blondeweasel · 6 months
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Her favorite MCU movie is Winter Soldier…
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blue-disco-lights · 10 months
Galladrabbles: Habit
Let's take a stroll over to the Kash 'n Grab, season 1? Thank you Comet @spacerockwriting for this week's @galladrabbles prompt! "Habit" by Louis Tomlinson
Ian still feels like he’s being watched, followed. It’s been days and Mickey’s not letting up.
He still shivers thinking about it. “Ian Gallagher is a dead man”, his heart thumping in his chest when Mickey busted into the store, spitting his threats, chasing him down the alley. 
It’d been pretty thrilling though.
Mandy had called him and his brothers off, told him it was all a misunderstanding. What did he still want from him?
Exasperated, he finally stalks outside. “Why do you keep coming around Mickey? You know I didn’t do anything.”
“Old habits are hard to break Gallagher.”
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icedmetaltea · 10 months
You want prompt but like, you like being tied up 😭 bows = Christmas, gift for unhinged robo man. Boom, prompt 😂 use your like for being tied up to power yourself!!!!! YOU want to draw Y/N being tied up as a gift for Sun 🫵🫵🫵
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"I" want it huh
You're just as guilty as I am my friend
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keepontalking · 1 year
Cher, are you sure this is just the last day of the internship? Because you are acting like this is the last day of the relationship.
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twistedappletree · 8 months
wasting all your time on drama,
could be solving real crime
waste away your mind too.
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mythalism · 26 days
solas: uwuuu you disrupted my ritual and trapped me!!! now im stuck here and it’s all your fault wahhh poor little old me stuck in the fade in a prison that i designed myself within my realm that i created where im supremely powerful and can “casually reshape reality” with a thought and i have an anchor that lets me open rifts physically in and out of here BUT NOW IM TRAPPED!!!!! 🥺🥺😣😣😰😰
meanwhile solas:
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caliburn-the-sword · 2 months
i find it really annoying that people are all like "omg ella totally pranked bridget on purpose as a plot twist since that was the only thing they changed in the past and they successfully stopped her from doing that"
did none of you listen to get your hands dirty?? or even pay attention to anything about ella's character at all?? or pay attention to the original cinderella fairy tale?? bfr
an IMPORTANT detail of the cinderella fairytale is that cinderella was BANNED from going to the ball by her unreasonable, evil stepmother. the vase gave lady tremaine a valid excuse to ground ella in the movie, but if not for the time travel intervention, she would have found some other reason to just ban ella from going to castlecoming to try and get her own daughters to snag a prince. at THIS point fay would swoop in and save the day, but because she's already been established as bad at magic, THIS is why she is limited by midnight - after all, if ella wasn't banned and went dress shopping with bridget, how would the glass slippers ever be so important that she ended up getting her daughter her own glass shoes
two, the villains ONLY crack open the evil cookbook to lord it over red and chloe to rub their loss in their faces, once they think the coast is clear because red and chloe have ALREADY dispatched merlin's security, and they got too self assured. without time travel, they would've been racing against the clock to get out before they were caught by merlin. they wouldn't have had time to crack open the book. so once they were FINALLY safe i believe they would've been more cautious. perhaps ulyana would have consulted the souls of the black lagoon, or maybe one of her friends snatched it out of her hands and froze themself opening it in their excitement. it doesn't matter, all we need to know is that ulyana figures out that she has to trick someone good into opening it to the page she needs. since we know that ulyana intended to pretend to be bridget's friend, i think it's possible that she herself tricks ella into opening the book by telling ella she wants to make amends with bridget, which makes the betrayal so much more intense for bridget and explains away why she'd be so angry at her in the modern day
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horror-aesthete · 8 months
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Dawn of the Dead, 1978, dir. George A. Romero
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nonpoppie · 1 year
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played the space train anime game . guess who i fixated on
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kittykatninja321 · 4 months
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Felix Desidero you’re the only motherfucker in this city worth a damn 🗣️!!
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simplepotatofarmer · 2 months
to me, the ideal is that anyone portraying c!dream during the prison or directly after it, portrays him like a man that was starved for months and tortured for 80 something days. it should be apparent.
and then, after, when things are better and he's gotten a chance to recover, he should get to be fat.
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unar-mage-ddon · 5 months
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maybe i shouldn't be reading into it that hard but remus is just a little weird to me
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stardustandrockets · 1 year
Do you have a favorite book with disability rep? Drop it below! (Title and author, please.)
July got away from me and I didn't get this disability rep post finished before the month ended.
The rep listed is by no means a comprehensive list, but what I could remember. I know there are a lot of other lists out there with several of these books on them, but some I hadn't seen and wanted to include.
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• Photo 2: Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert (OCD), Turtles All the Way Down by John Green (OCD), The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun (anxiety, depression, and OCD)
• Photo 3: Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson (anxiety), Icebreaker by A.L. Graziadei (anxiety and depression), Teacher of the Year by M.A. Wardell (anxiety and ADHD)
• Photo 4: Lost in the Never Woods by Aiden Thomas (anxiety and PTSD), The Infinite Noise by Lauren Shippen (anxiety and depression), Heartstopper (anxiety, depression, and anorexia)
• Photo 5: A Neon Darkness by Lauren Shippen (depression and PTSD), The Witch King by H.E. Edgmon (depression and PTSD), Summer Sons by Lee Mandelo (depression)
• Photo 6: Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan by Gaku Kaze (depression), Perfect World by Rie Aruga (spinal cord injury), Vicious by V.E. Schwab (chronic pain)
• Photo 7: A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab (blindness), The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater (partial deafness), The Whispering Dark by Kelly Andrew (deafness)
• Photo 8: I Hear the Sunspot by Yuki Fumino (deafness), A Quiet Kind of Thunder by Sara Barnard (deafness and select mutism), Everything You Never Said by Jordon Greene (mutism)
• Photo 9: Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas (dyslexia), Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade (dyslexia), All the Feels by Olivia Dade (ADHD)
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chicgeekgirl89 · 8 months
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Rating: T Characters: T.K. Strand, Carlos Reyes, Judd Ryder, Mateo Chavez, Nancy Gillian, Paul Strickland, Marjan Marwan Read on AO3
It’s only one word, but T.K. knows that kind of “hey” all too well. He stifles a smile, the one he knows is charming and flirty and will get him whatever he wants, as he turns around to look at the man standing next to him at the bar. 
He’s got dark hair, a sharp, angular chin, and he’s wearing a look that says he’s interested. Very interested.
“Hey,” T.K. says back, immediately looking away and trying to signal the bartender again. 
“What’s your name?” the guy asks, moving a step closer under the pretense of leaning up against the bar.
“T.K.,” he says, still going for nonchalant. 
“T.K.” The man tests it out on his tongue and nods, apparently finding it palatable. “Does that stand for something?”
T.K. bites his bottom lip, still trying to smother how much joy this interaction is bringing him. “Yeah. It does.”
The other guy nods, a flirty smile breaking out on his own face. He likes that T.K. is playing hard to get. “I’m Alejandro.”
“Nice to meet you,” T.K. says, settling down onto the barstool when it becomes clear the bartender is busy and won’t be taking his order for a while.
“You come here a lot?” Alejandro asks, completely locked onto T.K. despite the noise of the room and the other people jostling into them as they vie for drinks and snacks.
“Once in a while,” T.K. says. He nods his head toward a table across the room. “I’m here with some friends.”
“Cool,” Alejandro replies. “Can I buy you a drink?”
It’s very forward and T.K. loves it. Now he lets his smile out full force, dazzling the other man. “You don’t even know me.”
“But I’d like to,” Alejandro says, taking another half step closer. “Come on. It’s a free drink.”
“What if I told you I’m with someone?”
“Is he here?”
“Then I’d say what’s the harm in making a new friend?”
T.K. practically chokes on the laugh he’s holding in. “That’s bold.”
Alejandro’s eyes rake over the floral pattern on T.K.’s button up. “Something tells me you like bold.”
“I do,” T.K. tells him as he finally gets the bartender’s attention.
“So? A drink then? Just one?”
T.K. places an order for himself and Marjan then looks back at him. “You’re very sweet. But I have to get back to my friends.”
Alejandro shrugs, looking bummed but understanding. “Next time maybe.”
“Yeah, maybe,” T.K. says, sending him a wink as he collects the 126’s drinks and heads back to the table.
“You having fun over there?” Paul asks as T.K. hands Marjan her drink.
“More like leaving a trail of broken hearts behind,” Marjan says with a laugh.
“I can’t help it if people like to look,” T.K. says, fully aware that he’s got a self-satisfied smile on his face.
“That guy’s lucky Carlos isn’t here,” Judd says from where he’s nursing his second beer of the evening. “Not sure how he’d feel about somebody making a pass at his new husband.”
“Well I didn’t see any of you coming over to try and help,” T.K. tells them pointedly, turning his glass of seltzer around in his hand, the condensation making his fingers slick. 
“You know, they say as soon as a guy gets married it immediately makes him more attractive,” Mateo says around a mouthful of pretzels.
Nancy furrows her brow. “Who says that babe?”
“You know, studies. Or people or something.”
The entire table looks at him incredulously. “What?” Mateo asks. “I’m telling you, I’ve heard people say that!”
“Somebody’s been spending too much time on TikTok,” Paul says, giving him the side eye.
“Where is Carlos tonight anyway?” Marjan asks. “I thought he was coming.”
“His shift ran over and he has a headache,” T.K. says, checking his phone again to make sure he hasn’t missed any communications from his husband.
Carlos had called while they were on their way to the bar to let T.K. know he was wiped from his shift and not up to going out. But he’d assured T.K. he was fine and told him in no uncertain terms to go and have fun with their friends. 
“He said next time for sure,” T.K. tells them.
“Wow, you chose us over your brand new husband?” Marjan says. “I’m flattered.”
“You know some people might take that as a sign the honeymoon period is over,” Judd says.
“Oh it’s definitely not.” T.K. grins as he chomps on the straw of his drink.
“Yeah I caught them making out in the bunk room last week,” Paul says with a roll of his eyes. 
“It was our one month anniversary,” T.K. says with a shrug.
“That is not a reason to be half naked in a communal area,” Paul shoots back.
T.K. scoffs. “We weren’t half naked.”
“Well you were when I went to the kitchen for a glass of water in the middle of the night,” Judd says.
“And when we got to your place early for our hang on Tuesday,” Nancy chimes in.
“Maybe you should have knocked,” T.K. says.
“Maybe you should have put a sock on the door,” Mateo says.
“Or you know, locked it. Like normal people,” Marjan adds.
“I can’t help it that Carlos and I have a thriving, healthy marriage and the rest of y’all are jealous,” T.K. tells them.
Internally he’s glowing. Carlos would be mortified if heard this conversation, but T.K. is thrilled to have their love fully on display. It’s not his fault that his husband is so dead sexy that T.K. wants to jump his bones anytime they’re in the same room.
The group rags on him a little longer and he takes it all in stride before begging off early to get home to said husband, which earns him more teasing. The word “whipped” gets coughed out by several people and he throws a wadded up napkin at Mateo’s head as revenge before he heads out the door. 
The living room light is still on when he walks in and he smiles softly. Carlos always makes sure their home looks warm and inviting for him, even if he’s already gone to bed.
T.K. puts away his work things and quietly creeps into the kitchen to grab a water to take to bed, wincing when he accidentally rattles a couple of pyrex containers full of leftovers in the fridge. He tiptoes softly across the living room, carefully sliding open the door to their bedroom as quietly as possible. “Oh, you’re awake,” he says in surprise.
Carlos is sitting up in bed, shirt off, glasses on, a book in his hand. It’s another smutty romance novel; this one has a yellow cover with a couple kissing on the front. Only his nightstand light is on, emitting a soft glow that blends in with the light of the living room, which is why T.K. didn’t notice he was still awake.
“I am,” Carlos says, setting his book down. “How was your night out?”
“Fun,” T.K. says, slipping out of his shoes and looking pointedly at his husband as he puts them away in their appropriate spot. “How’s your headache?”
“Better,” Carlos says. “I took some ibuprofen and it helped.”
“Okay good,” T.K. says again as he searches through his side of the wardrobe for a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt. “Did you get dinner?”
“I had the leftover chicken adobo.” His eyes follow T.K.’s path around the room. “Anything interesting happen?”
“At the bar?” T.K. shrugs bringing his pajamas along with him as he settles on the edge of the bed. “Not really. Mateo almost knocked over all the drinks. Paul got tipsy and waxed poetic about Asha. Marj was overly competitive at darts. The usual.”
“That’s all?”
It’s an odd response and something in Carlos’ tone makes T.K.’s insides do that fluttery thing they only do for his husband. He cocks his head to the side and looks at him curiously. “I think so. Something on your mind?”
Carlos reaches over to his nightstand and grabs his phone, thumbing open a text and passing it to T.K. It’s a message from Paul with a picture of T.K. at the bar, Alejandro looking appreciatively at him while T.K. smiles back. The text reads, “You better come get your man before somebody else tries to snap him up.”
T.K. is extremely unsuccessful at hiding his smile. He’d intended to share the finer details of the evening with Carlos himself, but hopefully Paul beating him to the punch won’t ruin the fun he’d been planning on from the moment Alejandro had sidled up next to him. “Oh that.”
“Yes that,” Carlos says, taking his phone back. He’s oddly calm, like the stillness that settles into the Austin air right before a storm. It masquerades as peaceful, but there’s an undercurrent of electricity buzzing through the room. T.K.’s heart begins to beat a little faster in anticipation. 
“Care to share what was going on there?” Carlos asks.
“Just some guy in a bar,” T.K. tells him, deeply enjoying where this is about to go. “He was just being friendly.”
“Friendly,” Carlos says. “With my husband.”
T.K. shrugs. “People like me.”
Something flashes in Carlos’ eyes and it sends hot, delicious shivers down T.K.’s spine. “Where was your ring?”
T.K. reaches into his shirt. “Right here.”
He pulls out the chain that holds his 252 medallion, his ring dangling next to it. Always close to his heart, even when he can’t wear it on his finger.
“You didn’t put it back on after work?”
“I must have forgotten,” T.K. tells him, trying for coy and innocent.
Carlos leans forward a little bit, hooking his finger into the chain and using it to draw T.K. toward him. “I think you’re lying to me Tyler.”
“Lying? To my husband? I would never,” T.K. tells him, nearly bursting into laughter and messing up this entire charade.
“I think,” Carlos says, his voice low and dangerous, “that you flirted with that guy in the bar on purpose.”
“Now why,” T.K. says, thrilled that he has Carlos exactly where he wants him, “would I do that?”
“Because,” Carlos says, giving the chain a gentle tug, “you know how it makes me feel. And you like it because you’re a fucking minx.”
“Are you feeling a little jealous husband?” T.K. asks in amusement.
Carlos wraps his entire hand around the chain and pulls T.K. in, lips finding his in a kiss that’s full of teeth and tongue. “I’ll take that as a yes,” T.K. says breathlessly when they come apart.
“You’re damn right I’m jealous.” Carlos practically growls it. “Stop flirting with other men in bars T.K.”
T.K. smiles at him. “Where would the fun be in that?”
Carlos snorts and rolls his eyes. “One night. I stay home for one night and this is how you behave. What am I going to do with you?”
“You could take my clothes off,” T.K. says, aware of the eagerness in his tone. “That would be a good start. Show Alejandro what he has to be jealous of.”
“Oh Alejandro huh?” Carlos asks, already sitting up on his knees and reaching for T.K.’s waist.
“Mhmm, Alejandro.” T.K.’s eyes drop to Carlos’ mouth for a fraction of a second before they come together again, hot and hard and everything T.K. loves.
Carlos rolls him down into the mattress, kissing and kissing and kissing until neither of them can breathe or think clearly. “You’re mine,” Carlos whispers to him, a promise, a certainty. “Not Alejandro’s or anyone else’s.”
“I’m yours,” T.K. promises back. “Only, always yours.”
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marenwithanm · 4 months
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Luke why are you so good at lying??? He didn't even change sprites lol
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zippityzap · 4 months
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He can paint portals to other places
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