#George weasley x Hufflepuff! reader
ch-4-eri · 2 years
Okay so I totally understand if you don't want to write another George fic since the last two you posted were about him (and if so then please ignore this), but if you're okay with doing another one,,,, could you please do one were reader is either a Hufflepuff or Gryffindor and the reader is childhood best friends with the Weasleys (in the same year as the golden trio) but has been pining over George for ages..? I don't really mind what come after that tbh 🧘‍♀️
(Either way, I hope that you have a good day/night!)
Finally a Hufflepuff request I love Hufflepuffs so so much, second fave house after my own aka gryffindor for sure.
Also you guys can request a character no matter how much I’ve written for them before, I adore Georgie and would never tier from writing for him. Thank you for the request love I hope you enjoy 🧡
The trio went out to get to meet you since you’d been a Hufflepuff and the gryffindor’s common room wouldn’t allow anyone who was not one.
You were so excited to meet up with your best friends because of your schedule that was rather a little hectic.
You mentally squealed as you saw them walking down the steps to meet you, running up to them and crashing them all in a hug. Ron being in the middle where you rested your head on his shoulder with your arms around Hermione and Harry, Hermione was laughing at your enthusiasm.
You were usually quiet and reserved, but when it came to your friends you were so excited and bubbly around them. a complete different personality from you being around people you were not familiar with, pulling away to face Ron.
Your childhood best friend, just as his entire family had been.
Your mother and Molly were best friends at hogwarts. Molly and Arthur, as were your mother and father the couples that ended up together and got married, you lost your father in the very war Harry stopped for 12 years. you’ve never met your father, he died when you had been just one year old. and from that you grew up surrounded by Molly and Arthur with their children and you couldn’t have it any other way.
And of course growing up around such amazing boys (and the lovely Ginny) meant that you had to catch feelings for a special one, Ron’s older brother and the youngest twin.
George Weasley had been only two years older than you and was always protective of you, George always loved playing with you when you both had been kids and the more you grew up the more attached to him you’ve found yourself to be.
He started growing up and getting taller, more handsome. Losing that baby face of his in a more defined jawline and his hands getting slimmer as his body from all the quidditch he’s been practicing since he’s started school.
You always found yourself gawking at your best friend, you couldn’t help it. He was absolutely gorgeous and you were right by it.
George was there for you in everything, any fall that caused you a scratch he’d always be the one to clean it up and lighten up the mood if you felt any pain, he had your heart in the palm of his hands and he was so careful with it.
Remembering when the hat sorted you into Hufflepuff and the teasing you got from George, saying he’d always known that’s where you’ll
Be. Saying you were his softie, and his only softie.
“I’ve missed you guys so much!” You said. Pulling away and standing next to Hermione, making your way to sit down somewhere.
“You guys, Fred and George asked me to meet them there too.. saying they have something to show us.” Ron said, walking faster as you caught up with them.
Your heart jolting as you heard the mention of his name, no matter how much you could see him a day your heart never failed to jump at the sight of him.
“I hope they’re not lighting someone on fire.” Harry joked which caused all four the loudest laughter, knowing the twins that wasn’t too far fetched.
“Most likely.” You said, shaking your head in disbelief.
“Finally, took you years.” Fred popped up from behind Ron, shoving his head downward as you caught him from falling, giggling as Ron went to give his brother the same shove.
“guys come here.” George spoke, your heart doing that same jump at the sigh of him, kneeling down with candy in his hands before he stood up, towering over you. He acknowledged you’d been there sending a wink your way before he gave you the candy first.
“You have to kill me before I eat something you guys made.” Hermione mumbled. Fred rolled his eyes. “It won’t kill you, try it.”
“Come on.” George had his attention on you only, ignoring Fred and Hermione bickering over the candy he wanted everyone to try. As well as George was too, but you trusted George. It’s probably just a candy, not a bomb.
You grabbed it from his hand, making your fingers brush together as you unwrapped it.
“I’m not eating it! That’s final.” Hermione shouted at Fred as Ron and Harry agreed to eat it as well.
You took a bite. It was exactly the kind of chocolate you’d buy, your eyes widened as you shoved it in your mouth entirely. Catching Hermiones eyes in horror, expecting you to collapse or choke up but it was actually really good, you didn’t feel like you’d die or your stomach about to explode.
“Oh my god you’re crazy!” Hermione sighed, Harry and Ron looked fine too. You leaned your head and gave them a thumbs up, them returning it to you.
“So what do you think?” George asked you, his hands on his hips.. both his smirk and Fred’s a little concerning but they wouldn’t hurt you Even though you kinda started doubting it.
“Did you put something in it? I mean it’s good don’t get me wrong.” You put your hands up in defeat, George pouted. “I thought you trusted me.”
“I do, of course I do. But like- yeah it’s good I liked it.” You defended, George’s eyes lit up at your approval before you looked away as the blush crept up your cheeks.
“It’s actually just chocolate for now, we’ll put something in it soon. We just wanted to make sure it’s a good tasting chocolate.” Fred said, Hermione took a sigh of relief as Ron and Harry did too.
Fred and George only high fived walking away, but George was looking back at you. You smiled and waved at him, hoping you’d catch him later.
It was later that day as your hang out with your friends came to an end, walking back to the Hufflepuff tower to just nap or maybe do something else.
Still being on the lookout if you’d see George anywhere, you gave up and continued on your way before you heard a whistle.
Turning around you saw him walking towards you, Fred nowhere next to him. You immediately started smiling as he stood in front of you with the same smile on his face. “What are you up to?” He asked, grabbing your shoulder and pulling you next to him.
Dangling his arm off your shoulder made you feel so many things you couldn’t understand and wouldn’t know how to explain. “I was going to nap.” You chuckled, knowing how he’d find that boring.
“Rubbish, you said you liked it right?” He changed the subject, pulling the same chocolate you had earlier. “You can have the rest.” It was indeed many of them, you couldn’t help but smile. He knows you loved chocolate, as George knew everything about you.
“Thank you Georgie.” You stood on your tiptoes and kissed his cheek softly, unwrapping one as you started eating it.
“Alright uh- I’ll be on my way. You go nap if you want.” George took his arm off of you and walked off. “George, wait! Hey-“ you yelled after him but he seemed like he was in a hurry.
Did you say something you shouldn’t have? You were frozen in track before you went back to the Hufflepuff common room.
Staying up all night to think about why did he run off? Was it because you kissed his cheek? You probably should have asked if it was okay, maybe he got uncomfortable. Or maybe he had someone else and wouldn’t want you to kiss his cheek randomly like that.
He had someone? You sat up in your bed, no. No he can’t have someone else- he was yours and you were sure of it.
Okay, okay maybe you needed a slight humbling second. Why wouldn’t he have someone else?
He was perfect, tall funny charming. Everything.
Your heart breaking at the thought, you were shaken up by hannah abotts snoring as you exhaled and placed your head back on the pillow. Trying to fall asleep.
It was a month later after Fred and George made that good chocolate that they turned into a funny prank, also a quidditch game between gryffindor and Hufflepuff that ended up in gryffindor winning.
You were happy for your friends and it upset you that they were partying without you, George hasn’t brought up the way he walked off on you that night but you were probably overthinking it.
You still wanted to badly ask about it and if you made him uncomfortable or if it bothered him.
You were waiting outside the gryffindor common room hoping any of yours friends would come out and you could ask for George, you wanted to ask about it and you will, your brain was eating away at you and you wanted this done for.
You thought that this was going to be a long night before you heard laughter that you so well recognized.
George laughing with a bunch of gryffindors wanting to enter the tower before he caught your eyes, he looked a little out of it.
“Am I dreaming or is that you here?” George giggled. “No you’re not dreaming, congrats on the win.” You smiled up at him as he smiled down at you back. “Thanks, sorry for your loss.”
“We’ll get over it.”
You couldn’t take the tension and wished you weren’t standing here in front of him but you were. “George, can I ask you something?”
He made a hand gesture for you to continue. “Did I make you uncomfortable that night? You walked off on me..” you asked, he raised a brow in confusion trying to think of it. His eyes looking off to the side before they met yours again, shrugging. “Sorry I forgot, but you never make me uncomfortable.” George mumbled, you understood why he looked like that. He was drunk.
“Come on let me get you some water.” You grabbed his arm and lead him to the Hufflepuff tower making sure he doesn’t run off as you got that water, your bottle that you left beside your bed.
You filled it just before you went to look for him. “Here drink this.” You opened it for him, George complied. Drinking the water as you both took a walk around.
“Better?” You sat him down on the steps, going next to him. “Why would you think you made me uncomfortable?” He started, lifting the bottle up to his lips. Taking another sip.
“I kissed your cheek, I thought that was it.” You hugged your knees close and looked at him. “You didn’t.” He responded, wiping his mouth.
He certainly looked more awake than when you’d found him. “You’re not mad gryffindor won?” George started after sitting in silence for a moment, it was pretty cold but the tension made you feel a lot warmer than you imagined.
“Why would I be mad, you guys are brilliant.. Harry is the best seeker. Better than diggory.” You mumbled which caused George to burst out laughing. “No way, I’ve never seen a girl dismiss cedric like that.” He continued laughing as you shrugged, Cedric was charming and a good seeker but you’d always pick Harry over him.
“Don’t get me wrong I like him.. but yeah.”
“You like him?”
“Just as a fellow house mate, definitely not in love with him or anything.” You shuddered at the thought of ever falling for anyone else that wasn’t George.
You felt his eyes burning the side of your face as you decided to turn your head and face him. “Liar.” He mumbled, taking another sip of the water.
“I’m not lying.”
“Rubbish! It’s Cedric, everyone is in love with him.” George seemed convinced which to say the least infuriated you.
“I’m in love with someone else.” You slipped, immediately regretting it as you shut your eyes.
“What..? who? Why don’t I know who you’re in love?” He asked, you knew George loved being a nosey guy but he didn’t know for obvious reasons that it was him. Not Cedric, not anyone else.
“It doesn’t matter but I can assure you it’s not cedric, he has a girlfriend anyway.” You dismissed the subject, at least tried to before George started again; “that doesn’t mean you can’t be in love with him.” He said which made you wonder why you were talking about cedric diggory in the first place.
“George, I don’t love the guy.” You finally said, hopefully he’d drop it. “Come on it’s Cedric.” He took another sip and the last before he placed the bottle between you both, chuckling at the teasing which was honestly pissing you off.
“The guy I’m in love with isn’t even a Hufflepuff, alright? Now drop it before I smack you.” You mumbled, his laughter died down as you mentioned that. “Then who is it?”
“No, you need to go to bed. Now let’s go.”
“Let’s stay here for some more, please?” He pouted as you rolled your eyes and nodded, staying there with him for another hour and a half. He was doing most of the talking as you listened, thinking about how he knows you liked someone now.. he wouldn’t drop it.
the Hufflepuff common room seemed a little tense from the loss as everyone was comforting cedric for losing last minute as some were scolding him. You scratched the back of your neck, recalling how you told George Harry was better than him.
Cedric caught your eye as you walked in. giving him a small wave. “Better luck next time, ced.” You awkwardly spoke. “What are the gryffindors saying?”
He stood up and walked towards you, oh no.
The entire house knew how close you’d been to the gryffindors, of course that would have a time where it came to bite you in the ass.
“I didn’t get to talk to them, party.. you know.”
“So you didn’t get anything?” He asked, his gray eyes staring into yours as you took a step back. His adrenaline must have still been pumping.
“Cedric, what? I can’t just get info for you I’m not a spy.” You awkwardly chuckled, he blinked twice and nodded. “Alright sorry, thanks though.” Cedric sighed and walked back to his friends. “Come on ced.” His friends walked him back up the boys dormitory.
Exhaling a breath you were holding, you weren’t comfortable with confrontations. Seeing some girls glaring at you, probably from your huge chance of getting Cedric to talk to you without trying.
“Goodnight.” You told them with an awkward smile and ran up to your dorm room, getting to sleep off this weird night.
You were sat in the library the next day, Hermione finding you there with a horrified expression, not expecting you to be there but you felt like reading and losing yourself somewhere else and in a book.
Her expression worried you enough you shut the book. “Hermione you okay?” You asked, eyebrows furrowed she walked closer to you.
“I don’t know if I should tell you this, but George was a mess last night.” She started, your heart dropped.
You left him fine and sobered up, what could have possibly went wrong?
“He was fine when I left him, what happened?” Hermione noticed you got all worried and quickly started explaining.
“He got drunk after you left him, someone probably left it and he drank all of it and started mumbling things.” She continued, still having that ‘I shouldn’t be saying this expression.’
“Yeah? What did he say?” You curiously leaned forward. “He said he was in love with you and that he wanted you there with him, even asked us to bring you but you know we can’t.” Hermione cleared her throat as your heart had probably fell into your lap, nothing could have prepared you for this.
“What?” You asked as Hermione only nodded, knowing well you heard her and that there was nothing else to be added. “Ron and Fred barely got him to sleep because he refused to unless you were there.” She flipped through the book in her hand as your heart slowly felt like it wasn’t where it had been few moments ago.
You didn’t respond, you honestly expected her to tell you anything but this. He was drunk confessing his love to you to his friends and his brothers, feeling all the way flustered you stood up. “Where are you going?” Hermione asked, removing her eyes from her book as you shrugged. “I don’t know.”
You just knew you had to leave the library and go to George. You didn’t want to waste any time, he loved you too so why not just go tell him you were in love with him too?
You were being so impulsively idiotic as you caught his eye, many students around as they were leaving a class and you had no idea what you were doing and what was happening when you ran to him with your arms around his neck and your lips on his in a passionate kiss.
You felt him tense under you but he quickly wrapped his arms around your waist and depend the kiss. Everyone around you made ‘ooo’s’ and ‘aw’s’ some even mumbling horrible words but you didn’t care, you cannot waste any more time not being with him and that’s exactly what you’re doing.
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Hermione: why are threesomes only for sex
Hermione: why can’t I join in on a couples argument if I want to
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George: Are you talking to yourself?
Y/n: Yes.
Y/n: It's the only way I can have an intelligent conversation in this school.
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wolfstardaughter-jj · 2 years
Random Ravenclaw: I wonder how Lupin-Black survives dating a chaotic mess like Weasley.
Random Hufflepuff: Right? He's good looking and all but I don't think I could survive the constant pranking and detentions.
~meanwhile with Y/n & Fred~
Y/n: Can I-
Fred: No love, you will not eat the levitation candy.
Y/n, pouts: But I wanna fly like Peter pan.
Fred: And I don't want you to end up on the Great Hall ceiling and never get back down. They're just prototypes, they're still in the works.
Y/n: But-
Fred: No buts, sorry love.
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pottersfia · 2 months
comfort | g.w. x reader
requested: “George feeling sad about his owls and going to Y/n for comfort”
word count: 225
“y/n?” you heard the familiar voice of your boyfriend, george, call your name from the door of your dorm room. you were taking a mind break from school and reading in your bed.
you looked up from your book and smiled at george. “hi george.” as he walked closer to you your smile dropped from seeing the upset look on his face.
“are you ok?” you asked him. he shrugged.
“just really needed to see you, love.” he said. you moved over to make room for him and he laid down next to you. he wrapped is arms around your torso and rested his head on your chest. you gently played with his hair.
“how were the owls for you?” you asked him. you knew that george had been dreading this day. everyone was anxiously studying for weeks.
“i don’t know.” he sighed. “it was stressful. i’m not sure how i did.” you rubbed his back as he talked.
“that’s ok, georgie. at least it’s over now.” you said. he looked up at you and smiled. “what?” you smiled back. he leaned up and kissed you which you instantly reciprocated. he parted from your lips and kissed your cheek.
“read to me? i love listening to your voice.” he asked you. you nodded and reopened your book as he rested on your chest again.
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apparentlytheproblem · 6 months
𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙄 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙩
pairing(s)- george weasley
a/n: Its been a while hoes :) , so im happy that i'm expanding the characters i write for, hope you're happy with how this turned out :) with so much love, teddy
requested- yes
warnings- none i hope
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Georgie Weasley was the one with all the cards up his sleeve and plenty of quick retorts and answers. And today he managed to climb up her window and perch himself upon its sill, his favourite spot in the entire world. okay, maybe after being in your arms.
What she wouldn't have given to see Molly have a look at her son now, her son who promised his dear mother that he was going to retire a bit early since how absolutley exhausting his day was.But then again, this was the most George Weasley coded thing to do.
Wouldn't you look at him now? sneaking around and climbing fences to spends a few hours to see his girl.
It was past twelve, a perfect hour for a certain redhead to keep good company.
Just the sight of her would have been enough for Georgie dearest, even just letters, but georgie has always been marked as an overachiever. So why would he not take a few risks to see a sight as pretty as them? maybe stick around a little bit, I mean he'd just do about anything for a hug that would stop his heart.
That's all the Weasley needed, that and maybe a kiss to keep him warm on the way back?
"Hello gorgeous"
"Hi handsome" she retorted now standing pressed up against the door.
as one hand snaked up her waist and the other arm leaned his weight on the door as he leaned in ever so carefully for a kiss. she melted. absolutley melted into him, entranced by the 'i miss you' s and 'i adore you' s between each one.
her palms squished his face as his knee made its retirement between her thighs.
"you missed me?" she cheekily whispered playfully.
another kiss landed on her forehead
"mhm so much" he whispered resting his forehead on hers, tucking strands of loose hair behind her ears, with his thumb caressing their cheek
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artsymushu · 2 years
Things guys normally do that look terribly hot when Fred does them
It's canon, he told me himself.
Leaning on the door frame while talking to you
Running the hands through his hair subconsciously, when he's thinking or when he's sweaty after quidditch practice
Stretching, just that. When he's tired in the mornings, or even if he's trying to reach something that's really high and his shirt lifts a little
Helping younger students. no explanation needed here, it's just hot when he helps kids
Being protective, not in a possessive way but in a hold my hand I don't wanna loose you way
Rolling up his shirt sleeves, does this need an explanation too or...?
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neytirisheaven · 8 months
[ ↷ m. masterlist ]
[ ❏   legend   , ]
✿   fluff     !    ☁︎   angst    !    ★   smut     !
♥︎   personal favorite     !    ✓   complete     !
ᝰ   currently writing     !
marauders era ──
❛ james potter ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
ᝰ  |  tell me that i'm all you want:
( afterglow,   taylor swift )
IN WHICH lily's sudden attraction to james has him thrown for a loop, and you're not sure if you have his heart any longer
ᝰ  |  been about three years since i dated you:
( broken clocks,   sza )
IN WHICH your breakup with james was already beginning to hit its three year mark when he shows up at your doorstep
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
❛ sirius black ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
✓  |  i can't lose when i'm with you:
( snooze,   sza )
IN WHICH sirius is so desperately in love with you, and the rest of the marauders help him execute his extravagant plan to ask you out
ᝰ  |  i'm so proud i got to love you once:
( sugarplum elegy,   niki )
IN WHICH it's the first wizarding war and you're visiting your ex, sirius, in his apartment
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
❛ remus lupin ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
ᝰ  |  i can't stop thinkin' 'bout you:
( thinkin bout you,   katie )
IN WHICH your little hallway crush on one of the infamous marauders, remus lupin, turns into something more
ᝰ  |  do you feel the love?:
( double take,   dhruv )
IN WHICH remus is as oblivious as they come, and you're tired of dropping all those hints that never get picked up
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
❛ regulus black ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
✓  |  she's all i wanna be so bad:
↳ ✓  |  how could i ever compete with that?
( she's all i wanna be,   tate mcrae )
IN WHICH being best friends with regulus black isn't all that great, especially when your feelings get thrown away for some new transfer student from beauxbatons
ᝰ  |  i've spent the night crying on the floor of my bathroom:
( good 4 u,   olivia rodrigo )
IN WHICH your breakup with your best friend's brother leaves you sobbing in the bathroom, and you're not as quiet as you think you are when regulus bursts in
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
lightning era ──
❛ harry potter ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
ᝰ  |  i'll keep it a secret:
( secret,   stemo & rich kim )
IN WHICH you tell harry about a little crush you have
ᝰ  |  why you gotta be like that?:
( y u gotta b like that,   audrey mika )
IN WHICH it's nearing the yule ball, and harry completely disregards your existence . . . like he always does
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
❛ fred weasley ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
ᝰ  |  i'll disconnect and keep the heart safe:
( love is (not) easy,   chase atlantic )
IN WHICH fred, as always, flirts with you, his best friend, and you can't take it anymore
ᝰ  |  don't be dishonest:
( don't,   bryson tiller )
IN WHICH you've barely just picked up the pieces of your heart and pieced them back together, and when word gets out that you like fred, it all falls apart once again
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
❛ george weasley ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
ᝰ  |  burning photos:
( die for you,   joji )
IN WHICH george broke up with you for angelina after fred's death, and you're finally beginning to let go of him
ᝰ  |  i need love and affection:
( loveeeeeee song,   rihanna & future )
IN WHICH george has been a bit distant recently, with preparations for his joke shop with fred, and you ask for just a bit more attention
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
ᝰ  |  you ain't my boyfriend:
( boyfriend,   ariana grande & social house )
IN WHICH both you and george need a little help getting your crushes jealous, so you turn to each other for assistance
❛ draco malfoy ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
ᝰ  |  i can give you love for free:
( escort,   chase atlantic )
IN WHICH draco's incessant teasing has an underlying motive
ᝰ  |  so long as we keep this lowkey:
( lowkey,   niki )
IN WHICH draco asks you to keep your newly established relationship under wraps from his parents and friends, and you're fine with it until it finally clicks
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
❛ mattheo riddle ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
ᝰ  |  tell me that you love me and prove it:
( 7pm,   lizzy mcalpine & lilacs. )
IN WHICH you begin to toss and turn at mattheo's newfound fondness of toxicity towards you and your relationship, and the sight of him with another girl is the final straw
ᝰ  |  maybe this is just lies:
( love affair,   umi )
IN WHICH your dynamic with mattheo is built off of what you believe is trust, but what he knows as lies
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
❛ theodore nott ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
ᝰ  |  she said "don't get too attached":
( heaven sent,   tevomxntana )
IN WHICH theodore begins to fall for you and your witty and sarcastic personality, but when you told him to not get attached, you meant it
ᝰ  |  chase two girls, lose the one:
( cardigan,   taylor swift )
IN WHICH you're one of the two girls that theodore can't keep his eyes, hands, nor mind off of, but as they say, "chase two girls, lose the one"
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
❛ others ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
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writing-wh0re · 3 months
“Read it to me, darling.”
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♥ pairing: george weasley x fem!reader
♥ summary: Based on this ask “you're reading a book and its so good, you dont notice george back from pratice. So he wants to test how much you love the book. ”
♥ warnings: smut 18+, oral, male performing oral, smut book (?), fingering, pussy eating, smut with little to zero plot.
♥ wc: 1090
♥ masterlist & taglist
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You were surprised how quickly you were getting through this book. Determined and excited to start the third instalment in the series. 
George had been out for hours, you had noticed the rain softly washing against the window, wondering when he would pop back in to see you again. Although it wouldn’t surprise you if he kept practising in the rain. 
You eyes skim over the words, a small smile on your face as Archer and Astrid, the two main characters finally shared their first kiss. You continue to read ahead, pulling the strawberry lollipop from your lips as you turn the page, excitement filling your body. You place the sweet back in your mouth, sinking down into the bed a little bit more, knowing your coming up to the juicy part of the novel. Small butterflies fill your stomach as Archer and Astrid pine over each other, both taking their relationship to the next level, solidifying their love. 
Your book falls into your lap, your face a slight tint of pink, eyes adjusting to the man in front of you. Slightly wet with rain and sweat, his shirt off and on the end of the bed. Your eyes rake over his body, your mind wandering back to your book as you rub your thighs together, which doesn’t go as unnoticed as you thought. 
“Sorry.” You shake your head, pulling the blanket up your body, feeling a slight shame for being caught with smut. 
George smirks, taking the lollipop from between your lips, slightly glossy with sticky strawberry residue and spit. He places the sweet in his mouth, his hand under your chin. Tilting your face to look up at him. 
“Love, don't tell me I’m losing you to your book boyfriend.” 
You pout slightly, before you can speak the lollipop is back against your lips. You frown, swirling your tongue around the sweet, watching George’s eyes lock onto your actions as the bed dips under his weight, him resting on his knees in front of you. 
“Please keep reading.” He insists, a swift wink sent your way. Moving the blanket off your legs. 
A gasp falls past your lips, your fingers gripping the stem of the lollipop to ensure its safety. 
“George, I don’t-”
He places his hand around your throat, his face inches from yours, the sweet smell of strawberry wafting between you. 
“Shh, darling, I simply can’t take you away from this book, I’ll occupy myself.” 
George grabs the book from your lap, his eyes quickly skimming the words, a small smirk on his lips. He tuts, shaking his head before, his fingers tracing down the top of your thighs, slipping between your legs, tracing the outside of your panties. 
“Ah, no wonder your panties are wet.” 
Blush creeps across your face, your eyes slightly wide as the embarrassment of him reading the smut washes over you. You bury your head in the book, wishing it would swallow you and help you escape this shame. 
George chuckles, laying down on his stomach, his lips kissing up your thighs, biting the soft skin with every second kiss. 
“I want to know who you prefer by the end.”
His fingers hook inside your panties, pulling them down your legs. 
“Me or your fictional man.” 
You roll your eyes, your heart hammering in your chest. 
“Don’t be like that.” You mumble, his warm breath fanning against your folds. 
“If you stop, I stop.” His tongue softly licks up and down your slit, an eruption of butterflies soars through your stomach. 
“George.” You whisper moan, heat filling your body. 
“Don’t stop love, I'm enjoying this.” 
You sigh, picking the book up and resuming where you left off. George kisses your folds, his tongue slipping back between them, circling your clit while you re-read the same sentence. 
Fuck, this is harder than it seems. 
“Yes.” You moan, your grip on the book tightening, your hips rocking slightly. 
“Read it to me, darling.” 
“Uh.” The sound falls from your lips as his wraps around your clit, sucking on the sensitive bud. Your eyes lock with his as he softly drags his tongue up your slit. 
“Enlighten me, I won’t ask again.” 
You nod, quickly picking the book back up and finding where you left off while George continues to play with your pussy. You clear your throat before reading aloud to him. 
“Archer gripped Astrid's hair, his hand pulling the strands around his palm. He liked the contrast between her red locks and his skin. He continued to thrust into her with heated passion- Fuck George uh.”
George chuckles against your clit, his fingers now slowly pulling in and out of you. 
“Astrid moaned something that caused Archer to slow his thrusts, wanting to hear- fuck just like that - wanting to hear more of what she could offer him. He knew if he kept it at this pace she would beg, a situation Archer only dreamt of. Astrid rocked her hips back, Archer's grip tightening on the strands of hair, pulling her back against his chest, his hands falling from her fiery red locks and groping - George Oh- her bo- Yes, Yes, uhh - her boobs.” 
Your head tilts back, George's pace picking up both his fingers and his tongue. The book falls on your chest, your finger tangling in his hair, chasing your hair. You rock your hips against his lips, his hands slipping under you and squeezing your ass, helping to support your slightly elevated angle. 
“I’m close.” 
George simply responds by humming against your clit, his fingers curling inside of you. Your back arches off the bed, your book falling off your chest and onto the floor with a small thud. 
“C-cumming” You moan, your vision blurry as you squeeze your eyes shut.Your teeth biting against the strawberry lollipop as it shatters in your mouth. George slows his actions, small aftershocks shooting through your body, your legs twitching. You release a deep sigh as George pulls his fingers out of your pussy, his lips glistening with a mix of your wetness and cum. 
He reaches for the lollipop stick between your teeth. You simply open your mouth showing him the shattered remnants as he smirks, leaning forward and capturing your tongue in his mouth. Intertwining his with yours and savouring the strawberry flavour before pulling away with a lick of his lips. 
“You should read to me more often.” 
You simply blush, hiding your face in your hands and pulling the blanket back up over your legs. 
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Taglist: @horrorxweasley @maybesandohnos @skarlettmikaelson @mathletemadison @wahooyahoo17 @zagreusdaughter @alina02 @addymartinsstuff @rebeldotty88 @peterpan-neverfails @thehumanistsdiary @anonreaderas @i-love-scott-mccall @sunshinemunchkin @themoonis-beautiful-tonight @veryspookybatbabe @uwiuwi @anythingandeverything97 @fckve @darling2800
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holyhead-hufflepuff · 1 month
fred weasley x reader: unspoken words
fred weasley x reader
summary: "who knows what's in the future, but now I need you to know that I love you" - unspoken words, mxmtoon
words: 1900
warnings: none
author's note: i was going through my old works, and i honestly really proud of this. so REPOST. this is based off of mxmtoon's "unspoken words" and i hope i did this amazing song justice - gracie ♡♡
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"Fred, stop it, I mean it," you cried, your hair tied back in two tight plaits. Your hand was wrapped around Fred's thin wrists as he pulled you through Diagon Alley, ignoring your cries and his mum's.
"Come on, y/n, it's not my fault you're just slow. George is keeping up just fine," Fred huffed, continuing to rush through the streets until they landed in front of Ollivander's. "I can't believe we get to go to Hogwarts. It's it, well-"
"Wicked," Fred and George said together, smirking at each other before pushing through the shop's front door.
"Fred. George. You can't just go running off," Mrs. Weasley screamed, slightly out of breath from trying to keep with the three eleven-year-olds. "Hello, Garrick, I'm afraid we'll be shopping second-hand again. We just don't have the galleons right now for two new wands."
"But, mum," Fred whined, crossing his hands over his chest as George just started at the small section of wands with worn boxes.
"I can pay for your guys' wands," you piped up, pulling out twenty-one galleons. Your mum had insisted you bring enough money to pay for the Weasley's wands as payment for housing you for the summer while she was off in Tasmania.
"Nevermind, we'll just take the used wands," Fred stated, pushing you aside to look at the second-hand wands.
"What's that supposed to mean?" you grumbled, tossing the galleons on the countertop. "You would rather have a second-hand wand then have one bought by me?"
"Good job, y/n. You got it on the first guess," Fred mocked, slowly clapping his hands.
"I hate you, Fred Weasley," you yelled, grabbing the galleons and storming out of the store.
You wrung your hands, nervous for the Order's newest mission, moving Harry Potter. It was bad enough that the wizard war was looming over your heads like a storm cloud, but now, you couldn't help but feel like something was going to go wrong.
"Okay, time to leave," you mumbled, slipping your favorite sneakers on and apparating to The Burrow.
"Y/N," you heard a familiar voice shout.
"Ginny," you shouted back, wrapping your arms around the petite girl. "Are you going on the mission tonight?"
"Are you kidding me? Mum will hardly let me out of the house," Ginny chuckled, wrapping an arm around you and leading you into the Burrow. "I can't believe Fred and George are letting you go on the mission, especially Fred."
You rolled your eyes at the redhead's wiggling eyebrows. "Sod off, Ginny. We all know that I am a strong, independent person that doesn't need to ginger twins deciding what I can and cannot do," you replied, the words almost verbatim to what you had told Fred when he told you to stay with Molly at the Burrow.
"Hey! I'm a ginger, too," Ginny exclaimed, placing a hand over her chest. "You wound me, did you know that?"
"Yeah, whatever, miss melodramatic. I'm going to put my jacket up in Fred and George's room," you announced, hurrying up the stairs and into the familiar room that smelled still smelled like smoke and candy.
You shrugged off your overcoat, tossing it on Fred's bed, and looked around the room. Everything was exactly the same as it was when you two were kids, bringing back memories of growing up with him.
"Y/N, you can't tell me you're actually thought Bulargia would win," Fred shouted from his side of the tent as you pulled your Bulgaria jersey off. "I thought you had better taste than that, but then again, you're dating Roger Davies."
"Screw you, Fred," you bit back, unsure whether or not to tell him that Roger had dumped you over the summer to try and get with Alicia Spinnet. "And, just so you know, Roger and I are, well, no longer together."
"Finally got tired of sloppy seconds, Cedric's to be precise?" Fred teased, grabbing your wrist and pulling you onto his bunk bed.
"You're a pig, Fred," you growled, leaning against the flat pillows. "Hurry up, now, I want to go out and see how the Irish are celebrating. Maybe we can even convince them to give up some firewhiskey."
"Tsk tsk, illegal underage drinking? Not perfect y/n," Fred chuckled, moving out of the way of your attempt to kick him. "Too slow- I guess that's what happens when you shag a loser like Roger Davies."
"Go to hell," you hissed, your red turning bright red. "I'll just go without you, and not that's it's your business, but I never slept with him."
You stormed out of the tent, pushing past George, who attempted to grab your wrist.
"Y/N, The Order is here," Ginny shouted, snapping you out of your thoughts.
You hurried down the wooden steps, your eyes immediately meeting with Fred's. "Hey," you breathed, running up to the redhead. "Merlin, I've hardly seen you two, and you, Fred Weasley, didn't write back after that mission. I really ought to smack you, but I'm honestly just glad you're okay."
"Wow, George, it's great to see you, too! How were you after the mission? Good? Oh, I'm so glad," George mocked in a high pitched voice.
"I'm sorry, George, the drama queen, how are you?" you asked, turning away from Fred to look at George.
"Oh, you know, disgust by your outward display of kindness to the lesser twin," George replied, but your eyes were already back on Fred.
"What happened to your cheek?" You asked, running your fingers over a faint scar. "It looks like it hurt."
"I'm fine, y/n, especially knowing that you aren't going tonight," Fred grinned. "They only need twelve 'Potters', and they want you back here, in case someone needs healing."
"Nope, they aren't budging on the idea, and neither am I. Anyway, we're going to be off once Bill and Fleur arrive," Fred stated, brushing off your concerned look. "Oh, there they are now. I guess I better get outside with the rest of The Order, and before mum fusses over me."
You bit the bottom of your lip, the taste of blood filling your mouth. "Be safe, Freddie. I swear that I'll kill you if you don't come back to me."
"I'll be safe," Fred whispered, brushing a piece of your hair back. "I swear that I'll come back to you."
You watched Fred walk out of the door, a crushing feeling washing over you. "Please have them all return safely," you said to no one in particular, hoping that some force of nature or faith heard you. You walked into the kitchen, where Arthur was talking to Molly, and George was promising to return to Ginny. You sat down in your chair, letting memories sweep you away from the world of worries.
"How was I supposed to know that you needed a personalized goodbye," Fred argued, using his wand to paint another layer of coat on the store's walls.
"Because we're best friends, Fred. You didn't even say goodbye. You left- you just left me alone," You shouted back, flicking your wand to paint your side of the room. "You just flew away on your stupid broom and left me alone. I would've come in a heartbeat."
"I know that- do you not think I don't know anything about you? You are the most brilliant person I know, and I couldn't just take you away. You had to take your N.E.W.Ts. I didn't want you to give up your education for a shop that wasn't your dream," Fred snapped. "I wanted to ask you, and so did George. But, I told him we couldn't sweep you away just because we didn't want to miss you."
You paused, his words sinking in. "I-I didn't- I'm sorry," you relented, setting down your wand and wrapping the redhead into a hug. Then, as if it were magic, Fred returned the hug and elicited butterflies in your stomach.
You didn't need to question the feeling- you knew you were in love.
"Y/N, it's George," a voice screamed, causing you to jump off your kitchen chair and run into the living room where George was lying limply on the couch.
"Shh, George. It'll be okay," you mumbled over and over again, pulling out your wand and murmuring incantations over his body. "Shhh, George, don't cry. I'll stop the pain, I promise."
You worked on his ear and mumbled all of the spells you knew that would act as a nerve block. Finally, what felt like eternities later, George was sleeping peacefully.
"Thank you," Fred spoke up, sitting next to you. "I don't know what would've happened without you here."
"I couldn't save the skin around his ear- it was ridden with dark magic. I had to cut it off, and now, he won't be able to properly hear out of that ear. Oh, God, Fred, why is this happening to us? We're kids," you sniffled, feeling Fred wrap his arms around you and pull you into his chest. "Time is just fading away, and we don't even know anything about the future."
"You were brilliant," Fred mumbled into your ear, hugging you tighter as if you were going to disappear if he didn't. "Y/N, and I need to tell you something-"
"I love you," you blurted, pulling away from his chest. "I should've said it sooner, but now, I need you to know that I love you. You don't need to say it back, but I need you to know."
"I love you, too," Fred breathed, not entirely sure if he heard what he wanted to or if you actually said you loved him. "God, y/n, I've loved you since you offered to buy my wand in Ollivanders- Since you nearly fell over the balcony because you were so swept away with the Quidditch World Cup. I've been in love with you since the moment I met you."
"Freddie, we met when we were like four years old," You laughed, tears starting to run down your face.
"I know- why do you think that I shoved your face into a mud pie," Fred chuckled, wiping your tears off with his palm. "I didn't know how else to say I loved you."
"I love you, Fred Weasley. I don't know what the hell will happen to us, but I'm just glad we'll do it together," you admitted, pulling Fred in for a kiss.
"Ah, my plan worked," a voice weakly said, causing the two of you to break apart and look at George. "Get my ear blown off? Check. Lose a bunch of blood? Check. Cause my best friend and my twin have an existential crisis? Check. Have them finally admit they're in love? Check."
You could help but laugh, filling the room with a sound that almost seemed unfamiliar. "Thanks, George, we couldn't have admitted it without you," you joked, playing along with the redhead.
"I know- although, I wish it hadn't taken years of sexual tension between you two and my ear to come off," George grinned, laying his head back down.
"Eh, I kind of enjoyed the sexual tension," Fred joked, "it really built-up this moment."
"Shut up, and kiss me," you smiled, grabbing the front of his shirt and bringing his lips against yours. 
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cherry-pop-elf · 3 months
hello! 🌷 is it okay to request weasley twins x hufflepuff reader that was tortured by umbridge, but didn't give away the prank / bad thing that the twins did? out of loyalty for them
maybe comfort too, since they're thankful to reader and also feel guilty for what umbridge done to her. could be pre-dating or already dating them !!
have a lovely day 🎀
As a Hufflepuff who would have 100% been forced to not use their wheelchair because Umbridge would think I was faking my disability for attention, yeah we gonna get some Whump in this shit. ((Lowkey having some rough shit going on mentally so some vent fic like this will be hella. Thanks anon! Perfect timing!
Honey Wounds
Warning: Violence, Umbridge in general, blood, torture, whump, hurt/comfort 🎆🐝🎇
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“Where’s little bumble bee-?” The twins would worry, as they had wondered why you didn’t show up to the secret little defense class Harry started up. Where could their little Hufflepuff be? Had them a little worried. By little, it was a lot. Things have been getting a lot more tense recently. Umbridge was really hammering down, and she was making her mission to find a way to get those two into Azkaban. By any means possible. The only reason she hasn’t was probably because of Percy somehow. As they worried, someone was quick to grab them.
“Fred, George, something bad happened. Something really bad happened-!” The first year was crying, and the duo were on red alert now. The poor kid was in to many tears to really speak, so they figured there was no need to. George was quick to pick the first year up, as the child was just pointing. Fred was in the running lead, as George was trying to comfort the child. The poor kid was hiccuping, and seeming so scared. Something bad happened, and they had to figure out what it was. That’s when they saw it. Blood on the barrels, like someone was slapping bloody hand’s desperately to get into the Hufflepuff dorm.
“Shit shit shit, what did she do now-?” Fred hissed, as he tried to focus on entering the dorm. Having to get literal blood on his hands, in order to get inside. With the pattern played, the duo were able to run inside. Left to see the Hufflepuff dorm full of noise. So many students all busy and around someone. When Hannah Abbott noticed the twins, she stepped away. Pulling away fellow students, and the horror was on display.
“Fred, George…..?” It was you, and you were not looking hot. Not looking hot at all. You were horribly pale, and your hands looked as if they had been through a chopping block. The fellow Puff’s had done their best to try and help, but it was like they wouldn’t stop bleeding. George had instantly covered the first years eyes, despite the fact the child had long seen it. It was just habit after all.
“WHAT HAPPENED-?!” Fred was soon by your side, while George was quick to hand the child off to someone. Now he was on your other side. You were just to tired to really process it all, given the blood loss. If it wasn’t for their brilliant hair, you would have assumed it was just more worried Hufflepuff’s. Just trying so hard to help. It’s rather scary. Sure, it’s Hogwarts. Things get violent, but this wasn’t just a random accident. Nor some run in with a beast. This was a woman who wanted to hurt.
“I didn’t tell her. I didn’t tell her-“ You managed to say, with a smile. The twins looked at each other, wondering what you were blabbering about, before they were quick to take over. The Puff’s made sure to stay out of their way, as the twins were able to move in ever perfect unison. Not needing to speak, to move. Fred was quick to start emptying their bags, as George was taking care in trying to wash the wounds on your hands.
“I know it’s in here, come on out you bastard-“ Fred hissed, as he sorted through the assortment of old tins they had collected. Each with its own experiment, as George tried to not freak out. Seeing you hurt like this. It was making him feel so many emotions. Anger at Umbridge, fear for what that woman will do next, sadness for your pain, anxiety on it Ron and Ginny would be next. It was all so loud in his eyes, as he tried not to let the tears spill.
“Found it-!” Fred sighed, as he was quick to start lathering a strange substance on your hands. It felt rather strange. As if he was lathering your open wounds with pudding. You expected it to hurt, but it was rather nice. Very cooling to your burning wounds. It would soon seem to harden on your fingers and palms. As if stopping you from bleeding, and absorbing the blood. Forcing it to stay inside. If you weren’t so dizzy, you would praise them for being so smart.
“Bumble Bee….What happened?” Fred asked, as George was busy with someone. Quick to get some water from one of the prefects, and try and nurse it into your body. George was gentle, and you needed it. You choked on it, but he knew you had to drink some. You lost alot of blood, and you had to stay hydrated. He would keep your head against his chest, as you managed to get some down. Enough to satisfy him, and calm his nerves. You could feel how sweaty his hands were, with worry, as he stroked your hair. With a few minutes to breath, you spoke.
“She brought me to her office. Asked me who had broken in it last night. I said I didn’t know. She didn’t like that, but I didn’t give up.” You smiled, as the twins were staring in horror. They broke into her office, last night. They swore they didn’t leave behind a trace. They had to break in. She confiscated Ginny’s bracelet. Said she fiddled with it too much. It was made just for her, by Bill. Ever since the incident in the chamber of secrets, she was more susceptible to dark magic. So, a Curse breaker made her something to help. Umbridge was actively putting her in danger. How could they not protect their little sister?
“It was a trap…..She did that on purpose-“ Fred realized, as it made sense. Of course they would break in to get it back. That horrid woman. “Can’t believe she dragged you into this. I mean, I can, but you get the point I’m making here! We’re so sorry Honey Bee-“ George would soon echo, as he kissed your head. Feeling so guilty. You didn’t blame them, of course, but they sure didn’t stop feeling guilty.
“It’s ok. Im ok. Ginny needed it. Like I would ever rat you two out.” You tried to reassure them, but their minds were made up. They had to do something about Umbridge. This woman was going insane. The twins swore she wasn’t aware that you three were in a relationship of sorts. They were magical twins. Not fair to compare them to muggle ones. They shared a partner, no big deal. Communication makes the dream work. Seems like maybe you three communicated in the wrong hallway one to many times, and she put two and two together.
“We are going to fix this. We promise.” The twins spoke, as they comforted you. George with keeping your head to his chest, as Fred was between your legs. Hugging your stomach, and nuzzling into your thigh. Just needing to hold onto you. As if you would disintegrate into his hands then and there. You would have comforted him, but it didn’t seem like your hands wanted to exist at the moment.
“Looks like we can’t wait for that down payment any longer. Now or never.” George said, as Fred gave a defeated sigh. He was right. If they stayed at Hogwarts any longer, Merlin knows who else she will drag into their mess. George was right, it was now or never. Because never means they’ll be in Azkaban for murdering her at this point.
“Say, Bumble bee….Think you can handle living in a rundown hollowed building for a while?” Fred asked, as you tried to focus your eyes. You didn’t really understand half of what they were saying, but you knew this. Wherever they went, you would follow. “What makes it any different from a dungeon?” You tried to joke, and that seemed to solidify the deal. Look out world, the Weasley Twins were about to show off their latest invention.
The WhizBang
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vilentia · 1 year
Electric Love
George Weasley x reader
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George Weasley was someone who could light up a room with his infectious energy and sense of humor. From the moment you met him at Hogwarts, you were captivated by his vibrant personality and carefree spirit. He was always up for a good time, and his natural charisma drew people to him like a magnet.
Despite his outgoing nature, George had a kind heart and a genuine concern for those around him. He was quick to make friends and even quicker to make them laugh. As you got to know him better, you found yourself drawn to his lively personality and the way he made you feel.
At first, your relationship with George was purely platonic. You enjoyed spending time with him, and the two of you had a lot in common. But as you spent more time together, you began to see him in a new light. You noticed the way his eyes crinkled when he laughed, the way his smile lit up his face, and the way he made you feel like the most important person in the room.
As your feelings for him deepened, you began to wonder if he felt the same way. You started to look for signs that he might feel the same way, but nothing was ever clear. It wasn't until a chance encounter one day that George finally revealed his true feelings, and you were overjoyed to find out that he felt the same way.
The moment George confessed his feelings for you, everything changed. The dynamic between the two of you shifted from friendly to romantic, and it was like a spark had been ignited. You began dating, and it felt like a whirlwind romance that you never wanted to end.
Being with George was an experience like no other. His presence filled you with a sense of excitement and energy that you had never felt before. Every time he walked into the room, it was like the air was charged with electricity. You were constantly on the edge of your seat, waiting to see what he would do or say next.
You loved the way George made you feel alive, and he was always pushing you to try new things and take risks. With him by your side, you felt like you could conquer the world. His humor and light-heartedness were infectious, and you found yourself laughing more than ever before.
As your relationship progressed, you began to discover new layers to George's personality. You found out that he was incredibly caring and compassionate, always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. He had a way of making you feel like the most important person in the world, and you cherished every moment you spent with him.
For you, being with George was like being caught in a whirlwind of passion and excitement. You never knew what each day would bring, but you were eager to find out. Every moment you spent together felt like pure magic, and you knew that you had found something special in each other. Your love for George was electric, and you felt like the luckiest person in the world to have him by your side.
One night, you and George collapsed into bed, exhausted but content. As you lay there, wrapped up in each other's arms, you felt a sense of peace and happiness wash over you.
Just as you were starting to drift off to sleep, George looked deep into your eyes, and the intensity of his gaze made your heart skip a beat. He whispered those three little words that you had been dying to hear: "I love you."
It was like the whole world stopped for a moment as you realized just how much you loved him too. You looked into his eyes, and you could see the depth of his feelings for you reflected back. You knew in that moment that he was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you whispered back, "I love you too, George." You wrapped your arms around him tighter, feeling like you never wanted to let go. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated love, and you knew that it was something you would never forget.
From that moment on, your love only grew stronger. You spent all your time together, exploring the world around you and creating memories that would last a lifetime. And no matter where life took you, you knew that your love would always be there, shining bright like an electric spark.
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*Harry and Ron arguing*
Ron: imagine waking up and the first thing you have to grab is a pair of glasses
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Fred: Alright, George, Y/n. Let's go over this one more time.
Fred: If something breaks?
George: We try to fix it before Snape gets here.
Fred: If it doesn't work?
Y/n: We blame Ron.
Ron: Seriously, guys, what the hell?!
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wolfstardaughter-jj · 2 years
*Y/n and Lee laughing their asses off*
George: Merlin, are they drunk?
Y/n: We are not drunk! *Continues to laugh*
Lee: Yeah! We lust jack oxygen!....we juck last oxygen? We luck jast- fuck.
Y/n: *laughing to the point she falls to the floor* I can't breath *wheezes*
Fred: Yeah they're either drunk or Lee is having a stroke and Y/n might just be high.
Y/n: *gasp* I am not high!...Heh,luck jast-*starts laughing again*
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pottersfia · 1 year
Hello! Just wanted to say I love your work
May i ask for a George Weasley x F!reader?
(They have basically had a crush on eachother for a while but none of them have confessed)
We can say that everyone has their own dorms :)
George and y/n have always had a flirty relationship/friendship, but never done anything. Thats till one night when her, George and friends were playing truth or dare in her dorm.
Angelina dares George to go have 7 minutes in heaven with y/n, they go to the closet. Something “takes over” George and he kisses y/n, he mumbles something like “I’ve been waiting for this for so long” they make out and it gets steamy, but they get interrupted by Angelina when it’s been over 7 minutes.
During the rest of the game they can’t help but keep making eye contact
After the game, everyone leaves, except George. And you can choose what happened next ;))
If you could add something like dirty talk, some light praise etc that would be wonderful!
If fine if you don’t wanna do it, but if you do thank you hun! I can’t wait to see what you will come up with <3
dare | g.w. x fem!reader
summary: a game of truth or dare gets you and george a bit turned on
warnings/content: praise, oral, slight breeding kink, no condom because fiction
a/n: finally finished this one! i hope you like it :)
word count: 2.2k
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"truth or dare?" angelina smiled at george waiting for him to answer.
"truth." he replied.
"boringgg." fred practically yelled at him.
"i've done five dares already freddie." he said.
"but i haven't given you a dare yet." angelina said. george rolled his eyes and you laughed at the interaction.
you were hanging out with angelina, alicia, katie, lee, george, and fred in your room. as the night went one you all decided to play truth or dare
"don't chicken out now georgie." you smiled at him. he looked at you and smiled back. with a sigh he said, "all right then, give me a dare."
everyone else attempted but failed at hiding their laughs.
"what's funny?" he says.
"nothing, don't mind us georgie." lee teased only causing the laughter to increase.
it was basically common knowledge that you and george liked each other. you were long time friends and flirted with each other endlessly but for some reason that friendship line was never crossed anymore than that.
your face heated up from the other's actions but thankfully katie spoke up.
"aw, leave him alone. they're quiet now." katie said.
"you guys are so annoying." you forced a laugh.
"ok, i have a dare." angelina said gaining george's attention again. "i dare you to spend seven minutes in the closet with y/n." she smiled. your eyes widened as you glared at her almost saying 'what are you doing?' without really saying it. she shrugged.
"good one, angie." fred said.
"oh mate, that's like your dream come true." lee said.
"stop exaggerating." he replied.
"you don't dream of being alone in a room with me?" you went back to flirting to hide your slight discomfort. george turned to you. at first not saying anything but who was he to deny being alone with you.
"i know you're just dying to go so why don't we?" he stood up and held out his hand to you. you held it and stood up too, walking towards your closet. of course your friends made their comments.
"don't have too much fun!" alicia exclaimed.
"remember we can hear if you're too loud!" said lee
"use protection!" fred added. george opened the door for you and flicked them all off as they laughed before he closed the door. you turned the lights on and heard angelina say. "the timer starts now!"
you looked up at george and smiled at him. "we don't really have to do anything if you don't want to." you said. his smile back at you made you feel that familiar butterfly feeling you always had around him.
"but do you want to do something?" he asked. you opened your mouth to say something but nothing really came out. you wanted to look away from him but the way he was looking at you, you just couldn't. instead you stepped closer to him. it was quiet besides the muffled noise of voices from outside the door. george knew there were many missed opportunities for him to make a move on you, but here he was, staring at you as you stared back and you looked so good, irresistible in his eyes. the opportunity was right in front of him.
he lifted his hand and rested it on your cheek, his thumb slowly rubbing it. your heart beat quickened and you hoped he didn't feel your face heating up. then suddenly, he leaned in connecting your lips. you were so excited you almost forgot to kiss back, but you relaxed into the kiss as he gently placed his other hand on the other side of your face.
he pulled away but still kept his face close to yours as he whispered, "i've been waiting so long for this." your heartbeat quickened and more butterflies erupted in your stomach. you grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him down to kiss him again.
the energy definitely shifted. your lips were moving in perfect sync and your hands roamed all over each other. george kissed the corner of your mouth, your cheek, jawline, and down to your neck. you let out a soft satisfied moan from the sensation. your hands tangled in his hair and he groaned at the feeling.
"don't get t-too carried away." you said slightly pulling him away from your neck.
"don't want me to mark you?" his voice was right in your ear and you swear you could've melted.
"no, i do but," you pushed his head back to make him look at you, "i wanna kiss you more." he smiled at you.
"whatever you wish." just as you were about to kiss once again, the door opened.
"times up lovebirds." angelina said. your eyes widened as you both turned to look at her. you completely forgot about the others. "oh you two are a mess." she laughed. you furrowed your eyebrows and attempted to adjust yourself, so did george.
"shut up." you said as you walked out to join your friends.
"thanks for the dare, angie." george whispered to angelina as he left the closet behind you. she simply winked at him.
the rest of the game was a struggle to say the least. all you could think about was george and what could've happened had you not been interrupted. the two of you kept making eye contact which you swear wasn't on purpose.
"y/n? are you alright?" katie asked you. you quickly looked up at her realizing you probably zoned out. everyone else was looking at you too which didn't help your embarrassment.
"i'm good i think i'm just a little tired." you forced a smile.
"it is pretty late now isn't it." lee yawned.
"yeah, look at alicia." george pointed at the girl who was laid out on angelina's lap fast asleep.
"i think it's time we leave y/n's room for the night before the rest of us end up like her." angelina laughed. everyone agreed and stood up saying their goodbyes.
"i'm gonna stay back for a bit." george said to fred and lee who were the last ones to leave. fred gave a knowing smile and shrugged.
"i guess that dare did you two good." he said. lee laughed.
"shut up." george smiled.
"goodnight!" you waved to them and they left. "so why'd you wanna stay?" you sat down on your bed with your legs crossed and smiled at the boy. he faced you and walked closer to the end of the bed where you sat.
"i just felt like we weren't quite finished with what we started." he said.
"i agree." you repositioned yourself so you were on your knees making your face closer to his. you placed your hands around his shoulders and his fell to your waist. he pulled you closer and once again you found yourself making out with george weasley.
the kiss was soft and passionate. he gently adds his tongue more, slipping it into your mouth. you follow along with his movements as your whole body feels like it's buzzing. suddenly, you get an idea. you peck the boy once more and slightly part away from him with a smile and move your head down but he stops you by lifting your head to look at him with his fingers.
"you're so gorgeous, y/n. the prettiest girl ever." his voice was just above a whisper and you felt your face burn up as you grew practically speechless.
"t-thank you. you're uh," you looked him up and down. his hair was a mess by now thanks to you, his cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were burning into you. you managed to catch your breath as you continued, "you're the prettiest boy i've ever seen." you went back down to place a kiss on his neck. "can i mark you up, pretty boy?" you looked up at him through your eyelashes making the boy even more flustered if that was possible.
"yes please." he nodded. you did your best work on him. kissing all over his skin and eventually taking his shirt off. you switched your focus from his neck to his chest. your hands roamed down his torso and when you felt him clench at your touch, you groped his bulge. "is this ok?" you asked. george looked down at you.
"more than ok. you're doing so good for me." he moaned out. you were more than satisfied with his answer and began to pull his pants down. he helped and kicked them off to the side. george then moved his hands to the bottom of your shirt and pulled it off, leaving you in your bralette. he played with your tits softly squeezing them. he leaned down and kissed your soft skin. you pulled off your bralette and shorts after that leaving you both in your underwear.
"love your body so much. so beautiful." he mumbled as he kissed your nipples. he pushed you down making you lay on your back and hovered over you. he kissed down your body and went straight to your thighs, rubbing the soft skin on your torso with his hands as he kissed your inner thighs. your breath hitched as he kissed you over your underwear. he pulled them off and almost moaned out loud from how wet you were.
"you're so wet for me, sweetheart." he gently rubbed circles on your clit making you softly whine.
"i need you so bad." you breathed out. george looked up at you as he replaced his fingers with his mouth, his tongue making you feel amazing.
you whimpered and moaned from the sensation, gripping his hair as the pressure in your core built up. his tongue went up and down on your clit and you begged him not to stop. his hands squeezed your thighs, the boy was practically in heaven. he felt everytime you made those pretty noises for him or gripped his hair harder out of pleasure and it went straight to is dick.
you started moving more against is face and your moans got higher as you got closer. george noticed and made sure to watch your face as you came on his tongue. he didn’t move until you pulled him away from the over stimulation.
“you did so good, y/n, cumming all over my face.” he kissed right under your bellybutton and moved up to kiss you. you kissed back eagerly.
“let me return the favor?” you began to pull down his underwear and he nodded, helping and kicking them off. you switched positions with george leaning against the headboard and you between his legs. the boy was throbbing. he was already rock hard from eating you out and seeing you between his legs about to suck him off only made it worse.
“let me guide you.” he put his back on the back of your head and you looked up at him replying with a small “okay.”
“stick your tongue out.” he said and you did so. he guided your head down making you lick up the underside of his cock causing him to moan. “open that pretty mouth of yours.” he says and you do making his cock go in your mouth. you swirl your tongue on his tip and move your head up and down. “yeah, that’s a good girl.” he lets out a soft whimper getting you even more wet. you stroke the part of him your mouth can’t reach. you look up to see his face, his mouth is slightly open and his forehead is shiny as his chest quickly moves up and down. the eye contact from you kills him.
“get up, i have to fuck you right now.” he says. you move your head off him and smile. he begins to move but you stop him.
“let me ride you.” his eyes light up and he sits back down watching you climb onto him. you kiss his cheek and grab his cock lining him up with your entrance. as the tip goes in you sink down on him making you both moan out. you lean your head into his shoulder and he rubs your back gently. “you feel so good, love. so warm and tight.” he whispers in your ear. his voice just makes you whine even more. you slowly move your hips and he helps your movements with his hands. you move your head up and holding onto his shoulders you look at him, moving faster.
“oh, just like that. s-so good.” he closes his eyes leaning his head back.
“cum for me, georgie. please, i need it.” you moan. he nods his head. his eyes open and his arm wraps around your torso pulling your body closer to his. he attaches his mouth to your tits and moves you up and down with his arm. you close your eyes taking in the feeling of him filling you up while stimulating your nipples. you reach down and rub your clit.
“mmm, i’m gonna cum,” george whispered.
“fuck your cum in me.” you whisper back. he lets out high pitched “fuck”s as he finally cums in your pussy. you don’t stop moving or touching yourself until you cum too. you stop to catch your breath and lean on him. your chests are heaving as you feel eachother’s heartbeat against your chests.
“you did so good y/n. that felt amazing.” george kissed your forehead making you smile. you leaned up to look at the boy and connected your lips once again.
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