#Getting Older
reasonsforhope · 5 months
I don't know who needs to hear this, but especially with the end of the school year coming up soon, and a bunch of people about to leave high school or about to leave college, I just wanted to say:
Being an adult can be really nice, actually!!!
Like, okay, yeah, life can be fucking stressful sometimes, and there's definitely an annoying amount of paperwork.
But me and just about every single adult I know will agree: I would never choose to go back to being a teenager, even if I somehow could.
Insert obvious disclaimer that nothing is universal. But for people worried about aging or graduating into the next chapter of life, here's some words of reassurance:
When you're a teenager, your brain is extra mean to you. Like, neurologically. All of the changes it's undergoing really, really increase rates of depression/anxiety/etc. A lot of the time, literally just not being a teenager anymore is really good for your mental health
Less than five months out of high school, everyone I knew my age was like "Thank fuck we're no longer in high school." Once you leave high school and adolescence there's really just such a dramatic drop in petty bullshit. Shit that would have been a huge social humiliation or gossip in high school is really often just like, "Hate that for you, man." Boom, done.
When you're a teenager or a brand new adult, you're encountering so many problems for the first time ever. When you're older, you just. Have learned how to handle a lot more things. You know what to do way more often and that builds confidence
When you're an adult, other people generally don't care if you don't do things perfectly, because jobs and life don't work like grades. This was such a trip to learn, honestly? But when you are an adult or have a job the bar for success is usually just "Did you do the thing?" or "Did you do the thing well enough that it works?" or "Did you show up to work for your whole shift and look like you were doing things?"
Similarly, if you're about to graduate college and you're really stressed about it, fyi just about everyone I knew in college ended up very quickly going "wow, 'real life' is way easier." Admittedly I went to a school full of very stressed out perfectionists and the like, so I can't promise this is universal, but there's a very real chance that life will in many ways get easier when you graduate
Literally I cannot overstate that last point. As an adult, you are (barring certain disabilities or shitty circumstances like abusive family/the criminal justice system/etc.) able to make most of your own decisions. If you want to rearrange your furniture, you can. If you want to eat tater tots at midnight, you can. If you want to get yourself a little treat, you can. You can sign contracts and make your own legal and medical decisions and not need a parent or guardian signature for just about anything ever again
You generally learn how to give fewer fucks
The people around you have also generally learned how to give fewer fucks
Even when things are shitty, being able to choose what kind of shitty a lot of the time can really be worth an awful lot
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classycookiexo · 7 months
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fly-the-pattern · 3 months
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hes-a-gayy · 3 months
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spookysalem13 · 1 year
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I felt this in my bones... it hurt 😆😅
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its-all-down-hill · 6 months
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gracepostsmemes · 7 months
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Tom and Jerry was my childhood
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writingsforwinter · 2 months
For Women Who Fear Turning 30
If the Internet works as the Internet does,        
you would believe this was the year
you were destined to become ugly.
That the plates would shift,
the wind would change,
the endlessness of the world
would become a little shorter.
But, it’s primordial, almost—
the ways we reshape
what we’ve been shaping the same way
all the time. 
Not everything is about what we carry forward:
your life can be about your life
and not the hypothetical one
you keep being asked
about bringing from your own.
Sometimes, the light looks different—
coordinates, stars. A fullness, a lantern
at the end of a party, the edge of a glass
in the kitchen. The garden will grow
where the garden will grow.
If you wake tomorrow tangled 
in a stranger’s sheets, everything is fine.
If you haven’t bought a home, everything is fine.
If all of this seems to be moving
both forward and backward at the same time,
everything is fine.
What you have will still be there in the morning:
your name, a book, the clock, that storm.
Your car is parked just where you left it,
the moon still blue.
Everything is quiet. Nothing has changed.
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naturallyaching · 5 months
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Rain day off. Mom bod. 43 and counting 🥰
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turns-out-its-adhd · 1 year
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If "8 in 10" experience it early.... is that not the more usual time to expect it?
Is that how statistics work?
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fly-the-pattern · 4 months
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Have your mid-life crisis early!
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storytimewriting · 7 months
Time is endless, and I’ll forever be drowning in it.
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bidisasterevankinard · 7 months
Thanks to the video about how we should remember Chris crush was first appeared in 6x8 in exact episode when Eddie talks about milestones in kid's life the milestones he had with Chris and one's he didn't . And that moment of Chris' first dance night was shared with Carla (who is def not Chris's parent figure). But now in season 7 Eddie will deal with continue of this arc with BUCK. he will meet new milestone (first crush) with Buck.
That's why he called to Buck I think. Not because Buck really knows women better, but because he wanted. needed to share this moment of Chris' life with Buck.
If we will see how Buck and Eddie both struggle to give good advice, i at least hope then Eddie will say smt that the most important thing is that they met this moment together, as a family. Because how I understand is that writers and especially Tim try to achieve. To make everyone, especially new people see Buckley-Diaz family as real family unit, Then it's def worth naming it family at least one's
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its-all-down-hill · 4 months
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honeycombhank · 6 months
What is happening here? lol!
Wishing Star woke up with a crusty eye but have no fear she is okay and will be just fine! Sometimes she gets that way and has always been a bit more sensitive than the rest of her family.
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