#Gothic ML AU
generalluxun · 11 months
Hey! I've been loving your Chloé/Alya AU story as well as enjoying your posts a lot in general, I'll be reading Dog Daze too when I can because it seems like it's your "main story" and I'm curious about the dynamics of Adrien/Sabrina as a ship (which I hadn't thought of before seeing your blog!) - I also just enjoy the way you write the characters a lot, especially because you're both a Chloé defender and a gay Chloé enthusiast like me lol. And your dunking on Astruc is delicious too, of course! Do you have any upcoming fics/vague ideas you've been considering that you feel comfortable sharing?
Thanks for the question and for your followup clarification, I'll answer both parts here.
First off: Thank you for reading! The Chloé/Alya fic was an experiment, and a bit of a gift to @flightfoot who is a big Alya fan, and a treasure to the community. I've come to love the dynamic as I've explored it.
Dog Daze is the largest AU, yes. Chock full of one shots after the main fic. It *Does* start with Puppy Love, which was supposed to be a one shot, then oops, I had an AU. Fin fact:Dog Daze was supposed to be endgame Adrienette, but the goobers just didn't want to let each other go. Oops. 🤣
Adribrina is my comfort ship. They are just so... 🥺 It's sweet, it's gentle, it's supportive, and they don't even realize it.
I wouldn't call myself a Chloé defender. I just don't like anything that belittles/justifies/ignores choild abuse. Chloé happens to be an abused child blamed for her own abuse by the narrative. I fond that particular aspect of ML reprehensible and so am vocal about it. If they had just left her as a 1D bully the entire time, it wouldn't be an issue. Once you demonstrate child abuse *on screen* then certain expectations change.
I do think Chloé as a character is in an amazingly dynamic position, teetering and able to go in many directions. This is why she features so much in my writings.
As you said in your followup, I do put Chloé in both het and lesbian ships(even some bi) for me, her attraction has a lot more to do with the person *giving her attention* and the plumbing is actually largely secondary. Not knocking anyone else's headcanon, that's just my take on her.
I don't set out to 'dunl' on Astruc, bit he has positioned himself as the voice/aithority/control so questionable narrative lands in his lap. He also seems to be ill suited to engaging on online discourse (no slight there, it can be hard!) But also seems to want to enjoy the access to praise it offers. This makes for a volatile mess. In all honesty I would love a chance to corner him and just ask 'why' for a lot of choices. I do fear though many of hos answers would boil down to 'Who do you listen to, me, or your lying eyes?'
I was thinking of actually doing a LoZ TotK fic in the near future.
If ML there are cirrently 3 options spinning.
1)Continue Dog Daze Continuity with a story set in the final year before university and bringing Kagami back into the mix.
2)Continue Gothic AU continuity with a story focusing on Adrien's acquiring of the Pig, and Sabrina's akumatization with the Goat while continuing to explore the other dynamics (like Ladybug/Peluche and Chloé reason for being... Lile she is)
3)Chloé comes back worse. Post S5 fic where Chloé is actually putting in effort to be a chaos demon, not just other people's pawn.
Thanks again for the ask!
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Dp x Dc x ML AU: Sam changes her major to Fashion to piss off her mother, and hey, she’s good at altering pink shit into gothic gowns. Her new TA Marinette isn’t what she appears and... Marinette’s boyfriend looks just like Danny? 
Sam, Danny, Tucker are all roomies as they attend Gotham U (well, Danny’s taking online classes- Ghost king duties are a bitch) and it’s time for Sam to change her major.
Sam started off in Plant Bio and that was great and she loved it until (A) She realized that to do real science she couldn’t rely on her connection to the Green and that it would skew her work and that (B) Pamela was fucking loving it. Pamela was doing the polite society equivalent of screaming from the rooftops about how smart Sam was to be a STEM major at GU and it made Sam feel gross about it. So… She switches to Fashion Design.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a PhD student working on a new specialized fabric (It’s for hero costumes not that anyone knows it yet), and is Sam’s TA for the semester. 
After her first class, She and Mari and her kind of hit it off, like, incredibly well. Mari explains that she knows the style Sam is going after because of her love for Jagged Stone and then they bond over Humpty Dumpty. 
Eventually they’ll bond over video games (Sam admits she sucks at UMS3 but would gladly kick her ass in Doomed). They start meeting in Mari’s office hours (which no one else goes to except for in cram weeks) and getting coffee.
Then one Damian Wayne appears and -BOOM Twin AU- Why the fuck does he look just like Danny? 
Anywho: It’s been on my mind for a bit and I’ve started to write it. So uh, you can read it here if you’d like. 
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mlbigbang · 2 years
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2022 Marichat Fic Rec List
It's the end of the year which means it's finally time for the ML Big Bang's yearly fic rec lists! We're really excited to bring you our contributors' favourite fics from this year to supply you with plenty of reading material while you're waiting for the Big Bang fics' publication in January.
Asking the important questions by @ultrakart 1,397 words, General, 1/1 chapter
After having returned home from Shanghai, Marinette and Chat Noir have some important questions for each other.
"Platonic Marichat shenanigans, resoundingly reminiscent of canon in the absolute best way."
final girl by @picayunearts 41,310 words, Teen, 10/10 chapters
Marinette has ninety-nine problems, and the superhero trio of Paris counts for a hundred. [AU where Marinette follows through on giving up her earrings after Stoneheart, but becomes the Guardian to protect her replacement.]
"This one floored me. Characterization is on point. I love the premise of Marinette giving up the miraculous and being guardian. Wonderfully executed in my opinion. And the writing. THE WRITING. :chefskiss:"
"Another amazing au. I love the take on "Marinette gives up on being Ladybug" and teh way it's written is chef's kiss."
Everything's Not Fine by @flightfoot 976 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
"Why’s mother down here? What- what is this?” “Still committing to the bit?” Gabriel snorted. “Really now, I thought you were smarter than that. Adrien was compelled to obey the order Nathalie gave via his amok - you would not have been.” “My WHAT?!” -------------- After the events of Risk, Adrien makes his way down to his father's secret lair. Gabriel catches him. Unfortunately, he cares even less about Felix than he does about Adrien.
"An alternative follow-up to 'Strike Back' that packs twist after twist after twist into a very short space, leaving you a little breathless as you read it and sorry that it didn't happen this way in the show."
The Dating App by leadernovaandthemacabre 14,960 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
Chat Noir and Marinette cross paths on Paris’ newest dating app and keep crossing paths until secrets slip. - [MDC]: why are you here [OfficialChatNoir]: we matched! shall we go out for sweethearts ice cream? [MDC]: i’m blocking you [OfficialChatNoir]: wait wait marinette wait *[MDC] has blocked you*
"I loved the bonding between these too and how naturally everything flowed and how open they became with each other and aaaaa"
NSFW works
Patient is the night by @mostlymoony 72,243 words, Mature, 31/31 chapters
Beware the Cat Knight, he demands a price For this fallen prince, gold shall not suffice Fear the Cat Knight, as he trades life for life Cry pretty girls, for the cat needs a wife. When Marinette's small farming town is attacked by Hawkmoth's army of night creatures, Marinette rides for the dread Butterfly Castle, seeking aid from the mysterious Black Cat Knight and his band of masked fighters. She's determined to save her town, even if that means handing herself over to a strange man with wild, green eyes and a penchant for cat-related puns. There will be smut, and this is my first time writing smut. I'm so sorry.
"Such a good gothic romance/fairy tale vibe to it and I just found the plot/progression very enjoyable. The magic and world building is unique and vague enough to make it important but not overwhelming. They also made some great artwork for it!"
Pink Really is Your Color by @inkmousey 2,811 words, Explicit, 1/1 chapter
Marinette really hates that dumb Cat. Until he's pressing her against a wall and making her forget Adrien Agreste ever existed.
"It's amazing!!! So very amazing and it has a great dynamic that's great for Marichat!"
I’d Never Forget About You by @inkmousey 3,400 words, Explicit, 1/1 chapter
Adrien thinks everyone forgot about him on his birthday, and by everyone— he means the only person who ever remembers it anyway, Marinette.
"MariBlanc is such an interesting pairing and the fic handles them so amazingly!!!"
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From my Gothic ML AU:
Ladybug: *introduces a pig hero (Adrien)*
Ladybug:*brings in an ox hero*(Alya)
Ladybug:*adds a goat hero*(Nino)
Peluche(cat!Chloé):You keep bringing me snacks, Red.
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chaos-has-theories · 1 year
I have a lot of WIPs and a little more time than usual this next month so I will leave one very important (<- lying) decision to anyone who cares to click a button
(my goal is to maybe get something ready to post aaaaahhhh)
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flightfoot · 1 year
Time travel again! Since the rabbit as-is (and not unique to ML, time is messy) is kind of narrative-breaking, so much so we had to schlorp Alix out of the show for a season (which... Can she ever come back, or is a new Hawkmoth just kick Alix back into the burrow 2.0? If it is Lila, she saw the presentation by Alix's dad. She knows who has the rabbit)
I had a thought for another power for the rabbit in my Gothic AU. Now 'horror/cost/dread' is a side motif for the setting so keep that in mind.
Utilizing the Alice in Wonderland theme: Alice never actually goes on her trip... It's a dream from which she comes back changed.
So the rabbit lets you go *forward* in time. No burrow. Once there you can look around, interact, exist, learn info. But you are limited very much by being one person looking around. What don't you see? What will using the information you gather change when you go back to your starting point? How many trips do you take? When do you have enough (alice in wonderland:We're all Mad here!)
It's more of a tricky divination power than macguffin in this way.
I... don't really understand how this is different from just time-traveling to the future normally? If the Rabbit user can interact with the future anyway.
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kochenbackengrillen · 2 years
Whisky Karaffe - die 5 schönsten Dekanter 2023
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Bester Champagner 2023 und 3 gute Alternativen
Für die meisten Whisky Trinker ist das Glas am Abend nach einem anstrengenden Tag wichtiger, als man zunächst denkt. Es wird zelebriert und gefeiert, und bildet den krönenden Abschluss des Tages. Zu solch einer gelungenen Zeremonie gehört nicht nur ein richtig guter irischer oder japanischer Whisky, auch ein schönes Glas und eine ansprechende Whisky Karaffe geben dieser ganz speziellen Situation einen passenden Rahmen.Dabei dient ein Whisky Dekanter, wie eine Whisky Karaffe auch genannt wird, hauptsächlich der formschönen Darbietung eines guten Whiskeys. Ähnlich wie einen schönes Whisky Glas verleihen  Glaskaraffen für Whisky den edlen Tropfen ein gewisses Gewicht und machten den Genuss erst wirklich komplett. Das Auge trinkt schließlich auch ein bisschen mit.Grund genug, sich einmal die schönsten und wertigsten Whiskey Karaffen einmal näher anzuschauen und ausgiebig zu testen.
Beste Whisky Karaffe mit Gläsern für echte Kenner
Dieses Dekanter Set mit 6 formschönen Whisky Gläser ist von Bormioli Rocco, einem alten und sehr renommierten Glaswarenhersteller. Es bietet dir einen guten Einstieg und ist eine echte Augenweide in jeder Hausbar. Die Glaskaraffe fasst 780 ml, so dass du eine normale Whisky Flasche problemlos darin karrafieren kannst. Die Flasche hat einen sehr schönen Diamantschliff und einen absolut luftdichten Verschluss.Hergestellt aus feinem Sand und Rohstoffen in Parma, Italien, sollte dieses unglaublich detailreiche und langlebige Dekanterset dir jahrelang Freude bereiten. Es kann in der Spülmaschine gereinigt werden, aber für eine längere Lebensdauer wird Handwäsche empfohlen.
Whisky Dekanter mit Gläsern aus Kristallglas
Einen guten Freund, einen edlen Whisky aus einer formschönen Karaffe und zwei Gläser. Mehr braucht es meist nicht, um einen Abend gut ausklingen zu lassen. Diese Whisky Karaffe ist in einem solchen Fall genau das, was du brauchst.Das aus feinem Kristall geschliffene Rautenmuster lässt die Farbe deiner Spirituose besonders gut zur Geltung kommen. Die dickwandige Flasche ist spülmaschinengeeignet und macht, genauso wie die beiden Gläser, einen sehr wertigen Eindruck. Dieses Set ist auch ein schönes Geschenk für Whisky Trinker und all jene, die es noch werden wollen.
Liiton Whisky Karaffe mit 1000 ml Volumen
Wenn dir der Diamantschliff vieler Whisky Dekanter nicht zusagt, solltest du mal einen Blick auf die Glaskaraffe für Alkohol von Liiton werfen. Die schwere und sehr dickwandige Glasflasche ist nahezu unzerstörbar und macht in der Hand einen sehr wertigen Gesamteindruck. Das schlichte und klare, handgefertigte Design mit einer Höhe von 8,7 cm und einer Breite von ca. 8,5 cm macht auf jeder Bar eine gute Figur.
Handgefertigter Kristall-Dekanter von Topkapi
Für Whiskeytrinker mit einer Vorliebe für den Gothic-Style ist dieser Shade Skull Decanter von Topkapi Elite ein echter Hingucker. Das Highlight dieses Stücks ist natürlich der dicht schließende, totenkopfförmige Verschluss, aber die Karaffe ist auch aus bleifreiem Kristall gefertigt, was unter anderem für eine erhöhte Bruchfestigkeit sorgt.
Whisky Karaffe Globus für Alkohol
Suchst du nach einer etwas ausgefalleneren Glaskaraffe für Whisky, ist diese Globus-Karaffe vielleicht etwas für dich. Der formschöne Dekanter wird mit  einem handgefertigtem Glas-Schiff, einem Holzständer, einem luftdichten Flaschenverschluss und einem Ausgießtrichter geliefert. Alles in allem ein tolles Set, welches sich auch perfekt als Geschenk für Whisky-Liebhaber eignet.
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Für einen edlen Whisky brauchst du einen Dekanter
Hierauf musst du bei einer Whisky Karaffe achten
Whisky Dekanter findest du in den unterschiedlichsten Formen und Ausführungen. Dennoch gibt es auch bei Glaskaraffen für Whisky einige Aspekte, die du vor dem Kauf bedenken solltest. Das Volumen Trinkst du nur gelegentlich oder bei feierlichen Anlässen einen edlen Tropfen Whisky, kommst du meist mit einer Whisky Karaffe mit einem Volumen von 750 bis 1.000 ml aus. Diese kann eine normale Whiskyflasche (750 ml) problemlos aufnehmen und kannst trotzdem noch ganz kontrolliert ausgießen.Bevorzugst du jedoch größere Flaschen oder trinkst öfter mit Freunden ein Glas Whisky, solltest du eine größere Glaskaraffe mit bis zu 1.500 ml Volumen oder mehr in Erwägung ziehen. Der Stopfen Der Stopfen einer Karaffe für einen guten Whisky muss nicht nur ansprechend aussehen, er muss die Flasche auch luftdicht abschließen. Ein luftdichter Verschluss ist notwendig, damit dein Whisky möglichst lange genießbar bleibt und verhindert wird, dass der edle Tropfen verdunstet. Das Gewicht Eine Karaffe aus Kristallglas ist zwar formschön und überzeugt oft mit einer edlen und leicht opulenten Optik, sie können jedoch auch sehr schwer sein. Dekanter aus mundgeblasenem Glas oder auch Porzellan können hier eine echte Alternative sein. Die Reinigung Von Zeit zu Zeit musst du deine Whisky Karaffe, nicht nur aus hygienischen Gründen, reinigen. Auch wenn du einen anderen Whisky in der Flasche karaffieren (in eine Karaffe einfüllen) möchtest, solltest du das Gefäß vorher einmal gründlich reinigen.Achte deshalb darauf, das deine Karaffe spülmaschinengeeignet ist, da eine Handwäsche meist sehr umständlich ist. Der Lieferumfang Klingt erstmal etwas komisch, aber auch den Lieferumfang der Karaffe solltest du beachten. Wenn du noch kein richtiges Whisky Glas hast, oder ein gutes Whiskey Geschenk suchst, solltest du dich nach einem Set umschauen.
Die schönsten Whiskey Karaffen
FAQ - häufige Fragen
Was ist ein Whisky Dekanter? Bei einem Whisky Dekanter handelt es sich um eine formschöne, meist aus Glas gefertigte Karaffe, die zum Ausschenken von Whisky und anderen alkoholischen Getränken genutzt wird.  Ist ein Whisky Dekanter sinnvoll? Rein genusstechnische Vorteile hat eine Glaskaraffe für Whisky nicht, da Whisky, anders als Wein, seinen Geschmack durch das Umfüllen in eine Karaffe nicht ändert. Jedoch hat Whisky einen höheren Alkoholgehalt und ist geschmacklich sehr dominant. Verwendest du nun für deinen edlen Tropfen eine Karaffe, wird er schon geschmackvoller, da ein Teil des Alkohols verdunstet und so mehr Aromen wahrnehmbar werden. Wie lange hält sich Whisky in einem Dekanter? Ein hochwertiger Whiskey verliert auch in einer Karaffe mit der Zeit einen Teil seines Alkoholgehaltes. Deshalb ist es sinnvoll, umgefüllte Whiskys innerhalb von 1 bis 2 Monaten aufzubrauchen.
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Feb02 Bester Vodka 2023 – die 8 besten Vodkas 2023 im Vergleich
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Feb02 Bester Gin 2023 – an diesen 8 Sorten geht kein Weg vorbei
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Feb02 Amaretto – die 7 besten Amarettos 2023 im Test
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Feb02 Soju – die 5 besten Sojus im Überblick Read the full article
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Another kinda messy doodle of the queen 👑 Penny, this is maybe a few years as champion since she became it at 18 and doesn’t bump into Phoibos again till he’s 27(she’s 28) she’s growing her hair out and experimenting with it, this is still during her goth professional phrase with a bit of wool knit cashmere sweaters with the moon phases on it under a leather jacket with rhinestones plaid skirts with chain belts, shredded leggings and boots before settling on wearing more fur (faux fur of course, Chandra would freak out) plus it’s cold in Sinnoh 🥶 so she would totes become a goth hippie later on in her life.
She’s not Jagged’s agent but she does know of him as the Hoenn champion and rock star ⭐️ and was inspired to dye her purple hair many shades of pink and wear a more goth look with a moon motif 🌙 she would instead be a huge humanitarian while researching her region and many other places history, myths, legends as a huge historian and archeologist(both human and. Pokemon. Lives. With her bookbag and backpack filled with maps and books 📚 cause she’s a huge bookworm/booknerd and a magnifying glass with her beldum by her side.
Her hair is base on Sailor Moon aesthetic, the same with her little moon barrettes as it symbolizes her name and her being the polar opposite of Phoibos, whose name and color palette is base off the sun ☀️ similar to Cynthia and Cyrus, while her black and gold barrettes are Cynthia like and I believed they are inspired by Lopunny Lucario and Umbreon colored as they were gifted by her grandmother who is the professor of the Sinnoh Region and her first pokemon who took care of Penny is a Umbreon called Luna (hah pun) along with her bio mom being a crazy poke feline lady
Also random has about Penny/Phoibos relationship, imma call it (lighteclipseshipping cause sun/moon eclipse) or maybe childhood friends 
They would be an absolute powerhouse of a couple, battle couple of the white moon and red sun, both team- and character-wise which is Scary. Plus Hella dramatic story potential; full of angst but also forgiving on Pandeia’s side with Phoibos being very touch starved. (She’s calls him her Sunshine and he acts like he’s uncaring or neutral to it but internally he loves it, very much, he calls her his moonflower but only alone)
There‘d be a lot of shenanigans and you can‘t change my mind that they mesh pretty well, having many conversations and won’t get tired( I mean Cycy literally have existential philosophical arguments in hell) but also how patient and calming penny is to him cause phoibo’s villian circle wants him to use her than betray and literally backstab her 
On that note, they flame each other in every interaction they have and I live for that bc that‘s tension and childhood friends to enemies to lovers; Penny doesn’t mean to but she gets frustrated that she does this while their circles are supportive or worried for them for different reasons but if they’re happy together, that’s fine, Phoibos is now flustered around Penny, when she kissed him on the cheek/forehead/nose
Like Cynthia/Cyrus in the games, They are each other‘s counterpart, canonically so the same goes to Penny/Phoibos, both names start with the same letter, Penny good champ wearing black (black is not evil trope) and Phoibos bad evil team leader wearing white (Light is not good) so opposite attract (penny gothic but approachable, Phoibos wears white but death glares and looks tired) which I’m a sucker for-
Both are very similar (both are interested in mythology and ancient Pokémon, very powerful trainers, like up above stated before both dress monochromatically, both have similar pokemon (Penny Milotic-Phoibos Gyarados with akin personalities, Penny’s team being more friendship base while Phoibos isn’t), dress in one main color and have totally different personalities with penny being a peppy goth
They are both idiot-genius with Penny being the smarter and more confident of the duo but also quite shy around him, while Phoibos is trying to change for her cause he misses her and wants to be with her like He can clean up her house, switch her coffee for tea, let’s her sleep on his lap  (she can tell him not to be such a killjoy but with a soft smile)
Ironically, they will show up A LOT whenever the other is there, too (or has just left the scene (bruh)) (they just end up in the same place at the same time pretty often for some reason, a sixth sense plus I don’t think there‘d be a huge power imbalance gap between them, which is good bc that would be an equal relationship that will heal like he sucks at comforting people but she always comforted him so he trys 
I want to see them being passive-aggressive or infodumping on one another of each other and then start tag-teaming when anyone else is bothering one of them; like she knows he can change and he wants to be with her plus Phoibos tends to be the one who gets angry for her cause she’s too nice, oh tbh Phoibos would be Nordic/Scandinavian(Sami)- Japanese while Penny’s Dougla- Seychelles 
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Monday 28 July 1834
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no kiss fine morning F70° at 10 am breakfast at 10 20 to 11 ¼ - had ordered and waited for calêche – so old looking and dirty, would not have it, and A- and I went out on foot – peeped into the cathedral – the interior undergoing repair – not either very large or handsome building and the interior painted in fresco imitation of gothic ornament – very bad taste  tho’ the deep blue roof with gold stars and fresco groining looked well enough – then to a booksellers in the Place St Leger – fortunately stumbled upon the best, Puthod, above an hour there and bought several works – particularly the 1st 5 nos. at 3/. (15 more to come) of Vues de la Savoy..... suivies d’un précis historique et descriptif published here by Côutois et Aubert Lithographes - gave my address and desired the other numerous to be sent to me aux soins de Messrs. Laffitte, Paris - whom I would direct to pay for them - the female person in the shop very civil - gave us directions what to see - sent her servant with us to La Poste for a carriage -a little char 6/. a day, and should only be 3/. for this afternoon - but the maître de post ask 6/. for this afternoon and 18/. a day for a calêche and pair - at last barged for the latter to take me to Aix and the char for 22/. - saw the rooms - smelt strong of new papering and plastering and beds at 3/. and noisy, bustling place - very glad we were not there, and quite contented with la parfait union - from 2 10 to 4 walked to Les Charmettes where Rousseau and Madame de Warens lived and some time there – nothing but nonsense in the Livre des Etrangers, so declined writing even our names – went one way and returned another – we were near ½ hour going from La Poste – fine view of the town in returning – nice, clean, well-built, good looking town, not very large - in going had bought 18 good green gages for a sol - came home for ½ hour for A- to have her cold fowl and off in the char at 4 ½ - passed thro’ the little village of Aisse and at the paper manufactory au bout du monde at 5 10 – one of the workman shewed us the cascade (50 to 100 yards off at the back of the building) – not much water now, but still very picturesque and pretty - the water the Doria falls from a fine cleft in the high limestone rock - on each side are little springs gushing from the rock which springs the man said were cold in summer and hot in winter - the strata of the rock are here  at the cascade and more particularly a little lower down and turning up along the little now all but dry river Aisse (which falls into the Doria at the mill in time to swell the stream and turn the wheel) - very singular - look exactly like a wall of stones about a food long and 6 in. in the bed - and this stratification extends too some little way down the Doria - the man shewed us, too, the process of paper making and we bought nice soft papier gris
(at sols the lb.) 64 sheets for 1fr. – the man said times were much better (le commerce allait beaucoup mieux) du temps de Français - now, he, whose work begins at midnight for 11 hours every night and always in water has 44fr. a month about 30 sols a day, the wages of the best workmen - and the others had all of them from 34 up to 44/. a month - the woman had 12 sols a day - but they have each a room in the building that I suppose they live rent-free - the paper that sold du temps de Napoleon for 40/. and was no sooner made than sold, now hangs on hand and sells for 18/. or 20/. - asked if the king had been at Chambery - yes! at the paper manufactory I said he was très bon-bon enfant - no! said the man the manufactory had always given him something but he had never given anything in return - things could not go on in this way - an hour at the cascade and in the manufactory - returned another way, by Alby [Alby-sur-Chéran], but had unluckily left at home Madame Puthod’s paper so forgot to Saint Saturnin en passant – the cocher, however, stopt at the great nursery garden and we staid an hour there, and ordered a collection of roses to take back with us! Thought this would be a nice place to send to little John to - spoke to the man about it – he seemed to have no objection – will see him again and have more information as to terms – the boy should be aetatis 14 – these people have an establishment at Lyons and Grenoble and Turin – are chiefly famous for roses, dahlias and                of which they have every variety – the young man makes excursions to the mountains – has a herbary  of above 6000 plants – to go there and see this at 10 am on Wednesday – drove around the place and promenade de Verny and home at 8 ¼ - dinner at 8 1/2  - very fine day F71 ½° at 11 ¼ pm - too much dinner – very hot – asleep in my chair after Eugenie left me till near 11
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miraculousfanworks · 3 years
Artist Spotlight: Spibbyz
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The Miraculous Fanworks Discord server's spotlight highlights content creators in the community! Each month, one artist and one writer will have their accounts and content promoted on our social media accounts.
This month’s artist of the month is Spibbyz! See the writer of the month post here!
Izzy is a fantastic artist, posting a variety of content with unique designs and concepts! From darker pieces to cute cuddles, she's done it all.
We’ve interviewed Izzy, asking her questions about her artworks, fanworks, and advice for other artists!
1. How long have you been drawing in general?
I have been drawing ever since I was 14, so it’s been about four years! I got into drawing after visiting my cousin, who works as a storyboard director for different animations. I’ve always been interested in the arts but 14 is when I started to really take art seriously. Now, I’m actually studying to be a graphic designer, so this choice is currently changing my life. Wild!
2. How long have you been creating for the fandom, and what's your favorite part of the process?
I’ve been creating for the fandom ever since 2017, so about the same amount of time as I’ve been drawing. I think my favorite part of the process is sharing works in progress and seeing my friends/followers get excited about them. I also recently had someone recreate one of my pieces of artwork (the first time that’s ever happened!) and that made me feel really warm inside. There’s something about people viewing something you’ve spent a lot of time on and be inspired to create themselves! Another thing I really love is being able to collaborate with so many people. I’ve participated in two zines so far and am currently finishing up stuff for the ML Big Bang (whoop!) and the sense of fulfillment I get when working with others is amazing. Collaboration in smaller ways is another highlight too; asking for feedback on WIPs and talking about others about their own creations really add to the experience!
3. Has there been anything in particular that influences your style?
There are a lot of artists who have really helped me to learn and get better as I draw more. Some of my earlier influences were other ML fandom creators like Ceejurs, Eden Daphne and Laia Lopez, but more recently I’ve been finding inspiration outside of other fanart. Lately, I’ve been getting inspiration from revamped comic books (specifically spider man) and renaissance paintings for their use of color. Tim Burton is another inspiration of mine as I’m starting to draw more gothic/creepy stuff that doesn’t really wander into the horror category. I also get inspired by Edwardian and Victorian fashion when drawing clothing for characters. Their dresses and jackets are the definition of fabulous!
4. Do you have any advice you'd like to give to other creators?
Create for yourself! I’ve been having more fun with my art recently because I’m making content that I would personally like to see. Obviously, we as artists and writers love when other people consume our content, but it’s so so so important to enjoy what you put out into the world as well! Another piece of advice is to think outside the box. Sometimes niche interests don’t get too much traction due to, well, being niche, but it’s sometimes nice to be completely creative. I do that with my vampire AU(s) and those allow me to create all types of pieces that are unique to me as an artist.
5. How do you think the identity reveal is going to go? Feel free to write something quick if you want to!
To be honest, I do wish the reveal had been legit at the end of Ephemeral(it was written so well ;-;), but I think a good alternative would be to write something super dramatic to make up for that. I think it’s going to happen during a final showdown with Hawk Moth where he will take one of their miraculous, probably Marinette’s, leaving the reveal one-sided at first. Maybe that’s just how I want it to go down, but hey, you have to manifest what you want to happen! I just hope it happens sometime soon because I’ve been ready for years :>!
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Izzy can be found here on Tumblr @spibbyz and on Instragram under the same name, spibbyz. Some of her works include a Roswell-inspired Marichat comic, a vampire!Chat Blanc Mariblanc piece, and an illustration from one of her own fics, "Driven by the Strangled Vein". Go check them out!
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generalluxun · 1 year
Bull Headed is complete!
The final chapter of the fic is done. It's finally time for Marinette to meet Tikki, and the audience to meet Chloé's home life. As the sun sets, Adrien makes a discovery...
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timehasbeenbusy · 4 years
Dijon to Mont Sous Vaudré
Saturday 28 June 1834
5 50/..
10 55/..
With her from ten to eleven and a quarter and a long very good kiss to her and tolerable to me  Fine morning Fahrenheit 57½ at 6 10/.. breakfast at 7¼ wrote the last 15 lines till 8¾ - 
Hotel de la Cloche very comfortable – good eating – attentive civil people – Miss Walker and I out at 9¼ - cathedral – good old gothic church but not so handsome as Notre Dame we saw last night – 
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Botanic Garden Dijon   Source fr.wikipedia.org
At the botanic garden called Jardin des plantes at 9 40/.. the old one given up and this new one not quite finished – approached thro’ a piece of nicely laid out, wooded (with large trees) piece of ground in which boys were playing, and seeming to belong to a good pile of brick building adjoining the garden – perhaps (from the nº of beds in a room) a school – much pleased with the garden – only wish it were larger – (a square of about 3 or 4 acres?) 
All the trees, shrubs and flowers planted quite recently – a winding stream all thro’ (across from corner to corner) the garden with a little basin and boat on it – 2 or 3 pieces of prêtty rock-made mount, and a gothic seat hide the end wall, too little distant as one faces it on entering – small but picturesque serres near the top of the garden, nicely placed the right side wall on entering flower beds (as at the Jardin des plantes Paris) laid out in narrow stripes but looking more soignés from being all box-edged and having 2 foot gravel walks between – 
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Sambucus Nigra  Source Gardening Express
All the plants ticketed (Linnaean System?) Sambucus nigra  com[mon] Elder – Fedia, (forget-me-not?)  Dipsacus, teazle – Cineraria Maritima (white velvety stalks and leaves [?] ragged, like senecio, dogs tander) – 
Off from the hotel de la Cloche (very comfortable – good eating) Dijon at 10 47/.. – Dijon a very nice good provincial town, in a fine country – Genlis (1st relais) very neat little ville – 
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Auxonne    Source en.wikipedia.org
Auxonne fortified goodish town – stopt on entering the poste de ville to shew passports and at the café opposite for café au lait for Ann had it in 22 minutes – walked forwards to the poste, and off in two minutes more at 2 18/.. 
Soon after Dijon on getting to the top of the 1st rising ground 1st view of a saddlebacked mountain of the Jura range – wide, fertile plain corn India around Dijon going 1st we have seen potatoes Incema grapes etc and all the way to the wooded hills en face gradually closing upon us on nearing Dôle till at 3 40/.. from the top of the hill (or mountain?) just above Dôle, very fine rich view large vine-covered sufficiently wooded plain to our right, 
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Mont Dore   Source en.wikipedia.org
Auxonne behind us, and the good-looking town of Dôle with it’s church steeples en face backed by the long line of Jura mountains – not like alps or Pyrenees, but very fine – views for the last hour (from about 2 40/..) and all about Dôle in the rich plain, little else – 
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Dôle   Source en.wikipedia.org
At Dôle at 4 11/.. no postillion – obliged to wait – so drove to the hotel de Paris close by – dined (very good dinner) at 5 in an hour –before and after till 6¼ wrote the above of today – Off from Dôle at 6 22/.. – no vines much beyond Dijon corn India ditto, hemp etc as before – the Jura not more than the Wolds ½ way between York and Market Weighton now at 8¼ - picturesque ville’s all today 
– At la poste Mont Sous Vaudré at 8 35/.. – a mere auberge –but a nice enough double bedded room and wanting no dinner nor breakfast in the morning (but which by the way would I daresay have been very fair) we do very well – some little more than usual difficulty in bargaining for the 4 beds for 6/- fine morning, tho’ blackish clouds about soon after 12, and showers in the afternoon, but fair and fine from between 4 and 5 for the rest of the evening – Fahrenheit 68º at 9pm -
 WYAS  Reference Number SH:/7/ML/E/17/0046
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woollyslisterblog · 5 years
1834 June Saturday 28
NB judia=haricot
5 50/60
10 55/60
with her from ten to eleven and a quarter and a long very good kiss to her and tolerable to me
fine morning F57 1/2° at 6 10/60 – breakfast at 7 1/4 – wrote the last 15 lines till 8 3/4 – Hotel ded la Cloche very comfortable – good eating – attentive civil people – Miss Walker and I out at 9 1/4 – Cathedral good old gothic church but not so handsome as Notre Dame we saw last night –
At the botanical garden called ‘Jardin des plants’ at 9 40/60 – the old one given up and this new one not quite finished – approached through a piece of nicely laid out wooded (with large trees) piece of ground in which boys were playing, and seeming to belong to a good pile of brick building adjoining the garden – perhaps (from the number of beds in a room) a school – much pleased with the garden – only wish it larger – a square of about 3 or 4 acres? – all the trees, shrubs and flowers planted quite recently – a winding stream all through the garden and across from corner to corner, with a little basin and boat on it – 2 or 3 pieces of pretty rock- made mount, and a gothic seat hide the end wall, too little distant as one faces it on entrance –
flower beds (as at the jardin des plantes, Paris) laid out in narrow stripes, but looking more soignés from all the all box-edged and having 2 feet gravel walks between – all the plants ticketed – (Linnean system?) Sambucus nigra (common elder)- Fedia (forget-me-not?) – Dipsacus (teazle) – Cineraria maritima (white velvety stalks and leaves ragged, like sinecio, (dogstandard)) –
off from the Hotel de la Cloche (very comfortable – good eating) Dijon at 10 47/60 – Dijon a very nice good provincial town, in a fine country- Genlis (1st relais) very neat little village – Auxonne fortified goodish town – stopt on entering the porte de villle to shew passports and at the café opposite for café au lait for Ann – had it in 22 minutes – walked forwards to the poste and off in 2 minutes more at 2 18/60 –
soon after Dijon on getting to the top of the first rising ground 1st views of a saddlebacked mountain of the Jura range – wide fertile plain around Dijon (corn, judía, therefore going past we have seen potatoes, lucernia, grass etc) and all the way till the wooded hills en face gradually closing up in on nearing Dôle, till at 3 40/60 from the top of the hill (or entering?) just above Dôle, very fine rich view – large vine covered sufficiently wooded plain to our right, Auxonne behind us, and the good looking town of Dôle with its church steeples en face backed by the long line of Jura mountains – not like Alps or Pyrenees, but very fine – vines for the last hour (from about 2 40/60) and all about Dôle in the rich plain, little else –
at Dôle at 4 11/60 – no postillon – obliged to wait – so drove to the hotel de Paris close by – dined (very good dinner) at 5 in an hour – before and after till 6 1/4 wrote the above of today – off from Dôle at 6 22/60 – no vines much beyond Dijon, corn, judía, ditto, hemp, etc as before – the Jura not more than the wolds 1/2 way between York and Market Weighton, - now at 8 1/4 – picturesque villages all today – at la poste mont sons Vaudré at 8 35/60 – a mere auberge – but a nice enough double-bedded room and wanting neither dinner nor breakfast in the morning (both which by the way would I daresay have been very fair) we do very well – so little more than usual difficulty in bargaining for the 4 beds for 6 francs – fine morning, though blackish clouds about soon after 12, and showers in the afternoon, but fair and fine between 4 and 5 for the rest of the evening – F68° at 9 p.m.
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Haven't 'rescued' Chloé from her family in a fic yet. Does physically assaulting her father and the police during a speaking event count as 'confronting'? 😂
ML Gothic AU Chloé is a trifle more direct.
Has a loving family too.
Mom pays her more attention, especially when she 'eats too much' has fired and blacklisted hotel staff who helped her get food.
And her dad, well... How did Zoé put it ...
'Mom's a bitch. Don't know shit about dad yet, bit he seems like a good reason to lock my door at night.'
Also Zoé is from New York. She swears like she breathes, heavily.
Also YIKES on the other things.
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chaos-has-theories · 1 year
WIP ask game: ❔
I just remembered I had this draft!
❔- Choose a random WIP and talk about it.
It turns out that most of my favorite ML AUs right now are some kind of elaborate crossover. So: Here's hoping you know at least the basic gist of Frances Hodgson Burnett's Secret Garden, because the other ones are Locked Tomb and BBC Merlin respectively, and thus even more involved.
Please imagine the following: Chloé Bourgeois in the role of Mary Lennox.
Or don't, really, because you don't need to imagine anything to get there. Bad-tempered spoiled brat whose mother preferred going to parties over actually seeing her daughter... yeah.
Now imagine: Adrien Agreste in the role of Colin Craven.
By rights it should be Felix (guy who is a bit of a dick because he is told he's different than everyone else), but I'm too fond of Adrien to replace him. Besides, Secret Garden is baby's first gothic, and Adrien is so living in a gothic mystery. He just doesn't know it. (There is a monster in his house. There are secret passages. His mother's dead body is haunting these halls just as much as her memory is)
He never got to go to school, here, and is given even fewer freedoms than in canon. Chloé doesn't know him. Neither does the public; only through rumors and whispers. He acts out a bit, much like Felix in his titular episode. He knows he's a Sentimonster, and has been told all his life that that means he isn't fully human. Every difficulty he has feels like proof to him - though really, he's just never learned how to talk to people his own age.
Finally: Marinette as Dickon. For [reason], Master Fu had to renounce his Guardianship before finding an apprentice to pass it on to. Instead he released all the Kwamis into Paris, where for the most part, they're in hiding. Where possible, they've taken the form of the animals they represent: Just a fox, digging through the trash. Just a cat, slinking around corners.
(Some have chosen shapes that are at least similar to the ones they know. Tikki spends considerable time as a robin, where at least she's large enough not to be squished by a carelessly dropped textbook.)
Some have found people they're more interested in; whom they might allow to become their holders in the right circumstance. But they've all (slowly, slowly) been drawn to Marinettte.
Chloé's father is arrested for corruption just as the Hawkmoth attacks begin. Her mother informs everyone who's willing to listen that she's not going to come to Paris just to take care of unexceptional Claudette... Eh, Gabriel Agreste lives in Paris, right? He owes her. Send her there.
Chloé moves to the Agreste Mansion, and she hates everthying about it. She hates everything in it. Gabriel Agreste who refuses to talk to her, the bodyguard who doesn't talk to anyone; that secretary who just tells her not to stray in the house.
Who insists that the noises she hears when it's otherwise silent (and that house is always so, so silent) are nothing but the streets outside.
The only person Chloé doesn't feel like hating is Ladybug.
She spends her days reading the Ladyblog (A real heroine! in Paris! The Ladyblogger might be annoying, but at least it's something to do all day) and aimlessly strolling through the garden. There's a cat she gets to see sometimes... there's bees. Some birds. The silent bodyguard seems to like them.
She's sitting very, very still, letting a bee land on her nose, when one day she looks up and finds Ladybug sitting on the garden wall.
(She's sick and tired of the silence and the noises when she gets up at night and finds that she isn't the only child in the house.)
(It's much, much later that they all discover the secret garden in the basement.)
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1822 Thursday 18 July
6 1/2
At 8 1/4 my aunt and I set off (a cunning little girl our guide - picked her up in the village) to see the cataract Rhiader Mawr - the girl pronounced Rhiader as tho’ pronounced adder - going and returning took us 1 49/60 hour rained all the time more or less, but gentle and not so as to wet one much - my aunt thought the cataract not worth the trouble we had had -
Breakfasted - the milk in the house all sour - desired the waiter to get some elsewhere - no body kept any cows or even goats and no milk to be had - sent for the mistress (Mrs Lewis) she was very civil said it was a shame to live in the country and have no milk, and she sent somewhere, borrowed a pint, and I had at last caffée au lait as usual, and a good breakfast - In paying the bill they gave me in change 2 Irish tenpennys, but valued them at only 9d. - I gave the waiter 1 of these and 2d., and the chamber the other (i.e. 9d.) not giving her anything for my bed, because the sheets were certainly not clean of which I took care to tell both her and her mistress - As they told we could get nothing for the horses at the slate quarries, we took 2 feeds of corn (16d.) with us wrapt up in the plaid - the clouds looked very threatening -
Left Aber at 11 10/60, and in 1 1/2 hour at 12 40/60, on account of a heavy shower, stopt a neat looking small house by the wayside (Mr Jones’s the Tin y Mis Inn, as the chamber maid spelt it, 7 miles from Bangor and 8 from Capel Curig) - Detained here 1 1/2 hour it rained almost all the while, and, besides, Percy had his near hind shoe fastened on - the vale of Nant Frangon began about a mile from Tin y Mis Inn with the slate quarries - drove forwards about 3 1/2 miles to within 4 or 5 miles of Capel Curig, a good way beyond the end of Ogwen pool - the scenery, the tremendous mountains on each side all the way, particularly bordering the lake, sublime and savagely grand - It was aobut 3 hours from our leaving Tin y Mis to our going into the slate quarry which we entered at 4 1/4 and staid 1/2 hour - it rained very heavily all the while and afterwards till we got back to Llandegai (2 miles from here, Bangor) where we turned to our left this morning to Nant Frangon - we turned off to the slate quarries to the left as we returned from Ogwen pool at the last turnpike before Llandegai - owing to some men standing by we took a round in going and were 20 minutes from the high road to the quarries we returned a nearer way in 10 minutes -
The quarries very well worth seeing - shewn us by an overlooker John Hughes, a better sort of workman allowed allowed 14/. a week - 9 hundred and 2 or 3 men employed in all the quarries (belonging now to Mr Pennant who succeeded to the estates of the late Lord Penrhyn, and who, Evan JOnes the Snowdon guide told us had 28,000 a year clearing 18,000 by the quarries) - we saw the largest quarry 450 men employed in it - they were pulling down huge masses of slate with ropes - or rather the ropes were fastened to or about the rock for the men to climb up by, and split or rend off the masses with large iron wedges - others were blasting the rock with gunpowder - this so lacerates the rock, they only do it when other means fail - we went thro’ a longish tunnel from one quarrry to another 60 yards deep - slates different sizes - the largest £7 a thousand delivered at Port Penrhyn (close to Bangor) the smallest 4/6 a thousand - good workmen can earn about £2 a month - each one pays 4/. a month towards clearing away the waste made in getting and dressing the slates - and what more is required is paid by Mr Pennant - the refuse is carted out along the side of the hill, and has a striking effect (like so many pit-hills as we call them) at a distance # - 
We particularly admired the small scattered town and very neat looking church of Llandegai, and should have liked to visit Penrhyn castle at a short distance from it on the right, going from Conwy to Bangor had we had time etc - The castle is approached from Llandegai by a fine gothic gateway under a handsome dog-toothed Saxon church like arch - this, however, struck me as rather inconsistent with a regular castle gate - not yet quite finished - Got out at the Castle Inn, Bangor (at the back of the cathedral) at 6 - Drove down to the bishop’s palace (I suppose it is) at first, and thence directed to the castle - It is the best Inn in the place, but bad enough and dirty enough - quite full - 2 very small hot uncomfortable looking rooms at the top of the house - and a sitting room on the left of the entrance on the ground floor next the street - and even about this we had some difficulty, finding other company when we returned from the Cathedral, and obliged to civilly turn them out, tho’ here before us - A reverend Mr and his daughter Miss Jones from Ruthin -
Walked out before dinner - a very poor little town, and very paltry Cathedral - A great long sword upon a flat table in a niche bespoke the tomb of Owen Glendwr - Suspecting that we ought to have gone to the Penrhyn arms at Port Penrhyn, close upon Bangor, perhaps 1/2 mile off, - I walked to see and be convinced - this is a dirty bustling coach-house - Perhaps Bangor ferry would have suited us much better; but Mr William Henry Rawson said “avoid Bangor ferry” - we shall see it tomorrow - I wish I had not minded this - however, we mean to be off at 7 in the morning and breakfast at the hotel at Caernarvon - we had mullet to dinner (sat down at 7 1/2) well dressed and good - a large too-short-a-time-kept leg of mutton, and a goodish currant tart (pie) - settled the accounts and wrote this journal of today after dinner - It seems to have been fair all the evening - Finished this at 10 1/2 and then went upstairs to bed -
# In returning just as we passed the bridge from the quarries and got back to the turnpike close to it, a flash of vivid lightening came across us immediately followed by a loud peal of thunder, and the rain which had begun just before we got to the quarries, continued till within a couple of miles of Bangor
Reference: SH:7/ML/E/6/0027 - SH:7/ML/E/6/0028
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