostly because I play in character, which means I choose which characters join me based on how close my character is to them or how important they are to the mission lore wise. Their dynamic will probably change in act 2 though.
Wyll - Medea and Wyll have had a slow burn to their friendship, though there is trust between them, they haven't known each other long enough to form a distinct bond (though I am tempted to get them a sibling bond because of what Wyll said after she said they will get his dad back). However, Medea does feel guilty about Wyll's dad being captured, feeling as though she could have done something. It's been added to her ever growing mountain of guilt (at this point she's dealing with the urges, she's killed Alfira, and she's killed Mayrina's brothers), she's also determined to help Wyll get his father back. She has also made it her goal to see Wyll dance.
Karlach - Her and Medea have not interacted much (that will change in Act 2), but so far I think Karlach is on the fence on whether to trust my character or not, because she says a lot of fucked up shit she doesn't mean in order to manipulate her enemies and Karlach tends to take it at face value so she obviously disproves of what Medea is saying. I like to think the displeasure shows on her face and every time Medea looks back at Karlach and gives a look of "I'm not actually going to do it".
Halsin - Like Karlach they haven't interacted that much but that will change in Act 2. As for now though they like each other and Medea wants to get to know him more.
And that's it for now!! I'm really excited to see how the game progresses and how these dynamics develop.
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rainydayz-nstuff · 1 year
I have come back again! This time I wish to request a farmworld Finn where his s/o had been with him from his Ice Finn era up to Fiona and Cake. I also want to see another version but with Fiona. I wonder how they would interact.
Since I saw your other request I’ll make that one more Fiona based while this is Farm World Finn based. That way, we get the best of both worlds.
When you were a young teen you had a mother and father. You were an only child with a huge extended family.
You never really had many friends since you spent most of your time by the river with a journal, or around your farm with the family.
You knew of Finn who lived nearby at his own farm.
Your families were considered business rivals, but there was never any hatred between anyone.
You were just grabbing a pail of water when you were shot back by the blow of an explosion. Your barn collapsed and you still to this day don’t know what happened to your family.
But they were presumed to be dead after that chaos.
When you went towards the danger, you found Finn with a strange crown on. His eyes were wide and almost fully blue.
And Jake… something was off with him too.
Your witnessed him freezing people and building up a structure using their ice blocked forms.
While whispering Jake snapped to your direction and Finn caught you.
Instead of being frozen, he instead trapped you in ice handcuffs, muttering things that your could barely make out. Things like “princess”, “home”, and “power”.
You blacked out at one point and when you awoke your saw two Finn’s and two Jake’s.
Even after you grew, you still think that part was a dream.
Finn grew weak, which chased the cuffs to melt where they could easily break.
You spent most of your time in the woods after that.
Years after that incident, you still stayed deep in the woods. Never talking to anyone, never seeing anyone.
That changed when you met a young girl who was barely a few years old. She had bright blonde hair and was adorable.
While holding her small hand you elf her out of the woods. Near the entrance you hear yelling, it was a grown man’s voice.
“Bonnie? Bonnie?!”
The little girl picked up her pace and she smiled with tears streaming down her face.
“Daddy!” She cried out before running to her dads arms.
He caught her before lifting her up. His mechanic arm turned into a weapon as he pointed at the edge where he saw another figure behind his daughter.
You were hesitant to step out, but his face… it was familiar.
“Finn? Finn Mertens?”
You stepped out of the woods and pulled back your hood. Finn stared at you in shock and horror.
He had tried to forget about you from his young age, still feeling guilty about what he had done all those years ago.
He stuttered your name before you stepped closer. He stepped back.
You smiled at him and he saw there was no hatred or resentment.
“It’s good to see you…” Your voice was quiet, but he could still hear it clearly.
After that night it sparked the friendship you once had before.
You moved in with him and his family, but the kids didn’t warm up right away, unlike Bonnie.
It was hard on all of them since their mom had just died.
But you wouldn’t replace her. You didn’t even think of Finn romantically… yet.
That all changed one day while you were helping his kids with cleaning the house. He saw how you interacted with them and it was… nice.
No worrying about them being alone, no thoughts of them growing without another parental figure.
He had taken you out to help with preparing the firewood when he suddenly wrapped his arms around you in a hug, your back pressed to his chest.
You leaned into the hug, your hand clasped over his. His chin rested on your shoulder while he sighed.
“… I’m sorry, for what I did.”
His words shocked you and you just leaned back more. “I never blamed you.” You whispered back.
After that day, you both started a slow and steady relationship.
The kids started to love you more and treated you as another parent to them. And you always mentioned their mother and how she would be proud of them.
You would never replace her and they knew and respected that.
One day you were watching the kids again when Finn entered with some ‘guests’.
One was an older man, a young woman, and a cat. But the cat was walking on its two legs.
Finn then walked over and put a piece of gum in the soup, the one his first wife had made the day she died.
You were stirring it up while Finn placed a kiss to the side of your head.
“This is Y/n, they’re my partner.” He introduced you. “Don’t mess with them.” He stated quickly before ordering his kids to set up the table.
You poured everyone their bowls of soup before sitting down with a smile.
Fiona, the young woman, looked at you in awe at how you could handle the whole house and kids with ease.
“Heh… you all should kiss.” Cake, the cat, muttered to Fiona.
The woman blushed deeply before you let out a laugh.
“Not the first time I’ve heard that.”
Yeah… Finn got jealous and protective of you whenever they spoke to you after that.
Hope this was okay! Probably could have done this differently.
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lume7 · 2 years
Bernard the Elf x Reader Part 2
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This is a continuation from this post -> https://at.tumblr.com/lume7/bernard-the-elf-x-reader/pa56xg380ez3
- After the events of the first movie you and Bernard became pen pals. The two of you wrote to each other on a weekly basis and a good friendship of sorts flourished.
- You and Charlie would go up to the North Pole every year in the two weeks leading up to Christmas after school would end and help out around the workshop.
- Sometimes your brother and you would also get to visit random times of the year in which there was a little downtime in the year’s Christmas preparations but those rarely happened.
- It was at one of these random visits throughout the year that the passage of time became apparent and that Bernard couldn’t deny you were no longer the short middle schooler he had first met five years ago. You had hit a growth spurt and was now only a few inches shorter than him. Yet, the most frightening part to Bernard was that distinct difference in the speed of your aging. While he still looked like an older teen just as he had five years ago you had caught up and he knew you would quickly pass him up in the aging process. Your life was quickly turning into another blink in his long life.
- That’s when Bernard’s random appearances into your everyday life began. Ballet performance? He’d be there with flowers and greet you after the show. Visiting a museum? Bernard fancied himself a trip to learn more to help make Christmas better even if it was completely unrelated.
- When that year’s Christmas visit came you were a senior in highschool and in the middle of applications, essays,  some acceptance letters and trying to figure out what you were going to do after graduation that upcoming spring. In those two weeks leading up to Christmas you had your head buried in all of that and holed up in your room at the North Pole than being out and about helping like you did in the years past.
- One late night Bernard brought you hot chocolate as an excuse to get you to stop working and spend some time with you. The pair of you went for a walk, ended up below some mistletoe and shared a quick little peck.
- After the peck Bernard immediately began apologizing but you grabbed him by his shirt and gave him another and much longer kiss.
- Fast forward to the Santa Clause 2; The pair of you are in an established relationship, you finished college and now live in the North Pole.
- A good combination of pure genetic luck and spending so much extra time at the North Pole through college has slowed down your aging exponentially. (Think like fae folklore, e.g. Niamh & Oisin) Since your permanent residence at the North Pole you are unable to leave the magical/fae parts of the world without risking everything. As long as you’re with Bernard and in the magical/fae parts of the world like the North Pole you can stay with him but the moment you choose to return to the human world all the time that has passed will immediately catch up with you.
- However, Bernard does not share this fact with you and merely redirected you every time the risk of you going back to the human world came.
- The fact that you no longer are in the human world greatly damaged your relationship with Charlie compared to how it was when he was younger. This added to Charlie’s behavioral issues and how he ended up on the naughty list.  
- Bernard and Curtis discovered the “Mrs Clause” and kept you in the dark about it too.
- Abby was nervous about delivering the news about Charlie being put on the naughty list. She confided in you about it, obviously you’re shocked but promised to help Abby deliver the news to your dad.
- After Abby gave your dad the hot cocoa, you told him the news about Charlie being on the naughty list. Curtis came in and was excited about the thought that the “Mrs Clause” had been shared and that’s when stuff started falling apart.
- Being caught in between the divorce for most of your childhood did not make you quite keen on the idea of your dad remarrying. The fact that Charlie had ended up on the naughty list made you feel guilty because old habits die hard and you still felt like you had to take care of him like you did when you were younger.
- The duplicate toy Santa was made and you did not like it. Toy Santa gave you the creeps but you went along with it because it was the only plan you guys had in such a short response time. Also, you thought you would not have to spend much time with the Toy Santa as you were planning on going back with your dad to see Charlie.
- You were ready to go back with your dad and that’s when the final bombshell was dropped. Bernard was forced to tell you that the moment you returned to the human world all the time that had passed would immediately catch up with you. You were furious because he had purposefully left you in the dark about this fact and you were never given the opportunity to make the decision if you wanted to stop aging for yourself.
- Your dad is able to convince you to stay back by saying that he needed you to help around the workshop, not make any rash decisions and promises that you would all figure it out later. He would have hated to see you throw away something and someone that has made you undeniably happy.
- Nevertheless, you were fuming. Bernard and Curtis needed help with teaching Toy Santa? Nope, they were on their own. You busied yourself with other places in the workshop.
- You did everything in your power to avoid Bernard the next few weeks. Bernard was coming near the wrapping station? You would finish the present and go help Abby with the food. Bernard was on lunch and getting food? You went to go brush the reindeer.
- You refused to talk to Bernard unless absolutely necessary which was painful for anyone in the near vicinity when those moments came.
- Then things started going downhill at the workshop. Since Curtis had put in some of your dad’s memories to the Toy Santa (like knowing where his desk was) Toy Santa was convinced that he was truly your dad. When you were helping some of the elves in wrapping Toy Santa had come, one thing led to another and you ended up snapping back at Toy Santa.
- Next thing you knew you were locked in your room, grounded, for being disrespectful towards your “dad” aka Toy Santa. “How could he, ‘Santa’, expect the kids of the world to behave if his own daughter wasn’t behaving?”
- This whole ordeal went unknown to Bernard as he assumed you had gotten better at avoiding him in the workshop. He only realized what happened when he got put on house arrest by the Toy Santa. Bernard is being escorted to the room next to yours (which is Charlie’s when he comes up to the North Pole) when he sees the toy soldiers guarding your door.
- After the toy soldiers have tied him to the chair and locked him in the room you opened up the secret little peep door that connected the two rooms. The little door was tiny enough for your arm to go through and to peek. Charlie and you had added the secret connection one year as a way to coordinate secret midnight snacks. The pair of you would take turns sneaking up various goodies but you never imagined it would be used in a situation like this.
- Bernard is oblivious to it, since the little door had been a secret between Charlie and yourself.  You end up balling up pieces of paper and tossing them at him to get his attention since the toy soldiers are still right outside the room. In hushed whispers you caught each other what had happened with the Toy Santa.
- The pair of you were about to start your escape plan when Charlie and Curtis came to the rescue.
- The attack on the toy soldiers began, snowballs, snowmobiles etc. At a point during the attack on toy soldiers, Bernard and yourself found yourselves fighting off the same one. In a flash the toy soldier turned its back to you and towards Bernard. In a panic, you pulled off your shoe, threw it at the toy soldier and distracted it enough for Bernard to give the final blow to the toy soldier. The pair of you laughed at the oddity of it, “Aren’t you supposed to throw a show at the rat king and not one of the toy soldiers?”
- Then you guys hugged for the first time since the beginning of the argument. “I missed you.” “I missed you too.” “This doesn’t mean I’m not still angry.” “I know.”
- You stopped avoiding Bernard, you both decided to enjoy Christmas and discuss everything after the holiday.
- Your dad married Carol and Christmas is saved. Yay!
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blakeblueboi · 2 years
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“You know we very well could get caught here. I don’t think your father would take kindly to finding an elf in his garden,” Jack’s voice whispered but despite his words they were light and teasing. 
“Noone will find us here, and dad’s too busy with retirement preparations,” Hiccup replied with a rough sigh. “And Astrid’s the only one that would come looking for me here. And besides--” he breathed and reached over to take Jack’s hand and ran his thumb over the elf’s three knuckles. The Startouch elf’s eyes flicked up to meet Hiccup’s and the diamond blue hue struck Hiccup like a bolt of lightning. 
Gods-- He’d never get over how stunning Jack’s eyes were. Or how his sparkling cheeks shone in the light of the sunset. How amazing Jack was couldn’t simply be put into words in a few seconds. Hiccup would need days and several books to write it all down and even then he wouldn’t have the precise and exact words to do so. 
They didn’t have much time here though. Hiccup had barely escaped his tower to meet Jack at the edge of the garden. 
“I missed you,” Hiccup told him with a gentle lopsided smile. 
Jack tipped his head with that dazzling smile of his. The one that was almost a smirk but not quite. The one that crinkled his eyes and pushed his brows together. 
“I missed you too.” 
A Dragon Prince Au where Hiccup is a human prince about the king and Jack is a Startouch elf. They’ve known each other for years now an kept their friendship and relationship a secret. 
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annab99awritersdream · 2 months
1 & 8 for the Eönwë Week ask game
Hi & thank you for the ask!
1. Happy headcanon about Eönwë
I'd say he's at his happiest when practicing with a sword and when (at least in my fic, The Lady of Ithilien) he practices with his children. He adores his boys and worships the ground his daughters walk on. I imagine him to be rather grim and depressed [I won't go into detail about it here, but let's just say the War of Wrath scarred him a lot], but when he's around his children he just oozes happiness. He just adores them and is a massive hugger when it comes to them. He'd spend all of his time hugging them if he could. He loves playing with his daughters' hair and also loves reading to them. He's a girl dad but also a major boy dad.
8. Favorite Eönwë platonic/friendship relationship
As far friendship goes, I'd say Mairon (throwback to Almaren days) and Olórin (current days).
It is my headcanon that Eönwë absolutely adored Mairon. They were equals and the fiery Maia was the brother he had chosen. He supported, trained and loved him from day 1. They were kindred spirits. When Mairon betrayed Aulë and left Almaren, Eönwë took it to heart. He locked himself in his room for days. He wouldn't eat or sleep. He just cried nonstop as he felt he had not done enough to save him. He blamed himself for Mairon's actions and his fall. It's something I'll address in my fic. It's basically a major trauma he never really recovered from. He tried to move on. He tried to move on so many times until he found out he really couldn't.
He loves Olórin to bits, but I think it's a different kind of relationship. Olórin encourages him to face his pain and to see Mairon/Sauron for who he really is. Eönwë refuses to believe Mairon has done what he has done and treats Mairon and Sauron as two separate entities. He often gets mad at Olórin but it's just because he's in denial and refuses to acknowledge the truth because of the pain that such horrid truth would bring along.
As far as platonic relationships, I'd say maybe Arien and some other Maiarin woman. In The Lady of Ithilien he has a relationship with a Telerin Elf-lady which is completely platonic at least on her part, I think. Said Elf-lady—her name is Elemmírë—died during the First Kinslaying (another major trauma for Bird-boy).
That's all! Thank you again for asking!
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