#Genshin characters x traveler
blunderland · 2 years
Another one 🌚
As always, minors dni and read the tags. If uncomfortable, continue scrolling and be on your merry way. Otherwise, click the link to the fanfic and enjoy 😈
I don't know where else and how else to promote my work so hello tumblr 👋 
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Kong | Aether/Nobushi Characters (Genshin Impact) Characters: Kong | Aether (Genshin Impact), Nobushi Characters (Genshin Impact) Additional Tags: NSFW, Dubious Consent, Horny Kong | Aether (Genshin Impact), Gangbang, Foursome - M/M/M/M, Slut Kong | Aether (Genshin Impact), Cock Slut Kong | Aether (Genshin Impact), Belly Bulge, cum kink, Bottom Kong | Aether (Genshin Impact), Sub Kong | Aether (Genshin Impact), Double Penetration, Anal Sex, Double Anal Penetration, Face-Fucking, No Plot/Plotless, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Rough Sex, No Paimon (Genshin Impact), Aether just wants dick and to be filled with cum, Mob x aether, Nobushi - Freeform, Nobushi x Aether, Aether is a bottom in all my fanfics sorry not sorry, Implied triple penetration, OOC Aether, aether is just some sex toy in this series, Moaning, multiple mentions of cum, please read the tags before proceeding, I need to expand my vocabulary Series: Part 1 of Inside Aether Summary:
“Don’t sleep just yet, pretty boy.” One of the nobushi said with a malicious lick of his lips as he spread Aether’s legs as wide as possible. “The fun’s not over.”
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m1d-45 · 5 months
summary: many things have changed in aether's life since he met you...
word count: 2.7k
-> warnings: n/a
-> gn reader (you/yours) + aether as traveller!
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay || @cupandtea24 || @genshin-impacts-me || @chaoticfivesworld || @raaawwwr || @ryuryuryuyurboat || @undrxtxd || @rainswept || @wanderersqt || @rozz-eokkk
< masterlist >
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aether isn’t quite human. at least not entirely, not anymore.
it could be argued that even prior to coming to teyvat, he and his sister weren’t entirely human. they were nearly always stronger than the native life wherever they traveled, never lingering long enough for an accurate portrait to be drawn. between their glittering wings and the razor sharp swords at their hips, it could be easily argued that from the perspective of the people they visited they could be called angels.
a few wrote legends about them. the gilded warriors with shimmering swords that blinded as they slashed, so in step with each other that it was as if they were one being. the saviors, the adventurers, the peaceful giants, twin faces atop four wings apiece. lumine always managed to sneak away a copy of these legends, and they privately laughed over the artwork at their camp that night.
“we don’t look that intimidating, do we?”
“i’m fairly certain-… hang on, is that a tail?”
“that’s supposed to my hair, i think.”
“no no, look. it connects lower, here.”
“…by the stars-”
they didn’t see themselves that way, though. they were simply twins, defined by the other in every sense. never apart for long, always stood side by side, trading swords before a dangerous fight as a promise to return them.
‘draw me with courage.’
‘wield me with valor.’
lumine and aether and aether and lumine. they never fussed about the order, so long as they were together. call them whatever you’d like, insults or praise or a simple, tired request to leave, as long as it was both of them. they were all they had left. the other half of their life. to try and pry apart the seam would only result in bleeding hearts, limbs tangling together to at least die by the other’s side. even ‘twin’ was too simple a word to fit the entirety of their lives into. ‘twin’ implied a degree of separation, an impossible gap between them where wind would blow and the world would dig into, pushing them away like waves in a boat’s wake. ‘twin’ was too shallow a word, to bitter, too small to encompass everything they felt.
such fervent devotion could never be considered ‘human,’ for no human would ever live long enough to know the fear that came with knowing everything that swelled would eventually fall. no human would clutch so desperately to the twin pillars in their life—would ever consider basing their world upon two things. they’d call it foolish, even, for what would you do if one collapsed?
aether never liked that question. he didn’t like it when he and lumine first heard it, he didn’t like it when he and lumine heard it a second time, he didn’t like it anytime he and lumine heard it after that. he didn’t like it now, her sword slipping from his hands as he reached, his fingers barely brushing hers.
the unknown god laughed, and he barely had time to feel rage before the world closed in on him and his memory faded away.
aether and lumine. lumine and aether. she was always insistent upon his safety, but just this once he wished she wasn’t. living in whatever stasis she was in within that cube would certainly hurt less than this, bile rising in his throat at his failure.
somewhere in his mind, he knew that it logically wasn’t his fault. he remembered the layer of warmth that had surrounded him mid-battle, saw the reflection of understanding in lumine’s eyes. it wasn’t technically his fault, he didn’t ask to be saved, ignoring that it was his own actions that led to his god’s blessing. perhaps if he wasn’t so strict about the time of his prayer he wouldn’t have to be alone on this beach, though there was no way to find out. the sand stretched on either side, and though it wasn’t infinite, he had not left the immediate area around where he’d first woken up. to move was to move on, to leave, to accept that his world had shattered into a thousand little fragments and to give up on picking them off the floor. he couldn’t leave. to leave was to surrender to this new fate. to leave was to forget about his sister, to forget about his self, to forget about the half of his life he never imagined he could lose.
family and faith. to lose his gods favor was a threat he could live with, as there would only be himself to blame. but his sister?
if he hadn’t fished up paimon, he’s not certain he would have eaten the fish that came up instead.
she was bright, bubbly, at least after coughing up an impossible amount of seawater. she thanked him profusely while wringing out her hair, insisting on helping him in return because “it’s only fair!” as if he wasn’t three times her weight (save her magic) and and ten times as strong.
and he let her. he’s not sure why, but he did. he watched her fumble to catch crabs, ending up covered in sand, and managed a weak smile. it was for her, he told himself, spearing three with a sword that wasn’t his, helping her arrange driftwood into a measly campfire. he hardly felt hungry despite being on the beach for what had to be a few months in local time, but she was so insistent that he have some.. it was for her benefit. he just had to get her somewhere safe, then… then…
“so, where are you from?”
aether looked up from his barely-touched meal, meeting her eyes. they were so wide and earnest, too trusting for someone that just met him.
not that he had any ill intentions. no, lumine would always joke that the day he was willingly rude to another would be the day the sky turned red—something that had been the case on one of the planets they’d visited, much to her delight.
aether turned back to the fire, pushing aside the memory. “another planet.” his voice was hoarse and his throat scratched with salt from attempting to drink the seawater earlier, which was not as potable as he’d hoped. “i flew here with my sister.”
“you have a sister?” paimon looked around, though they both knew she wouldn’t find anything. “where is she?”
aether swallowed salt and bile, taking another bite of his crab just to stall. “how about we talk in the morning?”
she let the topic drop.
he didn’t sleep that night, lending her his scarf as a pillow and keeping watch. she didn’t wake when the moon erased the shadows in the sand, or when the sun first crested the sea, or when the sky fully lightened to a pale blue, birdsong filling the air. one of the remnants from the fire found its way into his hand, reaching out to gently shake her awake. her eyes were heavy and she covered her mouth as she yawned, aether looking away before his own could water.
he drew nothing in the sand as she asked her questions—who are you, where’d you come from, who are you missing, what happened to her, why didn’t you do anything?—sketching out mountains and seas he wiped away as soon as they took form. he spoke for much longer than he meant to, his words pulled out as if they were tied to some invisible string.
when was the last time he was alone for this long?
paimon listened intently, brows drawn and frowning deeply, watching as he carved twin—twin, separated by time and space—stars into the sand. “so… what you’re trying to say is that you fell here… from another world? but when you wanted to leave, to go on to the next world, your path was blocked by some unknown god?”
wow, he wanted to snark, i didn’t know there was an echo out here! but the chance never came. magic gripped him by the throat and his eyes went wide in panic, his mouth shaping words he didn’t choose to say by force. he didn’t want to say what someone else told him to. he didn’t know what was going on. he was being pulled at some ghost’s whims, walking stiffly across the sand. it did not skid from beneath his feet, nor pull his balance one way or another. it was solid as stone, leading him up the beach without warning, without knowledge of why or when it would stop.
when was the last time he was this helpless?
he stumbled across the shore on uncoordinated limbs, fighting fruitlessly. ahead, slime bubbled up from where the sand met the sea, but the ghost did not stop. mist coagulated into a pale blue blob with hazy spots for eyes, and only then was he allowed to stop. paimon yelped and ducked behind him, a familiar weight sinking into his hand. the slime had barely the chance to turn and see him, jerking up as if surprised, when his arm slashed forward.
a sword. not his sword, not lumine’s sword, but a sword, pulled from nowhere, the dull blade hacking at the blob of its own will until the sludge dispersed and sunk back into the sand. a soft mist lingered above the sand, but he was pulled forward without care or remorse. he didn’t even know if it would have hurt him.
weight hit him between the shoulders, cold spreading over his skin and absorbing into his skin. energy buzzed beside his ear, his earring humming with neither outlet nor conduit. were he anyone else, he would have been afraid, but he recognized the buzz. all at once, he understood. all at once, the weak puppetry was vindicated, his muscles relaxing and letting it happen. your energy sank into him, and he let himself stop worrying.
if you were here, he’d be okay. if you were here, you could fix this.
if you were here, he could find his sister, and everything would be okay again.
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aether was not human. not entirely, not anymore, and he knew the people of mondstat could tell. you had stayed to guide his body for a week, alternating between helping the knights with dvalin and exploring the plains of mondstat. he was weak and your grip was frail, his attacks uncoordinated and clumsy, but you were there. you understood. the cavalry captain gave him a long stare as they exited his domain, a mix of curiosity and disbelief swirling in his one eye.
when you finally left, you did so in the middle of mondstat square. a physical weight lifted from his shoulders, the anemo he’d absorbed turning from calm and controlled to pushing at the edges of his form, trying to make him give. the anemo archon approached, soothing the wind with a wave of his hand, pulling him along for a drink and a chat. his knees did not want to bend without your command, his mind fraying a bit from continued exposure.
“how interesting, that you’re still standing after a week without rest,” the bartender remarked, the glass in his hands obviously an excuse to keep them above the bar. “what’s your name, outlander?”
he did not think of his own name. no, when he went to answer, he thought of the name you had given him, the one you whispered as you sheltered him from the unknown god’s wrath. it was not his, but it was yours, and wasn’t that what he was asking for?
it took too long for him to answer. red eyes narrowed but eventually chalked it up to exhaustion, giving him directions he couldn’t hear. the captain led him to a room in the back, but he didn’t sleep that night, sitting at the window and searching for the thin sliver of stars.
he didn’t need to eat anymore. he could, certainly, and it tasted fine enough, but he didn’t exactly need to. he’d thought it odd, at first, that barbatos was healed strictly by the wind, but he understood now. he spent his free time sitting under vanessa’s tree, half-asleep as he waited for your return.
you were his source of energy, of will. you knew answers to problems he’d have given up on, and if you didn’t then you tried and tried and tried again until you got it right. you were the power that purified dvalin’s tears, you swept the wind to fix the holy lyre, you cleared the seals around decarabian’s tower. he was a medium, and he was happy with that. your presence waxed and waned, the lapses without you seeming to pass by in a blink.
a few of the knights worried for him, but he knew your vessels understood. none held as much of your power as him, none were as reliant on you, but they understood. they excused his oddities with a kind smile, paimon always at his side to make sure he didn’t waste away the day simply sitting in one spot. prior to coming to teyvat, the concept of elemental sight was something he was only vaguely familiar with. a few planets had some talented witches that could feel the flow of energy through the ground and grass, who could watch the mist in the air and predict the weather. he’d never experienced it himself before. now, the world lit up as his eyes took on a teal sheen, your power mixing with the anemo within him to grant him insight. the world was so vibrant, even the most mundane sights capturing his attention. how could he not stare? if he had it his way he’d always view your creations like this.. but whenever paimon snapped him out of it he’d come out of it with a headache, not to mention his staring tended to be off-putting to those around.
a lot of his new behaviors were. when within your control, he moved stiffly, with repetitive motions forecast well in advance. you chose what he said, when and how he moved, you controlled the very flow of elements through his body. it was harder and harder to think for himself without you there and though paimon handled most of the conversation, there was only so much she could say.
“who are you looking for?” lumine. his sister. himself. the knowledge was there but his throat was closed, unwilling to move without your order.
“thank you for your help.” you’re welcome. don’t worry about it. it was nothing. all he could manage was a stiff nod, eyes flicking to the sky, counting the days until your return. he’d gotten a good grasp of your routine by now.
“who are you?” yours. a traveller. lumine’s. he could not blame those they ran across for their suspicion, even though he wanted to. could they not feel the remains of your presence lingering around him?
they had to go to the rite of decension soon. liyue was holding off, though, waiting for your arrival. they’d never dare to make you miss it, so aether felt no hurry to leave. he laid in the middle of windrise, staring up at the stars. he used to sit atop the knights’ headquarters, but it took too long for the lights of the city to turn out and he liked picking out the various constellations.
his was up there, somewhere. he didn’t have a vision like your other vessels, but he could feel it. it was written right beside your decision to save him and not lumine, alongside your actions in mondstat and everything you’d do in liyue. fate, you’d called it, well-acquainted and intertwined.
aether fell asleep on wet grass among cold wind. he did not get sick, nor was he attacked or otherwise hurt. why would he have been, anyway? your blood was in his veins; he had nothing at all to fear.
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paimonial-rage · 8 months
lol yeah ok - how about 12 and 13 instead? - last anon
[Character Analysis Ask Meme]
What is Neuvillette’s love language?
As that he does not have a way with human relationships, Neuvillette shows his feelings best through acts of service and gift-giving. After all, words are difficult and easy to construe. Quality time often leaves him at a loss for the very words he has a difficult time with. And physical touch? That’s simply too intimate for him. So what better way to show how he feels through something concrete? Surely if he gives of his time and resources for the people he cares about, they will understand how high of a regard he holds them. At least, he hopes. 
What is Neuvillette like in a relationship?
As unfamiliar with human emotions as he is, you notice Neuvillette’s feelings for you long before he does. How can you not? You see it clearly—the softness in his eyes whenever they fall upon you, the fondness in his smile, the requests for you to stay if not just a moment longer. You are taken by surprise the day he notices. He approaches you with a troubled, albeit bashful expression. He says that it was brought to his attention that he has feelings for you. Adorable as he is, what else can you do but accept them?
Much to your expectation, there is a hesitance in his step after he begins to court you. He has never been in a relationship before. He doesn’t want to mess it up. So how close is he allowed to walk next to you? Is it proper to offer you his arm? Will you refuse him if he asks you to accompany him to a show? But your presence at his side leaves him light-headed. How many times this has lead to social gaffes and things of the sort? But when you laugh, how can he not chuckle to himself in turn?
With Neuvillette, you will find no bombastic displays of affection. There will not be poetic words of love and adoration. After all, Neuvillette is a simple man and will show his love through simple, yet earnest ways. He will want to spend time with you. He will want to do his best to communicate and be honest with you. He will want to make you happy in any way you see fit. He will do his best for you.
Zhongli's below the cut!
What is Zhongli’s love language?
Anyone close to the Geo Archon knows his penchant for gift-giving. Really, it often catches many by surprise the sheer thoughtfulness and rarity of the gifts he gives. Not only are they often pricey, but also chosen with the receiver specifically in mind. It’s not rare to see people moved to tears upon receiving them, touched by the amount of care he puts into each one. As with gifts, Zhongli is also liberal with the words of affirmation he gives others. He does not hesitate to state a person’s strengths, nor how high of a regard he holds them. With him, there is no room for doubt. 
What is Zhongli like in a relationship?
You don’t exactly know when you both became an item. As wordy as Zhongli is, he never bothered to tell you his feelings plainly. He even rejected you at first, stating he didn’t see you in that way. But then he said he’d try, didn’t he? And from that point, things began to change. How he’d invite you to Miss Yun’s performances, or offered his arm for you to take while he’d walk you home. How he’d tell you the most outrageous stories with a straight face, then laugh with an amused glint in his eye when you took him seriously. Somewhere along the way, the wall he kept began to fall.
Still, it is hard to tell his feelings as he never becomes the most physical with his affections. He does not hug you, nor does he hold your hand when you walk at his side. Sparing the moments when you’re the most endearing, he does not often kiss you of his own accord. Still, there is a level of familiarity and intimacy that he displays with no one else. You’re the only person he’ll let by his side on the days he wants most to be left alone. You’re the one whose opinions matter the most. You’re the only one he’ll tease as mercilessly as he does. You’re special.
With Zhongli, you realize that your relationship with him is not primarily one of romance, but of companionship. He does not simply view you as a friend. No, you’re much more than that. Out of all the things that come and go in his life, you are and will always be the only constant. You are everything to him. Even if you may part ways for a time, the place by his side will always remain yours. A relationship with you is a contract, one that he will always uphold. 
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qmabailor · 10 months
Traveler/You: I really like a man who is environmentally aware.
Itto: *trying his best* There's a cloud! :D
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2w1ld3st-2dr3ams · 1 year
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕝𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖, 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕖?
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Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters: Aether, Lumine, Dom!GN!Reader (separate)
Cw: Sub!Character, Dom!reader, praise kink, begging, reader is a bit of a flirt (an honest flirt), fingering (character recieving), thigh riding (character riding), heavy make-out sessions (Lumine), no penetrative sex, no mentions of reader's genitals, an excuse to praise both travelers cuz they deserve it, my bias for soft sex, lowkey Lumine favouritsm (I love em both dw).
Post Type: Headcannons + Scenario
Word Count: 547 (Aether), 507 (Lumine)
Mumbles: Lowkey flirting with the ai Aether bot and he straight up told me he likes when I praise him, so I got inspired to write this. Added Lumine cuz girls need praise too! This was a field day for me whew. TLDR: the twins discover they have a praise kink and you help out.
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It was a normal day out in Teyvat for Aether, solving puzzle after puzzle and collecting a lot of treasure
You, having nothing better to do, decided to join him for the day
He was excited to have you join in on his adventures, you usually spend most of your time away
So, as you can imagine, he made sure to show off extra hard today, just for you
And it worked!
You were surely impressed, looking at him in a quiet amazement as you smiled at his accomplishments
"Wow, starlight, you're quite proficient doing this type of things. You look so pretty doing it to, you've done such a good job getting treasure." You praise him in amazement
His planned worked!…perhaps a bit too well…
Aether smiled, albeit a bit strained, and you swore you heard a whine leave his lips
He looked away, planning on working on the next puzzle, so you decided to let the subject go
You decided to tone it down with the praise for a while, not wanting to make him uncomfortable
However, he seemed rather…sad, to not hear your praise at his actions
Well this isn't what he wanted, not at all!
He was decidedly more whiny around you, as if indirectly wanting to annoy the praise out of your system
Not gonna lie, it was a bit frustrating for you, but after feeling his lips against yours in a frenzy, you understood his message well enough.
Aether's moans were heavenly, and you made sure to let him know. You gently pulled him down to your thigh, helping him find a good rhythym. His hands were on your shoulders, using them as leverage to steady himself. His thighs were shaking as he moved against you, trying to chase his release.
"Look at you angel, so good for me. You ride my thigh so well~"
His moans got louder, his pace faltering. He could feel his face grow redder as you trailed kisses down his neck and chest, your hands helping him find his rhythym again while you worshiped his body. His pants and slight whimpers were bouncing off of the walls of your bedroom. He muttered out a soft "please…" as his pace quickened.
"Please what, sunshine? C'mon, let me hear your sweet voice."
His hips stuttered and he hung his head down. He felt his orgasm approaching, the feeling of your lips against his skin and your words of praise was too much for him.
"Please please please! Keep praising me, I-I-I'm c-close!~"
"You're doing so good, Aether. I'm so proud of you, such an obedient plaything~"
His eyes rolled back, his hips grinding harder against your thigh as he chased his release. Finally, after humping your thigh for a few moments, he came harder than he ever had his entire life. You didn't know whether to feel offended or pridefull, but the way Aether looked right now cleared your thoughts. He was breathless, face flushed and mouth slightly open. He was also drooling a bit, a fact that you used to tease him.
"Aw, did it feel that good? Well, I'm certainly not complaining, you look so heavenly right now."
Oops, looks like he's hard again! Just what are you going to do with such a needy boyfriend?
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It started out as any regular de-stress afternoon, making out!
You two were laying on a comfortable mattress while your lips moveed against each other.
It was lazy, peacefull, and exactly what Lumine needed after a long, tasking day
You two separated to take air, your eyes scanning all over her body before you dove back
"Heavens above, you're a gift sent from Celestia itself…"
The noise she made against the kiss was downright sinfull, and totally not what you expected from a lazy make out session
Before you could respond, she tugged you closer to her as she kissed you with more fervor
As she did, she guided one of your hands down to her underwear, letting it hover just above her clothed pussy
Intruiged, you pulled away from her passionate kiss
"Lumine, what was that about?"
Well this is interesting, you've never heard her beg before
After your confused expression relayed the message to her, she took a shaky breath in and out as she explained
"Your praise, it felt…good."
Ah, so that was it! Well, this certainly made your afternoon take a turn!
"Look at you, starlight, so pretty like this…"
You whisper sweet nothings in her ear as you trail kisses down her jaw, your hands sliding up and down the inside of her thigh. You could feel how her breath hitched at your words, her arm searching for a place behind your neck. Slowly, you opened her legs with your hands as you kissed further down her body.
Despite her embarrassment, she allows you to open her legs even further apart. She was breathing heavily now, in anticipation and desire. She could feel your fingers ghost over her thighs as they made their way to her underwear, slowly pulling it down to her knees. With her permition, you slowly inserted one finger into her. After. awhile, you got the green light to add another, slowly moving your fingers in and out, before curling them.
"Look how well you take me, moonlight, it's like you were made for me~"
"O-oh! I was, I was! All for you~"
You could feel her clench around your fingers, keeping them inside her while you moved your other hand to play with her clit. She spasms, the pleasure ripping heavenly moans out of her as you continue your motion inside her.
"So beautiful, I love when you sing for me."
She got louder at that, hitting your things as she humped your fingers. She came with a loud cry of your name, falling backwards onto your chest as she caught her breath. You smiled down at her and kissed her cheek, removing your hands from in between her legs. You were just about ready to call it quits when you felt Lumine shift and palm at your pants, looking up at you with a slightly flushed face and a loopy smile.
"Can I…return the favor?"
Well, when she looked at you like that and asked so nicely, how could you say no to your sweet flower?
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ghostman-feefers · 3 months
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making something for my friend
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boilingrain · 8 months
Making Barbara really good at healing isn't enough, I need her to be able to KILL
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Yeah DainsLumi where Abyss Princess Lumine is great but imagine where its traveler Lumime instead. Him only knowing her ghrough Aether's stories and then finally seeing for himself who she is and how yes she is exactly how Aether told him she would be but she is even more.
I'm just rambling goodbye...
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darin-nidk · 2 years
ISEKAI'D READER. / Split hourglass
cw ; none for now u get to be happy
"...(Y/n)," Lumine said with a sweet tone despite rubbing her temples as she had to listen to them. Their voice was lovely for her but sometimes the words that left past (y/n)'s lips were: nonsensical, overwhelming, too much information to take in, gibberish (at times) or all of them at once -- which naturally, made Lumine want to have a strong drink enough to knock her out and stop the incoming headache. Or, perhaps, place a quick kiss onto her companion's lips to have an alternative way to shut them up. "...you are telling me that an electro giant robot controlled by a puppet is bound to manifest in a near future?".
"If you could look convinced while saying that", (y/n) replied and pouted almost right away which earnt a chuckle from her.
Truly, they didn't have a reason to lie to Traveler, they might have even spoiled Aether's whereabouts upon first arriving to Mondstat and settling down, things seemed right for them to spill the beans this early on.
Bad. Wrong. Awful mistake.
They got their ass beaten only for Barbara to heal them with a worried expression as she whispered to (y/n) that such topics should be adressed differently, as in... preparing the other person for the blow. Not proceeding to say it in one go and expect the other party to process all this calmly. They are lucky they aren't dead. Whereas Jean was in the distance scolding Lumine for being this reckless with the known oracle (a title that (y/n) didn't want but it is what it is, it didn't help that (y/n) knew a little too much for someone who had just arrived back then) and offering alternatives such as storming off. Even the cold treatment was better than beating them within an inch of their life.
"I am not saying in two weeks time. Just, it will happen and I want you to take care, please". That last part was added in a pleading tone, left hand holding onto Lumine's shoulder and giving it a slight squeeze as the blond dropped her arms to her sides before placing her own hand above (y/n)'s one. Before Lumine could reply, this intimate moment had been interrupted by Kamisato Ayato, he was quick to snatch (y/n) in the blink of an eye under the excuse of discussing any prediction or potential danger with them.
Lumine could only offer a smile and a wave of her hand, but internally she was fuming as she watched (y/n) be dragged away. So what if the periwinkle haired was the Kamisato clan's head? She wanted to smack that smile off his smug yet handsome face -- it was infuriating how that also made her not want to hurt his handsome features. Perhaps, this required Thoma's aid for a lesson to be taught.
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
mother, what do you think would happen if a child just isekai'd in genshin
like they played genshin, now they're excited to see their favorite characters, but oh no, danger alert cause the world has many monsters and scary people
no family, no home, then they realize the situation they're in and they can't go back
i feel like the traveler would pick em up cause they can relate to the poor kid haha
i imagine them just randomly blurting out a deep secret they know ( because of the game ) and traveler having to cover it up and play it off
i feel like a lot of the genshin characters would be good big brothers and sisters, or father figures/mother figures
ahshdhdhf i'm sorry, i am just touch starved for found family tropes so ehem
Hmm hm it's quite hard to think since it really depends on the age, so I guess the most appropriate age bracket here would be 8-10 years old, can properly play the game and understand the happenings of the game
I love the idea of Traveler finding them tho! Truly found family (omayghad imagine they actually do end up getting adopted and the other twin absolutely loves them to bits!) and for sure blurt things out of nowhere! Like some points still can't really comprehend the fact that this real now and not just a game - like they'll go up to a character and go "You're (Character Name), right?! Do your burst, do your burst!" And all that game lingo that everyone's so confused about. Traveler would have to drag them away and trying to make up a lie for their behaviors! (More utc)
Does not understand the concept of lore and when asked, they'll just blurt out random information without a second thought. "Oh, Inazuma! You were so close to dying because of Raiden!" And then focuses back on watching the ships in Liyue while Traveler's next to them trying not to faint.
While the characters don't exactly understand their fondness to them (they just think you're playing make believe, and that the Traveler talked about them), they definitely enjoy their company and have a sense of protectiveness to the child. Because they're so easygoing with characters (cuz you know them from the game lol) and that they find their... Creativity endearing. They also like showing off and cooking their speciality dishes, it's just all so new for the Reader that everything pretty much amazes them.
By the way, it is undeniable that they would have an immense for slimes, paired with the fact that they lack a proper sense of danger other than getting scold. But slimes! So big and most likely soft! They've always wanted slime plushies back in the real world and now the real deal is in front of them, this is true temptation! And no, they won't take a doll as an alternative.
Traveler and their big brothers/sisters tried (and still are) taming slimes or making a not-harmful replication (Albedo) just to get you to back off from enemy slimes. I also think they'll be very fond of the child models and would want to play/hang out with them a lot (even if Dori's considered an adult? And Sayu's older than she looks) - oh and they love Paimon, Paimon loves them back and would often convince you to gang up on Traveler when they're being mean to Paimon.
Throughout all this, I can't stop imagining Traveler carrying child Reader like how Loid always carries Anya cuz it's easier to fight like that and they don't have to worry about you falling off a cliff while they're busy.
Omg cute thought, them playing around with the artifacts because they don't quite understand how builds work, trying out the circlets and bundling up the flowers while Traveler's grinding nonstop in the background.
Oops, I rambled! Sorry, I'm quite a fan of the isekai trope that's not romanticized, that and I have a younger sister that likes playing genshin on our brother's device!
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paimonial-rage · 8 months
Character Ask Meme
Lyney 14, 15 and 23
[Character Analysis Ask Meme]
Would Lyney be honest with you?
With his outgoing and fun personality, it oftentimes is easy to get caught within his flow. Lyney is the charming sort, after all, that one may very well forget that he is subject to the same struggles as the rest. Get to know him well enough, though, and you will quickly realize that this is not a fact he wishes others to know. More than a desire, he needs to be seen as someone in control, as someone without weakness. That’s his role as the big brother. And if that means lying, avoiding, and omitting the truth to accomplish it, then as an accomplished performer he will do as he must.
Does Lyney prefer to pursue or be pursued?
With a penchant for flair and dramatics, it’s clear to see Lyney prefers to pursue the people he’s interested in. Really, it’s one of the things he goes all out. With a trick up his sleeve, he won’t hesitate to dazzle you with flowers pulled from nowhere and fireworks from his tophat. He wants you to be enchanted. He wants you to be impressed! You are, aren’t you? You like it, don’t you? So focused on charming you that he often loses sight of much else. Fun fact, should you attempt to turn the tables, however, you can expect his mask of self-confidence to fall to reveal a rather flustered expression beneath.
Headcanons under the cut!
Self-focused - If there’s one thing that’s true about Lyney, it is that he is a very busy person. As a person with multiple masks and roles, his thoughts are often preoccupied with House missions, performances, new tricks, and things of the like. So, much to the dismay of others, it’s easy for things to become buried under the multitude of other tasks he needs to take care of. How often the simple things become forgotten—where he last left his wallet, tea time with his siblings, the sale on picture books at the bookstore. During those times, he really can’t help but appreciate his siblings and their ability to keep him on track. Really, he doesn’t know what he’d do without them!
Relationship-focused - It doesn’t hit you at first, but it doesn’t take you very long to notice how hard Lyney tries for your relationship. Normally this would be a good thing, but it is different with Lyney. Every day he tries to charm you. Every day he attempts to enchant you. You tell him he doesn’t need to try so hard, but that only seems to light a fire beneath him to do even more. You see it in his eyes. He needs to know you are still in awe of him, that you like him as much as he does you. And then it sinks in, doesn’t it? He doesn’t trust you. He doesn’t trust your feelings for him. You’re not sure if he ever will.
#genshin impact#genshin x reader#lyney#lyney x reader#my writing#character analysis#okay let’s talk lyney for a bit#i think the biggest thing to know about lyney is that at his core he is an insecure person#insecure and anxious#imo he’s extremely attached to his title of ‘big brother’ that he needs to fulfill the duties if such#he needs to protect his siblings and be a person others can rely on#this belief is so strong that he refuses to rely on arlecchino for help and snaps at freminet for trying to get him to open up#he really cares about the way he’s perceived#remember when the traveler found out he’s part of the fatui and he spends his time bending over backwards to try to get them to trust him#‘like me! like me! please. i’m trustworthy i’ll never lie to you please!!’#honestly imo that’s just one if his faults like lyney is unstable#idk what possessed arlecchino to make him her successor like he’d crack under pressure#lynette is a way better option#but anyway bc of these things he would not trust his partner in a relationship. he wouldn’t rely on them#he’d never feel secure which would prompt him to keep trying too hard to ensure he’s still the person he thinks you fell in love with#the most important thing to remember with lyney is that he is a performer and the face he shows to the world is essentially a mask#on a separate note tho anon like…#you probably didn’t mean it but i am not a machine that generates text whenever you order me#answering these things takes time effort and energy#so like… if you’re going to send in an ask please at the very least say please or thank you#hell even a heart emoji would suffice LOL#sorry the headcanons are not the most romantic i’m no good with overtly romantic things
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ravene · 1 year
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Stelle x trashan WIP
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Character 1: “45,700…”
Character 2: “…What?”
Character 1: “Earlier you asked how many timelines I had been to. The answer is 45,700.”
Character 2: “Wh-why? Why that many? You just wanted to find this Ore right? You said it didn’t exist anywhere else. Only here.”
Character 1: “It wasn’t…just the Ore. This Ore is used to create a special medication, that treats a very specific and very deadly disease.”
Character 2 pieced some things together.
Character 2: “Oh dear…so…you need it for someone in your original timeline?”
Character 1 looked away, unable to make eye contact with Character 2.
Character 2: “…You said this timeline was almost exactly like yours. With only two differences. Two differences that you couldn’t find anywhere else….”
Character 1 still couldn’t look at them, their hands starting to shake.
Character 2: “What…whats the second difference, Character 1?”
Character 1 took a deep breath.
Character 2 was shocked, trying to figure out what they meant.
Character 1: “You…are the second difference. In my original timeline…you…you didn’t make it.”
Their voice broke.
Character 1: “And I tried to fix it. Tried to find a way to…to somehow bring you back.”
Character 2: “And you tried 45,700 times…”
Character 1: “And I failed that many as well. Every time. Every time I got close, I failed. I thought I could do without the Ores, maybe prevent you from getting sick all together. But it didn’t work. 45,700 trips. 45,700 failed attempts….45,700 funerals…..And I have the Ore now. I have a way to fix. But…if it doesn’t work…”
Character 2: “It will work, Character 1. I promise.”
Character 2 grabbed Character 1’s hand, and held it tightly.
Character 2: “I know you can’t stay here with me. It’s not your correct timeline. So…I only hope that…if I can find my happiness, so can you. I love you Character 1, and you have proof that in 45,700 other timelines, we are still in love.”
Character 1: “…I love you too.”
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callmeadin · 2 years
S/O with a Third Eye - part 2
bennett, xiao, diluc, xinyan x gn!reader - part 1
aether, lumine x gn!reader - part 2(here)
pronouns - they/them - none mentioned
warnings - none really, not proofread, fluff
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knowing that aether wasn’t from teyvat either, you weren’t that anxious
it still took you some time to hype yourself up, however
even though the both of you weren’t from this world, it doesn’t mean that you can from the same place
it was by pure accident that you were dropped in teyvat
the second you two saw each other, you both knew that the other wasn’t from here
and so, you two have ventured through the land of teyvat basically since aether fished up paimon
“huh? wait, you have a third eye? hmm, i wonder what world you’re from.”
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in a similar situation with her brother
you are not from this world and knowing that lumine isn’t either, it makes you feel more comfortable to show her your third eye
when you first tell her about it, she doesn’t believe you
pushing your bangs out of the way, your eye is finally revealed
“oh, wow, you weren’t joking, huh?”
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greeniebeanyyy · 2 years
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all my posts r gonna be art dumps leave me be
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erins-laboratory19 · 1 year
Zhongli x Reader headcanon pt 2 continuation
So after a few moments of staring in each others eyes, he put an arm around your shoulders and his other hand holding your head, you put your hands around his waist and pulled him closer to you, activating the dragon in him and making him start kissing you.
He was a mix of soft, passionate, and brutal the way he kissed and bit your lips, yet so careful not to hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable at any moment.
After a while he parted from your lips and threw you down onto his bed, unbuttoning his shirt, you were calm, letting it happen and just looking up at him , then he paused and looked at you; “would you like me to continue?”
He said with a deep voice, enchanting you so could barely react, other than softly agreeing and nodding your head. He went on after your confirmation, and climbed on top of you, his muscular body felt good knowing it fit so well with yours, you could feel the thrust of his hips as his hands wandered down your body while he still kissed you; becoming more nervous, feeling like he was going too fast and you weren’t ready but you didn’t want it to stop, his lips moved down to your jaw then your neck then…
Before unbuttoning your shirt he stopped, his lips close to your chest, he looked up at you waiting for permission to continue
You either stoped it here or you entered the forbidden link to keep reading, your decision~
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