valkaryah · 2 years
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absurdthirst · 1 year
Casual Neighbors {Marcus Pike x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 10.3k
Warnings: FWB, Oral sex (female receiving), vaginal sex, protected sex, unplanned pregnancy, mentions of abortions,
Comments: Training to be a nurse, your first patient is your handsome neighbor. Which leads to dinner, that turns into a FWB situation since Marcus is rethinking relationships and even having a family. Until you learn that you're pregnant when you are in your ultrasound class.
A/N: We based it alllllll off this TikTok. Yes, we are unhinged.
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
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Marcus is exhausted, he needs to sleep but he’s been working all night long. Too busy trying to solve this latest case. The suspect had been brought in for questioning and held overnight. Marcus ran out of time around six in the morning and the perp had been released, making his department scramble for the evidence to arrest him. Marcus knows it’s him, he just has to prove it. He sighs and makes it up the last flight of steps on the floor to his apartment. In his exhaustion, he misses the last step and goes flying forward, hitting his head on the bannister and splaying over the floor.
“Oh my God, are you okay?” You had been leaving your apartment to go get some coffee and study before your class, leaving your apartment just in time to witness someone go sprawling. Dropping your bag, you rush over towards him, luckily moving and wincing as he slowly shuffles to his knees and groans. “Hold on, hold on, let me look.” You drop to your knees and start to try to get a look at the cut on the man’s forehead.
Marcus groans, trying to get his bearings and he looks up at you with glassy eyes, taking a few moments to recognize you as his neighbor that moved in a few months ago. “God, you’re beautiful.” He murmurs, still lost in the confusion of tripping over combined with his lack of sleep.
“You did hit your head hard.” You joke, looking into his confused brown eyes. He’s sweet, and very handsome, despite the blood that is running down his forehead. You introduce yourself and tut, reaching into your pocket to pull out a pack of Kleenex you carry. “We should get this cleaned up, I’m a nurse- well, I will be one when I get done with my training.”
“I should get to hospital and I-” He stumbles as he stands up, clinging to the bannister. 
“I can help clean you up.” You tell him and Marcus bites his lip, eager to avoid the trip to ER. 
“Okay.” He nods and you guide him to his apartment, helping him when he fumbles to get his keys out of his pocket. 
You help him inside and sit him down on his sofa. “Stay here. I’ll go get my kit.” You tell him and he nods, wincing but slumping against his sofa.
You rush back into your apartment, excited and nervous to treat your first ‘patient’ even though it’s something relatively minor. You’ve already checked for concussion, but you’ll check again. When you’ve pulled out your extensive first aid kit, you walk back to his door and knock on it before pushing it open. “Knock knock, you’re nurse is here.”
Marcus looks up, wincing at how quickly his head moved and he feels like an idiot for tripping up on the stairs. He watches you come and set your kit down on his coffee table and he blushes when you lean in towards him to start cleaning the cut. “Will I survive?” He jokes softly, admiring you as you concentrate.
“It might be touch and go, but I think you’ll survive.” You hum, looking away from what you are doing to smile at him. Telling yourself that you’re not flirting, you’re practicing your bedside manner. “You seem like you’re very coordinated normally, when I see you running out of your apartment in the mornings. Everything okay?” You see that his eyes are bloodshot, he’s obviously tired since you don’t smell any booze on him and he doesn’t appear to have any drugs in his system.
Marcus goes to nod but stops himself because of your hand on his forehead. “Yeah. Just exhausted. Work was a shit show. I haven’t slept for - shit - for like 48 hours.” He sighs, knowing he needs to take a few hours and head back into work. “I- you were heading out?” He remembers, wincing when you clean the cut.
“I was, and you need to sleep.” You tut, dabbing at the cut. “Good news is that you don’t need stitches, but just barely.” You hum, reaching for the antibiotic ointment and the butterfly bandages. “I’ll get you cleaned up and since you don’t have a concussion, I’ll give you some painkillers and then tuck you into bed.”
“God you’re the prettiest nurse I’ve ever had. So - God, I was lucky you were there.” He murmurs as you finish cleaning him up. His head is throbbing now, from the wound or the exhaustion he doesn’t know and he watches you fluster. “Sorry. I- you’ve helped me and I just can’t stop my mouth from blurting out the first thought in my head.”
“It’s okay.” You assure him, giving him a smile and patting his knee gently before you lean back and turn to your bag so you can get him some aspirin. “You seem sweet and for my first patient, you’re very cute.” You flirt, wanting him to feel good.
“Do you want to have dinner?” Marcus asks, flushing when his brain catches up. “I mean…I want to say thank you for helping me. You’ve saved me an expensive ER bill. Least I could do is make you dinner. Just you know, as neighbors.” He adds, not wanting you to feel pressured or awkward.
You grin, shaking out several aspirin into your hand and offering them to Marcus. “That sounds good.” You admit shyly. “As long as you go right to bed and sleep for at least eight hours.” You instruct seriously. “If you don’t feel like you are up to it, you can text me and cancel.” You grab a notepad and a pen out of your kit and quickly jot down your cell for him.
Marcus knows he won’t be asleep too long. He needs to go back to work before he grocery shops but he pretends to take your advice. “Shall we say 7:30? Do you get out of school? Or work?” He asks, suddenly nervous about tonight but he reminds himself this is just as friends. He swallows the aspirin after you get him some water and he takes the piece of paper.
“I get out around 6 so that’s perfect.” You nod. “I’m in school.” It’s easier to just say that right now rather than explaining you worked to save up for school and keep a budget that should carry you through nursing school. “Can I bring anything?” You ask, feeling slightly giddy about a simple dinner.
“No. No. Just yourself.” Marcus insists then downs the rest of the water. “I better get some sleep.” He stands up, swaying slightly, and he reaches for his tie, tossing it down as he shrugs off his jacket. He just wants to get into his bed, pass out and then wake up to plan dinner. “I’ll let you go. I can get into bed.” He promises, kicking off his shoes.
“Okay.” You watch him for a moment, struck by how cute your neighbor is and then you shake your head at yourself. He needs rest and you need to get out of his hair to do it. “I’ll let you get some sleep Marcus.” During his rambling, he had told you his name, but you hadn’t mentioned that he was still wearing his FBI badge with his name and picture on it. “Sleep well.”
Passing out in bed, Marcus sleeps for four hours and forces himself to wake up, getting in the shower to get ready to go back into the office. His head hurts but he takes some Tylenol and has a bagel, feeling better and ready to go back into work then go grocery shopping.
For your own part, you had a lot to tell the other girls and the one guy that was in your nursing class. Happy that you had been able to help, which was why you were becoming a nurse to begin with, and snagging a date with a cute guy. When class was over, you had rushed home to shower and pick out something cute yet casual to wear for dinner.
Marcus has a bottle of wine in the fridge, the pasta is boiling and sauce is simmering. He’s not the best cook but he’s pretty proud of the dishes he can cook. When the doorbell rings, he makes his way to the door, dressed in jeans and a button down, he tries to make this casual. This is not a date, it’s a thank you. He opens the door, smiling when he sees you in jeans and a blouse, and God, you’re just as pretty as he remembers. “Hey.” He offers you, feeling a little bashful now.
"Hey." You groan at the smell that is coming out of the apartment. "It smells absolutely amazing in here and I'm going to be in for a treat." 
Marcus is pleased it smells good and he guides you into his home. “You want a glass of wine? I have white but if you want red I can open that. Or if you want rosé, I have that too. Or Prosecco. I can open that.” He rambles, aware that he’s nervous and that’s fully on display.
You give a small laugh, reaching out and touching his arm. “It sounds like you have a great wine selection, but a glass of white wine sounds amazing.” You tilt your head and check for any additional signs of concussion. “As long as you have one with me if you're feeling up to it?”
Marcus nods, “I’m feeling fine now. I had a good nurse.” He winks and makes his way to his fridge to grab the bottle of wine, easily pouring two glasses and handing yours out until you take it. “To my savior.” He jokes, offering a toast as you hold your glass.
“To good timing.” You offer in return, tapping your glass lightly against his. “It made for a good story today in class. How I got my first patient and it was my handsome next door neighbor.” You figure since you already know that he thinks you’re pretty, there’s harm in letting him know the same.
Marcus blushes a little, sipping some wine, and he sets the glass down to continue working on dinner. “Shit. I didn’t ask if you’re allergic to anything.” He curses himself, knowing he should’ve checked. “I’m making chicken Alfredo.” He tells you, hoping you like that and don’t have any problems with it. If not, he can rustle something else up.
“That sounds perfect to me.” Marcus really is a sweet, considerate man. His relief is written on his face and it’s nice to have someone actually care about small details like that for once. “So, Marcus, what are you doing when you aren’t going 48 hours without sleep?” You ask, knowing that he’s in the FBI, but you assume they have different jobs other than just being scary g-men.
Marcus chuckles, “I work a lot but I like to read. Watch TV. Try to work out and go running. Normal stuff. I, uh, I like going to the farmers market on a Sunday.” He confesses, knowing he likes watching the happy couples walk by while he wallows in his singleness.
You raise a brow in surprise. Most men would talk about the sports bars they go to or the dating apps they are on. “All of that sounds great.” You admit, watching as he moves around his kitchen with the ease of someone who is used to cooking this. It’s not a performance simply to impress you. “I didn’t hear about dating in there, though. I’m assuming that there’s not a girlfriend or wife in another city?” You hadn’t seen any women come and go. “Or maybe boyfriend or husband?” You add, not wanting to assume just because he said you were beautiful.
Marcus snorts, unable to stop himself. “I- I have firmly decided against dating for the time being. I had a difficult situation when I moved to D.C. It’s a long story but I was engaged to a coworker, she - she called the engagement off to be with her partner and I have kind of wanted to focus on myself and get settled before I venture back out there.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” The idea that this might be a date dies a swift and disappointing death. You give him a small smile and nod. “Working on yourself is never a bad thing. It’s always good to know yourself better before involving someone else.”
“I really was ready to marry her, I was even ready to give up having kids, she didn’t want them. I- I don’t think I want kids anymore or to get married. It’s so complicated.” He’s been burned too many times. His ex wife had done a number on him. “Anyway, what about you? Am I dragging you away from a partner?” He asks, suddenly wanting to change the subject.
Your heart breaks for him, although you understand that after something painful, his viewpoints on everything might shift. “No.” You shrug and give him a painful look of commiseration. “Painfully single for the past…three years?” You nod. “Yeah. Three years. I’ve been busy working my ass off so I could afford to go to nursing school without having to work full time too. No time to do the song and dance and no desire to put up with the dating app bullshit.”
“I fucking hate dating apps.” Marcus confesses, stirring the pasta into the sauce after draining the water. “I can understand you being busy. What made you want to be a nurse?” He asks, shifting to serve the food in to awaiting dinner bowls on the side.
You laugh at the face he makes when he mentions dating, mirroring your feelings exactly. “Well, I always liked the idea of helping people. Like this morning. But honestly? I couldn’t really find anything else that held my attention longer than a semester or two.”
Marcus carries the dishes over to the table, setting them down and he heads back to the kitchen to grab the garlic bread. “Sit down.” He insists, “I remember when I was in school…I hated it.” He admits, setting the bread down, “I just wanted to get out into the world and make a difference.”
“I feel like that too sometimes.” You admit, reaching over and grabbing Marcus’s wine glass to bring over as you walk to the table. “But there is so much that goes into nursing that I can’t just jump into it. But I’m almost done.”
“You’ll be a good nurse. I can tell.” He winks at you and sits down, picking up the wine glass you just set down. “To impromptu hallway ERs.” He jokes at you and clinks his glass against yours.
“I am happy that my first patient was as nice as you.” You admit after taking a sip of the delicious white wine. “I’m assuming not every one of them will invite me over to their house for a homemade dinner to say thank you.” You set down the wine and pick up your fork. “If it tastes half as good as it smells, I am in for a treat.”
Marcus flushes slightly, not used to cooking for anyone but himself. “I hope it tastes good too.” He says and sets his wine down to start eating. He watches you eagerly as you take your first bite, watching for any micro expressions that tell him you don’t like it. He tries to not ask how it is, biting his lip to smother the question.
It takes you a moment. That slight pause where you just absorb the flavors of the meal before you react. Groaning, your eyes slip closed with a small smile on your lips as you chew. “Oh my God.” You cover your mouth with your hand to make sure you don’t show any food. “I need this recipe for Alfredo, Marcus. It’s amazing.” 
To say he’s pleased is an understatement. He beams, ducking his head shyly as you praise him, and he offers you a bashful smile. “I’m glad you like it. I can give you the recipe. I got it online.” He tells you, offering you some garlic bread that he knocked up. He’s so happy you like it, eager to thank you for helping him out earlier.
“God, I can’t. You shouldn’t be this hot and a good cook.” You huff playfully, enjoying the way that the heat starts to creep up his neck. You imagine that if you were to try to feel his skin, it would be very warm. “It’s unfair. That’s what it is.”
Marcus snorts, knowing you’re just flattering him since he invited you to dinner. “Not unfair. I’m complicated. Got too many issues. Plus I leave my socks on the floor. Hairs in the sink.” He jokes, shaking his head as he twirls the fettuccine around the fork.
“Yep, socks, that has to be the deal breaker.” You joke back, grinning at him. You can tell he has a hard time accepting compliments. “Maybe it’s complicated because you have an intense job?” You offer. “I noticed your badge this morning. I bet there’s a lot of times things at work pop up and some women are idiots to let minor things get between them and a good man.”
Marcus sighs, setting his fork down, “sometimes. I mean, my ex was a coworker so she understood. She would rush off too for different ops. My ex wife…she hated it. Thought I was having an affair and making up the ops. Got to be too much and she wanted a divorce. Shit, I’m just spilling all my baggage. What about you? Why’s a beautiful woman like you single?” He counters, picking up his fork again.
“Scheduling.” You tell him with an ironic grin on your face. “Men don’t like to be told that they need to wait for sex because I have to work. Or study. Or sleep. So…” You shrug and fork up another bite of your dinner. “Just me and Bob most nights.”
“Bob.” Marcus chuckles, familiar with the term. “You deserve better than that, sweetheart. Too many people are caught up in media, wanting the perfect person to love them but we are all flawed. You should love someone, including their flaws. I- I’m a huge romantic. Love Actually is my favorite movie.” He confesses bashfully.
“Uh huh.” You nod and finish your bite before you lift your glass of wine. “I love that movie but I have one point that might get me kicked out.” You take a sip and grin. “The Walking Dead guy? His character was dead wrong. He ruined their wedding photos and the creepy board thing was way out of line. He expected her to keep this secret from her husband, he’s best mate.”
Marcus snorts, nodding his head, “you are right. Super creepy and over the line. My ex…her partner…he was in love with her and did everything he could to break us up. Succeeded in the end but gave me similar vibes to that character. I think that movie definitely shows the errors of love. How people make mistakes and sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad. Things happen for a reason. I’m convinced about that. I just - I’m not ready to throw my hat back in the ring.”
“God.” You stare at him for a moment, unsure if he realizes how perfect he sounds. “You definitely don’t deserve to be alone.” You huff, shaking your head. “Or at least have a fuck buddy who appreciates what you bring to the table.”
“Which is?” He snorts, “I don’t have anything to give. I work all the hours I have to and barely have enough time to work out so I’m not in the best shape of my life. I am - I am a desperate romantic and I get inside my head. I need something with no strings attached at all. And that’s hard for me, I’m not emotionless. I like emotions and I want to know someone before I take them to bed.
You might be about to embarrass yourself, make a huge fool of yourself and make your handsome neighbor avoid you like the plague, but no prizes are won unless you shoot your shot. “So fuck me.” You offer. “We’re both busy, single. We live next door to each other and think the other is attractive.” You pose, arching your eyebrow at him. “I’ll give you no strings attached and you’ll let me give my vibrator a break.”
Marcus nearly chokes on his food at your suggestion but then he thinks about it. It’s not silly, it’s smart. You’re a gorgeous woman and he is interested in you. Undoubtedly, he would never turn you away from his bed. You’re his next door neighbor though and he doesn’t want things to get messy in lieu of short term gratification. “Are you- no strings attached? You won’t be upset if I don’t buy you flowers or take you on a date?”
You snort and shake your head. “Flowers die, I appreciate the thought behind them, but I’d rather have orgasms.” You admit with a grin. “If you aren’t interested, it’s okay. No harm, no foul. We pretend like I didn’t say anything, we finish this dinner and go about our evenings alone.” You tell him. “If you are interested, well…..” you smirk and shrug. “We finish dinner and see how we feel after we get the first awkward fuck out of the way.”
His heart pounds in his chest and he hesitates but not because he doesn’t want you. He just doesn’t do this sort of thing, never has. Even in college his friends would make fun of him for not fucking a different girl every night. Maybe it’s his romanticism. “Let’s finish dinner and sit on the couch. See how things go. I want you, I’d be blind to not want you. You’re gorgeous. Let’s eat and then I…I wouldn’t mind my dessert being you.” He says with a smirk despite his flushed cheeks
Smirking slightly, you nod and fork up another bite. “Yes sir.” You tease, knowing that this is crazy but your neighbor is handsome and it’s been a long time since you’ve had a good man in your bed. Even if it’s just fucking, you know he won’t treat you like an object.
Dinner is enjoyed but rushed, Marcus scrambling to put the plates in the dishwasher and you stand up to help him.  He hates when things dry in the pan so you offer to help him and he accepts. “Sorry. Not exactly foreplay.” He jokes as he loads the dishwasher. He knows he wouldn’t be able to concentrate without the dishwasher being on and the kitchen being clean. 
You shrug, drying off the pot, “I’ve had worse.” You confess. 
Marcus shakes his head, “I’m an idiot.” He admits, starting the dishwasher just as you’re about to wash another pan. He grabs it from you, setting it down and he pushes you back against the counter. Inhaling deeply, he leans closer to you, not kissing you yet. His dark eyes on you and he leans in to run his nose along your jaw, enjoying your perfume. “It’s been a while.” He admits, pulling back to look into your eyes, “are you sure you want this?” 
You nod, dumbstruck by how handsome he is. “Words, baby girl.” He orders, and you swallow harshly, “yes.” That word sets a fire off in Marcus’s belly and he leans in to press his lips to yours, his hands grabbing your hips.
It’s surprising how passionate the kiss is. You can feel the built up tension behind it, repressed sexual need and want pouring out. Moaning slightly, you open your mouth and heat pools in core when he deepens the kiss. Sliding his tongue into your mouth and groaning into you. Your own hands slide up his back before you start to push up under his shirt, wanting to feel his warm skin under your fingers.
Marcus groans when your nails scratch his lower back and his hands slide along your waist, squeezing your breasts through your shirt until he can pull it over your head, exposing your bra. He leans in to kiss you again, tongue sliding against yours and he moves to kiss along your jaw and down your neck, trying to not suck too hard on your skin.
You tilt your head, letting him kiss along your throat and the thrilling sensation of arousal takes over. “I’m clean.” You hum, knowing that you should be demanding a condom, you know the statistics on STDs but you want to feel him. It’s been so long. “I- fuck, I’m on the pill.” You moan when his hands quickly unclip your bra and cup your tits. “Y-you?” 
Marcus leans back so he can look you in the eyes, “I’m clean. Got tested a few weeks ago for my quarterly health check at work. I haven’t been with anyone in a while. I, uh, can show you if you want.” He offers but you chuckle, shaking your head. You highly doubt Marcus would lie about that to you. 
“I believe you. I want to feel you. All of you.” You declare and reach out to squeeze him through his pants. 
“Shit.” He hisses, trying to not buck into your touch and instead, he focuses on you. Leaning in, he kisses along your chest until he takes a nipple into his mouth, sucking and licking while he enjoys your cries of pleasure.
You’re going to fuck this man right here in his kitchen unless you move somewhere else. Gasping out, you clutch his head to your chest and moan when he bites down gently before soothing the ache with his tongue. “Fuck- bedroom?” You ask, not certain if he would want to go that far. For all you know, he might just want to bend you over the table. 
The guilt settles as he realizes he should’ve taken you to bed. He’s not being a gentleman despite the fact that you’re about to have casual sex, you deserve to be treated properly. “Bedroom.” He confirms, pulling back from you and taking your hand so he can guide you through his apartment to the bedroom he keeps clean and tidy. 
Turning back towards you, he works on unbuttoning his shirt, fingers fumbling slightly until you take over. “Thanks.” He murmurs, enjoying the brushes of your fingers on every inch of skin you expose. His hands grab your ass, pulling you up against him when you have the shirt off of his shoulders and he relishes in the feel of your breasts against his skin. “God, you’re beautiful.” He echoes his earlier sentiment, still meaning it while he leans in to kiss you again.
This kiss is slower, more seductive and you can tell that this man is one who likes to please a partner. Except, you don’t want to be soft or gentle. You don’t need seduction, you need sex. Reaching down, you fumble with the button on his jeans and pull his zipper down, reaching into his pants to cup his cock. “Marcus, I need you to strip down.” you pant, wanting to feel him inside you and squeeze him. 
His groan is wrecked already when you squeeze him through his pants. Marcus can’t deny you anything, that has become clear, and he agrees, shifting to push his pants down. “Fuck baby, take - take your pants off.” He begs, wanting to see all of you. He kicks his pants aside, nearly stumbling while he takes off his socks.
It makes you giggle, watching him hop around even as you start peeling your own jeans down and shucking them. Going ahead and taking your panties off too, thankful you had showered and shaved before you had come over. Although you hadn’t anticipated sleeping with Marcus when you had done so. Standing in front of him naked, you let him look. “Do you want me to ride you or do you want to be on top?” 
Marcus cups your cheeks, bringing your eyes to focus on him. “How do you want me?” He asks, wanting you to decide this first time. “Ride me? Me on top? Me behind you? You tell me what you need.” He demands softly, wanting to please you.
“Fuck.” It’s been a long time since someone’s asked you how you want to take them. Your cunt clenches and you know that you’re already wet enough to take him. Glancing down at his cock, you hum. “I want to ride you.” You decide, knowing that he would want to play with your tits and kiss you while you bounce on his cock. 
Marcus’s cock twitches at the thought and he walks over to his bed, laying down on it and he pats his chest. “First you’re gonna ride my face. Want you to be wet enough to take me.” He orders, “come on. I want to taste you.”
You smirk, shaking your head as he looks up at you. Kneeling on the bed and straddling his waist, you don’t move closer. “No, I want to feel the stretch.” You reach down and wrap your fingers around his cock and start pumping him. “Feel the burn of your cock while I’m in class and know you fucked me.” 
“Fuckkkk.” Marcus hisses, his hands sliding along your waist until he can cup your tits, eagerly squeezing them and rolling your nipples between his fingers. “You’re a dirty girl. I love that.” He admits, loving how you’re not afraid to voice your fantasies, your desires. “Take what you want, sweetheart.” He demands, trying not to buck into your hand.
You enjoy the respect, shuffling up and lifting your hips up so you can place him at your dripping entrance. This man who you technically met this morning is now inside you when you lower yourself down onto his cock. Moaning at how he is stretching you out and not regretting a second of it. Closing your eyes against the thick stretch of him and enjoying how breathless he sounds underneath you. 
“Jesus Christ.” Marcus hisses, watching his cock disappear inside of you and he swears he’s died and gone to heaven. “Holy - you feel amazing, baby.” He groans, fingers caressing your hips as he patiently waits for you to adjust to him and get ready to move. His hands slide up your body to your tits and down to your ass, not able to get enough of you.
“Knew- knew you would want to touch.” You crow smugly, starting to grind your hips slowly before you lift off his cock and sink back down again with a moan. Leaning forward, you press your lips to his and gasp at the angle when he presses up against something wonderful inside you when he’s buried deep. “Fuck.” 
When your walls flutter around him, his hands find your ass and he squeezes, unable to stop himself from smacking your cheek. You gasp into his mouth and he smiles, enjoying your shock. He repeats the action and you rock back onto him, keeping that same angle. “So good.” He murmurs against your lips, “you feel so good.”
You pant in agreement, your hips starting to roll faster, chasing that sizzling spark of pleasure every time he hits deep. It’s been a long time since you’ve fucked someone and had it feel this good. “Fuck it’s so good.” You whimper, holding onto his shoulders and kissing him while you rock on his cock. 
Marcus shifts, sitting up so he can get closer to you, and he grabs your ass to haul you closer. You are now cross legged around him and he uses his new position to thrust up into you, his lips wrapped around your nipple. “Want to feel you cum for me. I- I won’t last long this time.” He informs you with panted breaths, not wanting you to walk away from this without an orgasm at least.
Reaching down between you, you start rubbing your clit. You know that he will feel guilty if you don’t cum and this will help. “Fuck.” You whine, body jerking up on a particularly rough thrust and your clench around him. “Like that.” You beg. “Ke-keep doing that and I’ll cum.” 
He wants to rub your clit but you know your body best. He wants to learn every little thing that makes you tick. The tricks to making you cum and he will, just not tonight. When you’re here next, he will go down on you and make you moan his name. Find out all your sensitive areas. For now, he follows your orders and thrusts up into you, keeping his hips angled the same way so you can seek your pleasure from his cock.
It only takes another three harsh thrusts and your cumming. Fingers pulling away from your clit as you squeal out his name, walls clamping down around his cock in pleasure. “Fuck! Marcus!” You cry out, body twitching backwards and you would fall back if he wasn’t holding you close as he rocks his hips up. 
“Fuckkkkk. Oh fuck. That was - that was hot as hell. Can I cum inside of you, please baby?” He asks, wanting you to be sure and when you nod, he wraps his arms around you. Dragging you into his chest, he thrusts up into you three more times until his cock twitches. Painting your walls with hot cum, he groans into your neck and clings to you.
Both of you cling to each other for a few moments, enjoying the afterglow of your pleasure before you pull back and tenderly kiss his lips a few times. “That was amazing.” You mumble happily, slightly hazy from your orgasm. “Gonna sleep like a baby tonight.” 
“Me too.” Marcus snorts, kissing your jaw. “We gotta do that again.” He declares, eager to see how else he can make you cum. “And again. And again. And again.” He says between kisses along your neck and you giggle, running your fingers through his hair. He rolls you into your back and pulls out of you, groaning at the sight of his cum pooling at your entrance. “Oh that’s pretty.” He coos, sliding his fingers through your folds.
“Someone has a cum play thing.” You hum playfully, your fingers tangling into his hair to play with it. You don’t mind at all, you’re protected and this is fun. You’re more relaxed than you’ve been in months and it’s all due to him. “God, how do you feel?” You ask. “No regrets?”
Marcus can’t deny that. He likes to see his cum pooling in his lover's cunt. Part of him admits that it’s a breeding link but he wouldn’t tell his partner that. Not wanting to make them feel awkward. He smiles at you, pulling his fingers away and shamelessly licking them clean. “No regrets. That was amazing. I loved it. I want - I want to keep doing it. Do you?”
It’s hot to watch a man lick his own cum from his fingers and it makes you moan softly. “Absolutely.” You agree with a quick nod. “So much better than Bob.” You tuck your arm behind your head and look down at him. “We can keep it casual. Just text if we need to release some steam or set up a schedule if it makes you more comfortable.” You don’t particularly like planned out sex on a schedule but it’s not just about you.
“We can text.” He decides, not wanting you to feel like you need to fuck him every Wednesday evening. That feels too mechanical. “Casual and fun. If either one of us isn’t feeling it anymore, we talk. No bullshit ignoring each other. We are adults having fun.” Marcus pecks your lips, “I’ll get you some water.”
“Perfect.” You smile as he walks out of the room before you climb out of the bed to snatch your panties off the floor. Your shirt and bra are in the kitchen so you can’t put those on, but you can start getting dressed again. Since you’re done having sex, you don’t want to make things awkward by overstaying your welcome. By the time Marcus comes back, you are zipping up your jeans. “Thanks.” You smile when you see the bottle in his hand. “Did you get yourself some water or do you want to split this?” 
“No, I'm good. It’s all yours, baby.” He promises, kissing your forehead and he walks back into the kitchen to grab the rest of your clothes after pulling on his boxers. Usually, he’d be asking if you want to stay for a movie but it’s clear that this is just sex and he will respect that. He has to come to terms with the fact that this is casual. He can’t let his romantic heart ruin a good thing.
Once all your clothes are back in place, you walk over to Marcus and kiss him gently. “I had a great time tonight.” You murmur, giving him a wink when you pull back. “Now I’m going to pass out and sleep like the dead until I have to get up.” You pat his chest gently. “You should do the same. I know you didn’t sleep for eight hours.” 
Marcus chuckles, grabbing your hand to place a kiss on the back of it. “Come on sleeping beauty, let’s get you home.” He tangles his fingers with yours and walks you to his front door. “I had a great time.” He murmurs and you nod, “me too.” He opens his door, checking the coast is clear, “I’ll see you around, sweetheart.” He promises and you step into the hall, crossing it to your front door. “Goodnight Marcus.” You tell him after you unlock your front door. “Night.” He offers you a little wave and waits until you’re inside before he steps back into his own apartment. With a smile on his face, he gets ready for bed. What a wild day.
“Fuck,” Whimpering, you curl your hands around the blanket under you, trying not to reach up and hold onto him while he moves over you. Rocking into you with hard, deep thrusts as his jaw clenches. Stretching your neck out, you kiss along his jaw, shuffling your legs higher on his thighs and smirk when he groans. Your walls had clenched around him, something you know drives him wild and he twitches harshly. 
“Jesus Christ, sweetheart. That - shit - you feel so good. So fucking good.” He groans and turns his head to press his lips to yours. Two months you’ve been in his bed and every fucking time feels as good as the first. He shifts his hips, trying to find that angle you like and grins when you cry out beneath him. He knows your body as good as his own and he uses that to his advantage to make you cum.
“Marcus.” You close your eyes and moan his name again, loving how he always wants you to cum. He’s a fucking generous lover and the times where it’s just not possible for you to orgasm, he still makes you feel like you’ve had a great time. Sometimes it just won’t happen. “Fuck baby.” You whimper, getting closer to cumming with every harsh thrust. 
Marcus can tell you’re close. Loving the whimpers escaping your lips and he reaches between you to rub your clit. “You gonna cum for me, sweetheart?” He asks, leaning in to kiss your jaw. His hips continue to keep the same steady pace despite his balls threatening to pull tight. He needs you to cum first.
The pressure of his fingers and the way his cock spears against your g-spot sends you over the edge. Crying out and clenching down around him as a wave of pleasure rushes over you. Soaking him in a hot rush of cum and making his thrusts sound so wet. 
Working you through it, he focuses on his own pleasure. Picking up the pace, he hisses your name and starts to thrust harder and deeper. Grabbing your thighs, he pushes them back towards your chest so he can sink his cock deeper inside of you. “Fuck baby. I’m gonna - you’re gonna make me-” He pants and groans, pushing his cock deep inside of you to spill his cum.
You love the moment Marcus cums. The furrowed brow relaxes and his entire body follows suit. Melting into you while he throbs deep, filling you up. The heat from his cum always satisfying and you sigh softly, your hands finally reaching up and stroking his sweaty back. “So good.” You hum softly, kissing him again as he lets go of your legs to let them drop back down over his thighs. 
Marcus takes a few moments then pulls out of you, kissing along your neck and he grunts when he stands, reaching for the wipes he now keeps on his nightstand to clean you up. “You want something to eat?” He asks, pulling on his boxers after he tosses the wipes.
“I shouldn’t.” You sit up and sigh. “I have a ton of studying to do when I go home, but I know you will argue that I won’t eat if I don’t eat here.” It’s a part of him that you adore. Even though this is casual, Marcus is still a man who likes to take care of people and it shows. “So, yeah.” You nod and reach for your shirt. “I’ll eat with you.” 
“Good. You want breakfast for dinner? I have bacon. Pancakes. Eggs?” He asks and you nod. “Take your time here. I’ll go start the food.” He bends over to peck your lips and makes his way into the kitchen after grabbing his t-shirt. He knows this is dangerously overstepping from “friends with benefits” but he wants to take care of you. The lines are blurring and that terrifies him but there’s nothing he can do except go with the flow. Not if he wants to keep you in his life.
You jump into his shower, cleaning up even more than the wipes. You know Marcus won’t mind, he’s told you to clean up however you need to since he cums inside you every time. Redressing, you make your way out to the kitchen, smiling at the domestic scene as Marcus makes you pancakes. “So how is work going?” You ask, sitting at the stool at the bar and watching him. 
“Good. Been crazy. We have this case…a famous piece of art was stolen from a senator's house and no one knows how it was taken. No camera footage has been altered. No one in or out. It’s bizarre.” He admits, sliding a pancake onto your plate while he turns back to the eggs and bacon.
Humming, you shake your head, amazed at the things that Marcus gets to see and the people that he gets to meet. “Fun.” You reach over and grab his water bottle and twist the cap off to steal a drink. “Betcha it’s an insurance grab.” You tell him. “They are always trying to pull shady shit.” Marcus hums, and you grin - knowing he’s not going to tell you anything about an active investigation. “We are about to work on ultrasounds this week.” You are excited about that. “Should be interesting. Getting to see organs on the inside.” 
“Oh that’s cool. My girl is getting so close to being a nurse.” He winks at you, turning back to the stove and you stare at his back. He called you his girl. Marcus meanwhile, is cursing himself for letting that slip. He’s crossing boundaries and he knows you don’t want more than just fuck buddies. Neither does he. It’s less complicated, he’s less likely to get hurt.
It’s awkward for a few moments, the silence settling between you before you clear your throat. “So, I am probably going to be dead after the test coming up next week.” You inform him. “It’s going to be days of studying so I don’t flunk out. Don’t be surprised if I come beating on your door at 2AM, needing to cum. On the weekend of course.” You add, never wanting to interrupt his work schedule because of your needs. 
“You can knock on my door whenever you want.” He reminds you, “I’ll make you cum whenever you want.” He winks and slides the eggs onto your plate. “Just make sure you do well on your exams. Then maybe I’ll reward you.” He winks at you, already thinking about buying you something nice. He knows it might overstep but you deserve it after working so hard.
You chuckle quietly and wonder how he would reward you. “Hmm, then I’ll make sure to study extra hard.” You promise, groaning at the smell of the food and you take another drink of your water. It’s easy with Marcus and you know that you should probably end things, because you are getting too deep but you don’t want to. It’s fun and you really like him. 
Marcus smiles, taking a seat at the kitchen table and he watches you dig into the food he made. It would be so easy with you but he can’t risk it. He’s been hurt too many times and you are just starting your career. You’ll probably move away when you get a job offer, or find some hot doctor to date. “Better study hard then, baby.”
“When I do pass this fucking thing and get my degree, I am taking at least a month off from everything.” You tell him with a groan after you fork a bite of his pancakes up. He really does spoil you at times even though he doesn’t have to. “And I’m going to do nothing but walk around my apartment naked, sleeping, eating and hopefully fucking.” You wink at him and grin. 
“We can definitely accommodate that.” He winks, taking a bite of his pancakes and he is eager to have you pass this exam so he can celebrate with you. Maybe he can even take you to dinner. “Ultrasounds are first.” He reminds you, wanting you to know he remembers what said earlier.
“Ultrasounds first.” You agree, quickly finishing your dinner and it’s automatic to get up and help Marcus clean up the kitchen. He always grumbles that you don’t have to, but you would feel like you are taking advantage of him. You rinse off your plate and load it into the dishwasher before you lean against the counter. “I should probably go.” You hum, not wanting to but you know you need to. “Let you relax.” 
Marcus sighs, reluctant to let you go but he can’t just keep you here all the time. “Okay baby. I’ll see you later.” He pulls you close, pressing his lips to yours, and he smiles against your mouth when you peck his lips. “Good luck tomorrow.” He murmurs, guiding you over to the door and you quickly rush across the hall to your apartment. You offer him a soft “goodnight.” He winks and shuts his door, sighing to himself. He’s too deep and he’s gonna break his own heart.
“Once you spread the jelly across the surface, make sure you press the wand into the skin firmly.” Your instructor speaks out across the room, five different tables laid out with students stretched out on them with their shirts lifted up. You are on the first table since you want to see how it looks first. 
“Ohh it’s cold.” You always heard people say the jelly was cold but it’s freezing. “There has to be a warmer or something.” 
“We will make a note to the suppliers.” The instructor chuckles as she walks past, your fellow student sitting on the stool to press the wand into your skin. The instructor stands there, pointing out your organs until she stops talking, eyes wide. “There’s your womb.” She chokes out and your fellow student’s eyes widen. “And there’s your baby.” She chokes out and everyone scrambles to look at the screen, their gasps echoing in the room when they see the shape on the screen.
“What?” Your own eyes widen in disbelief, lurching up off the table and moving the wand away from your uterus for a second before your classmate brings it back and the baby reappears on the screen. “There’s no- it’s a trick right?” You ask breathlessly, confusion and terror, joy and absolute shock rushing through your entire body as you manage to tear your eyes away from the ultrasound to look at your instructor. Needing to see that she is playing a prank on you and will start laughing. “I can’t be preg-pregnant.” 
Your instructor bites her lip, “you might want to get a test to confirm but…it looks like you’re pregnant. Congratulations.” She offers softly, seeing the shock on your face and she reaches out to take your hand. “I know it’s scary but you can leave now. I won’t keep you here for the class. You can go home.”
She prints out a few pictures for you and you gather your things, almost in a daze. Shocked that you have a baby inside you. You know that birth control isn’t one hundred percent but you hadn’t had any issues with it before. You drive to the doctor on auto pilot, demanding to be seen right away. You need a blood test to confirm what you know to be true, but you need the test. 
Marcus is coming home when he sees you standing at his door. He frowns when he sees your face. “Hey baby. What’s wrong?” He asks, immediately walking up to you and he works on unlocking his front door. “Come in.” He orders, guiding you into his place and he sets his briefcase down to look at you. “What’s wrong?”
“I-” You shake your head, thoughts scattered and you’re not able to focus like you normally would. The blood test confirmed it, and from the scans, you know the approximate date of conception. It lines up with when you were with Marcus. It was a week that you only slept with him one time. “I need to talk to you.” You rub your hands on your pants and take a deep breath. “Marcus, I- I’m pregnant.” 
Marcus stares at you, searching your eyes, and he chuckles after a moment. “Haha. Very funny. What is this? Trying to make me have a heart attack?” He jokes and shakes his head. When you continue to stare at him, not laughing, he pauses and stares at you. “You- you’re - seriously?” He chokes out.
Your hands shake as you pull out the scans and the blood test that shows positive for pregnancy. “I was in my- my ultrasound class today and I- the instructor showed me.” You manage. “I- I’m so sorry, Marc. I’ve been taking my birth control. This is my fault. I’m just-” You break off, unsure of what to say while he takes the paperwork from your hand. 
Marcus stares at the scan and the results. He always imagined this moment to be joyous. To be in a committed relationship that he’s happy in and have a stable environment for his child to come into. He always imagined he would be crying with happiness at the prospect of being a father. Yet right now, he feels sick. He’s not ready to be a father. He doesn’t have the house or the dog or the yard. He’s not married. “I- I don’t know what to say.” He says honestly, frowning at you.
Six words seem to crush your soul. You had imagined that he would be surprised but ultimately happy. Or at least warmer. Instead he is frowning at you and that alone makes tears pool up in your eyes. “I- it’s okay.” You manage, wiping your eyes and nodding. “I just- I wanted to - to tell you. You don’t have to say anything.” 
Marcus doesn’t know what to say. He didn’t anticipate this and he needs to process. “I, uh, I need to - to process this.” He admits and hands you back the scan. He is terrified, scared to lose you since you clearly didn’t want to be in a relationship and neither did he. This was supposed to be fun, casual. “Have you…have you considered what you want to do?”
“I- I don’t know.” You admit quietly, tucking the scans back into your jacket and giving a small shrug of your shoulders. “I just - I guess I need to process too.” Process is code for not wanting to deal with it, you know that. He doesn’t want a pregnancy with a woman he was just casually sleeping with and by his reaction, that hasn’t changed. “I just wanted you to know.” You turn around and grab your bag. “I’ll go and let you….process.” 
He wants to drag you back and make you stay but he can’t. He needs to think about what he wants. You’re in school, you have your entire future ahead of you. He’s finally getting somewhere in his own work after having to prove himself. He’s been married, he’s been engaged. He’s done the right thing and both times he’d been burned. You aren’t like his exes. You are so different. You’re incredible. Smart, beautiful and you rock his world like no one else. He wants you but he can’t hold you back. You’ll hate him if he forces you into suburbia before you get the chance to live your life.
When you get back to your apartment, you just….deflate. Closing your door, you lean against it and let the hot tears that you had been holding back go. Rolling down your cheeks as the reality of your situation crashes over you. You’re pregnant. Not different than if it were by a one night stand. Marcus clearly isn't interested in raising a child and you don’t know if you want to take up the mantle of single motherhood. The other brochures in your pocket weigh it down, making you wonder if you shouldn’t schedule an appointment. 
Marcus doesn’t know how long he’s on the sofa just staring into space but he keeps running through different scenarios. Trying to figure out what he should do. If he was old fashioned, he would head over to your apartment and he would get down on one knee and propose to you, be there as a husband and a father. He doesn’t want to be insincere. You’d look straight through him if he did that. “Shit.” He rubs his cheek, knowing he needs to talk this through with you. He stands up, making his way over to his front door and he opens it, stepping into the hallway to knock on your door.
You lift your head off the sofa where you had been laying when you hear the knock on the door. You know it’s Marcus. It has to be. Making you wonder if he’s already come to some grand conclusion while you are still reeling from the news. Groaning, you get up off the couch and walk over to the door, opening it and leaning against it as you look at your neighbor. “Hey.” 
Marcus awkwardly stands there, tilting his head as he looks at you. “Can, uh, can I come in?” He asks and you nod, letting him walk inside. You are apprehensive and he clears his throat, realizing he’s never been inside of your place before. “You have a nice place.”
“Thanks.” You wonder why the small talk but you just decide to go with it. “Can I get you something to drink?” You don’t wait for an answer, turning on your heel and walking to the kitchen to grab some water for you and him. You can feel his eyes on your back but you don’t know why he is here, but you’re sure that it will be a serious talk. Opening the fridge, you grab two bottles and turn to set one on the counter in front of him where he had come to stand and open yours. 
Marcus takes the water and leans against the counter, looking at the pamphlets you have there. One for pregnancy symptoms and another for abortion. “Do you…are you considering it?” He asks, placing his finger on the brochure.
“I’ve made an appointment.” You admit, not meeting his eyes and looking around your apartment. “I- I figure I can cancel it or change my mind if -” You shrug your shoulders and swallow harshly. “I don’t know.” You’re slightly overwhelmed right now, unsure of what to do or how to feel.
Marcus hates the thought of you aborting the baby. He wants it. He realizes that now. He wants the baby and he wants you. “Is that what you want?” He chokes out, staring at you. He wants to know what you’re thinking, desperate to find out.
“No.” You shake your head and sigh. “But I don’t want to be a single mother. I just-” You close your eyes, more tears slipping down your cheeks. “I wish I didn’t fuck up. That I didn’t put you in this mess. You- you must hate me.” 
Shaking his head, Marcus moves fast to wrap his arms around you. “No. Baby, no. You - I could never hate you. I-” He pulls back so he can look into your watery eyes. “I love you. I’m in love with you. Shit, that should terrify me after all the shit I’ve been through but I love you. I want you. I want this baby.”
“You don’t have to say that.” You promise him, shaking your head. You know that he doesn’t want a baby or a relationship. He had told you that he had just wanted casual, that he wasn’t ready and it certainly wouldn’t be with someone who didn’t have their life together. “I promise you- you don’t have to-” You break off with a small sob, knowing you love him. 
“Please listen to me. Believe me. I was scared. I am scared. I’ve had my heart broken too many times and I - I wanted you to enjoy your career, your future without me dragging you back. I didn’t want to hold you back. I want you, fuck, you’re all I think about. I love you. Please believe that. I love you.” He pleads, wanting you to believe him. He needs you to believe him.
Closing your eyes, your chin trembles and you nod. “I- I fucked up.” You admit quietly. “I should have ended things a month ago.” You tell him. “When I knew I wanted more than just casual, but I promise, promise, that I didn’t mess with my birth control. I didn’t- I wouldn’t do that.” 
“No. No. I know you wouldn’t do that. I love you. I have for a while. I should’ve told you that a long time ago. Baby…do you- I want you to be my - my girlfriend. I want more. I want you.” He promises, suddenly terrified of losing you.
You give a tiny giggle at being asked to go steady when you are literally carrying his child, but you nod. “I’d like that.” You tell him gently. “Although no more wine when you feed me.” Your hand comes down to your stomach in awe, realizing that you are going to have to completely change your life around. “Since I’m pregnant.” 
Marcus’s hand covers yours, swallowing harshly, and he is terrified but so excited. “You’re pregnant.” He declares in awe, leaning in to kiss you. “I love you. I mean It, I loved you before I found out and the baby. I’ve been a scared prick but I won’t be scared anymore. I’m ready for this”
“If you aren’t…that would be okay.” You offer, knowing that this is just being sprung on him. You know it takes two to tango, but you had also taken the responsibility of birth control on when you had let him cum inside you. “I don’t want to push you to take on anything you don’t think you can handle.” 
“I can handle it baby. It’s…it’s all I’ve ever wanted. I just gave up on that dream, having not found the right person but I’ve found her. I love you. Please don’t doubt that. Let me - let me be a father, a partner.”
You bite your lip, considering his words as you look into his pleading eyes. You can tell that he wants to pull you into his arms. Marcus is sweet and loving and you are lucky that he wants to love you and do this with you. “Okay.” You agree softly. “Although we have to figure out what we are going to do.” You both only have a one bedroom apartment, not needing as much space and now you need more. “But for now, I- we can worry about that later. I’m not having the baby tomorrow.” 
Marcus knows he will already start to plan moving forward. He will find a house for you both. He wants to take care of you and his child. “No, we have plenty of time. Have you eaten?” He asks, worried you haven’t eaten today after all the drama.
You can’t help but grin at him, loving how he always wants to feed you. It’s like providing food is his love language. “I haven’t had anything.” You admit quietly. “I was too unsettled to eat and haven’t really thought about it.” 
“You’re gonna come to mine, let me feed you, and I want you to stay in my bed tonight.” He orders softly, not wanting you to spend a single night away from him from now on. “I’m gonna take care of you baby.”
“You promise?” You ask softly, a smile on your face and lean in to kiss him gently. 
“I promise.” Marcus tells you solemnly. He might not have wanted anything more than casual, and he was right, he was lousy at it. His romantic heart had struck again and this time he had managed to find the perfect girl and discover that she loves him like he loves her along with having a baby on the way. Casual had quickly become serious and Marcus couldn’t be happier. 
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relatableblorbopoll · 6 months
Round 1 of preliminaries, group 16
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The first two places get a place on the bracket
Little reminder: there will be 2 more rounds of preliminaries, the losing blorbos of this poll still have 2 chances of getting in the official bracket
Propaganda under the cut
Parker (Leverage)
"Some of the weird things she says are so true. Like when she talks about past/present/future parker. Her joy at the things that she loves is so complete. Christmas every year! I too have the urge to stab people with forks when in uncomfortable social situations. And it was great when she made her security code to her…home…Sophie’s real name because it was representative of where trust stood in the team after the prison break. Oh! And her and Alec are total couple goals. (Thruple goals if you add in Elliot)"
Gudetama (Sanrio)
"A lazy egg who really doesn't want to do much of anything and would rather just go back to sleep"
Finn the Human (Adventure Time)
"finn is just a little guy doing his best and trying to help people! he's the only human in the show so he's just like us fr (the entire human race) and he starts off the series as a kid and grows up during it so he really goes through all the relatable ups and downs and friendships and relationships and mistakes and achievements that we all go through. he does a lot of idolising people and having to realise they're not what he told himself they were. sometimes he tries to distract himself from an existential crisis by running around yelling or stabbing things with a sword. relatable"
Rain O'Fire Frazier (Worm)
"Rain grew up in a conservative community that he didn't want to be part of, and rejected their regressive ideology in favor of surrounding himself with people who have gender vibes, mental health issues, and traumas of their own. Also, people give him all sorts of crap in the setting, and while he does fuck up sometimes, he's just a swell dude who's hoping to not get murdered by crazy people. Times being what they are, I think that that's something a lot of people can relate to."
Piper Mclean (Heroes of the Olympus)
"she's SO full of love!!! she loves everyone so strongly!! she has a complicated relationship with femininity, gender and beauty standards. she bullies her friends but would go down fighting for them if needed. she acts out to get her dad's attention. she believes in a balance between emotions and logic, and is not afraid to tell her friends if she thinks they're neglecting the emotional side of a problem."
Norma Khan (Dead End Paranormal Park)
"She is autistic and struggles with socialising (same) She has special interests that she will bring up at any opportunity. She can get overwhelemed and scared being in the world. Norma is also bisexual! She spends her time in a Pauline Phoneix theme park (one of her spins) and fighting demons and ghosts (another special interest). Vote Norma today!!"
"She goes through so many relatable experiences that I rarely see depicted and is just overall an excellent character. The third episode of the show has the most relatable depiction of anxiety I've ever seen (especially the intersection between social anxiety and autistic sensory overload). It's one of those episodes where each character has to face their worst fears, and with how those episodes usually go, I expected her to overcome her fears at the end of the episode and just not have them anymore. Instead, she overloads the villain by having too much fear for him to handle since she has to constantly face her greatest fears as part of her everyday life. The protagonist also acknowledges how much more severe her fear is compared to most other people, which is pretty validating. Her special interest is an actress who turns out to be a really shady person, and she has a lot of trouble processing this because it was so close to her heart. She even gets a musical number about it! I've never seen this particular experience depicted in fiction, but it's one that is sadly pretty relatable to me and probably a lot of other people on here. She also has a plot where she is rejected romantically by a straight friend, which is kinda nice to see (even if it's not nice for poor Norma) since even though this is a really common experience IRL I rarely see it explored in fiction. And she's just really funny and smart and a great character in general!"
69 notes · View notes
depressopax · 4 months
Sightseeing - Dale Cooper x gn!reader
Fandom - Twin Peaks
Pairing: Dale Cooper x gender neutral reader Genre: Fluff Warning(s): Just light teasing and flirting. Cuss words, kinda slow burn romance. Reader is gender neutral and works as a journalist. Veryyy cheesy lmao Words: 1.6K Summary: Meeting Special Agent Dale Cooper when visiting Double R Diner English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing!AO3 link
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“More coffee?” 
The waitress Shelly, at Double R Diner asks you with a smile. You look up from the mess of paperworks and at the blonde woman.
“It’s needed.” You reply with a smile. She fills the cup with more coffe. “Thank you!”
“What are you doing?”
“My boss gave me this article to write. Economy stuff…”
“No more paranormal articles?”
You shrug. 
“Oh I wish… But apparently that was too much ‘bullshit’ for the newspapers.”
“He said that? I’m sorry to hear that. Norma and I liked your articles.”
“Thank you.” At least you feel a bit appreciated now. She meets your smile. “But it is what it is, I guess…” You sigh and are about to go back to the mess on the table, but get distracted when the door opens when a man in his 30’s enters. He is dressed in a suit, with a beige trench coat layered over. 
When Shelly greets him as “Detective Cooper”, your curiosity rises. 
“You haven’t met him before? He’s been here for a couple of weeks!” Shelly says to you when noticing the way you look at Cooper. “He’s a bit… Weird, but nice. He’s here almost everyday, for coffee and pie.” 
She giggles and looks his way. You can’t help but look too. He has dark-brown slicked back hair, which matches his dark eyes. The waitress notices how you stare at the special agent, and smirks.
“Ah… You got a good eye for him already? You should say hi.” 
With that, she leaves you to greet Cooper, leaving you too stunned to speak. Did she just…? Your face is burning as you look away, before it’s too obvious you’re staring at the mysterious man. You once again read through the papers and take notes, whilst fidgeting with your pen. 
“May I?” When you look up, you meet a pair of warm brown eyes. “Or am I interrupting work?”
“Not at all!” You quickly fix the mess on the table, and toss it aside so the man can sit across from you. He takes a seat, placing his coffee cup and a pie on the table. He takes off the coat and fixes the black blazer underneath. You try not to stare, but it’s difficult to look away. He’s handsome, there's no denying that.
“I’m Special Agent Dale Cooper. May I ask for your name?” 
He speaks so formally, and his voice is soft as he asks you for your name. As you tell him your name and offer a handshake, he smiles and takes your hand in his own big warm hand. 
“How long have you been in town?” You ask whilst sipping the warm coffee. 
“It’s been two weeks!”
“I see… Is it the Laura Palmer case?” You feel slightly ashamed at how curious and nosy you sound. With a chuckle you’re quick to add: “Sorry, I don’t wanna sound like a nosy journalist.”
“Aren’t you a journalist?” Cooper smirks and nods at the papers next to you.
You chuckle and meet his eyes again, and can’t help but feel warm from the way he looks at you. 
“Yea… But not one of those journalists!”
“It’s ok.. I can’t say too much, but indeed I’m working on the Laura Palmer case.”
“It’s horrible that such things happen in Twin Peaks.”
Cooper nods in agreement and looks at you with compassion, and his eyes have that shine that you already like, despite only having known him for a couple of minutes. 
“Yea… Especially such a young woman.”
You nod, and there's a heavy silence between the two of you before Cooper looks at the bunch of papers next to you. 
“So… Journalist, huh? What are you writing about?”
“Local news mostly! But there's not much going on in town. So I’m writing about politics, economy… Yea.” 
You sigh, showing your dislike a bit too much. The brown haired man looks sad for you.
“And what do you like writing about?”
“Well…” His question startles you a bit. But then you remember Shellys words: He’s a bit… Weird. Those exact same things, people tend to think about you. “I like writing about historical events in town. And… Well, paranormal cases.”
He gets a big smile on his face.
“That’s so interesting! I would love to read those articles.”
It warms your heart. Never before has someone been this interested in your work. 
The two of you get really well along. It feels like you’ve been sitting there for ages, talking shit, when you realize what time it is. 
“I should go back to work”
Dale looks a bit disappointed, and so do you. You’d love to continue this discussion. 
“I’d love to see that National Forest you mentioned.”
“I’d love to take you there… Tell me, are you free this weekend?” You realize how flirty that sounded. The last thing you want is to make someone you like uncomfortable. Luckily, he doesn’t look weirded out at all.
“I’d like that very much.”
“Well then… I’ll pick you up outside The Great Northern on Saturday at 2?” He nods, and you grab the paperwork, and gives him a quick smile. “Well then, see you later, Dale.”
As you leave, Dale’s eyes follow you, and he can’t help but admire your beauty, intelligence and way of talking. You’re also one of few to call him by his first name and he likes that. He finishes the coffee and pie, already dreaming about meeting you again. 
Silly enough, you feel nervous as you pull up with your car at the parking lot outside the hotel where Dale is staying. 
There's still 5 minutes left, but you didn’t wanna run late, since you never asked for his number. 
Is this a date? A sightseeing? Two friends meeting up? 
Deep in thought, you barely notice when Dale knocks at the car window. You open the door and let the special agent in. He’s wearing a button up shirt and black pants as usual, layered with the coat. 
“Do you have any other clothes?” 
You tease. He chuckles.
“Maybe I wanna look good?”
“You do.” 
As you drive towards the destination, you look at him with a smirk. Maybe it is a date?
You begin the Twin Peaks sightseeing at the National Forest, and you enthusiastically tell Dale about the history of the place, and its mysteries. He looks intrigued and asks questions, clearly interested - and not only to sound polite. 
“And then, we have the Owl Cave.”
“Interesting! I need to see that.”
“You seriously wanna go in there?”
“Why not? He takes the opportunity to tease you. “Scared?”
“Well, yea! It’s a weird place!”
“Then I TOTALLY need to see it!”
His enthusiasm is contagious and you can’t do anything other than agree. Maybe you need an adventure. 
Once exploring the cave, it is hard to leave. Dale asks millions of questions, walking around with the biggest smile as he tries to unravel the mysteries. It’s been one hour.
Lucky thing he’s cute, otherwise you’d be annoyed by now. 
The sightseeing continues and you grow more comfortable in Dale’s company. Just like that time at the café, time seems to run away when you are with him. As the sun starts to go down, you realize how long you’ve been out for. 
“You know, I know it’s getting late, but I don’t want to go home just yet.” he says, looking at you with a warm smile. 
“Same. It’s so beautiful here.”
There’s a comfortable silence between the two of you, as you walk away from the cave, and find a place to sit. Looking out over the town of Twin Peaks, you feel a connection to the man next to you. You hope he feels the same. The evening sun shines on his face, making him even more handsome than he already was. There’s a spark between you two, a spark that can’t be ignored. 
Sneakily, you take your hands out of your pocket, letting them fall to your sides. You move your hand dangerously close to Dale's hand, which radiates warmth. He feels your cold fingers slightly brush against his knuckles and it sends a shiver down his spine. If he had the courage, he would kiss you right here and now. But instead, he lets your fingers be intertwined. His warm hand makes you stop freezing momentarily, and together you look up at the sky. 
You still remember how good it felt to hold his hand later that night, when trying to sleep. It was a perfect date. Because it was a date, right? The day was amazing, but you’re still wondering if it’s a bad sign you and Dale didn’t kiss. 
It’s like he senses your worries. You almost throw yourself over the phone, quickly answering as Dale calls. 
“I had a good time today. It was nice going sightseeing with you.”
“I had a good time, too.” 
After a moment of silence, Dale’s soft voice melts your heart with only one sentence.
“I should’ve kissed you.” 
“You have more opportunities.”
“So… How about I take you out tomorrow… Is that too fast?”
You smile and shake your head, although he can’t see it.
“Not at all.”
“Sweet! So… Double R Diner tomorrow? My treat.”
“Yes please.”
“Good. I’ll see you tomorrow then.”“Goodnight, Dale.”
“Goodnight. I’ll dream of you. I bet your lips are sweeter than any pie in the world.”
With those words, he hangs up, leaving you standing by the phone with a blushing face. 
Now you look forward to tomorrow.
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mumscarian · 5 months
Please tell us about your vampire dinner wip 👀👀👀
oh my god I forgot I was talking about this it was sooo funny omg. I thought of this in like 2021 bc there were so many vampire Mumbo fics in s8 lmao
okay so essentially the idea was a comedy of Grian desperately trying to get Mumbo’s attention via exposed neck, but horribly failing every time due to mumbo’s sheer obliviousness. Grian would orchestrate whole Situations and Mumbo would just. Cruise right on by bc it was s8 and he had taken how vow of pacifism but also he’s just stupid 💞 Essentially it went like this, constantly:
Grian, in a white blouse that’s falling off his shoulder, draped against a wall: Oh No! What Hath Befallen Me! I Am Trapped Here Vulnerable And Weak Before My Best Friend Who Is A Vampire! On The Full Moon! Alone! Just The Two Of Us! What Ever Shall I Do? Mumbo (fixing blouse so it sits correctly on grians shoulder): Aw don’t worry about it mate we’ll get you home ^-^
or it would go like:
Grian, stabbing himself with a fork in front of Mumbo: Alas! My Blunder Shall Be A Fatal Mistake! I Fear The Scent Of My Blood Is Too Tantalizing And Irresistible To The Likes Of A Vampire! I Suppose I Just Have To Let Him Drink My Blood Now, As I Am Too Injured To Fight Back! Mumbo, who literally watched as Grian stabbed himself: OH MY GOSH DRINK A POTION WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO YOURSELF Grian, batting his eyelashes flirtatiously as he is actively bleeding out: urrghghg
Essentially the whole fic is unstoppable force (grians inability to to talk about things like a norma person combined with his persistence and commitment to the bit) vs immovable object (mumbo’s cartoonish obliviousness)
Eventually I’d assume they’d get their shit figured out but I never got that far LMAO. Narratively it would have to involve Grian putting on his big boy pants and talking to Mumbo about his feewwings instead of trying to manufacture a situation from a twilight fanfiction, yk? Bc Mumbo was never going to get any of the hints.
thanks for asking abt this, it was a fun trip down memory lane!!
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rebouks · 1 year
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Mikaela: WOAH! Look at all those tattoos! Joslyn: How many times do I have to tell you not to point? Mikaela: But look!
Oscar: Impressive, huh? Mikaela: Yuh! How many do you have? Did it hurt? Did you pass out?! Oscar: [chuckles] Lots, yes, and almost.
Mikaela: So cool. Joslyn: Sorry. Courtney: It’s fine.
Joslyn: I just thought I’d check-up-… Oscar: Uh-huh. Joslyn: Hah, half true; let’s talk.
Oscar: What’s the point? She already spoke to Bruno, it’s not like I can add much more. Joslyn: She’s more interested in you, to be honest-.. wants to talk to you off the record. Oscar: That’s.. weird.
Joslyn: Maybe it’d offer you some closure? Courtney said you’ve been struggling-… Oscar: Doesn’t she have a job to do? Joslyn: It’s not an overnight thing.
Oscar: I’ll talk to her when it’s over, how about that? Joslyn: Norma’s been in this line of work for over thirty years, Oscar; that someone could take down such a prolific organisation almost singlehandedly-.. it’s unheard of.
Oscar: [snorts] It’s not that impressive. Joslyn: Debateable-.. either way, she’d like to apologise for the fact that it wasn’t picked up as well. Oscar: And whose fault is that?
Joslyn: I’ll admit that I could’ve done more.. but I chose to put my family first, and I know you understand that. Oscar: Hm. Joslyn: I get that you’re suspicious of them, but they’re not the enemy you think they are.
Oscar: Neither is the mailman, but I ain’t about to tell him my life story. Joslyn: I think you’d feel better if you met her; I promise she’s on our side-.. think about it? Oscar: I might.
Joslyn: Courtney has her number, okay? Come on, you… Mikaela: Your baby’s kinda cute, but I prefer your cat. Oscar: [laughs] Thanks.
[Quiet parental muttering about not saying everything that pops into your head without thinking first…]
Oscar: You’re just as cute as Lou, aren’t you?! [Robin babbles enthusiastically as he’s swung into the air, reaching for Oscar’s stubble] Courtney: What was all that about?
Oscar: Norma wants to talk-.. I think he’d love it if I grew a proper beard. Courtney: Are you going to? Oscar: Maybe next winter, and I guess I’ll think about the Norma thing.
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girl-named-matty · 10 months
Can you please do headcanons for Garreth Weasley? I love your Sebastian ones but I need Garreth’s too! :D
I was waiting for someone to ask for this sweet boy!
Random Garreth headcanons by me!
Time for this sweet boy! 
Seriously, like this boy is the biggest cutie pie in the entire school. 
Garreth has a LOT of siblings, I’m talking six to seven or more. The Weasley's are known for having a lot of children. 
I’d say he’s somewhere in the upper middle of the family. And as of the time in the game, he’s the oldest Weasley at Hogwarts. 
Probably has a lot of little sisters. I’d imagine when he gets home, the sisters who aren’t at school yet just bombard him with hugs and then talk his ear off about things that they did while he was gone at school. 
I feel like he’s really close with his mom and dad but he’s around his mom more because she’s home more than his dad is. 
100% a baker. 
Yeah sure he can cook but he is AMAZING at baking. He learned from his mom when he was really young and hadn’t stopped since. It gave him a sweet tooth (i’d say most of the weasleys have one). When he’s at home, he’s making something at least every day in the kitchen. 
On the topic of food, he loves it. As most of the Weasleys do, Garreth loves to eat. Anytime, anywhere, he just loves it! (and I cannot blame him lol) 
His love for experimenting potions came from experimenting in the kitchen as a kid. 
At school, his best friends without a doubt are Leander and Natty. They’re always talking and hanging out together. 
That being said, if Garreth ever found out that he and Leander were related later down the line in not one but two ways, he would literally pass out. Although it was by marriage, who wouldn’t want to be at least related to their best friend in some way?? 
Loves pulling pranks. On whoever, whenever. He also ropes Leander into them because usually they have the same person in mind when they want to prank someone and usually their pranks work, they’re pretty good at it by now. 
He gets along decently well with Sebastian. They hang out more than people think they do. 
He would hang out more with Ominis if Ominis didn’t scare the crap out of him. He doesn’t know why but he finds Ominis both very intriguing and very intimidating. 
His favorite classes are definitely Potions and Herbology. HATES Astronomy because it’s always cold up in the tower. 
Yeah this boy hates the cold. He HATES IT. 
In the winter times he’s always bundled up and he suddenly becomes super grateful that his mom and grandmas knit him all these sweaters because he’s wearing one everyday along with layers, his house scarf and his robes. He doesn’t like the cold at all. 
He’ll still go play in the snow but that doesn’t mean he won’t complain about how cold it is. 
If Garreth played quidditch, he’d definitely be a beater. 
He actually does pretty well, motivated by the fact that all his older brothers played quidditch and he doesn’t want to be the only one who didn’t and didn’t do well. 
His favorite Professors would be Professor Garlick and surprisingly Professor Sharp. As much as Professor Sharp gets on his case all the time, Garreth knows a lot of what he does about potions because Sharp has been such a good teacher. And like I explained in the Sharp hc’s where Garreth kinda grew on him, it was likewise for Garreth. 
And if you thought it was gonna be his aunt, no, it’s not. His aunt keeps him in line at school and he’s still grumpy about it. 
He’s an amazing storyteller. He grew up making up and telling stories on the fly to his younger siblings and it definitely stayed with him as he grew up. He can come up with the most brilliant ideas and make them into a story that’s entertaining for everyone. 
This boy would be the cutest, wholesome lover ever. 
The kind of one to run up to you suddenly and give you kisses all over your face. Yeah that one. 
He LOVES physical affection. It's definitely his love language. In his family its normal to be very affectionate to one another, not to mention we know every single Mrs. Weasley to ever exist has ALWAYS been motherly and affectionate and it definitely rubbed off on Garreth. He has no problem hugging, cuddling, or giving forehead/cheek kisses to anyone he’s close to. 
Leander was like (??) the first time Garreth gave him a kiss on the forehead in their first year but after that he got used to it and he actually finds it pretty sweet. 
As much as this HC would make it seem like Garreth’s boggart would probably be something to do with his family dying, honestly I think his is more similar to Rons. HE HATES SPIDERS and so when that giant spider comes running out of the boggart chest, he screams. 
He thinks they’re ugly and gross with FAR too many legs to be comfortable with. Not to mention the eyes. Ugh he just hates them. If there’s a spider at home, he’d rather let his little sisters kill it. 
He definitely thinks he’s the funniest person in the world. And although he does have a great sense of humor, sometimes it’s a very specific kind of humor that takes you a minute to get. 
Definitely slaps his knee and doubles over when he’s laughing. 
He’s not very good at remembering he has homework, tests, or other school obligations other than classes and so his Aunt Matilda is always having to remind him. And while he is very thankful for that, he’s of course gotta be salty cuz his aunt is telling him what to do. 
His baby face never really left him. As he got older his cheekbones got a little more defined but nothing super serious. This boy will always have his cute squishy cheeks in one way or another. 
I feel like if the right person was in his life at the time, he’d probably get married pretty quick after school and he DEFINITELY wants kids. And a lot of them at that. It’s like it’s a staple statement of the Weasley family. 
He’d be a great dad, always being involved in his kids' lives, he’d always try to teach them new things and at the request of his partner try to get his kids to not blow things up like he did. 
Overall he really is just the sweetest boy in all of Hogwarts. 
Ugh I just love him! I'll definitely do a part 2 for him soon!
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intheticklecloset · 6 months
The Promised Neverland Coffee Shots #1-5
A collection of The Promised Neverland Coffee Shots I've done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories.
1) Lee Norma, Ler Ray
“You really shouldn’t have done that,” Ray grumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets as he glared at Norman.
Norman smiled sweetly at him as always, shrugging. “The younger kids want to play with you so bad, Ray. Can’t you indulge them a little bit? Even one game?”
“Where’s my book, Norman?”
Norman folded his arms behind his back innocently. “I don’t know.”
“Am I?” Now Norman’s tone was challenging, his blue eyes fixed on his grumpy friend with unwavering confidence. “Am I, Ray?”
Ray huffed out an irritated sigh. “Give it back.”
“I don’t have it.”
“Then where’d you put it?”
“I didn’t put it anywhere.”
“Norman.” Ray took a step closer, getting into Norman’s personal space. ��Where. Is. My. Book?”
“Like I said, I don’t know.”
“That’s it!” Suddenly Ray tackled him to the ground, making Norman yelp in surprise. Ray usually fought with his mind, not with his hands, but unluckily for him he wasn’t as physically strong as either of his oldest friends, so he went down easily and succumbed just as fast when Ray’s fingers found his sides and dug in. “Tell me, or I’ll tickle it out of you!”
“Ah! Ray! Wahahahahahahait!” Norman squealed, tossing his head back and weakly pushing at his friend’s arms as giggles spilled out of him. He tried to gain leverage by digging his heels into the ground and flipping over, but Ray merely straddled him and made sure to keep him right where he was. “Ahahahahahaha! No, wahahahahahahahait! I reheheheheheheally don’t knohohohohohohow!”
“I’m nohohohohohohot!” Norman cried, cheeks pink with uncontrollable mirth, squirming helplessly against the tickling onslaught. “I dohohohohohon’t hahahahahave it! I don’t know whehehehehere she put it!”
Ray stopped. “She?”
Norman realized his mistake and widened his eyes. “No, Ray—”
“So Emma has it.”
Ray studied him for a moment, then began tickling once again, leaning in close to his friend’s laughing face as he growled, “Liar.”
Norman decided that – as long as it was for Emma – taking Ray’s punishment really wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
2) Lee Phil, Ler Emma
“Not here? What about here?” Emma teased playfully, beaming at the squealing, childlike giggles she was getting for her efforts. Phil lay rolling around in the grass under her fingers as she gently tickled first his belly, then his little ribs, then his neck and ears. “Or here? How about here?”
“Ehehehehehehehe! Emmahahahahaha!” The four-year-old’s smile was wide as he shrieked and flailed his arms, either unable or unwilling to even try and push her away. “It tickles! It tihihihihickles!”
“Aww, well, that’s the point, Phil!” Emma laughed with him, going back down to his belly, which seemed to be a good spot. “The tickle monster’s got you now! Tickle, tickle, tickle!”
Phil laughed freely for several more moments, then finally called out his surrender. “Ehehehehehehehe! S-Stohohohohohop, Emma!”
Emma did as she was asked, ruffling his hair and letting him catch his breath. “You okay?”
“Yeah!” he replied enthusiastically, sitting up and grinning at her. “That was fun!”
“I think so, too!” She pulled him into a hug. “Want to play another round?”
Phil leapt to his feet and took off again, already giggling. “Count to a minute!”
“I will!”
In the midst of her counting, Ray came up behind her. “The kid really likes hide and tickle, doesn’t he? Has he ever asked to play the tickle monster instead?”
Emma smiled up at him. “Not so far, but he’s smart. He’ll figure out sooner or later that he can be the chaser, too.”
“Why not offer?”
“Like I’d offer to get tickled when I’m caught!”
Ray smirked. “Ah, come on. You have to admit it would be kind of funny to be taken down by a four-year-old.” He reached down and tweaked her ribs playfully, making her shoot to her feet and give him a devious grin.
“Careful, Ray, or I’ll come after you next.”
“Yeah, whatever. Your time’s up, by the way. Go get him.”
Emma jabbed his ribs in return and took off before he could retaliate, dashing into the forest in search of her little friend, whom she found incredibly easily. Once again she caught and tickled him, his giggles filling the air and making the afternoon that much sweeter.
3) Lee Ray, Lers Emma and Norman
Ray found himself backed up against a tree, Emma and Norman approaching him from either side, their eyes devious and fingers wiggling. “Guys, I swear, if you tickle me…”
“You’ll what, Ray?” Emma asked teasingly. “You won’t help us escape anymore? We all know you won’t do that~”
Ray clenched his fists. Things were serious right now – why weren’t they serious right now?! He was used to their crazy antics, having grown up with them for nearly his entire life. It wasn’t unheard of for him to get roped into their tickle fights sometimes, but it had been months since the last time, and – again – they were supposed to be taking things seriously!
“Why are you guys wasting time with this crap? We need to stay focused on what’s important!” he snapped at them, considering his options. Emma had him beat in athletic ability and Norman could outwit him in intelligence, but Ray was a balance of the both of them. He could find a way out of this. Right?
“Of course we’re staying focused,” Norman explained calmly. “But if we don’t act at least a little normal, Mom will get suspicious.”
Ray gritted his teeth. He decided that between the two of them, he’d have an easier time taking Norman down in order to get away, so in a flash of movement he barreled towards his friend, dodging him easily and shoving him aside to clear a path of escape…
Or so he thought.
Norman grabbed his arm to keep from toppling over and used his free hand to squeeze his ribs, making Ray squawk and turn to defend himself. In doing so he lost his footing for just long enough to trip and fall backwards, pulling Norman down with him and landing – unfortunately – beneath the weight of his friend.
And that was the end of it. Norman and Emma were on him in moments, grabbing his arms and pinning them to his sides so he couldn’t fight back.
“Wait! No!” Ray protested, unable to help the wobbly smile on his face from the anticipation of knowing what was coming. “Guys, don’t! Please, don’t!”
“Aww, he’s begging us now~” Emma giggled.
Norman smiled at him. “Too bad for you, we’re determined to hear you laugh one way or another. It’s been too long.”
Ray clamped his lips shut in defiance, only for them to fly open and unleash a tsunami of hysterics when they each grabbed one of his thighs and dug in mercilessly. “AGHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHO!! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHEHEHERE!! DAHAHAHAHAHANG IT, YOU GUYS!! YOU CHEHEHEHEHEHEATERS!! THIS ISN’T FAHAHAHAHAHAIR!!”
Norman and Emma laughed along with him as they tickled Ray absolutely silly, and for a few blissful minutes, they all forgot about the dangers and the stress that had taken over their lives recently. Right now, they were happy to just have fun and enjoy the moment.
4) Lee Norman, Ler Don
“Are you laughing at me?” Don asked incredulously, peering through the now empty bookshelf at Norman, who had one hand over his mouth, trying to cover up his giggles.
“No, of course not,” he replied, though another snicker gave him away.
Don smirked. “What? Think this is funny?” He’d just been trying to grab one book from the shelf, but it was jammed in so tight that by removing it he ended up knocking nearly all of the books down with it, raining on him in a pile of flapping pages.
“No. I mean…” Norman shrugged, finally removing his hand to reveal his wide smile. “It is kind of funny. As long as you’re not hurt.”
“I’m not,” Don reassured him, flashing him an evil grin, “but if you think it’s so funny, I’ll give you something to really laugh about.”
Norman bolted as soon as he saw those teasing, wiggling fingers from the other side of the bookshelf, unable to control his excited giggles as he ran. He burst out of the door to the library and fled down the hall, nearly barreling right into Mom as she came up the stairs.
“Norman,” she scolded gently, “you know better than to run in the halls.”
“Sorry, Mom,” he replied hastily, glancing back to see Don hot on his tail and promptly ignoring her reminder. He ducked past her down the stairs, but his slight hesitation had been enough for his friend to catch up to him, and they barely made it outside before he was tackled into the grass.
“Gotcha!” Don cried, grinning as he plunged his fingers into Norman’s sides. “Take that!”
“Ah! Nahahahahahahaha! Wahahahahahahait!” Norman pleaded, spasming and curling up defensively, his giggles evolving into laughter while he squirmed helplessly. “Dohohohohohon! Don’t tihihihihihickle me!”
Don chuckled, aware that several of the kids who had been playing outside were now focused on the scene unfolding just beyond the doorway. “Why not? You know we all love hearing you laugh, Norman~”
Norman squealed and cackled even harder at that, trying to wriggle away to no avail. “Plehehehehehease! Dohohohohohohon’t! Don, stahahahahahap it!”
“What’s that? Don’t stop?” Don chuckled at his friend’s cry of elated despair and continued tickling as the other kids gradually bounded toward them, wanting in on the fun. “Whatever you say!”
5) Lee Ray, Ler Norman
“You seem scared,” Norman remarked with a smile.
“I’m not scared.” Ray took a step back, felt the wall behind him, and bit back a startled gasp. He hadn’t realized how close he was to being trapped. “I just…I know what you’re going to do, and I’m…nervous.”
Norman’s smile remained unwavering. “Why? You know I’ll be gentle and stop when you want me to.”
“I know.” Ray clenched his fists to keep himself grounded when Norman stepped into his personal space, eye-to-eye with him. “Doesn’t mean I’m not nervous.”
Norman grabbed his sides and squeezed, making Ray slap a hand over his mouth to hide the shriek that wanted to make itself known. He squirmed when his friend kept it up, squeezing and pinching and tickling all up and down his sides.
“Nohohorman!” he giggled, clutching his friend’s shoulders but not pushing away yet. “Jeheheherk, don’t lohohohohook at me like thahahahat!”
“Like what?” Norman asked innocently, traveling up to his underarms, making it harder for Ray not to protect himself. “I just think it’s cute, that’s all.”
“It’s nohohohohohot! It’s embahahahaharrassing!”
“You know the others would love it if they found out, right? They’d tickle you as much as you wanted.”
Ray blushed even harder. “Shuhuhuhuhuhut up! I dohohohohon’t wahahahahant them to knohohohohow!”
“Know what?”
This was the tipping point in their game. Ray knew it, Norman knew it, and both of them knew what was going to happen next.
Ray growled, “You suhuhuhuhuhuck!”
Norman stopped, and he couldn’t help but grin at Ray’s fleeting look of disappointment. “Know what, Ray?”
The raven-haired boy huffed, averted his eyes, blushed even more. “That I like it, all right? I like being tickled.”
Norman beamed at him, grabbed his thighs, and kneaded his thumbs in deep.
Ray tossed his head back and exploded into laughter, grateful everyone else was gathering for lunch and couldn’t hear them from downstairs. He clutched Norman’s shoulders so hard it almost hurt, but his friend didn’t mind.
“Don’t worry,” Norman said, continuing to tickle and draw out the brightest laughter from his usually quiet, stoic friend. “Your secret is safe with me.”
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jayceflwrs · 2 years
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“Hey?” Part 2 💀
Vance X Y/n TW: cuss words, abuse, beating (by Vance), weird old man?
“hey?” Vance says
“hey..” y/n says
“what the fuck are you doing here?” Vance says with anger rising in his voice while his face is turning a light shade of red. you step back just a bit “I just wanted to ask why you wanted to see me? i mean you never just give me notes and ignore me, let alone stop beating me. So what’s up with that vance?” You say looking straight into his icy blue eyes. Vance starts to stagger a bit with his words so you don’t really understand what he’s trying to say “uh vance can you speak English please?” you say mumbling just a little bit, “I wanted to ask if you would come to dinner with my family, I had no one else and I practically sorta know you?” He says obviously not wanting to drag the conversation. “uh well do you still need to me to do it?” you say while you start looking away from him. Obviously you thought he was pretty,even though he had beaten you up for the past few months after school,and in the morning on the way to school (cus ur dumb<3/j). “uh well sorta yeah, I don’t need you to go but I wanted you to..” he says it while you can start to tell the tint of pink reach his ears and his face, you never knew this side of Vance.
“I’ll go then.”
The next few days you had to get to know Vance better. He didn’t want this sorta relationship to ruin his publicity, not that he really had any for the good reasons. So he continued to beat you,but meet up with you in private to get to know you. Vance doesn’t get the sense that you’re getting mixed signals, or any kinda feelings, he wasn’t into sappy crap like that, so you never told him.
On Saturday, August 18, 1978. You and Vance had to go to the dinner, you knew that Vance’s cousins had money but you didn’t know that they had a lot of money. Turns out half of his dads side is super rich but his father never inherited any of the money, which is why Vance’s father lashes out in vance and his mother.
Once you two have arrived looking your best, with your F/C dress (or tux) and some pretty shoes, vance had to wear a tux and fix his hair, if you had to be honest you would be dying of laughter at how funny he looks. Vance was being a gentlemen half the night so that way he would be looked down on his peers, they hadn’t known he was a menace to society at the moment.
You walked up to his cousin to greet him, “Hello, my names Y/n, I’m Vance’s date to the dinner, your his cousin right?”. The older man smirked “Why hello Y/n dear, yes I’m Vance’s cousin the one hosting the party, make yourself at home. If you don’t mind you can leave that trashy date of yours and come as mine” he says getting a little bit closer to you trying to grasp at your hand. You were pretty uncomfortable and it was obvious to see, vance was looking over at you after greeting his grandmother, seeing at how distressed you were about his cousin getting so close. He started to walk over, “Heyyy what’s going on here babe?” Vance says towards you, “Oh I was just about to come over and get you darling, I was just finished talking to your cousin.” You say shooting daggers into both of the boys eyes. Vance pulls you in by the waist “ Jacob I would really like for you to go speak to Norma, she would looooooove to see you” the blonde says, you could tell he was getting mad, he was basically trying to form a fist in your skin, and his face was all red. “Sorry she can wait, I had just ask Y/n to come with me as a date to the dinner” Jacob says with a smirk, “too bad shes already mine, ain’t the right babe?” Vance looks down into your eyes while holding you, he starts to relax his hands on your waist “yeah love you are” you say before kissing him. Jacob walks off going up to other girls, mostly everyone here was either family or tag along as friends. “I’m so sorry Vance I didn’t mean to do that I just didn’t want him around any longer” you say in a rush getting out of his arms, “it’s fucking fine Y/n, just go sit down and I’ll bring you some water” he says while walking off, he was in a rush to go get a breather from you. Vance always thought to himself as better or worse than most people, he didn’t know if he was one or the other when he was around you, which is why he always beat the living shit out of you, he wanted to be better than you.
After that night you two stopped going around each other period, vance skipped classes that you were in, skipped lunch and ate somewhere else. He wasn’t around you, he didn’t want to be. “It’s weird that you and Vance haven’t spoke lately, or he hadn’t beaten you lately” Gwen says nudging your arm, “oh shove off, nothing happened Gwen, nothing super serious” you say looking away “well something had to happen, you know you can talk to me o-?” Gwen stops in her tracks, “let’s go the other way home right? Yeah let’s go that way” she says, before you can look at what’s in front of you, you feel Gwen running with your arm while she basically drags your body, eventually she stops “what the HELL GWEN?” you say obviously furious, you look down with a bunch of cuts where she had dragged your body, “I’m sorry I just didn’t want you to see what was happening I thought it would probably traumatize you since you know, the dinner you had with Vance?” Gwen says mumbling the last part where you could barely hear.
“What the fuck? Why are you fucking here?” You hear a voice say, you know that voice, it was the guy that you had just kissed. It was Vance.
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joeyleesblog · 1 year
I just listened to Freaks Surf Curse and boy did I have a gut-wrenching idea about Spider, I even thought of the title "Don't cry, I'm just a traitor"
Speaking from experience, the guilt can be overwhelming and all-consuming, making you believe that you are the worst person in the world and that everyone around you will condemn you as you condemn yourself. It's terrible.
And Spider is suffering from it. As the guilt consumed him, added to the trauma he suffered in the RDA, the depression practically engulfed him. And he tried, tried very hard not to drown in her, but every day it got harder to go on. Jake and the kids really try to help, but they are dealing with their own pain and suffering. Everyone is suffering.
Well, Spider's untreated depression has reached a deep level, and the boy begins to contemplate suicide. Well, one night he executes this idea, taking off his mask and throwing it into the sea, but who saves him? Norma and oh he had a mask! Call it Eywa's (or the author's 😄) coincidence.
Norm, of course, is in shock and horror at Spider's action and questions his motivation. And Spider? Spider explodes and tells everything, leaving Norm even more shocked and saddened. But he doesn't have time for that, he decides to take Spider back to Hell's Gate for the boy's safety and only later informs Jake that Quaritch is still alive.
Well, the Sully family gets the news and the reactions are mixed: shock, anger, betrayal, understanding. Either way, they're not really the focus.
Well, it continues with Norm trying to help Spider with his depression, with other people helping. It's not easy by any means, but eventually there will be progress. And after some time, Spider has a real conversation with each of the Sullys. Forgiveness is easier for some than others, but it will get there eventually.
, Post 2
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aemiron-main · 6 months
Your Virginia-Henry relationship analysis makes me think of Psycho, you most likely have talked about it already.
But did you know that Psycho and Norma-Norman relationship were based on a true story of Ed Gein, the Butcher of Plainfield? And Edward Gein had a brother Henry? And it was Edward who had an ‘incestuous’ relationship with his mother who was jealous of Edward’s potentional girlfriends?
You might find it interesting ��
HELLOOO!! And omg YES, the Pyscho vibes were off the charts, especially during the scene where Henry holds Virginia’s dress up to himself.
That fits perfectly with how TFS Virginia keeps telling Henry to repeat the phrase “I’m Henry Creel, I’m normal,” and especially the emphasis on repeating his name- almost like he’s not Henry, but people are trying to make him believe that he is.
And that also fits perfectly with what I’ve been saying about how TFS “Virginia” resembles the Edward timeline’s Mother Alice far more strongly than she resembles the Virginia Creel that we see in the TV show/how the TFS “Virginia” resembles Connie Frazier and ESPECIALLY resembles Owens’ wife in S4, Cathy, and how TFS “Victor,” both resembles and behaves like Owens, and how Owens is likely the Edward timeline Victor.
I find it EXTREMELY interesting- thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to send this ask, I’m absolutely insane about this. We really are seeing Edward during TFS, aren’t we…
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whisperingrockers · 11 months
Hmm hm hm. Ever had any concepts for mental worlds for the interns :0?
soooorta. a lot of my intern mental world ideas were curated sort of through osmosis of other people’s ideas I’ve seen.
like your amphitheater flood challenge for adam. a concept that make me foam at the mouth <3 (blows up) adam having a brain full of culture and history and familial expectations of greatness and yet. it’s devoid of those who thrust those expectations onto him. hm! just makes you think.
as for everyone else… gisu was always a clear idea for me. neon lights, skatepark, science exhibit combo. dino bone structures arranged for maximum rail grind opportunities. tunnels that look like the inside of power chords. one of the few people who are like yeah you can hang out in there. if she has a little carnival popcorn stand in there after she meets dion, no she doesn’t!
morris is like. giant huge awesome treehouse pirate radio. based off the treehouse in his backyard rather than the one at the psychonauts hq though— made apparent by childhood toys and games and thing’s scattered in the branches. closer to the canopy the items change into school supplies, music equipment, and at the top it’s the now morris stuff. i need the platforming to give people aneurysms though.
norma and lizzie… I’ve seen a lot of exact reflection ideas but I don’t necessarily agree with them. maybe at one point they were connected like that, but it’s clear they’ve grown up and apart in a major way. in my heart it’s more like norma’s whole mind is dedicated to keeping everything and her powers under control— hence the hyper-vigilance and paranoia. whereas lizzie’s is more trying to access the heart of her emotions after they’ve been frozen for so long— which ties in to her more blasé nature and inability to connect with the living creatures around her. i think their foundations and maybe general layout would mirror each other, but it’d be so hard to tell with everything else going on.
sam uh. hm. erm. animal farm. but with even more political upheaval and murder. im so sorry sam is an enigma to me. but i think that was on purpose.
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weixuldo · 2 years
Unconditionally/ ch 10
Anakin x Reader
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(A/N: so sorry again abt the late update but i hope u guys enjoy this chapter, im not totally versed in the recovery process but i’ve been researching!)
the kids miss you
Warnings: description of injury, cursing
For the first time since Anakin’s accident, you spent the night away from him. The twins were becoming anxious, they grew accustomed to either you or their dad almost always being there. So Ben stayed with Anakin so the kids could see you. You decided to gently explain the situation to them tonight so that tomorrow you could bring them up to see Anakin. 
You had been thinking about how to describe what happened all day. You didn’t want them to be frightened of him when they finally saw him…that would break his heart.
And yours.
You arrived at Anakin's house with only an overnight bag, because you knew you’d be back by Anakin’s side soon. Ashoka was getting ready to leave and she greeted you. “The kids are at the counter doing homework, they really miss you”.
You smiled back, “Thank you so much for watching them” and headed into the house.
You walked into the kitchen and saw the twins, it had been almost two weeks since you last saw them, and man it was a relief to see them. Luke was the first to notice you and his whole face lit up.
“F/N!!” he exclaimed, jumping off of his stool and running to you.
“Hey buddy!!” you smiled, worries dissolving once you had him in a tight embrace. 
Leia was not far behind and ran into your arms too. “Where were you?? We thought you left” she said sadly.
Here goes anything.
“Guys I need to tell you something ok…” you began as you steered them towards the couch.
They sat down and you knelt down in front of them. You took a deep breath and began with a calm voice.
“Ok, guys….I need to tell you something really important.”
The twins stilled and Leia spoke up, “It’s about daddy… isn’t it?”.
You closed your eyes and nodded your head.
Leia slouched and Luke grabbed her hand. She looked at him and seemed to communicate something before resting her head on his shoulder.
“Your dad had an accident… and he got hurt pretty badly.” you began, trying to gauge their expressions.
“He is in the hospital right now and he’ll have to stay there for a while so the doctors can help him get better.”
Luke frowned and Leia’s lip began to quiver. “Can we see him?” Leia asked anxiously.
You nodded, “Yes, I’m going to take you there tomorrow… but I need to let you know that his accident made him look different… I don’t want you guys to be frightened when you see him.”
“What do you mean?” Luke asked nervously.
How were you gonna explain this without scaring them?
“So you know how the guy from the dragon training movie got the cool new leg at the end of the movie?”.
“Hiccup?” Leia asked.
“Yes! His new leg was pretty cool right?” you hoped this would work.
“Mhmm” Luke agreed.
“Well your dad is going to be like him, he is gonna get new legs and arms. But they haven’t made his special ones yet.” You spoke slowly but surely.
Luke’s eyes lit up, “Wait dad is getting robot limbs like the terminator?!”.
Ok, not the reaction you were expecting, although it would make sense Luke wouldn’t understand the medical trauma of losing limbs. 
“...yes, like the terminator” you laughed lightly. You couldn't remember the last time you laughed.
“But remember, he doesn’t have his new limbs yet, so he looks a little different. He’s also still hurt from the accident, so you have to be gentle when you see him tomorrow ok?” you said and the twins nodded.
“Is it gonna be ok?” Leia asked, more concerned with the wellbeing of her dad than his new “terminator” limbs.
“It’s gonna be ok.” you confirmed, hoping to provide some comfort to her…
and yourself.
The next morning came quickly, the twins were already up and ready to go around 8:00. You drove them over making sure they knew that they couldn’t greet him the way they normally did. Anakin was alone in the room since Ben had to go back to work, but he had his phone propped up and his Siri on. You sent him a quick text letting him know you were on the way and he messaged you back and said “ok”. 
You finally reached the hospital and promptly walked the kids upstairs. You rounded the corner and saw Anakin’s room door was closed. You walked over to the nurse’s station and made sure he was ok.
“Oh, yes mam, he just said he wanted the door closed” She replied cheerfully before looking down.
“Aww, are these your children? They look just like their father!” She asked rhetorically before smiling and promptly returning to her work. 
Your cheeks began to heat up, “Oh, haha ummm..”
Leia giggled and pulled on your shirt, you nodded and guided them to his room. The twins promptly knocked on the door and you heard Anakin tell you to come in.
You opened the door slowly and the twins walked in; gently, you shut the door behind you and looked towards the bed.
Anakin looked better than he had been looking, but he still wasn’t the best he could be. His bed was propped up at an angle so he was more sitting, rather than lying down. His IV was strung through his bicep and he only needed the oxygen tube instead of the full mask. His eyes were tired, but brightened at the sight of the three of you. And thankfully his color was coming back since his blood transfusions. 
“Daddy…?” Leia softly spoke hoping to hear his voice.
“Hey, princess,” he smiled at her. 
“Woah, Dad!” Luke exclaimed as he examined what remained of Anakin’s limbs.
You saw Anakin shift uncomfortably under his son’s curious gaze, you felt bad but you didn't know what to do.
“Hey, bud. I know, I look pretty different huh?” he tried to joke, but you saw the sadness in his blue eyes.
“You’re gonna be so cool dad! You’re like the terminator!” Luke exclaimed, reaching for one of Anakin’s bandaged legs.
You raced over to pick him up before he could touch his dad. “Remember he’s still sore, so we don’t want to hurt him more” you said, placing him down. You didn’t want to be too harsh, you knew he didn’t fully understand the situation. 
“Oh yeah, I’m sorry” he said looking down at the floor. You brushed his hair and told him not to worry. 
“Daddy, are you gonna be alright?” Leia asked, worry evident in her eyes.
He sighed and tried to shift towards her before wincing. You rushed to his side and ease him back down.
Leia gasped and her eyes began to water, she grabbed onto her brother who was now also looking worried.
You were about to say something but Anakin beat you to it.
“Princess, I’m ok, don't worry. It will just take a while for me to heal from the accident.” he said softly. Even though this road was going to be hard, he would do it for his kids. 
The twins seemed to calm down after he responded and went along interacting with him as a normal day. After a while he began to tire, so you distracted the twins by asking if they wanted to explore the hospital. 
They agreed and happily bounced out into the hall. You went to Anakin’s side and lightly brushed a strand of hair from his face. He looked up at you with an exhausted, yet thankful look, he didn’t have to say anything for you to understand he was wearing down. You brushed his cheek and bent down to kiss his forehead before leaving him to rest. 
You wandered around the halls with two bouncy children. You forgot kids didn’t see the world as the drab and unfair place it was. Each novelty gift shop, filled with teddy bears and “get well” cards still caught their attention. They were captivated by the colored stripe in the middle of the wall. 
The tiled floor was patterned between cream and beige tiles and the twins were challenging each other to only stand on the beige ones. You followed behind them constantly, at least they were doing ok, you wished you could have the carefree spirit of a child, but alas… you had to face the situation.
“F/N” Leia called, grabbing your attention.
“Why do they have a toy shop in the hospital?” she asked, pointing at some of the gifts.
“Oh, Sometimes when people get hurt or sick they have to come here. And that’s pretty scary for them so hospitals have these shops tso you can buy these things to cheer the patients up.” you explained, trying to be as gentle as you could with your words. 
“We should get dad something!” Luke exclaimed, excitedly as he jumped around the shop.
You smiled, but remembered you left your wallet in the room, "Hey! maybe we should save getting a gift for another time! We can surprise him then" You smiled, trying to distract the kids.
"Ok!" they agreed without another question.
You went out of the shop and continued watching the kids as they explored the hospital.
Your mind wandered to Anakin,
you hoped he had sweet dreams.
(a/n: so the next chapter we'll get more anakin content...lets just say he is v unhappy w the situation:( as always thank you for being here)
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PUTS ON a beaglepuss disguise ermmm can u plssss tell us your norm headcanons ?? Spare norm headcanons for us pwee 🙏🙏🥺
this was gonna be longer but uhmmid probably be repeating myself. long enough as is so irs under the cut :3
sgt norman g allen
• only person allowed to call him norman is (was) his WIFE! e'eryone ELSE gets shot at
• but now its just everyone 
• gingi jokingly calls her Norma and he'll never admit he doesnt actually mind it
• supposedly his middle name is his fathers, but if asked about it, its just G. rolls off the tongue better
• unlabelled transfem, he/she and prefers gendered terms to neutral ones
• bear & also a cougar. just a Queer man living life always homoerotically
• fully believed she was cishet pre-wormhole and was so deep in denial about it but spending that much time alone (x2) gives you some time to reflect
• still not that knowledgeable about new lgbt terminology but is slowly comin to understand it
• oliver helped the most and Gets norms gender. calls her his boymom girldad 
• mexican immigrant and is still pretty fluent in spanish! better than his korean at least
• independent skills were drilled into him from a young age but he's still better at taking care of others rather than himself
• can cook a full thanksgiving meal with the most mouthwatering droolworthy turkey complete with sides and the whole shebang but when its just him eating? soggy oatmeal
• doing ALOT better post-chap 3! might even make himself a whole OMELETTE to go with his oatmeal
• after becoming sherrif he tried to go back to his shack. everyone from mingus to gingi said "No you are NOT."
• much hassle commenced but eventually a rented house on the outskirts of uptown dialtown, paid by the mayor herself
• much more hassle ensued once norm started taking potshots at people too close to her ""yard""
• BUT that has all been settled. its not lived in much but eventually she'll learn to call it home
• however what norm Is accustomed to is his PICKUP TRUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOO BABEY
• norm loves his jeep comanche eliminator like its his kid. decked out in awful AMERICAN USA USA bumper stickers
• "if ya cant operate a stick-shift, go back to drivers ed" across the back window with a skeleton on fire or a bald eagle holding a flag (or both)
• & yes it has the ballsack he finds it hilarious nobody can convince him otherwise
• calls her jessup - same name as his old horse
• obnoxious about how he drives it everywhere during dialtowns reconstruction, hauling ass and building supplies 
• the physical work HAS made him more built than ever tho
• always been a Big Guy, over 6ft and 300+ pounds. some muscle from his time as a sergeant and astronaut but mostly fat
• think heavylifter body with a softer stomach. Also more hair
• Lots of thick, black hair. on her head and body and face. blacker and deeper than space itself
• gray speckles that seem like stars or constallations you could trace in her scruff
• had short, choppy hair before the wormhole but let it grow out into a full mane after becoming an outcast anyways
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spookyc · 2 years
Thinking about Badyah watching as Norma becomes more and more distant, not from any fault of her own, but because of Norma pulling back due to her want for revenge. Thinking about Badyah noticing how much Norma hasn't been sleeping lately, with her new job as a tour guide to Dead End and her training with Zagan, and Norma brushing it off. Thinking about her seeing Norma go down this dark path and having no idea how to stop it because Norma isn't telling her anything.
Thinking about how Norma doesn't even show up for the podcast anymore and Badyah's left to host alone, not having near enough passion to carry it herself. Thinking about the worry and stress compounding so much until she finally confides in Logs about it, and that's when she realizes. Realizes she's in love.
And I'm thinking about how when Norma is at her lowest, when she's made herself into a living weapon for the demons, when she's just about to teeter off the edge, Badyah finds her. And she tells Norma that she doesn't have to do this, that she can't keep going like this, that she'll kill herself if she does. And when Norma fights back and counters with, "Why should I?"
Badyah responds:
"Because you are more than this. You're more than a sword or a soldier. You're Norma Khan, you know more about the demons than the demons themselves! You're weird and awkward but that's what's great about you! You never let anyone stop you from being yourself...I always liked that about you. And you care so much about the people you love, I mean, you did this all for Barney, didn't you?"
Norma doesn't respond to that, she doesn't respond at all. She just listens, intently.
"They all love you too, y'know? Barney, Courtney, Logs, they all care about you too. Pugsley did too, and I know he'd hate to see you like this. Barney would too, I do! I can't keep watching you do this to yourself, not when I know where it leads."
Badyah begins to tear up and Norma shifts slightly. It's a subtle movement, and her mask conceals her face, but seemingly she's been caught off guard.
"You're a human, Norma, not a demon or a vampire. What happens when you're not fast enough, or strong enough, or smart enough? What happens then?"
Badyah is crying now and Norma tightens the grip on her rapier. But her hands are trembling and she's not looking at Badyah anymore.
Badyah steps closer, not even acknowledging the rapier in Norma's hand.
"You don't have to do this alone, you..you can't do this alone. You're doing this for Pugsley, right? Well, Pugsley would want you to be happy, he would want you to live! He would want you to know that he loves you, whether you fight for him or not!"
Norma's rapier clatters to the ground and tears begin to stream past her mask. If one were to listen closely, they would be able to tell she was sobbing too.
"And Norma I-"
Badyah pauses and steps closer. She's now only a foot away from Norma and she can see the anguish reflected in her eyes.
"I love you too."
A silence envelops between them and Badyah knows this is the determining factor. This will show whether Norma is a monster after all, or if there's still some humanity inside her.
She doesn't have to wait long for an answer.
Norma suddenly tackles Badyah with a hug, the sheer force of it knocking her slightly off balance.
"Woah, easy there!"
She exclaims as a smile splays across her face, laughing even as the tears still roll down. She hugs Norma back just as fiercely, maybe a bit too tightly at that. But knowing how close she was to losing her, she can't help but hold her that much closer.
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figureofdismay · 4 months
WIP meme stolen from @stripedroseandsketchpads and other on my dash ;)
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
Then tag as many people as you have WIPs <- (i'm not doing that, I've got an Unreasonable number of WIPs, if you have WIPs and want asks about them consider yourself tagged! and consider tagging me so i can send an ask!)
2010 RG yours for a song (romangerri, succession)
Ineluctable (buffy/giles, BTVS)
what kind of day has it been (red/liz, the blacklist s2 AU)
lizzington fake married (red/liz, the blacklist, nonspecific s2ish era)
blame me i will wear it / yearlong (red/liz, the blacklist, s3 on the run AU)
the gods are not kind (red/liz, the blacklist, hades/persephone magical realism AU)
life will lay you down (red/liz, the blacklist, s1, now badly jossed extreme AU)
a swift decline (red/liz, the blacklist extreme S1 AU)
JMJ RG exchange fic S4 speculation (romangerri, succession, bailed on the exchange for health reasons and then s4 wasn't like that at all but I did like some of what i did here)
soulbates / sick joy, (norma/norman, bates motel, S1 AU with a rearranged timeline and a high school production of Hamlet)
prodigy roman / Fugue For 3 Voices (romangerri extreme AU with aging piano prodigy Roman and music coach Gerri, set 2003ish)
selki gerri / by the fountain of thirst (romangerri extreme AU set in fantasy 15th century un-europe)
last visible dog (romangerri extreme AU where gerri was the school doctor at roman's boarding school who he befriended and kept in touch with)
Bow Like The Field (morse/thursday, endeavour itv, s3 and s4 affair AU)
Do I Run Rare (morse/thursday, endeavour itv, S6 AU, shading into a reimagined s7)
Steady The Wheel (linden/holder, the killing, picks up immediately after S3 and heading AU right away)
What Happens In Japan... (romangerri, succession, positing a japan fling pre-s2)
Go West, deleted AO3 revison (red/liz, the blacklist, a post s2 on the run AU that does more with the memory revision than Blame Me, finished, deleted to revise and expand)
All Our Running Is Ahead / profiler Liz (red/liz, the blacklist, Full AU where Liz's profiling isn't forgotten in 20 minutes and she agrees to be his messenger if she can do a psychological study/write a book about him)
ride it all the way down (like buster keaton) (james/jezza, top gear rpf, 'the unhappy one'/'unrequited feelings edition' starting from when they met in 1998 and skimming through to an "AU" s17/s18ish era and a fictional Mediterranean trip special instead of the India special) (i came up with my title in 2019 before knowing about the Lowden Wainright song!)
Wishverse (buffy/giles, BTVS, Wishverse 'more of them lived' AU)
J x P post canon AU / Younger Than We've Ever Been (Janeway/Paris, Star Trek Voyager, Post canon and Investigations era, 'retina burn' vibes)
Strong Poison AU / Forced Blooms (romangerri AU inspired by harriet and peter in Strong Poison by Dorothy Sayers, vague timeline)
Post Home AU (Morse/Thursday post s1 AU with injured and grieving Morse)
Starman AU (Michael/Eleanor, the Good Place, Michael as the an alien somewhat like the Jeff Bridges character and Eleanor as the Jenny Hayden type character)
Lou's Novel (Mary/Lou, The Mary Tyler Moor Show, Lou wrote a novel and awkwardly gives it to Mary to read, and she realizes that the fictional Lou-insert is in love with the fictional Mary-insert)
We'll Have Trouble All Our Days, (michael/eleanor, the goodplace immediately post s2 AU)
Nothing to Pack (Mulder/Scully, the x-files, S1 thru s5 AU with a "secret" affair from mid s1 til Scully's abduction and all of the fallout)
Resonance Frequency (Psychic!Scully MSR AU kicking off from Beyond the Sea, but following & veering off from canon for a while)
Cuckoo's Children (MSR, a "diana as Ooonagh" and "CGB-CSM as Gabriel" posit with a cloned Mulder child -- Only one though! No chess game! No switch the babies! -- that Mulder and Scully have to chase down and cure Pawn In Frankincense style)
dharma and gregging it (MSR. the x-files, light satire-surrealist style full AU where instead of being assigned together, Mulder and Scully got impulsively married after a long weekend and then have to combine their lives)
post bad blood recovery (Foyle/Sam, Foyle's War, S4 AU where Sam stays with Foyle after being released from the hospital, recovering from her anthrax infection)
There are more, but I don't remember them well enough to talk about them. And this is..... already quite the list, oof 🙃😆.
anything look interesting?? 👀
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