fishi-um · 2 years
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Can we plz talk about how everyone is looking forward but only kahaku is looking back at fushi in the new color page
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lewvithur · 1 year
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h.s by tom cardy is so guscore
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fun-esta · 4 months
Ok, hear me out guys 🗣️📣
If I were in Christopher's shoes, and Joker just brought my soul from the depths of hell to revive me and be free to pursue my life goal again, and in return he asked me to be his playmate/companion/friend in this dramatically sensual way in the rain, I would completely rethink my sexuality, my heart would be already in his hands for him to tear it apart, i would bite my lips to not moan, and my highly death-driven ass would say yes without a second's hesitation 😭
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clockwork-carstairs · 5 months
i have to say seeing how popular jem is now, knowing he hasn't always been, is SO reassuring and relieving. not because other characters aren't great or have good values, but because it means jem's standout qualities – things like kindness, compassion, gentleness, being thoughtful – are being appreciated and seen as more important and that's SUCH a good thing. especially knowing ya's history of pushing forward the toxic-cocky-mysterious bad boy agenda… we're finally putting qualities like kindness above that, which is a really positive step forward. i know it's more nuanced than this, and tsc's characters are far more nuanced (jem's sole trait isn't being kind, for instance) but he wasn't always appreciated this much and as a longtime jem fan i truly love to see it. i grew up reading books where the mc always went for the mysterious bad boy character – ruder, testy, provocative – and often these characters were more popular because being kind was seen as 'boring' or meant you could only ever be in the friendzone. jem was one of the first characters i read who had this really horrible backstory, but throughout everything was genuinely just kind. it's really wonderful to see so many people appreciating that :)
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thesummerestsolstice · 5 months
Okay I'll talk about my "standard Gil-Galads" in another post but I also have one very niche AU Gil-Galad I've been meaning to write something about: Fin(arfin)-Galad. Because, think about it. The timeline doesn't exactly work, but Finarfin comes with the host of Aman and decides to stay in Middle-Earth afterwards. And there's so much there.
Finarfin finally following the footsteps of his family, late and last, as always.
Seeing Beleriand in ruins, the wreckage and graves of four of his children, and still decides to stay. And no one understands why.
Is it because he feels responsible for what's left of the Noldor? Does he feel shame for leaving his children alone to face the darkness? Is there nothing in Valinor for him after the devastation of Alqualonde? Does he have some of the Noldor ambition and fire in him after all?
Finarfin was once easy to read, but he isn't anymore. He takes his feelings and reasons both to his grave.
He takes a new name, and speaks so little of his past that over time, most forget who he is, and begin to assume he must be Orodreth's son, or something like that.
Sometime in the Second Age, Fingolfin is released from Mandos, and Finarfin, who has always been exactly where Fingolfin thought he was, is nowhere to be seen.
The Noldor of the First Age remember Finarfin as the prince who stayed behind, but he ends up becoming the longest-reigning and most successful Noldor King in Middle-Earth.
He builds his own realm in Lindon, he gets to see his daughter married and with a child of her own, the remnants of his brothers' lines survive in Elrond and Celebrimbor.
He makes Elrond his heir, though he knows Elrond will never take the crown. There's an understanding between them– king and herald, both doomed to live half in the visions of foresight they have.
Is he happy there? Does he know?
And in the end he dies recklessly, in fire, charging into a hand-to-hand fight with a mad god.
Just like his brothers.
(Or his son)
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runwhileyoucan · 3 months
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fishing, reading a book, Practicing the guitar and napping.
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brainmoss · 7 months
Horseshoe Overlook
By the fires
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sneez · 4 days
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it’s gwynplaine! :D please don’t tag as body horror or anything similar [id in alt text]
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do you guys ever think about how, when troy started messing with abed in 1x05, and they have that interaction like
“because I’m barack obama’s nephew”
“why are you telling me all this now?”
“I didn’t know if I could trust you. but now it’s time to tell you everything”
abed probably finally felt like he was really connecting with troy? like he was finally making a real friend? I mean troy was trusting him with his deepest secrets. to then find out that troy was just messing with him, and that those moments of percieved true friendship were just lies for entertainmemt… ouch.
and then him trying to adapt to troy’s view of friendship throughout the episode and him just being painfully wrong and going too over the top.
plus, troy’s position that “friends mess with each other” must originate from his high school experience. I’m sure he himself got messed with a lot as a kid/teenager. so, he learned to tell when people are lying for fun to him, and he learned how to do it to others. there’s a lot more to be said about that but again. Ouch!!!
I mean, of course it all ends well, with troy realizing that friendships don’t have to be built on surface-level pranks, and abed realizing that troy had been a real friend all along… and just them both realizing that they do genuinely care about each other, and that they’re each different from any other friend or acquaintance they’d ever had before. but yeah.
and this is all literally episode FIVE. stop it
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heybiji · 3 months
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a couple Bionics for good luck
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cankersaurus · 10 months
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Weird that ive never seen content of denis and charlie drawing eachpther
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he also meal preps
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thedailydescent · 3 months
I really don't buy the opinion that Louis hated becoming the "dom" + businessman in Paris. You can tell in that scene from 2x06 when he brings in the art piece to Armand's office he's entranced just talking about it and its potential. You all took Lestat's "All these roles you conform to and none of them your true nature" to mean he hates working/making money/providing for others in any capacity and just wants to be a submissive housewife (although we can see in Season 1 that the only thing keeping him happy in that role was Claudia- once she was gone or when Lestat became abusive towards her he hated it). Don't many housewives hate being housewives? Do businessmen always like the work? Louis likes being cared for and seen but he also likes having autonomy and projects to work on- money made by selling artwork fulfills that need. And Armand's supposed acceptance and submission in that 2x06 scene contrasts with Lestat's attitude towards Louis's work in New Orleans ("I have all the money we need" "This is Louis's hobby, not mine"), so that also plays into it. If Louis's making the money and taking charge in the bedroom, he can at least have the illusion of control.
Louis still doesn't know who he is at this point so saying he only likes being in certain roles (he's either a "violent pimp" or a passive wallflower who only likes to bottom, neither of which are true and the former being a really racist statement) contradicts his overall arc in Season 2. And the sad part is he still hasn't found it by the end of the season because he's found himself stuck with another abusive partner with his last tethers to humanity cut off. But saying he was forced into trying these new things out in Paris or has always despised playing the "Maitre" role throughout the duration of their relationship (for reasons other than when Armand tries to take back control while he's performing it, which is why it doesn't work in the first place), is a stretch in my opinion. The only conclusive thing we can make about Louis's preferences is that he hates when things grow stagnant. He can't play one role for too long, otherwise it gets boring.
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floweryred · 9 months
In Last Life, Joel didn’t have any real allies.
It wasn’t entirely his fault, I suppose, becoming the Boggieman on his second session, losing four lives trying to get a kill, and managing to make an enemy out of everyone in the process. However, Scar was also the Boggieman, and he didn’t die once. Most people didn’t die trying to get a kill. Still, it’s hard not to feel a little bad for him. His start was promising, too. Partnered with Scar on magical mountain with five lives. However, three poor attempts at murder and one risky gamble with Tango put him as a red in his second session, guaranteeing that he was alone.
And then what became of him? When Joel didn’t have any allies, he really tried to keep himself entertained. He’s not very good at setting traps, but with nobody to stop him (or nobody to help him) he runs around for two whole sessions attempting to get a kill. And he sort of loses his mind? Getting more and more desperate to the point to screaming, giggling(?), And even saying at one point “going a bit mad, going a bit mental.” In a high pitched singsong voice.
And when he finally got one, Grian, and took him down to red life, Joel said “…now I have a friend”. And then he got another one, Cleo. The pure joy you can hear in his voice when he gets both of these is honestly adorable. But he is so desperate for blood. (And you could say that it’s because he was red, but I don’t think so. Because he’s been red other times, and he wasn’t this insane.) and he worked tirelessly, failing over and over again, until he found a friend. And then, like I’ve said, they were inseparable, dying screaming each others names.
Because when Joel was alone, without any allies, he immediately lost his mind. And he worked tirelessly to force an alliance through bloodshed.
In Double Life, Pearl didn’t have any real allies.
This sounds almost impossible. She was soul-bound to Scott, but they were not allied. It was simply decided that she was not wanted, and so she was cast away. She wasn’t even allies with Martyn, who was also cast away from his soulmate. Instead, she was forced in to a tower alone.
And then what became of her? Well, Pearl made her own ally, her own soulmate. A wolf, Tilly. And then Tilly dies and she gets another Tilly. She was alone, but she manages to make the best of her situation, finding a way to torture the soulmate who abandoned her with powdered snow. She makes a habit of stealing “as a joke”, which eventually gets her killed. (Side note, Joel actually killed them both times. Good for him ig).
She doesn’t face her soulmate until the fifth session, but it was more out of necessity and “safety in numbers” (Along with Cleo and Martyn). But their alliance is uneasy and very on-and-off. Still, Pearl does very well on her own, managing to keep herself sane with just her dogs. The only time she kills (aside from the end) anyone is when her true soulmate, Tilly, is killed in the final session and she gets revenge. And she takes on Martyn and Cleo with just her wolves as a final battle. And she still wins. And Pearl emerges from Double life victorious.
(I’m ignoring Scott’s self-sacrifice)
Because when Pearl was alone, she was entirely self-reliant and managed to get a victory.
In Secret Life, Scar and Lizzie didn’t have any real allies.
I’ve already posted about this, so I will keep it shorter. But Lizzie and Scar both had no allies.
Lizzie kicked Cleo out of her area at the very start. Cleo built a horrible oak platform over her cherry blossom one and Lizzie “evicted” her. And then she never managed to make another ally. She taunted Grian for not having friends (instead of offering to join him or something) and seemed relatively content alone until her task requires the whole server to cooperate and she couldn’t get anyone to listen to her. Nobody came to her party (which to be fair, was probably because they were already suspicious of her trying to get them to go to The End) and she was killed by Jimmy when trying to cheer herself up. She went around trying desperately to do her red tasks. And then she died first, alone in the void, attempting to kill Scott.
Because when Lizzie was alone, she did so poorly she broke Jimmy’s Canary Curse.
But Scar, well, Scar was evil. He usually is. He didn’t make any allies in Last Life either, and he was fine. But Scar was different because he at some point decided not to be evil. But he had to. The Secret Keeper forced him to. And he would tell himself “I’m going to make friends today” and then would instead need to be ‘disliked by a majority of people on the server’ or ‘do the opposite of whatever anyone tells you’. But he built a reputation as a general nuisance instead of a threat. And so in the finale, he managed to join up with multiple alliances and nobody stopped him, because he was seen as harmless. And he stuck with an alliance he was never a part of until it had fallen to pieces and he and Pearl were the only ones left in it. And he didn’t kill her, instead using her to take out Gem. And then they were the only ones left. And then he did kill her. Finishing his final task.
Because when Scar was alone, he managed to scam and villain his way in to victory.
Maybe you’ve noticed something. Two people, Lizzie and Joel, did very poorly. And they sort of went crazy. While SL Scar and Pearl both won, despite their lack of friendships and alliances.
And the difference between the two groups, is that the people who did poorly…? Honestly I’m not sure. I think it may just be that the people who went crazy tried to go on a murderous rampage/ just were generally unpleasant and were seen as threats because of it. But then, SL Scar was the same way? Maybe it’s just because he’d built a reputation, but Joel and Lizzie had both only played one season before their nonsense. Or maybe it’s just because some people aren’t meant to be that alone.
Maybe we’ll never know.
*(I specified SL Scar because Last Life Scar also had no allies but I didn’t want to write about him twice. And SL Scar balanced out my 2/2 thing)
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that-gay-gal · 6 months
My poor son :[
A pretty quick little “animation” I made technically. I just heard this audio and decided to use it for my favorite guy :]
He’s so silly goofy in the movie being krangified and everything /j
Also something about the way I draw him in this I really like. Idk what it is… probably the coloring/shading or something but I love how it turned out
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
Everyone keeps on saying that the Rise boys would adopt 2012 Mikey, but in reality they would adopt 2012 Raph.
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