#Gosh I’m so normal about them all yeah their background is based off if their engines livery imma probably change stan and Nias number caus
ladychandraofthemoone · 10 months
Finished drawing some driver & fireman for some of the narrow guage in my au
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victorianpining · 3 years
TBB is the decoder episode??
Oh gosh, where to even start with this one... Apologies in advance this is going to be long.
So ASIP basically covers the meeting of Sherlock and John, establishes their dynamic, both characters' want/need conflict, and ends with the writers literally telling the audience "hey their relationship is going to be important, keep a close eye on it.”
Then we start TBB and the right off the bat there's this tension between Sherlock and John, seemingly out of no where based on where we left them headed off to a Chinese restaurant (haha not subtle guys) at the end of ASIP. If you happened to do your homework though, you'll know from Sherlock's website (recreation by venusplanter) that Mike Stamford let Sherlock know about John's blog and Sherlock read these entries, including John's descriptions of him, and decided not to tell John he knows about it.
Instead when we see him again he's turning down cases and acting extremely warm and (I'd say) flirtatious with John, clearly trying to take the feedback from the blog and dispel the idea that he's unfeeling or an oblivious child. John doesn't know this and just assumes Sherlock isn't aware of normal boundaries and he's kind of losing his mind because he's extremely attracted to Sherlock but Sherlock already turned him down once. So they both already have feelings for each other but their failure to just talk about it is causing issues. That's essentially the emotional conflict of the episode, they're both being blind.
That's background stuff though. In the foreground is a case that introduces (or reinforces) every trick the show is going to use from here on out. Which is appropriate because the main details of the case are all taken from the beginning of The Valley of Fear. We get both the code where the cipher is a commonly owned book, and multiple people who have been branded to show their involvement in a criminal organization. Thematically, The Valley of Fear references suggest that the show is going to pull a Birdie Edwards, that there’s a long game that cannot be revealed until the victory is secured. They don’t tell us directly there’s a game, but here they show us the pieces they’re playing with.
Lets start with my favorite: mirror characters. While the cabbie’s victims were all John mirrors and Hope himself is either John or Sherlock depending on how you read him, this episode is where they start really using mirror characters. This is most obvious with Soo-Lin and Andy’s love story
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Which ends up being foiled because of the actions of Soo-Lin (Sherlock’s) brother. Because he got caught up with the criminal organization.
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Hm. Interesting that.
There are a few others. I read Eddie Van Coon as John, though I know most people read the PA as John and Eddie as Sherlock. My reason for that is that in this episode specifically, John is a preoccupied with money “The only things Eddie appreciated had a big price tag” and Sherlock feels rejected and unappreciated by him “I thought he didn’t appreciate me. Took me for granted. Stood me up once too often.” There’s also the journalist who I would also say is John but I’m less attached to that one.
We also get more some good old locked rooms and Sherlock sitting with John while he doesn’t eat. Why would anyone want to do that?
Then there’s the tea pots. Oh boy the teapots.
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These important historical relics (the Holmes stories) aren’t meant to sit behind glass. Instead they are meant to be used (retold) and specially they need to be touched to to make tea. If we’re reading tea in Private Life terms, this is a subtle way of saying that they plan to finally remove the barrier from the stories and tell the romance that was always there between Holmes and Watson.
And all of this is emphasized by Sherlock and John having repeated conversations about codes and hidden messages.
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Yeah. Their word is made up of codes and ciphers. That’s the point.
So with all that said, let’s look at the climax of the episode. The Moriarty mirror kidnaps who she believes are Sherlock and his love interest. She then proceeds to try to threaten “Sherlock” into doing what she wants by putting his “pretty companion” in mortal danger. Specifically there is a giant stake aimed at her heart.
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I have a bit of a fixation on literal hearts representing emotional ones at the moment. So the idea that this is set up for the actual final showdown. That it’s going to end with Moriarty threatening John’s literal heart to burn Sherlock’s emotional one... Well, I find that idea fascinating. If you hadn’t already picked up on that.
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yniswaifu · 3 years
The bet - 5
Your eyes are glued to your phone screen, millions thoughts running through your head.
Will you see us off before we leave for the game?
Even if the message from Suna, whom you had been very close to these past days following the incident, it still didn't change the fact that he was part of the volleyball team.
The team that also had Osamu, your (ex) boyfriend.
It had taken everything in you to not jump in his arms when you saw him at the practice the other day. You had completely forgotten that there was a chance you'd encounter Osamu when you went to deliver Ginjima something your mom sent.
And boy did you regret going there.
Maybe deep down you had wished he wasn't. And that he got a plastic surgery to change his face or something, since you weren't sure what you'd do if you saw him. So when his deep voice echoed through the gym calling for Suna, your eyes instinctively connected with Osamu's face and you were thinking just why it had to be this way.
He was still the same as you remembered him. Except, his eyes looked hollow. You were observant, and you knew he wasn't doing any better than you, but you still was a wuss to confront him.
Loser of the year award goes to y/n.
Looking at the text again, you breathe out and reply with a yes. The circumstances were against you, but you could still meet your friend and cousin before they go for the game, even if Osamu would be there.
You'd be in and out in a flash.
Determined to avoid Osamu, you shut your phone to retire for the day when it pings again. And the text is from someone you least expected.
Can we talk?
You don't what went in her head, when f/n came all the way to your house to talk about something in the middle of the night. Even though you two belonged to the same neighbourhood, it was weird and dangerous for her to be walking around alone.
"you could have spoken to me in school tomorrow as well." you say, frowning. Somehow you always had a protective streak towards f/n.
F/n blinks up at you, her lips on the straight line. "but...it was urgent."
"so urgent you had to come all the way here in the middle of the night?"
Rolling her eyes, she lets out an impatient sigh. "yes. And it's only 10pm. Now listen."
Taken aback by her tone, you stared at the girl in front of you. The air around her had a slight change. She still looked sweet and kind, but that also held a firmness that wasn't present earlier. Did something happen?
F/n searched your eyes for something, but you just kept quiet and looked at her. You were extremely confused by this sudden meeting and became more confused by her next words.
"I want to be friends with you."
For a few seconds you weren't sure what you heard. She wants...to be friends? What?
"I'm sorry?" you say aloud, trying to comprehend what's happening.
F/n fiddled with her hands and looked away. "you heard me?" she mumbled.
"yeah. Yeah I did. But I don't understand. Why?"
Giving you a side glance, f/n sighed again. "because I think you're really cool."
You were beyond confused at this point. You were one of the reasons f/n had a shitty love life, and here she's standing and asking you to be friends again?
"I know." she cuts you off. "I know what you did. What you all did. And I pray no one has to go through it." taking a step towards you, she holds your hands. "but these past few days I've been thinking, and watching how you're trying to take all the blame on your shoulders. You were the one who told me the truth, when you could have hidden it forever. You could have blamed Ginjima for being part of the scheme too but you went out of your way to tell me he's innocent. And you could have pretended things are alright when they're not. You sacrificed your love for me and chose the truth, and I don't know who could be more admirable than you at this point. "
You hadn't even realized the tears gathered in the base of your eyes when f/n finished her speech. You hadn't realized how her words struck a cord in you and how the cord snapped. You hadn't realized how much weight you carried on your shoulders for this.
Tears wouldn't stop flowing from your eyes as you watched f/n, speechless. A soft sob breaks out as you palm your face, trying to hold it in. But it wasn't really possible when a pair of warm hands wrapped around you and you let out all the pain you had stored in you.
You hugged f/n back and cried till you couldn't physically cry anymore, and f/n just held you, rubbing your back in silence.
After you calmed down, you part from her and wipe your face before saying, "yes I'll be your friend."
It was so random and straightforward that your new friend couldn't help but laugh. "I'm glad." she says, shedding a few tears herself. She didn't have to tell you that she has forgiven you, and you didn't have to thank her for forgiving. It was all conveyed through your actions.
You both giggle and smile at the newfound friendship when you suddenly remembered.
"ah, I'm going to meet the volleyball team tomorrow before school starts, you wanna come?"
At that f/n's face drops. You knew what she was thinking so you add. "you don't have to if you don't want to." you knew you could handle yourself by avoiding Osamu, but the same couldn't be said about f/n. Or Atsumu for that matter.
F/n gives you a sheepish look. You understood she still wasn't ready. And that meant she's also not attending their games.
"sorry." she says.
You shake your head and squeeze her arms lightly. "that's fine. Take your time. It's not easy, I know."
She nods. "are you attending the game?" she asks.
You shrug. "I don't know. Maybe not."
"you won't cheer for gin?"
You smile. "of course I will. From the four walls of my house. Because there are other people in the team I don't want to meet...yet."
F/n makes an 'o' and suddenly giggles. "boy problems suck huh."
You join her and giggle too, nodding. "it sure does."
You suddenly get a wave of deja vu as your meet with Suna comes to mind. It's like you found a friend in f/n again, after him.
It's not bad at all.
You stand a little far from the volleyball team, hiding behind the building. There was everyone, including the twins. Your eyes lock on Osamu, who is looking as handsome as ever. Gosh, if only you could hug him. You missed hugging him.
Shaking your head, you take out your phone and call your cousin.
You see Ginjima standing with Atsumu. Shit. "hey, have you guys left for the tournament?" you ask. You seriously weren't ready to see them all together.
"no. We're waiting for coach. Where are you?"
You see Suna walking up to Ginjima and you heard a voice in the background asking who it is, to which Ginjima says your name.
Suna takes the phone from his hands and says, "I thought you said you'd come to see us off? Where are you?"
Trying to stop the smile forming on your lips, you reply. "I'll be there in a few minutes."
Suna nods to no one in particular. "hopefully we don't leave in those few minutes."
You giggle at his tone. In the time you hung out with him, you noticed Suna had the ability to make you laugh for no reason. It's just the way he spoke, or his way of thinking, that amused you.
Your eyes turn to Osamu, who was eyeing the two boys curiously. Your heart wrenched at the thought of not being able to greet him, and you curl your hands in a fist. The impulsive part in you said screw it and go to them. But the anxious part of you reminded you of all the worst case scenarios if you did that.
"oh whatever." you mutter and straighten your uniform before stuffing your phone inside the back and appearing from behind the building. The boys hadn't noticed you yet, so you try to plaster a smile and walk towards them.
Shit, what are you doing! Turn back! Turn back!
The voice inside your head screamed at you to return and say you couldn't make it on time. But you chose the reckless option. You just wanted to breathe the same air as Osamu, even if that sounds creepy as heck.
Speaking of Osamu, he was the first one to spot you. Your eyes connect and they widen for a moment before turning back to normal. At least for you it does.
As for Osamu, poor dude cannot look away. All the determination he had gathered to make up with you crumbled as soon as he spotted you. You were beautiful, even if you were in the school uniform that he has seen a million times. It still doesn't change the fact that you made him weak in the knees.
You made a beeline for your cousin. "Gin!"
Ginjima and Suna, as well as the others look in your direction. You wanted the ground to open up and swallow when you felt a pair of gray eyes on you, boring holes. Not only that, but his blonde twin was doing the same. You hadn't any contact with either of the twins, and this is the first time after the fight that you were so near them.
Suna's face breaks into one of those rare smile he gave when he sees you. To anyone, specially a gray head, it may look like you're someone special to him, or that he had a thing for you. But it really wasn't that. Sure, you were special because you were cool enough for Suna to openly respect you, but that's all. He saw a good friend in you and you did the same.
"so you came." he states, the smile still playing on his lips.
You give him a small smile yourself. "of course. I did tell you I'll come."
You throw your arms around Ginjim's shoulders, who looked nervous. His expressions were so open you couldn't help but laugh at him sometimes. "what got you so nervous kid?" you ask.
Scowling, he mutters. "I'm just three months younger." but makes himself smaller in your embrace.
"Aw. Don't worry. You'll do well."
Suna laughs at the baby voice you use on Gin. You didn't treat him like a baby, but sometimes just to tease him you used that voice.
"hopefully." he says, and you let go of him to greet the third years when they come around you.
You fall into a casual conversation with them, and the twins were the only people away from the group. Atsumu had his eyes narrowed at you, and Osamu looked like he had entered the sad Romeo stage again. There was longing in his eyes to hold you, but alas, what could he do about it.
Atsumu eyes his brother and rolls his eyes. He looked pathetic. He wasn't any better, but what's with that expression. He couldn't bear to see his brother like that.
Letting out a huff, he shoves his twin towards your direction. "go and talk to her."
Osamu turns to look at him with surprise. "I thought you hate her?"
Atsumu didn't say anything. He didn't hate you. He never did. He was just mad at you on that day because he wasn't seeing anything except the break up, and that you caused it. But when he calmed down and assessed the situation, he knew what you did was noble. But his ego was big and he didn't want to let go of that just yet.
"just go." Atsumu replies in a soft voice, almost a whisper as he shoved his brother again. Osamu gulped and gave him one last look before dragging his heavy steps towards you.
To say he was nervous would be an understatement. He wasn't this nervous even when he asked you out behind the gym after gawking over you from afar in the morning assembly every day since the day you helped a girl who had passed out. Something about you just caught his attention. Maybe it was the serious aura about you, the 'no-nonsense' attitude but also a softer side that was very discreet. His eyes would look for you in every assembly after that. After getting shuffled during the new year, Osamu finally managed to stand in the row beside you. He would catch glances when one day you caught him staring. And he took a leap of faith.
Good thing that leap worked.
But the leap of faith he took in the present scene didn't take him far, for he was just a couple feet away from you when he saw their coach arriving and instructing the team to enter the bus. It was time.
A small part of you broke when you saw Osamu's approaching steps falter at the sound of the coach. You may be a loser, but he sure as heck wasn't and you were grateful for that. You wanted him to approach you, talk to you. Because if he started running towards you, your feet would soon follow. But sadly that wasn't the case.
Osamu contemplated whether he should continue his trek towards you or go to the bus. He was almost tempted to forget the darn game and run to you. But your next words stopped him.
"you got it."
His eyes flicker to you in surprise. The rest of the team was already on their way to the bus, so they were out of earshot, except for Atsumu who was behind his brother. You turn to the older twin, and smile. "you too Atsumu."
Atsumu wasn't surprised, he was touched. Anyway, he was guilty for misbehaving with you, and didn't find the courage to apologise, but if you're giving him the smile you always did, like a sister to a brother, he takes it as a sign of forgiveness.
He couldn't help but smile. Maybe you two didn't even need to talk, maybe this was the closure. "I'll do my best. And name a serve after you." Atsumu says, as he walks past you with a pat on your shoulder.
You chuckle at his words and wave him goodbye before looking at Osamu, whose lips quivered slightly. Dang, it's not the time to get emotional. That's not what you intended when you took the step first towards him.
"go." you say, amusement lining your eyes when you see him struggle to not hug you. Things weren't completely okay, and you two had a lot to talk. But that comes after this tournament.
Osamu nods, wiping his eyes with his jersey jacket. He puts on his mask and eyes crinkle at you, indicating a smile. You give him a smile of your own before he walks away, glancing at where you were standing a couple of times.
Step 2, check.
Things are coming to an end guys. One more chapter to go. It's the first step towards getting back together. For both the twins. Stay tuned.
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Oh my gosh so I also headcannon Jack as autistic! But im not comfortable with writing it yet because idk how. Im not autistic; my little sister is and i know a few things jack could have trouble with... but hes a grown ass man so i just dont know. Im definitely taking notes on what you write him as but could you give me some pointers?....maybe?
Im mostly referencing to Bitter with this
aaaa yeah it definitely presents differently in adults who've learned to mask, personally I don't plan to put certain things in specifically to talk about how he's autistic, I write with the background knowledge of what traits he displays, and then express them when relevant, it's relevant a lot with Jack simply due to how much it affects his life
now this is going to get long, so bare with me, because this is a whole lot more complicated than you might expect
there's really no one correct way to write Jack, since there's no one way that autism presents itself, the way I write him is based on a mix of myself and some people in my family, so I can give you a basic idea of what angle I personally come from
for one, I change the way I write about facial expressions and how emotions come across to Jack, in Jazz's chapters I'll write about the exact emotion she can see on their face, with Jack's I'll go with an obvious base emotion, but then if the person is expressing something more complicated, I'll describe their face in physical details
Jazz POV - Danny was upset, but his face was tight with frustration
Jack POV - Danny looked sad, but his eyebrows were furrowed and his mouth was set in a hard line
it's a subtle difference but it's one I try to maintain throughout Bitter, Jack's POV is based on how I have trouble reading non-obvious expressions, although in my case I also have trouble looking people in the face when I talk to them, that's harder to write in an emotion driven POV story, so I made Jack better at that than I am
his interest in machines is quite obvious, since he's an inventor, and he looooves infodumping on people, he gets very excited about his passions very quickly and his mouth runs off with him, something I also have trouble with, it hasn't been a prominent trait for Jack in Bitter, because he's so out of his element he's mostly confused and in a way, almost grieving his own death, so he's been far quieter than he usually is
his special interest is obviously ghosts and machinery, and in Bitter I cover that he's got a degree in engineering, physics and mathematics. He's good at them, I like to look at it as though Jack rolled high in intelligence and low in wisdom, he's book smart, he knows things that are straightforward and have firm rules, he's less comfortable in topics that are more wishy washy and vague, biology is complicated and has too many variables, he finds it difficult to grasp, there's no one standard rule that applies to every body
I also struggle with vague and unclear directions, I need a solid structure and clear instructions, my strength is in sorting, organising, alphabetising and colour coding, I like things to Look Right, I stick to a particular routine with very specific things, and it's viscerally uncomfortable and even distressing for me to have that order disturbed, I nearly had a meltdown at work because someone had done a part of my job incorrectly, and I had to fix it, it made me genuinely upset on a personal level, it was MY system, NOBODY should be touching it, NOBODY should be moving things around, they do anyway, and I spend a portion of my shifts just frustrated and on edge because of it
Jack also has issues socially, he often says or does things that other people find uncomfortable or embarrassing, I reference that in Bitter, where Jack assumes everyone is mad at him because he said or did something stupid, this I have much experience in, while in the middle of a social situation it's easy to just do what comes naturally to you and not realise it's off putting to other people, because people often play polite and you can't tell that they're uncomfortable, even though people around you find it painfully obvious
sometimes it's easy to see in hindsight after you've been told you made something awkward or uncomfortable, but in the moment if nobody says anything about it, you can remain either totally oblivious, or become anxious and second guess every interaction you have
Jack is the oblivious type, he's fortunate to live in a family that is fairly understanding, they might get frustrated with him, or embarrassed by him, but they don't really take it personally, they KNOW he means well, they know he cares, and Jack does care, he cares a lot, he feels things a lot, he's incredibly empathetic
this is a trait that a lot of media likes to ignore in depictions of autism, because I guess it makes people with autism seem 'too normal', when tv shows always want to be like 'hey wow look at this clever asshole! isn't he clever, but also an asshole! but you can't hate him because he's ✨autistic✨ and he can't help it'
that bothers me a lot, I mean some people with autism do have trouble relating and empathising with people, my brother is one of them, but some people with autism really empathise a lot, some of us feel things very strongly, I'm highly empathetic and it's a real struggle to cope with
so yeah, it is a very complicated thing, so you need to go in with an idea of what their character struggles with, how it affects them, and when it's relevant in the story, also autism falls on a very wide spectrum, some people, like myself, are able to mask well, but that creates a big issue with identity, when you start to wonder how much of you is real and how much of you is mask, then you have to decide if you want to lower that mask and accept the social consequences of expressing yourself naturally
I have a friend who presents a little more obviously, he's very rigid in his ways and he talks like he's reading from a script, I have another friend who can socialise just fine, but will go into a total meltdown when a plan gets derailed and she doesn't know what to do next
another friend I have is highly social and incredibly boisterous, she stims with her whole body, dances around a lot, she's chaotic and that can be off-putting to people, she's had to spend a lot of her life holding that back, she's only recently started learning how to be herself shamelessly
my brother was incredibly social when he was younger, and people always really loved him, but most of that is mask, he's socially anxious and just wants to be alone most of the time, and he's a total prick to his immediate family, I don't take that personally any more, since now I understand that he's so blunt and brutally honest because he isn't masking with us, but also he still needs to be called out when he oversteps, autism might be why he has difficulty empathising, but it's not an excuse to be a complete asshole, even people with autism need to be called out on shitty behaviour, it isn't a get out of jail free card, our self expression shouldn't come at the cost of hurting other people, most of us are more than capable of learning to not be an asshole
I know this is like, A LOT, but these are the things that need to be considered when writing about autism, it is an all encompassing thing that permeates your entire life experience, I absolutely welcome people like you to try to write about it! Because I think it shouldn't be a taboo subject, and I appreciate that you asked for advice and that you want to do it respectfully, you've probably seen first hand how difficult living with autism can be, having a family member on the spectrum, so you already have some experience to draw from, I don't know your relationship with your sister or how old she is, or where on the spectrum she falls, but if possible you can ask her about her experiences in particular situations that you're having trouble writing, if that's something you and she are comfortable with
I hope this helps, just remember to keep an open mind and listen to any feedback you might get, it is very VERY easy to misrepresent autism so don't be too hard on yourself if you don't quite get it right, if someone gives you a critique, take it in stride and use it to become better ~ you can even express that in an authors note, that you want to write it accurately and invite anyone with experience to share their opinion, because like I said, it is different for everyone and my experiences are not universal, and you're welcome to run something by me every once in a while if you aren't sure about it ❤️
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belovedbangtan · 4 years
Simple Things | jjk
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||| Masterlist |||
𝙿𝙰𝙸𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙶: Boyfriend!Jungkook x Reader
𝚂𝚄𝙼𝙼𝙰𝚁𝚈: Based on the song Simple Things by Miguel! Highly recommend listening to the song before reading! (song fic request are my FAV, give me more please!?)
𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂: Weed Smoking, Language, Sexual Content: grinding, teasing, nipple play, choking, unprotected sex (be safe!), Dom!jk, Sub!Reader if you squint, After care?  Its also really fucking cute and fluffy. 
A cloud of smoke hung in the air, as you press the joint to your lips. Inhaling deeply, feeling the familiar burn in your throat. Some new r&b track playing softly in the background. Jungkook’s long legs resting comfortably over your lap, you pass him the joint. He sets his phone to the side to sit up and take it from you. As mundane as it sounds, this had become somewhat comfortable for the two of you. He blows the smoke out, passing it back for you to finish. Placing the remainder in the ashtray as Jungkook starts laughing hysterically, his infamous cackle bouncing off the walls; easily one of your favorite sounds.
“This video was from last year, watch this…” He sits up bringing the phone close to your face. You watch an extremely drunk Jimin dancing chaotically in the middle of a crowded club. The phone pans to the VIP section, and Taehyung hyping him up. You don’t miss the obnoxiously attractive women that crowd the same area. Your eyes widen and you start to laugh too. It reminded you of when you and Jungkook had first started dating. For the first few months, every weekend was spent with your friends in overcrowded clubs. Fun times, no doubt, but you were happy with your new normal.
Jungkook dismisses himself to the kitchen, mumbling something about having the munchies. You giggle at your predictable boyfriend, extending your legs into the spot where he was laying. Pulling up Snap Chat on your phone, not surprised to see Jimin and Taehyung’s stories. Almost as if they were trying to replicate the memory Jungkook just showed you from a year ago. Drunk as hell, beautiful women, VIP section, it was something to envy from the outside looking in.
You laugh to yourself, thinking back on your own memories. At the start of your relationship, seven months ago, it was much different. Frequently bar hopping with friends whenever we were able to. Once we discovered that we preferred just being in each other’s company, the partying slowly came to an end. You were happy with that though. You loved smoking and hanging out with your best friend, who also happened to be your boyfriend. You find yourself replaying Jimin and Taehyungs story, until you click on Jungkook’s; nothing. Peaking behind you to see him finishing off an apple, you start to think.
You were comfortable with spending your nights like this. Having moved in with each other a month ago, you loved being able to spend your free nights together. Watching a movie, cuddled up on the couch, listening to music, experimenting with food. Whatever you did, it made you happy. This was the first time you wondered if maybe he felt different than you. What if he wants to go out but doesn’t say anything because he knows how much you love staying home?
You get up from your spot on the couch, a stolen pair of Jungkook’s sweatpants hanging around your hips, while his t-shirt hides all your curves. He’s singing to the soft sounds coming from the speaker, and he looks so ethereal. His long bouncy waves, floating back and forth over his eyes; always made you want to brush his hair back. His outfit matching yours since you were wearing his clothes. The grey sweatpants looking sexier on him than on you, although he would argue that statement.
You hop onto the countertop letting your legs hang over, “Do you want to go out?” you blurt out, attempting to sound nonchalant.
He pauses, quickly turning to look at you. His face screwing up with confusion, “What? Like… tonight?”
You press your lips into a hard line nodding at him, which only makes him look more confused.
“Right now? You want to go out?” He asks you again to confirm as he slots himself in between your legs. He wraps his arms around your waist, letting his thumbs slide against the inside of your waist band.
“I mean, if you want to. I’m good with whatever,” You murmur, still attempting to be nonchalant.
“Well… if you don’t want to go out… why would I?” He giggles softly before pressing his lips to your nose.
“I thought maybe you’d want to party with Jimin and Tae, it’s been awhile since we’ve been out,” you try explaining simply.
He tilts his head to the side, seeing straight through your bullshit.
“Actually, I do wanna go somewhere,” He starts, pulling back and walking over to where our shoes are laying, “walk to the grocery store with me, we have like no food.”
You roll your eyes but you follow his lead slipping your shoes on. The grocery store was in walking distance, which was quite dangerous when you both had the munchies.
The wind is harsh but overall, the night is beautiful. The street is on the quieter side since its late into the night. Jungkook pulls your hand out of your hoodie and laces his fingers with yours before putting both into his hoodie. You look up to see him already smiling down at you.
“Baby, why did you ask me to go out tonight, honestly?” his voice is soft and laced with curiosity.
You sigh. You try not to feel insecure, but it was hard with him. He was perfect in your eyes, and you were… well, you weren’t perfect by any means. You constantly wondered if he would want something more, something that you couldn’t offer him. What if he needed more adventure or someone that was in his league? The bottom line was, you knew there was someone out there that could give him that; and it intimidated you.
“I don’t know, it’s just been awhile since we’ve gone out.” You tell him, although its true you know you’re lying to him.
“But you didn’t want to go out, so what would you have done if I had said yes?” He chuckles raising his brows to you.
“I would have gone, I just want to make you happy,” You look up to him and smile.
“I am happy. Right here, with you,” He leans down and kisses your cheek, ”You know that right?”
You force a smile and nod, and he seems to pick up on your hesitation, but he lets it go for now.
Your cloudy eyes scan over the chip section, while Jungkook goes to a different isle to pick out ice cream. Decision making wasn’t your strong suit, so he found you in the same isle 5 minutes later still debating.
“Okay, like spicy or cheesy? You know I hate making decisions!” You pout holding up the two bags.
He chuckles coming closer to see what the options are, “For you, my lady,” He says taking both bags from your hands and putting them in the cart. You start to giggle, reaching out to hug him.
You walk through a few more isles deciding you want to get some noodles for an actual meal. You’re debating on what kind to get, when he freezes in the middle of the conversation. Instantly you stop talking wondering what the hell has your boyfriend’s attention.
Within a few seconds you know, “Oh, if that’s what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours,” Jungkook starts singing to you in the middle of the isle. His newfound love for the song 10,000 hours was intense, he was constantly singing it to you. Your eyes widen and you start to giggle, taking his hand when he holds it out to you. He spins you into him still singing incredibly loud for a grocery store. His pulls you in and you sway to the music, still unable to control your laughing. You back away from him and you start doing ‘tik-tok’ dance moves to the pop song, Jungkook’s voice cracks as he starts to laugh at you. Within seconds he’s right there with you mimicking your dance moves, you’re both dying from laughter.
You jump when you turn around to see an old couple watching you and giggling.
“Oh my gosh, we’re so sorry!” You start laughing moving the cart out of the way while Jungkook quickly picks up the noodles and throws them into the cart.
“Please don’t apologize, you remind us of when we were younger,” The old man starts, looking at this wife adoringly, “It’s something special, to be in love with your best friend!”
You and Jungkook’s cheeks are burning red, as you hear the sweet compliment.
“It really is,” Jungkook agrees softly before looking at you, eyes filled with the same adoration as the old man.
You finally check out and begin your trek home, Jungkook insisting on carrying all the bags if you feed him some gummy bears. His left arm hangs around your shoulder while you alternate giving him a gummy bear, then yourself.
“Those were some pretty sweet moves back there,” he giggles
You start to laugh again shrugging your shoulders, “Yeah… yours were alright,” you mock. Jungkook gasps sarcastically.
“If I didn’t have this bag of food, I would dance battle you right here!”
“You mean… you would lose a dance battle right here?” You say confidently, before your start to giggle. You slowly look up at him only to see him glaring down at you jokingly, you reach up pressing a red gummy to his lips. You can’t help the belly laugh when he quickly nips the gummy out of your fingers nearly biting you.
Finally, back home, he made the noodles as soon as you stepped into the house. Both of you singing loud to the music that plays in the background. You switch back and forth between both bags of chips, doing a happy dance when the flavors hit your tongue. His giggle pulls you from your food daze.
“Why are you laughing at me!” You push your lips out pouting as you crunch.
“Your little food dance, it’s one of my favorite things you do,” He imitates you with your little butt wiggle you do while he brings his noodles to his mouth.
“That’s not it,” you giggle showing him what you actually do, “you have to move your shoulders too!” You demonstrate taking a bite of your own noodles.
“Why are you so cute?” He giggles. You shrug cutely before poking your cheeks with your fingers. When you finish eating, he takes your bowls to the sink, and you decide to make your way over to his side of the counter. He turns around after washing the two dishes. You lean into his chest and he wraps his arms around your shoulders, leaning forward to take in the clean smell of your hair before kissing the top of your head multiple times.
He tugs at your chin so you’re looking up at him. He brushes his thumb over your cheekbone, lightly pushing your hair behind your ear, “You seem more like yourself now,” He presses his lips to yours lightly.
“What do you mean?” You ask, pushing yourself up so you can steal another kiss.
“Earlier, you asking to go out. I’m still confused about that…” He grazes his thumb over your bottom lip before looking into your eyes. You could tell that a part of him was worried. You sigh, knowing that it was out of character for you.
“So… maybe I thought that you wanted to be out partying,“ you try to pull back but his arms are around you tight, “Like Tae and Jimin are, with all of those beautiful women.”
His brows nit together as he processes your words, “Why did you think that?”
You take a deep breath deciding to tell him about your frequent insecurities. All of your fears and doubts about your perfect relationship, you told him all of them. He listened closely with his arms secure around you the whole time, his grip never faltering.
“Just… you know, I want to make sure you’re happy with me, so you don’t want to find someone who can make you happier,” you mumble, his face melts with the last sentence.
“Baby,” Its all he says, shaking his head slightly, “You make me, so happy. So happy sometimes that I wonder if this is real.”
“You’re so perfect for me. You know, a free-spirit, with a wild heart,” He sighs deeply cupping your cheeks in his hands, “I just want someone real, someone true.” He murmurs pressing his lips to yours again. He pulls back slightly before leaning in to hover just above your ear, “I need you to smoke with me baby.”
You smile, letting him pull you to the couch. He sits in the corner of the couch pulling you close to him, while he lights the joint that sits on his lips. Inhaling deeply before passing it to you. You both finish it off, and before you know it you’re laughing about who knows what. He pulls you onto his lap, you set your legs on both sides of his. Your body feels warm, maybe it’s because of high, or maybe its because of how much you love him.
His eyes are heavy as he stares up at you his fingers finding their way beneath the loose t-shirt on your body, “Are you happy with me?” He asks out of nowhere, “is there anything I could do to make you happier?”
You take a deep breath, the THC making it hard for you to think too deeply about the answer. You didn’t need to think hard because it was simple, you were happy.
“I just want the simple things,” You say quietly leaning forward to capture his lips in yours, “Someone to smoke with me, laugh with me, lay with me,” You kiss him between each phrase, you pull back to make sure he has your attention, “I just want you.”
He smiles big, taking his hand and wrapping it around the back of your neck to pull you close to him. You brace yourself against his chest, noticing the way his heart feels like it might beat out of his chest. His lips attach to yours but this time it’s needy. He presses into them letting his tongue dance along your lower lip. You feel him start to harden beneath you, and you can’t stop yourself from grinding down onto him. The moan that finds its way from his mouth to yours makes your body weak.
He pulls you closer to him, bringing himself forward on the couch. You wrap your legs around his waist, as he gently pulls his t-shirt from your body. Palming at your tits as soon as his eyes hit them. You throw your head back and he leans forward to leave love bites on the column of your throat. You reach forward to wrap your arms around his shoulders, running your fingers through his hair; tugging softly. He pulls you impossibly closer, your clothed heat pressed against his hard on. You moan into his mouth when he starts to kiss you again. Bucking your hips into him, he pulls back and brings his lips to your sensitive nipples. Massaging your left while his tongue teases the right, then switching. His hand slides up to your throat and your eyes finally meet his blown-out pupils, full of lust and love. His fingers tighten around your throat while he holds you close to his body with his other arm. He turns you both, leaning you back until your laying flat on the couch. His hand still firm around your throat, he leans forward to kiss you again; pressing his hard on into your groin making you whine.
He smiles before nipping at your neck, still pressing himself into where you need him the most. The friction is making you crazy and he knows it, “Baby…” you whimper and he lets out a quiet laugh into your skin. He moves down your body slowly, leaving hickeys in his path, “What baby? What do you need?” He coos, instantly snapping his hips into yours. You throw your head back whining again, “Come on princess, use your words,” He laughs again before sucking the skin of your thigh into his mouth. The purple mark is fresh compared to the dull ones from the nights previous. It’s like it’s his own private masterpiece, he runs his thumb over it before sitting up between your legs. He looks down at you and cocks his head, your bottom lip comfortably in-between your teeth. His fingers slide under the band of your sweatpants and he starts to pull them from your legs antagonizing slow. You wiggle your legs trying to speed up the process, only making him slow down even more.
“Mm no panties?” He licks his lips as notices how wet you are, ”Tell me what you want baby,” He says again, pulling the sweatpants from his own legs.
“I want you to fuck me, Kookie.” You lean forward reaching out for his hard cock, but he wraps his hands around your wrist. Pushing them into the couch, as he hovers over your body. He looks down at you, as the tip of his cock teases your clit. Your eyes are drawn to the way the veins in his biceps are popping out, then to the way his abs flex each time he thrust forward, “Please.” You beg finally meeting his eyes, and they seem to soften at your magic word.
Reaching down he lines himself up then slides inside of you torturously slow. Both of you inhaling deeply when he bottoms out and stops. Something you both loved the feeling of in general, but when you were high it was comparable to euphoria.
“You feel so fucking tight for me princess,” He moans pulling back, dragging his cock against your walls. You want to respond but the words hang on your lips, all you can formulate is whimper. Leaning forward on his forearms on each side of your head, he nudges your face to the side. Letting his teeth graze the shell of your ear. The sound of his moans and whimpers was enough to through you over the edge. He feels it when you start to tighten around him, his teeth finding the juncture of your shoulder and neck. Pressing his lips delicately before he starts to suck hard.
“I-Im so close, please,” You start to beg, you don’t know what you’re begging for exactly, but you have a feeling that he does. He quickens his pace, leaning up and pressing your thighs further apart. He takes his thumb to his mouth, collecting his spit before rubbing it into your clit with the perfect amount of pressure. Your hips start to buck up into his thrust, having a mind of their own. He takes it upon himself to pull your hips up to his, the new position making your body react instantly.
“Right there! Oh fuck, right there Kookie!” You yell out, warmth spreading through your body from your toes to your fingertips. The familiar tight feeling in your abdomen tells you that your close.
“Fuck princess, cum with me!” he moans and just like that your body starts to shake. An orgasm hitting you like a semi, the warmth that was running through your veins turns into something new. He holds your legs still, spilling himself inside of you. The feeling alone makes you feel like you could cum again. He thrust inside you a few more times, each time your body spasming.
He pulls out admiring the way his cum drips from you, taking his fingers and pushing it back inside of you. You spasm at the action, making him giggle, “You came so hard, didn’t you princess?” He asks you, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips before he starts to get up to find something to clean you with. You nod, grabbing his hand quickly before he gets too far. He looks down at you, “Lay with me, baby.”
He pauses and smiles down at you before squeezing himself onto the couch next to you, “You’re still messy,” he says.
“I don’t care, I need you close right now,” You explain before burying your head into his chest. You feel his chest rock as he laughs at how fucked out you are. It didn’t happen every time but, sometimes he fucked you so good that you felt emotional afterwards. You felt like the luckiest girl in the world, and you just wanted him to hold you. He wraps his arms around you, massaging your scalp with his fingertips.
“I love you so much, baby.” He says softly.
You hum into his chest, “Love you too.”
After about an hour of naked cuddling, you ask him if he wants to take a shower. He instantly perks up, wrapping you in his arms carrying you to the shower.
“If you think I would ever choose a night out over a night like this, you’re insane.”
𝙰/𝙽: 𝙻𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔! 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚜 𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚗 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚜, 𝚒 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚎𝚎𝚎𝚎 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚎!
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inkdemonapologist · 4 years
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Some of my doodles for Session Six of our Call of Cthulhu game!! We finally got back up with that potion-maker from Last Loop and tried to explain EVERYTHING to her, since she’s the one who seemed the most ready to believe us last time (Also, we saw her voluntarily possessed by a spirit at one point, so it seemed like it would be a good starting point to explain some of our problems).
This went.... chaotically, as there are 0 tells for who’s talking and everyone was very insistent on contributing to the conversation. The alive versions of Sammy and Joey mostly stayed out of this mess.
ALSO!! WE’VE PICKED UP SOME NEW INSANITIES! Henry has a mania that compels him to draw/document everything he learns (in case we lose memories or loop again), Sammy still has the mask thing, Joey’s picked up an obsession with symmetry after witnessing his body horrifically transformed by a corruption across half of it, and Sammy, after seeing the Star Pool lurker’s indescribably horrible non-ink-demon form, is filled with a terrified respect for it and has become strangely deferential. I DID NOT EXPECT SAMMY’S SANITY DROPS TO LINE UP SO PERFECTLY FOR CANON PROBLEMS, 
Anyway, have some more out-of-context quotes!! Some of these are just conversation because imagining people trying to hold a conversation with three different voices coming out of “Henry” is my favourite thing now.
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[Sammy] *summarising* (So we're gonna run by Josephine and see if she has anything that maybe we should know, uh, based on our current predicament, which has gotten even more complicated than the previous time we talked to her, which hasn't happened yet!)
[Alive!Sammy] Is something wrong? [Henry] No! No, everything's fine. Let's go. [Alive!Joey] ...I don't think anything's been RIGHT for a while...
[Sammy] (Are we, as a, uh, unit -- do we have the mask on?)
[Ghost!Joey] There's... three of us in here? [Ghost!Sammy] Sure, that's a normal thing to say!
[GM] Josephine looks like she is trying to figure out what to say, but she is having... trouble. [Ghost!Joey] Have you ever had someone... hang out with you... during the festival? Like, kind of, possession? [GM] She raises an eyebrow, but nods, and says "Yes, that's part of my duty, as a leader of this religion." [Ghost!Sammy] Fantastic. That seems to be happening to us. [Ghost!Joey] We're not, exactly sure how we managed to get... in the past again... but we're -- *points with Henry's non-sketching hand over at the live ones* [Joey] Live!Joey just confusedly shrugs and sips his coffee. [GM] "...Uh, go back a minute."
[GM] "And you don't know how this happened?" [ghost!Joey] Not exactly? I -- [Henry] Sammy fell into a Star Pool, and Joey got killed, or, was a host for the cultists. [ghost!Joey] I don't know if I got killed, but, [Henry] Well, you looked goopy. [ghost!Sammy] I don't know what was going on with me, either; I still seemed to be running around. [Henry] Also very goopy.
[ghost!Joey] So, that's a confusing answer! Um. Let's pretend *points at alive!Joey* that he didn't listen to you, and he went up to the Star Pools anyway, without the potion, and then something happened up there that resulted in whatever is happening to us now, which included us losing our memories and waking up later as the same... entity, but we didn't know for a while, and.... uh... it looks like the last time we saw our bodies that weren't alive and human still, they looked... corrupted by the Star Pools. [ghost!Joey] Do you know what might've happened to cause all that? [GM] "...I think there's a lot to unpack there," she says.
[GM] And, indeed, one of them has turned up a pair of gloves! It's somewhat worn, but they don't have holes or anything. Though they might not match your ensemble. [Joey] As long as they match each other, that's fine! [GM] They do that. [Sammy] (I mean, Henry has-- not to rag on Henry's fashion sense, as a man who's worn nothing but the same shirt and suspenders for twenty years, but Henry doesn't have much of an ensemble going on, really.)
[chatting while Joey's player steps away for a moment] [Sammy] Sorry for making you guys deal with Alive!Sammy; Ghost!Sammy genuinely doesn't know how to argue for this. [Sammy] It's like, yeah I dunno! Sounds like a raw deal! [Henry] Henry also doesn't know how to argue for this, it's like, Hey! Do you want a whole bunch of awful, horrible, terrible memories? ....No? Oh. [Sammy] CANT IMAGINE WHY!! [Sammy] Like, please? I'd like my body back? ...it's your body, we'd be sharing it-- but not like this situation, uh, [Henry] Just please, take... I have... take Sammy back. [Sammy] Could you take this off of my hands, I'm really tired of dealing with it, [Henry] I love 'im. But I need a break. Please come take your lost.... self. [GM] Your wayward self. [Henry] Who's this sassy lost child. [Joey] *re-entering chat* Ah, we're talking about Sammy. [Sammy] OH MY GOSH.
[Henry] I ROLLED A ONE HUNDRED! [Sammy] Henry is VERY tired and distracted. [GM] Henry's sketching again. He was left unattended for a bit and he's sketching again. [Henry] Yup, [Sammy] *sputters* HE CAN'T BE LEFT UNATTENDED, WE'RE BOTH HERE [Joey] HE LITERALLY CAN'T!! [Sammy] THAT'S THE WHOLE PROBLEM!! SAMMY WOULD LOVE TO LEAVE HENRY UNATTENDED!!!
[Sammy] Is the voice familiar? [Joey]  Is it the Lurker's? [GM] A bit...? [Henry] A bit familiar or a bit like the Lurker's? [GM] ...Yes.
[ghost!Sammy] Joey, what do you think it was? [ghost!Joey] I think it has something to do with our situation, and perhaps the fact that-- [ghost!Sammy] "OUR SITUATION" doesn't really clear anything up, that could be a LOT of things right now!
[Sammy] Sammy doesn't want to be back in the actual time we belong in! He's dead in that one!
[Sammy]  I guess it's also Alive!Sammy's turn. I don't, uh, [Sammy]  ...there's too many Sammys, [Joey] (Alive!Sammy just goes WHAT THE FUCK) [Sammy]  Yeah, I don't think he's prepared, when he turns the corner, to find cultists with swords, and Henry immediately drawing a gun and screaming at them; I don't think he's prepared for any of this, or has a game plan for what to do in case this happens, other than just, yelling, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” [GM] at Henry, or the cultists? [Sammy]  ....BOTH????
[Joey] Does Joey know of any way to interrupt magic? [GM] Injuring someone is a good, classic way to do that.
[GM] So, you can do an attack, whether it's with the gun or with your fists! [Sammy] *flipping through character sheet* I mean, I feel like I'm probably not just shooting him, I-- wHEN DID YOU ADD "DUSTPAN" TO MY WEAPONS???
[Sammy] The idea of Joey just continuously accidentally killing people is REALLY funny to me.
[Sammy] This is going MUCH better than the last time that we fought anybody! [Joey] Apparently Joey just needs to be really angry, and then my dice are like, “yeah, you can kill people.”
[GM] *flipping through the rules* Here we go, "Disrupted spellcasting, for example, if they are shot!" Well, okay then-- [GM] ......ohhh. [Sammy]  Uh, [Henry] "Oh?" [GM] HM! ........ let me get a d8. [Henry] Concern...???? [Sammy]  It's probably fine. It's... it's probably fine. [GM] ........ [GM] Uh..... huh. Well. That's an 8. [Sammy]  On the d8. [GM] Yyyeah,..... you disrupted his, casting,,, it's not a serious spell so most of this stuff is not extreme, but I rolled an 8, and that says, [GM] "A mythos monster is accidentally summoned." [Sammy]  WHAT?? [Henry] WHAT??? [Sammy] WHAT???? [Joey] *dying of laughter in the background* [Sammy]  I DIDN'T KNOW THAT WAS AN OPTION??? OKAY!!! [GM] I didn't think it was, at this level of spell!! [Sammy]  Remember when I said that this was going well? I NEED TO STOP SAYING THINGS.
[Joey] How is Sammy putting on the mask? [Sammy] With his.... hands...? [Joey] No, like, how is it laying on his head, [Sammy] OH.
[Joey] Ghost!Joey would like to turn it so it's like, in the middle of his head. But like, on forehead, so that they can still see. [Henry]  (A fancy visor!) [Sammy] (...you can still see if it’s on the side...) [Joey] (Joey would really like it if we, put it in the middle.) [Sammy] (...I FORGOT YOU HAVE A SYMMETRY THING)
[GM] You felt, when Sammy and the cult leader were both giving the Lurker commands, that there was a kind of tug-of-war going on there, and it seems like the cult leader won that round. [Henry]  Wait, we can give the Lurker commands? [Joey] We're allies. [Sammy] Yeah, we're the host. [Henry]  Oh, um, [Sammy] Sammy asked it for help! It didn't, uh... this is how things always go for Sammy, so, I feel like this is correct.
[Sammy] (...Henry pulls out a gun, someone tries to grab him and he just bashes that person over the head, Joey tries to help by shooting this cult leader to stop him from casting a spell, and this horrible weird bendy monster is unleashed, Henry IMMEDIATELY kneels to this creature, and it starts listening to him, and he grabs the amulet and starts directing it to murder people after pulling the mask down over his face, so, yeah!! I can see that being pRETTY UNSETTLING actually!!)
[Joey] And I've already accidentally summoned a demon, somehow! [GM] This is just how Joey rolls, he just aCCIDENTALLY SUMMONS DEMONS, apparently! Even when OTHER PEOPLE are casting spells, Joey finds a way to accidentally summon a demon!
[Sammy] We do need those; those ARE our bodies running away,
[Lurker, when asked if he can shapeshift] It depends on the host! I didn't do this. It's pretty awesome, though! I feel like this is actually something that was designed to be this way, for the first time I can remember! Deliberate, you know what I mean? [Henry] “Yeah!” Henry says, not knowing what he means.
[Sammy] We're very focused on getting out of here. [Henry] We're channeling Wally Franks! [Sammy] NO! Don't channel Wally Franks! He didn't get outta there he just YELLED ABOUT IT, which is what WE'RE DOING RIGHT NOW!! LET'S ACTUALLY GET OUTTA HERE!
[GM] You guys go around a corner that at least obscures you from immediate sight, though it's good the Lurker is as, uh...... [GM] ........ [GM] ........ [GM] ...uh, for lack of a better word, bendy as he is, [players explode with laughter] [GM] I TRIED, I couldn't think of anything else! [Sammy] NO I SAW THE GEARS TURNING IN YOUR HEAD
[GM] You have a small Bendy. [GM] He's blinking. [Henry] Henry is.... is having, a moment,
[Sammy] We're honoured you're joining us, but we really should get moving?
[Henry] Just let him ride on his shoulders like a kid, that'd be adorable! [Henry] Henry's having SO many emotions right now. He wants to be respectful, but also, oh my god, that's so cute?? and also my OC???? Oh my god??????
[GM] I don't think the Lurker is familiar with the concept of piggyback rides. I mean if he's asked I'm sure he's down for whatever, but, [Henry] Henry's gonna ask the Lurker if he wants to climb on his shoulders and ride. [GM] The Lurker thinks this is a FANTASTIC idea, because nobody has ever carried the Lurker around before!
[Alive!Sammy] Sammy's very pale. [Alive!Joey] You have a... Bendy now, Henry...? [Henry] Uh, kinda! This is the Lurker. [Alive!Joey] “The Lurker”? [Henry] The giant monster? He's... small now, so he's not a giant monster.
[Alive!Sammy] Henry WHAT is going on? Or, whoever you are right now, [Henry] It is me; look, I've been letting the others talk because I have no idea what's going on. I don't know... I just want to get everyone out of here alive. [GM] (What a Henry thing to say) [Alive!Sammy] *snarking* Well, we're alive SO far! Maybe don't run at people with swords, in the future? Might help with that. [Henry] That was Sammy. That wasn't me. [Joey] (*laughing* "By the way, that thing you were lecturing me about? That wasn't me, THAT WAS YOU!")
[GM] The Lurker settles down when it is clear that the hug is not a threat.
[Henry] (I AM LOSING IT! I hope you know what you've done to me!) [GM] (I was not expecting this either but here we are!!) [Henry] (Maybe it was my idea. I can't believe I've done this.)
[Joey] Alive!Joey at some point shows Bendy how to hold the pencil. [GM] He says "Oh, hey, neat!" and has an easier time. [Henry] Oh my god, cute? [Sammy] (*losing it in the background*) [Joey] I was just thinking that if he's sitting next to Henry, and he watches the Lurker fumble with the pencil enough, he's going to just, reach up and-- [Sammy] (I LOST NINE SANITY TO THIS ASSHOLE!!!) [Henry] (But he's so cute!) [Joey] (Well now he's cute, maybe you get some sanity back!) [Henry] (Like petting a cat! You get sanity back from petting the Bendy.) [Sammy] (Yes, he is adorable, I will serve him faithfully.)
[GM] Make a navigate check. [Joey] *rolls terribly* Joey doesn't know where the fuck we're going. [Henry] I missed the navigate check too. [Sammy] Ohhhh boy, we better not get lost... [Joey] Sammy, do you remember where we're going? [Sammy] Oh, don't ask Sammy. Don't ask either Sammy. [Sammy] Alive!Sammy will eventually ask "You DO know where we're going, right?" [GM] You guys..... uh, get lost! Well, let me check one thing. [GM] *rolls* [GM] ... THE LURKER, APPARENTLY, CAN GET YOU BACK TO WHERE HE APPEARED,
[GM] What a useful pocket demon. [Henry] I love our pocket demon. [Joey] I love our son... [Sammy] Joey, [Joey] Firstborn... [Henry] Adopted from a cult! [Joey] We went to Haiti and adopted a son. [Sammy] Sammy's role as third wheel here is getting weirder and weirder.
[Sammy] I can't believe Binoculars is a Bendy fan.
[Joey] (Meanwhile, Ghost!Joey remembers something? There is an inscription on the floor between the laundry room, and Josephine's room, that does not allow the passage of evil spirits. I... don't think the Lurker is going to make it past that.) [Henry] (Ohhhhhhhhh) [Sammy] (Hmm. Also... BRINGING THE LURKER in to see Josephine feels, hostile???) [Henry] (OH... I didn't think about that; he's just my kid now!)
[Joey] (I have literally no idea for Joey.) [Sammy] (Gosh, what a thing to ask... I just have to appreciate, what a thing to ask a Type Three -- "Okay, what's YOU?") [Joey] (Joey looks down at the mask, feeling all of his inner masks,,,) [Sammy] ("I'M COMPOSED OF THINGS THAT MAKE OTHER PEOPLE THINK IM SUCCESSFUL,,,")
[Ghost!Sammy] After you. [Ghost!Joey] Actually, I would feel more comfortable if you went first, [Ghost!Sammy] ...Fine. Fantastic. [Joey] (This is-- I don't know if Sammy can feel it, but this is definitely out of, still thinking about the slight guilt that ran through him when Sammy was blaming EVERYTHING on him, and telling him to keep them out of this,) [Sammy] (I mean, Sammy just thinks this is risky and wanted Joey to be the guinea pig, so, that's nice that you were thinking of him!)
[Sammy] A quick kiss won't be enough time for Sammy to like, stop bluescreening in time to react to this? So, um, uh, he- he just, uh, needs, uh, a- a minute, but he, will be, blushing furiously. I think that's the only reaction! [Joey] Perfect~ [GM] The spirit lady probably flashes him a thumbs up. [Joey] *laughing* Sammy DIES. We did all of this to get him alive again, and he just DIES. [Sammy] SLAIN INSTANTLY.
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sproutsgcrden · 3 years
when the seafoam floats | chapter one
the entrance exam
summary: Aizawa Michi isn't sure of a lot of things in her life, but she is sure that Midoriya Izuku is going to be a great hero. Following him from Aldera Middle School to Yuuei High only cements that fact, even if he does have a strange new quirk.
author's note: this is a longtime coming! i've been planning Michi's story for over a year now, and i'm so excited to finally be able to share it! keep in mind that this a retelling of canon with an oc-- some things will be different, some things will be the same. i update every monday on ao3.
masterlist | read on ao3 | next chapter
want to be tagged? send in an ask and let me know!
art done by emmythetaciturn!
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father | sent 06:48
good luck. don’t die. i’ll get you a kit-kat later
loudmouth | sent 07:03
nem | sent 07:06
You’re going to do amazing today, my little mimichan 💕💕
Missed Call | izukun💚 | 07:49
izukun💚 | sent 07:49
Hey! I’m here! Call me when you’re close? 😊
Michi clicked the call back button, bringing the phone up to her ear as the familiar dial tone rang. The black skirt of her middle school uniform swayed gently in the wind as she continued her trek up the path that led to Yuuei High School. Her seafoam green hair, wavy as it was, was pulled back into her usual half-bun. Even if it was completely down, it would barely reach her shoulders. Her narrowed brown eyes began to search for the familiar green hair of her friend among the throng of middle school students in her way.
A click sound through the phone, and through the static and background noise Michi could make out a meek voice. Her lips formed a small grin, and her pace sped up. If she bumped into anyone, well, she could apologize later.
“Hello? Micchan?”
Michi excused herself past a couple who were walking extremely slow for her tastes, and tightened her bag to her shoulder with her free hand. “Hey Izukun! I’m about to pass the gates, so I’ll probably see you within a minute or two. Where are you at?” The golden gates seemed to dazzle in the sun. The young girl had been here many times with her father, but for some reason the entrance seemed especially intimidating today.
“Oh, I’m on the left side of the walkway, right by a pillar…” Michi could hear Izuku’s hesitance through the phone. “Are uh, are you nervous at all?”
“Nervous? Izukun, of course I’m nervous. This is the biggest entrance exam in the entire country. I doubt my quirk will be useful during the physical- but hey, that’s why we trained, yeah? If anyone can pull this off, it’s us!” Just then, Michi passed through the gate. She saw a glimpse of green hair behind one of the pillars, and changed her direction. “Anyways, I’m right behind you.”
A muffled and surprised screech sounded through her phone’s speaker, causing Michi to look up at the source of the noise. Izuku had turned around so quickly that he tripped, but luckily a nearby girl helped him. After hanging up her phone and putting it in her bag, Michi quickly ran towards the duo before her.
“Are you okay?” The cheerful voice of the brunette standing in front of Izuku carried through the open air. “Sorry for using my quirk on you without asking first! I know that some people may not like that, but I figured it would be better than falling!” The girl helped Izuku stand straight and released her quirk just as Michi caught up to them.
Leaning over, Michi gave Izuku a once over, just to make sure he didn’t actually hit anything before he was caught. When she didn’t see anything wrong, she nodded and turned to the brunette standing beside her. “Thanks for catching him. He can be a little clumsy- nerves aren’t really helping today.”
“Oh, it’s no problem! This whole thing is way nerve-wracking!” The two turned to Izuku, who was too busy staring off into space to be aware of anything around them. “Anyways- my name is Uraraka Ochako! Good luck in the exam!”
Michi bowed respectfully..“Aizawa Michi. And this is Midoriya Izuku. Good luck to you as well.” Uraraka nodded, and walked into the building, brown hair bouncing gracefully. Michi watched her walk inside before she turned her attention to her friend, who was muttering too quietly for her to catch on to what he was saying.
With a huff of amusement, she slapped his shoulder and began to guide him into the building. “Izukun, I know you don’t have much experience with girls, but you could at least try to introduce yourself to the one who saved you from eating the sidewalk.” Michi laughed as Izuku’s face went from shocked to embarrassed.
“Oh gosh, you’re right. I was too busy trying to figure out her quirk to even say anything! Do you think she noticed?” Their shoes scruffed against the paved stairs as they continued their walk, eventually reaching the door and going inside. “I mean, what do you think it was? I think it could be some sort of gravity manipulation based on how I floated- that’s perfect for rescue work! She would be an amazing hero, I really hope she makes it in- is that- Thirteen?!”
Thirteen was stationed at a long table at the end of the entrance hall, clearly meant to be a check-in. They pointed directions for the potential students in front of Izuku and Michi as they handed out pamphlets. Izuku began to shake, from nerves or excitement Michi couldn’t tell. She assumed a mixture of both. It wasn’t everyday you got to meet such influential heroes in person- at least for the normal civilian.
As the duo eventually made their way to the front of the line, Thirteen greeted them enthusiastically. “Welcome to Yuuei, Hero Hopefuls! Can you please give me your school I.D.s so we can get you checked in and ready to go?” Michi and Izuku, of course, already had their identification available. Thirteen quickly took them, and checked the two of them into the system. After handing a freshly printed packet to each of them, along with their I.D.s, Thirteen pointed them down the hall.
“Those packets include the booklets you will use in the written exam, along with information regarding the physical you’ll take after. Your proctor will explain everything in more detail once they’re ready to start the exam. Aizawa-san, you’ll be in room 1-E, right down the hall after taking the first left. Midoriya-san, you’ll be in room 1-G, just a few doors further down. Good luck to the both of you!”
Michi led the way to their respective rooms, clearly having some knowledge on where to go. Izuku followed her lead, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. “Uh, Micchan?” The girl in question absentmindedly nodded her head, gesturing for Izuku to continue his question. “Well, I was just thinking, isn’t it a bit strange that we haven’t seen Kacchan yet?”
“Why would you want him to see you today of all days?”
“I don’t! I just-” Izuku sighed, causing Michi to pause and pull him to the side of the hall. “If he does see me, I’d rather it be before everything starts? At least it wouldn’t be so embarrassing if he yelled at me in an empty hallway versus a classroom.”
Michi nodded in understanding, waiting a moment before speaking. “I don’t think he’d go too overboard today, Izuku. At least, not on campus? Yuuei is very strict in their policies, so he’d likely be barred from taking the exam if he started screaming at you for nothing.” She gave him a reassuring grin. “And if he did, I’d punch him in the face. Again.”
“Micchan! You can’t just talk about how you punched Kacchan!”
“Why not? The asshole deserved it for what he said. And you know it.”
“I mean, maybe he did. But I’m sure you’ll be barred from taking the exam for talking about how you assaulted another student so openly!”
“Yeah... But I could still make it into general studies, probably. Besides, my old man already knows I cracked open Bakugou’s nose.”
“Micchan!” Izuku’s eyes were wide, but he couldn’t mask the giggles leaving his mouth quite fast enough. Michi smiled in response- a large, open-mouthed smile that rarely came from the normally stoic girl. Once Izuku calmed down, he began to talk once more. “Oh yeah. I forgot you mentioned your dad taught here. I’m still upset you won’t tell me which hero he is.”
Michi huffed, a small ounce of suppressed laughter. “Dad doesn’t like me sharing his hero identity, Izukun. But, to give you a clue…”
Izuku leaned in closely, ready to hear whatever could possibly clue him in on the mysterious hero.
“You have a few pages dedicated to him in one of your notebooks! I think number eleven?”
Green eyes widened comically as Izuku took in the implications of his friend’s words. “You mean I already wrote about your dad and you won’t tell me which hero he is?!”
“I thought it was funny.” Michi shrugged with a small grin. “Plus, like I said, dad doesn’t like people knowing his hero identity.”
“I still- I wrote about your dad and you never said anything!”
“I would’ve corrected you on your analysis had you been wrong, but you actually broke down his abilities quite well! I wanted to take a picture and show it to him, but that would’ve been too on the nose.”
Michi slapped her shell-shocked friend on the shoulder, trying to snap him out of his stupor. “We have a test to take, remember? Let’s focus on that!”
Izuku, getting over his shock and embarrassment, shook his head clear of his thoughts and nodded towards his friend. Michi walked a little further with him to make sure that he made it to the correct room before hurrying to her own. It was time for the exam to get started.
Michi groaned as she tightened the seafoam-colored half bun sitting on top of her head, turning her back quickly to pop it as she made her way towards the large auditorium Snipe had pointed her group in. The written test hadn’t been as difficult as she thought it could’ve been. Thanks to the endless nights she and Izuku spent studying every subject they could get their grubby little hands on, she didn’t have nearly the amount of trouble she expected to have on the math section. It really wasn’t one of her strong suits. Quirk Science and Quirks Laws, however, were a speciality of hers. Her father debated the laws with his coworkers frequently enough for her to pick up on, and Quirk Science definitely helped explain her own quirks’ functions. Sparing a quick glance down to her pamphlet, Michi took the stairs near the entrance to find her seat.
The row her seat was in wasn’t hard to find, but Michi did a double take once she found it. With narrowed eyes, she slammed her bag on the table with a bit more force than necessary. Of course they would sit her near him. She only hoped that Izuku got placed on her side instead of the empty seat on his side.
“Real mature, guard dog.” the grating voice of Bakugou Katsuki sounded from her right. She barely spared him a look of contempt before setting her gaze on the stage below. His ashen blond hair was as explosive as ever, red eyes set in the permanent glare she was used to seeing from him. The sight of his crooked nose was enough to almost make her lose her cool, letting out a short cackle.
“Yeah, as if you know anything about maturity. Want a reminder of how your nose got permanently tilted to the side?”
Bakugou snarled, turning away from Michi to face the stage once more.
It was the first day of their third year, and of course Izuku was the first one assigned to classroom cleanup. Michi offered to stay behind with him, but she ran to the restroom right after class was dismissed. She knew she should’ve waited until Bakugou and his cronies left for the day, a fact she cursed herself for months after the event.
Her shoes tapped against the linoleum floor as she hurried back to their class, knowing the sooner they got the cleaning done, the sooner they could go get some katsudon and celebrate their first day being over. She didn’t expect her vision to turn red in rage the moment she entered the room.
“If you really want to be a hero so bad- maybe you should take a swan dawn off the roof of the building and pray for a quirk in the next life!”
Fingers and the chain smoker had already turned towards the door, eyes widened in fear. Not knowing of the danger that awaited him, Bakugou turned towards the exit with a smug smirk. And that’s when he was met with a sharp crack against his nose. Blood leaked through the torn skin on the bridge, as well as one of his nostrils. He spluttered, hand moving up to catch the blood and cover his nose as his shocked eyes met Michi’s glowing red ones. Her seafoam hair, normally tied back in a half bun, floated towards the ceiling.
“If you ever say anything like that again, I won’t stop at your nose.”
The feeling of someone tapping her left shoulder brought her out of the flashback, and she turned to see Izuku smiling down at her. He set his bag down beside his chair softly, scooting his chair closer to hers as he sat down. His documents were placed on the table in a neat stack. He was about to say something to the girl beside him, when he seemed to realize that Bakugou was only two seats over. Michi knew he’d probably start freaking out, so she turned to face him completely, blocking out his view of Bakugou.
“How do you think you did on the written portion, Izukun?” The lights dimmed before going back to their original brightness, signalling that the presentation was about to begin.
The young boy fiddled with his papers, shaking his head slightly. “I think I did okay? There were a few questions on the beginnings of quirks that I had a bit of trouble with, but other than that it seemed easier than expected?”
“Yeah. Good thing we studied for the math section. I totally would’ve failed if we hadn’t gone over a majority of it.” Michi flicked her eyes towards the stage once more, seeing the silhouette of a man with very large hair walk up to the podium.
Izuku, Michi, and the rest of the participants crowded into the room focused their attention to the newcomer as the lights dimmed. His bright yellow hair, gelled up to the high heavens, was only accented by the artificial lights beaming down on him. Headphones covered his ears, and the collar of his leather jacket did little to hide the speaker connected around the man’s neck. Michi chuckled as she heard her green-haired friend let out a squeak in surprise.
“YOOOOO YUUEI HOPEFULS! HOW ARE WE FEELING TODAY?” The man certainly didn’t need the mic connected to the podium as his voice echoed clearly throughout the entire auditorium.
“That’s Present Mic! His quirk control is absolutely incredible- his rescue stats as well! I listen to his radio show every morning! I can’t believe he’s a teacher here! It’s totally crazy that all the teachers here are pros- guess that’s Yuuei for you!” Izuku was nearly bouncing in his seat, gushing over the Voice Hero with the quietest voice he could possibly muster.
“Will you stop nerding out, freak?”
Michi glared at Bakugou. “You really want me to mess up your nose again, sweaty hands?”
“Micchan! Kacchan!”
The two stopped glaring at each other and turned forwards again, paying attention to Present Mic, much to Izuku’s relief.
If Michi had been paying attention to detail, she would’ve realized that no one in their position would ever reply. Tension and nerves were extremely palpable in the air; everyone was too scared to even say anything at this point in the exam. All except Michi- who was used to the loud, booming calls made by her father’s best friend. So when she replied with a decent-volume, she lifted her head, surprised to see over a thousand faces staring back at her.
Blood immediately rushed to her cheeks as she realized that she was the only one in the entire room to reply to the loudmouthed hero. She felt Izuku’s concerned gaze as she tried to block out the obnoxious sound of Bakugou trying (and failing) to hold in laughter.
“THANK YOU EXAMINEE 8978!” If Michi were any closer, she would be able to see the wink he sent her way, but from the distance she was at, she could barely see his exaggerated movements. “I’M HERE TO PRESENT THE GUIDELINES OF YOUR PRACTICAL! ARE YOU READY?!”
Bakugou shuffled beside Michi, taking a quick glance at the paperwork laid out in front of each of them. “That’s so kids from the same middle school can’t help each other out, yeah?”
“Yeah. It makes sense, too. Especially considering that each consecutive I.D. number is assigned to a different location!”
“Get your eyes off of my paper, nerd!” Izuku shuddered as Bakugou whisper-screamed at him. The ashen blond grunted as he looked away. “I’ll crush all these losers. Fortunately for you, you’ll get to live another day.”
Michi felt a sinister grin form on her face as she spoke through clenched teeth. “Broken. Nose.”
They grew silent once more as Present Mic continued to speak.
“Each site is filled with three kinds of faux villains! Points are awarded for defeating each according to their respective difficulty levels!!! Use your quirks to disable these villains, and earn your points! That’s your goal, listeners!!” There was a short pause before the hero continued. “Of course, playing the antihero and attacking other examinees is prohibited!”
Michi elbowed Bakugou at the reminder, making him scowl at her.
“Excuse me! May I ask a question!”A voice sounded from below, nearly right in front of the stage. A figure was lit up by a stage light: a tall student with dark blue hair and glasses. He didn’t pause to let the hero reply before he continued on with his question. “There appear to be no fewer than four varieties of faux villains on this handout! Such a blatant error, if it is one, is highly unbecoming for Yuuei! Japan’s top academy! We’re all here today in the hopes of being molded into model heroes!”
“And you! With the curly hair!” His finger pointed towards Izuku, making the green haired boy cower behind Michi. “You’ve been muttering this whole time! It’s distracting!! If this is some sort of game to you, then please leave immediately!”
Izuku let out an embarrassed “Sorry,” in reply, making Michi glare down at the kid who singled her friend out. If it wasn’t going to create even more of a scene and cause Izuku to become even more of a nervous wreck, she’d totally give this guy a piece of her mind. Just who did he think he was?!
“Alright! Examinee 7111! Great catch, thank you!” Present Mic increased his volume, trying to lead the attention back to himself. “But the fourth villain variety gets you zero points! He’s more of an obstacle! There’s only one at each site! A gimmick of sorts that’ll rampage around in close quarters.”
“Thank you, sir! I apologize for the interruption!”
The presenting hero nodded, gesturing to the entire room with his hands. “That’s all from me, folks!” He went on to describe a quote from Napoleon, of all people. Michi knew this was the school of schools, but she also knew Mic was being forced to spew the random educational fact to them all. “PLUS ULTRA!!! Break a leg, listeners!”
With that, the main lights turned back on and the other potential students began to shuffle their way to their respective buses. The small shuttles would take them to and from campus to their testing sites. Bakugou, bag already slung across his shoulder and papers in his grasp, sped past Izuku and Michi as soon as the lights turned back on. The two shrugged as they gathered their things and made their way down and out to the buses.
The shuttles, while as large as they could be, were still completely cramped. Michi found herself wishing that the battle centers were closer so that they could just walk to where they needed to be. She wasn’t much of a people person in the first place, even more-so when she was surrounded by random people with no room to herself. Luckily, she was able to grab a window seat near the back. The kid that sat immediately next to her didn’t seem too awful, either.
“Hey! Name’s Sero Hanta!” His deep black hair reached just above his shoulders, and his smile was so obviously genuine. Michi nodded, eyes flickering down to the round shape of his elbows before meeting his own. “This is totally crazy, right?”
“Aizawa Michi.” She sat up a bit straighter to provide more room for the both of them as she nodded. “Tell me about it. Didn’t know we were fighting robots… I’m going to have to be creative.”
Sero lifted his arms to give her a better view of his elbows. “I get ya! My quirk’s called Tape! I produce organic tape from my elbows.” He dropped his arms once she had gotten a good look. “What’s yours?”
“It’s called Erasure.” Michi held up her hands for Sero to see. “If I touch someone with all five fingers, I can erase their quirk. Or, I make them unable to use it? It’s not very effective on those with mutations, however.”
“Oh no shit?” Sero turned to face Michi fully, lifting his elbow to her still raised hand. “Try it on me! I wanna see what happens with my quirk!”
The young girl nodded, and placed her entire hand on the boy’s elbows. Michi felt her hair begin to float upwards, and she could tell by the look on Sero’s face that her normally brown eyes had begun to glow red. “You can move your elbow. I can still have my quirk activated if I let go.”
Sero tilted his arm away from her, moving it back and forth with furrowed brows. He shook his arm a few times, in an attempt to try to use his quirk. “It’s so weird. I know my quirk’s still here, it just feels like I forgot how to use it.” He knocked his knuckles against his elbow. “Yeah, I can’t get anything to come out.”
Michi nodded and deactivated her quirk; the feeling of her hair floating back down to normal tickled the back of her neck. In an instant, tape shot out of Sero’s elbows in a similar fashion to a grenade getting launched. He quickly grabbed the end before it could get far, and retracted it. She sheepishly scratched the back of her neck, turning her gaze to the floor.
“Sorry. I should’ve warned you before I let it go.”
“Eh, don’t worry about it!!” The shuttle came to a stop in front of their battle center, and the two of them stood as they waited their turn to make their way to the gate. “That’s a pretty great quirk though. It sucks that you don’t have a way to use it against the robots.”
Michi shrugged, following Sero as he began to walk through the aisle. “I have a few ideas of what I can do. Either way, if I don’t manage to bag enough villain points, I’m confident I’ll make it into general education. I can just fight my way into the hero course from there.”
The duo had made their way to the gate by the time Michi finished her short speech, and started to stretch while they waited for the countdown to begin. It wasn’t a long wait before a loud buzzer sounded through the area, and as soon as the gates opened up, Michi sprinted her way through it. She barely acknowledged Present Mic’s voice as she surpassed those in her group, heading straight for the nearest one-pointer.
The one-pointers were the smallest of the bunch, and therefore the easiest ones to test her theory on. Logically, these robots had to have a manual shut-off. Michi had no doubt that the exam proctors were controlling these things from a central room somewhere on campus, but that didn’t mean that there weren’t other ways to make sure they were running properly.
Thanking her dad for the parkour lessons, Michi narrowly dodged the robot’s fist before hopping onto it. Using its arm as a leverage point, she swung herself towards its neck. It didn’t take long for her to maneuver herself so she was able to look down at its back. Taking a moment to look around, her eyes lit up as soon as she glanced at a small switch between the neck piece and the back of the robot. Dodging another hit from the bot, she swung herself around once more. Hanging one arm around its neck from the back, Michi was able to stick her hand down far enough to toggle the switch. She heard a small click and immediately did a backflip off the bot and ran to find a new enemy to take on.
The other examinees were beginning to catch up to her, but she did her best to ignore them and keep to the plan she had. Now that she knew for sure that the robots had a toggle for power, Michi felt much more comfortable going after the two and three pointers. She would just have to make sure to dodge their attacks as well as she could. Without any quirk enhancements, taking a hit from one of the bigger bots was sure to at least crack a rib or two.
As Michi kicked off the two-pointer she just eliminated to land on the arm of a nearby three-pointer, she found herself regretful that she hadn’t practiced more with a capture weapon. Her father’s capture scarf, while useful, was extraordinarily complicated to learn how to handle. Even after practicing with a smaller version for about two years now, she still didn’t feel confident in handling it. At least, not confident enough to take it along for the most important exam she would probably ever take.
The three-pointer shut down with a flick of a button, and Michi jumped down to the ground as it collapsed in on itself. The ten-minutes they were allowed were quickly running out, and the examinees had fully taken advantage of every second. The young girl ran down the back alleyways of the mock city in hopes of finding a straggler or two, but it seemed to be in vain. She was sure that there were probably some more targets near the open streets, but quite frankly it was a bloodbath between the others and she really didn’t want any part of it.
Just as she was about to enter another alley, the ground began to rumble. Something big was approaching, and approaching fast. Looking out onto the main road, she spotted the biggest robot she had ever seen in her life. It easily doubled the largest buildings in the area, and the insane amount of weapons situated on its arms made it a terrifying sight to behold. That’s the zero-pointer?
Michi stared at the giant, watching it move closer and closer as other examinees rushed past her to get to safety. No wonder Present Mic said to avoid that thing! There’s no stopping it unless you want to break yourself! Michi set her foot back, hesitantly getting ready to make an escape, before she heard a terrified scream break out in front of her. A kid with strange looking balls on top of his head was cowered underneath a few pieces of rubble. It didn’t seem to be crushing him, but Michi knew sooner or later that the zero-pointer would.
With a sigh, Michi forced herself forward, running towards the other examinee as fast as she could. She came to a stop right beside the boy, eyes flickering between him and the zero-pointer. As she took a closer look, she noticed that similar balls to what he had as hair were wedged in between the wall and the pieces of rubble about to fall on him. She also noticed that his pant leg was caught in between the street and the piece of rubble as well.
“Hey!” The kid met her calm gaze with watery eyes and snot dripping down his nose. She tried not to grimace at the sight. “Those ball things are your quirk, right? Can you get them to unstick? I’d reach around to rip off the part of your pants that are stuck but I can’t reach and we really don’t have the time to mess around here.”
“I- I can’t!!” The kid was pretty much inconsolable. “I made sure they’d be super sticky for the exam today!”
Michi gritted her teeth, looking around for something she could use to help push the heavy rubble away, at least to the point where he was able to get his pant leg out of there. A metal pipe glinted in the alleyway she came from, and she made sure to tell the crying boy that she’d be back soon. Pushing herself up once more, Michi sprinted to the alleyway and bent down to pick up the pipe. A ripping sound came from above her, and she looked up to see Sero grinning down at her with a sweaty face.
“Need help?” Sero dropped down from the roof to stand beside Michi as she stood to face him, gripping the pipe tight between her hands.
“Actually, yeah.” She gestured for him to follow her as she turned to run back to the boy in trouble. “We need to move this rubble so he can move but his quirk got caught up in the mess. So we need to separate this main piece from those balls attached to the wall.”
Sero nodded, taking a furtive glance to the approaching zero-pointer which was only getting closer. Tape from both of his elbows shot out, attaching to the flat side of the rubble. “I’ll pull; you can stick that pipe up at the top and push it my way.”
Michi did as he said, jamming the pipe as far as she could between the wall and the debris. As soon as Sero called out, Michi began to push the pipe. The young girl relied more on her speed than her strength, so she wasn’t very used to dealing with this much weight. Sweat dripped down her face as she pushed harder, finally beginning to see the rubble move in the direction they wanted it to. After a minute or so of this, she felt the trapped boy grab onto her leg and pull himself out of the hole he had essentially dug for himself. Once he was a safe distance away, Sero and Michi both stopped their efforts.
The duo sent small smiles to one another, grateful that they were able to help. Unfortunately, that feeling didn’t last that long. Michi, about to ask the other boy if he was okay, suddenly froze as she felt a hand travel up her thigh.
“Oi, what the fuck!” She kicked the boy away from her, which wasn’t hard to do as he was still gripping onto her leg. Sero, who saw what had just occurred, came to stand by Michi’s side. Their glares combined sent the kid into another crying fit.
“I just wanted to say thank you!”
“Yeah, that came across real well when you tried to cop a feel.”
The boy, mouth open and ready to respond with some pathetic excuse, suddenly stopped as a loud sonic boom echoed around them. Almost immediately after, Present Mic’s obnoxious yelling sounded through the area.
The shuttles had taken them back to the main campus rather quickly. Those who had minor injuries were informed to wait for Recovery Girl to come back- apparently somebody had majorly hurt themselves in one of the other battle centers. Michi suspected it had to do with whatever caused that explosion at the very end of the test.
Michi walked through the crowded group of waiting students, searching for a glimpse of familiar green hair. Her brows furrowed as she saw no sight of him, and she pulled out her phone to see if he had texted her. The lock screen lit up, showing a photo of herself and Izuku on their first day of their third year. She was barely smiling, and he was red-faced and sweating buckets. The picture always did make her grin, but when she saw that there weren’t any notifications, she pulled up her messaging app. She was in the midst of typing up something to send to Izukun when she felt a hand land on her shoulder.
“Examinee 8978!” Present Mic stood beside her, shooting her a wink through his orange-tinted glasses. “Someone’s looking for you. Lemme take you to them, ya dig?!”
Michi nodded, following the tall hero as he led the way towards the less crowded hallway. As soon as they were out of earshot from most of the other examinees, Present Mic grinned down at her.
“Nothin’. I’m just so proud of you! Saving people already!” The hero wiped a fake tear from under his eye, cackling when Michi groaned. They made another turn, and Michi grew more concerned when she realized they were heading in the direction of Recovery Girl’s office.
The young girl adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder. “It would’ve been better had that loser not tried to grab my ass.”
“And Mineta Minorou will face consequences for those actions. If I have anything to say about it, he won’t step foot in the school again.” A deep, exhausted voice sounded from in front of them as Eraserhead turned the corner they were approaching. His eyebags were very pronounced today, only seeming more prominent from the shadows his long, unkempt hair cast upon his face.
As Michi and Present Mic walked closer, he stopped them to hand Michi a kit-kat bar and pat her head. “Good job, kid.” All Michi did was nod her head, trying to hide her forming grin.
Of course, the moment was ruined once Mic opened his mouth. “Why can’t you two act like a normal father and daughter for once?! Give her a hug, cry! Show some emotion!”
Both Aizawas felt their eyes twitch, turning towards Mic with matching glares.
“Okay, okay!” Mic began waving his hands and backing up. “I’ll shut up! I gotta go check on the other listeners anyways since this case may take Chiyo a while!” With that, Mic sped away back towards the lobby where a majority of students were still waiting, leaving Michi and Eraserhead alone before the nurse’s office.
Michi blinked, turning to her dad in hopes of hearing an explanation. He sighed, eyes closing as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Your friend. I thought he was quirkless.”
“He is, though?” Michi crinkled her nose in confusion, “He has the extra toe joint and the special shoes and everything.”
“Then how did he level an entire zero-pointer with one punch?”
“What did you say?!”
All her father did was sigh again, and open the door to Recovery Girl’s office. Immediately, Michi rushed in, ignoring the elder woman’s protests. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw Izuku laying on the stretcher with a nervous smile.
“H-Hey, Micchan! How did your test go?”
She was going to kill him.
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currywaifu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: angelica flower 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩: miyoshi kazunari/reader 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw 𝐰𝐜: 1.1k words 𝐝𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨: Cerise 🍡 
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: kazunari is a regular at the flower shop cafe reader works at, and he is in need of inspiration 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: this work is a part of the flower shop event, a series of unconnected flower shop AU one-shots
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The sound of the storefront door swinging open and a shout of your name indicated the arrival of your favourite regular customer.
“Heyho! You look cute today too piko☆” and if you weren’t already convinced, the cheeriness present as ever combined with his catchphrase solidified the man’s identity.
You turned around to greet him properly, somewhat surprised to find him standing alone. Weeks ago you would have been too timid to even talk to him outside of
“Kazunari-kun, you didn’t bring anyone with you today?” you asked, “it’s kinda weird seeing you alone.”
“Nyahaha! It just means I can spend more time talking to you one-on-one~♪” Kazunari said, a boisterous laugh escaping his mouth, a wider smile at the sight of reddening ears going unnoticed, before he answered you more seriously, “I have a sketch to do for class, but I keep getting distracted.”
You nodded understandingly. It was always hard for you to concentrate in a noisy place, so you understood his dilemma.
“Do wanna sit somewhere more secluded?” you pointed somewhere towards the back of the shop, “it’s usually where I stay when it’s not my shift, or if I’m, like, studying for class.”
“Woah! Special friendship perks?! Is this what you get when you’re BFFs with someone from the littest flower shop slash cafe slash totes aesthetic hang in Veludo?” he exclaimed, and you didn’t bother suppressing the laughter that he caused.
“I mean, technically anyone could sit there?” you pointed out with a giggle, but you left your spot from behind the counter to usher him there. “If you wanna get cosy, I’ll show you the best place to sit,” you offered, smiling as Kazunari cheered excitedly, almost bouncing like a cute puppy.
You led him to a table with a comfy loveseat, positioned beside a window that probably would’ve brought a glare of sunlight to the interior if it wasn’t a little late in the afternoon already. Unsurprisingly, he dives onto the armchair immediately; his bag of what you’ve come to know contained art supplies following suit.
“Nice, right?”
“Uhhh, hell yeah!” Kazunari sunk a little deeper into the chair, about to continue talking until you heard the store door open.
“Big OOF, you better—“
“Yeah, oh gosh, I haven’t even gotten your order yet?” you said a little hastily, “you going for the daily special cake again? With the complementary—“
“Yep yep! You know my tastes so well piko☆” he said with a grin, before shooing you off, “now go! You don’t want the chef to come out and scold you again~♪”
You laughed as you quickly ran back to the counter to entertain your new customer’s order, watching from the corner of your eye as Kazunari brought out his art supplies. You silently wished him well.
Your shift was nearly ending, and as the sky dawned a palette of pastel pinks and purples, the business and idle chatter of the shop settled down. Save for the “Cafe Music! Jazz & Bossa Nova instrumental music” YouTube playlist in the background, all was quiet.
Well, save for the sound of pencils against rustling paper from the back.
Knowing he would be too focused to spare you a glance, you peeked at him from your spot by the counter. When Kazunari was in work mode, he gave off a totally different vibe— and while on normal circumstances you’d think this side of his was just as charming, something was off based on his furrowed brows and the barely noticeable frown on his face.
After a second thought, you opened a cabinet behind you and got a small jar of candies. You usually reserved them for yourself throughout the times you needed some sugar for energy, but you figured Kazunari needed some more than you at the moment.
You knew he liked candy, so if you couldn’t help him with his work you could at least support him somehow!
“Kazunari-kun, how are you?” you asked, situating yourself beside his chair. With a small groan, he angled his sketchbook to let you look at it properly.
While you haven’t seen a lot of Kazunari’s stuff, you knew he was amazingly talented in multiple art mediums— be it traditional or graphic or anything else in the spectrum. Looking at what he drew so far, you could say that the idea and technique were definitely there, but it was a little lacking save for the centre of the page.
Kazunari clearly knew it, too.
“I’m Gucci mostly, but I think something’s off?” The blond said, “like a missing detail to make it less plain? Idk tbh.”
You pouted. You didn’t know what to add either, so instead you proceeded with your plan and showed him the small jar of candy.
“Sorry, I don’t know what I’d add personally, but I just wanted to give you something to…” you trailed off until you could phrase the rest of your sentence in a logical manner, quickly giving up on that. “Haha, I guess I just wanted to support you somehow?”
“Eh? You remembered that I loved candy?!” Kazunari exclaimed, immediately perking back up from his minor slump. “You’re so cute~! High-key lit! No, totes the GOAT!” His hand touched yours, the jar still on your palm as he opened the lid.
He immediately went for the green one, and you nearly laughed at how similar it was to his eye colour. As soon as he popped it in his mouth, the same bright eyes widened at you.
“Yo, this tastes funky— but I’m kinda digging it?” he said, continuing to figure out the flavour, “what is this?”
“It’s called candied angelicas,” you said, “we got a delivery of angelica flowers a few days ago, and apparently you can make candies out of the stem?”
“Angelica flowers?” Kazunari repeated, reaching to get another piece of candy, “never heard of her. She could be walking down the street, I wouldn’t know a thing. Sorry to this flower.”
You giggled, reaching into the jar to get a piece yourself, “You dummy! Apparently they mean inspiration and encouragement, so it’d be nice flowers to give~”
The blond gasped, grabbing your shoulders and shaking you in excitement.
“Wait, that might just work!!!”
“What- what’s gonna work?” you asked in confusion, watching him set down his art materials. He stood up so quickly you would wonder how he didn’t get whiplash if he didn’t immediately squeeze you in a tight hug.
Though it had only been 5 seconds tops, him pulling away felt like minutes as he rewarded you with the brightest grin you’ve seen from him today.
“Ugh, you’re actually so??? The best??? I’m totally pumped up and inspired now!”
Well, maybe you didn’t have to understand right away. You were just glad you were able to help him.
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“ thank you for your hard work today at the flower shop! here, feel free to take home these angelica flowers with you~ ”
【 angelica flowers 】 inspiration, creativity, encouragement
“ maybe you’d like some more flowers before heading home? ”
-ˋˏflower shop masterlistˎˊ- |  -ˋˏfic masterlistˎˊ-
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Hoseok Reaction| You meet and don’t tell him you know who he is only for him to find out later
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You had seen the posts from army that Hoseok was flying to LA for some big project. You also just so happened to be in the city as well, having always wanted to visit there. The fact that you were now standing in the same city as him made your stomach do somersaults. Realistically, you knew the chances of running into him in a city as big as this one were slim to none. You didn’t want to get your hopes up. So you walked around the city doing the things you had normally planned. Imagine your surprise when you were walking to grab breakfast and a man who looked strangely like Hoseok came walking up next to you. You were stopped at a cross walk and snuck a glance out of the corner of your eye. He was wearing a mask over the bottom half of his face, but based on the recent photos you had seen of Hoseok at the airport you were almost 100% positive it was him. While you were waiting for the light to change you couldn’t help but notice he kept sneaking glances at you. You were doing the same to him and once your eyes met, you both looked away shyly. The light now signaled it was okay to cross and you both went across the street. You noticed that he made no move to adjust his speed, walking at the same pace as you.
“Excuse me.” You nearly jump out of your skin when he talks to you. You now can say for certain now you knew it was Hoseok. His voice was something you could recognize anywhere. you don’t react though at this realization. You wanted a chance to talk to him, no matter how small the interaction and you weren’t about to ruin it by fangirling over him. Even if he did look like a model straight off the runway. 
“I’m looking for a good place to get breakfast. Do you have any suggestions?” 
“Actually I am on my way to a cafe right now, it’s supposed to have pretty good reviews. Did you want to just come with me? I mean we don’t have to eat together! I can just show you where it is then we can go our separate ways after that.” He can’t help but chuckle at your rambling but he finds it quite endearing. 
“Okay. That sounds nice.” You two walk for a few more seconds, wondering if you should try to make conversation with him or just enjoy the silence. Hoseok snaps you out of your thoughts.
“Are you from LA?”
“Oh.. no I actually am just visiting. I’ve always wanted to come here. What about you?”
“Ah no.. I’m from pretty far away.”
“Oh really? Where?”
“South Korea.”
“Oh! Really? What brings you to LA?”
“Secret business, important business.” You almost giggle as you remember that clip of Hoseok telling people about their important business so they wouldn’t take photos of them but you hold it in. 
“Ah okay. You don’t have to tell me that’s fine. I’m just here for vacation really. Just enjoying the sights of the city and seeing what it has to offer.”
“That sounds really nice.. Every time I go to a new city it’s usually just to per- I mean work! Yes it’s usually for work.” He’s trying so hard not to give himself away. 
“Ah, well maybe while you’re here now you could stay a little bit longer. Really get to take everything in. Surely they must give you some time off right?”
“Yeah.. actually I am supposed to be on a break right now but sometimes you just can’t leave your work alone you know?”
“Yeah, I totally understand.” You are standing outside the cafe now and he goes in first, holding the door open for you. The host greets you at the front.
“Ah hello! How many are in your party?” You think for sure this is the end of your conversation with Hoseok, you are ready to part ways and go about your day. You were completely surprised when he held up 2 fingers and then looked back at you. 
“If that’s okay with you? Do you want to join me?” 
“I’d love to. Thank you for asking me.” If there was any doubt in your mind about whether or not you were talking to Hoseok it was all wiped away when he lowered his mask and smiled at you. It completely took your breath away, seeing that he was just as handsome in person as he was in their videos and performances. Here with you right now he was just Jung Hoseok, not J-Hope and seeing him relaxed and unwind made you happy to see him enjoying himself. 
You sit down and continue to talk more after you order your food, you asking him about his life back in South Korea. He gives vague answers but seems to be more interested in you anyway. You can’t believe the amount of times he’s smiled or laughed at something you said. It was like you two had known each other for such a long time. You instantly clicked, noticing that you personalities seemed to flow so well together. 
“Ah, wait a minute I just realized I never asked you what your name was!”
“It’s y/n. And what about you?” You honestly aren’t expecting him to give you his real name, instead opting for the fond nickname he had been given by the members.
“You can call me Hobi.” He holds his hand out across the table and you shake it, noticing that he holds onto your hand for a little bit longer than necessary. He drops his hand, feeling a little flustered when the waitress comes to give you your food and he realizes how long he was holding on to you. You two spend more time eating your break fast and talking to each other, easily falling into conversation like you had known each other your whole lives. Suddenly his phone goes off. He answers and is speaking rather quickly in Korean, you catch a few words. Something about a rehearsal or music video? He hangs up and gives you an apologetic smile. 
“Ah.. I’m sorry but work calls. I actually have to get going now but, it was really nice meeting you.” He stands up and seems to be having an internal debate with himself. “Do you.. do you think we can see each other again? I mean I’m going to be here for another few days at least and I was hoping maybe we could do this again if you'll be here for long?” 
“I’d love that actually. Do you want my number?” He nods happily, handing you his phone. You notice he has a photo of himself and Yoongi as his background and it makes you smile. You put your number in his contacts and hand your phone so he can do the same, thankful that you had already pulled up your contacts so he wouldn’t see your phone wallpaper was of BTS. 
“Text me later Hobi?”
“Yeah! After I am done working maybe we could go out to dinner or something?”
“I’d love that.”
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You had grown quickly attached to him after that. You two spent everyday together for the next 3 days. After his ‘work’ you two would go out and see some sights or go to popular tourist attractions. He even took you to a Korean BBQ restaurant, wanting to tell you and show you more about his culture. You two drank and laughed and honestly you hadn’t been this happy in a long time. Hoseok really lived up to his stage name. After dinner he had offered to walk you back to your hotel since it was right up the block from where you two had ate .
“Do you want to come upstairs for a bit? We drank quite a bit and you should probably sober up before you go back.” 
“Ah it’s only our third date and you’re already trying to take me home, scandalous!” You burst out laughing and he laughs along with you.
“I’m not trying anything weird with you Hobi. I just want to spend time with you. Maybe watch a movie- wait did you just say date?” 
“You just caught on huh?”
“Is that what we’ve been doing?”
“I mean.. I was kind of hoping maybe you would see it that way?” You see him look down at his feet, too nervous to meet your gaze. You lean in and peck his cheek.
“I actually was thinking the same thing.” You take his hand and lace your fingers together as you walk upstairs. You let Hoseok scroll through the TV channels trying to find something to watch. Having found nothing of interest you both just sit on the bed thinking of random topics to talk about.
“What kind of music do you like? I don’t think I ever asked you?”
“Ah mostly hip hop and rap, some pop.  What about you?”
“I like um.. pop music. Mostly just what plays on the radio you know?”
“You should play me your favorite song.” Well you certainly can’t do that because your favorite song is by his band and you’re trying not to give anything away. You scroll through and pick a random English pop song, however while you were scrolling your finger lingered a little too long on another song and it immediately started playing. Of course it would be a song from his mixtape. You’re panicking when you hear the all too familiar drum line of Piece of Peace start playing in the hotel room. Hoseok immediately jumps away from you and you feel your heart aching. He points an accusatory finger at you.
“You.. you knew who I was this whole time?!” 
“Hobi, wait please I can explain.” 
“Explain what?! That you used me? Huh is that all you wanted? Just an opportunity to get close to your bias so you can brag to all the fans? What have you been taking screen shots of our conversations? Planning to sell that selfie we took together? God I can’t believe you. I actually thought.. I actually thought you liked me. I thought for once in my life I had found someone I could just be Hoseok around but you proved that’s obviously never going to happen for me.”
“I do like you. Not Jhope, not Hobi, YOU Jung Hoseok. And I would never do something like that to you. Please just let me explain.”
“How the hell do you expect me to believe you when you’ve been lying to me this whole time? You know what? I’m done. Gosh now I have to go change my number because you’re probably going to give that out to everyone too I’m surprised my phone isn’t blowing up yet.” You can’t stop the tears from streaming down your cheeks as you sob loudly into the hotel room. Hoseok almost breaks, almost. Until he remembers that everything was just a lie. None of this was real for you, just some game to play with him until you went back home with bragging rights. 
“I’m sorry Hoseok..”
“Yeah, yeah I’m sorry too.” He slams the hotel door on his way out and you feel like you can’t get a breath from how much you are crying. Hoseok debates with himself the whole way home. Should he have given you a chance to explain? Should he have stayed and demanded you deleted your conversations with each other? He had told you some really personal things that he hadn’t told very many people. He opened up to you, he trusted you. And it’s that realization that makes it hurt even worse. 
“Am I ever going to be able to just have a normal relationship with someone? Or is it always going to be like this?” He says to no one. He sighs heavily and calls a cab to take him back to his hotel. 
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You feel awful. Worse than awful, you feel like the scum of the earth for hurting him. You should have just been honest from the start and maybe this never would have happened. The last thing you wanted to do was cause any sort of pain to an angel like him. You decide to be honest with him now, opening up your phone camera to record an apology to send to him, even though you’re certain he’s probably blocked your number, you have to try at least.
“Hoseok.. I am so sorry. No amount of words are ever going to be able to fully express how awful I feel for hurting you. I never wanted to betray your trust. These last few days I spent with you have been some of the best of my life. I haven’t laughed so much in.. gosh I can’t even remember how long. You made me so incredibly happy and all I did was hurt you. I.. I didn’t do this with bad intentions. I’m not going to sell our photo to the press, I’ll even delete it if you want me to. I’ll delete your number, erase our conversations whatever you want. I just wanted to get to know you. After our first day together I felt a strong connection with you and I didn’t want to mess it up by telling you I was a fan. I was worried you would turn tail and never talk to me again and I couldn't handle that. Well.. but now look that happened anyway. I know you’re never going to forgive me but I just had to tell you I was sorry and at least try to explain myself. I hope you get home safely. Goodbye Hoseok.” You turn the video off and send it, only to immediately start crying again. You don’t know how you held yourself together for that long.  You’re surprised that the video actually went through. Suddenly you’re exhausted after today’s events and you drift off to sleep. 
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“I hope you get home safely. Goodbye Hoseok.” He doesn’t even realize he’s crying until he notices droplets of water start to fall on his phone. He wipes them away quickly trying to collect himself. He pauses for a moment, trying to work out the mess that was his brain right now. He felt so betrayed by you, and even though he had only known you for a short time he felt like his heart was broken. But hearing your heartfelt apology, knowing that you only had good intentions he found it difficult to stay angry with you. Only time would tell if you actually meant what you had said. With how he had yelled at you before storming out of the hotel, the hurtful things he had said to you, he wouldn’t be surprised if you actually would release all of his information. He scrolls through social media and is up quite late, trying to decide what to do and he’s slowly realizing that that scenario isn’t going to happen. You really were honest and telling the truth. And now he felt horrible. Before he could dwell on the feeling any longer he was struck with exhaustion and fell asleep. 
When he woke up he frantically threw the covers around looking for his phone to see a text message from you. 
I’m leaving in a few hours. I guess I’ll just delete your number then.. and everything else. I still will support you and be cheering for you though, just like a good fan should. I hope your project goes well and I can’t wait to see it. I know it’s going to be amazing because you put your whole heart into everything.
He panics as he looks at what time it is. You had sent that message 2 hours ago. He frantically runs out of his hotel room, not caring that he is still in his pajamas and didn’t even bother to try to hide his identity. He had to get to you before you left. He flagged down a taxi and asked them to hurry as fast as they could to get to your hotel. He got there in record time, running up to the front desk and asking if you had checked out yet.
“Ah.. I’m sorry but she just left. Is there anything I can help you with sir?” He shakes his head as his heart sinks and realizes that he’s too late. He sits on the couch in the lobby, debating if he should text you or if this was fate’s way of telling him that you two just weren’t meant to be. His thumb is still hovering over your contact information when suddenly he sees you walk through the lobby doors. 
“H-Hoseok? What are you doing here?”
“Me? What are you doing here! The front desk told me you left!” 
“That’s because I did.. I just left my charger in the room and was coming back to get it before I leave.” 
“Please don’t go.” He practically jumps off the couch and runs over to you, taking your hand in his. “i got your message… I heard your apology. I should have listened to you yesterday I am such an idiot I am so sorry. I yelled at you and accused you of horrible things and I understand if you don’t want to see me again but.. I just had to tell you how sorry I was before you left.” He looks so sincere and you can’t bring yourself to leave him. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into a hug. Hoseok stands there for a moment not moving, until you feel his arms snake around your waist and pull you in closer. 
“I forgive you. If you can forgive me for lying to you too.”
“Of course. You did it with the best intentions I can’t be mad at you y/n.” He pulls away smiling warmly at you. 
“Can we maybe continue where we left off?”
“Don’t you have to go?”
“I mean I was planning on staying for a few more days anyway. I just didn’t have a reason to anymore after I thought you hated me.” 
“I could never hate you. You’re too sweet for that.” He leans down and pecks your cheek and you instantly feel a blush forming. You walk over to the front desk, asking if you can check back into your room. She gives you a knowing smile and hands you the key back.
“Guess I better go grab my stuff out of the cab.” 
“I’ll grab it for you.” You watch him walking outside, feeling so incredibly grateful that he found it in his heart to forgive you. Hoseok was always such a kind and caring person, and seeing and getting to experience that first hand is something you will always appreciate. He walks back in and sees you staring at him. 
“Nothing.. just thinking about how happy I am you’re here with me right now.” 
“I’m happy too. What do you want to do today?”
“Can we just stay in today? Maybe watch some TV, order room service?”
“That sounds great.” You two enter the elevator and head back to the room, not even bothering to unpack your stuff before you both flop onto the bed. You scoot closer to him and rest your head on his chest. He grabs the remote off the nightstand and flips through until he finds a movie he remembered you telling him that you liked. 
“Hey y/n?”
“Yeah Hobi?”
“Thank you..” He didn’t have to tell you what he was thanking for, you already knew. You just smile up at him and kiss his cheek. 
“And thank you too.”
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Y/N and Justin Sitting In A Tree
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Pairings: Justing Morrow x Reader
Warnings: Smut
Summary: Justin and Y/N have had to keep their relationship a secret but secrets can’t always be kept forever. 
A/N: This is definitely based on the video of Justin getting stuck in the bathroom on the European tour (the video is on Ricky’s YouTube channel). Also, sorry not sorry about all the MIW stuff coming out. I’m actually obsessed at the moment and have one more Chris smut in the works and then a Ryan x Justin x Reader smut in the works as well and then I’ll get back to my normal stuff. Enjoy!
“The coast is clear!” Justin peaked around the corner before tip-toeing to the restroom door, almost acting as if he were a ninja. You rolled your eyes as he pulled you along towards the black door and into the private restroom, locking the door behind you. 
“You are so lame.” You teased, standing on your tiptoes to brush his bleached hair back out of his eyes. His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you in tight, capturing your lips in yours. 
He pulled back with a smirk, “Yeah well you still like me so I can’t be too lame.” Justin leaned back in for a kiss, his tongue slipping easily into your mouth. Your hands ran up his biceps and then wrapped around the back of his neck, fingers tangling in his messy hair. Gosh, how you loved his hair. It was one of your favorite physical features of his. Brown, blonde, or neon green, he always looked ridiculously sexy. 
Your body suddenly heated up. Justin trailed his lips down your neck, biting his way down your skin before soothing it over with his tongue. His large hands came up to knead your breasts as he back you up against the wall. You moaned when his teeth found that spot behind your ear that made your knees weak. Just pulled away and whispered in your ear, lust dripping off your voice, “Shhh. Better not get us caught or we can’t keep these meetings up.” 
He was right. Getting caught meant more than just an embarrassing encounter with the rest of the band and crew. Yours and Justin’s relationship had been a secret since it started three months ago before the tour started. You’d both been crazy about each other since you joined the crew seven months ago but it was never more than stolen glances, racing hearts, and butterflies when you were alone together. 
But one concert changed all that. You, Justin, and Vinny were supposed to go to a concert together but Vinny ended up coming down with the flu the day of, leaving you and Justin going alone. You thought it would be awkward since you were honestly secretly dang near in love with the man at this point but it wasn’t. And then you woke up in his bed the next morning and everything was different. Both of you confessed feelings for each other and had mentioned that you didn’t want it to be a one night stand. But you also both knew the implications of being together publicly. 
Especially since you were the only girl on tour, you were both wary of the way the guys would react and you really didn’t want them to treat you or Justin differently. The men had all treated you like a sister and you didn’t need them getting overprotective of you with Justin. They all needed to work together after all. Besides that, while most of the fans were great, some of them could be vicious with the stuff they would say and Justin was worried about what they might say about you on the internet. 
So you guys kept it a secret from everyone. Your dirty, hot, romantic, perfect little secret. 
Despite the fact that you were having sex in a public restroom, this was all sort of romantic. It was your first time in Europe and you were excited to see everything. Justin just wished you could take goofy, cliche couples photos at all the landmarks. But if you couldn’t do that, you could definitely have sex in all of the countries you visited. 
Justin had you against the wall, pants and panties forgotten on the floor. His strong hands reached down to your thighs and lifted your body weightlessly onto his hips and your legs wrapped around him. You whimpered as the rough material of his jeans rubbed against your bare core. “I need you.” You moaned quietly into his mouth, grinding down onto him, making him groan. 
“I’ve got you, baby.” He pressed your back back against the wall and let you go to undo his zipper while you supported yourself on him. He shimmied his pants down enough to release his large erection, which he gripped tightly, giving himself a few pumps. “You ready?” He asked, snaking an arm around your lower back. 
You nodded looking into his eyes as he sank your body down onto his hard cock. Your eyes closed shut when you felt him fill you up, your mouth fallen open in a silent moan. Justin had never seen a sexier sight in his life. “Justin-” You managed to squeak out. You hadn’t had the opportunity to have sex in so long that it all almost felt new again. 
He moved his hands down to grip your ass tightly, his fingers leaving bruises that you knew you’d be proud of in the morning. He used his grip to guide you up and down on his dick, thrusting in time. “Is that good?” He asked, watching your head lean back against the wall with your eyes closed. 
“Fuck, it’s so good.” You whispered, afraid if you spoke any louder it would come out a scream. He kept up the pace until you were both close until suddenly he hit a spot inside you that caused your whole body to tense around him.
“Right there?” Justin asked and you nodded frantically. 
“Please, please, please.” You begged, so so close. Just a few more thrusts. “I’m gonna cum.” You whined, your voice high and breathy. 
Justin was close behind you, the pressure building fast in him. “Go ahead, baby. Cum all over me.” A few more thrusts right into your g-spot and you tumbled over the edge as your body spasmed on his cock. His hand shot up to cover your mouth just in time as moans spilled from your mouth. Your legs shook around his waist and your walls convulsed around his cock as he rode you through your orgasm. 
“Shit, shit, shit.” He panted, the clenching of your walls too much for him and he spilled his seed inside you, slowing down as he came down from his high. 
You both breathed heavily, trying to calm down. He pulled his considerable length from your body, his seed dripping out of you when he realized what he did. “Shit, I am so sorry! I don’t know what I was thinking! We usually use a condom and-” 
“Babe, it’s fine,” You laughed a little, “I already told you I’m on birth control and I can always find some Plan B just to be on the safe side. Just don’t make it a regular occurence cause that shit’s expensive and I’m paranois anyways.” You leaned up to kiss him on the cheek. He tucked himself back into his jeans while you re-dressed yourself. Both of you readjusted your hair to make sure you didn’t have post-sex hair. 
Justin went to open the door when it wouldn’t open. The two of you looked confused and tried again. “DId you unlock it?” You asked the obvious question. 
He rolled his eyes at you, “Yes, I freaking unlocked it.” He locked it then unlocked it again just to be sure but it still wouldn’t budge. 
“Let me try.” You asked, not expecting it to budge since you were just going to do the same he was doing but you still figured you’d give a try. No luck. 
Justin twisted the handle harder then tried it in both directions. He pushed it as hard as he could and then even tried kicking it. It wouldn’t budge. 
“Oh my God, we’re stuck.” He muttered, panic in his eyes. 
“What do we do? Do we call someone?” You wondered, beginning to laugh nervously. 
Justin shook his head, “We can’t! Cause then they’ll see us in here together and know what’s been going on!” 
He had a point but this door wasn’t opening and you were not about to die in a bathroom in Europe, “Okay, that’s true but we can call someone and then come up with some lie!” 
He rolled his eyes, “Yeah, what kind of lie would they believe that would end us up in the bathroom together?” 
“I don’t know but we’ll figure it out! Just text someone! I don’t have service in here.” You checked your phone to see that you didn’t have any bars. 
He sighed, pulling out his phone. 
Ricky help. I’m stuck in the bathroom. 
Ricky I really need help. 
Please respond. I can’t get out.
About five minutes later, Ricky came and knocked on the door, “Hey Justin, you okay in there?” He was laughing. Hard. And you had a feeling he had his camera going as well which meant that this was not going to fare well for your relationship. Better think of a good lie fast. 
“The door won’t open.” Justin said. While Ricky was on his way, you’d both agreed that you’d stay quiet and try to stay hidden until everyone left and then sneak out of the bathroom. 
“Did you unlock it?” Ricky asked. 
Justin groaned, “Yes I fucking unlocked it. Just get me out!” 
“Okay, okay!” Ricky tried to open the door but to no avail. 
Thirty five minutes later, you were still trapped in the bathroom together. A whole crowd had gathered outside to either laugh at or help Justin escape and you were beginning to panic more and more about them finding out. “Justin, they’re gonna find us together.” You said, eyebrows furrow in panic. The sound of crowbars and banging on the door had just faded to background noise at this point. 
Justin knelt next to you, whispering quietly, “Maybe we should just tell them. We don’t have to announce it to the world but it won’t hurt idf the guys know.” 
“No, they’re gonna treat us weird. I don’t need there being anger issues between all of you if anything happens!” You insisted in a hushed tone. 
He reached down and held your hand, “I don’t care. If we handle everything like mature adults, there shouldn’t be any problems. Besides, I don’t plan on giving them a reason to hate me with you anyways.” 
“Who’re you talking to in there?” AJ yelled from the other side of the door. 
Both of your eyes went wide and you shook your head frantically, silently begging Justin not to say anything. He sighed, “Nobody. Just mumbling to myself.” He covered. You leaned in and gave him a silent kiss on the lips. 
Suddenly, the door came crashing down, making you both flinch away and the guys came bursting into the room, stopping when they saw him crouched on the floor next to you. 
“Wow, what’s going on here?” AJ asked, eyebrows raised. 
You stood up hurriedly, trying to think of any excuse, “Justin was asking for help with makeup and I came to help him with a new look.” 
Everyone looked suspicious. “Then where’s the makeup? And why would you do it in the bathroom when there’s dressing rooms?” Vinny asked, suspicious. Suddenly, his eyes got wide, “Wait a second, ARE YOU GUYS FUCKING?!” He yelled. 
You shook your head trying to deny it but Justin came up behind you and put a protective arm on your back, “We are not just fucking. As a matter of fact, we’ve been together for the last three months.” 
Everyone was silent including yourself. It was out. The secret was out and everyone knew. 
“I fucking KNEW IT!” Ricky exclaimed from behind his camera and you groaned when you realized that all of this had been recorded. “I knew something’s been off about you two! That’s the fun of all these clips is that I see things progress and you two have definitely gotten closer.” 
“Please don’t tell anyone! I don’t want this on social media yet.” You begged, mostly to Ricky who had an affinity for posting his videos. 
Everyone shook their heads, “Promise.” AJ nodded. 
The crowd began to leave and you felt humiliated but also relieved. The boys took it surprisingly well. Or so you thought until Chris walked up to Justin and threatened, “I’m happy if you guys are happy but if you hurt her, I’ll kill you.” 
You stepped up between the two men, “Okay, there will be none of that! That’s why I didn’t want to tell you guys! No threatening Justin. Besides, he was hired first and in all honesty much more crucial to the group than I am so do not ruin your guys’ friendship over this or make things weird! Please, let’s just pretend like this is normal!” 
Chris looked down at you, seeing how much this meant to you and nodded, “Alright. We just want to make sure you’re okay, that’s all. I’ll see you in the dressing room.” He nodded to Justin. 
When he left, you both breathed out a sigh of relief, “See? It wasn’t that bad.” He shrugged with a smile, pulling you into a side hug. 
“Justin! Update!” Ricky demanded, shoving the camera in his face. 
Justin, who usually never knew what he was going to say in Ricky’s persistent updates, finally knew what he was going to say, “Update, Y/N and I are dating! I mean it’s kind of an old update but now everyone knows! Oh, also we got locked in a bathroom for forty minutes.” He laughed.
You held onto him tightly as Ricky asked you for an update as well, “Update, exactly what Justin said! We’re in Europe and we’re dating and we’re gonna take some cute ass couple photos at all the touristy spots and we got locked in the bathroom.” You shot the camera a big goofy smile before Justin leaned down to kiss you on camera and you both looked back at it triumphantly. 
“Justin and Y/N sitting in a tree. F-U-C-K-I-N-G.” Ricky sang out. 
You flushed bright red while Justin laughed awkwardly, “Shut up!” You whined like a fifth grader, pushing the camera down and away from you and Justin. 
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loove-persevering · 5 years
Change My Mind (Part 1)
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Description: You being a Byers automatically draws you to the chaos that is Hawkins Indiana. From your brother’s ‘’death’’ to him coming back to life, and then to his possession. You were practically sitting ducks waiting for the next mishap, cut to the summer of 1985 it was mid summer but it would definitely be one you’d never forget. Then throw in your hatred toward Steve Harrington and being trapped in a secret Russian Base with him, emotions are bound to come out. 
You sat in the living room your hand tired and covered in lead from the drawing you had been working on, it was a copy of something similar to what Will would draw absentmindedly just with your own artistic spin to it. You had the music blaring through the house as you did so, Jonathan and your mom were at work and Will was at Dustins for his welcome home surprise party so that left you to yourself. You enjoyed the time by yourself but it would be nice to have something to do when both your brothers left you alone, so you sat home waiting for something the slightest bit more interesting to grab your attention. 
 To your advantage the phone rang and you push the sketch pad off your lap onto the side of the couch getting up, you walk over to the phone on the wall and pick it up. ‘’Hello?’’ You ask. 
‘’Hey,’’ You hear Will’s voice as well as everyone else yelling in the background. ‘’Dustin wants us to go help him set something up can I go?’’ He asks. 
‘’What is it?’’ You ask him twirling the phone cord around in your hand. 
‘’Some type of radio thing so he can talk to his girlfriend,’’ Will says and you can hear the slightest bit of annoyance in his voice. 
‘’Girlfriend?’’ You say letting out a laugh, ‘’Dustin got a girlfriend?’’ You say wanting to clarify this was the same boy who went to camp, the boy who Will said is getting girl advice from Harrington of all people. 
‘’Yeah,’’ He sighs. ‘’But he needs our help and they’re trying to leave soon so can I go? Please?’’ He asks. 
 ‘’Of course! You don’t really have to ask every time Will just as long as your not by yourself,’’ You explain to him. Will seemed so cautious when it came to going out now, he of course wanted to go out by himself which Jonathan started letting him which was a step in the right direction. But Will still always made sure to ask before he did anything, he was such a good kid it literally made your heart swell at how sweet he was. You knew the whole upside down situation really took a piece of him away, a very important piece and that was his childhood. 
 It took away what should’ve been a happy time in his life and turned it into a traumatizing one, he hadn’t been the same since and everyone knew it. You hated that it happened to him and you would’ve taken his place in a heartbeat if that meant he could have a normal childhood, you’d give it all back to him. 
 ‘’Okay,’’ He pauses, ‘’Thank you! I gotta go now,’’ He says trying to rush off. 
‘’Just call me if you need me okay?’’ You tell him making sure he knew. 
‘’I know,’’ He says. ‘’Love you.’’ 
‘’Love you too,’’ You say back to him. You hang up the phone after that and stare back into the empty house realizing you were gonna be stuck here a few hours with no company. 
 Instead of staying by yourself you decide to head to the mall and thirty minutes later you once again sat at a table alone in the crowded area of the mall, it wasn’t as busy as usual but still enough people. People watching was your favorite thing and so an open canvas plus that gave you endless possibilities, you were drawing a group of girls sitting by the fountain now but you weren’t liking the way it turned out. You rip the page out of the book and crumble it in your hands letting out a deep sigh in frustration, you push back on the chair tilting it on the back two legs and throwing the piece of paper in the trash. You pick up your stuff and head towards Scoops Ahoy! Ready to grab your favorite ice cream, sadly that meant seeing Steve Harrington. 
 ‘’Back again?’’ Steve says a hint of a smile on his face as you walk in. You roll your eyes at him and set your things down on the counter. ‘’You’ve hit stalker status Byers,’’ He says looking proud of himself. 
 ‘’You wish I gave you the time of day,’’ You say to him crossing your arms over your chest. ‘’I want a scoop of mint chocolate chip,’’ You tell him getting out your wallet. 
 ‘’Who eats mint?’’ You heard Robin ask through the window as it slides open. 
‘’Me,’’ You say simply shrugging your shoulders. Steve just shakes his head and reaches for a cone and begins to scoop your ice cream. ‘’Don’t hold back on the ice cream Harrington,’’ You point out to him, he glances up at you annoyance written across his face and you just give him a wide smile. 
‘’Dollar twenty five,’’ Steve says handing the ice cream to you, you hand him two dollars and wait for him to give you your change before dropping the remaining change in the tip jar. You glance up seeing Steve hovering over the register watching you intensely. 
‘’Use that for a haircut,’’ You say and his mouth gapes open slightly as he puts his hand over his chest, you let out a small laugh and turn around walking over to one of the booths in the corner of the store. 
 Steve didn’t seem all that bad, the kids like him a lot which had to count for something. You however just seemed to always see him as that asshole that fought your brother and broke his camera, you could remember the day you got the call from your mom. 
  ‘’Hello?’’ You answer the phone annoyed, math was frustrating you and as soon as you got on track with it something seemed to distract you right now it was this phone call. 
 ‘’Y/N, I need you to go down to the police station,’’ Your mom says sounding more panicked then usual. ‘’Jonathan got arrested,’’ She says to you. 
‘’What?’’ You practically scream. ‘’Arrested?’’ You ask her, what the hell? 
‘’I don’t know can you just go down there with him until I get there?’’ She asks. ‘’I’m with Jim Hopper we’re pulled over at a gas station.’’ 
‘’Of course, I’m leaving now,’’ You tell her rushing off the phone, you immediately grab you set of keys off the table and throw on a jacket running out to the back shed and grabbing your bike. You biked to the police station as fast as you could, you hadn’t saved up enough money for a car, so the struggle to get there was real. 
  You arrive there minutes later and don’t even bother locking your bike up you just sit it against the brick wall of the outside of the police station. You rush inside walking through the narrow hall back to the desks, you saw Nancy Wheeler sitting next to him she was holding an ice pack to his head. ‘’What the hell Jonathan?’’ You call out making both of them look up to you, Nancy gives you a small smile and Jonathan just looks annoyed. ‘’What the hell happened? Why are you in handcuffs?’’ You ask finally noticing the silver clasp around his hands, no wonder Nancy was holding the ice pack, ‘’No offense but what are you doing here?’’ You ask her. 
 She looks to Jonathan and then back to you, ‘’We were uh-’’ She looked nervous? ‘’We were out getting a few things,’’ She lets out a deep breath. 
 ‘’Mind if I talk to my brother alone for a second?’’ You ask her, she glances over at Jonathan who still had his head pushed against the ice pack, she nods and Jonathan takes the ice pack from her not looking up. You go over and take a seat next to him your hands crossed over your chest, ‘’Jonathan,’’ You sigh, you knew that this whole thing was taking a toll on him with Will and your mom, Hell it was on you too. It was hard hearing your mom talking about how he was alive, you saw his body how could that be? What could that be? ‘’What happened?’’ You ask him trying to sound as sympathetic as possible, ‘’You don’t do stuff like this.’’ 
‘’It was nothing,’’ He says and you let out a laugh. 
‘’Nothing?’’ You ask him. ‘’You’re in handcuffs! In the Police Station!’’ You shout trying to keep it as much of a whisper as possible. ‘’At least tell me the other guy looks worse,’’ You say sarcastically leaning back in the chair again crossing your arms. 
‘’He does,’’ Jonathan says. 
‘’What?’’ You ask leaning forward not believing what you had just heard. ‘’Who was it?’’
‘’Steve Harrington?’’ Jonathan says hesitantly. 
‘’Steve Harrington!’’ You yell in a whisper at him, ‘’You got in a fight with Steve Harrington?’’ You ask him. ‘’Over what?’’ You knew that Steve picked on him but what would they fight over? 
‘’He was just being an ass,’’ He says sos simply you widen your eyes at him encouraging him to tell you more, ‘’He said some stuff about Nancy, and then he started talking about like you mom and Will,’’ He says pushing the ice pack back to his eye. 
‘’What did he say?’’ You ask feeling slightly angry that Steve who knew nothing about you or your family had something to say. ‘’Jonathan what did he say?’’ You ask putting your arm on his pulling it so he would look at you. 
‘’Gosh Y/N! Nothing!’’ He yells at you. You felt a little taken back by his tone, Jonathan and Will were both the calm ones of the family, you were just like your mom in terms of freaking out, which happened to be a lot. ‘’I didn’t need you to come up here,’’ He sighs. 
 ‘’You don’t want me here?’’ You ask him. He doesn't say anything he just groans in response, which was enough for you. You stand up and notice Nancy coming back in the room two cups of water in her hand and she gives you a soft smile, ‘’You know what?’’ You say glancing at the keys on the table. ‘’Have fun riding home with mom,’’ You tell him and grab the keys off the table turning around and making your way out of the station. You hoped nobody would steal your bike, but maybe your mom would see it and take it home. You get into the car slamming the door shut and starting the ignition, moving the clutch in reverse you press your foot on the gas and swing out of the parking lot of the police station. Your tears were clouding your vision as you thought about how messed up everything seemed right now, one of your brothers was in the police station for fighting and another one was missing. It felt like everything was falling apart in your family, your mom was off chasing something as of now you were unsure what, and Jonathan was too preoccupied with Nancy to see that you were mourning the loss of Will, that this was the hardest thing you would probably ever have to go through. It was hard and you were tired of fighting back the sadness, you were tired of trying to be the strong one while everyone else seemingly had their own ideas of where Will was or what happened to him. 
 So that resulted in some anger, and then that progressed into the parking lot of a gas station. You notice that stupid head of hair belonging to no other than Steve Harrington, you pulled the car over getting out and walking straight up to him, the tears at this point were streaming right down your face. 
‘’Ah! There she is!’’ Tommy yelled out as you walked over to them. ‘’And look she’s sad,’’ He says laughing and fakes a pout. 
You ignore Tommy walking straight up to Steve staring him down though he couldn’t meet your eye. ‘’You had something to say to him, you can say it to me too.’’ He looks up at you a little shocked and Tommy walks over slinging his arm around Steve’s shoulder making Steve’s face scrunch up in disgust. 
‘’Listen, Harrington here wasn’t saying anything that wasn’t true,’’ He says. Steve moves his shoulder trying to shrug Tommy off from his side. 
‘’Shut it Tommy,’’ Steve groans. 
‘’All my buddy said was that your family is a bunch of screw ups,’’ Tommy says and your mouth drops slightly in shock, ‘’I mean you have Jonathan, your mom, you,’’ He pauses laughing, ‘’And now your brother?’’ Tommy says patting Steve’s chest, ‘’Right Steve?’’ 
 At that point you had lunged for Tommy ready to beat him for what he said, as you do though you felt arms around your waist holding you back. You turn around noticing Steve staring at you sympathetically, you reach your hand up slapping him across the face. You were shocked yourself you had done it but now you could hear Tommy and Carol gasping from behind you, you look at Steve who looked shocked, but not mad which also was a surprise. You stare at him and a tear falls down your face as you realize what you had done, ‘’I’m sorry,’’ You say soft enough for Steve to hear. 
 You turn around and hurry to the car and get in ready to once again just run away, life was easier when you did that so it was what you were used to. When you put the car in reverse you flinch noticing Tommy throw a can of coke which hit your window, you saw Steve glare at him and push him but by that time you just wanted to leave. You wanted to go home, you wanted everything to go back to normal and you wanted your brother home and safe. You wondered if you’d ever feel normal again, you could only hope you would.
 Ever since that day you swore you’d never change your mind about Steve Harrington, you didn’t like that he judged before he knew. But then you think about that day how you slapped him and he didn’t even seem mad he just accepted it? Who just accepts a slap? 
 Ever since that day Steve still hadn’t said sorry, he practically avoided you at all cost and when he did have to talk to you all you both could do was bicker at each other. You start drawing absentmindedly not really sure what was going to come out about the art, but as you got closer to finishing you realized how much it actually looked like Steve, and instead of throwing that page away you kept it. 
PERMANENT TAG LIST: @l-ivingformendes , @queenbbarnes , @gwenebear ,@depressed-comics (Let me know if you want to be added or removed!)
TAG LIST: @loulouloueh , @daisyxbuckley , @hannarudick , @bellstiles , @begone-birds , @kake-babe , @crazycookiecrumbles , @wills-strange , @mochminnie , @anolddayslover , @orchideax , @sheerfreesia007 , @readme-astoria , @scxrletbtch , @sanfranciscroc , @literalangels ,(Let me know if you’d like to be added, I’m getting surgery Friday on my eyes so I’m not sure how long it’l be till next chapt! I’ll try and have it soon!:)))
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mellohi404 · 4 years
Good Girls Go Bad Pt.3
~An Intrulogicality Fanfiction~
(Also some background Prinxiety. Based on the song by Cobra Starship. Human AU, all of them at least 21.)
TW: drinking, panic/anxiety attack (mostly just mentioned, no real details), clubs, hangovers, cussing?
“...I suppose one night couldn’t be so wrong.”
Patton smiled and started quickly walking over, a smile on his face. Logan followed, watching Remus as he did. He needed to figure out what about the man made him so intriguing. “You’re back.~ You changed your mind?” Patton nodded and Logan crossed his arms. “Well then, do either of you handsome devils want to dance?” Both Patton and Logan felt their cheeks get warmer. “I don’t think-” “I do!” Patton interrupted, and Remus held out his hand. “Let me shake up your world.~” Patton giggled, trying to ignore the fluttering, and he took Remus’s hand. Patton looked at Remus’s entire body, getting another good look at the pretty man leading him to the center of the dance floor. “Say that you want me every day, that you want me every way, that you need me, got me tripping, super psycho love!” Remus sang along to the song as he danced. He danced around Patton, who was dancing in his own little spot. Remus put his hand on Patton’s hip, his thumb touching the revealed skin on Patton’s torso. “You’re so shy. Open up a little, Pattycakes. It’s more fun.~” As if Remus was controlling him, Patton started to dance more, getting closer to the other man as he did so. His heart was fluttering nonstop, but at that moment, Patton didn’t care. He was having fun dancing with Remus. But Logan, all he felt was this...anger in the pit of his stomach. But why was he angry? There was nothing to be angry about...maybe anger wasn’t the correct word.
After a couple minutes, the song ended and another started. “Oh my gosh. That was...that was so much fun!” Remus looked into Patton’s eyes and moved the happy man’s hair. “We’ll have to dance again sometime.” Patton felt his face get warmer, and he nodded. Remus smirked a little and led Patton back to Logan. “Your turn.” Remus simply said. “I’m sorry?” “Your turn. To dance with me. That is, unless you don’t think I’m good enough. But I definitely am. Patton sure thinks so, don’t you Pattycakes?” Patton, who was trying to stop the fluttering in his heart, jumped a little and nodded. “Come on, Spectacles. Let me shake up your world.~” He repeated the same phrase he said to Patton as he yet again held out his hand. Logan was a bit more hesitant than Patton was though. He looked Remus up and down again, trying to figure out what it was that made Logan want him closer. “...fine.” Getting slightly frustrated in himself, he took Remus’s hand. Maybe as he danced, he could figure it out. Remus simply smirked and led Logan to the center of the floor. But Logan refused to dance. Even when Remus danced around him he didn’t move. That is, until Remus put his hands on Logan’s hips and didn’t let him move away. “Wild under the covers, crazy for each other.~” Remus sang along to the song directly into Logan’s ear in a way that made the glasses wearing man’s face burn. “...What is it about you?” He said, just barely loud enough for Remus to hear. “Hmm?” “What is it about you that is so…-” “Handsome? Crazy? Sexy~?” Logan shook his head a little. “Alluring. I can’t figure out what it is but, you...make it so I can’t focus. You pull me closer like gravity. You-” “I make you want to lose control.~” Before Logan could get another word out, Remus pulled him close and kissed him. And that just made Logan feel even more lost. Remus pulled away a second or two later and grinned. “Why did you-” “Felt like it.” Remus said with a shrug before pulling Logan back over to where Patton was. Logan didn’t want to admit it, but he was feeling things for Remus that he had never felt for anyone else. This was different than with Patton. This was more...carnal, more instinctual, more...chaotic. And it felt good. Patton was feeling a lot of feelings too, but it was different than Logan. He was happy that Logan was opening up to someone else, but seeing Remus kiss him...it made him sad inside. Remus made his heart flutter, but now he wasn’t sure if Remus felt the same way. 
Before anyone else could say anything, a man with half of his face covered by hair walked up. He was wearing a black suit vest with a yellow shirt, the sleeves rolled up. He was wearing a yellow glove on the side he had hair on. “Remus, are you giving these two a hard time?” His voice was slow and calm. “Of course not Janus! We’re having a great time!~” As the man, Janus, looked over at Patton and Logan, the beginnings of a tattoo could be seen on his shoulder. It was the same yellow two-headed snake design that the sign outside had. “Yeah, we’re fine! Remus was really fun to dance with.” Patton said with a forced smile. The only one that seemed to notice was the newcomer. “...Well then, I’ll leave you to it.” He turned. "Oh, and Remus. I’ll play the song for you.” Remus did his signature wild grin. “Thanks step-bro!~” The man gave Remus a peace sign as he walked away. Just as the song started, and just as Remus was about to grab both Patton’s and Logan’s hands, Remy walked up to them. “Sorry to ruin the fun-” He smirked. “-but we gotta leave. All of this was too much for drunk Virgil to handle.” Patton’s face turned into one of worry. “Is he okay?” “Yeah, he’ll be okay. But he really needs to get back to someplace quiet. Do you care if we just take him to your place? It’s one less place for us to stop.” Both Patton and Logan nodded their heads, and they followed Remy. Patton turned back and waved at Remus as he walked away. Remus gave a small wave back before Patton turned around. Then he went back to dancing like he was before he met the two.
They got to Remy’s car and Virgil was learning against Roman, his eyes closed and one hand over his ear. He looked paler than normal, and the bags under his eyes only seemed to look bigger. Not to mention the fact that he was shaking like a leaf. Patton quietly sat beside the anxious man and gently rubbed his back. “Are you okay kiddo?” He asked quietly, but even that made Virgil groan and furrow his brows. Logan sat in the passenger seat as Remy drove them back home. Roman and Remy helped Virgil get into the apartment and laying down onto the couch. Logan turned off the lights when he noticed that it was hurting Virgil and making him groan. “Thanks Remy.” Patton whispered, trying to not hurt Virgil. “Just let him rest and he should be okay. Just keep it quiet.” Roman was oddly quiet. “Ro? Are you okay?” Patton asked, the worried expression still on his face. “...he had an attack too. I may have ignored the signs because I’m not exactly sober myself…” Patton hugged Roman and reassured him that it wasn’t his fault and that Virgil will be okay. After they pulled away, Remy took Roman back to their places. “We’ll come over tomorrow to see how he’s doing.” Remy said as he was walking out the door. “Thank you, Remy.” Logan said as he closed the door as quietly as possible. Logan gathered everything he had that could help with being drunk and having hangovers, then set them on the floor by the couch. Patton put a pillow under Virgil’s head and a blanket over him to make him more comfortable. He even gave Virgil one of the many stuffed animals Patton had around the house, since they never managed to stay in his room. 
Both Patton and Logan stayed in the room with Virgil all night. They showed it different ways, but they both cared about Virgil and they both were worried. Though Patton was far more worried than Logan was. Virgil is the youngest out of everyone in their friend group, so of course he was seen as the one who needed the most protecting and care. An hour or so passed, and Patton looked up at Logan. “Hey Lo?” “Yes Patton?” Both of them had been thinking about the night they had, and their dances with Remus. “...do you know why Remus kissed you?” Logan’s eyes widened a bit. He wasn’t expecting this question. “Well...considering this is Remus we are talking about...I’m guessing it was because he wanted me to open up like you had.” Patton nodded a little and looked away. To Logan, that was a telltale sign that there was more that Patton was hiding. “What’s wrong Patton?” The other side blushed a little. “Well, it’s just that...I had a lot of fun with Remus tonight, but it looked like he really liked you. More than me.” That made Logan freeze up. “What? Patton, I...I believed the same about you. You did not see the way he smiled when you couldn’t see him. The look on his face when he put his hand on your waist...I had assumed he was closer to you. Besides, I have no interest in any relationship with him.” It was a lie of sorts. Logan didn’t necessarily want a romantic relationship with the man they had met, but he definitely wanted to see him again. For research purposes, of course. Of course. Patton blushed at what Logan said. “Oh...that’s good to know.” Patton replied with a small forced smile. Logan nodded and grabbed a book from a small bookshelf beside the couch, and he started reading. But as the night passed, he noticed that he kept reading the same page over and over. Patton ended up falling asleep beside the couch, and when Logan noticed, he put a blanket over him as well. Logan himself only slept for about an hour before the sun rose. But he works a lot, he was used to this amount of sleep from time to time.
Sorry this ends in a kinda abrupt place, but I don't have much else written yet, sooooo
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WFC: Siege watch!
Part 1: Episodes 1, 2, and 3
[Part 2] (Linking because Tumblr isn’t even showing the post on my blog or on my dash 🙄)
As a side note: every single person in this fandom is horrible at tagging their spoilers, you guys really need to do a better job at that because I’ve got a bunch of blockers on and I was STILL almost spoiled multiple times. Come on you guys...it literally came out today, be better about this.
Alright going to try and keep expectations low because I feel like the target audience for this is G1 dudebros who take a series about transforming cars way too seriously, but I’m still cautiously optimistic because a friend vetted for the dudes working on this show so WE”LL SEE
Episode 1
Aw man there’s only 6 episodes??? Bummer, I wonder if they’re already working on Season 2 or if they’re going to see how this does and let it die in the water if it’s not popular enough.
Things I know going in: Skyfire / Jetfire is in this, Megatron has big lips, and Elita is in it. That’s literally it, I’ve managed to avoid spoilers thusfar (though a few of the promo images implied Skyfire’s a Decepticon, so you KNOW that’s gonna break bad eventually)
The transformation sequences look so reminiscent of those stop-motion videos people do of their Transformer toys transforming. This isn’t a dig at the animation style, I think that’s rather charming and I wonder if it’s intentional.
Wow Bumblebee sounds like a jerk. I’m instantly on-edge, please don’t make all the characters ~hyper-masculine mean guys who don’t know how to have fun or talk about their emotions~
“The Autobots aint paying you for attitude” YOU TELL HIM WHEELJACK
Yooo Velocitron exists!
Ahh so Bumblebee IS just a mercenary, not an Autobot
Wow Jetfire you’re really going the bad dude route huh
Ayyyyyy there’s Starscream
Thundercracker I appreciate that you’re using fancy tech to identify wheeljack but his Autobot badge is literally Right There
WELL THAT DIDN”T LAST LONG HUH...that’s a bit disappointing
huh so they’re making Skyfire the target of Starscream’s desire for power. hmm
WHY ARE YOU GUYS RUNNING JUST TRANSFORM INTO CARS unless they’re too low on energon to do it??
There he is...Mr. Big Lips
Well that’s a surprising take Megatron
Isn’t that Cybertron and Luna 1 in the sky though?? Are they on Cybertron rn or not??
Megatron’s voice is really throwing me off, if it weren’t for his helmet and color I’d really think that was Overlord
Why does bumblebee have lips too
“What do you know of slavery?” Alright that line did make me go “OHHHH”
“Alpha Trion would be ashamed!” “Of us both, I think” ouch, but nice to see Alpha “Grandpa” Trion back in a series
Megatron PLEASE don’t say “I’m enjoying this, Prime” in that voice while I can hear Optimus groaning in the background
Why are the Seekers chasing these guys, who are running on foot, ON FOOT??? CHANGE INTO YOUR DANG ALT MODE
man I’m only like a few minutes in and I’m already bored. I’m going to watch the whole thing, but I feel like this is really lacking soul or personality so far. It very much feels like the script was written by people who aren’t familiar with these characters, so they’re writing them how they EXPECT them to sound, not writing them as they actually are. It’s more than a little disappointing, but this is only the first episode, so I’ll keep going and see if this is consistent throughout the series.
Oh man, just listening to Elita you can tell she was written by a dude. Oof.
There’s the Ark!
Dang everyone’s running low
Jeez Optimus and Elita wouldn’t just walk by all these injured Autobots!
And Optimus wouldn’t brush off his officers!! Agh!!!
YO Ultra Magnus!
oh my gosh is THAT Red Alert??
Hey where’s Ratchet though
Gosh the writing is so STIFF!!!! I can’t stand this, if I wasn’t a die-hard Transformers fan I would’ve bounced a few minutes ago
 It might also be the way the VAs pause between words, please speak normally, these constant pauses between words are frustrating
Ok but where the frick is Soundwave
“His arrogance I actually like” pfft
Annnnd here comes Ultra Magnus to accept the treaty on Prime’s behalf, where he’ll get held hostage and probably wind up beefing it.
Episode 2
And Shockwave!!! 
I want to know where Megatron got all this fabric for those stupid flags and where Ultra magnus got that cloak
Is. Is that Prowl with a weird paint job
Wow bad aim dude
Ultra Magnus you dummy....
Ok but if it was a battle then who were they fighting against???
Wow you’re really just gonna stand there and take that Magnus?
I know they’re on a time-crunch because they only have 6 episodes, but they have to do more to make me care about the characters. I’m inclined to care about them already because I’m familiar with the series and because as a stand-alone, even I’m like “Ok. So?” whenever new problems come up for them. I’m not invested!
Not to compare the two, because I feel like this entire liveblog will turn into a comparative essay, but Cyberverse got me invested in characters within the first episode! They were on an even TIGHTER time-crunch because their episodes were only 10 minutes, and yet they did a great job weaving a tight narrative and making good use of their time to tell a story and have characters charm the audience.
Optimus: Til All Are One Rodimus, coming out of nowhere: TIL ALL ARE ONE
WELL THAT”S NOT THE VOICE I WAS EXPECTING FOR SHOCKWAVE he sounds a bit reminiscent of his TFA version
What does de-rez mean
Ok but that’s assuming that this thing will automatically reprogram them?? Reformatting doesn’t automatically mean someone will turn into a Decepticon!
You know, there’s a lot of talking in the show but the dialogue doesn’t actually say a lot. It doesn’t reveal much about the characters or tell me who they are.
It really annoys me that characters always pause after saying “I”. It’s always “I.........[long pause] rest of their sentence.”
what do you mean “Teams” Optimus there’s like 5 of you guys
I love you Soundwave!!!
Whoa wait was that Impactor in the background?
Again, it feels very much like the writers read the wikipedia page for Transformers and maybe the first sentence of each character’s bio page and then wrote the entire script from there. It’s frustrating. I hate being so severe in my reviews because I hate dunking on my fellow writers because they don’t always have final say in what happens, but this is astonishingly poor writing.
Like, I can see what they’re TRYING to accomplish, but it feels like they whiff so badly.
oh thats Barricade that’s why I thought that was Prowl
Chromia!!!! My darling!!!! I can’t believe there’s only two girls in this show so far
Oh that’s Cog, I wasn’t sure if that was Beachcomber or what
Nice one Chromia
Oh is that Mirage?
Ugh ANOTHER WRITING PET PEEVE: Constantly having characters start to say something but then then their dialogue gets cut off. It’s fine if it’s once in a while but over and over it’s annoying
I also feel like a lot of the VAs lack...emotion. They don’t emphasize the lines. Like, “Get him into the repair bay” is one example. Depending on how you emphasize certain words in that sentence, you can infer a lot! Emotion, the state of mind of the character, etc. But when it’s delivered in such a bland way, it’s a bit like “ok whatever”, which is how I’m starting to feel about this whole show. This doesn’t go for all the VAs or all lines, but it’s consistent enough that my mind’s wandering.
RAVAGE??? RAVAGE???? RAVAGE?!?!?!??!?!
It was probably Bumblebee.
Not to be nitpicky but it should be “Neither we nor the Autobots”
Episode 3
Lmao love your lipgloss Megatron
Ohh is Ratchet going to fix Impactor??
Gosh please, please don’t have humans in this show
lmao Skyfire called Starscream a tool
I’d like to see who was on the writing team of this show
Isn’t that Mirage?
Again with the sentences consistently being cut off....
Is that Sunstorm?
Points to Chromia and Mirage for showing the first bitof personality in this show.
Yooo Ratchet! Oof he’s not chummy with Prime huh
Oh Mirage come on
Actually no, don’t shut Impactor up he’s right
“I didn’t patch you up just so you could blow a valve here” *snorts*
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Wouldn’t it be frickin hilarious if Magnus just popped open a panel and Minimus came out and just dipped outta there
lmao nice lightsaber Jetfire
Ratchet is the ONLY character they’ve given personality in this show so far.
Jeez Mirage cool your jets
Oh for frick’s sake Optimus be cool
Megatron please stop torturing your ex boyfriend
Ok but who did they rise against??? Were there Quintessons in this universe too?
oh come on you guys
Oh boy something tells me Skywarp isn’t going to survive the rest of this episode
Oh jk, Skyfire just let him go. Well alrighty then
I’m not sure how they found the Autobot base, they implied that it was because of Impactor but that doesn’t make sense
This post is getting long so I’m going to spit it between two posts
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hajimesh · 5 years
Best Friend.
word count: 1.5k
pairing: peter parker x reader
summary: waltzing with your crush to a hozier song. that’s it. that’s the tweet.
a/n: okay this deleted itself somehow!? so yeah, posting it again. this was based on a dream i had with ‘would that i’ by hozier as background music (totally normal lol). let me know what you think! masterlist can be found in my bio♡
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“She should be here already.”
Peter mumbles as he looks at his watch for the umpteenth time.
You are currently at a charity gala hosted by Tony Stark and everything would be running smoothly if it weren’t for aunt May’s lack of presence. She said she’d be here twenty minutes ago and yet she is nowhere to be seen which has Peter, your best friend, on edge.
He had asked you to accompany him to the event since he would be giving a speech and there was no way you’d refuse his offer. Not only because you knew he could use your support but because you’d take any chance you could to be with him, seeing as you have been harbouring a crush on him for the past three months. Not that he knew, of course.
“Have you tried calling her?” Your voice is gentle, trying to calm his nerves a bit.
Peter shakes his head as he murmurs something you can’t make out but he pulls out his phone from his pocket. You watch as he dials and perks up as soon as he hears May’s voice on the other end, the stress dissipating slightly. A minute later he ends the call, looks at you and gives you a tight lipped smile.
“She’s stuck in the traffic.”
You can’t help but laugh. Poor thing has been stressing over nothing!
“Gosh, Pete. You need to chill.” Placing your hands on his shoulders you shake him a bit, trying to loosen up his stiff posture. “She’s gonna be here on time, you’ll see.”
“I’m just– ugh, I’m so nervous.” His jittering hands find yours, interlacing his fingers with yours. Once again he looks nervous, giving you a worried look. “This whole thing is so stressful and I’m afraid I’ll mess things up.”
He rambles, words spilling non-stop as panic engulfs him again. But all you can think of is how warm his hand feels against yours. Your heart starts pounding on your chest at the unexpected contact of your hand with his but you know he needs the reassurance so you act like you’re not about to combust in the spot.
“Hey, I’m here. Nothing bad is gonna happen and your gonna ace it. C’mon spider-man.” You give him words of encouragement, smiling reassuringly at him before making a funny face.
This finally earns you a laugh from him and you can’t help but feel the pride swirling on your chest. If only he could see himself in your eyes.
You are making small talk, distracting him for a bit when you see the Tony stark approaching and you try to free your hand from Peter’s, thinking that he might not want to give the wrong idea. But you are surprised when he stops you by squeezing your hand, a nervous look on his face. You smile at him reassuringly and squeeze it back, earning a tiny smile from him.
“Hey kiddo. I see you made it.” Tony Stark says as he claps a hand on Peter’s shoulder.
“Y-yeah. Everything looks good, the place-” Peter clears his throat which has suddenly gone dry and you look at him worried. “The place looks amazing, Mr. Stark.”
“Thanks, Pete. And you brought company?” The man himself smiles at you with a raised brow.
Peter seems to come out of his daze and he looks at you, eyes wide open and then proceeds to introduce you. “Ah, yes, yes. This is my best friend..”
As Peter introduced you to Mr. Stark you greeted him with a polite smile. Peter had warned you Mr. Stark wasn’t very fond of physical interaction so you refrained from doing so.
“Ah, best friend. Is that what they call girlfriends nowadays?” Tony says in a mocking tone as he fakes a confused look, his finger tapping on his chin. “Your generation is weird.”
Clapping his hand on Peter’s shoulder one more time, Tony turns to leave not before winking at you. You look at Peter and you’re sure you would’ve laughed if you weren’t feeling so mortified. Peter looks as if he’s seconds away from passing out, red as a tomato while his mouth opens and closes, utterly speechless.
“Well, that went well?” You try to lighten up the mood, turning the awkwardness into a joke but Peter seems to be on the verge of exploding.
“Oh my god.” He finally looks at you, big brown eyes filled with nothing but embarrassment which causes you to break down.
You start laughing so loud that some guests give you looks but you don’t care because Peter is right next to you, doubled over in laughter as tears fall from his eyes. Your laughs soon die down to giggles, and if you weren’t a coward you’d have probably grabbed Peter’s face and kissed him right then and there because he looked so damn pretty. Flushed cheeks and shiny brown eyes looking at you as adorable giggles escape his mouth.
Out of nowhere, you hear the faint sound of a song you know all too well. Peter has been obsessing over Hozier’s music for the past six months, you even tried to get tickets for one of his concerts but sadly they sold out before you could refresh the website, leaving Peter all sad and mopey for a week.
Apparently Peter heard it too because a moment later his head perks up so quickly you worry it will come off his neck. “My song!”
You roll your eyes as the overexcited puppy next to you starts mouthing the words. The song must’ve given him some sense of familiarity, dissipating his nerves a bit because next thing you know he’s pulling you by your –still– interlaced hands to the dance floor as if it were the living room of his home.
“Peter! How do you even dance to this?” You whisper-yell when you both reach the middle of the dance floor, a few curious eyes watching you.
“Umm,” He clearly didn’t think this through and now you’re both standing like dumbs as more people wait to see what you’re up to. Peter gives you a timid smile, his cheeks turning slightly red “Like a waltz?”
Your breath hitches, nervousness hitting you like a truck but if this will calm Peter’s nerves then you have no other option. Not like you don’t want to dance with him.
You place a hand on his shoulder as you feel him hold you by the waist. Interlacing your other hand with his, you start swaying softly. It feels as if every single pair of eyes focus on you so you try to zone them out, relishing on having Peter so close to you. Closing your eyes briefly, you ease out the tension from your shoulders focusing on the music.
“Is this okay?” Peter’s gentle tone catches your attention.
Distancing yourself slightly from him, you look straight at his eyes and smile, nodding your head. “Yeah.”
You sound breathless, being so close to him is certainly making your heart jump excitedly inside your chest leaving you agitated.
He gives you a toothy smile, his childish aura captivating you and unconsciously freeing any shyness you have been feeling previously.
Placing your arms around his neck, you pull him closer. He immediately corresponds by encircling your waist with both arms. A dreamy sigh escapes your mouth and he laughs, his mouth placed right next to your ear.
“This is nice.”
You answer him by holding him tighter, which sends Peter into overdrive. He kisses you on your temple, melting your heart in the process. Lying the side of your face on his shoulder, you sigh contentedly.
Eventually the song ends and you distance yourself from each other, goofy smiles on your lips as Tony Stark makes his way to the scenario and clears his throat, successfully catching everyone’s attention.
“Good evening, everyone. I’m pleased to be here...” Tony starts greeting the guests and thanking them for attending.
You glance briefly at Peter who looks at ease, less nervous and jittery than before. Once Tony  announces Peter will be the one to further explain the purpose and goals of the charity, you give his hand a squeeze. He hasn’t let it go ever since he grabbed it earlier today.
“Go get ‘em, tiger.”
After placing a kiss on your cheek, Peter walks away leaving you a blushing mess on the dance floor.
You watch as he walks up the stairs leading to the scenario and Mr. Stark greets him with a hug. You can’t help but smile at the interaction knowing that Tony cares about Peter as if he were his own son.
“So, what did I miss?”
May’s voice comes out of nowhere and you turn to look at her. She’s smiling, oblivious as to what his nephew has done to your heart the past hour.
Oh, not much. Just your nephew holding me in his arms, turning my heart into jelly as I fall harder for him.
Yeah, nope.
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help me with a reblog and/or feedback if u enjoyed it :)
marvel tag list: @for-the-love-of-the-fandom
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lexilucacia · 5 years
Sick Of Losing Soulmates
Title: Sick Of Losing Soulmates
Relationships: Moxiety, background Logince
Words: 1800
TW: Non-binary, self-deprecation, kissing, mentions of shirtless, crying, coming out
Based on: a prompt by @dysaniadisorder
(Not based on dodie’s song, I’m just in love with dodie currently)
I am so sorry this took so long, I'm just dealing with some shit with family and illness and stuff like that. Apologies if this is not too good and sorry if I refer to Virgil as a he accidently because that is what I am used to hearing/reading. Anyway I hope you enjoy!
Virgil was feeling depressed. Not that, that wasn’t normal, but they were feeling more depressed, sick and angry than usual. They wanted to sleep more frequently and seemed to linger more when one of the sides touched them.
They didn't know what was wrong. They couldn't understand why this was happening to them. On top of that, they still hadn't come out to the sides as non-binary. All in all, they were not feeling good. But their troubles hadn't even begun yet.
It was a Thursday morning at 7:37am when they realised. Virgil hadn't had their morning cup of coffee yet and was feeling tired and gross. They were rubbing the sleep out of their eyes when they accidentally bumped into someone.
They go to apologise when suddenly a voice speaks up. "Sorry kiddo. Do you want some coffee?"
They look up at Patton's face blushing and manage to stammer out "sure."
Sitting at the kitchen table playing with their thought. This was a dangerous pastime for Virgil, but they did it anyway.
"Virgil. Virgil? Hey bud. I've got your coffee!" Virgil looks up in a daze blushing furiously once again.
What was wrong with them? Why did they keep blushing? They couldn't like Patton, could they? They lov -- cared for Patton. That was all.
They chug their coffee, trying to rid themselves of any and all thoughts of the chubby, freckled boy from their mind.
They must have been thinking for a while, because when they looked up Roman and Logan were sitting at the table conversing about something.
Then the topic of Disney comes up, the little emo seems to come out of hiding to discuss Disney with Roman and Patton can't help but stare at the little glint in their eye. How they came up with different arguments and reasoning for why Peter Pan was evil, or how Anna was really the bad guy, because Virgil was so passionate and it was nice to see them so happy.
Patton is staring for a long time, not even realising it when it clicked. He had felt this before. But it couldn't be, could it? Love.
That night was fam-ILY game night and everyone came down in their onesies. And gosh darn it, Virgil looked so cute!
"We all have the same face." Logan drawls out for the 7 millionth time.
Shoot, did he say that out loud? "I meant his onesie is cute…" (nailed it).
Virgil was just left in the corner blushing. They were thinking of coming out tonight. Maybe? Would it be a good idea?
So halfway through the game of 'intense' (as Roman described it) Monopoly, Virgil clears their throat.
What if they laugh? What if they hate me? What if…? What if…? Virgil came up with 3,000 different what ifs in their head before Patton lays a hand on their back.
"Hey, it's okay. You don't have to tell us, and if you do we swear to not laugh or judge." And god damn it, how did Patton always know what to say?
"I'm not a guy. But I'm not a girl either. I'm non-binary." Virgil says, trying to remain calm.
Patton leans over and kisses them on the cheek, causing them to blush.
"Okay. So what pronouns do you use? And do you have preferred name?" Logan inquires.
Virgil stares at him.
"I of course knew about gender identity from research and such." He clears his throat awkwardly. "Anyway." He continues.
"Virgil is okay and my preferred pronouns are they/them."
Patton leans over and encases him in a hug before pulling them into his lap. Virgil curls up while Patton whispers in their ear.
"Hey, hey. Don't worry. We love you regardless of your gender. You're perfect in our eyes. Okay your majesty?"
Virgil smiles, they had never felt more accepted. They lay in Patton's lap for the rest of the night curling into him and getting as much contact as possible.
While Roman and Logan just smiled. Nodding to each other Logan took Roman's hand and led him to his room, leaving Virgil and Patton their space.
The sides stayed with each other the whole night. Roman stroking Logan's hair telling him what a brave Prince he was and Patton whispering in Virgil's ear all night.
The next morning Virgil wakes up in Patton’s bed. They are really confused until they remember the previous night’s events.
Virgil smiles, remembering the acceptance they had felt the night before. Still smiling and thinking, they hadn't realised Patton was awake.
"Hey sunshine." Virgil turns acting confused.
“You talking about yourself? 911. Mental ward?”
Patton smiled fondly at them. “You’re too cute. Now what would Sanders royalty want for breakfast?”
Virgil smiles. They don’t do anything else, just smile before uttering two words. “Thank you.”
Now it was Patton’s turn to act confused. What was Virgil thanking him for.
“Breakfast? No problem kiddo.” He says unsurely.
Then suddenly he hears a bark of laughter coming from the usually reserved and quiet one in the corner. “No.” Virgil is grinning like a lunatic. “For remembering my pronouns, for not treating me differently, for -- for just being there.”
Patton walks over, scooping them up and placing a small kiss on their forehead. “Of course. Nothing changes, just what I call you. You’re still the same person. Although, I might not be as gay.” He giggles. “Only for you though.”
That’s the breaking point for Virgil and suddenly a choked sob is emitted from them, causing Patton to look around anxiously. (That’s Virgil’s job, stupid).
“Baby, what’s wrong?” He rubs Virgil’s back.
“Baba? Can you tell me? Please?” He pleads with Virgil and through hiccups and sobs he is able to make out Virgil repeating two words.
“Thank you.”
“For what baby?” He coos at Virgil, trying to convince the broken shell the broken shell in his hands to say something other than ‘thank you’.
“For accepting me.” They sniff loudly.
“For holding me. For being there for me. For not making fun of me. For treating me no differently. For…” They are cut off by Patton pressing his lips against theirs.
He wipes the tears from Virgil’s face. “You never have to thank us for being decent humans. Or treating you no differently. Or holding you. You can always ask for a hug. Or come sit with me. I am always there.”
Virgil tries to interrupt but he shushes them. “Never say thank you for treating you with respect.”
Throughout this whole piece Patton’s voice is stern leaving no room for disagreement.
“I love you.” Virgil’s small voice calls out.
When Patton doesn’t answer straight away Virgil assumes the worst. Holy shit what if he doesn’t like me? What if he just kissed me to toy with my feelings? Patton’s not like that, is he? What if he…?
Their para -- anxiety is cut off by another press against their lips. “I love you too.” He then proceeds to pick Virgil and place them on the counter.
Walking over to the fridge he calls over his shoulder. “Eggs do? Babe?”
“Y-yeah.” Virgil stutters out going red.
Patton chuckles throwing his head back and Virgil curls more into their hoodie, silently admiring how hot Patton looks.
The rest of their day is spent with movies, snacks and blankets. Patton making Virgil blush way too much and Virgil silently thanking the gods for giving them someone who called them Sanders royalty/your majesty instead of King (though he thought Patton was a King and deserved to be treated as such).
Roman and Logan mainly stayed with each other for the rest of the day, not really doing anything.
Patton didn’t notice anything off with Virgil for the first few weeks of them dating. It was a Friday evening and Patton had noticed Virgil was more clingy lately - not that he minded - but he wanted to be sure Virgil was alright. Later that evening in Patton’s room, he questions Virgil about it.
After hearing this statement, Virgil starts muttering apologies again. All the while Patton reassures that he doesn’t mind but he wanted to make that Virgil was alright.
Virgil looks down at Patton’s baby blue blanket, the fluffy one Virgil had taken a liking to. Snuggling in further Virgil mulls over the confession they’ve made in the last few weeks.
After a few moments of silence Patton speaks up. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have asked. I don’t want to make my cutie uncomfortable.”
“No.” They mumble out.
“No you deserve to know.” Virgil speaks with more confidence this time.
“According to the research I have done I am suffering from touch deprivation, more commonly known as skin hunger or being touch starved. It came from the period when y’all didn’t know me well and I didn’t like asking for hugs.”
Patton recalls what they are talking about. He remembers, all the signs. How did he miss them? He was a bad boyfriend. He doesn’t notice the tear rolling down his cheek before Virgil wipes it.
“Hey, hey. This is not your fault.” Virgil whispers.
“But if I had known, or done some-”
“Not your fault.” They state more firmly this time.
“I was closed off, didn’t talk. Didn’t communicate and am a master at hiding my emotions. Please don’t beat yourself up about this.” Virgil says.
Or I will physically fight you.” They smile, mocking Patton with one of his famous lines.
Patton giggles before pulling Virgil towards him and pulling off his shirt.
“Trust me, my little emo.” He pulls Virgil’s hoodie off, grabbing their shirt in the process too. He then proceeds to pull Virgil closer to his chest.
At this point Virgil is beet red and stuttering things like “Give back my hoodie. Stop. Please?”
They even try to pull a puppy dog face. Patton ignores them until one comment.
“I’m ugly. Please?”
He turns to Virgil with an angry expression. “Who told you that?”
“No one had to, I just know.”
“Where? On your cute tummy? Your strong arms? Where?”
Virgil shrinks a little and Patton recoils. “I’m sorry, but you are beautiful. You just need to see that.”
After lying in silence for a while Virgil speaks. “Patton, why did you take our shirts off?”
“Well I remember hearing once that touching someone’s skin can help with touch starvation. Also you’re cute.” He shrugs looking down at a blushing Virgil.
“Just remember, you can tell me anything and I will move a mountain to help you.”
Then Patton starts singing a melody that Virgil knows too well. It was their favourite (though they would never admit it).
“What a strange being you are, God knows where I would be
If you hadn't found me, sitting all alone in the dark”
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Are You On The Menu? - Chapter One
hi hi, so I’ve posted a new fic on A03, so here’s the link to read it there (otherwise i’m posting it below):
also! I have a playlist for the story on spotify here:
anyways, here it is! I hope you like it:)
He’d finally did it. It took him years, but he’s finally here. After getting his business degree, moving to New York and revamping the building he bought, he- Eddie Kaspbrak- was finally opening his coffee shop. He couldn’t believe it. Eddie had spent so long dreaming of the day he would finally succeed and here he was.
Just yesterday was the grand opening day. It took loads of preparation to say the least. Bill, Eddie’s best friend and new barista, had told everyone at his old job about it. Eddie spent hours each day leading up to the opening to advertise it all over social media, making sure to mention the free donut with every purchase the first day. So, it was no surprise when after all of this build up to the big day, Eddie was a bit disappointed.
They did okay, that’s for sure. But nothing was quite right in his eyes. He forgot about the music. How could he forget about the music? There was a heavy silence every time someone left the shop, followed by Bill letting out an exaggerated yelp of happiness. No one knew how to clean up after themselves, so Eddie found himself running back and forth between the register and the tables to tidy up. The air didn’t seem quite right to him, either. He knew it sounded ridiculous to base his day off of the air- but it just didn’t smell right. It wasn’t the normal nostalgic air he’d woken up to every day that week. It was more dull and just- there.
Nonetheless, the day came to an end. They really did pretty alright for their first day, especially with the small staff. But Eddie couldn’t pull himself out of his head. The music, the customers, the air; the everything.
‘Hey, c-c-come on Eddie. We did fr-freaking amazing today. And you were so good with the tables, I didn’t even th-think of that. I can feel it- tomorrow’s gonna be even better!’ Bill was cleaning off the front counter. He could sense his friend getting overwhelmed, and he didn’t want to leave him like that.
‘I know I know, I just- I think I’ve got it from here. Go get some rest for tomorrow, ‘Kay?’
‘You s-s-sure, Eddie? I can stay, no problem.’
‘Promise I’m good. I trust your feeling- tomorrow’s gonna be even better’ Eddie couldn’t decide if he was trying to convince Bill or himself. He needed tomorrow to go better. He left everything behind for this. He had so much weighing on this working out.
‘A-Alright Eddie, see y-ya tomorrow bright and e-early!’ Bill ruffled Eddie’s hair before skipping out the door.
Eddie decided today was just a little bump in the road. Tomorrow was the real show time. He got out his laptop from behind the counter and started working on a playlist to play in the shop. It had to be perfect. He added some good hits from the charts first. Then some throwbacks from all genres, to keep everyone going. Next was the more chill music, for anyone needing some motivation. Finally he added some of his favorites, because that’s definitely the least he deserves. He plugged the laptop into the speakers so he could really get to work now.
He started with rearranging some of the trashcans for a more genuine flow (and so people wouldn’t forget to be decent human beings). He then added some stuff to the chalkboards behind the counter. He and Bill thought the menu looked more humble on a chalk board, and Eddie has to admit it was their best decision. He settled with adding some little drawings and doodles around the drink names. He then grabs the ‘Foaming Glory’ sign that’s in the window and makes sure it really pops. He puts it a little closer to the door this time.
When he starts yawning he comes to the conclusion that he might actually need sleep. After all, it was 12am now and they open at 5. He packs up everything and heads out. As he’s locking the door, he takes one final look at his achievement. He did this. He smiles to himself for a second and starts down the street to his apartment.
- The beeping of the oven shakes Eddie awake. He can’t honestly remember waking up this morning, and he can’t even fully remember how he got to work. But he’s definitely here and somehow he’s heating up the first bagel of the morning. He gets the bagel out and places it into the bags he designed about a month ago, he’s quite proud of them. They have a big coffee cup with two boys sitting in it, and ‘Foaming Glory’ written in fancy lettering above it all. He stuffs in a few napkins, a plastic knife and cream cheese and calls it out with an enthusiastic ‘Have a nice day!’.
Today was going to be long. He looks around to see no one but Bill at the register. ‘Hey! Last night I made us a playlist so it wouldn’t be so quiet, wanna hear?’ Eddie didn’t wait for a response, he was already plugging in his laptop and pressing play. Bill hummed along in agreeance, satisfying Eddie enough to go back to the coffee makers.
It was quiet for the first hour, being it was 5 in the morning. But low and behold, two boys came in at 6 sharp, ruining the whole vibe Eddie had going. They were in the middle of a very loud conversation, and if Eddie wasn’t awake before, he definitely was now. Come On Eileen was playing in the background, but all he could hear was their voices (more like one specifically). The boys were both pretty tall with dark, curly hair. One had significantly more curls, freckles kissing every bit of his face and sported big, bulky glasses that made his eyes look buggy. Eddie swears he might’ve fallen in love right there. Eddie was pulled out of his thoughts when Bill started taking their order.
‘Yeah uh I’ll have a large iced caramel coffee’ The boy replied, eyes meeting Eddie’s from what seemed like miles away. ‘Well you’re a sight, are you on the menu?’ He’s now wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at the shy boy who is now blushing.
‘Oh my god, excuse him. Richie never knows when to stop.’ The boy’s- Richie’s- friend says, moving them down the counter to wait for the coffee.
‘Stanley, my kind sir, I have to appreciate precious cargo like-‘ Richie pauses, and leans with squinty eyes to read the barista’s nametag. ‘Eddie! I have to appreciate little Eds over here!’ With that, Eddie spins around on his feet and finally contributes.
‘Actually, it’s just Eddie. No need to shorten it, but here’s your coffee’ He responds with a small wink. He doesn’t know what possess him to be so forward but before he knows it, he’s letting his fingers linger on Richie’s for a few moments. He wondered if he’d ever see him again. Maybe he should give him his number right now. Richie looked as if he practically melted at the touch of Eddie’s fingertips, which fed his overconfidence even more. ‘You should come back here, maybe a new menu item will come up soon’
Richie practically choked on air. Eddie could barely process what was happening, then another customer came in. He had to get back to his job. But before he turns to make the next order, he hears ‘Hope it’s your number, cutiepie’. Richie and Stanley then exit the shop and Eddie’s heart drops a little.
‘I-I can’t believe that j-j-just happened’ Bill teases. Before the smaller boy can reply, they hear a whistle from outside, making them abruptly turn. It’s Richie. ‘God, he’s an idiot’ Eddie whispers, but inside his heart is pounding. Richie brings his hands up and makes a heart before blowing a kiss. Eddie’s heart jumps. Stan grabs onto Richie and they finally go on their way.
‘S-S-See? Told ya today was g-gonna be better!’ Bill bops Eddie’s nose. ‘S-Somebody’s got a c-crush’ He slowly returns to the register, fiddling with the laptop to change the song.
‘Oh shut up’ Eddie scuffs. Gosh, he really hopes those rascals come back tomorrow.
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