#Glamourizing Obesity
ca-cupid · 2 years
so I know g3 Draculaura is bigger than the other ghouls but she still definitely isn’t fat,, so why am I seeing so much fanart of her being depicted as obese? and whi collections with obese models that are supposed to represent her??
Headcanons are totally allowed but it’s so interesting to me that this headcanon is so widely accepted, I understand that some people may be reflecting onto the character but the way people are just consistently throwing around this headcanon seems almost harmful. Just because someone is not stick thin or they don’t have a body like ✨average✨ g3 Clawdeen, it does not make them fat and it feels like people are pushing these ideas of “if you are bigger than a size 2 then you’re fat”
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mallowmaenad · 5 months
FELIDAE -- We need to redesign our fursona.
YOU -- What's wrong with it?
INSTINCT [Medium: Success] -- It is from an older time, a time of weakness. We must show strength.
YOU -- Hmmm... yeah. Where should we start?
REPLICANT -- What better than a blank page?
YOU -- You open your sketchbook.
YOU -- Obviously we're still going for a cat.
FELIDAE -- Obviously.
SECRETARY [Easy: Success] -- You have gone on record saying that "Big the Cat is one of the only men I'd ever fuck," as well as "My transition goals are Big the Cat but with huge tits," Maybe channel that spirit into this design.
SUGGESTIVE TORIEL INTROJECT -- I know you always had a thing for big, soft, furry animals.
YOU -- I don't want to be too big, dealing body dysphoria 'n all.
ITALIAN UNCLE -- Hey, just throw some like, Neco-Arc or Chowder shit in there. Or like... That furry guy from Final Fantasy 7.
SECRETARY [Medium: Success] Cait Sith.
YOU -- Can I get some childhood memories while we're remembering things?
REPLICANT [Formidable: Failure] -- Your mom's favorite color was orange!
YOU -- Thanks. Anyway, let's make it a bit short, a bit mischievous, goblinesque.
SECRETARY -- You can't just make new words by appending "-esque" to the end of existing nouns.
YOU -- You add stripes on its tail and knowing eyes. You imagine it's gaze glowing a faint yellow.
MURDER MOMMY [Medium: Success] -- This thing looks really weak. How will anyone take it seriously? How will it eat and fuck without some kind of KNIFE-ORGANS?!
FELIDAE [Medium: Failure] -- When the human drops a salivating lump of wet food into the food dish, of course.
ARCHMAGE [Easy: Success] -- Yeah, we need more power. Dark and evil power.
JESTER -- Not too intimidating though, it needs to have a silly side to it!
YOU [Challenging: Failure] -- You express your inner derangement, the approachableness but underlying danger. You give the feline creature a crooked smile, wild, unkempt fur and hands that curl into sharp claws.
DEVIL [Medium: Success] -- This looks like if viziepop drew zangoose.
JESTER [Easy: Sucess] -- it looks like if Viziepop drew an obese Zangoose, at least obese by her standards.
DELIRIUM [Formidable: Failure] -- I'm sure if we keep greasing the elbows this critter will look glamoured up in say... twenty or so more attempts! Otherwise everyone will hate it and I'll be vewy vewy sad...
FAUST FROM CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED FIGHTING GAME GUILTY GEAR [Legendary: Success] -- Please take your pills... Also... You forgot to eat lunch...
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That golden boombox post made me realize i'd give anything to see a morbidly obese slobby Mettaton twerking himself to exhaustion and accidentally letting loose some utterly horrendous gas from all that movement
*His greasy shirt and pair of "porkwhale" sweatpants were DRENCHED in sweat, tons of the stuff flowing off his body in tiny rivers as he exerted himself more in just a few moments than he has for the whole year combined. This mysterious object, playing a version of Death By Glamour with the bass turned up to the max, left him unable to do anything but shake his double wide flabby butt for the past five minutes. Exhaustion was wracking his out of shape body but if the pink haze in his eyes was anything to go by he wasn't really in control enough to stop himself. That flabby wobbling mass of booty meat, near completely oozed out his pants from excessive twerkage, gurgled ominously before a series of loud farts slipped out to the beat of the music. All the while he helplessly panted and grunted.
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bongaboi · 1 year
The REAL power behind the North Korean throne revealed
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Always careful to walk at least several paces behind her baby-faced brother and keep out of shot if cameras are around, she looks so pale and fragile that its seems a strong wind might knock her down.
Indeed, compared to her obese and surly-looking sibling – North Korea’s Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un – she seems a gentle soul, charming even, who couldn’t hurt a fly.
When her brother met President Trump for a historic summit in 2019, she was seen shyly peering out from behind a wall. Observers thought it almost adorable.
And yet – according to a ground-breaking and revealing new book – those who judge Kim Yo-jong on appearances may be making a fatal mistake.
Believed to be 35, the youngest child of former North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il is actually a ruthless political operator (even by her brutal family’s standards) who some tip to succeed her brother and who their father regarded as the most able of his offspring.
Yo-jong may even be heading for an explosive power struggle with her niece – Jong-un’s daughter Ju-ae – who is thought to be just 10 but has already been publicly hailed as her father’s heir apparent.
But judging by what this new book reveals about Aunt Yo-jong with her ‘trademark Mona Lisa smirk’, it would be foolish to assume that little Ju-ae will one day be sitting on the throne of the Hermit Kingdom.
For Yo-jong, say North Korea experts, is ‘the brains behind the operation’ – and terrifying brains, at that.
According to US academic Sung-Yoon Lee, whose new book ‘The Sister’ provides the first detailed insight into Yo-jong, it’s not for nothing that some Pyongyang officials have nicknamed her ‘bloodthirsty demon’ and ‘the devil woman’.
The de facto second-in-command to her brother, Yo-jong can have even the most senior government officials executed on just a word.
In 2021, she was elevated to the nation’s most powerful body – the State Affairs Commission. And since then, Lee says, she has had ‘the ultimate power of the cruel dictator; the power to play God and decide who lives and who is killed’.
Doted on from childhood, Yo-jong was largely hidden from public view for decades. But in 2018, she sparked a media frenzy when she attended the Winter Olympics in South Korea as her country's official representative and was pictured sitting close to Vice President Mike Pence.
Journalists hailed a glamour, delicacy and charm so lacking in her dumpy brother and many wondered if North Korea could finally be veering away from its dreadful past.
Instead, predicts Lee, Yo-jong is her 39-year-old brother’s zealous and spittle-flecked chief propagandist and is potentially ‘fiercer and more ruthless’ than him.
And, given his health problems with suspected heart disease, diabetes and obesity – the regime as good as admitted he was nearly killed by Covid-19 – North Korea may need a new leader sooner than expected.
Of course, obtaining information about the ferociously secretive dictatorship is immensely difficult but in 2021 Yo-jong reportedly ‘ordered several executions of high-ranking government officials for merely “getting on her nerves”.’
Those she found ‘less disagreeable’ were simply banished – along with their entirely innocent families – to detention camps and gulags, ‘where a life of grueling forced labour, beatings, torture and starvation rations awaited’.
According to Lee, rumors of Yo-jong’s ‘impulse to purge and kill’ soon became so rife that top officials started holding their breath in her presence. If she approached them they would avert their gaze or stare at the floor.
Ignoring her is apparently far safer than trying to win her praise – for ‘just being recognized by her might in due course lead to a fall from favor and a brush with death’.
A computer science graduate, Yo-jong doesn’t reserve her bloodthirsty impulses just for cowering officials. On the few occasions she’s been allowed to show her teeth on the international stage, she’s left little doubt that her finger on Pyongyang’s nuclear button would be every bit as unsettling as her saber-rattling brother’s.
In April last year, the First Sister dropped the sweetness act and warned South Korea that if its military ‘violated even an inch of our territory, our nuclear combat force will have to inevitably carry out its duty… and a dreadful attack will be launched’.
The South Korean army, she added, ‘will have to face a miserable fate little short of total destruction’.
As the head of propaganda, she has also demonstrated a knack for concocting particularly vile blasts against her nation’s enemies.
When, 2014, South Korea elected their first female leader, Pyongyang state media carried quotes calling her a ‘wicked sycophant’, ‘dirty old prostitute’ and ‘capricious whore’.
President Obama was outrageously branded a ‘wicked black monkey’, and a gay High Court justice in Australia was labelled a ‘disgusting old lecher with a 40-odd-year-long career of homosexuality’.
All of the comments were either written or signed off by Yo-jong.
Certainly, she’s come a long way since 2011 when her brother succeeded their father. At the time, few people outside Pyongyang even knew her name.
North Korea is also a staunchly patriarchal society. And one in which, for all its socialist pretensions, women generally look after the family at home while the men handle the politics.
Nonetheless Yo-jong’s own parents were said to be the first to recognise she was special. Even if they felt they couldn’t acknowledge it in public – her father instead elevating her underwhelming, basketball-obsessed brother.
Kim Jong-il had seven children by four women, either wives or concubines, but he reserved his chief affection for a dancer named Ko Yong-hui who bore him both Jong-un and Yo-jong.
Yo-jong’s own parents were said to be the first to recognise she was special. Even if they felt they couldn’t acknowledge it in public. (Pictured: Female North Korean soldiers march in parade).
They and elder brother Kim Jong-chul lived in the ruling family’s gated compound, given every luxury including the best food and toys money could buy, while their countrymen and women languished in poverty.
Up to the early 2000s, Jong-chul was all but set to succeed their father – until it was announced in 2009 that he wasn’t.
According to the family’s sushi chef, his father suddenly decided Jong-chul was ‘no good because he is like a little girl’.
And while Jong-chul reportedly now lives a quiet life in Pyongyang, appearing at occasional Eric Clapton concerts as far afield as Singapore and London, the actual ‘little girl’ in the family was clearly made of sterner stuff.
As a child, she was addressed by her proud parents as ‘sweet princess’ despite having a reputation for being strong-willed and stubborn.
Interestingly, the couple referred to their sons as ‘Big Brother’ (Jong-chul) and ‘Little Brother’ (Jong-un), in other words from the perspective of their sister.
Soon after she was born in 1987, she became the ‘axis of the royal family’, always sitting next to her father at meals while her brothers sat further down the table.
By the age of eight she was sufficiently sure of herself to fire her personal aide. Aged nine, she physically dragged her older brother – who was 16 – out of a women-only theatre on their family estate after he sneaked in.
She and her brothers were sent to be schooled in Switzerland, using pseudonyms and pretending to be the children of North Korean diplomats.
Her father was a psychopath who had his own half-brother Hyon murdered in 2007 to protect his children’s succession right. In the 1980s he attempted to assassinate the South Korean president and blew up a passenger plane in mid-air as one of many terrorist acts.
Lee says Jong-un and Yo-jong have clearly both inherited his murderous instincts. Indeed, Jong-un is suspected of having his own half-brother, Kim Jong-nam, assassinated in Kuala Lumpur airport with nerve agent in 2017.
Quite what his sister would be capable of is yet to be seen. But in the meantime she remains an increasingly powerful and vindictive presence in the background.
Even aged 21, when she was spotted trailing her father to an important meeting with Bill Clinton, it is thought she was already playing a key role in government.
And, unlike her Supreme Leader brother, she can speak English – a notable advantage when it comes to global politics.
When, during a meeting with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in 2018, the US delegation cracked a joke, she laughed while Kim Jong-un stared blankly ahead, clearly not understanding.
This may be one of the reasons as to why Jong-un clearly depends on his sister and keeps her close.
During the funeral eulogy for Kim Jong-il in 2011, his daughter – evidently overcome with emotion – suddenly left the official line-up.
For anyone else, such an outrageous break with protocol at a sacred ceremony would have been considered even worse than ‘half-hearted clapping’ and punishable by death.
But, from the earliest days of her brother’s rule, Yo-jong has been ‘untouchable’, says Lee.
Not that ordinary North Koreans would have known: state media never mentioned her once until March 2014 and that was only to say she’d cast a vote for her brother in an ‘election’.
She was mentioned twice more that month when she accompanied Jong-un to concerts. On both occasions, her name came last in the list of more than a dozen attendees and with no reference to her ‘blue blood’.
All considered then, it’s hardly surprising that her private life remains a mystery.
In 2018, during the trip to South Korea for the Winter Olympics, she appeared on one occasion without a coat and seemed to have a slight bulge around her abdomen.
Intelligence analysts speculated that she might be pregnant and South Korean media claimed she confirmed as much to Olympics officials. As to the likely father, she reportedly married Choe Song, a government official’s son, in 2014. It’s also claimed she had a child in 2015.
According to Lee, Yo-jong and her brother have devised a ‘good cop, bad cop’ strategy on the world stage whereby she employs her femininity and deceptive charm to offset Jong-un’s surly aggression.
But while it might publicly appear that she’s in a subservient role – standing happily aside and handing her brother a pen for him to sign the historic joint statement with President Trump in Singapore in 2018, for example – once again, appearances can be deceptive.
In 2019, Jong-un took a long train ride to Vietnam for a second meeting with Trump. He and his sister were caught on camera at a rest-stop during the journey, standing by themselves as he had a smoke and she held up a crystal ashtray for him with both hands.
Some commentators said it smacked of her subservience but in fact, says Lee, she was making sure he left no cigarette butts bearing traces of his DNA for foreign intelligence services to examine.
‘No one else, aside from his wife, has such intimate access to the Supreme Leader,’ says Lee.
But will she be loyal forever?
Just as her butter-wouldn’t-melt appearance hides a woman who kills on command and revels in vile abuse, perhaps nothing about Kim Yo-jong can be taken for granted.
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bucksangel · 2 years
Ew wtf? Being obese is unhealthy there’s no glamour in it
ew wtf? body shaming is unhealthy and there’s no glamor in it
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captaiinobvious · 2 years
someone replied 2 a month old reply on a stupid post where i called op ugly for saying fat hcs "glamourize obesity" and they literaly said. get this. "thats not true and it wasnt very polite." believe it or not it was a she-ra gay. you cant stephen universe me bitch yr ugly 2 power of forgiveness and redemption that loser. glimmer is fat and thinks this bitch is ugly 2. glamourizing having a body my ass.. .
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halcyon-reverie3 · 1 year
OBCD Chapter 5 - Unwanted Children
“Bullies are cruel and possibly irretrievable, but their anger and bullying behaviour is often a displacement of their own lack of self-esteem and self-confidence. Mostly they are lost souls who do not know how to feel comfortable in the world. Their experience has been of failure, rejection, and lack of ability to function well.” — Keith Sullivan, Mark Cleary & Ginny Sullivan
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Once upon a time, a halcyon reverie away, lived the child of Aphrodite. The zenith of grace, the essence of glamour, the hypnotic and resplendent belle. Lustrous raven locks that trickled down her back, swaying alongside the dance of the winds. Caramel skin that shimmered aurous in the golden hours, carmine lips which serenaded euphonious characters. Enthralling orbs that echoed that of felines, yet her cruel eyes were the gentlest shades of brown. No word could wholly represent the splendour of the child of Aphrodite for no word had been made that could hold such power. No word had been written for the sole purpose of expressing the grandeur of that child. One could say they felt Onism, for she was the world yet greater and none would truly experience the force that is Diya Elostra.
Diya thought herself to be the world yet greater — for everyone in the world believes that they are the someone special to someone special.
Dear Diya Elostra,
Thank you for taking the time to consider our renowned establishment. We are grateful for your interest in this particular career line and our company. However, we regret to inform you that we have chosen to move forward with a different candidate as a runaway model for the Fall 2022 Couture Collection.
Our team was impressed by your dedication, skills and scholarly accomplishments. However, not all requirements for this Collection were met, leading to this unfortunate email. We think you could be a great fit for other future openings and will reach out again should the opportunity arise.
We wish you all the best in your job search and future professional endeavours.
Regards, Naomi Palvin
Diya gazed dejectedly at the rejection letter. It must have been the… Which one was it, she thought dismally, the 12th rejection letter? The 16th? The 20th? She stopped keeping count after what she presumed must have been the fifth letter she received. Ever since she could dream a dream, that dream had been that of a model. And not just any model. A top model. If I was capable enough, skinnier enough, she thought bitterly, crumpling the letter in her hands, I would’ve been a top model, living a top model’s life. Fame, money, glitter and glam. Cameras would flash as I stepped out of my car, a top model’s car, as the crowd went crazy over me. She was oh so desperate in her longing, that she could almost feel the bright glow of the cameras, the light breeze clinging onto her locks, making her shiver, and the roar of the crowd in front of her, chanting Diya! Diya! Diya! Diya would smile a dazzling smile, opening her eyes to find… nothing. For she was no top model, she was no model even. There would be no cameras, no crowd. There would only be her, Diya. A struggling being who was handed the worst of fate after waking up from a 2-year-long nightmare — her food coma.
Despite the honeyed lies that she received through those letters, she knew the true reason behind these rejections. She was fat. Not just slightly overweight but extremely obese. Fate wouldn’t let me die but it would let me suffer for all the years to come, she thought, a newfound venom in her thoughts. But she would rather prefer bitter truths over honeyed lies, for everywhere she goes she hears the crude comments of the people around her. It ranges from the innocent child to the diabolical adult but the comments are the same. Many times, it was these innocent children who walked up to her and asked her, “Miss why are you so fat?” And their parents would hear, oh they would hear very well, yet they never acted upon these insults. They laughed and they giggled, and when Diya took action herself, they scorned her for being hateful to their “dear children”, “the apple of my eyes”. Somedays, Diya felt like poking a searing hot rod through those very eyes, see how that worked.
Diya knew to never lose hope, even when fate mocked her so. Yet the truth is, a person can live up to 21 days without food, up to 3 days without water, and maybe up to 4 minutes without air. But without hope, a person cannot live even up to 4 seconds. So how does the world expect Diya to live without hope, how does anyone expect anyone to live without hope? Diya promised herself to achieve whatever she wanted or to die trying, it was a promise she upheld up until the very end. But as the awfully framed job advertisement popped up on her phone, she had to break the promise she made to herself when she was 5. She had to lose her inner child and she did so, strangling that little kid in her that had hope, that had dreams, choking her until she felt those dreams die down, that hope wither.
For in a world where happiness is a rarity, there is no place for dreams.
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atticsalt-2 · 2 years
Curves Are Beautiful: Big Girls Do It Better
Your body is not supposed to look like anyone else. It is supposed to look like you. Just because your body is not a rectangle shaped body as a model doesn’t mean that you are overweight. So never consider yourself fat because fat and curvy are completely different things because being overweight or obese is a disease but being curvy is a boon, not a bane.
The first thing to keep in mind is that if you talk down to you, everyone will do it the same way, so start praising your body each day. Never dress to look slimmer. Bodies get fatter and thinner or stronger and weaker. We are young, then old, but our soul stays the same.
Choose an outfit that fits you in the right way that embraces the slimmer body parts and hides out your bulge. Waist belts are life saviors: waist is that part of the body that gathers more attention than the rest of the body parts; look for some broad or wide waist belts for detailing your waist. It will give you an accentuating look.
Dimensionless Black
Everyone should have black outfits in their wardrobes. Black is a colour that will never fail to make you look slimmer and elegant. Darker shades like blue, green, maroon etc., will also meet the same purpose. These colours create an illusion of a slimming look.
Dark-coloured clothing diminishes the curves and dimensions, making it seem smaller, slimmer and elegant. You can style yourself by wearing a black jumpsuit with a velvet blazer. Add on the look with velvet flats and a clutch.
Or you can simply wear a long-sleeved frock with pleated skirt detailing, matching black pumps, a chic white purse and some essential accessories.
Wrap a wrap dress
The best thing about wrap dresses for a curvy body is that they give you a sensual hourglass body figure illusion. Hourglass body types are even sexier than skinny ones.
For this look, you can pair a royal blue wrap dress with a matching blazer and tie your hair in a ponytail and you are ready to rock. One plus point about this look is that it can be styled for both official and unofficial parties.                                                            
Maxi dresses
If you are looking for some loose outfits for hot summer days, you can go for a floral maxi dress with denim jackets and shoes. They can help enhance your figure but try to select tighter ones at the bust and loose around the hips, and this will give you a look of an hourglass figure. Add on a belt around your waist as it will speculate your waist.
Hi-lo dresses
High-low prom dresses provide the best perks of a short and long dress. Rock a high-low dress for the glamour of a long evening gown and the comfort and youthful style of a short dress. This sophisticated look is fun, feminine, and perfect for the transition from casual to dressy.
Wear sandals, sneakers, or flats to create a casual style.
Pencil skirts
If you are curvy, then don’t be afraid to show it. Curvy women are blessed with a figure that fits all kinds of articles of clothing. The best part of the curvy bodies are those hips that never lie !! Your plus point is your hips dips. Pencil skirts are the best option to be chosen when you are in the mood of setting the stage of fire.
Tulle Skirt
Style your tulle Skirt with skin fit top; pair a dark coloured top with a light coloured tulle skirt. A skirt can be your choice if you want to look cute and mesmerizing. It will be a great combination for any party.
You can add accessories to it to enhance the look.
Tunics Tops
Tunics creates an illusion of an elongated and slimmer body. Sometimes you just need to look cool and want to feel free. So for any sort of pool parties or day out on beaches, you can try a tunic dress of vibrant colour with slippers.
Sometimes getting out of your comfort zone can be great fun. You can go for any colour, design, fabric, prints etc that you are comfortable with. Choose any of these dresses and add accessories to them to spice up them. No one can stop you from feeling yourself, from letting you be you.
One can stop oneself from growing older, but how you style yourself will always keep you looking young!
To know more: https://www.atticsalt.in/blogs/news/curves-are-beautiful-big-girls-do-it-better
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candy--heart · 3 years
The work that we will highlight on Vast will exclusively be created by fat people, but it does not need to be specifically about fatness or body politics. It certainly can be! If you have something to say about your fat body, there’s definitely a place for that in Vast. But don’t feel limited to fatness or body trauma either. Fat creators have entire universes of interests and art within them! We’re just as likely to host a cool story about the mixtape you made when you were eleven! Bonus points if you’ve got something offbeat or funny to say!
Submissions - Send your pitch for Vast
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fat-images · 6 years
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greenwitchcrafts · 3 years
Today's herb of the week is Rose!
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Magickal uses:
•Carry in a satchet or amulet for protection and to keep evil spirits away,
• Sprinkle around your hour or add to pot pourri to calm stress and improve your relationships
• Burn rose petals and use the ashes to cut ties with a former lover
• Place dried rosehips in your wallet to attract prosperity and money
• Hang the stems of roses (with thorns) above your door to protect against evil entering
• Use to stuff poppets for love attracting spells
• Add to ritual baths for attracting love and self love
• Use the torns in spells to deflect negativity or negative energy
• Stuff in dream pillows to guard against nightmares and general protection
• Burn as an incense to increase intuition
• Use the petals in tea before bed to induce prophetic dreams
• Spray rose water on your clothes for protection
• Offer rose hips to encourage friendly spirits to take up residence
• Use the petals in glamouring spells to make one more attractive
• To keep the love in your relationship, share a cup of rosehip tea with honey with your significant other before a romantic evening
Other uses:
• Rose petals contain polyphenols, antioxidants that work to protect your body from cell damage
• The polyphenols in rose tea have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cognitive diseases
• Is also good for inflammation, easing cramping and support your immune system
• Wrap a bruise or wound with rose petals to speed healing
• Make rose water and use it as a toner for your face
• There are hundreds of rose varieties that are considered safe for human use. Roses are added to a range of products for both their fragrance and potential health benefits
• Roses are also often used in the kitchen, especially in Middle Eastern, Indian, and Chinese cuisine. The aromatic flower is added to cakes, jams, and confections. 
Isis, Aphrodite, Cupid, Holda, Freya, Adonis, Demeter, Hypocrites, Eros, Aurora and Hathor
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metellastella · 3 years
My friend sent me this text
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Let me weigh in
On weight.
Your worth
Is not measured by numbers.
That worked
For precious metals and prospectors
But you are precious
No matter what
There is no such thing as fool’s gold
When dealing with human beings.
Except maybe glitz and glamour
That’s valued, with no meaning
When you step up on that scale
You’ve been told it’s quantifying health
The numbers telling you that measure
Are blood sugar and pressure
But the best way
To gauge
Is to observe how you’re feeling.
If you seem down and out
Feel like you’re trash
You’ll crave junk.
A sumo wrestler
The doctors tell
“Mysteriously” does not show weight’s weight
On health, like others with obesity
You don’t have to go to those extremes
But if you eat
colorful treasures
That aren’t artificial
And drink in your body’s movements often and gentle
No numbers needed
You’ll feel like a million dollars.
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the-falling-star · 3 years
Heyy, , actually I wanted your opinion as well as the opinion of your followers since you have a big platform if it’s okay to ask
I actually wanna be a model, but the problem is that I’m short(155cm) and overweight but not obese(ppl tend to confuse these terms so I’m specifying). What should I do ?
Yes of course You can be a:
Fashion (Editorial) Model. These models are the faces you see in high fashion magazines such as Vogue and Elle.
Commercial Model.
Fitness Model.
Parts Model.
Fit Model.
Promotional Model.
Glamour Model
Print Model
You don't have to be a Runway Model to be a model !
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versalles · 3 years
pls dont glorify obesity or sexualize it ive seen enough in this world i dont need to see it on my dash ;_; im not fatphobic im just saying posting really obese morbid people glamourizing it is sick... and i dont know if it triggers ed people but fuck it does make me uncomfortable lmao
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curiousthimble · 3 years
About Hera
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I was tagged by @elveny and @kunstpause, thank you!
Image by me on artbreeder
{𝐵𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑠} Name: Hera Antoinette Drakul Alias: Queen of Darkness Gender: female Age: 97 at the beginning of DAO Species: Dhampir
Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio / taurus / virgo / unknown
Abilities/Talents: Dancing, Lying, Diplomacy, Magic, Weaponry, her own special brand of ‘diplomacy,’ languages
{𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙} Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good (she will NEVER admit it)/ neutral / evil / true
Religion: None.
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Hera can speak literally anything. A wizard cast a permanent spell on her so that she is a perfect translator
Family: Her twin Zeus. Both parents are dead.
Friends: She makes friends very easily, but keeps them at a distance until they've saved her life at least once. Her best friend is her brother, but she has a habit of sleeping with all the others.
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bi-/pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating/ it's complicated
Libido: sex goddess / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
{𝑃ℎ𝑦𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙} Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other
Eyes: brown / blue / green / black / other (violet)
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other
Height: under 3 foot (90cm) / 3-4 foot (90-122cm) / 4-5 foot (122-153cm) / 5-6 foot (153-183cm) (1,73m) / 6-7 foot (183-213cm) / above 7 foot (over 213cm)
Weight: under 100 pounds (50kg) / 100-150 pounds (50-75kg) / 150-200 pounds (75-100kg) / 200-250 pounds (100-125kg) / above 250 pounds (125kg)
Scars: By the end of DAO, she has a scar bisecting her left eyebrow
Facial Features: She has a heart shaped face, full lips with a dramatic bow, almond shaped eyes, the tip of her nose turns up slightly, high cheekbones
Tattoos: None that are permanent. She will use a glamour spell to have one now and then.
{𝐶ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑠𝑒} Dogs or Cats?
Birds or Hamsters?
Snakes or Spiders?
Red or Blue?
Yellow or Green?
Black or White!
Coffee or Tea?
Ice Cream or Cake?
Fruits or Vegetables?
Sandwich or Soup?
Magic or Melee? It depends on the situation and build of her party
Sword or Bow?
Summer or Winter?
Spring or Autumn?
The Past or The Future?
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Name: Feo Sul
Alias: Warrior of Light, Warrior of Darkness, Hero
Gender: genderfluid-female leaning
Species: Pixie(glamoured as a lalafell)
Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio / taurus / virgo / unknown
Abilities/Talents: Glamours, transfiguration, god slaying, playing tricks
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: Titania
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Common, Fae
Family: ??
Friends: Her precious treasures
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual  / asexual / unsure / other -pretty people
Relationship status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / other- she sees herself as dedicated to her treasures
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other- light light light LIGHT pink with slightly darker pink highlights
Eyes: brown / blue / green / black / other
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other
Height: under 3 foot / 3-4 foot / 4-5 foot / 5-6 foot / 6-7 foot / above 7 foot
Weight: under 100 pounds / 100-150 pounds / 150-200 pounds / 200-250 pounds / above 250 pounds
Scars?: Her skin is eerily flawless
Facial Features?: Markings on her forehead, very thick eyelashes
Tattoos?: None
Dogs or Cats?
Birds or Hamsters?
Snakes or Spiders?
Red or Blue?
Yellow or Green?
Black or White?
Coffee or Tea?
Ice Cream or Cake?
Fruits or Vegetables?
Sandwich or Soup?
Magic or Melee?
Sword or Bow?
Summer or Winter?
Spring or Autumn?
The Past or The Future? Feo Sul always looks to the present. Though the longer she spends with the mortals, the more she finds herself thinking on the past.
Tagged by Stolen from: *dabs*
Tagging: you know the drill
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