#Han Solo Origin Story
darth-memes · 1 month
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queen-daya · 1 year
My family has been watching SG-1 and the more and more I watch it, I realize it’s like watching Star Wars with different actors.
Han Solo -> Jack O’Neill
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Luke Skywalker -> Daniel Jackson
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Leia Organa -> Samantha Carter
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Chewbacca -> Teal’c
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Is it just me or can someone else see it?
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robotsandramblings · 2 months
literal thought process i had at one point while watching S03 E12
Crosshair: does one of his ricocheting trick shots; the blaster bolts bounce off all the walls, taking out the stormtroopers
me: "still the coolest thing ever!!"
"wait that shouldn't be possible. how are they ricocheting like that???"
"oh wait he said the room was magnetically sealed."
"i saw that in another movie once. 'magnetically sealed' means the energy bolts will bounce off the walls."
(( 5 minutes later ))
"OH MY GOD 'THAT MOVIE' WAS A NEW HOPE. han solo shoots his gun inside the garbage compactor. DUH."
"... i knew i'd seen it somewhere." (mentally pats myself on the back for remembering lmao)
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therealmofstarwars · 9 months
Star Wars collab fanfiction ✨✨✨✨✨✨🪐💫🌟💫✨
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Hi guys, hope everything is good! My name is Deanna Winchester, a multifandom blogger I am been a fan of Star Wars since the Summer of 2020; however, I have never written Star Wars fanfiction before I am looking for other 31 writers and fans who are interested in writing collaborative stories with me I have a lot of fun ideas to keep in touch please keep me posted on Tumblr messenger, if you are interested we can chat about it on Discord group chat writing collab server and email each others by our writing emails. And discuss the writing process. It is a Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, other Star Wars cartoons, The Mandalorian, Ahoska Series, Boba Fett series, Obi-Wan series, and Prequel trilogy fanfiction a small cameo of the sequel trilogy, and Original trilogy fanfiction all in separate themes. All will be revealed in a given time 😄🤗.
Anyway please let me know when you have the time.
I posted an individual discord group chat post for writing a collaboration link URL 🔗 in the post that shows the server invite that never expired. You are in for the adventurous party! You click on it just search this blog then magic. You find the post and boom. It there!
May the force be with you always. 💜🩵✨💫
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corellianhounds · 2 months
top 5 headcanons? Your own or just faves!
GREAT question so these are just the ones off the top of my head:
1. This headcanon for Mando teaching the kid sign language, and the kid communicating back
2. Not something I came up with, but I like the idea of Luke having permanent Force-lightning scars as a result of Palpatine using it on him in RotJ
3. Personal headcanon: I think Han Solo would have taken Leia’s last name when they got married: Han (at least in the movies) had no family ties to the name ‘Solo,’ it was the name the Imperial officer gave him when he enlisted in the military to escape Corellia. It’s the perfect description for a smuggler on his own who only thinks of himself and his ship (though eventually Chewie becomes a part of The Only Things Han Solo Cares About).
The most important thing about Han Solo’s character that I think many audiences and even official creators (INCLUDING GEORGE LUCAS SOMEHOW) seem to forget is that Han’s whole character arc is that he was NOT a good guy— He BECOMES a good guy. All of the tension surrounding him in the original trilogy is based on the fact Han Solo looks out for himself. His return at the end of A New Hope is predicated on the audience being surprised that he came back.
Each movie, there was no guarantee that he would stay or stick around when the going got tough. By the end of the trilogy, Han’s character arc has ended with him choosing to be a part of something bigger and caring for people beyond himself and beyond his circle of friends. Choosing to marry Leia means choosing to remain relatively sedentary and present for her (and by extension their family, friends, and the New Republic), and besides, what better way to throw people off the scent and protect yourself from your criminal past than by marrying into the royal and political-leading family?
TLDR: Han takes Leia’s last name after they’re married because he finally has a family he chooses to tie himself to.
4. Personal headcanon: Leia does not forgive Vader for what he became, regardless of whether Luke says he redeemed himself in the end.
Leia not only saw the war he led and the atrocities he committed her entire life, he enabled/directed the destruction of her entire home planet before her very eyes. Leia loves her brother, but she cannot reconcile what Luke says about Vader being a good person with the war criminal she knew him to be.
Bonus headcanon: I think in the sequel trilogy Leia should have been the one to see a vision of her son’s future and she should have been either the catalyst for Ben Solo leaving, or she should have been the one who said she saw too much of Vader in him as an adult and he had to be killed in order to be defeated, while Luke and Han should have been the ones trying to bring him back. Luke’s character in the original trilogy was defined by compassion and mercy even towards one of the worst people the galaxy had to offer, and Han’s character was defined by the people who didn’t give up on him and whose encouragement and support and willingness to see the good in him were the reasons he was able to become a good person.
5. Personal headcanon: I’ve had the idea since 2020 that Mando’s family on Aq Vetina were part of the Disciples of the Whills. I’ve liked the idea of Mando being connected in a non-Force-sensitive way to other lore surrounding the Force, and I’ve based it on the similarities in costume design and because I think thematically, the idea of exploring the Force through a different lens than the Jedi would have made a much more interesting and compelling story in what was originally a relatively independent TV show with new characters on a much smaller scale, exploring different parts of the galaxy.
How I understand the doctrine of the Whills is that it’s more trying to understand the direction of the Force as it tries to find balance in the world, and the result of those teachings means seeing how the Force working in others is what benefits people— In Rogue One Chirrut says “May the Force of others be with you,” which I’ve interpreted as “Yes the Force exists and has an impact on life and death, but because it is the connection binding every living thing together, it’s our choices and the actions we take and the connections we form that exhibit the Force, which are what will ultimately save us in the end.” Chirrut says “The Force protected me,” and Baze Malbus says “I protected you,” and they are both right.
In the context of The Mandalorian, I wanted to see what could have happened if the show diverged from the Jedi, who to be clear were a specific order of Force sensitive followers whose primary purpose was as protectors of the galaxy— The Jedi teachings weren’t just a belief system, they were combined with a martial art and specific learned abilities that were intended to be used to protect people. That doesn’t mean their way was the only way Force-sensitives interacted with the Force.
Long story short, I wanted Mando’s potential ties to a different part of Star Wars lore to be the gateway to exploring more of the galaxy that these stories were set in. I think it would have been a lot more interesting and would have freed up the story to go whatever direction it needed without being confined to the Jedi and prior source material
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aimmyarrowshigh · 1 month
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MLMay 2024: 100 Slash Drabbles
040. Student - Chewbacca/Han Solo (Star Wars)
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hanukkahbingo · 7 months
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Panfandom Hanukkah Bingo
WHAT: A fanworks bingo celebrating Jewish (and Jew-ish) characters across any and all fandoms. Write fanfiction and/or create graphics (moodboards, edits, vids, whatever you like) to fill prompts on this overall bingo card. During the 8 nights of Hanukkah, submit your fills to the AO3 collection and/or post them on Tumblr to be reblogged and added to the Bingo Masterpost.
WHY: Jewish characters and Jewish fans are often overlooked or erased during the Winter Holiday Season in favor of “Secret Santa” exchanges, Christmas-themed fics, and the idea that ~Hanukkah is Jewish Christmas~ (which spoiler for all fics in this bingo: it’s not). This panfandom Bingo challenge is to celebrate Hanukkah on its own terms and give Jewish characters and fans a place to breathe. :)
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banthaboyboba · 1 year
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I have a question for the supernatural fandom:
I think it is clear from the first few seasons and from any behind the scenes info I’ve read (which isn’t a lot lot) that Sam was intended to be the main character
And now I am extremely biased cause Dean is one of my all time favorite characters but
Do you think it’s fair to say that by the end of the series Dean is more the main character than Sam?
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anakinskywalkerog · 2 years
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from Final Soliloquy of the Interior Paramour, Wallace Stevens
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musewrangler · 1 year
It was entirely possible that diplomacy had been invented as a way to torture beings in ages past and all records of its inception had been lost. Thus, modern societies just assumed it was a normal way of conducting their affairs, slowly and torturously wearing each other down until they all got a mostly dissatisfying conclusion.
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darth-memes · 2 months
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din-skywalker · 2 years
i'd love for there to be a show like the clone wars for the og trilogy, because we have so much content of the prequel characters now that the og characters feel a bit more dry. it'd be cool if there was a show that took place between empire and return of the jedi or between new hope and empire because there's just so much untouched possibilities there.
i've always thought this- there's so much surrounding the prequels, which makes sense, but i'd love to see more of the og trilogy as well. have a show about luke training to be a jedi. have a show about the rebellion in its earlier days. have one about luke and leia working to shape the rebellion after the first death star. maybe even have one about darth vader in the middle of the og movies.
i just, idk. there are so many shows and movies that take place between aotc and rots, or between rots and anh that there's so much untapped content between anh, esb, and/or rotj and i feel like that's such a let down.
give me more og trilogy content, please
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difeisheng · 2 years
*blows a kiss to the night sky* for anakin skywalker han solo and poe dameron for being the incredible-pilot-but-disaster-bisexual rep we needed with each star wars generation
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Please welcome my first star wars amv in 5 years
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randofanficrecs · 9 months
Today's random fic is from the Star Wars Original Trilogy fandom, 69. Beyond - M/M Bracket #11A by aimmyarrowshigh.
Chapters: 1/1 Words: 100 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lando Calrissian/Han Solo Characters: Han Solo, Lando Calrissian Additional Tags: Drabble, Canon Compliant, Daydreaming, Wanderlust, Canon Character of Color, March Madness Series: Part 69 of Ultimate OTP March Madness 2022, Part 306 of Star Wars Drabbles Language: English Summary: Beyond. Han Solo is a wanderer at heart. Lando's got a fast ship.
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