#Gathering Wild Dance Company
yabakuboi · 2 months
A Truth Acknowledged
one time i made a post about regency omegaverse steddie and i found it again so here's a potential part one if the spirit compels me again i'll continue
The house has been quiet for many years now, so Steve is not unused to the stillness that's long settled over Harrington House. He much prefers it, even. At twenty and four years, unwed and without a mother or a tutor to tame him, Steve has grown as wild as his home has grown quiet, left often to his own company. Since his presentation, he's roamed the hills of Loch Nora to his pleasure, long days of solitude interrupted only when his father calls him to his side for some soiree or ball, where Steve is bid to perform as a proper omega should: to dance, to simper, to laugh, to sing—and sometimes, as improper, to be pulled into secluded rooms to be sampled.
It's the reparations to be paid for a thing like him to be born. Steve bears it best he can, knowing he'll return home to be left to his own again. Quiet house, green hills, a loneliness he is safe in.
Until, of course, his father's pockets grow too shallow. And it is time for Steve to perform once more.
Except this time, there's a new face in Harrington House.
"Stephen," his father calls, all false pleasantry and cheer. "I'd like you to come meet young Mister Munson. He is our new neighbor, he and his uncle are staying up at the Thompson estate for the summer."
"I see," Steve says, trying to gather his thoughts between the wool gathering in his head. No one has visited their home since Steve's presentation. "I... I'm very glad to meet your acquaintance, Mister Munson."
Mister Munson, with his round face and large eyes, seems to struggle just as much as Steve does. "J-Just Eddie—I mean, Edward is fine," he says, stumbling over his words. He has a thick accent, and the air of a man learning to speak with the same pomp and confidence as Steve's father. "A pleasure to meet you, as well."
"I thought you might like to show Mister Edward the garden," his father says. He looks at Steve with cold calculation, and Steve feels himself being weighed and priced where he stands.
"Of course," Steve says, dipping his head.
Though Mister Edward doesn't offer his arm, Steve still takes it, hooking their elbows together as Mister Edward fumbles himself into a more proper position. Steve does it smoothly though, and gently pulls Mister Edward out into the sunlight.
He can't help but notice that the two relax minutely once they're out from his father's direct eye. Mister Edward does stay overly stiff though, as Steve leads them along the overgrown garden path, and when he looks up, Steve has to smother a smile to find Mister Edward's face pink across his nose and cheeks, all the way to his ears.
"You must forgive us, Mister Edward," Steve says, his voice soft and intimate. "The two of us are unused to visitors this far into the country."
"Nothing to forgive. If anything, please forgive me," he says, unsure and awkward. "I don't— Is it proper for me to be alone with you?"
Steve truly must fight the smile from his face. "Shall be frank with you, Mister Edward?"
"God, please," Edward breathes, a man out of his depth. "I'm not used to the ways you rich folk talk about nothing but actually say a whole lot."
Laughing, Steve jostles the two of them a little, glad he's gotten Mister Edward to relax enough to speak plainly. "Don't worry, I will translate for you, best I can," he says. Probably a little foolishly. Steve's having his first conversation with the man and already hoping to hang on his arm long enough have more.
Yet, it's worth it, because Edward turns to him with a smile on his face like Steve's handed him a Christmas miracle. "Will you, now?" he asks, a giddy grin crawling his face. "Well tell it to me, pretty thing, why in the world did your fancy father invite a ruffian like me here to meet someone as sweet as you?"
Steve feels himself pinken. Alphas of all types have said many a crude thing to him, but this earnest flirting easily turns Steve's head. What a foolish omega he is.
"I'm sure my father means for us to court and marry."
"My god! Are you sure? Is he mad?" Mister Edward gapes at him. "A proper noble like you married to me?"
Steve snorts and rolls his eyes. Proper. How silly!
"A proper noble like me is still an omega, and a man at that. I'm not a suitable pick to bear heirs," Steve tells him. "He's after your money."
"What money?" Edward laughs. Like his strings have been cut, Edward relaxes against him, his gait a swaying thing, pulling Steve along as they bump together along their ill-given journey. "I don't have a cent to me! It's all my uncle's, you know. He never married, and then my mother wrote him when I came of age and shipped me off to be his heir for a sack of coins. I grew up in London, working in factories."
He lifts his right hand to Steve, showing where two of his fingers are part missing at the first knuckle.
"I was born a roughneck, Stevie," he says, not looking at Steve anymore. Steve should scold him for being so familiar, but instead he finds he likes it. "Born poor and starving. My uncle can dress me up and give me all kinds of lessons, but I'll always be what I was born."
"Well," Steve says, shocked to find himself a little breathless. He watches Edward's profile for a moment longer, watching the unease settling on that handsome brow, twist in his mouth. "It seems we match rather well then, don't you think?"
Edward—Eddie turns to him with wide eyes. "Are you mad?" he asks. As he speaks, he leans in close, until their breaths share air. "Don't you want a good, proper alpha of good stock? Keep you nice and comfy up in some castle?"
"Not particularly," Steve tells him, truthfully. "My father would want nothing more than to marry me off to a high born alpha, to keep a house and have children, and to bring the Harrington name some sort of recognition once again."
Steve turns then, looking down the path and away from Eddie's eyes, so focused on Steve and his words. No one has listen to Steve speak with such attention before.
"I'd much rather marry for love," he admits on a quiet breath. Beside him, Eddie was a line of heat and weight, pressed against him, his gaze burning. "Or, if I can't have love, then at least for friendship. I'd rather not be alone anymore."
"I see," Eddie says.
Turning back to him, Steve gets caught once again in those intense eyes, dark and warm. He has to remind himself, again, that he's just met this alpha, that it's silly to entertain thoughts of love and companionship with a man he's only spoken to this once. Even if Eddie looks at Steve like he could look at him for the rest of his life.
"Well," Eddie says, turning back towards their destination, but letting his hand travel down Steve's arm, until he can link their fingers together. "I suppose we are quite a match, after all then."
Steve can't stop the smile that curves his lips this time, turns his head to try and hide it. "Yes," he agrees, "I suppose, we are."
205 notes · View notes
sabersandsnipers · 8 months
Like Real People Do
A/N: Another bout of Halsin for @inmyloveworld. And yes I was inspired by the Hozier song.
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The warm glow from your wine sends a light sensation down to your bones. A smile pulls at your cheeks at the sight of the tieflings dancing before you. The stars above you seem to twinkle in approval at their celebrations.
You can’t remember the last time you felt the pull of contentment. The battles and enemies along your journey had bled any joy you felt dry. But this victory finally stopped the toxic pattern of the past few weeks.
The last bit of your wine slides smoothly down your throat. The fiddle one of the bards has been playing slows to a more mellow tune. Pairs of tieflings begin to sway together.
There’s a pull in you to join them. To experience the excitement of sharing those movements with someone. Your eyes shift slightly to the one that always seems to be on your mind.
Halsin. The sight of him in his evening clothes has your heart fluttering. Your legs seem to move of their own accord, carrying you to the elf.
The alcohol in your system has emboldened you, smothering your nerves and instead giving you the confidence to speak to him without blushing. When his eyes meet yours, you lose yourself in them for a moment. They hold a wisdom that you can't help but want to share in.
You don't stop until you're standing right in front of him, the tips of your boots nearly touching his. You have to crane your head up to look at him. Heat radiates from him, adding to the glow you already feel encircling you.
"To what do I owe the honor of your company?" he asks. The way his voice rumbles causes something within you to buzz with excitement.
You put on the sliest smile you can manage. "I thought you might want to join me for a dance."
His cheek twitches into a smile. "Hm. As tempting as that might be, I don't want to keep you all to myself. There are many others here who would feel honored to have your attention." But his words don't seem to match what his gaze tells you.
You reach for his hand, giving it the slightest tug toward you. Of course, the oak of an elf doesn't even budge.
"Come on. You're the only one I want to spend this night with," you admit.
His body relaxes, and he steps closer to you. "I need no further encouragement."
A light giggle leaves your lips as you lead him by the campfire, where the other tieflings continue to hold each other, moving slowly to the beautiful melody played on the fiddle.
Halsin doesn’t hesitate to put one of his large hands on your waist, pulling you close to him as his other hand takes hold of yours. The way he looks at you makes you feel as if you’re the most beautiful woman at this gathering.
Halsin’s POV
He can’t help the relief that flows through him at the expression on your face. Since dealing with the goblins, the light in your eyes had dimmed. When the two of you first met, there was a wild beauty to you. But the constant fighting had drained you, leaving you a shell to the woman he first saw.
Now, though, the smile on your face has finally lifted the weight of worry in his chest. The fire in you has returned.
He savors the feeling of your body pressed against him, and the shape of your lips as they curve into a smile. He feels blessed to have such a beautiful creature in his presence.
All the moments he’s shared with you flash through his mind. There’s a clear connection between you two. You’re drawn to one another.
It’s as if you can read his mind. You tilt your head a bit as he goes into kiss you. When your lips meet, it’s as if the bond between you two clicks. The taste of you stirs something primal within him.
The music surrounding him and the brightness of the fire seem to dim against the sensation of you. He loses himself in your touch, in the way you wrap your arms around his neck.
He’s never been sure about fate or destiny, but he’s fairly certain the gods themselves brought you to him.
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commander-krios · 4 months
With Devotion And A Little Luck
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3 Pairing: f!Tav/Rolan Rating: Teen Summary: Rolan wasn't expecting a tiny bard with a penchant for wild magic to get under his skin in this way, but with a little luck, his devotion will be rewarded in kind. Words: 5002 Additional Tags: Tieflings, Romance, Love, Fluff, Pranks, Marriage Proposal, Post-Canon, Bard Tav
Read on AO3
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The gathering was separated from the bustle of Baldur’s Gate, sequestered away in Ramazith’s Tower as they were. The company wasn’t awful, he supposed, taking a drink of wine from his goblet. This party was much better than the one at the Grove, for many reasons, but the main of them because Rolan was now archmage of Baldur’s Gate, master of his own tower, and safely within the city walls with his siblings, a new life opening up before him.
And it was all because of the irritating bard playing at the center of the party, the soft melody of her lute at odds with the swirling dance she attempted. She’d taken to keeping her hair down lately, the burgundy streaks more noticeable as the waves of her raven hair tumbled over her shoulders. Juniper was beautiful, free of a tadpole, her only responsibility to herself and those she deemed worthy of her attention.
Rolan was grateful to be one of them.
With a satisfied sigh, he walked the perimeter of the room, eyes sweeping across the other guests: her former companions, most of the surviving tiefling refugees (the children as well), Cal and Lia, and some of their allies were gathered, drinking and laughing and enjoying the very fact that they were alive and their enemies were not.
“You’re smiling more than usual.” Lia said from where she lurked, a mug of ale in her hands and the usual mischief on her face. 
“Be careful, Rolan.” Cal added from where he sat on a chair near their sister, his expression parroting hers. “You might scare the children.”
“Very funny.” He snapped, but his voice held no anger. It couldn’t when he was grinning like a fool. “You cannot deny we’ve been lucky in our endeavors.”
“It isn’t luck. Not when Juniper is involved. Luck laughs at her every time she tries something.” Lia waved to where the bard was starting a new tune, joined by Alfira’s lute and Shadowheart’s singing voice. Wyll spun Astarion briefly before dipping him, a grin curling the Blade’s lips as he righted them to standing, applause breaking out amongst the group.
Rolan turned back to Lia, ready to jump to Juni’s defense if he needed to. ��That’s not-”
Cal raised an eyebrow and he paused, waiting for his brother to speak. “She attracts accidents like fruit attracts flies, but then you know that.”
“Let’s be fair to Rolan. He probably likes it.”
He opened his mouth, a retort on the tip of his tongue when a touch of the weave passed over him. A soothing presence, to be sure, and he didn’t even have to turn to know who had joined their circle.
“Ah, it’s wonderful to see you three in such high spirits.” Gale said, the smile on his face brighter than the dancing lights that Halsin was casting over the gathering. “How is life in the Tower?”
“It’s wonderful.” Lia gushed before taking a quick glance at Rolan, grin only widening. “We never get a moment’s silence thanks to this one.”
Gale raised an eyebrow, curious, and Rolan already felt his cheeks heat. “She’s being facetious. Nothing as untoward as she’s implying happens. Besides-” He glared at his sister with a pointed look. “She doesn’t live at the Tower any longer. Not since joining the Flaming Fist.”
“And I’ve never been happier.”
Ignoring Lia’s jab, Rolan motioned for Gale to follow him, away from the prying ears of his siblings and the rest of the guests. The rumble of chatter drifted around them, a comforting lull to the evening. Stepping away from the crowds, Rolan faced Juniper’s closest friend, wondering how he might approach the subject without the awkwardness that he knew was going to follow.
Clenching his hands into fists at his side, he took a deep breath before hissing it out between his teeth. Anxiety clenched at his chest, a fear that he didn’t realize he had coiling in his gut. “Gale, I want to propose marriage.”
The older wizard cocked an eyebrow, a shocked laugh escaping his mouth. “Well, this is certainly unexpected, for sure. While I am flattered, Rolan, I must regretfully decline.”
Rolan opened his mouth to speak, before shutting it close quickly, confusion morphing into horror. “What? No, not you! Whatever made you think such a thing. I meant Juniper.”
Gale chuckled, giving him a knowing look as he swiped a bottle of some fancy liquor from the table next to them. “I didn’t know your face could get any rosier, archwizard.”
Rolan huffed, running a hand over his face, mortified. He’d walked right into that one. “I think you are spending too much time with Juniper.”
“On the contrary, I do enjoy our afternoon teas.” Gale sipped his drink, barely able to hide the grin he wore. When he was finished, he pointedly glanced around the room at the people as they moved around and conversed with others. A crowd that rivaled any of the parties they’d had since the war had ended. “So what was your plan? To do it now, here, around all of these people? Don’t you think you might do this in a… quieter environment?”
The very thought of making a public spectacle out of something so personal, so private, was almost enough to make him combust on the spot. “I… not at this very moment! I am looking for advice on how to proceed with a proposal. I… well, I’ve never done one.”
“And you believe I have?” Gale asked, the amusement on his face at least letting Rolan feel comfort knowing that he hadn’t offended him. “I think you might have the wrong idea about me.”
Rolan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers, trying to regain control of the awful turn in their conversation. 
“Maybe you should consult Astarion, hmm? He might be better for planning elaborate things like this.” Gale’s eyes searched the people for the vampire. “I’m sure he’ll have some ideas. The bigger, the better.”
“No.” Rolan growled out, the idea that Astarion would help him instead of mocking him the entire time was beyond what he was willing to deal with. He cleared his throat awkwardly when Gale turned back, eyes widened in shock. With his voice under control, he repeated himself. “No. I would prefer it if Astarion was not involved.”
“Perhaps Shadowheart, then?”
That name brought up a different issue. Rolan winced, trying to hide it but knew Gale saw it when his gaze softened slightly. “I… doubt she’d want to help. It might be awkward for her.”
“How so?”
He didn’t know then? That was a surprise. Juniper wasn’t usually a secretive person. Rolan figured her fling with Shadowheart would’ve been obvious to those that spent time in camp with them, especially someone she was as close with as she was with Gale. When she’d told him about her feelings for Shadowheart, and Karlach, back when they were traveling together in the beginning… he’d had a mini breakdown over it.
“Shadowheart and Juniper… well, Juni mentioned the two of them were… close.”
Gale pondered his words momentarily before his eyes widened, realizing what Rolan was getting at. “Oh, I see what’s happened.” Gale poured a second glass of alcohol, handing it to Rolan without preamble. “You’re completely mistaken about the type of relationship they had.”
“There was, at one point, a mutual attraction. They spent much of their time together in the beginning. Shadowheart, especially, felt a closeness to Juniper that she didn’t with the rest of our party.” Gale waited for him to take a sip of the drink, the alcohol burning his tongue before it set his throat on fire when he swallowed. Rolan hoped it helped him get through this conversation. “But- that all changed after the attack on the Grove.” Rolan met his gaze, finding it strange to see Gale watching him in interest. “Do you know why?”
“I’m certain you’ll tell me.”
“There was ample opportunity for her to choose a lover the night of the party. I remember it well. The way the attention was on her as she played her lute, chatted with the guests, drank more alcohol than her small form should’ve been able to handle. Shadowheart, Astarion, the Blade of Frontiers, our dear Karlach. I watched them all from where I sat by my tent, observing the festivities, watching them make fools of themselves because no matter how hard they tried, no matter how much flirting Halsin did or how much praise that Zevlor lavished on her, none of them had a chance.” Gale sighed, eyes far away as if he remembered that night as vividly as Rolan did. 
Things were making sense now, but he needed to hear it. He couldn’t find the words to respond, only stared at Gale as he returned his gaze to his face.
“Because she chose to spend the night in your presence.”
“I…” He didn’t deserve her affection at that time, not at all. Not with the way he’d treated her. “I was awful to her. Why did she-”
“You’ll never truly know unless you ask.”
He pondered Gale’s words a moment, weighing the truth of them. He was prepared to ask another question, probably one that would’ve embarrassed him no doubt, when something tugged on the sleeves of his robes.
“Master Rolan?” 
Glancing down, Rolan caught sight of Silfy… or was it Ide? Which one had the mass of curls piled atop their head? He honestly didn’t know all of their names, not like Juniper did, and he felt a flash of guilt. After everything they’d all been through, he really should’ve been making more of an effort to keep in touch with the other tieflings from Elturel. The children were especially vulnerable.
“Uh, yes? Did you need something?”
The child fidgeted, glancing at her feet and it took him a moment to recognize where he’d seen her. It was the same child he’d angrily (and drunkenly) yelled at during their stay at Last Light. More things for him to make up for, it seemed.
“Ide, right?”
She blinked at him owlishly, as if surprised he knew her name. Which, he supposed, was a shock since he too wasn’t sure if he knew it either. “Y-yes, sir.”
Rolan knelt so he could meet her gaze on her level, giving her the power when she’d had so little in her young life. He knew how awful it felt to not have control over what happened to you, to have to trust others for your safety. But she was safe, and despite how much of an ass he acted about it, he was proud to know that he helped her achieve that much. “Why don’t you tell me what you need and I’ll help you, alright?”
She eyed him warily, ochre eyes slanting suspiciously. “Why are you being so nice?”
Rolan flinched, but he supposed he deserved that. Stifling a sigh in his chest before it could escape, he glanced around the room, seeking the woman he knew would help him find the words that always failed him. Juniper stood across the room, leaving Alfira to continue the music while she, the Hero of Baldur’s Gate, chatted with some of the other guests. She must’ve felt his gaze because she glanced in his direction, a smile on her lips.
His heart skipped a beat, maybe even two, at the grin that was only for him. A grin that he got to see every morning when the dawn broke across the sky, and every night when the stars were sparkling like a thousand dancing lights. Whatever it was that Juniper saw in him, even months into their relationship, he still completely didn’t understand, but he was never going to regret a single second they were together. 
Rolan returned his gaze to Ide, trying to tame his own smile, if only to keep from scaring the child. “Because someone reminded me that kindness was important. And we can’t choose our pasts, but we can decide our futures.”
Ide smiled at him, reaching out to tug on his sleeve again. “Juniper is smart.”
Rolan snorted in amusement, but the child spoke the truth. At least, when it came to matters that didn’t require magic. He would never trust her with that ever again. “I’ll ask again, what did you need?”
“Oh, I wanted to do something for you.” Ide kicked her feet with her hands clutched behind her back, and for a brief moment, he swore he noticed the same type of mischief that Lia got in her eyes before she teased him. “Juniper let me braid her hair for the party and…”
She trailed off, raising her eyebrows as if she expected him to finish her thoughts. With a sigh, he took another glance in Juni’s direction, noting that she did indeed have an elaborate braid in her hair. The little hat with bells attached was also a newer acquisition, probably from Facemaker’s though Rolan didn’t know when she’d gone to get it.
He turned his attention back to Ide, watching as she smiled at him with a grin that made warning bells go off in his head. She was up to something, but with no proof, he’d only make an ass of himself if he started making accusations.
“Let me guess. You want to braid my hair as well?”
The child shrugged, refusing to meet his eyes as she responded. “It was Miss Juniper’s idea.”
He knew that was bullshit. Or at the very least, not the entire truth. While he didn’t doubt that Juniper helped Ide in whatever schemes she and the other children had concocted, Rolan remembered when he too had been a child, not all that long ago. Causing trouble was a perk of being small and presumably innocent of the world. Though, as a tiefling child, it is certainly more difficult to get away with even the smallest infractions.
And that was the purpose of this, he supposed. These children were orphans and Juniper was extending them a kindness, a place to belong, even for a fraction of a moment in time. It was more than he and his siblings ever got.
Stifling a sigh, Rolan let Ide lead him to a chair out of the way of the crowd. He sat, suspicion growing as she pulled up a stool behind him, climbing up with little trouble. She balanced on her knees, wobbling briefly, and Rolan feared that she might topple over and smash her head against the ground. But she steadied herself, putting her hands on the back of his chair. 
When she met his gaze, she raised an eyebrow. “Ya need to face the other way for this to work, yeah?”
The sigh slipped out this time. He tried to get comfortable, but nothing was significantly less comfortable than having a child in control of anything.
Ide pulled the band from his hair, combing her fingers between the strands, admiring the length. Or, at least, that’s what he assumed she was doing. “Ya always so damned uptight?”
“What did you-” Rolan tried to turn, but Ide pulled on his hair roughly, stopping him with a sudden stab of pain along his scalp. “Damn it, that hurts!”
“Stop movin’ then.” She muttered, twisting a tight braid along his hairline. “Ya makin’ my work hard.”
Rolan rolled his eyes, but did as he was told, letting the menace that masqueraded as a child continue to braid what was left of his hair after she’d yanked half out. The things he did for Juniper, even when she wasn’t the one who’d asked in the first place. 
It wasn’t long before he and Ide drew a small crowd…of more children.
“I can braid better than that.” One of the girls said, crossing her arms and turning up her nose at them. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail with cute little braids framing her face. Braids that were pretty, he supposed. “You aren’t making them tight enough.”
A boy, Rolan was pretty sure it was the one that swindled people while his sister pickpocketed (Matthis? Matty?) stood next to the girl with braids, tapping a finger to his chin. “Arabella has a point.”
“There’s only one way to settle this.” The girl, Arabella, pulled up her own chair, climbing up on the other side of Rolan without even asking. What in the nine hells were these children up to?
Rolan shifted away from Arabella, only to get his hair tugged painfully by Ide again.
“Sit still!” She scolded him like he was the child here. Once he settled again, she must’ve turned her attention to the other girl. “You're on. Stakes?”
Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Arabella wave another tiefling child over, Mirkon if the wild mass of curls was any indication, whispering something in his ear before he disappeared. “Tightest braids with flowers weaved in. Mattis will judge. Winner gets the last sweet roll in the kitchen.”
Last sweet roll? Wait- 
“When did you go into the kitchens-”
“No usin’ your fancy magic.” Ide snapped, untangling the braid she’d been working on before the interruption. 
Laughter on the opposite side of the room caught his attention. Lia and Cal were watching the situation with the joy of two younger siblings witnessing the oldest’s torture. He flushed in irritation.
When he opened his mouth to snap at them, or the children, he wasn’t picky, the words stopped in his throat. His mouth flapped like a fish’s, no sound, not a single word uttered from it. Glancing at the little girl to his left, he saw the flash of a smirk before she blinked at him, eyes wide in childlike innocence. 
Did she… use Silence on him?
That little-
“Handy magic.” Mattis said from where he stood, watching the entire interaction with a shit-eating grin. “Maybe we could make use of it for…” He trailed off at the glare Rolan aimed in his direction. “Ah, we’ll talk about it later. Where there are less ears.”
Rolan tried to speak, to tell the little menace what he wanted to do with his ears, but nothing came out. With a disgruntled noise that couldn’t be heard either, he crossed his arms over his chest like a child and waited for the girls to finish their work. It wasn’t long before Mirkon returned with a handful of flowers from one of the vases.
He suffered for about twenty minutes as his hair was pulled, flowers were woven into the plaits, the scent tickling his nose. His scalp was on fire when they finished, leaving him sitting there with a frown on his face and a head full of braids.
“There!” Arabella exclaimed happily, jumping off of the stool to the giggling of the rest of the children. “What do you think, Mattis?”
The young boy approached, a claw to his chin as he studied their handiwork. “Hmmm.”
Zurgan, he could only imagine how he looked with the frippery in his hair and the ridiculous amount of braids he felt pressed against his scalp. And he still couldn’t speak. Despite having once been a child himself, he couldn’t imagine doing half the things these ones did. Zevlor was too soft on them and Juniper only made it worse.
“I'm calling it for Ide.” Mattis said with a grin, as if he liked it when Arabella glared at him incredulously. “Sorry, Bells.”
“I’ll ask him instead.” Arabella huffed, muttering an incantation to lift the spell. The tingling in his throat dissipated and he was left with a roughness in his vocal cords that he was sure would annoy him for the rest of the evening. Then she handed him a small oval mirror, small enough to carry in someone’s bag on their travels. “What do you say? Which braids are better?”
He glanced down at his mirror image, seeing his prominent nose and smattering of dark freckles, the dark scleras and fiery irises, the points of his teeth showing beneath his top lip. His dark hair was plaited on both sides, but the right was significantly looser, the flowers drooping where they were tied in. He remembered the last time he said a harsh word to Ide and lost his nerve. How could he be a critic to a child whom he’d hurt in the past?
Rolan was prepared to risk the ire of the little wizard in the making when he noticed the other decoration they’d put on him. 
Mittens. On his horns, fingerless ones that bent at awkward angles from where they hung. When had they done that? 
“What did you-”
The children broke off in laughter, scattering throughout the Tower in a rush, each in a different direction so they wouldn’t be found together.
With a huff, he stood, taking the mirror with him before he stopped suddenly, realizing he’d been watched. Juniper crossed the distance between them, struggling not to smile, but failing immediately when he glanced down at her, his face scrunched in irritation. His scalp throbbed painfully, the braids too tight, the flowers irritating his nose and he had to stifle a sneeze.
“Having fun?” She asked sweetly, hands behind her back as if she was innocent of any wrongdoing. It only made him suspect her more.
“You set me up, didn’t you?” He asked, even if he already knew the truth. Her smirk was enough of an answer for him. “Those children were not gentle.”
“Poor Rolan.” Juniper reached up to run a hand over his new braids, inspecting them thoroughly. A delighted sound left her throat, something close to a laugh. “They did an excellent job.”
“I’m sure they did. Even if they were clearly plotting something else the entire time.” He pointed at the mittens hanging haphazardly from his horns and the sight made a giggle burst from her. “This is your fault.”
“You don’t trust me when I say I had nothing to do with it?”
Rolan slid his hands against her waist, locking his fingers together at the small of her back before pulling her closer. His mouth brushed across her cheek, a soft kiss before he responded. “I trust you to save my life, but I also trust you to keep that same life from being boring.”
“Oh, believe me. You’ll never be bored with me around.”
Rolan glanced down at her clothing, taking in the low cut neckline, the flare of the gown down to her feet, the slit on one side that showed off her calf whenever she turned just so. It suited her as much as the stupid hat on her head did. 
“You are stunning.”
Juniper’s mouth curled, and he was prepared for her teasing before she even spoke. “The bells really do it for you, huh?”
She finished her question with a jingle of said bells.
A choked laugh left him. Moving closer, Rolan brought her flush against his body. “The one attached to the bells is the reason behind my affection, if you must know.”
She laughed, breathless, her fingers brushing against the back of his neck before disappearing into his braided hair. “Be careful or we’ll be giving the guests a different type of show.”
“Let them see if they wish to look.” Rolan rested his forehead against hers, uncaring about the guests or her friends or even his siblings when she was watching him with that cheeky expression. “They should know how lucky I am.”
She flushed. He could see it against her collarbone and up her neck, across her cheeks. She was more than stunning. The glow of the magical lights made her nearly ethereal, a goddess of song and dance and happy things. “You’re charming when you want to be.”
“I’m always charming.” Rolan shifted away, enough to offer an arm, a smile on his face when she stared at him. “Care to take a walk?”
She gazed at him with suspicion, raising an eyebrow when he didn’t explain. “What more could I need than good music, excellent wine, and the people I love?”
She was teasing him. Of course she was. It wasn’t Juniper if she wasn’t poking fun at him. “Perhaps a moment alone with your favorite wizard?”
She studied him briefly, trying to discern the real reason from expression alone. He met her eyes with a lazy smirk, only for a laugh to escape her. Instead of taking his arm, she slipped her hand into his, giving it a gentle squeeze. “What makes you think Gale isn’t my favorite?”
“I won’t dignify that with a response.” 
She laughed again, as melodic as her singing, and all feigned anger about his hair faded. No matter how irritated he became, whether at her or someone else, all she had to do was laugh and he forgave everything. “I’m sorry, but your hair-”
“You can say it looks ridiculous. I’ve seen it.”
She snorted before covering her mouth as if she couldn’t believe the sound came from her. “Sorry.”
“No, you’re not.” 
“I’m not, but I swear there was a reason.” Juniper moved closer to wrap her arms around him, laying her cheek against his chest, the gesture simple yet powerful. She trusted him beyond anything he’d ever expected and he wrapped his arms around her, feeling her warmth pressed against him.
Brushing his lips against the spot between her horns, he sighed, a quiet happy sound. “You always have your reasons, don’t you?”
She giggled, the laughter rumbling into his own chest, and he couldn’t stop from grinning. He truly didn’t care what the reasons were. Only that he got to hold her at the end of the day. 
“Well, you know how Alfira was overwhelmed with students at the school and I offered to take Mirkon on for her?”
Juniper’s bard training with Mirkon was unorthodox, but the child was learning many things from her, enough that Rolan agreed to let them practice in the Tower on the days he was tending the shop. But what did that have anything to do with this? 
“And do you remember how my father took Mattis on to learn how to run a business? So that one day, he might take over the instrument shop? And Silfy, with Zevlor’s Hellraiser training.” 
Pieces were clicking in his brain, but he still couldn’t figure out the path they were taking. “And was it Arabella who you wished me to take on as an apprentice?”
He felt a flash of irritation at the use of silence on him. Even if he was so inclined on taking an apprentice, he might refuse now from a childish pettiness.
“No, that was Ide. She mentioned wanting to read and…” She paused, biting her lip. “It doesn't matter.”
Her hands moved up his back, tracing a path across his clothing and around to his chest, brushing his shoulders briefly until she reached his neck. Then she played with the hair that freely hung around his shoulders. The easy touch of her fingers as they unraveled the braids almost made him shiver, the gentleness with which she worked nearly undoing him immediately.
“I was wondering if they could become a more… permanent addition to the Tower?” She hadn’t looked at him with those fiery blue eyes, but he could hear the gears turning in her head. “I figured they were already practically family, why not make it true?”
When she tilted her head up, Rolan glanced at her lips, unkissed since this morning and a dangerous feeling took hold in his chest. He wanted this for the rest of his life. The teasing, the longing, the love. The half made plans and late mornings and laughter. And a family, one he could have without fear of not being worthy. Cal and Lia and a roost of rambunctious children. He wanted all of it with this frustratingly beautiful woman in his arms.
Even if those children would probably drive him to an early grave.
Leaning forward, he captured her mouth in a kiss that shook him down to his very bones. Her lips were soft, insistent as she kissed him back, her hands still gentle as she pulled him closer. He couldn’t name every feeling swirling in him, but as soon as Juniper broke away and continued to undo the braids in his hair, he knew what he wanted.
For the first time in his entire life, he wasn’t second guessing himself.
“Marry me.”
She paused in her work, eyes wide and unblinking, fingers still against the braids still in his hair.
“We can work out the details later, the Tower, the children, the future.” Rolan promised her, forehead touching hers as he forced her to meet his gaze. She was still in shock, mouth hanging partially open. “But I want it all. With you. So I’m asking you to be my wife, Juniper.”
A laugh left her in a breathless gasp, mouth curling in a smile that he would work like hell to see every single day. “You do realize what you’re getting into, yes?”
Squeezing her sides, he pressed a kiss to her nose, a soft touch that pulled a quiet noise from her. “You’ll drive me mad every day with your incapable magical skills. Your penchant for chaos is second only to the kindness in your heart. I… do not deserve your devotion, but I’m asking for it. Please, marry me.”
Juniper laughed again, louder and slightly manic, but she finally met his gaze. And the only thing he saw reflected back at him was the same love he felt. “I promise I will drive you crazy for the rest of your life, Rolan. If you think you can handle that?”
A challenge that he’d gladly take. “Try your worst.”
Her mouth was on his again, arms squeezing him closer until he could barely breathe. And he couldn’t help, but to think that it was perfect.
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south-of-heaven · 10 months
Poly! Judgement Day and reader going camping, but having to deal with bugs, the darkness and stuff like that XD
Camping trip || The Judgement Day x Reader
Summary: You go on a camping trip with your partners, you're very excited until you realise that a lot of the things make you a little uncomfortable.
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The anticipation buzzes in the air as you load up the car for your much-anticipated camping trip. Rhea, Dominik, Finn, Damian, and you are all packed and ready for an adventure in the great outdoors. The thought of spending quality time with your partners fills you with excitement, and you can't help but grin from ear to ear as you hit the road.
As you arrive at the campsite, the beauty of nature surrounds you. The clear blue sky stretches overhead, and the trees sway gently in the breeze. The five of you set up the campsite with ease, each of you playing a role in making this experience memorable.
The sun begins to dip below the horizon, casting a warm and golden glow across the landscape. With the campfire crackling nearby, you gather around to enjoy a hearty meal and each other's company. The laughter and camaraderie flow freely, and you feel so incredibly lucky to be a part of this group.
As night falls, a sense of excitement mingles with a touch of nervousness. You gather around the campfire, its flickering flames casting dancing shadows on your faces. The sky transforms into a canvas of twinkling stars, and the moon casts a soft, silvery light.
Rhea wraps an arm around your shoulders, sensing your unease. "Don't worry, love. We've got you, and we'll make sure you're safe."
Her words soothe your nerves, and you offer her a grateful smile. Dominik adds, "Yeah, and if any bugs try to get into the tent, we'll protect you."
You chuckle, feeling the weight of your anxiety lifting. Finn grins, his signature mischievous glint in his eyes. "And if anything else comes near the tent, they'll have to go through me first."
Damian nods in agreement. "We're a team, and we've got your back."
With the reassurance of your partners, you start to relax. After a while, you all retreat into the tent, the fabric cocooning you from the outside world. The sounds of the night surround you—rustling leaves, distant chirping, the occasional hoot of an owl. The darkness outside seems less intimidating when you realize you're not alone.
You settle into your sleeping bag, sandwiched between Rhea and Dominik. Their presence is comforting, and you find yourself drifting into a peaceful slumber. Throughout the night, you're aware of their steady breaths and the warmth they provide.
As morning light filters through the tent, you wake up to the sight of your partners stirring. Finn stretches and yawns, Damian rubs his eyes, and Dominik cuddles close to you and Rhea. You've made it through the night, and the sense of accomplishment fills the air.
You emerge from the tent, the early morning sun casting a soft and inviting glow. You gather around the campfire once more, sharing stories and savouring the simple pleasure of being together in this beautiful setting.
As your camping trip comes to an end, you're filled with a sense of gratitude. Not just for the stunning scenery and the thrill of the outdoors, but for the bonds you share with your partners. In the midst of challenges and uncertainties, you've come together as a united front, facing the wildness of the world with love and support.
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The Eagle's Share
Tw: hunting and animal sacrifice.
Inspired by the incredible Fingon&Eagles relationship in Not In Vain by @polutrope!
In Barad Eithel celebrations were held in the middle of every bitter winter, a proud chasing away of the bitter frost Fingolfin's people so loathed.
There were dances, sparring games, and great hunts. Lalwen lead a masking ritual, a time of portents and heady magics; Fingolfin-king poured the mead and the wine, and passed to every cupped palm their due bold of miruvor he had brewed all summer, to each were given their due words of praise and courage.
He spoke and shone as once he had amidst the spluttering fires, a small animal in the Darkening calling to himself a hard, a pack to weather the long night within greater warmth.
Well-loved he was, Fingolfin of the Noldor; to him none were truer than the eldest of his sons, whose bowl was ever poured last, that it should be known the king favoured not his own blood unduly.
But Fingon went by himself, on the darkest nights before the lengthening of the days: and did not return until he had slain a great elk-of-the-woods, or a mad-eyed bear mother, and left the upon the highest peak for the eagles and falcons and ravens to feast upon.
Afterwards he joined the feasting, singing and harping as he went, at that hour when a grey light started to gleam dully to the East; and the music changed, the drums quickened into lighter reels, treacherous leaping staff-on-staff dances. He wore ribbons of goldcloth embroidered with copper in his hair, and about his neck necklaces with eagle feathers - long and sleek and just as golden.
The Great Eagles came not among the Eldar then, but to involve themselves in rare and dire matters; but some of them begot lesser creatures among their wild kin, and it was from such a strain that Fingon raised, and tended, and trained many a generation of bold hunting kestrels, amber-eyed falcons - even some rare grave and little-tamed eagles.
In the back of his aiming hand he inked an eagle, wings spread and proud. It had been the way of mourning in the Ice, when one died, and the body could not be buried; Fingolfin's grave never was seen by Fingolfin's heir.
Still the blood-price must be paid. Fingon went, and brought down his greatest beast yet, a woollen mammoth thick enough to feed a company for the march.
He left it to the wise birds of the realm. The blood gleamed red and slick on the snow, the viscera steaming enough to make his mouth water. As ever he gave them his thanks, begged their pity, praised the glory of their free flight, their hungering defiance, even as Morgoth made foul and weak so much of the land and the land's beasts.
Alone under the judging stars he wept, as he had not yet; a great grief was on him, and a will for revenge. Above all he denied Morgoth's design, that would wipe clean the skies and the earth, till all creatures were his servants, and no honor or memory of good deeds remained alive.
The birds came to feed. They fought among themselves at times, as was their way; yet they were solemn in their devouring, determined as they bit the meat out of the bone and bared it.
Their many eyes were in the night of nights a light of their own, ancient; and their cawing and their calling was insistent, even after all had fed - insistent for blood and vengeance, fierce and fierce enough to tear the silence in many halves. It made the white hills and the high firs tremble with urgency; Fingon's voice too rose, at last, and joined their defiance.
In the dark before a slow dawn rose, he started making ready for war.
The feasting changed with Fingolfin's end, ever less a celebration, more the smothering thrill that gathered, storm-like, in the hearts of the Eldar before a battle. His vassals came more often and from further, to deepen their counsels of war under the guise of a common visit, the trading of winter-gifts made anew into a deep renewal of vows.
Through great gates they went, marveling at the strength and beauty of the fortifications of the Noldor, and in the king's great chamber they bent over his left hand in greeting, that Fingon might clasp their necks and touch their cheeks in welcome.
But Maedhros of Himring alone kneeled at his feet and kissed the tattoo through the king's hawking gloves, his own cleaved right arm pressed against his heart.
So it was in Barad Eithel, that valiant realm, before the walls were broken, when the wild wings of Beleriand were revered.
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sketcheun · 3 months
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my dtiys challenge is from @the-michaelsword's desinatural series! their poem selections from rabindranath tagore's works were great to read through alongside their melancholic art, and this one in particular was beautifully compelling.
as an aside, it's cool that tagore translated his poems himself, and i'm inspired to find poets from my own cultural background and revisit some koreannatural ideas.
screenshots of the poem are from here and the transcript below is from here. full book of the gardener here.
The Gardener: 42
O mad, superbly drunk;
If you kick open your doors and play the fool in public;
If you empty your bag in a night, and snap your fingers at prudence;
If you walk in curious paths and play with useless things;
Reck not rhyme or reason;
If unfurling your sails before the storm you snap the rudder in two,
Then I will follow you, comrade, and be drunken and go to the dogs.
I have wasted my days and nights in the company of steady wise neighbours.
Much knowing has turned my hair grey, and much watching has made my sight dim.
For years I have gathered and heaped up scraps and fragments of things;
Crush them and dance upon them, and scatter them all to the winds.
For I know 'tis the height of wisdom to be drunken and go to the dogs.
Let all crooked scruples vanish, let me hopelessly lose my way.
Let a gust of wild giddiness come and sweep me away from my anchors.
The world is peopled with worthies, and workers, useful and clever.
There are men who are easily first, and men who come decently after.
Let them be happy and prosper, and let me be foolishly futile.
For I know 'tis the end of all works to be drunken and go to the dogs.
I swear to surrender this moment all claims to the ranks of the decent.
I let go my pride of learning and judgment of right and of wrong.
I'll shatter memory's vessel, scattering the last drop of tears.
With the foam of the berry-red wine I will bathe and brighten my laughter.
The badge of the civil and staid I'll tear into shreds for the nonce.
I'll take the holy vow to be worthless, to be drunken and go to the dogs.
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tathrin · 3 months
Okay but the Dunedáin. They've been roaming the western wilds for years and years. And then Aragorn goes off and gets himself made king of Gondor, huzzah ring the bells sound the trumpets etc.
The Dunedáin. Do they all go to Gondor with him? I feel like that's the implication of things. But like...do they all want to? And if/when they do, how does it go?
(There has to be a significantly higher number of them than the 30 we see represented by the Grey Company, too, right? Like even assuming the addition of wives-elders-and-children to those numbers, there has to be a much larger population than that if they're maintaining a population. Even with intermarrying of the other locals. Like, even with Magical Noble Lineage going on to keep things from getting wonky, they can't be interbreeding that much or else everybody would be an Heir To The Throne Of Gondor by now lmao. Those 30 have to just be a fraction of their folk. The "good riders and good warriors who could be gathered on quick notice" fraction.)
Is everybody excited to leave their lowkey wilderness-with-the-occasional-vacation-in-Rivendell existence in favor of the Fancy Shiny White City Full Of Other Humans? The Dunedáin have been living like this for hundreds and hundreds of years. It's not just a "we spent a few decades in exile, but taught our kids Our Ways to preserve them, so they'd be comfortable when they went home" situation. They've been living like this for so long that this is their way of life. This is their home. And now they're supposed to just pack-up and go to Gondor and be fine?
And how do the Gondorians react to having not just a new king, but a new king who brings along a whole bunch of scruffy Rangers for his retinue? Are they welcomed eagerly by a people who've just endured great loss of life and need hands to help them rebuild? I mean tbf probably at first, sure; but how long does that welcome endure without starting to cool when these Rangers prove to be not just Gondorians From Elsewhere Who Nonetheless Act Just Like The Rest Of Us And Know Our City And Its Ways As Well As We Do? Because they don't! They don't even know which hall is used for banquets and which for dancing! They don't know that on Aldëa we wear carnë! and so on.
(Do they all just go to Ithilien with Faramir out of sheer what-the-fuck-am-I-going-to-do-in-this-bigass-city-ness?)
Yes they're all of the Blood of Westernesse and all that, shared Numenorian heritage blah blah blah...but imagine you've been living off-the-grid in the forests of Pennsylvania, and all of a sudden you're dropped in the middle of NYC and told this is your home now, enjoy? How weird would that be? How bizarre, how overwhelming?
Maybe you like it, maybe you thrive there! Maybe you find that Gondorian Civilization is what you've been looking for all along! But what if you don't? What if you find you really hate crowds, and the politics of the city are stifling, and you didn't spend the last seventy years travelling all over Middle-earth learning everybody's ways and culture, thanks, and frankly you'd rather be back in Bree making small-talk with simple farmers and Hobbits, where everybody knows your (nick)name and you're comfortable? Even if you do like it, even if this is All Your Hopes Come True, it's still got to be enormously disruptive. And if you don't...yikes.
(Again, sure, there's Ithilien. But even though that wild-land-recovering-from-the-scars-of-the-Enemy would be more familiar ground to you than the city itself, and Faramir is a great guy and all, Ithilien still isn't your home.)
Like...you don't get to just go back, do you? (Do you?) Maybe but even if you do, even if some of them did, their way of life is still kind of broken; because most of your fellow Rangers are in Gondor now, and you aren't even allowed into the Shire, and the Enemy you've been guarding folks from all this time is gone...
And sure, it's good! This is a good result! This is the Best Case Scenario Ending, really!
But still. What about the Dunedáin?
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Hear me out!
Drunk SVE adventurer (bonus Camilla and Magnus). Imagine them being so so drunk, they started to talk/do weird stuffs around the farmer, like it would be hilarious.
Additional idea, which one of them would get drunk easily?
I heard you out, dear anon, and your idea is wonderful! Thank you so much for the inspiration and I hope you enjoy this little hc ☺️❤️ (I also added Jadu, hope it's ok 😃)
Lance handles his alcohol pretty well, so it takes at least two or three bottles of good strong wine to notice a difference in his behavior. He becomes more energetic and flirtatious, and more persistent in gaining attention if his drunken ass sees the object of his admiration (*cough cough* Farmer). That said, his tongue will not lash out and his speech will remain confident. At times, the pink-haired adventurer may utter a phrase that his conscience and upbringing would not allow when sober. He would break a couple of minor rules by showing Farmer magic he shouldn't have used without a good reason, but Lance is usually forgiven (privileged bitch). Will get up in the morning without a hangover, and won't forget to apologize if he went too far in last night's binge.
In Isaac's case, the mood varies: the silent adventurer will either finally shed his mask of the perpetually frowning monster hunter and have a little fun, or he will completely withdraw into himself and just get drunk, not really wanting to talk to anyone. How he will behave depends on the situation, the company and the place where he empties the mugs of beer. His attitude towards the Farmer also varies. He may yell at them, or he may pull them in by the collar to have a drink with him. If the Farmer is at all lucky, Isaac will share stories from his past and won't punch Farmer in the face if they asks questions about his life. He becomes louder and more aggressive after the third bottle of strong liquor, and he will have a terrible hangover, but because of his pride he won't tell anyone about it.
Getting together after a tough mission with friends, drinking stronger beverage, sharing stories and tales of adventures? Alesia will not miss the opportunity to relax in the company, because with her work and huge responsibility such an gathering is very rare. The sniper tolerates strong whiskey or ale quite well, and even with alcohol in the blood will behave calmly and remain "the voice of reason" in the company. If Alesia drinks an extra mug, she will become much more agile and cheerful - starting to tell Farmer and other younglings about her adventures, making toasts more often than anyone else, something like that. But please stop her if she gets the idea of "archery" in this state. Alesia take a hangover like a champ when she wakes up. Another fond memory with a great group of friends and colleagues, it was a good night!
Dedicating most of his free time to studying manuscripts and brewing potions, Jadu rarely drinks alcohol with company, so a few mugs of beer/ale are enough to get him tipsy. The first sips of alcohol give him a boost of energy that can't be compared to anything else - Jadu is ready to conquer mountains and tame dragons! The next sips knock all his bravado away and he becomes very sleepy. Someone's comment about Jadu not being able to handle drink hurts his ego and he demands another mug, proving to everyone that he can (and perhaps secretly showing off in front of Farmer). What happened after the third mug of booze Jadu no longer remembers, as he woke up in bed with a headache. Some say he was wild, others say he just passed out and fell asleep. Who to believe now is unclear.
If this woman allowed herself to do as she pleased when sober, after a couple of bottles of the best wine, Camilla will party like it's her last chance. Magical banter, table dancing, arguing and coaxing someone to kiss/flirt/kick someone. Will pay special attention (hell knows why) to the Farmer and start dragging them into dodgy adventures. A magic carpet ride? No problem, she'll conjure it up and you can get on and fly! Want to see mythical creatures? One snap of the fingers and a griffin or some other beast will appear. In the morning, the witch is not afraid of a hangover: one elixir - and the headache is like a hand removed. With a smug smile Camilla will walk around her domain, help others with fixing broken things after the "night", and no one will do anything to her for mischief.
Magnus Rasmodius:
Magnus is probably the most careful and responsible of the whole company when it comes to alcohol. Because he knows very well that after an extra glass of wine he can become quite chatty (and maybe a little sad). Noisy parties are preferred to quiet gatherings in his tower or in the forest. Farmer might notice, while drinking wine with the wizard, that the more glasses Magnus drains, the stranger the atmosphere becomes. They probably question their own ability to withstand alcohol, but Magnus will assure them that it's his magic just... slightly out of control. Because of the wine. Not a big deal, but it looks pretty funny. And beautiful - magic in the air. Magnus won't go wild and drink more than he can handle, so don't expect anything weird from him.
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crissiebaby · 11 days
Million Diaper Baby: Chapter 1
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, humiliation, domination, sissification, chastity, masturbation/diaper sex, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
Commissioned By: Gun1242
In 2025, an up-and-coming Middleweight boxer named Blake “The Bullet” Rodgers stepped into the ring for his chance at a title belt. The event that occurred three rounds into his boxing match would forever change the sport as The Bullet delivered a nasty blow to his opponent’s lower gut, triggering a messy accident in the heart of Madison Square Garden. With his rival unable to continue, the fight concluded in an unprecedented TKO victory for The Bullet, and his legendary punch from that day became known as The Hollow Point.
Many of Blake’s fellow boxers would soon strive to emulate his signature move to achieve quick TKOs, and the sport of boxing became inundated with muddy undies before the year was out. The prospect of banning hits to the lower midsection was a bridge too far for the vast majority of athletes and spectators, leaving the International Boxing Federation to make the only plausible decision they could. Henceforth, diapers became a uniform requirement for boxers at all levels…
Thumping his gloves together fiercely, it was safe to say Matthew Armstrong was having an off day. Sweat dripped from the ends of his spiky hair as he danced his way toward the center of the ring for the eighth round of his sparring match. His opponent was someone he had bested on numerous occasions, emphasizing to anyone watching that he was not performing at 100 percent mentally. Adding to his frustration, the feisty Welterweight knew the reason for his poor performance was entirely petty. This pushed him to become more reckless as he proceeded to take his anger out on his hapless competitor with a series of wild punches.
“It’s here!”
Suddenly, a female voice echoed from across the gym, distracting Matthew at the worst possible moment. His opponent’s glove made contact with the side of his jaw, resulting in an unintentional sucker punch that put the frazzled fighter on his obnoxiously crinkly ass. It wasn’t even a particularly hard hit, making the fact that it unbalanced him even more aggravating. Pushing himself off the canvas floor, he didn’t even wait for the bell to ring as he exited the ring in a huff.
“G-Good match,” called out Matthew’s opponent, his voice brimming with clumsy anxiety.
Matthew paid no mind to his sparring partner as he beelined to the other side of the boxing gym without a word of comradery. Instead, his focus was locked on a group of fellow boxers who were standing in a semi-circle around a large cardboard box. Dawning a sour expression, he folded his arms over his chest defensively and joined the crowd of onlookers.
“Eeee! I’m so excited! It feels like Christmas!” said the girl tearing into the well-sealed box with a pair of safety scissors. Dreaming of this moment since she was old enough to walk, Lightweight brawler, Amy Stone, tore open the parcel and proudly unveiled her big sponsor to her fellow competitors, “Heh! I think I’m gonna be covered on boxing diapers for the foreseeable future.” Her small gathering clapped and chuckled lightheartedly as she held up a package of plain white diapers with a giant CrissBaby Diaper Company logo boldly located on the rear of the padding. Years of intensive training and dedication had finally been worth it, and now, she was ready to leave her mark on the sport. She hugged the diaper pack to her chest, fighting back tears of joy.
Amy’s smile briefly faltered as Matthew’s breathy dejection snagged her ear. Her gaze narrowed playfully as she turned to see him sulking as he sauntered away from the group.
“Stupid CrissBaby,” muttered Matthew, failing to mask his seething jealousy. There was little doubt pertaining to who the best boxer in the gym unequivocally was. At only 26, his professional record stood at an awe-inspiring 19-0-2, and he’d bested damn near every local guy in his weight class multiple times over. And yet, despite his obvious prowess, he had yet to accrue any sponsorships to help take him to the next level, leaving him to scrounge for any cheap fight he could get his gloves on. He didn’t want to be bitter, especially toward Amy of all people, but he couldn’t deny that he was feeling raw about the whole situation.
Receiving a light punch to the shoulder from behind, Matthew narrowly avoided a trip to the ground as he stumbled forward. “Who the fu-” he shouted, ready to lay the smack down on whoever had the gall to hit him when his back was turned. His rage faltered as he turned around to see Amy smirking at him. He exhaled forcefully through his nose like a bull attempting to mind its manners in a china shop, “Oh…it’s just you.”
“Hehe! You looked so mad, bro. I must’ve really pissed you off for you to go straight to your corkscrew,” teased Amy, who was able to tell what punch Matthew was going throw based on his stance alone. After two decades of fighting alongside each other, she could read Matthew like a book and knew precisely how to poke at his most hair-triggered buttons. Unfortunately, while Matthew had always been highly competitive, envy was one of his rarer emotions, leading to a gross miscalculation as she carried on with her heedless taunts, “Oh, c’mon, Matti. Lighten up, will ya! Just because we have to wear diapers doesn’t mean you gotta act like a party pooper.” She reached forward to place a hand on Matthew’s shoulder, only for him to brush her away.
A small line of pink formed along the bridge of Matthew’s nose. “I told you never to call me that here,” he said in a hushed volume, referring to Amy’s incessant need to feminize his name at all times. He allowed her to get away with it when they were alone but that was only because of the massive crush he had on her. His eyes shifted to the handful of onlookers who had previously been present for Amy’s unboxing, praying that none of them overheard his embarrassing nickname, “And lay off the diaper jokes, will ya? Not all of us are so privileged to have CrissBaby pay for ours.”
Matthew’s pointed comment struck a nerve within Amy, who wasn’t looking to have her success ridiculed over nothing more than a harmless goof in her eyes. “Oh, is that what this is about? I thought you were slinking away cuz you just got put on your ass by a rookie. Not sure that’s the kind of performance CrissBaby would be interested in,” she shot back vengefully, displaying her own brand of brash egoism. Several more fighters bunched in around the bickering besties, amused by the verbal onslaught that was rapidly ramping up.
“19 wins and zero losses, bitch. Records speak for themselves. Tell me, what was yours again? 13-3? 4? You’ll have to forgive me for forgetting since I only have to keep track of one number,” said Matthew, earning a chorus of “oohs” from the male spectators.
“Okay, asshole, for the record, it’s 14 and 2,” clapped back Amy, who wasn’t about to let her win-loss count be downplayed, “And don’t act like your record isn’t inflated with amateurs and journeymen. I take my losses on the chin cuz those were hard fucking fights. I bet your pansy ass is gonna ball like a baby the day you get laid out.”
With no regard for his short-tempered retort from moments prior, Matthew was high on the belief that he had Amy right where he wanted her if she was already cussing. He rolled his eyes, knowing of how much that imprudent gesture ground her gears. “Too bad you’re never gonna find out. Sorry, Ames, but I don’t plan on losing any time soon,” he said, utilizing the three inches of height he had over Amy to look down on her.
“Wanna put those words to the test?” asked Amy, her tone deadly serious as she stepped forward and got up in Matthew’s face. In the back of her mind, she knew this was possibly one of the dumbest things she could do. Even if she were to completely erase the annoying gender divide, she easily weighed 20 pounds less than Matthew, giving him a significant upper hand from a sheer power standpoint. That being said, Matthew had talked far too much shit to not put his money where his mouth is. If anyone was going to knock him down a peg, it was going to be her.
Caught off guard by Amy’s impromptu challenge, Matthew found himself atop a very awkward hot seat. He had sparred with Amy countless times when they were growing up but he hadn’t faced off against his childhood friend since middle school. Cornered by his arrogance, he knew this was a lose-lose situation. “Sorry, I don’t fight girls,” he replied, his cheering section quickly turning on him as the “oohs” swapped to “awws” within seconds of his answer, “Shut the fuck up! I don’t see you pussies going toe-to-toe with any of the girls here.”
“Yeah, that’s because they’re smart enough not to run their mouths around me. Maybe take a page from their book if you’re gonna chicken out,” heckled Amy, twisting the knife for presumably the final time given Matthew’s cowardly rebuttal.
However, Amy never could’ve predicted the kind of fire her needling statement would spark behind Matthew’s eyes. Balling his fists, his knuckles crackled like a fuse being ignited. He still had no intention of fighting her but he wasn’t about to announce that to the whole gym after such blatant indignation. Letting his male fragility take the wheel, he knew exactly what to say to get Amy to balk. “Fine but if I win, you have to go on a date with me,” he said, a wicked grin forming on his mug, “And you have to dress up nice, too. No sweatpants allowed.” The “oohs” returned in his favor.
Amy’s smug visage shattered nigh instantaneously as Matthew’s shocking stipulation sank in. She wished she could say this was a first but Matthew had been coming onto her since the two of them were old enough to tell the difference between guys and girls. Despite being keenly aware of Matthew’s gushy feelings, she never reciprocated. She’d been around enough macho airheads to know that type of guy wasn’t her type. And yet, Matthew still harbored a deep affection for her, forcing her to constantly find new ways to let him down easily for the sanctity of their friendship. This was clearly a face-saving move to get her to back down, and she had to admit it was surprisingly effective. Had it been any other muscle-clad douchebag pulling a stunt like this, she would’ve decked him right then and there, but this was Matthew she was dealing with. If he wanted to up the ante to this extent, she was determined to make him regret it, “Fine, but if I win, you have to do whatever I say for an entire week. No ifs, ands, or buts. No backing out.” She extended her hand toward Matthew whilst maintaining a withering glare and refusing to so much as blink. “So, Matti, do we have a deal?”
Glancing at the now gym-wide audience encircling Amy and him, Matt knew any chance of this argument ending civilly was long gone. Their brawl seemed almost inevitable at this point. His fingers curled around Amy’s hand viciously, showcasing his superior grip strength. “You’re on,” he said starkly, oblivious to the blushy fate that lay ahead of him.
Matching the intensity of her opponent’s grip, Amy squared up with Matthew. Permitting her devious mind to wander as she looked him up and down, she could already feel the horns growing out of her head. She would certainly make him pay in more ways than one if she wound up stuck on a crappy date with him. But should she happen to pull off an upset, he was going to be in for a world of humiliation unlike anything he’s ever experienced.
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Edited by AllySmolShork
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BlushyBen DD JFN Nike PrincessKittenLizzi SissyDina Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca & One Anonymous Investor
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dokujirai · 10 months
Charisma - Tendo Amahiko "Moonlight Hormao" English Lyrics Translation
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This is an English translation of Tendo Amahiko's second solo song “Moonlight Hormao.” Song is on all streaming sites.
Please be advised that this is merely a translation into English and may not be 100% accurate.
Any questions, concerns, theories, or feedback is appreciated! Thank you for reading.
TL Notes:
There's so many orgasms
無礼講 (bureiko) is when people of different classes come together and break social rules together. For example in Japanese work culture, companies will have mini-drinking parties leading to juniors drunkenly criticizing work strategy in front of their seniors. They usually just freely speak their minds. I just translate this as “break some rules”
Hormaó is a Greek word that means “to set in motion, to hasten on”
Sexy Amahiko IN YOUR AREA
Oxytocin (cin) The culmination of a euphoric climax Orgasm (asm) Just a little bit more Even if you don’t care, it’ll happen anyways I’ll show you great pleasure
Entwined and inexhaustible Cry all you want I’m showing off this national treasure ha ha ha ha While we’re at it, let's get to the point and break some rules Serotonin and dopamine too Oozing, twitching, heavy load
Festival! It’s a festival! So-re No limits on this Ascension Day Open up your body and soul Cross the equator Your hidden wild side Let’s expose it
Moonlight-light moonlight-light Come forth, I am Life Moonlight-light moonlight-light Fulfill me Moonlight-light moonlight-light The beast within Maomaoma Hormaomaoma
Ah Godspeed my dear Only you can bring me love Lay yourself bare
Our banquet for mankind is marvelous We embraced the wilderness and became one With our eyes, with our with with our hands We hunted, we cultivated, all of creation together as one
Begging for rain, ablutions, purification, repentance In the sun we must bask, bask, bask No one is without blessings
Expose yourself Moonlight-light moonlight-light Come forth, I am Life Moonlight-light moonlight-light Fulfill me Moonlight-light moonlight-light The beast within Maomaoma Hormaomaoma
Ah Godspeed my dear Only you can bring me love Lay yourself bare
Festival! It’s a festival! So-re Indulge in this harvest festival as you please Eternal life and prosperity for all Overcome the path of strife Glowing with enthusiasm Bare, bare, lay yourself bare
Moonlight-light moonlight-light Come forth, I am Life Moonlight-light moonlight-light Fulfill me Moonlight-light moonlight-light The beast within Maomaoma Hormaomaoma
Ah Godspeed my dear Only you can bring me love Lay yourself bare
Gather around and look about Come dance and laugh Gather around and look about Maomaoma hormaomaomaoma Gather around and look about Have a good dance and laugh with us
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arminsumi · 1 year
Armin x fem!reader
Chapter index / Chapter Ⅳ: Farewell
Overview; the eve of the Scout's farewell party. Contents; 1940s au, fluff, romance, drama
Warnings; angst, tragedy
TAGLIST; @sad-darksoul @crazychaoticizzy @ringsofsaturnnnn
DM in my askbox to be added to taglists! 💕
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Asking you to attend the Scout's farewell party was incredibly bold and risky, given the circumstances between you and Armin as well as the turbulent climate between Eldians and Marleyans at the time.
But the Lieutenant was excited – boyishly excited. His eyes had a sparkling quality about them that had once been lost.
When the eve of the Farewell party came, Armin craned his neck around searchingly; all the graceful dancers and tumbling drunkards created a loud and inviting atmosphere in the Scout's old headquarters. What better place to have a party than an old, grand castle?
The splendorous environment was wasted on the Lieutenant, who longed for the company of a particular nurse...
"Armin," Eren spoke to get Armin's attention, "Stop extending your neck like a goose. The Commander is approaching us." he said. "Right, sorry." Armin replied, ceasing his futile search for your face in the crowd.
"Not fond of dancing?" the Commander asked as he approached them, Levi at his side. "Not really, Sir." Eren replied.
"But young men like yourselves should be dancing the night away. Save your seriousness for the frontlines." the Commander said. Eren only shrugged, and Armin only wanted to dance if it was with you.
They held simple conversation with the Commander and the Captain, but Armin's attention was snatched by your entrance. You strode into the party from across the room, arm-locked with Maggie, clad in a dress that drove Armin's senses wild. He had to draw in a steadying breath.
As you wove through the crowd to the place where Armin and the others were gathered, Armin overheard a snippet of your banter with Maggie that amused him.
"Y/n, don't pull that expression!"
"What expression?"
"The expression of an old woman who's yearning for her doting Lieutenant."
"An old woman!? Oh, Maggie, with how much you insult me, it's amazing that we're still friends."
Armin smiled.
Commander Erwin noticed Armin's lacking attention. "Lieutenant, has something distracted you?" he asked. Armin nearly jumped.
"No, sir!" he replied quickly.
Erwin knew exactly what had caught his soldier's eye. "Don't just stand and stare; go ask the young miss to dance." he said.
Armin acted a fool, "The young miss?" he questioned.
"The one you have eyes for." Erwin said, "Nurse Y/n is her name, am I right?"
Armin went pink. "Yes sir, she is Nurse Y/n."
Connie laughingly ragged on Armin about embarrassing himself with the Commander. "You thought you could fool the mastermind?" Connie pointed out. "Anyways, who is this young miss that you have eyes for?" he teased Armin.
You had already taken to the dance floor with Maggie. Armin waited, wading through the partiers, looking much like a sailor lost at sea. His eyes lit up when you emerged, breathlessly, with Maggie from the dance floor; "Lieutenant!" you called for him, immediately joining his group of Eren, Connie and a famous soldier who you had only known by name before: Mikasa.
Armin fell into your charm right away. "Nurse Y/n – and Maggie – I'm so glad to see the two of you here tonight." he said politely, trying not to give your dress another desirous look-over.
Though Armin was eager to swing onto the dance floor with you, he patiently participated in a long and arduous group conversation. Finally, Maggie piped up, "Lieutenant, why are you not dancing? You have the perfect partner standing right next to you, and she seems bored stiff."
You stuttered and scolded Maggie for being too forward, but Armin felt immense appreciation for her forwardness; he couldn't have asked you himself. He felt too boyish about it.
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Just before he took to the dance floor with you, he caught a snippet of a conversation between the Commander and the Captain who were idly drinking champagne nearby;
"Levi, don't be like that. They're just young lovers sharing one last night of bliss. Let them have it."
Armin felt his heart panging in his chest.
For you and Armin, at the time, it was frowned upon to hold hands, yet he held yours tight. It was frowned upon to dance, yet he swayed with you. It was frowned upon to be too close to one another, yet you and him were cheek-to-cheek.
Maybe those reasons made it all the more exhilarating.
In a book written about you and Armin decades later, Mikasa wrote; the Lieutenant and Nurse Y/n were forbidden from loving each other, yet there they were that night; looking at each other with a shared tenderness. It was beautiful to witness their love before it was tainted with shame and tragedy.
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"Oh, Eren! Why are you not dancing? It's so much fun." you asked, as you and Armin emerged from the dance floor.
Armin chuckled, "You will never get him to dance." he said. "Is that so?" you looked at Eren.
Maggie piped up, "How miserable! You have the opportunity to dance with a dozen different beauties tonight, yet here you sit?"
Eren bore a stony expression at her, so Armin parroted the Commander's words to him; "Save your seriousness for the frontlines and have some fun tonight, Eren."
"Yes! Come on, join us." you encouraged him, adding: "You need to make good memories while you have the chance."
Armin contemplated why you might have said that. And then he responded, "Exactly, we need memories of a heavenly night like this to reminisce on when we're thrown into hell."
"That's true." you looked at him meaningfully.
He looked at you with a sort of glad melancholy that only a soldier could have at a farewell party.
Just before going to dance, Armin heard you let out a dreadful gasp.
"My father! Oh, what is he doing here?" you panicked, wringing your hands anxiously. Armin felt the urge to reach out and hold them.
Perhaps it was scandalous – even a bit cowardly – to grab your arm and make a break for it across the crowd. "Let's go." he said. "Let's 'go'?" you questioned.
In a flash of childlike naughtiness, the two of you escaped your approaching father; he did not even see a strand of your hair as you snuck away right under his nose with the Lieutenant.
The forbiddingness of it all made it all the more exhilarating, though neither of you addressed nor admitted it to yourselves or each other.
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"I must say, it's quite unbecoming of the Head Chief's daughter to be running away with the Commander's best soldier." you laughed breathlessly.
You and Armin panted after running out the castle to the courtyard fountain. A long path stretched out to meet an overgrown garden.
"Soldier?" Armin teased you, "What happened to 'Lieutenant'?"
Your eyes glittered at him. "I'm sorry, my Lieutenant." The moon made you two feel drunk, or maybe it was just the aftereffect of narrowly escaping your condemning father.
From afar, you could hear the ballroom resounding with joy and laughter. It faded away, the symphonic night creatures overriding it. The both of you quietly marveled the entrance to the garden; it was like a labyrinth made just for lovers who needed privacy.
"This castle used to be the old Scout's headquarters." Armin told you as you and him entered through the rusted gates. "My first mission as a Scout was to clean the whole damn thing, head to toe."
"Really!" you laughed, "That sounds like a dangerous first mission for a kid to take on." you teased.
Armin nodded, "Yeah, it was quite frightening."
The two of you found a spot under a wildly growing oak tree; the overgrowth of daisies caught Armin's eye, and he went over to them to pluck one for you.
Armin wasn't a confident man, not even in his prime; he realized in old age that he really just faked his confidence until he believed he was confident. A forced courage ran through his veins on the eve of the Farewell party, because he thought this was the last night he would see you in months, maybe even years. Of course, it wasn't, but you have to understand that at the time, when war was knocking on the doorstep, everything felt hopeless and bleak, even during moments of bliss.
Though time was flowing as fast to him as it does when observing an hourglass' sand running down, Armin tried his best to savor every moment. He let nothing take his eyes off of you.
"Lieutenant, I'm disappointed. You've been staring at me all night and yet you haven't made one comment on my dress." you teased him.
He held back a smile in a futile attempt to remain somewhat soldierly and formal. "Well, all night, I've been wondering how I should tell you that you look divine." he replied truthfully.
You felt warmth across your cheeks, tingling on the crown of your ears.
A small silence passed.
"Maggie and I spent a whole day resewing them. Ah and for what... it doesn't frame my figure well at all." you said dejectedly.
"Actually, I think it frames your figure perfectly." Armin said, voicing his mind.
You stuttered. "Oh my..."
He went pink in the face. "I'm sorry! That was too forward of me..." he said and shamefully lowered his gaze.
"It's alright." you smiled at him.
Something in the air changed. The privacy of the garden brought an intimate stillness over the two of you.
A long silence passed.
"My father didn't want me to come tonight." you said quietly, lowering your head in shame.
You and him drew as close to each other as you desired. No prying eyes were there to judge.
You added, "He and I had a fight this morning. My father's completely condemned us." you said, emphasizing 'us' enough for Armin to understand.
He heard how your throat constricted as you spoke. There was so much he wanted to say but either he couldn't or he didn't know how to.
"Lieutenant..." you whispered, stifling a small sob. He brought you closer, damning your father in his head – never aloud, he had too much respect to speak ill of him to your face.
"It's okay." Armin reassured you, drawing closer to your wettened face. "We'll keep this a secret." he said, and stroked stray tears off your cheeks.
His touch was a cooling contrast against your hot cheeks; it reminded you of dipping your hand in a river during hot Marleyan summers as a child.
You laughed through your tears, "Oh, Lieutenant, I really shouldn't let myself be enamored by you. What if you die out there? Would your soul even be able to rest peacefully?"
Armin looked at you contemplatively, remaining silent for a while before speaking again. "If I die, it will be alright, because I will die with this memory of you. And that's all I could want."
He pressed a kiss to your quivering lips.
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fandomsnstuff · 7 months
Look at me posting before 10pm (i work evenings lmao) anyway,
Day 8: super au/cooking
Angus McDonald is Spiderman. It's a pretty new gig, but he thinks he's doing okay. His secret identity is totally intact, so that's a win.
Read it on AO3
Angus lands in the street on his feet, the criminals he was pursuing trapped against the brick wall in front of him with an obscene amount of web. He wants nothing more than to take his mask off and get a breath of fresh air, but the wail of sirens is already on top of him. Cpt. Captain Bane steps out of the first car and says, "what the hell happened here?" 
"Just me doing your job for you," he quips. "Same old song and dance." 
Bane sneers at him. "I don't need a child to do my job for me." 
"Then you need to be faster," he tosses and catches the vial he retrieved, "crime isn't going to wait for you." 
Angus can see him eyeing it, the corrupt motherfucker. "What've you got there, Spiderman?" 
He knows exactly what it is, but he shrugs. "Some project the Institute's working on." He jabs his thumb towards the perpetrators that the other cops are cutting down from the webs, "pinky and the brain back there don't even know what it is. They just took the first thing they saw and ran." 
It's a highly experimental elixir that's supposed to allow the person who drinks it to become a powerful specter if their meat body dies. Lup and Barry aren't supposed to talk about it, but they really can't help themselves when they're in good company. 
Bane holds out a hand, "hand it over." 
"Uh," the last thing he wants to do is give him something from the Institute. Let alone something like this. Angus has been on Bane's case for years, well before he became Spiderman a few weeks back. "You know I think I better return it myself." 
Bane opens his mouth to respond, but is interrupted by a shout of, "holy shit!" 
They look, and Lup stands just down the street, her hair wild and face flushed. She's out of breath as she walks up to them and says, "I just ran… like five blocks…" she looks at Angus, "I only caught some of that fight, but that was amazing." 
"Thank-" he clears his throat and tries to subtly deepen his voice, "thank you Dr.- uh- ma'am." Spiderman's never met Lup, he shouldn't know her last name. Although she has been in the paper, so maybe it would've been fine. Anyway, "I believe this belongs to you," he holds the vial out to her. 
She smiles wide and grabs it, "it's intact!" 
Barry catches up to her, huffing and puffing. "I can't run a city block like I used to," he groans. 
Lup pats him on the back and says, "bear, look," showing him the vial. 
"No way," he looks at Angus, "you got it back in one piece." 
"I'm nothing if not careful, sir," he says, still trying to modify his voice. If they recognize him, he's so fucked. 
"Dr. Bluejeans," Bane says, "I'm going to need you to hand that over," he reaches for the vial, "it's evidence." 
Barry draws his hand back, "it's top secret Institute research. It's not going anywhere but back to the lab." 
"It's been involved in a crime, it needs to come back to the precinct."
"Why?" Lup takes half a step in front of Barry. "You've got the criminals wrapped up in a bow. You didn't even need to do anything." 
"Dr. Taaco." 
He sighs irritably. "Dr. Taaco, we're required to do a full investigation, which includes gathering evidence. That vial was stolen, so it's evidence." 
"And you can come to the Institute on Monday with a warrant for it. For now, we need to take it back." 
Bane clenches his fists. "Let me escort you," Angus interrupts. The adults all look at him. "You know," he says, "just in case." 
Bane says, "absolutely not-" 
"Sure," Lup says, "you can escort us." 
"He's a child," Bane protests.
"He's Spiderman," Barry says. "He rescued our research while chasing criminals through the city, I'm sure he can protect it while we're just walking up the street." 
Lup slings an arm around his shoulders and starts leading him away before Bane can argue any further. As they walk up the street back towards the lab, she and Barry talk about how the whole night shook down for them. They were working late, and had taken a break. They didn't hear the thieves enter or break anything, but the alarms started blaring, and they saw them running out. They gave chase, and saw him, Spiderman, swing in and apprehend them. 
"Which reminds me," Lup says once they reach the Institute, "are you okay?" 
"I'm fine." They got a few good hits on him, but nothing that won't heal by morning (thank you, nuclear spider powers). "You two should put that vial back and head home. It's late." 
"We could say the same to you," Barry says. "What are you, like, fifteen?" 
"I'm eighteen." He's super not eighteen, he's exactly two weeks away from his sixteenth birthday. 
"Right." Neither of them look convinced. 
"Well you're safe back at your lab," he laughs nervously, "I should be going. Stay safe!" He blindly shoots a web and takes off in whatever direction it takes him. He swings a good way down a random street before stopping on top of a building to get his bearings, and he heads home. 
He lands on the fire escape just outside his window, and opens it slowly. It cooperates tonight, and doesn't screech too loudly as the old wood slides up. He crawls into his bedroom and tears his mask off, taking a deep breath of fresh air. He creeps to his door and cracks it open, listening for any activity within the apartment. It's quiet, and all the lights are off. He shuts the door again. He doesn't bother to turn on a light as he peels his suit off, he's found that he can see quite well in the dark nowadays. 
He changes into pajamas. He longs to take a shower, but it's nearing 1am, and Taako's a pretty light sleeper. He doesn't want him to question why he's taking a shower so late. 
His stomach grumbles, and he sees visions of the leftover pizza he knows is in the fridge. He creeps out of his room and down the hall to the main living area. His attention is zeroed in on the fridge, so he jumps out of his skin when a light suddenly turns on. 
"You know, if you were going to be a vigilante, the least you could've done is tell me first." 
"Taako, I- what-" 
Taako's sitting in an armchair, arms crossed, looking very displeased. "It's polite to tell your guardian what you're up to, Angus."
He laughs nervously. "I'm not-" 
"Oh, you're not? You start acting all sketchy and sneaking out, and a masked spider-themed vigilante shows up not even a week after you visited Lup and Barry's lab that, among other things, works with what?" 
Angus knows when he's been had. "...spiders?" 
Silences stretches between them, and Angus hangs his head. "I'm sorry, Taako." 
Taako sighs and stands. "I'm not mad. I just need to know where you go. Because if–" his fist clenches, "if you don't come home, or if you get hurt, I need to know." 
"I'm sorry," he tries to blink away the burn of tears in his eyes, "I just wanted to protect you. All of you." 
Taako puts a hand on his shoulder, and he meets his eyes. "You don't need to protect us. We can protect ourselves just fine." 
"Okay," he whispers. 
"Are you hungry?" 
His lip quivers, "I'm so hungry." 
Taako smiles and squeezes his shoulder. "It takes a lot of energy to be a superhero and a growing boy. Sit, I'll make you a couple grilled cheeses." 
"I wanted-" 
"The pizza, I know. You can have that while you wait." 
He sits at the dining table as Taako moves about the kitchen. He slides the box with half a pizza still in it to him, then works on making two grilled cheese sandwiches. Angus devours the pizza and is halfway through his first sandwich when he asks, "does anyone else know?" 
"Oh yeah, we all suspected." 
"So Lup and Barry talking to me tonight like they didn't know me was total bullshit." 
Taako laughs, "she called me as soon as you left them, pumpkin. Told me she was one-hundo percent sure that you're Spiderman."
He sighs in exaggerated  annoyance. "No one can have a damn secret in this family!" 
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mirisss · 9 months
Whispers of Moonlit Hearts
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Fairy crown prince! Hong Joshua x afab! Fairy! reader
Wordcount ≈ 3.7k
Warnings: forbidden love = sad, I think that’s it though. 
Genre: fantasy, royal, fairy, forbidden love, 
Summary: In the mystical realm of Elaria, a prince and an elusive fairy form a mysterious connection in the Enchanted Forest. Their unspoken affection blossoms amidst the magic in the heart of the enchanted realm.
A/n: This was inspired by fall and Halloween, exactly how, I don't know. Also, I tried a new style of writing for this one so please let me know if you like it more or less than my usual style.
When something is bolded it means it's like a new chapter.
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Third person POV
In the heart of the Enchanted Forest, nestled between ancient towering trees and glistening waterfalls, lies the mystical kingdom of Elaria. The air is always sweet with the scent of blooming flowers, and the soft glow of enchanted fireflies illuminates the night. Elaria is a realm where magic weaves through every whispering breeze and dancing sunbeam, and mystical creatures roam freely under the benevolent rule of the Fairy Council.
At the heart of Elaria, a grand palace crafted from shimmering crystals and adorned with vines of glowing blossoms stands tall. It is here that the handsome young fairy prince, named Joshua, is soon to be crowned king. 
Joshua possesses a kind heart, his eyes as bright as the morning sun, and his laughter as melodious as the song of the forest birds. He is loved by all in the kingdom for his compassion and wisdom, traits that are said to be gifts from the ancient magical beings who once roamed the land of Elaria.
As the day of his coronation approaches, the kingdom buzzes with anticipation and excitement. The creatures of the land, from graceful unicorns to mischievous pixies, all eagerly prepare for the grand celebration. The palace gardens are alive with vibrant colors, and the sweet melodies of fairies practicing their enchanting songs fill the air.
Deep in the midst of the Enchanted Forest, where the moonlight weaves through the leaves like silver threads, there dances a young fairy named (Y/n). With eyes as bright as the stars, she possesses a spirit as wild and untamed as the forest itself. (Y/n) is known throughout the realm for her graceful dance and playful laughter, which can rival the melodies of the forest's songbirds.
She flutters through the woods with delicate wings that shimmer in shades of iridescent blue and silver. Her laughter is infectious, drawing mystical beings near with its joyous cadence. Around her, the air seems to sparkle, and flowers bloom in her footsteps. (Y/n) is a friend to all the creatures of the forest, from the elegant unicorns to the mischievous sprites, and she spends her days in the company of these magical beings.
In the soft glow of twilight, you can find (Y/n) dancing amidst the fireflies, her movements a symphony of grace and light. With each step, she weaves spells in the air, casting a magical aura that enchants all who witness her dance. The mystical beings of the forest gather around her, joining in her playful games and reveling in the enchantment she brings to their lives.
Under the silvery glow of the full moon, (Y/n) danced amidst the ancient trees, her movements as fluid as the gentle breeze that rustled the leaves. The forest was alive with enchantment, and little did she know, it was about to become even more magical.
As (Y/n) twirled, her laughter tinkled like chimes in the night, drawing the attention of Prince Joshua, who happened to be exploring the woods in disguise, his royal garb concealed beneath a cloak of twilight shadows. Intrigued by the joyful sound, he followed the melody of her laughter until he spotted her in a moonlit glade, surrounded by curious woodland creatures.
Joshua hid behind the creatures, enchanted by her dance just like the fireflies who danced with her in the night. Her wings sparkled as if they had been adorned with diamonds. Joshua was awakened from her charming spell as she suddenly came to a stop and looked right at him. 
“Hello there, nightwalker,” Joshua was surprised that she had seen him for her shining eyes had been closed during her dance, yet she knew exactly where he had been standing for the last couple of minutes admiring the beautiful fairy’s dance. “Hi, you must be the one they call ‘Lady of the Moon’, or am I mistaken?” Joshua walked over to the moonlit space where the girl had been dancing previously, all to take a closer look at the fairy. “That is true, they also call me crazy for only socializing with the woodland creatures rather than the other fairies, so take your pick,” Joshua couldn’t help but snicker at the fairy’s remark, everything about her so far intrigued him like no one had ever done before. 
“And who might you be, nightwalker?” (Y/n) slightly flapped her wings as she floated around in the air around the boy whom she had never seen before. Though he was mostly covered by a dark cloak, she could still see part of his handsome face and proud stance. Indicating that he was from the city, a noble fairy. The cloak might have been dark but the material was thick and expensive, not something just an ordinary woodland fairy would possess. 
Joshua was conflicted over whether to reveal his identity or keep it hidden. He deeply desired to know more of the dancing fairy in front of him, though as crown prince of Elaria, he feared that she wouldn’t wish to speak more with him. Carefully, he lifted his hands and lowered the hood of his cloak, revealing his face to the girl who fluttered her wings and danced around him. 
“My name is Joshua, what is your name, Miss Lady of the Moon?” (Y/n) gasped as the mysterious man revealed his face and his name. The man was crown prince Joshua of Elaria. The man who would soon be the ruler of the Enchanted Forest. (Y/n) immediately fell into a bow. “Excuse my manors, your highness. My name is (Y/n),” “Please don’t bow to me, (Y/n). I am not here as your prince, I am simply a nightwalker wandering the forest, you may call me Shua,” Joshua extended his hand toward (Y/n), offering to help bring her out of the bow. 
(Y/n) hesitantly took the prince’s extended hand and raised herself. “Thank you, Shua. It does feel wrong to call you by such a name though if it is what my prince desires I shall obey,” “How come you’re out here dancing in the moonlight?” (Y/n) flapped her wings once again, slightly rising from the ground, twirling in the light breeze. “It’s peaceful, most of the time it is just the woodland creatures and I. No one here to judge us, meaning we are free to do what we wish. And also, I enjoy the Enchanted Forest during nighttime a little more than during the day, I can’t explain why, it is just how I have always been,” 
Joshua removed his cloak, revealing his wings. Prince Joshua’s wings were a marvel to behold, reminiscent of the dawn sky kissed by the first light of day. They were expansive, stretching gracefully from his back, and shimmered in hues that shifted like the colors of the morning horizon. The base of his wings was a deep, velvety indigo, reminiscent of the twilight sky, blending seamlessly into shades of cobalt and sapphire as they extended outward.
In the moonlight, his wings took on an ethereal glow, casting a soft luminescence that illuminated the night around him. Delicate patterns, reminiscent of intricate constellations, adorned the membranes, their silvery lines glowing softly, enhancing the wings' otherworldly beauty. Each movement caused the patterns to dance, creating a mesmerizing display of light and shadow.
(Y/n) gasped in awe as Joshua revealed his magnificent wings, their iridescent splendor catching the moonlight in a dazzling display. Her eyes widened in wonder, mirroring the sparkle of the stars above, as she took in the breathtaking sight before her. The enchanting patterns and delicate shimmer left her utterly mesmerized, her heart skipping a beat at the ethereal beauty of his wings.
A sense of reverence washed over (Y/n) as she realized the true nature of the prince standing before her. She sensed the depth of his royal lineage and the immense responsibility he bore. Yet, despite his regal appearance, there was a warmth in his eyes and a gentleness in his smile that put her at ease.
Unable to contain her admiration, (Y/n) stepped closer, her fingers gently tracing the intricate patterns on his wings. "They're... they're extraordinary," she whispered, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "I've never seen anything so beautiful."
Joshua’s eyes softened with gratitude at her words, appreciating the sincerity in her gaze. He extended his hand, inviting her to touch his wings, a silent gesture of trust and friendship. As her fingertips brushed against the soft wings, a subtle, magical energy tingled in the air, sealing the bond between them and marking the beginning of a remarkable friendship in the heart of the enchanted forest. “May I dance with you?” Joshua asked as he smiled at the girl who admired his wings. (Y/n) answered with a smile and a little nod. 
Under the luminous embrace of the moon, Prince Joshua and (Y/n) took flight, their wings carrying them gracefully into the night sky. Their movements were as harmonious as the melody of the forest, twirling and spinning amidst the stars, leaving behind a trail of stardust that shimmered in their wake. The enchanted night seemed to come alive with their dance as if the very essence of the forest was celebrating their newfound friendship.
With every dip and soar, they laughed, their voices mingling with the night wind, creating a joyous symphony that resonated through the trees. The woodland creatures below, drawn by the magical aura surrounding the pair, watched in awe. Deer peeked from behind ancient oaks, rabbits paused in their midnight nibbling, and owls hooted in rhythm with their dance, adding a natural melody to the enchanted evening.
Joshua and (Y/n) shared a connection that transcended words, their laughter echoing the shared secrets of the forest. They danced with a grace that mirrored the rustle of leaves and the flow of streams, their wings flickering like shooting stars as they spun and glided through the night. Their movements seemed effortless, guided by an invisible thread of understanding that bound them together.
As they descended back to the forest floor, the woodland creatures approached, their eyes filled with admiration and curiosity. Squirrels chattered excitedly, and butterflies fluttered around them as if offering their applause to the charming pair. Joshua and (Y/n) greeted their audience with smiles, their laughter blending with the night sounds of the forest.
In that magical moment, surrounded by the wonders of nature and the camaraderie of woodland beings, Prince Joshua and (Y/n) found solace in each other's company. Their dance in the moonlight had not only enchanted the forest but had also woven the beginnings of a timeless friendship, destined to be celebrated by both the mystical realm and the hearts of those who witnessed their extraordinary bond. 
The sun began rising from its sleep as the newfound friends sat on the ground admiring the song of the birds as they too awoke from their sleep. Shua hastily stood from the ground as he realized just how long he had been out there in the forest. (Y/n) followed after the prince, standing up though the girl was confused over why he seemed so distressed. “Is something wrong, Shua?” 
“I have to leave, I should have been back at the castle long ago,” The prince hurriedly put his cloak back on and he began to leave. After taking a few steps he stopped and turned back to the fairy whom he had been dancing with all through the night. “I’ll come back to visit you as soon as I can, I promise,” “I’ll be waiting for you, here in the meadow,” And so the two parted ways, dreaming of the next time they would see one another. 
As the moons waxed and waned, Prince Joshua continued his visits to the Enchanted Forest, drawn back by the irresistible pull of (Y/n)'s laughter and the warmth of her spirit. Each encounter deepened their friendship, and with every shared moment, the bond between them grew stronger.
In the quiet glades and under the starlit canopies, they talked about their dreams and fears, shared stories of their respective worlds, and discovered the depths of each other's hearts. Their friendship was a sanctuary, a place where they could be their true selves without the constraints of titles or responsibilities.
Unbeknownst to each other, their hearts were entwined in a tapestry of emotions. Shua found himself captivated not just by (Y/n)'s beauty but by her kindness, her laughter echoing in his dreams. (Y/n), too, found herself thinking of Joshua when the sun dipped below the horizon, his smile lighting up her thoughts like the first rays of dawn.
As the seasons changed, the forest bore witness to stolen glances and lingering touches, both hesitant yet filled with unspoken affection. Their secret feelings, like the delicate petals of a rare flower, unfolded slowly, revealing the depth of their connection. The enchanted forest, with its ancient wisdom, seemed to embrace their burgeoning love, its rustling leaves and melodious birdsong serenading their hearts.
In the quiet of the moonlit nights, Shua and (Y/n) found solace in the shared secrets of their hearts. They longed for the courage to confess their feelings, yet the fear of changing their precious friendship held them back. Little did they know that the forest, with its timeless wisdom, was gently guiding them toward a love that was as boundless and eternal as the enchanting realm they called home.
A moment suspended in time, a culmination of unspoken words and lingering glances, set against the backdrop of the Enchanted Forest. The air was thick with anticipation, charged with the magic of the night, as the prince and (Y/n) stood beneath the silvery canopy of leaves, bathed in the soft glow of the moon.
Shua’s heart beat like a drum, echoing the rhythm of the forest around them, as he gently cupped (Y/n)'s face in his hands, his touch as tender as the caress of a morning breeze. His eyes, deep pools of emotion, searched hers for permission, and finding nothing but trust and affection, he leaned in slowly, his lips meeting hers in a soft, hesitant kiss.
Time seemed to stand still as their lips touched, a gentle and innocent connection that sent shivers down their spines. It was a kiss filled with the sweetness of friendship, the warmth of unspoken love, and the promise of something more. The world around them faded away, leaving only the sensation of each other's presence, the softness of their lips, and the shared heartbeat that echoed the depths of their feelings.
As they pulled away, their eyes met, and in that silent exchange, they acknowledged the depth of their emotions. A tender smile curved on Joshua’s lips, mirrored by (Y/n)'s, as they realized that their friendship had blossomed into a love that was as boundless as the Enchanted Forest itself. At that moment, the entire magical realm seemed to celebrate their love, with the rustling leaves and twinkling stars bearing witness to the beginning of a beautiful, enduring romance, destined to be etched into the tapestry of their hearts forever
“Come with me to the castle, (Y/n),” (Y/n) looked up into the eyes of the boy she loved dearly, tears silently filling them. “I can’t, Shua. I can’t leave my home here,” “Please, darling, you can always return here, if you come with me to the castle, you can attend my coronation ball and I can introduce you to my parents, if we do that, we can be together forever,” (Y/n) walked a few steps away from Joshua, turning her head to look up at the moon. The winter sparkles slowly fall around them. “Why can’t you stay here with me?” 
“I have a duty to my kingdom, (Y/n). I’m the crown prince of Elaria. I can’t just leave the throne, I have no brother or sister who can take it for me. I am the lone heir to the throne,” “I need some time to think, Joshua. I have lived in this forest my entire life, I don’t think I can bear to part with it or the woodland creatures who have spent countless nights with me dancing under the night sky,” With that, the lovers parted ways, for the first time, their goodbyes were laced with sadness and hurt rather than overflowing with love. 
The night of the coronation ball arrived, and the grand palace of Elaria glittered like a thousand stars. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, and the soft glow of enchanted chandeliers illuminated the magnificent ballroom. Velvet curtains, rich in hues of midnight blue and silver, cascaded from the high windows, creating an ambiance of regal splendor.
Noble fairies and mystical beings from all corners of the realm gathered in their most resplendent attire. Joshua, now dressed in royal garments adorned with intricate patterns of silver thread and sapphires, stood at the entrance of the ballroom, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of excitement and responsibility. His crown, a masterpiece of enchantment, rested upon his head, symbolizing the weight of his new role as the king of Elaria.
The ballroom was alive with music, the melody of harps and flutes weaving through the air, inviting couples to dance in perfect harmony. The guests twirled and swirled, their laughter and conversations filling the space, creating an atmosphere of joy and celebration.
Amidst the grandeur, Joshua’s eyes searched the crowd, longing for the presence of (Y/n). He felt a pang of sadness, a void in his heart, as he realized she wasn't there. Despite the festivities, his thoughts kept drifting to her, the absence of her laughter and her smile casting a subtle shadow over his joyous occasion.
Unbeknownst to Joshua, (Y/n) had chosen not to attend the ball, her heart torn between her happiness for his achievement and the ache of unspoken emotions. Instead, she stayed in the quiet depths of the Enchanted Forest, her thoughts with the prince even as she danced beneath the moonlit canopy with the woodland creatures. The stars above seemed to reflect the sorrow in her eyes, mirroring the bittersweet nature of their relationship.
As the night wore on, Joshua fulfilled his royal duties with grace, his laughter mingling with the melodies of the ballroom. Yet, in the midst of the celebration, he couldn't shake the feeling of incompleteness, a yearning for the presence of the one person who held his heart in the gentle embrace of her hands.
After the glittering coronation ball, Joshua couldn't shake off the lingering sense of emptiness that enveloped him. Fueled by an overwhelming desire to find (Y/n), he ventured into the Enchanted Forest once more. The moon hung low in the sky, casting ethereal shadows among the ancient trees as he searched, his heart pounding in his chest.
With each step, he called out her name, his voice carrying through the rustling leaves and the whispers of the night breeze. "Y/n!" he cried, his tone filled with a mix of urgency and longing, but there was no reply except for the symphony of the forest.
Alone in the fading light, (Y/n) clutched the letter that would change everything, tears staining the ink. Each stroke was a reminder of a love that was slipping away, leaving her stranded in a sea of heartache. As she heard the cries of her lover come closer she hurried to leave the envelope on the ground where they shared their first kiss before she left, seeking shelter in the deep dark forest she called her home. 
Finally, he reached a familiar clearing, where he had often met (Y/n) under the moonlight. There, beneath the soft glow of the stars, he found a delicate parchment bearing his name, placed gently upon a bed of moss. His hands trembled as he unfolded the letter, his eyes scanning the elegant handwriting.
"My dearest Shua," the letter began, its words imbued with both love and sorrow. "I cherish the moments we shared, the laughter, and the unspoken bond between us. But I must follow my heart's path, even if it leads me away from you. Know that you will always reside in the deepest corners of my soul, and our memories will be my guiding stars."
Joshua’s heart sank as he read her words, realizing that his beloved had chosen a different journey, one that didn't include him by her side. He closed his eyes, a mixture of grief and understanding washing over him. The forest seemed to echo his pain, the leaves whispering their sympathy in the night.
In the quiet of the Enchanted Forest, beneath the sorrowful moon, Joshua stood alone, holding the letter to his chest as he let the reality of her absence settle in. Although he couldn't hold her in his arms, the memory of their shared moments, the warmth of her smile, and the echo of her laughter would forever be etched in his heart, a bittersweet reminder of a love that had once blossomed in the magical depths of Elaria.
"My love, my heart aches with every step you take away from me. I wish I could rewrite fate, but the burden of the kingdom weighs heavily upon my shoulders. Please know that my sacrifice is not a measure of my love for you, but a testament to the duty I must uphold. May time heal our wounds and bring you the happiness you deserve." Joshua said out loud, wishing that the wind would carry his heartfelt words to his lost lover. He then left the forest, throughout his long reign on the throne he never once returned to that sacred spot in the forest too scared he would find (Y/n) dancing with someone who was not him. 
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renzuria · 11 months
Seizing the Perfect Moment || Punkflower
Hobie, a British punk with a wild spirit, found himself captivated by his best friend, Miles. Their hearts yearned for each other, but fear of rejection lingered, preventing them from confessing their feelings. Yet, destiny had something special in store for them, ready to push them in the right direction.
On a sunny afternoon, Hobie, Miles, Gwen, and Pav gathered at their favorite local park. The air was filled with laughter, a symphony of youthful exuberance. They revealed themselves in each other's company, creating an ambiance of nostalgia and euphoria. These moments would become treasured memories of their carefree teenage years.
Boldness infused Hobie's spirit as he recognized the opportune time to make his move. Miles casually mentioned his struggle with a challenging final project, unknowingly opening a door for Hobie's intervention. Eager to help and secretly hoping for more, Hobie couldn't contain his excitement.
With a mix of surprise and gratitude, Miles looked at Hobie, yearning for assistance. Hobie's nerves escalated as he considered expressing his true feelings. Summoning his courage, he nodded and offered his help. Miles' warm smile conveyed a sense of hope, shattering Hobie's fears of rejection. It felt like the universe was conspiring to align their shared desires.
As they settled down to work, Hobie's heart danced within his chest. Amidst their collaboration, he stole fleeting glances at Miles, his cheeky grin infectious. Miles, overcome by a surge of emotion, spontaneously kissed Hobie's cheek, surprising them both. A jolt of electricity coursed through their veins, igniting a spark that had been waiting to ignite.
Hobie blushed, his wide eyes reflecting astonishment at the unexpected gesture. With a voice barely audible, he whispered Miles' name, seeking affirmation and clarification. In that moment, Hobie's vulnerability laid bare.
Miles, unable to contain his own emotions any longer, grinned with unadulterated delight. He admitted his longing, confessing that he held deep feelings for Hobie as well. Their hearts finally aligned, intertwining in a way that transcended friendship. The weight of their shared secret was lifted, replaced by a newfound lightness.
Gwen and Pav, their closest confidants, had watched the romance bloom from the sidelines. Their secret delight had become a shared secret, hidden behind amused glances and knowing smiles. Gwen couldn't contain her excitement, exclaiming, "It's about time!" Laughter filled the air as Pavitr chimed in, "We've known for ages. You two are perfect together." Their genuine support and encouragement reinforced the strength of Hobie and Miles' love.
As the newly declared couple soaked in the bliss of their newfound love, Gwen seized a perfect moment with her camera. She snapped a photograph, capturing the genuine happiness radiating from Hobie and Miles. In that image, their joyful journey from secret crushes to shared love was forever immortalized. It became a tangible reminder of their journey, a symbol of their unwavering bond.
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togrowoldinv · 2 years
Cooking With Flo… And Family
Florence Pugh x Female Reader
Florence is doing a Cooking with Flo when her daughter and wife join in on the fun. Based on this request
Florence Pugh Masterlist, Main Masterlist
Florence gathers her ingredients and checks on her daughter one last time before she starts her Instagram live.
Easy listening music starts playing and Florence does her intro. She dances and smiles at the camera as she enters the view.
“It’s Cooking with Flo, bitches,” Florence says. The last word comes out quieter so your young daughter doesn’t hear her from the next room.
Florence puts on her yellow apron and starts explaining what she’s going to be cooking. She’s only been going a few minutes before your daughter comes clambering up to her.
“Why hello there, darling!” Florence says to her. She puts down her cooking utensils and lifts her onto hip.
“Hi Mummy,” your daughter, Augustine, says quietly. She buries her face in Florence’s neck.
“Everyone, it looks like I’ve got some company for this Cooking with Flo. My little one here really loves being in my arms,” Florence says sweetly.
Augustine stays attached to Florence’s side as she continues to cook and talk on the live. Flo purposely asks Augustine questions and drops soft kisses to her head and cheeks.
This is the sight you come home to. You’ve been at work all day and can’t wait to see your wife and daughter.
“Oh, my wife is home!” Florence says excitedly when she hears you come inside. “She hasn’t seen my hair and I want to see her reaction.”
“Hey, baby,” you say as you enter the kitchen. You put your bags down and drop your keys on the counter.
“Hello, my love. I’m just doing a Cooking with Flo,” Florence says.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll just-“ you begin but when you look at her fully you suddenly notice a difference. “What did- you cut your hair?”
You cross the room and hold her face gently. She grins at you.
“I wanted to surprise you,” Florence says.
“Wow. Florence, you’re so beautiful,” you say.
“You like it?” She asks hopefully.
“I love it, Flo. I love you,” you tell her. “And I love you too, August.”
She mumbles an I love you and you and Florence smile at her.
“She’s sleepy,” Flo says.
“I bet. Here let me put her down and I’ll come back and help you cook. That sound good?” You ask her.
“Sounds perfect, baby,” Florence says as she hands you your daughter. She kisses her forehead goodnight and you take her to her room.
“Okay, sorry for the brief interruption people. I see the comments are going wild about me and my wife. Yeah, I made her speechless for a minute,” Florence says with a cheeky laugh. “When she comes back, I’ll show her your teasing comments.”
When you reenter the kitchen, Florence pulls you into a giant hug and kisses your cheeks.
“The fans love you, y/n,” Florence whispers in your ear. You smile and look at her phone to see the comments.
“I’m being teased for being speechless when seeing you as if you aren’t the most beautiful woman in the world,” you say as you lean over the counter to read. Florence blushes behind you and wraps her arms around your waist.
“You’re the beautiful one, y/n,” she says.
“Nope. But also I have plenty of stories that you guys can tease Florence about,” you say with a knowing grin.
“No, please don’t,” Florence says playfully. She steps out from behind you.
“Oh, I will baby,” you tease her.
“I’ll give you so many hugs if you don’t.”
“Deal,” you say without hesitating and the two of you share a long laugh.
All the while, the live catches your antics and everyone sees just how in love you and Florence are. And no one can deny you’re perfect for each other.
Tag List: @gracebutnotgraceful @i-wished-for-you-too @idkwhygregg @be-missed @mythosphere-x @likefirenrain @hehehehannahthings @laaurrel @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @flosbelova @yelenabelovaisthebettersister @ggrangerdanger @kkeduwjdjje @mrswidowjohansson @alotofpockets @marvelwomen-simp @maia-lightwoood @mortallytremendoussandwich @xxromanoffxx @whitemanshoe19 @peanutbutterprincess @picnicmic @wandaslittlewhore @marie45019 @inluvwithfictionalwomen @kacka84 @sammi1642 @itsyourgirlmalise @jujuu23 @hb8301 @the-night-owl-blr @avatarsnips @romanoffswoman @natashasilverfox @harleysincairo @natasha-danvers @rach2602 @taisiyaswlwreads @lovelyy-moonlight
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no-passaran · 2 months
Video transcription: warning racism & discrimination. Indian settlers dressed as Indigenous Jarawa in blackface dance at the official opening of Andaman airport. The Indian government's racist attitude to Andaman and Nicobar Islands' tribes is a threat to their lands and survival - like the uncontacted Shompen people, who won't survive the Indian government's plan to turn their island into the "Hong Kong of India".
From Survival International:
The indigenous peoples of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India ���including the Great Andamanese, Jarawa, Sentinelese and Shompen— have endured centuries of racism that has justified the theft of their land and their near-total annihilation. Indigenous peoples of India are still often treated with contempt, as racist displays like this video of Indian settlers wearing blackface shows. These attitudes continue to fuel land thefts today.
For example, the Indian government is set on using Indigenous land for development without consent. The Shompen who live on Great Nicobar Island are at risk of being wiped out if their forest is used for a mega-development project, which aims to settle over 650,000 people on the island— the equivalent of an 8,000% increase in population.
Without their forest, the Shompen, most of whom are uncontacted, could be totally wiped out.
More information on the Shompen, the Indian Government's mega-project for turning their island into a military, commercial and touristic base through ecocide and genocide, and a link to easily send a pre-written email to the government officials and companies involved here:
Some context to understand why Indian settlers are caricaturely dressed up as Jarawa people in this airport:
The Jarawa are a nomadic cultural group indigenous to the Andaman Islands, where nowadays indigenous peoples are outnumbered by settlers from India. Still, like most tribal peoples who live self-sufficiently on their ancestral lands, the Jarawa people thrive and their numbers are steadily growing. Research on their nutrition and health found that their nutrition is "optimal", in large part thanks to their deep knowledge of their natural surroundings (they have detailed knowledge of more than 150 plant and 350 animal species) and the well-being of the forests.
In the 1990s, the local Indian settler authorities revealed their long-term ‘master plan’ to settle the Jarawa in two villages with an economy based on fishery, suggesting that hunting and gathering could be their ‘sports’. This meant forcing the Jarawa, who are nomadic and get their food from hunting and gathering, to abandon their way of living. The plan was so prescriptive it even detailed what style of clothes the Jarawa should wear.
Forced settlement had been fatal for other tribes in the Andaman Islands, but a vigorous campaign brought success and in 2004 the authorities announced that the Jarawa would be able to choose their own future with minimal intervention. However, in the next years (most notably 2010), Indian settler authorities have again tried to force the Jarawa to abandon their way of life and become part of India's mainstream society. This pressure continues, including Indian MPs asking for residential schools to be created to take away Jarawa children from their families and strip them from their culture.
Indian government officials repeatedly refer to the Jarawa people as "primitive", "backwards" and "uncivilized".
Tribal peoples like the Jarawa are used as a tourist claim by Indian settlers, who organize "human safaris" for tourists to go see Jarawa people. Even though in 2002 India's Supreme Court ordered closing the highway that runs through Jarawa land, it's still open and used by thousands of outsiders who go watch them like they're wild animals in human safaris.
Outsiders, both local settlers and international poachers enter their rich forest reserve to steal the game the tribe needs to survive. Although in recent years many poachers have been arrested, none have been sentenced by the courts, despite the offence carrying a prison term of up to seven years.
Jarawa girls and women are sexually abused by poachers, settlers, bus drivers and others. Jarawa people report outsiders who get drunk on alcohol and high on marijuana going in Jarawa villages to rape Jarawa girls and women.
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Vehicles queue to enter the Jarawa reserve along the Andaman Trunk Road © G Chamberlain/ Survival
Source: Survival International.
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