#Growing website audience
marketingprofitmedia · 7 months
How I Increase My New Website from 0 to 1000 of Daily Visitors Step-By-Step Guide
To boost your new website to 1000 daily visitors, begin with thorough keyword research and consistent high-quality content creation. Streamline your site’s SEO and engage with your audience on social media for increased exposure.
Gaining traction for a new website can be challenging; attracting visitors requires a strategic blend of search engine optimization and engaging content. A crucial first step involves identifying target keywords that potential visitors might use to find your site. Producing regular, valuable content optimized for these keywords can dramatically improve your search engine ranking, making your site more visible.
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Embarking On The Journey To 1000 Daily Visitors
Boosting a new website’s visitors</strong> is like exploring new territories. Each step must act towards capturing the attention of the online crowd. This journey, packed with strategy and perseverance, can lead a website to the milestone of 1000 daily visitors. Let’s dive into the essentials for making this happen.</strong>
<h3>Choosing The Right Niche
Selecting a niche is crucial. A focused niche attracts dedicated traffic. It’s like choosing a destination before setting sail.
Identify passions and expertise: Blend interest with knowledge.
Research market demand: Use tools to gauge search trends.
Analyze competition: Find gaps to fill with unique content.
Consider profitability: Ensure the niche can support growth.
Website Design Principles
The website’s look and feel invite and retain visitors. Function pairs with form to ensure a seamless and enjoyable user experience.
PrincipleDetailsMobile-FriendlyEnsures accessibility on all devices.Fast Load TimePrioritizes quick access to content.Intuitive NavigationGuides the user to desired information easily.Quality VisualsAttracts and holds user interest.SEO-FriendlyIncorporates SEO best practices for visibility.
Laying The Seo Foundation
Transforming a brand new website to achieve a thousand daily visits starts with solid SEO groundwork. It’s like building a house; the stronger the foundation, the more durable the structure. This guide dives straight into the bedrock of SEO techniques.
Keyword Research Techniques
Finding the right keywords is crucial for SEO success. It’s all about what potential visitors search for. Use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to unearth the golden phrases.
Understand search intent: Does the searcher want to buy, learn, or find a specific page?
Look for long-tail keywords: These are more specific and less competitive.
Analyze the competition: See what keywords the leaders in your niche use.
On-page Seo Essentials
Effective on-page SEO demands quality content paired with optimized HTML elements.
Optimal title tags: Use primary keywords and keep under 60 characters.
Headings and subheadings: Include H1, H2, etc., with relevant keywords.
Responsive design: Make sure your site looks great on all devices.
Page speed: Fast-loading pages improve user experience and ranking.
Internal linking: Create links to other pages on your site to boost SEO.
Mastering Meta Descriptions
Meta descriptions provide a sneak peek of your content on search engine results pages.
Meta Description TipsUse active voice: Keep it direct and engaging.Include keywords: Insert your primary keywords naturally.Stay within 155 characters: Be concise to ensure full display in results.Drive action: Encourage clicks with calls-to-action.
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Content Is King: Crafting Quality Posts
Every journey to a thousand visitors begins with a single post. Let’s dive into turning your blank canvas into a traffic magnet. Quality content reigns supreme in the world of website success. Crafting posts that resonate with readers ensures a snowball effect of visitors, shares, and engagement.
Blog Topics That Attract Traffic
Blog Topics That Attract Traffic
Picking the right topics is like finding the keys to the kingdom. Start with understanding your audience. What tickles their curiosity? What problems do they face?
Trending topics: Find what’s hot using tools like Google Trends.
Evergreen subjects: These are timeless topics that stay relevant.
Questions in forums: Answer common questions from sites like Quora or Reddit.
Keyword research: Use SEO tools for keywords with high potential.
Engaging Writing Styles
Engaging Writing Styles
Your writing style can make or break engagement. Be conversational and relatable. Short sentences keep the pace brisk and enjoyable. Shift between sentence structures to maintain interest. Hook your readers with stories and examples. Use the active voice.
Break up your text with subheadings. This helps with both readability and SEO.
Using Multimedia Effectively
Using Multimedia Effectively
Text alone is a thing of the past. Today’s reader craves a visual feast. Blend in multimedia to make your posts pop.
Images: Use high-quality, relevant images to complement your text.
Videos: Embed related videos for in-depth explanations.
Infographics: Condense complex information into easy-to-digest visuals.
Audio clips: Offer a different medium for content consumption.
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Credit: blog.hubspot.com
Social Media Strategies
Let’s talk about growing your website’s audience with social media. Knowing how to harness social media can skyrocket your daily visitor count. A strategic approach can turn platforms into powerful traffic sources. Follow these steps, and let’s get those numbers up!
Selecting The Right Platforms
Choosing where to focus is crucial. Not all social platforms suit every website. Consider your target audience and type of content. Here’s a simple way to decide:
Facebook: Great for videos and curated content.
Instagram: Perfect for high-quality photos and stories.
Twitter: Ideal for news, blog posts, and GIFs.
LinkedIn: Business content shines here.
Pinterest: Use this for visual guides and infographics.
Building A Social Media Presence
Creating a recognizable brand on social media takes time. Start with an engaging profile. Fill in every detail. Use a memorable logo. Post regularly. Quality content is king. Interact with your followers. Here are steps to build your presence:
Create a content calendar.
Post content that adds value.
Engage with comments and messages.
Follow trends while staying true to your brand.
Collaborate with influencers and brands.
Leveraging Social Ads
Social ads can boost traffic fast. They’re cost-effective. They target specific demographics. Start with a small budget. Test different ad formats. Use eye-catching images and compelling copy. Track the performance. Optimize accordingly. Use the table below to understand ad components.
ComponentDescriptionVisualsUse high-quality images or videos to catch attention.CopyKeep your message clear and to the point.Call to Action (CTA)Encourage users to click through to your site.TargetingFocus on users interested in your content.
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Networking And Collaboration
Networking and Collaboration</strong&amp;gt; play pivotal roles in boosting website traffic. Reaching a daily visitor count of 1,000 doesn’t happen overnight. It requires strategy and connections. Smart networking and meaningful collaborations can set the stage for long-lasting traffic growth. Let’s dive into how to expand reach and establish an online presence through these methods.
Guest Posting Opportunities
Guest posting is a powerful way to access new audiences. It involves writing content for other websites. This brings exposure to your site. Follow these steps to success with guest posts:
Identify blogs that resonate with your niche.
Reach out with a personalized pitch.
Create valuable and relevant content for these blogs.
Include a backlink to your site within your guest post.
Effective guest posting opens doors to new visitors. Make sure the content is top-notch. This ensures readers will want to click through to your site.
Forging Partnerships With Influencers
Influencer partnerships put your site in the spotlight. Here’s a quick guide:
StepActionExpected Outcome1Identify influencers in your niche.Find the right match for your brand.2Engage with their content.Get on their radar before pitching.3Propose a collaboration.Discuss ways to integrate your site’s offerings.4Co-create valuable content.Attract their followers to your site.
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Credit: backlinko.com
Analyzing And Improving
In the quest to boost website traffic, it’s essential to dive into analysis and improvement. This process unpacks the mystery of visitor behavior. It sharpens the lens on what works and what doesn’t. Every tweak and test can pave the way for more clicks, more views, and a thriving audience.
Utilizing Analytics For Traffic Insights
Understanding your audience is the key to growth. Analytics provide a window into their world. By setting up robust analytics, you capture valuable data. This info guides your content strategy, SEO tactics, and more. Let’s look at how analytics can transform a trickle of visitors into a stream.
Track Page Views: Discover which pages magnetize visitors.
Analyze Visitor Behavior: See how users interact with your site.
Monitor Traffic Sources: Find out where your audience comes from.
Gauge User Demographics: Get to know your audience’s age, location, and interests.
TIP: Use tools like Google Analytics. They are free and powerful. Start by installing a tracking code on your site. Check the dashboard regularly. Make decisions based on the data you gather.
A/b Testing For Conversion Rate Optimization
A/B testing, or split testing, compares two versions of a web page. This method identifies which one performs better. Small changes often lead to big leaps in visitor engagement. Implement A/B testing to enhance the user experience and grow traffic.
Set Clear Goals: Decide what you want to improve. It could be sign-ups, downloads, or sales.
Create Variations: Change one element at a time. This could be headlines, button colors, or images.
Run the Test: Use tools like Optimizely or Google Optimize to conduct your tests.
Analyze Results: Compare the performance of each variant.
Implement Changes: Apply the winning elements to your site.
REMEMBER: Consistent testing and optimization are vital. Always be testing. Your audience’s preferences can shift. Stay flexible and ready to adapt.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How To Drive Initial Traffic To New Websites?
Building initial traffic requires a multifaceted approach including SEO optimization, engaging content creation, social media marketing, and leveraging industry partnerships for exposure.
Q. What Are Top Seo Strategies For New Websites?
Focus on keyword research, on-page SEO, high-quality backlinks, user-friendly website design, and creating valuable, original content to rank higher in search engine results.
Q. Can Social Media Boost Website Visitors?
Absolutely, social media platforms can significantly boost traffic by sharing content, engaging with followers, and using targeted ads to reach potential visitors.
Q. How Quickly Can A New Site Get 1000 Visitors?
Achieving 1,000 daily visitors depends on your strategy and niche competitiveness, but with consistent effort and quality content, it can be accomplished within a few months.
Q. Do Guest Posts Increase Website Traffic?
Guest posting on reputable sites can increase traffic by introducing your website to a new audience and providing valuable backlinks that improve search ranking.
Growing a website’s traffic isn’t magic — it’s strategic effort. By methodically applying the steps outlined, your site can blossom from obscurity to a buzzing hub of visitors. Patience and consistency are your allies. Remember, each action you take builds on the last.
Start that journey today, and watch as your visitor counter climbs to new heights.
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Thanks for reading my article on How I Increase My New Website from 0 to 1000 of Daily Visitors Step-By-Step Guide
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Source :��How I Increase My New Website from 0 to 1000 of Daily Visitors Step-By-Step Guide
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espialsolution · 1 month
Can Social Media Marketing Help Your Brand Grow?
In today’s digitally-driven world, social media marketing has evolved from a trendy buzzword to an essential strategy for businesses of all sizes. From startups to established enterprises, leveraging social media platforms can significantly contribute to brand growth. But how exactly can social media marketing help your brand grow? Let’s explore the key ways in which this powerful tool can elevate your brand.
1. Enhanced Brand Awareness
Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok offer unparalleled opportunities to reach vast audiences. With billions of users globally, these platforms provide a stage where your brand can gain visibility. By consistently posting relevant and engaging content, your brand can reach people who may never have heard of it otherwise. Social media marketing helps in creating a recognizable brand identity, ensuring that your business remains top of mind for potential customers.
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2. Targeted Advertising
One of the standout features of social media marketing services is the ability to target specific audiences with precision. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow you to create highly targeted ads based on demographics, interests, behavior, and more. This means you can tailor your marketing efforts to reach people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services, resulting in higher conversion rates. Targeted advertising not only maximizes your marketing budget but also ensures that your brand message reaches the right people at the right time.
3. Customer Engagement and Relationship Building
Brands that actively engage with their audience on social media build stronger relationships with their customers. Responding to comments, answering queries, and even addressing complaints in a timely manner can foster loyalty and trust. Moreover, satisfied customers often share their positive experiences, leading to organic word-of-mouth promotion, which can be incredibly valuable for brand growth.
4. Insights and Analytics
Social media platforms offer robust analytics tools that provide insights into how your content is performing. These tools allow you to track metrics such as engagement rates, click-through rates, and audience demographics. By analyzing this data, you can refine your marketing strategies, focusing on what works and discarding what doesn’t. This continuous optimization is key to growing your brand effectively over time.
5. Increased Website Traffic and SEO Benefits
Social media marketing can drive significant traffic to your website. By sharing blog posts, product pages, and other valuable content on social media, you can entice users to visit your site, where they can learn more about your brand and offerings. Additionally, social media activity can indirectly influence your search engine rankings. While social signals are not a direct ranking factor, they contribute to the overall online presence of your brand, which search engines may consider when ranking your website.
6. Cost-Effective Marketing
Compared to traditional advertising methods, social media marketing is relatively cost-effective. Many platforms offer free account creation and posting options, with the option to run paid campaigns that can fit any budget. This makes social media an accessible tool for businesses of all sizes, particularly for startups and small businesses that may have limited marketing budgets. The return on investment (ROI) from well-executed social media campaigns can be substantial, making it a smart choice for brand growth.
Social media marketing services is a dynamic and versatile tool that can significantly contribute to your brand’s growth. From increasing brand awareness and engagement to driving website traffic and providing valuable insights, the benefits are vast. By strategically leveraging social media, your brand can not only reach new heights but also stay competitive in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.
About The Author
Espial Solutions serve Startups, SME, and large Enterprises,with SEO, SMM, PPC, Branding, and Digital Marketing services. . Contact for More Information!
#2. Targeted Advertising#interests#behavior#3. Customer Engagement and Relationship Building#answering queries#and even addressing complaints in a timely manner can foster loyalty and trust. Moreover#satisfied customers often share their positive experiences#leading to organic word-of-mouth promotion#which can be incredibly valuable for brand growth.#4. Insights and Analytics#click-through rates#and audience demographics. By analyzing this data#you can refine your marketing strategies#focusing on what works and discarding what doesn’t. This continuous optimization is key to growing your brand effectively over time.#5. Increased Website Traffic and SEO Benefits#Social media marketing can drive significant traffic to your website. By sharing blog posts#product pages#and other valuable content on social media#you can entice users to visit your site#where they can learn more about your brand and offerings. Additionally#social media activity can indirectly influence your search engine rankings. While social signals are not a direct ranking factor#they contribute to the overall online presence of your brand#which search engines may consider when ranking your website.#6. Cost-Effective Marketing#Compared to traditional advertising methods#social media marketing is relatively cost-effective. Many platforms offer free account creation and posting options#making it a smart choice for brand growth.#Conclusion#the benefits are vast. By strategically leveraging social media#About The Author
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zoofsoftware · 7 months
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nexzono · 9 months
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genericpuff · 4 months
Tbh at this point you should just make your own webcomic app/website because it would probably be 100 times better than whatever going on with webtoon right now.
hahaha it wouldn't tho, sorry 💀
Here's the fundamental issue with webcomic platforms that a lot of people just don't realize (and why they're so difficult to run successfully):
Storage costs are incredibly expensive, it's why so many sites have limitations on file sizes / page sizes / etc. because all of those images and site info have to be stored somewhere, which costs $$$.
Maintenance costs are expensive and get more so as you grow, you need people who are capable of fixing bugs ASAP and managing the servers and site itself
Financially speaking, webcomics are in a state of high supply, low demand. Loads of artists are willing to create their passion projects, but getting people to read them and pay for them is a whole other issue. Demand is high in the general sense that once people get attached to a webtoon they'll demand more, but many people aren't actually willing to go looking for new stuff to read and depend more on what sites feed them (and what they already like). There are a lot of comics to go around and thus a lot of competition with a limited audience of people willing to actually pay for them.
Trying to build a new platform from the ground up is incredibly difficult and a majority of sites fail within their first year. Not only do you have to convince artists to take a chance on your platform, you have to convince readers to come. Readers won't come if there isn't work on the platform to read, but artists won't come if they don't think the site will be worth it due to low traffic numbers. This is why the artists with large followings who are willing to take chances on the smaller sites are crucial, but that's only if you can convince them to use the site in favor of (or alongside) whatever platform they're using already where the majority of their audience lies. For many creators it's just not worth the time, energy, or risk.
Even if you find short-term success, in the long-term there are always going to be profit margins to maintain. The more users you pull in, the more storage is used by incoming artists, the more you have to spend on storage and server maintenance costs, and that means either taking the risk at crowdfunding (ex. ComicFury) or having to resort to outsider investments (ex. Tapas). Look at SmackJeeves, it used to be a titan in the independent webcomic hosting community, until it folded over to a buyout by NHN and then was pretty much immediately shuttered due to NHN basically turning it into a manwha scanlation site and driving away its entire userbase. And if you don't get bought out and try your hand at crowdfunding, you may just wind up living on a lifeline that could cut out at any moment, like what happened to Inkblazers (fun fact, the death of Inkblazers was what kicked off the cultural shift in Tapas around 2015-16 when all of IB's users migrated over and brought their work with them which was more aimed towards the BL and romancee drama community, rather than the comedy / gag-a-day culture that Tapas had made itself known for... now you deadass can't tell Tapas apart from a lot of scanlation sites because it got bought out by Kakao and kept putting all of its eggs into the isekai/romance drama basket.)
Right now the mindset in which artists and readers are operating is that they're trying way, way too hard to find a "one size fits all" site. Readers want a place where they can find all their favorite webtoons without much effort, artists wants a place where they can post to an audience of thousands, and both sides want a community that will feel tight-knit. But the reality is that you can't really have all three of those things, not on one site. Something always winds up having to be sacrificed - if a site grows big enough, it'll have to start seeking more funding while also cutting costs which will result in features becoming paywall'd, intrusive ads, creators losing their freedom, and/or outsider support which often results in the platform losing its core identity and alienating its tight-knit community.
If I had to describe what I'm talking about in a "pick one" graphic, it would look something like this:
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(*note: this is mostly based on my own observations from using all of these sites at some point or another, they're not necessarily entirely accurate to the statistical performance of each site, I can only glean so much from experience and traffic trackers LMAO that said I did ask some comic pals for input and they were very helpful in helping me adjust it with their own takes <3).
The homogenization of the Internet has really whipped people into submission for the "big sites" that offer "everything", but that's never been the Internet, it relies on being multi-faceted and offering different spaces for different purposes. And we're seeing that ideology falter through the enshittification of sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. where users are at odds with the platforms because the platforms are gutting features in an attempt to satisfy shareholders whom without the platforms would not exist. Like, most of us aren't paying money to use social media sites / comic platform sites, so where else are they gonna make the necessary funds to keep these sites running? Selling ad space and locking features behind paywalls.
And this is especially true for a lot of budding sites that don't have the audience to support them via crowdfunding but also don't have the leverage to ask for investments - so unless they get really REALLY lucky in EITHER of those departments, they're gonna be operating at a loss, and even once they do achieve either of those things there are gonna be issues in the site's longevity, whether it be dying from lack of growing crowdfunding support or dying from shareholder meddling.
So what can we do?
We can learn how to take our independence back. We don't have to stop using these big platforms altogether as they do have things to offer in their own way, particularly their large audience sizes and dipping into other demographics that might not be reachable from certain sites - but we gotta learn that no single site is going to satisfy every wish we have and we have to be willing to learn the skills necessary to running our own spaces again. Pick up HTML/CSS, get to know other people who know HTML/CSS if you can't grasp it (it's me, I can't grasp it LOL), be willing to take a chance on those "smaller sites" and don't write them off entirely as spaces that can be beneficial to you just because they don't have large numbers or because they don't offer rewards programs. And if you have a really polished piece of work in your hands, look into agencies and publishing houses that specialize in indie comics / graphic novels, don't settle for the first Originals contract that gets sent your way.
For the last decade corporations have been convincing us that our worth is tied to the eyes we can bring to them. Instead of serving ourselves, we've begun serving the big guys, insisting that it has to be worth something eventually and that it'll "payoff" simply by the virtue of gambler's fallacy. Ask yourself what site is right for you and your work rather than asking yourself if your work is good enough for them. Most of us are broke trying to make it work on these sites anyways, may as well be broke and fulfilled by posting in places that actually suit us and our work if we can. Don't define your success by what sites like Webtoons are enforcing - that definition only benefits them, not you.
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digiads34 · 1 year
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osaemu · 10 months
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.ೃ࿐ streamer!au: all good things come to an end, including your relationship—but don't worry, broken hearts can be mended, but only if you're both willing to try.
contents: fem!reader. you two break up and make up! you guys fight/break up over something that coulda been resolved with better communication. kinda suggestive ending, maybe i'll drop a part two if this does alright. satoru announces your break-up on his stream. longest fic i've posted so far, 4k words (kms).
author's note: the long awaited angst has finally arrived.. big thank you to @screampied for beta-reading!! tagging @yunymphs who read it early and @sutorus + @kentopedia who i both miss very much!!
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ever since you first joined satoru on his stream, it’s gotten way more popular than either of you could’ve ever expected. before he brought you onto his live, he was averaging about eight thousand views per stream. now, his average was well over fifteen thousand—and that wasn't even including the publicity he got from other websites. when satoru accidentally left the camera on while you two made out, you two went viral on twitter. and when another user tried to swipe him away, the clip got over a hundred thousand views on youtube.
at first, satoru didn't mind the change his stream was going through—in fact, he welcomed it. but lately, things have been… different.
last week, while satoru was playing in some competition, he won first out of hundreds of equally proficient players. had it been anyone else, their comments would've been filled with congratulations and good job's, but in his case, all satoru got were messages asking where you were. that wasn’t the first time—ever since that very first day, when you showed up on his stream, satoru’s audience has entirely shifted. and honestly, if you were in his position, you'd be a bit annoyed. anyone would be. 
but you had never expected that it would be so big of a deal that you and satoru—the "cutest couple on the internet"—would break up over it.
you walk along the chilly, suburban sidewalk up to your boyfriend’s house. satoru had just sent you a message asking if you could come over, and like always, you answered with an immediate yes. a flock of crows fly by, raven feathers providing a stark contrast between them and the pale gray sky around you. it’s gray and gloomy, but not unpleasant. 
a sweet, romantic song plays in your ears as you knock three times on satoru’s front door. his familiar voice calls out “coming!”, and you can hear his footsteps grow louder and louder until he swings open the door. satoru smiles down at you, cheeks already rosy from the cold winter air. “hey.”
you tilt your head and smile back at him. “that’s all i get? hey?” you huff, walking into his living room behind him as the door closes behind you. “d’you have any hot chocolate? i’m freezing,” you say, licking your lips. satoru turns and pauses, an unreadable expression on his face. “satoru?”
after a moment, your boyfriend snaps out of it. “oh, yeah, sorry,” he says ruefully. satoru rubs his eyes with one hand and uses the other to open the door to his bedroom, and as you follow him in, you’re hit with a blast of warm air. “i’m just kinda tired, but yeah, i have some hot cocoa in here. c’mon.”
“anything i can do for you?” you offer, sitting down on the corner of his bed. you’ve been to his house so many times that it feels like home—maybe even more so than your own place. everything about satoru’s room is comfortable, from his plush chairs to the faux-fur blankets draped over every single piece of his furniture. you could probably fall over at any given point and it wouldn’t actually hurt—you’d just land on something soft and/or fluffy.
but that wasn’t all that made you so in love with his home. it was just the way it felt—words couldn’t describe the way everything was just so right and just so perfect, and you really did hope that you’d never have to see a time where you wouldn’t be able to spend time with your boyfriend here.
it really is a shame that all good things had to come to an end. at least, that’s what you kept telling yourself as satoru finally told you why he called you over. unlike nearly every other time, it wasn’t because he missed you or wanted to cuddle—it was quite the opposite, really.
“i don’t think this is working.”
six words that shattered the life you had come to know and love.
“is this a joke?” you try, an unnerved smile spreading across your lips against your will. he doesn’t reply instantly, which is so out-of-character for him that it makes you stiffen up. “satoru, this isn’t funny—”
“i’m not kidding,” satoru murmurs, looking away. he refuses to meet your eyes, and some part of you is still desperately trying to find reason in the chaos that’s slowly taking over your mind. how could it be that everything was just fine two minutes ago and now it’s anything but that? did something happen? did you say the wrong thing? did you—
“it’s not funny,” you insist, still somehow clinging onto your slowly-dwindling hope. maybe you’re in denial, but still, you were sure that everything was fine—no, that everything is fine. there was no past-tense, right? how could the glass home you’d built with your bare hands just crash down at the throw of a pebble?
satoru finally meets your eyes, and your breath catches in your throat. there’s no amused glimmer in his eyes, no “just kidding” in sight, and even worse, you can’t even see an ounce of the love or adoration you’d come to grow so attached to in just a couple months.
“what happened?” you whisper, miraculously managing to keep yourself together. you’d never forgive yourself if you just started crying over a breakup you weren’t even sure was happening—what little’s left of your pride is holding on. you allow yourself to wrap your arms around your chest, curling into your own embrace. 
satoru doesn’t reply for a long second. right when you’re sure he just won’t reply, he does, and it all comes spilling out in a messy stream of words. “it’s just… i can’t do this anymore. i can’t keep going online and seeing everyone on my stream talking about you. i love you, i really do, but it’s just—” satoru shakes his head frustratedly. “i don’t know how to say it, but you know what i mean, right?”
your eyebrows furrow and you shake your head. “you’re breaking up with me because you’re tired of seeing me?”
“no, fuck,” satoru groans, running a hand through his hair. his previously cool and collected demeanor starts to fall apart as he takes a step back. “i don’t know how to explain it, but— shit, you wouldn’t understand.”
you swallow and start to stand up, still willing to try. “then help me understand, satoru, i—”
“you’ve seen the comments, and you’ve seen all the posts on twitter,” satoru says, tilting his head back and glaring at the ceiling. “it’s not your fault, but i really just can’t stand everyone disregarding me and turning my own stream into a youtube channel starring you.”
his words sting like alcohol in an open wound, and you fight the battle of your life to prevent the thousands of tears hiding behind your eyes from being visible. even so, your voice wobbles ever so slightly as you say “that’s a bullshit reason to break up, satoru—”
your boyfriend—is he even still your boyfriend?—scoffs and shakes his head, stumbling back and falling into his chair. "for you, it isn't. you wouldn’t understand. for me, it's like everyone's just... invalidating the three years i've spent on this shit. and i can't do it anymore, i just can't."
you blink slowly, backing away towards his bedroom door. "what does that mean?"
satoru exhales a bitter laugh and turns away, the back of his chair facing you. you think you can hear him take a soft, shaky breath as the room falls silent. neither of you make a sound before satoru turns back toward you, a blank look on his face.
he looks up at you, azure eyes devoid of the sparkle you've become so familiar with. satoru smiles sadly, but to your dismay, there's no real emotion behind it. it's almost like he's already accepted it when he says, "it means we—" he pauses and looks away. "this is over."
you reach out toward him, desperate to hold on to him—to the invisible string that ties you and satoru together, but he's just out of your grasp. "satoru, it isn't even that big of a deal, why are you—"
satoru turns and fixes you with a stern glare, and just like that, the string that kept you and satoru together for months, maybe years snaps, and you're left with a limp strand of what it once was. taking the hint, you walk out of his room in a daze, hardly noticing the way he says "i'm sorry".
and the worst part? he said he still loved you. but apparently that wasn’t enough.
satoru has every right to be annoyed that his stream is only growing because of you—his stream was the way he made money, and after all, it was never meant to be about you. 
and maybe he was never meant to be for you either.
the walk home is cold and lonely. you slip a hand into your pocket—the pocket of satoru's hoodie, which you should probably return to him—and extract your earphones. it probably isn't a good idea to wear both outside as you walk home, but you do it anyway—this day can't possibly get any worse.
a soft voice murmurs words of sorrow and encouragement in your ear as the music takes you to another world. maybe this—the breakup—was meant to happen. maybe it was a mistake to date a boy with thousands of fans.
as soon as you get home, your phone dings softly. you pick it up and frown when you see it's from toru. you'd have to change that name later.
toru: idk if u blocked me already but i still have a lot of ur things, do u wanna come pick them up later?
toru: or i can drop them off tmrw ig
you miss the way he used to text you—with an obnoxious amount of exclamation points and an even worse amount of emojis. now, it's like all of the flavor's gone from his words, and it hurts. that's when it actually settles in, that this is really over. it hurts like an icicle being driven straight through your heart, and it stings like one, too.
satoru's texts are left on delivered for five whole minutes before you reply, and it's only with an "i'll come by tmrw". he likes the message less than a minute later, and you're left to wallow in your misery alone until you finally drift off to sleep.
the next morning, you open your phone to a notification alerting you that satoru’ll be live on stream in ten minutes. curiosity kills the cat, but in this case, maybe it’d be worth it to see what he tells his viewers about your breakup. after all, there’s no way he wouldn’t tell them—he always had something to say about you, and he’d probably rather tell them for sure rather than let them come up with ridiculous theories on their own.
so you hastily make a new account using some email account you haven’t touched since middle school, trying a couple different passwords until you remember the one that works. the website hits you with a hundred questions, asking you about your favorite games and who’d you like to subscribe to first. you choose satoru, albeit after a second of hesitation. two minutes later, sparklingzebra672 joins your ex-boyfriend’s stream. you wait a second, holding your breath as the live loads. a brief moment later, satoru’s painfully familiar face appears on your screen.
“hey guys,” satoru says, forcing a smile on his face. even from behind a screen, you swear you can feel his eyes on you. “how’s everyone today?” 
the already unstable smile on satoru’s face falls when he opens the comments and gets greeted with a flurry of where’s your girlfriend’s. had you been anyone else, you probably wouldn’t have noticed the way satoru’s eyes dulled ever so slightly or the way he curled into himself, but being the girl who once knew him best, you could tell.
“oh, she won’t be back on here for… a while,” satoru starts, dancing around the topic. he leans back against his chair and tilts his chin up, azure eyes focused on the ceiling. “we broke up.”
nothing could’ve prepared you for the way satoru’s comments explode. it’s almost like you can hear the shocked gasps coming from all fourteen—no, twenty thousand viewers as the words nobody thought would ever they’d hear from satoru are spoken.
suguru-geto: holy shit im so sorry 
toji-fushiguro: wait wtf r u kidding?? that's fuckin crazy
yuuji-itadori: omg i thought u guys were together forever :(
inumaki: chat is this real??
satoru shrugs, averting his eyes from the hundreds of comments pouring in, but you scroll through and read them all. everyone, even satoru’s haters, seems genuinely shocked. in fact, had this not been your own breakup, you would’ve been one of them, begging and pleading satoru for more details.
“yeah, we did,” satoru murmurs, eyebrows furrowing just enough for you to read his expression. now that you’re looking closer, you can see the subtle redness underneath his eyes—had he been crying too? and maybe you’re imagining it, but his hair seems a bit dishelved too. your ex-boyfriend shrugs, forcing his face back into his usual lighthearted expression, but it’s not fooling anyone.
satoru scowls at the new flood of comments asking him why you two broke up. some people are already hypothesizing—maybe it’s because you got jealous of his fame, or maybe he got sick of you. maybe you left him to go date some other streamer, or maybe—
“i’m actually gonna end the stream here, ‘cause i don’t really want to deal with all of this right now,” satoru says with a frown. his eyes are narrowed irritably as a couple users protest, still begging for more details. “you guys know that i’m a real person with my own life, right? fuck off.”
and just like that, the stream ends. you’re left with a blank screen and a message saying that satoru’s ended the live, so you shut your laptop. your stomach turns as you groan, just remembering that you have to go over to his place later to retrieve your things, and somehow, you’d have to pretend that you didn’t just stalk his stream to see if he’d say anything substantial about the breakup.
a couple minutes after the stream ends, your phone blows up—every mutual friend you and satoru have is messaging you about what he said, but you can’t bring yourself to open any of them. except for one.
suguru: r u ok?
you: yeah ig
suguru: do u want anything?
satoru’s best friend’s question catches you off-guard—there are a lot of things you want. you want this whole situation to go away. you want the world to disappear. and most of all, you want satoru back, without the online world attached.
but suguru can’t do any of those things, can he? so you leave him on read. 
somehow, you fall back asleep, tossing and turning in your bed without satoru’s steady arms to accompany you. a couple hours later, you wake up again, wincing from the dim sunlight that pours through your windows and directly into your eyes. it’s just past five, so you figure that you might as well go down to satoru’s house and get your things. better to do it now than drag it out for an uncertain amount of time.
the walk is shorter than you remember, but maybe it’s just the absence of music pouring into your ears that makes it seem that way. you watch the wilted autumn leaves flutter in the wind, falling down onto the sidewalk like pieces into place. once upon a time, you had walked these very streets with satoru—it’s a fond memory you remember only all too well.
when you finally step onto your ex’s doorstep, the door opens before you even have a chance to knock. and there he is—the boy who’d once been the love of your life. satoru looks down at you with an unreadable expression. “hey.”
you think you’ve seem this film before, and you didn’t like the ending.
satoru spares you from having to reply by opening the door wider and beckoning you inside. “i already put most of your stuff into a couple boxes, but i thought you’d wanna check on your own. just in case i forgot something.”
you nod and walk past him, not trusting your voice to be steady. this was harder than you expected—much harder. in fact, you’re practically on the verge of breaking down when you step into satoru’s room and look around and see just how different it looks without the touches of you everywhere.
the fortnite poster you’d given him as a joke for the second anniversary of his stream was gone from his wall, and so were the two mini succulents that used to sit on the corner of his desk. the white cat plushie that used to rest on his pillow was gone, too—probably stuffed somewhere in one of the boxes outside his bedroom door.
after nearly a minute of looking around, you decide that whatever satoru possibly could’ve missed wasn’t important enough for you to have to stick around any longer.
you turn and start to exit satoru’s room so fast that you nearly crash into him when he suddenly appears in the doorway. “shit, sorry about that,” you mumble, trying to walk around him. but of course, because the universe is actually praying on your downfall, you and satoru both walk the same way at the same time. you awkwardly try to go around each other, and eventually, the humiliation is over.
“so, you got everything?” satoru asks, walking beside you with his hands in his pockets. you nod, bending over to pick up one of the two boxes. it’s pretty heavy, but not unmanangable. you just don’t really seem to know if you’ll be able to carry both back home at once. 
“oh, uh, i’ll be right back,” you say tentatively. a flash of confusion appears in satoru’s eyes, so you clarify, “i’m gonna go grab my car. that’ll make it easier.”
satoru’s eyebrows furrow and he shakes his head. “no, it’s alright. your place isn’t far from here at all, i’ll just take the other and walk back with you.”
“no, really, it’s alright.”
“it’s the easiest option, ba—” satoru cuts himself off, stopping himself from calling you baby for the first time since you two had started dating. “sorry.”
“let’s just go.”
the walk back to your house is brutal. you walk side by side with satoru since the path is wide enough for you to do so, and you two just keep bumping into each other. had you still been dating, satoru probably would’ve dropped the box and scooped you up instead, kissing your cold face to warm it up. of course, that would’ve added five minutes to your walk, but it would’ve been better than the tense silence dividing you and satoru right now. 
the wind whistles around you, brushing at your skin and making you shiver with every gust—there’s nothing more you’d like than to go home, plop on your couch and cry while watching the titanic for the hundredth time. 
after what seems like three hundred awkward hours later, you and satoru finally make it to your house. “thanks,” you say quietly, setting down your box in front of the door. 
satoru places his next to yours and slips his hands back into his pockets. he nods and replies, “no problem,” but still doesn’t leave.
you cross your arms, and tilt your head, meeting his eyes hesitantly. “umm, do you need anything else?”
satoru coughs tensely and shrugs. “oh, uh, not really, just—” his eyes drift down to your top, and your face grows warm when you realize you’re still wearing his hoodie. 
“shit, my bad,” you mumble, internally cringing and resisting the urge to say every curse word you know. could this day really get any worse?
well, at least satoru looks equally as embarrassed. he shakes his head and gestures for you to keep it on. “it’s fine, it’s kinda cold anyways. keep it.” satoru hesitates, shuffling his feet before continuing, “if you want something… to remember me by.”
what you say next was done entirely against your will. “do you still love me?” you ask suddenly, not sure what otherworldly force prompted you to do so. you instantly regret it when satoru’s face goes even redder, and you can tell it’s not from the cold the way his blush spreads to his ears.
“i— uh, i mean—”
“answer me, satoru, i think i have a right to know.”
he looks away and mumbles something about needing to go back home, to feed his fish or something (he doesn’t have a fish), and you grab his hand just as he starts to turn away. “please, satoru, i need to know,” you breathe, squeezing his hand harder when he flinches. 
ten silent seconds tick by, but you still don’t let go. so satoru sighs, a soft white puff of air coming from his lips. “yeah.”
your heart breaks again.
“then why did you—”
“because i don’t know how to do this,” satoru says, blue eyes darting all over the place. “i love you, i really do, but i just can’t— i don’t like having thousands of people thinking that i’m only worth looking at if i’m with you, it’s annoying and it pisses me off and i don’t want to accidentally take it out on yo—”
you cut him off with a kiss, ignoring the way he yelps a little in surprise. but thankfully, he doesn’t push you away—instead, his arms instantly wrap around you and pull you closer into his warm, warm chest. satoru’s lips are a little dry, but still minty as ever from the peppermints he’s constantly munching on. he kisses you back like a man starved of affection, and when you two finally break apart, his eyes are just as hungry.
“you idiot,” you whisper, trailing your fingers through his hair as tears prick at the corner of your eyes. “you shoulda just talked to me about it first.”
“i know,” satoru mumbles, looking down bashfully. “‘m sorry.”
“you should be.” you pause, watching satoru’s lips curve into a pouty frown. “i’m sorry too,” you murmur, and he looks up, confused. “i should’ve seen this coming.”
satoru shakes his head and presses his lips to your forehead, lingering for a couple seconds before pulling back. “i missed you.”
“i was gone for less than a day, satoru.”
“oh, so you didn’t miss me?”
“i did,” you admit, exhaling a puff of air when satoru smiles smugly. “shut up, it’s not a competition!”
“yeah it is, but fine, you win,” satoru gives in with a dramatic sigh, reaching down and twining his fingers with yours. his hands, which are significantly bigger than yours, instantly warm you up. “but only ‘cause i don’t want you to break up with me next.”
“i hate you, y’know that?” you grumble, leaning into his side and letting satoru kiss the top of your head. he hums in agreement, reaching out and opening your front door. 
“i’m sure you do, baby. now c’mon, let’s get inside n’ warm up. i wanna make it up to you,” satoru says with a grin, bending over and scooping up both boxes. 
“oh, yeah? how do you plan to do that?” you challenge, going inside first and holding the door open for satoru. once he’s inside, you close the door and instantly get pinned against it by satoru, whose hands are already creeping underneath your clothes. “satoru, your hands are col—”
he cuts you off by pressing his equally cold lips to yours, smiling against your mouth as he tugs at your clothes. “i know, baby. but i’ll keep you nice n’ warm for the rest of the night, i promise!”
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itscomhes · 1 year
Importance of Digital Marketing Compared to Old-Time Newspaper Marketing
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There is no denying that the Internet, coupled with technological advancements, has revolutionized the face of marketing. Earlier, the best and the most effective way to promote a business was to get display ads printed in newspapers. But times have changed. Today’s generation is more hooked to the digital world than printed media. Consequently, there is a growing need to shift focus on digital marketing. There is no exception for the healthcare industry as well.
What is Healthcare Digital Marketing?
In healthcare, digital marketing refers to using digital platforms such as social media and websites as tools for marketing communication. The “sponsored ads” that pop up on your social feed and the emails you get from healthcare companies are all a part of digital marketing.
Trends in Healthcare Digital Marketing in India
The past few years have been witness to India emerging as one of the fastest-growing digital economies globally. The period between 2014 and 2017 saw the digital adoption index growing by 90%. Regarding revenue, the Indian digital healthcare market stood at a valuation of $ 116.61 billion in 2018. The numbers will expectedly hit INR 485.43 billion by 2024, with a CAGR of around 27.41% during the years 2019–2024. (Source.)
Why Are the Downsides of Traditional Marketing?
The traditional marketing mode is a conventional method to reach out to a semi-targeted audience through various offline advertising methods. It usually comes in prints, broadcasts, direct mail, telephone, and outdoor advertising like billboards. However, conventional marketing has the following drawbacks:
Very costly
Almost no direct interaction with the audience
Making updates is not easy in a static newspaper ad or an already aired TV commercial.
No room for customizations to target a specific audience
Measuring ROI becomes tough.
The rate of leads converting into paying customers is meager.
Receiving feedback is not easy.
Why Go Digital with Healthcare Marketing?
As per ClickZ, the global population has 57% internet users with an average online activity of 6 hours 42 minutes each day. (Source) With different channels like social media, websites, content marketing, pay-per-click, and more, there can be no better time to tap the digital platform’s potential. While traditional newspaper marketing is still useful, technology makes it easier to broaden your outreach, especially when offering something essential, like healthcare services. So here are the top benefits of adopting digital marketing:
Better audience profiling
Direct interaction with the target audience.
Better prediction of customer behavior
Easier to get feedbacks on your service or brand
Tracking your marketing progress is easy.
Cost-effective compared to traditional advertising.
Enough scope for customizing and updating marketing communication
With progressive government policies, India’s robust digital footprint has played a vital role in nurturing the country’s digital healthcare ecosystem. Healthcare providers are turning to digital media to grow their business while offering their services to the public. Digital marketing has promising prospects for the future, far outweighing the limitations posed by traditional marketing.
There is no denying that the Internet, coupled with technological advancements, has revolutionized the face of marketing. Earlier, the best and the most effective way to promote a business was to get display ads printed in newspapers. But times have changed. Today’s generation is more hooked to the digital world than printed media. Consequently, there is a growing need to shift focus on digital marketing. There is no exception for the healthcare industry as well.
What is Healthcare Digital Marketing?
In healthcare, digital marketing refers to using digital platforms such as social media and websites as tools for marketing communication. The “sponsored ads” that pop up on your social feed and the emails you get from healthcare companies are all a part of digital marketing.
Trends in Healthcare Digital Marketing in India
The past few years have been witness to India emerging as one of the fastest-growing digital economies globally. The period between 2014 and 2017 saw the digital adoption index growing by 90%. Regarding revenue, the Indian digital healthcare market stood at a valuation of $ 116.61 billion in 2018. The numbers will expectedly hit INR 485.43 billion by 2024, with a CAGR of around 27.41% during the years 2019–2024. (Source.)
Why Are the Downsides of Traditional Marketing?
The traditional marketing mode is a conventional method to reach out to a semi-targeted audience through various offline advertising methods. It usually comes in prints, broadcasts, direct mail, telephone, and outdoor advertising like billboards. However, conventional marketing has the following drawbacks:
Very costly
Almost no direct interaction with the audience
Making updates is not easy in a static newspaper ad or an already aired TV commercial.
No room for customizations to target a specific audience
Measuring ROI becomes tough.
The rate of leads converting into paying customers is meager.
Receiving feedback is not easy.
Why Go Digital with Healthcare Marketing?
As per ClickZ, the global population has 57% internet users with an average online activity of 6 hours 42 minutes each day. (Source) With different channels like social media, websites, content marketing, pay-per-click, and more, there can be no better time to tap the digital platform’s potential. While traditional newspaper marketing is still useful, technology makes it easier to broaden your outreach, especially when offering something essential, like healthcare services. So here are the top benefits of adopting digital marketing:
Better audience profiling
Direct interaction with the target audience.
Better prediction of customer behavior
Easier to get feedbacks on your service or brand
Tracking your marketing progress is easy.
Cost-effective compared to traditional advertising.
Enough scope for customizing and updating marketing communication
With progressive government policies, India’s robust digital footprint has played a vital role in nurturing the country’s digital healthcare ecosystem. Healthcare providers are turning to digital media to grow their business while offering their services to the public. Healthcare Digital marketing has promising prospects for the future, far outweighing the limitations posed by traditional marketing.
Source: https://comhes.com/
#There is no denying that the Internet#coupled with technological advancements#has revolutionized the face of marketing. Earlier#the best and the most effective way to promote a business was to get display ads printed in newspapers. But times have changed. Today’s gen#there is a growing need to shift focus on digital marketing. There is no exception for the healthcare industry as well.#What is Healthcare Digital Marketing?#In healthcare#digital marketing refers to using digital platforms such as social media and websites as tools for marketing communication. The “sponsored#Trends in Healthcare Digital Marketing in India#The past few years have been witness to India emerging as one of the fastest-growing digital economies globally. The period between 2014 an#the Indian digital healthcare market stood at a valuation of $ 116.61 billion in 2018. The numbers will expectedly hit INR 485.43 billion b#with a CAGR of around 27.41% during the years 2019–2024. (Source.)#Why Are the Downsides of Traditional Marketing?#The traditional marketing mode is a conventional method to reach out to a semi-targeted audience through various offline advertising method#broadcasts#direct mail#telephone#and outdoor advertising like billboards. However#conventional marketing has the following drawbacks:#Very costly#Almost no direct interaction with the audience#Making updates is not easy in a static newspaper ad or an already aired TV commercial.#No room for customizations to target a specific audience#Measuring ROI becomes tough.#The rate of leads converting into paying customers is meager.#Receiving feedback is not easy.#Why Go Digital with Healthcare Marketing?#As per ClickZ#the global population has 57% internet users with an average online activity of 6 hours 42 minutes each day. (Source) With different channe#websites
0 notes
emmediagh · 2 years
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#Digital marketing has become an essential part of modern business growth and success. With the rise of technology#more and more businesses are turning to digital marketing strategies to reach new customers and grow their businesses. In this post#we will explore the various ways that digital marketing can help you grow your business#from increasing your online visibility to generating leads and driving sales.#Online Visibility:#One of the most important aspects of digital marketing is increasing your online visibility. This can be done by optimizing your website fo#using social media platforms to reach new audiences#and creating engaging content that people want to share.#Search engine optimization (SEO) involves using keywords#meta tags#and other techniques to help search engines find and rank your website. By making sure your website is optimized for search engines#you can increase your visibility and reach a wider audience.#Social media platforms#such as Facebook#Twitter#and Instagram#can also be used to reach new audiences. By posting regular updates and engaging with your followers#you can build a strong online presence and grow your business.#Lead Generation:#Another key aspect of digital marketing is lead generation. This involves creating targeted campaigns that attract potential customers to y#such as filling out a form or making a purchase.#One effective way to generate leads is through email marketing. By sending targeted emails to your email list#you can educate and engage with potential customers#and encourage them to take action.#Another way to generate leads is through content marketing. By creating valuable content#such as blog posts#videos#and ebooks#you can attract and engage with potential customers#Driving Sales:
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How to Make Money on Coinbase: A Simple Guide
Coinbase is a leading platform for buying, selling, and managing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. With millions of users worldwide, it’s a trusted choice for both beginners and experienced traders. Here’s how you can make money using Coinbase.
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critrolestats · 6 months
New Blood, Old Regards
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Thanks to @eyeofthenewt1 for this art piece!
Greetings! Although the Stats Team is still in a state of retirement, we’ve periodically updated several of our Campaign 3 Running Stats categories and galleries thanks to the efforts of a new team of data collectors. This team, consisting of Archivists Astral, Ethereal, Fey, and Shadow, have been preparing since the beginning of the year to launch their own site, and that day has come! With that, we’re pleased to present:
The Omen Archive
Although they have been providing CritRoleStats updates for our Campaign 3 records, their site will be its own thing with its own tools, toys, and focuses, such as graphics derived from their own databases of data. Please visit them at their website, reach out to them, and check them out on their various social media pages:
Website: https://www.omenarchive.com/
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/omenarchive
Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/omenarchive.bsky.social
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/omen_archive/
Tumblr: https://omenarchive.tumblr.com/ ( @omenarchive )
CritRoleStats will continue to update our databases and running stats pages with the data we receive from the Omen Archive until the end of the campaign, so that anyone from academics to casual fans have access to a complete catalogue of three campaigns worth of data. After that, our site will be completely (accessibly) archived, and our legacy will be carried on entirely by projects like the Omen Archive.
Thanks Are In Order
Outside of our final livecast, we realize we went out without the proper thanks to the community members who helped us grow. We’d like to take this opportunity to give credit where we feel it’s due.
We’d like to thank the team at Critical Role for their support over the years, with special thanks to Dani Carr for both her wonderful spirit, tenacious work ethic, and the marvelous send-off she gave us.
We’d like to thank the creators in the community. Thank you to the artist community for letting us feature your wonderful talent to give vibrancy to the numbers and words we’ve filled. Thank you to the information gathering community, from the wiki workers to the meta analysts, for giving your time to help make Critical Role more accessible. Thank you to the academics for finding value we didn’t know we had in our work. Thank you to everyone who creates in this community, whether your medium is music, words, stats, or art; whether you share for a large audience or for the joy of your private home or table; whether you encourage others with high presence, or quietly inspire and support from the shadows. Your creation makes the world a more interesting place.
We’d like to thank both our patrons and our Ko-Fi supporters for allowing us to carry on for as long as we have, and to make sure our work can continue to reach those who want to be informed and inspired. Thank you to our regular visitors, as well; traffic is supportive in several ways!
Thank you to those who have been with us, whether it’s the very beginning, sometime in the middle, or even if you’re tuning in just now. Your patronage and your expression of value in our work has been a blessing. (Thanks for the 1d4.) We’d also like to thank everyone who has continued to visit the site in spite of the lack of regular content creation on our part, and are grateful that so many of you are still finding use in the previous campaigns’ worth of data, as well as the current one.
We love you all very much. Now, back to retirement!
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fryday · 3 months
Everything We Know About The Phagenda
I needed a place to organise all the info we've gotten from DNP about what the hell they're cooking, so this is the place. I might have missed things, so please always check the original post for the most up to date version of contents as I might change or add things over time. Any questions, just shoot me an ask or something. Thank you and happy conjecturing!
I tried to arrange the info roughly chronologically in each category.
It's probably more than one thing
Dan mentioned some things coming "somewhat after and a little bit soon after"
Phil said, "We've got a few things in our mouth at the moment"
Definition of "agenda" suggests multiple things
Money stuff
Phil made his cactus club subscription more affordable in preparation for what he and Dan are doing next
Phil took a question about what they're cooking in his latest Q&A video. He said that something may or may not "happen in the next month", but did not answer the section asking if we should be saving up for it.
Those who RSVP'ed will "be notified first as soon as the news drops" -> presumably related to a limited quantity of items up for grabs, which is why I've included it in this section, but that's just my guess
Concept / Nature of the Thing(s)
Someone on Twitter said, "So the phlonde has been in the works for months if that was the main reason he let his hair grow out" and Dan replied with, "what else is he plotting"
Dan and Phil included a blurred out image of a text message in their video, which Dan called "the draft for something that is top secret".
SuperSeizer (one of Dan and Phil's editors) is in on what's happening (the other person in this interaction is their other editor Kris, who may also be involved, depending on how you read this interaction)
In his birthday livestream, Dan talked about how they revived the gaming channel not knowing what the response would be, and were shocked by the enthusiasm from their audience. "Because it seems like there's a thing here. [...] And we need to be like, celebrate the things, acknowledge the things. So, I guess we can say in the most vague way that we can that Dan and Phil have been cooking."
Dan posted his story with the words, "the time is nigh - want to know what dan and phil have been secretly cooking? / reply to this story with: RSVP / and we will send you a dm as soon as the truth is revealed"
Another definition of "agenda" is "the underlying intentions or motives of a particular person or group".
5 of the images in the TV screens have been identified as of right now: Phil's Video Blog, Hello Internet, Saying Goodbye Forever, Giving The People What They Want, and Something We Want to Tell You
Laylo, the website DNP are using for this announcement, is a platform that creators can use to release merch, tickets, or content.
The initial wave of people who RSVP'ed got their confirmation emails from [email protected] with the reply email being [email protected]. It was then changed; now the emails come from [email protected] with the reply email being [email protected].
Dan and Phil would have been aware that they were using the tour email at first, as they would have had to manually enter it themselves. (Thanks @dnpbeats for the investigative work!)
They included a 3-second teaser clip at the end of the Sims fashion makeover episode.
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toskarin · 11 months
sure tumblr search has a growing number of unpublicised blacklisted terms and the website's design gets clunkier by the day, but at least you can have a godawful little stream watched by an audience consisting entirely of the demographic who would open tumblr and say "who's streaming right now"
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artdotpage · 11 months
Problems facing modern artists & creators
I've talked with hundreds of artists and creators about the difficulties they face trying to earn a living from their craft.
This post covers two of the big ones (social media algorithms & bargain basement marketplaces), and what tools are available to grow your business despite these issues.
Social Media Algorithms and Audience Ownership
Social media platforms are a godsend for getting your work in front of potential clients and building a loyal fan base.
However as you will all have experienced, it can take a mastermind to figure out what kind of content the algorithm wants you to post, and if you don't do that you'd be as well throwing your content into the void as even your own followers might not see your post, never mind new viewers.
It also means you don't truly own your audience, if you post something slightly controversial your account could be deleted without warning, or perhaps a billionaire buys the site and everyone flocks to a new platform where you have to start growing your following all over again.
Solution: Build a mailing list
This is perhaps the single best marketing tool available to any business, and is sorely overlooked by artists and creators.
It's cost effective and because you own your mailing list it doesn't matter what's happening on social sites, you can always keep in touch with them.
The tricky part is converting people into mailing list subscribers. However I've seen plenty of creators successfully build one by offering incentives including free digital downloads, early access to content, discounts on your store etc.
Those who sign up to your mailing list would be considered high quality followers, someone who is much more likely to convert to a paid client and buy from you again in the future compared to the average follower on social media.
Losing clients to undercutting competitors on the same platform/marketplace
If you run your business on a marketplace or platform, your clients are one click away from finding plenty of other choices who are willing to undercut everyone else to land a sale.
These sites have no incentive to make sure that traffic you drive to your profile actually purchase from you. Whether a sale is made through your listing or another seller, they collect their fee either way.
They also use uniform designs which reduce you to a generic product listing. Whilst this can simplify the customer experience, it means you have no control over the sales funnel and ability to differentiate yourself, making it harder to convert potential clients into paying customers.
Solution: Direct clients to your own site
Use your own personal website to make sales from, there are plenty of options with no monthly charge and lower fees than marketplaces. This lets you make dedicated marketing pages showcasing your best work to make a client excited about doing business with you, instead of just being a generic product listing.
Take advantage of marketplaces purely for their customer base. Don't rely on them as your sole business platform. This way, any fees you pay are worthwhile to generate sales you wouldn't have had otherwise. 
Interested in more?
There's plenty more I have to share on this topic, including:
How to properly use Print on Demand without getting ripped off
Streamline managing your business so you spend more time creating and growing your business.
How to better utilize your brand to connect with clients and increase sales
So let me know if you’re interested and I’ll get writing!
I'm building https://art.page to solve these exact issues, with the goal to create the best all in one site builder for artists and creators that makes running your business easy.
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digiads34 · 1 year
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wonilita · 3 months
hii, how can i be a good wonyoungism acc? like how do i make one like urs ?
like me :) | I actually just went for it, didn't even think about it and just took my chances. It worked and I'm so grateful for all the support on my posts !
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01 : write down what type of tips you'd like to share on your account.
౨ৎ It can be glow up tips , fun things to do in the summer , self care products , routines , daily affirmations , etc.
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02 : choose an aesthetic to make your account pop and unique!
౨ৎ wonyoungism is every single color / aesthetic, choose your preference and make your posts pretty.
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03 : find inspo on pinterest, it helps you find ideas on what to post!
౨ৎ I get a lot of inspo on pinterest, and i find more until i have a good amount of tips for my post ! ( remember to not copy one singular post entirely )
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04 : use tons of tags !
I use a lot of tags and it helps me attract the right audience , which allows me to grow more!
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05 ( bonus ) : use pretty symbols ! i recommend using the website emojicombos.com to find some :)
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