#Give me a chair and a box set to stream
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michibap · 14 days
Late night talking and smoking giggles with schlatt where he is so calm and gentle.. love your writing btw🩷
ty i love YOU
-he’s streaming for once nd it’s going far later than either of you expected it to
-but from what you can see on your screen from where you’re watching on your phone in the living room, he seems to actually be enjoying himself
-and you are simply not willing to drag him away from his desk and cut off the good vibes he’d managed to curate
-no matter how sleepy you’re getting waiting for him, the warm weight of a purring kitty in your lap and old cartoons coaxing your eyes closed, you REFUSE to fall asleep
-despite starting to doze off, you know you won’t be able to actually fall asleep for the night until you’re curled into his side listening to his soft snoring
-so literally what else are u supposed to do alone on a thursday night if not light up on the back porch???
-you tiptoe up to your bedroom to grab your little stash box and a small speaker
-snagging a cold bev from the fridge and a box of cheezits from the cabinet
-gently nudging jambo away from the door with your foot when he tries to follow you outside, his ass is NOT joining the rotation
(it’s just you lmao)
-queuing up some songs to play softly over the speaker and settling on the porch swing he’d specifically had installed for you
-quietly humming to yourself between drags, content to look out at the woods beyond the small backyard
-trying very hard to not get spooked being out there by yourself, the only real light source filtering through the windows of the house and a few fireflies lazily drifting across the yard
“The fuck’re you doing out here.”
-he laughs as he watches you jump, free hand clutching your chest as you whip your head to glare at him
“Scared the piss outta me.” you grumble
“Really? I was sitting there watchin’ you for a couple of minutes. Thought you knew I was there.”
“No, I didn’t know you were sitting there watching me like some fuckin’ freak.”
-he shrugs and moves to sit next to you, the chair swinging slightly as he puts his weight on it
“Lucky ’m not some kinda predator. If I was a wolf you’d 100% be dead right now.”
“You are a predator.”
-he only rolls his eyes and moves to drag your legs up to rest in his lap, one hand moving to absentmindedly drag his thumb over your shin while his other plucks the joint from your hand
-you watch as he goes to take a drag himself, frowning when he doesn’t blow any smoke out
-he places it back between his lips and moves to lean closer, expectantly looking up at you through his lashes
-you hum and reach for the lighter, bringing it up to light the end for him
-watching him take another hit, successful this time
-more successful than he had been anticipating, you laugh as he coughs a lung up
-he slaps your thigh and reaches for your drink, gulping down most of it and slightly crunching the can to be an ass before setting it back down
“How was your stream?”
-like you weren’t watching it on your phone
“Fine. I think that’ll do it f’me for a while, though.”
-he shifts to face you more directly, taking a moment to soak in all your features
-droopy, red eyes and swamped in the hoodie you’d snagged off the back of his chair a few hours prior
-you grin and move to grab one of his hands, dragging it into your lap to toy with his fingers
-he lets out a bewildered laugh, smoke billowing from his mouth
“Mhm, this way you can focus on your true passion.”
-he gives you a confused lil grin, waiting for you to elaborate,
“And what would that be?”
“Tiktok reaction videos.”
“Go fuck yourself.”
-you’re entirely too entertained by your own joke, giggling as he rolls his eyes and pries his hand out of your grip
-only to lean over you to grab the box of cheezits, shoving a handful in his mouth and obnoxiously chewing
“I’ve got some cool shit brewing, trust.”
-you don’t say much in response, leaning down to eat the cheezit he was holding out for you
-a fond smile spreads across his lips as he watches you chew, and he brings up a hand to smooth over your hair
-frowning in offense when you scowl and dodge it,
“Dude, watch the ipad kid fingers.”
-he glances to his hand, now taking note of the salt and orange crumbs sticking to his palm and fingers
-you flush when he meets your eyes as he drags his tongue over his fingers, cleaning up his mess
-you once again dodge him when he reaches his grubby hand back out for you, but this time he persists, following after you and attempting to rub his palm against your cheek, free hand coming to grab your forearm to keep you from getting too far
“ACK- Unhand me!”
“What, now you don’t want me to touch you?”
-you laugh, craning your neck to keep the final few inches of distance between his palm and your cheek
“Jay, stop-“
-neither of you have the chance to react when you hear a sharp SNAP, one of the chains suspended from the roof of the porch breaking, sending both of you tumbling to the ground
-schlatt barely manages to catch himself before he falls on top of you
-both of you looking at each other, wide eyed before he cracks into another grin,
“What’d you do that for?”
“That was literally your fault!”
-he laughs and moves to clamp a hand over your mouth (the clean one), laughing at your muffled protest
“Quit yelling, it’s three in the fuckin’ morning you goddamn lunatic. Neighbors hate us enough as it is.”
-you only huff, narrowing your eyes at him for a moment before he takes his hand off your mouth and replaces it with his lips, meeting you in a sweet kiss,
“C’mon, I’m fuckin’ beat.”
-he gets up first, pulling you up off the ground after him and dusting you off (you roll your eyes when he uses it as an excuse to swat at your ass a few times)
-you give him a confused look when he stands there, staring down at you for a moment instead of turning and leading you to the door
-hardly biting back a yelp when he ducks low to lift you over his shoulder, then walking towards the door
-you only giggle, content to let yourself dangle for a moment before wrapping your arms around his middle to keep yourself steady
-once he makes it up the stairs and down the hall, he tosses you onto the bed with a bounce before crawling after you and wrangling you to his chest
-you only let out a content sigh, melting in his hold for a moment before trying to shift into a more comfortable position
-whining when he grumbles and squeezes you, keeping you from squirming
-after a few minutes of struggle, you finally give in
-he hums as he feels you squish your cheek against the arm he tucked under your head
-and it can’t be more than a few minutes before you hear quiet snoring coming from his slightly agape mouth
-you take a moment to admire him, entirely relaxed, moonlight filtering in through the window nd highlighting his features
-and before you know it, you drift off to sleep, comfortably squished against the warm mass of your boyfriend :((((
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shoyostar · 6 months
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raining in japan m.list // haikyuu!! masterlist.
premise. thunderstorms scare you greatly. but thanks to your cute neighbour, you know you’ll be okay after all.
content. tetsurou kuroo / f!reader. fluff. reader is a scared of storms, mainly thunder. power outage. set ambiguously post highschool / university. neighbours to lovers.
word count. 3.1k
soundtrack. show me how : men i trust.
¹new message from jia ෆ hi i’m not dead yes i do still write !! @tetzoro @tetsuskei i hope i did your man justice ^_^
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You barely manage to catch the flickering lights of your dining room’s lamp glitch out repeatedly from the corner of your eye, the lights inside your dingy apartment appearing to go haywire as constant streams of raindrops pound against the glass of your windows.
With each passing second they seem to multiply tenfold of the previous, their impact upon crashing into each other sometimes merging with one another in sync to form a continuous stream of running water trickling down the brick walls of your complex instead of the constant buzz of millions of tiny water droplets.
The soft glow from your lamp dims momentarily before coming to a complete halt. Your hopes are quickly dashed when you see it attempt to start back up again before going dead, and after a few seconds of the darkness swallowing your apartment whole a begrudging sigh escapes your lips as you close your textbook.
“Ah, damn it . . . not again . . .”
You slowly stand up from your seat at the dining table, cautiously pushing your chair back just a little as to not hit the rest of your furniture and carefully maneuvering your way through the dark of your living room.
“Where the hell did I put that flashlight . . . ?”
You really should’ve thought to charge your phone and powerbank ahead of time when you heard a thunderstorm was making it’s way to your city on the news earlier. Now with a dead cellphone battery and empty powerbank you’re left to fend for yourself amist the unknown layout of your apartment without a light source.
Scuffling around in the dark, you take a step forward, miscalculating how much distance there is infront of you as you find yourself accidentally ramming your shin against the side of your unusually hard bookshelf, sending you reeling in agonizing pain stomach first and flopping right onto your couch.
Your teeth grind against each other as you hold your shin, wincing while rocking slightly in an attempt to alleviate the pain. “God, that did not sound good . . .” You can’t see through the near pitch black lowlight of your apartment, but you’re almost certain a nasty bruise may have begun to form on your skin from that.
A few more minutes of stumbling finally merits you to where you had originally intended to end up in the first place— the supply closet. Feeling around for the door’s surface your hand manages to find it’s grip onto the smooth metal handle, twisting it open and carefully reaching out into the darkness.
“It should be on the second shelf . . . or was it the third? Fuck, I really can’t see anything right now . . .”
Your fingers brush up against the elastic wrist tie of the flashlight (it was on the third shelf after all, go figure) and you impatiently snatch it from off the pile of other assorted junk you’ve haphazardly thrown in there throughout the years.
All you hear is a soft click as you turn on the device before your eyes are bombarded by a bright flash, the sudden overload causing you to stumble back a bit, blinking repeatedly to soothe the burn in the back of your retinas.
Maybe it’s not the best idea to hold a flashlight so close to your face while it’s aiming (or pointed) directly into your eyes.
Using your newly gained lightsource you make your way to the fuse box in your kitchen, now being able to easily navigate your way through the dark you give yourself a moment to stop and glare at the corner of your bookshelf that you’d run into earlier, “Asshole.”
Opening the fuse box, you shine the light onto the many circuits housed within, eyes trailing down and scanning each one for the labels of what light they control. You experimentally switch the one for the living room on, glancing outside of your kitchen into the hall to check, only to be met with disappointment as you see the nothingness of the night staring right back at you.
Just as a confirmation (and because you’re stubborn), you switch a couple more of the circuits on and off repeatedly, disappointment mares your features when they yield no results. “No power at all . . .”
A deep crackle of thunder booms from the sky outside, startling you as you nearly drop the flashlight in your hands if not for the wrist tie securing it. A few seconds of heaving and checking outside your kitchen’s windows— only to see more rain than you could ever possibly need in three lifetimes —causes you to ease up a little. You feel a chill run down your bare arms though, the short sleeves and pajama shorts you chose to wear tonight not doing much with the raging wind howling just outside your apartment.
The sudden sounds of gentle knocking at your door cuts through the silence of your empty apartment, the hairs on your back shooting straight up in surprise. You cautiously make your way over to the door, uneasy as your hands hesitate to lay on the knob. Who else could be up at this late hour?
Your eyes squint through the tiny peephole of your door, zoning in on a familiar head of messy black hair, donned in a worn out old highschool volleyball hoodie. With noticeable bags underneath his eyes matching your own, you can tell he’s been staying up as late as you have.
You can’t quite see much or well for that matter through the tiny peephole’s space, but he patiently waits outside with an uneasy look on his face, hands shoved into the pockets of his jacket and pacing around anxiously on the small space on your door mat.
With your heart rate spiking back down to normal levels, you slowly open the door to him. He jumps back a little when he sees you in front of him, as if he wasn’t expecting you to actually be awake. You give him a polite smile.
“Hey, Kuroo.”
He chuckles a little, bringing his hands out of his pockets. You notice the pearly whites of his canines poking out from his lips when he grins. It suits him well. “You know it’s okay to just call me Tetsurou.”
“Right, right. My bad.”
“‘You doing alright?” He asks you worriedly, craning his head aside to check the dark of your apartment. “Heard the entire building’s power just got wiped by the storm. ‘Was told it won’t be back for another few hours.”
Of course it won’t be back for awhile, the electricians can’t really do much while the thunderstorm rages outside. You doubt anyone in the building who was asleep by now would even notice there had been a power outage tonight, most people aren’t awake at the acceptable hours of 3AM working on their overly procrastinated capstone assignment anyways to even care about the torrential rain pouring outside their windows.
“Can I come inside?” Tetsurou asks before stopping himself, backtracking hurriedly while making funny hand gestures. What was that sign he just made? It might’ve meant Apple in JSL. “I mean, if it’s okay with you. I know it’s late and all, and that you probably want to sleep but I—“
You cut him off with a giggle of your own, “Tetsurou,” his cheeks dust a light shade of pink in the darkness. Your laughter. It sounds like bells to him, akin to the raindrops that hit your windows with a light tinkle each time they fall from the clouds above. Wind chimes in the raging storm that falls around you two and lighting crackles behind him, illuminating your bright face for him.
“I don’t mind, you can come inside. You must be cold standing out here, I know I am and I’m just in the doorway.” You take him by the hand, his skin’s cold just as you expected from the frigid air as you guide him into your apartment.
He stumbles a bit through the front door “H— hey!” trying to remove his shoes by the entrance and lay them by the door mat, bringing with him two large blankets tucked under his arms you hadn’t noticed him carrying in the darkness.
Tetsurou’s eyes take a moment to adjust to the darkness, squinting and zoning in on the little stack of books piled up at your desk, the flashlight you were using placed just beside an open notebook. “You’re still trying to work on that assignment?” He asks, setting the blankets down on a chair as you slide into your own, clicking the flashlight on and shining it down on your pages.
“Yeah, it’s due soon.”
“There’s a storm outside.” He comments on matter of factly, chin folded into the crook of his hands as he leans on the backside of the chair. You resist the urge to roll your eyes at the obviousness of the situation.
“Just, come here.” You feel his hand reach out into the darkness, standing you up from the table with mild disagreement from you, “Relax with me a little, let’s go sit on your couch together. I brought blankets for a reason.”
“I can use one while working at the dinner table.”
The frown that tugs at Tetsurou’s lips is barely noticeable in the dark, but he whines audibly. “That sounds uncomfortable, though.”
“It’s fine.”
“Isn’t it better to huddle together for warmth?” He suggests playfully, “Y’know, no power n’ heat.”
You think his compromise over for a moment, and he senses the hesitation brewing inside your mind. “I promise it’ll be good.” Lighting flashes outside your window for a split second, followed by the loud seismic boom of thunder that causes you to flinch in his hold. Instinctively he jumps, pulling you into a hug as your heavy breathing fills the silence of your apartment. Seconds tick by on the clock hanging on your wall, as it seems like the heartbeats of both you and Tetsurou meld into one beat.
“Are you . . .” Tetsurou looks out the window for a moment, his voice drawls on low and quiet even though the only two people here are you and him, as if he’s about to ask something he shouldn’t. “Are you scared of thunder?”
“. . . No.”
“That sounds like a yes to me.”
“I’m an adult,” You huff, trying to break out of his hold and back to your pile of due papers, “I don’t get scared by thunder like a little kid.” Tetsurou barely catches the “anymore” you mutter underneath your breath. His hold on you not only tightens but he drags you to the couch, much to your protests and complaints.
“You’re not a very good liar,” he grins, plopping you down beside him before reaching over you to drape a thick blanket over your shivering body, were you always this cold? You try to move your hands to lift the blanket off, to stand up but it’s heavy. It traps your arms underneath it, feeling like he condemned you to the couch.
“Is this blanket weighted?” You ask and he hums, draping the other one he bought over himself with a relaxed sigh. “Yeah, I’ve found they’re really good for rainy nights.” You can’t deny that now that you’ve gotten a taste, having this is almost like having a barrier from the cold rain and air outside, and you’re already warmer than you were just a few moments ago.
You wrap it tighter around your body, the fabric smells like him. “Thanks, Tetsurou.” Another crackle of lighting blasts inside your living room through the window, peeking through the gap of your curtains as thunder follows closely in suit. It’s louder this time, and seemed to be a lot closer to your apartment than the others. Your hands slam over the cups of your ears to shield them from the thunderous booms, they feel weighed down by the heavy blanket as you bury your head into the thick material, closing them as like an extra precaution from the storm outside.
You don’t even realize you’re shaking until you feel a hand smooth over you back. Tetsurou’s.
You can barely make out his voice with your hands blocking your hearing, “Are you okay?” It’s muffled and quiet, and his hand rubs soothing circles into your back as you barely manage to move your head to a nod. More thunder comes and Tetsurou’s eyesbrows knit together as you frantically switch to shaking your head no, feeling it drop further into the blanket in shame. Your heart in sync as the storm outside won’t stop taunting you.
The small raindrops that crash against your window feel like they’re right up against your ears, the bright lighting that races across the sky’s edge stings your eyes to look at it, even if you shut them as tight as can be. And that god awful thunder, the thunder that makes you feel like your dingy apartment might crumble underneath it’s roar, crashing to the floors below as the trees outside cave in on you from above.
“This is so embarrassing . . .” Tetsurou hears you mutter as you lift your head to the side to face him, fear is written all over your features and you look like you’re about to cry in the presence of your next-door neighbour. Your voice cracks, and you think you’d prefer if the floor underneath you did fall through after all. “I just really hate storms . . .”
A weak chuckle escapes your lips as you wipe away the tears that prick at your eyes, attempting to lighten up the situation for Tetsurou. You don’t want to make him feel uncomfortable by crying in front of him when you were the one who invited him in, “I guess I really am still a little kid, afraid of thunder and lighting like I’m still four.”
Tetsurou doesn’t laugh at your self deprecating jab, and you feel your stomach drop at the lack of a response. Would you have preferred if he laughed? No, not really— but it felt awkward to have only silence between the two of you in the heat of the moment. His hazel eyes seem to twinkle in the darkness when he blinks, and he wraps an arm around you before pulling you into his chest, you let out an alarmed squeak involuntarily from his actions, and the heartbeat in your chest magnifies to the sound of the thunder that you’re so scared of outside.
His own heartbeat is loud too, now that he has you leaning on his chest like this. The wild thumping and beating, is that from you? You feel stupid for getting excited over that possibility, but as you look up from your spot you catch his eyes, tired and still beautiful as both his arms envelope you in a deep hug. He covers your ears with the palms of his hands, red crawls up the skim of his neck and ears in the darkness.
“It’s okay,” he reassures you quietly, flinching when you snuggle deeper into his chest, the scent of his home shirt being the same as the one on the blanket he brought over but stronger. The smell of clean linen from his laundry detergent sticks to the material of his shirt, and you can’t stop yourself from blurting out “Did you just do the laundry before coming over?”
This time it’s his turn to laugh nervously, “Yeah . . .” his head rests atop yours, taking in the scent of your shampoo. It fills his senses, it’s not overpowering or overwhelming at all.
Maybe because it’s you.
“I didn’t want to smell bad when I came over . . . Is that— is that bad?”
“. . . No,” you decide, a content smile tugging at your lips. “It’s not.”
Suddenly the loud sounds of the storm that had you once afraid and cowering in fear seem to drown out from Tetsurou’s cupped hands over your ears, but you know they’re just as strong now than they were earlier, and perhaps even stronger as the night drags on. But in Tetsurou’s embrace, underneath the blankets he brought from home that smell just like him, wrapped up in his arms and snuggled up against his chest; you think you’ll be okay.
“Stay with me,” you eke out without thinking, and a part of you hopes he didn’t hear because you’re worried you’ll ruin the tranquility of whatever you have now— that this moment is only temporary, all will be over by tomorrow morning when the technicians come to fix the apartment’s power outage at 6AM, and you’ll both go back to treating each other as just neighbours. That you’ll pretend you never snuggled together when you had no power and no heat, and you never said the words you’re about to say to him now. “Please, don’t go . . .”
To your surprise, a soft kiss is pressed to the crown of your forehead as Tetsurou’s wild hair tickles at your skin, the erratic beat of his heart thumping wildly in your eardrums. He looks just as nervous as you do, lips suddenly dry and throat closed up when he tries to speak. After a disgruntled groan, the two of you laugh as once more does lightning flash across the sky, with thunder coming in it’s place moments later, hand in hand as always. Just as you expected.
But this time you’re not scared, not when he next whispers out the words you’ve longed to hear since you were a little kid during these storms, not when he cuddles you closer to his chest and brings his lips close to yours before tilting your chin up and capturing you in the sweetest of kisses, his lips perfectly molding to fit yours as he mutters in between the short breaths of air with a smile that rivals the brightness of the lighting you were so scared to gaze into from outside the windows.
“I’m not going anywhere. Don’t worry.”
Raindrops continue to fall from outside, thunder and lightning work as a terrifying duo in sync as they torment the nature. But it all seems significantly less scary now. Underneath the onslaught of rain, the continuous lightning and thunder you’ve feared since childhood, the annoying lack of power— you found something able to strike against even the worst of thunderstorms, and something better to indulge your night in than your assignments that lay long forgotten beside your flashlight on the dining table far away from you and Tetsurou on the couch, warm underneath the blankets together bundled up to escape the cold air.
You found Tetsurou Kuroo.
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reblogs are appreciated .ᐟ ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
2024 © property of SHOYOSTAR. all rights reserved. no reposts · plagiarism · edits · stealing · translations etc. thank you !! 𐚁
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parad-ice-lostandfound · 10 months
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Prompt: "Oh my God, look at that — it’s a mistletoe!” “…Absolutely fucking not. Don’t give me that look! I’m not kiss— ugh, fine, you menace."
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x GN!Reader/Prefect/Yuu
Genre: Fluff
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"Did you hear about the mistletoe infestation in Octavinelle?"
Leona glanced up at you, attention momentarily diverted from the chessboard where he was currently obliterating you. An eyebrow was raised in silent question, and you continued.
"Apparently Octavinelle has mistletoe on all its doorways, and it won't come down even with magical means. Nobody knows who did it."
"And what?"
Leona looked at you properly, pinning you in place with his gaze. "How is that relevant to our game right now, herbivore?" His eye caught onto movement, and he glared at Grim, picking him up by the scruff of his neck. "Oi furball, don't eat the chess pieces. Unless you want me to eat you." Leona made a show of snapping his teeth at the cat-monster, making him squirm and try to break free from his position in mid-air.
Grim coughed up the knight and pawns he had stuffed into his mouth, pointing at you, "Nyah! They told me to do it! Eat them!"
You gasped in indignation, glaring at your partner in crime for exposing your little scheme strategy. "Grim, you traitor!"
Grim wriggled in mid-air, still in Leona's hold as he demanded to be put down on the ground. Leona looked at you with a smug look on his face.
"Is it frustratin' to lose against someone cleverer than you, little herbivore?" He hummed, eyes glowing under the soft evening light that streamed through his open windows. "Usually I'd appreciate your sneakiness, but you better keep these schemes for the likes of that octopunk," he drawled, voice sweet yet holding that sharpness of a predator as he dropped Grim to the floor.
You let out a nervous chuckle as Grim quickly ran to hide behind you. You focused on the game in front of you, face scrunched slightly as you thought how to make your inevitable loss less devastating.
You missed the way Leona's eyes sparkled with amusement and a rarely seen warmth as he watched you map out your next move on the chessboard.
He watched as you walked right into the sweet little trap he had placed for you, gradually chipping away at your forces. Much in the way a predator may play with his prey before finishing them, he dangled tiny threads of hope in front of you, examining you carefully, noting every time you brightened only to realize that he had you exactly where he wanted you.
After a long, arduous game, he finally uttered the phrase you had wanted to hear for so long. "Checkmate," he said, keeping eye contact with you as he placed his last piece in place.
"Finally," you huffed, leaning back into your chair as you frowned at him. "Did you do that on purpose?"
"That's what you get for tryin' to cheat," Leona smirked, leaning back into his chair. "That's rich, coming from you," you mumbled under your breath. The flicking of his ears in your direction and the narrowing of his eyes let you know that he had heard you, loud and clear.
Stupid beastman hearing.
Leona said nothing of your remark, leaning his chin on the palm of his hand as he turned his head to stare outside the window. The sun had been directly overhead when you had walked into Savanaclaw; now it was sinking down low, pretty orange and pink splashes coloring the sky. Grim had left the two of you a while ago, when both of you were too invested in the game.
You carefully collected the chess pieces, placing them in their special box. The chessboard was set aside with similar care, the table in front of you left bare. Leona didn't move from his position, still looking outside the window.
You smiled, turning your gaze to the setting sun. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Leona glanced at you from the corner of his eyes, letting out a soft hum as acknowledgement.
"Aren't you getting late herbivore?"
"As Prefect of Ramshackle, I decide when curfew is for my dorm," you winked at him, a mischievous glint to your eyes.
"Abusing your authority now, are ya?" Leona huffed in amusement, regarding you carefully as he lounged in his chair. You shrugged, mimicking his relaxed position. "Maybe, haven't got any complaints from the ghosts yet."
The corners of his lips lifted ever so slightly at the cheeky reply.
Most people were either too intimidated by the Savanaclaw housewarden to mouth back at him. But not you. Ever since his overblot, you had taken it upon yourself to try and match his wit with yours, his (mostly empty) threats with a cheeky yet not unkind remark.
Leona was amused by you.
He watched you check the time on your phone, tail swishing languidly as you looked up at him with a small smile on your face.
"Looks like I do need to get going."
Leona stood up from his chair wordlessly, moving towards the door without a backwards glance at you, knowing you'd follow him anyways. He didn't need to escort you out; you knew your way in and out of Savanaclaw dorm like the back of your hand now. But there were always some foolish Savanaclaw students eager to pick a fight with you, wagering whatever they might have on them at that moment to just have a chance to battle against you. You never let an opportunity go wasted, and things would often end with a triumphant you skipping away merrily, while he had to deal with those miscreants coming up and complaining to him about losing a fight they picked.
Leona claimed that he walked you to the mirror connecting the dorm to the Mirror Chamber because he was sick of people crying to him about losing against you. But both of you knew that that was just an excuse.
As you walked side by side, you talked. Well, it was mostly just you speaking, with Leona offering his input every now and then. The setting sun painted the halls of the dorm a glorious golden hue, warm and comforting. Even the shadows casted on the ground seemed to dance in delight.
"And then, Ace-" you stopped in the middle of your sentence, eyes fixing onto something. Leona followed your gaze to find an innocent looking plant hanging from the main doorway of Savanaclaw, white berries shining in the last light of the day.
"Oh my God, look at that — it’s a mistletoe!" You exclaimed, as though seeing the plant for the first time in your life.
"…Absolutely fucking not."
You turned to give Leona your most betrayed look. Leona frowned at you, "Don’t give me that look. I’m not kissing you."
"It doesn't have to be a kiss on the lips, you know," you said, trying to get him to cave in. "Or are you too scared to kiss me? Or-" you gasped theatrically, a gasp that could put Rook to shame as you eyes lit up with a familiar cheeky light, "is it because this would be your first kiss? Oh Great Sevens, are you afraid of losing your first kiss?"
Leona narrowed his eyes at you. He knew what you were trying to do. He also knew that you would back off if he doubled down on his refusal, too mindful of boundaries to actually go against his wishes.
He didn't want that to happen.
"... Fine, you menace," he muttered, his hands wrapping around your waist and pulling you close. You yelped at the sudden movement, finding yourself pressed flush against Leona's body.
One hand left your waist in favour of raising your face, to make you look at him. Eyes darkened with intent peered into yours, before slightly chapped yet soft lips captured your own.
You did not have enough time to register the surprisingly sweet yet heated kiss that you two exchanged. Pulling away from you Leona smirked, his hands dropping back to his side. "Satisfied now, herbivore? And for the record, that wasn't my first kiss."
You looked up at him, cheeks dark and palms sweaty, unmoving even as he walked away and inside the dorm. You stood there in complete silence, a hand coming up to touch your lips in a daze.
"Shishishishi, you look a little red there, Prefect."
You didn't need to turn to know who it was. Ruggie approached you, slinging his arm over your shoulders and effectively breaking you out of your trance. You looked at the hyena beastman, cheeks turning darker at the amusement in his eyes.
"Remember to pay me for the little thing up there, hm?"
You smiled, nodding your head. "Of course, I'll get you your favorite donuts. We had a deal after all."
Your eyes flicked over to the little parasitic plant that worked a lot better than you thought it would.
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thetxtdevil · 4 months
Witch's Brew
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Taehyun x Reader
summary: a simple fairytale of a witch in the woods doing her duties of potion making with her raven familiar. however the familiar isn't just a bird to help with her responsibilities...
content: smut w/ plot, witch f.reader, familiar/demon taehyun/terry, dom taehyun, mentions of masturbation, begging, oral (fem receiving), slight spanking, bulge kink, let me know if i'm forgetting anything
word count: 3k
"a drop of vampires’ white blood, two tears of a siren, herbs from the troll's garden, water from the still stream"
your hands wave in circular motions over a big charcoal cauldron. your face glows the numerous hues from your potion. along side you a raven perched on a back of a wooden chair watching closely to the boiling concoction.
"here are the makings of the weeping soup!"
the potion's boiling bubbles get more abundant. the steam turns into weeping ghost like figures reflecting the name. a grin appears on you face and with wide eyes you look at the weeping soup with hunger. as it is your dinner for tonight.
"terry, darling, would you fetch me a ladle?"
the raven you spoke to croaks back to you and flies away. coming back as soon as you turn to the two bowls on the cauldron's side table. picking one up you raise your hand up the dark bird flies over and drops the spoon with its talons into your lifted hand. you scoop up the soup pouring it into the beautifully carved bowl and set it down. you then grab a smaller bowl and do the same but you place it down in-front of the raven.
the raven gurgles with contentment. you give him a big smile as you pick up your bowl and walk over to your sofa. extending your finger towards the tv, a flicker of electricity turns on the box and you watch with delight.
you were a witch raised by a coven of witches. you knew all things magic and the creatures who live amongst the magic. you excelled in potion making however, you fell behind the great skill of memorizing and brightness. you are smart, not a lot of witches could understand the art of potions but sometimes you could get a little... distracted.
your mother would find you in tears after you accidentally tipped over a bowl of bubbling liquid on the floor or the time a potion exploded in your face because you forgot to add a pinch of wolves fur.
this fact made your 16th birthday exciting as it is the age when a witch receives their familiar. familiars were demons that would obey you along with help you and they usually took the form of an animal. the day of your 16th birthday your coven dug up a black crystal that shimmered hues of blue and silver. you were beyond excited to see what your new friend would be.
you place it on your night stand next to your bed that night. you stared at it with big eyes until you fell asleep. drifting off you find yourself in a dream like state. everything was dark with white and grey smoke that formed shapes. you follow the patterns of the smoke and then you see the smoke stops you by forming a shape of a young man.
he was unreal. the figure had sculpted muscles, his teeth were bright and beautiful, encapsulated by sweet lips.
"who are you?"
"i am taehyun."
"kiss me" you blurted out
the man smiles at you but doesn't do anything. taehyun's body starts to fade away and you rush towards him but it was too late. you wake up with a loud sound of a bird's call. you wince at the sound along with the sun hitting your eyes. you look over to see that your black crystal has been replaced with a beautiful black raven.
you were a fully grown witch now. you had a few years with your familiar you named terry and graduated earning the title of potioneer. it was time to move on, your coven didn't want you to leave, but you knew you had to do it besides your house was only 10 minutes away if you take a broomstick.
your house was a classic witches' cottage. small, wooden, with vines overgrowing it. yet it had the necessary advancements of modern day living: a working toilet and shower, heater, ac, wifi. it was all you and terry needed.
one morning after it rained all night, the sun was rising making the grass and vines shine. terry flew over the fields of freshly watered grass scavenging items for your future potions as you were still asleep. as the raven was enjoying the smell of earth he notices a women running. terry isn't too worried about her until he sees the lady heading towards the cottages. terry soars to the window of your bedroom. he croaks loudly making sure you wake up.
"huh? what?"
you're a mess waking up by terry's noises. and that's when you hear a loud knock at the door. terry flys up on the cottage’s roof to over hear the two. you open the door to see a familiar face from your coven.
terry on the roof leans down. he's protective of you and doesn't want any intruders messing around.
"y/n! y/n! you have to help us our coven was cursed and a plague is spreading!"
"what? how did this happen?"
"one of the younglings was blamed for stealing a flower from another's coven's garden and they were not too fond of that"
you were stunned. witches are known to be cruel but to put a curse upon a whole coven because of a small thing was medieval.
"we have repelled the curse but people are still sick. i know you're good at making potions so i thought you could make a cure"
there was no way you could say no. this was your family it was your duty to use your abilities to help. so thats what you plan to do. you pack a basket of food and simple potions for the women to take back until you make a cure for the plague.
terry and you are off on your task. you take a trip to the mystical farmer's market trying to find ingredients: rosemary, pixie dust, lavendar, four leaf clovers, anything that would show signs of health. terry flies over a rock shop croaking at you.
"no terry i don't think stones would be useful"
he caws again, you ignore until terry lands on your shoulder and nips your ear.
"ow, ok, if you insist"
you walk over to the rock booth looking over the great selection. you pick up a amethyst and a rose quartz. you were about to settle on those two until you found a rock that resembled the crystal you received when getting your familiar. you smiled looking at terry, his raven head tilting so his eyes can look at you. you buy the rock and thought to yourself even though you're not going to use it, it was nice to have as decoration.
after a million of tries and fails you start to give up hope. ingredients were everywhere, some burnt and ripped. the raven watches cry out of frustration. you crash on your sofa to rest your head. terry flies over laying a blanket on top of your tired body.
"y/n... y/n!"
your eyes open to darkness. your look around to see smoke like shapes you've seen before. looking beside you, you see the man from you dream a long time ago.
"hi... what are you doing in my dreams again"
"you're giving up hope which means you're giving up on your coven"
"i know but i'm having a hard time" you lean your head down
"you need to try again" the man rubs his pointed nose on your cheek lovingly
"but i've done everything"
"not the stone"
"the stone?" that damn stone terry wanted you to buy "will you finally kiss me if i use it"
just like before taehyun smiles at you and he wraps his body around you until his body turned into fog. a slight "i will." was the last thing you heard from him.
you wake up feeling a little more rested. turning your head to the work table your see your raven perched next to that black stone. you got up to take a good look at the stone, it even had the same shimmer of blue and silver the familiar crystal had. you look at your empty cauldron and then back at the stone. you lifted the stone and threw it at the bottom of the cauldron breaking it into smaller pieces.
the opened rock blasted bright light that filled the dim cottage. terry started to croak at the scene and fly up to grab more ingredients. both you and terry started throwing things in the cauldron like the broken rock's light opened your minds. after hours of spell casting and stirring, the potion was made. this was going to work you could feel it in your potion making bones.
even though it was nighttime you did not want to wait for the next day to deliver the cure. the coven has been waiting patiently and you didn't want to fail them. you wrap yourself in your purple cloak, putting a heavy bowl of potion in a basket, you straddle your broomstick and fly to your old home.
terry arrives before you croaking loudly to awaken the coven. the ones who were less sick came out to greet and praise you. they lead you to the child who was hit hard by the curse. you pour a cup of the white illuminated liquid and give it to the child. terry and you watch closely as the youngling blooms like a flower as soon as she gulps the potion. you turn to look at terry with the biggest smile and the whole coven gathers to get the trusted potion.
you arrive at the cottage after spending time at your first home. you were exhausted, you could feel the heaviness of the dark bags you had under your eyes. but you told yourself that you saved the day. you waddle to your bed and sink into it. the beautiful raven watched from the window as you close you eyes to rest.
as usual the sunrise awakens your tired eyes. you try to turn your body away from the sun's gaze but you then realize there's something in your way. this something was bigger than you, and had their arm around your waist. you freak out leaping out of bed.
"what the hell terry where are you when i need you?" you thought to yourself. looking at the sleeping intruder you found yourself dizzy from the fact that it wasn't a stranger, it was taehyun, a very naked taehyun at that. you climb back on your bed to get a closer look at the beautiful man.
in your dreams taehyun was only shades of white and blurry but now he was very real and detailed. tan skin that glowed in the sun, his muscles seemed more defined in real life, his face was soft yet structural. your hand instinctively strokes his hair, admiring it you realize he had black hair with strands of dark blue and silver.
taehyun slowly opens his eyes, blinking a few times to grasp his environment. he looks at you and smiles.
"hi y/n"
his voice was sweet yet raspy. you lay your head down so you were looking at him at the same level. he smiles just like he has in your dreams.
"so you're real" you poke his bare shoulder
he huffs a laugh "you mean you haven't figured out?"
you look at him confused
"i'm the demon who helps you"
your eye bulge out of your eyes "terry?!"
he laughs at you while pushing you disheveled hair out of your face.
"you're supposed to obey me so everytime time i've asked you to kiss me you were supposed to"
"you're very persistent on that, but that was only a dream"
you frown. you've been so obsessed with the appearance of this man, now that he his real and right in front of you the more you actually want to touch him.
"i did promise that i would kiss you if you used that stone"
"you sure did" you smile
taehyun lifts his head and leans in to kiss you slowly. your mind was exploding the handsome man from your dreams was finally kissing you. the kiss lasted for a while until you finally understood that this was terry your raven. the raven that has seen you naked when you get dressed, the raven whose seen you do some questionable things because you live alone. you lean away from taehyun's kiss and rub your forehead.
"hey what's wrong?"
tae turns your head towards him so he can read you. your blush gave away your embarrassed thoughts to tae.
"yes I've been with you all this time, but i pledged to be with you forever"
the statement felt caring and comforting. you smile as you wrap your arms around his neck and pushed into another deep kiss with the man. this time it felt heated. tae shifts from his spot to hover you. his hands roamed your body softly as if he thought you'd break if he pushed too hard. he kisses your face, jaw, and nips at your ear
"do you just want me to kiss you or do you want more?"
"more" you whine
"more what?"
"more of you, i want you and anything... please"
he smirks at you politeness and does what he is told. kissing you he reaches to the little tied bow holding the collar of your dress and loosens it. he leaves your lips to leave a trail of sloppy kisses down your neck and chest. tae finds himself a little impatient with you dress since there was no easy way to take it off other than tearing it apart. the sound of torn fabric fills your ears.
"terry!" you gasp
taehyun doesn't say anything as he goes back to kissing your body. he had a destination in mind something he's thought of everytime you touched yourself thinking you were alone. stopping himself right above your clothed pussy he looks up at you. your eyes are on him without saying anything he can tell that you were begging him to do something.
just like your poor dress he grabs the thin cloth covering your sweet parts and rips it off. before you could scold the man tae dives his face into your pussy. lapping all the juicy you made just from him kissing you. you grab and pull his raven black hair as you moan loudly. tae pushes a finger in your cunt thrusting it along his tongue. he enjoyed this, eating you out like you never fed the raven. he purposely moans to send vibrations to your core. he replaces his tongue with another finger and starts to suck on your clit. he glaces at his witch whose back was arched with eyes squeezed shut. he reaches his other hand from you thighs to your breast. groping and pinching he was determined for you to cum the hardest you've ever had.
"i- i'm... ugh..."
your body was shaking you couldn't get the words out hot from taehyun's touches. tae didn't want to stop his tongue on your cunt so he hummed. this put you to your last breaking point cumming onto tae as he laps the cum all up.
taehyun lifts his torso up, now on his knees between your legs. he takes the time to look at the sinful sight. your clothes were ripped and the holes were only showing off the part that are usually covered. plush legs spread just for him, breasts moving up and down breathing hard from the orgasm, you had dried up tears on you blushed face. it was beautiful to the demon.
he watched your eyes drift down to his exposed member. the size and bulkiness was enough to make you wet again. tae smirks and hovers over you again to peck your lips.
"say it."
"use that pretty cock and fuck me already"
taehyun shivers at your dirty command. he kisses you one more time before straighting up again.
"flip over and ass up"
with no questions asked you turn your body and lifted your ass straight to tae's face wiggling it a bit. he lifts his hand up to smack down the plush flesh. you squeak at the action which again excites taehyun. he bends over your body giving you a kiss on the shell of your ear whispering
"i like the sounds you make for me will you make more with my dick ruining your cunt?"
you moan a yes dropping you head down as you feel his big erection against your soaking heat. his hands grip your hips as he pushes into your tight walls. tae throws his head back gasping at the feeling. he waits there letting you adjust only for you to start rocking your hips back and forth. tae then takes the lead thrusting into your core faster and faster listening to every noise you make.
you felt beyond good, way better than anything else. you then felt his hand on your belly pushing down. you gasp at what his intention were to feel his bulge that he was creating.
"can- you fill me up?"
tae smirks "as you wish"
tae's thrust became quicker and you joined by moving your hips. his hand still on your belly then drifts towards your clit. the heated feeling came back to you making your tight wall clench around tae. both of you lose your rhythm tae's motions on your clit becomes rushed which help you to your second climax which in turn helps tae to his. your cum now everywhere you whimper at the overstimulation of the man still going. tae keeps his word by blasting inside you covering every bit of your walls white.
he slumps over your torso sweaty flesh clinging to one another. tae snuggles you, head in the crease of your neck giving a few kisses here and there while lightly rubbing shapes onto you're skin.
"if you were terry this whole time why couldn't you have helped me out?"
"helped you with your potions or with your poor fingering skills?" he nips your ear again.
you both smile to yourselves and eventually fall asleep again.
A nuisance,
TxT's Devil
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buckgasms · 1 month
Ok let's get some of these trailer park Bucky ideas out shall we?
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- This is what I need in my life ☝🏼
- Maybe you live opposite each other and one of you is the new neighbour?
- You could be the newbie maybe and you find he's very helpful when moving boxes.
- You both flirt a little but nothing serious, just a smirk or a touch here and there.
- But alas, nothing happens beyond that, and you settle in to your new home.
- Ah but perhaps you start noticing that Bucky has a lot of female visitors throughout the week.
- You mostly only see them leaving his place, but occasionally you get a bit more than that.
- From across the way, in the late hours you hear them whimpering and whining as his trailer creaks. You might hear a hand meet ass cheek or a shrill giggle.
- It's a little annoying no infuriating
- But sometimes, if you listen really closely which you'd never admit to you hear him.
- His grunts.
- His groans.
- "That's it. Take it."
- It's the sweetest form of torture and you try to resist but sometimes it just drives you to the edge and you desperately need release, imagining his hot, sweaty body working on you.
- Perhaps one morning you are sitting out front, reading a book and he appears, waving off another woman who looks satisfied and somewhat disappointed to be sent on her way.
- You smile and try to go back to your book, but he's intrigued. And a tease.
- "Morning sugar."
- "Good mornin Bucky" you reply turning a page you haven't read a word of in your book.
- He pulls up a chair and settles next to you.
- "Wow. Our bedroom windows are pretty close to each other huh?" He remarks, a smile tugging at his lips as you clear your throat.
- "I never noticed" you say, voice clearly strained.
- He stands to leave but first leans down, right by your ear.
- "But I have sweetheart."
- You spend the rest of the day totally paranoid.
- Had he heard you? Has he seen you?
- You don't hate the idea of him wanting you, but you don't want to be a notch on his belt.
- If he's going to tease, why don't you tease right back?
- Ice lollies are your weapon of choice.
- You sit in your chair, book open, skirt short, top skimpy and a ice lolly popping lewdly from your mouth.
- He looks like he's leaving but when he catches sight of you he seems to change his mind.
- Instead he sets himself up with a beer and a pack of cigarettes and enjoys the show you e decided to put on.
- Naturally, your plan immediately backfires because damn he looks so hot.
- It's Bucky....
- He distracts you by offering a beer, which you accept once your lolly is finished.
- He distracts you by asking about your book.
- He distracts you by talking about where you are from.
- Before you know it, he's back next to you, you are feeling warm from the beer and you can't help but notice how blue his eyes are.
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- But wait I am getting ahead of myself.
- Because maybe????
- One night after the "sweetheart" incident you see Bucky come home, head into his trailer and open his bedroom window wide.
- You crawl into bed and slowly push your window open, enjoying the cool air streaming into the room.
- "Can you hear me sweet girl?"
- You freeze, sweat springs up on your brow despite the cool air.
- "I know you can baby. God, you should see what you do to me. Fuck."
- Your heart is thumping in your chest. Oh god, he's going to give you a heart attack.
- "You're gonna touch yourself baby girl? Gonna think about what I might do to ya huh?"
- Despite yourself, you find yourself thinking all those things, doing all the things he says as the night goes on.
- It ends with your sweet voice calling out his name in the dark and a deep chuckle from his bedroom window.
- So...
- with all this in mind....
- After all this teasing and flirting he leans in a presses a soft kiss to your lips.
- "I wanna hear you moan for me baby. Properly this time..."
- He pinches your chin between his fingers and deepens the kiss and you instinctively wrap your arms around him.
- He breaks the kiss with a chuckle.
- "Come on sweetheart, let me give you the tour."
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- The tour takes moments because you want to kiss him. He presses your body up against a wall, you can barely breathe as he dominates your mouth, hands squeezing at your waist.
- Finally you land on the bed, and he growls as your skirt flips up and reveals your skimpy underwear.
- "Such a little tease huh?"
- You watch as he unbuckles his belt, you admire his rings but swiftly get distracted by his thick cock springing towards you.
- He strokes himself but you take over, shimmying forward so you can get nice and close.
- "Oh I see baby girl, not so innocent are we?"
- His grin turns to a growl as your lips wrap around his length, fingers wrapping around what you can't swallow.
- Your chokes fill the room, as he sinks further down your throat, his hand lacing through your hair holding you in place.
- Finally he pulls you off him, smears your spit over your face before pushing you back down onto the bed.
- He rips your underwear and leans over, pushing the fabric into your mouth.
- "You just hold onto those for me sweetheart" he chuckles as he moves your legs, gripping your ankles, pressing a kiss to them as he lines himself up.
- His fat cock slaps against your aching heat. You groan around your underwear, as he rubs against you until suddenly he slides in, filling you, stretching you until your eyes roll.
- "Sweet jesus baby girl. Knew you'd be perfect for me. So tight. Takin me so well baby..."
- He presses your legs back, so he can bring himself closer to you. He pulls the gag from your mouth and presses a kiss to your lips. You try your best to return but you've lost control of pretty much everything.
- All you can feel is his cock stretching you and hitting that point inside that has been neglected for so long.
- "Wanna hear those pretty moans angel. Want everyone to hear you, let them know what a pretty little slut you are. How desperate you are for me, for this."
- He defines the word with a smooth thrust of his hips that draws a long groan from your lips.
- "Thatta girl, just what I wanted."
- It's hours of endless pleasure.
- He explores your body, working out every pleasure point, finding your secret kinks that you swore no one would ever know.
- His fingers flex in your pussy as he fucks your ass, watching as he spits on your heat. It sends you crashing over the edge again as he rubs it over your heat, a scream leaving you as tears track down your cheeks.
- "Bucky.... I can't... So sensitive" you wail as he slowly continues fucking your ass, a thumb lazily rubbing your swollen clit.
- "Not my fault angel, you can't stop coming for me can ya?"
- He still sounds remarkably put together, but he isn't. He's just as gone as you are, mesmerized by what you can do, what he can pull out of you.
- Laying out before him, you are divine.
- Your legs tremble as another wave of pleasure rips through you and it drags him with you.
- Your walls pulse and squeeze as you emit a long weak cry. It mixes with his groan, a loud curse slips from his lips as he fills you up, again.
- Finally he crashes down, dragging you in close as exhaustion takes over your body.
Like sign me up.
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God I want a trailer park Bucky 🥺
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concerningwolves · 1 year
Hey! Do you have any tips for breaking writers block when you're adhd and/or autistic? Be it your own tips or a link to another post? My friend and I need help haha
Ahh sorry you got buried under spam and old ask game asks. (I... really need to sort my ask box >.<' ). But here we go, a month late, and hopefully better late than never:
Quick ideas for beating writer's block when autistic and/or ADHD
I've got this old post I wrote on writer's block and focus troubles. Ironically, this was before my autism diagnosis but the tips still happen to be things I, an autistic person, did to manage writing when faced with executive dysfunction (except I didn't know what executive dysfunction was at that point lol). I'm linking this with one important caveat, though: if you have ADHD, "stepping away" might do more harm than good; struggling to start tasks is a Big Thing with ADHD, so not starting the task at all is entirely counterproductive. (Unless you're in burnout! Here's a post about the differences between block and burnout with some ideas on what to do for each, in case that's at all helpful to you).
And here's something yoinked from another old ask-answer:
sometimes a break from more “serious” writing is what you need. Maybe try and take the characters from your main project and drop them somewhere else for the hell of it. I like to throw my characters into the MCU without warning like “lmao have fun in a strange modern world where there are gods and a guy in an iron flying suit bye.” Or, if fandom cross-overs aren’t your thing, find a writing prompt or take an idea you like and use it to form a short story with your characters instead.
Some other ideas I've seen around for writer's block with ADHD/Autism are:
Try voice recording or text to speech (i.e., absolute stream-of-consciousness unfiltered brain-to-mouth, giving yourself permission to 100% bullshit if you like, and see what rattles loose in the brain box)
Stream of consciousness writing in general, not even necessarily about a particular prompt or particular project. This one can be done in combination with:
Writing sprints! One minute timers, two minute timers, five minutes – set it for as long as you want, but when you're fighting executive dysfunction and/or difficulty focusing, the burst of urgency that comes from a shorter timer is very helpful.
And speaking of the sense of urgency: gamify your writing! There are different ways to do this, with varying elements of risk. I'll link some ways to do this at the end under "resources".
Exercise. I don't necessarily mean hitting the gym, but a quick burst of exercise prior to writing to get the heart rate up can help wake your brain up a bit. (Or, if you find repetitive exercise mind-numbingly boring like I do, the writing sure does start to look appealing lol).
Meditation. Okay, this one is sort of 🤔 for me, because I do often hear from fellow autistics and our ADHD cousins that meditation is literally impossible for us. It is for me. But! Like with exercise above, if meditation bores you instead of helping relax and ""clear your mind"", you can probably use that boredom to your advantage. Or, it might work as intended.
Change your workspace/situation/routine. Sometimes the problem is that you need new sensory input, or that your brain has gotten thoroughly bored and decided not to tell you. Use a different chair. Move to the kitchen table. Write at a different time of day. Have a different snack (or try having a snack while writing...). Basically, look at what you're currently trying, and see how you can do it differently.
It's also really good practise to get comfortable with Being Bad At Writing. Perfectionism and Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria are the biggest, meanest brain weasels with the sharpest teeth. Don't let them bully you. It sucks. It takes a lot of time and effort and internal work, which is why I was loathe to include this on a post of quick solutions, but. It is important.
And getting comfortable with this doesn't necessarily mean learning how to accept critique, or accepting that sometimes you'll write things that suck. It means accepting that sometimes you won't handle critique or feedback well, and also accepting that you won't always manage to beat the writer's block or be productive. Sometimes you have to make peace with the fact that you're going to feel horrible, feel your feelings, and try to remind yourself on the other side that none of it means you're a talentless hack.
Anything with a 🪙 next to it is paid only (I've tried to limit these and find alternatives).
The resources are split into things that "gameify" writing (i.e., hack your dopamine/serotonin in ways that reaaaaallly help autistic and ADHD folks), writing programs that are designed to help you focus, writing programs that track your habits and appeal to the "ohhhh numbers going up" brain, focus-aiding apps, and some miscellaneous stuff. Under the cut to save your dashes.
"Gamifying" your writing:
The Most Dangerous Writing App – You can't stop typing before your set timer runs out, or you risk losing your work. Excellent for warming up, stream-of-consciousness, or if you're feeling reckless, working on your actual project. I did a lot of the second draft of When Dealing with Wolves on this thing (it was terrifying yet highly effective).
Written? Kitten! – Get rewarded for meeting your set writing wordcount with kitten pictures. Haven't used this one personally, but heard wonderful things about it.
4TheWords 🪙 – This one gamifies writing in the most literal sense. As in, it's an online game where you defeat monsters, explore and level up by writing words. I did the free trial a couple years back, and I've heard there are a lot of different ways you can lower the subscription cost. The only reason I haven't gone back to it is because I feel like I can't justify spending money on it when I'm doing fine with Scrivener and free resources, but maybe one day I will purely for the fun factor...
StimuWrite – similar idea to Written Kitten; the app provides visual/audio stimulation while you write, which is great for many ADHD-ers and autistics. There's a progress bar, soundscape options, typing effects and emoji reactions as rewards, among other features.
Write or Die – This is The Most Dangerous Writing App meets Written Kitten. As far as I can figure out, the basic web version is free to use; you can set the parameters like how how long you want to write for, how many words to reach, and whether you want rewards for meeting goals or punishments for failing to meet them. There's also a stimulus mode, where the nice auditory stimulus goes away if you stop writing.
Minimalist/Focus writing programs:
Focus Writer [Windows] – thoroughly stripped-down minimalist word processor. As far as I know, it has basic functions like find-replace, but mostly it's designed only for writing. Not for formatting, spellchecking or editing.
iA Writer 🪙 [iOS] – Similar to Focus Writer, it's designed to fill your screen with a simple workspace. Allows you to use markdown formatting, and has a feature called Focus Mode that blurs out everything except the sentence you're typing. (If I could find a Windows-friendly alternative to this with that same feature I would be so happy). A cheaper alternative is 1Writer, but that doesn't have the focus mode.
Typewrite Something – Absolutely bare minimum web-based typewriter simulator. Basically just a blank screen that you start typing on, and the words appear in a typewriter font. Great for stream-of-consciousness without the risk level of TMDWA because you can't backspace. If you don't like the clacky sound, turn off your volume.
Focus Apps
Cold Turkey – Block applications and websites on your laptop/computer for a specified period of time. You can even block the entire internet.
Forest – Similar to Cold Turkey in that it stops you from seeking distractions or getting distracted. Set a timer and the app starts growing a tree. If you leave the app, the tree dies. Once you have a tree, you add it to your forest.
Habit-building writing programs:
Novlr – Simple, minimal layout, and tracks your writing goals per month and day, and your daily streak. There are more features in the plus and pro versions, and you can only have five projects in the free version, but otherwise it looks like a good free alternative to the next two programs:
750 Words 🪙 – Made for free writing, but also very useful for drafting. I had it for a month or so a while back on the free trial. It tracks writing streaks and gives you fun graphs and statistics at the end of each session, including number of distractions, actual typing time vs total time and average words per minute. Also, it analyses the mood of what you wrote, which I always found delightful.
Writing Analytics 🪙 – If writing streaks, badges and analytical graphs get your dopamine going, then I really recommend this one. The writing screen itself is very minimalistic, but it still shows your writing speed (I loved watching that go up) and your goal progress. In terms of analytics, it tracks a LOT of different things, including time spent writing vs revising, average wordcounts per day/month/year, and words written vs words deleted. I used this for about a year before I switched to Scrivener, and the switch was purely because I needed something that wasn't subscription-based. (Apparently since I stopped using it there's also a new feature that lets you create private writing rooms and see other writer's progress).
WriteTrack – Not a word processor, but it has very good tools for tracking and planning your writing. Again, if graphs going up helps your brain, this is excellent, but you can't see it in real time.
10 ADHD-friendly brain tricks for writers – what it says on the tin: ten tips for writers with ADHD; I'm particularly fond of "Put away one knife", which breaks the nebulous task of "start writing" into something really simple like just... pull out your desk chair.
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box-architecture · 4 months
"Sam?" Dream called from the other room.
"Yeah?" Sam looked up from his miniatures. He had been trying to get the tiny Blackstone looking just right-
"Have you been using our turtle-master pots?" Dream sounded… puzzled.
"I don't think so, no."
"You don't think so?"
Sam shrugged, though he knew it wouldn't be seen. "If I suddenly started sleepwalking maybe that version of me did."
Dream snorted. Sam preened; yes, he was very funny.
"I'll ask Punz then. A double chest of pots doesn't just disappear." Dream sighed, and that made Sam curious.
He set down his paintbrush and trotted into the storage rooms, where Dream was checking the other chests. The one labeled 'Turtle-Master' was thrown open, bare of its contents.
It was incredibly unusual for The Box be completely out of anything for longer than a week. Dream took painstaking measures keeping things stocked for every possible situation, and even when Punz managed to get him to relax, Sam couldn't help but sort things the way he preferred, giving Dream more room to store things. Punz remained exasperated, but they agreed to allow Sam his sorting system as long as he didn't sort their personal items. Sam was okay with that. Even if he really wanted to.
But of all the things to run out of, this was never even close to being on the list.
"Is that all that's missing?" Sam asked. Dream huffed and shut the fire res chest.
"Yeah, but who knows why."
"Maybe Punz wanted to go on an adventure." Sam suggested.
"I don't think he has the inventory space to go on an adventure with that many pots." Dream waved his hand at the empty chest. Which, yeah. Fair point.
"I'm sure we'll figure it out." Sam reassured him, walking up to press against him. "I can make new ones in the meantime."
Dreams arms came up to pull him in a hug. Sam melted into the warmth.
"No, I've got it. You were busy with your figures, you should go back to them."
"But I can help." Sam nuzzled him. "And I miss you."
Dream let out a small breath. He buried his face in Sam's hair, letting out another sigh. "We've been together all day."
"Not in the same room." Sam insisted. He gently pushed Dream back until he was pressing him against the wall, still hugging him. Keeping him safe. "Not in the same space."
Dream made a soft noise, tension draining, and Sam's heart was overcome with love.
Dream had been a healthy weight for a long time now- muscled, strong- but Sam could still carry him. Dream placed a small kiss on his neck, automatically settling into the hold like it was the most natural thing in the world. Sam couldn't help the purr beginning to rumble in his chest.
"Are you comfortable?" He asked.
"Always." Dream said simply. He placed another kiss, just slightly higher than the last. Sam flushed, nuzzling him back.
"Okay. I'm moving us now." Sam murmured.
He was going to take them outside into the grass. There was a sunlit spot just out of range of the house's pathing, warmed by the cloudless day. Their cave was wonderfully cool in the summertime, free from the worst of the heat with its small, low dripstone, but there were streams of light that broke through the ceiling and brought a warmth to their chosen spots. Sam was a simple man; who could blame him for clearing a little area for catnaps?
His love sighed comfortably as Sam adjusted him to open the door. It was a bit of a shuffle, but Sam was used to having his hands full. The thought tugged at him as he shut the door with his back paw. He carried out supplies a lot, did he need a Redstone door? Not at the entrance but maybe in a special area off to the side, like people who had garages-
"Ranboo? What are you doing?"
Sam was pulled out of his thoughts. Dream was staring at Ranboo, who was sitting in their low-quality lawn chair at the front of the house, as per usual. Sam scowled.
He did not like Ranboo at The Box.
However, his light- his love, his flightless angel- had said Ranboo needed a place to stay. So Sam would tolerate his presence. It was the honorable thing to do, regardless, since Sam had killed him that one time. Sam could be the bigger man.
"I'm on vacation." Ranboo said.
"But the water- are those the turtle-master potions?!" Dream exclaimed in disbelief.
Sam walked closer so Dream didn't have to twist around to properly see, and narrowed his eyes at the potion bottles littered around Ranboo like sticky soda cans. The majority of the pots seemed to have made their way into the kiddie pool that Ranboo was using for his feet.
"Come on in, the water's fine." Ranboo shrugged, and gently kicked his feet to let a bit of potion splash outside the pool.
Sam recoiled instinctively, jumping back and nearly losing his grip in the process. Dream yelped, but held on as steadily as he could until Sam readjusted him with an apologetic nuzzle. When Dream nuzzled back, Sam turned to Ranboo, growling; he made Sam almost drop Dream, like the menace he was.
"You are not a real cat." Ranboo stated dryly. "And that was not real water."
Sam's growls increased, but a calm, trusted hand cupped his cheek, and he leaned into it.
Dream smiled at him, before turning back to the vacationing menace. "Ranboo, you can't just take an entire double chest of potions; it's expensive."
Ranboo swirled the coconut drink in his hand. "I know, that's why I took the ones you don't use."
Sam glared, but Dream made an exasperated noise. "Can you at least- tell me? Next time you do this? So I don't look through the storage bins and think I'm going crazy?"
Ranboo tilted his head until his cheap Hawaiian themed sunglasses slid down the bridge of his nose, doing finger guns. The effect was slightly muted by the dark circles under his eyes and half-hearted manner in which he seemed to perform it.
"Right." Dream stopped holding Sam's face to pinch the bridge of his nose. "We'll talk about this more later. Idiot."
Ranboo took a sip of his drink, and Sam took this as a sign to go take his love somewhere safer, far away from the enderman and his blasphemous idea of a pool. The lake Sam made for their house was better anyway.
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eruden-writes · 9 months
Strictly Pleasure - Part 10 (Jek x Heidi)
Summary: An awkward fresh-out-of-a-relationship woman and an orc that owns a sex store enter an adult theater together. She, intent on pushing her own boundaries. He, just looking to give her some sense of safety. Well, that and he wouldn't complain about having a bit of fun himself.
After they inevitably get interrupted, Jek deals with the problem while Heidi flees. Resigned, he believes he'll never see her again.
Thus begins Jek and Heidi's sporadic interactions until, eventually, they find themselves fumbling around each other daily at the very place it started: Strictly Pleasure.
💋 Part 1 💋Part 2 💋Part 3💋Part 4 💋Part 5 💋 Part 6💋Part 7💋Part 8 💋 Part 9 💋 Part 10 💋 Part 11 (coming soon) 💋
If you like my content, please consider supporting me on Patreon or  Ko-Fi !
By the time they arrived at Strictly Pleasure, Heidi became increasingly aware of the situation. She wasn't just going to spend time alone with Jek. There were going to be others present. And his bandmates. They all would have seen what happened with Travis or would be up-to-date on it by the time they arrived at the sex shop. The thought made her stomach lurch.
Just an old biddy with bad taste in men - and alleged gold-digging tendencies - hanging out with rock stars who were once mega famous. Right. Totally didn't make Heidi look bad at all. 
She gnawed on her nerves once they entered the store, finding Jek talking to Gnadi while the rest of their rather large party milled about.
After confirming the theater was empty - thankfully, a slow night at the store according to Gnadi - Jek adjusted the theater settings for streaming capabilities. Since the rest of the band already had streaming capabilities, all that was left was to wait for the stragglers to come in. Which included Heidi. 
“Alright, the theater has been ‘reserved’ for the rest of the wee hours. We can stream some of our old shit or watch whatever vids you sweet fun things want.” Dorzi grinned and winked at his particular contingent of guests.
As the others filed into the theater, chattering amongst themselves, Heidi lingered in the shop with Jek. When most of the others were gone, she turned to Jek as she smiled through a wince. “Actually, is there somewhere I can lay down? I feel a little lightheaded.”
She couldn’t possibly mean to get them alone, Jek thought wildly. But he couldn’t stop the thought from latching to his brain, rousing his hope and eagerness. “Oh, sure. I got a futon in the breakroom. I'll come with you.”
“You don't have to.” Heidi’s eyes widened, raising her hands as if to stop him herself.
“It’s fine, c’mon.” Motioning for her to follow him, Jek led Heidi behind the front counter, passed a grinning Gnadi, and through a door into the back. Along the way, they passed boxes of additional lewd merchandise, posters, a shelf of DVDs, and racks of clothes before passing through another doorway. As she tagged after Jek, her heart skittered in her chest. All of the reminders of carnal pleasure, of risque fun, of sex tainted her thoughts.
Heidi wasn't sure what she was expecting, but it wasn't quite what she found. It was a small breakroom, similar to what one would find at any other business, smelling of lavender thanks to an outlet air freshener. A kitchenette area provided a counter with a microwave and a sink. A fridge took position by the sink, reminders and other memorabilia tacked onto the front with magnets. Opposite the kitchenette was a sitting area, the area denoted with a rug. The infamous futon sat in the middle of the room, clearly part of the sitting area and facing the television that hung on the wall. Other chairs and a coffee table took up the remaining empty space on the rug.
There were no scintillating posters, no pin-up calendars tacked to the wall, no sexual toys, no bowls of condoms and assorted lubes. Just a breakroom, removed from anything sexual. It was a bit of a relief to know an area not dedicated to sex existed in Strictly Pleasure.
Jek watched as Heidi looked around, not sure how she was gauging the area. He half-wondered if she was unimpressed. They had talked about the futon and made illicit little jokes, but - overall - it was just a breakroom. A breakroom where sex might have happened in the past, but one could say that about just about any breakroom. At least from Jek's perspective.
“Thanks, you really don't have to stick around with me. After everything with Travis, I just…” Under Jek’s quiet look, Heidi trailed off, struggling to find the right words. When the silence dragged on a little too long, she sighed and dropped herself onto the futon. In an effort to not meet his attention, she leaned over to slide her purse behind her foot and under the futon. “He said some things that made me self-conscious and I just didn’t want to be around a lot of people.”
As Heidi spoke, Jek shrugged off his pin-covered jacket and folded it, placing it on one of the kitchenette chairs before edging closer to the futon. Easing himself down beside her, Jek waited until Heidi sat up straight again before replying, “I don't take what fuckfaces say seriously, y’know.”
“Easy for you to say. You’re a rich and famous former rockstar and now you own your own business.” She frowned, waving her hands to indicate the store as she choked down bitter feelings and a faint burn at her eyes. While with Travis, she had relied on him. Not out of malice, but because she thought that was what lovers did. They supported each other.
She was a mom and for much of their relationship, she was trying to give Malachai the emotional support and presence he needed. Not wanting to dwell on those past tribulations, Heidi redirected the conversation toward something joking as she leaned back. “Although by owning a sex shop, you’re not exactly burdened by typical professionalism.” 
Jek snorted and turned to her, his left arm lying along the back of the futon and, consequently, her shoulders. His thumb unintentionally skirted against her, a sensation burning along his arm, through his body. Leaning a little closer to Heidi, he peered over his glasses at her. “Big words for someone sitting on my Fuck Futon.”
It was only then that Heidi realized the two of them hadn’t chosen far ends of the futon to sit on. They both sat, more or less, in the middle. His heat bled into her side, coaxing goosebumps to her skin. There was a heat between them that wasn’t simply ambient. It made each breath burn down her throat and filled her lungs with anticipation.
“As I was saying. Not burdened by typical professionalism.” Hiding the effect he had on her, Heidi smiled and shook her head, almost laughing. But her expression flickered, her eyes averting from Jek for a beat. Once again, she realized he was stuck here with her while his friends were enjoying further adult entertainment and other companions. Brief flashes of the first night in the theater antagonized her thoughts. How she had stopped before it got to anything too good. Heidi wasn’t sure the same wouldn’t happen again, given how hard her heart was already beating. She might disappoint him, if he was hoping to have a long-awaited finish.
Jek noticed how her expression changed and waited for her to say what was on her mind. As he waited, his eyes drank in Heidi’s form once again. Once more, he silently thanked whatever force convinced her to leave the hoodie at home. The swell of her breasts, her stomach, her hips all sang a siren song of temptation to him. It made his fingertips itch to touch her, to sink into her. How warm and soft she’d feel under his hand, under him. 
Clamping down on that thought, Jek tore his gaze from Heidi. Fuck, he had to pump the breaks and get himself under control. 
Misreading the tense aura cloaking him, Heidi picked at her fishnets and muttered, “If you want to go and have fun in your theater, don’t let me stop you. I’m sure I’m not more fun than whatever is happening in there.”
Heidi silenced herself as Jek waved his hand to brush off her concerns. When their eyes met again, she wanted to melt into the futon as a soft smile played across his lips. “It’s alright. I’d rather be here.” 
Relief fluttered through her, easing an unacknowledged strain from her own muscles. She couldn't exactly believe Jek was entirely alright with babysitting her, so she prodded a little further. “Most people would be eager to relive their glory days and get lucky, in the process.”
“If I went in there, my bandmates would kill me.” Jek laughed as he leaned against the back cushions, hands behind his head and his ankle crossed at his knee. He shot her a roguish grin, smile lines wrinkling at the corners of his eyes. “I’m a fan favorite.” 
As it struck her earlier in the night, Heidi got the impression he made the same pose a million times over. There was a calculated sort of carelessness around him, trying to be the unflappable cool guy. It was weirdly adorable in a way. She still couldn’t relent to the carefully crafted image. “Ah, well, pity for you, I’m not a fan.” 
Jek raised his eyebrows as he lowered his arms, his lips parting with a devilish smile as he leaned closer to her. “Wanna go into the theater and change that?” 
“Hah, nice try, but I’m still buzzed. Can’t really consent.” Without thinking, she pushed against his chest. The brief contact shot through her arm, making tingles coast down her back.
“Same, but my theater has multiple enchantments on it, including a sobering charm.” Jek let her push him back, her touch making his own heart stutter and his breath catch. Like most humans, she was small compared to him and clashing thoughts - of testing how much she could take, of coddling her - weaseled through his thoughts. 
Despite the tilt of his thoughts, his smile shifted from sharp and sexy to something more serious. “Can’t have people doing things while under the influence of anything. Goes hand in hand with the ‘no recording’ rule.”
Her eyebrows arched high, a quiet challenge glittering in her eyes. Okay, so he covered recording and inebriation, but did he take care of the most obvious and potentially long-lasting issue. “Got an active contraceptive spell too?” 
Tilting his head toward her, Jek only flashed a rakish grin in an affirmative response. Who did she think he was?
Unable to stifle her seemingly constantly delighted smile, Heidi snorted and rolled her eyes. “You really thought of everything.”
"My gram did, I just refined it and kept it up-to-date.” His shoulder lifted in a half-shrug, giving credit where credit was due. Granted, there were always new spells and enchantments or better magic users to pick from every year. He made sure to read reviews, do his homework, and keep the protocols as up-to-date as possible, though.
For a second, Heidi thought he was joking again, but the easy way he said it made her second guess herself. "Your grandmother?" 
“Yeah, she owned this store before me.” Giving another shrug, vague amusement tilted the corners of his lips upward. There was that curious gleam in Heidi’s eyes that made his stomach turn to butterflies. “I took it over when she retired, since I was looking for something out of the limelight.” 
“Why’d you even step down?” After seeing the way Jek acted that night, Heidi realized she was surprised he hadn’t continued performing well past his prime. Little hints of his capability had always slunk into view.
“Eh, well, you know the rockstar lifestyle, right?” Rubbing at the back of his neck, Jek turned his gaze away from her, looking off into a far middle distance. It had felt so long ago. Hell, it had been so long ago. Crazy nights, trashing hotel rooms and partying well into the next day. Showing up drunk to rehearsals and shows. Getting fucked up on whatever party pills or recreational drugs someone brought. It was a wonder he hadn’t died. Not to mention the people he got involved with, the scars they left.
His eyes slid back to Heidi, gauging her reaction as she thought as he wondered how much he should really tell her.
Feeling his eyes on her, Heidi could only imagine what he’d been through. No privacy, the paparazzi everywhere, and the tribulations of fame in the music industry. A lot of celebrities struggled with addictions, stalking, assault, and more. With her voice dipping with care, Heidi said, “Drugs, booze, and sex?”
“Yeah, that and more. Party hard.” The words were said with a heavy dose of dryness as he raised his fist, index and pinkie fingers extended. After shaking his hand a little bit, he dropped the gesture, his arm once more extending along the back of the futon and against the back of Heidi’s shoulders. “I cleaned up my act, kinda, when my kid was born. When our music careers were winding down, I needed something stable and something to do. Nothing too wild, but nothing too straitlaced.” 
“What about your kid’s mom?” As soon as the words were out, Heidi wanted to bite her own tongue off. Gods, that had to make her look too eager. 
Amusement glowed a little brighter in Jek’s eyes as he cocked an eyebrow. “Ah, interested in that, are you?” 
“Well, I am sitting on a Fuck Futon with you.” Shooting him a wry look, Heidi patted the futon’s cushion.
“Fair enough.” Nodding, Jek took a breath to consider how to word himself. Over the years, he had reiterated similar retellings during interviews, it shouldn’t have made his heart beat as hard as it did now. 
“Me and Ruby - Ruby Red, the singer - were on and off for years. Never really good for each other.” Jek shifted under Heidi’s attention, his lower stomach clenching. None of this was a lie. As much as he tried to make things work with Ruby, she was never committed. Lying, cheating, trying to coax him back into the party scene of drugs and alcohol. Over the years, he’d learned how to talk about it without sounding angry, without the ache of those years sinking too deep. “She didn’t want to quit touring and doing her thing, but Jade needed one of us around and Theoretical Menace was winding down.”
Vague memories bubbled up in Heidi’s mind. Ruby Red and Theoretical Menace. Her friends must have gossiped about the two musical sensations. Or maybe Heidi had just heard about them through the cultural zeitgeist over the years. Something tickled at the back of her thoughts, but her attention was more focused on Jek.
At that moment, he seemed a little less robust than previously. Maybe she shouldn’t have asked about his kid or the mother. She could have just researched it later. Still, Heidi was glad she asked. He cared about his kid, put his career aside to make sure she had what she needed. It only made Jek seem all the better. “So you quit the music life, made time for your kid, and took over your grandmother’s sex store?” 
“Well, Theoretical Menace did a few more tours when Jade got older and was fine with me being gone for stretches of time, but yeah.” Another easygoing shrug before he motioned to the room, the store, at large. “Most of my retirement has been here.”
Casting a look around at the breakroom, Heidi nodded and gave an acknowledging hum. 
“One more question,” Heidi said as she turned to Jek, smiling as he seemed to perk up beneath her gaze. Picking at the back cushion, her lips tilted into a slight teasing smile. “Is this your grandma’s Fuck Futon or…?” 
“All my idea, baby,” Jek chuckled as he shifted himself toward Heidi. He vaguely realized one of her legs curled onto the futon when she turned toward him. She was closer than he thought she was, almost tucked against his side. Almost, but not quite.
“Hate to say it,” Heidi mock frowned, pursing her lips in a way that Jek found too distracting, “but I get why you’re a fan favorite.” 
“Hate to say it? Ouch,” he gasped, holding a hand over his heart as a comically over-the-top pained look crossed his face. 
Realizing she was feeling too warm, a small voice in Heidi’s head chided her. There was no way Jek was flirting from genuine interest, just amusement. It was already clear he and his friends invited people back to Strictly Pleasure whenever they were out, wasn’t it? “I doubt you actually care that much.” 
“You’d be surprised. I am a very sensitive softie,” he laughed, waggling his eyebrows to mask how true he found the statement to be himself.
Heidi snorted, her eyes trailing conspicuously to his groin. “Yeah, you look real soft right now.”
Unable to stop himself as the path her eyes took made his insides burn, Jek leaned closer. His voice dropped low, a playful growl to his words. “Keeping looking and I won’t be.”
The gravel in his tone razed along Heidi’s back, bringing a flush to her cheeks. She couldn’t help laughing, averting her gaze to avoid seeing the smugness in his eyes. “You always have something to say, don’t you?” 
“Well, if you want to shut me up, then you should kiss me.” Immediately, Heidi’s attention snapped back to him, her eyes wide. Jek felt like the wind was knocked out of him. Shit, that was too much. And it was immature. What sort of grown man says such a thing? Pushing himself into a straighter position, giving Heidi some space, he apologetically winced. “Shit. Sorry, forget I said that.“
The blush burned too hot on her cheeks for Heidi to feel the cold disappointment ooze through her, though her stomach somersaulted. “You don’t want me to?”
Swallowing while feeling like he was on the edge of something dangerous, Jek’s gaze flickered away from Heidi before quickly returning. “I thought you were too buzzed.”
“I'm not going to regret just kissing you,” Heidi spoke before she really thought about the answer. Something about Jek’s expression, like he too was navigating waters that could buoy him or drown him, echoed in her chest. Covering her own surprise at herself, Heidi fell back to teasing and wrinkled her nose while still smiling. “Well unless you’re really bad at it. I might regret it then.”
As she unintentionally poked at his pride, Jek’s eyes narrowed. Oh, if that’s how she was going to be, he could play. Shifting until his back met the futon’s arm, Jek brought one foot up onto the cushions and braced his left elbow on his knee. His other foot remained on the floor, legs spread enough for someone - namely Heidi - to crawl between them. 
“Well, come on and find out. If you dare.” With his right hand, he motioned for her to come closer. Despite the ease Jek radiated with his eyes half-lidded and his smirk twisted behind his tusks, his heart thundered in his chest as he waited for Heidi’s reaction.
Next part is already available on my Patreon!
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deadboyfriendd · 6 months
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Cochise V: Fin
Summary: A dinner party turns into forever.
Warnings: Fem!Reader, Outlaw/Doc Holliday!Eddie Munson x Reader, wild west/Tombstone!AU, drug use, drug overdose (apparent suicide), death of minor character by hanging, period-appropriate death and violence, angst, fluff, smut
My content is 18+ Minors DNI
Word Count: 869
“You figure we should get married?” He’d asked, turning his head to look at you. 
A gilded light streams steady through heavy canvas drapery and spills on to the floor in an abundant, golden puddle. The heat of the sun is already beginning to warm the floor in which it shines. A wide smile beams up at you, from the daguerreotype daughter of southwest Arkansas. She sits, hand and hand, still in a dance alongside Wilhelm. Tight-lipped smile wrapping itself around a wireframe structure– just the way you had left him. 
Your thumb traces the indent of twine over your ring finger, where the gold of your wedding band once sat. It rolls over itself, now worn and soft over your skin. You know that, later today, a string from the same expanse would be passed over the same way by chips and cards in a game of Faro. You recount the memory of moments past;
“No. Do you?” You’d replied, truthfully. 
“You don’t think about it?” He asked again, turning over onto his side. 
You flipped over in synchrony, eyes meeting his, “We’ve both done this before.” 
We both know how it ends.
“But not with each other.” 
You wouldn’t meet his eye. Instead, you turned, willing back the tears that always came too late. Eddie had habituated the upstairs home in coexistence with the hollowness of Wilhelm’s presence. 
His boots sat in the same place by the front door, though, one sat toppled over in the remnant memory of a sloppy, chaste dance from the night before, chair at the table left out turned sideways from bearing the same sloppy weight moments after. 
You think back to that smile. The glimmer of it is drowned by the refraction of light off of the remnants of your wedding band– blinding. The silt of violence stirs within you at the thought of these things in their place, placating sadness and the same hollowness of a second dead husband– how the world was cruel in that nature, to rob you of this peace twice. 
You thought to distrust it, though, you would still marry Wilhelm again knowing the way it ended. 
There would be no white dress, no poppies in spring covering the vast expanse of the wildflower west. There would be no veil to cover a face gleaming with innocence. No, this land was too harsh for that. 
Your brain settles on a place far off in the dissonance. A table that resembled your own with four chairs. Christine is charming, you’d decided. She was funny in a way that was almost mean. She was hardened– but not as much as you. You imagined yourself as friends. 
Your brain etches in the details of Wilhelm’s face. Kind eyes that you would never forget, laugh lines that you filled in after the fact. You’d swore you’d never forget, though, as it seems, time had cast a vignette around him. He would clap Eddie on the shoulder, whisper things for men’s ears only to Eddie– in which Eddie would fill you in after dinner. Wilhelm would know this, as well. 
You think of bidding them farewell. Of a hug and a promise of more dinner plans to come. But for now, it was goodbye. They would retreat back to their home past where the sun set. You would stay alight in its blaze. 
“I’m not promising you forever.”
“Is this for better or for worse?”
“We’ve already lived through the worst. Just us. Don’t give me your covenants,” He’d bartered quietly. He hesitated to touch you, “Please, honey, just a promise.” 
“A promise?” You’d asked, finally, turning back over your shoulder to look at him. “I can make a promise.” 
He’d nodded, sifting through your sewing box until he settled upon it. A thin leather twine. No covenant. No superstition. 
The west would be won, but not by him. Not now. 
Eddie settles in that same place, though, it is after dinner. He waits beneath the softness of your sheets. They no longer smell foreign.
He watched the way your skin rippled at your lower back as your bare skin pressed against your vanity stool, and the way your skin stretched over your shoulder blades as you pulled your hair to the side, raking through it with the brush in front of you. Your lips fell into a supple pout in concentration, and your lashes kissed your cheeks as you looked down. He allowed himself to free-float into the stagnant desert air. 
“Hey, Eddie?”
“What did Wilhelm say to you? After dinner?” 
He sat back at that table. You had been correct. Wilhelm was tall, much taller than him. He was intelligent and not as gruff. In the beginning, he’d wondered why you’d chosen to love him after someone like Wilhelm. Something in the orange told him that they would return home soon. Wilhelm knew this, too. 
His hand was a comfort, clasped against his shoulder, his voice a gilden song. 
“Tell her I said it’s okay.” He’d whispered to Eddie, and he was filled with a sense of knowing. 
His eyes met yours once more, the darkness of night prevailing casted a shadow over your features. 
“It’s okay, Nellie.” 
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kaibeaniez · 4 months
You were promised a drabble so here's a little Donatello drabble! It's angsty so be warned I guess. This can be viewed as platonic or romantic. Also can be viewed as any version of Donatello.
Rainy Nights, Purple Friends
It was a rainy night in New York and you felt like shit. And you've felt like shit for weeks, and as you were sitting there, trying not to cry anymore, you thought of something. You haven't been talking to your friends. That was why Donatello was so surprised to get a text from you.
*Name*: Hey, can I come over and hang with you for a bit?
*Donnie*: Sure, I am the only one currently awake though.
*Name*: That's alright :)
He set down his phone, continuing to work on the project he had in front of him. He was excited to see his friend again, especially after not seeing them for so long.
You grabbed your backpack and set off.
The trek through the sewers wasn't too bad, a bit smelly, but not terrible. You enjoyed walking through the sewers, hearing the muffled commotion topside, seeing the occasional colorful lights through the grates, and even running into some friendly sewer animals.
When you got to the lair, you made sure to be extra quiet making your way to Donnie's room. When you stopped in front of the door, a camera scanned you, along with a fingerprint scanner. "Authorized personal identified. Please continue." said a recording of Donnie.
You opened the door and walked in, making sure to close it behind you. You were about to say something, when a voice came from the lab, "Welcome dear friend! I will be with you in a moment, but you may watch me work if you wish."
You set down your backpack near his bed, walking towards the lab, on the verge of tears again for who knows why. You walked into the doorway, and that's when the tears started.
Donnie was working on something on his desk, he didn't look up at you. "Hello *Name*. How are you doing this fine night?" He still didn't look up. When you didn't respond after a while he asked, "*Name*?" That's when he looked at you.
He saw the tears streaming down your to face, setting everything he had been working on down, rushing over to you. As he reached you, your knees gave out. Thankfully, he caught you, bringing you slowly to sit on the ground. He kneeled next to you, one arm around your shoulders and the other on one of your knees.
"*Name*? Hey, what's wrong? Are you feeling alright? Did you hurt yourself?" He continued to flood you with questions until you looked up at him, with those sad eyes. "Donnie," you sniffle, "I don't know what's wrong.. I've just felt like absolute shit for the past week.. I've been *hic* crying for no reason and stuff"
Donnie rubbed your back. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up and maybe we can figure out what's wrong." He stands and offers a hand to you. You take his hand, only to fall again. He tilts his head to the side for a second, deep in thought. He then squats down to your level, holding out his arms as if he's going to give you a hug.
You hold your arms out to him in the same way, and he scoops you up into his arms, putting your legs around his waist and his arms under your thighs to hold you up. You wrapped your arms around his neck to keep balanced.
He walked over to his desk chair, sitting down carefully, making sure not to drop you. He reached over the desk, grabbing a box of tissues, setting it in his lap between him and you. A small robot brought over a trashcan. It smiled at you and hopped away.
When you look back at him, Donnie looks worried. "Do you.. maybe want to try to find the root of your problem?" You thought for a moment, but then shook your head as your eyes began to water again. He nodded, pulling your head closer to his chest. "Shh.. it's alright." He starts rubbing your back in a soothing way.
As you rested your head on his chest, you listened closely to his heartbeat. It was slightly irregular, most likely from stress. His breathing was normal though, which was very calming. He moved the tissue box onto the desk, pulling you closer so that you wouldn't fall. "It's all going to be okay.. we all have bad times." He smiles softly, running a hand through your hair.
You smile back at him, thankful that he understands. You yawn softly, "Well, I guess I should get going home." As you start to get off his lap, he grabs onto your wrist softly. "No, you are going to stay here, at least for the night. You can barely stand for heaven's sake!"
He stands up again, still carrying you, holding you close as he walks towards his room. He notices your backpack on the way in, kicking it to the side as to not trip. He sets you down softly, sitting next to you.
He sits for a while before saying, "Well, I must return to my work, but you can call me if you need anything." As he begins to walk away you mumble, "Donnie?" "Yes?" he responds, turning back to you. "Can you stay with me.. please?" His face softens, "Of course."
He lays down next to you, pulling you close and letting you adjust to your comfort before pulling up a blanket over you both.
He watched you for a bit after you fall asleep, enjoying the way you twitch every so often. He hummed softly to himself, wondering if he should slip away to work more. He decided against it when you nuzzled closer to him, letting himself succumb to sleep.
(HIIII! So I thought of this because sometimes I just break down in tears for literally no reason whatsoever and it's kinda hella annoying. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it!)
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siremasterlawrence · 8 months
Transfer Of Power Part 1
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Daddy Thomas Mac is my horny,oversexed and obsessed to get all the pussy he wants so I am more than annoyed at the constant weeks of guttural sounds.
Unfortunately! I found my way in to to his life as I follow him all over the country with so much intensity they call it stalking and I ma aware of it.
I do not care as I for one night and for the rest of time and I had more than enough of his constant fooling around and set a stage for revenge.
I never expected to hear a knock on my door so heavy it startled me awake from my deep slumber but I sure angrily pace down in to the hallway.
A tiny box lay on the top step on the stoop as I pop the door open up, he picks it up bringing in to my home and kicks the door closed.
Placing it on the table he slips in to a chair he pulls out and sits down with this crazed look on their faces and soon enough he will learn his place.
He slowly picks up a pocket knife cutting in to the box as it slide through the enter top of the box and revealing a horrible stench rise in a deep steam.
The stench over takes the room filling it in to the brim of the ceiling as it flows through his nose as he swirls surrounding the room in a flux.
The world spins as a headache grows even bigger hitting him hard and he fell on to his back as everything fades in to the gigantic background.
His eyes spin to the back of his head upside down in his eye sockets and his eye lid drop close as he lay unconscious on the floor for me.
His body so frozen in time unable to escape his future faith as my puppet and I excitedly watching with binoculars from my kitchen window.
I narrow my eyes peering a bit to see this ass on the floor flipping and flopping with a craze of intense convulsions shaking with a feverish pitch.
He woke up once more again staring happily mindlessly into the black slate ceiling and it is swirling through the insanity of the world that he sees.
He comes too raising up as he sat up on to the carpet staring at me with this extremely sexy and enticingly beautiful smile spread everywhere.
I point up as if I was pointing hinting for my new friend a demonic entity hops from the box and does little jiggle before standing a few feet from his nostrils.
Thomas nostrils frail on fire taking a deep huff of breath carrying a flow current of air that swoops him up the demon in through his nose.
The demon passes upward like a hollow hall in to the upper echelons all the way till he hit the stem and he transform in to pure energy and absorb in to his brain stem.
The energy shoots upward as it phases in to the physiological tube in to the center of it all and eventually the older man’s lovely existence.
“What The Fuck?”
“What is this shit?”
“Who the ?”
“Are you a?”
“A demon?”
“Precisely “
“Yes boi”
“Mwahahahahaha “
“Fuck off buddy”
“Why are you here?”
“Your neighbor “
“No! He wouldn’t”
“Couldn’t “
“Keep coming “
“Come on”
“He hates me”
“You are surprised?”
“I guess not “
“I am hear to stay “
“Unless he ask me to leave but I doubt it”
The end
Transfer Of Power Part 2
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My magical gold Genie lamp is hiding in my unzipped book bag when this asshole jock grabs it without my permission as he is so happy.
He is cracking up with ecstatic jolts of super self esteem as he rubs it mocking me and then throws it to side of the room as the lamp burst.
A stream of power shooting in to the sky as the room builds up covering with windows are steaming up and transporting in to a new world.
“Where the fuck am I? “
“You are in my realm”
“Who are you ?”
“I am Lawrence’s Genie”
“You mean that dweeb”
“Do not disrespect him”
“You are a loathsome asshole”
“Listen you “
“Don’t move “
“Or what?”
“Bastard! Let me go”
“Pause! There is nothing you can do about it”
“He loves you! He desires you and I will give him in you.”
The jock freaks out backing up hoping to get to the wall as he stops cold a flows of magical current quality swirls and propels further.
It encircles his legs circling round and round till it reveres the top, he grows horny and so hornier causing him to cum exploding and his mouth jumps in to his throat.
Reaching his center core before ricocheting from wall cavities bouncing before a total explosion and his body soul erodes from existence forever.
“Set me free”
“Someone “
“As if fucker”
“You are not going anywhere “
“Mwahahahahaha “
“No need to speak “
“You love this”
“The timber of your voice “
“Your hands fondling you “
“Master will be pleased with this body”
“Mwahahahahaha “
The end
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britt-kageryuu · 3 months
Donnie is doing a little Q&A just nothing about his wip game. He's slowly spinning in his gamer chair model dressed in his oversized purple hoodie, black tech pants, his mask with charms, and boots. Chat is allowed to enter questions, but there's a somewhat strict filter in place. Shelldon is reading them off, but they're also showing up on a prompter.
[Who came up with the idea for you guys to be VTubers?]
"Well to tell you the truth, this isn't my first time being a Youtuber. My old account was private because looking back some of those videos were pretty cringey. Anywho on my and Blues birthday Mandarin gave me the idea to restart as a VTuber. If only because it was a something we could both work on." Donnie stops to bring up a set of images. "These are the prototype models that Mandarin had put together. We worked together to rework them to be usable with some programs I started to make for our custom setups."
[Does this mean Mandarin is the models Momma?]
Donnie reread the question before searching what that meant. Once he found it, his model got an odd look. "Okay, I now know in the VTuber lingo a Momma is the artist who makes the model, and the 'Daddy' is the one who does the rigging. Please do not refer to me and Mandarin as the Models Mom and Dad, Please." His model shudders, and he shakes his head. "That is not really a thought I want in my mind since we are infact Siblings. That just sounds very weird."
[Do you have an Oshi? Are you a fan of other VTubers?]
Donnie returns to spinning in his chair as he answers, "I am sorry to inform you that I haven't followed any other VTubers. There is no real reason as to why. I just haven't given myself time to look into other VTubers, since I have quite a bit of work to do outside of GB, and being on camera for you guys."
[Happy Pride! Do you have any labels?]
Donnie stops spinning, "Are you new here? If so welcome, if not, how have you missed some of these details? And yes, Happy Pride." Donnie then toggles on a set of pride pins onto his oversized hoodie. "I am Nonbinary, but don't mind masculine pronouns used for me. I am also Asexual, and fairly DemiRomantic. Before you ask, the others can tell you themselves, so don't ask." Back to spin~~
[You guys ever going to a convention?]
"Oh, well we have gone to some conventions recently, just not as our VTurtles! group. We went to a few that had alot of Sci-Fi focus, and had some of our favorite actors as guests of honor." There is now a large amount of spam in the chat. What's, where's and when's all around.
"Well, like Blue said before. If we told you we'd be there, you might try to track us down. We have talked about sending out messages the next time we go to a Con and leave special stuff for you guys to find, but we want to get some permission to do this at a Con before we accidentally get banned." This caused another wave of chaos in the chat, and alot of anticipation.
"Hey Dad, Uncle Mandarin wants you give you a heads up, he's bringing you a bento since you missed lunch." Shelldon announces.
Donnie stops spinning, and looks at the time, "Well, I guess we'll have to change things up a bit. I don't want to be eating on stream, so let me see if I can switch off with someone for a few minutes." He quickly types up a message, and mutes his mic. Not to forget he closes the question submissions.
There is a slight pause when Mikey leans into frame with a purple bento box in hand, and the stream was put into the BRB screen.
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phedgehogs · 12 days
blankets, kleenex, and soup.
| hansumfella/Tyler | fluff | use of princess but otherwise afab!reader | a sick fic |
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A stuffy nose and a migraine was not what you wanted this afternoon. Waking up at 5pm, sick, with tylers loud laugh coming from the other room did not help your headache.
Getting up from your shared bed, you slowly made your way to the bathroom looking for some ibuprofen to help the pounding. Swallowing sink water and the 3 pills you make your way halfway to the bed before a giant sneeze over comes you. Walking back to the bathroom you grab some kleenex, blowing your nose, and walking back to the bed with the box in hand.
Cuddling up in the blankets, you feel so much colder than normal. Shivering, you reach to the end of the bed pulling up another blanket and burying yourself under the covers.
Trying to fall back to sleep, you hear Tyler yelling about how it wasn't fair he didn't place on the podium. That's all you could hear yelling and laughing all of it cause of dress to impress.
Getting out of bed after tossing and turning for a few minutes, you wrap your fuzzy care bear blanket around you and grab your empty water bottle to refill it. Making your way down the stairs you fill up your bottle and walk to Tyler's streaming room, knocking on the door.
Tyler gets up from his chair and walks to the door, opening it. He opens the door wider and greets you with a warm smile, "hey y/n, you doing okay?" He says noticing the state you are in.
Walking closer you stop suddenly to sneeze. Making sure you don't sneeze on him, you turn your head away. "I'm just not feeling so well, and I came to ask if you could be quieter," you basically whisper through your scratched up throat.
"oh princess, let me end stream and I'll make you some soup, does that sound okay?" He offers. "No no no," you refuse, "you continue your game, I'll just put some ear plugs in. You don't need to stop for me," you express. He just sighs walking over to the computer, not even saying anything only giving chat a wave, and hits the end stream call shutting down his computer for the night.
"come on, baby," he says starting to walk away from his desk, "lets go to the kitchen and I'll make you some soup," he takes your hand and walks with you to the kitchen.
Sitting up on your favorite bar stool, you watch him open a cabinet grabbing a can of Campbell's CHUNKY Classic Chicken Noodle™️. He then opens a drawer grabbing a pot and placing it on the stove. Turning the heat up to high he pours the soup into he pot and puts a lid on it, letting it heat up.
Turning, he walks towards you to hug you from behind, slightly startling you. "Oh gee willikers! You scared me Tyler!" He raises an eyebrow at the unfamiliar language, "I didn't mean to scare you," he chuckles(andwhich), "do you need anything else princess?"
With a dismissive shake of your head you take a sip of water as Tyler continues to hug you, swaying softly. "Tyler, I'm going to get you sick if you continue to be this close to me," you complain, slightly pushing him away since you don't want to get him sick too.
"it's fine, princess. Missing a few days of work to lay in bed with you isn't to bad," he responds giving you a kiss on the lips to prove his point. You don't respond knowing that he's going to stay in bed with you no matter if he's sick or not.
You continue to sway there, his chin on your head and hands wrapped around his waist. You only break apart when you need to sneeze and when the soup is finally done.
Tyler shoos you up to your room, following right behind you as he carries your newly filled water and the thermos of soup I'm both hands. You push open the door going to sit in your bed as he sets the water down, and gets comfy next to you soup in hand.
Grabbing two spoons, his and hers, he hands you yours and he takes his. You both take a spoonful and give a little clink in cheers before swallowing it all without making a mess.
After both of you are done with the soup and your obnoxious amount of sneezing, you settle down under the mounds of blankets falling asleep in the peaceful 7:30pm light.
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So so tired but I had so much fun writing! Hope it's good enough for the hansumfella community 🫶
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Her Song part 5
Today is Friday, which means tonight we're doing live music. Ash and I named it 'VIP Night' when we were drunk...it may or may not secretly stand for Very Inappropriate Performances. It's not an event we hold every week, but I try to book bands as often as possible. If we can't find anyone, then I host a karaoke night, which most people love. The only downside is that I can't sell booze.
Since there's less than an hour until VIP Night starts, Syd and I are currently moving the shop around. We rearrange all the tables so they face the small stage in the corner of the store; it's only big enough for a few people at a time, but it's all we need. There's not a lot else we can move because of the aisles, but we make it work. I turn the chairs so they face the right way, too, and then sweep off the mini stage.
Syd cleans off the tables while I grab the microphone and tech gear from the back room. As I'm setting up the mic stand, the music abruptly changes from Patsy Cline to Big Time Rush.
Sighing, I give the culprit a 'really?' look and shake my head at her.
"Love you, Momma," she says sweetly.
"Love you too, you little Satanist. And you're only playing this until people start arriving, okay?"
"Thank you," I say, returning to my task.
"Hey, Momma?"
"Yeah, babe?"
"What's a Satanist?"
"That isn't a valid definition. Please elaborate. Feel free to use the term in a sentence."
"What- oh my god. Bring me the box of cords, please. This one is done for," I say, tossing the clean-cut cord to the side.
She drags the box of extra cords out of back room and sets it in front of me. "Thank you, ma'am."
"You're welcome, sir," she replies as she plops down on the stage next to me.
I rummage through the box, but the cord I need isn't there. "Damn. I guess we'll have to splice the one we have. We can get a new one tomorrow. Do you know where the wire strippers are?"
"Yup. In the toolbox under the shelf with the boxes of cups and napkins. I'll go get them."
"Thank you, Syd."
She skips away and quickly returns with the small tool. I strip both ends of the wire and grab the two halves to twist them together.
"Hi, Y/N!"
The sudden loud voice scares me and my body jumps. One end of the wire, which was apparently very sharp, slips and nicks my finger.
"Oh my god! Can everybody please stop scaring me like that," I breathe out as I stand up.
"Sorry," Florence apologizes sheepishly. "I just heard that you're doing a special night here and I wanted to see if you need any help before it starts?"
"Oh, well, I really appreciate that. Thank you, Florence. But I think all we need to do is fix this wire and set up the mic."
"Momma, is that blood?" Syd cuts in. I look down at my hand and, sure enough, there's a steady stream of blood running down my finger.
"Huh," I say. "I'll be right back. Talk amongst yourselves."
I go into the bathroom and grab our first aid kid, doing my best to not drip blood everywhere. The first aid kit has a latch on it, which is very difficult to open when one hand is covered in blood.
Florence walks in and closes the bathroom door behind her. "Hey, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you and make you cut your hand and- why is it bleeding so much?"
"I think the wire, like, punctured my skin. It's fine, it's not a big deal. And it's definitely not your fault, so don't apologize. I'm very accident prone."
"And apparently extremely easy to sneak up on," she adds, taking the first aid kit from me and digging out an antiseptic wipe. "Wash the blood off first," the blonde instructs.
"Yes, ma'am."
She watches me closely as I wash and dry my hands, but I pretend not to notice because I'm too awkward to say anything. When I'm finished, I jut my hand out for her and she takes it with a playful eye roll. She dabs it with an antiseptic wipe and I wince. "Hey! Be gentle, jeez. That shit burns."
"Oh, suck it up you big baby."
"This is all your fault, remember."
"You literally just said it wasn't my fault!"
"I was lying to make you feel better about yourself. In reality, I'm in a great deal of pain because of you."
She smacks my arm and we both burst out laughing. Looking into her captivating hazel eyes, our laughter slowly fades and her cheeks turn a light shade of pink, and I'm sure mine look the same. She quietly clears her throat and breaks eye contact, wrapping a bandaid around my index finger.
"There you go. I think you'll live."
"What, you're not even gonna kiss it better?" I joke. She grabs my hand and quickly kisses my finger before turning around and leaving the bathroom. "Huh," I say in the empty room.
I can hear more voices coming from the shop as people begin to show up for VIP night, so I quickly place the first aid kit back on the shelf and rush into the main area to finish fixing the cord.
The mic is fixed and set up within the next five minutes, so now we're just waiting for the band to show up. For tonight, we booked a small band whose members go to a local college. They're pretty good, and I think Florence will love their music.
I scan the room for Ash since she was supposed to clock in ten minutes ago, and I see her greeting the band as they enter the store. Waving them over to the stage, I help them set up.
One everything is ready to go, Ash dims the lights and I step into the stage, grabbing the microphone.
"Hey, y'all! How are we feeling tonight?" A series of claps and cheers comes from the small crowd in the store. I make eye contact with Florence and send her a small smile, to which she waves. "Thank you guys so much for coming to VIP night. I'll get out of here so the band can introduce themselves. Enjoy the show!"
Hopping off the stage, I join Ash behind the cafe counter to help her with the orders. I assist her with making the drinks and grabbing pastries while David carries the orders to people's tables.
"Y/N, come here," I hear Florence say from the end of the counter. "I want to introduce you to someone."
I look up and see Florence standing there with a guy. He's older, brown hair. Conventionally attractive, I guess. "Uh, hi. I'm Y/N," I greet him.
"I'm Zach, Florence's boyfriend. It's good to finally meet you. Flo hasn't stopped talking about you," he says, sticking his hand out for me to shake, which I do, giving him a polite, tight-lipped smile. The boyfriend. I always forget about the boyfriend.
"It's good to meet you, too. Although Florence hasn't mentioned you at all," I reply with unintentional malice.
Ash, overhearing the conversation, coughs loudly as if saying be nice. I remind myself that it's not my place and I have no right to be upset. "I've gotta get back to work. Have fun," I say with an (almost) genuine smile.
I do my best to ignore Florence's quietude and clenched jaw. She seemed guilty. She had no reason to be. I should've known she had a boyfriend and that she was just being nice. That's on me.
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bluepotion85 · 2 months
The Golden Ratio - Chapter 8
(The following story contains male weight gain, food play, BDSM, kidnap, encouragement, and feeder/feedee scenarios. If that's not for you, then go to church or something vanilla dude.
This takes place during and after the events of the One-Piece film GOLD. For a better experience see the film on your local streaming service.
This story is written in collaboration with @bee-wg)
It’s been two days since the encounter in the bathhouse and Roronoa still acts like nothing happened. 
Regardless of him acknowledged it or not, something awoke within him. I can tell as much, with how his gaze lingers longer on my body. Whenever I catch him staring, he immediately looks away. Or, in today's cases he tries to play it cool. Well, as cool as he can take anything.
“What do you think you’re looking at?” he says.
“Looking at my biggest fan,” I reply.
“I’m not that big,” he replied.
“Not what I meant, but if the shoe fits.” 
He grunts before laying back on his bed. The dog bed was a good idea. He naps there most of the day, mindlessly chewing on the mochi. Sometimes I wonder if he is more house cat than human. 
“We can't stay here all day! Today is the special performance I arranged, so get your ass up,” I said, pulling his leg.
“Fine, just let me get some clothes and get this over with,” he yelled back.
While he got dressed, my attention went to his expanding body. Like a snowman starting to melt at the end of winter, his body droops over itself. His arms were thick as sausages, constantly rubbing against the ring of fat his moobs made. Tits that rounded out while they rested on his belly. A sagging gut that bounces with every ill attempt to fit in pants that were tailored for him pounds ago. 
After the evening at the bathhouse, he became more self-conscious about his weight, trying to curb his appetite with the mochi during the day. As if the constant calorie flow of sweets could help him lose weight, he was just too simple-minded. Even then, his appetite had grown more than either of us could anticipate, so his meals continued to grow alongside his waist.
In hopes of easing his mind, I sized up his set of clothes overnight. It was a hard choice since It was so enthralling to see him fighting against his flab. It's a shame but a necessary measure.
Once he is clothed, we set track to the main stage for today’s event. Most of the day was spent making sure everything was running smoothly for the performance.
By the time the concert was about to start, Roronoa’s belly roared, begging for food. 
“I’ll order lunch to be delivered to our seats," I said.
“Could you ask them to bring more this time around? I barely stayed full yesterday.”
“I will need to open new restaurants just to keep up with that appetite of yours.”
“You're just looking for any excuse to do more business,” he replied. 
Making it to the theater box. I throw myself against my chair, looking out at the crowd. 
“You were right, the place is packed,” he said, looking out the window before sitting beside me.
Before I could reply, his food was here and his attention completely shifted. The show is about to start but I have one last thing to do before. Let's get this over with.
At the side of the room was a control panel with a Den Den Mesushi. I ring it and not too long after, the voice of a woman resounds on the other end.
“Mister Tesoro, good evening.”
“Ready for the show, Uta?”
“Yes! Thank you again for the help financing us. This performance will be a great test of our streaming capabilities and-”
“Great to hear you are excited but remember this is not a rehearsal, I'm paying good money for you to give your best material.”
“Absolutely! I'm making sure everyone is happy today.”
“I'm counting on it. You go live in five minutes, so get ready.”
I hung up as she thanked me again. When her time is up, I grab the microphone from the control panel and press the button that starts the show. The lights on the stage go black and my face is projected for the audience. 
“Welcome everyone to today’s special event! Transmitting directly from Elegia Island, Uta!” 
My face vanishes from view to be replaced with one belonging to a young woman. The worldwide sensation makes the crowd go crazy. 
The uproar catches Roronoa's attention and he looks into the crowd for the first time since he started eating. His attention on her doesn't last long and he continues with his meal. Great, after paying for this much, not even this attracts the attention of the simpleton. But in all honesty, who could blame him? 
“We can choose the way of our future, Try a brand new path, we can change the world.” 
It's so generic, the most basic hopeful sentiments for the lowest denominator of an audience. The beginning of a song should be grand and extravagant, with the amount of money I'm paying, this girl has the audacity to sound slightly pitchy.
I mean it works in our favor, people get inspired and spend a fortune in our slots thinking they can make their dreams come true. But at the cost of putting me to sleep.
“Ugh, what an amateur,” I said through gritted teeth.
“What is the matter? I thought you wanted to see her perform?”
“Me? No, this was all for business. But she clearly fell off.”
“She fell off the stage?”
“No, I mean Soul King managed to get a platinum record within the first week of release. Or Maria Napole, she stayed in the top 10 for eleven weeks. Meanwhile, this is her first live performance and it's like a lagging Den Den Mushi.”
“Is it that bad?” he said looking down at the cheering crowd.
“They seem to like it.”
“Of course they do, they are simpletons. They are getting distracted with her dreams come true Mombo Jumbo, to realize she is lacking all musical talent. Any amateur could do better.”
“You could do better then.”
“I'm no amateur.” I barked back.
“Not what I meant but if the shoe fits,” he said with a grin. 
Cheeky little bastard! Then the idea popped into my head. Going to the control panel I pressed some buttons and the box turned silent. The room has a noise-canceling feature for private meetings.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Showing you how a professional makes music.”
Not too long after someone knocked at my door, one of my workers came with a delivery.
“Here is the piano you ordered, Sir.”
The double doors for the room open to let the piano roll into position. After some preparations, Roronoa and I are left with the Golden piano in the middle of the room. 
I sat down in front of the piano, my fingers gracing its keys. My eyes glance in Zoro’s direction, he remains focused on the display of food in front of him. His expression is nonchalant as always.
Taking a deep breath, I get my hands to move, carefully playing each note of an old song. 
This song always reminds me of Stella, she was the one who got me to learn to play the piano. As the beat of the song rises my memory goes back to us, to her.
“I think your voice is lovely Tesoro, it would go along perfectly with a piano,” she used to say. 
In my attempt to entertain her, I starved myself for weeks, saved enough money to buy a piano keyboard, and practiced while singing to her.  
In those days my fingers would clumsily play the wrong notes, slip between the keys, or lose the rhythm of a melody. But she kept optimistic as always, rooting for me to improve. 
The years of practice have paid off, and now my hands make fast and calculated movements, as not precise of an instrument as the piano itself.
The structure of music is similar to that of lovemaking. The song builds up tension with a cadence, seeping into your pores and slowly pushing you to excitement. Even I felt its effects, as my body started to swing from side to side with the beat of the song. 
Nobody can resist the effect of my music, but when my eyes move toward Roronoa I see him unfazed. At first, I thought the simple-minded hog doesn't get good music, but as the song continued his demeanor changes. Or at least compared to the rest of the time when he's uninterested in the things I’ve shown.
Roronoa has learned to fetch food in a fast fashion, like a well-oiled machine. This time around he looks calm, looking at the set of dishes in front of him with delight. Taking his time to choose one food item and savoring it slowly before going to the next.
The longer the song goes the more he loses himself to the moment, crunches, slurps moans, and belches fill the room alongside the music.
Singing for me is a common thing, the guests at the Gran Tesoro hear me almost daily. But my use of the piano is more selective. Only playing it for important visitors or the past pets I captured. Usually, they are too scared, or too enraged by the imprisonment to express their true opinions on my music. 
Zoro on the other hand wears his opinions on his sleeves. Well, he never wears sleeves but regardless. 
The song builds up to its trill, with Zoro demolishing the meal in front of him with a rhythm that matches the beat of my song. He leans back against his chair, while his hands bring more food to his face. A smile creeps on his expression as the climax of the song approaches us.
Finally, the last notes of the tune were played and we stayed in silence, a sense of peace lingering in the room. Looking back at Zoro I notice the feast in front of him is almost done. His eyes are glazed in a haze of relaxation while he rubs the top of his belly.
“See? That's music,” I said proudly.
His eyes refocused on me and he replied, “It didn't make me jump off the building.”
I laughed, “Your expression said that you liked it more than that.”
“Yeah yeah, it was passable. Now don't get too cocky.”
He takes a bite of meat near him before adding, “I wouldn't mind another song to finish the rest of my meal though.”
Uta's concert ended and we were still inside the theater box, Zoro eating himself into a food coma and me playing every song I could remember. Something similar happens at dinner when I’m trying to tease him for ordering more than usual, but instead of acting tough he said, “Would you play the piano again? At least that way you would shut up.”
At that point I knew for sure, he loved my music.
The next morning I tried to force him out of bed but the pig wants to eat first thing in the morning, let's see if he wants to move after he gets stuffed. 
I call “Yolkdale,” a restaurant specializing in all types of breakfast menus from around the world. After placing an order big enough to challenge his capacity, I got back to my room and found Zoro snoring on the bed. Seeing him lazily rolling on his bed like a proper pig makes me want to get my hands on him. Rubbing every roll and fold of his blubbering figure or grabbing the cherubic cheeks that now grace his face. 
My body stays in its place, admiring his peaceful expression. It's endearing in a way, how it contrasts with the loud hardhead that's Roronoa. 
The minutes passed with me reading through some of my letters, nothing caught my eye until I saw a white envelope. For some reason, I feel it's important but before I could reach out for it, a rumbling sound echoed from Zoro’s direction.
He stirs himself awake, clutching his belly with a frustrated expression. 
“Did you get the food already?”
“I ordered some food, it should be here soon.”
His body jiggles violently as he stretches to grab more moshi from the mini fridge beside his bed. A grunt is all I hear as he realizes he ate the last one of them last night.
“What’s the matter pirate hunter, that gut can’t wait for a few minutes?”
“Not everyone can have a small appetite like you, some of us eats like real men.”
I get closer to him crouching to his level at the dog bed, “Real pigs you mean, you eat more than some giants.”
“Because I'm stronger than any giant.”
He grunts as I grab the flab of his middle, a fire ignites behind his eyes as I rubbed more of his skin.
“I don't know about strength but you are greedier than any of them, you like that don’t you?”
“Not as much as you perv,” he said with a grin.
As I get closer to him, his breathing gets faster.
“Want to test that idea? I'm sure you are dying to grow bigger than the giants” I whisper in his ear as I shake his overgrown belly. 
The smell of our early morning bodies enticed us both. I can almost hear his walls cracking the closer I get to him, that's when the doorbell rings.
“The food is here-” I said.
In a blink, his body is no longer under me. He rushed to the door looking for the food. 
“Hey wait!” I yell.
Zoro pretended not to hear me and I ran behind the bastard. I'm surprised to see him navigate himself so well. The glutton gets lost in a straight line but finds the way as soon as food is part of the equation.
His hand touches the doorknob when I snap my fingers and get the gold on the roof to morph into ribbons that wrap around his body, pulling him up and out of view. 
“Let go, you bastard!” the golden ribbons cover his mouth as he sticks to the roof.
When I'm sure he is not going to be seen I open the door to the delivery. Rows of workers march with trolleys filled with food, right into my bedroom. Some of them sniff around the place, obviously being affected by the scent of Roronoa. 
On their way out one of them lingered longer looking around, trying to find the source of the aroma. Instead, he finds my stare. The gold around the house rattle and shook as I said coldly, “Looking for something?”
All sense of lust abandoned his body, replaced by pure unfiltered fear, “No Sir, I'm sorry!”
He ran out along with the rest of the delivery boys. I close the door behind them and let Zoro slowly drop from the roof. 
“What's the big idea?” he said enraged.
“Nobody sees you like this, but me. Now be quiet,” I said carrying him over my shoulder. 
“I can walk on my own, you know.” 
“I thought you were too tired to move without breakfast.”
He stays quiet for a second, the lazy pig is thinking it. 
“Now that you mention it, I'm too hungry for the stairs back to the bedroom.” 
With a chuckle, I carry him back to the room. Once inside we are welcomed by the strong aroma of a full feast. Zoro hurries off my body, sitting at the border of my bed and getting into business. I marveled at the display of pure decadence in front of me. After pushing him in the right direction, he allows himself to glut at every opportunity. 
I set on the goal of turning the Zoro into a proper pig, and by the enthralled look he has now I know I'm close to that goal.
“What are you waiting for, an invitation? Eat something before I have everything,” he said with a mouth half full of food.
“Is that a threat or you are worried for me?”
He looks at me seriously, grabbing a piece of pastry and taking a massive bite of it. The answer is obvious, he is worried about me. His charitable host and master.  
I grab a plate of fruits and continue to witness Zoro’s titanic appetite decimating the load of food in front of him. Between the greedy munches and crunches of food, his stomach groans two-thirds through the meal. 
“I need a break.”
“Feeling full already? I thought you were stronger than giants.”
“Shut it, I'm going to finish everything, just need a minute,” he said, looking at the mountain of food still untouched. He rubbed his taut belly, and my hands craved to reach out to him, to feel the thigh skin of his middle.
“We don't have all day Zoro, let me help you finish this measly meal.”  
He looked at me with suspicion but sighed and nodded. 
“Perfect then, go to the side of the bed.”
He starts the titanic task of standing up with his belly packed full. Getting closer to the side border of the bed with laborious breath before plopping into the mattress. 
“That used to be easier,” he said as he caught his breath.
“It only will get harder if you keep stuffing yourself like this, but I wouldn't worry about that now. Just enjoy the road there.”
While he puts himself in position, I gather the rest of the food and place it near the bedside table. When he is done getting himself comfortable I stand beside him, 
My hands grasp the tight drum that's his belly now, meanwhile, he remains quiet under my touch. Slowly rubbing his skin, letting my fingers play with his gelatinous fat as a moan escapes his lips. Putting some pressure on his side he releases a belch in my direction, instead of shame or embarrassment he looks at me with a smug grin. 
His cocky attitude, the already obvious hedonism running through him is so erotic and enticing. We cross eyes, I can see in him the same desire flowing on me, we sink deeper in that feeling until his stomach churns again in protest. His body has a strong effect on me, I have to stay focused if I want him to sink deeper into my hands. Not the other way around.
When I think he made enough space in his stomach, I grab some crispy bacon from a nearby tray, “You are ready for more, now open up hog.”
He opens his mouth without hesitation, a new sense of determination in his eyes. Lowering the piece of meat into his open mouth, I feel a shiver down my spine when he licks my hand off the grease of the bacon. 
“I'm getting hungry again, so you better pick up the pace,” he said with the same cocky smile. 
“Don't come at me crying when you are stuffed beyond belief, Roronoa.”
My hands moved fast as they grabbed every piece of food they could reach, bringing it to the bottomless pit that was Zoro’s gut. While rubbing his belly with the utmost care. After all, he might be eating recklessly in the haze of gluttony, but I need to keep him comfortable as he pushes his capacity to the limit. I don't even need to use gold to stretch his stomach anymore.
The further he went in his binge the louder his moans got, the more erratic his bites turned and the hotter his body felt to my touch. In his attempt to get more food inside his demanding gut, he tried to grab food from the bedside table. I slap his hands away, and he turns to me like a wild animal ready to pounce.
“You can't use your hands, leave this to me,” I said, bringing a donut to his lips.
The wild beast melted leaving just a whimpering, needy hog, looking for more sustenance. Finally, he releases a massive belch and sinks into the bed, an expression that was a mix between satisfaction and uncontrollable lust.
His dick was hard, a stream of pre flowing out of him with each huff of air he took. My bed will forever smell of horny pig, but his pheromones drive me insane with desire.
The stubborn asshole remained quiet, trying to control the boiling need inside of him. He looks ready to cum at any second and yet he tries to resist. Fuck this, I’m breaking him one way or another.
Jumping on the bed, my legs rest at his sides, our crotches inches apart. Before he questions this, I get another morsel of food and bring it to his lips. He opens his mouth with delight, moans resounding across the room as he eats.
My hand explores his body further, Rubbing the crevices between his folds of fat. Sticking my fingers in his cavernous belly button and lifting the boulder that’s his belly. Stopping to admire its heft as it crashes back in place. I stop feeding him for a second, allowing him to breathe.
“I know what you are doing.”
“I’m just helping you out. Didn't you want that?”
“You are trying to get me to do more sex stuff with you.”
“It's all up to you, pet. If you want me off of you, just say the word.”
All the while we talked, my hands continued to massage his blubber. I grab his fat pad, squeezing it lightly. I could see him surrender himself when he said, “Make me cum.”
“So forward, what do you want me to do then, pig?”
“Everything, whatever. Just hurry up already!”
After ripping the clothes off our bodies, I get on all fours over him. We stay there absorbing the contrast of our bodies, his titanic mass of blubber beneath my toned physique. 
He tries to hold a whimper as our dicks rub together. He bucks his hips against mine, hunger for stimulation making him act without thinking. Our dicks rub, smearing pre against one another, leaving strings between us as I move back. 
He has cummed out of being fucked, teased and such, but he needs to know his body is capable of all of this and more with the proper care. My care.
Looking at his naked body, my attention goes to his behemoth of breasts. Like the rest of his expanding frame, they grew to match, if not surpass the rest of him. The two orbs of fat now droop over him, spilling to his sides and belly, dwarfing everything under them. If that wasn't impressive enough, they were crowned with puffier nipples that protrude even under the golden stamps. I'm compelled to bite them, but the stamps are in the way. I have a right to claim them; they have grown because of me and are only for me. 
With a flicker of my finger, the stamps move away from his nipples. 
“Your dick is not the only thing begging for attention pig, these milkers are crying for a good handling.”
I get closer to his chest, while my hand pinches his left nipple, I bite the right supple nubs of flesh. My tongue runs fast, sucking and licking them madly, getting my lips sealed around them and pulling on the tender skin. He moaned wildly, the feeling on his chest drowning him in ecstasy. 
Pulling myself off of him I see him panting for air, his belly groaning still hungry for more.
“You can’t stop even now, can't you pig?” 
“It would be easier if I could feed myself!” 
“I don’t think so. This has less to do with me feeding you and more with how much of a gluttonous hog you have turned into.”
His eyes lit up, a grin formed as he said, “You seem to like your hog.”
I could feel myself firing with desire, and for his reaction, he could tell as well. 
“Just as much as you like being one, and don’t even try to deny it. Only a hog to their heart could build a body like this.” I said, shaking his belly.
“A body derived from pleasure and built to give pleasure. Every inch of your body is nothing but abundant fat to fuck.” 
“Show me.”
Moving forward, I raised his gut, getting my hunged dick in the space between his fat pad and the base of the belly. Letting the weight drop with a wet plop I could feel the hot flesh envelop my cock. 
“See? I could fuck you in a different crevice every night, and by the time I used them all, new folds of fat would emerge.”
“Then get to work. This hog is wasting away,” he said with a grin.
Finding a rhythm was easy, considering how much my brain melted after his words were muttered. My hands searched for lube to fuck him senseless, finding more than enough underneath him. His butt juice flowed out of him like a dispenser ready for me to use. 
Once my dick was drenched in his scent, my hips start to rock, fucking his underbelly. One of my hands went for food, keeping him tied over. Meanwhile the other rubbed along his body, teased his nipples, grabbing his tits and slapping his belly. 
“Come on pig, show me how much you want this.” 
His only reply were the muffled moans of a mouth filled with food and drool. 
The room became an orchestra of belches, moans, and slabs of meat against meat. I fuck his side folds, under belly and by the time I enter his belly button the mountain of food starts to dwindle. I remember at the bathhouse, not being able to sink my whole finger into his belly button, and now inch after inch of my dick sinks into his hole. 
“Finish everything, and you can cum all you want.”
He redoubles his efforts, biting the food off my hands, liking the sauce from my fingers like it’s the last drip meal of his life. 
My hips pump faster, shaking his whole body. When the last bit of food enters him, I bite the juicy meat of his chest. My balls rose as a wave of cum flooded his belly button. At the same time he moans so loudly, all I can hear is the sound of his voice. His dick spews cum like a hose leaving him drained. 
He catches his breath, too tired to move, with me holding myself on top of him. We stay there huffing for air as the climax subsides and our bodies clear up. 
“Good job, pet.”
“Shut up, golden fucker.”
“I don’t see you complaining,” I said, rocking my hips against his belly. 
“I’m tired, leave me alone now.”
“Too bad, we have to go to work. Now get off my bed.”
“Come on, I’m stuffed, at least help me again with that. Then we can leave.”
I sigh and sit beside him. Slowly rubbing his gut like before. 
“I hope you see the unbelievable luck you have, the luck of getting my good graces like this pig.”
“Yeah whatever, can you rub more to the left.”
Applying more pressure, he released a belch and smiled proudly. His face brings a feeling of peace I haven’t felt in a while, I can’t remember the last time I was so at ease in my own quarters.
None of my pets before Zoro managed to embrace the lifestyle I offered them. Always resisting to their cores denying the joy of excess and pleasure. Meanwhile, here beside me lies the first man who has been able to accept it all and keep pushing for more. 
He doesn’t care for luxury or control, an absolute idiot who can’t hide his true self from my eyes. In a way he has proven to be all I imagined of him, and surprised me thoroughly all the same. 
I crave to tease him, spoil him, and rot him to his core with the lavish world of my making to see him transform even further. My train of thought got interrupted by his snoring.
The lazy pig is so thoroughly drained that he collapsed. I would throw anyone off this ship if they dare to overstay their visit to my bedroom, or even worse, take my bed as their own. But seeing him so peacefully rest on the right side of my bed, I can evade but wonder.
“One day off wont kill me.”
As I lay beside him on the bed, all my worries from the letters on my table to the crew outside, banished. He turned his body to the side leaving his flapping back exposed. I got closer, clinging my body to his. Letting my head rest on the nook between his neck and back. I can hear his breathing, the beating of his heart, and we are almost in sync, while both of us drift into sleep.
Roronoa Zoro is sinking deeper into my hands. But maybe I'm falling into his hands as well.
After our little breakfast session,  Tesoro not only let me sleep for the day, he left me sleeping on his bed. Finally I could sleep on a proper bed, after months of hanging from walls and sleeping on dog beds. 
When I saw the delivery guys sniffing around, acting like a bunch of dogs looking for fresh meat. I had a thought: Is my body making them act like that?
Then Tesoro pounced on me and the question started to sound more possible. Even then, I wasn't too sure what caused it or how it worked.
For the next two days I worked on a plan to test my supposed new ability. We are both at his office when my hands go down to my ass, slowly teasing my entrance. The juice gushes out of me as I tease my ass. Tesoro remained at his desk while I played with myself. He moved in his chair uncomfortably, tugging on his collar. Breathing in, more and more of the tainted air in the room.
His eyes started to glaze with lust, and his hands meandered his body. When he finally looked back at me, I was already in a safe position. His body emanates heat, a wild desire on his face.
I'm onto something, my scent is making him crazy with lust. The days passed with me using my newfound ability against him at every waking moment. Seeing him become a sweaty mess, looking back at me with needy eyes.
The other effect this experimental session had on me was that my sex drive continued to increase steadily. Just the memory of Tesoro over my body drowned my brain. Him shaking my sides, pinching my nipples, fucking my bellybutton. Fuck, when did it get that deep anyways! 
My body has inflated into a balloon, a fat caricature of my former self. Even then, the more I grow the more my body experiences these highs of pleasure, I can't stop myself from imagining how it will feel in the future. Generally I would snap myself off this train of thought before acting upon it. But the longer I wait the harder it is for me to find an excuse not to indulge. 
By the third day, every little glimpse of his body would make me go into a heated frenzy. And my scent would make him a sweaty huffing mess. Our bodies are going haywire for one another.
After a massive meal, I rationalized, If I have this chance, why not use it? So I asked him for help.
“Rub my belly, I'm stuffed.” 
“Someone is demanding today.”
“Shut up, you want to help me anyway.”
Tesoro’s breath was fast as he approached me, rubbing his hands against my belly. 
“I have to take care of my needy hog.”
Today was a busy day for him, this was meant to be a small break. Even then, he took his time massaging me thoroughly. The more he rubbed the more I wanted him to explore my body and I could feel the same urge in his eyes. As the massage broke an hour I could see the fight of his two drives, one craving to fuck me on the spot and the other trying to keep the facade of control. Is this how he felt when I was on the cage or the wall?
“Someone is excited,” I said, looking down at his crotch.
“I’m not the only one.”
“Why don't we go back to the quarters and stay there for the day.”
His eyes focused on me, the haze of lust gone for a second as he thought his answer. He is a pervert and a shitty capitan, even then he works religiously every day. If he is willing to miss another day of work, then our last day off wasn't just a fluke.
“I was waiting for you to ask.”
He pulled me from the collar and ran out of the restaurant, my thighs rubbed against each other and I felt winded by the time we made it to the limo. Once we were back in his quarters he ripped the clothes off my body in a heated delirious motion. 
“Did you have to rip all of my clothes?”
“I'll buy them again, so shut up.” 
We start to walk to the bedroom but just looking at the staircase makes me wince. If I play my cards carefully I could get him to install an elevator. 
Leaving a sigh I said, “Why can’t you have an elevator?”
“No need for them till now. Besides, they aren’t the safest in an emergency.”
“This is an emergency.”
Suddenly, he picked me up and carried me over his shoulder.
“As long as I'm here you don't need an elevator, pet.”
It's not what I had in mind, but it works. As soon as we cross his bedroom door, he throws me in his bed. I thought he would skip the teasing since I suggested this, but he is determined to fuck with me.
The plan was to flex my newfound power with restraint, but it was too tempting not to use it as he turned more manageable. Tesoro would carry me around the ship, saving me the trouble of walking. Getting all the food and booze, I could stomach without having to leave the quarters. 
For two days I managed to keep him at bay by letting him rub himself against my fat rolls. But like all of my other urges, my hole’s need for attention took over my brain. 
It started in the theater box, we were watching another performance from the crew of dancers. The VIP room was empty besides us, Tesoro taking his notes of the show like always while I rotted out of boredom. Then the idea sprouts in my head, I spread my legs letting my scent flow. It doesn't take long for him to wriggle in his seat, his hand shaking as he takes the notes. 
“When is it over? I want to do something else.”
He turned towards me, eyes popped open when he saw me sprawled on my chair. My hands were busy playing with my hole and nips while lazily chewing my food. He towered over me in an instant. His eyes focused, waiting for me to ask him to act.
“Come on, this will be more entertaining than whatever they are doing.”
He immediately spun me around and pumped me like a wild buck. Shortly after a rush of cum filled my guts and I emptied my balls on the theater chair. We stayed there fucking until we both were spent.
“Don't they perform every day? We could spend more time like this if you gave them a break.”
His expression softened as he replied, “Maybe.”
He ended up giving them a break once per week. The day they should perform we went to the Castaway Lounge and relaxed with the projections. When images of Boin Archipelago start to appear, my stomach growls and my dick rises. These two are connected forever now, maybe losing all this weight will be harder than I expected, but that's a problem for later.
For now my brain is only focused on one thing.
I walk beside him, resting my belly over his shoulder. His eyes go from my gut to my hard dick, tenting my already revealing clothes.
“I need some help here,” I said.
He moves fast, opening his fly and grabbing me by my sides. He carried me on top of his body before shoving his cock inside me. I needed this, yes!
By the time we were done I was a mess of cum, sweat and butt juice. The place was so drenched in my scent Tesoro decided to leave it as our personal VIP room. Maybe most of his guests won't enjoy being horned up to high gear just by standing inside the room. 
The following day he works reinforcing golden pipes at the boiler room. The heat inside the room makes me sweat profusely. Well, more than I already do, lately I've been building a sweat with the slightest of things. Stretching to get myself a snack from the mini fridge will leave me an exerted mess. 
Regardless, the boiling room has that effect on everyone. Tesoro's clothes stick to his body with the moisture. His scent musky as always brings back the memories of those days stuck in his wall and I feel my dick rising. Those days were meant to be torture, I need to stop thinking about them; My body has turned into this weird thing thanks to it.
“I want it now.”
“Not now Zoro, you can wait.”
Before he was done, I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him towards me. His face was tainted with a frown as he looked at me. Our bodies mash together, my ass rubbing against his crotch as I look up and say, “I need it now.”
“We are in the middle of the boiler room, we can't-” 
He restrains a moan as I wiggle my butt against his crotch. 
“You fucking slut, have you got no shame?” he said.
“Shut up and do it before someone enters.”
Tesoro slipped through my string thin thong while he slid his dick inside of me with ease. He lifted me off the floor, putting my legs at his sides. His arms flexed as he carried my weight while thrusted into me. The sweat from our bodies already clinged to our clothes, but in this position, all of my butt juice dripped into Tesoro’s suit.
Every so often he would look around, making sure no one would look.
“Focus, you are doing a sloppy job,” I said, smacking his face and directing it towards me. 
That seemed to enraged him, his best response was to fuck me fast and wildly. I could feel my insides melt around his cock the faster he got.
When we were done, our clothes were ruined. He had to use some of the gold in the room to make us golden outfits, just in case anyone catches a glance at us. For a moment I thought he would lash back to this, I directly disobeyed an order. When he gives me a golden thong to wear back to the quarters I know his brain is too fried with lust to be mad.
“You are growing nicely, pet,” he said as he carried me up the stairs back to his bedroom.
I'm too tired to argue, “Why don't you order some sake or something?”
Damn I'm in dire need of training, I'm still exhausted from our session in the boiler room. While I struggled with my own laziness, Tesoro dropped me in his bed and reached for the letters at his table.
He read through some of them, instead of getting me a drink. Where is my sake, damn it!
“It seems like your friends are going to Whole Cake Island,” he said, a hint of concern in his voice.
I barely heard him, most of my attention was used in keeping myself awake. Even then, the mention of my friends catches enough of my attention.
“I don't know what type of crazy would willingly go to Big Mom's territory.”
“Our captain is a handful, they will be fine. Is that sake on the way?”
He looks for the next letter in the bunch and his eyes freeze at the logo on the envelope. The world government. Without opening the letter he puts it aside. For a moment I wondered if he would go out to read it or ask me to get off his bed, instead he got beside me, his slow breath remained hot against my neck as I started to fall asleep.
Days pass like that in a constant stream of sex, food, and sleep. I could ask Tesoro to do as I please and he would follow suit. Just for Tesoro to throw orders while we have sex and my body follows along. Maybe he wasn't so wrong after all, my body is an instrument of pleasure, capable of making even that Golden perv my plaything.
Maybe the rest of my time waiting for Luffy and the rest to rescue me won’t be that boring.
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