#Gaster always wins
baconmoop · 4 months
My argument as to why the mysterious letter is definitely Gaster.
Okay, now I’ve had time to drink it all in/actually do things for valentines day, I’m ready to make my argument as to why the mysterious letter is definitely our boy Gaster. I’ve been of the mindset that he’s a goofy old man for a long time, and I’ve always wanted to make a video essay to explain my point of view but I've never had the time. This newsletter gave me the push to write this ‘quick’ summary  though. Feel free to fight with me in the notes.
First of all, I am aware that the Japanese version uses Hiragana instead of his normal Katakana. I barely understand English, so I can’t even begin to understand the importance of it. It is my biggest foil, but I don’t think it affects things too much.
My first, easiest bit of evidence, is the fact that Toby has already removed the letter, leaving only this.
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He does this constantly with Gaster stuff. He did it with the tarot cards, he did it with abc123a.ogg. The moment someone posts something online, he removes evidence of its existence. Suspicious, is it not?
Okay, let’s break the letter down shall we?
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This is in line with a lot of things we already know about WDG. Most likely in Wingdings, we have hints in Sans’ lab and the true lab that his handwriting is impossible to read. We don’t know any of these are 100% him, but it makes sense that it would be difficult to read unless you were determined enough to do so (I assume that is what ‘squint your heart refers to?). 
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There are multiple people who know what the ‘delta rune is’, but here to me he is clearly discussing the game, not the prophecy. The only person to ever have interest in our opinions of the experience is the ‘other him’, when he introduced us to the survey program. He also talks in short sentences, Like he does in the initial goner sequence, and pretty much everything else. 
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Okay, so this is something that has plagued my mind for a while, but this has brought it to the forefront. I assume here that he’s referring to Dess being stuck in the code, or whoever it is (See here https://forum.melonland.net/index.php?topic=68.0). I’ve always been of the mind that Gaster genuinely wants to help, partially because of the eggs and partially because he seems to want you to win. He wants you to stop the roaring. I have a bunch of theories about this that probably deserve their own video, but here’s a quick summary:
If you name yourself Suzie in the goner maker scene, he says:
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As far as I know, he doesn’t say this for anyone else, including ralsei, so he clearly has some kind of positive opinion of Suzie. Why would he say this if he was an antagonist to the fun gang?
When you die in the game and press no on the continue screen, the song ‘darkness falls’ plays (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSn4p1Xx7NU&ab_channel=Palpe). While definitely having Gaster’s leitmotif for starters, Just listen to how melancholy it sounds. It gives me the same bittersweet vibes that it’s raining somewhere else gives me. If this is a reflection of how Gaster feels when you give up, then he’s definitely a bit bummed that you failed.
Someone is clearly helping the secret bosses. While most people assume that he is doing it for some kind of nefarious purposes, I think he was genuinely trying to help, and it backfired. 
Anyway, back to the letter.
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There’s a lot of connections between forgetting and Gaster. Fanon dictates that he’s been completely erased from everyone’s memories, but I don’t want to rely on fanon here. The first thing that comes to mind is obviously ‘Don’t forget’ plastered all over deltarune, which is what I assume he means when he calls it ironic, but that isn’t specifically tied to him. What I do think of however, is goner kid. I’ve already put enough images in this bad boy, but he says "Have you ever thought about a world where everything is exactly the same...Except you don't exist? Everything functions perfectly without you...Ha ha... The thought terrifies me." We know so much about how the goners are connected to him, I’m not gonna re-go over it here. Someone also mentioned the Spamton sweepstakes “AREN'T YOU FORGETTING SOMETHING?” on the ice page, which could also be relevant here. Is there any other character linked to forgetting as much as he is?
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Okay, now for my most dubious point (sue me I’m not an actual theorist). But… Doesn’t this give you old man papyrus vibes? It’s goofy, It’s in all caps, it puts a smile on my face. To quote my friend outside the fandom, “It’s giving old man texting his grandchildren for the first time”. I know this is one of the biggest contradictions for people, claiming that it’s out of character for gaster to speak like this, but I give exhibit A, from the legends of localisation book: 
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(Ripped directly from https://www.tumblr.com/gasterofficial/715722490333298688?source=share)
I’ve always loved this. It’s probably not canon, but it’s goofy as hell. It was one of the first things that made me want to do a video on my “gaster is a good dude” ideas. It’s the exact same vibes as the letter. 
So what do you think? I could definitely go into more detail about all of this, if people are interested. I just saw something that helped fuel my theories and had to put my opinions out there. Please don’t murder me in the notes for going against the antagonist gaster grain I am very sensitive okay good by!
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patchwork-crow-writes · 5 months
On the topic of 'other secret bosses', have I told you my Rouxls Kaard theory yet? Specifically that I think halfway through the game, he's going to disappear and become a Secret Boss.
My reasons for thinking this firstly, because like the Joker Card, his real-world form is another item that always gets discarded: the Rules Card. His similarity to Gaster and Papyrus also help(since they're also both very affiliated with the idea of being 'Forgettable', and I suspect one of them may be the 'Strange Someone'. (Maybe both? I will NEVER give up on the Gaster is Papyrus theory.)) Anyways, those things, but there's also how Rouxls' theme has spoken words in it, and Jevil and Spamton have spoken words in their fights (Jevil's 'I can do anything', the lyrics to Big Shot), and there's ALSO something very important--
Rouxls is very important and no one really likes him. He's always running around, trying to find a boss to suck up to, but the Fun Gang treats him as 'eurgh, that guy again,' and neither King nor Queen really LIKES him. Much like Jevil, only one person(Lancer) really seems to appreciate him, but much like Spamton, he's not very good at all at what he does.
So I think that, in some future Dark World, Rouxls will meet someone he's not supposed to. And he's eagerly offer to be their lackey. And that will cause him to disappear. Stopping him from disappearing is out of your control. But what IS in your control is if you just give him up for lost, or go looking for him, even knowing that you can't ever undo the damage done by his having gone missing, even if he's radically changed by what happened, even if you don't think you'll be able to really bring him back...
Maybe Noelle felt similarly after losing Dess. No one seems to talk about them anymore. Life continues on perfectly fine without them. Even those who knew them and miss them still have a life to live. Maybe this was always going to happen. But still...
I've heard about the idea of Rouxls being a secret boss at some point, but this is a really cool take on that idea! I really like this for a couple of reasons - the first being that in a way this has already happened in-game! When we first enter the Cyber World, Rouxls slips out of our pocket in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, and I'm willing to bet most people didn't even notice he was gone from our inventory until the next confrontation with him... myself included.
The other reason I really like this idea is because it would give Rouxls something else in common with other secret bosses - which is that we as players would have to really go out of our way to discover and fight him, and it's entirely likely that our efforts in that regard could cause many more problems than it might solve - see Kris's mental state after the whole Spamton ordeal. It's kind of like an extension of the philosophy behind the Sans fight in Undertale - we do it because of our morbid curiosity, because we want to see what happens, and because we can, we "have to"... no matter the cost in-game.
Quite aside from that, Rouxls fascinates me because it's entirely possible that his abilities could be literally game-breaking... if he only knew how to use them properly. As the Rules Card, he literally defines the terms of a game of cards - imagine what he could be capable of if he suddenly decided "you can't hurt me anymore" or "I win if I so much as graze you". I think that potential power may be largely curtailed by his need to be subordinate to a "higher power", because you cannot play a rules card in the same way you can play a face card... so maybe becoming subordinate to "something he wasn't supposed to meet" will allow him to use that power to its fullest extent.
To further hammer this point home, look at his appearances between Chapters 1 and 2. Under King, who is a incredibly myopic and cruel ruler whose subordinates either hate him or are completely indifferent to him... Rouxls' puzzles are equally rubbish. Then in Chapter 2, Queen does a slightly better job of "ruling" her domain, and actually commands loyalty from the Swatchlings, and suddenly Rouxls is able to construct a pretty elaborate house-capturing game in his fight. So there's a correlation between how powerful and competent a ruler is, and Rouxls' ability to craft puzzles and games.
So imagine what he might be capable of if he ever came into the employ of somebody with very intimate knowledge of Deltarune's game mechanics... somebody like that person who drove both Jevil and Spamton to insanity. And your theory here would be the perfect way that could happen. And then it's up to us whether we care enough - or are morbidly curious enough - to actually find him once he disappears. And what exactly such a search would entail, for Kris and the other main characters of Deltarune, the game's themes and motifs, and the nature of the nested worlds (e.g. Real(Light(Dark(Something else?))))
Thanks so much for sharing this with me! Rest assured it'll eat away at my grey matter for some time to come, which trust me, is the highest compliment I can give something here :D
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yugogeer012 · 1 year
Geez, Gaster really shouldn’t have said that…
Is Toriel going serious now and Gaster is gonna lose? (I really hope he still has some tricks up his sleeve cuz he deserves it to win in my opinion)
As always...
Stay tuned~
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ibeta · 2 months
Draft: The Heir and the Courted
Red had been in a power couple relationship with Rus for three years, and they had happy moments... until Berry enters the college where Red and Rus resided.
Berry quickly gains fans with his bright, happy expressions and his sweet smiles and easily amazed compliments. Rus and Red get drawn in, and everything fell apart.
Sans has been observing Berry’s activities... He'd already planted a spy on Berry the moment he came into the school. After all, as the secret heir to Gaster's... security and science society, Sans has always been known to be a good judge of character.
Berry plots to break up Rus and Red’s relationship, because Rus had a good reputation among the masses for being a sweet and caring monster, and Red had a reputation for being snappy and possessive and reckless.
(Rus doesn't mind this, since Red never goes too far.)
But this time, Berry makes it look like Red went too far with the jealousy. He schemes hard and lies through his teeth. His smile enchants monsters because he's cute and positive. He's a good liar, a good faker.
But he wasn't a good observer of side characters in his book of plot devices, Sans notes, because he's never noticed Sans in the background of things. Berry always basks under the light and attention of the masses that wanted to give him their attention.
(Completely unlike Sans' sweet brother, Papyrus, who was almost similar, but would always take note of those that seemed to be ostracized, so he could give them the gift of kindness and compliments.
That was how they had so many loyal followers, after all.)
Berry successfully breaks apart Red and Rus, and Red goes down fighting for his reputation, but it gets horribly worse. No one believes that Berry has schemed everything. They all believe that Red has gone too far.
So Red curses to the high heavens that no one believes him and sticks to his morals. because he didn't do anything wrong, and he knows it. So, he looks for a techy person for revenge instead, because he isn’t one to take things lying down.
He discovers Sans in the Tech Room, who never stops accepting Red’s shitty attitude with a calm smile and an eyeroll.
(Red offers gold to pay Sans for things he wanted to be made, and Sans asks what he wants it for and Red just tells him he wants revenge and explains what happened to him.
"man, pranking the shitty ex and the shitty new boyfriend sounds hilarious. sign me up."
Red can't believe how easy it is, but he takes it.)
(... Sans owns the school under Gaster's name. It's very prestigious, so Berry was targeted to keep it pure.)
Red always wants to one-up his ex, Rus, who cheated on him with an ‘innocent’ type of monster. He always goes to Sans for ideas and gets tools to help him win against them.
Most of the time, Red loses... because said ‘innocent’ type is a deceptive monster. Berry isn’t innocent at all.
(Red stayed loyal until he's trapped by Berry in a scheme. Stupid fake bullying, false recollections from people, faked evidence of cheating, things Red hadn’t done – would never do.
It’s the typical, ‘villain gets blamed for everything.’)
Sans lets Red step all over him, but also... gifts him. Things.
Red slowly realizes this and just. Accepts it. Sans gives Red keychain shaped like... something familiar. And romantic. Almost like a... Almost like a hint that Sans wants more and...
And Red accepts with his soul pounding, playing it off that Sans gave him such a stupid keychain, might as well keep it so no one would laugh at him.
Meeting several times with a vengeful Red, Sans learns to love Red's threatening magic and his instinct to get even.
Sans has been working hard to gather evidence of Berry' schemes. He's grown quite the folder. Because while Sans loves Red with all his soul, he also wants to completely destroy the person who ruined Red’s reputation. Utterly. Because he's been watching Berry since he's entered the school and Sans had noticed that he's twisted rumours around with his fake innocence.
He's fallen in love with Red, who tries so much to uncover Berry' lies. He's fallen so hard that he allows Red to use him and push him around and – and Sans doesn't mind. He plays the loyal dog, a good henchman when Red needs him.
Because Sans understands how much loyalty Red has given to the people close to him, and it was deeply, deeply attractive to Sans, who knows how much loyalty mattered.
When Berry gets crushed under the weight of the video evidence of his lies, Sans just basks in his pain, in his disbelief. Red is stunned at the evidence that keeps popping up all over the college forums and the outside world. The internet discovers it and many complaints have been filed.
There are videos of Berry asking people to fake evidence, because he cried and asked people if they witnessed Red slapping him, or bullying him and somehow he'd managed to get people to lie for him because he had a good reputation. Evidence that also became supported by outside monsters, who had experienced Berry’s twisted bullying.
There are many videos of the recent target, Red, and it showed Berry fabricating evidence, of him leaving someone else's item in Red’s bag, of him sneaking in the bathroom to soak his head and blaming Red for it and every single lie, every single twisting or rumour that he'd done.
Berry gets, utterly, destroyed. No one even knows how those videos came about, because the angles... it had been as though someone was following Berry with a camera, right there, and that he couldn’t see it.
Red suspects one person. But it shouldn’t be possible that was... that was just impossible. They didn’t have the technology or the magic to do things like follow someone with a video camera without being noticed. It was just physically impossible...
So, he looks for Sans, and the Tech Room has become eerie to him, because it was quiet, and Sans usually had something loud in there, all the time.
He finds Sans in the office, wearing a dark suit and a blue tie under his lab coat, talking to someone on the phone.
"...it's nothing new. you know how i am when something like that happens nearby. i can't ignore it, papyrus. yes, i know, i'll let him know soon. meeting might have to be postponed until... maybe a week from now? only until i figure out a way to... tell... him."
Sans becomes silent.
"...i have to go. he's waiting for me right now."
Red’s soul is pounding as Sans turns to him, smiling the same smile he gave Red, the teasing one.
"hey red, what's up?" The same words Sans always said.
"the ceiling, you idiot," Red snaps in reflex, and then clicks his teeth shut. Because it feels different. Something feels different.
It couldn’t just be that Sans was wearing a suit under his lab coat, like he came from somewhere formal. It wasn’t the silence in the Tech Room, or the dim lights or... or... Sans, walking towards him with a concerned expression on his face, like he usually had when Red felt overwhelmed.
Oh. Red breathes in the magic in the air. Oh, that was different. There’s tension in the magic in the air, but it was coming from Red.
"why... am i..." he tried to talk, but something seems wrong.
Sans stops approaching, keeping a meter of distance between them. He’s searching Red’s face, and then nods.
"do you feel like you want me," Sans begins with a small frown, "right now?"
Red pauses, and then analyzes himself. This strange feeling had started as soon as he had the suspicion that Sans had been behind the downfall of Berry. The idea that Sans had been behind the multitude of evidences spread out in the forums… it shakes him to the core.
"y...yeah," he breathes, when it all clicks in place. The many, many psychology books on Sans' shelves finally has an explanation. Sans is basically a goddamned mind-reader.
Sans flushes, but he still looks serious. "would it be... on a bed, or on my desk?"
Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck. "a...are you askin' me for a reason?" Shit, he sounds… out of it.
Red doesn’t want to... do anything untoward… to the person who might have crushed Berry under his heels. Because, oh, just the thought of Sans' clothes dishevelled and torn while he panted on a bed sounded fucking phenomenal. The image burns in Red’s head, because he's been invited to Sans' room before, and those bedsheets looked soft.
"just tell me, red," Sans prompts.
"anywhere," Red whispers, the desperation dripping from his voice. He doesn’t understand – he’s seen Sans several times, why does he feel… this way? "sans, why... why do i... i haven't before... but now it's like you're the only thing in my sight."
And gods, Red wants to eat him up, wants to ruin him over and over again. He wants Sans right now. It almost feels too much, but Red can still control his urges.
Sans tilts his head. "remember the books i gave you?"
Red recalls the pile of books he'd studied to get revenge. It was a boring monster history of courtship, where monsters in the past had been less intelligent and more prone to following their instinct. He'd used some of them to sway some people to his side of the argument but his mouth had mostly ruined everything.
Some of them—some of them... had been weirdly written. Monsters of the past didn't have a proper way of communication until the years where they learned to use their SOULs to vocalize their thoughts, so everything in the book contained basic reactions of monsters to certain stimulus. Monsters would present themselves to their chosen—it didn't matter what their shape, all they had to do was convey their intent through actions, and their chosen might accept them or not.
"i wasn’t expecting you today," Sans admits, pocketing his hands in his lab coat. "i wanted to wait for a few more days to tell you, but you came here on your own. are you... scared?"
Red feels far from scared. He wants to shove Sans on the desk in the room and fuck his mouth with his tongue. He wants to unbutton Sans' dress-shirt and nibble his way down his sternum, and then maybe take him then and there, making him moan and groan and scream his name.
Red swallows. "no."
"you're nervous, i can tell," Sans tells him. Red nods slowly, feeling... exposed. "and i can see that you want me. you're holding yourself back, because... you don't actually understand what is happening to you. right?"
"…i have an idea." There were hints, now that Red’s thinking about it. Little things, big things, and the seemingly normal moments that were out of place.
"lay it out."
Red hesitates. "you... did things. i can't be sure, but, somehow... you were... in plain view, but it was... i didn't understand it."
Sans smiles. It's the smile he usually wore when Red took the time to slow down and figure out what was happening.
"i did do that," Sans agrees. "i did a lot of things. most of the time it was subtle. some of the time, it was obvious, but you weren't aware of it. and you’ve noticed it already… the thought of me will usually be in your head, and you don't know why."
Red freezes, and then clenches his fists. Because he has a deep, horrifying inkling to what Sans had done. And to what he'd unconsciously and willingly walked into.
"was it—" Red almost doesn’t want to continue, but Sans is giving him a look of observation, cataloguing him like one of his tech experiments. Red’s enjoying the attention, somehow, even if he knows he shouldn’t. "was it... something… no, is it – is this... something that... that you... want?"
"yes," Sans breathes closing his sockets. Red nearly swears in relief, because it’s the answer he wants. When Sans opens his eyes again, they’re glowing a light blue colour. "i only move when... there are things i..."
Sans trails off as Red closes the distance between them. Red watches as a flush of magic grows on Sans' face. Sans averts his gaze, his smile freezing in place, and his shoulders tense just a tiny bit, almost unnoticeable.
Red’s soul is pounding hard in his ribs, unseen. That look on Sans' face is unexpected. He’s usually calm, almost hiding behind all his smiles. And Red knows he’s so boned when Sans' eyelights turns to him again, and Sans looks vulnerable and open and—fuck. He can tell. He can just tell that the skeleton hasn’t planned what Red is doing now.
"what did you do?" Red whispers the question as he places his palm on Sans' cheek. Sans breathes out shakily and closes his sockets, and Red wants to kiss him. Badly. The desire aches like a wound that hasn’t healed. Red wants to pin Sans on his bed so he could have his way with him, taste every piece of him, mark every part he hasn’t seen. He wants Sans to fall apart under his hands, to see him lying his arms, to see him wearing his colours.
Red wants him so much, because Sans has been there, waiting so patiently… and stealthily dating his goddamned SOUL like it was no big deal. No one has ever done something so extreme and so ridiculous to him—for him. Because Sans always gave him so many options to back out, and Red hasn’t taken any of them at all. Knowingly and unknowingly.
Sans chuckles a little. "most monsters that have... a similar virtue will always gravitate to each other,” Sans answers him, voice soft like it usually is, when he explains things to Red.
However, there’s a small lilt, an airy softness that seems forced. Nervous, Red notes with pleasure, flustered. He’s surprised Sans, and he’s tempted to do more—he wants to see more of this skeleton shaken.
“…and to me, it is—” Sans' breathing hitches when Red slides down his palm to Sans’ neck. Red feels the bones move under him as Sans continues, “lo… loyalty… red… what… what are you…?”
Sans sounds so breathless that it’s driving Red insane.
“…keep talkin’,” Red whispers weakly, because he doesn’t know what he's doing either, tracing the topmost button of Sans’ dress-shirt. Red backs him slowly, and Sans moves along with him, a flustered and confused expression on his face. “and… tell me everything.”
When Sans’ back meets a wall, he doesn’t look scared. Instead, Sans gasps and trembles when Red slips the button off, raising his hands to grasp onto Red’s arms.
“i…” Sans shudders as Red works off the second button, “have a lot of… virtues similar to yours. i knew it… the moment you… came in, that you had a deep integrity.”
“w-when was that?”
“your first visit here,” Sans murmurs, chuckling. “i was one of the guest observers that asked you to use more magic.”
The one who asked him to try all the magic he could do, Red remembers. He’d wanted to get grants to be cheap, so Red had agreed to a spar with one of the masked observers.
“they brought in a sparring partner – that… that was you?”
“yes,” Sans blinks at him, and Red grabs the knot of Sans’ tie, pulling it off. The blue flush of magic seems to glow a little brighter. “…and back then, you were… taken, so i wanted to pair you up with the classes you shared.”
Red knows this. He wishes he’d talked more to the observer back then, but guest observers asked their identities to be kept a secret.
(They had fought well. The observer had so much magical control and the strength to back it up. The attacks had been solid and fast and Red had felt excitement when they fought. The observer was a good match for a spar. Dangerous and controlled, quick to react and quicker to send attacks when Red had been open. He'd felt that the other monster had… experience in battles, but Red couldn’t feel any LV from them. At all.
The battle had left him wanting for another fight, but he remembered where he was, when he noticed the other observers clapping.
The observer he’d fought said they’d make sure he and Rus had all their shared classes together, and the voice had been soft and kind. At that time, Red had felt like someone understood his situation, his reasons for staying close to Rus all the time. His reasons to hold his people close.)
“y’were good,” Red murmurs, heat suffusing into his bones as remembers the way Sans had moved. He pockets the tie, smirking as he sees Sans avert his gaze again. Shy, he can tell, because his instincts say so. “i felt the danger.”
Sans smiles as he’s looking away, that mysterious, knowing smile he wears for Red, when Red isn’t catching onto something only Sans knows. “you were good, too.”
“you’re being cryptic again,” Red breathes as he leans down to Sans’ neck. He feels a shudder work its way up Sans’ neck, hears the gasp that’s too sharp to be controlled, feels the clench of bones against his arms, feels the trembling fingers dig in so very carefully.
“r… red…” Sans whispers his name. It sounds weak, uncontrolled, completely laid bare.
(mine, Red’s mind purred. all mine.)
“thought you saw this comin’?” Red teases, because now that he’s paying attention, he won’t miss the signs anymore. He wants to see what Sans does, what he wants Red to do for him. He wants to see the strings that Sans attaches on him, the ones that guide Red through Sans' plans. “thought you wanted me in the palm of your hand?”
“i… y-you…” Sans sounds completely flustered. “you’re not just—red, you…” Sans laughs weakly and admits to him, “i always keep my hand open, when it comes to you.”
Red hums against his neck, nuzzling.
“you know it yourself,” Sans tells him quietly, though he’s slowly relaxing under Red’s ministrations. “you’re unpredictable, and when you’re focused… y-you’re… very… d-determined.”
Red knows how he acts and… the way Sans’ body becomes so pliant when Red’s touching him is so obvious. Sans is not so controlled anymore and he can’t hide so much when he’s this nervous. Red can tell so much from him—it’s easier to read prey when they’re unable to withstand the tension.
“so what step in your list am i taking now?” he rumbles, scraping his teeth gently on the fragile neck before him.
Red feels the fingers on his arms dig a little tightly. He almost groans. Red wants to bite… to mark Sans. He wants keep him close so he won’t escape him, but his SOUL doesn’t feel the anxiety. Whatever Sans has done, he’s assured Red’s SOUL that he isn’t going anywhere.
 “…i-i didn’t plan this far,” Sans confesses to the side of his skull. His voice sounds smaller, almost like he's trying to be very, very quiet. “i… wanted to tell you first. i'm guessing that’s why you’re the one who's placing yourself in my hand, right now.”
Red grins, because it’s exactly what he’s doing. “what, am i using your fingers as a blanket?”
Sans shakes his head. “…no, you’re trying to take my whole arm with you.”
Red almost laughs at the thought.
--- AKA: Manipulative Sans x Vengeful Red
The Idea, posted on my kustard plots post: It’s super sweet and creepy, Sans is actually stealth dating Red’s SOUL… basically using subtle soul luring techniques, while Red is trying to get revenge on his cheating ex and the fake innocent lamb that replaced him. In this story, Red finds Sans, who is collecting evidence of the fake innocent lamb’s plots and pays Sans to help him. Sans agrees and finds that Red is loyal and he likes it, so he uses every means he knows to subtly seduce Red’s SOUL while Red doesn’t know he’s being seduced, since he’s full of ‘getting even.’
Sans is a thousand times worst than Berry. Red's just eagerly jumping in, because he knows Sans is very sincere. Good instincts, Red! He totally wants you to meet his Family.
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toky502 · 8 months
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UNITALE (An alternate tale) Papyrus
Papyrus is a rather tall and a bit extravagant skeleton monster, he is very self-confident. Most of the time he has a kind and very brave personality. But sometimes he doesn't have much self-control when someone disrespects a woman or insults her when he is around. On many occasions his personality can be too aggressive and very intimidating to others since he is a barbarian, something that Papyrus does not like very much about himself. Papyrus loves swords and armor as his dream is to be a great knight and wear cool armor. In his free time, Papyrus likes to go fishing and draw portraits, which he is honestly very good at.
* Papyrus in BARBARIANTALE didn't have many friends, only Undyne and Gaster.
* Due to his normal and kind nature, Papyrus was treated as a rare barbarian by his race.
* Papyrus has no siblings, he is an only child.
* When Papyrus met Hit!Sans he didn't like me at all.
* Papyrus has a pretty funny war cry.
* Papyrus considers papyrus jr. like his younger brother, although he is literally the same.
* Papyrus adore to hug his friends.
* Papyrus has incredible stamina and is extremely physically strong, it honestly doesn't take much for him to lift very heavy things.
* Papyrus can't sit still for long, he's not very used to it.
* Papyrus hates evil.
* Papyrus is determined to destroy any caterpillar he sees, due to his own fear and trauma of a beast from his AU, there is no mercy for the caterpillars as papyrus considers them malevolent.
* Papyrus's favorite food is grilled turkey breasts.
* Papyrus's birthday is May 19.
* Papyrus doesn't know how to cook.
* Papyrus hates being a barbarian.
* Papyrus doesn't know much about enjoying things, since most of the time he worried about surviving in his AU.
* Papyrus doesn't know what puzzles are.
* Papyrus usually shows his barbaric side when he is very angry with someone.
* Papyrus will always protect the weakest.
* Papyrus likes to read stories of heroes and knights.
* The beast skin she always wears is a gift from her friend Undyne.
* Papyrus hates special Debris!Muffet casserole, it's something he never wants to eat again in his life.
* Papyrus can be too honest when he speaks, sometimes he realizes it too late.
* Papyrus often apologizes when he causes trouble or disaster.
* Papyrus is very detail-oriented when he sets his mind to it, sometimes he has great ideas.
* Papyrus loves D!Mettaton EX's outfits and clothes, he thinks they're cool.
* Papyrus doesn't like eating broccoli, he thinks it's a mini tree and feels guilty.
* Papyrus can be somewhat uncivilized at times.
* Papyrus likes to gamble, incredibly he is very lucky and most of the time he always wins.
* Papyrus knows how to play the trumpet.
* Papyrus loves to climb in high places.
* Papyrus respects Papyrus Jr. a lot, he cares a lot about him.
* Papyrus suffers from very severe insomnia, but is quickly cured as he automatically falls asleep if he reads a fragment of a special enchanted tale on an old paper Gaster gave him.
* Papyrus can talk a little strange sometimes.
* Papyrus can use "EXCALIBUR" the sacred relic of humans.
* Papyrus is heterosexual.
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charaunoffficial · 1 year
Not including Gaster considering I will always put his text in wingdings first so it's easy to tell it's him. My thought when I first introduced them that still kinda holds true is that Chara's text will always have * before it and Dess's doesn't but I can see how it's still pretty easy to get them mixed up. That said, if yes wins, I will probably only add her tag if she is the one with the phone in-universe because I don't want to make too many tags to keep track of. Currently it's just flower child for in character, ooc for obvious reasons, and an additional one some of you may have missed - lore from the void - for relevant lore to the story I have in mind.
You all have a week so. Go bonkers I guess
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thatabitcryptic · 2 years
Undertale head cannons?
Omg where to begin?!?!
I think asgore and chara were very close and loved growing plants together and having tea time :)
Majority of the main cast is autistic :))
Following that last one Flowey/asriel is particularly face blind and that’s why he mistakes frisk for chara
Uhh a pretty common one but sans and alphys are besties and they talk about space for hours,,, one of the first things they do on the surface is go stargazing :-)
Asriel and toriel used to go bug hunting based off the fact that toriel offers to take frisk when they are in the ruins,,, the whole family would also frequent blook farm and cheer on the snails, asriel would always win bc he knew just the right way to cheer his snail, chara would always lose bc they were too enthusiastic and their snail would get overwhelmed LOL
Bc of this sometimes flowey goes and hangs out with the snails and talks to napstablook despite them not know who he was
I like to think the surface is set in Aotearoa, was going to set it in Australia bc that’s where I’m from but I’ve decided that’s where I have deltarune set
Also bc of this and following the theory that sans is from deltarune and was transported to undertale sans has a slight Australian accent :o)
Frisk is mainly non verbal, tho they only really speak when on the phone (I’ve also seen ppl hc that they speak ‘with their soul’ and I really like that)
Sans and paps can understand most languages, they are fluent in nzsl and teach everyone else so they can communicate with frisk :-)
Before falling into the core gaster was semi verbal but post core he uses nzsl bc his speech has become so garbled that no one but his sons can understand him
Grillby is similar to gaster where his speech is distorted (bc he’s made of fire) but if he focuses he can say a few clear sentences like in the pacifist route
Gaster used portions of his hands to make sans and paps - his main goal was to create a being with a human soul (that’s why I draw them both as human skeletons as opposed to bird guys like gaster) so they could cross the barrier but instead he got 2 kiddos lmao (also VERY SOFT AND FULL OF CALCIUM isn’t completely just papyrus being silly, at certain times of the year he and sans get that baby bird fluff on the surface of their bones, it comes off pretty easily tho so it’s not really noticeable)
Undyne and paps are gay lesbian solidarity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Frisk doesn’t really understand their gender yet and bc they are so young they describe it based on their surroundings, after entering papyrus’ room and seeing his do not enter signs when asked for their gender they reply ‘papyrus’ <- idk where that one came from I remember seeing a post about it but I love it to bits
After their plan failed chara’s ‘spirit’ went dormant until frisk arrived, they have no idea what happened to asriel but after the neutral route (after flowey says he doesn’t understand why frisk is sparing him) they start to really recognise that flowey is in some way somehow asriel
Mettaton overheats when he is embarrassed/flustered and his internal fans are very loud LOL
Chara and asriel’s combined soul is gone, I feel like after souls are ‘used’ they fade away - the same happens to the human souls after flowey/asriel absorbs them
Toriel, asgore and gaster are old af and have been around since the barrier was created (ummm thousand year kingdings slow burn anyone?? SJDNDJJDNX)
Undyne is like asgores daughter and asgore is sometimes reminded of chara bc of how outgoing and determined they both are :-)
When they get to the surface toriel teaches papyrus how to cook ‘properly’ but some of his habits brush off on her instead lol
I’ve probably got more but here are the ones that popped into my head!!!
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an-unraveling-unknown · 8 months
My thoughts on Undertale and philosophy
This short thought barf has so many holes and ramblings and the concept in itself could probably be explained far better by the countless video essays that genuinely had hard work into them and I recommend them no questions asked but I need to gush and further procrastinate on my French or else my brain will eat itself and explode (I’m sorry Ms. L)
Undertale is a game based in Nihilism that wants you to think that it’s based in Existentialism, while simultaneously having elements of both. Oough okay here we go
The basic outline for Nihilism is that nothing matters and we’re all going to perish unceremoniously. In broader terms, everything and anything we do as human beings does not change anything, it doesn’t matter, we are bound to fate and there is no meaning to life - meaning is a social construct per se. 
Existentialism, however, was created in more optimistic direct opposition to Nihilism, saying that we make meaning. We are defined by our existence, in our actions, who we are, people must choose a direction and meaning in life. 
Undertale happens to juggle both of these with humor upon a polka-dotted unicycle with mirth in its eyes.
One of the coolest things about the Undertale is that its game mechanics are a very real part of the world. You die, you can reset, you can reset at any point whatsoever, whether you choose mercy or fight or both has a specified outcome, you have control. A few select characters know this, like Flowey and Sans, but they can’t really do anything to stop you if you’re determined enough because determination is in ALL human souls - the will to keep living and change fate. It is RIGHT THERE is the description, Existentialism, where we make meaning, where we are in control, where we can change fate because we are determined to make meaning. Everything matters because we think it does (which could also tie into trying to decipher the story and make sense of things where they are chaotic and unknowable, like the elusive W.D Gaster. That, and that’s what a lot of the games were striving for at the time - rewarding the player by making sense, for all the puzzle pieces to satisfyingly click together.)*
But no matter how you play the game, Genocide route or Neutral or Pacifist, no matter what you do, you always end up back in the underground. If Chara goes up to the surface and presumably murders everyone she sees or something along those lines, it all resets. If Flowey decimates you and does whatever he does, it all resets. If you die in a fight with a monster, if Asgore defeats you and uses your determination soul to break the surface barrier, if you do the morally correct thing and find a way to break the barrier so the monsters can be free from the underground’s confines, it all has to reset.
The Monsters cannot truly go back up to the surface, and neither can you. 
Everything you did, all that you accomplished to help them, to break the mold, or to betray them and slaughter them all (or just a select few,) as a whole, It did not matter. What’s more, you will likely reset, regardless of any ending. You may reset, again and again and again, perhaps to see what will happen because of human curiosity, mayhaps because its just a really good game, or perhaps to subconsciously get proper closure - but regardless of any of these, you always end up back in the underground. You cannot win, but isn’t that what games are for?
The only way to ‘win’ at this game is to never play it, really.
Undertale game mechanics are a very real part of the world built up around it and is a game that is self-aware in more ways than one - it knows what you do, it judges you for it, and it knows you cannot get out.
HOWEVER, like most things, there are two sides to that coin.
In all of this, you’re allowing yourself to have Determination - Hope. That’s what’s keeping you going as you claw and scrape your way through fights and levels of the story, what’s keeping you kind through the pacifist run (it takes a lot of effort to be kind sometimes, that’s not for nothing), that’s what’s keeping the Monsters going, the hope that they’ll see the surface again, that you can help, that again and again and again is hope. You are all in a perpetual state of hope.
Isn’t that an incredibly human thing to be?
Even better, that’s the games point. That we can come together, respect our differences and get along. Regardless of who we are, we are all bounded together by determination and hope. We can, and should care for each other, and learn and grow.
Heck, in the act of doing all this, we are making meaning, Cos’ we play games and everything feels alright for a bit.
“The human soul can be indomitable” Hell yeah it can.
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x-for-a-y · 4 months
gaster's like oh i'm a god i get to decide when you die and i simply have to wonder how much of this is him bluffing/boasting & how much is an actual departure in-lore from the mechanics of the tournament. does he Really decide on a whim when adam gets to die, is he Really the god? or is he aware of the Actual greater power over the tourney's events: the voting process? adam knows about it being a tournament, so a meta-fuckery guy like gaster would be able to, i think, be aware of it a little further. and him being at its whims like that does explain why adam survived at first & hamood was killed, straightforwardly in a somewhat unintriguing way. or are we actually here to take that the events of doatk's story are pretend self-contained, the tournament in-universe is just a facade, and everything is both more & less structured than it looks? the whole alternate universe viewings were already a bit of a look at that. but then weren't dubduo on the verge of figuring out the structure of winning matches vs being eliminated? if adam's losses are always rigged by gaster himself, why have him participate tournament-wise himself, assuming that there isn't a roommate in the first two matches or that adam doesn't escape gonering every time? if adam's weak compared to gaster & gaster is a god over the realm, what's gained from letting him stick around, the results mishap, all that? sure can't wait to see where this goes
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ashswag propaganda
(as always this is a) about the character and b) in good fun)
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(the rest of the slides and the IDs for the slides will be under a cut for those that want to read the whole thing, because it’s very long and i want to be respectful of the other people in the tag)
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Image IDs: A series of fifteen Google Slides. They are on a dark grey background and the text is in white Comic Sans MS. Unless specified otherwise, all text is not capitalized. The first slide says “ashswag propaganda” in all caps, and below it is “ashswag propaganda” in smaller grey text. It is not capitalized.
The second slide’s title is “not enough people nominated ash so i had to make these”. The text is “what is this: i thought ash should at least win one round. he’s 90th seed so i figured i needed propaganda for this. method: i just went through the sexyman wiki and screenshotted anything i thought would be even slightly relevant.” “more tropes = better” is written at the bottom in very large text. The third slide’s title is “trope 1”. There is a screenshot of the sexyman wiki defining a trope, which says “4th Wall Blurring: "Teasing" the 4th wall so to speak, sexymen who are implied to have some amount of insight into/control over the workings of their reality even if not full awareness of their own fictional nature. It is extremely rare for a sexyman to fully, directly, and intentionally with full awareness break the 4th wall outright, but it is very common for them to do things that blur the lines and make it unclear how connected the story world is with reality. This also applies to sexymen who blur the lines unintentionally due to something about their inherent nature or what they represent on a meta level, such as Gaster being a meta deconstruction of the concept of a dummied out beta character.” The text on the slide below the screenshot is “i feel like this is just inherent to mcyt so i am using it. you can’t sue me i’m not a lawyer. lifesteal videos especially are commonly characterized by narrating to the viewer, versus things like empires or hermitcraft which are mostly just showing what happened. ash very much does this”. The fourth slide’s title is “trope 2”. The text says “ok the only accent-related trope was european/british and he’s indian (source: money smp video) but i’m gonna say he has a distinctive enough accent compared to anyone he interacts with that it still counts for something.” The fifth slide’s title is “tropes 3 and 4”. There is a screenshot of the sexyman wiki defining two tropes, which says “Capitalist: Characters who are businessmen, CEOs, or have other ties to capitalism. Typically amoral and willing to disregard others for the sake of their own profit. Chaoslord: Characters who are strongly associated with themes of chaos, are nearly always trolls, and almost certainly rely heavily on random/quirky style humor (hey, nothing wrong with that!). Usually supernatural in nature. A very common trope to find in Dominating and Knifemurder characters. Prime example: Discord from MLP.” The text of the slide below the screenshot says “he’s a businessman i don’t know what to tell you. Like that is one of his things (ignore the communism for a second). he is also very commonly known as a guy who breaks stuff and trolls people (see “why i became god” and “how i ruined mrbeast’s charity minecraft smp”), including surprise zombies (why are there surprise zombies? because he felt like it)”. The sixth slide’s title is “trope 5”. There is a screenshot of the sexyman wiki defining a trope, which says “Criminal: For when a character breaks the law in some way. Different from being just a villain.” The text of the slide below the screenshot says, in a bulleted list, “illegal items on lifesteal (original god video, sharp 250 sticks) getting him temporarily banned and placed under house arrest, earth smp guns and claiming the end spawn (someone who is more familiar with earth smp could elaborate better than i can), he literally got tried for war crimes, when he lost a lawsuit he just started shooting the plaintiff, deciding to make more trash on mrbeast’s charity server instead of removing it like they were supposed to (algebra moment)” The seventh slide’s title is “trope 6”. There is a screenshot of the sexyman wiki defining a trope, which says “Divorced: Characters who are canonically or headcannoned as being divorced, so all their fans have a chance of marrying them!“. The text below the screenshot says “ignore the second bit i don’t like men. anyways source mark bormethius”. There are two images, one of an MS Paint drawing of ash’s minecraft skin and Reddoons’s minecraft skin. They are linked by a black line with a red line drawn through it. The second image is a key, indicating that a black line with no arrows means marriage, and a red line through it means “divcore”, assumed to be a misspelling of divorce. Text in the slide below the second image says “he’s technically ‘divcored’ but whatever”. The eighth slide’s title is “trope 7 and 8”. There is a screenshot of a box that reads “PING ms” and has the number 17,454 below it. Next to it on the slide is text that says “and here we see tactics” with an arrow pointing to the screenshot. There is a screenshot of the sexyman wiki defining two tropes and a subtrope, which says “Egotistical: Characters who think they are hot shit, basically. Expect them to brag about their accomplishments and act like they are the next coming. Might have a real "would date their clone" energy, which... might explain some things. Eldritch: Sexymen with strong eldritch elements to some facet of their character, whether it's a visible part of their physical bodies or just a general vibe their lore gives off. Since the typical sexyman is a tall mostly human looking pale twink, in a vast majority of the cases the eldritch is a heavy implication lying just under the surface given off by the way they're presented in-story rather than something immediately visible on the character themselves if you taken them out of the context of how they were presented in action. Pairing this in some way or another with Monster Features is so popular that it's practically a requirement. Glitching: A distinct subset of eldritch where the character is associated specifically with corruption of digital media and electronic devices. glitchy screen aesthetics, pixelated flickering, corrupted audio files, games behaving in strange unprogrammed ways, frequent references to hacking and terms like "virtual reality" and "in the game" and "artificial intelligence", ect. originally common in bendrowned style creepypastas but slowly seeped out to become a widely used trope across all forms of fiction.” The text on the slide says “he absolutely thinks he’s hot shit he literally named himself swag. do i have to elaborate.” and “he literally has an entire thing about lagging and glitching, along with hacking occasionally. it’s most of his aesthetic at this point, people (and me) will draw the purple parts of his skin as glitches despite them being crying obsidian.” The ninth slide’s title is “trope 9”. There is a screenshot of the sexyman wiki defining a trope, which says “Flanderization: Borrowed from TvTropes, when the fandom takes a single trait in the source material and exaggerates it wildly, at least in certain fanworks (mostly memes, comedic works and such). For example in the source material the character may mention liking spicy things once, and fanon runs wild with that depicting them being obsessed with all things spicy to the point of literally thinking about nothing else and their whole character revolving exclusively around utter worship for spiciness with their only trait being trying to find spicy things to eat and talking about eating spicy things constantly while all of the fanart shows them in close proximity to at least one hot pepper. This can also result in the canon version of the character being flanderized in future material by the creators in response to the fan's flanderization.” The text on the slide says “communism. he did the one thing and then went back to normal capitalism mode. however everyone still decides that He’s The Funny Communism Guy.” and in smaller text “(this is not meant to be mean i do love the fandom. but he’s mentioned it himself at this point)”. The tenth slide’s title is “trope 10”. There is a screenshot of the sexyman wiki defining a trope, which says “Nonhuman: Where Monster Features describes sexymen with some non-human features, this is primarily for sexymen who are not even humanoid. These sexymen are often humanized by fans, sometimes as a White Twink Humanization”. The text on the slide says “i mean look at him”. There is an image of ash’s minecraft skin, which has a black base with seemingly random purple patches and pixels around it, mimicking crying obsidian. There are also a few grey pixels. The eleventh slide’s title is “tropes 11 and 12”. There is a screenshot of the sexyman wiki defining two tropes, which says “Questionable Neurodivergent Rep: Characters who fall under harmful stereotypes of neurodivergence. This accounts for all kinds of neurodiversity, but more often than not is specifically for stereotypes of autism, anxiety disorders, and/or OCD. Think of it like the cousin of Twisted Freaking Cycle Path. Religious Imagery: Said character is tied with religious themes, I.e. God or angels, a LOT, either in canon or fan-art. Usually means Christian imagery but can count if said character is tied to other religions/mythologies.” The text on the slide says “he has adhd (said it in a video once) and is evil i’m counting it. and like. okay it can be exaggerated in fanon but he has tried to become god on multiple different occasions. it’s a massive thing.” The twelfth slide’s title is “trope 13”. There is a screenshot of the sexyman wiki defining two subtropes of the trope “Villain”. It says “Morally Grey: Characters who aren't necessarily evil, but aren't exactly good either.” and “Technically Antagonist: Characters who aren't necessarily evil, or who are only the antagonist under specific conditions (think Sans in the no mercy run).” The text on the slide reads “he’s not really either of the bullet points but he has on multiple occasions gotten worse just because someone called him nice. i don’t honestly think he would be interested in being a good guy and i respect that”. The thirteenth slide’s title is “trope 14″. There is a screenshot of the sexyman wiki defining a trope, which says “Tall: Self explanatory. Characters that are really tall even abnormally so.” The text on the slide says “he’s 6’3 it counts”. There is a screenshot of an exchange on Twitter. In the first tweet, user @/ashswagin, with the display name “ashswag” (will be referred to as ash) writes “just found out i MAY be 6′3 and not 6′5 since i’ve been measuring my hair my whole life. day ruined.” A reply by user @/Historixal_Artz, with the display name “The TRUE Poop Shitter {Historix}” says “ARE YOU AT LEAST TALLER THAN REDDOONS. PLEASE I CAN’T BE DRAWING YOU TALLER THAN RED AND REALISE OH SHIT HE’S SHORTER THAN HIM”. The final reply from ash says “yep. red is still like 6′1 or something it’s over” followed without a space by the emoji guy with sunglasses. The fourteenth slide’s title is “trope 15″. There is a screenshot of the sexyman wiki defining a subtrope of the trope “Well-Dressed”. It says “Suitguy: Characters who typically wear formalwear, specifically suits. Often includes waistcoats, top hats, bowties, and pinstripes. Other neckwear may also be worn.” The text on the slide reads “suit guy”. A screenshot of ash’s minecraft skin is attached. It’s the same as above, except in a suit with a purple jacket, black tie, and set of 4 red pixels over the heart, presumably approximating a flower. The fifteenth slide’s title is “in conclusion” written in all caps. The text is “ vote ashswag for round one. he’ll probably lose to cubfan but i want him to win one (1) round because he only got 90th for nominations/seed placement and i think he deserves it. the sexyman wiki needs 13 tropes for an obscure character to be considered a sexyman and i got 15. even if no one had heard of him he would be a sexyman i rest my case. i didn’t even mention the folder of shirtless fanart.” Source for tropes: https://sexypedia.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Tropes
Source for bormethius screenshot: https://www.tumblr.com/deliciousobservationbird/705556005772230656/the-official-family-tree-of-most-everyone everything else is from namemc or ash’s twitter and youtube channel.
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scarletgemstone · 8 months
stronger than you
Disclaimer i own nothing everything belongs to the rightful owners please go and support them and be nice i only own my ocs
(hanako is seen in the abandon building she watches azulin enter)
Hanako”it’s a beautiful day outside birds are singing flowers are blooming on days like this kids like you  (her eyes glow red) should be burning in hell”
(azulin pulls out his knife)
Hanako”turn around kid it’d be a crime (ponits at azulin) if i had to go back on the promise that i made for you (azulin looks at hanako) so don’t step over that line or else friend you’re going to have a bad time but kids like you don’t play (azulin’s soul apperese) by the rules and girls like me  it ain’t easy to be played for fools (she snaps her fingers and summons knifes) so let’s go let the room get chiller let’s go dirty brother killer”
(hanako’s eyes glow red as azulin tries to attack her but she doges it)
Hanako”go ahead and try to hit me if you’re able guess you’ve figured out (summens gaster blaster they blast at azulin but he doges) that mercys off the table i can tell you’re getting really sick of trying (she grabs azukin’s soul and throws him to the ground and makes knifes appear beneath him) but i think you’re just mad you keep dying”
(azulin soul shatters but he restats and hanako throws him to the ground trapping him and summing two gaster blaster aming them at azulin)
Hanako”you’re not gonna win we’ll be here together (the gaster blasters blast azulin) fighting in this judgement hall forever (azulin restaes and sees hanako balancing a knife) i know you’ll just reset each time i’ll beat ya but i’ll always be right back here to meet ya (azulin looks at her as the teddy bears sprits apperes behind him) i know you’re made of love (coco is seen) love (the twins are seen) love (padre is seen) love (the war is seen ) love”
(laito and azulin are seen fighting azulin stabes him and hanako is seen looking at her brothers corpse in shock her eyes glow red as she begins to laugh insanely)
(hanako is seen supendind azulin in the air by his soul with knifes sticking out of him)
Hanako” this is where  it stops (throws azulin to the ground) this where it ends (his soul shatters) if you want to get past me well you better try again (azulin resets again and hanako covers her eyes from the light) but no matter how i stall you you don’t give up your attack (hanako glares at him) do you just like the feeling of your sins crawling on your back?”
(azulin attacks but hanako doges it )
Hanako” go ahead and try to hit me if your able (azulin drops the knife) you should know by now that mercy’s off the table (azulin hugs hanako she recuitly hugs back) think that you can try to spare me like i’m some pawn well you did’nt spare my brother so (thorws azulin in knifes she summed from the ground) get dunked on!”
(azulin turns his knife showing hanako’s refelica in it)
Hanako “ i know you made all my friends all disappear but everything they cared about is why i’m here (padre gordi and maria are seen) i am their mercy (coco caricias and laito are seen) i am their vengeance (hanako smiles evilly as her eyes glow) i am determination i know your made of love love (azulin trys to kill her but she grabs his wrist) but i think i’m stronger than you
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the-writing-mobster · 2 years
Dating Jonas J. Kutcher HCs
🌻Gender Neutral 🛹
sfw, send me an ask if you want an nsfw version — I am happy to deliver
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- He writes sappy little songs for you that are filled to the brim with inside jokes.
- He takes you to empty parking lots where you can blast grungey rock music. He lets you ride his skateboard and he loves putting his hands on your waist to keep you steady.
- He loves being the one to make you laugh. Prepare for your lungs to implode on themselves, and your stomach to grow abs from how hard you're going to laugh while with him.
- you both tease each other all the time about stupid shit you both do.
- You play fight and wrestle all the time. Sometimes he lets you win, and other times he absolutely WWE superstars you to keep you humble.
- He loves showing off his skills or interests to impress you. When you can do something he can't or shows him something he's never heard of before however, he gets stars in his eyes and brags about how cool you are to his boys.
- Sure, he can definitely be a little handsy but he always respects your boundaries if they're made clear to him. He just loves touching you. Hugging you, holding your hand, tickling you, giving you piggy back rides squeezing your thighs, kissing you.
- And speaking of hugs, he gives the best hugs. His big arms, fluffy brown fur and cozy jackets are a firm blanket of safety.
- He showers you in compliments, always telling you how talented, attractive, smart and cool you are. He absolutely adores you and being with you always feels surreal to him because like — YOU LIKE HIM!?!? YOU LIKE HIM!!!!
Check out the other BF! Boys~
🌹 Date Sans Gaster
🌸 Date Maeve Washington
💠 Date Nick Creamer
☘️ Date Midas Moore
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
💕 for Undertale & Deltarune? :3
Thankyou very much for asking!!
I'll be honest here I haven't gotten super into Undertale or Deltarune shipping. I have a lot I like sure but I didn't really go out of my way to find content for any of them like I do for other fandom ships?
That also means anything not mentioned I'm probably neutral towards tho, sense I don't have strong opinions on the one's I like anyway fdkgjdfk
Problematic ships under the cut
Undertale Ships
I really liked Toriel/Sans back in the day, and still reblog it from time to time. They're losers and I think that's funny. Step-Dunkle Sans for the win
In that same vein Asgore/Gaster is so very *chefs kiss* Devoted Royal Scientist X The Depressed Lonely King. My god. What dreams are made of
Because of those two I got really attached to Asriel/Papyrus, just to continue the Goat/Skeleton thing??? fdkgjkdf Mostly tho Post Pacifist Flowey or Souless Asriel. I think they're cute. "I think I'm the evilest thing to ever live" 11 year old mentality X "I think I'm the greatest thing to ever live" 12 year old mentality (Papyrus is a grown-ass man though I am not infantalizing him)
ACTUALLY though Papyrus/Frisk was my OG Papyrus ship, while everyone else was all about Frans and Papyton, I was on the Stupid Little Guys train. I ADORE them. Frisk didn't want their Gender so they gave it to Papyrus
Does liking Alphys/Undyne even need to be stated at this point? It's like the default of Undertale shipping. They're cute. Good for them.
Alphys/Madds/Undyne is INCREDIBLY cute though I hope she gets pulled into the Alphyne polycule so badly she is their little meow meow
There was like a week of my life where I got super hard obsessed with Asgore/Mettaton spesifically because of one artist who drew the thottiest Mettaton with a Biggest little guy Asgore I'd ever seen and I'm still on that. Mettaton deserves to be a Sugar Baby to the King of Monsters
Chara/Asriel is extremely cute they are best friends they are siblings they are partners they kiss and snuggle and one day they'll rule the underground together and Chara is convinced they don't deserve Asriel
I think Asgore/Chara would be a very cute ship but there's probably no content for it. I just think on it sometimes.
Frisk/Chara Queerplatonic body sharers post game is very good to me. I've also seen an AU where Frisk gives up their soul for Asriel to come back and they share a body and I think the three of them should vibe like that.
Frisk/Monster Kid is always appreciated in this house we love Monster Kid content in this house
On that note I love you artists who make the briefly mentioned Suzy an Undertale version of DR's Susie and have her hang out with Frisk. They are buddies and I love them so much.
Deltarune Ships
Kris/Berdly is the only one that actually hard matters to me I love them I love them so much they are gaymers. Especially love it with Transfemme Berdly for no other reason than I love her my baby girl
Kris/Spamton is!!!! So good!!! I love Spamton a little freak an old man who's really weird about this teenager he just met he makes them so uncomfortable I think it's hysterical
Kris/Ralsei while we're on the train is incredibly cute and another instance of a Darkner being very Unnormal about Kris in a way that makes them uncomfortable. Ralsei infantalizes Kris while also putting them on such a high pedestal. Good uncomfy Yandere content
Another probably doesn't need to be said but I think Susie/Noelle is pretty alright. My opinion on it is very same as Alphyne it's fine it's canon gays and it's cute. No complaints from me
Lancer/Susie/Noelle though?? Incredible. Top tier. Susie will go nowhere without her little guy Lancer, and Noelle thinks he's cute as can be and incredibly silly. Is he involved romantically? Unclear but he sure is there
Roulxs Kaard/Spade King was very juicy back when we only had chapter one. The last bit of porn I witnessed before Tumblr fully closed it's doors was some nasty shit of the two of them. RIP the OP of that work they got hard banned four separate times.
Roulxs/Queen has sense filled the Roulxs Kaard malewife shaped hole in my heart however and it is so much funnier than whatever he and Spade King had going on. Queen talks about him like how we all talk about Spamton and I think that's glorious
Queen/Swatch Queerplatonics my dearly beloveds
Are Sweep Cap'n Cakes a polycule? Someone said they were brothers and I cannot remember who or if it was canon. I like them as a polycule. They kiss on the mouth
I love you Jevil/Spamton divorce does it count as a ship if my favorite part of it is they're broken up?
Jevil/Seam is incredibly cute I love them soft I love them angsty I love them devoted and broken and wishing for the old days and I love them together and happy and silly old married couple
Spamton/Addisons any Addison or all Addison I love Spam/Addi ships a lot because it can't be sweet they left Spamton homeless and alone in the streets. The good ol days only kinda ship.
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humancandy-comic · 2 years
Gaster, have you ever played rock/paper/scissors with yourself across frames? Or what about chess? What would your strategy be while competing against your future and past self?
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darkofsnow34 · 1 year
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Mistful!Sans has his full name is “Mistful the fallen hero”
Which is means he is one of the bad guys but has lots of negative energy from the genocide where the wraith gave him with this power makes him feel stronger and determined to do whatever he can to make Dark hopes and he makes challenges with each character he fights like “Nightmare!sans” if Nightmare wins mistful will accept it if not then he’ll finish him off and the wraith I was taking to was the name of “Gaster” because he was the one who found out about the genocide run on “98 genocide run” so Gaster used his intelligent mind to contact sans to meet him on the mysterious door like “Last Breath” But it is different than usual Gaster has created the power of darkness & Corruption if sans refuses than the genocide run will always continue to the human but Sans was having no choice but to accept it so he did so Gaster gave it to him and made him Evil inside and Changed his clothes after from the Negative energy made him look different and the white eyes changes into blue with the Negative energy he can now summon weapon as a Negative energy he uses which is a sword he has so when he managed to destroy the human by Corrupting the save files where the human resets he took over the Judgement hall and made it as his home here to live
FatalTale/The Spirits of Hell Au by @dark-suicide34 “me”
Undertale is by “Toby Fox”
Nightmare!sans is owned by @jokublog
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poetdreamerfool · 2 years
2022 Freestyle Series #28
Black Atlas ii
The blunt did burn The world did turn I watch I learn; Soliloquy away I ain’t concerned-- I don’t listen to parrots I don’t retweet or reshare it Blunt in my mouth Like bugs with his carrot Whats up doc?
Wassup pops? I did it my way I Mastered my craft Without a sensei
I pray That my enemies send their evil same day So I can convert it To the Strength of hercules And power through my darkest hour
A Baggie full of Something sour; Me, Ebony in an ivory tower; I’d die a battle Before I’d live a coward.
black seed to a concrete flower with a priceless imagination and self expression as his super power
drip Majestic Resisting arrested; Cops pop We slide To the side like electric;
Show no weakness; A throne is just chair-- Life ain’t no crystal stair Equal ain’t the same as fair.
Unprepared, Running scared, Running man, no face no hands In the fire out the pan;
Out of luck, On the cusp; In school I sat in front of the class But the back of bus--
No child left behind School to prison pipeline We Anonymous and forgotten I, The black man, misbegotten An afterthought of an afterthought in A universe So perverse;
Contra guns The way The words disperse
You can hear The African bones In every verse
You can hear All the times I stole 20 out my momma purse
You can hear The desperation and fear
the power To comprehend and the will to persevere I eat hate and nourish my body
Riding shotty In something gaudy Call it potty Cause I’m the shit Or cause I smoke weed Whichever fits
You can keep your Stones and sticks bring the blitz I’ll get the pass off in the nick Of time. I got greatness written On my heart like valentine Be mine through art My former self I dearly depart Am I the flame Or the spark?
I know I’m chosen I can feel that shit in my quarks in the booth I got my fin out the water like sharks And that its only a matter of time before I make my mark Spent most of my life in park Or neutral Every decision Is crucial My way with words Is particularly unusual Up next On the usual suspects Poor choices and An The ending you’d expect And a Preoccupation with excess
Avant garde with my old shit Street fighter flow Fuck a punchline I’ll give you a whole kick Niggas spring one leak And they tossing The whole ship The jakes screaming freeze Ain’t that some cold shit
Kung lao Off the top Heart blacker than noob saibot Keep it subzero What other choice I got When they playing the game on easy And each of my fights is the boss I don't always win but I'm never at a loss no hope-- just swagger. no cloak-- just dagger. never staggered; still, my gaster is flabbered; my queen got a ring-- she's Saturn; nocturnal and she goes in patterns. imploding and elaborate-- like a story with 40 cliff hangers and a question at the end.
we don't break, we don't bend;
the answer is up to the reader. as the audience leaves the theater; bending like an elbow creatures looking like "hell no!" (pinned to reality with a badge) yell through a robot it's a white privilege to be sad.
rad; a 1000 cuts, 10,000 scabs thank god my skin is black or you would see all them motherfuckers-- then my existence would become a critical race theory. I know they scared but do they know the effects of knowing the answer to the question "do they fear me?" it's eerie being frankstein's monster; walking dead-- lit, eating pitchforks and fire and picking gold out my shit-- think quick; Atlas shrugged then did the splits.
in and out the Lazarus pit; feelings like a rubik's cube; searching for the feeling that scooby snax gave to scooby doo; pulling masks off monsters-- the correlation's bonkers they keep going
like they can't stop, they won't stop--
some wordplay over a beat box is my detox for the redux of a world so toxic; been through it all; no necromancer but there's some skeletons in my closet that got skeletons in their closet that got skeletons niggas act like they ride but they don't; peloton that I'll never forget; elephant, never out my element: suffering, survival, development. grow. violence is manure; death is the sun. we all reaching-- keep reaching. but don't reach for that gun
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