schizopositivity · 1 year
Words that are very important to schizo-spec and psychotic people because they are the few words that accurately describe our unique and often life-changing experience:
• delusion/delusional
• hallucinate/hallucinating
• psychosis/psychotic
• paranoia/paranoid
• word salad
Please don't use these words incorrectly. It does directly impact us. Yes the meaning of words evolves, but we don't have words to replace these ones. But you have words to replace these if you are using them as descriptors for something evil, unpredictable, selfish, contradictory, scared, misspeaking, etc.
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ayyliencat · 6 months
Hey there, just needed to say something quick. ALL of this misrepresentation about schizophrenia everywhere is ableism. People that say “schizophrenia is spiritual”, “schizophrenia is satanic”, “schizophrenia is demonic”, “schizophrenia means that you have demonic entities attached to you”, “schizophrenia means that you are in spiritual warfare with demons”, “schizophrenia just means that you are going through a spiritual awakening” is just so frustrating for people who ACTUALLY have this mental Illness or suffer from psychosis. It all comes from people who don’t even HAVE this illness or experience these things. It is dangerous to tell people who have or don’t have schizophrenia/ schizoaffective disorder, people who are on the schizo spectrum or people who experience psychosis that what they are experiencing is real and is caused from external forces or that they are just in a “spiritual awakening”. Stop spreading your misinformation on this mental illness and do some research, your ableism is showing. This goes to all of you new age spiritualists that say “people with schizophrenia just experience the world differently than us” No, we are suffering from psychosis/hallucinations or delusions. It is a mental illness, not what your idea of what schizophrenia may seem like to you. I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, I’m not haunted or “woke” I’m mentally disabled, It is a mental illness PERIOD.
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whumpetywhump · 2 months
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Begins ≠ Youth
Park Haru's PTSD and mental health decline
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sickficideas · 2 months
Ok get ready cuz I'm about to hurt us both with this one.
Sometime in the two years Dazai has been with the ADA, he gets incredibly sick. Or maybe this is during the mushroom incident, that works too. But they've got him in the infirmary, fever so high he's delirious and hallucinating, and Kunikida is sitting there with him but suddenly Dazai starts talking as if he's someone else.
Because who Dazai sees next to him is Chuuya. The Chuuya he remembers at 18, because he hasn't seen him since then. And Dazai is mumbling things that make no sense to Kunikida but he can parse out "I'm sorry" and "I never wanted to leave you."
"I know," Chuuya says in Dazai's delirium.
"I know," Kunikida says gently. "It's ok."
Because what else can he say? The words clearly aren't meant for him but they're so heartfelt. And the person they're for may never hear them. He can only hope that's the answer they would give. -Ace
ace this is so evil....this hurts me....delirium is one of the reasons fevers are so gooood and I love the idea of Dazai dealing with this specifically because he has soooo much trauma to mumble about while he's suffering from a fever and everyone around him is always confused but this time Kunikida can kind of piece together what's happening...all he can do is talk back and comfort him, pet his hair or hold his hand and wonder when he's gonna get better 😭😭
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madpunks · 2 years
hullacinating is 200% scarier & more stressful for the person experiencing the hallucinations than any bystander.
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how-much-for-a-whump · 9 months
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Prompt: "Hallucinating"
Musallat (2007)
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takeyourcyanide · 6 months
There Will Come a Day
(Soul Eater Fanfiction)
Summary: Stein finds himself sitting, basking in the darkness of his bedroom. One day he will lose all control, and the thought won’t leave his head. He will not be able to stand anymore.
Character(s): Just Franken Stein, thought there is a mention of Spirit
Word Count: 796
Note(s): I wrote this in like 10 minutes. Short and sweet and very angsty.
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Stein sat incredibly still, similarly to a porcelain doll, on top of the end of his bed. There was no light that could be seen in the room, not even from underneath the door could a speckle of light enter.
In the depths of the darkness, he heard a small whisper in one ear, a gentle, yet incessant ringing in the other. He had found himself being ripped limb from limb in the singularity of a black hole, his arms and legs being clawed off, his brain being made into mince meat slowly, so incredibly slowly, yet surely.
Stein stared at nothing at all, ignoring the feeling of invisible hands outstretching to wrap around his body, the feeling of a group of people surrounding him, waiting for the perfect time to strike.
Stein was horrible at ignoring that awful, crippling feeling.
An emotion Stein seldom experienced coiled around his heart, constricting like a boa. He breathed out stuttered and shallow breaths, a swirling ball had formed in his throat long ago. He sunk his teeth into his chapped bottom lip, the taste of blood making itself known as a sharp, gut-wrenching pain echoed throughout not only his lip, but also his entire frame.
He had considered for too long the inevitable prophecy he was to fulfill. And now he felt as though his brain would explode, his skull along with it, leaving his walls stained with brain matter as though he had shoved a gun down his continuously closing throat. He felt as though he was going to vomit up his internal organs, leaving his body just as hollow as he himself happened to be.
One day he wouldn’t be able to “self-medicate,” and shakily, clumsily stand on his own. There would come a day when they’d all see what it was that he had been so desperately attempting to conceal from everyone. They’d all see. They’d see his soul for what it was. And he’d lose all of his control over himself.
His eyes bulged out of their sockets, damp and ready to burst, as Stein tried his hardest to continue breathing at a steady pace. His chilled hands trembled lightly against his thighs.
That emotion? He supposed it was fear. A fear he had never experienced before. It wrung him from the inside out, consumed him, just as he was slowly devouring himself.
As a stray tear fell down his helpless and pitiful cheek, he heard the loud sound of a little girl weeping. No. Sobbing. Bawling.
He did not move, instead peering emptily at the face that had briefly appeared before him. It was pitch black, after all. Perhaps his eyes were playing tricks on him.
But what were his ears doing?
The bitter, burning, yet pleasurable scent of cigarette smoke filled his nostrils, he even tasted it, as well.
Was Spirit smoking in the apartment? No, he’d never break the rules like that.
And even if he was, why would he taste it? The taste and odor of the cigarettes had long since left Stein’s mouth and nose, as he had last smoke over an hour or two ago.
Or was it yesterday? He couldn’t tell anymore. Did he dream it up? No, he smoked.
More and more scorchingly hot droplets feel from his eyes. He did not sniffle. He did not whimper. He did not make a sound.
His expression remained unchanging, his position following suit, despite how terribly he desired to curl in on himself and simply throw a tantrum. But he’d surely be scolded for behaving so childishly. God forbid. But they wouldn’t go away. The feeling wouldn’t go away. And he knew there’d come a day.
He didn’t know when. But he knew it would come.
And the thought utterly horrified, terrified, and frightened Stein, as it banged against the gooey walls of his brain. He was sure each cortex was pulsating fervently, his corpus callosum tearing itself apart.
Stein’s body shook with a hushed sob, one of which he choked on.
He could do nothing but cry, as he was utterly powerless against his own mind. He dreaded that day, but could nothing to stop it.
It terrified him. Just like when he was a little kid.
It terrified him, for no one shall see him and live.
It terrified him, because there would come a day in which not only would he be cut open and displayed for the whole world to see, but because he’d lose himself entirely. Because all of the work he had put into playing pretend, into holding on by one of his many cracking finger nails, into simply just existing. It would all be a waste.
He had given it everything he had.
And it was all for nothing at all.
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@whumpcember Day 15: Hallucinating - Remington Steele 4x1 Steele Searching Part 1
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thxnks4themrms · 2 months
Who tryna hop on wattpad and read trump x Biden slow burn enimes to lovers to strangers to lovers
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danielflemingart · 3 months
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Waking Dreams.
Acrylic on canvas
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schizopositivity · 6 months
Hallucinating is normal, many people experience it. You have most likely at least passed someone in the street who was hallucinating once. Or you've worked alongside a coworker who was actively hallucinating and you didn't even notice. Or your loved one hallucinated while you were in the room, but they were afraid to tell you.
Hallucinating is common, it's just not commonly talked about in everyday situations. If you don't experience it, or don't know someone who does and tells you about it, you've probably only heard it in the news or on TV. And they only really represent the worst possible outcome for shock value. But that isn't representative of how most of us who hallucinate experience it.
Most of us are just like everybody else, living our lives, just with the addition of hallucinations. We may need to take pills every day, or need therapy, or need to stay in mental hospitals sometimes, or need to be checked on by loved ones, but so do a lot of other people who don't hallucinate.
Hallucinations are just a symptom. Just like anxiety, or trouble concentrating, or tiredness. A lot of people experience it and have to learn to cope overtime. The only difference is we don't generally talk about it to people in casual settings. And it's because of the stigma. If you don't hallucinate, or know someone who does, you probably don't see hallucinations as a normal part of life, a symptom, just a thing plenty of people experience. But it is, it's not special, it isn't more dangerous, it doesn't have to be a huge deal.
Obviously hallucinations can be life changing and horrific, but so can other mental health symptoms. Hallucinations can also be neutral, or just annoying or even a positive experience. It's just a symptom, it doesn't automatically mean someone is in the worst mental state possible if they are hallucinating. It doesn't automatically mean someone is dangerous or unpredictable. It just means a person is experiencing senses that the people around them are not.
You have to learn to accept that it's just a symptom, and that people around you experience it, and they deserve to complain or talk about it just like anyone else gets to with other things in their lives. All you have to do is listen, and try to be understanding. Hallucinating is normal, you just need to stop treating it like it's abnormal.
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ayyliencat · 6 months
Hey there 😊 just wanted to say a thing quick.. 💖
If someone has schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder or on the schizo spectrum, please do not say that they are gifted, that they’re clairaudient, telepathic or anything of that sort. I know you’re just trying to make sense of it all but please 💖✨don’t✨💖
It feeds into their hallucinations/delusions that they are experiencing and that is DANGEROUS to someone who is hallucinating *them already thinking that the voices are REAL, that they actually can read minds or that they are thought broadcasting and everyone can read their minds all while actually believing it to be real* and can lead to them thinking they have a gift and can lead to them putting themselves in danger by thinking that what they are being told while hallucinating is REAL because they “have a gift” or are “gifted”. I’ve been told this before early on when I was first diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder about 5 years ago I had to find out on my own with my diagnosis that not knowing what’s real and what is real is just apart of having this mental illness. We are not being haunted by demons or ghost’s, it is a mental illness just like anxiety or depression, and unfortunately we suffer from hallucinations, catatonia, depression, and labile affect(Inappropriate involuntary laughing and crying) amongst a lot more symptom’s, just like you take meds for anxiety and depression we also have to take medications, it is a mental illness and should be treated as such, with knowledge and treatment can help someone get clarity about their recovery and can help reduce their symptoms. Thank you for reading 💖✨😊
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whumpetywhump · 10 months
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Flowers For Algernon - Ep. 10
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flipperbrain-awakes · 3 months
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baldachinsbrainrot · 1 year
DP headcanon - Hallucinations
Fun fact! Did you know that hallucinations can be caused by both flickering lights and vibrations at a certain frequency!
Frequencies below 20 Hz are known as infrasound. Infrasound are frequencies which humans can not hear, but can perceive.
Certain studies suggest that infrasound (IS) can cause both physiological and psychological health issues. These effects include feelings of annoyance or distress, to headaches, dizziness and panic attacks. [1]
Infrasound has before been connected to supernatural sightings. An example is when in a laboratory designing medical equipment, a foil blade was clamped in a vice, causing vibrations which were measured to be about 19 Hz. These vibrations had been bouncing between the laboratories end walls. They caused the staff to feel uneasy, even breaking into cold sweat. They reported seeing grey shapes floating in their view, only to disappear when facing it. [2]
Now the connection to DP
A popular headcanon in this fandom is that ghosts speak ghost speak. This can range from sounds related to the elements of their core to different types of trilling. For this particular headcanon I am going to talk about the trilling.
Hear me out, the trilling ghosts use to communicate are infrasounds. This is why, when ghosts are around, people start seeing things that aren't there. Ghosts can use this to their advantage. Some ghosts, especially ones that want to protect their haunts from humans, start excessively talking or making sounds to make people see things. They can use hallucinations to nudge people towards certain spots or places. They can trap people in a room with seemingly no exit or make them walk in circles in a house either to immediately kick them out or to make them forever walk in circles. There is so much a ghost can do when their voice alone can cause an entire human being hallucinate. They can trap them, torment them or simply make them leave.
Hallucinatory powers would add a whole other dimension to Danny Phantom. How would ghosts utilize it? Considering Danny's halfa status, will he be affected by ghost speak or the hallucinations? How would it affect his friends and sister? There is so much you can do with this
Additional fun part of infrasound ghost speak. Some animals like whales, elephants and pigeons use infrasound for communications and predicting weather. Will Danny become a new type of Disney princess (again)? Or will he put Amity Park's weather forecast out of business? [3]
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abyssalisal · 3 months
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[JUNE] the real me is still trapped in that house and i don't remember what i look like
every day i cease to exist
if i inhale, i will drown
but if i surface i will collapse
i'm starting to miss when i chose to die slower
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