#Haymitch Abernathy fan fiction
mega-aulover · 1 year
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SUMMARY: Disapprobation refers to the act or state of disapproving or of being disapproved of - Peeta disapproves of Katniss’s fiery ways, and Katniss disapproves of Peeta’s stick-by-the-book ways. But when fate steps in, can they hold on to their mutual animosity or will they fall in love? An Enemies to Lovers trope set in District 13.
LAST CHAPTER (6) SUMMARY: Katniss and Peeta were ambushed just as they were getting closer. Katniss was shot while combating Peacekeepers that popped up in District Ten. Will they discover why Peacekeepers were in District Ten? And how will Peeta get Katnis the medical help she requires? Read the exciting conclusion of Disapprobation.
A special thanks to my beta @norbertsmom even after she edited the first version encouraged me to rewrite the better ending. I hope you all like it...I also wanted to take a moment to thank @alwayseverlark for arranging a spectacular prompt This Would Have Happened Anyway Summer2023. If you haven't been able to catch up, it's excellent summer reading.
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avesrinapproved · 1 year
finnick has an old flannel button up that haymitch lent him forever ago that he never returned and is now his sleep shirt and you cant change my mind!
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youcantseeus-fan · 1 year
Fic: In the Elevator (Finnick, Haymitch)
Summary: A young Finnick encounters Haymitch on the elevator. 
Written for the April 2023 daily prompts challenge on reddit: Genres of Fan Fiction. Prompt - Don’t look at me (Angst 5). 
Series on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3441499
Warnings: Implied/Referenced sex trafficking, including of a minor. Fic is rated T.
The doors to the elevator open and Finnick gets in. Haymitch Abernathy is already inside and Finnick can see that the button for the lobby is already lit up. The doors close. Haymitch is whistling when Finnick gets on, but he cuts it short as he looks Finnick up and down.
Finnick doesn’t meet his eyes. He knows how he must look, wearing hot pants and a thin, pink shirt that hangs completely open, not to mention the makeup. He looks like a whore. Which is exactly what he is. But he hates the way that some of the other victors are starting to look at him, starting to piece it together.
Other people never look at him like that. The public views him with lust or envy, but never with pity. Finnick hates being looked at with pity. But the other victors look at him like they understand all too well. Most of them have been trafficked themselves at one point or another. Haymitch himself is probably on his way to a “special appointment.” He doesn’t really strike Finnick as the type of guy who would wear leather pants of his own accord.
Out of the corner of his eye, Finnick can see Haymitch’s face darken. He’s getting angry. The other victors do that as well. Because Finnick is only fifteen and Snow had previously refrained from selling victors until they were sixteen. So most of the victors assume that Snow has done the same with Finnick until they see something that tells them otherwise.
“Finnick—” Haymitch begins.
“Don’t look at me,” Finnick snaps.
The elevator doors open and Finnick practically runs away from him.
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periwinckles · 2 years
The train back to twelve - chapter 7
Week 3 - Thom
Chapter Summary: Jack and Thom search Cyrus tent, for Haymitch's stuff. Someone might get punched.
When we reach camp most of the day's tasks have already been completed. Sae stirs a pot over the crackling flames of the fire. Two cleaners, likely on their way to the train station shower, hurry past us while a group of campers gather to retrieve their laundry from the clothesline. The bustling end of the day isn't the ideal setting for what we are about to do, but we need to make the most out of Cyrus’ absence from camp.
"I'll talk to Jack first, then we'll decide what to do. Do you mind putting my dry clothes back in my tent?"
Delly nods but looks unsure of herself. 
"Are you sure about that? I don't want to intrude on your privacy. I'm sorry I went there this morning without asking, I wasn't thinking." 
"Why wouldn't you go to my tent? Of course you can go." 
I spot Jack talking to Mr and Mrs Steiner next to the supplies shelter. I need to get him aside before Cyrus comes back from his shower. 
"If you're sure."
"Of course I'm sure, you can go to my tent anytime."
I signal Jack to let him know I need to talk to him and He promptly excuses himself from the Steiners and joins me as I lead him to the far side of the camp.
"Cyrus has booze."
He's quick to figure it out. There is no alcohol anywhere in the district, unless Haymitch Abernathy's house. 
"How do you know?"
"He spoke to Delly earlier and she smelled it in his breath."
And I am so done with him breathing down her neck all the time. It figures he would feel himself entitled to take whatever he wants, whether it's food, valuable items or a place in the council. 
We have two options. We can either wait for him and confront him about it or we can search his tent while he's gone and look for evidence. 
"I say we do a quiet search and then confront him if we find anything relevant." Jack suggests, while taking a quick survey of the camp. Everyone's busy getting ready for dinner. From here I can spot Delly and she's taking her time to shake off her sleeping bag, while partially blocking the view to Cyrus's tent. That a girl!
"It's now or never." I tell Norbert and with a few quick strides I'm inside Cyrus tent, while Jack stays outside and chats with Delly. 
I don't have to look hard, it's in full display next to his sleeping bag. 
"Did you find anything?" Jack asks while getting inside the tent as well, and I hold up my hands to reveal the half-empty bottle of liquor and a strip of three condoms.  I guess old habits die hard for peacekeepers. We all knew their weakness was booze and women and just the thought of him even speaking to Delly…
We hastily get out only to find Cyrus waiting outside, fuming and demanding answers, Delly looking apologetic. I'm still holding the bottle in my hand. 
"That's what we would like to know." I tell him taking two steps to stand in front of him. "Do you care to tell us where you got this?" I do my best to keep myself calm but I've been wanting to punch this guy for weeks now. I'm not sure I'll hold it for the entirety of this conversation.
"We're not doing this here." Jack says with a low voice, holding my forearm and pushing me back. "We're going to the slag heap, all three of us."
"I'm not going anywhere with the both of you." Cyrus snaps back and he's loud enough that everyone's paying attention now. "You two want a word with me? I'm taking Ray as well." 
Ray Thomson takes a step forward but Jack immediately pushes him aside with a warning. "Stay out of this, Ray!"
I get why Cyrus would feel intimidated. He is a former peacekeeper and he's physically fit, but he's no miner and I have several inches on him. And Jack is a beast of a man even in his late thirties, but he’s staying surprisingly calm. I’m glad for it as I’m usually the one with the cool head.
"We just want to talk." 
No one dares to come close but all eyes are on us. He has no other choice but to agree.
We make our way to the slag heap, away from prying eyes and ears. Cyrus stands with his hands on his hips, donning clean clothes but sporting a fatigued expression. He waits for us to speak first, and Jack takes the lead.
"Someone 's been stealing from Haymitch Abernathy. A watch. Food. Condoms. And that's just what we know for sure." 
The laugh that comes out of his mouth is loud but brief, almost as if he had his energy drained out of him. "And you think I did it?" He retorts incredulously.
"Where did you get the liquor? And the condoms? Were you planning on using them with anyone? OR ARE YOU JUST GOING TO USE THEM LIKE CRAY USED TO?" I shove him and Jack holds me back by my arms, but Cyrus keeps his chin held up high daring me to take a swing at him. 
"Calm down, the two of you, just calm down!"
I run my hands through my hair taking a few breaths to steady myself. If there is one thing I always prided myself on is being in control of my temper. I was never one to get into fights or arguments, not even when I lived in the community home. However, Cyrus Johnson might be the one to put my self-restraint to the test.
Read the rest on Ao3
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captain-lessship · 9 months
I be making moves* no one knows about
* Adding another Black brother to Regulus and Sirius for no real fucking reason, Party Scene for Frozen Over that led me to watch Haymitch Edits and the start of a Johanna Mason x reader fic that also includes a party scene that led me to watching Haymitch Edits
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Hunger Games Characters as Taylor Swift songs PART 2!!
I know these aren't popular like the fan fiction on my account but I love mixing my music and intrests so ima do a PART TWO
Johanna Mason
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Mad Woman- Taylor Swift, Folklore
"Does a scorpion sting when fighting back? They strike to kill and you know I will"
Honestly, it's so hard to find just one lyric in this song that I felt like truly highlights her because the whole song is literally her. Especially the last verse. Like "'Cause you took everything from me, Watchin' you climb, Watchin' you climb Over people like me The master of spin Has a couple side flings Good wives always know She should be mad Should be scathing like me" THAT JUST FEELS SO MUCH LIKE HOW SHE VIEWS SNOW. He took everything from her and she was just sitting back ready to take him and the rest of the capital down with it. Also, I love her.
Katniss Everdeen
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Eyes Open- Taylor Swift, Red
"In backyards, winning battles with our wooden swords. But now we've stepped into a cruel world. Where everybody stands and keeps score"
OKAY ADMITTEDLY THIS IS A SELL OUT BECAUSE THIS SONG WAS ON THE HUNGER GAMES OTHER SOUND TRACK BUT, it is quite literally her song. Side note but this song is so sad but sounds so happy. I love when Ms. Swift does songs like this. But yeah from the first verse describing how they were just kids then one day got thrown into the cruel and harsh world of the hunger games. Also the part talking about "they never thought you'd make it this far" makes so much sense because the girl from district 12 is always seen as the runt of the picks, the one who isn't supposed to win, BUT SHE DID!! Honestly, if yall can think of another song that fits her character please let me know. I have some honorable mentions
A Place in This World- Debut: honestly, I think this song really describes her thought process going into the hunger games. She was just trying to survive and keep her family safe. Even when she was thrown into being the head figure of the Revolution, she never wanted that position, she just got thrown into it. She was just walking along the path set for her. Even the line "maybe I'm just a girl on a mission but I'm ready to fly" makes sense to me because she IS the mocking jay.
Only Me When I'm With You- Debut: So Peniss coded (Peeta X Katniss)
I Know Places- 1989: Also Peniss coded
I Did Something Bad- Reputation: Killing president coin, pushing forth with the revolution,
Sujanus Plinth
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Only The Young- Taylor Swift, Miss Americana
"You did all that you could do, the game was rigged, the ref got tricked, the wrong ones think they're right. You were outnumbered, this time"
Honestly, the whole thing reminds me of his reaction to the games. Also the whole song is about how only the young can change the future and Sujanus's character really showed that spirit. He was trying to make a change but unfortunately, he trusted the whole people and the odds were stacked against him.
Haymitch Abernathy
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Champagne Problems- Taylor Swift, Evermore
""This dorm was once a madhouse" I made a joke, "Well, it's made for me"
He has em. Simple as that. (alcoholism)
Seriously though this song reminds me of him more so because of the concept of it. Champagne problems is a term used to describe issues that seem rather trivial, unimportant, and I feel like a lot people tend to disregard all the genuine things Haymitch had gone through. The story of the song also is about a marriage that never happened, it also has undertones of lost family and friends. As we know, Haymitch lost his girlfriend and family to the capital. He never got to marry her because she was taken from him.
Lucy Gray
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My Tears Ricochet- Taylor Swift, Folklore
"And I still talk to you when I'm screaming at the sky. And when you can't sleep at night you hear my stolen lullabies"
LETS BE HONEST, SHE IS SO FOLK-EVERMORE CODED. I could dissect this song for ages explaining why it's the perfect example of what Lucy Gray would be saying indirectly to Snow. Firstly,
"Even on my worst day, did I deserve, babe All the hell you gave me? 'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you 'Til my dying day"
CUZ NO SHE DID NOT DESERVE WHAT SNOW PUT HER THROUGH. She loved him truly, deeply, but when it came down to it, she knew she could never trust him. Especially with the position he put her in. She could go anywhere she wants but not home after Snow made it seem like she killed the mayors daughter. And then the part
"I didn't have it in myself to go with grace And you're the hero flying around, saving face And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake? Cursing my name, wishing I stayed Look at how my tears ricochet"
She didn't go with grace. She left in a flash, deep with mystery. She has to hide for the rest of her life while he gets to be the proud hero and savior to Panem. The second half of the main chorus is so true to how Coryo was acting when they were in the forest in that last scene. He was quite literally cursing her name, wishing she'd stayed.
"You know I didn't want to have to haunt you But what a ghostly scene You wear the same jewels that I gave you As you bury me"
"But you would still miss me in your bones And I still talk to you (when I'm screaming at the sky) And when you can't sleep at night (you hear my stolen lullabies)"
She had such a hold on him, he still remembers her years later, haunted by her memory. the song constantly references the "Haunting". The "I still talk to you when I'm screaming at the sky" reminded me of the way the mocking jays carried her voice all around the sky. And the last line was so clearly connecting to 'The Hanging Tree' in my brain. Many years later, Katniss sang the same song she did to lead a rebellion against him. His life is haunted by her memories and cursed by it. He can't escape her anywhere.
The tears he made her spill simply ricocheted into bullets that hit him instead.
Effie Trinket
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Bejeweled- Taylor Swift, Midnights
"Best believe I'm still bejeweled. When I walk in the room,I can still make the whole place shimmer"
MS. EFFIE TRINKET IS THE BADDEST BITCH BRO OMG I LOVEEEEE HER. STYLE ICON. Listen, no matter what happens to that woman, shes gonna shine. A diamonds gotta SHINE. She is always the most sparkly, eye catching person out there at ALL TIMES! Even without all the glitz and glamour she is still so iconic. She is ALWAYS bejeweled.
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ao3feed-hayffie · 2 years
Always Remember We're Burned For Better
by grifterandthief
I vow not to fight anymore, if we survive the Great War.
The question stands: How would the presence of surviving, young Career Victors change the trajectory of the quell and the subsequent rebellion? How would the involvement of the most loyal district's best and youngest shift the tides of a revolution?
Follows Clove and Cato through exactly that. Their independent Hunger Games wins, the subsequent quell, and a war they never intended to become apart of.
TL;DR: The original career pack (Glimmer, Marvel, Cato, and Clove), win separately in games prior to the 74th, and their lives change drastically as a result. Clato centric.
Words: 5265, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hunger Games Trilogy - Suzanne Collins, Hunger Games Series - All Media Types, The Hunger Games (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Clove (Hunger Games), Cato (Hunger Games), Enobaria (Hunger Games), Brutus (Hunger Games), Glimmer (Hunger Games), Marvel (Hunger Games), Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Effie Trinket, Haymitch Abernathy, Finnick Odair, Johanna Mason
Relationships: Cato/Clove (Hunger Games), Glimmer/Marvel (Hunger Games), Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark, Annie Cresta/Finnick Odair, Haymitch Abernathy/Effie Trinket
Additional Tags: Careers (Hunger Games), 72nd Hunger Games, 73rd Hunger Games, 74th Hunger Games, 75th Hunger Games, Hunger Games Tributes, Quarter Quell (Hunger Games), alternate ending hunger games, Hunger Games-Typical Death/Violence, Pre-Book/Movie 2: Catching Fire (Hunger Games), Post-Book/Movie 2: Catching Fire (Hunger Games), Book/Movie 2: Catching Fire (Hunger Games), catching fire alternative univerise, Book 3: Mockingjay (Hunger Games), Post-Book 3: Mockingjay, Book/Movie 1: The Hunger Games, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Eventual Everlark, Minor Annie Cresta/Finnick Odair, eventual Annie/finnick, clove-centric, cato-centric, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Violence, Physical Abuse, Psychological Trauma, cato and clove survive and are the literal focus of this story, they are the ones I am writing from the eyes of, enobaria is a mentor aunt, glimmer is a little shiny bestie girl, I cannot emphasize enough this is clato fan fiction and follows them, clato (the hunger games)
Read this story on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/fX4Dmct
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ao3feed-everlark · 2 years
Always Remember We're Burned For Better
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/bUSuYjm
by grifterandthief
I vow not to fight anymore, if we survive the Great War.
The question stands: How would the presence of surviving, young Career Victors change the trajectory of the quell and the subsequent rebellion? How would the involvement of the most loyal district's best and youngest shift the tides of a revolution?
Follows Clove and Cato through exactly that. Their independent Hunger Games wins, the subsequent quell, and a war they never intended to become apart of.
TL;DR: The original career pack (Glimmer, Marvel, Cato, and Clove), win separately in games prior to the 74th, and their lives change drastically as a result. Clato centric.
Words: 5265, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hunger Games Trilogy - Suzanne Collins, Hunger Games Series - All Media Types, The Hunger Games (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Clove (Hunger Games), Cato (Hunger Games), Enobaria (Hunger Games), Brutus (Hunger Games), Glimmer (Hunger Games), Marvel (Hunger Games), Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Effie Trinket, Haymitch Abernathy, Finnick Odair, Johanna Mason
Relationships: Cato/Clove (Hunger Games), Glimmer/Marvel (Hunger Games), Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark, Annie Cresta/Finnick Odair, Haymitch Abernathy/Effie Trinket
Additional Tags: Careers (Hunger Games), 72nd Hunger Games, 73rd Hunger Games, 74th Hunger Games, 75th Hunger Games, Hunger Games Tributes, Quarter Quell (Hunger Games), alternate ending hunger games, Hunger Games-Typical Death/Violence, Pre-Book/Movie 2: Catching Fire (Hunger Games), Post-Book/Movie 2: Catching Fire (Hunger Games), Book/Movie 2: Catching Fire (Hunger Games), catching fire alternative univerise, Book 3: Mockingjay (Hunger Games), Post-Book 3: Mockingjay, Book/Movie 1: The Hunger Games, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Eventual Everlark, Minor Annie Cresta/Finnick Odair, eventual Annie/finnick, clove-centric, cato-centric, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Violence, Physical Abuse, Psychological Trauma, cato and clove survive and are the literal focus of this story, they are the ones I am writing from the eyes of, enobaria is a mentor aunt, glimmer is a little shiny bestie girl, I cannot emphasize enough this is clato fan fiction and follows them, clato (the hunger games)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/bUSuYjm
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mega-aulover · 1 year
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Summary: Katniss believes herself to be cursed, as everyone she’s loved is killed by King Snow. Until one day she’s orphaned and she finds an old wizard who tells her she’s the key to solving the mystery behind her father’s disappearance and her unnatural second sight. King Snow wants her dead because he knows Katniss is the only one who can destroy him.
Rated M: for violence - Fantasy AU, HG Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Magic, Magic, Time Travel, Wizard Crane, Wizard Haymitch, Magical Creatures, Magical Katniss, Good versus Evil, Everyone thinks Katniss is a boy, Peeta is a Prince, Soul Mates, BAMF Katniss Everdeen, Transfiguration / Birds, Mind Meld, battles
Chapter 16: In the Future Crane lost his power. Haymitch has discovered Ryker's abilities. In the Past, Katniss has been captured but by who? And now we discover who it is.
Thank you to my beta @jroseley who was surprised by this week's chapter. This is dedicated to my bestie @norbertsmom who I believe deserves diamonds and love. I recommend dropping by and giving her some love because she's awesome.
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couples I didn't realise were my OTP until I was knee-deep in fan fiction
(and the fanfics that ruined my life)
River Tam/Jayne Cobb (Firefly): Our Mrs Cobb
Haymitch Abernathy/Effie Trinket (Hunger Games): The Grand Mentor
Sheldon Cooper/Penny (The Big Bang Theory): The Paladin Protocol
0 notes
youcantseeus-fan · 1 year
Fic: The Edge (T, Haymitch, Maysilee)
Summary: Haymitch spends the 50th Hunger Games trying to reach the edge of the arena. 
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, reference to suicide. 
Written for 2023 April Genres of Fan Fiction prompts. Series on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3441499
Prompt - No way out (Angst 3)
Note: These aren’t all going to be about Haymitch, he’s just so perfect for angst prompts, lol. This one turned into a full-fledged one shot. 
Haymitch leaves the Cornucopia with a knife, a bag full of supplies, and the determination to reach the edge of the arena. He picks a direction at random. There’s no way of telling which way is closest to the edge or which way holds the most dangers. There’s not even a way to tell north from south or east from west. Haymitch can’t see the sun or stars in the sky. The sky has a weird, artificial pink glow to it. Haymitch runs quickly, the sounds of screaming from the Cornucopia echoing in his ears.
He walks for days. It’s a big arena. Some years, he would have already hit the edge. Or maybe he’d headed in the wrong direction to begin with. The arenas aren’t always perfectly symmetrical. If he’d walked in another direction, he might have already found the end. Still, Haymitch keeps walking. He wonders if any of the other tributes are doing the same.
It had happened ten years ago, during the 40th Games. Haymitch had been a little kid, just about to start first grade, but he can still remember the excitement of the adults around him.
The force field surrounding the arena had shimmered in the sky for several minutes before seemingly dissolving. Some confusing things had happened then — there had been explosions, hovercrafts in the sky, and people who weren’t tributes fighting inside the arena. Haymitch figures that a resistance group must have attacked the arena. The Capitol had cut the feed after that, but when the Games came back on it soon became clear that several of the tributes had got out. Including the two from District 12. The Capitol later claimed that all the escapees had been “dealt with,” but people in Twelve largely believe that they had escaped. If the Capitol had killed them then their bodies would have been displayed on television and possibly in the district. They had escaped.
Haymitch knows it’s a long shot. But he also knows that it’s his best shot. He’s seen two tributes from District 12 escape the arena in his lifetime. He’s never seen a tribute from District 12 win. There will be a lot of unrest this year because of the Quarter Quell, because double the amount of kids are in Games. Maybe someone will try to bring down the force field again.
His best way out of the Games alive isn’t as a victor.
Everything in the arena is pretty and poisonous this year.
At the Cornucopia, there had been something in the air that was invisible, but had possessed a strongly sweet scent. It had put a lot of the tributes into a sort of trance, just looking at the arena around them. Some had literally never left their platforms and just waited for the Careers to come kill them.
There are still areas of the arena that have that strange scent. Haymitch speculates that it’s coming from some of the many “wildflowers” scattered through the arena. It seems to get stronger when he goes near flowers. Haymitch has seen several other tributes who seem to be walking around in dazed states. It seems to affect some people more strongly than others. Haymitch can shake it off fairly easily if he concentrates enough. But he doesn’t think that’s true for many of the tributes.  
Haymitch fully expects to die when he ends up running headlong into three Careers. He probably would have died if the Careers hadn’t just finished wandering through a field of the flowers. They move sluggishly, their pupils wide. It’s almost easy for Haymitch to slip his knife into a girl’s gut, pull it out and slash a boy’s throat.
The last Career still would have got him if Maysilee Donner hadn’t taken the boy down with a poisoned blow dart.
As Maysilee stands over the body, she looks at Haymitch with an almost sly expression.
“We’d live longer with two of us.”
She still holds the dart gun in her hand and Haymitch has been disarmed. Maysilee had done about as well as a tribute from District 12 could be expected to do before the Games. She’d gotten a score of 9 in training, significantly higher than Haymitch’s 6. And she’d been dazzling on the interview night — a pretty girl in a pale, pink dress that had sparkled. She’d charmed the crowd. Haymitch wonders if she’ll kill him if he refuses.
“Guess you just proved that. Allies?” he asks.
She agrees. Haymitch had intended to go it alone, but maybe it’s better to have an ally. He might even get a gift from a sponsor now. The bag he’d nabbed at the Cornucopia had been full of food, but it’s now running dangerously low. Kids that team up usually get better gifts. Besides, Maysilee already has the Capitol’s attention in a way that Haymitch doesn’t.
“What about that?” Maysilee says, pointing out a fruit tree. “They look like peaches. Delicious peaches.”  
“Those are death peaches,” Haymitch says.
Maysilee raises her eyebrows.
“What, you think I’m kidding?” Haymitch asks. “That’s what they’re called. Or at least, that’s what people call them back home. See how they have a more pinkish color than a regular peach? They’d be the most delicious thing you ever ate. Then they’d kill you.”
They’d spent the last hour with Maysilee pointing out different plants that they could potentially eat and Haymitch explaining why they would be poisonous. But Maysilee is no fool, Haymitch can tell. She doesn’t actually intend to eat anything in the arena. She’s making conversation for the sponsors — a conversation that makes Haymitch look clever. He’s not necessarily the best in the world at identifying plants, but he’s better than most. His family are moonshiners and being a moonshiner requires going into the woods which requires knowing which plants are deadly if you want to live long.
“What about these berries?” Maysilee says, gesturing.
“That’s nightlock. It’ll kill you in less than a minute.”  
“Do you know all the plants in here?” Maysilee asks.
Haymitch grunts. “Not all of them. But the ones that I do know are all poisonous. Don’t eat anything. I think that we’re meant to rely on what we got at the Cornucopia. And sponsorship gifts.”
“Our supplies are running low,” Maysilee points out.
“Good thing we’re used to going without food in District 12,” Haymitch says, with snort.
Maysilee looks at him. He knows that she’s probably never gone without food in her life, her being a merchant.
“Silly little me,” she says, after holding his gaze for a minute. “If you weren’t here then I would have eaten those death peaches for sure.”  
She skips ahead of him, running her fingers through her blonde hair. Haymitch watches her, warily. Maysilee had made it in the arena for days without Haymitch’s help. He wonders if that Career that she killed was her first kill. Haymitch somehow doesn’t think so. She’d seemed calm. She’s playing at being dumber than she is — ditzy, maybe. A pretty, empty-headed girl. Haymitch supposes that some people go for that. Probably some people in the Capitol. But it makes him uneasy how good she is at pretending.
A few minutes later, a silver parachute containing a chicken dinner lands at their feet.
“The death peaches would be a good way to die,” Maysilee says, her eyes shining in the dark.
“What?” Haymitch asks.
“If you have to die. The death peaches aren’t the worst way, right? You said they’d be the most delicious thing that you ever ate. That doesn’t sound so bad.”
“I’m pretty sure that they make you shit your bowels out,” Haymitch says.
Maysilee laughs.
“You always know how to bring a girl back down to earth. You’ve got that Seam bluntness about you.”  
“Go to sleep,” Haymitch says, softly. They’ve been sleeping in shifts and it’s Haymitch’s turn to keep watch.
She’s quiet for so long that Haymitch thinks that she’s heeded his advice. Then, she speaks into the darkness.
“Where are we going, Haymitch?”  
“What do you mean?”  
“I mean that you’ve been headed in the same direction for days. What are you looking for?”  
“Not looking for anything. Just trying to put distance between us and the other tributes.”
He can feel her eyes on him in the darkness. He wonders if she guesses what he’s about. Maysilee is the same age as him and so must have some memory of the year the force field came down. As Haymitch watches her frown, he thinks that she does know and that she doesn’t approve. He realizes that she actually holds some hope of winning this thing. And why shouldn’t she? She has a personality that brings sponsors, a demonstrated ability to kill, and a weapon that can take down Careers before they can get anywhere near her. She’s a real contender for the crown.
Haymitch’s eyes move to the darts with their freshly applied poison, all laid out in a row on a rock near Maysilee. The last time he’d slept, he’d had nightmares about feeling the little prick of a dart in the dark.
The other time it happened had been four years ago. The 45th Games. Haymitch’s first Reaping year. There had been a boy from District 3 who kept hanging out near the edge of the arena and messing around with the force field. The arenas all have invisible force fields that hold the tributes in place if they attempt to go past them. If you throw yourself at them hard enough, then they’ll push you back a little.
Well, the boy from District 3 had seemed fascinated with the force field. He’d spent days touching it, looking at it, digging in the ground around it, throwing objects at it, throwing himself at it. People started to wonder if he’d lost his mind. But then he’d done something and the cameras had cut away from him quickly.
They hadn’t shown him for two days after that, but when he did appear again he had a bruised face and nasty gash down his arm. The gash had been right where they put the trackers in. Haymitch feels sure that he’d cut out his tracker. And he feels equally sure that the boy had been outside the arena for a time and that they’d brought him back.
After that, the boy had promptly set a trap that had electrocuted the entire Career pack and he was currently being celebrated in the Capitol as some sort of genius. Beetee Latier.
The fact that Beetee had escaped, even for a short time, meant that it could be done. Even without outside help, one can theoretically escape the arena. The force fields aren’t infallible. Haymitch isn’t a genius, but he likes to think he’s clever. And Maysilee is no idiot either. Maybe they can find a way out.
Maysilee almost leaves him.
She stops and won’t move until he tells her where they are going. Haymitch doesn’t want to announce his intentions so clearly, but he finally says something about finding the edge. Maysilee’s mouth tightens. Haymitch realizes that she knows what he’s about and that she thinks it’s dangerous. Well. Everything is dangerous in the Hunger Games.
“You can leave any time, sweetheart,” Haymitch says, sarcastically.. “Nothing stopping you.”  
She doesn’t leave, but Haymitch knows that their alliance is fraying. They are fast approaching the point in the Games when allies start to turn on one another.
But no.
Haymitch doesn’t need to think that way. Doesn’t need to think of him turning on her or her turning on him as if they are psychotic Careers.
They can both make it out. As escapees, not victors.
They can both make it out.
They spend a whole day lost in a huge maze. They finally have to blowtorch their way out. The other side is different from the rest of the arena. No vegetation, just flat rock leading to the edge of a cliff for as far as the eye can see.
Haymitch feels his heart seize up. They have found the end of the arena.
Haymitch walks slowly to the edge of the cliff, looks over the side. He can’t see the bottom. Even if the force field came down, they wouldn’t be able to go anywhere. The chasm is too wide and deep. Maybe there isn’t a force field at all and the Gamemakers are just relying on the fact that the tributes probably won’t want to throw themselves off a cliff.
There is no way out.
Of course. Tributes head to the edge of arenas every year, hoping for something. It makes perfect sense that the Capitol would eventually get around to removing that hope. And it makes perfect sense that it would happen this year, the year of the Quarter Quell, when tensions in the districts are likely to be high. The Gamemakers must be so proud of themselves. They’re probably laughing at Haymitch right now.
Maysilee is talking to Haymitch, telling him that she wants to end their alliance. Haymitch isn’t surprised. She’s done the math and can see as clearly as him that there is well and truly no escape. And there are just a few of them left now.
“Okay,” Haymitch says.
He doesn’t look at her as she leaves. He waits to see if he’ll feel the little prick of a dart in his back. It would be so easy for her. And it might be for the best. A good way to die, as she’d put it. Better than some, anyway. But the dart doesn’t come.
Haymitch realizes that he’s been building her up in his mind as more sinister than she actually is. Without the Games, she would be just another kid from District 12. Haymitch walks along the edge of the cliff some more. The sky is purplish today and in the distance some pink birds fly through the fluffy white clouds.
Haymitch sits down. Suddenly, a pebble seems to jump out of the chasm and falls next to him. Haymitch looks at it in confusion before understanding sets in. So there is a force field of sorts, after all. It’s there to make sure that the tributes can’t commit suicide by jumping off the cliff. They have denied them even that escape.
Just to test the theory, Haymitch throws a small rock off the edge of the cliff. It comes back and lands in his hand.
Haymitch laughs.
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zutaralesbian · 4 years
Hi! My name is Danielle.
Bold means absolute favorite and I lowkey probably won’t follow if you hate them
Shameless US:
Faves: Mickey Milkovich, Fiona Gallagher, Debbie Gallagher, Karen Jackson, Ian Gallagher, Mandy Milkovich, Svetlana Yevgenivna, Veronica Fisher
Ships: Ian/Mickey, Early seasons Kev/V, Mandy/Karen (in fics), Lip/Tami. I also lowkey have a soft spot for Lip/Karen
Notes: I don’t truly hate any character except for obvious ones like Terry or Frank. But I will be critical of Lip and some of Ian’s actions post S5 from time to time. I also probably still have old posts floating around that I no longer agree with since I’ve changed my opinions on multiple characters (most notably Debbie and Svetlana). Oh, I DO hate Jimmysteve though lol
Killing Eve:
Not really much to say about this one. I love Villaneve and Eve and Villanelle. I am very critical about the show as a whole though because Sally Woodward Gentle is a homophobic hack. Also, don’t follow if you’re one of those Villanelle stans that shits on Eve. We love both in this house.
Avatar: The Last Airbender:
Faves: Katara, Zuko, Azula, Aang, Toph, Suki, Sokka, Iroh, Mai
Ships: Zuko/Katara (obviously lol), Azula/Mai/Ty-Lee, Aang/Toph, Sokka/Suki, Katara/Yue, Azula/Suki, Zuko/Jet, Zuko/Mai (lowkey)
Notes: I’m a firm believer that Azula is a lesbian. So while I respect people’s rights to headcanon her differently, I probably won’t follow if you post a lot of shippy stuff of her with men. Not a huge fan of Legend of Korra but I respect Korra as a character.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power:
Faves: Catra, Adora, Glimmer, Bow, Entrapta, Scorpia, Mara, Mermista
Ships: Catra/Adora, Bow/Glimmer, Entrapta/Hordak, Mara/Light Hope, Mermista/Sea Hawk
Notes: Glimmadora shippers DNI unless you’re normal. Anyone that describes themselves as “spop critical” is an immediate red flag from me because of the lesbophobia, misogyny, and victim blaming I’ve seen from that crowd.
Faves: Jinx, Vi, Ekko
Ships: Jinx/Ekko
Notes: I don’t hate Caitvi but I also don’t really care about it either (sorry 😞). To me, the tragic sisterhood of Jinx and Vi is by far the most compelling dynamic on the show and it isn’t even a contest. I have complicated feelings about Silco and his relationship with Jinx. But DNI if you ship them romantically.
The Hunger Games:
Faves: Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Haymitch Abernathy, Finnick Odair, Johanna Mason, Lucy Gray Baird, Sejanus Plinth, Cinna, Gale Hawthorne
Ships: Peeta/Katniss, Finnick/Annie
Notes: I enjoy both the Snowjanus and Snowbaird dynamics but don’t really know if I ship them in the typical sense. And it must always come with the backing that Coryo was an abhorrent person that wasn’t truly capable of loving either of them in the right way. But I do believe they both haunt him. I very much dislike Mockingjay as a book and believe THG deserved a better finale. Also DNI if you support the way Suzanne Collins demonized Gale and the rebellion in the end.
Other fandoms: Black Sails, Fear Street, Life is Strange, Reign, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Interactive fiction (The Wayhaven Chronicles, Keeper of the Sun and Moon Trilogy, Infamous, and A Crown of Ashes and Flames being my current faves), Wednesday (mostly just Wenclair), Stranger Things
Sometimes I write fic: https://archiveofourown.org/users/We_Were_Younger
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negative-influence · 6 years
I am not even going to try and hide the fact that younger me wrote fan fiction
I wrote about 5 Seconds of Summer (which sucked ass)! 
I wrote about the Monkees and the Beatles (They turned out really really good but had boring generic plots)
But one I think about often is a Haymitch Abernathy and Effie Trinket fan fiction I wrote after Catching Fire. I remember it being very true to the plot of the movie and the book. It was very well written and had an A+ plot. 
Guess which one I deleted... 
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javistgs-ficlibrary · 7 years
Unforgettable Fics
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Last year I posted my first Unforgettable Fics List (you can find it HERE). In that list, I included the stories that had left their mark on me as a fangirl, writer, and reader.
Those were the stories that pulled me into fan fiction, the first ones I read, the ones I think back on when I remember my earlier days in the fandom.
The fics in this year’s list are the ones that keep me here; the ones that inspire me, that prove that this fandom is still kicking, alive and well.  
Some of the fics you'll find here are very new, others are well-known classics I read (or re-read) this year.
Go ahead, take a look, you might find a new favorite among them.
Happy reading!
All the World Drops Dead by @andthisisthewonder
Peeta’s voice has been inside her head since she turned 14. She doesn’t know why they share a connection, and she doesn’t care. She likes having him with her. They comfort each other. Protect each other. Until he goes where she cannot follow. Until he enters the arena. (Based loosely on the film “In Your Eyes.”)
Peeta is reaped. Katniss stays behind in Twelve and follows his struggles on TV. Sounds a little bit like One Victor, doesn’t it? Well, that part of the premise might be similar, but the rest of the story is completely different. In this fantastic fic, Katniss and Peeta share an extraordinary gift that keeps them connected. Even though they’re miles apart, Katniss guides and comforts him. Spending her days glued to the TV screen, she stops him from eating poisonous berries and keeps him updated on his enemies' whereabouts. I’m really intrigued to see how this story is going to end.
Cadavres Exquis by @andthisisthewonder, @mtk4fun, @finnicko-loves-anniec, @xerxia31, @nancymay, @titaniasfics, @peetabreadgirl, @hutchhitched, @sandyeyes, @burkygirl, @geekymoviemom, @i-roaring-girl, @mega-aulover and @javistg 
After six years of radio silence came the call Katniss Everdeen had been dreading for years. Her mother, the last living member of her family, was dead.
Though it had been six years since Katniss had fled her hometown of Panem, she knew she had no choice but to come back and take care of her mother’s possessions, sell her house, get rid of the last vestiges of the life she once knew.
Organised by @loveinpanem. The principle behind this challenge was very simple. Each author was given a very tiny amount of world-building, (that summary you see above) and the last two sentences the previous writer created. From there, the sky was the limit. The resulting story was charming and funny, with unexpected twists and multiple visits to the bank while Everlark tried to solve a riddle they didn’t understand.
An awesome example of what it means to be a member of a creative community. I loved being a part of this!
Camp Mockingjay by @peetabreadgirl, @katnissdoesnotfollowback, @hutchhitched, @javistg, @appleblossomgirl0305, @titaniasfics, @xerxia31 and @burkygirl 
When Katniss agrees to spend the summer working with Gale at a summer camp, every choice brings her closer to an opportunity she thought she'd missed forever.
Another collaborative fic. This one was organized by @everlark-your-own-adventure. Following the principle behind the Choose Your Own Adventure books we read as children, readers were asked to choose between two options at the end of each chapter. Writers had to follow the story and adapt to the readers’ demands.
The resulting fic is as sweet as a summer adventure. Each chapter closely follows the storyline while showcasing its author’s personality and writing style. The last installment --an epilogue written by @burkygirl​ and @xerxia31-- is one of my personal favorites.
Cinders by @ghtlovesthg
Canon-Divergent AU. As rebellion starts sweeping through Panem like wildfire, Katniss quickly learns it will take all she has to keep her loved ones from getting scorched. Submission to PIP. Everlark. WIP
Katniss and Peeta find common ground when Gale and Delly are reaped. Defiant, stubborn, and too consumed by anger to think about the consequences, Gale challenges the Capitol.  In a shocking twist of events, his family pays the price. An intriguing fic, full of twists and turns that still has me at the edge of my seat.
Destiny by @xerxia31
“This would have happened anyway." Canon-divergent Everlark.
In the cave scene in THG Peeta implies that being reaped was the best thing that ever happened to him. Well, in the case of this fic, it is. The dread I felt while reading the introduction, quickly turned to excitement when I found the surprise @xerxia31​ had in store for us. A must read.
Dominion by @muttpeeta
Killing me would be a waste when you could leverage something much more useful out of me.“ Captain Peeta Mellark strikes a deal with his captor, the Empress Katniss Everdeen.
This intriguing one-shot shows Peeta as Katniss’s prisoner. I love the way their relationship evolves here, how they gradually learn to trust and care for each other despite their circumstances. 
Elaborate Lives by @booksrockmyface
Katniss had a normal life, two kids, a husband, and a great job. But it all turned upside down when she shook hands with Peeta and got the literal shock of her life. So how can they handle this delicate situation without destroying their lives in the process?
I’m a sucker for soulmate fics, and this is one of my favorites. Katniss and Peeta meet through their children, who are best friends. She’s married. He’s a widower. They want to be together, but they don’t want to hurt those they care about.
A lovely fic about friendship, love, and the inevitable pull of being with the one person who’s right for you.
Everything But Money by @mtk4fun
Katniss Everdeen learns how the other half lives, and finds love in this Everlark historical set in 1936 during The Great Depression.
@mtk4fun​ takes us through the toils and struggles of the Great Depression. In her fic, Katniss and Peeta face poverty, hunger, unemployment, and jealousy as they fight to find stability in a world that’s collapsing around them. Haymitch’s role as Katniss’s uncle is definitely worth reading!
First Love by @sothereff
Primrose Everdeen makes a friend in new neighbor Peeta Mellark and looks forward to spending her summer days with him at the creek. But when he finally meets her sister, Katniss, Prim finds she has some competition for Peeta’s time… and affections. Loosely based on the film The Man in the Moon.
 I love this version of Prim! She’s sweet and innocent at times, but she’s also as angry and hateful as only a teenage girl can be. And, while we don’t want to see her suffer, we all know this is a battle she just can’t win. 
Five kisses that should have been, and one that was by @muttpeeta
Katniss and Peeta keep meeting on New Year’s Eve. Unfortunately, it’s just never the right time.
Everything seems to conspire against Everlark in this fantastic one-shot. They date the wrong people, they wait, they drink, they cry. Somehow, they push through. A wonderful read with a very satisfying ending.
If I Have You by @everlarkeologist
Everlark, months after their divorce. Written for the F4LLS charity drive.
Katniss wants Peeta to be happy. Why is he in so much pain then? A beautiful story of sacrifice and love that shows us how the pressures we put on ourselves can drive us to hurt those we love.
Kindergarten by @heyyouao
Katniss and Peeta meet in kindergarten and develop a relationship that will last a life time. Modern day AU. Rated for teens initially, although the rating will change as the story develops. This work contains depictions of child abuse which may be difficult for some to read.
This incredibly cute story follows Katniss and Peeta as they grow up as best friends. I especially like Peeta’s connection with the rest of the Everdeen clan --who immediately adopts him as one of their own.
Love Letters by maddmaddworld
You are my best friend in the whole world, and I promise you that you will never feel this much pain ever again. You are my heart, and I intend to keep it safe.
Love, Katniss
Sometimes it’s easier to write what we feel than to say it out loud. I love Katniss’s  reaction to Peeta’s letters in this fic, and what he says is as beautiful as what he writes. 
The Murder Game by @deinde-prandium
College AU fluff. 
This fic is a lot of fun. Katniss and Peeta survive a Murder Game by hiding in his room. With great parallels to canon and the cave scenes, this story seamlessly blends the world of Panem with a modern day AU.
Museum Marriage Proposal by @badnovels​
This is such a Peeta thing to do.
A sweet drabble that makes me smile every time I read it.
The Percentage of Us by @badnovels
Katniss finally believes Peeta when he says he wants her to stay.
How can something so wrong feel so right? A fic that leaves you reeling; dazed as you try to remind yourself that this particular version of Everlark shouldn’t be together, and still.. how can they be apart?
The Playdate by @awhiskeyriver
When Peeta’s son is having trouble in school, he thinks the last thing they need is to plan a get together with the source of the problem.
Daddy!Peeta faces off against Mommy!Katniss in front of Principal Abernathy as they each try to protect their respective children. Just that scene is well worth a read! But, of course, there’s more. There’s friendship, and love, and loss; the frustration of divorce, and the loneliness that comes with being a single parent. And then, there’s also some smut.
Procreate by Loudmouth Lamb
In a version of Panem where young men and women are bred in an annual ceremony to produce the next generation of manual laborers, Gale and Madge try to make the best out of the worst. AU (no Hunger Games). Mild Everlark.
I haven’t read a lot of Gadge fics, but this one is one of my favourites. Inspired by A Handmaid’s Tale, Madge and Gale are chosen to provide a child for Panem.  I love the balance between the two characters’ voices. Madge’s quiet dignity and strength shine though this story as she stares an angry Gale down.
Ruse by @purple-cube
“I should have volunteered to take your place in the first Games,” Gale tells him. “Protected her then.”
“You couldn’t,” says Peeta. “She’d never have forgiven you.”
Friendship and loyalty are tested in this beautiful canon-divergent fic in which Gale and Katniss are crowned as co-victors of the 74th Hunger Games. Forced into marriage, the best friends help each other find love and happiness. 
Silver Thaw by @eala-musings
Set during the Dark Days rebellion. A Capitol hunting guide and Panem Games Biathlon champion is enlisted to hunt down and capture a mysterious rebel troublemaker in the snowy mountains of District 13.
Once again, Peeta finds himself acting as a pawn for the Capitol. As the story unfolds, he realises things are not what they seem. Gradually, Katniss’s strength and resolve draw him in, and they become allies and much more. With perfect pacing, beautiful descriptions, and believable interactions between the characters it’s no wonder I consider this an unforgettable fic. 
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wearethewitches · 7 years
I feel alive when it’s dark and the only light comes from the crack in my doorway, the screen of my computer and the red dot that looks like my old alarm clock, but is actually a TV.
Rhythm comes easier. Writing is my trade and my gift - a curse during daylight hours, that makes me melancholic and world-weary. Headphones clamp around my head when it’s dark, providing a singular source of sound except the clicking of my keyboard.
Is this how Eleven felt in Stranger Things when she was in the tank? Separate from reality, except for her mind? I can’t remember the words, except I can in the dark, I can: sensory deprivation. In the dark, I can’t see the creams of walls and pinks and greys of wallpaper. My duvet is a mesh, red with striped, white tartan print that is so very, very not like what tartan should be.
This passage is an example of what I’m like in the dark. I want to write more than just this - I want to write. Fiction, fan fiction. I want to write how the Everdeen children become Abernathy’s - how Haymitch and Effie have their toasting in District Twelve. I want to write about how Lizzie Evans sees the Force in Dagobah with Yoda and above all else, I want to be lost in this.
I want time to have no meaning and for the words of my siblings come mealtime be lost in the cacophony of music and concentration. I want, I want. What do I want? I want my freedom. I want time to stand still and for everything I am to gush out onto paper - onto a brightly-lit computer screen on a Word document or a Tumblr textpost, like it is now.
I want the adrenaline to stop rushing through my brain, I want night to be day. I want to sleep like a normal person and not panic, have anxiety attacks over waking up at four in the afternoon because the night was so tempting.
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littleplebe · 7 years
Tagged by the ever-enthusiastic @pegasusdragontiger
Nickname: Mom calls me Princess sometimes Height: 5′5″ Last Thing You Googled: Photos of Benoa, Bali Favorite music artist: Difficult to choose. I’ve a long list of artists whose songs I enjoy. Song stuck in my head: You’re Welcome from Moana Last Movie you watched: La La Land What are you wearing right now: I wear PJs at home. And since I’m always at home, I basically only wear PJs. All the time. Lol. Why did you choose your URL: I think the first time I heard the word ‘plebe’ was in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The Fat Lady says it in the beginning of the movie. It made me laugh and I googled it immediately. The word kinda stuck with me after that. There’s nothing ‘little’ about me though, so I wonder why I didn’t go for ‘giantplebe’ instead of ‘littleplebe’. Do you have any other blogs: As in tumblr, blogger or wordpress? No. What Did Your Last Relationship Teach You: Never trust anyone. Never get too attached. Religious Or Spiritual: A bit of both Favourite Colour: Black Average Hours Of Sleep: 7 or 8, I think. Lucky Number: I don’t have a lucky number. I’ve always liked the number 3 but it’s never been lucky for me, not that I’ve noticed. Favorite characters: Atticus Finch, Ron Weasley, Meursault, Minerva McGonagall, Peeta Mellark, Haymitch Abernathy, Jane Eyre, Wolverine, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers, Thor, Princess Leia, Ariel, Merida, Gru, Giselle, Tintin... gosh, I could go on! How Many Blankets Do you Sleep With: None in summer, 1 thick monster in winter. Dream Job: Get paid for writing Marvel and Harry Potter fan fiction. That would be seriously amazing. Aaah but no, on a serious note, I’d love to be a travel blogger maybe. Or a food tester.
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