sketchingstars03 · 6 months
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A rough sketch of Ink I drew to motivate me while in an artistic rut. I hope it can help you guys too <3
ink sans by @/comyet
(transcript of my handwriting under the cut)
Ink: “Hey creator. I know things are kinda rough for you right now, and that you aren’t where you wanna be. But it’s gonna be ok! You just need to get back in the swing of things. Just keep practicing.
I’m rooting for you, Pal.”
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islenthatur · 2 years
So first time doing one of these, thanks @dreamofbecoming
Rules: post the top 5 works you’re most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year!
Top 5 works:
1. Mark of a Lark - this is one of the first things I began to write for this fandom properly. I had others and OS’s but Mark of a Lark was my first proper foray into Geraskier. 2. Cygnet - this one was written under my other Penname, a twi/witcher fic... it bugged my brain so it was written! 3. A Leshen's Roar - Looki, okay.. this started off as a little tumblr ficlet and people were keen so i wrote this... who doesn’t love Leshen!Jaskier 4. Mark of a Lullaby - So this... who doesn’t love a haunting song. 5. Wylfen Herte- something different, Witcher!Jaskier... tried to go with mysterious and mystical but ended up with this.
Top 4 current wips:
1.     Mark of a Viper need to be finished, gah but writers block and so many other rabid plot bunnies are attacking me.
2.     Mark of a Witcher is in the works, I’ve written and re-written the first chapter so many times as to how it’ll go. Will it be like Mark of a Lark where Jaskier gifts his Witchers things or will it be a Witcher who gifts Jaskier a token of thanks? Who knows!?
3.     Unknown Title: I have a gift exchange that needs to be written but Gerskier is taking over my life.
4.     To be Titled: Thanks to @bamf-jaskier I have a Angst filled Witcher!Jask in blood origins. Same concept, where Jaskier gets sent back in time via singing the song of the Seven, the power to recreate them backfiring and instead of Fjall its Jaskier who turns except he’s more controlled and such. The Seven trains him after everything and the power Jaskier needs to be sent back is gone… he lives forwards, never aging and always longing for Geralt.
Top 3 biggest improvements:
1.     Honestly I don’t really have 3, just the one where I actually got stories out in over a year.
Top 2 resolutions:
1.     *shakes self* FINISH YOUR FICS!
Top 1 favourite line:
I have way too many… but I guess this can count as one: Vesemir’s Chapter in Mark of a Lark -  "Tell me, Julian, what would it be then? I have heard your songs sung far and wide, and have seen them change the minds of many a being. You may be cursed to be a human, but you still walk the Path, you face the stonings and the prejudices of man, yet you continue on." The old man explained. "I know the type of man you are, a good one, a brave one. You took what happened to you with a grace that would break any other man on the spot."
 Okay lets tag some @spilledbutter @0dde11eth @penandinkprincess
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Cheownwowbwown it hurts so good babe it hurts so good
God does Emmet move the stuff back after he accepts his kid’s “death”? Like, imagine coming home and finding out your own father did everything he could to forget you even existed in the first place
Man how badly that would hurt.
Gah! It’s such good angst!
Emmet and his Hisui’d!Child!Reader Angst
i legit think there’s two ways this could go after emmet accepts your “death.” 1) emmet moves some stuff back, but obviously not everything because he can’t replicate your presence again. he does enough where he can see your influence in important places like your home and his office, such as a few pictures and a small gift or two you gave him. 2) emmet focuses so much on his own recovery and healing that he never puts anything back up.
and remember, post-hisui, emmet’s child becomes more aggressive and hostile as explained here.
now…let’s examine scenario 2, shall we? >:)
(this takes place directly after the “If you recognize him” ending of the original post here. also pls forgive me, this has not been proofread :>)
wc: ~3.2k
Emmet doesn’t waste any time getting you home. Gear Station and storm be damned, you are the priority now.
It’s hard to say what happens next. The whole situation overpowers all of your senses such that time seems to speed up. Sights and sounds pass you by, gaps of information appearing one after the next.
Wait, what street was this again? I should know that at least. I don’t remember my usual order from that cafe even though I knew I had one…where is that Pokémon that lived in that home again? What type was it again? Fire? No, water maybe? Normal? My head hurts. The pressure here is so much different than it was in Hisu—no, it was Sinnoh now, wasn’t it? Oh. Everyone is dead, aren’t they? No number of photographs could’ve kept their physical forms around for this long…but what year was it again? How old am I? How do I get home from here? Nimbasa is so loud—
Your vision skips across the streets packed inch to inch with buildings, neon signs glowing strongly under the darkened sky. You feel a little scrambled. Emmet ushers you alongside him back towards your townhouse, hand never leaving your shoulders where he holds you close. Eelektross and Durant move alongside you both, Emmet commanding them to be on high alert.
Opening the front door, you and your father, soaked from the rain, rush inside. While you weren’t expecting anything in particular with your brain moving a million miles a minute, you could immediately tell that something here wasn’t…right.
On many cold nights did you lay on that small, uncomfortable futon in Jubilife Village and dream of this moment. You imagined the day you’d get to walk though this familiar door, brush your fingers along the frame and feel the wood vinyl flooring under your feet. You had been waiting for this moment for a long time.
There is supposed to be a coat rack right next to the entrance, the metal rod bent in the center from where you ran into it when you were six. Where did it go? The mat under your shoes is brown. It should be blue. The wall to your left looks far too empty, missing the large canvas print photo you took with Emmet and Ingo on their thirtieth birthday. The potted plants you take care of on the front windowsill are gone. Too many things are different.
The septic smell of a generic-scented cleaner hit your nose (Emmet doesn’t like the overpowering scents of any other brand). It mixes with the smell of rain outside. You feel uneasy. For a second, you thought that you would smell a familiar scent of wax and sap. But you don’t.
“It looks…different in here.”
Your voice comes out a little unsteady. It’s hard for you to keep your eyes from darting around everywhere. All you can seem to do is glance and gleam and stare at how foreign the entryway to your home feels. You’d count the changes on your fingers if you could but there are far too many to keep track of.
Not bothering to close the front door, you walk into the dining room. Your clothes cling to your skin like the rising dread clings to your heart. Emmet follows alongside you, hand resting in between your shoulder blades. He doesn’t want to lose his connection to you. Your father fears that if you leave his grasp that you’ll vanish into the night again.
Against the wall of the dining room is a tall glass cabinet full of important items: family heirlooms, rare collectibles, special dinnerware, childhood art sculptures, framed photos, and countless other things. It was a snapshot of your life with your father, nearly overflowing with possessions, brimming with character and untold stories.
Well, that’s what it should’ve looked like.
The cabinet, as it stands before you, is much more empty than normal. Fancy plates and cups stare back at you, and so do a few of your father’s special model trains. But, there is a lack of your projects from art class. The photo of your birth parents holding you as an infant is gone, too. That four-leaf clover you found when you were seven isn't displayed either. Neither is the white velvet box that held both of your birth parents' wedding rings. 
That’s…that’s not right. There is no way this was robbed, because the rare pearl and onyx encrusted brooch that Emmet’s grandmother gave him is still propped up right there. That was arguably the most valuable thing in this case in the first place. Besides, no thief would steal those childish sculptures you made in elementary school. Where…what happened? There is no way that the only things missing are…
You rush into the kitchen, and Emmet is quick to follow. The rain dripping off the both of you leaves puddles in your wake, droplets flickering with every movement you make. His gloved fingers grip onto your hand, pale hair sticking to his cheeks. Letting you go isn’t even a feasible thought that passes through his head.
Despite being gone for two and a half years, the memory of your home, this home, rings loudly in your head. It’s easy to remember what should be here and what isn’t. That’s why it doesn’t take you more than a second to realize that your favorite colored apron you keep hanging beside the fridge is gone.
Emmet’s silver eyes are trained on nothing but you. His thoughts don’t land on the fact that you’re wearing strange clothes, or the fact that you have an odd satchel wrapped around your waist, or the fact that there’s a few scars creeping around your open skin. Your father’s thoughts are on the fact that he can feel the pulse of your blood in his hand, that he can hear the soft murmurs of your voice, that he can see the rise and fall of your chest—it’s all proof that you’re alive.
“Papa, where’s all my stuff?”
Oh, so you caught on to that. It wasn’t hard to see the pattern in the things that are absent or different. Things you made or touched or altered are all different; everything that was yours or passed through your sphere of influence is gone. They’ve all been either erased or replaced. One of two extremes.
Never one to shy away from the truth in his words, Emmet tells you what you want to hear.
“It was hard for me to accept your absence. Thinking about you hurt me. I moved all of the things that reminded me of you. Yep. It was verrrrry hard without you here.”
Your stomach feels hot and heavy at his words. The water lingering on your skin almost sizzles from the fiery emotion filling you. You try to tug your hand out of Emmet’s grip lightly, but he unconsciously holds you tighter. He can’t let go of you. Not now, not ever again.
“...so you got rid of everything about me?” Your voice teeters on the sharp edge of confusion and betrayal. The wind howls outside, blowing through the home from the open front door.
For a second, it reminds you of a Zoroark’s haunting call in the tundras of the Alabaster Icelands. A phantom pain from the healed, but scarred, gashes on your back flare up, setting your heart on fire. It burns in the cavity of your chest, aching, pounding, screaming to escape.
“Yep. In my grief I tried to forget you. Removing your things was a part of that process,” Emmet says, plain as ever. His monotone is upsetting you. How fast did he get rid of your presence? “Ingo was not happy with me. Neither was Elesa. It was easier for me to move on this way. Yep, yes it was.”
You yank your hand out of your father’s grasp, as if simply touching him was burning you. One step, two steps, three—you stumble away from him. A gasp tears through the air from your throat, Emmet’s words pulling the breath from your chest. You blink, and suddenly your lungs are filled with rainwater.
You feel like a stranger in your own home. 
“You…you tried to get rid of me?!”
Emmet’s taken aback by your reaction. The absence of your hand in his ripples up his arm in harrowing shocks. Goosebumps rise along his skin. The image of you moving away from him leaves a familiar sensation in his gut. No, what are you doing? You can’t be leaving him again. He just got you back! You’re going to leave again. Gone gone gone gone—
“You were already gone!” Emmet says, voice getting a bit louder. Panic starts to ebb into his being because your eyes are staring at him like that—like he’s hurt you, like he’s betrayed you and left you to die. “You left me!”
A scoff leaves your lips, eyes going wide and expression snarling in incredulousness. Your hand reaches up and you grab at your scarf, fingers loosening the fabric. It feels suffocating. You’re going to drown in your own emotions.
The storm rages outside.
“You say that like I had a choice! As if it was my idea to be—no! Stop moving, what are you–?” You stagger back as Emmet comes closer to you. He tries to reach for you but you bat his hands away. “No! Don’t touch me!”
His knees shake, becoming unsteady on his feet. The weight of your words acts like gravity, pushing his body towards the earth. All he wants to do is be near you, hold you safe in his arms, confirm that you’ll be here tomorrow and the day after that and the next month and the following year and—no, he wants you to be here forever.
You let out a frustrated shout in a flash of rage, hands pulling at the roots of your hair. Angry tears spring in your eyes, but you don’t have half a calm mind to wipe them away before they fall.
“I should’ve known! Arceus above, I knew you would take the opportunity to get rid of me the second you got the chance!”
Emmet gaps at you. There’s no way you fully believe that, right? Every day you were together was spent full of support, honesty, freedom, adventure, and love.
He shakes his head vehemently.
“I am Emmet and I would never–” Emmet’s voice breaks halfway through his sentence. He can’t even speak because what you’re claiming is so far from the truth and it hurts him so bad that you would even think anything like that. “I am Emmet and I would never abandon you.”
Was he a bad father? How long have you felt like this? Did he not notice you had felt this way before your disappearance? Where had he gone wrong?
“Then what do you call this, Emmet,” you spit his name like poison, gesturing to the lack of you anywhere in the vicinity. “You said you tried to move on from me, tried to forget me. For the love of Arceus, you never wanted me in the first place, did you?” 
No, not like this. This isn’t how he imagined your return. You were both supposed to be happy! You both would laugh and cry and never let each other go. There would be endless smiles and the sun would shine bright and everything in the world would be right again. 
Emmet feels his chest contract, ribs curling in and crushing his organs. The air halts in his lungs and he can’t release his held breath. The world crashes in around him, tunneling his vision to where all he can see is your seething, hateful stare.
“It’s because I was never your real child, right? I was just some kid you were stuck with! You never loved me!”
You don’t believe a word you’re saying; you never did, never have, never will.
The words flash off your tongue before you know what you’re saying at all. They’re full of malice, collaring your anger to your flesh and strangling you with it. Every syllable you say is wrought with the outrage you feel. It’s like a crown of thorns, blood dripping into your eyes and blinding you with red red red.
The human nature to self-destruct grabs you by the throat and sets you alight. You brim with thoughts of tearing yourself to pieces and taking down everything around you in a fit of madness. Your words have no goal but to hurt. You are not revealing secrets or emotions long-kept, you are exploding in a ring of fire with only the desire to burn.
Emmet collects himself, standing ramrod straight. His expression twists into something frighteningly placid. He moves with heavy, burdensome motions, as if his bones are made of iron. Stiff, calm, and deliberate, Emmet approaches you with the purposefulness of a train barreling down its tracks. There is only ever one destination. You either reach your stop or crash into violent flames. 
You said what you said because you knew it would hurt him, and maybe Emmet realizes this. Maybe he knows you’re just lying through your teeth, that your words are just virulent falsehoods that you conjured up to protect yourself. Perhaps he can read your shaking hands and fearful eyes and see who you truly are underneath all of the walls you built. But you don’t care. You want to hurt him. You’ve been hurting for a long time.
Emmet is not smiling anymore.
“You’re wrong.”
He’s right. You know he’s right. For the love of Arceus, of course he’s right. There is nothing more debilitating than the truth staring at you dead in the face when all you wanted was to deny its existence in the first place.
If he wasn’t your dad it would hurt less. The feeling of banishment abandonment would be easier to overcome if Emmet was just some guy taking care of you, just some person you lived with. Someone actively trying to forget you would be less painful if they weren’t your dad. You tried to make it less painful to stomach, you really did. You thought that if you said all of these mean things that you could trick yourself into thinking that Emmet didn’t love you, that he wasn’t actually your father. But he is, and he loves you.
A sob rips through your chest like a slashing axe. Your knees hit the tile below you while your hands frantically pull your scarf off your neck. A bolt of lightning lights up the sky, thunder roaring while the windows are pelted with rain. The water is freezing. Waves high and low crash over you, relentlessly pushing you down below the surface. The Cobalt Coastlands give you no mercy. The weight of your lungs drag you do as you see an explosion of violet and ozone crackle through the sky. Basculegion isn’t going to get to you in time—
“NO! No no no, please please leave me alone,” you cry, tears and snot mixing down your face as you fiercely try to hide yourself in the corner of the kitchen.
In a panic, Emmet falls down to your side, gravity pulling him to you rather than the earth. His hands draw you into his chest. Gloved fingers brush over your hair and push your face into the crook of his neck; his other arm wraps around your shoulders securely. He tries to calm you down just like he did in the past.
Emmet’s held you like this hundreds of times and hushed your scattered thoughts just as many. You never liked to cry but Emmet was there when you did. This was a familiar position. It was familiar in the way flowers were familiar at a funeral—in the way that love finds a way to linger without words even when life is sad and sorrowful.
But you are a different person now, and this is not the past.
You start to squirm and shake and push and scream. This man, who told you to your face that he tried to forget you and throw your memory away, now tries to hold you like he’s holding the world. The person who you were supposed to trust more than anyone in the world banished abandoned you to make himself feel better. You feel disgusted, enraged, and hurt.
“I can’t—! Emmet, please, let me go! Oh my Arceus I can't…” Your voice shakes with every word as you try to move out of his grasp. “Please please please, Papa…Papa I can’t breathe. Please let me go, Papa, I can't—!”
Emmet feels his skin pressing into his ribs, pulling and tugging like a taut rubber band. The shock of adrenaline is so recognizable in his blood that he can taste it on the back of his teeth. His pupils blow wide, vision swimming at the edges. Emmet’s jaw opens and his words tumble back inside his throat. It feels as if every droplet of sanity has been siphoned from his body.
Your father notices the lack of your touch before he realizes what’s happening to him. Something is hovering above him, so large and encompassing that it consumes his entire vision. The presence sends waves of despair through his bone marrow and into his lungs, speeding up the pace of his heart to where the fibers nearly tear.
Dusknoir is a Pokémon of many talents, and Emmet knows that if he so much as lifts a finger in your direction that the Pokémon will not hesitate to separate his mind from his skeleton. Though, it’s not like Emmet can move anyway, because the ghost type’s abilities keep him frozen to the floor.
The more you cry the more enclosing the dread feels. Every time Emmet blinks he swears he can see the wispy edges of Dusknoir grow larger and larger, shadowy edges harvesting the essence from the raging storm outside. All you father can see is absence of anything in Dusknoir’s gaping maw on its stomach. Emmet wonders if your Pokémon will swallow him whole.
While he cannot see you directly, the image of you screaming at him to let you go and collapsing into a helix of grief and anguish suffocates the fear in his chest and replaces it with misery. 
Lying on the floor of his own kitchen, Emmet stares at the ceiling and begs to take it all back. He begs to whatever gods may be to take his heart and soul and let him become nothing. Let him dissolve into the storm. Let you never return to him in hopes to save your psyche from the shackles of agony he tied to you. Let him devolve into oblivion, as nihility would be better than whatever this is.
Because, despite being home for the first time in two and a half years, you feel the farthest from him you’ve ever been.
ayyyyyy angst my beloved. hope you're alright, strabby!! ily and thank you for being so patient with this <33
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demonslayedher · 2 years
Changing Terms of Address: The battle with Douma, and how it changes Kanao and Inosuke
One thing that may or may not come across in translation from Japanese source material is the use of not only honorifics, but various titles and terms of address which either have no equivalent in a target language (for the purpose of this post, English), or come across clunky when literally translated. Since a lot of otaku love to stick as close as they can to the original languages to better appreciate the characterization, and because I know there are other canon sticklers out there in the fanfic community, I'm committing a fool's errand by trying to compile the terms of address used in KnY. It's lead me to the heart-wrenching realization that not only do we never see Inosuke get Shinobu's name wrong, but he used her name correctly seven times in the battle against Douma.
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ooooooowwwwwww. Ahhhh. AHHHH! Gah, the pain, the paaaain. If you've seen this post of mine, you can guess how deeply this stabbed me with want for more soft interactions between Shinobu and Inosuke. It's worth nothing that Inosuke has gotten names right before by this time, or he's used some made-up names with consistency, but this is the first we've seen him used any name but his own with so much consistency and accuracy. Another term he uses very consistently in this battle is "ore no hahaoya," which translates to, "my mother." Haha-oya (haha=mother oya=parent) doesn't particularly lack warmth, you might say, but it is rather objective. It's at the very end of the battle when Inosuke sinks to tears that he calls her by a more subjective title, "Kaachan." That isn't the title Kotoha used when referring to herself in third person, "Kaasan," so instead of Inosuke simply pulling from his memories, this is Inosuke making the choice to refer to her in a more endearing, close way. (Kaasan and Kaachan are not far off from one another, Tanjiro uses both for his mother, but Kaasan is a smidge might respectful.)
As for Kanao, she enters this battle still calling Shinobu her master, "Shihan." This both in her speech and her thoughts, they've very clearly established a seriously Hashira-Tsuguko relationship. On Shinobu's part, she refers to Kanao plainly in 'yobi-sute' (that is, addressing someone without any honorific). Yobi-sute can mean a lot of things, from showing closeness (hence the manga trope of 'already yobi-sute!?') to showing a lack of respect for someone. You see it a lot in KnY, for example, everyone in Tanjiro's Final Selection batch always refers to each other in yobi-sute, like a sign of being each other's equals, but everyone who hates Muzan addresses and refers to him in yobi-sute too. Shinobu also addresses Aoi in yobi-sute (and Aoi calls her Shinobu-sama, clearly showing a deference on Aoi's part), and we know that both Aoi and Kanao have been in her care a long time. Kanae likewise addressed Kanao in yobi-sute as soon as they took her home, as opposed to calling her Kanao-chan. Shinobu addressed Kanae as "Neesan," but it's unclear what Kanao addressed Shinobu and Kanae as before she joined the Corp and started calling Shinobu "Shihan." (For the record, Kanao and Aoi are yobi-sute with each other.) When trash-talking with Douma, Kanao one time refers to Kanae as "Kanae-san." An oddly respectfully distanced term of address for one she calls her sister (though she did use "Kanae-neesan" in the light novels in what chronologically would had been right around the start of Pillar Training). The change in Kanao's distanced language happens when Shinobu's poison starts to show an effect, and Kanao knows it's time to go all in. Despite having referred to Shinobu as "Shihan" for the entirety of this battle, it's when Kanao is taking that moment she's been waiting for to make a strike at Douma's neck that she first thinks, "Shinobu-neesan." For the remainder of this battle, and its aftermath when she's looking for the broken butterfly hairpieces, and when remembering them and finally able to cry, she consistently uses openly sisterly terms for them, "Kanae-neesan" and "Shinobu-neesan." Besides the inability to cry, it may be that Kanao also never quite felt able to address them as her sisters, despite how much she may have wanted to? While I'm here and having a case of the Inosuke and Kanao feels, here, have another piece of my fanart that shows how much I crave soft interactions. I'll just continue hacking away at this list of titles as I continue getting stabbed in the heart on this reread.
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origami10 · 4 years
Ajin ch 86 thoughts
Okay, it’s been a little bit! Thoughts and spoilers under the cut! (Warning, this is very long)
Writing this in a word doc because a) I don’t want to risk going on tumblr and b) I don’t want to risk the post getting deleted in the middle  [note from the end: this ended up being four pages long in a Word document, so I’m sorry]
Ahhhh, last time buying the digital magazine ><    Until... if... Sakurai starts publishing something new...
It seems kind of unfair not to have Ajin be the cover feature if it’s ending DX I guess they’re just starting with a new series, though. Is that how that works? (It has a main character with white hair so I might be interested...) It’s at the beginning of the mag.
Okay, yeah, pages 111-175.  Aggghhhh I’ve always put off reading the end of series, but I think this is the first one I’ve been up to date with when it actually ended. Promised Neverland was close.
ooh completely new characters...?????? whoops overshot the starting page by a few ughhhh it’s definitely the last one... I mean we knew that, but still..... OMG NO IT’S IZUMI AND TANAKA ISN’T IT??    jeez woah  I can’t wait to hear other readers’ reactions    [edit: yes this was about clover, and she recorded her reaction, which was beautiful ;u;] also omg they’re at least appearing together
omg Sakurai’s author’s note: “It’s very cold, isn’t it. Everyone, I hope you don’t catch a cold.”       YOU’RE NOT EVEN GOING TO ACKNOWLEDGE IT’S ENDING?
okay, so at least some time skip Tanaka: New identity, who dis Ooh, Izumi called Tanaka “anta” – the rude/familiar version of ‘you’, rather than the polite one. Honestly I don’t remember but it’s probably what she called him previously. And then turns around and called him anata the next page X’D  Okay, I’m glad that not being consistent is okay in Japanese, I always worry/wonder about that ooooh so Tanaka doesn’t have a new identity YET. I wonder how long it’s been?? omg Tosaki prepared it??    Was he thinking that far ahead? Or is he not dead....   ???  okay so he made it ahead of time     oh, and Izumi was the one who asked him for it??? Oh wow, Izumi has yet another change of identity. I wonder if she’s back to (omggg I forget D: her original name... Tainaka [hah]) Also another great shot emphasizing their height difference X’) lmaoooo I always love when there manages to be some humor oh, they’re only about three years apart! I wonder if that helps pin down the timeline at all??
Aw, Izumi still respects Tosaki lmao  “I’m going home.” “You really have places to be?”  Oh I guess that wasn’t quite it- she really was wondering if he was had a living location... so he has been kinda on the run ><    [Sakurai. Sakurai, happy ending. There is, right? Right?]
Oh dude I really didn’t think we’d get any resolution on that ship and like, idk if this counts as resolution but it sure looks like it does right now okay I’m really sorry but part of me is like ///we’re using so many of the remaining pages on this///  although oh I guess it’s only been 10 pages... it feels like so many since the chapters have been so short lately...
heyyyyy  I mean we kinda knew the U.S. ajin would be back or else what was the point of introducing them Ogura not being dead at the end of the series is extremely impressive (also hopefully Kai :prayer hands:  as in I think he survived) so Ogura didn’t tell them he was coming back huh ... with the crew??? :eyes emoji: lmao AND they thought he was dead, I’m cackling oh okay so they had heard he wasn’t dead the close up of Jim’s face reminds of Kai somehow I guess this manga isn’t so long (and the U.S. ajin left enough of an impression) that at least we’re not like WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE “I’ll kill you!!” “Go ahead!!”  HA Winnn I think the people in this series need to get their idea of ‘fun’ checked I don’t really understand what he says in the bubble after that... I’ll have to check the English did he like, metaphorically die because he’s out of FKs? I’m not up on my cigarette brands enough to know if that’s an FK or not... I think it’s what the brand turned into...? oh no what’s this omg    is it gonna be Kai? Are they all gonna be in there? Kotobuki??   also this is already super sad that not everyone got out of jail free... unless they did and I’ll see... but also it’s realistic so all for the best I guess?  i have no idea OH HA I thought it was the juvenile detention center but it’s Takahashi !  o_o not entirely sure I understand what Takahashi says to the guard either at least everyone’s having... fun??? KAI KAI KAI    gahhhh this looks exactly like how ch 69 started and agh they’re both in juvie but ahhhhh they’re together??         I’m already scared to read and actually find out –o- oh wait they have dates to get out!  and they said plural ‘we’ “That was fast”  I feel like that panel represents what this chapter means to me somehow lmao they just want them to be not their problem anymore... that really wraps it up nicely, hilariously, and realistically I’m glad I’m not translating this because there are really a couple lines where I don’t completely understand them “something happened that day”  um, yeah WOW I did NOT think we were going to get an answer to whether Kai was an ajin now or not, but I feel like that definitively answers that question?????     also that’s terribly funny HE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW KEI REVIVED HIM??       -punches a wall-  Kai’s whole personality is  ‘I don’t really remember that happening’  >_____________________________> Kei... gave Kai a reason to live... because he almost died...?      I still kinda have faith in this wrapping up well but GOD Kai is not a character to invest all your emotion into, laughs cryingly Kotobuki: “You literally never make any sense, man.” oh no “ano natsu” GAH
I just realized that this almost certainly means Kai and Kou never met. There isn’t enough keysmashing in the world to express my desire to throw my laptop at a wall right now
In no way shape or form did I ever expect to get closure on Akiyama, even on him getting out of the barrel
Manabe definitely stole whatever it is he’s holding but it was probably some kind of personal effects...?  [my powers of prediction suck most of the time] he really looks beat up now ;u; Izukyū-Shimoda... Win, that’s not where you traveled, is it?  Maybe I saw it on the Sunday NHK travel program... but it’s also the end of the train line and has ferries going out into the ocean islands.  Is he getting away, or going home.......? or to Hirasawa or something...?
well that was an extremely abrupt shift are they really shooting Satou up into space they’re not using him as a test subject are they that sounds like an even more awful idea than I ever could have come up with okay... oh jeez can we please please not have Satou be Captain America you just KNOW he’s going to make trouble again, ,, , , ,!!
oh jeez Eriko! I didn’t expect to see her but it’s nice! it’s really sinking in that that’s all the closure we’re going to get on Kai isn’t it Eriko tsundere as if that needed confirmed okay cool, so she’s out of the hospital (for now)
It does seem appropriate? Likely? That Kei didn’t go home. WE BETTER SEE KOU THIS CHAPTER oh, it’s fall   (or winter? Izumi said it was cold...) oh phew
Sakurai said RIP KeiKai shippers I guess....  but they still influenced each other so that’s still shippable even though they’re not together?  sigh not everything is so straightforward and I guess it’s good it reflects that
Kei looks happy enough was Kei working a blue collar job with Kou or something? That’s 100% unexpected Kou adorable omg what is his new name gonna be Also ;-; so they’ve giving ajin rights but everyone’s still staying undercover...? or Kou isn’t I guess, that’s sweet oh wow we admit Tosaki’s great     I guess last chapter’s statement that they found his remains must have settled whether he’s alive or not ‘iroiro atta na’  YOU THINK    also pretty sure that’s Kai’s line from the drama CD what’s with that Kei face??? OMG PERF       also that is scarily close to what I wrote in a fic, but also pretty much to be expected crap I guess at least Tanaka and Izumi are with each other? KAI’S MOON JACKET   WITH THE SMILIE       we really messed up characterizing Kai as the sun haha he’s out he’s out he’s out is he going to meet someone literally zooming out on everyone (like at the end of last chapter too) is kinda messing with me Like they’re still around and doing stuff but we aren’t (don’t get to) watch them anymore Kou saying ‘let’s all meet again’... my heart is warm ;0; LMAO
we can at least rest assured that everyone stayed in character
I can’t I can’t I can’t  [note, this was when I thought Kei saying ‘nah’ was the last page]
omg Sakurai you’ve done it again bwahahaah a coworker hit him and is like ‘oh cool fine nevermind’ this is WAY more hilarious than I was expecting for this chapter How do I always forget that Ajin has so much comedy not remembering what page number the chapter ends on is nice
Tankobon releases May 7th in Japan Elizaaaaaa Kei’s got a Shion coat
alright uh well I guess that’s good, in a way, we still get to imagine whatever we want
Finishing it hasn’t sunk in yet, I’ve have to get back to you on that one.
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everysongineverykey · 3 years
interview with a fanfic author tag game!
this game was originally posted by @/goldenavenger02, so i've been told, and i was tagged by @neitherlightnordark ! thanks💙 i'll be honest, i haven't properly written fanfic in a long while- the knitting circle thing and last night's seam thing were brought on by a surge of deltarune-induced inspiration. i'm honored to be considered a fanfic author, though <3 this got, uh, REALLY long as well. i just don't talk about this stuff much! it's fun, i've decided!
1. your favorite fic that you've written, or just one you want to give a shoutout to
uhhh lemme try to remember some of my old fics lol,,,, the problem is that i wrote a lot of fanfic back like a year or so ago for a completely different fandom than utdr (kotlc), and most of my current followers would not know or care about it djdjdjdsjs, but for what it's worth, i'm really proud of the lancer+rouxls+ralsei knitting thing i did like a few days ago. that one started as a simple headcanon about them knitting together, and snowballed as soon as i'd written the first line. i'm also very proud of last night's seam fanfic💙 i can't embed links here but i've rbed it a couple times today cause i really like it so just scroll down my blog a bit if you wanna read it. it's not titled, none of my fics are, but you'll know when you see it cause it's the only recent post of mine that has proper capitalization lol
i'm also very proud of some of my very old kotlc fics. particularly the one about sophie and music. almost no one reading this will get it lmao
2. your favorite fic title that you've come up with?
uhhh i don't really do fic titles lmao. the thing is, i'm bad at plot and conflict, so most of my fics are super vignette-y and don't really have anything that would sound good as a title
3. how do you get inspiration to write?
i don't <3 but seriously, like i said before, i haven't properly written in ages. i think if i'm passionate enough about something, and i have faith in myself to do the characters justice, i can end up churning out vignette-style fics that mostly just muse on a character, or two characters. like the seam thing was born out of my myriad of inexplicable feelings about seam and the seam-is-toriel's-plushie theory. i just really wanted to show my love for it! and there's already like. basically no seam-tent out there so we can always use more💙
some fandoms i feel are far too big for me to write about- like star trek, for instance. i posted about that a lot a while back, and i wanted to write for it officially, but i was always worried i'd missed an episode that would contradict what i said. deltarune and undertale and kotlc are easier. they're small, contained universes that i can be sure i know all about.
4. your favorite genre/subgenre of fic to write
uhhh i don't know if i have one! i mostly write character-focused vignette-style fics that don't have much of a plot, so i don't write many of the popular aus (coffee shop, mafia, etc)
5. do you have any other hobbies?
not really <3 i have INTERESTS of course. but things i enjoy doing? nah :) i dabble in piano though. i can play once upon a time and fallen down💙
6. pick one character to self-project onto, go!
ooh... alphys, kris, or queen? gah, which one? i gotta give you those three lol sorry they're all just so. just SO. like. with kris it's just socially awkward closed-off nby teenager solidarity <3 and with alphys it's oh my god self-loathing nerd who constantly worries their friends hate them and who gets really really excited about their interests?? same hat!! and queen's a similar situation to data from star trek. i've been thinking a lot lately about her potential inability to understand other people and social situations and many of the finer points in life (romance, etc) and as an autistic person. yeah <3
7. your favorite genre of music.
ooh! i don't know! i mostly listen to upbeat stuff- i don't like most slow songs. of course, lately it's just been the dr chapter 2 soundtrack on loop. i am so normal about cyber battle and a cyber's world and attack of the killer queen i am the NORMALEST
8. your favorite singer/band.
... uh. hm. queen, marina, mika, or good old toby fox? all of those people. i would like to listen to more things besides dr stuff but i don't have as much time lately. the aboves are some of my all-time favorites, though!
9. and finally, how has your experience with fandom been?
really really good! i know all fandoms have toxic people in it and i've definitely seen more misgendering of the utdr humans than i care to. but i generally just block anyone who does that and surround myself with fun people <3
this was fun! it ended up being very long. but fun! tagging @cadence-talle , a very talented writer💙
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precuredaily · 4 years
Precure Day 204
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! 06 - “King Donuts Awakens!” Date watched: 8 January 2021 Original air date: 9 March 2008 Screenshots Transformation Gallery Project info and master list of posts
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The character re-introduction arc reaches its epic conclusion and shows us where Rin has wound up after her moment of self-realization in the Y5 finale. It turns out, she wound up constantly tired. Relatable. Let’s dig in!
The Plot
Nozomi and Rin are on their way to Natts House to prepare for the grand re-opening. Rin is visibly very tired and confesses that she was up late the previous night.
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images with sleepy auras
As they arrive at the store, they run into Syrup.... or more accurately, he runs into them, carrying an urgent letter from Milk. (Remember this, because Syrup sure doesn’t) However, just then, a brilliant light erupts from inside of Natts House, so they all rush in to see what’s happening. They find everyone gathered around a table with the Rose Pact in the middle, glowing, and then it opens up and King Donuts emerges, fully awake. Then he yells at everyone to stop staring at him.
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blinded by the light...... how does that song go again?
After the opening, the gang tries to introduce themselves to King Donuts, but he assumes it’s another Eternal trap until Coco and Nuts reveal themselves. Instead of being relieved, however, he just pivots his anger onto them for being incompetent and letting him get attacked by Eternal. So yeah, not off to a great start here. While they watch the goings-on, Rin yawns, and this further annoys the already irate king. Growing frustrated, he tries to leave, but finds that there’s a barrier around the Rose Pact that’s trapping him until he fully recovers. As you may imagine, this does wonders for his good mood.
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I’m not yawning because I’m bored, I’m yawning because I’m bored AND tired.
Cut to Eternal’s headquarters and a very fatigued Scorp drops a huge report on Anacondy’s desk, mentioning he hasn’t slept for six days while writing it. However, she dings him on numerous minor errors, deeming it unusable, and tells him to combine it with the previous report and redo it. Exhausted and holding a stack of paper half his height, Scorp collapses and the pages fly everywhere. I have to say, Koyasu acting tired is a fun change of pace for him.
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these are the eyes of a man who has lost all hope
Back at Natts House, everyone is still trying to appease King Donuts. He insists he’s fine already but in attempting to demonstrate this, he wears himself out quickly. Karen offers him the apple she snapped a few episodes ago, but he refuses to eat it because he doesn’t trust them. The girls give up on him for now, because they need to get to work opening up the store, but they notice Rin has fallen asleep.
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Nozomi advises them to just leave her be, trying to get Syrup to help them pass out fliers instead. He refuses and wants to know why they don’t wake Rin. Nozomi explains that Rin was busy all day with sports clubs, tending to the family shop, and watching her siblings, so she stayed up all night designing accessories because it was the only free time she had. (I am very familiar with this concept.) She also admits that Rin didn’t tell her this, she deduced it because she knows Rin and how she works.
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With that settled, the remaining girls, as well as Coco and Nuts, get to work handing out fliers. Syrup, however, stays behind to look over Rin, because he refused to help any other way. He muses over his situation.
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At that moment, Rin wakes up, and Syrup asks if she really was up all night designing jewelry. She realizes her old friend Nozomi has read her like a book. She admits to feeling guilty that she not only stayed up late working, but she couldn’t come up with any ideas, and now she’s missed out on handing out fliers as well. She feels useless (big oof) and contrasts herself with Syrup, who she says is working hard to get to the Cure Rose Garden. Syrup disagrees and insists she works way harder than him. At this point, King Donuts, who has been listening in, interjects and commends Rin for being critical and analytical of herself, saying it’s the key to self growth. I feel like there’s a missing line in here about not slipping too far into self-doubt, but regardless, Rin remembers she’s supposed to be at futsal practice and runs off before the end of the King’s speech.
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“Gah!” - Natsuki Rin, 2008
After she’s gone, the king and Syrup discuss how hardworking she is, along with the other girls. Also there’s a gag where King Donuts didn’t recognize Syrup until he turned back into his fairy form which further establishes that Syrup has a bit of a negative reputation far and wide.
Meanwhile, at the practice field, Rin isn’t doing a whole lot better at futsal than she was at jewelry design. As a result of staying up late, she’s still tired, so she’s missing passes or overshooting goals. She even accidentally kicks the ball over the fence and into the woods, so she goes to retrieve it while yawning some more.
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It’s here that she is confronted by an equally sleepy Scorp, who asks her to hand over the Rose Pact so he won’t have to write up his report, and he can sleep. It’s kind of pathetic, kind of comical.
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Scorp turns the futsal ball into a hoshiina, so Rin transforms as well. Syrup swoops in to save her from Scorp but drops the Rose Pact, so King Donuts tries to talk down the villain. However, Scorp is undeterred and even sees more value in having one of the monarchs inside the Rose Pact. The other girls show up and transform, temporarily distracting Scorp (as well as the king, who is surprised that they’re the legendary warriors) but he then continues his advance until Rouge punches him away. Then she hears Lemonade screaming as the Hoshiina tries to fling her off, so Rouge rushes in to kick it and rescue her friend. Scorp once again tries to capture the Rose Pact, so Rouge separates from the team again to protect the fairies, but Scorp captures her instead and taunts her about trying too hard to do too much by herself and says she’ll only ever be halfway finished. This hits Rin at her core and she is unable to resist an attack from the Hoshiina, but at the last moment her teammates jump in front of her to defend her. They remind her that she’s not alone, they’re there to help her, and then Dream gives an inspiring speech about how Rin always challenges her situation and works harder than others, so they’ll always support her. Scorp is unimpressed, but Dream rushes him with a Shooting Star. Feeling newly motivated, Rin also performs her new finisher on the Hoshiina: Fire Strike! She summons a fireball at her feet and then kicks it into the monster, which of course dissolves back into a normal futsal ball. Scorp flees, muttering about how he’ll have to include this in his report as well.
As the dust settles, King Donuts admires the Precures, and then has a seemingly random realization about the Rose Pact and the Red and Blue roses, or rather, the lack of blue rose. In case you had forgotten that plot point.
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the answer will surprise you
Back at Natts House, King Donuts opens up a bit more to the girls and they chat back. However, he quickly reiterates that he doesn’t acknowledge Coco and Nuts as rulers yet. When they ask Syrup to help them with the shop, he reminds them that he’s only here to deliver a letter from Milk, and he finally hands it over to Coco. (took him long enough) It turns out the letter says there’s an emergency in Palmier Kingdom and everyone needs to come there quickly! They want to go but aren’t certain how.... until they remember Syrup has the convenient ability to travel between worlds. He initially refuses, but King Donuts cleverly appeals to both his pride and his kind-heartedness, causing him to think about the conviction all the girls have shown in their solo outings thus far, and he agrees to take them. So just as quickly as it opened, Natts House is closed again and the gang boards Syrup to fly to the Palmier Kingdom. As they rise into the air, they soar forwards into a watercolor warphole, surrounded by floating  lights. They fade to white and the credits start.
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The Analysis
Something I truly appreciate about this episode is that it picks up from the first series finale, and shows that Rin hasn’t magically become a top tier accessory designer, she still has moments of artist’s block, and she really struggles with just finding time to create, which impacts her social responsibilities. (sounds familiar) Rin’s struggle is a recurring theme, and I'm always glad that unlike certain later shows, they don’t glamorize her sacrificing sleep, they just portray it as something people sometimes do even if it’s not in their best interests. Contrast with that episode of Go Princess, you know the one. It’s a straightforward cause and effect: Rin stays up late designing, so she’s tired the next day, and that influences her interactions.
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It has some positive responses, such as getting King Donuts to recognize how hardworking she is and swaying his opinion on the girls; and some negative impacts, like kicking the futsal ball too hard and over the fence. With all that said, I must once again remind you all not to sacrifice your well-being for your goals, even if I’m bad at following my own advice.
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King Donuts (or Doughnuts if you prefer) is an interesting character. At first he’s paranoid that he’s in another Nightmare trap, but as he grows to accept his circumstances he warms up a bit, especially when he hears about how hard Rin is working. He remains critical of Coco and Nuts, understandably so, since their negligence led to him being attacked previously. However, he doesn’t dislike them, he is sharp-tongued because he wants to make them better kings. Physically he resembles a diminutive dragon. It’s not the most apparent visual but when all four Rulers are together the pattern begins to become obvious. More on that ~eventually~.
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although they’re all in the OP so, ya know, clues
A secondary theme throughout this arc has been to show Syrup starting to acclimate to the girls and begin appreciating their hard work and way of doing things. He’s still stubborn and wants to do his own thing, but it takes less arm twisting to get him to go along with the girls’ requests. Usually. As he admits to King Donuts, he respects their work ethic and their devotion to the causes they love. He entered the picture as a loner delivery boy who just wanted to do his job, but getting roped in with the Precures’ misadventures has opened his eyes somewhat. He’s going to be fun to watch as the show continues. However, he has a reputation, as we’ve seen. We don’t know exactly what the details are but several characters seem to have a low opinion of him, and we’ll find out more about that in coming episodes.
The fight in this episode is interesting in how..... not interesting it is. It kind of fools you into thinking more is happening than actually is. There’s a lot of talking and not as much action as you would expect. The Cures and Scorp or the Hoshiina will exchange a few blows and get thrown around, then one of them starts lecturing the other side about their beliefs. Sure, all Precure shows have elements of this, I can remember a few other fights that were more talk than combat, but it seems particularly egregious this episode. I do like how Scorp’s mocking has an effect on Rouge though. She’s already feeling really unaccomplished and then he goes and tells her she’s useless without her friends. It starts to weigh on her heart, but her friends quickly step in and say hey, we love Rin, she has us to support her, it’s okay if she can’t do it all by herself. As a result of this quick pep talk, she unleashes Fire Strike, her new finisher, and boy does THAT shine. It’s the first soccer-themed Precure attack in the series, and more will follow in subsequent years.
Compared to some of the other finishers, Fire Strike is more straightforward. Rouge creates a ball of fire and kicks it directly into the Hoshiina. It’s less over the top than her teammates attacks (flying into the enemy, twin whips, flying discs, or an arrow made of water) but the animators manage to punch it up a bit with some suitably dramatic effects that sell how fast, hard, and powerful this kick is. Also I have to say, the shot of Rouge bringing her leg all the way back to ready the kick is really cool.
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Her leg is cocked and extends past her head. If you’ve ever tried this you know it’s hard, so even if you can make a drawing do anything, it still looks impressive, and the next shot where she’s kicked it is gorgeous. The flame walls, the way she’s lifted slightly off the ground, the way the ball is warped, all convey a sense of power and motion. Yeah, she’s just kicking it straight ahead, but you get the sense she could kick it through a brick wall.
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I do have to say, on the negative side, the framing device of the episode feels a little forced. If this letter from Milk was so important, Syrup probably should have pushed it on the girls a little sooner. Maybe just dropped it off with Nozomi when he first met her in the morning. They still could have seen King Donuts awakening but they would have made moves to go straight to the Palmier Kingdom instead of doing all that work advertising and opening the shop only to have to close it again right away, and skipping Rin’s moral quandary. Since those are at the root of the episode, it might be hard to cut them, so alternatively, to keep them, the episode could have been written such that Syrup could have received the letter at the end, so he wasn’t holding onto such an important and urgent letter all episode long. It’s the little things. And on that topic, I find the third act (fourth act?) after the fight to be a little too goofy. Syrup finally hands over the letter, then they all hem and haw about how they’re going to get to Palmier Kingdom and they beg and plead Syrup to do it until he finally agrees. The only truly funny part to me is Nuts lamenting that he has to close Natts House after he just opened it.
Also there’s this ending sequence.
This is the single worst thing I have ever made in the name of this project.
It’s overall a well-thought out episode and it smartly moves between story elements, smoothly concluding the character reintroductions and setting up the Blue Rose arc that follows. I appreciate how seemingly unconnected events flow into each other and they lead to the King seeing that the girls are legitimately good people. It’s probably the most cohesive episode of this arc, although I still think the character reintroductions peaked with Urara’s. The others have been good in different ways, but there’s a deeper bit of heartfelt emotion that episodes 2, 3, 5, and 6 just haven’t been able to match.
Next time, Milk’s emergency turns out to be largely imagined, and we meet a new villain. Look forward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 1 kettei!
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shealynn88 · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
Tagged by @fandom-hoarder .  Thanks so much!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
257,052 (over 20 years)
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Yuletide is responsible for most of the one-offs, my main fandoms are Supernatural and Veronica Mars.  Otherwise, I’ve written for Angel, Blade, Bones, Buffy, Constantine, Daddy Long Legs, Dancing With the Stars, Dead Like Me, Dexter, Elektra, Firefly, Friday Night Lights, Good Omens, Grimm, Haven, Heroes, Sherlock, Teen Wolf, The Chronicles of Riddick, The Fault in Our Stars, The Guardian, Travelers, Tru Calling, Venom, iZombie
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Bottle of Red (Venom (Movie 2018)) (2060 words) - Anything Venom is way more popular than any of my other stuff.  You Venom fans are THIRSTY.  And I love you for it.  :D The Little Death (Teen Wolf (TV)) (3058 words) - TW fans, ALSO thirsty, and I love YOU for it.  I’m still not 100% with the characterization here, but I think it’s def. closer. The Light Will Guide You Home (Supernatural) (4622 words)  Destiel - I’m really proud of this one - AU, tentacle creature Cas with feels, and it’s what got me into the original  works anthology I’m in--Add Magic to Taste, with Duck Prints Press! What the Mark Demands (Supernatural) (1305 words)  Wincest - one of my favorites, honestly.  Pure smut, but there are feels.   Paved With Good Intentions (Supernatural) (2837 words) Wincest - Soulless Sam still gives me happy chills, okay?
More questions answered below!
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to.  Sometimes I’m overwhelmed and I don’t, but I always, always, always treasure them!!
6) What’s the fic you’ve writtenb with the angstiest ending?
When Living is Another Kind of Dying (Supernatural/Heroes crossover)(767 words) - I love this one.  It’s super old, I wrote it on LiveJournal.  But it’s solid, it imagines a world where Dean goes to avenge Sam and gives Peter That Scar.
7) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I mean, a huge number of my fics end happy.  But I’ll say this because it’s also based on happy, sexy art and that’s awesome:
Adulting 101 (Supernatural) (2988 words) DCJ - A sweet AU where Dean meets Jimmy in Sioux Falls and then meets Cas and doesn’t know what to do...until he does.
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I think they’re all sort of equally crazy, probably?  Here, have most of them:
Playing Dice in the Dark (Supernatural/Good Omens)(2927 words) Destiel - Dean and Cas are Crowley and Aziraphale.  Follow them through the ages.  There is some dark, torturey stuff handled in a lighter, Pratchett-y way.
Phoenix Out of Blood (Supernatural/Heroes) (7583 words) Gen - early season Sam and Dean meet 5 Years Later version of Claire Bennett and they go on the run.  A lot of feels, historical Dean/Jo, honestly an underappreciated fic.  :)
Of Squints and Vampires (Angel/Bones) (2653 words) Gen - a very old one and not fantastic, but still fun.  A demon gets shipped to the Jeffersonian.  I did this for a doppleganger group a million years ago.
Drown Out the Clamor of Silence (Buffy/Tru Calling) (2681 words) Harrison/Faith - I loved this one, so dark and weird!  Harrison meets a girl who looks like his sister but isn’t, and it ends up being both traumatic and healing, somehow.  Another one for the doppleganger group.
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Ah, yes.  I wrote my first dark Wincest, full of non-con on both sides (demon!Dean), and people had massive issues with my tagging of who topped and who bottomed, which I found hilarious since it was rape, all the way down, but apparently who puts what into who was the main source of anger.  I don’t tag for topping and bottoming anymore.  
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
So. Much. So much smut.  I don’t know what kind?  the smutty kind?  Usually with feels?
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nah, I’m not that big.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Once!  It was a Veronica Mars fic, five million years ago. 
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
I can’t.  I just can’t.  There are too many.  Spuffy, Weever, Destiel, Wincest...anything trust based and a little fucked up is right up my alley.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Grimm Series - I started this, and loved it, but I lost track of the series.  It was going to be fairy tale based, Juliette/Renaud and Nick/Monroe endgame.  I love the beginning of it.  Maybe I’ll get back to it, it was so fun, and honestly, pretty darn good.
16) What are your writing strengths?
I write a good sentence.  I think I have good flow and good characterization for the most part.  I’m solid when it comes to smut.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot.  All the way, I’m terrible at plot and not great at pacing.  BUT, I’m actively trying to improve and I think I am!
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Depending on the situation, either type it in the other language and have the response show what it meant, or type it in italics and then ‘he said in Russian’ or whatever.  Is it right?  I dunno.  I don’t do it very often.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I wrote fanfic for a high school assignment for Farenheit 451, which I’m fairly certain was brilliant, and then the first time I knew what fanfic was and did it on purpose, it was for the TV show, Witchblade.  It was so long ago, I think I posted it on a forum and I don’t know where it is anymore.  
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Can one choose a child?  Gah.  There are so many, honestly.  If you get this far and want a rec, I’ll rec you one based on your interests, just send me an ask.
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ayamari-no-goshi · 4 years
Verboten 4 | (T)
ff.net | AO3
Fandom: Danny Phantom (DP)
Summary:   AU. When Danny was five years old, he went missing for 2 weeks. In the years that follow, his family tried to make sense of what happened, only for the truth to be discovered years later.
Warnings: rated T for violence, mentions of death, language. Be prepared for some very weird things
Parings: Danny/Sam
Notes: originally uploaded to Ff.net. Cross-posted to AO3 and tumblr. This fic is very heavily inspired by folklore surrounding mysterious wilderness disappearances
Chapter 4
Later that night, it was officially announced at dinner that the camper’s death was the result of an unfortunate accident. However, what shocked all the students was the decision to finish out the remaining time at the camp. According to Mr. Lancer, he had contacted the other teachers at the different sites, and that was the mutual decision.
Tucker had surprisingly spoken up and demanded how their teacher managed to get through since the cell phone service issue remained unresolved. After their meeting with the police officer, he had checked with other students, who all said the same thing. Their service was poor, and they hadn’t been able to contact anyone. For the technophile, it was extremely frustrating, and he had put a lot of effort in attempting to solve the problem on his own device. He told Danny and Sam that it almost seemed like there was a weird electrical phenomenon causing the problem.
Lancer stumbled for a moment, but he eventually said the Park Rangers had let him use their landline. He then changed the topic and began explaining what the activities for the next morning would be.
“Alright, now I’m really sure something’s fishy,” Tucker whispered to his friends. “Wanna bet he was never able to contact the other teachers?”
“I’ll pass, because I think you’re right,” Danny told him as he stole a glance at some of the nearby Rangers. They had been closely watching the students since the beginning of dinner. “I don’t think the Rangers agree with that decision.”
“Yeah, and did you notice? They’ve been stone faced during this whole thing.” Sam leaned forward as she continued. “I really think something more serious happened to that poor man.”
Danny nodded. “I don’t have the slightest idea what might have happened. You’d think they come right out and say if it was an animal attack. But, that’s fairly uncommon in our state. I mean, the most dangerous animal here is a black bear, but they aren’t very common.”
“It could have been a mountain lion attack. While they supposedly haven’t been in this state for decades, there are still regular reports of them. That’s something that might be kept quiet. I mean, that was an issue in Pennsylvania with their coyotes and the Game Commission.”
“That would make sense, but you’d think they’d still say something like it was an animal attack and chalk it up to him doing something stupid to upset a bear if that was the case,” Tucker mentioned as he fiddled with his PDA. “I still can’t get a good signal.”
“I guess we need to just remain on guard,” Danny mused as the other students began to stand. His friends agreed with him as stood and went to grab one of the paper schedules which held the next day’s events.
After Danny and Tucker headed back to their cabin after then had finished freshening up for the night at the communal showers, they were met with the jocks excitedly swapping information. Dash’s grin was almost cat-like as he caught sight of the pair. “So, I guess you dweebs didn’t hear about what actually happened to that camper.”
“Other than what we were told, no,” Danny told him as he went to grab something out of his bag. “And don’t you have anything better to do than spread nasty rumors about the dead?”
Dash’s grin immediately grew larger as he continued, “It’s not a rumor. One of the band geeks was up for an early piss and saw them bring the body into camp. That guy was in pieces.”
“Wha… what!? What did you say?” Tucker stammered as he dropped his PDA.
“Are you absolutely certain that’s what he saw?” Danny demanded as he stepped in between Tucker and Dash. “The camper could have been really messed up, but if he was covered in blood, dirt, and whatever else he encountered, maybe it looked worse than it really was.”
“As much as it annoys me to admit, Fenton makes a good point,” Dash’s other friend, Lucas, mentioned as he sat on his bed. “Without seeing it for ourselves, we don’t know how bad it was, and the kid was pretty scared when he repeated it. So, let me ask you this Fenton, what do you think happened?”
“I’m surprised you care about whatever I think. But,” Danny paused for a moment, “all I know for certain is that something bad happened, and the police and rangers aren’t happy about it. But, I’m not a cop, and I’m clearly not trained in stuff like this, so my hunches are probably wrong.”
“That’s not much of an answer.”
“Unlike some people, I’m not going to jump to conclusions before I know more.” Satisfied with the stunned looks of the jocks, Danny turned to finish preparing for bed. After a moment, he realized Tucker was staring at him. “What?”
“So, where’s this Danny Fenton been all these years?” his friend whispered at him.
Danny raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“You’ve never stood up your… you know… bullies before. What changed?”
“Nothing changed, not really,” Danny replied as he climbed into bed. “It’s just I can’t tolerate people spreading rumors like this. It brings bad luck, or at least I think so, and,” he paused for a moment before lowering his voice, “you shouldn’t speak ill of the dead.”
“Did your parents drill that into you or something?”
“Not my parents, but I can’t remember who did.”
The next day, the students were kept close to camp. Most of the day was spent learning basic camping skills. Although there were plenty of grumbles from his classmates, Danny found it pretty interesting as his parents wanted to keep him as far away from the woods as possible. He spent most of the morning in a boyish wonder as was instructed on setting up tents, campfires, and basic traps.
Sam spent a good portion of the morning teasing him, but he largely ignored her. Like a lot of boys, he had an interest in camping when he was younger, so this was a chance to experience it, or at least a small portion of it. However, by the time lunch hit, his enthusiasm had been replaced by uneasiness.
In the shadows cast by the trees around the camp, he felt as if someone was watching him. It was possible it was just an animal, but as the hours passed and the feeling continued, he determined that couldn’t be the cause. Most animals didn’t spend that long watching people, unless they were hunting, but most predators wouldn’t dream of getting so close to so many people. Both Sam and Tucker seemed apprehensive as well.
“Hey, did either of you heard those weird bird calls earlier?” Sam asked while they were eating dinner.
“I don’t know how you had time to listen to birds with how much manual labor we did earlier. I’m exhausted,” Tucker whined in between bites of his food.
“We barely did anything too strenuous. You really need to get out more.” The amused smirk on Sam’s face was quickly replaced by a frown. “But, in all seriousness, something sounded wrong. I’m pretty familiar with the birds around here, but I’ve never heard something like that before.”
“Is it possible it was an exotic bird?” Danny questioned. “I mean, it is possible one escaped or someone let one go.”
Sam considered his words for a moment. “While it’s possible, I don’t think that’s the case.”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s hard to explain.” She brought her hand to her chin as she tried to put her thoughts to words. “The sound didn’t sound natural. It was almost mechanical.”
“A mechanical bird? Come on, Sam! Even for you, that’s pretty out there. Am I right, dude?” Tucker playfully nudged Danny, only to realize he seemed deep in thought. “Hey, what’s wrong? Earth to Danny.”
“Gah!” The sudden motion of Tucker waving his hand in front of his face startled him. “Sorry about that. It’s just that… I… I think I know what she means”
“I don’t remember much about what happened when I went missing, but before things go hazy, I definitely remember a strange bird call. After doing some research, my parents said that calls like that are sometimes heard before unusual missing persons cases.”
“Dude! Don’t say stuff like that! I’m already freaked out enough as it is by this whole mess. Ouch! Did you really have to kick me?”
“Keep your voice down,” Sam warned him as she motioned to the side with a head nod. Danny followed the motion and noticed some of the Rangers seemed to be watching them. “I really don’t want them to pay attention to us. They’re watching us, all of us, like we’re prisoners or something. Anyways, Danny do you know anything more about that weird call?”
“My parents said it might be a type of lure, but I have no idea if that’s true or not. But, I think it was to catch my attention than anything else.” Danny shook his head. “Sam, we wouldn’t be doing this. Whatever that call was, it could have just been some weird bird.”
“Don’t you want to know?”
“Maybe? I don’t know. Look, I’ve been uneasy since we first arrived in this forest. I already told Tucker this, but talking about weird stuff like this brings bad luck. Can we put it on hold until we get out of here?”
“But Danny!” Her argument was cut short as he glared at her. She straightened up as her eyes narrowed. “As weird as everything is, I think the bigger mystery is what exactly happened to you when you went missing when you were a kid.”
“Look, I don’t know what happened,” Danny snapped. What was her problem?
“Clearly something did. What’s every going on here might be digging up some of those memories. Maybe you have a memory that could help, but you’re getting so defensive.”
“Of course I am! Would you like it if someone kept trying to make you remember something that’s probably better left forgotten?”
“Alright, alright. Chill already.”
His only response was to huff and turn away. Her stubbornness was something he both admired and occasionally hated. Whether it was petitioning her teachers to get a menu changed, rallying a protest, or badgering her friends for information, she often wouldn’t stop until she got her way. It was a big reason why he didn’t think they’d ever be able to get together.
They had discussed it the previous year, after Tucker outed their mutual attraction. Neither of them thought it would work out. Sam was too headstrong, and Danny was too reserved for it to be a functioning relationship. There was always a spark of hope, but it was situations like this that reminded him that they hadn’t changed. For the sake of their friendship, it wasn’t something they could safely consider.
Maybe when they got a little older, a little more mature, they would be able to act on their feelings, but that would have to wait. For now, he was just going to sit in an annoyed silence as he finished his… what exact was this food supposed to be anyways?
Sam actually apologized to him the next day. However, he was still too irritated to speak to her, but by the time lunch rolled around, he had forgiven her.
The morning had been spent working on more wilderness survival skills, but the Rangers surprised them by announcing that they would be leading them on a hike on the trail that surrounded the camp. It was only supposed to last a couple hours at most, but three armed Rangers would be walking with them.
Annoyed and uneasy murmurs circled through the students as they formed groups of three and four. Those groups were then lined up; one Ranger moved to the front, one went to the back, and the other moved to the center of the line. Before they began to move, the Rangers warned the entire group that, under no circumstance, was anyone to go off on their own.
Although Sam and Tucker wanted to stay away from Lancer and the jocks who were near the front of the line, Danny would not allow them to be in the very back. After everything else that happened, he would not allow himself to be in the back on the line. The warning to stay away from the very back or front still rang in his ears. Unfortunately, that didn’t last very long.
As they began their trek, several of the groups fell to the back of the line. It forced Danny and his friends to have somewhat of a distance between the few band and more nerdy students who were following close to the first Ranger and Mr. Lancer, and the popular kids and jocks who were near the back. The Ranger who was supposed to be in the middle had hung back to help keep an eye on the larger portion of students.
“I don’t like this,” Danny mentioned as Sam had them stop for a moment as she made a quick sketch of a plant off the path. “Is it just me, or is it really quiet?” He had noticed it for a while. Usually a person should be able to hear bugs, birds, leaves rustling, something, but he hadn’t noticed any noise for a while.
“These are older forests, Danny,” Sam explained as she finished her sketch. “Noises often get muffled since plants can absorb sound to some extent.”
“It doesn’t mean it’s not creepy.”
“Actually, Sam, I agree with him,” Tucker mentioned as he looked over his shoulder. “I feel like we’re being watched.”
Sam tucked her sketch book in her bag before pointing to something behind them. “I think you’re right on that, but I don’t think it’s anything out of the ordinary.”
Danny and Tucker turned to see Dash and his friends, as well as some of the popular girls approach them from down the trail. Apparently, they had been spotted as Dash wore an evil grin as he said something to Kwan as he gestured towards them. A round of laughter followed.
“Great, just our luck. Do you think we’d be able to outrun them?” Danny asked as he warily eyed the approaching group.
“Are you nuts, dude? We can’t even outrun Sam.”
“Thanks for that lovely vote of confidence, Tucker.” ==================
The coyotes and the Game Commission was an actual thing that happened. Basically, there weren’t supposed to be any coyotes in Pennsylvania, but there were farmers saying their animals were being attacked by something. One of the farmers, who lived nearby where I grew up, got permission to take a shot at creatures and ended up killing a coyote with a Game Commission tag in its ear. Twenty years later, the Game Commission has finally admitted coyotes are back in Pennsylvania, and that they can be hunted. Coyotes can attack people. While there aren’t many documented attacks, they have happened, and Pennsylvanians aren’t very happy about them popping up in towns and parks.
Mountains Lions, also known as Nittany Lions, Pumas and Cougars, are supposedly extinct in the states east of the Mississippi River (ignore Florida – it’s an exception). However, that’s another thing under debate. There have been many sightings of them throughout the years in the east, especially in the Appalachian (app-ah-lay-shin) Mountains. There is actually a picture of one found in Ohio near its border with Kentucky that was taken in 2014. I know there are recent reports in Pennsylvania and New York as well - this includes family members.
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giggly-squiggily · 4 years
Uve been writing so much lately so absolutely no pressure to get this done quickly but if at some point u could write a fic with sword, hop, leon, and raihan where the kids have been pulling a lot of “sneak attacks” on leon and raihan and they let them have their fun at first but one day get fed up and decide to remind them who the “original” tickle monsters are? I just think it’d be rlly cute 🥺 thank u in advance <3
Holy karp this took a long time to make! My apologies for the delay, anon! This is such a precious idea and I just couldn’t resist making it! I hope you like it!
“GAH! Hop!” Leon squawked and whirled around, glaring as his giggly brother ran off. This was a recurring trend lately; Leon would be minding his own business when he’d be suddenly ambushed with tickles. Squeezes to his sides, pokes to his belly, it didn’t matter. Hop and Sword were relentless in their pursuit.
“Hehe, got you again, didn’t they?” A friendly voice greeted him. Leon turned to look at Raihan, who was grinning slyly at the flustered champion. “Raihan! Didn’t they get you?” Leon asked as he straightened back up, trying in vain to push down the burning blush forming on his cheeks.
“Of course not! No one can defeat the original tickle monster!” Raihan grinned, looping his arms behind his head in a state of ease. He didn’t see Sword slowly creeping up behind him, brown eyes bright with mischief. “Lee, you’re too much of an easy target. If you want the kiddos to stop sneaking up on you-” he quickly whirled around and grabbed Sword, making the younger girl squeal as he pulled her into his chest. “You gotta show them who the real tickle monsters are!”
“W-Whoa! RaiHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAN! NHOHOOHOHOHOHOOHO!!” Sword squealed and laughed when the dragon trainer attacked her armpits, making her squirm in his arms. “Yes! I’m the real tickle monster! And tickle monsters show no mercy!” Raihan teased, laughing along with her.
Just a few feet away, Hop came charging from his hiding place, rushing towards the pair. “Sword! I’m coming to help you!” He cried playfully, jumping on Raihan’s back and going right for his neck. Raihan jerked, falling onto his side with a yelp. Sword quickly wiggled away, scrambling to her feet and running towards Leon. “I got you now!” She cheered.
Leon was ready, however, and quickly grabbed her before she could start poking at him again. In the background, Raihan had Hop on his back, squealing and squirming as the dragon gym leader clawed at his ribs. “EHEHEHHAHAHHAHA! RAHAHHAHAHAI! PLEHAHHAHAHASE!” He squealed, not even trying to escape at this point. He only curled up in a ball as Raihan attacked every tickle spot on him, leaving him flushed and giggly.
“That’s right! Suffer!” Raihan roared playfully, gently laying Hop onto the ground before turning to Leon. The Champion was currently fighting a losing battle. He tried to aim more targeted pokes at Sword, but the younger trainer was quicker, jabbing at his stomach and ribs just the way Raihan taught her. Well done, young pupil.
Grinning, Raihan ran over and gathered the girl up in his arms, “I got her! Tickle her, Lee!” The dragon trainer cheered, laughing along with a giggly Sword. Leon made his way over, only to be intercepted by Hop, who jumped on his back and attacked with his own army of tickles. “Get him Ho-Ahahap!” Sword squeaked when Raihan attacked her armpits once more, leaving her defenseless.
Before long, the four trainers were sprawled out in the grass, residue giggles and laughter escaping their lips as they laid in a pile of limbs. Sword was sprawled out across Raihan’s back, laying her head against his shoulder. A sleeping Hop wasn’t far from the pair, one leg resting haphazardly across Raihan’s leg, the rest of him leaning against an exhausted Leon. He always seemed to pass out first post a tickle fight.
Leon smiled down at his brother, gently patting him on the head before looking over at Raihan. The other gym leader grinned back, letting a snoring Sword continue to use him as a pillow. “Think we taught them their lesson?” He asked in a hushed voice, smiling warmly at the two sleeping kids. Leon smiled in return, nodding in thought. “Yeah. I think they did.”
I hope this was good! It’s always a great time writing about these goofballs! X3
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blossom-hwa · 4 years
WIP Tag (rip me)
So. I got tagged by @wingkkun for this and Kai, I’m just going to let you know that this was a mistake. I have more wips than I care to count
Update: I forgot to tag people bc I'm dumb I'm tagging @lewsr, @chaninfused, and @maaneskin have fun
Rules: post the names of all the files in your wips folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous
hahahahahahahahahahahHA I don’t care about the rules I'm leaving out several where it’s a doc with literally 1 line in it. I'm also not putting up the drabbles I'm writing for unbeleafable bingo those will be a secret until the end of October
Current SKZ WIPs:
WIPs I’m actually working on: 
breathe, and live - chan single dad au :D very fluffy and soft! I've only written like the first 2 parts but it’s already very long and I may release it in chapters
for you - heavy angst slice of life childhood friends jisung :( I don’t recommend reading this if you don't like sadness there will be triggers for suicidal thoughts and death
no one knows - more heavy angst slice of life high school au jisung, no death but still angsty. by the end of it you will be able to tell how much I fucking loathed high school
time and time again - a changbin soulmate au that came to me in a dream. again I haven’t gotten too far but I will write this one if I have to die for it
quietude - hyunjin water nymph :)
brave - chan forest guardian :D
WIPs that are essentially abandoned but that I won’t delete
minho - yes the doc name is minho. it’s some college au thing I started. dunno if it’ll ever be finished
producer and classical - changbin producer, mc classical pianist college au set in the same universe as minho
prince chan - yeah just another one of the royalty aus I love and hate to write about corrupt kingdoms and a shining prince. gah. I will never finish this one so I don’t feel guilt about sharing it
delinquent au - I actually don’t know where this is going so I'm not going to elaborate
assassin au - don’t ask me about this one
Current NCT WIPs:
WIPs I’m actually working on:
phoenix fire - the avatar au I'm working on :) it’s for mark! I haven’t gotten far into it but I like it
break a demon - YES it’s taking a long time but I swear it’ll get done
betray an angel - AGAIN it’s taking a long time but! it! will! get! done!
WIPs that are essentially abandoned but that I won’t delete:
I'll be your home - a blurb sorta thing for mark based off the song dear dream but I haven’t looked at this since last march. the original notes for it are still on my phone tho
fearless - this thing I started to write for xiao gui when nine percent existed and then rebranded for Haechan but I deadass haven’t updated it since last December
sicheng mermaid au - also exactly what it sounds like. this has changed hands MANY times (it was for sicheng then jiayi then renjun and now sicheng again). I have no idea if I will ever finish it
challenge - this dumb thing with Johnny??? some sort of knight au that I haven’t thought about since last year
jeno knight - exactly what it sounds like. it will never be updated
jisung demigod au - some pjo thing I started but I don’t like it anymore
library doyoung - yeah idk what this is anymore
snow white au yuta - I watched Snow White: a tale of terror like two years ago and got inspired and never finished it oops
magic in your fingers - I posted chapter 1 after heavy inspiration from watching fantastic beasts but that inspo is gone now. also as much as I like fantastic beasts fuck jk r*wling
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spacem0th · 4 years
Ok. So. I don't know exactly how to do this, but I'm going to try anyway. I've never really written anything before. I may edit this post in the future. Anyway. I made a Skykid OC! A Darkid (fan-made opposite of a skykid) to be specific. And I'd like to share them.
This is Tasokize. Before and after they became a Darkid. They're a little shorter than the default height. I ended up writing an entire origin story for them, and I'll be sharing it under the cut because it is LONG.
Tumblr media
(Links to the picrews I used are here and here)
Name - Tasokize
Cape Level - 5
Originally, Tasokize lived in the Cidadel of the Valley of Triumph. They normally never strayed too far from the exit of the Elders' temple at the end of the flying race. One day, however, curiosity got the best of them, and they went to try and see what was through the unusually dark cloud tunnel.
Then, as they were clinging to one of the rocks jutting up from the slope, a flock Skykids tumbled into them, sending Tasokize whirling into the cloud tunnel. The flock of more experienced flyers regained their balance in the air, having forgotten Tasokize in their rush to the Wasteland.
Disoriented from tumbling through the clouds, Tasokize finally managed to regain their balance in the air. As their vision cleared, they gasped in awe. They'd never been on this side of the cloud tunnel before. They had talked to other skykids about what lie past the Valley, but they could never have imagined this!
A vast space in the clouds made way to what seemed to be some ruins and a social area, similar to what Tasokize had at the top of the mountains. And a fire! Tasokize sighed in relief as they began to decend. Just then, a loud, deep call rang out.
'What was that? A giant manta?'
They turned around just in time to be met with the huge armored head of a whale.
They'd learned about these creatures before; incredibly rare, and only a few were believed to exist anymore. Snapping out of their stupor, Tasokize was just able to register being knocked into the vortex before they blacked out.
Tasokize jolted awake, coughing up sand and they rose to their knees. They looked up. What they saw was astounding. A massive wall, split down the middle. And before it lay pieces of ruins littered across a stretch of lakes of foul black sludge. Among the ruins and sludge though were growths of dark plants and crabs skittering about. The fact that there could be life in a dreary place like this was bewildering. But they were sure about one thing: they had to get out of here. And the only way out was to go further.
Carefully maneuvering among the wreckage, Tasokize eventually made it to the entrance of the temple. Desperately trying to ignore their growing unease, they took a deep breath.
'It's now or never.'
And they stepped into the darkness.
As they moved forward, They could make out a faint moving glow on the other side of the tunnel. A single, small source of light flew around silently near the other side of the castle's entrance.
'Is that..?'
They inched closer.
'It is! A manta!'
Excited to see light for the first time since coming to this place, Tasokize rushed over to the manta.
'Hello! What are you doing here all alone?'
The manta continued to fly around, oblivious to Tasokize's noise.
'Hey, why don't I play some music so you don't feel as lonely?'
They took out their small bell and began playing a confident tune. Distracted by the manta's light in the dusky ruins, Tasokize didn't notice the danger slowly rising from the depths to greet them.
They barely managed to dodge as they watched in horror as the huge black dragon roared and went in for the kill. In a flash, the manta was gone, and all was silent.
Tasokize fell to their knees, and broke down in tears.
'Wh-what? What was that thing? What did it do? The manta -- It's gone, it -- [It's DEAD] -- It disappeared!'
They knelt there, trembling, as they tried to get their wits about them.
'O-ok. So that thing... ate the manta? I think that's the right word... Which means I should probably try to avoid it.'
Tasokize stood and gathered their surroundings. Something didn't feel right. Glancing at the back of their cape, they froze.
'Ah. I lost a star. I only have four now.'
Glancing quickly, they spotted a Winged Light out in the open.
'Oh, good!'
They moved to go out and collect it, when the grating sound of the dark dragon sounded again. Tasokize froze. At once, their vision was flooded by a blinding red light. The dark dragon rose into a striking position, and Tasokize took their last chance to dash for the Winged Light. The dark dragon charged, and Tasokize dodged at the last second, managing to grab the Winged Light in the process.
They hid. The dark dragon was still looking for them. So they stood as still as they could, and waited. And when the grinding sound had passed overhead, Tasokize lept from their cover and out of sight of the dark dragon. After taking a moment to catch their breath, they slowly moved on, collecting one more winged light as they passed it.
Sliding down a gentle slope, they stopped abruptly as numerous looming, black shapes moved among boulders and bones in the large swamp. The same dark creatures as the one that had eaten the manta.
'No way...'
They couldn't get through there. It was impossible. Then they remembered passing a large pipe at the top of the slope that had lead in a different direction. Tasokize felt a small glimmer of hope, and they held on to that as they trudged back up to the pipe. At the top of the slope, they cautiously stepped into the pipe. They could feel a slight wind coming from the other side. Getting excited, they climbed up and over the ridge inside and ran out the exit.
Only to be greeted by the sight of a desecrated shipwreck. And circling it was another dark dragon. Tasokize's small hope withered.
'Well, at least there's only one this time...'
They moved toward the ship, hopping from one piece of rubble to the next to avoid the sludge.
'These crabs seem more territorial than the ones I saw when I first arrived... Is it because of the dark dragon?'
Tasokize made their way to a large hole in the ship's hull and stepped inside.
'More crabs... Of course... I need to get to higher ground.'
They climbed up the stairs to the ship's deck.
'Okay, how do I get out of here?'
They looked around. On the other side of the black lake, a series of pipes lead up to a crumbled wall.
'There! That must lead past the swamp!'
Spreading their cape, Tasokize took a running start off of the deck and soared over the lake.
Suddenly, a dreadful roar filled their ears. Their breath hitched as the dark dragon struck and launched them onto the other side of the lake.
'GAH! '
They crashed face first into one of the pipes, and they heard their mask crack. Immediately, they brought a hand up to their face, and felt the damage.
'My mask... my mask is cracked! What does that mean? That's bad right?'
Tasokize started to panic. They glanced back up only to see two of their stars sink down into the murky water, the dark dragon making its way back toward the shipwreck.
'NO! '
They reached forward, one hand still on their cracked mask. Their light was gone.
'They're gone... Two stars... I only have two stars left! Hah... Oh, Elders! What am I going to do? I have to hide...'
Tasokize gingerly climbed up the pipes to the crumbled wall. On the other side, what they saw filled them with dread.
'A battlefield...'
They worked their way across the pipes toward what looked like a crumbled fortress. Broken shields and various weapons and blockades littered the stretch of land between the fortress and what Tasokize presumed to be the elder's temple.
'What happened here..?'
Mounted on and around the temple were giant statues of a tall, crowned figure, the one at the center of the temple's roof being the most grand of them all.
'Woah... Who is that? The elder?'
Lowering their gaze to the gate, a small light and movement caught their attention.
'It's another skykid! I'm not alone!'
Tasokize ran toward the gate's activation key where the other skykid stood with a candle. The gate opened.
'Hey!' Tasokize called and waved. 'Help me, please!'
The other skykid turned to them. Terror twisted their expression. They bolted through the temple's gate, and it closed behind them.
Tasokize became desperate.
They collapsed. They'd just made it to the middle of the battlefield. Their mask chipped, and a piece of it fell to the ground. They put a hand to their cracked mask.
'Is this why..?'
Suddenly they heard the grinding sound of a dark dragon, and the area surrounding them was bathed in red. Tasokize glanced up. Two dark dragons had emerged from the black sludge, ready to strike.
Tasokize moved to dodge, and they lunged.
'AGH! '
Tasokize was thrown back towards the broken fortress as the last of their light was sent flying in the other direction. They collided with a large piece of rubble, and rolled down into the murky water. Their mask shattered.
They reached up to the fading light of the surface.
'Someone... Help...'
Tasokize sunk quickly.
And at once, their vision was flooded by a blinding blue light.
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hikari-writes · 4 years
Aslm (。・ω・)ノ゙ for the yandere OCS 1,2 and 8 with max carter 💚
Good thing you accidentally send another ask so I'm saved 🥺🥺🥺 and Waalaikumussalam! Thanks for asking and here we go!!
1. What kind of yandere would Kazuki, Ryou, Takuma and nameless be like towards darling Max Carter?
Ayakashi Kazuki
Kazuki's all in all is a very possessive yandere so he won't let Max get out of his sight for long. Max and him won't be too far apart in terms of heights but he certainly would still act like he's stronger and bigger than her, just to assert dominance. Sometimes he would even act all innocent to manipulate Max into believing him. This boi is slyyyy
Minamoto Ryou
Ryou leans more towards an obsessive yandere. He would think that Max is very cute and would totally protect her. Yes, sure he might be a bit dumb but at least he's not manipulative. He would care so much about Max and him being bigger than her makes him feel the extreme need of protecting her from literally anything. He would get worried sick if even the tiniest thing happen to her and since she usually likes to wear oversized clothing, which makes it easier for her to fall over or get hurt, he wouldn't hesitate to ban her from wearing them.
Kurahashi Takuma
Takuma is more on the playful side, and he can be pretty lenient and laid-back. He would most probably enjoy a casual conversation with Max. Sometimes he would tease her a lot and try to take off her mask but since she's a sleep fighter, that'd be impossible. Oh right, i forgot to mention this but Takuma's actually a wizard. He would sometimes do some magic tricks to impress her. He prefers her cheerful side but if she ever made him snap, he won't be as laid-back or lenient.
They're pretty much a stalker and stalk her most of the time. If she ever noticed them though, it won't be during their stalking because they're very careful not to creep her out. They're extremely protective of her and won't hesitate to kill someone if they even make her the slightest bit uncomfortable. Overall they're pretty chill with someone she knows or acquainted with.
2. What would yandere (Your!oc) "love" so much about darling (My!oc) to become obsessed for them?
Ayakashi Kazuki
He loves how she can give pretty funny ideas at times and make him laugh. He's not the type to get amused easily and when she did it effortlessly, he was totally lovestruck.
Minamoto Ryou
How petite she is and how cute she looks. It would probably originally stems from a sense of wanting to protect her (even though she can protect herself from harm just fine) but it soon will turn out to be an obsession as he saw how the world would treat her if he didn't protect her with all his might.
Kurahashi Takuma
Love would probably starts to spark the moment he asked why did she wear a mask and she said she just wanted to seem "mysterious". This man would totally be very interested in her and soon that "interest" would turn into an obsession.
Literally everything about her?? I imagine nameless is the typical yandere that turned into one after being "saved" by their darling. So yeah, Max probably was just minding her own business, saw Nameless and helped them with whatever they were having problems with.
8. How can (My!oc) escape from being darling of (Your!oc)?
Ayakashi Kazuki
Pretty easy. Just avoid him altogether and NEVER ever interact with him. Although if he's already head over heels for her and wanted to escape then, I'm just gonna say, sorry bb but THERE'S NO ESCAPE
Minamoto Ryou
Maybe if Max completely draws the line of friends and lovers? Ryou is dumb but he understands emotions pretty well and won't cross the line if he knows it would make her uncomfortable. She coulddddd be a bit mean to him because he got offended pretty easily and the pain from getting hurt by someone will most likely stays with him for a long time. Ryou might be passionate once he falls in love and become obsessed and would be a bit more aggressive than before but if Max clearly told him she doesn't want to be bothered, then he won't. Spare the stalking though. He would totally still stalk her just to keep her "safe".
Kurahashi Takuma
Max can start by trying not to feed into his amusement too much. Maybe she can show that she's not interested in him from the first glance and just avoid him altogether, much like the case with Kazuki. In the case of him already being obsessed with her, there's only one option to do. And that is, kill him.
To not be their darling, all Max has to do is NOT be kind to them or just ignore them altogether. If that's failed, all Max has to do is caught them red-handed, stalking her and show that she's disgusted by the action. Despite being a full-time stalker, Nameless is pretty much harmless and a soft yandere. They'll completely back off and would stop stalking her. They won't stop thinking of her and loving her though, but hey, at least the stalking is toned down :D
Sorry this took a bit long! Also, i know i said nameless's gender is unknown, hence why i used they/them pronoun for them but I'm just not very used in using they/them pronoun for a character so sorry if i mixed it up and accidentally call Nameless with male pronouns! I swear i meant to write they/them!
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jjungkooksthighs · 4 years
finally got enough time to read yearn for you and girl!!!!! where do I start from? first of all, I'm sorry you did not receive enough love for this fic but I'll try my best to try and express all the gratitude for you. ok so, this is gonna be messy because english is not my first language and I'm a bit dyslexic so forgive me😔... I remember reading edacity and thinking damn! she can write! and got soooo hooked on the way you write. then I stumbled on claws of carnality and I already told you anything I had to say about this fic: a masterpiece. then I decided to read undercurrent (I couldn't read it straight away because of how long it is and how hectic life could be) but then again, what else could I have expected from you? the way you described the scenes (don't wanna spoil anything if people didn't read it yet).. it was like I was there (this applies for all of your fic but this one has something different to it? can't really describe it, I'm sorry). you are such a talented writer, so elegant, so eloquent, so detailed, so entrancing, so attractive in a way? so when you announced you were going to post another story I was thrilled! and you delivered, god, did you deliver. I was so frustrated with jk at the beginning of the story, you pulled me in your story with just a few sentences.. but at the story went, I felt so content because of how you described their relationship, the trust they have in each other, the desire to please the other, the love you can basically feel through the words and when I was reading about the flashback, I could feel the love. I also loved how even if he is a hard dom, he is so whipped for her... when she stands after he strips her and he sees her kick her heels off and he grins? my heart beat a little faster, don't ask me why. I loved how even if jimin was there, he could also have not been there at all and the after care? the way he is basically going around, calling her his fiancee, love them. at the end, my greedy, curios brain (and heart, who am I kidding) wanted more lmao. I have a few questions if you don't mind.. what happens with taehyung? because he was a bit of a brat, trying to get in her pants and then complaining when he got a bit left out? honey, you got a big storm coming. will you ever write little drabble for this couple? like, how did he propose? not gonna lie, kinda curious about the dress he picked out for her for the gala.. no pressure tho baby, feel free to ignore this part. I also loved how he called her petal and flowers and how he didn't even think twice about buying the necklace. want something like this for me, it would be the life, having someone you love who loves you back and is always ready to remind you... anyway, this is all for today, gonna go read yean for you a few more times now☺️🥴. hope you are having a good day, we love you💙
Your english is very impressive for someone that doesn’t speak it primarily, darling. You don’t need to apologize for being dyslexic, either. You can’t help that and should not apologize for something beyond your control. Anyway, you found me through Edacity, huh? It’s always interesting hearing about how you guys find me, I have to say. That one was written in a lust filled craze following the video that the gif used for that fic was recorded from. Manbun Jungkook really took my pussy (and fingers) and said WORK FOR IT. Ugh, he’s just so hot istg I really couldn’t help myself when I wrote that fic, lol. Anyway, it’s cute that you cycled through like all of my fics and I’m glad that you liked my work enough to keep reading through everything that I had posted on here! I will say that Undercurrent is very precious to me because it’s the very first reader x member fic that I wrote and posted to Tumblr. I love that story so much and I’m so elated to know that you appreciated it as much as you did! It took about two weeks for that like YFY, but every time that I sat down to write it, I just would smile like an idiot whenever I’d read through it at how cutely I encapsulated the lovers to be in their feelings for each other. 
Truly, who else writes a damn novel for their first ever fic? Gah, I am still so soft over Undercurrent. That fic is like my first child, lol. It is very special to me. So is COC, but we all know my sentiments about that fic at this point. I feel like I’m being annoying with it, but the self-consciousness and insecurity about that one still persists and whenever I hear about it from my readers, I get nervous because I have this lingering anxiety that more negative comments will be given on it. Well, this ask isn’t about COC, so I should move on, I think. Sorry about that mini-rant, anon!
Switching back to YFY, Jungkook’s personality in this one is a little different than what I have done before and I am glad that you liked the way he’s built in terms of his characterization. I wanted to show a Jungkook that was so in love with you that he is willing to give you anything you want (even if that means fucking another man) while also staying true to the possessive creature that we all know he is in real life. He adores reader very much and because of that, he just wants to see her happy at the end of the day. She is a constant in his life and gives him stability where the world would fall apart under his feet and he cherishes her for that for sure. I adored their relationship just as you did because they care about each other so much and each one of them just wants to please the other always. It’s funny that you say that Jimin could have not been there because the person that commissioned this fic from me actually wanted just a CEO!Jimin fic in the beginning, lol. Kook wasn’t even factored into the story in the initial stages and it actually was going to be a hybrid CEO!Jimin fic where he goes into heat while at work, but that idea was never fully fleshed out because Jungkook had to come out with his D’ICON stuff and really, it was over for me when I saw that video of him in the leather fit. 
I talked to my commissioner about it and she was more than eager to have Kook involved in the fic (even though she originally thought that I would not go so far as to write 31.5k words worth of shit that Kook was responsible for over 22.3k for before Jimin even makes an appearance, lol. I couldn’t really help it being the Jungkook slut that I am, but hey, it brought such sin out of it and I can’t apologize for THAT because it was too much fun to keep writing the lewd escapades of reader and her fiance that loved his future wife too much to deny her of anything so as long as he is part of it. 
As for Taehyung, well...let’s just say that Jungkook had a nice “chat” with Taehyung and the two ended the discussion with Jungkook sat in his office while Taehyung got to listen to a recording of reader fucking herself with Jungkook’s name falling repeatedly from her lips. Taehyung may or may not have had a tent in his pants while Jungkook gave a cruel smirk and when you’re summoned to his office, let’s just say that Taehyung gets a nice show while Jungkook fucks you over his desk. Now, this is done AFTER Jungkook orders you to bind Taehyung’s wrists with his tie so that he can’t do anything while he watches, his lips drawn between his teeth the entire time that Jungkook fucks into you like a crazed man. When it’s all over and you lie boneless on the desk, Jungkook eats the sandwich you brought him off your stomach before eating you out and let’s just say that when Taehyung leaves the office, his cheeks have never been more red both with embarrassment and rage. 
Wow, I really let myself keep going with that, huh? I guess that shows just how much I’m fond of YFY, lol. 
I would consider writing a drabble for YFY, but that would have to be commissioned as I am facing a financial crisis right now and can’t really afford to spend time writing anymore unless I will be compensated for it! It’s very sweet to ask that because it shows me you want more of this story and that’s very heartening to know!
As for the dress, I would be more than happy to show it to you if you message me (you can go through anon again if you prefer) once more with that question because this ask is already really long! 
Also, I’m pleased to know that you liked the pet names! I have a weakness for them, you see, so you’ll find an abundance of that in just about everything you read from me. 
It would be quite a life to have a man like YFY Jungkook in it, wouldn’t it? You would never want for a thing with him, that’s for sure. You also would never feel deprived of attention or love because he’d readily relinquish both to you 24/7. I wanna swoon over YFY Jungkook because he’s just so dreamy, isn’t he? 
Anyway, I am so happy to hear you liked the story. Thank you for reading my work and taking the time to say all of that, lovely. It really makes my day so much better when you guys tell me things like this and I can’t thank you enough for being nice enough to let me know all of this!
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jmalkki · 5 years
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After Workout 
Hugh Culber, one of the most frequent regulars at the gym at any post or starship he’s ever been assigned to, no doubt.
This one has been long time brewing (in fact, ever since Paul imagined it in this early narration), but in the end got made on a quick whim now, almost without me even noticing. Something about the old proverb of “well begun” and all that, I suppose.
This is also on twitter and on instagram. And listed here with all the rest of the Disco/Culmets works, as always.
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Note to (poor) Paul: “a lot of times while you were too busy working”.
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A rare occasion of a character not modeled after an actual on-screen background actor. As if anyone even sees this note.
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I keep coming back to putting Hugh in that shirt. Makes sense, it being the workout gear of the personnel, after all.
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This left-most guy wasn’t really modeled after an extra on the show either, but made to slightly resemble one. Imagine a bit higher, swept back hairline (and, eh, clothes on them) and you might recall having seen someone vaguely like them in the very first episodes aboard USS Discovery. But not really...
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Now, that fellow peeking in the far background however, is one of the original Disco-shirt wearers on screen, from s1ep7. Izaak Smith - playing a jogger, who witnesses Paul making a scene with Michael in the hallway. This is my second time including them, yet, no way in any satisfactory capacity, leaving me still wanting to feature them more prominently.
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My personal favorite details in this piece: the swallow-delta tattoo (harking back to old sailor designs), and a blurry glimpse of Hugh’s service number (quite illegible, but just knowing it’s there is greatly pleasing), nonexistence of which I first remember lamenting over in this ancient post (curiously coincidentally, also in reference to tattoos - the only other instance, iirc), and which Dead Endless too finally graciously provided. Love it! And mean to use it at any reasonable instance (which might not be a lot, but hey! It exists now!).
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This illustration’s true legacy? For once, Hugh is the least nude individual portrayed (yay?).
Edit: Gah! Just realized a major flaw in the pic: the “Disco” on the shirt should read in reverse in the mirror image, of course! (Same for the delta in the tattoo). Rather than go and reverse those rather obvious objects, I just flipped all the more inconspicuous non-mirrored elements instead. So there - fixed.
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loopy777 · 4 years
I got an anonymous Ask that seems to be inquiring, in a roundabout fashion, about my methods for focusing on a single work and finishing it, but it mentions another author in a manner that I consider to be insulting, so I’m not going to directly reply to it. It also helps that I’ve only sampled that author’s works (liking what I tried) and haven’t had the time to read more, so I can’t even begin to analyze the author or guess at her methods.
What I will do is share my patented Loopy’s 8-Step Guide to Finishing Fanfic Projects! Follow these steps, and you can’t go wrong!
1. Don’t have any kind of social life. This step is critical. Don’t have friends you hang out with, don’t have romances, don’t have spouses, don’t have kids, don’t go to parties. You are allowed to attend geek conventions and celebrate holidays, and sometimes watch Youtube videos, but only about once a month. I am anti-social and the only family I have relying on me are all at least my age, so I can devote all my free time to planning and writing fanfic, if I desire. No, I’m not joking. I’m just wording this in a humorous fashion so that people don’t feel sorry for me. Yoink!
2. Plan it all out The writing phase is no time to be figuring out what happens next. Writing is hard enough. Do yourself a favor and figure out every major portion of the plot, and the vague connecting tissue, so that when you’re writing you can focus on word choice, scene staging, pacing, etc. I find it helps to outline the whole story first. Then I outline the smaller phases in more detail, focusing on the earlier portions because I’m inevitably going to change my mind about things as I write. I outline each chapter as I’m getting ready to write it, and for important conversations, I outline the points that each character needs to hit in between the banter. Having a plan means you have a guide into dangerous territory. It also means you have a plan that you can throw away in a dash of inspiration, and that’s always fun!
3. Stick to a ruthless update schedule I recommend weekly or biweekly updates, because anything longer and I think there’s a risk of readers forgetting what your story is about. But the best thing about making the schedule paramount is that it’s a great way to force yourself to settle for Good Enough. Sure, maybe the writing could be better, but it’s time to update. Maybe events don’t feel natural enough, but it’s time to update. Maybe you need to sit down and completely rework this part of the plot, but it’s time to update. This works out because the dirty secret of storytelling is that quality doesn’t actually matter- at least, not in the short term, as you should also...
4. Design your story to fail Even when things have been going well -- great, even -- you can stumble right into a scene or a plot point that just isn’t providing what you want from it. If you could get over this hill, the story would flow again, but this one stupid scene is critical and it’s holding everything else up. Gah! So, instead of not updating your story until you can make this part work, just leave whatever you have and make the next part awesome. Readers will forget the mediocre part as soon as they get something good. Just make sure there’s more Good in your story than Mediocre, and definitely don’t end a chapter on Mediocre. This is why the planning portion is critical, so that you can line up a whole bunch of great scenes or plot points, rather than trying to play catch-up during the writing phase when you produce flat results.
5. Hide your failures This isn’t the same kind of failure in the previous step. Even if you plan it all out properly (or more likely because you got impatient and just jumped into writing for the fun of it), sometimes your stories aren’t going to work and don’t feel like they merit more of your attention. Maybe the words just refuse to flow with this idea, no matter which scene or part you try to work on. Maybe the plans that seemed so cool in summary or outline become stupid when written out. I might very well have as many aborted stories as the author mentioned in the original Ask, but the difference is that I didn’t post mine. They’re sitting on my hard-drive. Never to be seen. Even though some of them are pretty cool, if I do say so myself. Thus, as far as you people know, I have a 100% completion rate. Because the key to overcoming the odds is always cooking the books.
6. For longer works, train and plan for a marathon A lot of people think writing a novel is basically the same as writing a bunch of unconnected short stories, aside from a novel requiring a little more planning. This is wrong. It is, emotionally and creatively, the difference between running a marathon and running a bunch of sprints. I had to train my way up to writing long works, starting with short stories for a long time, expanding into novellas, and then a novel, and then a Doorstopper With More Words Than The Lord Of The Rings. And, even after I trained up to that level, I still had to plan out breaks. I had to identify which months of the year would leave me less writing time, and work that into my update schedule. I had to figure out which parts of the story would emotionally exhaust me, so that I would have time to recharge afterwards. I had to figure out a balance with other projects, such as Shipping Weeks, that I wanted to take on. I had to decide if I had enough time to even play that 100-hour video game that would be coming out next year, if I also wanted to keep my story updating. (Spoiler alert: I didn’t. Too bad, as people seemed to really like that game.) Writing long works is an endurance test, even if you only write in short bursts. And the only way to find the motivation for it is to...
7. Love your ending more than the rest of the story put together A lot of people make the mistake of having the ending of their story only being a tying up of plot threads. That is wrong. Yes, endings need to do that, but if that’s all they’re doing, then both you and the reader don’t have any motivation to actually read them. An ending that provides a satisfying resolution to a plot thread is also an ending that can probably be guessed by someone who has thought about that plot thread. That doesn’t mean you should try to make the ending a surprise or twist (unless you also like to do that, which I do), it means you need to give the ending the punch, the impact, the meaning that makes reading the final product so much more than reading a summary of the same events. You definitely shouldn’t have the best part of the story, the part you’ve been most motivated to write, in the middle. What keeps me going through all my stories is the desire to get to that ending and reveal it in proper form to the world, because I make my endings the point of the entire story. A whole novella about stealing trains is just to properly set up the moment when Mai reaches out to touch Zuko’s face for the first time. A world-spanning epic is just to set up the moment when Aang finds the ultimate use for his connections to other people. If the ending is the best part of the story, the part you believe in the most, then that’s the best possible motivation to get through the rest of it. However, there’s one more critical component that ties into this, and that’s to...
8. Love your whole story Yes, love the ending most of all, but if you don’t love all of it, then you still won’t have enough motivation to write the whole thing. While I am always eager to reveal the ending of my stories to the audience for that final, wonderful impact, I’m also always eager to reveal the next plot twist, the next character introduction, the next joke, the next fight scene, the next clue in the mystery, and so on. Whatever you’re writing is always the hardest part, but knowing that if you finish this, you’ll get to that- well, that’s the track that will get your train to the station. Because the key to writing is not to love writing. No one does, except maybe poets, and who cares about poetry? Writing is awful. I love storytelling, but I’ll never be able to draw and can’t do public speaking and can only admire music from afar (or through ignorant imitation), so I write. If we live in an age where an Old Storyteller would hang out in the town tavern and tell tales to the kids and the young at heart, I’d be doing that instead.
Or, at least, that’s how it all works for me. But I might not be right in the head.
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