#Genuine and Trustworthy Services
gyancareer · 8 months
#Our study abroad agency#located in the center of Bangalore's busy MG Road#works as a spotlight for students looking to study abroad#pointing them in the direction of a future filled with adventures and knowledge from around the world.#Why Choose Us?#As the top study abroad consultant in MG Road#Bangalore#we pride ourselves on providing personalized and comprehensive services that cater to the unique needs of each student. Our team of dedicat#ensuring a seamless transition from aspirations to reality.#Expert Guidance at Your Fingertips#Choosing the right study abroad consultant near you is crucial#and our prime location in MG Road makes us easily accessible. Our knowledgeable consultants are equipped with the latest information on int#courses#and admission procedures. This#combined with our extensive network#empowers us to offer you the best advice for your academic journey.#Genuine and Trustworthy Services#In a market flooded with options#we stand out as the best study abroad consultant in Bangalore due to our commitment to transparency and integrity. Our reputation as a genu#with countless success stories attesting to our unwavering dedication to client satisfaction.#Comprehensive Overseas Education Support#Ranked as the No.1 study abroad consultant in Bangalore#we go beyond the basics. Our services encompass not only academic guidance but also comprehensive support for visa and immigration processe#we strive to ensure a hassle-free experience#allowing you to focus on your academic journey.#Top-tier Visa and Immigration Assistance#Our commitment to excellence extends to being the best visa and immigration consultant in Bangalore. Navigating the complex visa processes#ensuring that you meet all requirements and deadlines with confidence.#In conclusion#our study abroad consultancy in MG Road
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ame-to-ame · 3 months
oh. hm.
#i had a realization today and now i feel so absolutely horrible.#when i was out w friends today one of them wasn't having a good time and stepped out for a moment#and in the back i could hear the other 2 whispering to each other basically abt how she's been like this last time they hung out too#the consensus unspoken was that there was sth off. but they kinda just kept moving along. i stepped out for a bit bc i felt like idk.#she's out alone on the streets someone has to make sure she's okay right.#when I'm back one of them goes oh i was just wondering where you were. as if everything is normal.#after a bit of wandering around in the store the other goes oh where is xxx? as if we weren't all there when she said she's gonna step out.#as if they didn't discuss her behavior right after.#and it suddenly reminded me of when i found my ex with her head buried in her hands when i was gone for a bit.#and i was like oh what's going on and the other 2 there were just chatting and one of them just is like idk she's sleeping.#She Was Crying. I was so. idk. i was panicking i was so worried. And I was so mad too bc how could they not notice a friend being unwell??#and i hated myself for it bc it was my fault for leaving her there and i had her id and it was really my fault and i wouldn't have known#i wouldn't have known that. idk. i thought she was left with people who were her friends who should then pay attention to her wellbeing#idk i. i would have trusted my friends to take care of or at least be aware of how i feel.#but we left for a bit and nobody even noticed. what happened. someone even texted asking where did we go.#and idk it's just the same thing i just realized and connected the dots. they will pay lip service. they will tell u they care abt u.#and they will echo it among themselves oh i worry abt xxx is xxx okay oh yeah xxx has been acting like this as if it actually does anything.#and nobody will actually make sure later on. that she is actually. doing fine. that they can do what's good for her atm.#and God. I'm just realizing that. idk. i. i wish i could've been a better support for my ex if she really had needed it at the time. idk.#i was just listening to what other ppl were telling me. but i. i didn't think it through. if these are the ppl she has for support.#if they didn't care to make me feel cared for. if they didn't care to check if she was okay back then. idk i. God.#oh God. what if i fucked up majorly. god. oh god. idk i just thought they treated me like that bc thry we're mad at me#but what if it's. not a me issue. and i shouldn't have trusted that other ppl would take care of her. bc they aren't. trustworthy in that.#ugh but at the same time. she asked for space from me. what else was i supposed to assume than that she didn't want me around?#at the very very least at least I'm sure her family loves her a lot and will care for her and make sure she's okay. god. i hope so.#idk!! i care but in my position i don't think me caring or wanting to help does anything. she doesn't want my support. she doesn't want me.#idk it's something wrong w me probably i genuinely don't know. she's the one telling me she's worried I'm pushing ppl away so.#it's not behavior she condones ig so it makes no sense if she does it herself if she believed i was good for/to her but still pushed me away#so in conclusion There's gotta be something that i fucked up There's gotta be sth wrong w me but i. god. i.#i have so much to nitpick with myself i genuinely don't even know if I'm a good measure or judge of what i did wrong or right.
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scarlet-empresss · 8 months
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Simon Riley x reader relationship headcanons Sooo after nearly seven years of being a mostly inactive member of the fandom, writing countless fics that nobody ever got to see - I can say I’ve developed a fairly clear picture of how I envision some of these characters. Therefore, here are some of the things I think would characterize Simon as a partner (and a few of just him as a person). English is not my first language so please bear with me :)
Friends first. I feel like he's not one to rush into a serious relationship without having strong foundations laid out first. You're a trustworthy, longtime teammate he's been working with for years, who has seen his darkest side and inner demons resurface, and still be accepting of him as a person? Or perhaps you're a civilian working at the coffee shop he frequents; the same civilian who spilled his usual at him one time, leading to an unexpected, but most certainly intruguing friendship? Let's fucking roll with either.
Following the first point—he's not a 'love at first glance' type of guy. He needs a connection, a spark; that spark that comes from knowledge and insight, both gained through meaningful interactions and a genuine bond. This is what Simon seeks. (Bonus points if you're a medic/nurse, because, you know, I fucking love medic x soldier trope)
Now let's get to the love language—definitely acts of service. You're tired after a long day at work? Boom, you've got a nice and hot bath waiting for you, together with your favorite snacks and a glass of wine/book to read (could be both). Running low on essentials, be it your favorite type of coffee, a preferred perfume, tampons, the likes? Well, expect it to be restocked as soon as possible. He'll change the oil in your car, scrape the frost from the windows, anything you as much as mention. If you're sick, he'll do whatever makes you feel better, whether that's a warm compress or something as simple as a bowl of soup and a couple of ice packs. He wants to take care of you. He might not be an expert at expressin his feelings through words, but he'll damn sure cook you a three-course meal and a dessert to show you how much he appreciates you.
That being said, he's an exceptional cook. He doesn't have many opportunities to experiment in the kitchen during deployments or safe houses, but you can be sure that Simon is behind the pots and pans preparing mouthwatering meals whenever he's back home. It's relaxing, and he simply enjoys spending time cooking for you and himself.
Not into excessive PDA - hand holding is okay, but when you two are in a crowd (which he hates), there's a hand on the small of your back or lingering on the back of your neck. Behind closed doors, he's more openly affectionate. Whether you're simply making a sandwich in the kitchen or he breezes past you, he's likely to stand behind you and simply rest his chin on the top of your head, rough hands on your hips, or when you two are sitting on the couch, his arm is either around you or resting on your thigh.
Non sexual intimacy is a big yes; head scratches, hand holding, shoulder rubs, baths together, or anything of the sort. But there's one thing that melts him completely and that's when you kiss his eyelids. If you're his teammate and you're in a relationship, he will appreciate you helping him out of his gear, washing the dirt and grime off his hands or helping him apply the camouflage paint on his face.
He may call you "love" or "sweetheart," but he attempts to restrict these terms of endearment primarily behind closed doors. He's not exactly fond of overtly cutesy pet names either, so he appreciates the occasional "Love" or "Si," but he draws the line at anything more ostentatiously affectionate. "Don't ya ever call me pookie again, got it, sweetheart?"
Wanna wake up before that man? Yeah, good luck with that. He's a proper, bona fide early riser, an early bird, prepared for the day well before the rays reach the horizon. It's like clockwork, a routine that's been ingrained into his circadian rhythm, something that governs his inner system. If he's not out on a morning jog, he'll lie on his side of the bed, staring at you, silently admiring. Oh, and he'll know if you wake up and pretend to be still asleep.
Simon values the power of silence. Quiet as he may be at certain times, this man is not indifferent; he's an observer. He considers observation as a means of learning and appreciates the sheer volume of knowledge that can be gleaned from the study of behaviors, facial expressions, and other body language cues. Furthermore, a comfortable silence may be the strongest indicator of the powerful connection between two people. That's how he knew there was truly something special between you and him.
HOWEVER. The previous point doesn't right away mean that he despises talking. Sure, he's not one for an idle chit-chat, but I feel like it’s a very frequent idea that he’s the brooding and sullen type who prefers grunting over speaking, kinda like Daryl Dixon (that's a huge compliment to Simon). I’d say, Simon is somewhere in between—more of a ‘I speak only when I want to/have something really meaningful to say’. If he's got something on his mind, he'll let you know. And, surprisingly, he has a way with words like the smoothest motherfucker ever.
Not surprisingly, he's a bit of a softie when it comes to animals, especially dogs. Not one to baby-talk when he sees a dog, he merely offers gentle pats on its head or side (if he's more familiar with the dog, I see him petting it like dads do lol). He’s also very careful about the animals and makes sure not to touch one without asking the owner first. As for service dogs, he's especially careful, keeping a safe distance and showing due respect for their role.
You know you're gonna have a K9 at your home when you get with this man.
He's not a fan of surprises or gifts, because he wasn't raised in a family full of hugs and "I love you's" or selfless acts of affection. He struggles to convey his gratitude in the conventional manner, so it's often expressed, albeit indirectly, through acts of service. No matter what it is that you've gifted him, he's grateful for the thought and consideration all the same.
But you better believe he will surprise you in turn. He goes out of his way to procure anything and everything you so much as mention wanting, be it a trivial trinket or something more significant. He's always listening, always paying attention.
Not very into verbal compliments, but his eyes speak an entire novel about how he feels about you. Gentle glances, lingering stares, and silent admiration. He might not be overtly forthcoming with his praise, but one look is worth more than a thousand words.
Big spoon. He's a tad bit paranoid about having his back vulnerable—much like a cat and its exposed belly. It has nothing to do with trust—as he does trust you. It's merely a product of his inner paranoia, though there's a touch of protectiveness in there, too. Beacuse he'd much rather have you enveloped in his arms, ensuring him the sensation of protecting you with his whole body. Perhaps with time he would let you spoon him, but I wouldn't count on it early on in the relationship.
He's territorial, not in a jealous, envious, or controlling sense but rather in a protective and defensive manner. He doesn't like men or women making advances on you, especially unsolicited physical contact or overt flirting. While he won't try to be overbearing or overly assertive, he will make it abundantly clear that such behavior is uncalled for and unacceptable.
civilian!reader - get ready for some self-defense lessons. He'll ensure that you know basic moves that can give you the time to escape a dangerous situation. Simon is well-versed in the brutality of the world, and he won't sugarcoat anything. If you're in danger, you run; if you feel something's wrong, you run. He can't always be there to protect you. So he's drilled this mantra into your brain: no matter how strong, tough, skilled you think you are, you simply can't trust that your enemy won't wield a knife or gun.
But one of the very first things he's given you even before you two became a couple was a can of pepper spray.
He's a direct, straight to the point man, which is why he has no time for beating around the bush. There's no awkward tip-toeing with hints that may go unexplored, no subtle suggestions that may fall flat—he's all in. Whether it's on a mission, in bed, or an argument, Simon lays it all on the line because you're worth it. He will commit to you wholeheartedly, leaving nothing on the table, giving you everything he has to offer because you deserve nothing less.
You fell first, but he fell harder—this man adores you. Although he's not mushy, he won't shower you with affection and cute nicknames all the time, he loves you. And when Simon Riley loves someone, you can be damn sure he means it. His loyalty knows no limits and once he's attached to you, he'll never let go. He'll go through and beyond any lengths to make sure you're happy and safe.
Though he might not openly admit it, he likes it when you take the initiative, whether it's in bed, in your relationship, or just life in general. He values your opinions and respects and acknowledges your boundaries, and makes sure to let his own boundaries and needs be known as well. So, step up and make yourself heard, cause he will listen.
He values honesty highly and has a razor-sharp bullshit detector. Can smell bullshit from miles away, actually. Therefore, never, ever lie to him. Because he will uncover the truth, one way or another. Lies are the one thing that can shatter his trust beyond repair, making it a cardinal sin in his eyes. So, don't shy away from telling him the truth—no matter how difficult or inconvenient or painful it may be.
Now it gets a bit complicated here, because while he expects honesty from his s/o, Simon himself holds back some things. These are largely related to his past or the missions he has been on, the things he has seen. He doesn't want to lie to you, but he does it to protect himself and you. You just have to accept the fact that there are certain things he won't ever tell you.
Is capable of being absolutely terrifying without even trying, let alone when he wants to be. His height, muscles, and scars are a force to be reckoned with. So you don't have to be worried about going on a walk with him in the middle of the night or wearing something a bit more revealing, cause he will beat the living shit out of anyone who dares to touch you.
Absolutely no one can defeat him in arm wrestling or even come close to his grip strength.
Very awkward around babies, and I mean extremely awkward. Like Jane Smith holding a baby in Mr&Mrs Smith. He doesn't know a flying shit about caring for children, especially since he didn't have a positive parental influence growing up or any good role models. The subject of starting a family is still a bit sore; though he would likely grow more open to discussing it as time goes on. Still, a major aspect of his psyche seems terrified of becoming like his father.
Would die a thousand deaths for you.
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shamelest · 9 months
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rabbitsonthemoon · 5 months
That specific whump trope where the person who's Been Through Shit™ is now safe, but Comfort™ and Safety™ is so outside of their comprehension that they assume they're expected to pay for it somehow. Money, acts of service, sex, as fucked up as you want it, really. It's one of my favouriteee tropes. It hits me like an ice pick through the heart every time. I think I just love the reassurance they get that Safety™ and Comfort™ is a basic thing they deserve, not a privilege to be earned. And that the people they're with are trustworthy and good and genuine.
*kicks feet excitedly*
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lunadelma · 11 months
Trustworthy Tarot Readers
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Anyone who sees this, please reblog with your favorite tarot readers you've ordered from and had great experiences with that deliver on time and provide genuine detailed readings.
Ever since the scamming with Couerardent came to light as she's probably racked up $1000's from others I think we should start listing trustworthy individuals we as clients have ordered from that have been nothing but reliable, quick, and detailed!
I'm still ordering from individuals so I will update the list as time goes on but I'd like to recommend based off of honesty. Keep in mind when reblogging please don't reblog just because they're a friend thank you!
@helianthus-tarot for their polite, quick, and genuinely amazing readings. The readings get down to detail quickly, and everything is accurate. One of the most reliable readers as they've been on tumblr for a while providing services!
@galene-gothic has provided me with my favorite readings ever. They are extraordinary and go beyond. It's like reading a novel they're so detailed, and she goes into every possible thought you may have without even asking it just comes into her channels. The creativity is amazing and her pacs are addicting
@leoascendente has the quickest delivery I've ever witnessed. My reading was delivered in the day of and it was quite detailed. I was kinda shocked because nothing was left out and it was a such a lovely reading overall
Astrology -
@astroismypassion has really great reliable and fun natal chart readings. She uses voice recording, and it's super fun to listen to!
Scams -
@couerardent-deactivated20231114 also known as neptunianrose & mysticwinter.
To file a report:
Her email is [email protected]
Her username is alexandram04
Copy @d4rkpluto post link exposing her or any evidence you have of her scamming you
Put in your transaction ID #
Please PLEASE report her if you've bought from her and open a dispute or claim. You absolutely should report her as paypal is more likely to investigate if she has a number of claims.
To file a Dispute/Claim:
Also EXTREMELY important! If you didn't buy the friends and family option and bought purchase protection then absolutely file a payment claim and escalate it as you might be more likely to receive money back! She has stolen soo sooo much from us. I believe £100 each from at least 7 people I've seen including me.
Definitely contact customer service for this option too!
I believe you have 180 days from payment to file a dispute or a claim! So do it as soon as possible!
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hazbinhappy · 6 months
hi, there! i hope that you are doing well and that you are having a lovely day. ♡ i really enjoy your writing, and i thought that i might request some general (romantic) headcanons for vox?
i really love him, and i think it would be very sweet and interesting to see how he might feel and interact with someone (the reader) he has genuine feelings for?
i understand that this man is a villain and well.. it’s vox - however, it would make me so happy to see him painted in a softer light. some people may enjoy darker themes, but, for me, it’s really upsetting to read sometimes.
i don’t really want him written as non-canon compliant because i still want it to feel like him.. but maybe, this could be the one person he has this soft spot for? like.. i want to see this man IN LOVE 😭💗
as for the reader, they’re gender-neutral but with feminine leaning presentation? and maybe, they’re also an angel and have this really sweet demeanor? maybe i’m just projecting. but i love the grumpy/sunshine dynamic.
and of course, thank you for listening to my request/ramble. if you can’t get to mine or it takes a while, that’s okay and no pressure !!
A/N: I know you wanted an Angel reader but I just couldn’t find a reason for an Angel to be in Hell so I made them a really sweet demon and they have a somewhat ethereal look, like they don’t look like they belong in Hell! Also don’t worry I get your feeling with Vox idk why I like him in a softer light maybe because I think he’s a loser too sorry
So for general Vox romance I look back to when he was alive!
I know he upgrades his body to whatever is modern (imagine a hologram Vox that’d be funny), but there are just some things from your past that stick to your core you know?
So I think he died in the 50s? I don’t know, but we know that he definitely had a box TV as a head at one point and we all know that has existed for like forever
I think he’d have the mindset that he has to be the “man”/”wear the pants” in the relationship instead of being equal
It would take a bit of arguing to get to a standpoint to where you’re equal (moreso you guys agree on receiving equal treatment and love, but you’ll take turns with responsibilities though to be honest that man is busy so sorry for the massive homework load you have if you don’t hire a cleaner)
I think he’d actually start off with a mask of sweetness trying to impress you, but he then lets it down and starts to seem more genuine with his affections
He starts off with generalized gifts at calculated times and it moves to more personalized gifts at random times
He does watch you through the cameras, love the common thought
Though I don’t think he’ll stalk you unless he’s bored or worried; he usually uses it to keep up with you occasionally
He’s not big on PDA unless there is paparazzi, but he doesn’t mind cuddling in private (though it is a bit tough because he is has a TV head, please become an android bro don’t you have the technology-)
His love languages are words of affirmation and acts of service! Help the dude out and inflate his ego! Easy win for this dude
If we want to be specific on looks: he was attracted to how you looked so out of place. He actually thought you were a fallen angel until you just explain that you were just an sinner who had a more innocent look (I think the look would be due to you potentially tricking people in life)
He initially seeked to take advantage, but he didn’t and saw you as an ally even if you didn’t have any or many souls
The lighter colors bounce off of his darker scheme nicely
TDLR: I think it’d take a lot of communication and trial and error to get him to a nice balance, he’s not romantic publicly, and he likes how you look so out of place it fits the public image of wanting to be trustworthy
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
Random shang tsung hcs
Cw:nsfw content. Fluff.
Tried to make it gn but it leans towards fem reader. My apologizes if this isn't my best. Its kinda done on the fly. I needed to put out some hc kontent for people.
I hc shang is an ugly crier. Like when he genuinely is upset,crying,etc. He's a fucking mess. Not many ever see this,so if you do. He trusts you completely. He hates feeling vulnerable.
I also have a whole ass astrology chart for him. Maybe I'll post it up later. I hc him a Taurus sun with a scorpio moon. This explains why his emotional breakdowns are oof. (Scorpio and Taurus are opposite,they are similar but different ways of handling things but they are more alike than different. But both are fixed and very stubborn,very deep,and very loyal to those they deem safe and trustworthy) again i have a whole chart for him. And I'll explain why i personally feel these fit him. (Again my personal hcs plz dont take it too much to heart this is just how i see him)
Shang tsung is particular about his hair,he takes very good care of it. Hair,in some cultures is a symbol of status and health. He takes very very good care of himself. So if his hair is absolutely disheveled. He either isn't doing so good,if his demeanor is sour. Or if he's in a good mood,he just got laid. Those are the only times he's got "bed head hair". He doesn't even let his servents touch his hair. So if he let's you,he trusts you. Unless if you're hired as his personal handmaiden,then well that's your job. But depending on how intimate or close you are in your relationship with him,he might let you go further. Either way he trusts you.
Shang doesn't tolerate disrespect. Of any kind. Especially during a tournament. He takes his role as tournament master seriously. All guests on his island,regardless if "friend" or foe. Hospitality is his specialty. All will be accommodated for. If you are disrespected,uncomfortable with someone,or someone was "out of pocket",he will step in. Especially if you're a woman (he has a bias towards in favor of women,he trusts them more,goes the extra mile more and tends to be in more favor of women in kombat,not that he doesn't trust men. Its just an unfortunate circumstances in his past that a lot of men tended to be assholes n rude around him. He's got high ass standards for men) or if you are a new kombatant (if you're new,he's gonna go a little easy on you. Because this is your first kombat,maybe even tournament. He will be extra extra gentle with you. He wants to make a good impression. Hee hee). He hates rudeness towards people who he deems as (pardon this please) soft,gentle or looks "weak" (Look he doesn't mean anything by it ok?) Mostly outside of kombat. In kombat however,your ass better be ready. He won't be as forgiving. But outside of kombat he is poised,collected,and a soothing presence. But yeah if someone's giving you trouble,all you gotta do is tell him. And he will deal with them immediately. You never have to worry about such matters with him. But especially if he likes you.
Shang tsung loves to drink morning tea and watch the sun rise. And also read n have tea before bed. As long as he does this,He feels his day is complete. Regardless if the day was "good" or not.
Shang tsung loves fruit,all kinds. But especially Tropical or outworld "exotic" fruits. Feed this man a peach,apple,or fave fruit of your choice and he will be absolutely over the moon. The only time he'll ever be practically putty melting in your hands. He loves being pampered and to pamper. Absolutely loves gentle and romantic acts of service. God damn soft shang is fucking a treat. Totally the guy to love the champagne/wine and strawberries thing.
Shang tsung is the type to be genuinely hurt if you are down on yourself. Like if you tend to be harsh on yourself,doubts,etc. He sees you as his greatest treasure. So why talk that way about yourself? He never sees you that way. He sometimes gets even a bit mad that you feel so lowly. "Dont ever lower yourself to anyone!" He would command. "You are beautiful/handsome/gorgeous,amazing,talented. Much more of a higher standing than any of these lowly souls" . Shang is totally the man to gas you up. Put you in front of a mirror. "Purr" or "coo" in your ear and say how absolutely ravishing you are. Maybe even dress you up in fine clothing. Silk even. Like this man hates seeing you down,but especially if it's you being mean to you. Not on his watch!
Shang tsung sometimes likes to watch you. Nothing in particular. No real reason. He likes to people watch. But especially you. He loves to watch you do mundane things. Or even when you train. If you are happy,cheerful. Or even stimming. He finds it absolutely delightful. He loves your company,if ever should be the day where he can't enjoy your company. He would be very distraught and very sad.
Shang is love is absolutely suffocating,intense,hot,loyal,like the devil in love. I can't see it any other way. He of course will be respectful to his beloved. However. The internal feelings of this man for you is fucking insanely high. No words could be put how much he loves you and the lengths he would go for you. He is legit a gomez. "I would kill for them,i would die for them. Either way,what bliss"
Nsfw under the cut:
Shang tsung totally has a praise kink. This mofo you can't tell me wouldn't. Giving AND receiving. He will praise you to the highnth degree. Telling you in increat detail on how fucking gorgeous you are. You body,the way your smile curves,your eyes. Your hips. Etc. Like unf. This man knows how to make you feel adored. But in the same,he likes the return. To be worshiped. But i bet you knew that. Tell him how handsome and intelligent his is. Praise his mind especially and you got him hooked! Tell him how beautifully sculpted his body is. How fine this mofo is. And again,melted.
Ok shang tsung? Is shang hung. Like nothing super outrageous. But he's got some length,and a bit of girth. 8-9inch length. A decent girth nothing again outrageous. However it will stretch you slightly. Might takes some wiggle to get it in. But it feel good af.
Shang loves to talk dirty. But he's classy about it. Like he'll say things more like "you like being masters whore?" (Emphasizes the word whore with some harsh r sounds like almost a purr or a hiss) or "you take my cock so well my dear" (i hc shang says cock rather than dick or penis or any cheesy euphemism. He's too classy).
Shang tsung if you both are nude in bed. Enjoying each others company with some wine. He's the type to take either your nipple of your breasts (if you're afab),a finger,or if you want drip it on your sex. And lick it off.
He totally has toys. Magic toys,exotic edenian dildos,etc. He would use them on you. He prefers still himself,all natural,non gmo shang cock. Buuuuut if you aren't in the mood,he's busy,or you just wanna tease or try something different. He's willing to use some magic on you while fucking you with a toy. Like this man has it down pat. You're taken well care of. And he won't stop till you've had enough. Speaking of which
This man has fucking stamina for daaaaaaaaays. Even as a foxy grandpa. This man could go for hours. He won't let up till either of you are truly satisfied or you both pass out. Like kombat,he can go several rounds. Works your ass like it's his profession. >:3c
He can be soft,sensual,and slow love making. Like every stroke is just pure ecstacy. If you want it sweet,his love is like absolute honey. Or.....he could pound that ass out and make you beg like his personal whore. Mewling and begging to him. Not caring if anyone hears you. So what if they hear you. They outta know how much he loves you. And how good he fucks you. They know they'll never have you,he has you all to himself. Smug bastard he is. But his aftercare? Top notch! He will care for you like you're a delicate petal on fresh snow. Soothe any "marks" he may have left. Kiss every inch so gently. A bath? Yes. A massage? Most definitely. Anything you need. You got it. Anything you wanna do for him? You got it.
Shang tsung is the type that if he fucks you on his throne,in his throne room. If you going doen on him. He doesn't care if people see. Tho he prefers privacy in that area. But it's not as huge of a deal. However. If he's going down on you? Nah they better leave. He hates being interrupted. Eating you out/succing you.
Places on your body he absolutely is over the moon about. If reader is afab: he loves your hips,thighs,breasts,and loves to rub your clit. Pays extra attention. Yeah he knows where its at. He knows exactly how to work that pearled pussy. If reader is amab: your chest,your stomach,your arms and biceps. Loves to play with your balls. If reader is gn/in general regardless of sex or gender: your eyes,your face. The small of your back. He loves to cum on your face,chest,lower back. And if you are comfortable he will inside you buuuut if not. Those areas will do.
Shang tsung loves to watch you play with yourself. Don't matter if he's in the mood or not. He might join and play with himself with you if he is. Mutual masturbation is something that happens quite often im sure. But overall,he just likes to watch you. He might comment on how good you are with yourself. Either way. He likes to spectate. He is a tournament master after all
It isn't easy to rile him him. Getting him hot and bothered may seem like an easy task but its anything but. However,once you do. You are guaranteed to get fucked by him. One of The best ways,is to tease and stim his mind. Good conversation,genuine honeyed words and compliments. (Remember it needs to be genuine,he'll smell fakeness from a mile away) put the ball in his court,he'll play all day. Once you stim his mind and get him going he'll play lovers chase in no time.
Remember shang will undress you with his eyes and mind before ripping it off with his hands.
He won't ever say no to a blowjob. However,he loves giving you oral more. Besides he loves to fucking tease. (Gdi shang!)
Shang if he's away from his island from you. (Hey more likely that's where you'll be ok?) Like for some reason if he's in outworld,doing various personal errands. (Not for shao kahn because i hc after a certain point,he wasn't under shao kahn anymore and was free. But twice as dangerous for others because of his still unpredictability. I have a whole thing for that. But thats for another post). But if he's somewhere private,away from you. And he starts missing you and is in a "mood"*tm* . He'll start playing with himself,he doesn't usually do this,he'd rather wait till he gets home to you to relieve himself to you. But hey,sometimes it is what it is. He'll be quick about it tho. He hates getting caught with his literal pants down when not at home. He gets embarrassed easy.
Nothing changes if he's an old man or when he's young and rejuvenated. Tho i would say sex with shang as an old man tends to be more tender,slower,and more romantic. More passionate. When he's rejuvenated,healed,and full of vigor again. He'll be more confident in getting a bit more rough. Again not to say he wouldn't as an old man. He just is more self conscious about it. You'd need to be gentle with him in his more vulnerable state. Praise him genuinely as an old man and he may be a bit more interested in fucking you harder or being a bit more exerting.
Ok that's all for now. I may make more sometime.
Hope you guys like it.
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kindheart525 · 1 month
What are Nee and Dur’s adult lives like?
I’m so glad you asked, thank you so much! I previously joked that Nee and Dur were “in and out of jail and fleeing from the law” as adults, but that’s not exactly true. In reality they’re doing very well, no longer going on grandiose Mr. Frog-style rampages that make national news but now settled down and running a humble little laundromat. They’ve really turned themselves around.
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That’s what the public sees, anyway. The real story is that their antics got them in a lot of trouble that only mounted as they got older. Their habit of biting people as children evolved into serious criminal offenses as they entered adulthood, in a lifestyle that was not sustainable. See, their childhood idol Mr. Frog can get away with such extreme violence because he’s a beloved TV star and former President of the United States, but ordinary citizens like Nee and Dur don’t enjoy such immunity. It eventually came to a point where the law caught up with them and they were facing life in prison, or even the death penalty.
They got out of it, of course. Daddy Pim had to blow his life savings on legal fees, but he managed to get their life-ruining sentences whittled down to 5 years + community service, because money fixes everything in this society. However, the experience made both Nee and Dur realize that they couldn’t carry on committing crimes in the open like this, because Daddy Pim was now dry on legal funds and next time they wouldn’t be so lucky. Knowing his boys needed help getting back on their feet, Pim suggested they establish a charity or business of sorts that serves the community in a positive way, much like the Smiling Friends company does. It would teach them how to care for their fellow citizens and grow as critters, he reasoned. 
So here they are running a laundromat, helping the community keep their clothes clean while keeping their images clean. It totally isn’t a money laundering front. I mean, laundromat, money laundering? That’s too on the nose. They aren’t that dumb. And so what if customers randomly disappear sometimes? They just operate in a bad neighborhood! It’s just a coincidence that everyone who’s disappeared had a particularly bad experience with the laundromat, or perhaps expressed unfounded suspicion about the business’s integrity. All of that has nothing to do with Nee and Dur. No, the Pimling Brothers are better than that. They’ve changed!
In all seriousness, Nee and Dur could never truly live a life free of crime. They would rather die than be deprived of the thrill of immorality. After Pim inadvertently planted the seed, it was Nee’s idea to establish the laundromat and he is also the one who interacts with the public the most. He has a certain charisma that easily deflects suspicion and makes folks believe he’s trustworthy and innocent. It’s how he got himself and his brother out of trouble with their dad, teachers, and other authority figures when they were young, and the skill is still serving him well now. You’ll often hear of Nee offering free laundry services for the local fire department or paying for dinners for the local hospital staff. In this way he’s spreading smiles like Daddy Pim wanted, and he does genuinely enjoy it. Not enough to quit crime, but it’s a nice bonus. While Nee came up with the idea, Dur is the muscle behind it, working behind the scenes to keep things running, including engaging in all the shady business deals that are the true reason this laundromat exists. He’s the Saul Goodman type, able to weasel his way into all the best deals and to keep the exorbitant amounts of money flowing no matter how much he’s screwing over others. 
While Nee’s people skills would not amount to much without Dur’s undercover dealings, Dur would be nowhere without Nee’s ingenious ideas and excellent deflection skills that allow him to do the work he does without trouble. It’s what makes them such a great team, knowing exactly what the other needs to succeed without even having to say so. It’s that twin intuition. And of course, when their work makes it necessary to kill (the definition of “necessary” being VERY loose), they’re both all in just like their childhood hero, just with better cover-up skills.
Does Daddy Pim know what’s really going on? Or their sisters? How would this affect the Smiling Friends if the truth came out? None of that matters because they won’t get in trouble. They’ve learned from last time. Plus, their family members know better than to ask questions. Sure, Pim might start to worry a little when he reads an article about the latest unsolved murder in town, but that could have been anything. He ought not to be so mistrusting of his darling boys. They wouldn’t do that anymore. But if they did, he can’t save them this time, so he’d rather not know.
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squadmuse · 2 months
A/N: so this has taken me about a week or so to write, and it’s about 2.6k in length too… so enjoy as I’m absolutely shattered and this probably sucks balls but yeah I hope anyone reading likes it (as I don’t, I’m in my everything sucks period it feels)
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Matt is a very affectionate guy. He loves to give you kisses, hugs, to touch or be around you. But he is also affectionate in his acts of service towards you and will always try to do things for you to show his love and affection for you. With his shifts and duties at the firehouse, it can mean Matt isn’t there as much in person as he’d like to be, but he always makes sure to text, call or FaceTime.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Matt is a very loyal and trustworthy best friend who would always have your back and support you through the good times and bad times. You’d probably meet through his job as a Fire Captain or his construction business or at Mollys, and just click instantly. You share a lot of the same values and interests, so a friendship ignited and Matt quickly became your best friend.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Matt loves cuddles, he just loves to show his love and affection for you so much, and it’s an easy way to do so. Matt has different types of hugs and one is when he’s just so thankful to see you after a tough shift and another hug type is where he’s playful with you and enjoying the happiness you give him. He will cuddle you wherever he can, and this includes in bed as Matt will either have you cuddled into his chest or he will spoon you from behind.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Matt 100% wants to settle down and have a family with you. He wants birthdays, Christmases, Thanksgivings and more with you and the children you’ll have together at a home he’d renovate or construct himself with a big yard. He’s a pretty clean guy and tidies up well with organising things and doing jobs around the home. Matt knows a few different meals and recipes, not just his famous corned beef or chili, and enjoys getting a night in with you to cook something for you.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Matt is a guy who is genuine, kind and hardworking and so, he would definitely do it in person and would never break up with you over the phone or via text and especially wouldn’t ghost you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Matt realises early on that you’re the One for him, and he doesn’t hold back on his feelings, so he makes plans to find an engagement ring for you so he can propose. He has always wanted to be a good husband, to have a wife that he could love and cherish forever and to have a happy family that he never had himself growing up.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Oh, Matt is so gentle and considerate, both physically and emotionally towards you. He hates arguing with you and would never ever raise his hand to you. Matt sees some awful sights as a firefighter and knows the importance of good mental health in life and always tries to be as supportive as possible for you as he knows you do that for him.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Matt loves to hug you whenever he can. He has a variety of hugs, such as full on bear hugs to one-armed hugs. He’s a hugger plain and simple. He loves receiving hugs from you though. To some, Matt is touch-starved and didn’t have the happiest childhood either, so he is such a puppy dog for your hugs.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It doesn’t take long for Matt to say he loves you, and it doesn’t take you long either. Matt knew he was head over heels for you from the moment he met you and knew he wanted to be something to you. You had been friends for a little while before dating as he didn’t want to be creepy, and it slips out one night as you’re coming home from a night out, but it was just perfectly right.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Matt does suffer from jealousy from time to time. He knows it is stupid and that you’re the most loyal person he knows, but he also knows how you are, not only drop-dead gorgeous but also incredibly smart, sweet and just incredible on the inside, which makes him wonder why you picked someone like him. Before you started dating and were just friends, although Matt knew he had been developing more than platonic feelings for you, he hated seeing you date other men. When he gets jealous nowadays, Matt doesn’t do much unless the other guy does something to offend or hurt you and won’t hesitate to defend you verbally or even physically.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Matt Casey kisses are absolutely intoxicating and leave you wanting more and more. He is gentle yet very sensual with the way he moves his lips against your own and isn’t afraid to slip his tongue in at times. Matt loves to kiss your neck and shoulder blades but also your hands and cheek if he can’t kiss your lips. Now if you kiss Matt on his neck he will be putty in your hands forevermore, but he chuckles when you kiss him on the nose each morning as you wake up in his arms.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Matt is absolutely amazing with children, of all ages. Babies adore him, toddlers and young children are amazed by him and even teenagers are astounded at how well he is able to relate with them. Matt is definitely protective of children. He is more than happy to look after his niece or the Herrmann clan, Terrance Boden or Otis Cruz, and will take them on days out to the zoo, Navy Pier, the aquarium and more, while also taking them fishing or to hockey games.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Matt gets up early in the morning on the days he goes to work. While he takes a shower, you quickly cook him a healthy yet filling breakfast as you know how hectic the firehouse can get, and you want Matt to start the day off right. He’ll kiss and cuddle you from behind, talking about whatever things you or him have planned or something to plan. If you’re working the same morning, Matt gets up earlier and pops to your favourite bakery nearby to pick up some freshly baked croissants and bagels for you along with a freshly brewed coffee for you both that you’ll enjoy as Matt drives you to work.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nighttime is usually a quiet time for you and Matt, as you’re both usually exhausted from work and just want to relax with one another. Sometimes you’ll catch a Blackhawks game on the television or do something else like charades that makes you both laugh and enjoy the lightness of yourselves together. Matt does love treating you to date nights and nights out, though every so often, and he takes you out for dinners, shows and more. A more relaxed night out while not staying at home is at Mollys with the rest of Firehouse 51.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Matt is usually very open and honest, as he hates keeping secrets or not trusting people, but he is slow to talk about what happened between his mother and father and his childhood. It definitely takes him a while to know how to deal with talking about it to you, but when he does it, it feels like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders as you’re nothing but supportive, understanding and compassionate towards him.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Matt is extremely patient, but he doesn’t suffer fools or mistakes and doesn’t like disloyalty, secrecy or disrespect. He has a lot on his shoulders with his career, and sometimes it can mean that Matt is more snarky or snippy with you, but he will never deliberately be angry or abusive towards you.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Matt is a very observant man and is quick to notice details and information about you, other people or situations around him and can read your body language quite well. He always remembers your birthday and anniversary, it’s just something about Matt’s brain that is wired to be mathematical and scientific, so dates and numbers are always easy for him to remember. Matt is also very much a romantic at heart and very soft, so willingly puts effort into remembering whatever he can about you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Matt has a few favourite moments from your relationship, but one of his favourites is from when you were just starting dating each other after being friends. He had been in his officer quarters, working through a mountain of paperwork that he had to complete as Captain of Truck 81 after an extremely tough day so far, when you knocked and appeared at his door. Matt didn’t know how much he needed to see you, and you had come visiting with his favourite cake and lunch too. He knows it isn’t much, but it had been something that had brightened up Matt’s day and the chat and time spent then made him certain how much he loved you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Matt is very protective of you and won’t hesitate to physically defend you when needed or stand up for you verbally too. Perhaps it draws from the abuse that he saw his father put his mother and himself through and while Matt had protected his sister, he hadn’t been able to do so for his mother, and so he would do anything and everything to protect you from any sort of harm or hurt. Now, Matt just wants to be protected by love more than anything, as he needs that assurance and care more than anything.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Oh, Matt puts a lot of effort into loving you regardless, but for special days such as anniversaries or birthdays or dates, he would spoil the heck out of you as much as possible. Matt is a romantic with an eye for detail and will always do research on the best restaurant or whatever you’re interested in. Everyday tasks for Matt link into his acts of service for you, and he’s always willing to make a home-cooked meal for you or run a bubble bath for you. Gifts from Matt are always well-thought-out and sentimental, he finds symbolism in different ways and whatever he gives you is sure to be extremely meaningful and close to your heart.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Matt hasn’t got the best work-life balance due to his shifts at the firehouse and then his construction company too, and while he tries to put you first and foremost, it can be hard to do so, as he doesn’t want slack or let down anyone in either of his jobs. He also can snap or close up when stressed or upset by the sights he sees working with the Chicago Fire Department, and it takes a Slamigan for him to open up finally to you so he doesn’t let it consume him.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Matt takes a great deal of pride in his appearance, both personally and professionally, and is always sure to make certain he looks well-groomed and dressed. He isn’t the most fashion savvy guy around. Matt doesn’t have much interest in spending much money on himself let alone on ultra-expensive designer clothing or shoes, as he doesn’t see the need or point. Matt is usually clean-shaven, and he loves it when you help him shave, as it’s a way to keep some non-sexual intimacy in your relationship.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Matt would definitely feel incomplete without you in his life. He loves with all his heart and soul, so much so that he is certain you are his soulmate and if anything ever happened to you then, Matt would be devastated and heartbroken. You brought something that is indescribable yet so extremely special to Matt’s life that he didn’t know he was missing or needed.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Matt loves it when you drop by the firehouse as you brighten not just his day but the rest of the firehouse too. You’ll bring him some lunch or something homemade such as cake and Matt just loves the domesticity but also the fact that he has someone like you in his life that puts up with him but looks out for him as he hasn’t ever had that before.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Again, Matt is a man of strong ethics and integrity who does not like anyone who is disingenuous, disloyal, abusive or invasive. He values his privacy and respect but also those of others, so Matt wouldn’t have time for anyone who mocks or bullies others either. Secrecy is also something that irritates him and so anyone keeping secrets won’t last with him. But also, as a man, Matt is someone who wants someone to trust him wholeheartedly and know they can rely on him without question, so anyone who can be too independent or too headstrong wouldn’t work with him either.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Matt sleeps on his back usually, but if not, then he will spoon you from behind. Sometimes he can have issues with getting to sleep if there is something bothering him or someone he loves or something to do with a job. As he is a firefighter, before heading to bed, Matt will check every appliance or equipment in the house and switch it off just to be sure it won’t go on fire while you sleep. Now, as to what Matt wears to bed, he doesn’t wear much and just settles on a pair of boxers, if that, or sometimes a pair of flannel pajama pants.
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zodiactalks · 6 months
RELIABLE Zodiac Signs Ranked
Reliable people are those you can truly trust. They deliver on their promises, are consistent, responsible, and highly committed.
When you call a reliable person, you can rest assured that they will answer the phone and try to be there for you, whether a friend, a colleague, or a family member.
These people become your support system and won't hesitate to back you up when you need them. Now, not everyone has a personality type to be dependent enough, placing their needs at the top of the list when given a choice.
Read on the zodiac signs ranking from the most reliable to the least:
#1. Cancer
The crabs are not only committed and very responsible individuals. They are also empathetic enough to cherish their relationships to the fullest and go to great lengths to make their loved ones happy. You can count on them if you need a shoulder to cry, a piece of sound advice, or someone who will celebrate your success. You can tell that these sensitive water signs really care, making them one of the most reliable signs of the whole zodiac.
#2. Virgo
Virgo strives for perfection in everything they do, which can sometimes be annoying to their friends and relatives who have to withstand their judgmental nature. However, Virgo will never let their loved ones down and will do everything they can to help someone who’s having a rough time. This sign is very service-oriented and loves to fulfill their role with flying colors, whether we are talking about work, friendship, or love partner. Virgo will give you great advice, bring you soup when you are sick, and will be the first to congratulate you when you achieve your goals.
#3. Taurus
Taurus is a committed and down-to-earth water sign with a dependent and trustworthy way of approaching life. They don’t shy away from hard work and are willing to help their loved ones with complex tasks such as moving or painting their houses. The bull also knows how to spoil their friends and relatives and will make sure to comfort you with a delicious meal and bottle of wine whenever you are feeling down. This sign loves stability and security, which is why they try to constantly attend to their relationships and work affairs so they can be there for the rest of their lives.
#4. Capricorn
Capricorn is a wise and committed earth sign willing to endure any kind of hardship as long as they meet their goals and do not fail their loved ones.
These individuals may appear severe and cold on the outside, but they actually have a very generous heart that will never disappoint their family and friends. They can even pull resources from places other people can't imagine just to avoid letting anyone down.
#5. Scorpio
Scorpio is a passionate and fearless water sign that takes its relationships very seriously and is capable of endangering its own well-being for the sake of helping one of its friends or family members.
These individuals are capable of walking through fire for you and will prove to be fiercely loyal and supportive. Now, never make the mistake of betraying their trust, as Scorpios never forget a mistake, and after being hurt, there is no turning back.
Scorpios are reliable as long as others repay them in kind. When these signs are heartbroken, it is tough for them to get out of their self-absorption to help others.
#6. Leo
Leo often seems self-centered or superficial, but they genuinely want to help others and are very dependable and committed when pursuing their passions.
When Leo aligns with their heart, they are the most generous, dependent, and enthusiastic people, always willing to offer a shoulder to cry on and help their loved ones when they are going through a hard time.
However, when Leo has to put their dreams on the back burner to take care of more pressing matters, they can become conceited and selfish, putting their needs first, and may ignore their caring responsibilities if they have a bad day.
#7. Aries
You can rely on Aries to be there when you need them, especially if you are looking for motivation to follow your goals or a gym partner to help you boost your physical performance.
However, they won't always give you the right advice or make you feel better when you're having a bad day. Rams don't usually think about what they say and are too impulsive in their interactions, making them very blunt and tactless.
When they feel that a loved one is not trying hard enough to get out of their situation, Aries will lose patience. They want to find a quick solution and not waste time complaining or self-pity.
#8. Libra
Libra keeps their promises and will try to be there for others when they need them. However, they do this to keep their reputation intact and not appear rude, even though they may not feel like doing what they are asked to do.
Still, if you need advice, you can always count on Libra, who is objective enough to understand your point of view and help you reach a harmonious and fair solution. These individuals will never do anything to upset others and will seek peace in all their interactions.
#9. Sagittarius
Sagittarius is not exactly reliable. These signs have a hard time keeping their promises and committing to projects because they go where the wind takes them and can change course at a moment's notice.
These individuals will never let go of their desires to surrender to other people's needs. Their spirits are too wild and spontaneous to be there for anyone's needs. For them, it is better to be authentic than to comply.
If you need Sagittarius and they happen to be available, they will gladly help you! Now, don't try to hold them to a commitment that will occur a week later, as you may get disappointed.
#10. Pisces
Pisces is an empathetic water sign that has the best of intentions. They want to be there for their loved ones, remain accountable to their work goals, and not disappoint others.
However, these individuals seem to live more in dreamland than in the real world, so they tend to miss appointments, neglect their commitments, and forget their plans, which annoys their friends and family.
That's why if they ever let others down, Pisces will quickly forgive them and give them a second chance to make up for it.
#11. Gemini
Having a relationship with Gemini is like dealing with six people in the same body, all with different personalities and interests.
Therefore, it is not easy to depend on Geminis when you need them to commit to a plan. They may seem entirely on board with the idea at the time, but within five minutes, they will be distracted by some other activity, change their mind, or forget all about it.
So, if you need Gemini's help with something, make sure it's a short, on-the-spot situation, so you don't lose their attention and ensure they deliver what you need.
#12. Aquarius
If you are down or going through an emotional crisis, don't count on Aquarius to be there to support you. These individuals cannot deal with the intense emotional mess of others and will indeed run away without warning when someone asks for their devoted attention.
Aquarius is detached and highly values their personal space. If they don't feel like fulfilling a commitment or assisting someone else, they will have no problem saying no and going about their business.
If you are concerned about an issue, you can count on Aquarius to listen to you without judgment, but don't expect them to be there as long as you need them to be.
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faytelumos · 1 year
Growing Pains
This is inspired by @thepenultimateword's reformed villain prompts.
cw: self deprecation
"This is your new costume," the lady said, pushing a plastic-wrapped, puffy square under the glass. "Inside, there's a voucher for tailoring and for a pair of shoes to match." Breaking Point — er, Turmoil — nodded and took the package in unsteady hands. "This is your tracker, you'll need to wear it at all times, it cannot get wet," the lady droned on, slipping a band through. She hadn't even looked at Turmoil yet. They nodded, taking the bracelet from under the glass. "You'll wait there," she pointed to some desolate, plastic chairs, "until your sponsor arrives to get you. Good luck and stay safe." It wasn't genuine. It kind of sounded like a line a customer service rep repeated ad nauseam.
Turmoil took their pittance of a parting package and sat in one of the hard, cold, plastic chairs. The two enforcers in the hall shifted their weight, perhaps uncomfortable with Turmoil's presence. They couldn't quite tell, but they resisted the urge to reach out with their powers. It was way too early to go breaking their new rules.
They hunched forward, rested their elbows on their legs, and looked down at their new costume. They didn't get to design it. And they hadn't picked their new name. It didn't work like that, apparently. They could maybe change their costume when they had proven themself as trustworthy. But no one had mentioned when they'd be able to change their name.
The new costume was… it was hard to tell through the shrink wrap and under the florescent light, but it looked like some purply-silver getup. There was a pattern, but it was too hard to see. Where everyone got the idea that mental powers were purple, Breaking Point had no idea. But it probably could have been worse. And at least now, they were dressed in something passably casual, some blue jeans and a mint, striped button-up. They'd been afraid they were going to walk out of this place wearing that green jumpsuit.
Somewhere up the hall was a loud buzz. Turmoil and the two enforcers looked up. There were bootsteps, more than one pair, and then a third enforcer and a large man came around the corner.
To say Seismic was intimidating was an understatement. He was easily over six feet, with the shoulders, chocolate curls, and thick, short beard of a cartoon lumberjack. But he wore a baggy tee that said "talk nerdy to me" instead of flannel, and his expression read more cool curiosity than manly indifference.
"You my kid?" he said as Turmoil rose cautiously to their feet. They hesitated. They… weren't young enough to be— "Turmoil?"
"Oh, uh, y-yes." Seismic nodded and kept walking, leaving the third enforcer behind to go to the woman behind the glass. He signed the checkout sheet, then turned and came back to Turmoil. "Uh, thank you f—"
"Yeah, yeah, you're okay," Seismic said, holding up one hand for peace and the other out for Turmoil's stuff. "We can talk on the sidewalk; let's just get you the hell outta here." Turmoil nodded, looking down and offering the things in their hands. The sooner they left the bars and cages, the better.
Seismic tucked the costume under a thick arm and then loosened the tracker bracelet. He reached out and grabbed Turmoil's hand—
—poor kid looked to be all skin and bones, and they shook like Mister Ede's chihuahua—
—Turmoil yanked their hand back as if burned. Seismic looked up, incredulous, and then seemed to understand.
"My bad," he said, carefully holding the bracelet open. Turmoil looked down, trying to hide the way their eyes burned. The echoes of Seismic's emotions lingered, sticky on Turmoil's skin. They reached forward, careful not to touch him again, and he gently tightened the band and locked it in place on their wrist. "Alright," he grunted, and he started walking and motioned for them to follow.
Turmoil stuck close to him, especially as they approached the three security gates. Each buzz and clang felt like a bundle of chains falling off of their shoulders, getting farther and farther from the dirty gloom of this place. Seismic lead them casually out of the facility and into the parking lot. Turmoil blinked at the sharp, evening sunlight, raising a hand to shield their eyes. It was bright outside. And kind of muggy.
"How's the free air taste?" Seismic asked. They looked over to him, still reeling slightly from his touch.
"Uh, it's not exactly free air," they uttered, looking down at their hand. Seismic's mind had been sharp and dominant. Mine. Danger. Protect.
He let out a huff of a chuckle. "Okay, how's the semi-free air taste?" They looked up at him again.
In the natural light, it was easier to see the inhuman details about him. His eyes were a stunning citrine in the light. His hair, dense and curly, swayed just a little, unnaturally, with every minute motion of his head. And his skin, a sun-loved tan, glittered ever so slightly. It made him look… not quite angelic. Maybe just etherial. Maybe just soft.
"It tastes… smoggy."
He laughed briefly, looking around them at the busy street and nearby buildings. "Alright, Debbie Downer, let's get you the hell home." He turned and started walking, and Turmoil followed close beside him. "The other kids are excited to meet you," he said.
"I… thought this was a hero team?" they asked. He blinked, then shook his head slightly.
"Er, yeah. Most of them are in their late twenties. Sorry, I just always call them my kids." They nodded, touching their hand lightly to where he had grabbed them.
"It's okay." They hesitated, and he didn't say anything. They wanted to know more. This would be their… home from now on. "You must be, like, the den father," they ventured. He chuckled, a broad smirk stretching across his face.
"Yeah, basically. A couple of 'em even just call me dad." They nodded, looking down to the sidewalk again. The way Seismic felt about Turmoil, even after just barely meeting them, they weren't surprised. Well, they were surprised. Surprised anyone felt that way about them. A failed villain, a wet dog of a person, now also a lame excuse for a hero. But not surprised that others felt comfortable enough to call him dad.
He suddenly put a hand on their shoulder, giving them a soft squeeze through their scratchy button-up.
"Don't worry about anything right now," he said, looking down at them. Without the sunlight in his face, his eyes were a striking, warm amber. "Let's just get you settled in and put some real food in you."
Turmoil was the latest of four rehabilitation cases. The house, a completely normal-looking thing in a completely normal suburban neighborhood, had three sponsors.
The other one Turmoil needed to expect to see a lot was Overcast. They recognized that name immediately; Overcast was a brutal fighter, and she'd killed more than one villain in the field. But Seismic had laughed at the horrified look on Turmoil's face and given them another shoulder squeeze.
"She's harmless," he said as if she couldn't conjure a lightening storm from a clear day.
When the two walked into the house, it surprised Turmoil how… homey it was. There was a beaten-up couch sitting on what was once a plush, light gray, furry rug. The hardwood was scratched up and scorched in several places, just like the off-white walls. There was an electric fireplace with picture frames, crocheted animals, plastic floral arrangements, and post cards atop, all beneath a five-year-old TV. Across the living room, in the dining room, the chairs at the table didn't all match, and there was a pile of jackets and coats against one wall.
Seismic stepped in and around Turmoil, then nodded at the person sprawled across the couch. She lifted her head, black hair and cat-like eyes making her stand out against the cream fabric.
"Nine Lives, Turmoil. Turmoil, Nine Lives."
Turmoil offered a pittance of a wave, caught up in the sharp, yellow eyes. The woman sat up fully, and it seemed her eyes were the only obviously feline trait about her. She looked… guarded. She looked pretty.
"Nice to meet you," she said quietly. It wasn't genuine.
"Nice to meet you, too."
"Where're the others?" Seismic asked, pulling the still-wrapped costume out from under his arm. Nine Lives scratched her chin with long nails.
"Back yard, I think. I don't know; I've been reading."
"Helpful," he said. She huffed dismissively, then laid down again, disappearing into the couch beneath an almost-white afghan. He shook his head. "Your room's this way," he said, already walking up the hall. Turmoil followed. "You'll be sharing with Third Degree." They stepped into a door on the left, and he moved aside so they could see in. The room was pretty evenly divided into two parts, with a bed and dresser on each side. The left half of the room was decorated with band posters, samples of black and shining rock, a fish tank with a turtle, and clothes lain out on available surfaces. On the right half, the bed was dressed with a blue-white comforter and gray sheets, the walls and wardrobe bare. "Overcast will take you shopping soon, same time we get your suit tailored," Seismic said, hefting the costume. "Feel free to go nuts; we can get S.A.I. to cover all of it."
Turmoil nodded, their chest tightening. They still weren't sure about Overcast, dreading meeting her and making a bad impression and earning her ire. But more than that, they just didn't want to disappoint Seismic. They were getting this opportunity because they were young and hadn't killed anybody, not because they really had the ability to be a hero. And Seismic was nice, and anything Turmoil did would reflect on him. "Thanks," they choked. Seismic put a heavy hand on their shoulder, rubbing it comfortingly.
"Take your time, kiddo. Dinner'll be in about an hour."
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idolkilling · 23 days
How would you describe Reis's love language?
He’s an acts of service person first and foremost, with quality time and gift-giving secondary!  
He likes cultivating a dependable image, being someone others can rely on for anything they might need, any advice they might want, etc.  Initially he has unsavoury intent with this, but it carries over to his genuine attachments after a shift in his own perspective—being seen as trustworthy is personal now, so he wants to prove he’s useful and loyal…  He’s gonna be the beeesssttt friend they’ve eeeverrr had :)  
(Conversely, he’s most receptive to physical touch/quality time, especially from people who know his true nature and stick around despite it.)
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hughiecampbelle · 1 month
Howdy howdy! First I just wanted to say; Congrats on 10,000 followers! You deserve it!! Your hard work, creativity and dedication are so present in everything you do, and it's so inspiring. I wish you lots of luck in your future projects ☺️☺️
May I please ask for a romantic ship for The Boys?
I'm 22, non-binary (AFAB, if that matters) pansexual/romantic, and polyamorous (no preference for gender)
General personality stuff:
Ennegram types 2, 4 and 8
Zodiac: Taurus sun, pieces moon and rising
Hogwarts house- Hufflepuff
I'm in college- Women and Gender Studies major with a Queer Studies minor
My goal is to go into harm reduction/community + advocacy work : )
Dreams for the future; ideally a semi-active lifestyle where I can pursue my interests- I'd like to have a home gym, a gaming set up and a crafting room one day. The work I'm going into will likely be very emotionally draining so ideally I'd have the free time to relax/recharge by playing games, doing art, and hanging out with my partner. Something I'd really love to do one day is get really high and go into an aquarium or planetarium
Favorite places I've been; Costa Rica, Italy, Santa Cruz/Monterey (specifically the boardwalk and aquarium)- I'd love to visit France and Japan someday
Pet peeves; I strongly dislike when people have an inflated ego and genuinely don't care about/respect others. Hate capitalism/pro-capitalist arguments and People who don't recognize larger underlying issues or who choose to ignore key information when looking at an issue
I hate when people are condescending and cruel. I get super annoyed with people who don't follow road safety or who are just rude drivers
Appearance: I'm 5'3, chubby, and kinda muscular. I have lots of scars on arms, chest, and legs. I have mid-length brown hair that I usually wear in a half-up style. I like dying it but bc I'm working right now, the ends are just bleached. I have dark brown eyes, some freckles/moles/scars littered across my face, and round cheeks. Fashion consists of graphic tees (with puns, memes, and trippy art) and jeans or shorts/cargo pants. I'll wear lots of different kinds of jewelry, including fun earrings, chains, and chokers. My style is casual/comfortable. I put effort in, but prioritize comfort lol
Hobbies/likes- theatre/acting, going to the gym, roller skating, playing video games, listening to music (and singing along.. Badly), smoking weed, watching TV shows and movies, drawing/coloring hanging out with friends, Writing, reading, going to museums/amusement parks, taking care of/watching animals, making bracelets/jewelry, surfing/swimming
intellectual interests; extistentialism, law/politics, current event/media analysis, anything to do with space or the ocean, animals/environmentalism, studying languages
Positive traits: my friends have told me that I'm smart, funny/goofy, sarcastic, polite, thoughtful, strong, patient, trusting/trustworthy, empathetic and compassionate. My friends generally come to me for advice and I've been told I'm a good listener. I also like make myself useful (doing dishes, wiping down counters, laundry, etc) I'm passionate and very excitable and it makes me pretty talkative (when I want to be). Sociability depends on my mood. Sometimes I sit back and enjoy group dynamics, other times I participate more in conversation
Negative traits: I'm pretty self conscious/ insecure, and indecisive because of it. I definitely have a tendency to be envious. Bad habit of taking stuff personally and dwelling on issues that I should let go. can get annoyed/frustrated easily, especially if I'm overstimulated. I'm also jumpy and gullible. Communication is very important to me in all my relationships, but when I get depressed, I tend to isolate.
I show my love through acts of service and prefer words of affirmation. I enjoy doing things for my loved ones and making sure they can relax, feel safe, and be happy. I'm not exactly sure how to describe my type so I'll list a couple characters I simp for lol- Wolfwood (trigun), Aki (chainsaw man), Percy (Vox Machina), Levi (attack on Titan); I guess how I'd describe them is- sarcastic, closed off but vulnerable, funny, brooding, obsessive, sensitive
Misc stuff
- Right now, some of my favorite media includes The Boys, Trigun, The Office, Gravity Falls, Rick and Morty, Adventure Time, Breaking Bad, Hollow Knight and Arcane.
- Games I usually play include Overwatch, League (I'm ashamed), Hollow Knight, Pokemon and Harvest Moon
- Currently Attempting to get through a book called The God Problem. Super interesting but goddamm it's thick
- I collect a lot of stuff. I have a Ton of comfort items- my posters, stuffed animals, collectible figures, etc.
- When I first meet people, I'm overly formal and will crack a few jokes, but once I'm familiar with someone, I cuss a lot and enjoy playful teasing, but I always encourage to set boundaries if they need to.
- I'm a big over thinker. I can be pretty independent and self sufficient (sometimes) but I'm also very very insecure and doubt myself a lot. I've got lots of vocal stims and am pretty fidgety.
- I listen to a lot of different kinds of music but I think the main genres I listen to are indie and alt rock
- some of my favorite artists include khai dreams, Hozier, Mitski, Maneskin, Queen, and The Weekend, and I really enjoy musical/cartoon scores and soundtracks (especially Adventure Time and Steven Universe)
- Fave songs right now are Stress Relief (late night drive home), Good Luck Babe (chappel roan), Don't Look Back (kotomi, Ryan elder), First Time (Hozier), and Die For You (the weekend)
I did my best to flow along with the rules you laid out- hopefully I didn't miss anything- I apologize if I did. I know this is really long, so I apologize if it's overwhelming. Please don't feel pressured to answer. Take care! 💛
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Marvin loves your intelligence. Whether you're talking about politics and law or the best way to undermine Vought, he's absolutely blown away by your thought process. He's always bragging about how smart you are to anyone who'd listen
Everyone else you work with (maybe there are one or two exceptions) tends to think about what they want and act on it compulsively. You're level headed, thoughtful, something he wasn't used to at first, but instantly fell for
You and Marvin are constantly doing things to make each others lives easier. You might wash the dishes one night while he folds the laundry. Showing up at the office with coffee and something sweet when he pulls an all-nighter. Small gestures that mean so much and that show your love
Dealing with Butcher means being told hurtful things and being expected to brush it off like it's nothing. Knowing it'll hurt you deeply, Marvin makes it clear to him (in private of course) that you're off limits. He can be an a--hole to him all he wants, but he draws the line when it comes to you, no exceptions
Marvin definitely takes inventory of all the things you collect (posters, trinkets, etc.) and, no matter what, finds something to add to it. He finds tons of small, cute things that remind him of you. They're left on your desk or on the counter in the kitchen where he knows you'll see. Usually there's a little note attached in his pristine handwriting, always with a heart by his name as if you didn't know it was him who'd left it there
I hope you like it my love!!!! :D Xoxoxo💜💜💜💜
Want to request a ship?
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bad-wolf-circe · 16 days
I was browsing the debate tags and I just wanted to say thank you so much for your service as a poll worker! I've heard how tough the task has been in recent years, so just wanted to express my gratitude. Folks don't get to hear that a lot.
hi anon!!! thank you so much for your ask -- it's really kind of you! This year will be my first as a poll worker (though hopefully I'll do more poll working for the primaries and other elections!!) and while I'm a bit nervous about hecklers and stuff I'm also ready to help people vote and understand the civic process better. Voting in the united states is a uniquely... quirky issue (in that it is so insanely inaccessible and confusing) and I want to make sure that I can help people as much as possible during these elections!!
on a related note, I REALLY hope we get to a point where we can vote for candidates who are actually trustworthy and genuine. right now the option still hinges upon the "lesser of two evils" and that's severely damaging not just for this country, but for the entire world. we deserve better people and after this election i hope we start listening to and rallying behind third party candidates.
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ontogen1 · 20 days
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You have a brand and you want it to be promoted all across the world. You know you have social media and nowadays it is the only platform where you can reach your brand to the audience swiftly. But, social media is not only for posting your perfect latte art or your backyard, having a strong presence can bring you exponential benefits. Through social media, you can easily reach more people and get customers by making your brand visible. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitter are profitable ways to promote your brand since almost 4.2 billion people in the world are using them, it becomes more consistent for people to hang out on it most of the time . When people trust you with your brand, consider you win the race. You’ll get new leads that get converted to customers, and if your customers are happy and satisfied with your services or products, you'll get more deals later on. So let me introduce you to 10 benefits of having a strong social media presence if you choose to spend a few hours on social media per week.
1. Your trustworthy and effective customer service to keep retaining them:
While it is important that your brand needs a customer base, the most important thing is you also need to respond to your customers' queries about your brand. In that way, you can build a long-lasting relationship with your customers. You can respond to customers quickly in no time, as when it comes to social media, all it takes is a direct message to message your customers. Popular apps like Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin all have direct message features that are very convenient for your business to flourish.
2. Being relatable with your audience
There are ‘n’ number of trends going on every day. From relatable office memes on Instagram reels to soft launching the brand like offering a sneak peek or showing behind the scenes which will build anticipation among the audience. Instagram has even started by adding music audio to carousel posts to make them more aesthetic. Creating posts that will make your audience go like, “Hey, that’s so relatable, that happened to me yesterday!” will make them connect with your brand immediately.
3. Promoting your brand without any third party:
Gone are the days when middlemen were there for literally anything. Startups can rely on themselves now, without any third party. You can post your brand on social media without any intermediary. Audiences will look at your brand through LinkedIn posts, Instagram reels, and even through Twitter.
4. New leads every day
Lead generations are vital and at the heart of creating any brand. Without any leads, your brand will be stranded in a desert. But if you use social media logically and attract more customers, 90% of the time those viewers convert into leads and boost up your business.
5.Get your network cycle
As a brand owner, you need to constantly look out for opportunities. Which only helps when you use your social media platform to connect with fellow brand owners. Collaboration with business owners can be greatly beneficial for the growth of your business. Especially collaborating through influencer marketing for brand exposure and fellow business owners will increase visibility.
6.Connect through SEO
Optimizing your social media page by adding relevant keywords will make your page appear when people search related to your brand. Adding a physical location will make your brand easily recognizable, Facebook and Google are prime examples of that. Sharing valuable and accurate content deserves recognition from your audience. When the audience trusts you, they boost your SEO by sharing your content.
7. Advertise your brand with effective costing
Compared to traditional advertising like banners and posters, you can just pay for cost-per-click, 1000 lead impressions and all, which are so effective yet cost less. By this, you can concentrate on your other tasks such as filtering out your target audience. By sponsored content, you can cover more audiences such as influencer marketing. You can also not spend any money and go on with your advertising. For example, you can choose to post carousels and video ads free of cost. But when it comes to organic advertising, you need to remember that consistently posting your content will help you to reach your audience. Don’t keep your brand page stale.
8. Withhold your reputation with your audience
Without any sense of trust, any brand will collapse. It is important to note that all brands, including well-established brands, need their reputation to hold in front of the audience to know about them. Startups have a great opportunity to build their reputation in the social media world as the reach is wide and fast. People when they start loving your brand, will automatically do the work of sharing your brand information everywhere.
9. Increased ROI & Sales
To increase Return On Investment and Sales, all you need to do is to know how different social media platforms work. Each one has a different purpose. For example, using hashtags on Twitter, using visual videos on Facebook, and Instagram reels with catchy content, and posting content on relevant pages on LinkedIn. Following these purposes will lead to more audience engagement and will convert your sales into money. Posting on social media is a great way to get more sales as people are always using social media, which you can take up to your advantage.
10.Make your business measurable
Social media allows your business to measure your success. Isn’t that great? To know where exactly you stand in terms of Return On Investment, or advertisement cost you can use Instagram analytics tools to measure your success. To help you with that, we as a digital marketing agency have the expertise to measure your metrics, calculate your ROI, and boost your sales. A digital marketing agency not only will service you with these, but also give you step by step on how to leverage your social media presence to get more leads. If you need our services, contact us at [email protected], and subscribe to our blog for more such updates.
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