#Have y seen my fu
propertyofwicked · 3 months
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warnings: none, just fluff (inspired by that one CL stream). this is so short pls forgive me
(also, anyone else seen the pics of lando in aus? FERAL for that man.)
“tier 1 sub - max can you tell lando to get off his computer and let me in the flat please im freezing” max reads out, bursting into laughter, “youre in trouble mate.”
max hears a travelling shout of swearing, getting quieter as lando’s headset is thrown to the desk and his entire body hurtling towards the front door.
“shit shit shit shit,” lando shouts, his fingers struggling with the keys left on the inside of the door. finally he manages to unlock the door and pull it open to see his girlfriend, rosy cheeked and a less than impressed expression.
“lando, how many times have i said to take the keys out of the door if you lock it and im not home - especially if youre not going to answer your phone.”
“im sorry baby, im sorry i know - i forgot,” he mumbles, his hands taking yours and bringing them to his face. he flinches slightly at the sheer coldness of your fingers, “do you want a drink? hot chocolate? tea? coffee? it’ll warm you up”
“i’d love a cup of tea,” you smile sadly, shrugging your horribly thin jacket off. honestly, with the typical english winter, your jacket was almost useless in combatting the cold winds anyways. you move to follow lando into the kitchen, watching him fill the kettle and move to grab a mug from the cupboard.
“come here,” you say, opening your arms slightly for lando to move into. he moves to you instantly.
“you’re not angry at me?”
“no, i am. youre just warm” you say, looking up to smile at him. his hands fall to your waist, gripping your hips and hoisting you up to sit on the counter, but he doesn’t move back into your embrace. instead, his arms move to take his hoodie off himself, and pull it over your head.
“slightly,” you're still smiling at him as you adjust the hoodie - lando can tell you're not angry at him, just slightly irritated.
“the heating’s on, my office is warm - you wanna go sit in there whilst i finish your tea, angel?” he asks, his hand stroking your cheek, “max is on call if you wanna talk to him for a bit? he’s streaming but you already know that,” he grins, his tongue sticking into the side of his cheek.
“i think max’s chat deserve to know how bad of a boyfriend you are,” you joke, hoisting yourself off the counter, ready to march on in and complain to the stream. lando’s hand catches your arm, spinning you back into his chest. his hand comes back to your cheek, and tilts your head back.
“im sorry baby, you know i am,” he frowns slightly - you reassure him that he is forgiven by pressing a small kiss to his lips. once again you go to move, but he pulls you back in, kissing you again - repeatedly pecking kisses all over your face and eventually your lips. his tongue swipes your bottom lip, begging for more. you pull your head back slightly, desperate to go and rat him out to max but his teeth nip down on your bottom lip again to prolong the connection.
“i don’t think so, lan,” you giggle, smiling up at him again. lando groans and swears you almost skip your way to his office, excited to tell max as he prepares for a night of grovelling.
“max. you’ll never believe this man,” you sigh, after popping lando’s headset on your own head.
“y/n! how are you?”
“freezing, max. and £10 poorer now i’ve had to sub to your twitch to be let into my own flat.”
“oh yeah, thanks for the sub,” max laughs out, looking at the chat, “it’s ok, chat reckon you should invoice lando for the inconvenience.”
“i think i might have to you know, although he’s making me a cup of tea right now and i might be able to pout my way into a takeaway tonight.”
“y/n that man is so whipped i don’t think you need to pout your way into him doing anything for you,” he responds, his emphasis on anything making you grin slightly.
minutes later, lando comes into the room, using his foot to kick the door open in front of him, his hands full with your mug and your lip balm. hang on, lip balm?
“here you go baby,” he says, placing the mug down on the coaster on his desk, “i put honey in it for your throat, and i brought your lip balm ‘cos your lips are dry,” he grins as he hands you the lip balm.
“my lips wouldn’t be dry if you’d answered the phone the first time i rang you,” you say, the eye roll evident in your voice, even to max who couldn’t see your face.
“hang on, y/n, how does he know your lips are dry?” max interrupts, his laugh travelling through the headset.
“because max, when two people love each other very muc-”
“ew stop it,” lando interjects, as he sets up a second set of headphones to join in the chat.
“he’s trying to regain my love with physical affection.”
“i can tell from your tone that it’s not working.”
“well, after that ‘ew’ i think i may have to revoke all physical affection.”
“you wouldn’t,” lando gasps, his hands dramatically clutching his chest.
“order dominoes and ill reconsider. you owe me.”
“yeah lando, and send her £10 to cover the cost of the twitch sub,” max shouts, siding with you, “chat also think you should, as a courtesy.”
you don’t say anything, but turn to look at him, puppy dog eyes and a pout to complete the look.
“fine! fine,” he laughs again, holding his hands up in surrender, “i was going to offer anyways.”
“sure you were,” you and max manage to say simultaneously.
an hour later, your food had arrived and your saying goodbye to max and his chat, as lando goes to the door. however, by the time you shuffle into the living room, lando has began setting up netflix, sat next to a mound of blankets he’d brought in from your bedroom.
“hey you, come ‘ere,” he says, leaning his back against the arm of the sofa and tapping the space between his legs. once you were settled, your back resting on his chest, he leans to grab the pizza box on the coffee table in front of you - it went down quickly.
“funny how hungry you get when you’re left shivering in the freezing cold for hours," you think out loud.
“it wasn’t hours and i didn’t do it on purpose y/n,” lando whines, scoffing slightly at the time embellishment, absentmindedly playing with your fingers as he did.
“i know baby, i’m sorry. you’re forgiven,” you start to feel bad for him. he presses a kiss to the top of your head, before manoeuvring you both further down the sofa until he’s laying completely flat, and you roll over so that your head can lay on his chest. the two of you lay in silence for a few moments, the tv still playing quietly in the background, and you feel his chest moving with every breath.
lando's hands wander underneath his your hoodie, and begin to trace small shapes on your skin, making you shiver slightly. then, a thought hits you.
“someone needs to make a compilation of F1 drivers accidentally locking their girlfriends out because they’re streaming,” he laughs as you say it, your whole body shaking from the shuddering of his laughing, "it seems to happen more than you'd think."
“hey! i wasn’t streaming - max was, i was just there. AND! i paid you back, charles never paid his girlfriend back for the sub.”
“oh, aren’t you generous.”
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hotgirlssupportlando · 4 months
hard launch
”… and shoutout to Lando Norris because he's gonna be taking it off for me tonight”
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pairing: lando norris x reader!photographer (she/her) summary: y/n hard launching her relationship with lando during an awards show wc: 1.4k warnings: none note: all creds to nicki minaj iconic quote hehe and also this is my first text ever so feel free to give feedback :) not a native english speaker!
y/n was a somewhat known photographer in the f1 community. if you asked a member in the paddock what motorsport photographers they knew they’d probably say Kym Illman or y/n y/l/n because they were the most noticeable around the f1 paddock. she was an outgoing beautiful girl and a true spreader of joy, you could almost say that she was the photographers daniel ricciardo. through the years of being in motorsports she had gained lots of friends but in the past months she had found a deeper connection to one of the drivers, lando norris. 
they’d always been good friends, she and lando, but somewhere along the line their interactions had started to become more and more flirtatious. one thing led to another during the afterparty of the last gp of the season and they had now spent all of the winter break together. y/n and lando had travelled around the world during the break and somehow lando had an unusual amount of pics to upload to instagram during his world trip? maybe bc he had a professional photographer with him. the fans however didn’t notice this, they were just delighted over the frequent uploads from all of the corners of the world. 
during their trips it was easy to keep a low profile because they were always a part of a big group people traveling together. but when they were back at lando’s flat in monaco it became harder to hang out in public together without rumors spreading. they both were quite secure in their relationship to one another but they didn’t know how their managers and fans would take the news. they’d either hate it or love it. and if fans were to love it, y/n knew that they couldn’t escape at least some hate, that was just part of being public and especially with a beloved driver like lando. it didn’t help either that y/n remembered the hate that lando’s ex luisa got when they were together and though it could appear that y/n had a though shell she was afraid that it would be tough on her. at the end of the day she was ’just’ a photographer and didn’t receive a lot of hate, and if she received any it was mostly about her work and not about her personally. that’s why this whole public relationship would mean a huge readjustment for her and that’s why they kept it a secret for a little bit longer. 
at the end of winter break y/n was sunbathing in the garden of lando’s flat when she received an email with an invitation to a british motorsport award. she was nominated in the category photographer of the year and wow she couldn’t be more excited!! finally a confirmation of all the hard work and many years photographing motorsport. she was quick to run inside the house to tell lando the exciting news, where she was met with huge support and also the news that lando too was nominated in a category! y/n felt a relief that she would have her emotional support with her during a nerve-racking event like this.
lando was used to getting dressed up in designer clothes and going to awards but for y/n this was a whole new territory. since lando knew about this and that y/n was quite insecure about these things he wanted to help her as best as he could. before heading to britain for the awards they together went out shopping for a dress in monaco and even got it custom made to fit perfectly for y/n. this was absolutely not in y/n’s price range but lando insisted because he wanted her to feel really special on this rare occasion. y/n had always seen how caring and loving he was but these last months together had really shown her that he’d do anything for her, which was something she’d never experienced. y/n’s heart was so full of all the love she received. 
it was the day of the awards and y/n and lando were at a hotel nearby getting ready when y/n was starting to feel anxious and wanting to call the whole thing off. ”this dress is too much, i can’t wear this! people will think i’m full of myself, who am i to wear versace?? i’m a farm girl not a superstar. AND what if i don’t win? it’s going to look terrible if i show up in this only to go home without an award” y/n panicked. lando sat beside her soothing her whilst stroking her back. ”y/n/n you don’t have anything to worry about, you will look absolutely stunning in the dress and who cares what anybody else thinks? this is your first time to really shine so let’s go and make the most of it otherwise you will regret it” lando comforted her. y/n tried her best to keep the tears in to not ruin her makeup, the nervousness really got to her but lando knew exactly how to make her feel safe and a bit more relaxed about the situation. 
y/n was stood in front of the hotel room mirror whilst lando was closing the zipper to her tailored black dress. when he looked in front of the mirror ahead y/n could see his jaw drop. lando was mesmerized over the girl in front of him, her eyes sparkled like never before and her height seemed to have increased from the confident posture. and she felt it too, the confidence, she felt truly beautiful which rarely happened. lando could only smile and gently kissed her bare shoulder ”we look like a badass couple” he chuckled. y/n felt a tingle through her body and smiled at the thought of them being a couple.
to keep a low profile they decided to take different taxis to the awards. y/n felt butterflies in her stomach walking the red carpet whilst seeing lando only meters away looking like the most handsome man she’d ever laid her eyes on. it was even more exciting knowing that no-one of the other people on the red carpet knew about their relationship, it was their little secret. 
the show went on with lando winning driver of the year and the loudest cheers could be heard from y/n’s direction. he held a short speech thanking the team and so on, making a few jokes a long the way because of course he hadn’t prepared anything which was typical him but she liked that about him. that in situations like these he could relax and just be himself. y/n on the other hand had her speech well prepared, if she were to win. 
”and the award for photographer of the year goes to…”
y/n’s eyes locked with lando’s and he mouthed ”you got it” followed by a smile.
”… to y/n y/l/n!” the presenter almost shouted. 
y/n was overwhelmed with the feeling of winning that for a moment she was left staring in disbelief. however after the woman sitting next to her gently nudged her arm she woke up again. the woman smiled to her and made way for y/n to walk up the stage. she straightened her postured and confidently walked with the biggest smile on her lips. once she was on the stage and was handed the award she held her well prepared speech about how tough it can be as a photographer in a male dominated sport and thanking her family and that kind of stuff. when the formal part of the speech was said she looked at lando that was admiring her from his seat. she continued whilst looking at him with a smirk ”i also have to give a shout-out to donatella versace for custom-making this dress for me…” people were cheering, ”… and shout-out to lando norris because he’s gonna be taking it off for me tonight”. lando dropped his jaw once again and his smile was the biggest in the room whilst the crowd cheered at the shocking statement. the cameras and crowd excitedly turned to him to whom he gave a cheeky wink and blew y/n a kiss.
a hard launch to say the least.
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sugumii · 1 year
Clingy Jing Yuan
Warnings: None.
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“But love-“
“Jing Yuan.” You huff, attempting to pry the large male off of you. Your arms pushed at his chest gently as he resisted, a pout on his face. “Last time I checked, today isn’t one of your off days. Go back to work and stop clinging onto me.”
“But I missed you, my beloved. Is it a crime to seek out the affection of my lover?”
“It is when you’re slacking off. You still have lots of paperwork left to finish, love.”
Jing Yuan grinned in amusement, eyes with a glint of mischief. Even as the general of Xianzhou Luofu with countless duties everyday he still found time to come cling to you. Who knew such a high standing man could be so needy? He wrapped his strong, muscular arms around your waist and pulled you in, smiling teasingly.
“Perhaps I’d resume my work if you offered me some motivation.”
That little…
You glared up at him as he smiled innocently. He continued, in an attempt to persuade you.
“Just one kiss, my dear.”
“Do you promise?” You looked him with suspicion, watching as his golden irises made eye contact with yours.
“I promise.”
“Fine… but you better keep your side of the deal. Otherwise, Fu Xuan will yell at you for two hours again.” You scolded, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning in slowly. Jing Yuan grinned, eagerly lowering his arms to rest on your waist and shutting his eyes, puckering his lips.
As you both leaned in to close the distance, a knocking was heard at the door. With a mildly irritated look, Jing Yuan ignored it, while you attempted to pull away from him.
“Yes? Who is it?”
“Ah, Y/n! I’m sorry for interrupting, but have you seen the general around?” Replied a young male voice from the other side of the door- Yanqing. The poor boy sounded tired and worried, most likely having been scolded by Fu Xuan to find your slacker of a boyfriend.
Jing Yuan continued to ignore his student’s questioning, instead opting to continue leaning closer to your face and receiving his well earned kiss. You scowled at him in annoyance and once again attempted to push said male away.
“Jing Yuan… not now. Yanqing and Fu Xuan are looking for you. I’ll give you a kiss later, but for now return to work!” You scolded him lightly, whispering in his ear for him to hear.
He pouted once more, refusing to let go of you and wrapped his arms around your form tighter like a cat refusing to let go of their owner.
“Tell him we’re busy… I’ll return in a few minutes, my dear.”
“Ah, sorry Yanqing.” You apologized, “I haven’t seen him around. Have you checked the botanic garden?”
The young boy’s voice perked up, “Ah, no I haven’t! I completely forgot to check there. Thank you Y/n, I’ll go look right now!” Footsteps were heard running off into the distance as you sighed and looked at your lover who held a smug look on his face.
“My s/o has such a kind and beautiful heart for me after all. Now, let’s resume what we agreed upon my dear…”
“Fine, but you better get back to work after this! I’m not covering for you next time.”
With that he captured your lips in a soft but passionate kiss. His hands pulled you in closer by the waist so that your chests touched as his hands wandered. You gasped as you felt his hands lower as you pushed him away and swatted at him.
“I’m going, I’m going my love! Quiet dow- Ah… Fu Xuan. What a pleasant surprise.”
“…General. In your office. Now.”
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autumn-hiraeth · 1 year
Hobie Brown x Pregnant reader
When Miguel takes the reader from Hobie because he left the society and Hobie is mad he shows a side that know no one has ever seen before people are a little scared of him even Miguel himself knew he fu*ked up badly.
hello, hope you like it :) 🩷😶‍🌫🩵
hobie brown x pregnant!reader
just headcanons about hobie trying to find his girl
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When Hobie returns from HQ and nowhere to be found you, his pretty pregnant girl, his spider-sense kicks in.
Hobie brown never lets others know when he loses his temper or is scared, (he's never really felt that upset and worried until that moment) so when he gets back to HQ. oh boy, Miguel is in trouble.
"Where's she?!" Surprisingly, Hobie would hold Miguel by the neck, everyone is paying attention now, but he don't mind, Hobie only wants to find you and his unborn kid.
Gwen, Miles and Pav would try to calm him down but it doesn't work so they decide to back off 'cause hobie seems to have lost his mind.
" course I went bonkers mate, this asshole kidnapped my pregnant girlfriend" he exclaim annoyed.
"Hobie will be a dad?" that's miles
"That's right, my bruv and my favorite spider-woman are having a baby" Pav explains.
"they're a cute couple " Gwen adds.
"You made your decision hobie, Y/n would be in danger with you" Miguel intervened in the lively conversation.
Upset Hobie is something that nobody wants to see so before he almost kills Miguel, Jessica speaks up.
"She's safe, my husband is taking care of her" and that's enough for Hobie to let Miguel breathe.
"If you take her away from me again, it will be the last thing you do" Hobie warns before setting his watch and disappearing.
"I think you underestimated him Miguel" Gwen scoffs because she knows he's scared by Hobie brown's new side.
In another universe.
"Y/n! You're fine" Hobie would cup your face before kissing you, his heart would be beating faster than ever and in the middle of the hungry kiss his big hand would rest on your belly. Hobie always likes to have his hand on your belly, he likes it when the baby kicks against his big hand.
Hobie would rest his forehead against yours and smile at you in relief.
"I was spooked luv" hobie says, leaving soft kisses on your face
"we're fine hobie, I knew you'd find me"
" let's go home"
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ham1lton · 2 months
— part of my maneater series ꕤ
Y/N (throwing her hat in the air with one hand and catching it in the other without looking): see? told you i could do it! not my only party trick.
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Y/N: hi gq! i’m y/n l/n, formula one driver and i’m here to show you my ten essentials.
Y/N: first, has to be my ipad. this was my first big purchase and seeing my bank account being drained of that money almost caused a heart attack. but this bad boy helps me to organise my life, stops me from being bored on flights, keeps me in contact with my family and lets me write my notes. so yeah, thanks apple. also you guys should sponsor me.
Y/N: i never used to travel a lot. when i was younger, my family couldn’t afford it so flying around a lot was a big shock to my system. obviously as in f1, drivers are required to fly to different races and it means i had to get over my fear of flying. these help a lot with that. these plus a spotify playlist made by my angsty teenage self will make me forget about the fact i’m flying. these are my favourite ones, i have multiple pairs just in case.
Y/N: i guess this sort of goes off the second one? but music. i keep trying to bribe the engineers to build a blue tooth radio in the car but to no avail. spotify has been my biggest supporter all of these years. i know i’m sponsored by them now but i have been using my account for almost seven years now? so my algorithm is perfection. it truly has helped me so much. i listen to music on the way to races, on the way back from races, in my house, outside my house, cleaning, cooking and even when i’m in the shower. yes, i’m a shower singer. once i get in there, i’m beyoncé!
OFF SCREEN VOICE: what was the last song you listened to?
Y/N: one second, let me see. it was the twilight soundtrack in particular decode by paramore. told you i was an angsty teen!
Y/N: okay this sounds bad, it’s not as much an emergency bag as in like medical supplies but more so like extra toothbrush, toothpaste, menstrual products, lotion and other stuff like that. i always carry this with me anywhere in case my suitcase goes missing. it has helped me and my friends out so many times so it’s definitely an essential for me.
Y/N: i picked up photography relatively recently and this was the starter camera that the guy in the shop recommended. so this is that camera. for this one, i vlog, which you guys might have seen and this is the camera i use for those videos. i actually don’t record my videos, one of my friends or family or colleagues or whoever will film and i will be in front of the camera. it’s my favourite part when i ask the camera person to reveal themselves and they do their own little introduction. i obviously provide the camera for it. which is this beauty right here.
OFF SCREEN VOICE: who has been your favourite person to film you?
Y/N: i have had a lot of people film me. my most recent being rihanna for my recent holiday vlog! so many people to the point that i genuinely don’t think i could choose a favourite. i mean, i’ve had my sister do it a lot so i guess i can choose her. she knows my angles best!
Y/N: when i won my first championship and i kissed the camera, the amount of calls from makeup companies my manager received was actually obscene. i think i got so many comments on social media asking what makeup i use and how it stays on throughout the race! to be honest, i don’t always wear makeup but in the original video, i was wearing this fenty gloss. it’s in the shade fu$$y. so, yeah, at least no one can call me a gatekeeper! i always keep it on me. i feel a little more ready to face the world with lipgloss. now, i have my own fenty collection! so check that out.
Y/N: okay i know i say i’m not necessarily a superstitious person but these shoes have been with me from f3 until now. every race i’ve worn these, i’ve won. so i like having them around. i think they bring luck. i can’t wear them any longer as they’ve worn through the soles now. really annoying but we power through.
Y/N: i was really craving wingstop one night. so me and my sister were in london? i think and i vlogged our hunt for wingstop and they reached out to me to give me a black card. i know, isn’t it gorgeous? i was so happy. too bad i have to cut down on what i eat thanks to my nutritionist, but my siblings and friends love this thing.
Y/N: okay, so i’m trying to get more consistent with my skincare but it’s not necessarily working the way i want it to. however, i still stick to the basics. sunscreen, cleanser and moisturiser. i really like keeping my skincare on check as there is this unsaid rule that women have to wear makeup in their jobs and if i keep my skin looking good then i can skirt that rule. i love this cream in particular, it’s moisturising but very light on the skin. best of both worlds.
Y/N: this was given to me as a gift from my family when i turned eighteen. it was a necklace that i’d had my eye on for a very, very long time. they saved up for so long to buy it for me and it’s become my signature piece. i wear it around my neck constantly. it’s weird having it off my neck to show you.
(she fastens it around her neck quickly)
Y/N: now i feel normal again.
Y/N: i am so bad with keeping my paddock pass on me. for people who don’t know what this is, this allows me access to the garage and things like that. i usually keep it around my neck because if its in my pocket or my bag i’ll forget. my assistant sometimes carries mine. i’m not going to show you my picture because it’s awful. i had woke up really early after no sleep and one of the staff had made me take the picture. now i am forced to wear this monstrosity at work. i keep it hidden as much as i can. last time, lando saw it and laughed so hard he cried so yeah.
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author’s note: this was hard as i wanted to keep it as vague as possible so that you can relate it to your own maneater! i’m still taking questions/asks/requests so please send some in!
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maxillness · 22 days
FU In My Head || MV1 x Perez!twin!Reader
Warnings: 18+, age gap, Google translated Spanish, yearning, oral (m)
Wordcount: 1.4k
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He knew it was wrong. He knew he had to stop, but god did it feel so good
Imagining her body while her jerks off, was the worst sin he’s done to date
Imagining it was her hands on his cock on his own
Imagining her mouth on his cock as he comes
Imagine getting fucked by her as he laid in his bed, coming down from his orgasm
It didn’t help she showed up at the garage or motorhome, he couldn’t exactly tell her to leave, he couldn’t actually tell her anything, as he would stutter rapidly every time he caught her scent in his nose
“Good job, Max” She said, coming up behind him, touching his waist softly, making him turn his head towards her
“Thank you” Even just the two words he couldn’t get out, stuttering too much
“You seen my brother?” She leaned her head closer to his ear, the talk of engineers and mechanics filling the motorhome
“He’s in his drivers room” Surprisingly he could get his words out in an understandable voice
“Thank you” She let go of his waist, walking towards Checo’s drivers room
“¿Alguna vez vas a hacer un movimiento?” Are you ever going to make a move?. She slid down the wall of the drivers room as Checo spoke to her in that loving brother tone
“No pienso” I don’t think so. She said taking a sip of the water bottle he had given her
“¿Por qué no? Obviamente le gustas” Why not? He obviously likes you. He sat down on the couch opposite to her, leaning back
“Lo sé, pero quiero ver cuánto tiempo le toma a él mismo hacer el movimiento” I know, but I want to see how long it takes for him to make the move himself. She sighed, putting her head against the wall
“Eso nunca va a pasar y lo sabes” That’s never going to happen, and you know it. He said, chuckling, almost laughing
“Si quiere meteres en mis pantalones, tiene que decirlo él mismo” If he wants to get in my pants, he has to say it himself. She said smiling, sliding her legs up to her chest
“Eres algo tuya” You’re something of yours. She didn’t listen to his comment when she heard small whines from the other side of the door
She knitted her eyebrows together as she listen “Please. Fuck, yes” Followed by a small moan
“¿Qué?” What?. He asked, seeing at her confused eyes
“Nada” Nothing. She looked back up at him, picking another subject to talk about than the previous
She tried focusing on the conversation with her brother, but she could still hear into the room behind her
“Please, fuck. Yes, just like that. Y/N…” The moan that came from his lips indicated he came with her name rolling off his tongue
“¿Quieres que te lleve de regreso al hotel?” Do you want me to take you back to the hotel?. He asked standing up from the couch
“No gracias, primero necesito hacer algo” No thank you, I need to do something first. She said, standing up as well, groaning slightly at the pain in her lower back
She waited until Checo had left before she knocked on Max’ door to his drivers room
He opened the door, his face turning all shades of pink as he saw her standing there with a slight smirk on her lips
“Can I come in?” She asked, thickening her accent purposely, watching the way his Adam’s apple bobbed as he sank
“S-sure” He said, opening the door wider for her to enter
“Did you have a good wank?” She asked, sitting on the small table in the room, watching the way the blush turned deeper
“Did you hear that?” He asked, almost impossible to hear his words
“All of it, darling” She smiled, crossing her ankles, pushing her chest out, looking at him with eyes filled with filth
“All of it?” His eyes looked into his shoes, hands into his pockets of his jeans
“Get over here, amar” She said, spreading her legs, giving him space to stand in between them
She slowly walked over to her, never once looking up at her. She hooked her finger under his chin, forcing him to look up at her
“If you wanna get in my pants, tell me” His hands was placed on either sides of her thighs, too close for him to think straight
“What?” His words were stuck in his throat, hurting to get out
“Tell me. Tell what you’re thinking about when you’re alone” Her hands was placed on his waist, pulling him closer, lips almost making contact
“I won’t give you what you want if you don’t tell me what you need” She said when he didn’t speak
She leaned in, lips so close of any of them spoke, their lips would graze each other
“Please… I want you so bad. Thinking about you every time I’m alone” He almost let out a whimper when their lips touched
“Good boy” She leaned in, their lips colliding.
He kissed back immediately. Her hands went to his jaw, pulling him into a rougher kiss, his own hands coming to rest on her waist
She forced his lips apart with her tongue, making him gasp slightly. He whimpered at the feeling of her tongue against the walls of his cheeks
Her hands traveled from his jaw, down his torso and landed under his shirt, making him shiver at her cold fingers
They only parted when she pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it at the ground
She went back to kissing him, but this time at his neck, drawing on low moans from him
“I-i can’t keep- Shit… Quiet” He let out a quite louder moan when she started sucking at his skin softly, making him cover his mouth with his hand
“You fucking better” She got off the table, grabbing his wrist, taking his hand away from his mouth “I don’t know how many people are left” She smiled, guiding him back towards the couch
“Sit” She forced him down on the couch, drawing out a huff from him “Buen chico” Good boy. She said, going down on her knees in front of him
He held his breath as she unbuckled his belt, looking up at him through hooded eyes, pure lust in her eyes
He lifted his hips so she could pull down his jeans, his boxers as well, helping him step out of them, throwing them with his shirt
“Tan bonito” So pretty. She said, kissing his inner thighs, making him spread his legs apart, giving her access to scoot in between them
“Please” He pleaded as she grabbed his hips, pulled him closer to the edge, her face just in front his rock hard cock
“Patience, chico” He whined, but it was soon replaced with a moan when she softly licked the tip of his cock “Quiet” She said, voice stern
“Jus’ feels so good” He grabbed the edge of the couch, knuckles turning white from the force as she drove back to lick softly at him
Her nails was digging hardly into his skin, surly making marks for him to see tomorrow, for him to feel tomorrow
He tried keeping his hips still, but he felt the need to buck them once her tongue started swirling around his tip
“Please… Stop teasing” His eyes was shut closed, mouth hanging silently open, head thrown into the back of the couch
She gave in, hollowing her cheeks, taking all of him in, making him hit the back of her throat, gaging around him
He shivered at the vibrations, feeling the pleasure in all of his body. The moan he tried to hold in, came out as a whimper instead
“Please… Feels s’ good” His thighs shook, almost trapping her body between them
She sped up, holding her hair away from her face with one of her hands, the other still roughly around his hip
“Fuck, please… Y/N, please” His words were breathless as he started twitching in her mouth
“‘M close” He managed to keep his sounds at bay, only letting out small whines
Her tongue dragged up his vain as she went up, which pulled him over the edge, whole body shaking as he shot his cum down her throat, barely able to contain his moans
She helped him down from his orgasm before popping off him, swallowing his cum and standing up
“Are you okay, cariño?” She asked, kissing his forehead, the sweat covering her lips
“Mhm. Fine” He opened his eyes, taking her hands and kissing the back of them “Thank you”
“Anytime, bebé” She smiled, helping him getting his clothes back on
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luvyeni · 1 year
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pairings. bestfriendsbrother!jake x fem!reader
🔖: 18+ , make-outs, marking, unprotected sex (he pulls out) , dirty talk
authors note ! this is for the 6k drabble special , you can read all of them here !
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it was your bestfriend birthday , you shouldn't be up here while she was downstairs at her party , you definitely shouldn't be laid underneath her brother , grinding against his clothed cock , while he marked up your neck. "ja-jake no marks -fuck- don't want her to find out."
he wasn't listening though , instead he sat you up , pulling your shirt over your head , marking up your ollarbones , and your chest. "fu-fuck ,princess i don't really care if she finds out , i gotta have a reminder of this." he sounded so hot , his voice airy , soaking your panties.
"jesus princess , you're soaked." he rubbed your clit through your panties. "need me to fuck you that bad?" he smirked , watching how your legs twitched. "pl-please jake , i need you so fucking bad."
he kissed you , climbing off the bed , taking his clothes off , his cock strained against his boxers. "you're drooling princess , but as much i would love to stuff your little mouth with my cock , but we need to hurry before my sister comes looking." he said , spreading your legs , his cock kissing your hole.
he grabbed the base of his cock rubbing it up and down your folds , "jake plea— oh fuck!" he pushed into you. "god damn princess , your pussy is choking my cock." he groaned , slowly starting to move his hips. "so b-big." you gripped his bicep.
"your cunt feels too good -fuck- don't think i can let you go." he grunted , hitting your g-spot over and over. "jake , jake you feel so good!" you screamed , the music hopefully drowing out your noises.
"jake?" shit , it was your friend. "sh-shit , be quiet." he hushed. "what do you want." he yelled. "have you seen y/n , she went missing?" he smirked , looking down at your form struggling to keep quiet. "i don't know." he gave you a deep thrust , that made your eyes widened , pushing at his hips. "have you checked the bathrooms?" he started to move again.
your cunt tighten around him , making him hiss. "fu-fuck , stop tightening around me before i make you scream , i don't fucking care if she's out there." he growled in your ear. "where the fuck did she go?" your friend stood outside.
"i'm kinda fucking busy , go look for her somewhere else." he was losing all self control. "fucking fine , im gonna kill her , whenever your done fucking whoever , please come join my party." he scoffed , not even bothering to wait , speeding his hips up. "we gotta hurry princess."
he rubbed your clit , you were a moaning mess. "fu-fuck jake , im gonna cum!" he grunted , his orgasm approaching also. "fuck!" you screamed , warmness spreading all throughout your body as you came.
"fu-fuck princess , im cumming -ngh- shit." he grunted , he pulled out cumming all over your tummy. "fuck , i came so much , your pussy is magic." you rolled your eyes. "how , romantic jake."
"if you're a good girl for the rest of the night and don't dance with other guys and i'll take you a date tomorrow."
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alcinaslittlemaid · 4 months
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Naughty Little Lamb~
Pennywise 2017xFem!reader
•Warnings: Smutty smut, degradation, spanking (a lot), angry sex.. and much much more, Mild DD/LG (tiny bit) uses of pet names
(I’m not great at writing buts it’s the red hour 😳🌶️)
Come join the clown~
The hour was very late, you had struggled to get to sleep and Pennywise had gone out hunting. You felt a familiar throbbing in your underwear, by god you were missing him so much, your hand slipped down between your silky thighs and coating your fingers were your own sinuous juices.
You smirked and began pleasuring yourself, grabbing your vibrator imagining penny’s long slippery tongue slurping your insides out, your toes began to curl as you bucked your hips in submission, your mind travelling further, now imagining how smaller tentacles would slither out, gripping your thighs to keep you in place, long slimy tentacles restricting your movement, as his long, hard alien-like tentacle is forcible pushed into your tight hole, the ridges of his length hitting your clit as he completely ruins you.
Trying to get his entire length inside your tight, little cunt, you were getting close, finally going to be rid of your need for him (until tomorrow that is) you were almost riding your vibrator with pleasure
“Dooonnnt youuuu Dareeee~” that taunting voice in your head rang out like a bell you had recognised all too well
“Fuck…” you whined “Watch your mouth little slut” the voice growled, it’s raspy voice grunted in your ear as you slowly peeked up at the darkened side of your room, there…two golden orbs stared back at you, dark red circles rimmed it’s golden stare
“Oh my~ look at the filthy mess you’ve made, you dirty little slut” pennywise barked, stepping towards you “my! Dirty little sewer slut” he grinned before sitting down
“Come” he snapped patting his lap “But you said I couldn’t-“ you attempted a joke, but the state he gave you was stern, cold and deadly
“I said…COME!” He snapped, before dragging you roughly over his knee, your ass now presented to him like his next meal on a silver platter “Ah! Ow your hurting me! Penny what the fu-“ you were soon cut off by his to clawed fingers “Good little girls should be seen and not heard” his fingers were almost in your throat, you hadn’t a clue what was happening.
“You’ve been such a naughty, filthy little lamb Y/N” he teased before hiking your skirt up higher, his tentacles keeping you tightly in place as his hand slowly lifted behind your rear
“Now, we’re gonna play a little game~” he began, you shook your head at his silly games, but he was having none of it
“your gonna count every time I spank that little ass” he continued “and if you mess up or miss a number, they’re gonna restart and be even harsher…got it?” He hissed, you squealed and tried to squirm out of his grasp
“Ohhhh you wanna play hide and seek? Okay! If hide and I don’t find you in under 2 minutes I won’t punish you! We can doooo whatever you want~” he had crossed his fingers behind his back while saying that. You nodded and took off running, trying to find a hiding place he hasn’t seen yet, meanwhile the clown began to the countdown to your demise
“Shit” you winced
“Fuck fuck fuck!”
You finally found a spot, sliding into it and shutting the door behind you ever so silently, you sunk beneath the piles of sheets and bedding
“10! Ready or not little bunny! Mr wolf is coming to find you hahahah” He cackled maniacally and began searching for you, his boots thudding against the ground in desperation. This was horrifying, he could do anything to you…you could hear doors opening and the disappointed sigh when you weren’t there “Oh my little lamb you are clever..” He then opened the door to your linen cupboard “but not clever enough- oh! Oh fuck where on earth is that little girl?” He slammed the door shut and began walking away…or so you thought
As soon as you heard a door downstairs creak open, you poked your head out and began sneaking back to your bedroom thinking you had won.
You were suddenly pinned to the ground by his clawed glove “You! You are so gullible…you think I couldn’t smell that throbbing, aching slit? Hahaha oh little one, you fell for the oldest trick in the book! You are a fly in my spider web” he giggled maniacally in pure pleasure, before dragging you back to the bedroom, a thread of drool trailing behind and a sinful, sadistic look in his eye.
End of part 1🎈
Lemme know what y’all think and I’ll write the next part!!
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kamii-2 · 2 months
please make more kk arnold fics just not angst i can’t handle it anymore
hi 👾 anon, i hope you enjoyed the angst 😭 anyway this is a fic about kk and her funny ass lives on tiktok
warning(s): cussing
genre: fluff
pairing(s): kk arnold x fem!reader
you and kk have been together for about 7 months and no fans knew. you guys planned on telling people eventually but you guys were nervous because of the way fans act when their celebrity crushes get with someone, so you just kept it on the low.
you were at home in bed watching tv and bored as ever, when you got a notification on tiktok that kk was live. you joined and it was her, paige, and ice answering questions and messing around. when people seen you joined they all started to say your name, people knew you because you were apart of the media team. you posted pictures, took pictures, and managed accounts.
kk was the first to notice you, “oh my god hi y/n!” she said while smiling, “HI Y/N!” ice yelled, and paige said “hi y/n,” you got up and set your phone on your desk then sat in the chair then requested to join the live. ice picked up kk’s phone and accepted it, placing it back after.
“hi guys,” you said while waving and smiling. “what are you doing?” paige asked you, “nothing i’m bored as fu- freak,” you replied to her question. you know that they can’t cuss on live or they will be in trouble so you won’t cuss either because you’re on their live and they could potentially get in trouble. “you should come over” ice said, “wait i should, i’ll be there soon” you said as you picked up your phone and left the live.
you got up and put on a basic ass outfit. you put on a tight black shirt and grey sweatpants. you put on your shoes, grabbed your phone and keys, then left.
when you got to her shared dorm, you knocked on the door and azzi answered. “hi y/n,” she says with a smile and hugs you, you say hi and hug her back.
you went back to kk’s room and opened the door. they had invited people to the live to tell stories. someone was currently telling a funny story about their siblings. when you walked in the comments were going crazy and the 3 girls said hi and the person telling the story paused to say hi, you said hi back before you went and sat next to ice on the floor. before the fan continued their story they called out your name, “y/n you’re so fine oh my god,” you were a bit shocked that they were so open about it. you giggled and said thank you.
it was about 30 minutes later and you guys were all answering questions about yourselves, uconn, etc.
you were thirsty so you got from the door and went to get a water bottle. when you got up kk turned around and said “where are you going baby-,“ she realized what she did and immediately slapped her hand over her mouth. ice was staring at kk in shock and paige was looking at the live with her jaw dropped. you were staring at kk with wide eyes and a shocked smirk.
the comments were going CRAZY.
“kk you are actually dumb,” paige said while laughing.
“oops..” kk said as she turned around to the live.
“okay so basically, we were gonna tell you guys but like we weren’t ready.” you quickly explained. they all agreed before ice and paige started to laugh again, “it’s not funny,” kk says while she covers her face.
after the live ended, paige and ice went to their rooms and you and kk were cuddling while on your phones, showing eachother tiktoks and other things people are posting about you guys.
“kk how do you even manage to do that” you questioned her with a laugh. “i honestly don’t know, it slipped out”
“idiot,” you call her while laughing and kissing her.
i hope you enjoyed, sorry it’s short 😭 anyway hope you have a good day/night, love you 💋💋
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✦Incorrect C.o.D Quotes, Again✦
Guess who's back...back again-
Ghost @ DILF!Y/N: Stop making me have gay thoughts, General. I look at men and I feel weird. I feel strange. It makes me wanna do things. I don’t like that.
(This also works with Soap, of course)
-- (Based on that one Avatar moment that set the fucking bar for me. Also, bonus random name of an NPC) Ghost: Oliver is the best sniper. DILF!Y/N, real softly over Ghost’s shoulder: …well I don’t want Oliver. Ghost, a man with daddy issues: Ghost, internally: HOLD IT THE FUCK TOGETHER SOLDIER, WE’LL GET THROUGH THIS
-- Y/N: I was gonna say that if in ten years time, the two of us aren’t married, let’s agree… Gaz: Yeah? Y/N: To hunt each other for sport. Gaz: T-To hunt each other for sport?- Y/N: Yeah! D-did you just agree?! Gaz: I thought you were gonna say like, y’a know, let’s get married! Let’s- Y/N: Oh! Oh. Gaz: I’ll be your Gilligan! Y/N: I didn’t mean- the signals-
-- Gaz: Sorry! I thought I saw a wasp. Y/N: Do you love me too? Gaz, breaking his neck: Excuse me?
-- (NSFW warning) Y/N: Like- no I know it’s bad but bro I- he makes me such a whore. Soap: Okay like, on a scale of one to ten- Y/N: I’d let him cum on my glasses Soap: ON YOUR GLASSES?! Oh it’s serious. Y/N: I KNOW
-- 141: *looking at knocked out Graves* Y/N: I’m gonna check his pockets. Alejandro: For weapons? Y/N: No, to see where he keeps the fucking audacity. Soap: *wheeze* No no, bad timing, don’t be funny this is serious.
-- Y/N: You wanna go toe-to-toe with me, pretty boy? Alejandro: Go for it.~ I’ll give you the first shot. Y/N: Better make it count, casanova. Alejandro: I never half-ass anything, mi girasol. Ghost: Oi, keep your pants on and focus, would ya?
-- Soap: Missed me missed me now you gotta kiiii…. Simon: Now I gotta what? Soap: Nothin’ forget it- Simon: No no, now I gotta what?
-- Y/N, surrounded by attractive men: Am I…a whore? Y/N: *looks at them* Y/N: I don’t really give a fuck, HEY TEAM-
-- Gaz: Why are you just…laying on the couch? Usually you’re up and doing something. Y/N: Can’t move. Soap: Why?? Y/N: *sits up on their elbows and allows their neck to be seen* Gaz: *gasp* Nooooo… Y/N: Mhm. Soap: Nuh uh. Y/N: König carried me here. >:) Gaz: YOU WHORED! Y/N: I DID!!
-- Someone: Please PLEASE don’t tell anyone. Y/N: I won’t! I won’t, promise. Someone: *sigh* Thank you. … Price: *doing paperwork* Y/N, busting in: CAPTAIN!! Price: BLOODY FU-What in the world?! Y/N: *shuts his door and smoothly sits on his desk* Captain you will not believe what I have heard.
-- Soap: I’m gonna stop listening to drama. I’m gonna focus on my training, be a better person- Gaz: Right, right. Y/N, popping in: Guess who got caught sucking dick in the bathroom. Soap & Gaz: WHO?! Soap: *falls out of chair*
-- Price: Be nice. Y/N: I’m always nice! Price: Really nice, not bitchy nice. Y/N: …you tied my hands but fine.
-- (With a random backstory I have in my brain for König) Y/N: How do you uh, deal with all this trauma? König: I call my mutter. Y/N: That’s beautiful, K- König: Call my mutter a bitch.
-- Gaz: GIRLFRIEND STOP, GET BACK IN THE CAR Soap with zero self preservation instincts: *sprinting with a pipe bomb* YOU GET BACK HERE!
-- Y/N: This entire team is full of babygirls. Gaz: Oh not that fucking meme- Soap: Full of huh? Ghost: Call me that and I will snap your spine. Y/N: Bring it! An honor sir! Price: Jesus Christ-
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iridescentdove · 10 months
What about a Platonic! BSD x Child! Reader is very smart, like almost Ranpo-level smart, but they don’t use their smarts and intellect for anything at all except for online video games, board games, etc., and they’re lazy and don’t go outside at all. Plus, the first time Reader and Dazai had a game of chess, Dazai literally lost two moves in, and Dazai was rethinking his entire life choices in that moment because how the fu-
(How Dazai and Reader’s game of chess went *REAL* link)
platonic!bsd x child!smart!reader
A/N: I for an odd reason, love it when characters are humbled and seen inferior 😭 I love this request too! Here it is~
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Everyone loves you.
I'm so jealous rn /j
Well as a kid it would be expected to be like that! Although, it was a little different as you were ... considered unique to other children around you. How so?
No but for real. FUKUZAWA merely took you into the agency since you seemed to have had no parents by your side to take care of you. As such, he took on the responsibility himself. The agency takes care of you now! <3
Anyways, let's say you were basically rivalling RANPO in terms of deduction and overall smartness capabilities, as he now thinks you are a worthy opponent.
But even he himself lost to someone like DAZAI.
Yes. Of course it was true, the suicidal detective just seemed to be way too good. The so-called 'world's best detective' had lost to a man, in which who, flirts with women 24/7 and asks for double suicide everywhere he went.
But to say the day came when brunette's demise lurked around the corner ... because of a chess game.
The agency had nothing important going on in particular as the peace of Yokohama was maintained in the meantime. Simply put, you guys were on vacation. So what else to do other than some old family bonding?
There were lots of activities planned that day, and everyone had enjoyed it to the fullest. You did also find it fun, but ... of course, for someone your age – you were mature as fuck.
And so, you did what everyone wouldn't have the balls to do.
Challenge DAZAI OSAMU himself to a chess match.
So obviously, everyone got a bit nervous. Pretty sure you had no idea how smart the suicidal maniac was, nor did they ever believe you would last a good 'ol round even once. By some experience of a certain detective – there is absolutely no one better than DAZAI himself.
The chess game went on. You looked so cute and innocent! Maybe he should go easy on you?? After all, you're just a kid.
And yet ... he was downright horrified.
In a matter of four turns in, the death-craving young man was absolutely OBLITERATED by you. Upon the match ending, a pin drop silence was heard. Eyes widened in shock, whom even RANPO himself never imagined such. Everyone never spoke, not even coughed for a solid 5 minutes.
But it was true. You DID defeat him. FUKUZAWA had the face of a very proud parent – he really didn't think you'd emerge victory in this small innocent match.
The president promised to treat you out next time a successful mission was in tow. Of course, DAZAI couldn't believe he had lost to you! A little child!
It would definitely take a lot of time for him to wrap his head around that – but once he does, oh boy.
I think you a little crazy there uncle ahaha
He almost literally brags about your existence everyday to anyone. You can't tell me he hasn't literally shoved in and mocked in front of people's faces with that shit eating grin of his oh my fucking God 😭
Then again, no one is safe. An even better gifted than the two greatest treasures of the Armed Detective Agency.
FYODOR better be shaking in his fugly ass boots.
You're coming for him alright. (and so am I)
Honestly, the ADA cannot be anymore proud to have an ally like you by their side. Missions and war would cease to exist from how well you managed to help them. And even moreso, combined with RANPO himself.
World destruction who?? I only know (Y/N) (L/N) 😍
Your existence is known, everyone knows about what you've done and how respected you are despite your young age.
Who tf let the Port Mafia fuck ya'll up?? Oh nevermind they were destroyed because of ur amazing little ass. The Hunting Dogs tryna tear apart the ADA which was mistaken as terrorists? Umh chill anyways so you already had a plan– RANPO doesn't know what to do for once? You're already there to help. Decay of the Angels? Lives up to their name, they're decaying under your superior brain and intellect.
You're just found to be the lifeline of the agency. In return, everyone treats you very well (spoils you even), making sure you lived your days as a child to the best extreme possible.
And to be frank – no one dare underestimate you anymore.
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lunasdreamytreats · 3 months
Glitch in the matrix
Feat: Luocha
Synopsis: Your boss, Master Diviner Fu Xuan tasks you with looking into the travelling merchant under suspicions of nondescript nature. You oblige, but was woefully unprepared for what you saw.... (im kinda mixing 2 prompts together here oops)
Word count: 1.9k
Content warnings: NSFW, fem!reader, reader is a diviner, dubcon (reader doesn't explicitly say no but they do fight back), dacraphilia, size diff, petnames (princess, little flower, little one), shibari, fingering, clit stimulation, orgasm denial, finger sucking, doggy, clit slapping (it happens like once), luocha gets pussydrunk, he also reads your mind, implications to stalking and noncon sexual acts at the very end!
a/n: first full fic yahooo!! disembodied voice lines are in bold to avoid confusion with luocha's lines, !please read the warnings before reading!
"Master Diviner?" you walked up to the woman stood in front of the matrix of precience, the centrepiece of the divination commission. "You asked to see me?"
The pink haired woman paused, turning her head towards your direction, "Ah, y/n, very punctual, as expected from my pupil." You smiled lightly at the praise, following her as she motioned for you to follow her. The two of you moved over to where a large table with multiple scrolls stacked on top of one another had been placed temporarily. She moved a few to the side before she found the one she wanted, handing it over to you before picking the others up.
"What's this, master? A new task to test myself with?" You questioned, brow raised quizzically. The scroll just had an image and a general profile on it. Along with a piece of, what could only be, this person's blond hair.
"Not quite," fu xuan's voice rang out from,, the other end of the platform? You looked up from the scroll to see your boss and teacher waiting for you expectingly, once she saw you notice her, she continued walking. Jogging to catch up with her, you two were making your way over to the entrance of the divination commission.
"The realm keeping commission has requested the divination commissions assistance in identifying people that could've brought the stellaron onto the luofu." Fu xuan explained, once you caught up to her. For someone her size, she sure can move as fast as lightning. "I've personally selected files for certain people to examine, this ones yours. He's a particularly difficult case as not many people can read him. Do you think you can handle him, y/n?" The way fu xuan phrased it was strange, but you decided to brush it off. After all, the master diviner always had a strange way with words.
"Of course, master." You answered with a bow, before turning your attention back to the scroll in your hands. "However i do have one question, how exactly is this person a suspect? I believe I've seen him selling rare trinkets in Aurum Alley before.."
"I don't know the specific reason the realm keeping commission wants us to look into him, they just asked us to come back with our results soon"
Fu xuan gave you the rest of the day off so that you could prepare for the divination you'd be performing later that night. She advised you to do something you enjoy doing, to clear your head of any worries that might get in your way during the process. ..... oh right, divinations could go wrong if the person conducting them doesn't have a clear mind. It's why fu xuan always meditates before doing any kind of divination.
However, instead of doing what your master suggested, you decide to go straight to bed for a quick nap. Your head had been killing you ever since the daily tasks at the commission had become more strenuous and demanding after the ambrosial arbor rose again...
By the time you were able to rouse yourself awake, it was nearly 6:30 pm, the very time you promised yourself that you'd start the divination fu xuan wanted. You opened a rather large box that was set up by your bed that held your own mini divination machine that you were issued when you joined the commission.
You set the mini matrix of precience on your coffee table, moving the odds and ends that were on it originally. It isn't the best place for looking into someone's conscience, but hey, it works for you. Taking a deep breath, you steady your breathing and start up the machine.
The whole room lit up in a low, pulsating light that slowly grew in brightness as the device whirred to full power. Once the machine had fully charged, you slipped in a small lock of the man's hair into the centre of the device. You entered the divination plain within your mind and began waiting for the device to hook you to the others mind. Even from the hazy image that began forming before your eyes, you could tell he wasn't alone, well shit.... this isn't going to be as easy if he's thinking about someone else..... perhaps you could attempt to change his train of thought?
However any previous thoughts you had about work exited your brain when the scene in front of you grew clearer, that.... was you.. the person he was with, is you. But how.... sure you may have bought something from him last time you saw him in Aurum Alley... but this scene wasn't anything like that time.....
He had you underneath him, caging your much smaller form while his large hands roamed your body. The tank top you wore had been pushed up to just under your breasts, with Luocha's hands gently pulling you closer. ...... huh? When did you suddenly remember his name? Doesn't really matter, because while your attention was occupied by that thought, Luocha had procured a red shibari rope and had expertly tied it all around your now naked body. Just as your thoughts were beginning to wander again, a laugh brought you out again. Only it didn't come from the scene in front of you... no, this came from another place.
"Enjoying the show, princess?" It asked, you felt a ghostly touch on your shoulder as the scene changed again to show a much dirtier scenario. You tried so desperately to look away from the erotic scene before your eyes, it felt like you've stumbled across a porno of yourself filmed without consent. However, a strange, invisible force halted any movement of your head... Forcing you to watch yourself getting fingered by Luocha.
Struggling against the ropes and his hold, you attempted to push him away with your foot. Luocha's free hand grabbed your ankle, placing a small lick and kiss against the skin there. He glanced down at you, smirking as he noticed your eyes were glossed with tears threatening to fall. Sure, he felt a little bad about making his beloved cry, it wasn't enough to get him to stop. The mere fact you're not fighting him harder tells him your simply testing the waters. He let your leg drop down to rest on his thigh and leaned up to gently sush you while rubbing your cheeks.
"It's ok, my little flower... i wouldn't hurt you." When you finally relaxed into his touch, his movements picked up. His fingers pressed along your walls before curling them, looking for your g spot. And when he did find it, ohh~ he knew. Your eyes snapped back to reality from where they had been unfocused in the haze of lust, and your broken cries of his name became louder, it was clear that your orgasm was fast approaching. Luocha rubbed the pearl of your clit roughly, eliciting loud sobs from you.
"luo~ m'gonna cum!" Your voice was barely audible above the loud sounds being created between your legs, but your clenching and spasming walls told him all he needed to know. Luocha withdrew his fingers just as you were on the brink of the sweet euphoria. He smiled lightly when he saw your annoyed and pouty expression, bringing his slick coated fingers up to press them against your lips.
"Lick them" you opened your mouth obediently for him to slide his digits into your warm mouth. Thrusting them slowly, his calloused fingertips dragged against your tongue...... oh, you can't take anymore looking at this... your mind drifted back to the task that you were supposed to be conducting, and how fu xuan would likely be wondering what's taking you so long to get back to her... wait, how long have you been here again?
"No no no, little one, focus on them," T-There's that disembodied voice again! It’s preventing you from diverting your attention away from the lewd scene in front of you. I-It sounds a little familiar, but a ghostly hold directed you back to you and Luocha. The scene had progressed to the point where Luocha had flipped you from your back to your front, holding you by the hips with your butt up in the air. He leaned back a little, enough to see how wet his tip got from just rubbing against your slick opening.
Smirking, Luocha tugged at the ropes around your body, his cock slipping inside you without resistance. Something rather large brushed against your lips at the same time and the disembodied voice groaned softly. However, when you looked, you saw nothing that it could've been. A loud moan escaped your throat when he landed a harsh slap against your sopping clit, kissing your neck afterwards in apology when he heard you sob.
"M'sorry princess, couldn't help m'self," He sighed deeply, inhaling your scent. His cock throbbed inside your gummy walls as you tightened around him. He's already drunk on you? It felt... nice? You met him once and bought a trinket from him that one time, yet he felt this in love with you... you almost wanted to see what it's like kiss him in reality, but where would you find him?
"M'gonna move now, yeah? Fill ya up nicely." Groaning again when you nodded, he placed his hands at your hips and began thrusting slowly. You were having a hard time distinguishing if what was happening here was happening to dream you or real you; the sinful noises of wet skin slapping against eachother paired with grunts and moans all around you was disorientating.
"Aah... oh, looks like we may need to cut things short here, princess... but don't worry, I'll be in Aurum Alley when you wanna continue this." Huh? The disembodied voice could read your mind?! D-did it hear you enjoying this...?! The scene of you and Luocha began fading again, the image of him kissing you passionately being the last thing seen.
"Wait! Who even are you?!" You try to yell after the disembodied voice, but got nothing but deafening silence in return. The space around you continued to fade and crumble, the falling sensation caused you to wake with a jolt; back in the same room, with the divination machine still on the coffee table.
The luofu's artificial sun had gone down for the day by now, yet there was a faint glow. Not from the divination machine, but from your phone.... fu xuan. Remembering your original mission, you scrambled to grab and answer your ringing phone.
"Y/N? I've been calling you for 10 minutes! Is everything alright?" The master diviner's voice came through as soon as you hit pick up, not giving you a moment to speak.
"I'm sorry master, there were a few issues while I conducted the divination... However, I don't think the suspect has anything to do with the stellaron crisis at hand." You replied, hoping this explanation would be enough to get her to not press it further. Thank the aeons she can't see you right now, you're probably all hot and flushed in the face at present.
"Hhmmm? Very well then, as it's late now, could you come in a little earlier tomorrow and write up the report? I'd like to send them all off to the realm keeping commission at the same time."
"Of course, i'll have it ready before midday tomorrow."
"Good. I'll see you tomorrow, then. Goodnight!" Fu xuan ended the call and you heaved a sigh of relief. Thank the reighbow arbiter she didn't ask for why your conclusion was that.
Now, to clear your divination machine away and enjoy the rest of your evening. But before relaxing, you should probably do something about the slight ache in your jaw and bitter taste in your mouth....
a/n: I may write a part 2 of this...
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flowerygrdn · 1 year
WHAT THE FU- || k. parker
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pairing: kai x vampire!reader
warnings: swearing, kissing, fluff, obsessive!kai (sort of)
summary: y/n is on her way to the sheriff's funeral when she gets an alarming call from alaric...
a/n: hello, so i used the deleted kai and jo scene for this because, let's face it, that scene deserved kai's redemption.
I could hear my heels clicking on the pavement as I walked towards my car. My head was currently tilted downward towards my purse as i was trying to dig out my keys. This is why I need to clean out my shit more often. Aha! I finally found them. After about five minutes of digging.
Suddenly, my phone starts ringing. Now I have to dig that out of my purse. Damn this bag. Once I retrieved my phone from my bag, I saw the screen lit up with Alraic's name across it.
"I know, I'm running late. Can you tell Caro-" I start, but was immediately cut off by Alaric.
"y/n, I need you to get over to Jo's place right now." His voice is urgent and I immediately stop right in my tracks.
"Why? Alaric, I need to be at the funeral right now."
"y/n, just get over here! You'll see why I called you when you do." I didn't know what to do with that. I didn't want to disappoint Caroline by not being there, but Alaric sounds like he's desperate.
"Okay, but I swear to God if it's something stupid, like you got your hand stuck in the sink, I'm gonna be so pissed." I say as I open my car door.
"Stop your whining, I'm on my way." I hang up and change the gear to drive. Alaric better have a good excuse.
I get to Jo's apartment and open the door. I have no clue why it was unlocked. Do they not care about serial killers? My heels click with every stride I take towards the living room and soon enough I'm at the doorway.
"Alright, what was so impor-" I stop in my tracks when I see a devilish smirk from across the room. Along with the stupid expression, I get a little wave. My eyes shoot over to Jo, who's now standing there, giving me a look of pity.
"What the fu-"
"y/n, save it for a better time." Alaric says, putting his hand up to hush me.
A better time? The best time to swear would be right about now. When Kai Parker is standing there, smirking at me.
"This is why you called me here?! Jo can I please kill your fiancé?!" My eyes begin to darken and veins flash under my eyes. My vamp side comes out when I get pissed. Jo immediately comes over to calm me down.
"Okay, calm down. y/n, no one is killing anybody. We just called you over because we knew that if you were here, my asshole of a twin wouldn't try anything." Jo turns her head over her shoulder and sends Kai a glare.
"She's right." Kai shrugs, still not whipping that stupid grin off his face.
"You! I do not want to hear another word out of your mouth!" I demand. His hands go up in defense.
"Yes, ma'am. " he mutters under his breath.
"Why me though?!" I shout some more.
"Because he's obsessed with you." Alaric responds, rubbing his temples. Kai winks at me. I roll my eyes and try to walk out, but Jo pulls me back.
"y/n, please. He claims he's sick, so can you please come with me to my office so we can check him?" Jo's voice makes me calm down a little bit. I've always kind of seen her and Alaric as close friends, family even. So, if me being here ensures their safety, then so fucking be it.
Me, Jo, and Kai walk into her office and Jo leads us to one of the rooms.
"Motus!" Jo says as soon as the door closes. I see Kai fly across the room and hit the wall. She then does that one spell that makes your head feel like it's going to explode. It nice to be on the opposite end of that for once.
"Talked to Dad. Guess who's not sick? Him, Liv, and I'm feeling pretty good right now. Which leads me to believe I'm not gonna die anytime soon. So, what's your game?! Tell me!" She shouts.
"I don't have a game!" Kai shouts back. "God!" He shouts again before doing the same spell to her. I fall down next to Jo, grabbing her arm and trying to think of a way to help her. He stops when I make eye contact with him. I'm pretty sure my vampire face flashed because, he looked a little scared.
"As much as my suffering might bring you two pleasure, this is not the way to handle the situation." He stands up and starts towards us. I help Jo to her feet and dust off my dress.
"Is this all just a ploy for you to get more magic?" Jo's tone is an accusing one, and Kai's face twists into a serious one. A face I've never seen before.
"It's a ploy for us all to stay alive, actually. I'm sorry if that seems selfish!"
"I don't believe you! Because you are a liar. And you are the worst kind of liar because your lies sound so much like the truth, it's impossible for me to tell the difference. " That's something me and Jo agree on. No matter what faces I've seen before, Kai has never shown an honest one.
"You're right, I am a liar, alright? I'm the black sheep. You know, the defective twin that nobody wanted." His voice cracks and this gains my attention. Something about me is that, even without compulsion, I can tell when someone is being sincere. And for once, Kai is.
"It must feel real nice for you to stand her, judging me. Surrounded by all the things you got out of life while I spent eighteen years in isolation as the family reject." His eyes flash over to me before returning to Jo. I never thought I'd be saying this right now, but I kind of feel remorse for Kai.
"Let me tell you, every inch of me wants to kill you for that. Every part!" I slowly start to step in front of Jo, but she pulls me behind her instead.
"But I can't. Because the only way that I can survive is if you help me. And I'd like to live, frankly. Because I didn't get to do a whole lot of that before everyone decided that I wasn't worth it."
There it is again. The feeling of remorse for the man in front of me. His words made me realize that he wasn't born a monster. His coven made him that way. All because he was different. Malachai Parker is evil, but maybe there's a part of him that isn't. A part that can consume the evil and make a whole new person.
"I'll give it to you." Jo replied.
"But under one condition. You take it and get out of my life. I never want you anywhere near me again." She spits out.
"I'm not finished. If you break our promise, I'll kill you." My head snaps towards her.
"I'll take myself and our entire coven down with you. Because I don't want to live another minute, afraid of my own brother." I'd never have thought Jo would do that, but given everything Kai did, she has every right. But something inside me hopes, prays even, she never has to do that.
"You got it?"
"Got it." Kai looks over at me again. My eyes have softened, and I'm now starting to see a whole different person when I look at him. He brushes past us and walks out of the door.
After Jo gave Kai her magic, He was out the door in a heartbeat. Not before whispering one last thing in her ear. I quickly say my goodbyes and run after him.
"Kai, wait!" He turns around while standing in the middle of the parking lot. His hands are in his pockets, and his lips part at the sight of me lightly jogging. When I stop a few feet away from him, my words suddenly exit my mind. I have no clue what to say.
"You know, I always thought that the only thing that would make me happy was being coven leader." Kai starts. My eyebrows scrunch. I don't know where he intends to go with this.
"The day I met you in the prison world, I started feeling things. After I merged with Luke, I started feeling even more things. And then it dawned on me." He started taking steps towards me. My feet stay planted in the pavement below me and my stomach twist into knots. I don't know what I'm feeling but, I don't want it to stop.
"Sure, being gemini coven leader is amazing. The power, the title, it's all I've ever wanted. But, then I met you. You are what I've always wanted. Well, maybe not always, but from the day that I met you, you were all I wanted, no, needed." He stops in front of me. My breath gets caught in my throat.
"It's always been you, y/n. And I know you hate me. I know I'm just another monster that you and the gang had to face, but to me, you are my world." What is happening right now? Why are his words having this effect on me? Why do I want him closer? What the actual hell?
"When you're happy, I'm happy. When something hurts you, I want to hunt it down and destroy it. So, hate me. Help your friends plot my death. But just know..." His hand comes up to cup my cheek. I flinch, but don't take his hand away. For some weird reason, I like the way his skin feels against mine.
"I'll love you even if I'm in hell." Holy shit.
Kai Parker loves me? How? Why? What the fuck?! Wait...no there's no way...do I love him too? All I've ever felt for him was disgust, but maybe that was just a cover-up. Because what I'm feeling right now didn't just happen within the span of a few hours. I guess it's always been there, I just didn't see it before.
He leans down and kisses my forehead then turns around. He begins to walk away, but I don't want him to. I can't let him.
"Kai!" He stops and turns around again.
I don't think. My body is moving before my mind can process it. My legs are taking long strides, and soon, my arms are thrown around his shoulders, and I'm pulling his head down to mine. Our lips meet in the middle, and his hands quickly find my waist.
Passion. Sparks flying everywhere. That's what I feel when I'm kissing Kai Parker. His hands are moving up and down my back and mine are racking through his hair. We only pull away when we're about to run out of oxygen. We keep our heads rested on each other's and try to steady our breaths.
"I love you, Kai." I feel his arms tighten around my waist. He let's out a breath that sounded like he had been holding in.
"I love you to hell and back, y/n." He says before capturing my lips in another passionate kiss.
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sethsclearwater · 6 months
Drabble of Poly! paulxreaderxseth reacting to reader bringing home a kitten she found at the edge of the forest while on the way to their home on the res 😭😭 and maybe some timeskips to cute and funny moments between the boys, reader, and the kitty my heart is so full
🧼's first fluffy ask 🤗
"paul oh my god!" you yelled from your spot in the back seat of his car, nearly giving both him and your other imprinter a heart attack as paul quickly pulled over to the side of the road to figure out what was wrong.
before either boy could turn around, you had already opened the rear car door and were jumping out to run back a few feet to where you had seen a small bundle of orange and white fur.
"oh you poor thing," you murmured as you knelt down in the dirt on the side of the road, watching as the kitten in front of you slowly lifted its head to look at you.
"y/n what the hell are you doing-" paul called as he got out of the car, both him and seth taking a few quick strides until they were towering over you.
you didn't bother looking at either boy, already knowing they'd be next to you in a few moments anyway, "a cat? you screamed over a cat?" paul asked exasperatedly, letting out a loud groan as he threaded his fingers through his hair dramatically before going back into the car to cool off for a few seconds.
seth let out a breathy laugh as he watched you gently call to the kitten who watched you and seth apprehensively before slowly taking a few steps over to you and seth, "oh you're so cute," you murmured, barely containing your excitement as she slowly lowered down in front of you until she was laying down, slowly nuzzling her little head against your sweatpants.
as you carefully wrapped your hands around her to pick her up, seth helped you up, both of you being extra cautious as you slowly cradled her in your arms.
"we have to keep her," you whispered, finally peeking up at seth only to see him watching you adoringly, "we can't leave her here," you added and he nodded, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to the crown of your head.
"obviously we have to keep her," seth added playfully, both of you letting out breathy laughs, "but you gotta be the one to tell paul, i am definitely not dealing with his wrath tonight," he added with another laugh, smiling when you giggled at his condition but nodded nonetheless.
with your nod, seth slid his hand down to your lower back to guide you back to the car and help you into the backseat before he was coming around to the front passenger seat, "a cat?" paul asked, turning in his seat to look over at you.
you knew he wasn't actually all that irritated with you given the fact that his lips were curling into the faintest smile but a smile nonetheless, "we have to keep her paul," you pleaded, peaking down at the kitten in your lap who seemed quite content with curling up on you and falling asleep.
"please?" you asked, missing the way seth was watching you with the biggest smile on his face as you tried to convince paul that the three of you needed an addition to your little family.
paul rolled his eyes but nodded none-the-less, letting out a playful sigh when you beamed at him, barely containing your squeal over your excitement. seth winked at you before both boys got situated again so they could finish the quick drive back to your apartment with your newest addition.
you giggled as you stepped back into the bedroom only to see both seth and paul talking to your now quite large orange cat, "oh gorgeous girl," you mused, smiling as you climbed back into the bed, giggling as seth tugged you down next to him so you and the cat were smushed between both boys.
after you'd brought her home, paul developed an interesting habit of vetoing any names you and seth came up with for the cat which resulted in her current situation where all of you lovingly referred to her as 'cat' thanks to paul's stubbornness.
"my baby," you cooed, gently stroking your fingers through her fur while paul scratched at her head and seth wrapped his arm around you to hold you close to him.
"isn't she just so perfect?" you asked, peeking up at paul who rolled his eyes but nodded and smiled nonetheless, "my perfect girl," you added with a giggle, smiling as cat purred and nuzzled her head against your palm.
"she's perfect," seth reassured, offering your hip a playful squeeze which had you giggling again, "are you still bringing her over to emily's today?" he asked softly after a moment, all three of you pausing for a moment as cat let out a rather big yawn which had all of you laughing at her antics.
you peeked over your shoulder to look at seth and nod, "'course i am! she goes everywhere with me," you teased, giggling when seth snuck in a quick kiss before allowing you to look over at cat and paul again.
"that leash you got her is perfect," you said to paul, giggling when he rolled his eyes but smiled at your compliment nonetheless. after sending paul out to get cat a new harness and leash for cat, he had come back with a hot pink leash that he knew you'd love but knew he'd hate which had all of you laughing.
"only got it cause it looks good on her," he grumbled, lips still curled into a small smile as he tried to explain himself to you and seth which had both you and seth laughing at his weak attempt at explaining his purchase.
"cat loves it," you reassured, "and so do i!" you added quickly, playfully kissing his bicep before sitting up so you and cat could get ready for your outing with emily this afternoon.
"whatever you say princess," paul grumbled, lighting up a bit when cat adjusted herself so she was curled up between the two boys again while you got up to get dressed.
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dotster001 · 1 year
Message in a Bottle
Summary: Floyd x gn!reader Floyd has been your best friend through all your adventures, and you always knew he would end up back under the sea. But now that Jade has decided to stay above ground...
A/N: this is loosely based on this song, which plays at work constantly 😂
You hadn't seen Floyd in two months. Him being in his fourth year internship was definitely hard. You missed him every damn day, and he didn't always remember to text you.
But here you were, the night before his graduation, sitting with your feet in the lake, throwing rocks like old times. You'd both used up all your news, and now were just sitting quietly together, throwing rocks.
Eventually, you couldn't hold back the question anymore. The one you'd both avoided discussing.
"So, what are your plans for next year?"
You looked at him out the corner of your eye, as he grabbed another rock, and threw it, pointedly staring at the lake.
"Jade's stayin' on land. He wants to keep doing research."
"Mhmm," you hummed, hoping to encourage him to continue.
He sighed heavily, leaning back on his palms, as he turned to you.
"I was always set to inherit the family business anyways, but with Jade stayin' here…it'll be just me. So, my parents want me to go home and begin training."
He stared at you, seemingly waiting for something.
Something you knew that you shouldn't give, for both your sakes.
"That's nice. I'm sure you'll do great."
His eyes flickered, and he looked back at the lake, splashing the water with one of his feet.
"Yeah," he said halfheartedly.
You both said nothing, the silence saying more than words could.
"When do you leave?" You choked out, your heart cracking with the question.
"Right after graduation. Pops is getting old, and he wants his people to start respecting me," he threw another rock, this one much more forceful, making you wince.
"Would you…" he started but trailed off at the end, the two of you holding your breath.
He abruptly hopped up.
"I'm bored, let's go to the party Azul's throwing!" He grinned excitedly, as he yanked you to your feet, pulling you after him. Both of you laughed hysterically, completely forgetting the shoes you'd left by the lake.
"So, has Floyd told you yet?" Jade asked, as he sipped a glittering purple drink.
The two of you stood at the back of the lounge, sipping drinks, as you watched Floyd entertaining a crowd of soon to be graduates with his dance skills.
"That he's taking over the business? Yeah," you said, trying to keep the sadness out of your voice.
"It's not like you'll never see him," Jade said with a smirk.
"He made it pretty clear to me a year ago that he'd be basically stuck in the sea. Tomorrow might be the last time I see him. Ever."
Jade swirled his drink, not making eye contact, as he thoughtfully asked, "Have you told him?"
"Told him what?" You snapped, tired of Jade's mind games.
"That you love him, of course, fu fu fu."
Your eyes flickered to Floyd's just in time for him to look over and wave at you, playfully.
"I don't-"
"Lying to me is futile, Y/N. My entire job as Azul's voice housewarden is to be the best at getting information."
"How about you go under the sea, and stay there forever!" You snapped, leading his infuriating smirk to deepen.
"That would definitely make you happy, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, I can't do that, and Floyd must go home. What are you going to do about it?"
You stared at Floyd, watching as he picked up Epel, a poor unfortunate bystander, and started bench pressing him, to the applause of his enthralled audience, and the curses of Epel.
Your eyes burned, and your throat choked up, as you whispered, "Nothing."
Jade choked on his drink, and looked at you with wide eyes.
You drained your drink, and handed him the empty glass, turning on your heel and leaving the lounge.
This was his destiny. He'd always been forthright with you about that. You were just some magic-less human who'd appeared in his life out of nowhere. There was so much the both of you could say…
But, deep down, you knew you'd just hold him back.
"So, this is it, huh?" You asked softly.
Floyd stood in front of you, holding his degree in one hand, fiddling with his robes with the other.
"Is it?" He genuinely seemed distressed at your question. "Aren't you coming to the after party?"
You had a lot of friends graduating this year, but the idea of having to see Floyd for one more second hurt too much for your heart to handle. Your friends would just have to deal.
"No, I made plans, I'm sorry," you said.
He stared at you, his eyes hollow. You looked over his shoulder, an attempt to fight the stinging in your eyes.
"Wow, okay, gonna be like that, huh?" He laughed self deprecatingly. "Can I at least squeeze ya, before I never see you again?"
It wasn't like Floyd to ask permission. He was more of a ask for forgiveness kind of guy. You wordlessly opened your arms, not trusting yourself to speak.He rushed in, holding you firmly, but not too tight, a hand on the back of your head, gently pressing your face to his chest.
"Write to me, will ya Shrimpy?" He whispered.
You snorted, "I'm not magic, remember? Any letter I write will get wet and torn to a million pieces. Besides, it's not exactly like you have an address, at least not one I could use and feel safe that your 'competitors' won't try and find you"
"Put it in a bottle. Chuck it in the ocean. I'll get it eventually," he laughed, nuzzling the top of your head.
You could have stood like that forever with him. The scent of his cologne, and his natural sea air scent eased your aching heart, even just a little bit. 
"Floyd, we have a schedule to keep," The booming voice of Mr. Leech filled your ears, wrecking the illusion. Floyd groaned and let you go.
"Don't forget to write. You promised, remember?" He said it threateningly. Like he had to threaten you. You nodded, and he cupped your cheeks, whipping a tear you couldn't hold back away, with a gentle stroke of his thumb.
Mr. Leech placed a hand on his back, and escorted him out, making a short stop to collect Jade.
You watched even after they made it out of the door. And then you couldn't hold back anymore.
He'd be gone by now.
You sat at the edge of the lake, your feet in the water, half heartedly throwing rocks.
Would he throw rocks by himself now? Was there even an equivalent to it under the sea?
Maybe he'd find someone else to throw rocks with…
You sighed, glumly, and kicked some water up. You laid down, and tried to rest your eyes. You'd gotten little sleep last night, only able to think of his arms around you.
Even now, it was plaguing you. Would he find someone else to wrap in his arms like that?
You sat up suddenly. You couldn't let things end this way.
You ran into Ramshackle, and quickly found a pen and a piece of paper. You scrawled your note, and rushed towards Heartslaybul.
Deuce and Ace would still be there, because they had to help with final cleanup. Conveniently, you bumped right into Deuce as you stepped into the mirror, making him splash you with the soda he was holding.
"Y/N! What-"
"I need this!" You grabbed the bottle, and chugged what was left, before sticking your note in it.
"When do you leave?" You asked, trying to clear the headrush that consuming soda so quickly gave you.
"I was going to head out in an hour. Why, what's wrong?" 
"I need a ride to the beach?"
"Please, Deuce," you pleaded, and his face softened.
Moments later, you were on his light cycle, and he had rushed you to the shore.
"How long do you need?" He asked.
"I'll be quick," all you had to do was chuck the bottle. He promised it would get to him someday. It was his own fault if "someday" never came.
Deuce nodded, and waited on his bike. You walked to the water, and breathed deeply. Sevens, why did it have to smell like him. It wasn't fair to your heart.
You gingerly held the bottle, and said a silent prayer to the Sea Witch, hoping her benevolence, and her ties to the sea, would help you, if nothing else. You threw the bottle as hard as you could, and only watched long enough to see it land in the water.
You exhaled an anxious breath, and turned on your heel.
You'd made it two steps when you heard a splash.
In shock, you turned, and saw Floyd waving the bottle over his head. When he saw he had your attention, he rushed forward, beginning his transformation to human before he had even fully reached the land.
He ran at you, swooping you up, and spinning you around.
"The actual fuck, Y/N? Why couldn't you have just told me you loved me yesterday?" He said, his tone trying to convey irritation, but his joyous laughter taking all the bite from it.
By now you were soaked from Floyd and his sobbing wet hair and body…and you noticed that in his excitement he'd forgotten something.
"Floyd! Where are your clothes?"
"For sevens sake! Clothes are a land dweller concept! And who the fuck cares, anyway! My shrimpy loves me," he cupped your face, his eyes and his grin so tender it was overwhelming.
"You were really gonna let me be alone forever, huh?" He whispered, his eyes tearing up.
"I figured you could move on," you whispered, your own tears rising.
"Not from you," his voice cracked. "I'm gonna have to punish you for making me wait. Maybe I'll make you be my pillow for a week…dunno, doesn't matter. What does matter, though, is" he took both your hands in his, and looked deep into your eyes.
"Come with me."
"I didn't graduate, remember?" You felt the sadness coming back.
"No, but you have your internship this year. Do it at the museum, and live with me. Then when you graduate we can get married and…."
"Slow down! We're not even dating yet!" You said, laughing in disbelief.
"I don't care! Dating is boring, I'd rather be your husband," he muttered as he swept you back up in a hug. "So come with me, and don't you dare say no."
He started to walk back towards the water, you still wrapped in a hug, and you shouted, "Wait, right now!?"
"When else?" 
"I can't breathe under water!"
He groaned, and opened his mouth to say something, when,
"Y/N is everything okay? You've been taking for- oh sevens! Floyd, what the fuck man, where are your clothes?" Deuce shouted.
Floyd started to make some vulgar jokes, while Deuce had a complete meltdown. You took the moment to snuggle back into Floyd, to breathe in his scent, and just feel full for the first time in a long time.
Tag list- @shytastemakerthing @eccedentesiast-sapphic @leoll
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buckyalpine · 2 years
If it looks like a duck
Just some nonsense I imagine with Bucky having a secret super soldier crush on you but not wanting to admit or act on it because he is an adorable awkward lovesick puppy
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Sam: If it looks like a puppy, acts like a puppy and whines like a puppy, what is it? Tony: Bucky with a crush on y/n
Bucky: *intensely glares at both men*
(You walk by the living room, passing the three of them) Bucky: *Blushes intensely while still glaring at both men*
Tony: Steve, would you say terminator is the jealous type?
Steve: No, he's never had any reason to be, he got all the ladies in the 40's
Tony: Mhm, let's place a bet, watch this, HEY STEVE, I HEARD SAM WAS GOING TO ASK Y/N OUT ON A DATE
Sam: Tony, what the fu-
*Angry Bucky noises approaching the kitchen*
Sam: Oh shit-
Bucky: Has anyone seen my red Henley?
(You walk into living room with wearing his henley and some shorts)
You: Sorry Bucky, it was cold and I threw it on, I can give it bac-
Bucky: NO-no, keep it! You can wear it doll- shit- I mean y/n.
(You smile sweetly, obviously going back to your room)
Sam: You never let me borrow your sweaters *dramatically pouts*
Bucky: *throws a cushion at his head*
Steve: Yeah punk, how come you always let me freeze death
Bucky: (debates on yeeting Sam at Steve) You're a super soldier, when do you ever get cold?!
Sam: And how come you never call me doll?
Steve: Yeah, what if I want to be called doll, why's y/n so special huh? (wiggles his eyebrows, the last thing he hears is screaming and Sam's ass landing on his face)
Sam: Okay, here's another one. What's grumpy, pouty and red all over?
Tony: Bucky with a school boy crush on y/n
Bucky: (continues to be grumpy and pouty) m'not a school boy
Sam: No comeback for the crush part I see
You: Has anyone seen my blanket? I thought I left it in the living room but I don't see it-
Tony: (throws blanket across the room) Here, take this instead *grabs and shoves Bucky into your arms* its warmer and thicker anyway
Bucky: I-
You: Hmm (you plop onto the couch, snuggling into his side) You are warmer
Bucky: *aggressively blushing*
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