#Grimm beast
marilynsweet · 5 months
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Redraw of the Lilith alt!
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bridgyrose · 1 year
Is she woman or beast... or is she both? Cinder Fall, but she can also turn into a Grimm Monster hybrid against her will.
“I wont lose!” Cinder yelled as she dropped to the ground as her skin started to ripple, bone-like spikes jutting out of her shoulders as her eyes turned red. Her fingers and nails started to become claws as they dug into the ground. “I cant lose! Not now!” 
“C-Cinder?” Emerald took a step closer to Cinder. “We can go-” 
“Get away from me!” Cinder yelled as she swiped at Emerald, claws digging into her as she started to shift. Her bones cracked as her form started to shift, no longer looking human and more like a beast. She growled as her body finally quit shifting, teeth bared as looked at her teammates, no longer recognizing who they were. 
Cinder glared at Emerald and lunged at her, stopping in her tracks as she felt a pull from Salem, dropping down to all fours and pulling back to Salem’s side. 
Salem gently stroked Cinder’s back and smirked. “I see the treatments have worked.” 
“Treatments?” Emerald looked at Cinder, and then to Salem. “What treatments?” 
“For her arm. For her failures. Time and time again, she has failed to obtain the relics for me, and now I finally have a weapon that will be able to get everything I need. One that wont fail anymore.” 
Cinder looked up at Salem with empty eyes, and then to Emerald before turning away and walking with Salem. All thought had turned to a simple word, a simple command: obey. All she had to do was obey Salem, get the relics and Ruby, and all would be forgiven. Her body tensed for a moment as she started to shift again, freezing in her tracks. 
Salem shook her head and continued to walk off, letting Cinder shift on her own. “It seems we have more work to do with you. Do not fail me.” 
Cinder groaned as her body finished shifting, every little sensation sending pain through her body. Fire and smoke left her mouth with every breath as she tried to calm herself and thought back to what had just happened. She had remembered losing control while training against a few grimm that were getting the best of her, lashing out, the pain that ran through her… 
Cinder looked over at Emerald, noting the fear in her eyes. “What?” she asked, voice gruff from the transformation. 
“You’re yourself again, right?” 
“Again? What do you mean “again”?” 
“You were a grimm for a moment.” Emerald took a hesitant step forward. “But… you’re back to normal, right?” 
Cinder sighed and picked herself up, a hand running over her tattered clothes. She hated the idea of not having any control of herself. “I’m fine. We’ll need to get ready for our next mission. I will not fail again.”
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potatobugz · 2 months
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here is a collection of riptide drawings that i made a while ago but never posted ^_^
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thefugitivesaint · 1 month
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Eleanor Vere Boyle (1825-1916), ''Beauty and the Beast'', 1875 "After supper every night, the Beast asked Beauty to be his wife: and every night she said him nay." Source
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liuphrog · 10 months
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Hollow Knight doodles/drawings
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i-lavabean · 6 months
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"Get behind me"
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diamondsandtoads · 8 months
Do you love fairy tales? I want to hear from you!
EDIT: I will be closing the survey on November 9th! Thank you everyone who has participated!!!
My name is Ainjel Stephens and I am a PhD candidate in the Folklore department at Memorial University of Newfoundland. I am currently conducting a research project on fairy tales reception by queer-identifying individuals for my PhD dissertation under the supervision of Sarah Gordon. The purpose of this study is to learn how people who feel queer or identify as queer think about and respond to fairy tales.
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Artist: Gustave Dore
If this sounds like a project you would be interested in participating in, then I invite you to take a short survey where you will be asked a few questions about who you are, as well as reflective questions about your thoughts and feelings on fairy tales, and if these tales are “queer.” It should only take about 10 minutes of your time to complete.
The survey asks if you would like to participate further with an interview with myself in order to discuss your thoughts and opinions on fairy tales. This interview will be a recorded hour-long interview through video conferencing platform Tauria or Webex. If you select yes, I will be in contact with you with further steps. If you select no, then that’s it! Thank you for participating.
To participate, you must be the age of majority and no younger than 19, have fairy tale knowledge in English, and identify with the term “queer.”
If you are interested, click the link below to participate in the anonymous survey.
If you have questions or want to chat further, you can contact me at [email protected] or through my inbox on my project blog, www.diamondsandtoads.tumblr.com/
If you know anyone who may be interested in participating in this study, please send this post along.
Thank you for reading!
The proposal for this research has been reviewed by the Interdisciplinary Committee on Ethics in Human Research and found to be in compliance with Memorial University’s ethics policy. If you have ethical concerns about the research, such as your rights as a participant, you may contact the Chairperson of the ICEHR at [email protected] or by telephone at 709-864-2861
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chaotictoon · 4 months
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Fairy Tale: Beauty and the beast
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poppletonink · 11 months
Books That Are Fairytale Retellings
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The Sleeper and The Spindle by Neil Gaiman
A Court Of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maal
Cinderella Is Dead by Kalynn Bayron
The Girl In Red by Christina Henry
Once Upon A Time: A Story Collection by Shannon Hale
Lost In The Never Woods by Aiden Thomas
The True Story Of Hansel and Gretel by Louise Murphy
Cinder by Marissa Meyer
The Big Over Easy by Jasper Fforde
The Mermaid by Christina Henry
House Of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig
Girls Made Of Snow And Glass by Melissa Bashardoust
The Storybook of Legends by Shannon Hale
The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer
Forest Of A Thousand Lanterns by Julie C. Dao
Geekerella by Ashley Poston
The Fourth Bear by Jasper Fforde
Gingerbread by Helen Oyeyemi
To Kill A Kingdom by Alexandra Christo
Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim
Once Upon A Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber
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marvelousmrm · 1 month
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Dazzler #2 (Defalco/Romita Jr, Apr 1981). The Marvel A-List attend Dazzler’s debut and help her get a record deal. It’s very sweet! I’m still waiting to see what Allison’s like without the whole cast backing her.
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critter-wizard · 9 months
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bluecloudsandwhitesky · 9 months
Beauty and the Beast retelling where Belle is a vampire and Beast is a recently turned werewolf.
He transforms every night no matter the moon phase, but is human presenting in the day.
Much of the story is him trying to bring out the main qualities he has in the day during the night where she can see them. Cuz they actually have so much in common and would mesh so so well but being transformed overwhelms his senses and his body becomes hard to navigate, which makes him uncharacteristically agitated due to frustration
Beauty/Belle is actually drawn to that abrasive-ness at first since humans are automatically charmed by her and thus she’s only experienced pandering and subservience from ppl for centuries, which is torturous when you’re looking for sincerity.
They get to know each other slowly; Beast working through his frustrations and figuring out how to maneuver his were-form, Beauty actually having to work on her socials skills and how to communicate with someone not hypnotically captivated by her vampiric lure.
Together, they find something patient, honest and vulnerable. A love they chose not in spite of the challenges but largely because of them
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fisheito · 5 months
will i ever stop thinking about little red riding yakumo and the big bad fox.?hm. no... no, i don't think i will
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lowcountry-gothic · 1 year
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Beauty and her Beast, by Shoko Ishida.
Illustration of the story "Beauty and the Beast" by the Brothers Grimm, inspired by the Japanese Kabuki act "鏡獅子-Kagami Jishi", which the girl turns into the beast herself. Digital.
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peoplesgraves · 2 years
Yandere Reaper X Reader
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Your eyes open and you’re somewhere unfamiliar. As far as the eye can see is gray sand and an equally gray sky. The sand crunches underneath your feet and a cool breeze blows from the sky. Someone is holding your hand. His is skeletal and almost engulfed by the baggy black robes he wears but for some reason it doesn’t scare you.
“Where am I?” You look up at the much talller man and he looks oddly familiar.
“The barrens.” He starts right back down at her. His sunken gaze immediately softening at her confused face. “It’s where souls who have forgotten who they are go.”
You look out into the distance and manage to see people aimlessly wandering. Paying no attention to eachother or to the reaper. “Is this where I’m going?”
The reaper shakes his head and tightens his grip on your hand. “No. Never.”
“I promise. Even when you forget I’ll remember for you.” A bright light engulfs you and suddenly you’re in a field of wild flowers.
“Wow. Is this where people who remember go?”
The reaper nods “there are a lot of afterlife’s like this one. For now this ones empty so it’s just for us.” He leans down to pick a flower. He ends up with a pink one that smells like raspberries. He tucks it behind your ear and legs his fingers ghost over you for just a second longer then needed. “Beautiful.”
The two of you stay in that afterlife for a while. You weave him a flower crown and he blushes when you call him beautiful. Soon though things start to darken again.
“Who are you?”
The reaper sighs sadly. This was so much worse then asking where you were. “I’m a reaper.”
“Hmm. Are you my reaper?”
He smiles sadly and grabs your hand. “If you want me to be.”
“Just one more question” you grasp his hand tighter as if gearing yourself up.
The reaper was similarly unready. This was his least favorite question of all. He would rather be stabbed 1000 times then see this look in your eyes.
“Who am I?” Your eyes turn glassy and fear invades at the realization that you have no idea who you are.
Instead of answering the reaper takes you to another afterlife. The travel causes your memory to reset and the reaper is spared from your questions for a while.
You sit on the beach and all of a sudden a large mostly human figure is next to you.
You give the man a friendly grin. “Penny for your thoughts?”
“I’ve been hurting someone I love and I’m more sure how to fix it.” The reaper grabs a handful of sand and lets it fall through his fingers. He unable to look you in the eye, afraid your memory will suddenly return.
You frown softly. “Maybe it would help to tell me about it”
“Humans aren’t made to be traveling like reapers. I’ve been selfish and kept them with me despite knowing how negatively it’s affecting them. Now they’re memory is too far gone for me to send their soul to their afterlife” The reaper looks down guiltily and sighs “what should I do?”
“I think the best you can do is just to be there for them now.” You shrugs “if I was forgetting everything then I’d want someone there for me.”
The reaper smiles softly. “You’re right. I won’t leave them. Thank you” he kisses the top of your hand and can feel butterflies at the blush that coats your face. It was just like the first time again.
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hero-in-high-tops · 5 months
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I finally got my hands on the marvel multiverse rulebook and I couldn't find a scan of this by Juan Fernandez but I love it so I'm posting it
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