#Gwen speaks
superfluousspork · 5 months
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touchlikethesun · 2 years
see what people forget about james and regulus is that they are fundamentally and at their core the same person. and that is why their dynamic works. jegulus is not opposites attract, it is the of recognition of the self in the other.
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gwen-tolios · 4 months
Things I learned at writer's group yesterday:
One woman's erotic novella series is inspired by the stories she heard from her mother about her building mates. A building someone else in the group now lives in and he's low-key horrified by, but the bans make sense now.
My uncle's restaurant used to be the family favorite of someone in the group. They even have one of the plates.
The world is small. Writing communities smaller.
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watermeloon314 · 2 years
So once again I am plagued with the thoughts of these two idiots-
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This is a braindump and it’s full of rambling and probably incoherent soooo apologies if it doesn’t make sense (Also spoilers for WOTFI 2021 if you’re new here)
So we all know that these two are gonna be canon at some point, it’s inevitable. BUT. I had a thought.
So far our track record of relationships (romantic wise) has not been... 
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...the best, to say the least. That means that honestly Smg4 and Smg3 could go a couple ways. 1. We actually get a healthy and... not tragic relationship, which could go a few ways.
Scenario A: 3′s been in love for YEARS (since *cough* Snowtrapped *cough*) but 4 only just started falling so when 4 somehow get the balls to confess 3′s just like “JESUS CHRIST FINALLY” Scenario B: 3 or 4 accidentally confesses while they’re bickering (Extra points if it’s in front of the gang) Scenario C: Mario and Meggy get in on it, basically playing matchmaker for the two
Scenario D: Mario locks 3 and 4 in a room, thinking he’ll be able to recreate the Snowtrapped situation.... and it works-
There are SO MANY more but those are the ones I can think of.
2. Well... um... y’know... we could go the route of one of them dying. ( I don’t think Luke’s gonna kill his own character, so I think we know which one’s gonna go- I’M SORRY I HATE TO SAY IT TOO)
How would he die is the question though? Cause like- we could go so many different ways. We have the typical self sacrifice (Whether that be getting in front of harm’s way or having to die to stop the enemy, or on of the hundreds of other ways) I know it’s cliché but now I see 3 dying in 4′s arms and saying something like “After all, the villain doesn’t get the cute boy...” and I just- FUCK I REALLY NEED TO WRITE THIS BUT I DON’T HAVE A GOOD PLOT AND UUUUUUGH GOD WHY DOES MY BRAIN ONLY GIVE ME SNIPPETS AND NOT THE FULL THING
3. Or maybe I’m overthinking this WAY TOO MUCH and they’re just gonna be stubborn and never get together. That’s completely possible lol- If you read all this..... I honestly commend you for sitting through my bullshit. See ya’ll aroud ig-
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mttgwen · 5 months
Being at a library conference is literally heaven on earth. I got free books and a free sword. Fuck yeah
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gwendolinequinn · 2 years
Hey there! My name's Gwen (she/her), and I'm currently in Europe, working on my creative writing degree.
I've been writing fanfiction for years, but I've only really started diving into original fiction since starting university -- mostly fantasy and Sci-Fi, but I'm trying to experiment more!
I've been on tumblr for what feels like forever, but I'm hoping to meet a lot of other writers with this blog, exchange feedback and get a proper hang out of writing original fiction! Concrit and advice is therefore always appreciated!
Please feel encouraged to reach out in whatever way you'd like! :)
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usaigi · 1 year
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I hate the implication that the Spider-Man in our universe is the goddamn popsicle
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rebelliousfamily · 3 months
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"Why couldn't we have a triceratops instead of a pterodactyl?"
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fromjannah · 1 year
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ACROSS THE SPIDERVERSE + memes/text posts (1/?)
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i-am-a-lesbigwen · 11 months
changed my icon. new icon is by @walkingnorth
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superfluousspork · 9 months
Me, trying to find a 220Ω resistor:
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Me when everything looks slightly different than the guide:
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(I'm learning Arduino and it's really fun except for this particular part help I'm suffering)
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touchlikethesun · 2 years
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gwen-tolios · 11 months
Fae Dreams is out, and I noticed something when I was doing my final editing pass earlier this month.
To use a line from a current project: He'd been warm, but the weight had made it hard to breathe, hard to move, and he'd felt trapped half the night.
What Grammarly wants: He'd been warm, but the weight had made it hard to breathe and move, and he'd felt trapped half the night.
Essentially, Grammarly wanted me to add 'and' where it thought I was missing some and in other cases add more commas. It made me realize that I use a lot of pseudo-lists in my prose, a sorta run-one stream of consciousness flow as I get into the grove of a story.
Much of Grammarly's suggestions for Fae Dreams I ignored - I wrote my sentences the way I wrote them. I like the technically wrong grammar. It's my style, damnit!
And it's kinda nice, not really thinking I have a style and finding out that actually, I do!
It's just a style that means I have to be very, very careful with when using editing software because they'll want to correct a lot of things.
They also don't like my factored sentences. But I like 'em.
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noodles-and-tea · 3 months
Your Merthur fanart is amazing! I LOVE the way you capture their expressions!!! If you've got the spoons might I request Arthur seeing Merlin in a wedding dress and being absolutely poleaxed because since when was Merlin hot- (they're idiots in love your honor). You capture their entire like. Fundamental dynamic SO WELL; your art is expressive and beautiful and I love it.
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Merlin likes t help where he can
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mttgwen · 3 months
I saw a cyber truck for the first time in real life today and people aren't kidding it's way uglier in person jesus christ.
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gwendolinequinn · 1 year
Hi there! Would you rather your main WIP be adapted into something animated or something live action?
That's a really good question! My main WIP would be Bones of Sea Foam, which takes place on the ocean and different islands for the most part, and also involves quite a lot of magic. I love cartoons, and I think it would be a lot easier to make it look good and unique through animation than it would be through live action!
Cartoons/anime that portray their magic or power systems uniquely through the animation are just amazing--I'm thinking of Mob Psycho 100, which uses all kinds of unusual techniques additionally to regular animation.
Though, to be fair, any kind of adaption regardless of its form would be a dream come true--I think there's nothing more incredibly for a writer than to see their characters and worlds come to life in some way! :)
Thank you for the question!!
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