applestruda · 1 year
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hueningsloverr · 3 months
౨ৎ 48,300 hours !
pairing: soobin x reader summary: being soobins best friend usually came with a lot of benefits, until a certain point. it also apparently came with a lot of communication issues word count: 1.2k warnings: drunk soobin 💀 (friendly reminder the drinking age in korea is 19! this is not underage drinking!) extra: happy five years to our fearless leader!! moa's love you soob!! apart of my anniversary series!
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you met soobin when you were both 18. he was scouted by big hit - by you coincidentally. you were the one who realised the number he put on his form was wrong; it was you who tracked him down.
you were utterly mesmerised by the boy. it was hard not to be. he was everything you were told to look for in an up-and-coming idol.
everything about him screamed 'idol', from his dancing to his smile. and he had the voice on an angel (or so you giggled to your friends late at night over the phone). he was the perfect fit for the new boy ground big hit was interested in putting together.
the only issue was he refused to work unless you worked with him. and so, you got promoted, and gained a new best friend.
years later, and soobin still bragged to everyone he met about you. about how if it wasn't for you, he wouldn't even be an idol.
'i'm serious! she's the one who tracked me down! she's my guardian angel!' he giggled drunkly one night to his friends over the table. their recent comeback - eternity - had gone better than anticipated, and so the leader called for a celebration. kai was passed out on the couch (from exhaustion. not drinking. we don't support underage drinking here!!!)
'soobin! seriously you need to stop telling everyone this. all i did was reach out to you.' you groaned, hiding your face in your hands so the other boys wouldn't see the embarrassment creeping up on you. 'you tell this story every time you get even slightly tipsy!'
yeonjun snickered, leaning over and whispering something in beomgyu's ear. the two boys laughed in their seats, the younger of the duo clutching his stomach as he leant against taehyun.
you never learnt what yeonjun said to beomgyu that night, but it never truly seemed important. at least until soobin started staying out later, and claiming that he was just too busy to hang out anymore.
you suspected he was meeting someone - he wasn't bad looking, and he was nice. it wouldn't shock you that he was seeing someone. but it still hurt. that was the shocking part. the hurt.
you had no reason to be hurt, not really. soobin had every right to date whoever he pleased. no matter how much you detested him it. you also detested whoever out there got to see him in ways you never would - the in love side.
it's not like you were in love with your best friend. you just cared. a lot. that's all there was to your relationship - at least up until he showed up drunk outside your apartment door, barely able to support himself.
'soobin?' you whisper-shouted, eyes wide as you stared him down. what the hell was he thinking?
'yeonjun wouldn't pick up his phone when i called him.' he pouted, a downcast look spread across his face.
you sighed, opening your door slightly, motioning for him to come in. he half stumbled half fell through your entry way, and in some alternate universe your heart would've swelled at the fact that out of everyone, he chose to come to you. yet all you felt was pity.
'get into a nasty break up?' you mused, hooking your arm under his shoulder to help support him. it was no help that he was a towering six foot one.
he laughed at your words, shaking his head as you lead him towards your couch. 'i'm not dating anyone, silly.' he poked, and you could feel his body shake from laughing too hard. you simply nodded at his words, setting him down gently.
'so why're you here? just felt like stopping by?'
'i'm in love with you.'
you paused, your back towards him.
it was just a cruel joke.
he was drunk.
'you're wasted, soobin.' you huffed, grabbing him some spare blankets and a pillow. the other four boys were probably all passed out, and even if they were awake, asking them to make the forty-five minute drive at nearly two in the morning was just cruel.
he never responded. by the time you gathered your thoughts enough to face him and turned back around, he was passed out. you tucked him in, much like a mother would to a young child, and left him in your living room. come morning, he was gone. all that he left was a stack of neatly folded blankets and an excruciatingly long hand-written letter detailing the embarrassment he felt.
you never brought up that night to him. never spoke of his words. you had half the mind to just blame the alcohol. but a part of you hoped there was some piece of him that truly meant his words. but you would never say anything that could possibly jeopardise your job and your relationship with your best friend. so, your buried your feelings and continued on working side by side the tall boy.
at least, not until you were reaching the five year mark of soobin calling you his guardian angel.
"so, wanna go out?" he grinned, leaning over the kitchen counter. you had invited all the boys over, along with a few other friends, to celebrate their upcoming comeback and their five year debut anniversary. "for dinner maybe? we've known each other so long, we have so much to celebrate!"
you stuttered in your movements, his wording catching you off guard. "go out?" you confirmed, eyebrows furrowing as you continued to grab glasses from the cabinet. "your wording is always odd, choi." you teased, turning around to face him.
his face was flushed pink, though he quickly turned away. "you just like making fun of me." he whined, rolling his eyes slightly. "but it's whatever. it's why i love you."
he said those words so casually you felt like you were seconds away from organ failure. it was whiplash. a weird dream. maybe the end of the world?
"what?" you sputtered, eyes wide.
your panic clearly set something off inside of him, for soon his expression matched yours. "what do you mean 'what?'" he gasped, and suddenly it felt as if the two of you spoke entirely different languages. "why are you acting like this is news?"
you shook your head, willing yourself to wake up from the fever dream you were experiencing. "because it is?"
he laughed slightly, though it was not as if something was funny. it was a painful, confused laugh. "i told you i loved you years ago!"
your face fell in that instant. he had meant it?
"you told me you loved me back! i thought-" he paused, mortified. "i thought that meant we were… you know? oh my god! i just assumed you were too embarrassed to talk about it - i never thought that you weren't aware."
now it was your turn to laugh. it was cliché. miscommunication at the finest. "i've loved you for five years soobin." you smiled, moving across the counter to place a hand on his cheek. he was smiling like a mad man.
"you don't even understand how badly i've wanted you to tell me that." he spoke as if a weight had been lifted off his chest, as if he could finally breathe properly again. "i've been in love with you for an exhausting 48,300 hours. you know how tiring it is to love someone for every second of the day?"
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a/n: decided to take a crack at the classic 'you didn't know i've been in love with you? we've been dating in my head for like, forever' trope!!
©2024 - all rights reserved to hueningsloverr, please do not plagiarise or translate any of my work
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my-spookybunnies · 9 months
With the X Files 30th Anniversary coming up I thought I'd just share this very long rambling thank you.
I only joined the fandom two years ago, when I was flicking through Prime and saw a show called 'The X Files' in the category labeled 'TV CLASSICS. Good ol' Mulder and Scully where on the thumbnail and while I had no idea who they were, by a stroke of fate I had seen a gif set earlier that day on tumblr of the two of them that had caught my eye. Maybe this is what made me click on that thumbnail or maybe the stars had simply aligned BUT whatever it was I was hooked. From the moment Scully drops her robe in that motel room with Mulder standing there like a confused lemon, I knew I was in deep.
As any sensible person does I then immediately binged the series while simultaneously routing through tumblr, looking for more X Files content. And boy did I find it.
I was so happy to find not only people where still making new content about the show, but there are amazing stories out there nearly 30 years old that can still be enjoyed and shared due to the efforts of The X File librarian's out there who have made sure that no ones hard work has been lost. It still baffles me sometimes that people had written 50+ thouasnd word fics (that are better than some books I've read) for free! Just because they love The X Files so much.
I've met some amazing online friends due to TXF and even started writing fanfic, something that I used to be ashamed of, but now I tell people with pride.
It's amazing to be part of a fandom that has such longevity, passion and genuine warmth. I want to say thank you to every single person who writes fanfic that makes me laugh and cry till my heart hurts, everyone who creates amazing fanart for our dynamic duo, every gif maker, gif reblogger, prompt maker and episode analysis sharer.
The fact that we are all here now 30 years on from when Mulder and Scully first graced our screens- whether you are an OG fan or a newbie like me, proves that there is something infinite about The X Files, it represents something bigger that the TV screens it was shown on. What was supposed to be an edgy sci-fi cop show, accidently turned into one of the best love stories of all time. Mulder and Scully took us along on their hair-brained adventures and even though their story is no longer televised, they now live on through us.
So once again a big thank you to everyone past and present in The X Files fandom for making me feel right at home and not alone when I worry I'm a little too obsessed with a red headed medical doctor and her spooky partner.
Here's to another 30 spooky years 👽🥳
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typhin-hoofbun · 5 months
A Milestone
I kinda forgot Tumblr existed for a few weeks, so I forgot to post here to celebrate, but on January 16th, I hit a milestone. Two years of writing.
In that two years, I wrote over half a million words. In 73 chapters across three series. It's been a wild ride. My first story is still going, I haven't finished "Princess Tells Her Story" yet. (I probably will with Book 3, I can't think of anything I can really throw at the duo to challenge them after they've defeated a broken, insane god.)
I've had a pretty small following, but a loyal and supportive one, and I am eternally grateful for that. I can't wait to see where I'll be next year, or the year after that, or the year after that, and so on. ^_^
After Princess Book 3 is done, my next project is probably going to be rewriting Princess Book 1 to be better. It's a little bit of a mess, since each chapter, I didn't know if it would be the last thing I ever posted. So I tried to end it in a way that didn't leave active hanging threads, sort of a "We'll be okay" vibe, in case I couldn't continue. That made it very episodic in nature, since I didn't want to end on a cliffhanger, just in case. I also started a lot of threads that I never properly followed up on (looking at you, Brotherhood of Shadows) because I got distracted. I was very much winging it without any plan. Well, a little bit of a plan, there was quite a bit of "laying groundwork for things planned in Book 2" going on... ^_~ But still, I want to do it better, make it more cohesive, strip the "recap" bits, etc. Handle Princess's backstory better, too. Without properly planning it, it just sorta feels rough around the edges. But it'll be a while yet, I'm barely a third of the way through Book 3.
One of those readers sent me a gift for my anniversary. A box of oranges, from an orchard in Florida. They are absolutely delicious and wonderful and I love them. That reader is none other than my own mother, so of course she knows I love oranges. (You just can't get oranges that good elsewhere.) I just wanted to gush because I'm still giddy about it.
I do still kind of want to publish my work some day. It'd be nice to be able to bring in some extra income, but it'd also just be amazing to see my books on store shelves. To know someone is gonna wander those aisles like I did, look through all the covers, and a stack of paper printed with words is gonna be one filled with words I put together. Of course, anyone who picks up my stuff is probably gonna be doing the same thing I did: grabbing anything with a non-human protagonist on the cover, hoping desperately someone can put words to the feeling of "This human body is Not Me" so they feel less like they're going insane. Even if they aren't conscious of it, like I wasn't. While internet publishing like an e-book via Amazon lacks that feeling of awe, I might still do it anyway. (Would have to get together money to commission cover art, though. I'd love to get "Cover Art" stuff for each book anyway, even if I don't publish, because it'd be cool. ^_^ )
Really, I'm happy with anyone who enjoys my stuff, regardless of their reason. It's just the scenario I come up with in my head, Kid Me surrounded by endless books and trying to find one that lets me see someone else Being Different, and lets me feel it. ^_^;;
I should probably try to post on sites other than FurAffinity. I started to post to Royal Road, but I dunno, something about it just kinda grates on me, I guess. Don't know what. If people have suggestions for sites I should post to, I'd love to hear it. It's been a while since I posted a link to my stuff, so in case anyone reading this hasn't taken a look, here you go.
It's always interesting to see how some people will only follow one story, and some people will follow all three. Vayryn gets the most attention, people love yinglets. Princess gets almost as much as Vayryn, people love dragons but there's so many dragons that it's easy to get lost in the flood. Flopsy doesn't get much attention, she doesn't have people that go looking specifically for hoofbuns. I love writing all three, though. (In the latest Vayryn chapter, she attends a convention and runs into Valsalia himself. The real-life Valsalia said I did "a pretty spot-on impression", which I think is awesome. I tried to capture his friendly, approachable vibe, and I'm glad it came across. ^_^ )
Anyway, I'm going to end this here, because it's already insanely long. Love you all, I'm going to bed! (It's 5:19 AM now...)
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Cheers To Eighteen Years, Spider | Post NWH Series P.4
Contains spoilers for Spider-Man NWH
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Catch up on parts 1-3 -> Series Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist
Series Pairings & Characters : Tobey!Peter Parker x Female!reader/Black Cat (romantic), Benny Parker OC, Harry Parker OC, Gwen Stacy, MJ Watson x John Jameson, J. Jonah Jameson
Content Warnings: major fluff (like my heart is full), mentions of past pregnancy, kissing & making out, slight nsfw at the end & implications to sex, spoilers for SMNWH, flirtatious banter & sexual tension. Mary Jane slander. Mentions of violence including domestic violence (I’m making it where Peter hit Y/n instead of Mj in that one scene in SM3) | female!reader (she/her)
Ch. 4 Premise: It’s a special day for crime fighting couple Peter & Y/n Parker. Their relationship has had quite the journey including a small term breakup which kinda makes people question if they’ve been together for as long as they say. But despite the obstacles, they preserved and while the marriage has only been half as long, they can say cheers to eighteen years. It’s only fitting the two take a trip down memory lane.
Song that inspired this chapter is ‘Love Song’ by Lana Del Rey (this song always has me crying—like I literally teared up writing the end 🥺 its so soft & I throw in a lyric near the end.)
Note: I’m gonna have to do some digging and get the whole year situation sorted out cause like although tobeys movies came out in 2002, 2004, & 2007, generally the year the plot is takes place is the one before. So I’m working on that and the way I know I want to establish the complicated relationship the two have involves getting those years right. It might be a little confusing at first, but I promise to edit and fix it once I finish both this and the prequel series. Also this takes place in 2023 considering thats when No Way Home is set, so if we go based on that & the way I have the twins born is 2007 then they’d be 16.
“You knooooow,” the gentle tune of Y/ns voice makes Peter lift his eyes from scanning the menu. Her eyes were still on hers, but there was a curl of her lips as she spoke to him. “Some people would argue about the number of years we’ve been together.”
Peter raises a brow, “Oh really now?”
“Yes,” she finally looks to him, eyes mischievous as always. “But I’m not one to listen to people when they try to plead the case. You know, like how Tywin Lannister once said ‘the lion does not concern themselves with the opinion of a sheep.’ Although,” she tsks, “I would say in my circumstances it would be a cat and a mouse.”
“How poetic,” he smirks while lifting his wine glass to his mouth—keeping his eyes on hers. “I would’ve been shocked if you did have them waste your time, Cat. It’s very unlike of you.” She shrugs nonchalantly just as the server returned to take their order.
It was date night for the married couple, but not just a typical date night. In fact it was a very special date night—one that involved an anniversary. And no, not one to celebrate their marriage. They’d only been married roughly half of their relationship, and even then it putting an exact date on how long they’ve been together was complicated.
Some would argue they should say its only been sixteen years for them—considering they took a break during Y/ns pregnancy and didn’t get officially back together until the twins were roughly four months. But if one were to erase that break then eighteen would be the true number.
See Peter & Y/n didn’t actually get together almost a year and half—nearly two years until after their identities were exposed. In late 2003 Y/n was still on the opposite side of the law and Peter was just getting over Mj. They remained close friends and allies when Y/n finally decided to leave behind her criminal ways, becoming the vigilante duo keeping New York safe at night.
It’s really how it all started there. Feelings progressed and by 2005 they put a label on things. It was a beautiful time for the two. They both felt the love and happiness they’d desired for so long.
Until 2006 happened.
It was then Y/n noticed how Mj was showing up wherever they went on dates—claiming to ‘catch up’ with them, but really she would only address Peter half the time. Peter never noticed Mj behavior when Y/n was present, but she sure did. The Black Cat saw right through the redheads intentions. It was obvious especially when Mj kept saying how they were pushing back the wedding date of her and John.
But of course lovable, blind, and sweet Peter Parker never thought anything of it.
Until one day he did and it happened to coincide around the time the symbiote entered their life. By this rate Y/n was seconds away from clawing Mjs face if she disrespected her and their relationship again, and Peter was starting to question feelings for both women. Gwen Stacy also entered the picture, making everything more complicated—although Y/n had to give some respect to Gwen.
Gwen at least apologized to Y/n when Peter made that scene in the Jazz club and she couldn’t blame her for the kiss they shared when Gwen didn’t know it was Peter under the mask. Mary Jane, however, seemed to be more persistent about Peter after discovering he was Spider-Man. So much that when Mj found out Y/n was Black Cat tried using Y/ns past against her.
Yeah, she almost got the claws on that one.
And unlike Gwen, Mary Jane never thanked Y/n for taking the hit meant for her when Peter was fighting the clubs bouncers. Y/n had realized Peter was corrupted when she caught a glimpse of the black suit underneath his clothes. He was too far gone to stop and then when Mj tried to pull him back from fighting Y/ns cat-like reflexes kicked in—pulling the redhead behind her in the nick of time. The reaction caused her to take the smack from Peter—and boy was that the last straw.
So it took awhile before things were fixed. 2007 became their guiding light with the birth of their twins—and Peter had made amends with not just Y/n, but also himself.
It’s been sixteen years since they re-established their romance, although Y/n and Peter would argue and still say it’s been eighteen years since they got together.
“You know, babe,” Y/n leaned in her chair, legs crossed giving Peter a nice view of her neckline that was accentuated by the black silk dress and diamond necklace. He kept his eyes on hers, although he let them flicker every once in awhile. They were always drawn to the tiny spider tattoo of his suit logo Y/n had behind her ear—often hidden behind her hair. She always saw him when he did it because it resulted in her smirking. “You should be proud of me.” The man tilts his head, wondering what she could be referring to.
“I saw my favorite person in the world yesterday,” sarcasm dripped of her tongue. “And didn’t cause a scene.” Peter was no fool, already knowing who the person was. Y/n then lifts a hand and adds, “But you and I both know its never me who causes the scene. She just loves to say I do.”
The man chuckles, taking another sip of his wine. “I know, trouble,” he says the nickname playfully, as if he doesn’t believe her—although she knows he does because he’s witnessed the altercations numerous of times. “What did Mary Jane want this time?” He pauses before adding, “and did it end like it normally does with her crying?”
“You know, Stud, it didn’t.” The tone she had was like she couldn’t even believe it herself. A conversation between Y/n L/n and Mary Jane Watson never ended well—it was always with the redhead in tears cause Y/n clawed into her soul like the cat she is. Even as adults in their 40s, Mj picked fights with the woman like they were still in high school.
“Really?” Peters tilted his head, leaning back in his own chair. “That’s new. It seems like we’ve been full of surprises since returning from our multiversal trip.”
“You’re telling me, Spider,” Y/n scoffed/laughed. “She actually wanted to make amends if you can believe it—I know,” she said when Peters eyes had widened. “I know I couldn’t believe it myself, Peter. I was ready to get the claws out—my mind was already preparing what words to drag her with, but no. Mj surprised me.”
The server returned to refill their glasses making them pause. When he left, Peter leaned forward to place his elbows on the table. “What did she say?” It really did intrigue the man because he never thought he’d see the day where Mary Jane Watson would make amends with Y/n
Unfortunately their children went to the same school as Mj & Johns so they saw each other at functions and events. Although ‘happily’ married—to an astronaut at that—with three kids nonetheless, Mj still seemed to be pressed that Peter chose Y/n. Y/n never gave Mj the time of day and whenever the redhead started something—Y/n always warned her with ‘I’d really think for a moment Watson. Because once you mess with the Cat, the claws come out. But then again you never seem to listen and come back for more.’
Every time something started between them, Peter stepped in. Both to calm Y/n down and to tell Mj off, while poor John is having to apologize for his wife’s behavior. Talk about second hand embarrassment the Parkers had for them.
“For starters,” Y/ns voice went a little low, eyes flicking to the ground which made him nervous. “She wanted to thank me for what happened at the jazz club.” Her words had Peter frowning, eyes falling to the table in shame and guilt as the events of that night played in his mind.
It didn’t matter how much time had passed, he would always be ashamed for putting his hands on Y/n in that way. He may have been corrupted by the symbiote, but that didn’t matter. Peter would never forgive himself—not after the look in Y/ns eyes when her hair flipped out of her face and he could see the imprint his hand left.
“Hey,” her voice reached his ears while her foot hit his leg under the table, trailing the side of his calf. He looked up and nearly melted at the soft look she was giving him. “Don’t do that.”
“Do what?” Peter asked although he knew her answer.
Y/n reached her hand over the table to grasp his, still letting her heeled cover foot caress his leg. “You know,” she looks him in the eye, bringing his hand to lips to kiss. “I forgave you a long time for that, Peter. I wouldn’t be sitting here if I didn’t and you know that.”
Peter sighs, love radiating through his veins and brings the hand she was holding to his lips so he could kiss her knuckles. He let his lips linger for a few seconds, basking in the warmth her palm was giving him. “I don’t deserve you.” He whispered against her skin, eyes closed.
“You deserve everything and more,” she objects, maneuvering her hand so it could cup his cheek. She gently scratches his scruff of hair that had grown in, letting her thumb trail his bottom lip—giggling when he kissed it. There’s then a glint in her eyes and she bits her lip. “I’ll make sure you understand that tonight, Stud.”
If the man could explode he would have with how his woman was looking at him. Like she couldn’t wait for this date to end so they could get home and make love until the sun rose. And that’s exactly what Y/n was planning given the twins were gone for the night to a friends house. Not to mention she wouldn’t have worn his favorite dress of hers if she wasn’t on a mission.
With blushing cheeks, Peter shakes his head—overcome with emotion. When he lifts his head back up, Peter just gazes at Y/n—adoring ever inch of her face just like he did the first time he saw her. “I love you, you know that.”
Y/n smirks, though there is a slight shyness making his heart soar. “I love you too.” Their food was brought out a few seconds later and they didn’t hesitate to dig in. There was a comfortable silence for a bit. Neither feeling like they had to converse while they ate—it reminded them of the scene in ‘Pulp Fiction’ where Mia mentions how you must’ve found someone special if you can enjoy the silence comfortably.
And both had found that in each other.
“So was that all Mj wanted?” Peter asked after several minutes when they nearly finished their plates. Y/n set down her fork, bringing a napkin up to dab her mouth—careful to not smudge her red lipstick.
“No, that wasn’t all,” she took a sip of wine. “When she had said that she also apologized—realizing if she hadn’t went to grab you then it wouldn’t have happened.” Y/n gives him a look when his face falls again—pointing a finger from the hand holding her glass as if to say ‘Don’t do that again.’
She sets her glass down, “Afterwards she proceeded to also apologize for those times she brought up my past to try and sway you to her side.” Y/n let out a laugh, thinking back how in disbelief she was when Mj had said those words to her. “She said it wasn’t fair to hold it against me not understanding why I did it in the first place.”
“Wow,” Peter muttered, setting down his own fork. “I’m really surprised honestly. That was always her argument on why she was the better choice.” He makes a sound under his breath, like it was painful to remember all those times Mj was at his door during the time he and Y/n were broken up—pleading her case to him and why he could never be happy with a former criminal. It honestly angered Peter thinking back on how Mj had been so disrespectful to Y/n—acting like she was some saint although the woman was literally engaged and playing with his feelings cause she loved Spider-Man.
Thank God he made the right choice.
“I know,” Y/n scoffed. “To be honest, Peter, I don’t know what brought this upon her. I mean the woman had sixteen plus years to finally get her act together.” She gives a shrug, leaning back in the chair. “Maybe John has finally had enough and it’s making her realize she’s had everything in front of her that she just couldn’t see. Maybe they are leaving New York and Mj wanted to not leave behind any loose ends.” Y/n pauses, before giving another shrug. “Or, maybe she had a change of heart—wanted to do better.”
Peter couldn’t help but smile at how she used the words he had given Otto.
It lingers in the air for a bit before Y/n lets out a sigh, processing the conversation—which really wasn’t much of her talking it was mostly Mj. “I guess I should be grateful,” she then says. “Its never too late to seek forgiveness for wrong doings. If Mj is truly sorry and wants to have some peace between us,” Y/n pauses, almost like she didn’t want to say the words. Peter was already trying to fight the laugh from her expression which showed she was having inner conflict.
“I guess I should give her a chance,” Y/n finally gets the words out—bring a hand up like she just vomited. Peter was literally covering his mouth because he was in a fit of giggles. Her dramatics always humored him, and this was just the icing on the cake. “—I can’t believe I said it.” Y/n closes her eyes, fighting her own laughs. “I must be out of my mind, huh, Stud.”
Peter finally calms down, wiping a tear that escaped. “Oh, Cat,” he shakes his head. “I’m proud of you—seriously though it takes a lot to give second chances. And the fact its someone who I thought I’d have to bail you out of jail one of these days because of cat fight, shows you’ve come so far.”
There was playfulness in his tone, but Peter was truly happy to hear that Mj had apologized me Y/n was open to accepting it. But Peter would always support her no matter what she chose. He trusted her judgement, always.
“Thanks, babes,” she winked.
They finished their meal while making some more small talk. Occasionally they would talk about the life they shared—including if Y/n was bringing the Cat back. “I don’t know, Spider,” she smirked. “I know how much you love me in that suit—who am I to deprive you of that.” Of course she would have him mad blushing.
Then it switched to their kids. “Benny told me he wants to add cool tech to your suit like the other Peters had.” “Uhh—absolutely not. I’m too old for that and would probably hurt myself first before anyone else.” “Maybe Harry can draw up some sketches. Give you a makeover.” “If Harry drew me a new suit, it would turn out to look like Neo from the Matrix.”
Eventually they finished their plates, bringing their glasses up to give a toast to the occasion. “To you, my beautiful wife,” Peter beams, “—for putting up with me and my shenanigans for so long and always supporting me. Being the best mother to our sons and giving me a reason to do what I do. I couldn’t be this city’s friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if I didn’t have you there every step of the way. Everyday I make it my goal to continue fulfilling the promise I made to you. I won’t stop until my last breath. And I hope we get to continue this little journey in life until the end of time—because what’s this Spider without his Cat.” Y/n felt her eyes gloss over, warmth filling her soul. “I love you, Y/n. Thank you for eighteen years and here’s to many more.”
Y/n didn’t care they were in a restaurant. She lifted from her chair—hand going to Peters chin, and bringing him into a passionate kiss. He responded with as much enthusiasm, smiling when she pressed several more kisses in between his laughter before pulling away. Sitting back and fixing her seat, Y/n lifted her glass back to his.
“Peter,” she began, eyes gazing into his with love. “You’ve been my rock and reason for putting up with everything thrown at us over these nearly two decades. You’re an amazing father—who I have had the honor of watching grow and be the man our sons deserve. We may have had some obstacles, but we persevered—and I’ll fight anyone who tries to question our relationship.” Peter laughs, making her smile even wider. “You’re my once in a lifetime, Peter Parker. If there is life after we’re long gone from this Earth, I hope I have it with you. I love you. Cheers to eighteen years, Spider.”
Their glasses clinked and they both took a sip before Peter pulled Y/n back to him, capturing her lips with his. It was a softer kiss. One that sent a thousand words to each other, and felt like they were they only two in existence.
When they pulled away, both were staring into each other’s eyes—love and adornment swimming in them. Peter gives her another kiss, just in time for the server to come back with their check. He gives him the card, aware Y/n was back to caressing his leg with her foot.
A signal the night was coming to an end.
“Running out of patience, Cat?” He smirks, adjusting his collar.
Her movements never falter. “Of course when you’re looking like that,” she lets her eyes trail over him. “You know how much I love you in a suit, stud.”
“Just like you know how much I love you in that dress,” he glances to her body clad in black silk—doing wonders for her and making ever curve accentuate.
Y/n chuckles behind mischievous eyes. “The occasion called for it,” she trails her foot higher to where it was nearing his thigh. “You know I’m not one to pass up an opportunity.”
“Oh I’m aware, sweetheart.” Peters hand goes under the table to catch her ankle, letting his thumb smooth over her skin when he pulled her foot to his lap. Luckily when the server returned with his card and receipt, the tablecloth was covering the area—so no eyes were able to see what was happening.
Peter kept Y/ns foot in his lap while he placed his card in his wallet and signed the merchants copy before leaving a cash tip. When he finished, he closed the booklet and returned his hand to her ankle, bringing it closer so he could let his hand caress her calf. “You ready to get out of here, trouble?”
Biting her lip and adjusting her foot so it brushed over his inner thigh—making Peter give her a warning look while trying to fight off a groan, Y/n leaned forward with lust filled eyes. “I thought you’d never ask, Spider.”
Luckily for the two they were met with a empty house—minus Midnight—when they arrived home. Benny and Harry were staying at their friends for the night—well aware it was their parents anniversary and was in their best interest to not be home—so the adults were free to do as they pleased.
And do as they pleased they will.
Y/n barely had time to react when Peter swung them up to the third floor balcony of their home that was right outside their room. His lips were immediately on hers, hands going to her back to clutch the silk clinging to her. Y/ns hands were in his hair, making it a mess of its perfect style and her red lips painted his.
“I love you,” he said against her mouth, flinging the balcony door and pushing her into the room until her back hit the adjacent wall.
“I love you,” she repeated, trailing her hands over Peters chest while his lips met her neck—kissing over the spider tattoo behind her ear. A moan escaped her, tilting her head to give him more space which he welcomed greatly—planting kisses all over her while slightly biting down to creat marks that would surely last for days.
She managed to grab the small remote that linked to her bluetooth speaker and a few buttons while Peter continued his assault on her neck and chest. When a familiar soft tune filled the room, she dropped the remote and wrapped her arms around his neck—bringing his lips back to hers.
Eventually they left the wall, Y/n tugging Peters suit jacket from his shoulders while his hands went to her dress zipper. As the zipper began to unwind, Peter gazed into Y/ns eyes, freezing by how beautiful they looked from the moonlight reflecting of them. “Happy anniversary, Y/n.”
Her smile was dazzling, making Peter feel he was a teenager again silently admiring her from afar. Y/n leaned up to press a sweet kiss to him, caressing his cheek with her palm. “Cheers to eighteen years, spider.”
And as the words from Lana Del Reys ‘Love Song’ played in the background. “The taste, the touch, the way we love—
“—it all comes down to make the sound of our love song.” Peter and Y/n Parker cheered to eighteen years while creating the sounds to their very own love song.
Tag list: @secretsthathauntus, @eternalharry
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forthechubbies · 3 years
What's Wrong With Secretary Park?!
Synopsis• If balancing work and a stubborn ex-husband isn't hard enough, Let's add the boss’s seven sons falling head over heels for her to mix.
Category's• Romcon, Comedy, Office Au.
Duos• BTS x Reader
A spin-off of the original series ‘ What's Wrong With Secretary Kim’ Bangtan Edition! Starring the Handsome, Seo-Joon Park as the Ex husband.
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EP. One Two
“ Tae, You tripped me! You’re so dead when I get my hands on you!” Jimin roared. 
Taehyung bolted through the double doors giggling as he shoves them close. “ Yn! Yn!, Help me.” He cried, diving down into the cubby forth up my legs. 
He held his index to his lips. “Shh, Jimin’s scary when he’s angry.”
“Then why would you trip him?” 
“ I wanted to be the first to say Hi to you,” He cheesed. “ Hello, Yn.”
I playfully rolled my eyes. “ Hello, Taehyung.”
Jimin burst the door, ready and willing to commit homicide, but his harsh glare softened when he stood at my desk. 
“Hello, Jimmie.” I cood. “How are you?” 
“ Hi Yn,” His hello was short as he scouted for his brother. “ How are you? Still lovely as ever.”
I giggled tightly. “ You’re such a flirt, Jimmie.- What are you looking for?” I stood up and waltzed over to his side. “ I can help.” 
Jimin lifted a heavy planted pot and set it aside; I feel most people underestimate Jimin because he’s the shortest brother, but His strength is nothing to scoff at. 
“How strong. Handsome, Smart, and strong. You're the whole package, Jimmie.” 
Jimin smirked and tried to focus on his mission, but his bright rosy cheeks gave it away. “ Thank you.”
“ And  You changed your hair color again; you look dashing as a blond- I mean, you look great in any color, but blonde Jimin is a true heartstopper. “ 
Jimin sheepishly tilted his head slightly forward as if he wanted-
“You could feel it if you like.” 
Is it possible to be a bashful flirt and adorable at the same time?
How could I refuse such a generous offer? “ So soft and fluffy.” I didn't realize how childish I sound until Jimin chuckled and mumbled ‘cute.’ 
Combining my fingers through his honey-blond locks, I  lightly scratched at his scalp, earning a small hum for his lips-
“What is this?!”
Jimin and I stared at Taehyung's sudden appearance; he stood in disbelief and disgust. “ I'm hiding for my life, and he gets the head pats!? He's not a good boy; I'm a good boy!”
“A good boy wouldn't trip me up while walking downstairs! Yn only gives actual good boys head pats like me! Her favorite!” Jimin purred, tugging my body into his arms. “Hmph.”
I'm getting an uneasy feeling about this conversation. Maybe I should butt in “Now Now, Boys, Your father-”  
Taehyung stiffed his jaw, and the base in his voice dropped several octaves.. “ You’re not her favorite! She needs a man, not a duckling. That's lost its mama.” 
Oh dear, Thank you goodness, Jimin released me, and I managed to get out the way. Being sandwiched between those two during a heated argument isn't the best place to be; trust me. 
The safest place is the sidelines-
“Noona? May I have some candy?”
“Huh? Sure hun, look in my top drawer.”
“Thank you.”
Wait a minute! “ No, No,” I wedged in-between my desk and Jungkook. “ Your father warned me about giving you sugar—no treats for you.” Jungkook doesn't give in easily; he played this dirtiest card against my weak heart. Oh no, not the puppy dog eyes. No! You must stand your ground! 
“ But Noona, ” He whines.
In hindsight, He could easily reach over me, but I appreciate him asking permission first.
“Alright, Alright, but One-piece, that's it, ” He leaned over, snatching up the sweet piece of candy from my fingers. 
“Yum!” Jungkook often squares his brows when something is tasty. “ What are the hyungs arguing about?” 
“Who’s a better good boy?”  
“They're both fools-I’m the good boy. Duh!”
In the drop of a hat, Jimin and Taehyung barked at Jungkook, who once was an innocent bystander turned into a new target. 
The three babies started utter chaos, yelling at each other until the veins in their necks popped, but it's never something to be alert about because in less than a second their hugging each other and laughing.
Shoot! I should tell Mr. Jeon the babies are here. “Mr.-Jeon…? What’s all this then?” Balloons? Streamers? Jin and the others froze midway between hanging more decorations and standing on a chair. Mr. Jeon stood taping a banner reading ‘Happy Anniversary” on it.
“ Ms.Park!?What-What are you doing here?!” Mr. Jeon tittered. What's with him? I can see the sweat forming off his forehead. “ I-I thought the boys were watching you.”
“ Surprise!!!.. Oh....” The babies faded into silence.
“ Oppa said to watch her!” Jin scolded. 
“ All this is for me? “ 
Namjoon stepped up. “ Yea, We're sorry it doesn't look the best-” 
“Are you nuts!? I love it!!!” Who cares if it's not finished? The fact they put in time and effort for me means the world to me! Especially when it's been a challenging year emotionally and physically with all this toxic husband drama. I felt like I was a stone, not knowing if I was doing anything right because of this new independent lifestyle, but I know I make the best decision coming here.
“ Noona, Don't cry-” Jimin gently wiped my tears away while fighting back his own. The babies are sympathetic criers, but Jimin is something else entirely. 
As soon as they heard my weeping, the men swarmed me with comfort and happiness. 
“Noona, Come on, The cake is melting!” Jungkook took my hands, dragging me to the strawberry cake he’s been refraining from sticking a finger in the pink frosting. 
I love this job.
To be continued... 
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lifenodaijobu · 3 years
Just a little list of my soft Draco obsession
For  @vemodalensx
Theres a few here but I’ve left some out since the list was getting a bit long. I might make another list with more.
The list separated between cute Draco and vulnerable Draco just so you can choose whether or not you want a bit of sadness with your softness ^3^
Oh and ofc it goes without saying that the whole list is Bottom Draco hehe
Cute Soft Draco
Flower Crowns (2.4k words)
It started with a single flower 🥀 Draco makes flower crowns for Harry and that is how the whole school finds out about them. A happy dose of Harry with flowers in his hair, and a smitten Draco.
Dreaming of you (21k words)
Harry has nightmares, he wishes for a night when he can sleep without nightmares. What happens when he starts dreaming of Draco Malfoy? Draco left the wizarding world after the war, he's a librarian and lives peacefully in muggle London, what happens when Harry fucking Potter shows up at his work place?
Honey (
Harry is sick of Draco's oh-so-adorable endearments.
The Care and Management of Volatile Veelas 
Harry adopts a Veela. He really didn’t mean to.
Quidditch Wife (Part 2)
Theres no real summary for this except for  It's got all my favourite guilty pleasures, like protective!Harry and vulnerable!Draco, with a side of jealous!Harry and SportyQuidditch!Harry (and I think the top!Harry rather goes without saying).
All our pieces....fall right into places series
The first story:  Draco had had a crush for a while and now that he had Harry in his bed...He was everything that Draco needed.
Trick or Treat
Harry had no idea that he was such a fetishist - a fact which he discovers on Halloween.
Harry finds a pair of stockings in the back of their dresser.
The Sweater
After being forced to room together in 8th year, Draco and Harry become friends and decide to continue their living arrangements post Hogwarts. The only problem is, Draco can't seem to stop stealing Harry's clothes.
1095 Roses for a life time
Being woken up by the lips of your boyfriend is always a nice surprise, especially on the morning of yours third anniversary of dating, which leads to hot and passionate morning activity. But all this is just to indulge in themselves, Harry's surprise includes roses and a promise for a lifetime. Will they be the right choice?
Get your kinks out
Harry plays seeker for the Magpies, and he discovers that one of his teammates secretly wears lace panties. What begins as a sexual relationship becomes increasingly complicated by Harry’s fame, Draco’s family, and Harry’s ambivalent feelings about dominating Draco.
Can’t say no
Draco really has the worst friends. When they put a spell on him that he has to say no to everything Harry says.....things don't turn out well.
That time when Harry proposes and gets turned down because of his horrible friends.
What Draco wants
Out of anything a petty fight with Harry Potter could have led to, Draco Malfoy least expected it to end with him bent over a table, questioning his relationship and feelings for Potter, and having the best sex of his life.
Things were going just fine for Draco Malfoy. He successfully conned and counted cards across Europe and America, amassing a small fortune, along with a lengthy rap sheet. That was until he made the grave mistake of returning to England for a high stakes card game and got himself caught – by Harry Potter no less. Now, Draco is stuck in England under Auror Potter’s guard with no friends, no distractions, and no escape. How the hell will he pass the time? And since when did Potter get so bloody fit? 
Things Change
Harry and Draco's friends notice something different about them when they fight. See what they find out when they walk down an empty hallway. 
Whats a little veritasium between two sworn enemies?
Draco Malfoy has a nasty habit of always coming across such bad luck no matter where circumstance presents itself and unfortunately that doesn't seem to change when his bloody nemesis Harry Potter over hears him talking about Veritaserum potions in the hallways past curfew. ( It was Pansy fault really)
Harry wants to know what the Slytherin boy is up to, especially with how nervous Malfoy is, but is that ALL Harry wants to know?
Mr Right Now - side note: Cedric/Draco
What do you do when you're feeling down about your ex? Make him jealous! Story features Cedric Diggory and Draco Malfoy trying to win back their loves, but somehow end up falling into each other's arms
For the love a kitten 
With Voldemort Dead, life is not easy for Harry as Old friends become enemies and old enemies become friend. With the return of three Slytherins, Harry life is turned upside down.
How to prepare for a wedding night
I have a neighbour. He is stuck in a loveless relationship and an arranged marriage. He has zero experience in bed. He needs my help so that his love life won't suck for the next few decades. He needs a sex teacher. Oh... and the neighbour happens to be Draco freaking Malfoy. And I might be a little tiny bit in love with the git...
Draco's Scent
In which Harry can't be around Draco for long without the boy's stupid smell messing with his mind, and he really, really hates that.
Turn The Heat Up
Wonky Cooling Charms result in interesting revelations
Draco and Hermione make a devastating duo at the Ministry as the respective Department Heads of Wizarding Culture Preservation and Muggle Relations. When Harry Potter gets involved in their latest joint project, Draco can’t seem to stop himself from constantly flirting with him even when it doesn’t seem to affect the golden boy at all. He’s wrong. Harry is most definitely affected. Includes Slytherin shenanigans, Draco sucking at quidditch, and Harry trying not to be charmed. Draco POV.
Angsty/Vulnerable Soft Draco
The Draco Malfoy incident - side note: I cried big time
Draco Malfoy is best friends with a Hufflepuff. A HUFFLEPUFF! He's also partnered with a redhead git, trying to hide from an obsessive green-eyed saviour and has become overly fond with sunrises. It's exhausting. Can't a man plan an assassination in peace around here?
I’m not in your dreams
Draco has dreamt with Harry's voice since he was fourteen, so there's no doubt for him about who his soulmate is. Now, in their Eighth Year, Harry has finally dreamt with his soulmate's voice too. The problem is that Draco was born mute.
Yours for the taking
Draco was raised to be the perfect Omega, but there are things even he cannot endure. When he discovers just what Tom Riddle's plans for him are once he's claimed him he is confronted with an impossible decision. Only one thing remains clear: he will never be able to go back home.
Luckily, Harry Potter is there to save the day
Rough on you - side note: Dark Harry. This is more vulnerable Draco than soft Draco so please read the tags before you start the story :) I was unsure whether I wanted to add this here but hey-ho
"I'm the only one that can give you want you really want." Harry spun Draco around and held his arms at his side and he pressed against his back, whispering against his throat. "That can force you, that can humiliate you… that can hurt you, and you want it. You want me."
Harry is having a bad day. Draco just cannot learn to keep his mouth shut. Neither of them would have predicted it would lead to this.
But who guards the dragon?
This is an expansion of my one-shot, It'll be Okay. You don't have to read it first, it will be in the story. Requested. DMHP Sub/Dom relationship. Slash. Don't like, don't read. Harry thinks a few thinks through, then comes into his creature inheritance. He finds out that he is the dominant mate to one Draco Malfoy. But things are never easy for the boy who lived
Taken For Granted
Having pined for Harry for long enough, Draco decided that it was time to give up and move on. What happens when Harry realizes too late what he's lost?
Harry returns to school to complete his NEWTs. There he finds a much changed Draco Malfoy and surprisingly subdued Professor Snape.
In your arms, rests my world
Harry presses his mouth to Malfoy's forehead; he wants to tell him that he’ll never leave, that he wouldn’t dream of it.
“You make me feel safe, Potter” Malfoy whispers. “You keep me safe.”
Inside your mind
Goyle's taken it upon himself to act as Malfoy's personal, one-man guard and Harry can't help but feel like it's only making the bullying worse.
"I'll Protect You," and you can seal that with an Unbreakable Vow
His friends may tease but Harry doesn't feel bad for keeping a close eye on the Slytherin boy of one Draco Malfoy, after all someone has to do it. So when Harry secretly follows the pure-blood boy out past the courtyard, there's nothing strange or unusual about it; nor is it wrong.
Unfortunately the same can not be said for the scenario Harry accidentally stumbles upon as he can't help but stare in horror. It's not just wrong. It's absolutely despicable and Harry, well, Harry just has to do something about it.
A Big Black Sky
Draco shifts his head as he turns to look at Scorpius, his cheek touching the pillow. "Did you know that…" He pauses, his throat convulsing, and it sounds audible in the silence, besides Michael's steady, even breathing from the other bedroom.
Scorpius is staring back at him, in wait of something new to learn, a beautiful and intelligent child. He has Draco's mind. He has Draco's eyes and nose and mouth and hair. He is his. All his. All he has of Michael are his wild curls and the green of his eyes, and sometimes he looks into them and imagines that they aren't Michael's, but someone else's.
Draco leans his head closer, biting the quiver out of his lips before he breathes a laden and shuddering exhale, and he whispers, "You are my star in a big black sky."
Song To Say Goodbye
Draco should have remembered that life doesn’t always turn out the way you want it to. Somewhere along the way he forgot to always be careful and was left with nothing. It was hard enough getting himself together the first time, can he do it again?
Small spoiler for Song to Say Goodbye below
Its not Drarry Endgame: he ends up with a OMC cuz Harrys a big dickhead
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antebunny · 3 years
Parent Trap AU 5
It’s a Parent Trap AU, plus on-the-run hacker!wwx and celebrity!lwj. Full series here.
At first, Lan Wangji finds writing songs to be extremely challenging.
He’s all but quit his job, and his son is gone. He’s alone in the house he once shared with his family, while his brother tries to keep quiet about pitying him and supporting him, and his uncle demands to know why he has no interest in searching for his son. He’s the one that files the kidnapping report, in the end. Not that it does much; they’re already searching for Wei Ying, since he escaped from prison.
All Lan Wangji really does, during this time, is cry by his piano, and sing.
The melodies come naturally to him. He’s been writing melodies for years, and these songs are no different. He has a thousand things to say, so some are angry, so fast he thinks he might tear his fingers on the guitar strings, some are soft with only piano accompaniment. All too soon he has dozens of recordings of phrases that can be put together into full-length songs. The only one he doesn’t record is the one he wrote for guqin, years ago.
But the lyrics, the lyrics he struggles with for ages. Not Lan Wangji finds himself at a loss for what to say. He doesn’t speak much, it’s true, but when he does he always finds precisely what he wants to say. Rather, Lan Wangji finds he has too much to say.
One Friday afternoon, he sits down on his couch and plays the same ten-minute ballad on his guitar, trying again and again to find a way to shorten it without feeling like he’s ripping a part of his already shattered heart out of his chest. While suppressing the urge to write more verses. He knows he can’t leave them all in; it’s too repetitive. He wants these songs to be good, though he doesn’t really plan on marketing them. A large part of him thinks it’ll always be like this. Just him and his instruments, alone in the living room, mourning over a love long lost, making himself cry over his own lyrics.
Still, Lan Wangji is a perfectionist at heart. He has to do something about the ten-minute ballad. It’s longer than two songs put together.
What if I made them two separate songs?
The thought comes to Lan Wangji suddenly, and he sets down his guitar to pick up the notebook containing the lyrics. This could work. He becomes convinced of this the longer he looks at the lyrics. He’ll never run out of things to say about Wei Ying, but if he separated each of those things into one song–that could work.
He chooses a different melody, edits the lyrics to fit it, picks out a theme, an aspect of Wei Ying to sing about, and suddenly he has a whole discography, and not a single published song.
Lan Wangji goes to his brother.
“Are you sure about this?” Lan Xichen asks, his brows pulled together in a small, worried dip.
They stare at each other without speaking, because Lan Xichen knows that every concern he might think of, Lan Wangji has already over thought.
“Even if he hears them?”
Lan Wangji will never be famous enough that Wei Ying, wherever in the world he might be, will hear his songs. But if he does, then all the better. “Mn.”
Lan Xichen sighs. “I just don’t want to see you hurt anymore.”
Lan Wangji doesn’t think that’s possible. “Hm.”
Lan Xichen sighs again. “Okay,” he says. “If that’s what you want. I’m sure A-Yao knows someone. I’ll ask.”
It’s a while before he finds someone who’ll actually produce his music, but he’s happy with the person he ends up with. Luo Qingyang emails him back almost immediately after she listens to his demo.
I need you down here yesterday, she says. This is getting produced right now.
His first song, When We Were Young, is released as a single less than a year after the scandal that took Wei Ying from his life, under the stage name “Hanguang-jun.” He’s not sure it fits, but he wants to.
And suddenly, it looks like Lan Wangji might actually be that famous.
Of course, it’s still years in the future, so Lan Wangji carries on like he’s not. His second single, At First Glance, does even better than When We Were Young, and his manager starts bothering him about a music video. Apparently it’s expected of him, but Lan Wangji rejects all of the ideas that the directors Luo Qingyang finds for him come up with. They end up renting a house for a week and filming there, then going to a studio with lights and a piano. Lan Wangji dresses up for that and plays his heart out, and that’s it, that’s the music video.
His third single, Under Moonlight, is somehow more popular than his previous two combined. He has fans now, or maybe it’s just that he’s only now realizing it. He’s not quite sure what to do with that. The video this time takes place on the very bridge the song talks about. He doesn’t do much, since he rejected the idea of hiring actors to play the “counterpart,” so he’s confused as to why it continues gaining views on YouTube. Apparently he looks young. He’s not sure if this is insulting or not, but the internet would probably be shocked to learn he has a five-year-old son.
Lan Sizhui is too young to listen to music by himself, so Lan Wangji hopes that somewhere, there’s a radio playing one of the new hit songs by Hanguang-jun, and a father-son duo walking past.
Luo Qingyang bullies him into exactly one interview before his first album is released. On it, he accidentally confirms that all the songs on the album are about one person, and panics after that, not wishing to reveal anything about Wei Ying or even Lan Wangji’s own name on camera.
Apparently the mystery helps? Lan Wangji understands fame less and less the closer he comes to it. He thought if he just wrote good songs, enough people would listen to him that Wei Ying would hear it. Wei Ying is spotted in Thailand, and Lan Wangji ends up naming his first album Oceans Apart.
It sells, and it sells, and still, Wei Ying and their son are nowhere to be found.
Wei Wuxian is lying on a roof the night of his wedding anniversary.
Purple, white, and red fireworks explode in the black sky above him. There’s some celebration going on in the city, and Wei Wuxian takes advantage of it to pretend it’s in celebration of his anniversary.
Not that there’s much to celebrate. He doesn’t think it’s typical to celebrate the anniversary of a marriage which no longer exists, but their marriage didn’t end in the typical way either.
And he still loves Lan Zhan. Loves him so much that the sight of rabbits brings him to tears. So much that he feels like a traitor whenever someone so much as smiles in his direction, so much that he can’t imagine himself flirting with someone. So much that he cries on the roof when the fireworks light up the sky.
Wei Wuxian looks to the right, and there’s Wei Sizhui, who is sometimes the only thing keeping Wei Wuxian going on his darkest nights. He’s nestled up with Wei Wuxian’s arm around him, small face peering earnestly at him from the dark. “What?”
“Why are you crying?”
Wei Wuxian raises one hand instinctively to rub the tears away. He’d forgotten about that. He’s thrown himself fully into caring for his son, making sure that he has clothes and good food to eat, which is hard when they never stay in a place for long and Wei Wuxian is paranoid of anyone who stares at them too long. Sometimes he wonders if he’s really doing any good, keeping Wei Sizhui away from his other father and uncles and aunts, from a happy childhood with friends and a school. And every time, he blinks back to the moment he woke up in the prison having narrowly avoided being murdered, and knows that Wei Sizhui is still safer with him than he’d be if he was still there, within the Jins reach.
“Nothing,” Wei Wuxian says. “It’s nothing.”
Wei Sizhui frowns. “But Papa is sad,” he declares.
Wei Wuxian presses the back of his hand over his eyes. Fireworks crack so loudly it muffles his shaky inhale. Tears stream down his cheeks and around his ears. Red lights flash across his eyelids.
White lights flash through the stage, focusing on the solitary grand piano, and Lan Wangji, in his white suit, seated on the piano bench. A hush falls across the massive crowd. He adjusts his microphone slightly, and places his fingers gently atop the keys. The cameras zoom in on him.
And Lan Wangji sings.
“I’m just remembering,” Wei Wuxian whispers. “Someone I used to know.”
“Is it Dad?” Wei Sizhui asks timidly.
Wei Wuxian inhales shakily again, then wraps his arm back around his son. “Yeah,” he admits. “It’s your other father.”
He hasn’t looked back since he ran away. Countless times, he’s thought about Googling the Jiangs in an internet cafe, just to check on how they’re doing. They have social media profiles, so he could. He could. But even the slightest hint of connection could ruin what Wei Wuxian has managed to salvage. The Jiangs would fight for him. Would drag their names in the mud for him, and he can’t let them do that to themselves, so he cuts all ties and doesn’t look back.
Wei Wuxian hasn’t dared to search Lan Wangji since he ran away.
“Hello,” Lan Wangji sings, and the crowd cheers.“It’s me. I was wondering if after all these years you’d like to meet, to go over everything. They say that time’s supposed to heal you, but I ain’t done much healing.”
Before he knows it, there’s tears streaming down his face. They drip onto his nice white suit, but the music doesn’t pause.
Hello from the other side
“Will we ever see him again?” Wei Sizhui asks plaintively.
I must have called a thousand times
Wei Wuxian tries to shake his head, his shoulders pressed against the dusty brick roof. “I don’t know, baby,” he says.
To tell you I’m sorry for everything that I’ve done
“But why not?” Wei Sizhui pushes. It’s far from the first time he’s asked, but each day it gets harder and harder to answer.
Hello from the outside
“Because he’s very, very far away,” Wei Wuxian replies this time, and tries not to think of Lan Zhan as he last saw him, sleeping peacefully in their bed the night Wei Wuxian broke in and took Wei Sizhui with him. “Oceans away.”
At least I can say that I tried
Eventually, the fireworks stop, and Wei Sizhui falls asleep, head resting in the crook of Wei Wuxian’s arm. Wei Wuxian raises one hand to the midnight sky, pretends he can reach through the vast expanse to wherever his family is. “Happy anniversary, Lan Zhan,” he whispers. “I miss you.”
To tell you I’m sorry for breaking your heart
Eventually, the song ends, and the cheers deafen the stadium. The lights go out long after Lan Wangji has gotten up from his seat and stepped away from the microphone. The tears on his face are invisible until the cameras focus in on him walking.
“Happy anniversary, Wei Ying,” he whispers, before he picks up the microphone to thank the crowd. “I love you.”
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ultimatetornshipper · 3 years
Daminette December day 11- Snowglobe and 12- Soulmate au
Okk sooo like I said I wanted to make a separate lil one shot for this one because I have a nice lil idea in mind and my medieval au does not work with the snow globe and soulmate thing so I decided fuck it.
Also Tim isn’t it the series yet so I decided to do some brotherly shenanigans that included him.
This one shot actually worked out really well like I love it.
I get to be slightly more… hmm what’s the word?... stupid?
It’s the writing on skin, appears on soulmate's skin, soulmate au btw.
Honestly I love this, it did not go as expected lmao.
Anyway I hope u guys enjoy this!
Previous- Princes and Pedestals Chapter 10
Next- Princes and Pedestals Chapter 11
The Permanent Marker
The first time Damian saw a snow globe it had been during a fight with Tim, who'd decided to throw him with it.
It was safe to say that the item that was thrown ended their fight. The side made of ceramic hit his arm. Unfortunately (or fortunately) it landed on the floor, the glass shattered. The tiny fake snowflakes scattered all over the place.
Before then he had only heard of one thing that, in his mind, worked similarly…
“Drake, I will skin you alive!” he said jumping on his brother, Jason pulled him off and held him back, “Todd! Release me at once! The imbecile just attacked me with a glitter bomb!”
The entire manor went silent for a few seconds before they all burst out laughing.
To this day, he was still being teased about it. Even though the incident had happened years ago.
It resulted in him having quite the distaste for snow globes.
So imagine his annoyance when he woke up four days before the anniversary of The Incident with a picture of a snow globe on his hand.
As if that didn’t make the message clear enough, there was a snow globe and a glitter bomb on his bedside table, each labelled mockingly.
He growled and turned his gaze back to his hand.
He had no idea how his brothers had managed to draw it on him without waking him up but he was absolutely livid.
His soulmate must be incredibly confused as to why there was a crudely drawn snow globe on her hand.
He got up and stomped to the bathroom, washing it off. He got ready and walked angrily to the dining room.
He found them all there and when they saw his sour expression they burst out laughing.
He glared at them all through breakfast, his temper far shorter than usual.
He just hoped his soulmate wouldn’t ask about the snow globe or better still, that she hadn’t seen it.
Every morning for the next two days, he woke up with an ugly little snow globe on his hand. And each morning he would wash it off.
He was bordering on the edge of murderous.
Meanwhile in Paris, Marinette was in a similar state.
You see, for three days she had been trying to remember the damn stupid snow globe Alya had forgotten at her house over the weekend.
She’d drawn a nice little snow globe on her hand to remind herself. But apparently her soulmate was hell bent on not letting her return the damned snow globe.
Each time she drew the little picture, he would wash it off it sometime before she got home.
Because of course he would.
She knew he was a tidy person and he’d established that he had no wish to meet her back when they were small, but usually he at least didn’t wash off her drawings.
She huffed in annoyance as she rode the train back home.
It would’ve been easier to return the snow globe to Alya when they were still in Collegé Francious Du Point, where she lived only a street away. But nooooo, their lycee was far enough away that she had to take the train there and back. Just having Alya pick it up wasn’t as easy as it used to be.
She took out a pen and redrew her snow globe. He had already washed off the one she made earlier that day.
When she got home she realized that he had also washed off the one she made on the train. She huffed in annoyance and groaned.
Why was everything against her?
She eyed her drawer.
No, that wasn’t fair, she didn’t know why he erased the snow globe each time. There could be a very good reason.
Her pettier side didn’t care though. She was sick of him. He’d hurt her so much when they were kids, refusing to even try to get to know her. Not replying to any of her writing or doodles.
Eventually she stopped writing but doodles found still their way onto her skin. And they arrived at a silent truce of sorts, he would let her draw, and she wouldn’t expect anything.
Until now apparently.
Why couldn’t he just give her – give them - a chance?
Why couldn’t they just be normal? Why did he have to be such an ass? Why couldn’t they just write to one another?
She was reminded of the only time he'd written more than a few words to her.
The day she’d accidentally used the wrong kind of pen. The kind that had ink that didn’t wash off properly until after three days.
A permanent marker.
She didn’t known it was a permanent marker, and it wasn’t like she’d drawn anything too big with it. Just a medium sized heart on her wrist.
She was eight, she didn’t think it would be a problem.
Well apparently it was, because that day he let her have it. That day he made it clear that he wanted absolutely nothing to do with her.
But to hell with that.
If he wanted to break their truce, the weird set of rules they had somehow established…
Then so would she.
She stood and opened the drawer, she took out the permanent marker she hadn’t touched in years and removed the lid.
She smiled as she drew her snow globe again.
This time she would remember the snow globe.
And she did, the next morning she saw her snow globe still on her hand, slightly smudged, but there. She smiled victoriously.
She returned Alya's snow globe and spent the rest of the day on cloud nine. Maybe it wasn’t the nicest of things to do, but it wasn’t like he took her into consideration. She figured this, at most, made them even.
What caught her off guard however, was the neat writing in black ink that appeared on her wrist later that night
The words ‘I’m sorry’ were etched onto her skin in handwriting that she recognized as his.
You see Damian hadn’t noticed the sketch when he got home. Hadn’t noticed it when he’d put on his gloves for patrol or when he’d gone to bed.
He never saw it until morning.
He lost it when he realized his brothers had written on him with a permanent marker.
The one think he’d basically forbade her from doing all those years ago and they did it.
They crossed a line. And Damian made that perfectly clear.
By attacking them and beating them up until they apologized.
He still felt it was necessary to apologize to her.
For the permanent ink. But also for all the years of silence, for all the years of ignoring her.
He settled on a small ‘I’m sorry’ on his wrist and hoped for the best.
That tiny apology, though, opened up a line of communication between the two.
They started talking regularly, growing closer and closer through their words. Eventually they met and started dating.
They helped one another, through trauma and superheroing and liars and villains, they were there.
They became a dynamic duo, he helped her run her label while she did commissions and designed her days away.
They were happy, one of the success stories. And while they hung up the capes and cowls, they were always available for emergencies.
They would tell their children and their grandchildren the story of the snow globe. Dick, Jason and Tim often liked to take credit. Earning a disgusted ‘Tt' from Damian and a laugh from Marinette.
The moral of the story, Marinette always liked to say, was that sometimes even the smallest, insignificant thing could make the biggest, life altering difference.
@animegirlweeb @loysydark @toodaloo-kangaroo @forgottenfriends @wolf-for-life @heyitsbugette @f-rget-lt @fusser90 @editorofeverything @thenillabean @sunflowers-and-mooncakes
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heroesreverie · 4 years
Hi there! If you're taking them, I'd like to request headcanons for Todoroki, Dabi, Shinso, and Shigaraki with an S/O that has a Let's Play channel.
a/n: hello dearie! i hope you enjoy this request! unfortunately i know next to nothing about video games or let’s play channels, but i tried my best anyways! please just let me know if something is not to your liking <3
todoroki, dabi, shinsou, and shigaraki with an s/o who has a let’s play channel
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he hears you talking in your room....but he’s certain no one else is in there???
confused todo...who could you possibly be talking to?
he wants to let you finish your conversation but it’s been going on for a while and he really needs to know if you would like to get soba with him tomorrow
so he knocks gently and comes into your room....whilst you’re streaming...
“y/n....i’m sorry to interrupt but may i speak with you for a moment?”
as you smile up at your boyfriend the chat goes wild
shoto can’t stop himself from taking a quick peek at your screen as you tell him yes, soba tomorrow sounds lovely
are you perhaps playing some sort of video game?
what are all those comments saying?
you notice his confusion and laugh a little, pulling him down gently to be more in frame
“these are my viewers, shoto! would you like to say hello?”
he pauses for a moment before giving a little wave
he’s ADORABLE and your audience is falling for him FAST
ever since then, todoroki often makes guest appearances on your channel
usually accidentally
your fans love him!! the two of you are so cute together
you teach him how to play games
“y/n, this is not a very heroic game. instead of being so unnecessarily violent, we should hand this over to the authorities.”
“do you think...that bakugo plays too many of these games, and that’s why he’s so angry?”
(todo please you sound like a boomer)
his favourite by far is minecraft
your most successful video series is a 300 episode long let’s play minecraft series where you and shoto have a beautiful house and a ‘humane’ farm. he bakes you a minecraft cake for your anniversary
(baby i’d make you a diamond sword)
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he was lazing around with you instead of doing what shigaraki told him to
hhhhh you were so warm and soft and shigaraki was....not
but all of a sudden you started getting up and switching on your computer??
the only time you’ll ever consider this man “grumpy” is when you deprive him of cuddles
for a computer??!?!
“dollface....what are you doing?”
“i always film my videos at this time!! i can’t stop just because somebody wants to hide from their responsibilities in my bed,” you tease
dabi is confused
once you explain to him, he’s sort of....chill about it?
he doesn’t understand the point of it, but he’s content to be quiet in your bed for a while whilst you film
that is....until you start filming
(going with dabi = touya theory)
he was never really exposed to games when he was younger due to his childhood, and all he hears about it is from those NEETS spinner and shigaraki
but beneath his detached front, dabi listens to everything you say
he raises his eyebrows as he watches you explain to the camera what you’re doing with a smile on your face and a sparkle in your eyes
and his heart melts a little....you’re....so.....pure....
he wants to keep all that purity to himself though...don’t expect him to get fully comfortable with you showing all your lovely little mannerisms to other people in the audience
he can’t be in the video because he will get ARRESTED but he takes you into his arms once you’re finished, now fully awake
peppers your neck with little kisses that slowly become more passionate
“you’re mine, doll, you know that?”
but despite his jealously he still encourages your streams because dabi Respects You and knows you’re not his to control
plus he secretly adores seeing you this happy
wants you to teach him how to play games so he can play with you. has too much pride to ask you though
omg what if dabi was awful at gaming
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he is an eboy. he has insomnia. he is a Gamer.
shinsou is just chilling in your dorm when he sees a game he’s familiar with on your desk
“ah, I didn’t know my kitten was a gamer”
disgusting behaviour hitoshi
but for real he teases you QUITE A BIT about it
especially once you tell him about your channel
he wants to be in a video with you but he doesn’t want to ask
(make him be in a video with you. he’ll pretend to be grumpy but the sparkle in his eyes never lies)
if you like to play more lighthearted and cute games, he’s happy to discover them with you! he thinks it’s a lot of fun and very relaxing way to spend some time with his favourite person
if you prefer more violent games, and happen to get very heated when playing them....he thinks that’s hot
will most definitely take the opportunity to show off that you’re his to all your viewers
it’s not so much pda that it’s gross, but your viewers will definitely notice that pretty hickey he left after someone kept commenting creepy things about you
honestly you two are just such a dynamic duo that you might as well start a joint channel
what can i say, people love to watch two gamers fall in love ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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if you thought shinsou was a gamer....
tomura is a whole other level
but there’s this one boss in his game that he can’t seem to defeat!
(it’s all might in one’s justice JK)
he’s starting to get frustrated now but instead of disintegrating the console in rage for the 7th time in the last month, he turns to the internet
he expects to find jargon filled ramblings of fellow neets, but the first video that pops up fills his room with a sweet voice
hold on....that’s YOUR sweet voice
that’s his s/o???
he shortcircuits a little bit
once he gets over the fact that his lovely angel is telling HIM how to play his own game, he watches more of the video
you actually really know what you’re talking about?
but instead of resuming his game, he calls you immediately
y/n you have a lot of explaining to do....
once you explain to him that you love playing games and you want to share that with the world, he’s JEALOUS that other guys and girls get to see you whenever they want
that’s HIS job!!! you’re HIS
he wants to show them all that you’re very much taken but again....it would be pathetic if he got arrested because he was seen in a “let’s play minecraft: we found diamonds!” video
but don’t worry....tomura makes sure to infiltrate your comments section and shut down anyone who is either too mean to you, or a little too nice
(he totally goes to toga for relationship advice. this is what they came up with:)
he feels more comfortable when you’re wearing his clothes in your videos. nothing too flashy, nothing that gives him away
but his little secret of knowing that you’re coming back to him after you film a video, that everyone watching you will never have you as much as he does?
oh it makes him one of the happiest men on earth
that, and also when he gets to join up with you on animal crossing
video game spouses <3
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rose-demica · 4 years
Prompt: "You were so high/drunk that you made a 14 page PowerPoint on why Santa would beat Peter Pan in a fight, and I must say, you were quite persuasive."
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Avengers
Series: The Rise of Thanos, The Fall of Loki, Sister Agents. 
Pairings: Clint Barton X Iris Coulson-Fury AND Pepper Potts X Tony Stark
Warnings: Tony and Iris are DRUNK!
Just a weird but funny Prompt fic,
Iris awakes alone on her 2nd wedding anniversary. Clint having gotten his dates and timezones confused, and rushing off in the wee hours of the morning with Pepper.
Tony, her best friend, joins her in drinking all day, and the pair start fighting over who would win in a fight, Peter Pan, or Santa Claus,
Iris sighed when she woke up alone in bed yet again, rolling over into the cold part of the bed where her lover should have been. Where he’d crawled into bed and wrapped her up in his arms the night before. She frowned when the cold sheets embraced her skin. “Agent Barton and Ms Potts had to fly out to Tokyo for an emergency meeting a few hours ago.” Iris sighed, ever since Happy had taken a well deserved vacation Clint had been attached to Peppers side, taking the role of her personal bodyguard before Tony could even accept the fact that Pepper had allowed the man a holiday. Iris shouldn’t complain, it was satisfying his itch to be out in the field, and Tony was paying him more than Shield ever could. Clint was as close to Pepper as she was to Tony, and it was no surprise that he’d chosen to stand in and protect her like he had so many times before.
"Sir requests your presence when you're awake. He's on his living floor." Iris curled herself in the sheets that held the lingering scent of her lover, taking a deep breath before she got up. "Tell him I'll be half an hour. Imma shower and check in on the twins quickly."  Fury and Coulson had taken Amelia and Evan to spend a week with their grandparents, it was so that Iris and Clint could have their second year wedding anniversary alone together. Not realizing that Clint would volunteer as Pepper’s bodyguard and be away from her side. "Of course Ma'am. Shall I call Director Fury or Agent Coulson for you?"  "Papa please Jarvis." ~~~~~♥~~~~~♡~~~~~♥~~~~~ Iris smiled to herself when she saw Tony curled in the middle of his big bed, an open book across his chest from where he'd dropped it when he fell asleep. She picked the book up, marking the page before resting it on his bedside table, watching the inventor for a moment before flopping down on the bed beside him. "I miss her," Tony mumbled, cracking open one brown eye to watch as Iris settled herself beside him. "I don't think they've been back longer than six hours all week." Iris frowned, snuggling closer to Tony's side. The older man held out his arm, wrapping it around her waist to hold her close, while she claimed his chest as a pillow.
“I told Pepper to make sure she was home today. That’s why they came back last night. I said I’d handle anything that came up. I’m sorry Ri. They were gone before I woke up.” Iris frowned, pushing herself upwards to look down at Tony.
“Come on Iris, I remembered it, and you don’t.” Tony teased, squeezing her side gently, hooking his other hand under his head as he watched her.
“The date today is the twenty fifth of May Ma’am.” Tony tightened his hold around Iris, tugging her down to curl against his chest as tears welled in her eyes. He felt the cool sting of her tears soak through his shirt as she sobbed, hiding her face in his chest.
“Jarvis.” Tony looked away from Iris as his hand ran up and down her back, offering what little comfort he could, but he knew his arms weren’t those she should be seeking comfort from.
“I have already crafted a strongly worded text message to be sent to Agent Barton, would you like to hear it?” Jarvis replied,
“Sure J, go ahead.” Tony smiled, as his AI pretended to clear his throat.
“How dare you leave your wife alone on your two year wedding anniversary. What kind of Arsehole does that!? You best have something planned to make up for slipping away in the dead of night without even so much as a goodbye. That's low, even by my standards. Still think you’re an arse. Say hi to Pepper from me. I’m mad at her too, by the way, I told her I’d handle anything that came up today so you could be here! Arsehole. Love from Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist, Tony Stark.” Tony fought the urge to laugh as Iris pulled away from him with a smile on her face.
“That’s perfect Jarvis!” She announced, sitting up properly and crossing her legs.
“Sent the message Ma’am. I shall inform you and Sir if there is a response from your significant others. In the meantime, may I suggest that Sir takes Ma’am out for breakfast? Seeing as everyone else is out for the day, and neither of you can cook.”
“Hey! I can make Omelettes!” Tony protested, 
“Shut up and take me out. My husband ditched me.” Iris argued back, playfully shoving the genius off of his bed.
“Fine. He owes me though!” Tony grumbled, pushing himself up off the floor and heading for the bathroom.
Bruce was exhausted when he returned to the tower late that night. He expected to be left alone, Clint and Pepper were supposed to be home all day. Clint had huge plans for his second wedding anniversary, going so far as to make sure the twins would be away and convincing Pepper to keep Tony occupied for the entire day,  so to be ambushed the second he stepped out of the elevator was not what he expected.
"BRUCIE!" Iris and Tony both slung an arm over his shoulders, each had a near empty bottle of alcohol in their hand, and several more empty ones littered over the bar.
"Clint and Pepper are in Tokyo, they got called away early this morning. Sir and Ma'am are attempting to drown their sorrows in alcohol and forget." Jarvis informed Bruce, seeming to watch as the duo pulled the doctor over to the bar.
"Bruce, who would win in a fight between Santa and Peter Pan, because this one thinks it's Peter Pan, and I think it's Santa." Tony asked, pouring Bruce a glass of whiskey from a fresh bottle, before finishing the one in his hand.
"Peter Pan is thin, swift, nimble, young, and he can fly! Not to mention that he knows how to wield a blade. Santa's all chubby and jolly." Iris playfully pinched the front of Tony's shirt as insulted Santa's weight. 
"Hey!" Tony swiped at her, but she'd already danced out of his range, laughter falling from her lips.
"Not if Santa squashes Peter Pan with his sleigh," Tony grumbled, putting aside his bottle to start a play fight with Iris. Iris was laughing as she downed the last of the bottle and responded to Tony's attempted hits. The alcohol made all their movements more sluggish and uncoordinated than Bruce was used to seeing - at least from Iris, who could barely hit straight through her laughter.
"Jarvis, please tell me you are recording this?" Bruce whispered, lifting the glass to his mouth to hide his smile at his two friends.
"Of course Dr. Banner. I am also live streaming it to both Agent Barton and Ms. Potts, they're on the plane back now. Agent Barton's beating himself up that he forgot the date of his own wedding anniversary and got his time zones messed up." Jarvis responded, not worrying about Iris and Tony overhearing him as Iris tripped and thudded into the billionaire's chest. Tony wrapped an arm around her waist to keep her upright. His free hand tangling in her hair as her laughter turned to sobs. Her knees giving out beneath her. Tony was quick to lift her into his arms and carry her over to the couch, holding her close until her sobs subsided.
"Damn it, Clint." Tony disentangled himself from the younger woman, pulling the blankets from the foot of the couch to cover her as she settled into the soft cushions, stumbling towards Bruce and picking up his abandoned bottle of whiskey.
"When did you start drinking?" Bruce asked, watching Tony awkwardly clamber onto the barstool, downing half the bottle once he was settled.
"Uhrm, ten am?" Tony glanced upwards as if asking Jarvis for confirmation of his guess.
"When you got back from breakfast at ten you decided that drinking away your pain was a good idea," Jarvis replied, Bruce glanced at his watch, it had just gone ten pm now, so they'd been drinking a solid twelve hours, he had to wonder when they'd forgone glasses in favour of entire bottles.
"Thanks, J. You tell Clint he's a dick yet?" Tony slurred, pulling up a holographic screen on the bar top below him.
"Multiple times Sir," Jarvis replied, sounding almost bored of the question.
"Good." Tony nodded once to himself as he started typing.
"Tony, that can't be a good idea." Bruce tried to reach around him to minimise the document, but Tony battered his hand away with reflexes that he could have only picked up from the multiple spies and assassins that inhabited his tower.
"I'm not working on anything important. Just proving Ri wrong. Don't fret." Tony started muttering to himself as Bruce finished the last of his glass.
"Don't stay up too late." He doubted Tony even heard him as he left the room in favour of his own bed.
A scream jolted Tony awake, his head lifting up from the bar to glance around the living room, trying to ignore the throbbing in his temple as he did so. The lights, mercifully, had been dimmed enough so he could just make out figures in the background. Pepper had a frown on her face as she flicked through a few documents on the tablet in her hand, speaking softly to Jarvis, he presumed. 
The scream, however, had come from Iris, who was wrapped tightly in her husband's arms - despite her halfhearted attempts to break free. His head bowed closer to hers so he could whisper softly to her. Tony smiled when he saw her arms wrap around him rather than fight against him. Iris would hold a grudge, but right now she needed him more than she needed to be mad at him.
"Still mad?" Pepper asked softly, walking to his side and running her fingers through his hair. Tony leant into her touch.
"Yes, she was distraught all day Pep. It was horrible, he took time off to spend with her on their anniversary, and I let him be taken away." Tony reached for the still open bottle of whiskey that sat on the benchtop, Pepper intercepted it before it could pass his lips.
"You two had enough. Now come on, bed." Pepper ushered everyone into the lift with a soft smile playing on her lips.
"What's so amusing Pep?" Tony asked softly, wrapping his arms around her.
"You were so drunk that you made a 14 page PowerPoint on why Santa would beat Peter Pan in a fight, and I must say, you were quite persuasive." She replied, leaning into his side with a laugh.
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authorlmfletcher · 4 years
Miraculous Valentines: Flowers
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Day 3: Flowers
Find all our @wearemiraculous​  Valentine’s Prompt stories on Ao3 and FFnet.
Nino eyed Adrien with one eyebrow raised in disdain. 
“Seriously, Dude. Flowers? How cliche can you be?” Groaning he flopped back onto the couch in despair. This had to be perfect. 
Adrien’s idea of flowers was just too stereotypical. Might as well just add chocolates and call it a day. Gah. 
“No, Nino. Listen…. I have the BEST idea. Trust me.” 
The glint in his best friend’s eyes made Nino reconsider.
Ayla frowned at her phone in frustration, the last message sent not getting any response. Nino had said to meet him at the park near Marinette’s family bakery, but he was nowhere to be found. Waiting 15 minutes without a message or sign of his arrival did nothing for her mood, leaving her short-tempered and annoyed. 
A quick flick of her thumb had her scrolling through her contacts to open that of her best friend. 
<Have you seen Nino anywhere?>
The instant response of three dots made Alya feel better. 
<No. Why?>
A quickly worded answer explaining the situation made Alya feel better, pausing to take in another survey of the park. No Nino.
<I’m on my way!>
She hadn’t expected Marinette to drop everything and show up at the park. She just wanted to vent her frustrations with her best friend, but a flash of pink and black stumbling out the front entrance of the bakery made her smile. In all the years they had been best friends, Marinette had never failed to be a chaotic disaster. 
A gaggle of arms tangled around Alya, nearly knocking her off the bench that she had claimed to pass the time. 
“Still no Nino?” Marinette asked, stretching her neck to look around the park for their missing friend. Alya just frowned with a shrug. “Ok, let me text Adrien quick to see if he’s there or something.” 
Marinette’s fingers typed quickly, clicking away on the phone keypad in frantic movements. She stared intently at the screen until it dinged a response. A frown. 
“Nope. He doesn’t know where Nino is either. So, we’ll wait together. If he doesn’t text or show up soon, we’ll send out a search squad.” 
The park bustled with activity in the warm spring sun, children and parents laughing and playing around the statue of Paris’ heroic duo - Ladybug and Chat Noir.  Listening absentmindedly to Marinette ramble on about the early morning adventures at the bakery, Alya smiled at a young girl with oversized pigtails who approached them shyly. 
“Are you Miss Alya?” the little girl asked, big brown eyes wide and questioning. Alya frowned for a moment before nodding. The girl responded with a toothless grin and a squeal. 
“He said I had to give you this.” From behind her back, the girl pulled out a flower in a large vase and an envelope which she thrust into Alya’s hands before running off to the playground. Blinking, Alya stared at the red bloom for a moment before slowly turning to face Marinette who looked like she might explode with excitement. 
“Oh my goodness, Alya!!” she screamed, making Alya wince slightly before looking at the flower again. What was Nino up to? Passing the vase to Marinette, Alya slid her finger along the edge of the envelope to reveal a folded paper. 
Happy 7th anniversary. 
I had to do something special, so today - I’ve got a surprise for you.  
This flower is an amaryllis. It’s a symbol of radiant beauty. I thought that was perfect for you because I have always thought you were the most beautiful thing to walk the earth. Keep this flower and this vase together with you all day.  You will need them.
Your next flower is at the cage where this whole thing started. 
Read the rest of this story: 
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22507936/chapters/53869219
FFnet: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13490619/3/Love-Bug-A-Series-of-Miraculous-Love-Stories
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Happy 5th Birthday, Fostered! + celebratory playlists!
Hey People of Earth!
Today is the 5th birthday of my (ongoing) series FOSTERED. This project was with me when I entered high school and is (still) here as I’ve entered university! It’s seen six books and one spinoff, and we’re still going strong! I don’t think 13-year-old Rachel expected this project to have blown up as much as it did, but here we are, five years later, and I couldn’t be more blown away by the support I’ve gathered for a project that started from a really vague image I’d gotten in a dream. 
I wanted to do something for the anniversary, but with university midterm prep I didn’t have a lot of time, but!! I did make two playlists to hopefully sit as a placeholder until I have time to make something a little bigger, and I’m pretty happy with them!
Before I share those, I just want to share Sarah’s updated FOSTERED 2019 cast drawing she gifted me for my birthday!
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(I’m so HYPE about THIS! From left to right: Emily, Darren, Foster, Reeve, Lonan, Harrison)
And now for ze playlists! We have a duo playlist, one for Harrison, one for Lonan, the two protagonists of my current FOSTERED project (Moth Work). 
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For your happy, chill moods, I present you, Dancing With Harrison! My personal fave, we have tons of Harrison’s favourite hits to dance to. Here are some highlights:
I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) by Whitney Houston
...Baby One More Time by Britney Spears
No One Will Dance Pt. 1 by Current Joys
Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) by Beyonce
How Will I Know by Whitney Houston
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Aaaand for your completely opposite needs, I present you Depressed With Lonan! Because! Mood! Here are some highlights:
Take This Lonely Heart by Nothing But Thieves
Nowhere Man by The Beatles
No One Will Dance Pt. 2 by Current Joys
Bloodstream by Ed Sheeran
I Was Just A Kid by Nothing But Thieves
Thank you all for following the last five years of this series! To five more lol! 
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GoGo Season 2 Thoughts and Predictions
Hello my wonderful readers, I hope you’re all having a wonderful week. I finally have some time to myself and figured that alongside 2 or 3 requests I should make something a bit different. Since we have a second coming of GoGo coming I figured I may as well give my two cents somewhere. As such it will be opinion based and not very rooted in facts. If you’re looking for posts that handle more detailed coverage I would recommend “incorrecthousamoquotes” or just the LifeWonders Twitter pages respectively. 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53YYqLmUXiU Anyways, to start I don’t think anyone saw a GoGo 2 coming. Everyone around me was more excited to see what the next reprint event would be since we had been following a pattern since Chapter 9 where we’d get a new event, a reprint and so on. Personally I am excited for the characters we’re getting with this event. I think that most of the GoGo boys had their alts coming for a long while now and I am really happy to see Dagon added to the game as an actual unit, but it’s unfortunate because Dagon is much like Triton where he’s limited to this event exclusively, so players who want him will have to summon on this event specifically. I don’t understand why they’d lock Jinn, Triton and now Dagon behind a specific event banner when characters like Ded and Krampus can be pulled in the normal gacha, but I guess it is to guarantee people pull. Also I do think that shop units will get an alt corresponding to their events since we’ve had Zao with his part 2 of the event alongside Durga, and now we have Kijimuna with a GoGo alt. So I won’t be surprised if we see another Christmas alt for Yule, a valentines alt for Sitri and so on. But a cardinal sin is not giving Kurogane an alt, he totally deserves on LifeWonders! But I’ll be happy if Kurogane gets an alt alongside Oz since the two are pretty close friends. On a lighter note our next free to play unit will be Astaroth and Astarte as a Duo unit of sorts similar to Hephaestus and Talos. I’m also glad to note that their illustrator, Takako Shimura, has worked on Lesbian and trans manga prior to releasing this character duo so it’s nice to see Housamo getting some more lesbian representation. I don’t have much to say on that front since I myself am not familiar with Shimura’s work, just that Astarte and Astaroth look really cute together. 
Alongside this news, we also got the release of Drama CD’s for both Garmr and Moritaka. It makes sense since the two are really popular characters in the community and that their voice actors always seem willing to help. (Kappei Yamaguchi voices a large number of Housamo characters) So for you Garmr and Moritaka fans (which should be all of you) can look forward to getting your hands on that.
As a quick note before I move on to the last thing on my mind today, Housamo will be having it’s anniversary on the 28th of this month. It’s very strange because we don’t get the anniversary til a little later, but Housamo did come out December 3rd so they might have a big event planned for the anniversary. Which makes for a perfect segway into... 
So if you missed the end bit of the newest trailer or didn��t quite catch the ending because it was heavily blurred you can watch this video from Twitter right here which has that footage slowed down. As you can see, there appears to be animated clips of Claude and Snow, Arc, Kamui, Monobe Jinn and Triton as well. Most likely we’ll get more news on it during the anniversary but my thoughts are that we’ll be getting an OVA of Chapter 7. For starters the clips that are shown to us are all moments that happen in Chapter 7 because we don’t really see Arc or Kamui’s sword until Chapter 7, and we never really see the Shinjuku teachers gathered up in a dark room during any events except in Chapter 7. Also earlier this year on April 1st LifeWonders released a gag trailer for an 8-Bit Housamo RPG showcasing a scene from Chapter 7, so it would make the most sense to adapt that part of the story. It also makes a lot of sense since all of the cover boys have something to do that chapter and there isn’t a kiss scene to deal with the issue. It’s a good point to advertise the game. That’s also why I think it’ll be an OVA rather than a full on series since their main project has always been the game. Either way I am excited to see where this goes since this will be big for LifeWonders and the community.
And yeah, that’s all my thoughts recently about the latest Housamo developments. I’m just overall hyped to see what they have planned.
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kiramxchis · 4 years
Stuff I noticed in the OVER/5Y video because I like to over analyze anything Banri gives us and I need an outlet for it
One of the good things about IDOLiSH7′s promotions (or any of their media really) is the fact that they are FILLED with fun Easter eggs for fans of the series. Here’s everything I collected when watching and rewatching the video since it was released two days ago. There will be some slight spoilers for the main storyline though, so if you’re an Anime Only Fan please keep that in mind. A lot of these are mostly just speculation, so don’t take a lot of these to heart or consider them facts
These certainly aren’t everything. In a true IDOLiSH7 Style there’s refrences everywhere and some things were purposely left out (like how each character still has costumes from the Live Shows in it). I’m still discovering new things as I watch the video and Tumblr does have a paragraph limit so if you saw something you think I left out, feel free to add onto this post!
1. Starting off with a simple and very obvious one: Each of the Centers (Riku, Tenn, Momo and Haruka) all have an animated bit. Riku moves some clothes on a rack, Tenn opens a drawer, Momo takes a pullover off a rack and Haruka turns on a table lamp. While the actual anniversary isn’t until August, I have a feeling that they’ll be putting a lot more emphasis on the Center’s for the 5th Anniversary. It’s also worth noting that while Re:vale is a duo, when doing group photos of the Centers and Leaders, Momo is always paired with the Centers and Yuki the Leaders. The same goes for ZOOL, which actually have Duel Centers. Since Touma is also ZOOL’s Leader, he is grouped with the Leaders
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2. The Logo
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This is something I just recently noticed, but the logo for the OVER/5Y Promotion has a Compass Rose. IDOLiSH7 kinda has a thing for journeys, such as with WiSH VOYAGE and DiSCOVER THE FUTURE, both of which are the anime series two openings. I can’t remember if that has always been the case or if it’s a recent addition but with the Compass Rose taking up most of the logo, I’m gonna say it was always there. According to anamcaralife(.)com, the Compass Rose represents spiritual direction, awakening and discovery. Additionally, the four directions represent infinite possibility, the present, the past, and the future [X], meaning their journey isn’t done here, and there’s still many more years for us to learn, grow, laugh, love and dream with IDOLiSH7, TRIGGER, Re:vale and ZOOL. That’s probably what the “OVER” part of “OVER/5Y” means. That this series is going to live on beyond it’s 5th anniversary
3. References To Past Events
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Obviously in a video for the upcoming 5th Anniversary is going to have references to past events. It’s a pretty big milestone for a series (RIP, my Stones come August). We see lots of examples of the previous campaigns CROSSINGXUS, Light Future and Non-fiction. I’m not surprised that the What Is Non-fiction reference and one of the CROSSINGXUS I found were in ZOOL’s segment since that was the first campaign they were apart of. The first CROSSINGXUS reference I found was in Nagi’s still. Part 4 (which was being released during the 4th anniversary) focused very heavily on Nagi and ZOOL so that made me happy
I also think a CROSSINGXUS reference is in Ryu’s still, but it’s blurry so I can’t really read it
4. Visual Board Tour Photograph
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This one get’s it own separate point! The photograph inside the drawer Tenn pulls out is a photograph “taken” right after IDOLiSH7 gets back from their Visual Board Tour, bringing gifts for TRIGGER and Re:vale
5. 14
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The number 14 is easily one the most noticeable things in Touma’s still. It’s right there by his shoulder so you can’t really miss it. 14 is a multiple of 7, math is my worst subject and even I know it. Touma’s most obvious Character Foil is Riku, and he’s also the member of IDOLiSH7 that Touma is closest too. Ever since Part 3 the main storyline has made it very clear that Riku sorta has this innate ability to draw attention to himself outside of just his cute face and bubbly personality. Small bits of evidence can be seen early on but it grows more and more as the story progresses. By the end of Part 4 it got to the point were shirts Riku wore on variety shows were being sold out within minutes of being restocked and women stopped wearing perfume with strong scents after Riku said he didn’t like it during a TV interview.
To understand why this effects Touma, we must look back at Touma’s backstory. Touma used to belong to an Idol Unit called NO_MAD. NO_MAD disbanded shortly before the series began due to TRIGGER’s rising popularity. Many of their fans became TRIGGER fans, lots of jobs that once would have gone to them went to TRG instead and Touma fully blamed the group’s decline in popularity solely on TRIGGER. When NO_MAD disbanded, Touma was full of resent and hatred for TRIGGER, enough to the point were he was easily convinced by Ryo to join ZOOL. Touma rejoined the industry with a black heart, claiming he would never sing seriously again because why did it matter if their fans would leave them for the next shiny thing? Touma’s entire ideology crumbled underneath him when meeting Riku, and remainders of his past love for singing and preforming began to shine though his bad boy persona. By the middle of Part 4 Touma had almost fully turned around. He began to see Haruka, Minami and Torao as actually groupmates, people he wanted to bring to the top with him and not some people he should at least get along with for the next 3 years. And that was all because of Riku. Whether he liked it or not, Riku was able to bring back the old Touma. I couldn’t find any numbers in any of the other Leader’s still so TouRiku Stans Come Get Your Bread
Going back to Touma and TRIGGER for a second, 14 minus 8 is six. Six is a multiple of 3. There are three members in TRIGGER. I don’t think much else needs to be said
6. Gaku’s Birthday
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For some reason Torao’s still had a calendar that’s set to Gaku’s birthday (August 16th) meaning this is sign of warning that something big is coming on that day, or it’s a reference to how Torao usurped Gaku for his position as the Most Desired Embrace
And that’s all I collected so far! Again, if you saw something you think I didn’t notice or purposely left out and want to bring attention to it, feel free to add it on! Hopefully Banri never makes me do something like this again
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bobo-is-tha-bomb · 4 years
The Ever After series
a.k.a. the Project that is ongoing for half my life
I only just realized something, and I should have paid closer attention to it. This year it’s the fifteenth anniversary of the Ever After series! This series is my longest, ongoing project to date, and started with a handwritten story that I diligently typed over on my computer whenever (I hoped) my mom wasn’t watching. She never was happy with my writing hobby, but I prove to be quite stubborn, haha...
This series is very dear to me, and this year I will start on the final story. In 2021 it will be completed, and that is just a very, very strange idea. It even makes me feel a little sad. I know I will still have plenty of stories to tell, but this series is just something I poured so much time and effort into, that I think it became part of me. As I grew as an author, so did the stories!
The beginning - Now and Forever
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This is a real trip down memory lane! This is the very first version of Now and Forever! I was fifteen years old when I started on this first draft and it always was with me as I was writing it. I even took it with me on vacation, and spend many rainy days pouring over this little manuscript in Turkey.
I had just discovered Freedom of Speech fanfiction at that time and stumbled across this series called ‘For the Love of Trowa Barton’ (I think it was called that??), in which one of the Trowa fangirls of the archive collected stories written for Trowa. Later on this cutie became a dear friend who I even got to meet in real life (but that’s a story for another time, LOL). But that series of stories triggered me into writing a story for Trowa myself.
I completed the story and posted it, and at that time it was written to the best of my abilities. Fifteen year old me didn’t have the thought to turn this into a series yet. The story was well received, despite the serious plotholes and spelling/grammar errors. My English wasn’t so good at that time yet, but I was proud of what I had accomplished. So how did this one time story turn into the series it is today?
The error - Forgive and Forget 1.0
It was about two years later that I figured I’d write a story about Duo. The first part was about fifty percent written when I encountered a huge writer’s block. I took a break from fanfiction that lasted almost a year. I went on my study abroad, and it was there that I rediscovered my love for writing. I wrote a couple of stories in a notebook, and upon my return, dove into the files on my USB. I found the first part of the story I had written for Duo, and got determinded to finish it. And with that determination I rushed it. Badly.
I got some critical reviews that told me the story needed more work than I had put into it. I was not so happy with those reviews, but I later came to realize these reviewers were right. I did rush the story in a way that made it unrealistic. But the story was already complete and out on the internet, and my interests had turned to new ideas. So I left the story for what it was.
The birth of a series
Just a couple of months after finishing that first version of Forgive and Forget, I got the plotbunny for a story for Heero. The basic idea was to write a Heero version of Now and Forever. And in thruth, some of the plot elements are the same. At the same time I realized that this would be my third story with a format consisting of just a few, but long parts and that I could turn it into a series.
I fell in love with writing Heero’s story, and I think that when you read it you can feel that love. When I finished Every Moment I considered it my best story to date. The way it was received made me fall in love with the story even more and I was quick to realize that if I was indeed going to turn this into a series, the first two stories would need some work to be up to the same standard that Every Moment was.
And so I sat down to edit Now and Forever. I expanded the plot, deleted and rewrote scenes, and turned it into the story it is today. It surprised me how easy the revision was. Forgive and Forget had to be a piece of cake.
But, boooy, was I wrong about that.
Already on the first page of the first part I hit a wall and I had no idea how to break it. The longer I thought about it, the harder it seemed. I simply had no idea how to turn the story as it was into something better. I decided to postpone the revision and started on Wufei’s story instead.
The Wufei phase
Up untill that point I never had written a multi-part/chaptered story for Wufei. So far it had just been a few ficlets and a one-shot, so I never got to dive into his character. And I discovered him to be so much fun! It resulted into a full-blown Wufei phase, and for sometime I really thought he had replaced Heero as my muse (sorry, Heero-baby! XD). I just wrote and wrote and wrote, and the story turned into a gigantic six-part monster. I got a little carried away, I guess. But -oh- it was marvelous!
After that I couldn’t resist writing some more stories for Wufei. I just had to get him out of my system and since I still had no idea what to do with Duo’s story, it was a good way to pass the time.
Forgive and Forget - the good version
But then I finally figured out how to tackle Duo’s story: I was simply going to rewrite it from scratch! I took some time to figure out which elements of the orginal story I wanted to keep and what should be changed, and then sat down to write. Four parts of the story have been completed so far, and I’m estimating that it will need another two!
I love the story so much more now, and it is rewarding to write this new version. Duo is a complex character and it’s a struggle sometimes to figure out how to write a scene. But I hope that when it’s finished, it will be just as good as the other stories I’ve written for the series.
The future
When Duo’s story is finished I have one more left to write: Quatre’s story. I already have a vague idea for the plot an hope to write a story for him that does him justice. So far, I’ve only written one-shots and short stories for Quatre and that needs to change. I’m looking forward to setting my teeth into him.
But with that final installment, the series is not yet over. Behind the scenes I’ve been working on a little surprise for you. I won’t reveal what it is until all the stories are up, so you have to be patient a little while longer! ;)
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