milksnake-tea · 2 months
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❀ ˎˊ- prompt: wise likes you, and just about everyone on sixth street knows. ❀ ˎˊ- wise x gn!reader ❀ ˎˊ- wc: 1.3k ❀ ˎˊ- warnings: slightly ooc wise idk im still lvl 26 okay ❀ ˎˊ- a/n: thanks you stellaronhvnters for plaguing my mind w wise. anywho this my mini break from the series LMAO wise. i love you king.
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Wise can hardly focus, and for once, it isn’t because of you.
Not that he minds being distracted by you - quite the opposite. He could spend hours just watching you talk and getting lost in your eyes, occasionally nodding or agreeing with whatever you were talking about the day. He liked hearing your voice; it was soothing like a cool river, especially after a grueling day.
But this time, it’s him who’s being stared at, and to his disappointment, the one burning holes into him isn’t you (although he severely doubts he could handle it if it were to be you).
No, instead, General Chop stares at him from the corner of his eye as he prepares other customers’ orders, a hint of knowing in his usual smile. Wise can see the excitement in the chef’s eyes, and it doesn’t take a genius to know why.
He seizes up, bumping his chopsticks. He’s quick to fix himself as you shoot him a nervous, but questioning smile.
“Sorry, you were saying?” he says smoothly (at least he hopes it’s smooth, he still doesn’t know how to talk to pretty people), eager to move past his minor mishap.
“Oh, it’s nothing,” you laugh. “I was just saying that you have a little something on your face.”
Wise feels his cheeks warm. “Oh, really? Thanks for telling me.”
He moves to grab some napkins, but you beat him to it. Wise swears something in him malfunctions when he turns and suddenly you’re all too close to him, your hand reached out to clean up his face.
“Wha- Wait, what’re you-” he sputters, nearly falling off his stool as he lurches back.
“Hey, stand still,” you scold, your slight annoyance only serving to speed up his heart rate because who in the world said it was okay for you to be this cute.
At this point, he wouldn’t be surprised if steam was coming from his head, with how fuzzy his mind feels. He can’t think, can’t breathe, can’t do anything but just sit there, dazed as you dab obliviously at the corner of his lip.
As you pull away, he lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, mentally thanking whatever deities reigned above that he hadn’t fainted on the spot. That would’ve been embarrassing; Belle would never let him live it down.
His face feels cooler - hopefully it isn’t so red anymore. By the time he’s able to think coherently again, you’ve started chatting again. Wise nods along (he has no idea what you’re talking about), and goes to slurp up some of his noodles when he sees General Chop again.
The chef, obviously holding back a cackle, grins encouragingly at him and flashes him a thumbs up in support. Wise internally groans. Would it be a bad idea if he drowned himself in his noodles right now?
And this isn’t the first time either - Wise is pretty sure the entirety of Sixth Street is aware of his… ugh, crush on you (saying it out loud both hurts him and makes him feel warm inside. Which is a terrible feeling. He wants to throw up).
Just last week, he’d seen you at the Coff Café, and Tin Man, being both a gracious cafe owner and a huge romantic, had decided that that day was a good day to have a 50% off deal specifically for pairs if they bought two or more items.
Wise hadn’t questioned it at first, since it was normal for shops to occasionally hold discounts like these to attract more customers. Even he was guilty of it, being a business co-owner himself.
But then you had to call him out in the line, excitedly waving him over as you were at the cashier ordering. Tin Man was behind you, a smile in his eyes that Wise wasn’t sure he liked, but he begrudgingly made his way over.
He still remembers the way your eyes sparkled as you explained the discount to him. They reminded him of the stars he’d see at twilight, when he couldn’t sleep and would climb to the roof just to watch New Eridu’s nightlife.
Naturally, he had accepted your offer of buying him a free drink (no one refuses free food), but he quickly learned to regret it when he saw the mischievous gleam in Tin Man’s artificial eyes.
He still gets flustered thinking of it now - the heart-shaped whipped cream and the whisper of “good luck” haunts him, especially when he thinks about how confused you were at the impromptu decoration.
The amount of times he’s caught his neighbors playing matchmaker, he can’t count on both hands - and that’s not including what Belle has tried. It’d be funny if it wasn’t also incredibly humiliating.
“Master, if you were planning on drifting off, perhaps you should’ve stayed home to take a nap.”
Wise sighs. “Be quiet, Fairy. I’m in public.”
“What?” you blink. Wise blinks back before realizing he’d been a little too loud.
“Sorry, I was talking to myself,” he chuckles awkwardly, hands fiddling with each other - it’s a nervous habit of his. You smile understandingly.
“No, it’s okay,” you say, pushing your bowl towards General Chop to signify you were done with it. “You’ve been out of it today, Wise. Something on your mind?”
You, Wise wants to say, but he doesn’t feel like embarrassing himself further. “I guess I’m just tired. Long day today.”
“I can tell,” you laugh, the sound music to his ears. You hop off the stool after sliding your share of the payment to General Chop. “Come on, I’ll walk you home. You look like you’re about to fall asleep.”
Wise’s heart does a little tap dance at your offer, but he manages to keep his cool. He hastily pays General Chop before eagerly joining you in your short walk to Random Play.
“Bro!” Belle greets him enthusiastically as he opens the door. Her eyes light up when she sees you, and she raises her eyebrows suggestively at her brother. Wise shoots her a glare when you aren’t looking. “[Name], too? How was your da- mmghhifjk-”
Wise smiles innocently as he slaps a hand over Belle’s mouth. You can’t help but laugh at the two, and Wise admires the crinkle the corners of your eyes.
“Ignore her,” he says nonchalantly, wrinkling his nose as Belle licks his hand like the little rat she is. “Do you want to come in, or…?”
“No, I shouldn’t.” You wave your hands bashfully. “It’s getting late, so I should be getting back home.”
Wise nods in understanding. Belle pries herself free and he wipes his spit-covered hand on her sleeve, ignoring her sputters and protests (she chose this path. She will reap its consequences).
“Well, I guess this is goodbye.”
You nod, shifting your feet. “I guess it is.”
Wise’s brows furrow at your behavior - what’s on your mind. But thankfully, he doesn’t have to wait long before his inquiry is answered.
You take a step forward, and Wise feels your arms loop around him in a tight hug. Suddenly, his senses are elevated, and it’s almost as if everything is enhanced tenfold. He can feel your heartbeat against his chest, the soft sound of your breath, your hair tickling his face and the heat that radiates off of your body against him.
“I really enjoyed today,” you say, stepping back with a smile that could rival an angel’s. “Thanks for hanging out with me.”
Wise tries to formulate a response, but all that comes out is a squeak like a dying balloon. God, if his face was red before, it must be flaming now. You giggle at his response, before you wave both him and Belle goodbye and leave for your home.
It takes a good five minutes before he can speak again.
“Hey sis?”
Belle sounds as shocked as him. “Yeah?”
“I think I’m going to faint.”
He hears his sister sigh.
“Wise, you’re helpless, you know that?” she shakes her head exasperatingly. “And just when you finally made progress too.”
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reblogs w comments are appreciated !!
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strniohoeee · 7 months
Pick Up
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Opting to walk home late at night, Y/N occupies her time by calling someone from her past. But will they pick up?
Warnings⚠️: None, this is a filler imagine so it’s SHITTT. Mentions of being drunk and high (weed). Cigarette use and that’s all🤍
Song for imagine: Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?- Arctic Monkeys
Now it’s three in the morning
And I’m trying to change your mind
Left you multiple missed calls
And to my message, you reply
Why’d you only call me when you’re high?
Stepping out onto the uneven payment, my heels wobble in the cracks as I balance myself. Sniffling and shivering as I pull my jackets closer to my body. The sound of more bodies shoveling out of the club.
Walking to the curb as I wait to order an Uber home. Kicking gravel off the sidewalk as I try to recollect myself. Too many drinks and too many pulls from a joint I was blinking fast. A stupid attempt to get my eyes to feel not so heavy.
I pull out my phone and open my contacts letting my finger hang over the one person's contact I should’ve gotten rid of a long time ago. Taking a deep breath I slide my hand into my purse and pull out a cigarette. An American Spirit to be exact. The best ones to smoke while you were a bit drunk. At least I thought so…..
“Wanna head home with me” I heard from behind me, turning over I offer a smile to my friend
“Oh no I’ll just Uber home” I said to him, placing a cigarette between his lips and lighting it as he leans over to light mine for me
“Thanks” I mumble as I take a long drag
“You smoke up all my weed and you won’t even come home with me?” He asks laughing
“Your party tricks don’t work on me sir, you gotta be smarter than that” I replied laughing
“At least I can say I tried” he said laughing too
“Hey! Listen, thank you for inviting me out tonight. I really needed that” I said to him as I tap my cigarette and watch the ash fall
“Of course! You know I got you. Whenever you’re feeling down just hit me up” he said smiling at me
“I love you” I say taking one last pull from my cigarette
“I love you too Y/N. To better days and to better men” he said nudging my arm with a smirk
“Amen” I reply hugging him
Tapping the cigarette out with my heel as I watched him get into an Uber with a guy and a girl….. man was he a slut. Waving bye to him as I pull out my phone again.
Stepping back from the curb I lean against the light pole as I pull my phone out again. I mean I could just walk home. It was probably a 20-25 minute walk. A nice phone call and a nice breeze? I opted out of the Uber.
Using the excuse of “it saves me money”….it was only a $8 Uber ride….whatever! I began my journey home. The only issue I thought was the pain my feet would be in, in about 10 minutes.
Dragging my tongue over my teeth I let out a sharp breath of air and looked down at my screen. My finger once again hovering over that one specific contact. I shouldn’t….but who cares…..but we haven’t seen each other in so long…..don’t do it…do it….
I shook my head and hit call mobile…..
Christopher🩶 calling mobile…..
My heels clacked against the pavement rapidly as I waited for him to pick up. The ringing sent shivers down my spine.
“I’m sorry the number you have reached is not available-“
I hung up before it could finish. Groaning to myself out of annoyance but also embarrassment. I opened the iMessage between us…. An honestly embarrassing history.
Why don’t you ever pick up?
Read 2:53am 1/20/23
Chris I miss you😔
Read 9:46pm 1/26/23
Helloooooo you never pick up when I call
Read 11:11 pm 3/10/23
Ik it’s been a while, but at least answer me…
Read: 5:03am 5/26/23
Do you ever miss what we had?😕
Read 4:23am 5/27/23
Chrissssssss answer me🧎🏽‍♀️
Read 12:56am 7/19/23
I’m with Nick and Matt…..
7/19/23 1:02am
I miss you Christopher🖤
Read 1:15am 7/19/23
It’ll pass.
7/19/23 1:16am
Why do you never pick up!
Read 4:47am 9/17/23
Are you drunk rn?
9/17/23 4:47am
Maybe a little tipsy, but 100% high
Read 4:48am 9/17/23
Sorry I never stop calling, I just miss you
Read 2:08am 10/31/23
Merry Christmas🤍
Read 8:15am 12/25/23
Wish I was celebrating the new year with you
Miss you <3
Read 12:10am 1/01/24
January 1st, 2024 12:10am
Pick up.
Read 2:39am 02/12/24
No I’m not proud of this, but once I was under the influence I couldn’t stop my fingers from moving. No, I never texted the next morning to apologize because the following weeks and days I’d do it all over again.
But somehow seeing the ‘read’ logo pop up made my heart hurt just a tiny bit more. Shaking my head I kept walking. I had another 18 minutes till I was home. Suddenly my phone started buzzing. I looked down and I was immediately anxious
Incoming call
I decide to pick up, placing the phone against my ear as I wait for him to speak.
“Hello?” He says in a question
“Hi Chris” I say back more excited than him
“You alright?” He asks me
“Of course I am” I said back
“Where are you right now?” He asks me a bit concerned
“You don’t get to ignore me for a year and then ask me where I am” I said in a slurred way
“You’re right I don’t, so bye” he said instantly which caused me to freak out
“No no! Sorry I’m walking home” I said to him
“Walking home? Now? At this hour? With who? Where were you?” He asks frantically
“I’m alone and I just came from a bar. I’ve had a bit too much to drink and a bit too much weed” I responded giggling
“I can pick you up” he says to me
“No don’t worry I’m almost home plus the streets are quite tonight” I say back to him
“Well stay on the line with me till you get into your apartment, got it?” He says sternly
“Yes sir” I reply back giggling
“Why’d you call?” He asks
“The same reason I’ve called and texted constantly. I miss you” I said to him
“Well why’d you only call me when you’re high?” He asks
“High? Why’d I only ever call you when I’m high?” I asked a bit taken back
“Y/N, you never call me at normal hours other than Christmas. It’s always party hours and it’s always “i miss you” you only call and text when you’re high and drunk” he replies a bit annoyed
“I just happen to be under the influence when I want to share my love with you” I reply sniffling
“You never text me or call me when you’re sober. Are you scared to talk when your mind is completely clear?” He asks me
“What? No….” I say in a whisper
“I think you are….” He says back
“Well how come you never answer me then?” I reply back
“Because I’ve moved on” he says flat out
“Moved on?” I ask as I turn a corner trotting closer to my apartment complex
“What we had was great and of course I miss you, but we’re over. And I can’t be the crutch when you’re drunk and high” he says
“I don’t need you to be my crutch” I respond rolling my eyes
“Then you would call me when you’re sober” he replies
“Whatever” I say back getting angry
“No reason to be mad” he says laughing a bit
“I’m not mad” I say back instantly
“Well then is that all you needed to get off your chest?” He asked me
“Yeah that’s all” I say back sternly
I cross the street and walk towards my apartment complex. Opening the glass door and walking into the lobby. My heels click hard and fast as I stomp over to the elevator. Getting up to my floor and walking into my apartment.
“I’m home” I say bluntly
“I’m glad you’re safe” he responds
There was a moment of silence. Chewing my lip as I kick my heels off and throw myself down on my couch.
“So you don’t miss me?” I ask him looking up at my ceiling
“Of course I do, but we just weren’t meant for each other” he says in a huff
“Weren’t meant for each other…” I repeat back lowly
“Well yeah, we always argue and we just never saw eye to eye” he said back
“I suppose that’s true” I say to him
“What exactly is it that you miss about me?” He asks a bit intrigued
“I miss your smile, and your eyes, your silky hair, I miss your laugh. I miss the stupid shit you’d do…..I just miss it all” I said as I smiled to myself
“Drunk words are sober thoughts” he said laughing a bit
“But you’ve known this” I said to him
“I suppose so” he replied back
“Well anyways I’m home now, it was great hearing your voice. I’ll leave you alone now” I said to him sitting up and running my hands through my hair
“Yeah it was great talking to you, but just do me one favor. Stop calling me.” He says and my heart shatters
“Uh..yeah okay” I say in a whisper as a lump forms in my throat
“…..stop calling me when you’re high. Call me tomorrow morning when you’re sober” he says laughing a bit at me
“You asshole you scared me” I said giggling
“I’m sorry, I was just messing with you” he said laughing
“Whatever, but fine I’ll text you tomorrow morning” I said to him
“Good and maybe we could meet for lunch” he says
“Ouuu a date?” I say wiggling my brows
“No! Just catching up” he says scoffing
“Sure thing” I say, he giggles and we say our goodbyes.
Hanging up the phone as I toss it on the couch. I open my patio doors and step out. Lighting my cigarette as I look out into the quiet night sky.
Taking a drag I let it all sink in. All my embarrassing texts and calls to him eventually led me back into his life. Taking a drag as I exhale through my nose. I was such a hot fucking mess, but at least the pieces were slowly falling into place.
I just couldn’t understand why I’d only ever call him when I’m high…..
The End
This was just a short imagine to fill in for the fact I’ve been MIA for two weeks. This was ass, but I’ll put out better shit in the next coming days. I love yall dearly 😋🖤🖤
176 notes · View notes
whyse7vn · 9 months
[ot7 x reader]
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tae: pop quiz should i kill myself?
y/n: please
tae: knew it
you fucking hate me and you ARE in love with that mingi guy
y/n: mingi
tae: it’s okay baby no need to apologise i know how crazy fans can get and i know you love me and me ONLY
not mingi
come here let’s cuddle (fuck)
y/n: k
tae: wait 😭😭😭
baby you forgot you apologise
y/n: for what
tae: mingi
they are shipping you with mingi
i can’t even say his name
y/n: you’ve said his name like four times already
tae: ok but i threw up every time
y/n: but you still said his name?
tae: what is your problem
y/n: i miss mingi i’m sorry
i get mad when i don’t see my man for a while
tae: aw babe 🥰
come over
y/n: did you even read what i said?
tae: i’m depressed
y/n: cool don’t care ur not mingi
tae: i could be
y/n: no you couldn’t
tae: ok but
y/n: but?
tae: nothing
y/n: that’s what i thought
tae: don’t call me that
yk it gets me hot and bothered
y/n: are you horny or depressed
tae: don’t ask me stupid questions wtf
ofc i’m horny 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
do you want to fuck?
say yes
y/n: saying no
tae: ok wtf
you really are with mingi aren’t you
y/n: yeah
tae: babe
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ur changing i can’t stand this my heart can’t take this damage and the way i feel can’t stand this mmmmm baby i don’t understand this
y/n: did you just sing xxxtentacion lyrics to me
tae: he gets me
y/n: ok
tae: you don’t get me
y/n: thank god
tae: ok now say omg tae ur the only one for me not that moji guy
y/n: moji?
tae: motor?
y/n: ?
tae: mistletoe????
y/n: what
tae: minion
y/n: mingi?
tae: mitochondria
y/n: mingi.
tae: microscope
y/n: it’s mingi
tae: no i think it’s misconstruction
y/n: what do you want from me rn
tae: tell miscarriage to fuck off
y/n: i literally met him once
tae: so???
he wants you
i know it
all the shippers know it
and all these STUPID edits know it
delete his number now
y/n: i don’t even have his number
tae: oh
ok then
y/n: yeah
tae: so like
y/n: don’t ask me anything stupid
tae: thoughts on iceland banning the colour green
y/n: you just made that up
ur so strange
tae: babe can i sing for you again
ik u love it when i sing
y/n: leave me alone tae
tae: do you let michael sing to you???
not jackson btw
cuz he’s like dead
y/n: would you like to join him
tae: mingloo or michael jackson???
pls be more specific babe
where did you go
ur leaving me on seen are you fr????
ok at least it’s not delivered
or a block like last time
ur real mean yk
at least i know my worlds are getting to you
now let me sing ok?
it might seem crazy what i am 'bout to say
sunshine she's here you can take a break
i'm a hot air balloon that could go to space
ok why did my messages go green
i’m blocked
cheating fuck
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jin: the way i don’t even care
y/n: what
jin: i don’t care
y/n: idk this song i’m sorry
jin: i’m not singing
y/n: oh
jin: can he cook
y/n: who
jin: ur mc buddy
y/n: minghao?
jin: yeah
ur new boyfriend can he cook better than me?
no nvm
don’t tell me i don’t even care
not one bit not even two bits
y/n: okay?
jin: no it’s not ok
what about this is ok
y/n: why are you shouting at me
y/n: lowkey
jin: he can’t cook
look at his fingers they look weak
a man with weak fingers can’t cook
y/n: ur so right
jin: yeah i know
so can he cook?
y/n: idk babe
jin: why don’t you know
y/n: because i don’t
jin: he’s your man says twitter
you should know these things
y/n: is this you jealous rn?
jin: i don’t even care what are you talking about
y/n: my fault i thought you cared for a second
jin: well i don’t
do you have his number
y/n: yeah
jin: don’t care
y/n: u sure?
jin: whatever man
he was weak fingers
he looks like he has a lisp does he have a lisp?
y/n: no??
jin: yes he does
stupid lispy bitch
lisps are cute
jin: do you like his lisp?
bet you wanna kiss him every time he speaks
bet he’s all like “i theriously thlipping love thew” all in ur ear
and u blush so bad
jin: i don’t care take ur 26 year old lisp bitch
y/n: all this because of a few stupid shippers?
jin: he looks at you a lot
and you look at him
there are so many videos
you look at him like you wanna get him pregnant
y/n: what the fuck
jin: you should only look at me like that
y/n: i’m sorry????
jin: i don’t care for your sorry
or this situation
or that ur new man is 26
i don’t CARE
y/n: ok baby
jin: if i smoked i would light a cigarette rn
y/n: i believe you
jin: good
would be like a chain smoker rn
y/n: i believe you baby
jin: and i’m not talking about that little emo band thing or whatever
y/n: didn’t think you were
jin: me
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cuz i’m i’m a chain smoker in spirit
y/n: !!!
jin: girlfriend
y/n: boyfriend
jin: ….
so like i’m gonna be honest
y/n: ok
jin: i do care
y/n: no way
jin: ik it’s hard to believe cuz i’m a good actor and all
y/n: naturally
jin: but wow why is he looking at you like he needs to be inside of you
y/n: ok ew?
jin: right i was thinking the same thing
y/n: why would you say that
y/n: let’s end this conversation
jin: let’s end his life
y/n: gn jin
jin: think about it
y/n: no
jin: when he looks at you do you feel uncomfortable
y/n: i’m uncomfortable rn
y/n: no
jin: i’m literally a chain smoker
in spirit
cuz smoking ages you
look at jungkook 26 looking 206
y/n: goodnight jin
jin: so is ur new man with u or not??
y/n: no jin
jin: good i didn’t even care anyways
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yoongi: fuck you
you know what you did
y/n: contrary to popular belief i am unfortunately not all knowing nor am i a mind reader
yoongi: kill yourself
y/n: full of love and joy today i see <3
yoongi: do you know
how may edits i’ve seen of that one clip of you and soobin
why is he smiling so hard at you???
tf is his issue
ur not fucking funny at all trust me i know
and you look really good
why are you looking good around other people???
and WHY did you touch him
and why the fuck did he blush so hard?
you need to kill yourself it’s the only option
y/n: strange way of telling me ur deeply in love with me but i’ll take it
yoongi: kill yourself
yoongi: am i laughing rn?
y/n: okay that’s not how being funny works
it comes naturally
yoongi: naturally it doesn’t come to you and that’s fine
y/n: yes it does
soobin thinks i’m funny
and so does everyone else
yoongi: soobin doesn’t count cuz he’s a loser
he was also looking at ur tits the whole time i would be smiling if ur tits were in my face too
and everyone else? yeah shut up
ur not funny and that’s ok
just ur a sick pervert doesn’t mean every man i come into contact is as well
soobin is a nice respectful young man
and are you trying to say my only personality trait is my tits????
that’s real fucked up actually!!!
yoongi: i mean it’s not ur humour thats for sure
y/n: and you think ur comedian of the year?
yoongi: i pull my weight
be fr
i’m the funny one in this relationship and that’s ok
your good at other things
yoongi: that’s crazy
we must be a really unfunny couple then yikes
y/n: what is ur beef?
yoongi: you and soobin
y/n: soobin is a baby to me
there is no me and soobin
yoongi: yeah ok
he’s 6 ft yk?
y/n: i know
stood next to him
yoongi: did you compare hand sizes
y/n: are you calling me a whore?
yoongi: is he funny?
y/n: yoongi
yoongi: is he funnier than me??
y/n: no yoongi
yoongi: wow that’s insane thought i wasn’t funny??????
soobin must have the personality of a fucking rock then
y/n: rolling my eyes real hard rn
yoongi: is he a good kisser?
y/n: ok now ur being ridiculous
yoongi: you touched his arm
y/n: he’s suit was fucked up
yoongi: have you imagined him in a wedding suit
y/n: what
yoongi: was his skin soft when you touched him
y/n: again he was wearing suit didn’t feel his skin at all
yoongi: bet you wanted to
y/n: ur impossible actually
incoming FaceTime call from yoongi :3
yoongi: answer me
y/n: are you going to apologise for telling me to kms
yoongi: no
want to see ur pretty face tho
answer pls
y/n: why would i answer after that
yoongi: pls
y/n: you want me so bad
yoongi: me or soobin?
y/n: …
yoongi: ok sorry
answer :3
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jk: hey can wonbin do a kick flip?
y/n: idk probably
y/n: woah ok?
you don’t even skate why does this matter?
jk: exactly
y/n: i’m not following
jk: do you know his songs?
y/n: pulling back the sirennnnnnnnnnnn
y/n: ??
you literally asked me to? why are you crying
jk: do you have his number?
y/n: yeah
jk: /‘sjdjdjcjkdidfkckkdkfkdkdk&/&&/&/8/88/8/8/8/88/8818:’snn@2@:’dndn’dmn**$*****$\$$\$$€!!!!’annanjjjsnsnsndjxjxjjxjjxjzjj&/&:&:&/&7(7(7(7(&?&!@!@)&();6;6:5;7)&??,(:3-;:&)9!£0£@!&()::54:(,£,&?@£9£0&0£9£9£9)&(7;5:437)&££9&9)@(7(7(6(£?&!9&0@!’ b gxfxgxgstdgcnjhkbvkhnb hchdtsrdhchvkhopjpjojonobkvjbjvgihighij
y/n: jungkook…
jk: has he ever looked you in the eyes?
y/n: babe
jk: he has hasn’t he?
but can even sing?
y/n: yes kook
that is literally his job
there are so many tears in my eyes i can’t see
i cant think
i cant be
my left lung has given out and i’m losing hearing in both my ears
they are probably gonna have to amputate both my big toes and a couple fingers
it’s fading too black
pretty girl
can you hear me
do you care for me
did you ever care
did you even love me
y/n: jeon jungkook
jk: loml
y/n: get over it
jk: ok
y/n: ….
jk: i’m sorry
i love you
what even is a wonbin?
my biggest enemy in this life thats who
y/n: what happened to being sorry and over it?
jk: but babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
everyone is saying he’s like in love with you
and he can do a kick flip
what if you pick him
y/n: i said he could probably do a kick flip
not that he actually can
why does that even matter?
jk: cuz kick flips are cool
and bitch takeable
y/n: what
jk: he might pop a kick flip out of nowhere and steal you
i cant have that
y/n: learn how to kick flip then idk?
y/n: oh yeah i did
didnt you almost brake ur face?????
AND you kept riding it in the house
pretty reasonable of me
jk: so what ur saying that ur waiting for wonbin to kick flip in front of you
y/n: ?????????
jungkook i am not leaving u for wonbin
jk: you say that but when he drops the most sexiest panty dropping kick flip known to man right in front of you i’m gonna be left single and depressed
y/n: you are stressing me out
jk: can i have the skateboard back
y/n: no
jk: 😞
Y/n: i said no jungkook
jk: 😕
y/n: stop
jk: ☹️
y/n: fine whatever idk break all ur bones
jk: kick flip kook coming soon >.<
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jimin: pretend i’m wonho for a second ok?
y/n: wonho?
jimin: yeah wonho
y/n: boob
jimin: hey lol ur really pretty 😍 😋❤️‍🔥 you should totally ditch that ugly lame excuse of a boyfriend you have (jimin) 🤢🤮 and come be my girl 💯🤗🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️
y/n: boob 🤤
jimin: be mine
y/n: show me ur tits
jimin: u fucking cheating bitch
y/n: wonho don’t be mean 😢
jimin: i am no longer wonho
i am jimin
y/n: lame
turn back
we want wonho
we want wonho
jimin: who is we
y/n: me and the voices in my head idk
jimin: even the voices not even fucking with me anymore???
the wonho shippers were right
y/n: what the shippers saying
jimin: “y/n just looks so bored with jimin” “did you see her smile when wonho was mentioned”
jimin: do you know how insane that is
y/n: ig u got to get ur funny up idk
jimin: do you understand how this is impacting my mental health
y/n: i like when their a bit insane dw 😍
jimin: i’m real fucking insane
i hear voices
they tell me to do things
i listen to jay park
you like that huh?
y/n: ok calm down i said a bit insane not jay park lover insane
wtf is wrong with you
jimin: are you bored
y/n: sorry what were you saying i almost felt asleep
jimin: i hope wonho treats you right
y/n: yk i’m tit level to wonho
isn’t that perfect
my face just all up in there
jimin: me and him are the same height?
y/n: ok but it’s more exciting with wonho
jimin: should i get a boob job???
y/n: please
jimin: WOW
the standards these days are insane
you were supposed to tell me my body is perfect the way it is
y/n: it is
jimin: wow ur so convincing!!!
y/n: i mean it fr fr babe love u body yk that
little tittes matter too
im for the cause!!!!!!!!!!
jimin: i came to you for love and reassurance
y/n: i think i provided
jimin: i’m gonna kill myself infront on wonho
so he’s traumatised
y/n: i did say i like them a bit insane
but whose to say he’ll go insane from watching YOU die????
jimin: excuse me?
y/n: i’m just saying
jimin: a lot of people would go insane from watching ME die
y/n: not wonho
jimin: you can never be too sure
y/n: no i’m sure
jimin: are you trying to find out rn???
y/n: do it
you won’t
jimin: do you love me be honest
y/n: the most
jimin: fucking simp lmao
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namjoon: hi
y/n: ????????????????????????????????
namjoon: ?
y/n: where is my “hi love”
where is the love
where is the life
not even a silly emoji???????????
who took my bitch
namjoon: death soon i hope
y/n: emo era joon omg?
namjoon: where are u rn?
y/n: some boba place with tae and kook
namjoon: oh
we’ve never gotten boba together
y/n: you don’t like boba joon??
namjoon: taste buds change??
y/n: we can go on a boba date tomorrow if you want?
namjoon: no
ok babe
namjoon: yk people think ur fucking tae?
y/n: ew
namjoon: i’m not joking
like people think you’re cheating on me with tae
y/n: people always think i’m cheating
namjoon: yeah…
but like not with tae :/
and there isn’t always all these edits and stuff
people are even in our weverse talking about it
y/n: people are so silly
namjoon: yeah
why are you calling me?
y/n: why aren’t you answering?
namjoon: don’t want to interrupt ur date
y/n: my date???
namjoon: your date.
y/n: namjoon
namjoon: yeah
y/n: ur being silly
namjoon: in this clip ur looking at tae like he hung the all stars in the sky for you or something
y/n: get off twitter
namjoon: i’m gonna end my life
y/n: babe
namjoon: cheater 😔
y/n: jonnie r u jealous rn >.<
namjoon: i’m not jealous
y/n: what are you then?
namjoon: heartbroken?
on the verge of suicide
y/n: tipsy?
y/n: yeah thought so
this is a little out of character of you babe
kinda jungkook core idk
namjoon: did you just compare me to jungkook???????????????????????
do you want me to kill myself that bad
oh my god
are you fucking jungkook too??????
y/n: ?????
namjoon: is boba code for sex
y/n: no namjoon
namjoon: yeah ok
cheater 😞
after i learned what rizz was for you..
y/n: i’m am not fucking tae or jungkook my love
namjoon: was my rizz not good enough
y/n: are you listening to me joonie????
namjoon: it wasn’t was it
ofc it wasn’t
i’m sorry i wasn’t good enough
sorry i didn’t have enough rizz
i’m really sorry
y/n: namjoon
namjoon: no you know what
i really tried it wasn’t my fault
no one deserves to be cheated on like this
it’s all your fault
y/n: oh
namjoon: i’m guilt tripping you
y/n: what
namjoon: are you coming home now?
y/n: ???
namjoon: baby
y/n: you can’t tell someone ur guilt tripping them
that’s not how it works
namjoon: baby i’m not guilt tripping you
y/n: it’s too late now
i know what ur doing
namjoon: baby
y/n: wait…..
namjoon: waiting
y/n: no
ur not
namjoon: baby what’s wrong???
y/n: baby?
don’t tell me ur horny rn joon
namjoon: would that be so bad baby?
y/n: these mood swings??? insane actually
thought i was a cheater
now you wanna fuck???
namjoon: life is crazy
are you coming home???
or would you rather fuck taehyung instead
my fault
i’ll just go…
y/n: ur toxic
namjoon: ur a cheater
come home cheater
y/n: yeah yeah give me 20
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hobi: hawk putuh
ik ur awake
and i know you see these rumours
y/n: did you just fucking spit on me??
hobi: yeah and what
will do it again
hawk putuh
told you
i don’t lie in these parts of town
don’t enjoy it too much
flipping freak
y/n: what rumours
hobi: don’t ignore my second spit wtf
y/n: shut up
hobi: u trying to get drunk and nasty rn? 😝
y/n: ?no
hobi: no u right we supposed to be arguing
y/n: i’m always right
and why are we supposed to be arguing?
hobi: umm that’s NOT true
and people are literally shipping you with mingyu rn…
y/n: how is that my fault
hawk putuh
y/n: stop spitting on me
hobi: you like it
y/n: no i don’t
hobi: wow you’ve changed
you used to like it
did mingyu change you???
where is the y/n i know and love
where is my y/n who likes spit
you should never let a man change you
be who you are
and what who you are is my spit loving girlfriend so act like it
y/n: i have never let you spit on me
like ever
hobi: why is that ur focus rn
you should be denying the fact that you’ve changed for mingyu
y/n: i haven’t changed for mingyu and i don’t like spit leave me alone
it’s 2 am hoseok
hobi: why are they shipping you with him what the hell pretty 😞
i’m in my feels rn
feeling aju not fucking nice rn
y/n: cheer up
hobi: no
y/n: ok fuck you then
hobi: i bet mingyu is giggling and blushing and at all of these stupid edits
by bts
i’m sick to my stomach
y/n: get better
hobi: word on the street is head makes the pain go away
y/n: on the street by jhope ft jcole
hobi: would you give head to mingyu be honest
y/n: you don’t want my honesty right now…
hobi: i do
y/n: let’s just say
hobi: NVM
let’s not say anything
how about we just hold hands at look each other deeply in the eyes
y/n: i’m cool with that
hobi: are you cool with mingyu
y/n: cool with you by newjeans
hobi: me?
little old me >.<
y/n: always you
hobi: lol stop loveboming me wtf
y/n: yeah kys
about to give mingyu the sloppiest top known to man
hobi: mingyu doesn’t even like girls like you
y/n: girls like me???
hobi: yeah
i don’t need to explain i think you get it
y/n: are you calling me ugly rn…
hobi: you said it not me
y/n: ok
hobi: ok
y/n: hawk putuh
hobi: you didn’t….
y/n: i did
hobi: what fuck
y/n: yeah and what
hobi: what if i said
y/n: no
hobi: yeah
i enjoyed it real bad
do it again
let me catch it this time
y/n: fuck off fuck you leave me alone
hobi: mingyu would never treat you like i do
y/n: i’m sold
tell mingyu i’m on my way
hobi: …
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @k4ngelz @jmnscutie @sopebubbles-replies
lowkey hating joons and kooks but it’s okay better shit to come this just my warm up ong 🙏🏽💯🔥
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murdrdocs · 10 months
hi love, could i please request a mike fic where he comforts his s/o after a failed exam? just happened to me w my pharmacology exam and im super stressed/sad about it :((
i love your fics & looking for some comfort as i sob into my pillow tbh :,)
yes ofc ! im not much comfort when it comes to school and stuff (im a school hter) so hopefully a little ficlet will help :)
mike waits by the phone for your call.
he taps his short and dirty nails against the glass table, picking at his cuticles and hang nails to give him something to do with his hands. he itches to pick up the phone and dial your number, but he wants to give you space and time. patience. he's been practicing it lately.
in the meantime, he ogles at his rough hands, a reminder of how busy you'd been lately. your usual nail day with abby, and recently mike as well, had gone by untouched. leaving abby with chipped polish, and mike with undesirable hands, even though he never minded his nail care before you became a regular fixture in his life.
but he'd been patient, watching –– and sometimes just knowing, having not seen you for a while –– you study. watching you work yourself tirelessly over textbooks and scribbled notes. feeding you bites of food while he went through flashcards with you. waking up cold in the mornings when you left earlier than anticipated to get an early start on studying.
and today is the day. well, today was the day. but hours have passed and your exam surely was completed by now and mike hasn't heard from you. it's a sure sign of how it went, but he refuses to come to a conclusion until he hears your voice.
it's not a moment later until he gets his wish.
the phone rings and the second ring is interrupted by mike pulling the receiver up to his ear. "hello?"
it takes you a second to speak, but once you do, mike's face falls. "hey." your greeting is simple, but he hears the misery in the rasp of your voice.
"oh, baby." he doesn't say anything else, and neither do you. instead, mike reads the clock, 6:26 PM, and he looks into the living room to see abby staring at the TV.
"can we come over?"
it's just a little over an hour later and mike is knocking on your front door with abby behind him. he holds two mcdonalds bags, both soaked with grease on the bottom, in his freehand, and behind him, abby has the drink container.
"don't drop it," mike reminds her, sparing a glance over his shoulder as he waits for you to open the door.
"i won't." she grumbles through a determined frown, but her face brightens as the door swings open. abby squeals your name, and mike turns around, a small smile on his face because he'd missed you, too.
there you are in front of him, face a little puffy and eyes a little red, but you smile down at his little sister anyway.
"abby! it's so good to see you." abby thrusts the drinks out towards you, mentioning the mcflurry that sits in the fourth spot with a wide grin. you gasp, "for me?" and abby nods.
abby walks into your house like it's hers, and you don't protest, instead hovering at the door faced with mike. he doesn't mention the exam, he doesn't mention your appearance. instead he pulls you into his chest with one hand, holding the fast food bags out to the side with the other, and presses a kiss into the side of your head.
"it's good to see you," he tells you, voice nothing but earnest.
you hum and mike feels you take a deep breath, as if you're finally relaxing. he expects you to repeat his sentiment, but he's not upset when you don't.
the three of you end up sitting on your living room floor rewatching 'good burger' for at least the tenth time. at this point, abby says the infamous line, doing so cheerfully to the point where you and mike feel weird if you don't do the same.
mike shares his fries with you when you run out, you pretend to not want to share your mcflurry but you end up doing so anyway. all three of you break out into a fit of giggles when mike takes his first sip of coke and chokes with the unexpected strength of it, and more giggles ensue when abby naively does the same.
by the end of the movie, you're full from carbs and sugar and you're cuddled into mike's side, both of your backs against the couch that abby lies asleep on. the credits start to roll when you speak, voice creaky and leaking pure sadness.
"i failed the exam."
it's silent. too silent. your eyes start to water and your throat constricts and suddenly you want to run into your bedroom and shut the door. but you don't. you stay seated, staring at the black screen as the white text starts to blur.
and when mike pulls you closer into his side, it's almost impossible for you to hold the tears back. so you don't.
mike coaxes them out by rubbing along your back, soothing circles up and down your worn in crewneck. you make a mess of his own sweatshirt, snot and tears mixing into a massive wet spot just below the hood at the shoulder.
he doesn't mind one bit, never ceasing his movements even whenever you start to calm down. abby has woken up at this point, and her little voice above you almost startles you.
"is everything okay?" words small, almost timid as if she's afraid of upsetting you more.
mike's chest rumbles. "everything's okay, abs." and then to you, "it's okay."
297 notes · View notes
Immediate Aftermath
Summary: No One Knows AU Part 26, Danny starts to deal with all of the things he's learned and everything that's just happened.
It’s while they’re flying home that everything crashes on Danny’s shoulders at once, and he knows Jazz can tell.
“Okay,” she says.  “Blame me.  Say you found me having lost track of time at the library.  Let’s go sit down.”
Danny doesn’t even have it in him to fight her, so he flies up to the roof of a nearby building and sets them both down.
Jazz reaches out and pulls him into a hug.
“You don’t have to forgive them, you know,” she says.
Danny pulls back to look at her.  “I do forgive them.”
Jazz laughs a little bit.  “I figured.”
“I just… fuck,” Danny says, dropping his head into his hands.  “I didn’t think they’d do that.”
“I know.”
“I didn’t think Vlad would do that.”
“I know.”
“Should I have seen this coming?”
“I don’t know.”
“Fuck,” Danny groans, leaning back on his hands.
Jazz leans back next to him and pulls him back in for another hug, and this time Danny stays there and rests his head in her shoulder.
“Jazz,” he says, hoping they can both ignore the slight shake in his voice.  “Why did they do that?”
“I don’t know,” Jazz whispers.  “You’re gonna have to ask them for that part.”
“I know a little bit,” Danny says, pulling back and looking up at the sky, where the sun is starting to set.  “Vlad made it look like I wanted to hurt them by telling them that Plasmius worked for me.  That’s what Sam said.  But she was also having an entire breakdown when she told me, I don’t…” he trails off.
“You already said you want to talk to them again, and I’m sure they won’t object,” Jazz says.  “And if they do, I’ll object to them.”
Danny snorts.  “No, you’re staying away from them until I know you won’t kill them,” he says.
“That’s gonna be a while.”
Danny laughs a little again, but his smile fades after a second.
“Hey, are you okay?” he asks, turning to face Jazz.  “You are the one who got kidnapped out of nowhere.  And you didn’t know what was happening like I did when I went there.”
Jazz takes a shaky breath, and runs her hands along her legs.  “I’ll be okay,” she says.  “Just a little shaken.”
“You sure?” Danny asks.
Jazz nods.
“Will you find me if you need to talk?” he says, catching Jazz’s eye to make sure she knows he’s serious.
She smiles at him, and nods.  Danny opens his arms for a hug, and they both lean forward and hold each other tightly for a moment.
They both pull back, but he can tell neither of them wants to leave yet.  And they’ll have more to talk about, but neither of them seem to want to do that for a while either.  So instead, they both sit there in silence for longer than they probably should.
But they are going to have to deal with their parents eventually, so after a while, Danny stands up.  “Let’s go home.”
“Danny,” Jazz says, standing with him.  “I really am so sorry this happened to you.”
Danny gives Jazz the best smile he can manage, which isn’t a very good one right now.  “Thanks, Jazz,” he says anyway.
It’s clear when they get home that their parents notice something happened.  Of course they do, they’ve been gone too long and neither of them exactly look their best.
Danny’s not sure how he expects them to react to it, but he knows they’ll do something.  They’ve been getting better about actually paying attention to what’s going on in his and Jazz’s lives.  Really nice most of the time.  Super unhelpful right now.
They both sit down at the table for the spaghetti that’s long gone cold, and don’t make a move towards eating it.
“So,” Mom says, crossing her arms.  “You want to tell me where you two have been, and what you were doing?  Where are your crutches, Danny?”
Danny opens his mouth to give some version of Jazz’s library excuse, but it gets stuck on the way out, as he finds himself not wanting to lie to them.  At least, not all the way.  So, he reaches out and takes Jazz’s hand, then takes a deep breath.
“I don’t need the crutches,” he says.  “My leg is healed.”
His parents eyebrows shoot up in disbelief, so Danny rushes on before they can question that one much.
“And Tucker and Sam got caught up in a ghost attack,” he says.  “With this Wisconsin ghost.  And it’s… we’ve been having a fight lately.  I wanted to show them I was still going to be there to help.  That’s what Sam was here for.”
The fact that none of that was technically a lie felt weird.  He had left out some crucial context, though, which feels a little more normal.
“Sam and Tucker got caught up in a ghost fight?” Mom asks.  “Are they okay?”
Danny exchanges a look with Jazz, not sure what to say.  “They were manipulated by this half ghost who’s also your old college buddy” doesn’t sound like the best idea.  “They’ve been hunting me” will also come with a lot of follow up questions.  Heck, “no,” will come with at least some follow up questions.
“They’re…” Danny starts, and trails off.  “I don’t know.”  That’s the best he’s got.
His parents both exchange a glance, then turn back to him.
“Sweetie, how long have you three been fighting?” Mom asks.  “Why haven’t you said anything?”
Well, Danny doesn’t know what to say to that, either.  He’s finding himself way too tired of lying to them to do it.  But he’s still not ready to tell them the truth.
Jazz reaches out and squeezes his hand under the table.
“Can I…” Danny says hesitantly.  “Can I tell you later?”
Mom blinks, looking confused.  “What?”
“I… there’s something I haven’t told you guys,” Danny says, looking down at the table.  “And I’m still not ready to tell you.”
“Danno, what do you mean?” Dad asks, sitting forward.
“Exactly that,” Danny says, looking down at his hands.  “I just… I need a little time.  Okay?”
He can feel his parents looking at him, but he doesn’t raise his gaze.
“Danny,” Mom says.  “Are you safe?”
“I am now,” Danny says.  Mostly.
That doesn’t seem to help, as he looks up to see panic in his parents eyes.
“Really!” he says, holding up his hands.  “I’m okay!  I promise.  I’ve been going through a lot, but I’m okay now.  I’m just not really ready to talk about it with you guys.”
“Will you tell us if you need our help?” Mom asks, giving him a concerned look.
Danny thinks it over, and nods.
Mom takes a deep breath, clearly still not happy.  But after a second, she looks at Dad, and then the two of them turn to face Danny.
“Okay,” Dad says.  “But we really don’t like this, son.”
“I know,” Danny says, but he doesn’t say anything else.
There’s a long stretch of silence, and then Mom sighs.  “I’ll reheat the spaghetti,” she says, and picks up both Danny and Jazz’s plates.
“I’ll get some drinks,” Dad says.
Danny turns to Jazz as they both start doing that.  Jazz gives him a smile and wraps her arm around his shoulders, giving him a quick side hug.
“Good job,” she says.
Danny smiles back at her.  “Thanks.”
The dinner is tense and uncomfortable, but they know he’s keeping something from them, and they’re not making him tell them, and those are the important parts.  And for the first time since the accident, Danny goes to bed knowing that someday, they’ll be okay.
Danny makes the executive decision that he’s skipping school the next day, because he’s earned it, goddammit.
Jazz doesn’t argue with him, and tells their parents that he’s sick, who according to her didn’t look like they really believed her but let it slide anyway.
So Danny gets up after Mom and Dad head down to the lab, makes himself some frozen waffles, and then heads back upstairs, planning to spend the day plopped in a bean bag in front of his video game console playing Doomed.
Before he can boot it up, however, he hears a knock on his window, and he glances over to find Valerie hovering there in her suit.
He climbs up and heads over, pulling the window open.
“Hey,” he says.  “Are you sure your suit is safe?”
“Oh yeah,” Valerie says.  “I had Tucker go over it and find all the spy cameras last night,” Valerie says.  “He still has the diagrams he grabbed, he says it wasn’t hard.  No one can see me anymore.”
Danny nods.  “Okay,” he says.  “Good.”
“Can I come in?” Valerie asks.  “I know we’re taking a break right now.  I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
Danny nods again, and steps back to let Valerie come inside.  She lands gently on his floor and retracts her suit.
“I think I’m alright,” Danny says as she turns around.  “Or I’m gonna be, at least.  I’ll just, you know, need a bit.”
Valerie nods.  “Okay,” she says.
“A lot more makes sense now,” Danny says.
“Yeah, I’d imagine,” Valerie says.  A second passes, and she suddenly holds up her hands, a look of alarm on her face.  “I swear I didn’t know, if you were wondering.”
“Oh.”  Danny shakes his head.  “I wasn’t.”
“I did wonder why Vlad suddenly liked them so much more than me,” Valerie says.  “But I didn’t know who they were.  And I don’t know why he went after them, either.”
“I believe you,” Danny says quietly.
Valerie looks back at him, obviously concerned.  “You’re really okay?”
Danny smiles a little.  “Yeah,” he says.  “It’s easier now that I know what actually happened.  And… I’m doing a lot better than I was, I think.  I’ll be okay.”
Valerie nods, though Danny can’t tell if it’s at what he said or if it’s more to herself.  “You know you can talk to me if you need to?” she asks.  “I mean, you don’t have to, obviously, just, if you want to.”
“I will,” Danny says with a smile.  “Thanks.”
“Good,” Valerie says.  They’re both quiet for a minute, and then Valerie speaks again.
“I have an offer for you.”
“An offer?”
“Yeah.  I can handle the ghosts for a week.”
Danny blinks.  “You can handle them?”
“Yeah.  I’ve wanted to pay you back for a while anyway, for picking up the slack when I took a break.  Take the week, work things out with everyone.  I’ve got it for a little bit.”
Danny hesitates.  “I don’t know.”
“If I need your help I’ll come get you,” Valerie says, with a tone that means she absolutely doesn’t think she’ll need his help.
Danny laughs a little.  “Okay,” he says.  “Thanks Val.”
Valerie smiles back at him, and for a moment they just look at each other, until Valerie shakes herself.
“Well, that’s all,” she says, pulling her suit back on.  “Just wanted to check on you.”  She starts to head over for the window.
“Hey,” Danny says before she flies out of it.
Valerie turns to face him again.  “Yeah?”
“Take your mask off.”
Valerie does, looking a little confused until Danny walks over and gives her a short, chaste kiss.
“I’ll be seeing you,” he says, pulling back.  “And I’m really looking forward to fighting ghosts with you.”
Valerie gives him a warm smile, and another quick kiss back.  “You better hope you can keep up, Fenton,” she says.  Then she gives a wave and flies out the window and off.
Danny smiles after her as she goes.
And then, as soon as she’s out of sight, he transforms and flies out after her, but in the opposite direction.
He didn’t want to mention it while she was there.  But Valerie made him realize something.  If she doesn’t have the slightest idea why Vlad went after Sam and Tucker specifically, that means he didn’t bother to bullshit an excuse.  And while he seems to have done that with Sam and Tucker, since Sam’s whole panicked speech included something about Vlad saying Phantom was trying to kill them, she didn’t seem to know the real reason either.
And Danny wants to know the real reason.
And he can only think of one person who can tell him that.
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helianskies · 10 months
winter prompts ☃️
'tis the season to write some slightly fluffier offerings for once! you know the drill! feel free to check with me if you are unsure if i'd write certain characters/pairings! <3
[ 1 ] - “what do you mean you 'don't need a coat'?”
[ 2 ] - “that was more ice than snow!”
[ 3 ] - “please don't fall!”
[ 4 ] - “maybe you could warm me up...?”
[ 5 ] - “look's like you've caught a cold.”
[ 6 ] - “you're so toasty!”
[ 7 ] - “thank you for making it special.”
[ 8 ] - “i'm actually allergic to holiday cheer.”
[ 9 ] - “let's build a snowman!”
[ 10 ] - “it's just a little something.”
[ 11 ] - “winter and i are sworn enemies.”
[ 12 ] - “but if i get out of bed i'll be cold!”
[ 13 ] - “look, a shooting star!”
[ 14 ] - “you did all of this yourself?”
[ 15 ] - “i can't believe you got me this!”
[ 16 ] - “that's the ugliest jumper i've ever seen.”
[ 17 ] - “you've never been ice-skating?”
[ 18 ] - “can i borrow your scarf?”
[ 19 ] - “come on, dance with me!”
[ 20 ] - “looks like we're snowed in.”
[ 21 ] - “office parties suck…”
[ 22 ] - “dinner is served!”
[ 23 ] - “at least pretend to like it!”
[ 24 ] - “here, warm yourself by the fire.”
[ 25 ] - “no one should be alone for the holidays.”
[ 26 ] - “i have something to ask you…”
[ 27 ] - “don't lick that pole!”
[ 28 ] - “i see we've ended up under the mistletoe.”
[ 29 ] - “hey, no peeking!”
[ 30 ] - “you're the best present i could have ever wished for.”
last year's list of wintery prompts is also over here for those who want to nose! happy december! and of course feel free to have a go at these yourself!
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loner4-life · 2 years
MHA boys seeing you in their Clothes
Ft. All might, Bakugou, Kirishima, and Todoroki.
Word count: 1.1k
Toshinori Yagi (age 26)
You and Toshi had been together since your U.A days.
He was in the Hero course, you were in the tech support classes.
You too had grown together, lived life together.
There were so many things you loved about him.
Him the same, he loved the way you smiled and the way you laughed.
But something he really loved was how you looked in something that was his.
"Honey?" He called as he searched through his closet.
He was looking for a specific white t-shirt he wanted to wear that day for civilian patrol.He figured if he was gonna be out all day he'd at least be comfortable.
When he received silence at his previous calling he assumed you didn't hear him. "(Y/n)?" He called once more.
You heard it this time, you made your way to the room he was in "yes?" You responded.
"I was wondering if you had seen my-" he began as he turned to face you, only to stop dead in his tracks.
The face turned pink as he saw the t-shirt he was looking for on you.
He smiled as he walked to you. "I was wondering if you'd seen my white t-shirt." He chuckled as he tugged at your sleeve.
You smiled as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. "No I don't think I have, guess you'll have to wear something else" you teased.
"I guess so" he agreed as he kissed you on your forehead.
Katsuki Bakugou
You definitely steal his clothes on a daily basis
Not just because his clothes were incredibly comfy, but also because you like being a brat.
Katsuki yawned as he opened the cabinets to grab a coffee mug.
He silently made his cup, faintly hearing footsteps behind him.
"Morning" you said softly. "Morning" he grumbled. You stood next to him as you reached for the same cabinet.
Now katsuki will admit, he was shamelessly in love with your ass. It was perfect.
So he couldn't help himself from seeking a peek every chance he got. He took a quick glance over to you, only to notice something.
"Are those my goddamn sweatpants?" He asked in an annoyed tone. You smirked as you turned around.
"They are, why?" You asked innocently as you poured coffee in your cup.
"You know why '' he said, cocking an eyebrow. "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about." You continued.
He stood with a groan as he walked over to you. "You're lucky you look so damn adorable" he said pulling you close by your hips.
"Aw you think I'm adorable?" You said giving him puppy dog eyes. "Shut up" he said with a smirk as he ruffled your hair.
Eijirou Kirishima
Eijirou treasured you
He bought you gifts, clothes, anything you wanted, you were spoiled
But of course you were always grateful
You always told him you didn't need all these things, but he insisted.
He just loved you so much, he couldn't help it.
You sighed as you rummaged through your drawers.
Out of all the clothes your sweetheart boyfriend bought you, you couldn't believe not a single pair of shorts were clean.
You had just gotten out of the shower and needed fresh clothes. You probably should have made sure you had clean clothes before your shower, you thought
"I need to get better at doing laundry sooner" you muttered to yourself as you opened one of Eijiro's drawers on his side of your shared dresser.
"I'm sure he won't mind if I borrow something of his"
Eijirou whistled as he put the last of the dishes in the dishwasher from dinner an hour before.
You happened to be making your way downstairs with a laundry basket at the same time. "Hey honey!" He chirped.
You smiled to him, "hey, let me just put these clothes in the wash and then we can watch that movie you mentioned" you said as you walked into the laundry room.
"Yeah that's fine!" He responded as he walked to the living room.
He then stopped and turned around. "Hey I forgot to ask did you want-" he turned the corner into the laundry room.
Only to be caught off guard by the sight before him. You were bent over as you put clothes in the washer.
However that wasn't the problem, the problem is that you were wearing a pair of his boxers.
"What were you saying?" You asked, standing up and turning towards him, a confused look on your face.
" Oh I-I was just w-wondering if you.. wait I'm sorry are you wearing my underwear as shorts?" He asked as his face turned cherry red.
"Oh yeah!, sorry all my clothes were dirty so I figured you wouldn't mind" you smiled.
And of course he didn't mind, what's his was yours. And if he's being honest with himself, he liked seeing you in something that was his.
"Of course not, I don't mind at all." He smiled as started the washer for you before giving you a kiss on the cheek.
Shoto Todoroki
He showed his love in his own way
He was rather quiet and showed his affection through actions
Whether it was doing simple tasks for you or grand ones.
If you needed help he was there for you
Even if you didn't say it.
The both of you walked silently down the sidewalk.
You had just had dinner at an extravagant restaurant, you had worn a beautiful gown and you looked amazing. However, you didn't bring an overthrow.
You and Shoto had stopped at a crosswalk as you waited for the sign to change. He looked over to you as he admired you.
Until he realized, you were shivering. He quickly took off his suit jacket and put it over your shoulders. "My love, why didn't you say you were cold?"
He asked as you put your arms through the sleeves. "Well I was the one who forgot a coat" you blushed.
"Plus now you're gonna be cold" you pouted. The sign turned allowing the two of you to walk across the street.
"Dear, you do realize my body is covered in ice daily right?I can handle the cold, "he teased with a smile. Your face turned red from embarrassment.
"Ah of course, how could I forget" you laughed.
You looked around at the decorations on the street that hadn't been taken down yet from the holidays.
You walked ahead a little to look at them closer. Shoto couldn't help but notice how precious you looked as you practically drowned in his jacket.
The way you smiled, your nose a hint of red from the cold, the jacket, all of it. He just wondered how he got so lucky to have found you.
This piece came from a request someone sent me, so if you'd like to see more like this my request box is open. :3
Thanks for reading 💛
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amynchan · 1 day
Part of the problem of being on this site is I can want to say "hey, teachers and parents have boundaries in place, and sometimes that's why the rules are there," and I'll be petrified of everyone going "Yeah, but once you become a parent/teacher/authority figure, you lose All Rights to enforce those boundaries because you are a Figure In Authority now, and you cease to be a person until your person hood is immediately relevant or beneficial to me personally. Until then, you're the Enemy, and we will absolutely engage in psychological warfare with you to get what we want. :))))"
Which, yes, I did just frame it in that way because that's what I want to say and that's exactly the reaction I'm terrified of getting because I have seen it before. But still, it's a point I wanna make. And I just. Don't??? Wanna get triggered by students who are just gunning for a good grade and don't give two shits about the emotional damage they inflict upon me along the way???? Damage that I, personally, have to wade through, even if I've got other students to see and teach???? It makes me have to learn and employ tactics that I never thought would ever be relevant to me and my style of teaching.
Guys, I'm really trying to be nice and make a difference and be empathetic and understanding and literally the best possible person and teacher I can be. I am doing my goddamn best. But when trying so hard to be the teachers in Freedom Writers or School of Rock ends up costing me my mental and physical health and I stop because all of those things can't support such a lifestyle, the repetition of this cycle of being the students' venting and frustration dumping ground makes me understand not only why teachers become those jaded people you hate but also how. Mind, I'll keep fighting against that outcome by doing my best to keep taking care of my mental health so I can keep pouring to my students, but goddamn, I wish I didn't have to protect myself so fucking viciously.
(Also, there's a reason those movies exist. It's not just for the students. I, as a teacher, would fucking love to be able to do what they do. That's why it's a fantasy. For a lot of us, that lifestyle isn't sustainable, and we don't have the luxury of being able to connect with every single class in the way that movies depict one teacher being able to connect so deeply and profoundly with that one class. ik I've got 7. High school teachers routinely teach 5-7, depending on if they take overtime, tutoring, or sacrifice their prep period just to be able to make enough money. We can provide as much as we can, but that type of telepathic understanding of what all of our students need just by a few meetings? A wishful fantasy for literally everybody involved. All we can do is our best, and I'm starting to believe that we all know just how painfully short we come.)
Like, I wish there was a middle ground. And I found one for a while. I thought it was working so so so so so well. But now I have to up my protection game. Because there's always at least one who's going to send me into a panic attack, and I have to work through it and not quit until all of my classes are taught for the day because I've got at least 26 other students per class who need me to be on the top of my game for them just as I wanna be on the top of my game for the 1. And when those students who have done absolutely nothing to cause this pain and panic notice, when they get concerned, that's a problem on my end. I wanna give everyone an equal and fair shot, and now that means that I have to protect myself even harder to give everyone an actually useful education.
Like. I've got a job to do. I'd love to do it. I want to do it with kindness and empathy and understanding. I just can't keep doing it by carving out pieces of myself, casting myself back into the pits of my darkest moments for a moment of empathy and connection, and being left more damaged and broken than before they came in because they wanted that grade. I can't keep breaking myself for people who think I'm just a cog or a toy or an obstacle. The cycle would be never ending, and I would just end up broken and useless by the end of it. I'm still going to try to find more ways to be empathetic and understanding and helpful, but I really hope I don't become what I hate because some people couldn't figure out what "no" means.
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s-creations · 10 months
26 Ways to Feel Mortal - J: Joint
26 Chapters based around experiences that newly arrived Geno experiences while trying to find the Star Pieces.
Fandom: Super Mario & Releated Fandoms, Super Mario RPG Rating: Teen and UP Audiences Relationship: Mario/Geno (Nintendo), Mario/Princess Peach (Nintendo) Additional Tags: Rating for Teen needed for later chapters, but shouldn't be to worrisome, I'll have warnings if I'm worried, Poly relations!, Main characters will always be named, Minor characters will arrive as needed, the chapters are not in a specific order, just meets the needs of the given word, please be aware of spoilers.
Warning: Loss of body parts. No blood mentioned, but it's still a violent scene.
Inspired by @nintendonut1 artwork - Link
Joint: (noun) 1 - A point at which parts of an artificial structure are joined. 2 - A structure in the human body in which two parts of the skeleton are fitted together. 
Geno truly thought that, at this point, he was ready for anything. Sure, there were a lot of things he’d not experienced, this world was huge. But he felt far more comfortable now than when he first arrived. No doubt pulling confidence from the people he was traveling with and calling his friends.
Or weird rivals.
Or little brother.
Or crushes. 
Regardless of the titles, Geno felt his safest when he was surrounded by his new connections.
Even fighting didn’t freak him out as much as it used to. It was a strange rhythm he’d become used to. Nothing really surprised him anymore.
The Axem Rangers were a weird bunch (which was saying something with what the party had seen so far) as well as a bit of a challenge. The team of heroes and Bowser had never faced off so many enemies at once. Along with the fact that they pulled out a larger weapon near the end of the battle as one final push to possible victory. Which did result as Rangers expected.
‘The Blade’ was crumbling away as Red frantically climbed out of it. The rest of the Rangers ran further into the flying fortress. No doubt trying to prevent further damage as it all started to fall from the sky.
Mario was trying to shepherd his team towards the side of the large ship. Frantically calling everyone over as the foundation beneath them cracked in half. 
Geno was doing his best to avoid the appearing holes and falling debris. Focusing on getting over to Mario, ignoring what wasn’t important. 
“Hey, Mario!”
Even if the human’s name was called, Geno still turned. Red, who’d just gotten out of the now fully destroyed weapon, had thrown his ax. At least, that’s what Geno saw, as the stance the Ranger was in was familiar. But where had the weapon go-
It felt as if something hit his arm. Geno stumbled as he felt suddenly off balance. Looking down at his right arm discovered that it had been fully cut in half. Right where his arm could bend. The portion no longer connected to him hitting the metal ship with a heavy thud. 
“If you’re going to break my toys, then I’m breaking yours in return!” Red laughed. 
He could see that he’d lost his arm, he’s clearly damaged, but Geno couldn’t feel anything. Stuck in his confused stance as his eyes remained focused on the price of him no longer connected.
Was he breathing?
Was he shaking?
Was the world still falling apart around him?
His eyes followed his fallen arm as Peach quickly picked it up. Looking as panicked as Geno knew he should be feeling like. At some point, Geno wasn’t sure when, Mario had picked him up. Carrying the still stunned puppet off the fortress. Geno was still unresponsive as they landed on the side of the volcano. The falling fortress disappears into the rocky pit below.
“Hey… Hey, Geno? Can you hear me?” Mario asked quietly, trying to sound calm with his shaking voice.
“...I lost my arm.” Geno replied back weakly.
“I know, but you’ll be okay. I promise. Peach will take care of you.”
Geno jerked away when Peach went to place the broken pieces together. 
It was as if he was hit with the full force of the situation. 
Geno started screaming.
He wasn’t really aware of it until Mario held him closer. Cradling the puppet close to try and offer some comfort for the situation. Geno desperately clinging to Mario with his only working hand as his throat turned raw. 
Geno was unaware when Mario gave a quick nod to Peach. Who gently took the damaged arm once more. Concentrating as she slowly mended the two pieces together. 
The three remained this way for a few minutes. Peach only pulled away when she knew the arm was fully attached again. Geno passed out in the hero’s arms, no doubt his body worn down from the panic and pain he’d just gone through. Mario’s grip tight on the limp puppet. 
Mario looked up as Peach placed a hand on his cheek. The princess offered a small smile, placing a kiss on his forehead before pulling both in. Mario happily allowing himself to collapse into Peach’s hold. 
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l-norris · 2 months
Tumblr media
The second-to-last race before summer break has arrived, and yet again I have written down my own commentary, poking a little fun and trying to be funny I guess.
DISCLAIMER: Remember that this is just for shits and giggles, I'm not trying to actually hate on any of the drivers cuz all (most) of them are very dear to me!
Pre-race anxiety is strong
McLaren 1-2 start
Formation lap starts
Lando is hurrying through it
It's lights out and away we go!
Lando, Max and Oscar three-wide into turn 1
Max goes wide, rejoins in second
Lando bottles it once more (sigh)
Oscar is first
Max under investigation for leaving the track and gaining an advantage (3)
Checo in 18th rip
Max has to give the position back to Lando (4)
He's not happy
very aggressive
McLaren 1-2
First pitstops by Kevin, Alex and Esteban (7)
People are actually going for three-stops
very bold
Accidentally deleted the draft for this, had to start over (rip)
Oscar being told to save tires in lap 2 already help😭
They're just cruising along, saving tires (13)
"Lando, your race is with Verstappen"
Uh... yeah I sure hope so?😬
Fernando does not give a shit about what Lance does (so real) (15)
Pit window is open (16)
Lewis pits (17)
Lando pits (18)
Slight issues on front-left
Max complains (what a surprise)
Oscar pits (19)
Good stop
"Think about plan C" oh no Charlie, oh no no no😬
Just like old times
Max and Carlos pit (21)
Slow stop from Max
Checo is in 8th🤯 (22)
Charles first, yet to pit
Lewis fastest lap (23)
Charles pits (23)
Lando pulls away from Lewis (25)
Carlos is plowing through the field (26)
Quick PSA: Logan is not last!🎉
Oscar fastest lap (28)
Lewis falls back (28)
Checo, Pierre and Danny pit (29)
Fuck VCarb, all my homies hate VCarb
Charles fastest lap (30)
Yuki pits (30)
Max is in Lewis' DRS
George pits (34)
Pierre retires again after DNF-ing in Silverstone (34)
Lewis locks up, goes wide
Max passes
Max goes wide
Lewis passes
That was funny to watch
Lando gains on Oscar (36)
More complaining from Max
Lewis holds Max up so nicely (38)
Keep the scrap up boys :)
Even more complaining
"He sounds like a man who could've used a bit more sleep last night" HELP HAHAHAHA
Lewis and Charles pit (41)
Nothing is going Max' way apparently
McLaren strategists cooking?!
Lando pits (45)
2.3 second stop
Oscar pits (47)
McLaren don't fuck this up for Oscar I swear
Brother eugh
Nevermind McLaren strategists didn't cook AT ALL
massively overreacted to undercut Lewis tbh
McLaren want them to swap positions
Oscar almost bins it
Oh, Lando wants Oscar to work for it😵‍💫
Oh no, oh dear...
Max pits (50)
Red Bull fucked their strategy lmfao
Oscar catches up to Lando
"Lando radio check please" LMAO PLS
Temporary moment of deafness
Max is grumpy
Oh jeez
"Multi-21, anyone?" Crofty please😭😭😭
10 laps to go
McLaren are playing the emotional card now
Fuck you McLaren
Honestly yeah Lando, you're right, Oscar should catch up if he wants the win /hj
Max locks up
divebombs Lewis
and goes flying
Mad Max is back (63)
Rejoins in fifth... so lost everything he made up
GP scolds Max like a toddler😬
Max under investigation again (after the race tho) (67)
And the McLaren boys finally swapped😮‍💨(68)
This 1-2 is so, so bittersweet
The strategy ruined it for me
But hey!
Oscar won!
McLaren 1-2, but at what cost?
I need some strong liqueur and a cigarette after all this
At least Lando doesn't seem too upset about it
I hope this won't have consequences for them
Well, they both seem pretty high-spirited
I think we're good
So unusual to not have Max on the Podium podcast /hj
Oscar protecting his trophy from Lando😭 pls they're so goofy
Champagne Pop is back baby!
... feel free to add on :)
... This race subtracted multiple years off my lifespan. Fuck VCarb for ruining Dannys race, fuck McLaren and their strategy for ruining the 1-2 for us.
Also, important PSA since I've seen some negative stuff about the whole teamorder thing from McLaren:
Remember, don't blame either Oscar OR Lando for the drama, no matter what side you're on. This is totally on the team for fucking up the strategy once again.
Thank you for your attention, have a nice rest of your day :)
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brittababbles · 3 months
House of the Dragon S2e1: blow by blow reaction on second watch
Spoilers beyond this point
1. I love the tapestry opening. Very reminiscent of GoT’s maps.
1a. Matt Smith gets top billing, huh? Interesting choice.
2. Ah Winterfell, and the Wall. And a nice thick northern accent doing voiceover. Is it weird that I can smell Winterfell? I’ve missed this place.
3. :( sweet Jace seems to be having a nice time in the North. Enjoy while you can, sweet boy. Though he’s got to be freezing at the Wall.
4. What does it keep out? Don’t worry about it, Jace. It doesn’t matter right now. That’s a different series entirely.
5. Jace looks hauntingly like Jon Snow when he’s standing on the wall and I Don’t Like It
6. Rhaenys not taking Daemon’s shit makes my soul less unhappy. She’s all “hey daemon remember how you let my daughter die? This is like that.”
7. In fairness, Daemon isn’t wrong.
8. “Would that you were the king” gods be good, Rhaenys. We’d all be dead
9. I have nothing to add about Rhaenyra in the Stormlands. The entirety of it is just beautiful and sorrowful.
9. Why are we still talking about the Stepstones? That was soooo last season, Corlys.
10. Who is this burly handsome fellow chatting with Corlys? He’s delightful. Dragging bodies out of the sea! Wowweee 😍
11. Dude if you can see her from that far out, that dragon is Vhagar. Chill.
12. Aegon seems to at least like his children. And Helaena, at least on some level.
13. “The rats” oh my sweet girl.
14. So. How long have you and Cole been doing this, Alicient? More than once? Is he your whore, perhaps?
15. But also why do you have to stop? You’re a widow. You can do what you want.
16. CHEESE?!
16a. And Cheese’s dog, whom I adore.
17. Aegon is… so bad at this being king thing. Just so bad at it and it’s weirdly endearing. Also little Jaehaerys? So sweet. Poor thing.
18. I love how nobody likes Tyland Lannister. I don’t like Tyland Lannister.
19. Aemond!
19a. Does Aemond straighten his hair or is it just like that?
20. I forgot about Otto Hightower. And Larys Strong. I am happier having forgotten them and shall continue to do so.
21. Larys knows you been fucking the lord commander, Alicent. And he’s spying on you. And he’s still the creepiest guy in a series that casually accepts incest as the norm.
22. Syrax is my second, maybe third favorite of the dragons and I have missed her.
23. Rhaenyra my Queen. My gods this was tragic. Daemon is right: she shouldn’t have done this alone. I’m glad at least Syrax is with her
24. “Aegon the Magnanimous” wh wh what 😂
25. You’re so bad at this Aegon. But I guess at least you’re earnest about it. Aegon the Frat Boy is too on point, I suppose.
26. You know, I don’t like Otto, but honestly. Bless his heart for herding his grandson through King-hood is painful to watch.
27. In retrospect, the odd shots of the castle make sense. This whole episode foreshadows the end of it with these weird, creeping shots of the Red Keep, particularly in the halls and through the railways.
28. I see that nobody in Aemond’s family understands him at all. Except maybe Daemon.
29. Oh that’s not someone knocking on the door. That’s the drums of the soundtrack. Heh.
30. Baby goats!
31. Mysyria is… not my favorite. But she does have a thorough understanding of Daemon that Rhaenyra seems to sometimes lack.
32. Whoa. Damn, Daemon. Easy now. Don’t break the table.
33. Syrax is back! Hi Syrax!
34. Aw, that Targaryen forehead touch.
35. “I want Aemond Targaryen” I feel like that’s a common feeling toward him, for better or worse, Rhaenyra. Just based on fanfic results alone.
36. Daemon I know where this plan ends and I don’t like it.
37. Jace! Mama Rhaenyra! Oh Jace is trying so hard to be brave for his Queen.
38. I’ve seen a lot of people raving against this sequence in the Sept but I really liked it. Alicent did not mean for Luke to die and I do think she still cares for Rhaenyra. Her childhood friend lost a son, and to pray for peace for a dead child is not something that should be shamed. Also on a cinematography level, the candlelight vs the pyre flames was gorgeous.
39. Little Joffrey is breaking my heart.
40. I spent a solid ten seconds trying to work out why Aemond was screwing around in Blackwater Bay because I assumed he had taken over the Cloak of Crime. But no! It’s Daemon! Again!
41. Ehhhh Blood and Cheese and I just don’t like it. Cheese is just gross.
42. Interesting departure. Daemon orders Aemond’s death.
43. Speaking of whom. Aemond is… odd. He isn’t wrong, but he overestimates himself. But then he’s not entirely wrong. His mother’s fondness for Rhaenyra could be seen as a weakness. Though he certainly is playing his own hand here.
44. Ah the “cunning spider” line from Cole that is just a hilarious projection.
45. Does Aemond not have to get up when Otto walks in the room?
46. No Otto. Vhagar is the greatest single power in the realm. Aemond is but a fly on her back.
47. Cheese’s dog looks so much like my dog and I am so upset about it.
48. So… y’all are just going to waltz across the throne room and nobody will notice? That’s… fine?
49. Loyal as a hound, eh?
50. I hold with Aegon the Frat Boy as his title.
51 Uh, you go up the stairs to get upstairs, Blood. That’s how upstairs usually works.
52. DON’T KICK THE DOG!!! 😫😫😫
53. So… Daemon told them that if they can’t find Aemond they should just… improvise? Any male’s head will do? That’s not what Rhaenyra said at all.
54. Why are they just wandering around the castle unchecked? This just doesn’t make sense
55. I really wanted to see a bit more from Helaena here. Some pleading, some begging, some bargaining, maybe. I know she’s probably shutting down emotionally, and Phia’s face shows terror - and guilt - very well. But this whole scene is just so odd. But, I do think there is something genuine about this performance
56. “They killed the boy” she’s in shock. This part didn’t feel at all out of place for the Helaena we’ve seen on screen.
57. And that’s it. What a strange episode.
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atanx · 1 year
Yo, I have IDEAS about Yuko. We learn like literally nothing about her except for the fact that she is ill, something to do with her heart, she once told Nishiki she had a boyfriend because she craved the normality of living without her illness, and she's been in and out of the hospital since she was young. Oh and she was presumably pretty friendly since she was the one who got Yumi to open up.
Whenever I see her in fancontent, which isn't that often, she is most of the time depicted like your typical demure, good morals feminine sorta woman.
which. She is a woman. I think Kazama killed their parents when Nishiki was five, so she could only be five years younger than Nishiki which would have made her at least 22-24 when she died. I personally like the thought of her being 2-3 years younger, which would make her 24-26 when she died.
Like- there's nothing wrong per say with that interpretation of her. I just think it's lame. Especially after 1996. I've seen some things that have her go like "this is not my brother anymore, he's become a monster" which first of all, I don't agree with that statement, and second of all, let women be morally grey. Instead of the same cookie cutter "feminine", demure and meek woman that's REALLY FUCKING FLAT (character - wise) how about we have some female characters that are people?
Let Yuko be bitter. She's had to spend most of her life getting various treatments, suffering from some bullshit illness, even getting hospitalised full-time. Her siblings apart from Nishiki have abandoned her - in Kiwami, she's always "Nishiki's sister" and people don't particularly seem to care that she has an important surgery coming up. Kiryu and Yumi don't go, "hey, maybe we should visit our sister, ask her herself how she is doing, check up on her, pay her some company, cheer her up". Granted, they could not be allowed to visit since they're legally not siblings I think. But they don't ask Nishiki to relay anything to her either.
Yuko has a lot of reasons to be bitter, petty and hateful at the world. Because she's been dealt such an unfair hand. Let her express that.
Also, let her be morally grey. Let her be a goblin who helps Akira achieve world domination. Let her be a little shit, let her be messy because she hasn't had to clean her place up for a long time, let her be obsessed with physical activity because she's afraid of her health becoming frail again, let her be selfish. She deserves it.
Like honestly, as someome who has a sibling, let her be loyal to Nishiki and help him all the while holding him back from completely losing it. Let them support each other.
Yuko can still have traditionally feminine qualities. She could fret about hers and people close to her's health because her experiences have made her paranoid. She could really like cooking because 1) she can do stuff on her own again and 2) the food she makes tastes so much better than hospital food. She can like dressing up femininely and stuff.
Just let her be her own, deep, fleshed out person. We don't have enough fancontent where Yuko survives QAQ.
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buried-in-stardust · 1 year
⚠️ Content warnings: homophobia, hate crime, knife attack, graphic violence, murder ⚠️
Fong Hiu-tung, 26, and Lau Kai-hei, 22, were stabbed to death by a 39 year old man in a Hong Kong shopping mall on June 2nd, 2023. The man had purchased a knife just before stabbing Fong Hiu-tung in the back. Lau Kai-hei tried to fend off the assailant and pull her partner away, but failed. After stabbing both of them multiple times, the assailant waited calmly for the police to arrive. The police believe the assailant and victims had no connection and did not know each other.
Fong Hiu-tung was a waitress in a high-end restaurant, while Lau Kai-hei was a hair stylist at a nearby salon. Lau Kai-hei also worked part-time at a bar, which is where they had met. On the day of the attack, the couple had planned to meet with Fong Hiu-tung's family to attend her grandfather's birthday party after visiting the mall.
Fong Hiu-tung and Lau Kai-hei loved each other and died for it. May they rest in peace.
Thread has links and information, but contains a graphic video and pictures. Please proceed with caution:
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Some details on being a lesbian in China below the cut:
From Naomi Wu, an explanation of what lesbians face in China/Hong Kong:
When men attack Toms (butches), they think a lot of things- sometimes in Chinese we say "one lesbian steals two men's wives"- herself and her partner. And for bitter middle-aged, unmarried men like this attacker, they've been told their whole life they are owed a wife to wait on them hand and foot- and they feel robbed and wronged by a young handsome Tom taking what's "theirs". They are angry, entitled, jealous- they want to teach her a lesson. They want to punish her for having what is rightfully theirs when they don't. Then it's "Oh, if you want to act like a man, I'll treat you like one". Most need to justify it to themselves to get started. Of course, the femme/Dee/P is always next, because we will fight to save our Tom, and once we do, they can justify turning their violence on us next. In their twisted head, they decide their unprovoked attack was "fighting 1-on-1" and it's our fault for getting involved. All Toms know the deal, they cannot win, all Toms tell their girls again and again "if something happens, just run, I can take it". When the time comes, all Toms try to buy their girl time to get away- even as they go down under fists and boots…or knives😭 They want to buy us time, but no femmes can bear to leave them, so it never works. But they always go for our Toms first, then us. Every time.
And Naomi Wu on how the assailant would know they were lesbians:
Good questions "how would he know they were lesbian?". See pictures below- Chinese lesbians with a Tom are pretty obviously lesbians, at least to our eyes. Chinese lesbians basically come in three varieties- T, P, and H. Historically that's 99% of us, these days, probably 95% with a bit more variety coming in. Very, very, very loosely mapped- T- Tom/Butch P-Dee/Femme/Pretty Girl/Po H- Half/Futch (Amber [Lau Kai-hei] kind of gives H vibes but not my place to say.) If you see a butch girl like Daniel [Fong Hiu-tung], or my Kaidi [Naomi's girlfriend], or the other Toms you have seen me with, they're lesbian. I'm sure there are some non-lesbian Chinese women out there with that clear Tom aesthetic- but I've never met one. I suppose there are also some straight guys that look like Tom of Finland Leather Daddies walking around with similar-looking straight male friends- it's just not common. That gender expression is as clear a signal to you, as ours is to us. Some girls that look H are straight, some boyish girls are straight- but almost never Tom presenting women like Daniel or Kaidi. Now two Chinese women with more conventional gender expression simply holding hands would leave plenty of room for doubt, and there is the polite obliviousness of Chinese who will pretend they don't know a LGBT couple is a couple, but if I'm out with Kaidi- or with any Tom, basically zero people don't actually know we're a couple at a glance. That's just how LGBT works here, we have a look. Amber and Daniel were, likewise, for lack of a better word- and in a bit of celebration- flamingly, gloriously lesbian and easily picked out of a crowd as such- as Kaidi and I would be. More here: https://popula.com/2019/03/27/the-t-on-chinese-transmasculinity/
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No Comfort in Demonic Possession
Summary - Part 26 in the Comfort series
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Reader x Sam (platonic), Reader x Bobby (father-figure), Andre (OG Character) x Reader (best friends)
Series Masterlist | Masterlist 
A/N: I just want to apologise in advance for any future delays in the chapters or scheduling. I will try my best to keep up; however, my university semester returns soon and so I will have a little less time on my hands, especially once my assessments start piling up.
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You stand on the curb scanning the traffic frantically for a cab while listening to the dial tone on your phone. After way too many rings for your liking, Sam finally picks up.
“Hey, Y/N. What’s up? Dean piss you off already?”
“I don’t have time for your sibling rivalry right now, Sam. A demon took Dean. I gotta get him back. It’s all my fault it was a trap. I should’ve seen it. I’m so stupid.”
“Enough! If a demon took Dean we don’t have time for the guilt and blame game. Tell me everything, I’m on my way.”
A taxi finally drives past so you wave your arm out to get the driver’s attention. When the taxi driver pulls over you tell him the name of the hotel where you and Dean were staying and get in. You can hear Sam moving around and packing in the background but you continue knowing he can multitask. 
“We were investigating the chapel and we split up. We thought it would be fine. We thought it was a spirit that was after recently married men. At least that’s the information Andre gave us, but now I’m starting to think he’s been possessed since he called me a few days ago. It really would explain a lot. I just can’t believe I led us right into a trap.”
“Hey, you didn’t know. How could you? It’s gonna be okay, I promise. Just tell me what else happened.”
“When I was casing the chapel for EMF I got cornered by a demon who claimed she’s been tracking me since before I lost the baby. She said her boss wanted it, she was quite specific about wanting the Winchester heir. I never even thought about it that way, it was just our baby. But now I just have a thousand more questions that need answers before I can even consider trying again. I know you’ve got demon blood, but Dean?”
“We’ll figure it out. What do you know about Dean getting taken?”
“We split up and I haven’t heard from him. He’s not answering his phone. The demon said someone had him. I sent him straight into a trap.”
“There is no way you could have known. And Dean’s a damn good hunter too, he knows what he’s doing. And I promise even if it was a trap he won’t blame you. I guarantee he’s way more worried about you right now and is fighting his way back to you. In the meantime, just do what you can. Check on your friends and keep working. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Dean’s strong, he’s gonna be alright. We’ll find him, I promise. Just be careful and stay safe.”
“Thanks, Sam, I’ll be careful,” you say and then you hang up. 
As soon as the driver pulls up in front of your hotel you hand him a $50 note and jump out. You impatiently wait for the elevator, tapping your fingers on your thigh as you watch the little illuminated numbers count down to one. The second the doors slide open you slip in and press the number 12 and the close doors button. After what feels like an eternity the doors finally slide open again and you rush down the hall to Andre and Danny’s room and knock loudly and continuously, impatience and fear overtaking all of your senses. After a few seconds, the door swings open to reveal Danny. Relief washes over you briefly as you push your way into the room looking for Andre. 
“Are you okay?” Danny asks.
“Is Andre here?”
“He’s in the shower, why?”
“He hasn’t got any tattoos by any chance? One like this?” you ask as you lift your pant leg to show him the anti-possession tattoo on your ankle. 
“No, why? He told me a little about what you guys used to do, is he alright?”
“I think he may have been possessed by a demon, I’m not sure for how long or if he still is. I need to make sure he’s okay … Because it’s all my fault.”
“Yeah, demons can take over human vessels and make them do and say things that they normally wouldn’t. I think a demon is or was using him to get me here. But I promise I can exorcise it and he’ll be back to himself without any complications.”
“How can I help? How do we tell if he’s possessed?”
“Easiest is holy water, but I’m guessing you don’t have any of that on hand, so if he’s possessed he will flinch at the name of God. Just act natural and get him to come out here. If he is possessed I’ll exorcise the demon and he’ll be fine.”
While Danny goes into the ensuite to lure his boyfriend out you search the kitchenette for salt, you only find a few single-serve sachets, you just hope it’s enough. Then you pull out your phone and scroll through your files for the copy of the exorcism Sam gave you. Just as you find it Danny and Andre come into the room. 
“Cristo,” you say firmly as they walk in. When he doesn’t flinch you breathe a small sigh of relief. But you’re not entirely convinced so you turn back to the kitchen and fill a glass with water and then with your back still to them, you tip one of the salt sachets into the water. You swirl it around a few times and then turn back to the boys and hand the glass to Danny. He gives you a sceptical look so you subtly nod your head towards Andre and he holds the glass up to Andre’s lips to encourage him to drink it. You both watch him cautiously while he drinks it but his only reaction is to scrunch up his face in disgust. 
“I’ll have a glass sans the salt now if you please,” Andre says. Then he adds, “I’m not possessed anymore. The filthy bitch smoked out while I was in the shower.”
You nod and then show off your ankle tattoo again, “I told you to get one of these a long time ago.”
Andre nods with a grimace, “Yeah, you’re right. I think Danny and I have our afternoon plans sorted. Time to find a tattoo parlour. Are you good, where’s Dean?”
“He’s … following up on the case you uhh … the demon sent us. I’m gonna go meet up with him now. Do you mind if I borrow your car? I can drop you off at a tattoo shop on the way.”
“We can walk. There should be one on the boulevard. So, yeah, feel free to borrow the van,” Andre says as he walks over and hands you the keys. “I was conscious in there you know … I’m sorry about everything that was said. I wasn’t in control.”
“In control or not, I know how you feel about my choice of partner, the demon didn’t make that up. All things considered, it could’ve been much worse. Just make sure you both get that tattoo. You don’t have to hunt or want any part of this life but at least be smart and protect yourselves.”
They both nod and you walk out and make your way down to the car park to their hired van. On your way, you send Sam a quick text to say that your friends are safe and no longer possessed so you’re going to start looking for Dean. 
As you sit in the driver’s seat you realise you don’t even know where to start looking. All you have is the guy’s name from the marriage certificate earlier, but that’s also all Dean had when he left the chapel. Hopeless, depressing thoughts start to nibble their way into your heart and mind. In an effort to dispel them, you turn on the engine and just start driving. You know you won’t find anything sitting here in the hotel car park, the least you can do is drive around and try to find Baby. Even if the demons took him elsewhere it’s the best chance you have at retracing his steps and tracking them down. 
You spend the next hour driving up and down streets and through every hotel and motel car park you can find but unfortunately, there’s no sign of that beautiful Impala anywhere. With your heart racing and mind wandering to the darkest thoughts you pull over. Taking a few deep breaths you try to ground yourself and focus on the task at hand. 
You’re a hunter! You were a hunter before Dean and you can do this on your own now too. You’re good at your job, you can find him. 
Then after a few minutes of hyping yourself up, it’s like a lightbulb explodes in your head. You kick yourself for not thinking of it sooner rather than wasting time driving around endlessly. You pull out your phone and try to track the GPS on his phone. You wait a few seconds for it to ping, but nothing happens. In desperation, you try to call him again, but it goes straight to his voicemail. In a fit of frustration, you throw your phone onto the passenger seat and slam your hands on the steering wheel. Taking a few more deep breaths you try to calm yourself down and hype yourself up again. 
Come on, Y/N! Pull it together! Sam’s still hours out and Dean needs you! Dean wouldn’t give up if it was you, he’ll be fighting to get back right now, so keep fighting for him. 
Once you finish your pep talk you put the car back in drive and start towards the hotel hoping you can come up with a plan before you get there. By the time you park the van back in its allotted bay your only plan is to treat this like any other case and start back at the top. 
Back in your room you pull out your laptop and start researching Cooper Gary from that girl’s marriage certificate. That’s the last thing you know Dean was doing so it seems like the only place you can start. You figure he would’ve taken the hands-on approach and gone door to door asking about him (forcefully if necessary) but that’s never been your style if you can avoid it. It’s not that you’re conflict-adverse, I mean you’re dating Dean Winchester for Christ’s sake, almost every day includes conflict. You just prefer not to bring too much attention to yourself in public in an attempt to keep the difficult and awkward questions to a minimum and keep innocent minds innocent. 
As you scroll through the results that come up for Cooper Gary you reach out for the stuffed bunny sitting on the bed beside you and squeeze it close to your chest. It gives you the slightest comfort but really only serves to make your heart ache even more for the man that gave it to you. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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quartings · 10 months
My Big Pokémon Gen 10 Theory:
I've seen tons of speculation on what region future Pokemon games may be in, or what new flashy battle gimmick they'll have. And since I haven't heard anyone propose this theory , I thought I'd post it here for future reference!
TLDR: The Gen 10 Special Feature will involve getting rid of the turn-based battle system entirely and having manually-controlled Pokemon in real-time battles!
Why do I think so? Because they've been slowly testing it out over the last few years.
Legends Arceus introduced Strong and Agile styles, which allow Pokemon to attack multiple times in a row, breaking from the standard back-and-forth turn order already. Despite this, battles weren't in real-time in this game- enemies would still wait for you to input your attack before the rest of the battle proceeded.
But you know what IS in real time? Tera Raids in Scarlet and Violet. While internally the game still registers "turns" in these raids, if you don't input your attack in time during these raids, you can still easily miss out on attacking for a turn, while everyone else is still in the heat of battle.
Another minor but important change for this theory is battles now taking place in the actual overworld instead of a small arena that matches the environment. Allowing you to move around during the battle (Legends Arceus) or at least move the camera around freely (Scarlet & Violet).
And now with The Indigo Disk, they've introduced a new mechanic called "Synchro", that allows you to manually control your Pokemon and move it around, something that we know more from games like Pokepark and Mystery Dungeon. This I believe, is the second-last piece of the puzzle. Preparing us for the eventual game where rather than standing around clicking orders to our Pokemon once per turn, we'll instead manually control our Pokemon to move around, attack at any rate, and dodge enemy attacks just like in the anime! (I am a touch sad that this feature was introduced in the same games Ash Greninja got scrapped, but hey...)
But what is the final piece of this puzzle, you may ask? I believe it's figuring out what to do with the Speed and Accuracy stats. For the last 26+ years of Pokemon, the Speed stat decides who attacks first in a turn. But if turns are gone, then what now?
Maybe instead, Speed will now decide the actual movement speed of your Pokemon as they dash around the battle? A Regieleki would be able to become an actual blur of lightning, while a Shuckle would be practically immobile.
Or to make things simpler, Speed could maybe determine the attack rate of your Pokemon. An Electrode could maybe fire off 10 Thunderbolts in 5 seconds, while a Pincurchin might only be able to fire 2 Thunderbolts in that time?
Meanwhile, accuracy could tie into the literal accuracy of your moves. Moves like Magical Leaf could lock on to your enemies from across the map, while a Focus Blast could just fly off the map in the opposite direction you aimed it.
Or if they didn't want to go too overboard with this system, they could also just add a "charge time" setting to attacks. Where moves like Scratch can be spammed as much as you can tap the A Button, while moves like Solarbeam could take a solid 5 seconds or so to charge and fire.
But yeah, this is my big theory for the future of Pokemon! Let me know what you think, or if I missed any details! I can't wait to come back to this post in 3+ years when Gen 10 actually introduces "ZetaStretching" instead, where all Pokemon become oblong and all their moves become OKHO moves, haha.
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faegoddessog · 1 year
 Seventy Two Hours of Bliss Ch. 38/41
Chapter 38: Letters from the Ice
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Chapter Warnings: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only, talk about masturbation, separation angst,
Series Masterlist 
Series Summary:
You are neighbors with Austin Butler on the Gold Coast of Australia just prior to shooting Elvis. You become just friends because he is taken. However, after he is single again, you both find out just how attracted you are to one another and things get unrelentingly hot.
SERIES WARNING: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only,  here there be lemons.
Authors Notes: I started writing this while remodeling my kitchen, so that informed the slightly quirky narrative. It starts slow, but once it heats up, it is on fire. I have tried to pull facts from RL as much as I could, but obviously there are some assumptions and flat out dreamy wishes  involved here. 
Chapter 38: Letters from the Ice
Hey babe! 
So, yay email! Hopefully this will work for us. :) But the internet is SO SLOW. Even with barely anyone here it took 10 min for my email to load. I am told by the winterers that trying to upload a video is all but impossible. But a picture *can* go through. Thank the local deity that we don’t have to super old school it and use carrier penguins! Yay! Well we finally made it to McMurdo. I can’t believe it’s been a whole month since I’ve seen you, well except for the phone calls in Christchurch. It feels like the band aid is really ripped off now. I’m just trying to breathe through it. I hope you are staying busy or at least distracted. I am excited to finally be here after 5 days of delayed flights as is the rest of my group. We’ve taken to calling ourselves a flock. I have no idea why. So I’ve got a room all to myself right now, but we’ll see how many people show up for the mainbody season in October, I may or may not have a roommate. So, there I was trying to get settled and I opened my big suitcase and found the books and the dark chocolate and the candles and the little bottle of essential oil blend. Fuck it smells like you. It made me cry and smile at the same time. Thank you baby. This is a classic pic me in front of the station sign. It looks darker than it was, but we only had 4 hours of sunlight and there was a storm coming. Wow, I thought I'd been through blizzards at home. This was nothing compared to what they got here! I’d send you a photo. But it’s literally just white.
I do have a confession to make. You remember that freakin’ hot phone sex we had during my quarantine? Yeah… um.. I recorded the audio, yup, every time. I’m gonna listen to your amazing voice telling me to touch myself. I think I’ll lube up my butt plug you gave me and push it into my ass imagining it’s you. Fuck I miss you. I miss your body next to mine at night and your cock in me in the morning. I love you Aus, I miss you. All the kisses for you. ~Your Kitten
Kitten!!!  I’m so stoked that we still get to keep in touch. Even if only over email. That pic of you in front of the sign feels surreal. I can't even tell it's you with all the layers! The landscape looks so desolate. I’m so glad you found my gifts, that’s just stuff I don’t like to live without, kinda like you. I’m not liking living without you. Although I’m STILL finding post-it notes. You little fiend, putting them in all my clothes. Makes me smile and cry too. I did get some exciting news though. Baz, as you know, has been checking up on me since you left. I really love him, he is such a marvelous soul. Anyway he told me yesterday that we will start rehearsals next week and filming is slated to start up again in mid to late September. Thank God, I gotta have something to focus on other than this empty apartment. I’m just waiting for the rest of the crew to get back in country, then I’ll be too busy to think. Also, I’m gonna talk to your Uncle Roy this week and make sure I can still stay here. Baz says the studio will give me a stipend for the apartment and I’ll just pass that along to him. That reminds me, Kate said she had not seen anything related to us from Marissa’s channel and that she would be willing to have a meeting with her, but she won’t make any guarantees. I have a confession too, I went and developed those couple rolls of film we'd taken. It was so fucking sad that you weren’t there to play with while I waited for them to dry. Anyway, You know how I wasn’t sleeping in our bedroom yet? Well, I put the photos I took of you up all over our bedroom and it finally let me sleep in there alone, although I might’ve cried myself to sleep just a little. When I woke up hard I had those gorgeous pictures of you in that black dress to jerk off to. Fuck you are hot and fuck I miss you so much. Oh my god, just reading that you are fucking your ass with my butt plug has me hard, you are such a naughty Kitten. I might have to keep track of how naughty you are and punish you accordingly when I see you next. I wish you were here to suck this hard cock right now. I think when I finish I’ll stroke myself while looking at those closeups of you and imagine your luscious lips wrapped around me. I’d send you a pic of it, but I’m terrified it could get out somehow. I love you more, I miss you terribly, only 187 more days to go.. Roughly. ~Your Aus
Hello my love,  So how’s things? Are you ready? I’m so excited for you to start filming again. You got this babe! I believe in you! (forehead kisses) There were satellite issues again when I tried to call you last night. I’m so sad we keep getting hosed on our phone calls. Soon you’ll be too busy to take a call from me! We are pretty solidly in the groove of our workday, that’s 6 days a week. I’m on the day shift right now and it’s been a bunch of maintenance checks and rebuilds on buildings and answering calls for service. There is a big build that got delayed due to covid, but we will be starting on that pretty soon. The food is surprisingly good. The galley really loves their themes. Taco Tuesday, Asian Nights, Sunday Brunch. The pizza is pretty good too! It’s not a woodfired oven made by the hands of angels good, but when you want pizza, it’ll do. Made a good group of friends, though we are all weird misfits here it seems. Do you remember when people had to talk to each other instead of stare at their phones? It’s like that here, since there isn’t wifi, not that it would work right. It’s amazing how old school it feels, it’s kind of wonderful. Probably sounds like torture to you my shy, introverted darling.
Most of the people here are guys. It’s like 70/30. I’m the only woman in my department, not like that’s new to me. The first day I showed up for work the foreman asked if I was in the wrong place. They tried to give me shit at first until I out-hammered them all in a nailing race. Just a dumb little competition thing. But it stopped them from fucking with me. Yeah, I know my stuff assholes! Lol! Now we are all good. Except for Joe, I do not like Joe. He just rubs me wrong and won’t let the girl thing go. We may have to have a little come-to-Jesus meeting during which I emasculate him with the claw on my purple hammer! The other women I’ve met have also been surprised by the overall disappointing behavior from some of these guys. There is a saying on the ice- “Antarctica: Full of badass women and mediocre men.” This is true. Not all the guys are that way though, some of them are nice and those are the ones that get laid. Yeah, there are a lot of hookups happening and there are free condoms, like, everywhere. No one here is as interesting or as sexy as my man though. Plus, you spoiled me with not having to use condoms. I miss your skin on mine, I miss your lips on mine, I miss your cock in my mouth. Since I don’t have a roommate yet, I think I’ll light your candle, put on the sexy music playlist we used to fuck to and add some of that EO to my wrists. I’m going to suck on my dildo. I’ll start slow just licking the tip, I’ll imagine your hand in my hair and your sky blue eyes watching every flick of my tongue. I’ll make sure my lips are good and wet before I slide it down my throat. And I’ll be fucking myself with my vibrator, the one that's curved. The only thoughts I'll have in my mind are ‘it’s your cock in my mouth, it’s your hand on my pussy, it’s you, it’s you, it’s you’. I’m gonna cum so hard, moaning around your imagined cock in my mouth, I may have to do it twice. God I miss you. Tell me more about how you jerk off to pictures of me, that is so damn hot. I’m just imagining you stroking yourself, playing with the tip a little. Damn. ~Your Slutty Kitty
My bad, bad Kitty, I do not know how you do it, but are you aware of how fucking sexy you are? Even just via email you get me so riled up. How do you take the mere 26 letters of the alphabet and make them into these sexy fucking pictures in my head?! I miss my cock in your mouth too, I miss you laying out on the bed with your legs wide and my head buried between them. I don’t have anything to lick and pretend is your pussy, but I promise I will make up for it when I see you next. Oh lord I gotta go take care of this massively hard co
Hey love,  Sorry, I hit send without meaning to! You got me so hot I wasn’t thinking clearly. It didn’t take me long baby, I used that coconut oil from just before you left. The scent totally put me right back there with you on your knees devouring my cock. That reminds me, I need to get that dress dry-cleaned… It’s stopped smelling like you now so… I suppose it’s time. I’m ready- ish, the last 6 months made me feel like all the Elvis sunk into my bones. I’ve been working like a fiend with Baz and Polly and Irene and Erik. They have all commented on how it’s different now, more natural. My day is so full of Elvis again it’s hard to think about anything else. I’m so nervous all over again. I’m waking up at 3 again. I miss you. Not just for the sex baby, but you. You make me better. Please keep trying to call, my PA on set will have my phone when I don’t. I put one of your pics up in my trailer, btw, one of the clothed ones. I kiss my fingers and touch it every time I leave and say hello to it when I come in. People that see me do it still don't know who you are, (Baz and Tom are good secret keepers). That last article with the pics of you and I at the airport really threw them all off. I think Kate told me that the paps were searching the passenger lists for all outgoing planes to Europe that day to see if they could figure out who you were. It's fun to keep them guessing. I totally get the hooking up, happens on set too. People are people. I’m not worried about you Kitten. How’s your demon though… she doin’ ok? Getting out of hand at all… pun intended! Ok, early call in the morning. I love you so much. 160 days +/- ~ton Roi
My darling man,  FUCK I am still riding the high from talking to you last week! I can’t believe I caught you in your trailer too! I’m sorry I couldn’t play sexy games back with you because the phone was too public on my end. I loved you telling me how you were stroking yourself though and how you came on your stomach. I went right back to my room, to rub one out. Damn. Luckily my new roommate was at work. She asked me when she moved in why I had a pic of you and me on the wall by my desk. I told her I was in love with you. It was so funny, she sat down on the couch and started talking about you like we were in middle school. ‘ He’s so dreamy and I hear he broke up with his girlfriend and is dating a French woman!’ “was that the only time you met him?” Oh my god, it was all I could do to not laugh in her face. I’m sorry baby, I had to tell her. I hope you aren’t mad! I still don’t think she believes me, even after I showed her pictures of us (appropriately clothed of course). I appreciate you asking after that sexy bitch in my head. She is doing fine, staying on her lead. None of these people would satisfy her anyway. She’s too far gone for you. :) My daily horniness level has chilled out since I’ve not been getting fucked by you on the regular, though there are times! Oh and fun news! I’m going to be setting up a few field camps in a couple weeks, so I won’t be in touch much after halloween -ish. But I WILL be out on the literal ice. Think warm thoughts for me! At least I will get away from Joe! He is still a dick.
~your naughty Kitten (for different reasons)
Kitten,  Of course I’m not mad! Once you are back I want the whole world to know that you are mine and I am yours. Also, Kate set up a meeting with your cousin Marissa. I talked to her and got her info when I talked to Uncle Roy. (He still refuses to let me pay him.) Kate was impressed by her and is planning on offering her a paid internship. Love you baby, go conquer that ice! ~Aus
(Please read the following letter with a deep southern accent of yore) Twenty fifth day of October in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty My darling Austin, I pray that this electronic mail finds you healthy and hale. I have been feeling dashed about by the trials and travails of my good work here on the deep continent. We no longer are a sleepy little hamlet of a mere 200 people. Oh no! A veritable influx of learned people hath arrived, swelling our little cold town to over 800! The light has arisen indeed as we currently receive a joyful 15 hours of sunlight each blessed day. My dear roommate Tabitha seems to have accepted the love that exists between us, my dear Austin, since she overheard our delightful conversation on the telephone a scant few days ago. Indeed it seems she has spread our information to the other members of the kitchen staff as one of the good ladies asked me about it the other day as I procured my nourishment. The person in question didn’t know you, but was happy to know I was dating someone, since apparently the rumor had been circulating that I was a person uninterested, sexually that is. The very idea! My darling Austin, I shall be leaving in two days time for my quest on the ice. It will be my pleasure to erect structures providing temporary shelter from which the good men and women of science may illicit new and exciting information about this oft times perplexing world that humanity calls home. And before you query, yes, I must confess my dear Mr. Butler, I have been imbibing in the devil's drink and yes my loins still burn for you. Pray for me, dear man, that I may endure such hardships that may come and be delivered forthwith into your awaiting arms. With all my love and tenderness. Miss Kitten P.S. Sorry about drunk-as-fuck girl up there, she is just being silly. Can’t wait to fuck your brains out again! Love you -She Demon
Kitten,  You are so weird. I fucking love it and you. I’m so glad you are mine. Filming is so far so good. I barely have time to think, which is perfect. Also, I was eating a mango in the kitchen last night. You know how you cut the side off and score it then turn it inside out? Well, I decided just to eat it off the rind like that, instead of cut the chunks out. And all of a sudden it was like eating your dripping pussy. I am slightly ashamed to say that I dropped my pants right there and jerked off with the coconut oil. The juice was dripping down my chin and chest and onto my cock. Oh, My. God. It was the best one yet. I’ll have to do it for you (to you?) when you get back. Needless to say, a whole new world has opened up to me. I WILL be buying more mangoes. I may not be able to see one without getting aroused from here on out. I think I’ll go have the other half now…
Good luck doing bang! bang! construction things on the ice! Stay safe and warm. I’ll talk to you when you get back. Forever yours- Austin
Aus-  Oh, Mangoes… Damn. Now I fucking want mangoes. Freshies are like currency down here, I haven’t seen a mango though. Just so you know, that last letter was a bet between me and Tabs. We did karaoke that night and I got a little sloshed and started talking in accents. She didn’t think I would do it. Lol! I tried calling you a few min ago, but no answer. I’m leaving in an hour. I’ll email and try to call when I’m back! Oh and come to find out that Joe thought he was flirting with me the whole time, he likes me. Was about to pull my pigtails, I suspect. Boys are so weird. I confronted him and he confessed he was crushing on me pretty hard. I told him about you ( not by name) and that I wasn’t available (plus I would fucking break him). He seems to have backed off and will hopefully treat me like a person. So yay! Growth! Love you tons, Tally ho! Kitten
Darling,  It breaks my heart that I missed hearing your voice. I really needed it too. We filmed some gut wrenching stuff this week and I just needed you. I love you, I love you, I love you. Austin 124 +/-
Sweet, sweet man, I love you too! I’m sorry you had a tough week and I wasn’t there for you. I promise after this, I will never be more than a text away from you again. I hope it’s gotten better! I’m going to try calling tonight when I get off work. Thank god I’m back though! We had a crazy, crazy time. We got caught in a freak storm at Amundsen-Scott. We were supposed to be there for like a day to get supplies and such. We ended up there for 5 days! But after that things cleared up, it was amazing. We set up 5 different camps. Everything from simple temporary polar escapes on wooden platforms to actual shelters that will have to stand up for the rest of the season if not longer. One was at a penguin rookery! They were adorable and came right up to us! Miss you love, hopefully we will talk soon! ~Kitten
Babe,  Those pictures with you and the penguins are unreal! I can't believe they just walked up to you. It blows my mind that anything can live down there. How are things with Joe? Did he actually change his behavior? I would say ‘do you need me to come down there?’ but I know you got this, my amazing, strong sexy beast of a woman. I hope I can pick up when you call next. Missing hearing your voice broke my heart. ~Aus 98+/- (Why is this taking so damn long! You should be in my arms.)
Dear darling Austin, Thank god we got to talk last week, I was really worried about you. Digging into the pain about your mom… I just wish I was there to hold you tight, like she would’ve been. I know I didn’t know her, but from everything you’ve said, I know I would have adored her. (hugs, hugs and more hugs) I got your package yesterday! I opened it without thinking, thank god all the things in it were wrapped! Except for the mangoes… fuck baby. They are perfectly ripe right now, if a little frozen. I’m gonna go eat some mango pussy. Would you like that? watching me eat pussy….
Did you get my package yet? It might be a bit silly. But you can open it when you get it. :) We have been digging into this new building since I got back. The guys worked on all the steel pieces and I’m lead on the framing team. It’s definitely different from what I’ve been used to doing. But I’m finding that all my skills are actually helpful because I know the pieces that come next, so I don’t let the crew fuck things up for the electricians and plumbers and drywallers that will be coming behind us in the future. I miss you baby, I know we keep saying that to each other, so much that it’s like saying something over and over again and the shape of it feels odd in your mouth all of a sudden. But even though I have made great friends here and am in a routine that pulls me from day to day, it would be perfect if you were here with me. With you on my arm, no one would try to pull my pigtails! Love you with all my heart ~Kitten
Baby Doll,  Merry Christmas!! Babe, I did get your package, and I didn’t open in until this morning. Why would you say it’s silly? It’s amazing. You painted this? I am going to take it in and have it framed so I can hang it up. Wow. If you ever wanted to stop doing construction, you could be a professional artist. Tom and Rita have invited a bunch of us up to their place for dinner. I’m about to go get ready but just wanted to tell you that yes, I get it. Saying it gets old, but it doesn't mean we don’t feel it still. Yeah, mom would’ve adored you right back. I fucking miss you. I fucking love you. And holy fuck yes on watching you eat pussy, mango or otherwise.
66 days +/- (can we make time move faster?) ~Your own personal elf- Austin
Dear Austin,  Merry Christmas!! I loved your gifts, they are perfect for here! Lip balm and sunscreen and the warmest, silliest socks. That mini humidifier is sitting on my bedside table as we speak! The running gloves for under my big ones are going to be a game changer! Now I can do fiddly bits without my fingers getting cold! Although it’s a ridiculously balmy 25 degrees Celsius out there right now. I don’t even bring my red parka out right now! Today I joined the Antarctic Polar bear club. Yup I plunged into barely above freezing water in my underwear, no not the unicorn ones, I actually had some polar bear ones I brought just for this! I was nothing if not on theme! It was fucking cold. And exhilarating! But I’m not sure I want to do it again. Luckily we went right into the sauna to warm up! Love you ever so much, give Tom and Rita my love! ~Your Xmas Kitten
My sweet Kitten, Thank you for the phone call, oh my god I needed it. I’m feeling so worn out, even though we kinda had this week off and I’ve been just sleeping as much as I can and going to the beach with other cast members, it’s just not the same without my best girl next to me. (that’s you, btw) I wish I had you with me last night to kiss. I did end up kissing Olivia, but it was just a new years eve peck thing, plus it’s not like we’ve not kissed on set. Is that weird for you? I’ve never asked you about it. Love you so much, it hurts. I def need a kiss on my heart. 59 days +/- ~Yours, Austin
Austin, When I see you, you are gonna get all the kisses on every part of you. Real talk babe: where I’d like to be there to remind you what my kisses are like and reap the benefits if you get turned on, kissing on set doesn't bug me, that’s just part of acting. Didn’t Elvis kiss like all the girls in the audience? Super-spreader much? Ha! TBH, I pecked a few people too when we counted down to midnight. How do you feel about that? Wow, that looks super passive aggressive. I’m def not meaning it that way. Just wondering cuz we’ve never talked about it and I don’t think our games with Loki or ‘the guy from Brisbane’ count as talking about it! Now actually making out with someone like not for work (that’s a crazy sentence right there!)… that we’d def have to talk about. I mean… mostly because I would want to be a part of something hot like that. FOMO!!! On a different note, I sang in Icestock last night. It’s the annual McMurdo music festival. There were comedians and skits and mini plays and bands and a chili cook off! I sang a bunch of stuff with some guys, we had to rehearse on our off time but it was super fun! I had my buddy video it. I’m gonna put it on a USB stick and send it to you, just for fun! There is some other stuff on there too, just for you, including my polar plunge! God we needed a party too. The grind was getting to us all. Yeah we have 24 hours of daylight, but I never knew I’d miss the stars so much! We are about to head into Vessel Season, that means extra people in town, mostly Kiwi and US military, to help unload the massive supply ships. From what I understand we will be pulled to help. I love you baby, soon hunny, soon I miss YOUR kisses ~Kitten
My darling love, Happy Elvis’ birthday! He would've been 86. We had a huge birthday cake on set today. I don’t really care about pecks like that, plus you are too French for me to get up in arms about that. I do feel the same way you do about making out. If you are gonna make out with someone, I want to be there too. If it’s a girl, I def want to be there. That would be hot. We filmed a kissing scene today between young Elvis and younger Priscilla. It really made me miss you so much. I definitely channeled our first kiss into the work. Remember, on the couch? This might be weird to say, but no one kisses me like you do. Love and miss you, 52 days +/- ~Aus
Kitten,  Honey, I have a confession. We were rehearsing one of the big shows where Elvis goes into the audience and kisses all the girls. I had to talk my own demon out of taking home an extra and fucking her silly. She looked just enough like you and she was staring at me all dreamy eyed when I was on stage. Then I had to kiss all these women in the audience and I was all worked up. I’m sorry babe, know that I didn’t do anything or even talk to her. But we talked about being honest with one another and I feel better with you knowing. No I’m not asking if I can do anything with her, it was just like a perfect storm to turn me on. Honestly I’ve been too exhausted and terrified to really feel horny lately, so it kinda took me by surprise. I’m so sorry if this makes you mad. Know I love you and I’m not gonna do anything to screw up what we have. ~Austin 35 days +/- (I can wait, I swear)
Babe,  Love you, not mad. Will respond more when I have time! ~Your best girl
Ok my love,  First of all, I’m sorry this took so long to reply to. It’s been so busy here I’ve not had time. Secondly, I’m not mad. You are human, despite your intrusive thoughts to the contrary. Being attracted to people is just a part of being human. It actually feels really good that you were comfy enough to tell me how you are feeling. Thank you for trusting me. I have this ideal thought in my head that I’d want to be cool with a sorta semi-permeable relationship. Like yeah, making out with a women with you would be hot… fuck I think making out with a man with you would blow my fucking mind. (would you be down for that? Kissing a guy?) But I know I’m not cool with either of us just fucking others at will, at least not when we are this far away. How could you reclaim me, or I you, when these miles exist between us? Share someone with you? Sure, but we need to actually sit down and talk about it face to face. When I'm back and we’ve talked and you and I have had our fill of one another, if that girl is game and we get along… I’m down to try it out, baby. If you are even interested in that. There are a few cute Airmen here, but my demon seems to be slumbering. Remember, the less I get the less I want it. It could also be the fucking 10-12 hour days we’ve been putting in! Which is VERY different from fucking 10-12 hours a day.  Remember our first 72 hours? Damn that was amazing. I love you baby, now and forever, Your lover- Kitten
Amazing woman of my dreams,  How are you so fucking cool, do you know how hard I had to work to get my other gf’s to be cool about kissing on set, let alone talk about sharing a person. This whole thing makes me love you even more. How do I feel about kissing a guy? I think it depends on the guy. But it doesn’t squick me out or anything. Honestly right now, if it meant getting to hold you in my arms, I’d do it and more in a heartbeat. And for the record, I don’t think I could ever ‘get my fill’ of you babe. I love you so much, 25 days +/- (is that fucking real, only 25 days???) Devoted to you- Austin
Babe,  Oh my god! I am so done helping unload and reload ships! Give me my fucking hammer and let me pound something! So I have some shitty news. Y’know how, on the phone we were talking about my departure date being end of February and being back with you by March 1st. Well, I got my departure date, it’s not until March 10th, and I can’t move it up. They even offered me a bonus to stay overwinter, but I declined. As cool as it’s been I need to get off the ice and into your arms. So I won't be back on the Gold Coast until March 12th at the earliest. I don’t know if I have to quarantine. I have to arrange for my stuff to be shipped to Greece in that time as well. You say you have to leave for London mid March. I’m freaking out that I might miss you. I’m gonna try to call tomorrow so we can talk about it. Fuck this sucks, Love you so much ~Kitten
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