#Fritz Cola
allanodyne · 10 months
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Feed them another false hope
by AllanOdyne
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lorenzlund · 9 months
Ein anti-semitisches Flugblatt erstellen wir offenbar allein schon dadurch wenn wir als deutscher Dichter der Nachkriegszeit alte Songs von Reinhard Mey zur Gitarre vor Publikum singen wie: 'Über den Wolken'!
'Juden durch den Schornstein schicken' hatte ich selber übrigens so noch nie vor oder geplant! Diese Freiheit sich selber vielleicht auch zu nehmen sollte besser niemand tun! Freiheit, was sie ist oder was sie vielleicht noch sein kann, wuerde dabei von dem- oder derjenigen voellig missverstanden!
Anti- ser + mit.
ser (sp.) sein (dt.). Etw. noch besitzen oder haben, darueber weiter verfuegen.
per mit. permission. peer mit. das Mit ausspaehen (anderer). Die Ausspaehmission.
dauerhafte Aufenthaltsgenehmigung (als Passvermerk).
Auf einer Mission sich befinden.
The Best off!! 'Du bist mein bestes Stueck!' (You're simply the best!')
Aich'wanger wollte schlicht nicht auf dem Gelben Wagen vorne hocken bleiben mit dem Schwager neben sich und seiner Gelben Hippe, die uns den nahen Tod anzeigt! Und so sprang er auch von dort herunter! ('Ich wuerd' ja so gern noch ein Weilchen bleiben!')
ballern, bangen, schlagen gegen etw.
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Jesus mit bereits ueber 30 besaß er 12 juengere!
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der hyperaktive Alte. 'altes Fass' : ton (engl.)
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Der Blitzausloeser des neuen Handies von mir stellte sich heraus arbeitete stark zeitversetzt mit rund 3 - 5 Sekunden mehr. Inwischen hatte ich das Handy meist laengst wieder schon auf etwaige Hueft- und Beckenhoehe sinken lassen, als er ausloeste. Das aber bedeutete mit der Handy-Kamera zielten wir dabei jeweils gar nicht mehr auf das eigentliche und direkt vor uns sich befindliche Objekt, jenes von dem wir eigentlich vorhatten einen Schnappschuss zu machen. Der Schnappschuss er galt stattdessen wieder etwas gaenzlich anderen!
'Schickt uns eure Selfies aus dem letzten Urlaub und der Costa Brava zu! Und gewinnt 1000 Euro!'
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... und Rapsöl. '(Fr)ittenöl'. der Paps. Sein Hintern ('R). Raps.
Schnell greifen wir dabei zu sogar einmal den genau falschen Inhalten oder der falschen Flasche als Kauefer. Die Gefahr dass das irgendwann so vielleicht auch einem von uns dann passierte und wir beide Flaschen oder Behaelter miteinander verwechselten, oder dass andere das so statt unser taeten, sie waere jedenfalls keine ganz unwesentliche!
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Schweizer Schokolatier.
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Hot dogs und der leidenschaftliche Privat-Sammler. 'Inhalte verwechseln'. der Hundebesitzer. dt. Dogge und Dackel.
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'Politiker als Kunstmäzen' *moderne Kunst und Design
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0 notes
coffeenewstom · 1 year
Reblogged: Hat Espresso mehr Koffein als Filterkaffee?
Kaffee macht wach! Dafür sorgt das in ihm enthaltene Koffein, ein Alkaloid, das vor allem in Kaffeebohnen, Teeblättern und Kakaobohnen vorkommt. Alkaloide sind in der Natur vorkommende stickstoffhaltige Verbindungen, wie zum Beispiel auch Nikotin, die verschiedene Wirkung auf Menschen wie Tiere haben. Wie hoch die Konzentration von Koffein im fertigen Kaffee ist hängt von vielen Faktoren ab, wie…
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giornalepop · 2 years
Deprivato della Coca Cola in infanzia e prima giovinezza da genitori che la consideravano il male assoluto, in età adulta ne sono diventato un forte e convinto consumatore. Negli anni Sessanta e Settanta del Novecento, forse anche per via della provenienza americana contraria al clima politico corrente dell’epoca, la Coca Cola era concessa malvolentieri ai ragazzi, mentre in compenso passavano…
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theamericanpin-up · 9 months
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Fritz Willis - 1963 Royal Crown Cola Advertising Calendar
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cavidtrau098 · 19 days
did some drawings
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I love this podcast so much
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wolfman-al · 9 months
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Uploading the MANY pictures I took on my trip to Eurofurence 27 in Hamburg last week.
A huge Fritz-Kola display in a Supermarket. This cola brand is from Hamburg, so it is no suprise to see it everywhere.
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randyloth · 2 years
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RelaxMode #mischmasch #fritz #cola https://www.instagram.com/p/CiIfHSEtpW3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bzzlab · 2 years
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Fritz-spritz es una variedad de la «Pepsi Alemana » que es como yo le digo a la Fritz-Kola.
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bogdanklimowicz · 2 years
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FRITZ in WOODZ. . “J’vais a woodstock.” . Fritz-kola cola. . “J'ai te-frit le boze” . Drank… in Velp sometime in July, cola at WOODZ. . “rouler le boze” . Listened… to Oz by Biffty (2019). . “et fumer le boze.” . WOODZ, Bovenallee 1, Velp, Gelderland, Netherlands (Nederland). . . . . . #fritzinwoodz #fritzbarrel #barrel #oz #biffty @biffty93 #fritzcola #fritz #cola #carbonatedsoftdrink #carbonated #softdrink #drink #drinks #colddrink #outside #terrace #fritzkola #fritz @fritzkola #woods #woodz @woodz_beekhuizen #park #velpfood #velpdrink #bovenallee #gelderland #velp #nederland #netherlands #bogdanklimowicz #foodblogger . (at Woodz) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf-84glqFyr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fitzrove · 20 days
i want to study at a German university
i will spell color as Farbe and wear a puffer jacket when its +21 degrees celcius outside. i would watch Tatort on ARD all night while drinking Fritz Cola with my WG mates. i’ll have Döner every day that’s worth 5 euros. i would go to geile Partys every night. i am also more likely to meet vampires, Mark Seibert, tired municipal bureaucracy workers and Michael Kunze.
i wish i was german :(
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barelycarne · 6 days
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avocado-argula-fried egg on pumpernickel
been recording, that was my power up snack.
made a stew with that product. not satisfied with that yet.
been the night out: soda-citrus(piss), 1x fritz cola rose, 3x berliner luft.
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lorenzlund · 2 years
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Kate‘s spade & her garden. ‚Come into my garden‘. ‚Der Mörder war immer der Gärtner‘.
Theo Gärtner gehört selber auch den noch echten Cowboys vom Rhein an und ist von ihm! (Like a ...)
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rote kirschschorle. Georg Spitzname Schorsche.
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S.A./Bauhaus Bauhausstil: Sau + Haus + der Stil (der Sau). Stihlsägen. Guten und schlechten Stil haben.
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deadpresidents · 1 year
Is there anyone who could have given Reagan a bigger challenge than Walter Mondale did in 1984?
If John Glenn had just hired the right people and put together a better campaign strategy (and maybe had a bit more political charisma), he could have absolutely been able to give Ronald Reagan a run for his money in 1984.
Reagan's whole political identity was that he was the most All-Americany All-American that ever stepped foot on the political scene and that he was going to fight Communism and make America that shining city on a hill. Imagine if he had to run against John Fucking Glenn -- a fighter pilot in World War II and Korea who literally fought Communists in real combat. Oh, and then he was one of the Mercury Seven and just so happened to be the first American astronaut to ever orbit the Earth. John Glenn wasn't just an astronaut -- he was the image that people had in their heads when they thought about what an astronaut was. He's still the definition of astronaut to most Americans. He was also buddies with JFK and RFK and when he retired from NASA -- again, he was a fucking ASTRONAUT, in case I didn't make that clear -- instead of moving to Florida and going golfing, he became a U.S. Senator. Not only should John Glenn have been able to out-All-American Ronald Reagan, but he should have been able to make Reagan seem like Leonid Brezhnev. I mean, just picture Reagan trying to get cute in a debate and making some sort of joke and then Glenn saying, "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you correctly. My ears are still adjusting from when I was a fighter pilot who shot down three actual MiG-15s and then became a FUCKING ASTRONAUT WHO ORBITED THE EARTH."
But when Glenn did seek the Democratic nomination in 1984, he ran a really crappy campaign and somehow lost to Walter Mondale (who went on to lose 49 out of 50 states to Reagan in the general election). Glenn's campaign is one of the all-time missed opportunities. He was running for President just a few months after The Right Stuff came out and reminded Americans that Glenn was not only an astronaut but THE astronaut! His campaign should have held screenings of that movie in every early primary state and just had Glenn serving apple pie and Coca-Cola outside every theater while wearing his space suit and sitting in a fighter jet and reminding folks that Reagan's "combat" duties during World War II was making training films in Burbank.
I don't know who ran John Glenn's disastrous 1984 Presidential campaign, but it was political malpractice. Just answering this question makes me mad because it's so obvious that he was the PERFECT candidate to run against Ronald Reagan. HE WAS JOHN GLENN. He was such a legendary astronaut that, years later, when NASA wanted to send an old guy to space to study the effects of space flight on aging people, they sent him! He was almost 80 years old and passed the same physicals as young astronauts! How the hell did Glenn lose the Democratic nomination to Mondale? John Glenn lost to a guy named "Fritz"! I can't believe that John Glenn couldn't even beat the guy who got beat in 49 out of 50 states in 1984.
I can't believe how frustrated I am from answering this question and slowly realizing the sheer political malpractice of John Glenn's failed 1984 Presidential campaign.
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Serial Killers Last Meals 
Aileen Wuornos - She denied a formal last meal and opted for a regular prison meal of burger and snacks from the canteen instead. She then had a cup of coffee to top it off.
Ted Bundy - He declined to have one of the special last meals. So, he was served the "traditional" steak dinner, over-easy eggs, hash browns, toast, milk, coffee, juice, butter, and jelly. However, he did not eat any of it.
'The Freeway Killer' aka William Bonin - He had two pepperoni and sausage pizzas, three servings of chocolate ice cream, and three six-packs of Coca-Cola and Pepsi for his last meal.
John Wayne Gacy -  Before he was executed by lethal injection, he had a dozen deep-fried shrimp, a bucket of KFC original recipe chicken, fries, and a pound of strawberries as his last meal.
Oklahoma City Bomber aka Timothy McVeigh - He ordered two pints of mint chocolate chip ice cream and nothing else.
H.H. Holmes - He ordered boiled eggs, toast, and coffee.
1-95 Killer aka Gary Ray Bowles - For his final meal he had three cheeseburgers and a side of French fries.
Butcher of Hanover aka Fritz Haarmann - Had a cup of coffee and a cigar.
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The bracket is here! I had A Time fitting everything on one page, but it should embiggen so that all the names are legible. Thank you to everyone who submitted! I'll try to have the polls up soon.
Also, feel free to submit propaganda or images for any of the ships. By the nature of the bracket, it might be kinda hard to find stuff lmao.
The masterpost for the first tournament can be found here
Round 1a
Aaron Soto/Thomas Reyes vs. Mr. Mistoffelees/Rum Tum Tugger
Claude von Riegan/Flayn vs. Magic Brian/Brad Bradson
Kodiak Celius/Ambrose Cusk vs. Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill/Marco
Sam Lloyd/Evie O'Neill vs. Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs
Shang Qinghua/Noodle Guy vs. Dr. Alto Clef/Dr. Benjamin Kondraki
Jonathan Walsh/Ozzie Graham vs. Bart Curlish/Ken Adams
Blaze the Cat/Rouge the Bat vs. Grimlock/Starscream
Montrose/Ellis vs. John Doggett/Monica Reyes
Gwyneth/Huma Dragonbane/Magius vs. Luz Noceda/Hunter
Lulu/Yuna vs. Zachary Ezra Rawlins/Dorian
Vicki Appleby/Maureen Sampson vs. Todd Anderson/Charlie Dalton
Rosalina/Pauline vs. Tristan Taylor/Duke Devlin
Charlie Airstar/Tesla Magnets vs. Aone/Hinata
Haruto Keats/Theoto Rikka vs. Static Man/Nicholas Waters
Jeremy Fitzgerald/Fritz Smith (Not Michael Afton) vs. Breekon/Hope
Touko Kirigaya/Tsukushi Futaba/Mashiro Kurata vs. Death/Bunnymund
Round 1b
Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon vs. Liam Dunbar/Hayden Romero
Taissa Turner/Shauna Shipman vs. Milo/Piers
Kate Shadow/Emilyko vs. Jupiter/Neptune/Venus
Josh Levison/Sally Malik vs. Sasuke Uchiha/Suigetsu Hozuki
Frank Grunn/Harold Ivy vs. Kyo Sohma/Yuki Sohma
Haruhi Fujioka/Renge Houshakuji vs. Aleksander/Regina
Officer Lockstock/Officer Barrel vs. Mihashi/Tajima
Chad Cola/Deuu Dino vs. Dale Cooper/Harry Truman
Dee Eliade/Audrey Myers vs. Arthur Rimbaud/Paul Verlaine
Tsukuyo/Sacchan vs. Dark Mousy/Krad
Benjamin Deeds/Nathaniel Carver vs. C-53/Pleck Decksetter
Skeleteen/Ram Man II vs. Gundam Tanaka/Hajime Hinata
Kyoko/Ayaka vs. Char Aznable/Amuro Ray
Wocky Kitaki/Vera Misham vs. Robin/Demetrius
Norita Yuuji/Shiota Nagisa vs. Andrei Bolkonsky/Pierre Bezukhov
Terry McGinnis | Batman/Shaka Okoro | Stalker vs. Mina Murray Harker/Lucy Westenra
Round 2a
Mr. Mistoffelees/Rum Tum Tugger vs. Magic Brian/Brad Bradson
Ax/Marco vs. Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs
Shang Qinghua/Noodle Guy vs. Bart Curlish/Ken Adams
Blaze the Cat/Rouge the Bat vs. Montrose/Ellis
Gwyneth/Huma Dragonbane/Magius vs. Lulu/Yuna
Todd Anderson/Charlie Dalton vs. Rosalina/Pauline
Aone/Hinata vs. Static Man/Nicholas Waters
Breekon/Hope vs. Death/Bunnymund
Round 2b
Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon vs. Milo/Piers
Kate Shadow/Emilyko vs. Sasuke Uchiha/Suigetsu Hozuki
Kyo Sohma/Yuki Sohma vs. Haruhi Fujioka/Renge Houshakuji
Mihashi/Tajima vs. Dale Cooper/Harry Truman
Arthur Rimbaud/Paul Verlaine vs. Dark Mousy/Krad
Benjamin Deeds/Nathaniel Carver vs. Gundam Tanaka/Hajime Hinata
Char Aznable/Amuro Ray vs. Wocky Kitaki/Vera Misham
Norita Yuuji/Shiota Nagisa vs. Mina Murray Harker/Lucy Westenra
Round 3
Mr. Mistoffelees/Rum Tum Tugger vs Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs
Shang Qinghua/Noodle Guy vs. Blaze the Cat/Rouge the Bat
Lulu/Yuna vs. Rosalina/Pauline
Static Man/Nicholas Waters vs. Death/Bunnymund
Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon vs. Kate Shadow/Emilyko
Haruhi Fujioka/Renge Houshakuji vs. Mihashi/Tajima
Dark Mousy/Krad vs. Gundam Tanaka/Hajime Hinata
Char Aznable/Amuro Ray vs. Mina Murray Harker/Lucy Westenra
Round 4
Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs vs. Shang Qinghua/Noodle Guy
Rosalina/Pauline vs. Death/Bunnymund
Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon vs. Haruhi Fujioka/Renge Houshakuji
Gundam Tanaka/Hajime Hinata vs. Mina Murray Harker/Lucy Westenra
Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs vs. Rosalina/Pauline
Haruhi Fujioka/Renge Houshakuji vs. Mina Murray Harker/Lucy Westenra
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