#Future Strategies
techminsolutions · 8 months
Is Paytm Payments Bank in Trouble? Unraveling the RBI's Actions and Impact on Paytm's Future
Adapting to Change: Paytm’s Response and Future Strategies In response to the RBI’s intervention, Paytm is mobilizing efforts to navigate these challenging times. The company, known for its resilience, assures users that withdrawals are unaffected, offering a semblance of relief. Paytm, traditionally not heavily invested in direct lending, suggests it can manage the potential panic-driven…
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codacheetah · 4 months
Your Memory of Touch meta strategy is absolutely hilarious by the way.
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Gamer strats
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bravelyartbooking · 9 months
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Happy Year of the Dragon from Team Asano!
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timebones · 4 months
Love the dual imagery of the old woman. How she represents both the previous generations that dealt with Mad Jack the first time, and the current generation worrying what their future will be. Will the older version of me look on me kindly? Is that even the older version of me, does that person even survive? Or is it only the past, silently watching us walk into destruction?
The old woman appeared after the the circle was broken, yes, but also after Ruby became aware of her own mortality due to the Doctor’s slip of the tongue.
As a representation of the previous generations, the woman is distant and offputting. Not even the oldest folks in the pub are worried about Mad Jack anymore, and when Ruby tries to bring other people in, tries to let those now-dead generations speak, Ruby becomes the problem.
She’s left to embark on this (in retrospect) decades-long mission virtually alone, getting involved in politics, taking calls, holding coats, pulling every strategic lever available to her even if it means working for this terrible man. She has to, because she’s one of the few people who fully recognize the danger he poses.
And both the past and herself-from-the-future are watching.
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cherrytraveller · 11 months
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sorry that i've deprived you all of a wip preview, anyway; deity-fies your local bad future mystic magic nuke
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blackpilljesus · 1 year
Pls elaborate how Y works like rabies I need to know
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The `/ chromosome is a parasitic-like virus. It cant be "caught" per se but it operates similarly to rabies. It manifests itself as a host and seeks to reproduce itself to cause more terror. The end goal of the `/ chromosome is reproduction & destruction; this post will focus on the reproduction aspect. Once a part of it gets into another body the process begins all over again. Similar to how rabies gets into a new host to make it's way to the brain to spread.
I mention rabies particularly bc some symptoms rabies exudes makes it spread easily and difficult to combat. For example, fear of water (to reject being washed away), foaming at the mouth, nocturnal animals out in the day and appearing friendly to humans (when they otherwise wouldnt be), animals that are typically reserve attacking others, etc. The `/ chromosome takes a mutated form of human -well woman- & wants to reproduce itself through women. Anything that threatens its chances of reproduction is ruthlessly cut off.
Note the obsession moids have with wanting sons (and used to name sons after themselves) & how sons are typically born in cases of tragedies like rape? Y chromosome mutation. A big part of ♂️inflation occured as most women were raped multiple times & had no autonomy or way of fighting back so from these conditions more moids were born because I dont believe the gender ratio was ever meant to be 50/50 -consider that despite all the femicides, having to live in a maIe centric world, and son preferences, the overall gender ratio is roughly 50/50 give or take a few points.
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I saw this the other day, pregnancy is not the happy go lucky romanticised bs that women are indoctrinated into; their bodies are taken captive to reproduce on a biological level. The y chromosome is fighting to be reproduced and will take whatever it can -born or unborn- to do so. The womans genes are trying to fight back. I believe a big reason why sons are born from tragedy more often is because the womans body has already undergone stress so theres not enough energy to fight back the `/ chromosome invasion. Remember the sperm determines sex.
Genetics arent perfect however there's sometimes often outliers for example an xx is born despite the Ys effort. My 2 theories is either a mutation on the y chromosome part (causing it to be weaker) or the mothers body was strong enough to fight off the y chromosome. Now I'm no biologist or geneticist all of this is just rough speculation.
Also recommend reading trust your perception blog about the y chromosome.
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mollysunder · 3 months
I know Vi's depression and angst next season is serious, but I can't help thinking about how goth make-up would have her looking like a clown. Unfortunately, I might not be able to take Vi seriously in those scenes (or at least not serious enough) , because she's literally Boo Boo the Fool.
It's one thing to feel disconnected from your community when you've been gone for so long, and it's a whole other thing for the community see you openly run around with an enforcer. And even more for the community to see you run around with a Councilor and a SQUAD of enforcers to basically arrest factory workers, including children, and leave a bunch of bodies behind, including a kid. I'm sure their families would be pissed to see you in the street.
Obviously Vi's depression is real and she's in for a real battle with her demons. But if I see her drinking in the club with her clown (KISS) makeup my brain's going to make a sad trombone noise, whomp whomp whomp.
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retrocgads · 2 months
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UK 1998
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hey-scully-itsme · 8 months
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gogethelp123 · 2 months
McLaren fucked it up today, there’s no doubt about that. To give the driver in p2 preferential stops and then act shocked that the undercut that almost always works, worked, is insane. And with such an insane strategy blunder, they put themselves in a lose lose situation.
Oscars say back whilst Lando gets the preferred strategy on multiple occasions and never pushed it or questioned it. Maybe he would’ve asked to swap places back had McLaren never mentioned it, but it would seem out of character.
Let Lando win the race and they’d have tons of people calling them out for blatant favouritism and saying they robbed Oscar of his first win. Let Oscar win and you’ve got the current situation.
Oscar has shown immense consistency and incredible performance for a driver who’s only in his second season, the fact he is that close to Lando and is capable of winning races is a testament to his skill and talent. Don’t let McLaren’s mistakes distract from the incredible driving we witnessed from both of them today. Both drivers are Grand Prix winners, both drivers are capable of maximising points and if they continue like this there’s a genuine shot at the constructors, but maximising points relies on both drivers trusting each other and trusting the team around them.
McLaren fucked up, don’t use that to take away from the drivers.
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sunlitlemonade · 6 months
yes i'm a max girlie. yes i want him to win another championship. no i wouldn't mind it if charles won.
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videogamepolls · 2 months
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Requested by anon
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idalievu · 5 months
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haha what if i was your narrative foil and we were stuck in orbit around each other doomed to both mirror each other but also amplify each others worst qualities. what if i represented the future, invention, and technology and you represented the past, tradition, and stagnation yet despite our polar opposition we were still two sides of the same coin. what if you were always doomed to die as the past always has to make way for the future but i was doomed to live and sometimes thats worse. what if a piece of me will always exist in you and vice versa. . . and we were both boys
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expectsomuch · 21 days
Leaving it on the table.
A frustrating article about how both parties, but far more often Democrats, leave republicans running unopposed across the country.
The Democratic Party should funnel long-term resources in supporting candidates in all races in all states, even if the candidate wants to declare themselves as an Independent who caucus with Democrats. Make the republicans defend themselves and their terrible electoral decisions everywhere. Make sure more people hear a well-framed vision for what the left wants for the country.
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bluastro-yellow · 11 months
can we talk about the bullet in Steban's room? why is it there
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yourmentalhealthpal · 5 months
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When the weight of the world feels heavy, these reminders are your gentle nudge towards lightness. Take each one to heart and let them be your compass back to joy. 💖
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