keeps-ache · 10 months
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!! oooooooooops !!
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little-writers-posts · 6 months
Something More Between Us (The Milkman x GN Reader)
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Author's Note: A short draft that was playing in my mind because of the milkman on TikTok. I hope you enjoy.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 781
The clock marked 9 p.m., marking the end of my shift as a doorman at the apartment complex where I live. I stretched out on the chair and sighed. At the same time, the other doorman comes through the door to take my place and start his shift.
“Hey, (Y/N), how was your day?” he asked as he started to unpack his things.
“A little tiring, to be honest. Had four residents, plus two without an entry request, and caught six doppelgangers, some more violent than others, but it comes with the job, I suppose.” I said as I packed my things.
“I’m lucky to be on the night shift” he smiled. “I only have three tenants on the list, and according to the DDD all the tenants are in the building except for those.”
“Don’t be careless. Our lives are at stake here.” I warned. “But, you’re right, you’re lucky.” I smiled.
I quickly scanned his list for the night and my heart skipped a beat. Francis name was there, I assume he left for his job as a milkman and, if I remember correctly from my night shifts, he was one of the first to arrive. 
When I started working as a doorman as well as living at the building, one of the perks was to get to know the people who lived in the same space. I always thought that Francis was good-looking, even with those tired eyes. However, even if we do chat a bit at the door or on the occasional bump in the corridors, we never really moved past that. He is a very reserved person and prefers to keep things private, I get that, plus he never seamed that interested in me.
As I was lost in thought, I heard two voices in the entrance lobby and realised my colleague was gathering all the folders to check the information.
“Mmm… Hello” I heard Francis say through the door.
“Good evening mister Mosses” greeted the doorman. “Let’s see…”
I resume my packing, picking up some final things left and reaching for the keys to my apartment.
“All good! You may go.”
The second voice reached for the window, “Good evening.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Looking good as always Mr. Gauss”
Once I had everything I left for my own apartment. When I reach the elevator, I saw that Francis was holding the door.
“Oh, thank you.”
“It’s nothing,” he said, “Izaack is also coming so I thought I might wait for both.”
I joined in and backed up against the wall, standing next to him.
“Our prettiest doorman is joining us today, its always a pleasure walking with you” Izaack mentioned as the door shuts, “Did you think about my proposal?”
I sighed for what seems like the thousandth time today. “I am not interested in going on a date with you, thanks.”
“Oh, come on, (Y/N).” He insisted. “It’s going to be fun, I promise. And I’m not just talking about dinner, you know?”
He stepped closer to me. Suddenly, I felt slightly trapped in that elevator. I tried to move further back, but I was already up against the wall. Isaack started to raise his hand to grab me by the chin and possibly bring me even closer to him. However, it didn't come to that. A body came between me and the raised hand.
“Geez, Francis, relax” Isaack chuckled. “I was just messing arround.”
The doors to the elevator opened on the second floor. Isaack was walking out into the corridor, but looked back before the doors closed again.
“You sure can be scary when you’re angry Mosses” He gave that characteristic smile of his. “See you tomorrow.”
The doors closed and Francis moved out of the way.
“Thank you” I whispered to him.
“Hm.” He raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Listen, if he ever bothers you again liked that, let me know, ok?”
“Oh, don’t worry, Francis” I said while massaging the back of my neck “He's infuriating, that’s true, and persistent, but I can deal it him.”
The elevator reached the third floor.
“I mean it.” He said while leaving to his apartment. “I… I do worry about you.”
I was about to put the key in the door when I suddenly stopped and looked at him. He stared at me with his tired but expectant eyes.
"I didn't know..." An embarrassed but broad smile appeared on my face "Thank you, Francis, I care about you too, a lot."
He nodded and gave a small smile, turning and heading for his apartment. 
After all, there might be something more between us than I thought.
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inlovewithl3vi · 2 months
hello i hope your life is very good! may u do how the brothers' would react to seeing mc just randomly staying in their room all day in their bed, not even eating to the point that they've started to lose a lot of weight. sorry for any English mistakes and I hope you have many blessings!
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I’m so sorry it took me forever to respond to this!!! I’m horrible at writing anything that’s a lil sad, because then I get sad. I’m gonna try my best though! I also decided to write the brothers separately, I’ve never done that before so I guess I’m just gonna try it and see if I like it. This also might be a little ooc but whatevs.(P.s. i hope your life is good too!)
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✧ It started when RAD went on break for a while, about three weeks. It was only supposed to be one, But problems started and now it’s three.
✧ You started to stay in your room more, only coming out to eat or on occasion to do something with someone if they asked.
✧ He doesn’t notice when you start missing breakfast. His brothers sometimes sleep in too, he understands that your only human.
✧ He only worries when you haven’t been at the table at breakfast or dinner.
✧ He’s a little embarrassed too, since he didn’t even notice until the third week has started and you haven’t been seen for 3 days.
✧ This definitely raises red flags in his head, he knows humans are fragile compared to demons.
“MC? I know you’re in there…” he knocks on your door, waiting for some kind of response. When he doesn’t get any he just opens the door and walks in. It doesn’t even matter if it’s locked, he’s still gonna open it.
✧ When he walks in he just kinda stands there. He can notice a change in you, not just the fact that Your body looks physically different but also that he can tell your exhausted.
✧ Eventually he walks up to your bed and sits on the edge of it.
✧ You’re playing on your DDD and look up. You already know what it’s about.
“MC… what’s wrong?”
✧ You look up at him and see a mix of worry and sadness on his face. You immediately feel bad, not realizing that he cared that much.
“Nothing, im Fine” you shrug and look back at your DDD. “No you’re not.” He takes it out of your hand gently. “I can see you’ve lost weight. You also look just so… drained” you sigh, knowing you have no choice but to explain.
“I’ve just been so busy with work at RAD I’ve just kinda been on autopilot. I guess I just… crashed”
✧ He sighs and wraps his arm around you when you sit up.
✧ You’re not used to that kind of attention from Lucifer, so you decide to enjoy it while you can.
“You should have told me MC… you’re only a human, your body needs these things you’ve been putting off.”
✧ You nod, knowing he’s right.
✧ In the end you talk to him more and agree to get help when you need it this time.
✧ He also makes sure you’re eating well, he doesn’t enjoy seeing you in a worsened state.
✧ You actually make him promise he’ll be more careful about overworking himself and skipping meals, since he’s also a little guilty when it comes to that kind of stuff.
✧ With him you don’t last long doing that.
✧ He notices almost immediately. The fact that you’re not there at breakfast to remind him why he goes to RAD in the first place, to see you when your in class together. To make you laugh at stupid jokes he makes, to just be there with him.
✧ He notices when you’re not at dinner either, not having you there to defend him when his brothers get a little carried away with making fun of him. Or to tell him his new scheme sounds good, but it’s not actually the best idea (you’ve probably had that same conversation so many times, but he’ll still take your advice)
✧ So after 5 days he can’t take it. He’s seen that you started online classes and that nobody has seen you around the house at all.
✧ He decides to take matters into his own hands and get into your room.
✧ I would recommend opening it when he knocks, because he WILL break it down.
He immediately starts asking questions. “Hey! MC what do ya' think your doin?” You look at him as he comes in, not even giving you time to go back to your bed after getting up to let him in.
“What do you mean?” You rub your eyes a little, clearly having been asleep moments prior. “I mean look at ya! You’ve clearly lost weight. And I mean don’t take this the wrong way… but yer face don’t look to human no more” you just stare at him blankly. “What” your expression doesn’t change as you look at him. “You look like some kinda zombie… why haven’t you been eating? Ya kinda look like you haven’t gotten much sleep either…” you shake your head a little before speaking “I was just asleep” he rolls his eyes at your response “what for the first time in a week? When did you eat last? I haven’t even seen ya out of your room”
✧ You go back and forth with him for a moment, trying to get him to believe you’re fine.
✧ It doesn’t work though. But I mean, were you really expecting it to?
“I guess with the combination of having so much homework and being in a new place it just caused me to… I don’t know… crash? I guess I have been ignoring my needs” you look away from him when you explain.
✧ His gaze softens when he looks at you.
“MC… ya know you could have told me. I’m your first! You’re supposed to go to me for these things!” You can’t help but chuckle a little at the slight pout on his face.
✧ Eventually you and Mammon talk a little more and he decides he’s going to help you talk to Lucifer about how much work teachers give you. (Since it really is an inhuman amount) and although he can’t fix the fact that you were just thrust into a literal brand new world, he decides he’s gonna do everything in his power to make it better for you.
✧ As much as I love him, he wouldn’t notice at all.
✧ In fact it took his brothers mentioning it before he noticed you were never at any meals they had together.
✧ He debated going into your room to check on you. He was so nervous to upset you, since whenever he shuts himself into his room it’s for a reason (mostly because he doesn’t wanna be disturbed).
✧ Eventually he found himself standing outside your door.
✧ He knocked gently, silently hoping that you wouldn’t respond. That was until he heard a quiet “it’s open” coming from inside.
✧ Although he was nervous, and quite honestly didn’t wanna do this at all, you always checked on him so it was time to return the favor.
“MC?…” he calls out as he walks into your room.
✧ He finds you in your bed, trying to keep your eyes open as you play on your DDD. You don’t even acknowledge him when he walks up to you.
✧ He debates just walking out again, just acting like nothing’s wrong.
✧ That’s until he notices that you’ve clearly lost a bit of weight, and you don’t look like you’ve slept in a week.
“MC… I just came to check on you. Uhm- are you alright?”
✧ He mentally curses himself. Obviously you weren’t ok.
✧ You look up from your DDD and can immediately see concern on his face.
“Levi-“ you start to say you were ok but stop yourself. You know you’re clearly not ok, and you can’t really deny it.
“I- uhm… It’s something stupid, I’m sorry for making you worry. I guess I just got a little carried away with shutting myself in my room.” You look away from him when you talk.
“It’s not stupid if it makes you shut yourself away like this” he’s nervous when he talks, he’s almost surprised he didn’t stutter. “You… you told me that when I shut myself away it’s not stupid.”
✧ You sigh and smile a little, knowing that you helped him before so maybe you should let him help you.
“I- I think I’m homesick” it’s almost shameful to admit. The fact that you miss your family and friends, even though you have a good life here.
✧ He nods, acknowledging your problem.
“I can’t fix that… but uhm… you said that hiding in your room away from your problems isn’t a good thing, I’m not sure how to make you feel better… but uhm you can always come in my room you know. Just… take care of yourself” he mumbles slightly, clearly nervous about saying something to comfort you.
“Thanks Levi” you sit up and lean on his shoulder, He’s internally freaking out but somehow remains calm on the outside as to not scare you away.
✧ You decide to get up and eat something before heading to his room.
✧ You had decided to take him up on his offer and go into his room.
✧ When you get there he’s playing some sort of game, silently focused on what he’s doing. He looks over at you before immediately going back to his game, already knowing why you’re there.
✧ You crawl into his bathtub bed and pull some blankets over you. The calming sound of the clicking of his controller slowly makes you more tired than before.
✧ For that moment you don’t feel as homesick, you promise to take care of yourself better. Mostly so that you can be around your second family in the devildom.
✧ He notices almost immediately that you’ve been skipping meals and not coming out of your room.
✧ Even though he notices he decides to let you figure out your problems on your own, since he knows sometimes people just need a day or two away from people.
✧ But when it lasts more than two days he’s immediately concerned.
✧ He starts texting you asking if you’re ok and if you would like him to bring you anything.
✧ After four days he gets sick of waiting and just decides to go to your room.
✧ He walks in without knocking, and you’re sitting at your desk with papers piled high all around you.
“MC? What are you doing… you haven’t come out of your room.” He looks at you with a concerned expression on his face.
✧ You look up from the paper you were writing on and turn towards him.
“Gotta study, I just finished this week’s homework not too long ago” you shrug and turn back towards the paper in front of you.
“MC it’s the weekend, you haven’t come out of your room in four days. How were you even getting your work from RAD?” You shrug before responding “I paid Mammon to leave it outside my door for me, the teachers just think I’m sick.” He sighs at your response. “You shouldn’t need to do this, you’re basically working 24/7 by the looks of it… you look like you’ve even lost weight.”
✧ You just shrug again and ignore him.
✧ He wasn’t having any of that though.
“Fine. If you insist on working so much why don’t you let me tutor you after RAD? I’ll help you so you don’t have to spend so much time on it” you shake your head at his suggestion. “It’s not even that, the work is so much… and I just don’t know it. I mean I didn’t even know demons existed a couple months ago! How am I supposed to know devildom history? Or the fact that I’m just a human and seductive speechcraft is basically useless to me. I have to work hard yet the only person I can keep up with is Mammon.”
✧ You can feel yourself getting more and more upset as you continue to talk so you stop and turn away from Satan.
“MC… you should have told me, or any of my brothers for that matter. And although I hate to admit it, you should have told Lucifer” he sighs and places his hand on your cheek, making you look at him. “You shouldn’t neglect your health for grades.
✧ You let him pick you up and carry you into your bed before pulling the blankets over you.
“I’m gonna bring you something to eat, I’m sure you’re hungry.” He smiles at you before stepping out of your room.
✧ Although he was telling the truth, he is going to make a stop into Lucifer’s office.
✧ Just ignore it if you hear Satan screaming at him, he’ll just tell you Lucifer was annoying him anyway.
✧ He’s another one of the brothers to notice immediately and try and help you, a little similar to Mammon.
✧ At first he doesn’t think too much of it, just keeping the fact that he hasn’t seen the cute human walking around in his head.
✧ That’s until he sees you at RAD.
✧ He hadn’t seen you the last 5 days of the week, but after the weekend comes to an end and he finally gets to have a class with you at RAD he’s going to start freaking out a little.
✧ He hadn’t seen you at breakfast or dinner, wich was odd to him but he assumed you just went somewhere else.
✧ He immediately realized that wasn’t the case when he saw you sitting at the table you two shared in devildom history class.
“MC! What’s wrong” he’s immediately scanning you up and down, taking a mental note of how exhausted you look along with the fact that you look like you’ve lost weight. “Oh hi Asmo. nothings wrong” you shrug and turn back to your notebook.
✧ He also noticed that fact that you try and hide your face a little from him.
✧ But that won’t do, he hasn’t seen your face for 5 whole days. Wich is far too long for his liking.
“No, we’re not doing that. I haven’t seen your pretty face in five days. Five whole days! Were you even at RAD the last three days last week?” He places his hand over yours as he speaks. “No, I stayed home… I got my work from a friend” you reply, still looking away. “MC… something’s clearly wrong. You can tell me, I promise whatever it is that’s making you neglect your health we can fix. You should know how important it is to take care of yourself!”
✧ You sigh, debating on whether you should tell him or not.
✧ Ultimately, you decide that if one person can help you it’s probably Asmo.
“I guess I just… didn’t really feel good. I still don’t. I mean, the lack of sun down here really isn’t helping my skin at all. And I’ve been so tired from having so much homework. Not to mention Lucifer just added more chores for me to do. I guess I’ve just felt so… ugly. I don’t even want to be here right now.” You can feel tears form in your eyes as you fight to push them back.
✧ Asmo just pauses for a second. He realizes you are going through the same thing he has before.
✧ He places his hand gently on your cheek, making you look at him.
“Oh MC, you should have told me” he has a look. Of genuine concern on his face as he places bother hands on your cheeks. “I know how you feel, believe it or not even the beautiful avatar of lust has off days.” He smiles slightly at you. “That’s no reason to neglect your health though, now let’s go. We’re gonna go home and have a very long spa day… and night, we’re having a sleepover too”
✧ He smiles brightly and takes your hand, almost dragging you out of the classroom with him.
“Won’t Lucifer get mad? We still have like three quarters of the day left” Asmo just chuckles as you make your way out. “I’ll deal with him later.”
✧ Yeah you’re not gonna get away with not eating with him. He notices the first day you’re not at dinner and he’s immediately worried.
✧ The only way you really could is by telling him you have food with you when you really don’t.
✧ Until he notices you haven’t come out of your room either. Then he’s even more concerned.
✧ You’d probably be alone for a 4 days before he checks on you in your room.
“MC… you haven’t been at dinner… or breakfast… and I haven’t even seen you eat lunch” he pouts slightly when he sees you laying in your bed. Your DDD is on and in your hand but you’re clearly not paying attention. “Hmm? Just haven’t been hungry” you mumble and sit up.
✧ He’s definitely internally freaking out when he sees you. You’ve clearly lost weight, and to him that’s probably the worst thing imaginable to happen to the human.
“MC! You don’t look good at all…” he’s surprised and worried at the same time. “What’s wrong? You can tell me” you shrug before speaking “I don’t really know… I just lost my appetite. I haven’t been able to sleep to well either, it’s been kinda hard to get out of bed.” You look down, a little embarrassed to admit it.
He sits down on the edge of the bed and nods as you talk. “You should have told me, i would have tried to help sooner…” he’s almost a little disappointed with himself that he didn’t come and help before.
✧ You talk with him a little more, explaining your situation.
✧ Eventually he offers to carry you to the kitchen with him and you agree, deciding that next time you feel this way you’ll ask for help so you don’t worry Beel.
✧ Again, as much as I love him he doesn’t notice at all. He also doesn’t care as much either.
✧ You’ve probably been missing from meals for a week by now and nobody’s seen you around the house.
✧ Belphie has a habit of falling asleep at the table after only eating half of his food, so he doesn’t always remember who exactly was there.
✧ He notices when he’s going around other peoples dreams.
✧ He has a habit of using his powers to go through each of his brother’s dreams at night, making sure there’s no nightmares and that they’re all asleep. None of them know of course (Lucifer does, but he doesn’t mind. He almost thinks it’s sweet that Belphie actually cares about his brothers in some way)
✧ You don’t know either. But you haven’t been sleeping at night, and Belphies noticed. He hasn’t been in your dreams lately and he only realized when he had a thought that he was missing something.
✧ He’s always liked going into your dreams, he liked seeing how your dreams were mostly of him and his brothers. So when he realized he hasn’t been in one for quite a while he’s concerned.
✧ He does the one thing he hates the most, he wakes up in the middle of the night for you.
✧ He immediately makes his way to your room, not bothering to knock as he walks in
“Why haven’t you been sleeping?” He immediately asks when he enters. You’re sitting up in your bed, reading a book. “I can’t sleep, I’ve tried everything. I can’t eat either. I think I’m just rotting away in my bed.”
✧ He can’t help but sigh. He can see that you’re exhausted and that you’ve clearly lost weight.
“Move over” he says simply as he moves to crawl into your bed. “Put your book away too.” You raise a brow at him but do what he says anyway. He clicks off the light and pulls you in close to him.
“What are you doing?” You immediately ask. “Helping you sleep. I can do that you know, you should have come to me earlier.” You roll your eyes slightly before enjoying his comforting embrace.
“Oh, and you’re gonna eat tomorrow too. If you really feel like you can’t, I promise to help… somehow”
✧ You sigh contently and nod. He places his hand over your eyes a you feel a weird wave of tiredness overtake you. Just before you fall asleep you hear him mumble something.
“Don’t do that again… you had me worried”
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 months
i’m so excited for your request event eek!! :DDD if you ever get the time, maybe micheal kaiser, but like post marriage? :O
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Synopsis: You pick up your husband from the airport, finally reuniting with him after his long trip abroad.
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Event Masterlist
Pairing: Kaiser x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 1.5k
Content Warnings: married couple, lots of banter, talks about insurance??, kaiser hates blue lock but he has to secure the bag i fear 😔, probably ooc because this is an established relationship so he’s kind of sweet…consider it off screen development LMAO
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A/N: hello my dear i’m so sorry this took me a sec to respond to!! kaiser is such a funky guy hehe i tried my best writing him in this type of scenario…i hope you like it 💖
Additional: part of my 500 follower event! see the event description and rules to make a request of your own. now closed!
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The airport was colder than you had expected, and you wrapped the sweater you had stolen from Michael’s closet tighter around your shoulders, hiding the lower half of your face in it as you stared at the customs area. Your eyelids were heavy and threatened to droop shut entirely, but you had promised that you would come pick him up, and you didn’t want his first sight of you after almost a month to be you dozing off on your feet.
Shuffling over to a bench and suppressing a yawn when you realized it might still be a bit of time before he came out, you tucked your legs up next to you and leaned your head against the cool white wall beside you. Given the late hour, the airport was all but deserted, or at least as close to deserted as a place so constantly active could be. The steady drone of the air conditioning — which you wished they would turn down! — was mind-numbing, and despite yourself, you thought that it wouldn’t be so bad if you just closed your eyes for a moment. You wouldn’t sleep, you would only rest them so that you appeared cheery and bright when Michael finally arrived…
The next thing you knew, there was a hand on your shoulder, shaking you gently awake. You shot to your feet, panic shooting through you at the thought that you were being attacked or something, but when you realized your ‘assailant’ was none other than your dear husband, who you had spent hours waiting for, you relaxed.
“You should’ve just stayed home,” he said, clicking his tongue at you, reaching out to ruffle your hair. His bags sat by his feet, and yawning, you picked one up. “Hey, is that my sweater?”
“Mhm,” you said as you traipsed towards where you had parked your car. “I like this one. I can’t believe I haven’t taken it before.”
He made a face at you. “Stop stealing my clothes.”
“There’s nothing stopping you from taking my things, if you’re bristling at the unfairness,” you said, unlocking the car and opening the trunk, helping him heft his things into the back to hasten the process.
“No thanks. Your clothes are ugly; that’s why you always have to take mine, right?” he said, pressing the button so that the trunk would shut. You yawned again, blinking your eyes open and shut a few times to clear your vision, shaking your head as you did so.
“You’re the one who buys half of them, so what does that say about your taste?” you said. “Yours are just more comfortable.”
“I can start buying you men’s clothes instead, since you insist on wearing them all of the time,” he said, snatching the keys from out of your pocket and sliding into the driver’s side before you could protest.
“Well, but it’s not the same,” you said. “Also, what are you doing? The whole point of me coming to pick you up was so that you didn’t have to drive and all. Aren’t you tired?”
“I just slept for an entire plane ride,” he said. “I’m as energetic as Ness when he gets his hands on espresso. You, on the other hand, will probably crash this car if you’re allowed to drive it, and then we’d have to deal with insurance, so I’d really prefer it if you just get in the passenger seat and leave this to me, because our agent is a bitch.”
“She’s not that bad,” you said. 
“Every day that I don’t have to call her is a good day,” he said. “Now, are you coming, or should I just leave you here?”
You scoffed even as you ducked into the passenger seat and put on your seatbelt. “You should’ve left me behind. I could’ve caught a ride with Ness. I’m sure he’d be less mean about it.”
“Ha, ha,” Michael said. “That was so funny. Did you recently update my will to make yourself my sole benefactor? Because if so, you’re in luck. I just died. Died of laughter. I’m dead now, which means you’re a rich woman, Mrs. Kaiser.”
“Shut up, you overdramatic oaf,” you said.
“You’re so rude to the man who just made you wealthy,” he said, taking your hand and holding it to his lips as he pulled out of the airport parking lot. “I’m worth more than Ness. Don’t even joke about going with him again. He won’t give you anything when he dies. You’ll be left broke and unhappy.”
“Right, because your net worth is why I agreed to marry you,” you said. “No other reason.”
“That combined with my good looks and my amazing talent, I’m sure,” he said.
“Your humility was only a bonus,” you said. He dropped your hand and shot you a mock glare.
“Just remember who’s in control of this car! What if I crash it? Then you’ll regret everything!” he said.
“You’ll regret it more,” you said. “I’ll make you call the insurance agent.”
“What if I’m on my deathbed?” he said. “What if I’m bleeding out at the scene of the crash? What would you do then, huh?”
“I’d use your phone to call an ambulance, and I’d use mine to call the agent so that you could talk to her while we waited for help to come,” you said.
“Wow,” he muttered. “Cold. We haven’t seen each other in a month and this is how you’re treating me.”
“I did miss you,” you said, resting your temple against the cool glass of the window. “I wish you didn’t have to go all of the way to Japan every year to help out with that program.”
He sighed. “Believe me, if they paid even a dollar less, I wouldn’t. I hate those stupid Blue Lock bastards, and every time I have to interact with them, I lose ten years off of my lifespan. ”
“Oh, no,” you said. “Remind me when you’re about to run out completely. I’ll update your will, just in case.”
“Hilarious,” he deadpanned.
“Really, though, is there anyone you don’t complain about talking to?” you said. “At this rate, you’re not going to have very many years left at all. Will you leave me a widow so soon?”
He gave you a charming grin. “I like talking to you. That’s why I married you.
“Did those Blue Lock boys teach you about this kind of thing alongside soccer?” you said. “I don’t remember you being quite so smooth when you left. Was it Yoichi Isagi? You mentioned him a lot in your texts.”
“Y/N,” Michael said gravely. “I would strip naked, swim in a vat of acid, and then sleep with Don Lorenzo on a bed of nails before I would ever take advice from Isagi.”
“Poor Lorenzo,” you said, laughing at the mental image of what he was describing. “Why’d you throw him under the bus like that?”
“We took the same plane back from Japan,” he explained. “He had a layover here, so you could say he’s just a victim of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“Jeez,” you said. “Alright, I get it. You just thought about me so frequently and fondly that you came up with these lines all on your own.”
“Exactly,” he said smugly. “I don’t need stupid Isagi to tell me how to impress you. Only I know how to do that, anyways, so why would I ask someone else for help?”
“Sorry for the suggestion,” you said as he pulled into the garage of our home. “And thank you for driving. If only your flight had been a little bit earlier! I really would have driven you back.”
“Next time,” he said, patting your head as he helped you out of the car. “Or I can call a taxi and you can just stay home from now on, so that neither of us are inconvenienced.”
“I wanted to do something nice for you,” you said with a pout, helping him bring his things inside. He smiled slightly, kissing your forehead with the utmost of delicacy.
“Just you being here is nice enough for me,” he said. “Don’t put yourself through so much trouble, okay? The knowledge that you’re waiting at home for me makes me happier than anything else ever could.”
“Okay,” you said reluctantly. “If you say so.”
“I do,” he said. “Let’s get you to bed now, alright?”
“You, too,” you said.
“I will, but on one condition,” he said.
“What?” you said.
“You take my sweater off,” he said. “It’s mine, seriously!”
“Looks like you’re sleeping on the sofa tonight, then,” you said.
“Y/N,” he whined, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing tightly, resting his chin on your shoulder. “You have me now. Aren’t I much warmer and better than a sweater?”
“Hm,” you said. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“You guess so?” he said. “Fine. I guess I’ll just see myself back to Japan, then.”
“Don’t do that,” you said. “It’s too cold without you here, and lonely, too. I’ll even take the sweater off if you’ll stay.”
“You’re so unfair,” he said. “How am I supposed to say no to you? You can keep the stupid sweater.”
“And you?” you said. He pinched your cheek affectionately.
“I suppose you can keep me, too.”
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loveephia · 1 year
Hi! I hope you are doing well 🩷
I love your works!!
If you take requests, could you do the headcanons for "being Fukurodani's pretty manager" ??
you as fukurodani's beautiful manager.
content: (🦷) tooth-rotting fluff, reader is akaashi's cousin, reader is as pretty as kiyoko shimizu and alisa haiba, you're a second year here, bokuto kinda likes you, quite long.
⚠ warning/s: none.
note: ENJOY READING ANON AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REQ!!! :DDD maybe i should work on a karasuno ver. and aoba johsai ver. too..
inarizaki ver. | nekoma ver. | shiratorizawa ver. | aoba johsai ver.
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goodnight and goodbye
yukie and kaori were searching hardcore for a new manager to take over because they were both in their third year, and soon enough, they'll be graduating
and you just so happened to stumble into the third year's classroom while carrying the teacher's papers
yukie and kaori's mind SYNCED at the sight of you.
"of course, akaashi's cousin! why didn't we think of that before?" kaori scream-whispered to yukie
so now, here you are, at the gym entrance with yukie and kaori by your side
akaashi perks his brow before asking, "y/n, what are you doing here?"
"yukie promised me a supply of lemon bread if i became your guys' manager." you simply answered as yukie brought up two thumbs up in confirmation
"our y/n is going to be super helpful, no?" kaori said, placing both her palms on your shoulders
"no way, y/n will be our manager?!" bokuto exclaimed, having just entered the gymnasium
you turned around and smiled gleefully. "hello, kō!"
bokuto's heart pounds at the given nickname. "hey, hey!" he greets
you already knew the members, and they knew you too! you actually came by the gym often to drop something off for akaashi
konoha really likes you, like really
washio just deadpans because there's nothing much to say between you two.
you think sarukui is pretty fun to be with!!
haruki likes to joke around with you :3
wataru's like the fourth manager because hE'S VERY HARDWORKING FROM WHAT YOU'VE SEEN
oh dear, if only you knew how much stress they'd cause you while on trial.
this is more cardio than you'll ever get in PE
"i want to quit..!" you thought, picking up one ball after another
"hey, y/n!" bokuto calls out, and you look up at him
he does a little finger heart with one hand, and your stomach is just filled with little butterflies from the silly encouragment
you return the finger heart with a bashful expression, and bokuto smiles all giddily
akaashi just stands in the middle of the gym, contemplating anything and everything.
"y/n -> bokuto = bokuto & akaashi = in-laws."
i mean.
akaashi doesn't mind since bokuto is a great guy, and he'd much rather you be engaged to his best friend than anyone else right now
but still.
"i need to sit down.." akaashi mutters as sarukui laughs at him
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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irishmammonagenda · 7 months
How I Think The Obey Me Dateables + Co Would React to The Rumours™️
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Summary: Rumours have been floating around the Devildom. Rumours about a certain Angel and Sorcerer...how will the demon brothers react? Word Count: funny joke! Content Warnings: nothing i dont think Disclaimer: This will probably not make a lot of sense unless you've read this fic here for context, but ykw life doesnt make sense you do you <3
[Brothers Version]
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dividers by @cafekitsune
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You had left the Sorcerers' Society feeling quite flustered, but also extremely pleased with yourself. Take that Solomon. You grin. In all the excitement of the following days, you'd forgotten about the rumour you had accidentally spread around the Devildom. Perhaps you shouldn't've pretended to be Archangel Michael to gain entry....
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Finds out about the rumours relatively quickly, Little D No.2 sees him nearly dropping a plate before catching it with his tail. He was sworn to secrecy.
Poor Little D No.2
His first thought is shock, his second thought is.
'What did you do MC?'
smiling he dials your number on his DDD.
You were in the middle of doing homework, or rather, sitting at your desk staring at your homework when Barbatos called. "Hiya Barbs!" You grin into your DDD. "Hello MC." You can hear the Butler's smile through the phone. "What's got you calling Barbie?" "There have been some rumours of a certian bastard sorcerer and Archangel in a romantic relationship...you wouldn't happen to know anything of it?" You laugh. "My assassination attempt went wrong." Barbatos lets out a small chuckle along with you. "I can't say Solomon doesn't deserve it." You pause. "Barbs?" "Yes, MC?" "Would you maybe wanna...go to the next Devildom Carnival with me?" You mumble into the phone, but he catches it. Thankfully, he was feeling nice, and did not teasingly ask you to repeat it. "Of course I would MC," Barbatos tone softens, smile visible in his voice. "Perhaps you can tell me more of this assassination attempt going aray?" "It'd be my pleasure Barbie."
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Barbatos tells him.
Remember the sticker incident? Yeah. Diavolo laughs when he hears about it
This could be a great help in uniting the 3 realms!!!
And hey, if someone commissions Asmo to make stickers of Michael x Solomon, dont look at Diavolo who is very suspiciously whistling innocently.
"Hi Asmo!" Lord Diavolo steps out from the shadows. Asmodeus shrieks, loosing all colour in his face before gaining it back again and grinning excitedly." Diavolo! What are you doing in my room?~" Diavolo shooshes him, pale golden eyes widening as he looks around the Avatar of Lust's room. "Not so loud." After deeming it safe enough, the Demon Prince continues, "I snuck away from Barbatos" Asmo makes a noise of understanding, he looks up at the other through foxlike eyes. "So what can I do for you Dia? ~" The Prince smiles ear to ear. "Remember the stickers you made of me and Lucifer. Well, I'd like to commission something." Asmodeus gasps excitedly, moving a stray champagne coloured lock from his forehead, he grabs his bejeweled pen and journal. "Of course! We can discuss pricing later on! First things first! What would you like?~" "Well..." Diavolo lets out a booming laugh, "Maybe something quite similar to the stickers of me and Lucifer, except with Michael and Solomon?" Asmodeus sets his pen and sketchbook down, looking up at the Devildom's present goofball and future ruler. "Y'know what, Diavolo?" He smirks mischievously. "It's on the house." Diavolo pouts, "At least let me buy you Majolish's new line of clothes." "Awww!~ If I had a ring that I didn't want to keep for myself I'd propose to you!~" Diavolo laughs. These stickers were going to be amazing.
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Haha L Solomon
Knows it's fake from the moment she hears it.
Upset she didn't think to start it....but when she finds out from Satan you had a hand in it?
Damn bbg she's about to have your hand in marriage😏
You were just trying to walk home from RAD, having finally gotten a moment of peace from your idiots when an extremely loud 'VROOOM' startles you. A black motorcycle with pink accents traverses the streets of the Devildom like it's attempting to audition for Fast and Furious, before going rogue and coming straight towards you. Scared, you start to sprint, alas, even as an angel,you can't outrun motorcycles. You don't wanna die! The mystery rider drives beside your sprinting, catching up to you before reaching their leather gloved hands out and; YOINK! The motorcyclist pulls you flush against their chest, holding you there with one arm as they use the other to steer. You've been kidnapped by a motorcyclist who thinks they're in GTA. Great. Being kidnapped by a crazed motorcyclist before GTA 6....actually, maybe this was GTA 6. "As much as I'd love to hear your screams in a different context MC, can you stop screaming?" A voice asks through the Motorcycle helmet, you immediately stop squirming to get out of the Motorcyclist's arms. "Thirteen?!" She laughs, "Awww, I love it when you say my name!" You drive in relative silence for a while until she reaches a small cafe. She stops the bike and takes her helmet off, her long ombre hair is tied in a ponytail, she takes out the bauble and lets it fall down. Bloodied emerald eyes lock onto yours as she pulls you in for a kiss. "What's this about you dying and not giving me your soul...." She says in mock sadness before jumping off of the motorcycle, helping a dazed you to your feet. "No bother!" She flirts, tucking a stray hair away from your face, "You can just give me your soul, and your heart, and your body, and your mind!" You blush. "W-why are you in the Devildom Tee?" "Well a certain someone-" She pinches your cheek, "made up a fabulous rumour about that Rat-Bastard! So I'm here to give them a lovely little dinner date and my hand in marriage as a reward!" "Excuse me? Could you repeat that?!" You ask, heart racing. Thirteen just laughs and gives you a kiss that leaves you breathless, a soft blush of her own showing up on her porcelain skin. You walked out of your impromptu unofficial kidnapping dinner date a married MC. Time to go to Vegas to make it official!
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The man found out because you told him.
He is not impressed. Couldn't you have made up a rumour about Lucifer dating someone?!
No MC, this is a serious newspaper! He is not posting gossip. Or advertising fanfictions. Especially ones with a name like that!
What do you mean Lord Diavolo would 'want you to do it, Mephisto!!' are you trying to emotionally blackmail him?!
"Pleaseeeee!" "No." You try again. "Mephisto pleaseeeeeee?" He gives you a rather rude look. Damn, rich people really were good at looking at people like they were dirt on their shoes. "I won't ask for anything ever again!" "You will, and the answer is still no MC." He glares at you. Pear green eyes filled with annoyance. "The RAD newspaper is sacred! I'm not posting fanfiction on there! We are a serious organisation!" "You post popularity polls." You deadpan. "This is why I hate rich people." "Let me go wipe my tears with my various stacks of grimm lying around. Speaking of which, how did you get into my house, MC?" You grin sheepishly. "No comment!" "MC." "Your little brother let me in! He's very nice, unlike you! Now please I'm begging you!" Mephisto raises an eyebrow. "You don't look like you're begging." "I'm not getting down on my knees. I'm going to piss in your cereal." Mephistopheles scoffs. "I don't eat cereal. That's poor people behaviour." You sniffle, deciding that the best course of action would be to annoy him. "You know, you're acting like Lucifer right now! Not letting me post this in the Newspaper." Mephisto waggles his finger at you, "Send me a Devilmail of what you want included later." "Yay!" You cheer. Satan was going to be so happy when he found out you managed to get your fanfic mentioned in the RAD Newspaper!
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He finds out after you print out the published parts of the fanfiction you and Satan wrote.
He's an author after all! What better person to get constructive criticism from?!
Someone please save this poor man.
Solomon looked up at Michael with dull eyes devoid of emotion, just previously they had shone with tears, now they were just dead. A graveyard of feeling. "Take it back Michael." The sorcerer mutters, but Michael heard him clearly. "What you said about Humankind...take it back!" "It's the truth Solomon!" Michael raises his voice, the rain dropping like bullets against the windows of Cocytus Hall. "I can't do this anymore!" Solomon blurts out, before turning on his heel, cape flapping, as he runs out of the door, into the storm outside, his arms cover tear-stricken his face. "Solomon wait!" Michael races out after him braving the- "MC..." Simeon looks up at you, he takes his reading glasses off and gently sets the paper down, attempting to avoid looking at anything else written on it. "MC, what is this?" "Art." You nod seriously. "It is good writing MC, but, why?" "Why not?" You tilt your head. "With all the love in my heart, darling, I'm forcing myself to forget this story's existence." You pat Simeon's back. "That's probably for the best Simmy."
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Solomon? Michael was going out with Solomon?
This worked out great for him actually, this meant he could eat Solomon's food more often. How delicious!
Disappointed when he finds out the rumours aren't true.
"Raphael for the last time, do I look like the type of person that would date Solomon?!" Michael says exasperatedly, covering his face with his hands and fake sobbing. Drama king. "You are a bit odd. Are you sure you're not dating him? I won't judge you, Michael, I respect you a lot." Raphael nods seriously. "I am not dating Solomon." Raphael pouts, "I see. Have you considered dating Solomon?" Michael grabs a pillow and screams into it.
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Finds out through Asmo
Is that a fanficiton, MC?
Two can play at this game.
You enter your room when you feel a hand go over your mouth. You attempt to scream, but seeing as there's a hand over your mouth, it doesn't exactly go very well for you. "Relax Mc, It's just me." You turn your head around to see Solomon and that signature sneaky smile on his face. You scream louder. He chuckles and mutters a few words, all of a sudden you feel very sleepy.... Hours later, you wake up on your bed, now around 3 feet tall and with familiar pink wool, your hands and feet are now hooves, beside you Solomon had been oh so kind as to leave you a note. Cant write Fanfiction if you don't have hands. Jokes on him. You're a co-author.
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hears some demons talking about it at RAD while he´s in Devildom history
Michael are Solomon are DATING??!!!
Michael and Solomon are getting MARRIED??!!
Is Solomon his dad now?
Luckily for Luke and Unluckily for Michael, Michael is still in the Devildom, so when Luke gets home, he goes to ask Michael about it.
Sounds of sizzling and chopping can be heard from the kitchen in Purgatory Hall, and thankfully, it's not Solomon. Michael hums as he expertly dices the onions up and puts them into the blender with the tomatoes, broccoli and cauliflower. His long golden hair had been haphazardly thrown into a plait, small curls that didn't feel like conforming popping out here and there, sauce stains found themselves a home on his dark skin, he stuck his tongue out in concentration. Frozen meatballs had been left out to thaw, and now the Archangel was making the vegetables in the sauce so they'd undetectable to a certain fussy young angel. "Michael?" The young angel in question calls out in the doorway resulting in Michael exclaiming something that sounded like 'GAH!' and attempting to hide Luke's view of the blender. "Hiya Lukey!" Michael grins awkwardly. "What's up with you today? Haha." Now long used to Michael's strangeness, Luke pays it no mind. "Michael, I have a question." The archangel turns the various pans on the stove to the lowest heat before sitting on a stool on the kitchen island and pulling Luke up to sit on his knee. "What's up Kiddo?" He grins, tilting his head at the boy. Luke fiddles with his thumbs, his blue eyes meeting Michael's red ones. "Is it true you and Solomon are getting married?" Michael's smile drops. He pats Luke's blond hair, "No Lukey, me and Solomon are not getting married, nor are we in a relationship." Luke's face flushes, he clenches his tiny fists. "Those demons! Making up lies!" Michael shakes the image of you from his mind. "Yeah. Demons. Yup!"
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lads im gonna be honest here i havent met mephsitles or hwoever u spell it a lot in game (as well as thirteen and raphael) so apologies if theyre really ooc😰
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Could you please do the om brothers x reader where the reader thought they were home alone so they were doing chores while listening to music and dancing but then the brothers find them? If that makes any sense
the older brothers catching you dancing
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includes: the older brothers x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .6k | rated g | m.list
a/n: oml this was so so so cute! i hope you enjoy! my inbox is temporarily closed to reqs but still come chat w me!
please reblog :3
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lucifer leans against the doorframe, watching you. you don’t note his presence, too absorbed in your activity, which seem to be less cleaning and more dancing.
you’re not trying to be good, or impress anyone, and lucifer can’t hear whatever music you’re listening to, so the overall effect is more comical and than impressive, but as lucifer watches, he thinks it’s actually quite cute.
then you begin to sing, and it takes everything in his power for him to stifle his chuckles, not alert you to the fact that you’re being watched.
you finally turn around, freezing when you see him. “um, hi,” you say, pulling out an earbud, and your embarrassment is quite adorable.
“hello,” he says quietly, unable to hide his smile. “quite the moves that you’ve got there.”
“ugh, don’t even!” you cross your arms. “why didn’t you say anything! this is so mortifying!”
“because it was cute,” he replies simply, honestly, and somehow, you get more embarrassed.
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mammon calls out for you, knowing you’re home, but when he receives no answer, moves further into the house. when he finally finds you he can’t help but stop, struck by how funny you are.
you’re totally in your own world, using the duster like a microphone.
normally, mammon wouldn’t hesitate to whip out his ddd and take a video, as it would doubtless garner thousands of likes, but something stops him. he kind of wants this moment all to himself.
eventually, when a few minutes pass and you still don’t notice him, he moves further into the room, reaching out to you. at his touch on your shoulder, you spin around, startled, then break out into a grin.
“oh, hey!”
“how goes the cleaning?” mammon asks with a wry smile, and you shrug, unashamed.
“eh, well enough. how was your day?”
“better now that i’ve that,” mammon says, and you roll your eyes.
“yeah? well, you know what would make my day better?”
“what?” mammon asks, folding his arms. he already knows the request is going to be dumb.
“if you dance with me!”
you stare at him with an expectant smile, then hold out your hand. with a half-sigh, half-laugh, mammon takes it. “i can’t hear the music,” he warns, and you shrug.
“that’s okay. that only mean’s i’ll have to lead.”
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levi is struck by a cuteness overload. “oh my gosh!” he mutters to himself. “this is straight out of one of my domestic, slice-of-life animes like i find my partner dancing in the living room while they’re supposed to be doing chores. how lucky am i!”
on top of that, he can hear you humming the tune and it’s totally one of ruri-chan’s theme songs! you’re like, the most perfect person ever!
eventually, you seem to tire out and stop for a break. levi moves in then, heart pounding.
“mc, that was so cute! you should totally become an idol and dance and sing on stage!” he pauses. “wait, no, don’t do that! i couldn’t bear to share you with anyone else. i’ll get jealous!”
“when are you not jealous,” you ask, turning to face him with a smile. “and don’t worry, i don’t have any plans to go pro. how ling have you been home?”
“oh, you know, a few minutes,” he answered nebulously, and you squint at him.
“you’ve totally been watching me, haven’t you?”
“it’s like when a fan sees their favorite being cute,” levi defends. “i wasn’t going to spoil the moment.”
“you’re such an otaku,” you say. “but, thankfully, i like that side of you so i suppose that’s fine.”
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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mysumeow · 1 month
Could you write a part two to the Lyney x reckless reader? I literally loved it so much, it was amazing. Maybe a love confession lol. "Why do you care so much about me getting hurt all the time?" "Because I love you, dammit!"
──Lyney with a reader who's reckless wherever they go and whatever they do PT. 2
ᓚᘏᗢ : You can find the first part here.
ᓚᘏᗢ WARNINGS: Reader death mentioned, but it's pretty sfw. GN pronouns and body.
ᓚᘏᗢ Summary: Reader has the special ability to regenerate whenever they die. Reader has fun with this power, but it's not as fun for the magician they befriended.
ᓚᘏᗢ A/N: Hello anooon ;7; It's been a while since you sent the request ToT hopefully you're still around and get to see this post? lkajhfsadlkfjhh I didn't imagine someone would ask me to write a continuation of this, but here we are! I hope you enjoy it :DDD
Today was the day for a nice little picnic with your Fontainian peers. Nice weather, the birds are chirping, you're under the shade of a tree...
Until a freaking lawachurl appeared out of nowhere and forced your outing to an abrupt stop! Its heavy footsteps caused tremors across the ground, which spilled the jug of bulle fruit on the picnic blanket. 
“Why—you—” fed up, you stood up and prepared yourself for battle.
Lyney, however, was faster to stop you before you had the chance to do anything.
“Hey, that sturdy thing is like 5 meters tall or more; you don’t stand a chance,” Lyney looped his arms around you, trying to pull you away from your possible demise.
“I don’t care, I’m giving it a lesson!” You struggled against him. “If I die, I’ll just come back and continue giving it a beating!”
If it weren’t for Lynette’s and Freminet’s help, you probably would’ve had an encounter against that thing. While the trio fought to pull you away from the scene before it was too late, the lawachurl’s attention was focused instead on the ruined lunch that it trampled on. It was hungry.
“I could’ve taken it down!” You fumed, still not glad at the idea of that monster getting away with the fact it ruined the picnic you had been planning for a while now. The twins had been occupied with work; you barely had any time to see them until now. Finally, the day to hang out with them came, and it was ruined.
At last, they let you go once you were a safe distance away from danger.
“After the 50th attempt, maybe,” Lynette wasn’t amused. “I’m not happy about the ruined picnic either, but it’s not worth it risking our lives fighting against that.”
“It’ll be okay. We could just have lunch at a restaurant. What matters is to spend time together, isn’t it?” Freminet tried to console you.
“But you all know I can regenerate, right? It’s no big deal—”
“It is a big deal to us. To anyone who cares about you,” Lyney’s distress became apparent, his hands settled on your arms. “Even if we know you’ll be okay, it’s not pleasant to see you die. Do you get it now or not?”
His words felt akin to a bucket of cold water. “I didn’t imagine you would care that much…”
Lyney was astounded, and for a moment, you felt his grip falter.
“I’m sor—”
“You’re an idiot.”
His hands around your arms regained their strength, holding you with conviction now. “You’re an idiot for thinking I wouldn’t care deeply about you. Not only do I worry about you, but I also love you.”
“You mean like as a friend or…?”
“More than that. Much more than that.”
Huh. Interesting.
His hands went to your face, and you felt something meaningful was about to happen—thus, you didn’t move away from it.
The touch of his lips against yours was short and sweet, and the tension in your body melted away with it. Your body finally eased away from that “fight or flight” response, and you wrapped your arms around Lyney.
There was a moment of silence, allowing the newfound feelings to settle in, and you watched as his cheeks became pink the longer you stared at him.
“You’re so cute,” Lyney smiled, pleased. “Your face’s very warm.”
You stumbled over your words before you could change the subject. “Wh-Where’s Lynette and Freminet?!”
“Oh, I think they’re chatting over there.”
Lyney and you headed towards them.
“Hello there, lovebirds. It was about time you came back from your little fantasy world,” Lynette teased.
“I didn’t notice when you left.” Lyney scratched his cheek bashfully.
“The moment you confessed your long-time feelings, I knew that was our cue to leave.”
You’ve never seen the flirty magician's face this red before.
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factual-fantasy · 28 days
29 Asks! Thank you!! :}} 🏇
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Ah- yeah that's just a reminder to check the FAQ before asking. :0
I put that notice there because despite having the FAQ, I still got like a dozen asks of things my FAQ already answered...
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My Wally does not eat with his eyes, thankfully, XD that cant be good for his vision!
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I'm still trying to figure out a way around the 100 link limit.. but maybe someday I will! :0
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(Referencing this post)
XDD That makes 3 of us!
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The Muppets don't exist in my AU <XD and unfortunately I don't know enough about the Muppets to think of the hypotheticals.. <:( sorry!...💔💔
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(Julies monster form post)
If Julie ever did reveal her true form, I'm sure Barnaby would appreciate paw pads! XD Hey! He's not the only one now! :D
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AAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDD Hugs are by far my favorite thing to draw, so I'm glad you like them and can feel the emotions I try to portray in them!! :DDD
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AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDD As for the boops.. that's a good question actually :00
I can imagine Frank, Howdy and Poppy wouldn't like a nose boop <XDD
Wally and Eddie would just be confused <XD maybe don't do it to them either..
You might get away with booping Sally once!
Barnaby and Julie would probably laugh and boop you back!
Home would just stare.. 👁️👁️
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@randomgir2020 (Referencing this post)
Aw man, <XD I cant relate! I live for the cold. When I get slightly too hot? I am WAY too hot. 😭😭 But it take's a LOT of cold to make me uncomfortable :00
But hey! I guess that means you might be enjoying the summer we've had this year..? XD
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(Referencing this post)
I'm thinking Wally and Frank get along swell! :) Wally is respectful and a great listener. And Frank always has something for them to talk about XD
Something I can see them doing is Wally tagging along with Frank when he goes out to study bugs. Wally makes for good conversation but is also good at staying very still and quiet when they're trying to not to scare away a butterfly.. :0
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(In response to this post (?))
I didn't intend for Home to directly project nightmares into Wally's mind or anything. But I imagined his many sleepless nights and constant stress/anxiety is what creates them.. <:(
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XD Factual or Fantasy is fine, also sorry/you're welcome!!(?) XDDDD Either way I'm glad you seem to have liked my artwork!! :}}
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Evil Sylvester talks the big talk, but in reality he's such a wimp. XD If he saw an enormous Metagross- even if it was just standing there completely neutral- he'd probably run away screaming XDDD
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AAAAAA THANK YOU SO MMUCH!! :DDD And don't give up friend! You improve with every piece you make, it gets easier overtime! :)
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I have it saved to my watch later list! :D I'm sure I'll get around to it eventually.. <XD
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Thank you!! :DD and it was rather funny XDD, although sorry.. I don't take requests! <:/ But don't worry! I'm guaranteed to draw Foxy again at some point XDDD
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@neo-metalscottic (Welcome home character chart) (classic FNAF crew) (Last ask with awesome artwork! :} )
Hello hello! :DD I'm glad to hear you've been enjoying my posts recently, thank you so much!! :DDD As for your questions..
Home is interested in Sally because she's so.. strange.. She's a star.. here amongst common people? Walking and talking and dressing like them?.. how odd...
For Julie, Home looks at her and knows this isn't the real her. She is something else beneath the surface. Something much stronger and bigger than she makes herself out to be. Why is she hiding?.. hmm..
And Eddie, well. Its Eddie <XDD Human from our world an all-
As for Poppy, yes yes! Its because she's been around for so long. It used to watch her sleep through her window when she was a child. Well it did, until she made a habit of closing the curtains every night.. I can also imagine that Poppy helped paint Home and what not. Which furthered Homes interest in her :00
As for the FNAF stuff, it was mostly meant to just be a joke, yes. <XD But I did have some thought/structure behind it! :)) The other animatronics might react similarly to Foxy when they overheat. Getting ramblely and disoriented.. eventually just shutting down. But Foxy is particularly vulnerable to heat-
Foxy moves a lot more than the others do. So he's built up a lot more wear and tear than they have. This also means that even though he's missing a lot of his shell all over his body, he still overheats quite frequently..
In that scene, I imagined that Freddy and the gang had preformed a show that day. So Foxy did his friends a solid by pointing the only fan they had towards them..
Unfortunately everyone was too hot and tired to remember that duh, Foxy's internal cooling is shot :x its okay though they were reminded some minutes later when he started rambling about pickles.. <XD
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I've always pictured Freddy having a taste for savory things rather than sweet :0 Like pizza! :}}
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I've seen a lot of fanart of it! :00 Cat sluggy bois.... I like dem :)
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*snimfle... I love her so much.. 🥹💞💞
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AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD I'm glad to hear it!! :}}}]
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I can imagine that Home has been very tempted to lock Wally inside, but its trying not to spook him away-
Since Barnaby's gotten involved, he's been spending more and more nights at Barnaby's' house.. Home knows that if it comes on too strongly, Wally might just up and leave. So for now it lays low and doesn't lock him inside..
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@jean-arclight (Referencing this post)
In that comic I was going to show Ingo and Emmet's first close encounter with a Tarr.. Ingo wasn't there to protect Emmet..
Emmet was fine in the end and ultimately his injuries were minor. Ingo did a great job taking charge and comforting Emmet in the aftermath. So Emmet was mostly mentally ok. But Ingo took this whole situation really hard.. thinking that Emmet almost died today. And Ingo wasn't even there.. it was awful..
Usually Ingo covers up his feelings for Emmet's sake. But this time he couldn't help but just break down in tears. Coming in after Emmet had already fallen asleep and just scoping him up in a tight hug. Emmet was tired and it wasn't great to have woken him up.. but at this point hearing Emmet's voice might have been the only thing that could soothe Ingo..
Also yeah, <XD I'm glad/sad to hear someone relates to my struggles! <XDD I got to the battle scene and lost a lotta steam. 😞 although these angsty paragraphs reminds me of why brainstormed this comic in the first place! :00 Perhaps I'll finish it someday! :}}
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ONE GRAIN OF SAND?? Man.. but I see what you mean! :0 I'll have to think about that..
That nail thing is GENIUS! :00 The first thing that came to mind though was Home poking a nail out and Wally steps on it <XD giving Barnaby a good reason to stay longer to help him out-
Or, if Barnaby stepped on it, Wally would spend a day or two at Barnaby's house to help him with chores. Since he can't walk now <XD What a backfire Home!
I can see home being able to move almost its entire body for short intervals. Kind'a like focusing and tensing your entire body all at once. But if it wants to make significant movements it can only move little bits at a time.
As for the lock, it cant meld or change the shape of the lock. But it can turn the inside of the lock so that a key wont go in. Effectively making you unable to unlock it. And yes! Home can lock all the doors and windows that are apart of it >:)
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Well as the asker previously talked about, Home could stick nails up through the floor <XD That would leave a mark..
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I was envisioning less of a child with a toy and more like... a scientist with their experiment..?
Home is very curious about Wally and is kind'a experimenting with him. Seeing how long it can stare at him before he wakes up. When he wakes up, what's the first thing he does? How will Wally react to certain creaks and groans of the floor boards?
Although it is a little closer to the child thing when it comes to Barnaby. Home doesn't like Barnaby because he's looking out for Wally prying into this situation, And he keeps offering his home as a safe heaven taking Wally away for days at a time. He's messing with its experiment....
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(In response to this post)
I've considered an interaction where the two of them wind up in the same area and start to chat. They joke back and fourth and generally have a nice conversation. At this point Eddie starts to feel bad and apologizes for always avoiding small talk with Wally..
He explains that after his little freak out at the Christmas party, he's always just felt uneasy whenever he would pass by Wally's house. He then says,
"I might sound crazy here, but it always feels like I'm being watched by somethin, haha!.. <XD"
That's when Wally would pause and his tone would shift drastically. With fear in his eyes he replies,
"...You feel it too?"
This would change their dynamic entirely. They'd now see each other as a victim to the same weird anxiety. Finally someone understands what they're feeling..
The only thing keeping me from doing this though, is that if Wally knew that someone else felt that way, it would make his anxiety a lot more real. I kind'a wanna keep this whole stalking situation in Wally's head. Which is why he hasn't just up and moved in with Barnaby.
If he thinks he is the only one experiencing this "being watched" feeling.. then he'll be more likely to tell himself its not real and stay with Home.
Other than this potential interaction, I actually don't really have any current plans for them to grow closer <:( 💔
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AAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDD Not gonna lie I've been considering it! :00
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hongcherry · 16 days
Saw this and I could NOT pass this up🤌🏼, writing toooo good to not send in a request still haven't got over the Christmas gift fic you wrote me with YunGi🤪
So can I get this based around Woozi please😔🙏🏼, the lack of Woozi fics is CRIMINAL! With the dialogue being #2, emotion I, and the setting the alleyway being a dive bar.
I will take anythingggggg, angsty, happy, sad, truly ANYTHING. I’m thirsty for any Woozi crumbs I can get😔😔 please and thank you bestie😚😚xoxo
omg DDD: LOOK AT YOU BEING ACTIVE AGAIN 💖 hello hello bae! AND DON'T BE NICE TO ME. IDK HOW TO ACT *throws hearts aggressively* but tysm for supporting me huhuhuhuuh 😫 and ty for sending in a request! i hope u like it, my cheese lover 3000 🧀
Pairing: musician!Jihoon/Woozi x Reader G/AUs: Angst, friends to lovers, non-idol au TWs: None but ofc lmk <3 WC: 1.2k A/N: Barely proofread so no judgment plzzzzz ;c
Prompt: “what they said back there. is it true?” + confusion + an alleyway behind a dive bar
Build a fic! ✨
seventeen masterlist | main masterlist
this blog is 18+. minors do not interact. plz & ty! (ageless/minors/blanks blogs will be blocked)
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The winter air bites into you as soon as you push past the dive bar’s door. The chilliness makes you want to take a U-turn back into the building, but you know the heat from indoors won’t help. Not when your source of warmth still sits inside.
People mill about the sidewalks, some dressed casually and others dolled up. No one gives you a second glance as they walk by. It makes it easy to slip into the alleyway unnoticed—hoping for some privacy as you gather your thoughts.
He’s leaving.
In one week, Jihoon will be across the country, chasing his dreams that don’t include you.
There’s a gallon of guilt sloshing in your chest from not being over the moon for his opportunity. However, it doesn’t compare to the sea you’re treading in from knowing this is it for you both.
You won’t get the chance to love and be loved by him.
Not in the way you want.
You slump against the brick wall, arms wrapped around yourself to fight the cold.
You know there are still opportunities to keep in contact, but it won’t be the same. You won’t be able to feel his arms around you or his lips on yours. Maybe if traveling wasn’t so expensive, you could find the silver lining.
The familiar voice makes your head snap up; your hold on your jacket tightens in surprise.
Jihoon stands at the entrance of the alleyway with his hands stuffed in his pockets. He looks hesitant.
Emotions try to clog your throat, but you force them down so you can speak.
“What they said back there. Is it true?” you ask, voice strained.
Jihoon glances to the side briefly while he answers, “Yes.”
He slowly makes his way closer. Each step brings forth an equal weight of pain and happiness. Being around Jihoon used to bring a smile to your face instantly, but now, your heart just aches.
“You didn’t tell me,” you state.
“I did,” he answers slowly. He stops a few feet away, hands still in his pockets.
“You said you’d be gone for two weeks, not two years,” you scoff.
He exhales a deep breath. You watch it swirl in the air from the cold weather instead of seeing the mix of excitement and guilt on his face.
“It was only going to be two weeks, but they really like my works and wanted me to sign a contract,” he explains.
You turn away when you see your vision blurring. Staring at him reminds you of what you’re about to lose.
“I was going to tell you in private tonight,” he adds.
“What else were you going to tell me?” You force the question out.
“What do you mean?”
You glance at him finally. He’s standing an arm’s length away now.
“Were you going to tell me I meant nothing to you? That you’re sorry for leaving me, but I should be happy about it?”
“Fuck, Yn, you have no idea how hard this decision was for me,” he sighs out, slight frustration laced in his words.
“Enlighten me, Jihoon, because right now, it feels like you knew there was never going to be an ‘us’.”
He winces at your words, hands digging deeper in his pockets like he’s trying to find the right words to make you feel better. You already know he’ll come up empty.
“That’s not true,” he says belatedly.
“No? How long did you know about this new contract of yours? How long were you waiting to tell me ‘privately’? A week? Two?” you ask, voice raising in anger.
The more you talk, the more conflicted he looks. You know you’re not making this easy on him, but the devil on your shoulder wants him to feel the heartache you’re feeling.
“Do you not remember how two weeks ago we were on your couch and I told you I love you? I love you, Jihoon, and you’re just going to lea—”
Jihoon kisses you hard.
He holds your face in his hands, grip tight enough to keep you steady but not enough to hurt. Your heart hammers in your chest.
He puts all the emotions and messages he can’t convey into the kiss. It’s so overwhelming that you want to pull away, but you persist because it means you can have him a little longer.
The second you feel him begin to pull away, your hands reach up to grip his wrists.
He stares down, so you can’t see his face.
“I’d ask for you to wait for me, but that’s not fair,” he says. You can hear the sorrow in his voice. Although you wanted him to feel it too, you also can’t help but hurt more knowing he’s not happy. “Maybe once I get a few paychecks I can fly you out. Maybe… Maybe if you still love me when I come back, we can make it work.”
“Why can’t we make it work now?” You nearly plead.
He sighs and shakes his head. His hair tickles your forehead.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers.
You will your knees not to give out in realization. There’s no changing his mind.
Your hands on his wrists ease.
Jihoon looks up, eyes filled with desperation for you not to go.
“Let’s head back inside. You’re cold,” he murmurs, hands slipping from your face to hold your hands.
Before you can try to protest, he’s leading you back inside toward your friends.
Your body instantly feels grateful for the warmer temperature, but what’s really heating your body is Jihoon’s hand in yours.
His comforting touch spreads from your joint hands and spreads throughout your body. It’s a feeling you want to shove away, but you force yourself to not. You only have a few days left of his presence, and you should enjoy it.
Jihoon’s not a fan of PDA, but tonight he pushes his own boundaries. He drapes an arm around your shoulders, hand lazily gliding up and down your arm as he interacts with your friends.
You can’t help but lean into his firm body, allowing yourself these few hours to pretend everything’s okay.
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It’s self-torture to have his notifications on. It’s been almost four months since he’s left and all you can do is check his socials. He’s not too active so when he is, you cherish it.
Although you’ve tried to keep in contact, hectic schedules and time zones make it difficult. You wonder if he still thinks of you as much as you think of him.
Then as if to answer your question, your phone dings.
woozi_universefactory made a new post. Check it out!
His first official song, “Loved You First,” has been released.
While tears stain your cheeks as you listen, another ding emits from your phone.
Jihoon: 🖤
You chuckle at the simple message, wiping away your tears as your heart replaces forlorn with hope. 
He said he wouldn’t ask you to wait for him, but you should fight for what you want—for who you want. 
You push down the doubt and channel the hope you felt while listening to his song. Nothing will stop you from trying to make this work.
Not the distance, the time zones, or the schedules.
After all, who said love is easy?
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Taglist: @musingsofananxiouspotato, @christinewithluv, @lockburn-castle, @iammisstora, @maknae00, @morklee02, @kittyhui, @aeerio, @cherrylovescheol
©️hongcherry // DO NOT REPOST OR MODIFY Please consider reblogging if you liked this work to show your support. Feedback/commentary is always welcomed.
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pebiejeebies · 2 months
hi guys?
god dang how the funk do you say hello after disappearing for months..
I’m still pretty- scared of tumblr. But I missed so much of you guys. I can’t just hide away.
I may not be active, or maybe im a little too active, but there are many new changes and stuff
due to my religion, I CANT be a therian, so yeah.
Me being a system is probably true aswell but im taking my time on it this time
and how I am doing? I’m. Doing. Uh. I’m great I guess
I definitely got scarred mentally from my dad but hey im still alive!
Uh. I. Also want you to say goodbye to my sona.
I just,, can’t.. use her. I can’t. I’m scared of drawing her so I’ll just.
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..Say hello to flashbulb..! My new sona! She doesn’t really smile, at all. More emo. Uh. Super caring though!
I don’t know what to say I guess
a lot has changed, mentally. For me at least
my health is never stable so uh LMAO expect me to try and keep myself together
expect some drastic changes to my tumblr profile aswell.. maybe not now but definitely soon
uh. I. I missed you guys a lot
I love you
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cerise-on-top · 2 months
Hello :DDD how are you? And could you please do Nikolai x someone who is obsessed with helicopters ? :))))
Hey! I'm fine, really tired, though!
Nikolai with Someone Obsessed with Helicopters
He’d probably be rather pleased with you. He quite likes his own helicopter, going as far as calling it “his baby”. He probably cares more about its well being than that of many people, if I’m being honest. I don’t think he’d let a lot of people close to it, aside from letting them fly in it, I mean. You’d need to be fairly close to Nikolai if you want him to show you how his baby works. But once you are? He’s very knowledgeable on helicopters. He is on a lot of mechanical things, but he thinks that helicopters are the most practical and cool. He’d show you how everything works. If you seem to know what you’re doing, then he might let you help him perform maintenance on it as well. Will likely talk to you about helicopters as well. All kinds of them. Historical ones that are no longer being used, modern ones that serve as weapons. In reality, he’s testing you on how well informed you actually are. Nikolai has done his homework and he continues to do so, but have you? But no worries if you don’t know everything. He’s not a prick, he can answer your questions better than most people operating them can. You’ll likely learn a thing or two from him, regardless of how much you actually know about them. I can see such a thing being a great gateway into you and Nikolai becoming really good friends.
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tiredlilguy · 1 year
Can I request flags (separately) x artist reader? Like they do paintings and such and maybe they go to art museums with them s/o? Painting the flags or drawing for them too ya know? :DDD
a/n: hi hi!! >:D (ur lucky u got in the 4 slots that filled up within a day LMFAO) TYSM I HOPE U HAVE A GREAT DAY <333 I hope you enjoy this! I did little scenarios as opposed to what I usually do (which is hc's) because i haven't done small scenarios in a while. also for anyone who's interested: here's the [SB masterlist]
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pairing: The Flags (separately) X GN!Reader cw: NA, not proofread desc: the flags with an artist s/o in various different scenarios =w=
You had been sitting behind sketchbook, a frown on your face as you went through multiple sketches of scenes you saw outside of the window. You were sitting at the windowsill, on a piano bench that you stole from your lover’s piano side. You fiddled with your pencil for a little while, eventually letting out a frustrated sigh and placing your sketchbook on your lap. In that moment, the front door opened revealing Pianoman. You paid no mind to him, lost in your own thoughts as you tried to recall a scene that had just happened right outside so that you could draw it.
“ Hm…? No ‘welcome back’, my dear?,” his voice intruded your thoughts, and you quickly opened your eyes to see Pianoman peering over you.
A blush quickly crept up on your face,” Agh-! You scared me.”
Pianoman chuckled softly behind his hand,” Really lost in your own thoughts there, I see. Well, I’m home, sweet thing.”
“ W-welcome home,” you stuttered out. He only smiled, but before you knew it you were being lifted off the bench you were sitting on and into his arms.
“ H-hey…! What are you doing?,” you asked in protest, though your body seemed to relax in his arms (save for your shoulders and hands that were held close to your chest).
“ Well, I need the piano bench,” he answered simply, placing a kiss on your temple and moving you over to the couch nearby. He placed you down gently with a small huff before walking over to the piano bench.
“ You could’ve just asked me to move, ya know?”
“ I would, but my baby looked so wrapped up in their own world, I didn’t wanna bother you~,” he teased, placing the bench down by the piano and taking a seat. He’d already discarded of his large overcoat and was just wearing his tailored white suit. You leaned over to the arm of the couch, your cheek resting on it as your eyes traveled towards him. Pianoman took off his gloves and placed them on top of the piano before cracking his knuckles and playing a couple cords with his fingers. He let out a satisfied hum at the sound of the notes, but before he was about to play again, he heard you pencil sketching away as you tried to recreate the image in front of you.
“ Don’t lay on the couch like that for so long, dear. You’ll hurt your neck like that.”
He had been across the kitchen counter, cooking dinner for the both of you while looking over at a script and repeating lines over and over again. Memorization was important, considering that he was an actor, and with how busy his schedule was, he was often practicing in the few breaks he had. Of course, he’d normally be conversing with you, but seeing that you were working on a painting across from him, he decided to do what he did on his own time: vocal practice with lines and cooking up a good meal.
As he was cooking (and talking to himself), you had just finished up playing with acrylic texture on a canvas. However, it started to become too blotty and you had been staring at it wondering how to fix that. Eventually, you thought of using water to help this, and sat up from your stool.
“ O me, what fray was here? Yet tell me not, for I have- Oh dear, hi sunshine,” you interrupted him (more like startled) as you walked in between the cramped way to the cupboard.
“ Hello… sorry to interrupt your cooking. I just need a glass of water,” you walked past him to the cupboard, taking out a glass and walking over to the sink.
“ It’s ok, love,” Lippmann smiled gently, moving to place a kiss on your cheek,” Whatever you need to make art.”
“ Thanks,” you looked over to him with a smile as you turned the faucet off with a glass now full of water.
“ Hey, where’s my kiss?,” Lippmann stopped you, a hand on his hip and the other in your wrist.
“ Oh right.”
You moved to peck his lips before walking off and moving back to your canvas. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was slightly flustered at the gesture.
Whenever he was off work, he usually stayed home. He often rarely went out, but this one time, he decided to come with you to an exhibition at an art museum that you were looking forward to. Iceman didn’t really understand art, but he could hear you talk about it for hours on end, even if it didn’t make sense to him. He tried to memorize every word, and comprehend it in his own way. He sort of guessed it was like how he was when he listened to and studied every note and sound in music.
Currently, you were trailing along, explaining every piece of work you saw. He didn’t say much, only nodded and staring into the picture/sculpture that was there for a couple of seconds. Eventually, you were both lining up to go inside of a room. You’d mentioned something about how it was a room full of hanging lights, with mirrors that were all throughout the interior, making it feel bigger than it really was.
Eventually you both walked in, and he opened his eyes a little wider. This time, you had nothing to say in particular. He raised a brow, asking you if you were going to say anything.
“ Hm… I think we should just enjoy the piece for now. I’m getting a little tired of talking,” you shrugged with a sigh. Taking his hand and intertwining your fingers with his.
It was silent as you both stared at the hanging lights in silence. He wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you in closer to him.
“ Sorry for talking so much,” you laughed awkwardly, leaning into his side.
“ Don’t apologize,” he quickly told you,” I could hear you talk forever.”
He was currently taking a sick day today, but he insisted that he sit on the couch and watch you paint instead (despite all of your protests… he walked his weak body over to the couch with a giant blanket around him before flopping on the couch). At times like these, he usually felt his weakest, as his body couldn’t perform to the aptitude that the average person’s would. Thankfully, you were around at home to take care of him, but even then, he didn’t want you to take care of him, as he felt that he was being a burden when you were so busy working on paintings.
He was currently curled up on the sofa, watching you walk around your canvas with a color palette before walking up to it and switching brushes. He was awfully fascinated by the way you so meticulously made work on a canvas.
“ It’s almost like surgery a little bit,” he spoke up, shifting slightly under his blanket into a more comfortable position.
You turned around,” Think so…?” You placed the palette down on a side table and walked over to him, sitting down on the couch.
“ Guess so,” he answered,” Carefully piecing together parts of it before it comes out into a new final project. It’s different every time.”
“ I hope you don’t do that to people too…,” you shivered, before placing a hand over his forehead, moving the hair away from his face. He hummed lightly, before giggling to himself,” Hm… Maybe. What if we were able to breathe from a kidney instead of a lung.”
“ I doubt that’s humanly possible.”
“ In a world of people with abilities, who knows what’ll happen?”
“ I think what will happen is you getting some rest instead of watching me work, babe.”
“ Are you drawing ME?!,” Albatross took you out of your trance as you were, in fact, drawing him. He’d just gotten back home, and smothered you in a sudden back hug.
“ Hey! You’re not supposed to be home for another couple of hours!,” you yelled back in confusion.
“ I got off early,” he answered before hugging you once again, almost taking you out of your chair this time,” Anyways, you’re drawing meeee~!”
You giggled, hugging him back as you waited for him to finish hugging you. Of course, he took a minute or two… making sure to take in plenty of breathes of you, and rubbing his hair on your shoulder. He would occasionally move you in his arms too, rocking you from side to side.
“ It was supposed to be a surprise, but I guess I’ll make it a practice sketch for now,” you said, as he let you down.
“ Oh!,” his expression went blank, until a small smile went on his face. He pushed his sunglasses back on his eyes, slowly walking down the door,” I didn’t see anything then.”
You laughed to yourself as he slowly closed the door, as well.
Currently, it seemed that the only thing you were painting was him. You couldn’t get him out of your head, and it was starting to get embarrassing, the more canvases you’d buy just to practice, only to realize you were painting him.
You were now walking him back to your shared home. Though, you’d forgotten one crucial detail as you slowly opened the door… you left all of your canvases out.
“ Actually, let’s not go inside right now,” you quickly shut the door with an awkward smile.
“ What’s wrong,” Chuuya raised a brow,” Is there something in there…?”
“ Well… Uh… Yeah, let’s go get dinner! I’m hungry,” you tried to cover it up, still leaning against the door.
“ What’s behind the door, (Y/N)?”
“ Nothing! Let’s go, c’mon!”
After a while of back and forth, eventually, you gave up with a hardy sigh and opened the door with an embarrassed expression. He walked in, blue eyes widening as he observed the many canvases that were scattered around your apartment.
“ I was gonna wrap them up, but I lost track of time and went to go get you before putting them away.”
“ You… drew me…?’
You nodded shyly, but it was quickly met with a big hug and many a kisses to the face.
“ Thanks, doll.”
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[also if you want, please consider getting me a coffee or commissioning me ;) no pressure ofc!!! i understand that we're all in different circumstances/situations, any support of any kind is appreciated <3]
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Hello! Can i req? Like spider noir in the modern world but you two are still students? Yeah like that (inspo by pavitr’s filipino headcannons)
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
school days with spider noir (modern universe)
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"morning." he greets you with a small grin on his face, his big gray and brown eyes staring into your own sleepy ones as you yawned and lazily waved him hello. he waved back at you and watched as you sat down on the table he was at, across from him. you folded your arms on the table and groaned.
"can't believe it's a monday..." you muttered as peter chuckled, folding his arms on the table as he continued gazing at you in this position. "yeah, well... at least i get to see you." he said with a blush that extended up to the tips of his ears.
you chuckled back and extended your hand on the table. "i guess that's the only good side to it." you said as peter extended his own hand towards you on the table. he placed his hand on top of yours at first, but then you took the initiative to interlock your fingers with his own. now you two were holding hands, with your arms folded on the table, being the first people at school.
peter grinned wider as his blush deepened. "...i love being early just for this." he confessed in a whisper. you smiled back with a slight blush on your own face. "yeah, so do i."
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you two soon had to line up for the assembly, and unfortunately, you and peter were in separate classes this year. at least you and peter had admitted your feelings to each other over the summer, it made it much more convenient to hang out and spend the whole day with each other.
as the flood of students walked down the halls and to the assembly site, you and peter walked hand in hand with each other, with peter slightly gripping your hand a little tightly, so as not to lose sight of you. you smiled at how protective he can be sometimes.
you leaned closer to him as more students flocked around you two; gossiping, giggling, talking, shouting, doing homework by each other's lockers, going on their phones and all--the world around you two was oblivious to the romance you two had. and that was just how you both liked it, fading into the crowd and being allowed to love each other without any stares or pointing or sneers.
peter shuddered a little as he felt your head against his shoulder as you leaned against him. he looked down at you and sighed in contentment. "we are definitely gonna get busted for pda one of these days." he muttered. "what does pda mean again? oh, right, peter does my assignments for me." you teased him, and he his face flushed all over again.
"hey, i do not... well, for math, maybe. and your science homework, when you're really stumped. and..." he trailed off as he mentally went back on the subjects you asked him to help you with, but he ended up doing because he was so invested in it. you nudged him playfully and gave him a smirk. "such is the perk of dating this high school's biggest nerd." you said with a snicker and peter grinned and blushed deeper.
"okay, okay, fine... maybe i do end up doing your homework on more than one occasion." he said as you stopped walking when you ended up at your line. "guess this is my stop." you said as you tried to let go of his hand, but he didn't let go of yours yet. he ran his thumb over your knuckles. and in a flash, he kissed your hand, let go of it gently, and in one breath, told you, "haveagreatdaymylove," and ran off in a bashful bout.
oh how you loved him.
a/n: again, sorry this is so short, BUT I WANTED TO END IT HERE IT WAS JUST SO CUTEEEEE i wanted to add more, but i felt like this was a good way to end it ! if you guys want more, don't hesitate to ask :DD it might be slow in coming though so i'm sorry TT nevertheless, i hope y'all enjoyed it !!!
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @k4tsu3 @luvstarrstruck @connors-cumslurper @maxoloqy
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hermitshell · 1 month
Hi hello I am here to talk about minecraft and dreams and world travel and gem and and and *takes a deep breath*
Ok i’m good i’m fine, hey did you know your gem lore post means so much to me? I’ve been thinking about her and her connection to the end ever since that secret life episode, but you have opened my eyes, her history with the end goes back so much farther with the empires s1 dragon. How did I forget that??
And her being some type of celestial that can travel through dream makes me think about how dreams could be connected to the void and how the end is a dimension surrounded by it. Maybe that’s where all her magic and power comes from. Maybe that’s why she has so much control over her dreams. And if dreams are the way to travel, of course the void is the thing connecting worlds. All she has to do is harness the power/magic/etc and be somewhere else.
Maybe that’s why the secret keepers demanded her to be the one to open the portal. The inherent power and magic in the life series worlds might be more unstable or tricky and they knew that she could be the one to handle it properly. She had the power and the connection to the realm and to the dragon herself. And despite all that, she still came back wrong. The magic overwhelmed her, the void seeped into her skin and took her eye and arm in exchange.
And on top of all that, gem had no desire to kill the dragon. She had raised one, why would she kill another.
Anyway i’m incredibly normal about this can you tell? I am making grabby hands, please tell me about your theories about dreams and world travel. I don’t even care if it is wildly different than my ideas, I just love talking about this type of thing.
HIIIII <3 sorry I've been doing college but YIPPEEE I'm always happy to talk about worldhopper gem lore
I've always been very drawn to when minecraft creators go into the stuff about dreams that's mentioned in the end poem or working with the game aspects of minecraft in a fantastical way so when Gem started doing stuff with it I was immediately into it and looking for connections. I'm very glad you like the posts and art I've made about it because it means a lot to me too :DDD
My thoughts on world travel are kind of fluid? Like i take things as they come. Minecraft roleplay is a very "throw in whatever rules you like yay yippee fun time" thing most of the time and can change at any moment.
General thoughts I have is that each different server is a new instance of a world unless stated otherwise. These are connected by dreams and because these worlds are made up of the fabric of dreams things and people carry over. There are people born to specific worlds who've never known anything else; People with vague recollection of other worlds; And those that can travel between the worlds. The strongest connection between other worlds is held in portals and the End. Just like dimension travel, world travel needs to a focus and a doorway. The End holds narrative power. It is the start of all new dreams because it is where old dreams end.
Perhaps in this logic the reason Gem got corrupted by the portal in secret life is that the doorway was never meant to be open,the narrative of the life series never conmected to the end before. The story is meant to End instead when everyone but one person dies, so it got all wonked up. Still best for her to handle it over anyone else but not enough to not get corrupted.
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ieatkeyboard · 2 years
Date Night
Diavolo cancels on Lucifer last minute but the avatar of Pride doesn't want to cancel the reservation so he takes you with him Warnings: Nsft, Lucifer X Reader, unprotected, P in V, intimate. T Crimson nails complemented the silk around his neck as he neatly tied his tie. He was going to some fancy restaurant that opened up. The tall mans DDD and he took it off the coffee table. "Hello, Lucifer! I'm afraid Barbatos is keeping me in tonight as I got more work last minute T_T How about you take MC with you, take them on that date you've been telling me about :P" The avatar sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. He hesitated before replying. "Of course, give me directions and I'll ask them right away." "Good Luck! :D" He looked at his phone as anxiety filled his stomach. At the end of the day, if you say no, what's the big deal, right? He tapped your name on his phone and began typing. "Hello, Mc. Are you busy?" His cheeks became hot when he saw you typing. "Hey, Luci! I'm free right now, what's up?" "Diavolo and I had a reservation at a new restaurant but something came up last minute and he had to cancel. Would you like to go with me instead?""Of course! Do I need to dress up?""It is a formal establishment so yes, if you don't mind.""Alright! How long do I have to get ready?""Twenty minutes, preferably wear something red. I'll get you from your room before we go.""See you then ;)" His pale lips curved into a gentle smile. It wouldn't be the first time he'd taken you out to dinner and he hoped this wouldn't be the last but it always gave him butterflies. You slipped on a black sleek maxi dress. The last time he saw you wear it to a party he wouldn't stop staring at you. You put on a ruby necklace, a matching ring and red heels. You figured it would be enough red to get away with. Eyeliner and lashes were saved for last. You had 5 minutes to spare. Not bad you thought, grabbing your DDD and sending the demon a text. "I'm ready to go!" The three dots popped of quickly, as if he were eagerly waiting for you to be done. "Of course, I'm on my way." You heard a knock on your door and opened it with a smile. A soft pink blossomed on his cheeks as he looked at you. "You look gorgeous." He mumbled and his eyes went wide as you giggled. "I could as the same for you, I can see why you wear red so often." Your hand went to his cheek. "Now..We have to sneak out or my brothers are gonna throw a fit. I'd prefer it was just us at this dinner." He explained holding your hands in his. "I'll head out first, you follow behind a couple minutes later. If my brothers ask, say you're going with a friend." "Alright." You watched him walk out and heard him yell at Mammon to behave while he was gone. You sat, scrolling devilgram for a couple minutes, going through what your excuse would be. You hurried down the stairs, carrying your heels and quickly putting them on. Asmo saw you and became curious. "Ooo you're all dolled up! Why are you in such a hurry?" The strawberry haired boy asked, grabbed your purse and handing it to you. "My friend's going through a breakup so I'm taking her out on a friend date to help her forget him. But I spent to long trying to figure out what to wear." You said, rushing to get your heels back on. "And no you may NOT come. She needs a break from dating and you're a giant flirt. Have fun, behave, you wanna party go to a club, love ya!" You yelled running out the door. You ran down the front steps and walked past a couple trees until large hands pulled you out of sight. A deep, familiar voice whispered in your ear, "Relax, it's me." Your breathing slowed and he gave you a minute before walking you to his car. Of course, a matte black camaro. He opened the door for you and you got in, Soon enough he was next to you and driving away from the dark house. The drive consisted of talking about each other's week and complementing each other. You pulled up to the building and he parked. "Are you read, Darling?" You flushed at the name, smiling and nodding as he got out and opened the door for you.
You linked arms as he spoke to the woman at the counter, she walked you to your seats and left you with two menus.
You were glad he told you to dress up or you'd stick out like a sore thumb. The light was dim and warm as crystal chandeliers reflected the light. "I feel so out of place" You giggled. "It's beautiful." "Don't worry, you look the part. They'd never know how clumsy you are by looking at you." He smirked. "And they wouldn't know you're a lovey dovey dork by looking at you." You retorted, smirking as he looked at you with wide eyes. "Oh really?" He smiled as he leaned forward "Really." You smiled, grabbing his hand and running your thumb over his.
You ordered food and got a couple glasses of wine in your system. "Baby?" "Hmm?" He hummed, looking up at you. His eyes shone brightly as he looked at you. He looked so calm. Happy. "Are you ready to go home?" You asked, holding his hand and he nodded, grabbing his wallet and taking some cash out. You stacked the dishes and left the money there as you walked out. He walked you to the car and watched as you almost twisted your ankle, heels and alcohol was not a good mix. He opened the car door and knelt down. "Face me, Honey." He said holding your knee. You turned so your legs were out of the car and he slipped your heels off. A sigh of pleasure fell from your mouth. "There we go. Much better." He smiled at you and buckled you in before closing the door. He held your hand the entire drive home, occasionally giving the back of your hand a kiss. You held your uncomfortable shoes in one hand as Lucifer carried you to the house. "Can you open the door for me?" He asked, kissing your head as you reached for the door knob. "There you go" You said softly, kissing his jaw as he step in the house. "Now close the door." He said, turning you so your feet were towards the door, you managed to slip your foot in the door handle and attempted to close it. "Almost there! Come on!" He smiled and you two giggled. When the door closed he kicked his shoes off and placed you down. "Luci?" "Yes?" "Can we dance?"
You two ran into Beel in the hallway and he smiled at you. "You guys look nice." He said before walking off. Lucifer took you into his room and put a record onto his record player. Merry Go Round of Life began to play. "Levi told me you liked the movie this song came from so I figured I'd get it for you." He said as he took one of your hands in his and the other slipped around your waist. "Oh Luci..I love you." You whispered, kissing him. His hand left yours and went to your chin as he deepened your affections. His tongue grazed your lower lip and you opened your mouth. "This dress is beautiful but I think it'd be prettier on the floor" He whispered into your ear as he undid your necklace and placed it on the table. You took off your gloves and set them on the table along with his tie and jacket.
"You want me to do it, don't you?" He whispered, smirking at you. "You know the answer to that." You smiled. He began to roll up his sleeve. You loved how it showed off his forearms. "Better?" He asked, leaning his hands on the bed to support himself as he towered over you. You hummed in agreement and your hands went to the sides of his neck as you brought him into another kiss. "I love you so much." You whispered. "I love you more, Beautiful." He breathed as you slid his pants down half way down his thighs, letting his red boxers stay. He began to grind against your soft entrance, letting his head fall into the crook of your neck. "Lucifer~" You moaned, sliding your hands under his boxers and holding his hips as he continued. "I need you, My Love..Please" He whispered. His teeth grazed your neck as he left marks and his hips stopped in their tracks as you brought his boxers down. "Do it." You said, looking him in the eye. "Use me." Your hands latched onto his back and your legs wrapping around his hips. His thrusts were slow and deep as he kissed you. Soft "I love you"s falling from your mouths. He held your hands and pressed his forehead against yours as you closed your eyes. "I'm close, My Love...I want you to come with me, can you do that?" He mumbled as he groaned. "Yes. Yes please yes." You moaned, arms wrapping around his neck. "I'll count down from 5" 5 "Ohhh Luci!" 4 "Fuck.." 3 "Hold on a little longer, Sweetheart" 2 "FuUCK" 1 He pulled you into a kiss as he fucked his cum into you. He rolled off of you and you laid on his chest. "Let's hope your brothers are asleep." "Mmm, let's hope they don't need anything. I don't feel like picking our clothes off the floor right now." You giggled and grabbed the blanket off the edge of the bed, pulling it over the both of you. "Good night, Luci, I love you." "I love you more, My Dear. Rest well." NOTE: I love this so much. I hope you enjoyed!
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