arts-and-drafts · 2 years
Come Morning Light (Part 12)
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten / Part Eleven
(THE CHAPTER I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. Seriously, I've had this in my head since CML's conception. It's all lead up to this. Not to hype it too much, but I will also say a very specific scene in this part was inspired by my beloved mutual @cedarwhisp and their incredible Hermit!Tommy fic Shells In The Foam. I implore you to read it, it's the best 50+ chapters of fanfic I have literally ever read. Anyway, enough stalling!! Let's go!!!)
CWs: Death, manipulation, violence, mentions of abuse
Tommy's stomach jerked as Xisuma's imposing form vanished in front of his eyes, and he tripped backwards into Joe.
He didn't get a moment to even breathe before enchanted words flashed over his vision.
The sky split open with a clap of green lightning, tearing the quiet night apart. Tommy saw Xisuma and Dream's silhouettes illuminated in the sky in that split second, grappled together and glowing with administrator magic.
Vaguely, Tommy saw Joe in the corner of his vision, and he subconsciously reached out to grasp the sleeve of his guardian's shirt for some menial comfort.
"We need to help him," Tommy mumbled, his eyes glued to the figures in the sky. He felt Joe put his hand over his, and against Joe's steady weight he realized he was trembling.
"This is not a fight we can interfere with anymore, Tommy." Joe replied faintly.
Tommy couldn't look away. No rain fell from the sky, but crackles of green lightning struck every time the two admins collided. From this distance, Tommy could see Xisuma pulling up his administrator screen every time they parted, but Dream always struck quick enough to cut off any command Xisuma tried to summon.
Xisuma was clumsy in the sky, Tommy realized, as he watched the admin give up on his screen and instead launched himself forward, his sword in hand. Dream easily shot out of the way, and Xisuma's armor saved him from what would otherwise be a deadly blow to the back of the head.
Xisuma jerked to face Dream, straight-up throwing a punch at the god, but Dream deflected the blow with his arm and used his other to slice upward with his axe. Xisuma only barely moved out of the way in time.
Tommy's stomach twisted as he recognized the stark red of a barrier block in Xisuma's hand. Dream ducked through an invisible gap in the barrier before Xisuma could complete the box, and rushed at Xisuma so quickly that Tommy could barely follow his form against the lightening sky.
Xisuma flew to meet him with his blade ready, but he was out of his element, and Dream was of war.
Dream dodged impossibly quick, and slammed down on Xisuma hard enough to send the taller admin to the ground in a blur. The sound of an explosion reached Tommy's ears as the impact made a crater in Joe's land, and Tommy's past curled around his throat and turned him dizzy.
Withers descended from the sky, flanked by TNT raining death from above, falling from the massive obsidian grid that blotted out the sun. The air was choked with dust and ash, and Tommy's vision was blurry. His ears rang painfully from the explosions, and everything seemed off kilter. Tommy looked around at the carnage, feeling like he was detached from his body.
Everything was gone.
His eyes were pulled to a cave that had been exposed from the TNT. There sat Wilbur, on his knees a few blocks away from the tattered body of Philza. Tears ran down Wilbur's face, and he shoved his diamond sword into his father's hands.
Tommy tried to move. He really did. But his limbs were locked with terror, and he could only watch as Philza Minecraft took up Wilbur's sword.
Tommy jolted back to the present, already running. His breath burned in his lungs, grief searing his insides just as fiercely as flames.
The sound of armored footsteps echoed behind him, and Tommy didn't need to look to see every hermit left standing rushing behind him to fight. Their battle cries blurred with the goofy "humina" war cry from Tommy's memories, something he instigated, when they didn't know this would be the last time they followed Wilbur ever again.
An invisible hand squeezed Tommy's heart, and he used the pressure to draw his sword.
Arrows flew overhead, shot from the ghosts in Tommy's mind and hermits alike. Many missed, but a few got lucky, and Tommy nearly sang when he heard Dream make a noise of pain. He fell from the sky, but landed in a MLG water, and the green energy that surrounded him disappeared all at once.
Tommy began to swing his sword, but Dream turned to him, and he froze. That smiling face burned into his retinas and sealed him in place for a few seconds he couldn't spare.
Dream lunged, and Tommy was forcibly knocked out of the way right before his chest was sliced open. A cry of pain sounded, and Tommy turned to see Bdubs locked in blades with Dream, a red stain already growing on his side.
"Get out!" Bdubs gritted, pushing forward and sending Dream stumbling a few blocks. "Tommy, run!!"
But his legs were jelly. The clash of metal on metal reverberated through his very being, and he could only watch as Dream swiftly sliced forward in the fraction of a second that Bdubs turned to look at Tommy.
[BdoubleO100 was slain by Dream using Nightmare]
He had to move. He had to.
But Dream looked at him, and suddenly he was exiled again, throwing his tools and armor in the pit.
The thundering of thousands of feet sounded through the chaos, and Dream only had time to turn his head before he was swarmed by the largest wolf pack Tommy had ever seen.
Tommy gasped and scrambled to his feet to avoid the herd, but the snarling wolves only had eyes for Dream, who was desperately trying to fend them off. A harsh whistle pierced the air, and Tommy turned to the noise.
Joe, in all his leather-armored glory, was running alongside more of his wolves, his sword in hand.
Joe reached out as he got closer, his wolves flanking him either side. Tommy found himself reaching back.
And then Dream moved lightning quick, and Joe choked out a strangled noise.
Tommy's very bones turned to ice.
Dream was kneeling on the grass, holding Joe by the hair, his axe poised over the poet's throat.
The battle stopped all at once. Even Joe's wolves were silent.
"Come with me," Dream said, evenly, dangerously, and Tommy knew his eyes were only on him. "Or I'll kill him."
This was not the first time Joe's life had been threatened.
It was, however, the most serious.
He felt Dream's fingers curl, pulling tighter on Joe's hair, and the poet swallowed a noise of pain.
"You know I mean it, Tommy." Dream uttered, terribly still, like a cave spider waiting to strike.
Tommy looked like he had just been shot.
The hermits knew that death did not have the hold on them that Tommy was used to. It was one of the few things they could always rely on to be the same, despite every change of season. Death was only temporary, and it was frustrating at worst.
Tommy still didn't think like that, Joe knew, even after a year with the hermits. The poet saw the terror in his ward's eyes and wondered who he really saw in Dream's hold.
"Tom-" Joe tried, but Dream yanked on his hair and raised his axe blade closer, making him hiss in pain. Joe forced his eyes open and stared at Dream's mask with deliberate calm.
He was not afraid. But Tommy was, and Dream knew that. He was using a child's fear to get what he wanted.
Joe never wanted to harm another player so badly in his life.
"Tick tock, Tommy." Dream said, his voice smooth. "We don't have-"
And then an enchanted projectile struck him so fast that Joe barely knew what it was, the impact whipping Dream to the side with a yell.
Joe was unceremoniously thrown out of Dream's hold, and he cried out as Dream's axe sliced his lip, his mouth instantly tasting blood. He felt strong hands grab his arms and forcefully pull him away, and for a moment his senses were overwhelmed with the strong perfume of wilting flowers, and the barely-there stench of rot.
Joe put a hand on Cleo's bicep in thanks, unable to turn away from the scene in front of him, because Tommy was standing tall with an arrow notched, the sun finally rising behind him, encasing him in a halo of blinding light.
His face was twisted with the coldest rage Joe had ever seen, his eyes only on Dream. Joe realized with a start that Tommy's first arrow had broken a piece clean off of Dream's mask, and one poison-green eye was glaring malice for the world to see.
"BACK THE FUCK UP." Tommy spat, trembling with fury instead of fear, and with the sun's light behind him, Joe saw an angel of vengeance.
Dream's single-eyed gaze hardened, and he rose to his feet, the axe that had taken so many hermits' lives ringing with metallic enchantment against the grass.
"You shouldn't have done that." Dream growled, all the smugness in his tone gone. The hairs on Joe's arms stood on end. Even if his mind wasn't afraid, his body was not so easily calmed. Every fiber of his being screamed 'DANGER' at this new side of Dream.
But Tommy did not even blink.
"Oh yeah?" The boy said, a shaky but sharp grin growing on his face. "What are you gonna do about it?"
"I'll fucking kill you, Tommy." Dream hissed, taking a step forward, and every remaining hermit moved at once to stand in his way. They were stopped by Tommy flicking a quick look their way.
Oh, Joe realized all at once. This is the trap.
"I'll take your last life and you'll be fucking dead, Tommy, and then I'll kill your ghost!" Dream raised his axe, and Tommy flinched, even after all this time. It pooled rage as hot as lava in Joe's gut, but he did not move. He had to trust Tommy.
Tommy took a shaky breath, and remained steady. Atta boy, Joe thought, unable to resist the surge of pride he felt. This boy was nothing like the cowering mess he found a year ago.
"Go on, then." Tommy challenged, raising his bow only slightly. "Just like before, ey? Ten paces?"
And Dream hesitated. It was only for a fraction of a second, but Joe saw it, and so did Tommy.
"Yeah, that's fuckin' right." Tommy said, triumph in his tone. "I'm too important, aren't I?"
"I heard you, earlier. You could've killed me in that fuckin' maze, but you didn't." And this time Tommy took the step forward, his arrow locked on target. "You're not gonna kill me, Dream. You don't have the fuckin' guts."
That seemed to strike a nerve. Dream suddenly stood at his full height, his mask glinting in the dawn light. "Maybe not," he said, slowly, carefully, "but everyone you love on the SMP is still at my mercy, Tommy."
"Not anymore." Xisuma croaked, and everyone turned to the admin, kneeling and bruised at the lip of the crater his body caused, his administrator screen illuminating his cold glare.
Joe looked back just in time to see Dream's eye widen, and he moved--
And he was gone.
And the world stopped, just for a moment. Like a tripwire pulled taut. Lag wasn't new to Hermitcraft, but something felt different.
Joe had turned to Tommy before the world froze, and there was a light in his eyes as he saw Dream disappear that didn't get to his face yet.
And then the tripwire snapped.
[TommyInnit fell out of the world]
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ifacotarwasgood · 1 year
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CHAPTER 5 - page 7/7
original word count: 1507
revised word count: 478
click for ch 5's full comparison document.
Magic—that’s what the tang had been, what was keeping my limbs tucked in tight, preventing me from going for my knife. I recognized the power deep in my bones, from some collective mortal memory and terror. How long had it kept me unconscious? How long had he kept me unconscious, rather than have to speak to me? Gritting my teeth, I might have demanded answers from him—might have shouted to where he still lumbered ahead, heedless of me. But then chirping birds flitted past me, and a mild breeze kissed my face. I spied a hedge-bordered metal gate ahead. My prison or my salvation—I couldn’t decide which. Two days—it took two days from my cottage to reach the wall and enter the southernmost border of Prythian. Had I been held in an enchanted sleep for that long? Bastard. The gate swung open without porter or sentry, and the beast continued through. Whether I wanted to or not, my horse followed after him.
How long had I been unconscious? How long had the beast kept me asleep, rather than have to speak to me? Ahead was an ornate metal gate, bordered by hedges. My stomach turned. It took two days to enter the southernmost border of Prythian. Had I been held in an enchanted sleep for that long? The gate swung open without porter or sentry, and the beast walked through. Birds flitted past, chirping. A warm breeze touched my face. Whether I wanted to or not, my horse followed.
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Strip Poker with Wade and Logan
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Description: Y/N, Wade and Logan play strip poker
Request: I would loveee and fanfic with the three of them actually playing strip poker
Y/N was just as excited as Wade was. She was secretly in love with both of them and getting to see them naked? Well that was a bonus
Logan rolled his eyes but agreed. He was not as thrilled as the other two. 
Y/N’s objective was to get both of them naked.
Wade’s objective was to get Y/N naked and Logan but mostly Y/N.
Logan…well he did wanna see Y/N naked. That was something he couldn’t lie about. 
“So baby girl, I’m gonna need you to lose so we can enjoy ourselves.” Wade motioned between him and Logan. 
Y/N rolled her eyes
“Ok Logan take off that slutty shirt.” Wade told him as he grumbled.
His abs 
Y/N could not stop staring at his abs. Her eyes were glued to them.
This made Logan smirk. 
“Ok Y/N we get it you like his abs.” 
Wade was a little jealous 
Wade wasn’t a fan of his body but Y/N clapped and cheered as he took off his shirt. 
Logan chuckled at her reaction
Y/N was winning and had yet to remove any clothes.
Wade was pretty much naked besides his socks and boxers 
Logan was down to his sweatpants 
Y/N finally lost and Wade yelled “hallelujah.”  
Logan smirked as she took off her tshirt revealing a lilac lace colored bra. 
Wade’s eyes couldn’t leave her tits that weren’t even out yet. 
“We get it, you like her tits.” Logan says.
The next time she lost Wade was practically begging her to remove her bra but she liked teasing him and removed her socks instead 
Logan’s sweatpants came off and both of them gawked at how big he looked in his boxers. 
“Ya like what ya see, doll?” He asked Y/N. 
“Oh sweet baby yes.” Wade answered 
Wade accepted his fate once he lost and was finally naked. 
Y/N felt herself drip at the sight. 
He watched intensely as the other two played
“Please show us your tits. Please show us your tits.” 
Y/N smirked and went to take off her bra but stopped and pulled her PJ pants down. 
She wore a matching set that made both boys stare 
“I’ll be damned, that is better than any dream or image in my head.” 
Y/N had to think of which to remove next. Her bra or panties? 
Panties it is. 
Logan’s jaw dropped and he could practically smell her arousal from where he sat. It was driving him crazy. 
Y/N jumped up and down as she won and Logan had to remove his boxers. 
She moaned at the size causing both men to look at her. 
Oh she was so horny now 
“Well pretty girl you won so you get a reward.” Logan told her.
Wade and him walked over to her side of the table. 
Was this really happening? She thought 
They both leaned down and kissed her neck.
She gasped their names 
“I can smell how horny you are.” Logan growled in her ear.
“Wolvy is right baby and damn it smells good.” 
She throws her head back and reminds herself to thank Wade for the strip poker idea later           
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gb-patch · 11 months
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[Beautiful guest art by jackenkai on Twitter]
Hooray!!! Hallelujah! We did it! Oh my God. Our Life: Now & Forever is well and truly funded now and for forever. We're all moving to Golden Grove. 
Before any potential dropped pledges, here’s the final tally for the Kickstarter-
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Four times our original goal- ten times more than what we made during the Our Life: Beginnings & Always campaign back in 2019. It’s absolutely astounding.
The enthusiasm you all had for this project was overwhelming. It was funded in minutes! There’s thousands of backers who wanted the game to succeed, and thousands more in the community who feel the same way, even if they weren’t able to back. Every single day you showed up to give encouragement and appreciation. The feelings you’ve shared with us about your personal experiences with our story are inspiring. 
Not only that, but all of this was for a free project! No one technically had to pay anything. There are those optional DLCs, however we're going to release the main game for anyone to get to enjoy. That's something we always want to stand by with what we do here. It's our hope that everybody who could use some comforting sentimentality and acceptance in the form of a nice story is able to have that. Now they will, and it's going to be at such a high quality because of the funding we received. That's so wonderful.
Thank you so much for putting your support into Our Life: Now & Forever!
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bbydoll18xx · 3 months
Pet Names and Airplanes (Part 3)
Paige Bueckers x reader
It’s Paige’s turn to call the shots.
Themes: smut!! dom!Paige, friends to lovers
Word Count: 2.5k
Part 1
Part 2
A/N: IT FINALLY LET ME POST HALLELUJAH!! You sweetie pies asked for a part 3 and here it is! And to whoever was the original anon who sent me the idea for Pet Names and Airplanes, i love u
Seattle had crushed Indiana, although that was pretty much a given. What you hadn’t expected, though, was Paige’s attitude after the game. The whole time, her hand was placed possessively on your thigh, fingers only leaving the soft flesh to be thrown in the air in a joyous celebration of Seattle scoring. And you certainly delighted in the way Paige kept sneaking peeks at one of the hickeys she had left at the base of your throat, threatening to expose the sheer naughtiness that had gone down yesterday. And this morning. 
The relationship between the two of you had changed dramatically in the last 48 hours, leaving you with an undeniable giddiness that bubbled in your chest. And now here you were, talking to Nika on the sidelines of the basketball court, feeling the blonde’s eyes on you, the heat of them radiating off of you in a way that had you shivering. 
Your arm was wrapped around Nika’s waist in a friendly hold; you had missed the Croatian girl, but Paige’s body language suggested that if you didn’t back away, you’d be in deep shit. Her eyes narrowed as you scooched in closer, meeting her gaze with a smug look that said ‘Whatcha going to do about it?’ 
It was not long before she was pulled away by yet another throng of young, adoring fans. She posed for pictures and signed basketballs and shirts, a fond smile adorning your face as you watched, thinking that if anyone deserved all of this, it was Paige.
You are pulled out of your thoughts by Nika who was elbowing you in the side with a shit-eating grin plastered on her face.
“When are you gonna tell her that you love her?” She questions smugly, and your mouth falls open in shock.
You splutter, not even remotely able to form a coherent sentence for a second. She was able to read you like a damn book, and you felt momentarily embarrassed to think that you were that transparent. You had always worn your heart on your sleeve, but you longed to be one of those girls that were just effortlessly cool and almost mysterious. You hated how people could see what you were feeling just by looking at your face, and while you knew your emotional disposition made you who you were, sometimes it felt like it was your personal downfall.
The blaze of your cheeks add fuel to the fire, and Nika giggles as you hide your face in your hands. You sigh defeatedly. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do.”
“It’s Paige,” she soothes. “You guys have always had something more than just a friendship. It’ll work out.” She pulls you into another hug, just as Paige walks back over to the two of you. She clears her throat loudly, and you and Nika separate, meeting her eye with your cheeks still flushed from Nika’s observation. 
“Ready to head back to the hotel, princess?” Paige asks you, her blue eyes staring into yours, and she wraps an arm around your waist possessively, drawing you into her and away from her old teammate. 
You smirk at her blatant jealousy, mentally high-fiving yourself that at least she also lacked subtlety when it came to you.
“I don’t know, P,” you trail. “Maybe we should hang out with Nika some more.” You wet your lips as you look up at the Croatian girl, who is looking between you and Paige with a confused look on her face.
“I want you. All to myself,” she responds bluntly, sending a wave of butterflies soaring through your belly and straight down to your pussy.
Paige sends a glare in Nika’s direction, and a flash of realization dawns on the brunette, her face morphing into a look of pure revulsion.
“Hell no, you two better not be getting me in the middle of whatever this is” Nika scolded, her accent coming out, mixing with the disgust in her voice. She was smart, and she clearly saw your attempts to make Paige jealous.
“I’ll see you two tomorrow. Just go fuck each other like I know you want to,” she says crudely, holding back a laugh. “But thanks for coming. I love you both,” Nika beams, waving and walking towards the Seattle locker rooms. 
“Finally,” Paige mutters, interlocking your fingers with hers and pulling you towards the exit.
The uber back to the hotel was eventful, and if Paige’s possessive grip on your thigh during the game didn’t have you completely dripping, the open-mouth kisses she had been pressing to your neck and jaw certainly did.
It was difficult to hold back your moans in front of the uber driver who was already eying you and Paige suspiciously, and you let out a sigh of relief as he pulled in front of your hotel. Racing through the hall and opening up the door, you rush in, Paige hot on your tail. 
“Finally got you all to myself,” Paige murmured, looking down at you through lustful, hooded eyes. Her voice was deep and husky, dripping with want, and it reignited the swarm of butterflies in your belly. 
“About damn time,” you respond flirtily, before connecting your lips with hers with a moan. Her lips taste like the cherry slushy she had drank at the game, and the smoothness of them has you pressing up into her, desperate for more. 
Paige opens her mouth for you, intertwining her tongue with yours before suddenly pulling away. You chase her lips with a pout on your own, confused as to why she was stopping. You look up at her with fake indignance, and she gazes at you with a sadistic glint in her eyes. 
“Strip and get on the bed.” 
Her tone is firm, and the dominance oozing from her words makes every nerve in your body light up, temporarily putting you in a daze. You bite your bottom lip in a bruising tug, looking up at Paige with wide eyes. 
The forcefulness of it sends jolts through your most intimate area, and you pull your top over your head, throwing it onto the floor haphazardly, your jeans following shortly after. You are left standing in a black bra and matching panties, and Paige has moved to sit in the chair, legs spread wide. 
“I want you completely naked, baby. Don’t get shy with me. Want to see those pretty little marks on your tits,” she drawls, and her voice alone has you nearly panting with lust. There was something so naughty about her watching you strip, and your body erupts in goosebumps in anticipation. 
Your bra comes off first. The cool air of the hotel room hits your nipples, perking them up in a way that makes Paige run her tongue across her bottom lip, soothing it from the incessant biting. Your panties soon follow, and your body flushes as you notice the stickiness of your inner thighs from your own slick. 
You climb onto the plush bed, ass sticking up in the air, wiggling provocatively in order to get a rise out of the watchful blonde. Settling against the mountain of pillows with your legs slightly spread, you stare back at Paige, trying desperately to avoid covering yourself up. Her gaze is burning into your skin like tiny pinpricks of lustful want, and you squirm at the lack of stimulation. 
You knew you looked needy, but Paige loved it, reveling in the mild humiliation of you being spread out for her viewing pleasure.
Not wanting to back down just quite yet, you hold her eye contact until she stands, sauntering over to the end of the bed. Her gaze lowers slowly, starting at the base of your throat where the myriad of hickies begin, trailing down to your tits and across your stomach, landing on your glistening center. 
A shiver runs down your spine, tightening your nipples even more, and you lick your lips in anticipation of what’s to come. 
“You gonna be a good girl for me, princess?” She asks, arms crossed and biceps bulging. 
A slight whine leaves your throat. “Yes, always good for you,” you promise.
However, Paige looks unconvinced, a wry smile plastered on her gorgeous features. “You weren’t being very good after the game. Hanging all over Nika like a little slut.”
Your heart pounds at her degrading words, and you try to come up with a decent excuse. “I-” 
She cuts you off with a wave of the hand and a scoff. “Save it. You think you’re a good girl? Prove it.”
Before you can even ask how to prove it, Paige is stripping and laying on the bed with spread legs. You crawl over to her, wanting to do everything possible to please her, but she stops you before you can attach your mouth to her sopping center.
“If you want to taste me, you gotta beg,” she claims smugly, and you flush at her words. Just yesterday, you had the upper hand, and now here you were, about to beg to eat her out. 
“P…” you trail off, but she was devilishly unrelenting. A wide smirk adorns her face as she spreads her legs a bit more, beckoning you closer towards her slick warmth. 
Realizing that you were in fact going to have to beg, you decide to give in, losing the battle between your pride and your sanity. 
“Please, Paigey…” you whimper, lips in a prominent pout. “I’ll do anything for you. Just let me have a taste.”
Paige pretends to think about it for a second, mockingly tapping her chin. “I suppose a little taste won’t hurt,” she relents, and before she can go back on her words, you dive in like a woman starved. 
A long moan is pulled from the depths of her throat as you lick a long stripe across her pussy, and you welcome the taste. She was obviously just as turned on as you. The sheer depravity of the situation hits you, and you reach down in between your legs to take care of the burning ache. Two small circles against your clit is all you manage to make before Paige is leaning down to swat your hand away with a dissatisfied tut. 
“Nuh uh. Don’t be touching your pretty, little pussy.” 
Your cheeks burn, but she quickly grabs your hair into a makeshift ponytail and guides your head back down. And that’s all the encouragement you need. Soon enough she’s a moaning mess under you, coming undone with your name on her lips, and you’re licking your own, as if she was the most delicious meal you’ve ever had.
“Fuck, baby,” she moans. “Such a good girl for me.”
And before you can preen at her praises, she is on top of you. Hot, open mouth kisses are being pressed up and down your neck, alternating between sharp bites and soothing licks, adding to the purple marks. Paige trails her fingers up and down your sides before squeezing at your hips, melding the flesh experimentally. 
“Need more,” you pant out, and she hums against your skin, the vibrations shooting through you add to the overwhelmingness of everything. She is descending down your body now, your belly and hips peppered with kisses, all the way down to your inner thighs. She purposely ignores your aching pussy, and your hips fly up to try and meet the softness of her lips, desperate to feel some stimulation.
“Fuck, P, don’t make me beg again,” you whine, and Paige gives you another wide smirk from between your legs. 
She blows cool air across the heat of your dripping pussy, and mutters, “But it’s so sexy when you beg for me, baby.” 
“Paige, please,” you whimper, drawing out the syllables of her name, and finally she acquiesces. A long string of expletives leave your parted lips as she plunges two fingers into you and swirls her tongue around your swollen clit. Paige’s fingers were magic, pumping unabatedly into you and curling expertly against the ridges of your g-spot. 
You bring a hand up to pull roughly at your nipple, causing Paige to let out a low groan at the sight of you playing with your tits, and the vibration shoots straight through your core. If you hadn’t been so comfortable around Paige, you would almost feel embarrassed about how fast you were coming undone. 
This was some teenage boy shit. 
Your moans grow louder and louder as she adds a third finger, the stretch feeling like nothing from the amount of juices slicking the entrance of your pussy and sliding down your inner thighs. She continues to curve her fingers up to that sweet spot, causing you to see stars, and eats you out with unwavering persistence.
“G-gonna cum,” you moan, and before Paige can respond, you are gushing around her fingers with a high-pitched whine and her name on your lips. She slows down her movements, allowing you to ride out your high, before removing her fingers from you and licking them seductively. 
Fuck she was so hot. 
Paige watches your chest rise and fall while you try to catch your breath, strung out from how good she just fucked you. She thinks that you had never looked so beautiful, skin glowing from the lamp of the hotel and the sheen of your sweat adding to the radiance. You’re looking back at her in sheer adoration, wondering how you got so lucky to be in this predicament. 
“God, that just keeps getting better every time,” you giggle once you catch your breath, and Paige chuckles, nodding in agreement. She heads to the bathroom for a washcloth to clean you up, and once she does, she pulls you under the covers, and you think that life could not possibly get better. 
The two of you bask in the glow of orgasms and an overall fondness for one another, both silently musing over how much your relationship had changed in the last few days. As if Paige was reading your thoughts, you hear her whisper, “I don’t think I can go back to just being friends with you.” 
Your heart skips a beat. “I was thinkin’ the same thing,” you mumble, grateful that you could forego the awkward ‘what are we’ conversation. “I don’t think we were ever really just friends,” you add, you cheeks pink as you recall all the flirty moments that had occurred between you and the blonde.
“True,” Paige says, nuzzling her face into your neck. “Well, glad we figured that out.” She pulls you in for another kiss, this time sweet and innocent, without the fire that sex tends to follow. It was all you really needed. Paige was all you really needed. 
And when you sit down in your seat on the airplane the following day, you smile as the memories replay in your mind. Love was forged from nothing but a friendship reformed due to a silly little plane ride and a silly little pet name. 
woohoo! let me know what you think!! xoxo
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melodic-haze · 4 months
Okay, hear me out. Having the power over the Tsaritsa herself
If we get Arle our levels should surely surpass and manage to get the ice woman herself under our thumb.. RAHSHSHHAHD the thought alone makes me so turned on Imaginee???
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Tsaritsa x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Degredation 🤷‍♀️✌️ one day I will use this part for something genuinely worrying like someone dying idk but today is NOT that day
☆ — NOTES: When I tell you I stared before screaming in sheer glee 😭😭😭 LIKE THANK YOU FOR INDULGING ME AND MY POWER FANTASIES HALLELUJAH
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God I love having powerful women at my feet ty YESSIR I CAN IMAGINE IT AND I'M GOING INSANE❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
This woman was once a goddess so full of love, only for her heart to harden once she ran out of love to give :(((( it's up to you to give her that love again 🥰
In all seriousness though it is such a PRIVILEGE to be let past the many walls she has made for herself, let alone being able to hold her heart in your hands. Please hold it gently :( I know you lot wanna get on with it already but the path towards loving and domming this archon is! Very difficult! But in the end it's so worth it :333 bc she will show you pure, utter love and devotion—it'll have everyone, especially the Harbingers, jealous of such a connection, though whether they're jealous of you for being in the arms of their Tsaritsa or they're jealous of their GOD being the receiver of your love is anyone's guess
Ofc there's always the option where you date the Harbingers too but like that isn't the focus here shhhhh 🤫🤫🤫🤫
Once you have gained her full trust, now all you need is to reassure her that it's okay to put down her crown whenever it's just the two of you. It'll certainly take a while again, but when she finally has the courage to let go and essentially give you the reigns, well...
It started off with the same sort of song-and-dance, with the two of you kissing each other deeply as your hands roamed around each other's bodies.. yet usually none of your actions have ever gone beyond simply feeling each other up and building up that excitement before simply letting it down lightly and settling for something less.. carnal.
This time, however, it's as if some hidden switch had been found—you know not of what spurred your beloved archon to get more starved for touch than usual, with her hands wandering within the confines of your clothing and brushing onto bare skin, but you weren't complaining in the least.. though you couldn't help but feel confused.
It is only when she backs you up and pushes you down onto the bed before straddling your lap with a brand new look in her eyes, so utterly clouded with need, that you realise what she wants.
"Are you sure? You know I don't mind waiting for as long as you need."
"And how long will you last in this world before it takes you from me too?" The Tsaritsa shakes her head with a sad smile as she focuses on you despite the lustful daze she's in, "No, I am ready to be taken by you, in both body and soul."
You couldn't help but soften at your lover's confession, warmth filling you despite the cold radiating off her skin—something of a side effect from being the Cryo Archon, you had guessed—and just a touch of melancholy brushing against your heart as she speaks of her fear for the loss of you.
It's not as if you were going to simply discard such a proclamation, especially when it comes from the Goddess of Love herself, so you gently brush a hand on her cheek before moving down to squeeze her bicep in reassurance, "If that is what my Archon wants, then--"
"Within the confines of this room, I do not want to be above your stature." She wraps her hands around your neck, causing you to shiver pleasantly at the icy contact, "I wish to be equals.. and..."
Her voice was quieter this time, a lot more bashful as she looks away with a rosy tint on her cheeks, "Perhaps even.. below you.. with a loss of my power."
"..You're sure?"
"Yes, I..." She lets out a light exhale before looking at you with true sincerity in her eyes, "I trust you with full control over me."
You try to find the words that seem appropriate to answer with, and yet you find none. So you kiss her tenderly at first.. before deepening the kiss, taking charge as you pull her towards you.
When she lets out a low moan of satisfaction, you couldn't help but smile as you proceeded beyond the line that the two of you were initially hesitant to cross.
Anyways after that, you have the feared Tsaritsa at the palm of your hand, ready and eager to do what you'd want to do ☺️☺️☺️☺️
Imagine being gentle with her at first, showing her soooo much love in your actions as you kiss and touch and worship her body. Her breaths are heavy and deep, perhaps even hot if it weren't for the fact that they came out as cold fogs. In fact, she's cautious at first due to her being very cold, her body temperature SO unlike yours but you tell her that it's okay!!! It'll feel even better anyway 🫶 why?
Temperature play ☺️☺️☺️ she's naturally really cold, so if you put your finger in her sopping cunt, your warmth is doing basically like half the work for you. Start adding friction into the equation, moving your digits inside her as you pepper hot kisses on pale skin and let your tongue swirl on her breasts, and she'll be squirming in basically no time due to how hot your touch feels compared to hers 🫶🫶🫶🫶
THEN you get rougher with her; adding more force into your touch and you start getting more relentless by the second and preventing her from actually taking a moment. The moment you say something degrading towards her by pure accident, you swear it just slipped out, at first you think you've made a GRAVE mistake like yk she said that you can do whatever but YOU DON'T THINK SHE MEANT??? THAT!!!!!!! But when a whine escapes her lips as her eyes nearly roll to the back of her head, her wet folds squeezing your fingers all the while, you realise she LIKES that. And that's like. Holy shit she trusts you THAT much that she's LETTING you essentially ruin her and her godly image
The moment you mutter both words of praise AND degredation is the moment she's gonna be SOOOO GONEEEEEEE❗️❗️❗️
"You're sucking me in," you mused out loud with a light smirk. "Who knew the Cryo Archon turned out to be such a pretty whore... For someone like me, no less."
She bucks her hips up with a raspy moan at your words, the sound absolutely sinful to your ears, despite the fact that at the state she was in, there was no way she understood most of what you said. Her skin flushed and her lips swollen because of you, the once ever-so-frigid archon was reduced to a pathetic mess.
Of course such a scene was an ego boost for you, not to mention a turn on.
Your lips traced a line all the way down, from her lips.. to her chest.. to her abdomen.. until it brushes her sensitive clit, your breath hot against cold skin. You feel her fingers tangle themselves in your hair, gripping tightly in anticipation and need for you to do whatever it is you wanted to do.
"My beautiful girl is so eager for me, aren't you?" You cooed as your free hand airily grazed the outside of her thigh before gripping onto it, "Don't worry your pretty little head, hm? I'll give you sooo much love, you won't even know what to do with it all."
All it took was one lick with your tongue, the muscle so unbearably hot to her touch, for the Tsaritsa to realise that you were going to make good on that promise of yours.
SHE'LL TAKE EVERYTHING WITHOUT A WORD OF COMPLAINT UGGHGB in fact she'll even DELIGHT in the change of roles, in the way that you're happily using and toying with her :3333
Overstimming her would be SO MUCH FUN because of the temperature build-up. Not to mention if you say that you love her??? Oh FUCK her reaction is delightful—she'll start fucking CRYING, both at the overstim and the fact that you truly love her and you were willing to show it in every way you can :((((( and suddenly she's seeing STARS behind her eyelids as she cums herself silly :3
From that and the later sessions you have, it's very clear who TRULY holds the reigns between you 🫶🫶🫶🫶 and with the Tsaritsa, who needs and DESERVES a break from being looked down upon as some......some antagonist in Teyvat's story, well. She wouldn't have it any other way 🥰
Oh. One more thing before this is done!!! She's an EXPERT at aftercare hello she's not the (former) Goddess of Love for nothing, just saying..........just give her a few mins to recover first. Or maybe an hour. Just give her a moment 😭😭😭 OR ALTERNATIVELY PAMPER HER AFTERWARDS❗️❗️❗️❗️ Take care of her, you'll see her cry again, something she'd usually refuse to do around everyone else, and you just gotta hug her and tell her you're here and it's okay and that you love her :((((
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hyuckswoman · 1 month
“as i said before, i’m going to send an email later on in the day with the groups. before anyone asks yes i assigned them but you can switch if you want to. this class is made of pairs so as long as you’re in a pair i don’t care who you’re with. just make sure to update me with the new list” your professor says as you pack your things to leave
“do you hope we’ll be together? cause i hope we will it would be super funny” you hear jisung say right behind you. this man will not leave you alone it seems “oh you’re still ignoring me? you’re lucky i’ve got things to do cause i would’ve followed you for your whole trip back home” he says getting ready to leave you alone
“that’s called stalking weirdo” you hear a voice say. you turn around just to see mark. not very surprising as you were supposed to meet with him to hangout “she likes it, don’t worry” jisung replies before leaving “man this guy’s so weird” you hear your friend whisper (more to himself than you) “you don’t say”
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“hallelujah i am NOT with jisung in my group this is bliss. i want to thank the lord, my family and friends for getting me here. i am so proud to be here today besides you. this moment is so much bigger than me.” nothing could begin to describe the amount of joy you felt when you opened your email and saw that your name was nowhere near jisung’s. even mark was tense, he had his fingers and toes crossed for you. when you saw that your partner was this really nice (you assumed, you barely have any friends so you didn’t talk to her)
“do you feel relieved?” mark asked finally letting his fingers and toes un cross “fuck yea i do, i literally can avoid jisung for the rest of this semester this is what i dreamt of my whole life dude” you take your phone to text your partner seeing that she had already texted you. “no fucking way” was all you could utter
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10. no fucking way
previous chapter masterlist next chapter
notes: i moved to seoul lmao and it’s just so fucking weird?? like i arrived yesterday at like 10 am and i lowkey (highkey) want to go back home. idk i just know that i’ll have a hard time here and knowing that the next time i see my family is in months makes me sad lmao. plus it’s hard bc everyone is like omg you must be so excited n stuff and im like noooo i want to go back homeeeeee. plus i have to take classes that are harder so even academically wise im gonna struggle. but anyway im done complaining! i know this is someone’s dream probably so i should be more grateful but it’s a bit hard rn ngl lmao
taglist: @kgyam4 @sunghoonsgfreal @injunnie-lemon @nctrawberries @222low @multifandomania @joyzluvr @starwonb1n @222brainrot @sinsgaybutthatsokay @defzcl @lostinneocity @junviadinho @mrshwang-park @skepvids @wonbin-truther @jkslvsnella @jising-jisang-jisung @nanaxwi @polarisjisung @amrqxz @jirsungs @haechansbbg @dalsosapple @pookime @pinklemonade34 @lotties-readings @roseangelxfuma @jiiieun @inosfavgf @mystverse @alethea-moon @apple9i3 @nosungluv @dinonuguaegi @addyanm @kenmaswoman @okkkcausewhet @starfilledgaze
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wynsummers · 1 year
i've been thinking about the whole "friction in his jeans" thing a lot lately, and while it is certainly one of the more iconic instances of the lyric in the CD booklet being different from the actual song, it is far from the only one. on top of that, there are quite a few lyrics that play with double meanings that only become clear when they're written out.
so, i present a collection of every lyric in the fob CD booklets that differ from the final version, punctuation and double meanings that aren't noticeable unless the song is written out, and any other interesting details i find in the process, or a really long post of me cornplating about fob:
disclaimer that if the difference is small enough/doesn't change the meaning of the line i won't include it because that would take me years (for example, the book says "light that smoke for giving up on me" and patrick says "yeah, one for giving up on me" but literally who cares that changes nothing. everything i include here is relevant, i think)
follow-up disclaimer that there are a bunch of fucking typos in every single one of these books because these boys never proofread anything but unless i think it's significant in some way i probably will skip it
tell that mick:
"I hope you choke on those words, that kiss, that bottle - I confess / now ash yourself out on the insides, when I said I loved you I swear I lied"
grand theft autumn:
"someday i'll appreciate in value, get off my ass and call you... but for the meantime i'll sport my brand new fashion of waking up with my clothes on at 4:00 in the afternoon"
"pete and i said goodbye to astoria with promise and precision and mess of youthful innocence"
(most of these are just silly but this one fucking hurts)
sending postcards:
"fake it like you matter - cause that's the biggest secret you have to keep"
chicago is so two years ago:
"that means that I believed every single lie you said (and learned from the best)"
"cause every pain of glass that your pebbles tap negates the pains i went through to avoid you / and every little pat on the shoulder for attention fails to mention i still hate you" (pain of glass instead of pane of glass - i think this is supposed to be a parallel. that or pete just misspelled pane)
patron saint:
"I'm holding out and I'm holding on to every letter and every grudge"
*flashes forward 20 years to hmlag*
our lawyer made us change the name of this song so we wouldn't get sued:
"we're good friends only when you're on your knees"
the icon, the legend
"don't mind me, i'm watching you two from the closet wishing to be the friction in his jeans" 🎉🏳️‍🌈
dark alley:
"joke me something awful just like kisses on the necks of 'just friends'"
"I'm hopelessly hopeful that you're just hopeless enough"
champagne for my real friends, real pain for my shrimp friends:
"you steer away in a rearview mirror, make my head swim"
i slept with someone in fob:
"someone old, no one new / always borrowed, always you"
ahem. anyway
sixteen candles:
"i confess, i'm just messed up / dropping 'i'm sorrys' like you're still around"
"to hands"
(that's it. no "between legs, and whatever it takes" just hands. just fuckin. to hands)
"to hotel stares/stairs" (wordplay!! to clarify it literally says "stares/stairs" in the book)
"choose awe or sympathy"
also in the last verse it says 'to the "love"' with the quotes which is just kinda funny
this ain't a scene:
"crashing not like hips or hearts"
i'm like a lawyer:
"i only keep myself this sick in the head cause i know how the words get you (off)"
"collect the bad habits that you couldn't bare to keep" (idk this one might just be a typo)
hum hallelujah:
similarly, this might also be a typo, but "versus" is spelled "verses"
(after) life:
ok. ok. hear me out. this is the cornplatiest i have ever been. but on genius it says "death's in a double bed"
and on the lyric book it says "deaths in a double bed"
that changes everything!!! (not really, i know) it's not death as a concept or figure or whatever it's deaths. as in multiple people dying. aaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaughhhhhhhhhhh
moving on
carpal tunnel:
"we take the sip from life's lush lips"
the line "we might've started singing just a little soon" isn't listed, it's just the goodbye line twice
"but i'm just tired yawns for fawns"
you're crashing:
"the cause, the kid, the charm, and the curse"
"lips pressed this close to mine"
"but the prince of this failing empire knows" (hhhnnnggggggghhh)
"i've already given up on myself once but the third time is the charm" that's not how numbers work pete <3
"just kind of figured on not figuring myself out"
folie a deux doesn't have a lyric book. just portraits of the boys with empty white pages that have their names written on them. my poor beautiful masterpiece
not a lyric but for some reason the whole fuckin song is in quotes
the phoenix:
another punctuation thing but instead of "hope to die" it's "hope-to-dies"
"you're wearing our vintage misery"
alone together:
"my heart is like a stallion, they love it more when it's broke in" instead of "broken" (i love double meanings!! i love wordplay!! i love pete wentz!!)
where did the party go:
"i will appear to you if you make yourself shake fast enough"
the mighty fall:
the lyric book straight up doesn't have big sean's part 💔
rat a tat:
at the end there's this "talk less / mean more / let's be electric / like we were before" that i have literally never heard so i'm assuming it's a neat little cut lyric
save rock and roll:
"i will save the songs / the songs we're singing"
"coming in announced" this one. this one's just a typo. come on boys it's been 12 years at this point read the books more than once
"i just dragged my nails on the tile / i just follow your scent" ?? idk
"this will not be a battle"
for some fucking reason it just says "she's an american beauty" three times at the start of the song 😭
"and as we're drifting off to sleep" isn't in there, it just says "and all those dirty thoughts of me, they were never yours to keep"
the kids aren't alright:
indulge me once more, reader. i am cornplating again
instead of "former heroes who quit too late and just wanna fill up their trophy case again" it's "wanted to" do you understand why that makes me insane
also they have it as "will put your curse in reverse" instead of "we" which could be a typo but could also be a neat little change
uma thurman:
"you cut me deep like uma thurman"
jet pack blues:
"i'm the kind that can turn june to september / the last one that you'll ever remember"
"between these two white highway signs"
"i try to picture you without me but i can't"
M A N I A:
hold me tight or don't:
the line "i'm pretty sure that this isn't how our story ends" isn't included
"i know it's just a number but to me you're the 8th wonder"
sunshine riptide:
they didn't include any of burna boy's lines 😒
smfs doesn't have any lyric changes that i noticed, just the usual typos.
update: future emma here, upon further contemplation I have decided to add the line "I'd never go, I just want to be invited" since the first verse definitely says "I'll" (thank you sugarweregoinin and foliejpg for inspiring this revelation)
and there we have it! if you're insane patient enough to have made it until the end, thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed! if there are any i missed/any in CDs that i don't have please let me know i find these so fascinating (if you couldn't tell). i just love getting glimpses into their writing process and seeing how the songs we know and love evolve before they get to us. i might also do a post about how spotify/genius gets a bunch of their lyrics wrong because it pisses me off but this is all for now, good day/night!
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stargirlrchive · 2 years
folklore: hoax ✩ jake sully
masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ folklore masterlist
summary: widowed!jake sully x female!reader, no use of y/n, angst, marriage of convenience, smut :o, oral fem!receiving, slightest corruption kink, ANGST, TW!! eluded to death due to child birth
word count: 5,795
tiyawn (n) - love
comments: hi bbys <3 i swear i had rewritten this chapter like five times, complete scrapped it twice bc i was so unhappy w it, but i love this chapter sm. i feel like it is finally at a place where i am super proud of it, so i hope u all enjoy it. ALSOOO my first time writing smut so be nice or i WILL cry, but ok byeeee mwahhh ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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- pandora, awa’tula, 2169 -
What would normally take three days' travel had taken five. Your legs ached as you had been flying for several hours, keeping Tuk tucked into you as sleep began to settle into her again. Your food supply was low, same with your drinkable water and you weren’t sure how much more any of you would last. “Jake-we are tired. Let us rest please.”
The kids hummed in agreement but he shook his head, “We are only a few miles out. We should be there within half an hour's time.”
You felt like crying, every part of your body was sore but you said nothing more. Flying close to everyone and you missed the normally loud chatter. Everyone had been so quiet since the departure from the Hallelujah mountains. You didn't blame them, you were saddened but you knew it was for the best, for the safety of everyone you loved. But it did not stop the ache in your heart.
And just as Jake said the reefs of Awa’tula came into view not long after. You might have been able to admire how beautiful the island was had you not been in such a horrid mood. You were tired, hungry, overall just irritable and the blaring horns did nothing but increase your frustration as all of you landed on the beach. The Metkayina were so different from all of you.
Their skin was a teal blue, light blue eyes, and tails so much thicker than yours. You all stood out like a sore thumb.
Tonowari, the chief and Olo’eyktan of the Metkayina tribe came towards all of you, he was tall with broad shoulders, there was so much power radiating off of the man and it made you cower a little. You wondered if that was how the Omatikayan’s saw Jake. But as they looked at you with caution it dawned upon you that they may reject you and send all of you away again, or worse, see you as a threat and try harming all of you. You felt the familiar need to protect settle into your bones and it put you on edge as the Olo’eyktan’s mate came before all of you, Ronal.
She ignored your greetings as her eyes scanned all six of you up and down, a look of disdain evident on her face. “Why do you come to us, JakeSully?”
“We seek Uturu.”
Ronal's face twisted up, “Uturu?”
“Yes-sanctuary for my family.”
Your tail swooshed in annoyance as the Tsahik began circling all of you, prodding and tugging at different parts of you as she inspected whatever she deemed unfit.
“We are reef people. You are sky people-your skills will mean nothing here.”
Tonowari did not mean to be harsh, at least you did not think, just stating the facts he saw. You ripped your tail away from the grip Ronal had, anger settling deep in your chest as you followed her movement. “We will learn your ways.” Jake turned to look at you and he noticed the anger swirling in your eyes, “Right?”
You gave a curt nod, fearing you'd scream out of pure frustration if you spoke. ”Their arms are thin.” Ronal gripped Tuk’s arm and you felt your fangs beginning to dig into your bottom lip, forcing down a snarl as Tuk whined out and ran closer to you. “Their tails are weak.”
She gripped Kiri’s tail just as she had done with yours moments ago and you felt the growl that was threatening to rip out of your throat at any given moment.
She gripped Kiri’s and Lo’aks hands, lifting them for all the Metkayina to see, “These children are not even true Na’vi! They have demon blood!”
You hissed out angrily, tail swishing erratically as you tugged the kids behind you. Ronal’s eyes drifted to yours, fangs barring and hissing back at you. Jake had never seen you so angry, his hand landed on your forearm to pull you back, but it didn't dimmer your angry gaze.
“Please forgive my mate, she is tired and we have come a long way.”
You were about to protest but Jake pulled you in closer as he picked his hand up for Ronal to see, matching those of his two middle children, ”Look-look. I was born of the sky people and now I am Na’vi. You can adapt.”
Ronal’s eyes shifted to your face again and you felt yourself resigning as you grumbled out quietly, “We will adapt.”
“We cannot let you bring your war here. Us Metkayina are not at war.”
“I’m done with war, okay? I just want to keep my family safe.”
You moved from Jake’s grasp, picking Tuk up as she nuzzled into you. “Uturu has been asked.”
Everyone's eyes jumped to you, tears had pooled at your eyes as you realized just how helpless you felt. If they rejected you, you were not sure what would happen to your family. Ronal and Tonowari shared a look, staying quiet for a few seconds before the Tsahik nodded her head towards her mate.
“Toruk Makto and his family will stay with us. Treat them as our brothers and sisters.”
Your shoulders sagged in relief, “They do not know the sea, so they will be like babies. Teach them our ways so they do not suffer the shame of being useless.”
You refrained from rolling your eyes, you were still so irritable. “Thank you.”
There were more words exchanged but you blocked them out, just going through the motions as Tonowari’s daughter, Tsireya, began to lead you to the Mauri that would now be your home. Tuk had wiggled out of your arms as she noticed the bouncy floors that connected the mauri’s. She was happily jumping and it began to melt the ice that had started to form around your heart.
“Thank you.”
Tsireya sent you a final smile, “I will leave you all to rest now.”
Weeks had passed and you felt that everyone was adjusting well to the life near the sea, except for you. The children were constantly hard at work, learning new skills and it warmed your heart to see them trying so hard. Jake was always out with Tonowari and the men of the clan, and you found yourself alone during the majority of the day.
It was nice at first, having time for yourself, not having to watch over a clan, you weren’t worried about the needs of so many people. But then the loneliness webbed around every part of your heart, all while you tried to fight the yearning you had started to feel once again for Jake.
He had asked you to apologize to Ronal, with much reluctance you did and even if you wanted to you could not deny that it was the right thing to do. After that the Metkayina women had started to warm up to you as well, inviting you to communal gatherings and picking of fruits or other supplies needed for the clan. But those were not often enough.
Ronal and you grew a nice friendship as well. You understood all the stress she dealt with on a daily basis and she had begun to come to you for words of encouragement or advice as you were the only other Na’vi around her age that understood the burden she carried. Still, it was not the same.
You missed the forest, your parents and siblings, you missed your people. “You are in your head again.”
You met Ronal’s clear blue eyes, you huffed quietly as you placed the basket you had been weaving down, “I am not.”
She gave you a look, one that reminded you too much of your mother or Mo’at, as if she was about to scold you. “You cannot lie to the Tsahik, we know all.”
She was teasing you, you shook your head and your ears pinned back, “I just miss the forest. It sounds so-stupid but the children are always so busy now. I feel lost, as if I have nothing to do.”
“Maybe Eywa is encouraging more kids between you and JakeSully.”
Your face flamed a deep purple, the topic of kids had always made you so nervous. “No-Jake and I are very happy with four.”
She pursed her lips, contemplating if she should say the next few words, “Is that what it is? Or is it that the two of you are not even really mated?.”
Your ears pinned back in shock, feeling something rush up your throat. You felt like you were going to throw up, “What are you talking about, Ronal?”
She rolled her eyes, stopping her movements, “Since the six of you have arrived I had such an uneasy feeling. At first I thought it was due to you all just being new-foreign to the reefs. I felt unsafe, I knew something was wrong because Eywa’s signs felt erratic, desperate.”
You couldn’t even look at her anymore, fear and guilt settling its way into your chest, “Then we became friends, and I thought it would go away. But the feeling was so persistent I prayed to the Great Mother for answers. She delivered.”
You couldn’t even speak as you felt a lump form at your throat, just listening to her like a child being scolded.
“It was such a vivid dream, I knew it was not fake. I felt your pain, he denied you what is rightfully yours. Still you went forward with the union.”
You felt so raw, so exposed as you responded to her, “No one will ever understand why we went about it the way we did, except for us and that is all that matters, Ronal.”
Your voice was so weak, there was no fight in you. “It matters when Eywa has felt betrayed. Have you ever thought that maybe things are turning out so horribly because you both keep fighting what is only right? What has been right in front of you for the last seven years?”
“He does not love me!”
She had never heard you sound so defeated, sadness filling her as she realized just how much you were hurting. “How can you be sure? If you have never told him.”
“Because I know him, I have known him since Neytiri and I were eighteen. I watched them fall in love and in all the past years he has never looked at me that way. Why should I hurt myself more if I know the outcome?”
Your eyes watered, you felt so helpless, like you were drowning under the weight of all of your emotions and no one was coming to save you. “Ronal-please do not say this to anyone. The kids do not need to know, it will just confuse them.”
She sighed quietly, you could tell she pitied you. You felt pathetic as she changed the subject, “You will be joining us today, correct?”
She was talking about the celebration the clan was having later in the evening. It was due to the Tulkun returning back to their brothers and sisters. “I do not know, I did not bring with me any festive clothing. I would feel out of place.”
Ronal tsked quietly, “Tsireya and I had a feeling you would say that.” Your brows furrowed in confusion as she stood up, even with her ever growing bump she did not waddle.
She picked up a beaded top that had small shells wrapped in it, the top was beautiful. Your mouth gaped as she handed it to you, “I cannot take this.”
She rolled her eyes, “You can and you will, Tsireya made it just for you. She will be hurt.”
Your ears twitched are the kind gesture, “She really shouldn’t have. It is so beautiful, this must have taken her hours.”
The embarrasment you we’re feeling melted into something warm, you felt cared for. Appreciated. “She also made you a loincloth.”
It was black, and had the same beads and shells running down one side, the fabric was also longer on the opposite side, not even back at home had you used something so pretty. “I fear I will outshine you, Ronal.”
You were teasing her hoping to cut through the tension that filled the space. She laughed as she shook her head, “Do not get so ahead of yourself. No one outshines the Tsahik.”
You felt a smile tug on your lips, “Thank you, for everything.”
She patted your hand to let you know she heard you, “Now, let’s finish up these baskets.”
The whole day you had not seen any of the kids, nor Jake. It was late in the evening and you had finally retreated from Ronal’s mauri to begin getting yourself ready. However when you entered your family home, you were surprised to find it empty. It was very late, the celebration had already started but still you were hoping to find someone here.
You felt a bit disappointed, if you were being honest. Jake would normally wait for you, or come for you but it seemed as though he had already made his way towards the party. You readied yourself quickly, admiring how beautiful the beaded top sat on your form.
You felt a bit out of place, far more exposed than normal as the conversation with Ronal continued replaying in your mind. You pushed past the uncomfortable feeling and began making the small track to the largest clearing of the beach.
Jake had been scanning the Na’vi that made their way to the beach, he was looking for you. He had felt bad after making his way to the celebration without you, but when he entered the mauri and saw it was empty he figured you had already made your way over. He was wrong though, as he had made his way to Tonowari you were nowhere in sight.
He felt a bit worried, if he was being honest. Not that either of you spoke of your deep feelings to each other but everyday he had been seeing you less and less, he hated it. He missed you.
He spotted the dark blue of your skin amongst all the teal and felt his throat instantly dry up as he took in all of you. His ears twitched and tail thumped behind him gently as you smiled and signed your hellos to the Metkayina that you passed. He instantly felt his face grow hot as Tonowari laughed quietly beside him, Jake turned to him slightly embarrassed at being caught gawking over you, “What?”
“I said nothing, JakeSully.” Tonowari was trying his hardest not to laugh.
Jake turned away from him, still flustered. He continued to watch you make your way through the crowd, it looked as though people were parting just so he could stare at you. His heart was thumping hard in his chest.
You made your way towards Ronal and the light of the bonfire hit you perfectly, and he was able to see just how good you looked. “Go to her.”
Jake shook his head no, you looked so happy and a part of him feared he’d ruin it. “She’s busy with Ronal, I will let her be.”
But he found it so hard to look away from you.
You had made it to Ronal and greeted her properly, she smiled at you knowingly as Tsireya gasped, “You wore it!”
The young girl was beaming at you, smiling so big you were sure her face hurt. You laughed as you pulled her into you, “Yes, thank you Reya, it is so beautiful.”
She flushed under your compliment. You knew the girl was pinning over your youngest son, she was trying to win you over and it was working. Not that it was ever a question in how much you liked the girl, she was one of the few Metkayina who had treated the kids kindly from the beginning.
“Go grab food before it runs out.”
Ronal was ushering you away, she was always so worried over you. She reminded you of Zewlay.
You shook your head as you laughed, making your way towards the long wooden tables that were covered from corner to corner with food, there was no way it would’ve run out. It caused another quiet laugh to ripple from your mouth, “What is so funny?”
You looked up and were met with one of the Metkayina warriors, “Tsu’ltan!”
His face lit up as his name fell from your lips, enjoying the attention you were giving him. It was silly, he knew you were mated but it did not stop the budding attraction he had for you.
He had only really spoken to you in passing and his intentions were innocent, truly. But any opportunity he had to talk your ear off-he was going to take it.
“It is nice to finally see you out.”
Your ears twitched lightly, “Finally?”
He sent you a smile that made your insides churn, it was way too friendly and it caused heat to run up to your face. “Yes, it seems that Toruk Makto likes to keep you hidden.”
You didn’t know why but his teasing comment made you feel defensive, like you need to protect Jake’s honor. “No-it is just a big adjustment. I am still trying to get used to being here.”
He noticed how you tensed up, awkwardly shifting between your feet, “I was only teasing, it is just that the clan rarely sees you around.”
Your shoulders eased up a bit, he was only
meaning to be funny. “No need to apologize, I have been told by Ronal I seem like a hermit.”
Your nose scrunched up and he laughed, causing a small smile on your face, “Well you should change that. There are Na’vi who like to see you around.”
You weren’t sure what it was but his comment made you light up, a small laugh fell from your lips as you shook your head, “That is debatable.”
Jake had been watching the interaction closely, ears pinned roughly against his head anytime the Metkayina Na’vi smiled at you. His calm facade wore thin as you continued to speak with him. His throat clamped up as he saw you laugh, he could only see the side of your face but your smile had not faltered once in the Na’vi’s presence.
He excused himself from Tonowari, slowly making his way towards the two of you. He needed to calm himself, the anger and possessiveness that was consuming his body felt so foreign. He was barely within hearing distance, and a low growl emitted from his throat as his ears picked up on bits and pieces.
“I for one want to see you around.”
Jake felt like his heart was going to rip out of his chest from how hard it was beating. He felt threatened. Like he was losing his grip on you. He was not thinking straight, at all. You looked so pretty and he was a fool to think no one else noticed. Back in the forest he never had to stake a claim because everyone knew you were his. Here it was different, here the two of you were just Na’vi’s seeking refuge. He held no real power, no real respect. Everything he felt for you rising to the surface, a cup overflowing and it was going to spill out, messily. All his insecurities taunting him as the thought of losing you began to swirl his mind.
You hummed softly, enjoying the innocent flirting. You felt giddy, desirable. But that was as far as it would go, you had duties and even if you didn’t want to, someone else has already consumed your heart. Tsu’ltan was about to say something else but you saw him tense up as he looked behind you. You were about to turn but felt arms wrap around your waist. They were strong, and as you looked down they were a dark blue. They pulled you in tightly. “Who is this, Tiyawn?”
You tensed in his arms at the name, responding dumbly, “Tsu’ltan.”
Your brain felt like it was on fire, trying so hard not to melt against his hold. He hummed quietly, but did not even bother to look at the man. You could tell he was upset, his heart was hammering so hard against his chest you felt it pound against your back.
Tsu’ltan cleared his throat, sending you an awkward smile as he bid you goodbye. You felt so embarrassed. Still tense in Jake’s arms as Tsu’ltan walked past you both.
The embarrassment was leaving your system quickly, being replaced by anger. Frustration began to consume you as your ears started ringing. Who did he think he was?
“You are unbelievable!”
“Thank you?” Jake laughed by your ear, intensifying your fury.
“I did not mean that nicely.” You hissed quietly, “Let go of me.”
His arms loosened but they stayed in place as he quietly called your name. He wasn’t sure what he expected to happen but it was certainly not for you to be angry with him. Jake felt an uncomfortable knot form at his throat as he realized you might have been enjoying your time with Tsu’ltan. God he even hated his name.
Your hands shoved at his arms and you stalked off, your anger felt even as you walked away from him. He followed after you, he felt so idiotic, helpless as you stomped away deep into the small forest on the beach.
“Leave me alone, Sully.”
He ignored your request as he trailed behind you, “No.”
You grumbled out angrily and he grabbed at your forearm, forcing you to turn to him. You were so angry as you fought against his hold, “I told you to let go of me.”
You hissed at him but it did not deter him, he held you close as he stared at you. Your lip began to quiver as you looked up at him. You wondered if Jake knew how mean he was being. All your stupid emotions forcing their way up and hot angry tears slipped past your eyes.
He had completely iced you out of his heart but then did things like this. And it confused you beyond belief, your heart couldn’t take it. He eased up on his hold as he saw the tears flowing down your face, “Why are you crying?” His voice was soft, he let the hand that was not holding your arm gently cup your face, using his thumb to try and wipe at your tears. “You! You are the reason I cry!”
Jake’s face furrowed in confusion, concern filled his body as you began to shake. Were you really that angry he had pulled you away from that man?
“You confuse me, you-you took so much from me!”
All the years of pent up feelings were coming up, you were sure it was an ugly sight to see. A sob ripped from your throat as you pushed at his chest. “And I hate myself for letting you consume my heart-it hurts! I want it to stop!”
Jake felt himself shake as he continued to hold on to you. “You love me?”
Your body went limp against his hold, as if all the fight was ripped out of you. “Unfortunately.”
Jake didn’t know what to say, he didn’t know how to get the words out of his mouth as he looked at you, your face was dipped down, refusing to look at him. “Look at me.”
“You have already made me feel horrible, now you wish to humiliate me even more by making me look at you. You are cruel.”
You squirmed in his arms as he wrapped you up in his, “Stop talking.”
Your head snapped up, anger once again swirling in the pit of your stomach, “Do not tell me what to do-“
Jake groaned and cupped at the back of your neck, pulling your face into his as he let his mouth cover yours. A quiet noise left your throat as your mouth moved with his, it was not sweet. It was hungry, and rough as if he was trying to take the breath from your lungs.
Maybe that was what he intended to do, finally get rid of you. Now that he was no longer Olo’eyktan he had no reason to keep up this hoax. The sob that was threatening to fall from your lips was stalled as his fangs lightly bit down on the plump of your bottom lip. Your own parted instantly, eyes fluttering shut as his tongue fought along yours. You weren’t sure how long he was kissing you for but when you pulled away your lips felt numb, swollen as you looked up at him, “Wha-why did you do that?”
He didn’t say anything, just looked into your eyes as his arms lowered to your back, pulling you closer as his head dipped down to the base of your neck. He tilted your head gently with his own as he began to feather kisses all along your neck, sucking gently and it caused a low moan to emit from your throat, you felt something low in your belly. Like a small fire that was begging to consume your whole body.
He bit down into the skin of your neck, soothing it gently with a swipe of his tongue. You whined his name quietly, his tail began to swish behind you. His fingers were gripping at your hips, pulling you so close you felt all of him. From his strong chest and thighs to the very evident bulge that was pressing right against your lower belly.
You felt so dizzy, so overwhelmed by everything he was making you feel. You felt such a primal hunger take over you and you could feel the want pooling between your legs, you squeezed them together to relieve the tension building up.
He pulled away and an ugly feeling swarmed your chest, wondering if he was already regretting what the two of you were doing. Your ears pinned back as you felt his fingers trace up the length of your back causing a shiver to run through you. He didn’t stop until he reached the knot from the beaded top, he tugged on it gently before he looked at your face again. He tilted his eyebrows up, asking you for permission. You nodded your head and in the next second it was off you, falling down in between the two of you and your face burned. Jake’s eyes dropped down to your chest and he looked as though he was going to devour you. “Pretty.”
You felt your heart flutter, swallowing thickly as he reached out towards your loincloth, rubbing gentle circles on your skin before he slowly began to pull it open. He was watching you with a careful eye, making sure you were okay with what was happening. You were.
You let the fabric fall and pool at your feet, your whole body felt warm under his gaze, shying away from his eyes as you refrained from wrapping your arms around yourself.
He gently pushed you against the tree that was behind you, your head felt so fuzzy. “Need you to tell me if it’s too much.”
You nodded your head, not trusting your voice. “No, Tiyawn. I need you to use your words.”
His voice was so soft but you felt it everywhere, shivering from the breeze that had settled over this late in the night, “Okay.”
Jake knelt down before you, gripping the soft plush of your thighs as he picked one of your legs up, throwing it over his shoulder and you tried not to squirm. Even in the close circle of your friends, when you spoke of your experience with the Na’vi men, none of you had ever mentioned this. Jake let his tongue fall flat against your most sensitive bundle of nerves, your body jolted lightly at the attention. You whined his name and Jake loved that you were already so responsive to him. He had only just begun to touch you.
He could not think of another way to show you how much he wanted you, at least not right now. So he swirled his tongue along your puffy folds, pushing deeper against you as mewled out. You felt so sensitive, already so overwhelmed by the use of his tongue. He moaned against you and it caused a quiet whimper to leave your lips, legs quaking lightly against his head. He removed his mouth for you, using his middle finger to gently prod at your entrance. If he was being honest, he wasn't even sure if you had ever experienced anything like this before. The thought caused blood to instantly rush towards his throbbing cock. His finger slipped in easily, your hips bucked at the intrusion, “You okay?”
“Mhm.” Your eyes were screwed shut tightly, body slumped against the large tree, you had never looked prettier. He began to move his finger softly, gaining momentum with each thrust of his finger. You felt a coil begin to build up in your lower stomach, the pressure threatening to snap as Jake set a brutal pace. He pressed kisses along your thigh, sucking gently as he marked you with lips. He mumbled gently against your thigh, “Gonna add another, kay?”
“Yes-please!” Another moan was ripped from your throat as he stretched you out, you felt so full. You clenched tightly around his fingers and a deep laugh left Jake, “Making you feel good baby?”
All you could do was whine, you were so close and mumbling incoherently, begging Jake not to stop. He leaned forward again, pressing his tongue flat against your slit before he sucked gently. You yelped out, hands instinctively tangling in his hair as your hips stuttered, the coil in your stomach feeling like it finally snapped under all the pressure. Your eyes screwed closed so tightly little spots of light appeared in your vision. Your chest was heaving roughly, moving your hips from Jake's mouth as he continued to lap at your release. “Jake-s’too much!”
He slipped his fingers out quickly, pressing a kiss against your hip before he stood up in front of you. Your gaze was hazy, fucked out and felt himself twitch under his loin cloth, “You still angry at me?”
“I think it is impossible for me to be mad at you after that.”
Your breathing was still evening out, legs shaky as you stood before him. Jake's hand fell to your bare hips, rubbing gently as he nuzzled his face against yours. You didn't want him to be soft on you, not right now. “Don’t be nice to me right now, it will make it harder when this is over.”
Jake stiffened before you, felt his heart ache as he watched your body pull away from him. You didn't see it, didn't see just how much you consumed his heart too. It was so clear to him that he had loved you for so long, had seen you for so many years already but was too much of a coward to admit it.
“When this is over?”
“Yes-when you go back to ignoring me and putting distance between us. Just make me feel good, please.”
You knew it was going to hurt, but you were so tired of holding back on what you wanted. If this was the only way you could have him then you would take it. Jake shook his head, he looked hurt, as if you had physically wounded him. “I do not ignore you.”
“Yeah sure, hurry.”
“No-look I don’t want this to end. This is not just a one time thing for me.”
You finally looked up into Jake’s eyes, they were so bright compared to the darkness you were both in, pupils slightly dilated as he stared at you. He looked so honest, like all he saw was you. It made you so uncomfortable, “You do not need to lie to me, Jake. It is fine to just let out our pent up emotions.”
Jake knew what he wanted to do, he was so ready to give all of himself to you. An ugly feeling settled high in his chest out of fear you would reject him just as he had so many years ago. But still he reached behind him, grabbing his thickest braid and bringing it toward you, his other hand grabbing your wrist and placing your palm flat on his chest. “What are you doing?”
“I see you. I have for so long and I have been so scared, but I can’t keep doing this anymore. I hate knowing you think I do not care for you. That you think I do not love you.”
You paused for a moment as his words swirled in your mind, you pushed him away from you gently, bending down to pick up your discarded pieces of clothing. You weren't sure why but his confession angered you, a million thoughts running through your head as you dressed yourself up again. “I do not believe you.”
Jake felt as though you had ripped his heart out of his chest and stomped on it, nerves wracking through his body as you continued to put more distance between the two of you. Desperation clawing at his chest as your eyes glazed over, a look of indifference as you tried to protect yourself from him. “No-Tiyawn, oel ngati kameie.”
He was reaching for you once more but your arms swatted him away, “Stop calling me that!”
Your breathing was ragged, deep and long like you were trying to catch your breath, “Do you think I do not know why you behaved that way in front of Tsu’ltan?”
Jake didn’t respond, ears pinned back as he tried to swallow the lump that was forming at his throat, “It is because you felt threatened. You didn’t feel man enough.”
Jake’s ears were ringing uncomfortably, “I know you so much better than you think, Jake. Eywa I have spent seven years by your side, for the better half of that time trying not to love you. But it is not my responsibility to make you feel secure, and you will not get that satisfaction from claiming me.”
“That is not what I am trying to do, I want us to be together, I want to make up for all this lost time.” His voice was wobbly, eyes threatening to leak rivers of tears as he realized how adamant you were in keeping yourself from him. Despite knowing how much you wanted him, you would not let yourself be someone he settled for. Some other challenge he finally won over.
“It is too late for that.”
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music-royal01 · 2 years
Time flies
Sully family x child reader part 2
Part one- Eywas mystery
The years following when the sully’s took you in up until the time when you had to leave to go to the Metkayina clan
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~ age- 8 ~
Neytiri was teaching you how weave along with Kiri. It had been two years since Jake and Neytiri had found you. You had started calling the two your mom and dad with ease
“Mama can you help me please” you called out to Neytiri, your hands were stuck in the rope you were trying to weave into a net. Neytiri took one look at you and chuckled slightly
“come here little one” you kinda waddled her way trying not to trip on the longer pieces that were hitting your legs. Neytiri carefully unwrapped your hands and showed you the weave process again. This time she helped you more so you didn’t get your hands stuck again. Soon you had a simple, but effective net which you proudly showed Kiri
“Look I finished mine” your voice said happily showing your sister the next
“I finished mine too, I made a basket” Kiri said as she smiled
“We should use it to collect flowers Kiri!” She nodded so the two of you kissed your mom on the cheek and ran off into the flower field near by
~ age-12~
Neteyam , Lo’ak, Kiri and you were standing at the edge of the Hallelujah mountain
“It’s time to for you four to tame an Ikran” Jake said smiling
“Dad what if we fall” you say looking down and gulping. Jake pats your back softly “then I’ll swoop down and catch you, now go on you four”
Kiri is the first one to bond with an Ikran. She didn’t do it in the normal way though, she kind of befriended it?
Next was Neteyam, he tamed one quickly and efficiently. Within a few minutes he was flying around on his Ikran with ease
Lo’ak got thrown around a lot by the Ikran, he almost fell off when the Ikran flew down the mountain but he was able to connect his queue at the last minute
Finally it was your turn, the Ikran you had decided to try to tame was blue with streaks of purple. When you tried to get close she snapped at you ready to bite if you got too close, you had to admit that you were intimidated by the flying creature.
“Well here goes nothing” you said jumping on the ikrans back as she turned around.
The Ikran screeched and tried to throw you off as it flew into the air. Your hands struggled trying to grab your queue while still holding on to the creature. From the ground Jake was on his Ikran ready to grab you incase anyone happened and you fell off.
Finally you grabbed your queue and connected it with the ikrans. After a few minutes the blue and purple Ikran stopped thrashing and began to fly normally. You fly down to where your dad and your siblings were.
“You did great Y/N, but don’t scare me like that again” Neteyam said concerned about the fact that you could’ve plummeted to your death
“Don’t worry brother dad would never have let that happen plus Y/N way too good for that” Lo’ak said high fiving you
“Yeah she did much better then you two idiots” Kiri said as she wrapped her arm around your shoulder
Jake congratulated the four of you for doing so well. The five of you flew back to Neytiri and Tuk to share the accomplishments
The RDA was back on pandora and Quatrich, your dads old enemy, was back as an avatar. Right now because of your brother Lo’aks stupid need to see an old battle field him, Kiri, Tuk, Spider, and you were all being held hostage by Quatrich and his goons.
“Show me your hands girl” Quatrich said in very broken Na’vi, his goons had a gun to almost everyone’s head except Tuk who had a knife to her throat
You flipped Quatrich off as a way to show your five finger which made him roll his eyes. He had taken Lo’ak communication device a hours ago and had given your father instructions for giving himself up in exchange for you and your sibling. Suddenly you could hear your mothers signal, to anybody else it would just be interpreted as another sound of the pandorean jungle but to the sully kids it meant that their mother was near and ready to rescue them. Finally an opportunity to strike arises and Neytiri shots the guy holding Kiri with an arrow. Neytiri, Jake and Neteyam all spring into action. You, Tuk and Lo’ak bite the hands of your captors managing to distract them enough so that you could get away. Shots rang in the air and one of the avatars had Kiri but not for long as neytiri fired another arrow that landed straight into his chest. Neteyam almost gets shot while trying to rescue you guys but in the end all of the sully’s come out with minor injuries
“Where’s Spider?” Kiri’s voice trembled. At that moment everyone realizes that the human boy had been taken
“I’m so sorry kids, but I don’t think we can rescue him” Jake says, it hurt to see his children’s reaction more than losing Spider
That night you could hear your parents argue about what happened and how your dad just wanted to keep your family safe and the safety of the clan… which meant having to move, the RDA only cared about him and his family so if your family disappeared then both the family and the clan would be safe. You ran out of the hut, much to your parent’s surprise because they thought you and your siblings were asleep.
You sat outside of your home upset by your fathers words. You could feel someone sit down next to you
“I’m so sorry baby girl” Jake said wrapping his arm around you, you sob leaning in to your fathers embrace
“I don’t wanna leave dad, this is our home it’s not fair” your voice trembles
“I know baby, buts it’s for safety” Jake says looking black to see the rest of your family outside.
“You know what your father says, right kids” your mom says with a solemn expression
“Sully’s stick together” the sully kids say unenthusiastically
“Come on with attitude, I know you guys don’t want to leave but it needs to happen” Jake says hugging Tuk who was about to cry
The next day your father gave up his title of Olo’eyktan to Tarsem who sadly accepted. The entire clan was sad to see your family leave but they understood why you all had to leave
Everyone got on their Ikran, Tuk going with your mom, it took a few days to get to the Metkayina clan. When the sully’s landed they were surrounded by Metkayina, your father telling all of you to behave as some of the younger boys giving the family wary glares
“Look what is that? Is it supposed to be a tail” one of the metkayina boys says talking about Neteyam making some other metkayina laugh
You see Lo’ak entranced by a a girl walking out of the water and you just roll your eyes
“It’s too small how are they supposed to swim” the same boys say referring to your tail
“Do not Ao’nung Rotxo” the girl says, Lo’ak says hi to her and she smiles and looks away shyly
soon their Olo’eyktan (tonowari) came out of the water walking through the crowd to your family
“I see you Tonowari” your father says bowing slightly the rest of the family following his example
“Jake sully” Toniwari says as he acknowledges your family
Soon the tsahik came through the crowd her expression cold
“I see you, Ronal Tsahik of the metkayina” your father voice rang
“I see you Ronal” says Neytiri
“Why do you come to us Jake Sully” says Tonowari curious as to why forest people would come to their home near the ocean
“We seek uturu…” Jake says making the Metkayina gasp
“Uturu?” Ronal says surprised by your father statement
“…a sanctuary for my family” your father continues. Ronal walks forward after exchanging looks with her mate
“We are reef people. You are forest people. Your skills mean nothing here” the Olo’eyktan said as Ronal continues to circle your family
“So we will learn your ways, right” Jake said the last part directed towards his family
Ronal grabs your mothers tail and then Tuks arms
“Their arms are thin…” Ronal says walking and grabbing Kiris tail “…their tails are weak. You will be slow in the water”. Then she grabs hands hands raising them in the air
“These children are not even true Na’vi” she states as the Metkayina gasp
“Yes we are” you say upset. But she doesn’t care and just goes to grab Lo’aks hand and raises it to show his five fingers
“They have demon blood!” The tsahik claim immediately making the rest of the Metkayina more hostile towards your family. God how your blood was boiling at this point. You hadn’t done anything to this woman and she already didn’t like you and your family
“Look! Look” your father shows his hands “I was born to the sky people and now I’m Na’vi. You can adapt” he says turning back to Tonowari
“We can adapt” Jake says almost desperately
“My husband was Toruk Makto. He lead the clans to victory against the sky people” says Neytiri in an harsh tone as she looks at Tonowari.
“This you call victory? Hiding among strangers…” your mother looks down “…it seems Eywa has turned her back on you chosen” your mom hisses and Ronal retribution with a hiss of her own, you could see that the two were ready to fight at any second.
Jake cuts in between the two women apologizing for your mothers behavior claiming that the journey has made her tired and easily irritable and Tonowari changes the subject
“Toruk Makto is a a Great War leader. All Na’vi people know his story. But we Metkayina are not at war…” he turns to your father “… we cannot let you bring your war here” Toniwari says
“Look I’m done with war, okay? I just wanna keep my family safe” your father says holding Tuk
“Uturu has been asked” your mother says harshly
The Olo’eyktan and the Tsahik exchange looks before Ronal nods slightly
“Toruk Makto and his family will stay with us. Treat them as our brothers and sisters. But they do not know the sea. So, they will be like babies taking their first breath. Teach them our ways so they do not know the shame of being useless” you could see your fathers relief as Tonowari said these words. The family thanked him and he explained that his children Ao’nung and Tsireya will you and your sibling their ways. The boy Ao’nung had obvious protest but was shut down by his father and the Tsireya just smiled and showed your family around. The next few weeks we’re going to be hard.
There WILL be a part three focusing on your time with the metkayina clan so pls don’t comment saying it’s a cliffhanger. Anyways hoped you enjoyed :)
Part 3: Learning their ways
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jolynejay · 2 years
Remember the theory on how ScaVio might potentially have impact on Legends Arceus and how the mainline series treats time travel? Yeah, scratch that in large parts.
The mysterious pokemon described in the Scarlet Book/ Violet Book... it makes "imagination" a "reality." The weird pokemon sketched in the book, the photos of the approximated paradox pokemon - they are all built on the imagination of the expedition team Heath was in. They are a reflection of what these people expected to find in the depths of the Paldean Crater. The Legendary Pokemon on the hexagonal layers is likely building not just pokemon but items, technology out of the Tera Crystals based on what the people in its vicinity imagine.
The team envisioned to find strange creatures. Fusions of legendary pokemon of Johto's legendary dogs, or Unova's Swords of Justice. In Scarlet, the expectation seems to have been to find prehistoric pokemon - preserved in the crator without human interference. In Violet, the expectation may have been shaped by the evolution of mankind and its technology - to find traces of a civilization far more advanced than our own with pokemon evolved to fit that image.
And the artist accompanying the expedition even skeched out some of the pokemon they thought they saw or dreamed up in a haze. And THOSE SKETCHES are what would later shape the imagination of the people entering the crator. The very documentation of the Area Zero shaped how humans would continue to perceive it. And it shaped Sada's and Turo's image of what the far past or the far future might look like. An "image" that would become "reality." (Even Arven mentions how farfetched the Books descriptions sound, and how his parents seemed to have basically made this fairytale real)
I cannot yet tell why the Crystalline Legendary mentioned in those books would do that, though. Maybe it was originally a defense mechanism that was supposed to keep stuff away. Let people and pokemon imagine their fears in order to protect itself. Something that failed over time as mankind advances in technology and science, so it switched strategies to keep itself save.
Maybe the Legendary is trying to lure people/pokemon/whatever to themself - like an anglerfish dangling light in the dark ocean depths, a promise of treasure greater than your wildest dreams.
Whatever the reason is, what we know for certain is that it worked on Sada/Turo.
And the legendary pokemon began more and more to shape and create from the specific reasearch the professors conducted.
In the end, the "time machine" they built is no time machine. It is a machine that makes imagination "reality" (possibly powered by the legendary pokemon in some capacity). Maybe the machine even got constructed by the crystal pokemon bc hallelujah how do you get that much construction done in a literal Made in Abyss eldritch mystery crater without all the world knowing what you are doing. Or heck maybe the machine did somehow get constructed, but it worked more like an amplifier for the Legendary Pokemon's powers.
Either way, it explains why people would not be able to "return" from the "future/past". because the future/past as Turo/Sada imagined it does not exist.
That also explains why the AI Professor crystallizes in the final fight - they are a crystalline construction of imagination. They are Sada/Turo's ideal work partner - a copy of themselves. Something that knows exactly how the Professor thinks and acts. And when the protag squad tries to shut down the machine the illusion begins to fall apart.
It also means the Tera Crystal constructions like the doppelgangers, Miraidon/Koraidon, and all the other paradox pokemon can gain actual awareness, emotion, and sentience.
They are all the Professors' "Paradise" because that is how they imagined the prehistoric past/ far future to be:
Wilderness untamed and existence optimized.
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Rhythm and Breath in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Inquisition plays around with a couple recurring rhythms:
iambic pentameter (dagger skill tree, Maryden)
trochaic tetrameter (Saga of Tyrdda Bright-Axe)
the cadence from the song Hallelujah (Solas)
Many folks have already written technical comparisons of these different rhythms, but I specifically wanted to talk about how they handle breath.
Without even paying attention to the word content of these rhythms, the breath patterns help set the mood. Are my breaths regularly spaced? Am I gulping for air? Am I breathing slowly and calmly?
As we go through the different rhythms, try reading them aloud to see where your breath lands.
Iambic Pentameter
Iambic pentameter is a five (penta-) foot meter, where each foot is an iamb. An iamb is a two-syllable “da-DUM” sound, an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. So each line has 10 syllables total.
Here’s an example from the dagger skill tree, with the feet color-coded:
You leap through shadows to attack your foe
With deadly strikes that hit them from behind.
Before your target turns to face your blow,
You move to stealth, impossible to find.
If we read this aloud, we find that 10 syllables is a lot! There are very few mid-line commas, so we naturally want to breathe between lines. But each of those breaths needs to last for ten syllables. If we don’t want to pass out, we’re reading the lines a bit faster than we normally would.
The iambs add even more forward momentum. Since we need to save more breath for the second syllable in each pair, we hurry slightly faster over the unstressed syllables.
Because we keep repeating that same syllable count and stress pattern, the overall effect is one of speed and precision. This is a rogue rapidly making blow after blow after blow with their daggers, hitting every single time. This is Maryden rattling off each sentence with perfect poise and musical training. There’s no time here for thinking; no room for mistakes. The next line is going to be ten syllables too. And the next. And the next.
Trochaic Tetrameter
By contrast, the Saga of Tyrdda Bright-Axe only has 4 (tetra-) trochees (DUM-da) per line. On every other line, the final unstressed syllable is dropped (catalexis).
That’s a lot of jargon, let’s color code the feet:
Tell the tale of Tyrdda Bright-Axe
mountain maker, spirit’s bride:
Free, her people, forged in fastness
made in mountains, hardy hide.
This is a classic meter, often found in nursery rhymes and folk songs. Because there’s only 8 syllables per line (plus lots of mid-line commas), we can read each line at a casual pace, without speeding up. The catalexis adds extra emphasis to the rhyming lines, since we get to the last (7th) syllable with more breath to spend. And even within each foot, we don’t have to manage our breath as much, because the stressed syllable comes first.
This creates a comfortable rhythm that lends itself to memorization and recitation. We can easily imagine this saga being passed down beside a campfire.
Since the Hallelujah cadence comes from music rather than poetry, it has an additional kind of stress, the mid-measure secondary stress.*
We don’t exactly have feet, but we can color code each measure:
I lay in dark and dreaming sleep
while countless wars and ages passed.
I woke still weak a year before I joined you.
For the first two lines, each measure is 4 syllables long, so we get 8 syllables in each line, similar to the Tyrdda poem. If we read it aloud, it’s easy to do it slowly and thoughtfully. The secondary, quieter stresses also create an echoing effect, which emphasizes that Solas is thinking about the past.
Then the last line goes absolutely bananas. It abandons the unstressed-stressed repetition and gets much longer, flying up to 11 syllables — even longer than the 10-syllable lines in iambic pentameter.
Additionally, Solas tends to glue the first two lines together, which is SIXTEEN syllables, so they sound closer to an octameter** than the tetrameter(ish) sound of the original song.
The overall effect is of someone trying to be measured and thoughtful, but partway through he gets hit with nostalgia and the lines spill out in a long breathless rush. Bro has to speak quietly so he doesn’t totally run out of air.
*Music theory sidebar: Leonard Cohen’s original version is in 12/8 time, so the secondary stress isn’t as prominent. It shows up in one or two verses, but not all. A lot of the subsequent covers, including k.d. lang’s, sound more like 6/8. That means every measure has a 2-beat count: 1-2-3 4-5-6. I think the 6/8 version fits Solas’ speech pattern a bit more. But he’s not singing, and secondary stresses are harder to place. Syllables don’t have to align 1:1 with melody notes (in fact, in Hallelujah there are several places where the syllable alignment changes from verse to verse). So someone else could easily hear a slightly different stress pattern.
**This implies a cursed version of Solas where the last line is omitted and he’s actually syncing his speech to Modern Major-General.
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madridfangirl · 4 months
Star crossed lovers (Jude Bellingham fanfic)
Chapter 4
(Series Link)
Jude * female reader
Warnings: None. Slightly mature language in parts.
Synopsis: A chance encounter in a tiny Madrid cafe with the newest superstar of her fav club. The two couldn't be more different, yet both feel the pull toward the other. Would this girl be the one he finally falls for? Would she make him change his ways? Even though she resists him every step of the way, would he fight all odds (& her) to have her in his life? Or would life come in the way of these star-crossed lovers?
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Jude let go of her hands, which fell in her lap, and took two steps back to look at her. The mood needed some lightening up.
‘Look at you, shooting me down two nights in a row. One would think I played for Barca, not Madrid.’
This made her look back at him. His silliness made her smile, she couldn’t help herself.
‘There is no way I would be sitting in your kitchen if that were the case.’
‘Finally, the sass is back. Hallelujah!’
He mimicked his celebration, with his hands raised, quite proud of himself in the moment.
She tried kicking his knee to wipe that smirk off his face but he dodged just in time, both laughing by now.
‘Let’s get some food in you. And more wine, definitely more wine. Then we will talk.’
They moved to the living room couch with their dinner and drinks, and settled on watching an episode of Friends. Both knew the show by heart and it served as the perfect distraction. The food was lovely too. White sauce pasta was her ultimate comfort food - she had no idea how he chose this or if it was just something his cook decided to make.
But what helped the most was the wine. It tasted like little drops of heaven. She knew it would be some fancy ass bottle she won’t even be able to pronounce so she didn’t even bother checking the name.
It had started raining by then, she could see the downpour through the French windows facing the backyard. And in Madrid, when it rained, it poured.
While she was looking outside, he cleared the empty plates and came back to the couch with re-filled glasses.
‘Agnes will drop you back later, don’t worry. He’s awesome at driving.’
She turned around and thanked him with a genuine smile, taking the glass from his outstretched hand.
‘Now, tell me, why so intent on shooting me down?’
He tilted his head towards her, patiently waiting for a response. Ananya looked down wryly, while her fingers played with the fabric of the couch.
‘It’s not something I set out to do. But, you and me, we are so different. Don’t you think?’
‘Why do you think so?’
‘Isn’t it obvious? Our jobs, our worlds, our lives, our circles, our priorities - every damn thing is different. There is nothing in common.’
‘Or we are two young, lively, ambitious people, enjoying life in a new city while still being connected to our families back home. That’s how I see it.’
She shook her head in frustration.
‘C’monn, Jude. I am sure you can see my point. You can see what I mean.’
He scanned her face for a few seconds, before conceding.
‘Alright, cool. Yes, we are different. Why is that such a bad thing though? Don’t opposites attract?’
‘Only in movies. And novels. Not in real life. Practicality always wins in real life.’
‘Don’t believe in romance then? In love and fairy tales?’
‘Romance, yes. Love, yes. But not in fairy tales. Not in Price Charming or a White Knight. Not in some star crossed lovers kinda story.’
‘That’s too much scepticism for a 20 year old, y’know.’
She just shrugged in response. He wondered if there was a story behind it. If something, someone rather, made her feel this way. But that thought was so unpleasant that he quickly snapped out of it. Conversation for another time.
‘Ok, let’s stick to practicality then. Let’s break it down. Why can’t we give this a try and see where it goes? Why do we have to think 50 steps ahead on day 1?
‘Define giving it a try.’
‘And what would that entail?’
He had been leaning against the back of the couch but sat upright then, and looked at her quizzically.
‘You are asking me what dating entails?’
‘No. I am asking what dating you entails. Would it mean going to your matches, going out in the city with you, to be clicked in public with you? Yeah?’
‘Well, yeah, I guess.’
She sighed, and he put his glass on the table, utterly confused now. When she spoke next, her voice was small but firm.
‘The thing is, just the thought of that, of so many eyes on me is nauseating. It makes me want to run. I can’t handle the pressure of being in the public eye like that. Of being under constant scrutiny. The media will dig out every photo, every text, every said and unsaid thing. And not just that, the fans Jude. Some of your fan girls will absolutely detest my existence, for not being deserving in their eye of the most sought after guy in all of Europe maybe. And I live here, right in the epicentre of all this. It won’t just be virtual. It will be everywhere around me.’
Ananya took a big sip from her glass, almost gulping down the remaining half in one go. While he sat still, trying to process everything she was saying. She continued immediately after.
‘Also, who’s gonna take me seriously at work then? Do you know how hard it is to get into investment banking? There are so few women who graduate to leadership roles in this field - the glass ceiling is present and real. And I am just starting out. I worked my ass off to get here. But they will all just look at me as your…, as some kind of floozy..’
He didn’t let her finish. Jude grabbed both her hands, held them together between his and squeezed firmly.
‘Shhhhhhhh, calm down, calm down babe. I hear you.’
She breathed heavily, gradually opening her eyes as he kept making shushing noises in the meantime.
His eyes were kind and sincere, seeking hers. She nearly got pulled into them but managed to regain her balance. He spoke softly, with understanding.
‘It’s not that bad for some guys, y’know. Tony was telling me how Jessica has pretty much been able to do her own thing here, without much glare. Same for quite a few other guys.’
‘Jude, they are not you. And please don’t make me explain what that means, you already know it.’
Yes, he knew what she meant. She could see it with the resignation in his eyes.
It was his turn to look away to compose himself. She couldn’t resist admiring his face from so close, as he was lost in thought.
‘How about this - we don’t tell anyone. No one. Just you and me. We meet either here or at your place. I will find a way to get there without being seen. No media. No fans. No pictures. No drama. No pressure. Till we are ready. Till you are ready.’
His eyes had changed shade again, filled with resolve now.
She considered every word and replayed it over in her head.
‘That’s not ideal for you, though, is it?’
‘Maybe it is. The media finds enough fodder to rip apart my life and my family’s as it is, let’s not give them more juice. It could be a good thing dove, seriously.’
She scanned his face to see if he really meant what he said. When she couldn’t find any evidence to the contrary, she let out a little sigh.
‘You are sweet.’
‘You are pretty.’
His instant response threw her off-guard. The look of surprise on her face and her failed attempt to speak was deeply amusing to him. Along with the little blush that was starting to creep up at the top of her cheeks.
She pulled out her hands from his hold, gathered herself and tried to look admonishing. He just laughed at her response and flashed her his biggest smile, all 32 teeth visible.
Ananya was convinced he was just trying to distract her from the conversation. The darned thing was, it was working.
‘Can you please be serious, Jude?’
‘I say it as I see it.’
He retorted, meeting the challenge in her voice.
Just then, his phone rang loudly and they both jumped from the suddenness of it. He looked at the phone, then looked at her indecisively.
‘Umm, it’s my Mum.’
‘Go talk to her, she must be calling about the match. What are you waiting for?’
He beamed happily at her, almost thanking her for understanding. Then quickly answered the phone, moving to the next room. She could see him through the glass windows, walking up and down, practically skipping with joy while discussing the match with his mom.
It was such a sweet moment. He looked like a 5 year old little boy telling his mom he came first in a school race. The love was practically radiating from his being.
She smiled, then busied herself with her phone. Giving them their privacy.
Her insta was filled with messages of shock, awe and jealousy of them getting to watch the Classico live. She chuckled and scrolled through all, reminding herself to respond later.
Roma had sent her a few messages too, asking her how it was going. And throwing in some deeply suggestive comments in between. Ananya could tell her friend was drunk. If only she knew what was really happening here, she would probably murder her.
What was really happening here? She was ruining what was probably the best day of his life yet by discussing her complicated thoughts. He could have been celebrating with his teammates right now, or with anyone else. He deserved to have the moon tonight, not what they were doing.
Guilt set in and she kicked herself for coming over in the first place. He would have been upset but surely he would have found ways to get over it quickly.
The constant pattering of rain outside served as a good distraction. She walked over to the French windows and settled down on the comfy floor seating. The cushions were cozy and the throw was soft; she pulled it up till her waist and shut her eyes for a bit.
She still hadn’t told him the other piece of her hesitation. It was a trickier conversation - she didn’t know how to articulate it, or if she even wanted to. She didn’t know how he would react to such vulnerable admissions. Tonight was so not the night, such horrible timing.
Just then, she heard half-frantic footsteps in the background and moments later she saw him turn the corner.
‘There you are. Thought you ran away without telling me.’
She elbowed his side lightly as he settled down next to her on the floor seating, leaning against the cushions.
‘You think I would do that?.’
‘Been trying to run since yesterday. Don’t trust you yet.’
They were side by side, facing the windows but turned slightly towards each other. Ananya chose to not address the last comment.
‘How was the call? She must have been happy.’
There was the little boy again, smiling from ear to ear, radiating such affection for his mom that it made her heart flutter.
‘She was over the moon. But she’s always like that - twice as happy as me for anything I do. Same with Jobe. She’s just a bundle of love.’
This was just cheating at this point. How was she supposed to resist him like this? But she had to get it off her chest, before it was too late. Before something happens that she can’t go back on.
His eyes turned yet another shade, intense. She could feel them roaming over her now.
‘Listen, about earlier.’
‘Oh yes. Sorry for the interruption. You said there was something else. Tell me.’
Her fingers dug into the cushion as she struggled to articulate this sensitive topic. He watched her movements closely, letting her take his time.
‘I came out of a serious relationship, in fact the only relationship I have been in, about 6 months ago. It was hard, coz I thought that person was THE person I will end up with. He said all the right things, did all the right things but eventually when it came to it, he didn’t have it in him to fight for us enough.’
Jude grabbed a nearby cushion too, resisting the urge to bite on it or rip it open. He could tell her scepticism had a story behind it and this seemed to be that.
‘Not gonna bore you with more about that. But long story short, the idea of being with someone is a bit daunting for me right now. A lot of my fundamental beliefs have been shaken, including my ability to trust in my instincts, which I thought I was good at. I am still trying to piece myself back together block by block. That was another reason to pick Madrid - a complete change of environment. I am not…as in I don’t have any feelings for him anymore but it’s myself that I am trying to understand better. Not sure if that makes sense but that’s what it is. ‘
Just my luck, he thought. The cushion was living on borrowed life in his hands at this point but Jude was proud of the way he had kept his face calm and neutral.
‘Thank you for sharing this with me, couldn’t have been easy. Look, I get it. Coming out of a long relationship can be hard. I have also been in one. Though, I don’t think I was ready for it at the time and I can’t claim to have been a good boyfriend either. But we all learn and grow from our experiences, right? Can’t stop trusting our instincts. Think of it this way - you knew all this yet you are here tonight. Something pulled you towards me. Don’t let your brain deny that.’
Well, she wasn’t denying the pull she felt towards him. She was trying to make sense of it with him. But he still hadn’t gotten the full picture. She needed to spell it out crudely so he really gets it.
Ananya looked straight at him for this - so she could see his reaction closely.
‘Jude - I don’t think I am ready for anything physical. And I don’t know when I will be ready. Or if I will be ready. That’s what I have been trying to tell you.’
She watched the realisation dawn on his face then. Well, finally, she thought. When he didn’t speak for the next 30 seconds, she chimed in again.
‘Look - I know this is atypical and I know this won’t work for you. I get it. We can look at last two days as a different experience and just call it a night. It’s absolutely fine.’
His head shot up at her, and his tone was sharp, for the first time tonight.
‘Sorry - what do you mean you KNOW this won’t work for me?’
‘Because it won’t work for most people in your position.’
She said calmly, trying to keep an even tone.
‘IN MY POSITION? You mean a footballer right? And you know this how? Let me guess - media, social media and gossip pages, correct?’
‘Jude, I..’
‘Tell me this - have I done ANYTHING in the last two days to make you uncomfortable? Did I push you, touch you or even look at you when you didn’t want me to?
‘Please don’t say that. You haven’t. That’s not what I..’
‘Then why, why did you of all people assume I was some sex-crazed animal who is only interested in fucking anyone with….’
She crossed the distance between them, kneeled in front of him and covered his mouth with her hand.
‘Stop, please stop. I am sorry. That’s not what I meant. And yes, I shouldn’t have drawn any conclusions from the media. You are right. Pls I beg you, just calm down. I am so so sorry.’
She could feel his heavy breathing on her hand, but atleast he didn’t push her away. The fight drained out from his eyes slowly, replaced with hurt. Which killed her even more. She moved her hands to his shoulders, gently stroking both.
He spoke in a small voice then, the twinkle lost from his eyes.
‘What did you mean then, if not all that?’
‘I meant that, someone like you, who has the world at his feet right now, who has enough high stakes as it is in his day job, why would such a person want this kind of a restricted set-up? I am sure models, actresses and all such sexy women must be throwing themselves at you left, right and center. You could be with anyone you want to be with.’
He seemed to believe her explanation, from the way his shoulders relaxed and his expression softened.
‘Clearly, not anyone.’
He pointed in her direction. When she didn’t say anything, he reached for her hands lying on his shoulders. And gently, fleetingly brushed his lips on the back of both.
She gasped & shut her eyes, willing herself to not melt. Failing miserably.
‘I believe I have the right to decide who I find sexy. And dove, you are the reason I struggled to sleep last night. Haven’t stopped thinking about you.’
Ananya wanted to hide from his gaze which was burning her even with her eyes closed. But she was transfixed.
‘Plus you are smart, a little lippy, highly opinionated, well-read, brave, vulnerable, honest and so so real. Gosh, I love that about you.’
He requested her to look at him. She obliged.
‘I would take you right now if you were in the same headspace. God knows I have thought about it. But, if taking things slow is what you need and the alternative is you walking out that door forever, then let’s go at a turtle pace. Can’t let go of you.’
He pulled them both up to their feet, standing a few inches away from each other.
Then, he opened his arms for her, inviting her in. She looked between his arms and his face which had an expectant smile, then back to his open arms.
‘Come here, come to me.’
Next second, she found herself against his chest. Strong arms wrapped around her in a gentle hold, pulling her further into his chest. While her hands went around his broad back, clutching at his jumper.
This wasn’t like anything she had ever felt before. His scent, his warmth, his breath, his presence fogged her mind and made her oblivious to everything else in the world.
Jude kissed the top of her head and rested his cheek against it. She bit her cheek to not let out a moan, but failed, making him smile.
‘Feeling what I am feeling?’
‘Will you give us a chance, then?’
‘You haven’t left me with a choice.’
‘Finally. Two wins in the same night, I am truly on a roll.’
She giggled against his chest at his silliness, and he followed suit. Feeling his laugh reverberate through his whole body was a feeling she couldn’t describe in words. It was something pure, something ethereal.
They swayed in each other’s arms for minutes, not wanting to let go. Not wanting to disturb the peace of the moment.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she grudgingly removed her cheek that was placed against his chest, and looked up at him.
‘It must be late. I should go now.’
‘If you want, you can take the guest bedroom. And leave in the morning whenever you want.’
‘I have some work in the morning, have to send out some stuff to the New York office.’
‘Agnes can pick up your laptop and bring it here.’
‘Jude - I really don’t think we should be under the same roof tonight.’
‘Don’t trust me?’
‘Don’t trust either of us right now, to be honest.’
He flashed her a mind-numbing smile.
‘Already can’t resist me? I knew it.’
‘Shut up and let me go.’
‘Five more minutes?’
She rested her cheek on his chest again, while his went on her head. His arms gently stroking her back, building a cocoon of comfort. They stayed like that for more than 5 mins.
There you go - hope you are liking the story so far.
Feedback is very very welcome :)
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Neteyam x human reader
Chapter 2
(Tw: Smut, Rough, Size kink)
Link part 1 at the bottom! I think if these chapters keep going well im going to make it a 6 part story! I would love to share some more smut and actual plot with you!
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It was a few hours later that Kiri came hurdling through your bedroom door, "You won't believe what happened!" She yelled before planting herself on your freshly cleaned bed.
You sat up with interest placing your book down next to you, your face scrunching up at the movement. "Well you have to tell me now!" You exclaimed trying to match her enthousiasm.
She didn't seem to notice your struggle as she leaned toward you like she was sharing the greatest secret ever, her placing her blue hands on your shoulders "Neteyam. was. in. a. fight!" She laughed loudly at her own words, "He came home like two hours ago, all bruised up!"
Your heart jumped in your stomach, "What?" You mumbled. Apparently he had found an excuse.
"Yup! He came home like he hadn't been out all night, and Neytiri about threw a fit when he wouldn't tell her who did it!" Kiri smirked. "It was very rewarding to see him rebel against the parents, he's normally such a 'perfect son'."
Jup the perfect son who had said and done the most unholy things to you just the night before...
You shook your head, feeling guilty at the thought of Neteyam having to lie to his parents. You knew he strived to be a worthy succesor, you doubted this whole ordeal had been worth the hassle for him.
You let out a sigh, "What did Jake say? Was he very mad?" You asked softly.
Kiri rolled her eyes. "Well honestly he wasn't thrilled at first, but when he heard Neteyam had won the fight and he knew Neytiri wasn't watching he just gave him a pat on the back."
You let out a sigh of relief, "That's good"
"He always gets away with so much more than us," She complained. Dramatically draping herself over your pillows, raising her head to look at you.
"Oh yes i almost forgot to ask, tommorow the other Na'vi from the clan and us are going to the Hallelujah mountains! Did you want to come?" She asked excitedly.
You gave her a doubtfull look, you really didn't want to face Neteyam yet.
"Oh come on y/n pleassee! Neteyam probably won't even be allowed to attend!" Kiri pleaded, she had probably mistaken your curiosity about her brother as hostile... not whatever it actually was.
"Okay... fine" you finally murmured, honestly suprised you were able to resist her puppy dog eyes so long.
"Good! Lo'ak said he would pick you up after dropping of spider, you better be ready Y/n because the warriors are going to do a race on their ikrans again!" Kiri ranted, you somehow catching the whole thing.
"Wait wow, they allowed them to race again? After what happened last time?" You lifted your eyebrows in suprise, suprised Jake had been so lenient.
"Well he kind of has too! It's a holy ceremony, so however dangerous it is it's still in the name of Eywa!" Kiri shrugged.
"Now do you still want me to show you my new book?" You said to change the subject.
Kiri nodded excitedly and jumped to sit beside you.
You stood in front of the human lab in the dewy morning air, droplets of water still covering the plants around you. The sun still low in the sky, casting a warm light on the landscape.
It felt strange to look at your surroundings freely without the usual glass in front of your face, the new and improved mask Norm had made 'finally' fool proof. Now it just existed of an oxygen wire and a little machine clipped too your pants.
You had taken the rest of yesterday for yourself giving yourself a much needed relaxing bath. Honestly the aching muscles and other aching bits on your body still remained, not to mention the bruises and hickeys almost everywhere. You and Neteyam hadn't noticed instantly but you were sure he was covered as well.
A whistle pierced the air, startling you as Lo'ak's Ikran landed next to you, his mouth pulled into an inviting grin "Come on 'sky demon', we need to get to the others!" He yelled holding out a hand toward you, lifting you up to sit behind him.
Your dress thankfully covered any other hickeys and bruises as your legs were mostly unharmed. You had put on a blouse over it, the thin fabric covering your neck and arms nicely.
"You allright y/n? You seem off today." Lo'ak said softly, the boy was honestly too sweet sometimes. And he was indeed correct about you being quiet, you were normally much more talkative with him.
"Yup, still tired i guess" you just replied, hoping he wouldn't question you more.
"Hey i still wanted to ask you about Net...." he was interupted by a large amount of whoops and yells. The other Na'vi circling the two of you.
"Hey lovely sky demon! It's been a while since you joined us isn't it?" Mi,ak a younger na'vi waved at you with a smile, the jest more of a joke than a serious insult.
"Yup! Been a while! But here i am!" You yell at her, thankfull your lips didn't even come close to Lo'aks ears in this position.
The boy lands the ikran on a big ledge of one of the flying mountains, a large group allready gathered there. Spider and Kiri running up to the two of you.
"Y/n! There you are!" Kiri yelled with an excited Tuk hanging on her arm, "You better get off quick, they are going to start soon!" Spider yelled as he helped you off the large animal, carying you off and setting you on the ground.
Tuk held your hand tightly the moment you got off, dragging you along with her to the crowd"I'm so excited!," She yelled loudly.
Lo'ak waved at the other two as he quickly turned around and moved his ikran to the large group gathered on the edge of the mountain.
It was interesting how many different colour ikran there were, today they seemed almost peacefull. It had been strange to see the animals in a group not meant for war, a melancholy settling in your stomach at the sight.
The warriors were lining up at the edge of the platform, their bodies covered in war paint and more practical clothing than normal.
Confusion circled your stomach as you spotted another familiar Ikran in the midst of the chaos. "Oh my god, is that Neteyam?" You asked softly a flabbergasted expression on your face as you stared at the man.
"Yup! It totally is! NETEYAM!" Tuk screamed so loudly it almost blew your eardrums out. He swiveled around to look at her, his eyes instantly on your form.
He caught your eye, the two of you lost in the other for a second. He seemed so much older as he sat on the ikran, his riding visor set on his hairline and a thick leather piece clasped around his waist. His shoulders seemed broad, and his jawline seemed so strong. He looked like a true warrior.
Even from here you could see the scratches, bruises and hickeys across his body. You doubted another person would know what those were, you had never seen another Na'vi with any.
Jake, Neytiri and the other older Na'vi were stood next to him, Jake having switched his usual huge ikran with a normal sized one. Neteyam barely seemed any smaller than them from this distance.
It scared you how grown up he seemed to get, you knew you didn't belong in his future. Or at least the future his parents intended him to have.
Kiri gave you a sheepish smile as she leaned over, "Yeah, he suddenly insisted on coming this morning. I kind of forgot to tell you."
You opened your mouth to respond,...
"Allright! Today the riding Na'vi are racing their ikran to the Sljikla tree located on the other side of the halleluyah mountains." An older male you recognised as Heliruin yelled toward the remaining crowd of people stood in front of him, he had a fucked up knee from an ill placed bullet in the war. That was probably why he didn't compete.
"Now before you go there! You have to grab a marker from both of the other islands, he lifted up two pieces of red and yellow cloth "There are just enough for all of you, so if anyone grabs two your disqualified!"
"You are competing for the honor of victory and for a token dedicated to your win!" He finally yelled, the crowd roaring at the beaded sting he held in the air, a rare red gem hanging on the end.
"Now we wil start on three,
Chaos ensued as all the Ikran set off into the sky, the contestants all trying to slow down the others instantly. This meant pushing, kicking and throwing things at the other contestants. Which was the thing that caused a collision with a rock last year.
"Whooo you all got this!" Tuk yelled loudly, you only able to stare at your blue guy currently in the lead with your heart in your throat. He went impossibly fast in grabbing the markers, the others struggling to keep up. He moved like a warrior, his ikran following his lead like another limb.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as an ikran you recognised as Jake's tried to pull in front of Neteyam and cut him off. He seemed unfaced though so your heart calmed down a bit as he expertly moved across the mountains.
Finally Neteyam touched down on the ground in front of the tree, you just barely being able to see him place a palm on the tree. Jake wasn't far behind, touching the tree after him.
You looked around you at the crowd, the world seeming to slow down for a second. You noticed a few things all at once, Na'vi skin was beautifull in the sunlight, There were really a lot of beautifull women in the clan, and alot of them really liked your big blue guy.
You let out a shaky sigh, what had you done sleeping with him. You had really set yourself up for future heartache when he chose a Na'vi mate in the end.
Your friends all yelled loudly, you being more distracted by your thoughts.
It was another while before Neteyam, Jake and the rest arrived back at the ledge. You remained a bit behind the group, a bit too unsure of yourself to greet him first. It seemed Neteyam was first, afterwards Jake, after him Neytiri then two unknown riders and then Lo'ak.
The father and son jumped of the Ikran first, the other Na'vi coming over to congratulate him. Someone placing the token in his hand during. The other Sully kids gathered around their older brother, him strangely just looking around in the crowd in thought.
Neytiri who had also stepped of her Ikran looking at the young man in confusion. "You allright son?" She asked placing a hand on her grown son's shoulder.
"Yep I'm fine," He murmured obviously stil not listening as he looked around, growing more desperate by the second.
The other Na'vi seemed confused at his strange demeanor as well. You frowned in confusion, as he pushed a few other Na'vi out of his way.
Jake went to follow him, but was stopped by the crowd.
Neteyam's gaze hit yours in a flash, a relieved expression on his face as he finally looked into your eyes.. The world went quiet around you two as he walked toward you. Your heart beat reverberating through your body and your body relaxing as you looked at him.
He was on you in seconds, placing his hands on your waist and pulling you into an embrace. "I missed you, He murmured into your hair breathing in softly, "I won this for you" he muttered as he hesitatingly let you go of your hand to give you something.
The beaded string hit your palm softly, the red gem shining beautifully in the light. You stared at him and it with wide eyes, Neteyam just giving you a nervous smile.
"Well...wow... thank you so much. I love it." you finally settled on as you pulled his head down to give him a peck on the cheek. He blushed as well, his cheeks turning purple as a large smile spread on his cheeks. His hands softly stroking your waist.
"Let me put it in your hair, he muttered as he gathered a large strand of hair in his hands, expertly tying the bead into your hair. His hands carressing way more of your neck than neccesary during.
A warmth filled your stomach as you stared at his concentrated face.
The act was usually only reserved for mated people but he didn't seem to care, a satisfied smile appearing on his face as he stood back to behold his handiwork. The thin hair wrap blending in well with your hair, but standing out enough for people to notice.
Neither of you really acknowledged the crowd around you until it was a bit too late, a cough interrupting the two of you. Neteyam instantly moving in front of you at the interuption. Him calming down at the familiar face.
"Uhm bro, you might want to take this elsewhere" Lo'ak whispered as he gestured to Jake and Neytiri who were staring wide eyed at the two of you, a confused Norm quickly being called over by the Sully matriarch,
"Yup, he's right" You murmured as you saw a few other people in the crowd start staring too. Neteyam seemed annoyed he had to let you go, slowly pulling his hands of your waist.
Lo'ak grasped his brothers arm, "I'll distract them bro," He gave his brother a teasing look. "Then you might finally get over yourself and just kiss her." he let out a mocking laugh. "Allthough i doubt that"
Little did he know what they had done allready, you noticed Neteyam hide a smirk aswell.
The older of the two released a sigh at his brothers antics, but patted him on the back anyway before the boy left.
"lets go over there" Neteyam murmured as he pointed to a small alcove in the rock. You would be totally hidden from sight there, unless someone walked in that is.
He grasped your hand and pulled you toward it, Lo'ak starting to tell an heavily embelished 'war story' to distract the crowd. Effectively distracting the parents so you could slip away.
You were around the corner first, turning your body around to face him. "I'm not sure how were going to hide this anym..." you couldn't finish your sentence, his lips interupting you mid sentence as they covered yours in a sudden kiss. His tongue softly licking your lips as you opened up your mouth to let him slip his tongue in.
He groaned in your mouth, a hand grasping your ass automatically. You whined into his mouth, before he seperated from you for a second, leaving you hot and bothered.
"I'm really sorry, but this new oxygen mask, i just really neede..." He murmured guiltily, you interupting him this time as you jumped up in his arms wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down toward you.
He let out a low growl, when you pulled at one of his braids. His arms wrapped under your thighs as he lifted you up. You wrapping your legs around him ignoring the discomfort between your legs to harshly rub against him.
A deep growl reverberated from his mouth as Neteyam deepened the kiss pressing your back against the wall as he grinded against you this time. His bare chest rubbing against your clothed one, you really wishing you could press your naked one against him again.
"I would take you right here, but...." he let out a shaky sigh, "You really need to rest, we really pushed you hard for our first time" He mumbled into your ear.
"Do you remember? My cock pressed deep into you, stretching you out so well?" He breathed out the words, a distant look on his face as he was lost in thought. You startled as you felt a bulge start to form under his loincloth, it pressing increasingly hard at your now moist panties.
"Uhm...Neteyam?" You squeeked, your voice turning higher than you wanted. He startled from his thoughts accidentally grinding against you more.
You let out a moan, as his bulge pressed against your core. "Please tell me to stop, i can't hurt you." He sadly murmured in your ear softly as he rutted against you.
You shook your head "This is fine, we just.." you let out a wanting moan. "We just can't.... you can't put your cock in me." You struggled to keep your voice normal.
You felt your body becoming warmer every second, his rough loincloth rubbing your clothed clit every time he came into contact. You both started to move faster against eachother, him groaning harshly into your mouth.
Your throat failed you as you let out the most ungodly moan, just as his erection slipped out from his loincloth and slid across your clothed folds. It's head softly sitting between your moist thighs.
You stared at him with half lidded eyes, your body deciding for you as you automatically slid your thighs back and forth over his member. His groaning continuing harshly, you feeling him start to shake.
You felt his hand enter your panties for a second, his fingers just raking across your wet folds before he suddenly took it out. You whined at the sensitive feeling, looking wide eyed as he licked his fingers clean.
Your teeth grazed his bottom lip, as you placed your lips over his. His face dwarving yours, his mouth way bigger than your own. That didn't stop him when he ran his tongue through your mouth, put it back in his own before collecting your combination of saliva on his tongue and sticking it back in your mouth.
You moaned softly at the strange taste.
The remaining shame you had both felt was gone as you lost yourselves in eachother. It must have been an obscene sight as his cock was pressed between your thighs and you devoured eachother messily. Both of your moans and the sucking and smacking sounds echoeing in the cave.
Neteyam grasped your blouse, pulling it open too reveal your allready bruised neck. He worked his mouth over the supple flesh, sucking harshly.
"You know you are mine, and your rubbing me so good." He cooed as his blue hand stroked your cheek, "Wouldn't it just be riviting if one of our clan mates saw us here, they would walk in and they would see you covered in my spit. Grinding on my cock" he sighed softly.
"They would know your mine instantly," He closed his eyes in bliss his pace growing harder and faster.
His cock sliding harshly across your abused folds was mind numbing, your mind so far gone you could barely think.
"I'm all yours big guy," you whispered as you looked into his big golden eyes, his pupils dilating again as his movements became eratic whilst he neared his orgasm.
"And you own me." He murmured as he harshly pressed you against the wall one last time, you feeling his sticky seed spill between your legs.
He let out a shaky sigh as he enjoyed the aftereffects of his orgasm, it almost being hypnotising to see him release himself on your body.
He softly tucked his now softened member back in his loincloth, giving you a sudden shy smile.
"Now i really want to pleasure you aswell" Neteyam murmured, as he started to kiss down your body.
Footsteps echoed through the cave as someone neared their secret spot. You both looking at eachother with wide eyes.
You pulled down your dress over your now sticky thighs, ignoring the warm feeling of his cum in your underwear.
Neteyam wiped your and his mouth with his hand, quickly placing you on your feet, jumping away from you instantly.
The familiar face of two of your friends, Mi,ak and Siatam entered the cave the female Na'vi startling at the two of you stood inside the small space.
"Oh hello there you two! Were you having a private conversation again?" Mi,ak said with a raised eyebrow. Siatam smiled as well, "Guys you should really talk to other people and not just yourselves! You two are way too close friends" She teased with a smile.
The two of you were known for being close friends and sneaking of to talk with eachother a lot, to your friends this wasn't strange behaviour at all. You never knew your innocent escapades from before could mean so much more now.
Luckily they didn't seem to see the change.
"Oh wel no not at all private! Haha.. were were just talking about the competition!" You somehow came up with an excuse, Neteyam giving you an impressed smile at your quick thinking.
Mi,ak and Siatam smiled broadly "Now Neteyam i have to admit that this was impressive even for you! You bested your father like it was nothing!" Mi,ak complimented, placing a tentative hand on Neteyam's shoulder. "You are a very mighty warrior.
He brushed of her hand instantly, instead grasping your arm and tugging you with him.You smiled awkwardly, very uncomfortable with the situation.
Mi'ak didn't seem to notice his rejection, only strolling after the two of you as you excited the cave. Still raving about his riding skills.
You looked around the crowd quickly, no one really noticing the strange pair and their temporary dissapearance. Except when your eyes met cold ones on the other side of the crowd, you instantly recognising them as Neytiri's, you quickly distanced yourself from Neteyam, softly nudging him to Mi'ak. He stumbled a bit accidentally getting a bit too close to the other Na'vi who stroked a hand across his chest again before joining her other friends.
When Neteyam looked back at you in confusion you slightly nudged your head toward his father. Neteyam's nodding in understanding.
He gave you a soft look before strolling toward his other friends, glancing behind him to stare at you during.
You and Neteyam had spend that whole day and the two after stealing secret glances at eachother. Jake, Neytiri and now Norm were not taking their eyes of the two of you for one second, them basically locking the two of you up night and day.
They couldn't possibly know everything that had happened. But you were sure the hair wrap had been the final nail in the coffin.
They had began pushing you and Spider together again, them constantly teaming the two of you up for things.
You noticed they had done the same to Neteyam as the boy now only seemed to do two things, which was dully strolling behind Mi'ak as they got teamed up for something random or full on glaring at Spider.
You could honestly say you really missed him, life just seemed so empty without your best friend around. Although Kiri thankfully still managed to cheer you up slightly.
It was around the end of the third day that they finally dropped their constant surveilance on the two of you.
The Metkayina clan had decided to visit your tribe the following week, the tribe had aided a lot during the Na'vi vs the sky people war. You and the other kids had all fought with them, it was a time with a lot of tears and blood spilled and none of the others really enjoyed talking about it.
You had been the only human they had tolerated there, this only after you risked your life to save the little kids of the tribe who were almost killed by a stray soldier. Spider was almost thrown to the sharks after he tried to save Quaritch, so they probably still kind of loathed him for that.
Anyway, considering the preperations of the celebration, sleeping arrangements and sustenance the 'adults' had gone on a frantic rampage to get everything ready in time.
And this made it that when you had locked eyes across the camp, and when the parents looked away you both snuck of to the only place no one would be at that time.
One of the extra halls attached to the old human base had been a pool, which was basically a 'cleaner' lake. The other scientists made sure it was still functional, as they still used it for excerise often.
This was one of the places you didn't have to wear a mask, and so Neteyam had practically forced the two of you over here.
"Why exactly did you want to meet here again?" You murmured as you turned your head to look at the large alien behind you. He just shrugged avoiding the question before placing the oxygen tank down and taking a hefty puff through the mask.
You turned to look at the pool, the water seeming strangely blue because of the tiles at the bottom. It was actually quite a deep pool you could barely see the bottom on the deep end of the pool, luckily a sort of ramp style made it that the pool became way less deep on the other end.
A lot of the lights had stopped working over the years, as now only the lights in the pool still remained functional. You noticed the water gave the room a blue tint as the reflection of the soft ripples shone on you and Neteyam.
You startled out of your thoughts as your blue alien reached around you to unbutton your pants. You let out a squeek as his hands shamelessly explored your body. "You wear too much clothes." he whispered in your ear.
"No i don't, and you can't allways rip my clothes off" you teased, a blush rising on your cheeks.
"Hm, i wouldn't mind making you new ones" he murmured as his eyes scanned your legs, you squirming under his gaze. His gaze grew more intense as you kicked of your now unbuttoned pants slowly lifting up your tanktop.
He instantly laid his warm hand on your belly his palm almost covering it entirely. You shivered at the sudden touch. "You are so soft.." he murmured to himself. He grasped onto the little bit of fat on the underside of your stomach, "I want to feel this against me again soon."
You blushed bright red as you swatted as his hands, "Neteyam! You can't just suddenly say stuff like that" you murmured.
His yellow eyes seemed almost green in the blue light, a smile circling his lips. "You are mine, and you are beautifull and soft, and i have the right to tell you that," he spoke in english this time, his Na'vi accent still visible through the words. His warm hand stubbornly remaining on your stomach as he gave you an intense stare.
Neteyam was suprisingly possesive these days, and you honestly hadn't known your gentle friend had this dominance in him. Not to mention the sudden rebelious streak he was on, actively deceiving his parents to spend time with you.
His hands moved toward your hips, softly pulling your body toward his and bending down to look you in the eye. "You are so small," he mumbled as his breath hit your face.
He placed a little peck on your nose, before his warm mouth slowly covered yours. Him dominating the kiss instantly, softly running his larger tongue through your mouth. You let out a moan, him groaning in response.
His fingers tickled your stomach softly, you letting out a squeel at the familiar action. This something he had done since he figured out as you were kids what a fun reaction he got by doing it.
He and Lo'ak often did things like that when you were kids.
A sudden idea struck you as you pulled his hands of your hips, allowing yourself to quickly slip downward making an escape as you ducked out from under him.
"Y/n?" He asked confused as he looked around to see where you ran off too. His gaze caught on a ripple in the water, him walking over to the edge to look for you, unknowingly peering into the blue abyss.
You smirked as you slowly snuck up behind him ducking down and using one of his hunting skills he had taught you when you were both young teens. The skill now proving usefull as you steadied yourself and pushed out your hands, your big blue alien letting out a scream and spashing water everywhere as he stumbled into the pool.
You laughed loudly as his head popped out from under the waves, revealing an annoyed looking Neteyam with his braids now clung to his skin.
"Your going to pay for that!" He yelled loudly, a gleefull smile revealing he wasn't actually all that annoyed with you. The sight familiar to you as you imagined a younger Neteyam doing the same, his round face and tiny body now replaced with a strong jawline and broad shoulders.
You had played like this all the time when you were kids and it was kind of nice to kind of relive that now.
His gaze turned gentle as he swam to the edge, "What are you thinking about?" He murmured, leisurely crossing his arms over the edge and placing his chin down on top.
You let out a sigh, "I guess i was just reminicing a little." You sat down next to his arms, placing your feet in the water and dangling them slightly.
Neteyam nodded softly, keeping his gaze fixed on your face.
"Do you remember going to the lakes when we were kids?" You asked, softly caressing one of his now soaked braids.
A smile spread on his lips as he gained a distant look in his eyes, "I don't think i can ever forget all that joy and happiness, we might have been young but i still remember a lot from back then." His hand grasped yours giving it a little squeeze.
"I was just afraid that all that trauma from the war might have overshadowed that," you murmured softly, thinking back to all the loss and death you had all endured so young. "Some things are still a bit muddled sometimes,"
You thought back to the time that you had gone to save Spider from the sky people. You, Lo'ak and Neteyam sneaking into the poachers boat and somehow succeeding to retrieve the other boy. Only for one of their men to show up at the last second to shoot at them, he had actually managed to hit Neteyam if it wasn't for the fact you managed to push him in the water just in time.
The only problem being that you had not taken into account that the guy would switch to swinging his gun around when his bullets ran out.
Which was how you got your lights punched out before you were plunged into the water, the guy thinking you were dead. Neteyam had looked behind him to find you, only to find your lifeless form floating right next to him.
Que the most horrifying moment ever when he thought you were dead, still dragging your body right to the nearest shore. He had basically screamed at his brother that he had forced them to go rescue Spider. When he finally calmed down a bit they recruited Tsureya to stay with your body, as they couldn't find a pulse.
Neteyam had basically gone on a murder spree, murdering a LOT of people as revenge. You scaring Tsureya's socks off as you suddenly started moving again.
Needless to say, it was a pleasant suprise for your blue alien when he returned to find you very much concussed but still alive. He had basically been your nurse the entire time you got better. Staying beside you even when you insisted he rested himself.
That was when he had first started acting strange around you allready.
You felt Neteyam squeeze your hand, pulling you from your memories. "Your thinking about the war aren't you? You do that alot these days." He murmured softly giving you a meaningfull stare.
You shrugged, averting your gaze "Don't you do it too? Especially now things changed between us."
Neteyam let out a breath, "Yes, i do. But mostly at night... when you aren't with me" His grip on your hand tightened before he spoke again. "I have a lot of nightmares these days, about.. uhm.. about losing you."
You turned to him in suprise, "About what happened back at the ship?"
He flinched before nodding, avoiding your gaze as you tried to look him in the eyes.
You slid yourself over to him, him instantly making space for you to sit on the edge in front of him.
"Teyam?" You murmured as you grasped his chin toward you, "I'm here now." You placed a kiss on his nose before placing your forehead on his.
He 'innocently' smiled, "Say if i happen to have another one of those Nightmares, you wouldn't mind if i climb into bed with you right?" His warm hands slid over your legs before settling on your hips.
You knew he was joking, but you couldn't help but take what he said seriously. "I would never mind spending time with you Neteyam, whatever the time whatever the place." You gave him a soft smile.
The look on his face warmed your insides as he smiled the biggest you had ever seen him smile. He placed his hands under your arms, lifting you off the edge of the pool and in his arms.
You let out a squeek, not at all expecting the action.Your body suddenly flush against his musculair chest as you wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands sliding downward until he held you up by your thighs.
"So good" you heard him mutter as he drew you as close as you possibly could be, his yellow eyes gaining that primal tint you had seen only once before as he observed your form.
A familiar warmth grew between your legs, you struggling to keep your cool because of it. You really only wanted one thing, and you needed it right now. You needed that delicious fullness right now, you even slightly wanting the pain that came with it.
"Neteyam?" You asked softly as his eyes instantly flashed to yours, "Well uhm... ithinkimreadytohavesexwithyouagain" Your words were impossible to decipher, your big blue guy staring at you with concerned eyes.
"Are you allr..." he began before you cut him off, softly pressing a finger to his lips.
"I... think" you took a deep breath "I'm ready to uhm.. have sex with you.. again." You murmered as you covered your blush with your hands. "Roughly." You added, your mind straying toward the bruises and hard thrusting you had enjoyed the first time.
Neteyam let out a low growl, "Roughly?" He asked, releasing a shaky sigh as you nodded. "I need to hear you say it y/n," He murmured, grasping your face with your hand.
You let out a whine, "I want you to fill me so deeply i can barely breath,.ah... i want you to take control" you finally moaned out,
Your big blue alien stepped backwards a bit, suddenly loosing his footing.
A huge splash of water rippled the pool as Neteyam stumbled, effectively dunking you both under water, totally disorienting you as you went under.
You both reached the surface of the water at the same time, catching your breath. Neteyam instantly scanning around himself to find you. You letting out a loud laugh as his eyes hit yours, splashing him with a little wave of water.
The tension from before momentarily forgotten as you played in the water.
He gave you a comically insulted look, it quickly turning relieved as he saw your smile. "You little skang!" He yelled as he used his large arm to send you a wave, it washing over you instantly.
"Oh come on, this is not a fair fight!" You exclaimed loudly, teasingly kicking him in the shin.
He let out an exaterated whine before he threw his body toward you picking you up under your arms, him dropping you afterwards. You felt some water enter your nose as you went under, you sputtering slightly in suprise.
He lifted you up again, "Shouldn't have contended me, ma y/n." He murmured into your ear, it a reference to the play water fights you would have as children.
He placed his arms around you softly, you both taking a second to just bask in eachothers presence. His arms settled around you in a way you only saw and felt him.
After a short while you felt his breath turn uneven, "Teyam, you really need oxygen" You warned.
Neteyam hesitantly let you go but finally swam toward the other side of the pool lifting himself on the edge before taking a puff of oxygen from the tank.
He turned to look at you, "That was unexpected." he murmured with an humorous smile on his face. Him obviously meaning the tension and then the tumble you guys just took.
"Now this totally killed my mood here, welp guess we'll just go back to the rest." You shrugged, sarcastically turning away from him and starting to swim away.
"OH no you don't," Neteyam yelled jokingly but not that jokingly at the same time.
You laughed, "Well i suppose you'll have to catch me then!" You taunted him giving him a meaningfull look.
He smirked before he walked over to the edge of the water, peering down on your form a little ways ahead.,
You underestimate me little mate! I'll catch you faster than you think!" He exclaimed loudly as you heard a loud splash behind you, Neteyam giving chase.
You swam toward the shallow end of the pool as quickly as your limbs would allow, slowly making your way toward the ramp, the water now coming up to your waist as you waided through at record speed.
You felt him gain on you,
You slowly kept crawling upward the water splashing loudly as you practically threw yourself forward, adrenaline rushing through your body as you heard the sound of his large body getting closer and closer to your smaller form.
You noticed him reach out to grab you a little too late, you stumbling down on your stomach. You were about to sit up too crawl when you were held down by two large legs pinning you too the ground. His large member sitting right on your ass.
"Got you" Neteyam whispered in your ear as his hands pinned yours to the dry part of the ramp, only your bottom half still fully submerged.
"Well, claim your price then my love" You murmured softly as you jokingly shook your bottom at him. He let out an excited growl, rutting against your body roughly. You letting out a moan as you felt his cock slip down, just missing your clothed entrance as it landed between your folds.
He sat on his knees around your legs, your ass pushed upwards toward him. Neteyam letting out a frustrated sigh and simply tearing off your bra and underwear, you letting out a gasp at the sting of the clothes digging into your skin as they tore. He threw the shreds somewhere to his right before reaching his hand down and placing the head of his cock at your entrance.
You shivered at the sudden sensitivity of your folds. You whimpering as you tried to dig your nails into the tiled pool. You tried to catch your breath from your running, failing immensely.
He pushed in without warning, you dropping yourself on your stomach with a breathless groan as he filled you to the brim. His large member stretching you out instantly, it feeling like it set aflame every sensitive place in your body all at once.
You tried to catch your breath, gasping heavily as your body adjusted to the large intruder. The filled feeling foreign but familiar as you could feel the tip of his cock reach far into you.
He groaned in your ear "You can't run away from me my mate," his breath uneven as he set a sudden harsh pace, his cock pulling all the way out of you before slamming into you again.
You were slowly pushed forward as he thrusted into you, his hands settled on your waist to keep you still.
You whined under him, your cunt a tingling mess as you took him, you feeling him so deep in your body you could see stars. "Oh god, your so deep" You moaned out, not able to keep the words in.
You tried to push yourself up on your underarms, intending to scootch yourself forward a bit. Him sliding out of you a little as you moved away from him.
You were pulled back harshly, a deep voice whispering in your ear. "Stay here" Neteyam demanded as he pulled your arms behind you, your body angling backwards as he slammed into you again, you feeling your belly rub against the tile with every thrust. His pace became more irregulair, you unnable to calculate his next move and completely at his mercy.
This new position drove him right into your sweet spot, your orgasm approaching fast and your eyes growing hazy as your surroundings went blurry. You let out a highpitched moan, your body shaking terribly as your cunt squeezed his cock uncontrollably.
Neteyam let out a feral groan, pushing your body back down practically laying on you as he drove himself in and out of you. He was animalistic as he growled and hugged your body to his in a posessive embrace.
You had never felt him like this, but you couldn't help but like it as he dominated your body in every sense. It was like your mind grew empty for a second, the only thing in your mind the hot pleasure coursing through your veins and the satisfying feeling of fullness in your stomach.
And every time he growled and ground himself into you, you felt yourself floating farther from your body. Your entire being overtaken by him as you let out unfiltered moans. "Oh please, please, please" you heard your voice come out of your throst even when you didn't remember speaking them.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you really hoped no one would come anywhere near to the back of the human base. It a sure fact that they would hear the absolute massacre taking place. The huge alien rutting into you like a rabid animal, and you taking it like a bitch in heat.
He suddenly slowed down, his pace slower but his thrusts harsher than before as your body was harshly pushed into the tiles, your warm head settled on the cold surface as you let out incoherent words of satisfaction. You were scooted forwards like a rag doll as he moved you at his will. "Yes you are doing so well, my little mate. You are so damn tight." He murmured in your ear again, his warm breath tickling your neck.
You felt him swell up inside of you, your body tingling as Neteyam let out a hoarse moan, his seed spilling inside your womb and pumping it farther into you. The squelching obscene as it echoed through the dark pool.
You felt the knot in your stomach unravel suddenly but harshly as you let out a final moan, your legs shaking even harder than before and your body basically going limp on the tiles. Your brain too fucked out to even think.
The blue light of the pool faded away for a second as black spots covered your vision, a loud ringing filling your ears.
"Y/n, ...re .... allright?" You heard Neteyam ask you something, but your mind struggled to figure out what he had said.
You frowned in confusion as you felt Neteyam shake you a bit, "Y/n..please.. r...ond.." a panicked tone filtered in his words, you feeling his weight lift off of your limbs.
You curled your legs into your chest, placing your arms under yourself but letting out a whimper as you failed to sit up. Your heartbeat soared in your ears, it like a drum as it pounded in your head. His eyes widening as your eyes rolled upward, your vision fading.
"Y/N?" Neteyam's loud shout echoed through your mind. Your eyes shot open, revealing your big blue guy above you you as his palms softly hit your cheeks to keep you awake. "Teyam?" You murmured softly, a relieved look on his face as you acknowledged him.
You felt his arms slip around your body as he gently lifted you of the ground, you blinked.
When you opened your eyes again, you were cradled in Neteyam's arms. Your naked body flush against his. One of his arms holding you steady and the other one supporting your head. You weren't in the pool anymore, now sitting on the tile by your clothes. You stared around with dumbfounded eyes, "W..What happened?" You asked weakly.
Neteyam stared at you with worried eyes "You just didn't respond, i didn't know what to do." He mumbled softly as tears filled his eyes, slowly running down his cheeks. "I was just so worried, I'm so sorry." he murmured into your still damp hair.
You softly pushed your forehead against his, "It's not your fault," You let out a slow breath before sitting up in his arms.
"Why did you pass out? Did i push you too far?" He asked worriedly.
You shook your head, "No, no, not at all, i think i pushed myself too far... you did... amazing."
You leaned forward, softly kissing away his tears. A soft smile circling your lips afterwards, as you softly pressed the tip of your nose to the spots on his face.
"You felt so good, it was like i lost my mind. It was like something came over me." His eyes were still wild, no doubt still calming down from his orgasm.
"I had the same, you really are mine" You murmured in his ear,
Neteyam's eyes met your own again, his eyes soft and so filled with affection you could barely breathe. "I see you." He murmured softly, as he placed his hand on your cheek.
"I see you" you murmured, placing your arms around his warm chest as he did the same. You stayed in his embrace for a while as you both calmed down from your high both in the emotional and in the physical sense.
After a while you both got up, your body aching in so many places you would surely have to check in a mirror later. You slowly put on your clothes, your big blue guy keeping a close eye on you during.
"I really hurt you..." Neteyam murmured as he trailed his fingers over the allready forming bruises on your arms and legs
His fingers slowly brushed over to your neck, his hands tracing a few spots there. "I have marked you here as well." He did seemed pleased at 'that' thought, his stance instantly growing taller as he observed the love bites on your neck.
You finished dressing quite quickly, you both finally ready to sneak out the pool. "Shit" you cursed as you stared at the black nothingness.
Neteyam looked at you in confusion, "What is it?"
"Look outside"
You quickly grabbed his hand dragging him with you as you entered the dark hallway. Him just allowing himself to move with you as you peered around the narrow passages thankfully able to navigate in the dark.
"We have to move quickly here" you murmured as you stuck your head out into the main hall, quickly peering around to see if you saw any scientists wandering around thankfully seeing the corridor entirely empty.
You pulled him into the hallway, slowly crouching/crawling under the windows to the labs, you knowing that some of the human workers liked to work late.
You had no idea what time it was, but you sincerily hoped it wasn't past nine yet. Neytiri, Jake and Norm would trow a fit if they appeared past curfew again.
The pair of you slowly neared the avatar room where the big metal door leading outside was located, his big blue form sticking out like a sore thumb as they sneaked past the various hallways leading there.
You crouched beside the doorframe, peering into the room. It was silent in there safe for the occasional snore, you looking back at Neteyam to see if he heard anything. He gave you a silent nod, slowly moving in front of you this time as he grasped your smaller hand in his to guide you forward. You both sneaking past the giant tanks, one of them containing Kiri's mother..which was honestly quite weird.
You finally had the door in sight, Neteyam reaching forward to grab the handle as you both stood up. "Goodni...." you were interupted by his lips on your own as his large hand cupped your face. You gasped as his tongue entered your mouth, him groaning as your teeth grazed his lips.
You felt yourself get carried away, him apparently having the same problem as he harshly slammed your back against the wall. Your legs wrapped around his waist pulling him toward you as his hands roughly kneaded your behind.
"Okay... we... should.. really stop" You mumbled between kisses. Neteyam only letting out an dejected moan before unwillingly pulling away from you, softly setting you back down on your feet.
"I shall see you tommorow" He murmured giving you one last kiss and stepping out the door.
Your private moment being way less private than the both of you thought.
(Welp! That was part two! Again please let me know if you liked it! I think I will only do a part 3 if you guys want me to! Also let me know if i need to be more descriptive, I am sometimes not sure if i put enough.)
Link to part 3:
Link to part 1!:
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blehrbie-blog · 2 years
Neteyam x Reader story
Sooo, I haven't written anything in genuine years. But after watching Avatar:TWOW I've become hyperfixated and have been scrolling and refreshing the Neteyam x Reader tag basically since the movie came out. As a consequence I've had this idea in the back of my mind that I thought was very sweet and cute (something we all need after that movie) so I decided to sit down and give it a go and see what comes out of my brain. So here it is. I haven't properly edited it and it's pretty much a 1000 words of word vomit and a bunch of time skips but it made me happy to write so I'm sharing it.
Oh, BTW SPOILERS!! but also I don't stick to the event's of the movie so idk I'm just putting it out there in case someone hasn't watched the trailer.
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So the idea is our girl meets Neteyam informally for the first time when they're 9. She gets cornered in the jungle by a Palulukan and Neteyam helps her run away from it. She had always known who he is being the firstborn son of the Toruk Makto. She remembers her mom telling her about the big ceremony the Tribe had when he was first born. Everyone knew him.
- You shouldn't go into Palulukan territory without being careful - he says, looking a bit unsure about her now that there's no imminent danger.
- I didn't know I was in its territory
 - Don't wander off too far on your own then.
After this meeting, you get closer and become friends, which means as a consequence you occasionally hang out with the rest of Neteyam's family. However, as he gets older and his Dad starts preparing him to be a warrior and later on Lo'ak as well you don't have as much time to spend as you once did laughing and roaming around in the jungle exploring thick forests and shallow pools of water. It's not like you have nothing to do with your life, you do! You've been thinking of taking up lessons from the Tsahik, to see how you can use the spirit of Eywa and nature to help people who are hurting. It just so happens that the Tsahik is Neteyam's grandmother so you sometimes end up seeing him come back from a mission with his father and you share sweet smiles from across the camp.
When the tribe moves to the floating rocks, you are required by the Tsahik to help those injured from the journey and the ones getting used to the new terrain. So you're even more often in the same circles. As you're working one day about to go over to help Ninat with her sprained ankle, someone taps you on the shoulder
-You seem busy with work. - says Neteyam smiling sweetly at you
-Oh! Yes, I was just about to start. How's your training going?
You hadn't spoken in a while, just a quick wave or nod when crossing paths throughout the day. You hadn't noticed but he towers over you by a couple inches now. He nods towards his dad who's speaking with Neytiri at the edge of their tent.
-You know, just the usual responsibilities of carrying on the legacy. - His eyes gaze into you softly, like he's memorizing your face after not seeing it for long. He shakes it off and looks down - Have you got many tasks today?
-Not too much actually, just need to check up on Ninat and prepare some medicinal salves.
- I want to see you later – He looks back up into your eyes and smiles – Maybe we can go on one of our expeditions like before.
You chuckle – Sure, I'd love that.
With a final nod of approval, he stalks away to his parent's side.
When you meet later towards sunset he's waiting patiently with his Ikran by the vines connecting the Hallelujah Mountains to the Jungle below.
-We won't go too far out into the jungle so we have time to come back before sunrise. - He says as he connects his Queue with the Ikran and gazes at you expectantly – Hop on.
Can I trust that I'll come back alive from this flight? - you raise a skeptical eyebrow. He only went through his Iknimaya ritual not too long ago.
He reaches out a hand to help you up onto the animal – I don't think Eywa would forgive me if I wasted you on a simple flight.
You smile warmly into his shoulder as you hold tight onto him feeling the powerful animal shift under you as you fly out.
Roughly 10 years later
When he comes back from the Mitkayina islands. He's taller and broader and his hair is much longer pulled into a loose braid around his Queue. You have a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you first see him. He's magnificent and commanding in his presence. The tribe has gathered all around to accept him and Jake back with a warm welcome. And even though you're hidden by your fellow Na'vi, his eyes immediately find you in the crowd and issue an eager and warm smile on his face.
As soon as he has settled the greetings with the current Olo'eyktan and the Tsahik, he finds you – walking to your sleeping pod. You would have gone to say hello and see him up close but, honestly, you were a bit intimidated. What you now knew was a childhood infatuation with him all those years ago still couldn't handle seeing him all of a sudden in all his... perfect glory. You were a little intimidated. But that doesn't stop him from reaching out for you. You see him jog over with a grin. He grabs you by the shoulders about to pull you into a hug but stops himself at the last moment. His eyes roam you over from head to toe and he looks up with glistening eyes -You've grown! - His tone sounds almost unbelieving
-That tends to happen as time passes, yes – you chuckle, hands coming up to hold onto his arms. His strong arms.
-I'm not too sure what I expected you to look like but you're... way beyond any expectation – He sounds so awe-struck as he's still taking you in, that you start to feel a little embarrassed.
-I can say the exact same thing – You say as you meet his gaze again. As you do his face softens and he brings you into his arms finally.
-I missed you, my friend.
Your hand caresses his hair gently – I missed you too.
You break apart and you decide to go for some late food with him abandoning your plans of sleep.
Months later, when they have their first kiss. It's a slow thing. He will say something dry-humoured in his soft voice and she'll forget to laugh too busy staring at him, realizing how in love she is. And has been all these years. And when he notices that she hasn't replied he'll look at her and know immediately. That she's realized, at last. And he'll come to hold her like she's the most precious thing in his world. He'll thread his fingers through her hair bringing her face close to his. Forehead pressed to hers, patiently waiting for her to join him in the reality he has been living. Where they have loved each other for a while, longed and missed unbelievably because of it, and are finally able to bask in it. The warm smiles and looks, the casual closeness that not being apart allows. The things he has been dreaming of. He looks at her lips and back at her eyes, pulling back slightly to give her some space. Maybe she's not entirely understanding his feelings, maybe she's too caught up in her own to recognize his signs, he thinks, ready to give her all the time- When she grabs his neck and drags him back to her. - Neteyam... – her eyes are glossy like she's about to cry. So he caresses her cheeks gently and finally presses their lips sweetly together. And he can not compare it to any other feeling he has ever experienced. It's not like loving her, that's easy and at the same time overwhelming. It has brought him to the point that he is ready to lay down his life and all of his family's expectations to travel back to the tribe just to see her. To be reunited. But this feeling, this kiss is like knowing, that he won't be alone in his love and he can give her his all, his soul. They stay there, lost in the sweetness of being together like never before until the sun has long set and the moon has long risen.
That is it! I do realise I keep skipping between tenses, I apologise if anyone finds it annoying and hope you enjoyed!
Edit: I thought it might be useful to put a link to part 2 down here so: Next
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etz-ashashiyot · 5 months
I'm bored and stuck waiting and happened to remember that on my old blog I had made this statement:
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Since I have a minute, I figured I'd finally drop the list with some brief explanations:
1. By Way Of Sorrow - Coyote Grace version
This song and its lyrics, especially as sung by a queer/trans bluegrass band, could not be more Jew-ish in vibe. I am aware this is a cover, but I have only ever heard their version and that's the one that matters to me. I love love love this song, so much, and it perfectly captures how I feel about having been welcomed into the Jewish people after years of exclusion and othering from numerous other quarters. Am Yisrael has taken me in, treated me like family, connected me to the Divine, healed my wounds, and helped me feel as whole as one can in a broken and unredeemed world - while giving me the tools to join the work of tikkun olam myself.
2. The Farthest Field - The Lumber Jills version
This is the best version I could find; the original I was shown I can't find but will link if I do. This song was actually introduced to me by one of my orthodox rabbis, and I agree with him that it can be understood as a beautiful image of geulah.
3. Hallelujah - Coyote Grace & Girlyman
This one just makes me happy, and the words, message, and themes are very on-brand for Jewish vibes as well in my opinion.
4. Be Thou My Vision - old Irish Hymn (this version and this version are my favorites)
This one is very obviously a hymn and therefore decidedly Not Jewish. On the other hand, the words aren't so explicitly Christian that it rules out use by Jews (in my opinion) and especially if you translate the words into Hebrew, it sounds just like a traditional piyyut. (@springstarfangirl if you want to add your beautiful translation, please feel free!)
5. Down to the River to Pray - Alison Krauss
This is one where I do think the lyrics are a lot closer to being Christian specific, but it makes the list for a couple reasons: first, I've encountered it in Jewish-specific contexts without modification (one of our rabbis actually had us sing it like a regular song during zemirot), and second, there's a modified version by Nefesh Mountain that's quite enjoyable.
6. Whither Thou Goest - traditional
Yes, this one is a hymn too, but the words are directly quoting the Book of Ruth - her famous vows to Naomi, and to the Jewish people - and so it's already practically a Jewish song. It also has a special place of pride for me as a ger, and also because I used it as my wedding song in both the English (as heard in this version) and I also transliterated the Hebrew for our singer to do as well. It works nicely in both languages!
7. Roll the Ol' Chariot - David Coffin
This one I think is a little less direct, but I love it and included it for two reasons: first, it's a song of getting through it and surviving and thriving under tough circumstances, and second, you could very easily put liturgy to this melody instead.
8. For the Autumn Sky - traditional
Ignoring the last verse, this hymn could be very easily adapted into a beautiful Sukkot melody. For the last verse, I'd either simply leave it out, or one could write a Sukkot or Tu Bishvat themed verse to distinguish it. Incidentally, this was one of my favorite hymns growing up.
9. Sanctuary - Shaker melody
The video for this one is obviously mega-Christian, but it's on the list because we actually sing it all the time in shul and it has a special place in my memory from going to camp as a kid. Our shul is definitely not the only one who uses it in a Jewish context, either: this version by Cantor Julia Cadrain is really lovely.
10. Genesis 3:23 - The Mountain Goats
Where are my fellow Mountain Goats fans?? I know you're out there, lol. Look, I know that John Darnielle is coming at this from a Christian perspective, but two things: first of all, TMG has a number of Jewish fans I think at least in part because the lyrics speak deeply to the specific feelings around life (and other people) being horrible to you, surviving, and thriving even in the wake of deep trauma. Second of all, I think this one in particular brings up a number of interesting ideas about the meaning of home, of homecoming, of returning to a home that no longer really exists in the same way, and of exile and redemption. What would it look like to return to Gan Eden? Is this what geulah is supposed to look like, at least in some interpretations? What does it mean if not?
Anyway, this is it for now, but I may add to this list later, because there are definitely a few more! Please also feel free to add your own in the notes!
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