#He looks like he would cry if he saw a dead rat why is he here.
themintman · 10 months
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I am loosingmy marbels
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sailorkamino · 1 year
relatonships: geraskier x magic!reader [tangled au]
word count: 1.8k
summary: your village believed you to be born cursed and would have killed you, if not for stragobor. you've spent your whole life locked away in a tower but now you've got a chance for freedom in the form of a bard, a witcher, and an pretty horse.
warnings: stragobor, emotionally abusive parent, gaslighting, anti witcher prejudice, death/murder, pre relationship, emotional support dogs
a/n: my first time writing for the witcher! what do you think? i might turn this into a series <3
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Spring is coming so you’re making new outfits for your beloved hounds. Which isn’t at all depressing no matter what that one judgemental bird thinks. Anyways you’re using golden yellow fabric for Honeysuckle and cool blue for Periwinkle. As is customary.
Then you sense them. Strangers. You become almost dizzy with fear and excitement. A type of desperation only experienced when you live in a forced solitude. You make your way to the window, desperate for a glance. It’s not like they’ll be able to see you. Your entire tower is invisible to outsiders.
“Hey, look at this tower.”
You choke on air. Your dogs leap from your bed to check on you (still in their winter sweaters.) You hold your breath as two people and a horse step into the clearing. Then you meet yellow cat-like eyes and you’re diving to the floor with a startled noise.
“Careful. Magic.”
One of them is mumbling but it’s drowned out by the sound of your rapid heart. Honeysuckle whines in concern, licking your face. Periwinkle takes a protective stance over both of you, growling out the window.
Father has always told you witchers are bloodthirsty savages. They’ll kill any innocent being for a profit. They know no morals, only violence. When you were born under a black sun your religious village wanted you dead. Father hid you away for protection. You’re not looking to relieve the witch hunt experience.
You mentally poke at the witcher, feeling out his aura. He doesn’t seem particularly beastly. Animals tend to be more shallow than people, all instincts and simple emotions. Surprisingly he doesn’t feel that.
A part of you has always questioned your father's prejudice. You stopped voicing it but the concerns remained. Father hates witchers because they kill beasts. If monsters can be good, why can’t witchers? An old argument resurfaces in your memory.
“Have you listened to a word I’ve said, child?” Father asks angrily. “You cry when a rat dies yet defend butchers.” You look away, embarrassed by his mocking tone.
“This is why you stay in this tower. You’re too naïve for the outside world.”
You wonder if that’s the real reason he keeps you locked away. You’re capable of defending yourself now. So is he really protecting you? Or is he protecting the world? All because you were born under a black sun. Why must you be punished for being different? Why must witchers?
You think of the villagers who looked at a crying orphan and saw a threat. Who saw killing an infant as a lesser evil. You don’t want to be like that. Privately you wonder why your mentor sees compassion as a weakness but you’ve learnt it’s better to agree with him. “Yes father. I’m sorry.”
“No need to fear us. I’m Jaskier the bard, master of the seven liberal arts, and this is my companion, Geralt of Rivia! Could you give us directions to the nearest town?” The colorful man calls out.
Your heart races until you feel dizzy. So this is the butcher. The most beastly and cruel of all the witchers. He’s… underwhelming to say the least. Certainly least nightmarish and more dreamy than you imagined. But you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. You take a calming breath, petting your hounds to ground yourself.
The primal fear inside of you is wrestling with your desire for a real life conversation with a stranger. This could be your chance to hear both sides of what happened in Blaviken. Father always says you’re too naïve but only tells you his point of view. You’re almost sick with nerves when you blurt out rather loudly, “I wouldn't know. I’ve never been in the forest before.”
There’s a long pause and you can sense confusion. Have you already messed up? You don't want them to leave. Well the witcher can go, but the colorful one seems nice. You pop your head back into view, “I don’t leave my tower. I’m sorry. I… like your horse.” Compliments make you friends right?
“Don’t leave or can’t?” A much gruffer voice asks. You shiver. (He didn’t even say thank you for the compliment, how rude.)
“I’m safe here.” The words sound unconvincing to your own ears. You tell yourself it's because of fear. Not because you’re beginning to question them.
“Who says?”
“My father.”
They share a concerned look. You bite your lip in embarrassment. It sounds quite childish when you say it out loud. But you’ve been persecuted before, you aren’t about to let your guard down around a hired killer. So… why are you still talking to him?
Then you notice the brunet’s instrument. What a lovely change of subject. “Is that a lute?”
“It is!”
You’re practically jumping now. Honeysuckle, picking up on your excitement, smacks you with her wagging tail. “I’ve never heard a bard before! Play me something?”
Jaskier goes impossibly sad. You frown, hating the kicked puppy expression. What did you do wrong? Maybe you should just stick to socializing with animals. At least the rats find you charming.
“You’ve never heard music, my dear?”
Your face goes hot, both at the endearment and the pity in his voice. “I have lots of instruments but I don’t think I’m very good. Being self taught and all.”
“Why don’t I come up and give you a lesson? Free of charge!”
Your stomach twists in knots. You don’t know what’s more terrifying. Your new friend coming inside or leaving you to loneliness. You avoid eye contact when you answer. “My father wouldn’t like that.”
“What would you like?” The witcher asks sternly. You freeze. No one has ever cared what you wanted before. Is that concern you sense from him? Sympathy? From a so-called beast? Your silence seems like an answer enough. “So can’t leave,” he concludes.
“Can others enter?” Jaskier asks curiously.
You don’t know why you answer but you do. “Only with a portal. There’s no door.”
“But there’s a window.”
You frown. Obviously there’s a window, you’re talking out of it right now. Maybe your new friend is a little slow.
“Rope?” he proposes to the witcher.
Your mouth drops open. A rope? That’s it? Years of isolation by a warlock solved with a fucking rope? It can’t be that simple. It just can’t be. “My father is very powerful,” you warn. “And he hates witchers.”
“Him and most of the continent,” the man grumbles dryly. For some reason you feel guilty. Years of indoctrination to hate his kind, forgotten in mere minutes. Maybe you really are naïve.
“Who’s your father, dear? Maybe we know him?”
You sincerely hope not. “Stregobor.”
Dead silence. Then a very empathetic “fuck.”
Your stomach sinks. That’s the most emotion you’ve heard in the witcher’s voice so far and it doesn't sound good. Will they judge you for your fathers deeds? Wait, why are you assuming your father’s in the wrong? Since when did he become the bad guy? (Maybe he always has been but you’ve ignored it.)
“Let me guess, you were born during a black sun?” He asks flatly.
You feel as if a rug has been pulled out from under you. The comfort that’s been growing disappears, replaced with icy fear. You don’t even know this man yet you still feel betrayed. “Are you here to kill me?” You ask, slightly wobbly.
He sighs tiredly. Maybe he gets asked that a lot. “No. You aren’t fucking cursed. You were born during an eclipse. A completely natural phenomenon. A bunch of old bastards made up that curse for power and control.”
Your jaw drops, conflicting emotions raging inside of you. If he’s right you’re not cursed, which is great. But it also means your father has betrayed you. Your whole life can’t be a lie. It just can’t. A sinking part of you knows he’s making sense, even wants to believe him, but you desperately ignore it.
“I hurt people,” you confess abruptly.
“I thought you never left this tower?” Jaskier asks.
“When I was a baby.”
The witcher raises an unimpressed brow. “Did Stregobor tell you that?”
You growl in frustration as a strong wind rustles the trees. Jaskier looks around in bewilderment but the witcher holds your steady gaze. Not easily frightened by your show of power or glowing eyes.
“I’ve met a lot of monsters. You’re not one.”
The words you’ve always longed to hear. Uttered by the man you’ve been taught to hate. You take a moment to collect your flurry of emotions before answering. “Funny,” you smile weakly, “I was gonna say the same thing about you, witcher.”
You steady yourself before asking the next question. Knowing it won’t be easy but needing answers. The more you talk to Geralt the more you question what you’ve been taught about witchers. Maybe you don’t want him to be a monster. Maybe you’re so lonely you don’t care if he is.
“Tell me about Blaviken.”
“What?” His voice is somehow gruffer. Face horribly blank and posture rigid.
“Every story has two sides, yet I’ve only heard my father’s.”
He sighs deeply. Then begins. He tells you about Renfri. A princess born under the black sun. Her step mother was looking for a way to get rid of her and the curse was convenient. Stregobor agreed the girl was an evil mutant that must be isolated but her step mother wanted her dead. Together they ruined her life.
Renfri evaded them. She spent years being hunted, until she became the hunter. Eventually she formed a gang of sorts and tracked Stregobor to Blaviken but couldn’t enter his tower. (Apparently the idea of living in a tower forever was very distressing to your father. You don't know if you should laugh or vomit.)
Both Renfri and Stregobor asked Geralt to kill the other but he refused, not wanting to get involved. Although he hated Stregobor he tried to talk the princess out of revenge. It was too late. She threatened to kill townspeople until the warlock came out.
Your heart sinks at the ultimatum. Your father has never been a compassionate man. By the grim look on the witcher’s face he knew it too. In the end Geralt did what Stregobor wanted him to do. Instead of payment or thanks he was branded a butcher.
The fear-shame-grief rolling off of the witcher (definitely not emotionless by the way) is enough to make your eyes sting. Your gaze settles on Jaskier, who’s gone into full sad puppy mode. You have a feeling he’s never heard the full story either. You clear your choked throat.
“You mentioned a rope, good sir?”
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lunajay33 · 1 year
Brother Trouble❤️‍🩹
Summary: You went out looking for formula with Glenn and Maggie and came across Merle, your boyfriends lost brother and things don’t go well
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Ive been with the group since the start at the quarry, I first was drawn to Daryl but was always nervous to approach him when Merle was around but once he was gone me and Daryl grew to love each other and have been together ever since the incident at the CDC
“Let’s get Judith a toy, it’ll be good for her to play with something!” I said to Glenn as he went into the store
After we picked up what we needed we loaded it into the truck and we’re about to leave but I still had a basket in my hand
“Well hello, what are you all doing out here” I heard, turning to see Merle with a gun held up to us, making Maggie and Glenn to take out theirs and raise them
“Merle, you’re alive” Glenn stated
“Woah Woah Woah, Glenn and y/n good to see y’all, is Daryl still with ya, is he alive?” He asked as he lowered his gun
“He’s still alive”
“Can you take me to him”
“You stay here and we will tell him” Glenn said with his gun still held up
“Come on just take me to where you are”
“No like I said we will bring him here”
I could see the anger rise on Merle’s face and I knew there was trouble, it happens so fast, he pulled out a gun from his pants and shot, I ducked and when I looked up he hand his makeshift arm knife to Maggie’s throat
“Get in the car now or she dies” Merle said pushing his knife harder against Maggie
I dropped the basket and we all got in the truck and we drove off to god knows where
We were all in esperante rooms, tied to a chair but I could hear everything, I could hear Glenn get beat to a pulp and Maggie crying then it was my turn when merle came in with the governor
“Now who do we have here?” The governor asked but I didn’t say a word, I wasn’t really one to talk much, maybe that’s why Daryl liked being around me but I knew from the pasted that merle hated it
“She not talk or something?” He asked merle
“Oh she talks, she just a freak that never speaks when spoken to” Merle said as he walked behind me and held his knife to my throat like he did Maggie
“Where is my brother huh?” He asked as he lightly slide the knife across my neck enough to draw blood
I still didn’t break, the prison was our home I couldn’t sell that out
“Untie her” the governor said and Merle was quick to cut the ropes and make me stand
“Now take off your clothes” he said and I was stunned
“Oh she does speak, you will take off all your clothes or your buddies in the next rooms will be dead by night fall” he said glaring into my soul
I felt sick but I couldn’t risk the lives of my family
I took off all my clothes with shaky hands and covered myself with my hands
“Do what you have to go get her to talk, I’ll be back later and you better have an answer” he said the Merle as he left the room
I looked at merle scared for my life
He was smirking and started to cut me all over my body, leaving blood drip all over my body, the pain was unbearable and he started hitting on me like he did to Glenn, after a while of this torture I was left on the floor feeling like a shell of a person
I still didn’t rat out or home and he left, I sat in the corner naked, bloody and bruised
I heard trouble in the room over and Maggie and Glenn crying then I heard Maggie tell them about the prison
I sighed but understood how hard it was for them
“Y/n! Are you okay?” I heard Maggie yell out
“Im fine” i answered back not wanting to stress them any further
I waited in that room for a while just praying Daryl would come and rescue me and make me feel alright again and that’s when I heard guns, and fighting
The door to my room was being kicked in and that when I saw him, my savior and my love
“Daryl” I sighed feeling relieved
He ran up to me with the others at the door
He looked so mad but his eyes showed hurt, sadness and concern
He took off his flannel and wrapped it around me
“Come on peach, we’re gonna get you home” he said as he lifted me up and supported me by holding my waist and helping me walk out
We followed the others and I tried to keep up even though I felt so weak
Bullets were flying and gun shots were all I heard, axel got hit but the rest of us got out
We got to the truck and I instantly passed out on Daryl’s lap knowing I was safe now
~The next day~
I woke up in mine and Daryl’s cell and tried sitting up but groaned at the pain, I looked down and I was all patched up and dressed in Daryl comfy clothes
“Daryl?” I called out and in a second he was next to the bed
“Hey peach, how’re ya feelin?” He asked as he brushed my hair back, just the feeling of him near me makes me feel better, but I still have that ache inside
“I’m fine”
“Don’t lie to me, how I found ya that’s not fine, what happened?”
“I’m not ready yet” I said looking away feeling guilty, I know I’m evil and sick with Merle but he was the only family Daryl had left and I felt so conflicted
“I’m here when yer ready my peach, now come on let’s get some food in ya” he said picking me up and bring me out to the eating area
~Few days Later~
I got up late still trying to deal with what happened and when I walked out to help Beth with Judith I saw Merle talking with the others
I felt my heart drop and I felt sick again but this time I physically got sick just from the thought of being near him
I ran to a near by bin and threw up, I felt a hand rub my back and I knew it was Daryl
“Ya alright?” He asked
“What is he doing here Daryl?” I asked as my voice quivered
“He left that place I couldn’t leave him out there”
“Y’all seem pretty chummy brother” Merle said from across the room
“Well ya they’ve been together for a long time” Beth stated
“This is yer bitch” he asked shocked
“Watch yer mouth” Daryl groaned glaring at him
“If I knew I wouldn’t ‘ave…..” he trailed off
“What? Wouldn’t ‘ave done what?” Daryl asked standing up
“The governor he….he made me do it”
“You’re lying, he left the room you could’ve just left me” I stated
Daryl looked between me and Merle and it clicked
“YOU DID THIS TO HER?” Daryl yelled
“Dumb bitch put up a fight I had to get answers” that’s when Daryl got up close to him completely vivid
I couldn’t stand being in here anymore, I snuck out the cell block and sat out side
I tried to get the memories out of my head but it just kept playing over in my head
“You know the governor did something similar to me when we were there” I heard next to me and it was Maggie
“I don’t want to talk about it, I just want to forget, I feel so dirty”
“I think you’ll feel better when you get this off your chest and tell Daryl” she says as she gets up and leaves being replaced by Daryl himself
“I wouldn’t have brought him here if I knew, I’m sorry peach, I hate that I wasn’t there earlier to save ya”
“I feel wrong, I feel so dirty and I don’t know if I’ll ever feel better again, what they made me do, what they did to me”
“What did he do peach?”
I sighed realizing I need to tell him
“They made me take off all my clothes, they said if I didn’t they’d kill Glenn and Maggie, then….Merle tortured me, cut me up until I was just blood, beat me until he got too tired, humiliated me and all the others saw me like that when you saved me, I just don’t wanna feel like this anymore” I said crying feeling Daryl pull me close
“I’ll never let anything happen to ya again, I’m s’ sorry, I’ll get rid of him immediately”
“You can’t kick out your brother Daryl, I don’t wanna hurt you by doing that” I said
“He ain’t my brother anymore after doing that to you, to my peach, all I care about is how yer feeling and can’t have that when he’s around, plus I’ll try and kill ‘im if I have to be near him knowing he hurt ya”
“I love you so much Daryl, more than anything” I said looking up at him
“Love ya too, yer my world and nothin’ll ever hurt ya again”
Thanks for reading everyone lmk what you thought and leave suggestions for more walking dead imagines
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milaisreading · 9 months
Imagine in 2p Hetalia x reader, someone hurts and insults Y/N both physically and emotionally but the 2p's are behind them and just saw the whole thing.💀☠️🔪
Warnings: Mentions of murder and I used she/her for the reader.
Hmmm, let me think for a second...
2p!Italy 🇮🇹
2p!Italy, who didn't hear exactly what was said, but saw Yn getting upset.
2p!Italy: What happened? :3
Yn: I just got told that the dress looks hideous on me. I liked the dress- LUCIANO DON'T POINT THE KNIFE AT HIS HEART
2p!Italy: The jugular vein it is then! What did you just say to her?! Repeat that?!
2p!Germany 🇩🇪
Dude, who was talking shit to Yn after he saw 2p!Germany: Who... who is that?
Yn turns around while holding her tears in: Oh... that's Lutz, he doesn't bite
2p!Germany: Yes, I do. Now, care to repeat what you just said?
2p!Japan 🇯🇵
The man doesn't even finish his 1st sentence before 2p!Japan takes out his katana
Yn: Where did you get that?!
2p!Japan: Don't worry your cute brain about it. Now, let me take revenge on the man who insulted your honor
2p!America heard everything while he was stalking watching over Yn, and he held himself back from swinging his bat at the person... for now. 2 days later tho...
Yn: Allen, why is your bat red again? Did Matt prank you again and painted it?
2p!America: Sure! :D
2p!France 🇫🇷
This man would straight up start insulting the person while mixing English and French. Yn would have to hold him back from checking the person who insulted her.
2p!England 🇬🇧
Person: And not to mention that dumb hairstyle!-
Yn, at the verge of crying as the person pulled on her hair a little.
2p!England while stabbing the person in the back: Looks like I will be able to make more cupcakes soon :3
Yn, looking in surprise at the dead man and then up at 2p England: Isn't this an overkill, Oliver?
2p!England: That is not a real thing, poppet!
2p!Russia 🇷🇺
Bold of you to assume he let's Yn get near anyone, let alone a stranger. But, on the off chance she runs into the wrong person and they start insulting her and threatening her physicall well-being... Then Viktor will pull the person into an alleyway and kill them. Then he will pick up Yn and carry her back home.
2p!Russia: This is why you stay home.
2p!China 🇨🇳
2p!China, pretending to clean his ears: I must be hearing this wrong... her? An eyesore? And not belonging here? I must inform you that this is the most beautiful girl in the world! And I will not let some street rat looking asshole insult her! Do you know what she means to me?!
Basically, he starts pestering the man for two hours about what Yn means to him... later on Wang kills him, tho.
2p!Canada 🇨🇦
This man will just pull Yn away and let Kuma deal with the man...
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jaebeomsbitch · 11 months
Hi! Pls could you write a Roman fic with the following prompt: 36.“i know i said we couldn’t do this anymore, but i need you. please.”? Thank You!
Scotch and Tears
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Summary: Comforting Romey and hurting him at the same time or Roman comes to you needing release and the painful reminder that he'll never be loved because he's broken.
Warnings: MINORS DNI, Hurt, Crying, Jerking off Roman...
A/N: Not edited and written at 2 AM like every other fic of mine. I never ever intend to make this one so sad but.... Romey is just a sad little boy trapped in a dog cage :( GN!reader
You don’t know who you expected on your front door but it wasn’t him. Maybe a DoorDash delivery person or another Amazon package but not Roman Roy. His hands intertwined in front of him, that cocky smirk of his face. 
“If it isn’t my favorite whore” he says, a little too boisterous for your liking. 
“Welcome in” you say sarcastically as he bulldozes his way inside your apartment despite his small stature. 
“God if I thought you dressed shitty… this is a fucking rat-infested dying Victorian orphans type of shitty” he says, his hazel eyes analyzing every single detail of your apartment. You roll your eyes, leaning against the doorframe of your small living room. You’d never have the type of money he had but you were comfortable. More than the dozens of New Yorkers that couldn’t heat their apartments through winter or the ones that had eleven roommates. 
“Why are you here Romulus?” You ask in a cool toned manner. His head snapping towards yours, he hadn’t heard that name in a while. Not since… well not since his father died. 
“What, not happy to see an old pal?” He grins, taking off his little leather gloves. He makes a face as he uses the sleeve of his jacket to clean your little side table placing the gloves on it.
“Why are you here?” You ask stalking forward. 
“Don’t make me ask you again Romulus” you say with a bit more force in your tone. Roman gulps, those big doe eyes looking up at you with a mixture of fear and something else. That underlying swirl of emotion you were all too used to seeing many years ago. 
“Don’t-“ he says, trying to act strong but his voice slightly wavers under your watchful gaze. He tried to busy himself by taking his coat off. 
“I saw he died” you sigh, crossing your arms over your chest standing toe to toe with Roman. He grunts in acknowledgment, afraid of opening his mouth. Afraid that the pent up tears will come crashing down the fragile walls he built. Because truthfully Roman hadn’t been coping. He thought it would get better with time. 
Thought a shrink would fix him, but they never did. No matter how expensive, how experienced they didn’t understand Roman, not in the way you do. So he comes crawling back every time. The pain and loss of memory crushing him into a little ball. 
Your fingers reach out to him holding his bicep lightly but he shrugs you off almost violently. He hates himself for being back here, for needing you. 
“Yeah he’s dead, should’ve gone a danced in his chew toy mausoleum when you had the chance” he tries to joke but it comes out slightly strained, at least to your ears. 
You circle him, reaching for the expensive bottle of scotch he gave you as a parting gift all those years ago. Popping in some ice cubes already prepared for his little digs but surprisingly nothing comes out. He gulps it down like he’s hasn’t had a drink in weeks. He quickly pours another glass taking that one back wincing at the burn
“Slow down,” you say sternly
“I’ll- I’ll fucking buy you another one” he immediately fires looking at you with an intensity. You can tell he hates being here. Well, hates that he has to be here again. He’d been okay for the most part but then every single person he loved had died or left him.
You silently take a seat on your couch, sipping on the scotch savoring the complexities on your tongue. Roman grips the glass tightly, hands shaking. 
“I-“ his voice wavers, that first sense of vulnerability sinking deep into Roman’s bones and it fucking disgusts him. It rips him to shreds that he can’t keep his voice steady. 
“I know I said-” he continues, filling up another glass. Watching the little ice cubes swirl in the amber liquid. 
“I couldn’t… we couldn’t… please,” he says looking at you with those big puppy dog eyes, all wet, as he tries to hold back his tears. 
“C’mere” you say softly spreading your legs and downing your scotch. You place the empty glass on the side table over his gloves as Roman shuffles towards you like a scolded child. 
His heart sinks deep into his gut. The vile thoughts filling up his head, screaming at him not to do it but, he sits on your lap with shaky breath. Your fingers find the familiar path towards his knees. 
Just like that the words dim and his breath picks up. The warmth of your palms seeping into his slacks, you knew that if you could see his eyes you’d see the swirl in them. The pink, smokey, tendrils of lust churning in his brain. 
It wasn’t that Roman hated you, he didn’t. In some sick twisted Roman way he loved you. You were the only person who could touch him, the only person who could untuck his fresh pressed dress shirt and undo his slacks. The only one who could slide his zipper down without him immediately going into a manic state. But after the comfort always came the guilt. That’s what he hated, he hated the crashing of sadness and despair pulling him down after your touch was over. 
Hated that he had to imagine it was your hands on him. That he yearned for you but you never sought him out. Not once, not even after he’d wined and dined you. Not after he let you into his fucked up head. 
Of course Roman never knew the truth. It hurt. It hurt seeing him cry, it hurt seeing him broken beyond repair. You take solace in the fact that you were the only one that brought him relief even if it was momentary. So you press your face into the line of his back, fingers taking his leaking cock out. Roman’s practiced spit falling onto his cock, his eyes closed shut not wanting to look at it. Not right now. 
He hated you for abandoning him. Hated the way he instantly moans when your warm hand wraps around his cock. The pool of heat burning deep in his gut.
“Fuck” he moans at your slow strokes. You wanted to prolong it. Smell his clean scent a little longer, feel the flex of his thighs on yours, memorize the hitch of his breath but Roman hasn’t been able to get off in a long time. 
His breath heavy as more profanities leave this pink lips of his. 
“Oh fuck” he groans, fingers digging into his slacks. You swirl your palm over his sensitive head, his toes curling in his dress shoes, jaw slacked. 
“Fuck I’m- so fucking disgusting” he swallows his spit. Your other hand working at his balls, rolling the skin in between your fingers matching your strokes. 
“Oh fuck oh fuck fuck fuck fuck” he whispers hurriedly, fingers clenching the fabric harder, his head hanging in submission. Giving into the pleasure, his stubbled jaw pressing into the pin-striped light-blue dress shirt. 
You missed him. You missed his stupid quips. Missed the way his dumb little grin would show the dimple on his cheek. You missed that stupid idiot even when he was insulting you. 
“G-god” he chokes.
“Just me” you chuckle, stroking him faster knowing his telltale signs like the back of your hand. You could feel his thighs clenching under your forearms, his back tightening, and his hips trying desperately to follow your movements. 
He finally comes as he heaves for breath. A strangled noise leaving his throat as he ruins his slacks. All the pent up cum spilling on his stomach. You stroke his cock until he’s a whimpering mess. The back of his head tilted back pressing into your shoulder. 
You wanted to hug him. You wanted to tell him everything would be okay but you know he’d only push you off. You hold your tongue as he slowly sits up pushing your hands away and tucking himself back into his pants. He swallows hard, trying to busy himself with wiping the cum off with a napkin. 
You keep your lips sealed when you see his face. That anguished look in his eyes, another painful reminder of why you didn’t do this anymore but his little ‘please’ broke you down. He leaves mumbling some stupid line about you being a whore. His heart aching as he tries to straighten out his wrinkled slacks. 
Your heart hurts, it hurts so much but this is what Roman did. He used and abused because he was broken. You could never fix him not even if you tried but what would happen when you found a partner? When you wouldn’t let him into your apartment again?
The next day another bottle of scotch sits at your doorstep, you tuck it away into the same cupboard, holding his glass as a tear slips down your cheek. 
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digitalgate02 · 5 months
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So here’s your main hero from the Kamen Rider (Lightnimon) AU! This surprises no one, I know.
So the idea here is kinda recycling bits from the old version and mixing it with all the stuff i know about Rider so far (and other things.)
Well, I guess a hero who starts as a lackey of the big bad is not that uncommon to happen… But yeah, he just starts like this… He hates this job, to be fair. He can have a little fun but gets yelled at by his boss (not the big bad guy, just the evil scientist working there – not sure if it’s either Oikawa, Maki, Menoa or someone else from another digi-series yet).
Oh yeah, he definitely wants to quit and do something fun, something he likes: either soccer or cooking.
Question: Why did he end up there tho So, the big bad guy(s) is (are) Daemon (and the Demon Lords). They use human emotions to drive those wild digital critters – the digimon – insane and use them to control people. A digimon forms a link with a human and they can use the digimon’s power (be the critter taking the shape of a weapon or vehicle). But there’s those Dark Rings and Dark Seeds, the rings go on the digimon, the seeds on the humans. Keeping them in control is the goal of Daemon. Daisuke is… uh, one of those victims apparently, BUT! no ties to a digimon yet. He knows something is off, but he can’t do anything. He needs that job after all… (sadly, he’s not even aware the job is for the bad guys…)
There was a hero before!! This hero was known as Kamen Rider Courage. He fought alongside a group of other people. Before Daemon was a real issue, there was another villain – one possibly connected to him – Apocalymon. Kamen Rider Courage beat him and his lesser generals and saved the world! 
Except… He lost something in return for his heroic acts: the life of a precious person to him. What, no! She’s not dead! But she… she changed drastically because of those critters that Kamen Rider Courage… Disappeared after his last fight. 
Daisuke was in middle school when this all happened. He and his group of friends – Rui, Ken, Miyako, Iori, Wallace, Takeru and Hikari – had no memories of those though. Once our protag graduated from High School, he tried every job he could take in order to gather enough money to open his ramen shop – his life’s goal. And, well. This was the only job he got… All the rest didn’t call him back (alas)
As to how he got the friggin Seed… No one knows. The Seed is data, not something real. It’s data inserted into the human body, like the USB ports in Double/W. Rumors are that those with them were infected by Apocalymon in his last fight against the previous Kamen Rider.
One day he was just doing his (boring) job when he heard a cry. He saw one of those digimon trying to escape from the lab. This digimon, however, was Chibimon, who was looking for a new candidate to be a Kamen Rider and stop the evil guys from taking control over the world. Daisuke knew if that critter just escapes in his shift he would just get in trouble, so he tried to catch it. They were for hours playing the cat and rat game until the boy managed to grab Chibimon… Except he couldn’t put it inside the cage again. Chibimon knew this kiddo meant no harm and was just doing a bad thing. So, the digimon explained everything and told him his ‘job’ was actually harming both digimon and humankind.
He only signed up there out of options, and they didn’t give him details as for why they had to capture the digimon. He expected it to be some sort of… veterinary-like lab? This gave him a headache, but he believed in that digimon. Chibimon then asked why he would wear those clothes if this were a vet lab. That was indeed a good question, he thought. In order to help Chibimon to escape, he put the digimon inside his backpack.
Once they were out of the lab, and safe at Daisuke’s home… First, Chibimon was seeing Daisuke out of that getup so he felt even more sure that that human wasn’t a bad guy. Then, Chibimon asked him if he didn’t want to become a Kamen Rider. Daisuke mentions that he heard of that name before… But he couldn’t do that, right? Now that he knew he was doing something horrible to those critters… Chibimon’s answer is that he should do it in order to repent for those actions, which totally made Daisuke feel it was the right thing to do.
Thus, Chibimon and Daisuke formed a bond, and the boy got a D-3 key and D-3 Driver. Chibimon was entrusting him with his power, the power of Lighdramon (yes, Chibimon was not even in his original form) so he could transform into a Kamen Rider.
Thus, Kamen Rider Lightnimon was born.
(no coloring this time because i got overwhelmed by it lol)
i know the D-3 does not look like a D-3 but... that's the intent. it's not supposed to look exactly like in the canon verse.
i also know the doodle for the encounter with Chibimon there has him unmasked but... you wouldn't be able to see him feeling sad for it if it were drawn 😔
he uses the shades from Kizuna/02TB (because i love them) in this AU. No goggles. As a kid he had no goggles either.
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kit-williams · 8 months
You know my Name
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tw: Stalking, Obsession, manipulation, theft, Yandere Alpha Legion, male yandere
Everything was falling apart around her as it felt like as soon as she punched in those letters... Omegon. Then everything was like water draining from a tub. Zookeeper or now Alpharius or Alphy as she was calling him now had been giving her nonstop instructions on where she was to go. She panted as there was a blockage with the throngs of people.
Vixen: Alphy! I can't move any further
Alpharius: There's a manhole in the alleyway to your left go down it. NOW
She was left scrambling as suddenly there was nothing but screaming as she ran and forced the manhole opened and jumpped down in as she ignored the shaking of the world around her.
Vixen: I'm going to DIE
Alpharius: Relax Vixen I'm not going to let you die
Alpharius: Please trust me
Alpharius: I know sweetheart just please trust me
She continued to run not realizing that there was no more messages from Alphy. And soon her mask was ringing and of course it forcibly answered.
"Please tell me you're not dead." Her stalker said with worry in his voice.
"I'm not." She replied as she followed the throng of sewer rats and other low lifes in this maze.
"Oh thank the throne. I need you to stop running Vixen."
"Nope I'm not going-"
"LEFT NOW" He roared into her ear and she obeyed watching some twisted sawblade rush past where she was.
"I DON'T CARE IF THIS IS WHO YOU REALLY ARE ALPHY I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" She couldn't stop the scream in her voice as she felt her legs burn as she ran down the corridor, water and sewage splashing on her legs wetting her pants and getting in her shoes.
"I'm getting you to the lower hive sweetheart. Just hang on. RIGHT." And once again Vixen obeyed that's all she was good for. She wasn't made for this active work it's why the Inquisition was okay that she remained home for the most part. She was just a face behind a screen... a house rat now running with the sewer rats.
"COLLIE!" She shouted seeing the familair ganger.
"DOWN!" Collie shouted and Vixen fell face first on the metal grate as some weapon was rappidly lobbing its pay down the cramped corridor.
Vixen took a moment to look back and saw yellow eye lenses as some Astarte stalked down the sewar corridor. Fear gripped her but Collie seemed to handle it like a champ pulling her to her feet and lobbing a gerenade down there as the two of them ran and jumped.
"SPACE MARINE SPACE MARINE SPACE MARINE!" Vixen screamed into most likely Alphy's ear.
"I know Vixen! I know I'm working on it! Please don't cry it hurts me to hear you cry." He said with a strange emotion in his voice that at the moment Vixen couldn't pin down.
Collie and her slide to a stop as another Space Marine turned the corner just watching them, "Keep moving darling! He's friendly." As she watched the Space Marine look past the two of them and get ready to engage with whatever was following them.
The heavy 'Tha-tunk' of the Space Marine's weapon echo through the winding corridors of the sewers. Vixen felt her whole body shake in fear? adrenaline? She didn't know.
"I wanna go home." She whispers feeling tears fall behind her mask. This wasn't what she was capable of handling.
"Shh Vixen shhh I'll promise to get you home. Please trust me. Do you trust me?"
"No I don't but I have to."
"Good girl." She kept texting Alpharius hoping he would reply but all she could see was that it wasn't even sending but sometimes they would all send but she wouldn't receive anything... nothing was being read.
The trip to the lower hive was thankfully relaxing and once they got there she could take a moment to sit down.
"Alphy... please answer."
"You're too far down Vixen."
"Didn't I hang up on you?" She bitterly snaps back.
"You should know that doesn't work. Are you being a brat?" He asks and Vixen wonders maybe if she ruins the perception he has of her then he'll leave her be.
"What if I am? I didn't ask for you to start following me! I was very happy with Keeper or I guess Alpharius!" She ignores the smug noise he makes... she doesn't want to think that this is his true colors. "Just please if this is actually who you are... just let me know."
The painful seconds tick on by as she is left in the dark. But again it's the unsaid that hurts... but the Inquisition does a lot of weird shit... maybe he has to keep up this creepy persona while on mission and then she'll get her friend back when it's all over. She has no idea who is watching. "I'm sorry for pushing on this... topic." Vixen finally admits.
"I know you are. And I forgive you my little Vixen. I'll want some cute pictures later to make up for it." He practically purred going back to how they've been talking before this .
Vixen: Alphy please
Vixen: Please don't let this guy be you...
Vixen: To answer you... yeah I wouldn't care if you were some dirty old Magos
She sighs as Collie soon shoves something into her hands and it's a avian burger. She smiles softly thinking how Alphy was right... these were yummy.
The peace didn't last long... it wasn't meant to last. She was running again with her stalker breathing in her ear directions as things were blowing up behind her and people were dying. Oh by the throne people were dying in droves.
"Left then an immediate right!" He husked into her ear.
Vixen was good at following directions but she wasn't meant for this bullshit. "When this is over I don't ever wanna do this again!"
"Shhh Vixen I know and don't you worry you're going to be absolutely safe when you make it to me."
She slid to a stop, "Wait where are you taking me!" She screeched over the connection.
"To me unless you want to desperately try to get Keeper to talk to you? Unfortunately he can't and I am THE ONLY THING BETWEEN YOU AND DEATH. DO YOU UNDERSTAND VIXEN?!" He bellowed into her ear. She could practically feel him shake her demanding her obedience and with what was going on...
"I'm... I'm sorry." She whimpered and she heard him sigh.
"Please don't cry. Just I'm trying to protect you... and I can't be out there. I need you to come to me. Please I'll keep you safe and you'll be able to come home." He said. Vixen willingly chose to ignore him telling her to come home... she has a home and it's not here but she continues to follow his directions.
She turned a corner and then her world went sideways as something exploded behind her and she just felt the heat rush over her. Vixen just wanted to lay there.
"VIXEN? REPORT! VIXEN? VIXEN!" She could hear him yell at her but it sounded like it was through cotton. Her tongue didn't want to work as she groaned and laid there. "Vixen? Darling don't worry Goat should be there soon."
Soon was an understatement as she looked blearily up at the pair of hooved legs that slid into view. She looked up at the beastman who grinned down at her. The aquilia tattooed across his chest as well as a regiment number on his stomach it was very obvious that this man was a guard veteran. "Hello Doe! Or is it Vixen?" He brayed as he easily picked her up looking around at the chaos like it was nothing. "Boss was right you're not use to this."
She just muttered something before he hefted her over his shoulders and started to sprint. Vixen was happy that the later half of this wild run was far easier than she had anticipated.
"Thanks for the lift." She muttered.
"You're welcome." The beastman said.
"You're welcome." Her stalker replied at the same time.
She was finally put down in front of a door as Goat brayed with a grin on his face. "Take care little fox woman." He said before patting her head as he walked off.
"Please Vixen come in." He husked into her ear... she could hear the excitement in his voice.
It was another long hallway but (un)lucky for her it was clear what way she was to go. Her heart was beating loudly in her ears as she reached a metal door and pushed it open. She could see space marines looking down at her and she nearly backed up not if she wasn't grabbed by one of them and dragged in. "Take the stairs down and it's the last door. I highly recommend you do not wander."
She walked down the stairs and down the clean corridor as it didn't feel like she was in the underhive anymore. But Vixen felt dread build as she wiped her sweaty hand on her dirty pants before opening the door. She saw a man turned toward her as she could see his yellow eyes appraise her before grinning. What stood out to Vixen was what was on the side of his head... a complex tattoo of a hydra.
She looked around seeing a space marine suit in the corner as this man was indeed a space marine. "Vixen! You made it." He said with excitement in his voice as he got up and embraced her. She tensed for only a moment but relented as she felt safe in his arms. She leaned into the safe haven with a sigh as his fingers played with her hair.
"I made it..." She whispered, "Who are you?" She felt bold enough to ask.
He tipped up her mask as he ran his fingers over her face with a shuttering breath. "I am Alpharius... but this is a lie." He said kissing her when she was shocked but she pushed back.
"What do you mean that's a lie! Keeper?! You're my stalker?" She demanded as he just looked down her amused.
"One and the same but I've already told you my name." He says before he leads her away from the large monitor. He places her on a bed as he pulls her clothes away from her skin. She finally notices how much pain she is in... the way the bruises are a disgusting purple color.
The room was plain but her eyes kept wandering over to where there were pictures of her... some of them before she donned the mask... some of them when she wasn't being Vixen. She could see a few photos where she was kissing someone else and how that other person had a knife hole through them... clearly not a fan of whomever was having her affection.
Her eyes glanced away from the photo and unfortunately landed on a pile in the corner of her clothes. Vixen thankfully was pulled away by pain as she looked down at him applying a bandage to her side. "There we go. Right as rain."
"You said I knew your name... How?"
"Do you really need a hint? You slaved over it for several days and honestly I'm flattered it didn't take you so long to figure it out."
Vixen frowned for a moment before it slipped past her lips, "Omegon?"
He grinned down at her and his eyes seemed to glow slightly as he looked at her with what many would call "bedroom" eyes. For Omegon it sounded like the sweetest creature saying his name so softly. He loved humanity he always had he was there to keep it safe... just as he had been but being the invisible hand gets lonely. He leaned it and took a small kiss from his Vixen trying his best to not hurt her. He had had many Vixens in his life... he pushed his face against her throat letting out a soft sigh of enjoyment.
"When can I go home Omegon?" Vixen asked softly and he looked at his tired little vixen.
"When you feel better I'll take you home. Get some rest." Omegon said softly and sweetly.
And just like every other order Vixen had been given... she still obeyed because she felt safe... she always felt safe with him.
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John’s Enchantress. 
Sabrina is from my 3 witches trilogy series but I just love their playfulness when I write them together in a scene. I think with both of them being fun loving,cheeky and young spirited it would make for a great couple. In this series Sabrina is original to the world, not a time traveler and I made her an only child. Enjoy. 
Seven year old John was out enjoying the fair with his brothers and  sister Ada. They had made it to the river where the Lee, DeGhant and Gold family were bathing horses and camping. 
John was on a mission. He was hiding and trying to get away from his stalker. His brothers were amused and teased him that they should have a wedding by the river. John didn’t think it was funny. They had been camping and selling horses in the fair for two days. One more day to go and he would be free of the annoying five year old blonde gypsy girl. He leaned forward around a Lee caravan. She wasn’t in sight. Good. He stepped out with the confidence of a rooster, to approach his mother who was in a lively discussion with Mrs. Gold about hedgehog stew. He was almost to the safety of his caravan when a shrill little girl voice rang out.
“John Shelby! I found you! Now chase me!” The girl giggled and ran toward the river as fast as she could. She stopped and turned. A pout adorning her face as she stomped. “John Shelby! You're a rat’s bottom.” She stomped off to the laughter of John’s Uncle Charlie and his father. 
“John Shelby!” His mothers usually sweet voice was firm with a warning. John sighed. He could cry. Why wouldn’t this annoying flea leave him alone? They were playing yesterday and he tossed a frog on her lap while she sat on a stump eating stew. The soup went all over her lap and she cried. He’d gotten a cuff against the ear and had to apologize to her and her family. The brat stuck her tongue out at him! He looked at my mother who was waiting for him to obey. He was weighing whether or not a punishment would be better. Once she glared at him he took off running.
“If I catch you, you little river rat, I'm throwing you in and watching you drown.” He yelled as he chased her. She yelped with excitement and took off like a bullet enjoying the fact that she won. 
“John Shelby, mind your manners!” His mother called. It was too late. John was far enough he couldn’t hear.
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Kimber had slammed a file down on the table in front of the Shelbys. Tommy didn’t even look at it. He wanted the Peaky Blinders to assassinate, eradicate was a more appropriate word, a whole band of Gypsys. The Peaky Blinders weren’t assassins. Gangsters, yes, illegal betting shop owners yes,  but murdering women and children wasn’t going to sit well with the gang. Arthur shifted uncomfortably. 
“Since you're all, you know, the same kind of people I figured they wouldn’t see it coming. You can take them out since you know who they are, yeah?” Mr. Kimbers kept his eyes trained on the leader, Thomas. 
Thomas slid the file to his brothers to peruse through while he addressed the other crime leader. 
“Mr Kimber, the DeGhants are not our kin. Gypsy royalty, but not kin.” He said calmly keeping his tone even. The muscle in his jaw twitched and John caught it.  He looked at the folder that Arthur was going through. Half of the DeGhants were already dead due to a miscommunication with the Golds many years ago. A war had taken many of the DeGhant lives already while they were in France. “We are also not assassins.” He said plainly.
John huffed when he saw a picture of a girl he gratefully hadn’t seen in years. Well, she wasn’t a girl anymore. She was a 22 year old woman and John could tell from the photos that she had gotten her grandmother's looks. Willimena DeGhant had been quite a looker back in her day. She also had been a gypsy witch, spy and assassin for her clan. Not someone to cross. Sabrina was the flaxen haired version. John still wondered if she would follow him around anymore, he was sure he wouldn’t be upset with the idea if she did.  
Kimber had looked down to the photo John was holding. He slid it away from John and tilted it so others could see. John's jaw twitched. He hated meeting with the slime ball but why did the letcher have to choose that one of a girl John knew. 
“Oh yeah, that one's quite a beauty isn’t she. Bit of a bitch though.” Kimber said offhandedly and smiled like a greased eel. “I got into an altercation with her grandmother, that little gypsy witch put a curse on my horse. The next day I got a call to come to the stable. I got out of the car and a perfectly normal and healthy horse dropped dead wild eyes at my feet. Fucking waste.” He sneered. His accountant smirked.  John side eye’s his brother Tommy who was looking at him as well. A quick exchange of no words that held what they were both thinking. “ You don’t fuck with the DeGhants”. The DeGhants were an extremely powerful matriarchal line for gypsy witches. Polly always said to avoid them because the spirits were as clear as normal people when around a DeGhant woman. John knew Tommy wouldn’t want a curse on their horses. He wondered what would happen next. 
“Look, the races are in two days. You bring your barmaid, yes.” He said pointing to Grace unknowing that she’d already been invited by Thomas. “You come, fuck with the DeGhants and take out Wilimeana DeGhant, yeah. Good, see you then.” He stood indicating the meeting was over. Once they left all three men drained their whisky. Now it was on to a much harder part of the day that John always dreaded. A Shelby  family meeting.
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“You don’t mess with the DeGhant women Thomas, you know this! No, I vote against this! Absolutely not!” Polly was shouting and glaring at Tommy who looked indifferent. Her curls were bouncing around her fury filled face. The energy from their aunt was heavy and magnetic. John knew Polly and Thomas would go at it after the official family meeting. He knew those two were in charge and would always butt heads to see whos resolve was stronger. John knew Tommy would win. Lately that was the consistent pattern in the family. Tommy won, had a plan and you
carried out the plan like a good soldier. 
“I didn’t say we’d kill her Polly, I didn’t commit to anything really. We could hide Wilimena somewhere until we take Kimber out. That’s my plan. We make it look like we killed her, deliver her family crest, which is a ring from her middle finger to Kimber. He’ll believe us and she’ll hide out in Arrow house until this business with Kimber is done.” He looked at his brothers hoping they would agree. Arthur and John nodded. 
“They kill us in our sleep Thomas! They’ll send spirits in our dreams and we'll wake up in Hell!” Polly's hand slammed the table causing Ada to yelp. It was hot in here and tension was high and hummed in the air. 
“We already wake up in Hell everyday Pol, at least this would be interesting.” John's sarcastic voice turned all eyes upon him. He looked down and fiddled with his toothpick. He meant it. He also hoped that maybe a certain blonde would come to the arrow house too. He’d be happy to share his bed with her. 
“John's right, if we save the DeGhants they’ll be in our debt.” Tommy stopped and glared at Polly who openly scoffed at him. “They’ll be allies, and you and I both know, that an ancient gypsy bloodline is an advantage to our family Polly.”
“Always an angle with you! What happens if they say no Thomas? What then?! A gypsy curse from a powerful line of witches? This family is cursed enough, yes?” Polly's eyes were dark with anger and flashed at Tommy, who was busy kicking at the table cloth. He’d tuned her out already deep in his own plan. 
 I thought about the young woman in the photo and wondered what her role was in her camp. Did she do readings? Was she a horse breeder? Did she like kids and want her own? 
  I was wondering how soft her skin felt and if she’d be a good mother. She wasn’t a scrawny thing at least not from that photo, she might have good child bearing hips. John imagined his callous fingers digging into those hips as she rode him and moaned his name.
“So we're agreed, yeah, The DeGhants need to be contacted quietly at the races and whisked away before Kimber can see them. They stay with us.” Tommys words pulled John out of his dirty thoughts. He probably shouldn’t think of her that way, most gypsy women were fairly chaste
until their wedding, but on the other hand, she was a DeGhant. 
“God, we're going to pay for this. I just know it!” Polly's voice dissipated as she left the dining table and slammed the door. John waited for his family to clear out before sliding the photo of the blonde out and tucking it in his vest. No one would know it was missing.
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stupidstrawberrystars · 11 months
Let’s talk Peter Pettigrew.
Now in many fanfics he’s the betrayer. The one who killed Jily in a car crash or fucked over his friends online, or just messed with the others lives.
Let’s take a moment to consider that Peter was in a war. As a child. He was 21 when he made this decision.
This is a Peter who grew up with James and got replaced in a day by Sirius. A Peter whose own parents and James and Sirius all implied that he was below them, until he started to copy them so they accept him. 
This is a Peter who watched James and Sirius be cruel and mean and awful to anyone who crossed their path that wasn’t exactly like them. 
This is a Peter who got put in Gryffindor by the hat as a hope that the courageous people there would bring out the best in him, and inspire the good.
This is a Peter who was taught to be mean and petty and hate anyone who disagreed with them by those very same Gryffindors. 
A Peter who watched as James and Sirius pretended to accept Remus, but never truly did. A Peter who hated the way James acted around Lily, who hated Sirius’ jealously, who hated how Remus didn’t care enough to stop them.
A Peter who was taught he was luckily for his friends. That he had to be perfect or everyone would leave. Despite being kind to them all, he only ever felt conditional love.
A Peter who grew and resented and then was hit with a final blow. He was made secret keeper. Because no one would ever think Jily would trust their barely friend Peter with this. The person James fucking grew up with would never ever be made their secret keeper. 
And then they suspected Remus. The boy who punched when he was hurt and couldn’t kill a bug and let the girls cry on his shoulder despite not understanding how they felt. A Remus who James and Sirius never fully accepted as a werewolf, not truly, because if they did, the wouldn’t have suspected him as the mole. The Remus that Peter spent all those times he was left out with. Because those two understood that feeling.
A Peter who wasn’t with Remus during the war because Remus was a werewolf. Who went on order missions and spent his other time alone. Who couldn’t bare to be around anyone after they started doubting him.
A Peter who didn’t spend as much time around baby Harry, because James forgot to invite him. A Peter who Lily never liked because she never tried to see him for him. A Peter who didn’t understand what Voldemort was trying to do, but felt the resent and pain and anguish from being alone during the hardest times of the war. 
A Peter who didn’t see the difference between a blood traitor cursing awful scars onto a pureblood for their beliefs, opposed to a pureblood cursing pain onto a blood traitor for their beliefs. “Why is it ok for us to attack them, but not for them to attack us?”
Who gave in to the temptation to not be in danger and to take out all the long lasting anguish he felt. Who didn’t think it through.
A Peter who probably never meant to frame Sirius. Never meant to leave Remus alone. A Peter who saw what he did and panicked. Became the thing he’d first become to help a friend. A friend who he’d just left alone.
A Peter who then had to spend 12 years as a rat. Remembering that this is always what he was supposed to be, this is his animagus form after all. Remembering every “wormtail” joke and every mocking laugh behind his back and then seeing James’ dead face over and over.
This Peter went too far to come back. This Peter fell all the way into Voldemorts hands because he was a bad person now and he hated himself for it. A Peter who deep inside… wanted Sirius and Remus to kill him that day. Who looked into his friends eyes and saw 12 years of Azkaban and 12 years of loneliness.
A Peter who died to his own hand… because truly he died the second he chose to join Voldemorts army, he did this all to himself.
Because it is his fault for betraying them. And then lying for 12 years. For handing a death certificate to a child.
But it isn’t his fault for breaking. For growing up entirely alone. For everyone who hated him before they knew him. Who hated his facade that he only invented to be liked. 
For only ever receiving conditional love.
And in a world without war I wholeheartedly feel Peter Pettigrew wouldn’t be the bitch who outed Sirius to his mother, or the guy who caved to the University bully conveniently named Tom Riddle.
This was a war. This was loneliness. 
(Oh and side note: God forbid JKR ever writing a chubby character as a good fucking person.)
I don’t particularly like canon Peter. I don’t like the decisions he made or the way he didn’t stand up for himself.
But if we’re going to say Sirius and James included him in everything. If we’re going to idealise their world or write a modern au. Peter fucking Pettigrew HAS to at least be insanely screwed over and isolated for him to betray his friend. 
BECAUSE HE WASN’T WEAK! He was never fucking weak. He never caved in fear. He caved in deep fucking hatred. He caved in conditional love and second place trophies and emotional intelligence that was never understood. He wasn’t weak.
He was broken. 
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incompleteth0ts · 4 months
Why can't you be good for something? (Not one shirt off your back)
Day 7 of Hadercy Week: He was the third God I'd met but the first to strike me as Godlike
Chap 1 of ???
Next chapter-->
Charon ratted us out.
I tried my best to fight against the skeletons dragging me towards my doom and possible death, but for a couple of dusty bones, they were stronger than me and wouldn't budge.
I could hear Annabeth cursing at the guards to let us go and Grover whimpering beside her.
The undead staff paid us no mind as they threw open a massive pair of doors before throwing us inside.
That's when I saw him.
Sitting on a throne of human skulls, he was clad, head to toe, in black robes that folded and pooled on his lap and feet.
In the folds of the fabric, I was able to make out the faces of the dead as they tried to escape their eternal punishment.
“So you’ve finally arrived. It took you longer than I had thought it would for you to reach me, but I’m patient Perseus. A little waiting doesn’t bother me.”
Hades was ten feet tall and as pale as bleached bones. He wore a crown of braided gold and blackberry thorns. His hair was shoulder-length and blended in with his robes.
He was the third God I've met but the first to strike me as god-like.
I finally understood why it is that Annabeth and Grover were so scared of these guys.
All across his throne, rodents shrouded in darkness, scurried over his feet. The boulders of the horde would come towards us and nip on our shoes. Even Grover couldn’t handle the haunting rats, kicking at them with his hives and bletting in a panic. If this kept up, he was going to faint.
“What is it, children? Is my home not up to your standards?”
I didn’t need to be a child of Athena to know that if we answered, we were dead meat no matter what we said.
I hated this. I hated my father for putting me in this position, to begin with. I hated Hades, too, but I feared that if I thought about it too hard, he would hear me.
I tried to look at Annabeth for help, but she looked even worse than me. Annabeth has been sheltered all her life. She only came all this way to prove a point.
I tried to think of what I had planned to say to Hades when I got her, but my mind went blank. Every time I looked at him, my heart would seize, forcing me to look away. The only sound in the room was the raspy gasp of souls tied to Hades' robes. Hundreds of desperate souls pleading to be released. I was beginning to feel just like them.
“Where is your moxy child? Is this truly the same boy who killed one of my most loyal followers? A boy without a spine? A boy without his mother?” I watched filled with horror as Hades rose from his throne and descended toward us. The rats and shadows clung to his robes, trailing behind him like Ursula’s tentacles. I tried shoving my body through the army of skeletons, but they were like an impenetrable wall behind me.
“I expected the next Achilles—a brand new Heracles. But I’m sure you expected the same thing from me, nephew,” The word ‘nephew’ slid off his tongue like poison. It must be insulting learning that not just one, but both of your brothers had broken an oath that was supposed to be as sacred as it was life-changing. “I bet you were looking for blue hair—flames that rose to the ceiling, three little ladies lurking in the corner. You would burst through my doors, demanding the freedom of your mother,” Hades' voice was getting louder. Grover's knees were knocking together, and Annabeth’s shorts had gained a dark spot.
“Do you think of yourself as a hero? You are none of those things. I have lived thousands of lifetimes, and I will live a thousand more. And every time, without fail, a young, naive, self-centered brat, like you, comes down here thinking they will be the next savior of Olympus. So tell me, Perseus. Why are you down here?”
My knees gave out from under me. If my arms weren’t in the bruising grip of undead soldiers, I would have hit the floor. I wanted to cry. All my life bullies have tossed me around, my biggest and meanest being Gabe, but at the end of the day, even though Gabe was human, Hades was not. When I didn’t answer, he grabbed me from the group.
He was so fast that I had only noticed when I was suspended in the air.
He similarly gripped me to the way the minotaur handled my mother. The backpack that Ares had given me weighed stubbornly down my back. I don’t remember putting anything sharp in it after leaving the casino, but it felt like the broken end of Clarisse’s spear was exacting its revenge.
“You even dared to enter my domain with the very thing you accused me of stealing, strapped to your back.”
“Please- please. I don’t know what you're talking about. I swear I don’t have-”
“Silence yourself!”
My jaw clamped shut, nearly biting off my tongue. The room buzzed in anticipation, every living and non-living thing waiting for Hades' next move.
“Open your backpack, nephew. Show me what you have brought into my realm.”
I cried in pain as Hades uncaringly threw me at my friend's feet. The scent of fear and piss made it too hard to think.
“Open it.”
I took the backpack off me, and my fingers trembled- fighting for a good grip on one of the pathetic metal zippers.
When I finally managed to pinch one of the zippers, I held my breath as I pulled it to the side.
The air pressure dropped.
I held my breath. The inside of the backpack emitted an electric blue glow. It was radioactive and hurt my eyes. The hair on my arms stood on end. I could hear the skeletal army behind me, rattle. It almost sounded like they were excited about what’s been discovered.
I was too scared to reach inside the backpack; instead, I flipped the entire thing around- shaking it until everything fell out. At the bottom of the pile, glowing as bright as a pine tree in December, was a long cylinder tube, and I mean, this thing was long. It was four feet tall and ribbed like a mini bronze column. The entire thing sparked like a live wire.
Looking at it made me sick to my stomach.
This is why Ares wanted us to keep the backpack.
This was the gift I had been warned about.
“I see. So you truly do take me for a fool.”
“Wait, wait- wait, wait!”
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maryhadalittlehobby · 3 months
Interview with the Vampire S2E7- Liveblog
I could not prevent it
Why are Claudia and Louis not communicating telepathically. He is screaming out to her not even knowing if she is around. He even says he he didnt know if she was alive but surely telepathically would be better but I guess he is panicking
I love the mutual respect Daniel and Louis have built. Louis says I am talking now and Daniel shuts the hell up. AND APOLOGIZES
God Santiago and his blue eyes shadow are SERVING (looks and injustice!)
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Louis says the vampires 'used their collective powers to disorient their minds, their hearing(jaws compressing the skull)' him and Claudia when they tried to speak out. The shaky camera was cool this first time
Claudia looks ok after coming out the rat box is lol, Louis looked more f-ed up
God Madeline is out of it! Sis is on a different planet. What did Santiago do to her?
When I saw their tendons cut in the trailer I started crying, I just knew we were in for it but the trail as a whole wasn't as bloody as I thought it would be
This swelling music introducing Lestat was beautiful. Can't lie it had me smiling
Walk walk fashion baby
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Claudia's withering look and Louis look of pain. My heart
That first look that Lestat gives its almost like a marionette very unnatural
He is looking SNATCHED in that pinstripe suit. But also lets talk about the pinstripe because we know LAST season the costume designer said they used stripes when the characters felt imprisoned
Louis face when Lestat says its a story of LOVE. Lestats wet eyes god these two
The Vampire Sam blocking Armands exit. Armands?! Sam?!? If it were Celeste or any of the others we have seen more ferocious or active in the coven anyone might have bought it but SAM lol
Armand told Louis he was held captive and his punishment was to watch ok Jan
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I LOVE the animations. Lestat doing a entrechat six into the dirt (that ballet knowledge coming in handy!)
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He slept for 100 years saying his only sustenance the ancient blood already inside him. AKASHA??
ugh the look of disdain Lestat gives Santiago for being forced to play long/recite these lines
Be precise in your declarations advocate🤝🏾 we should get ever y detail right
Louis favorite cuss is definitely Fuck lol
I love the irrdecent glint they have added to vampires eyes this season
Eglee scouting her next boyfriend like-oh you put your fist through a skull. Thats hot
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Lestat putting bigots in their place. oh no when the worst person alive says something you agree with meme
Claudia standing up for Louis during the trail<3. Yelling at Santiago earlier to stop hurting him, yelling at the crowd for laughing at him. This girl loved her dad ok.
'Louis was deceptively agile with words" AND?! I support him. I said you start it, Louis is gonna end it. Someone on here said you go low and Louis goes straight to hell and its true! Don't play with him and you wont get your feeling hurt. PERIOD
I loved the vampoire lonliness bit but I hated that CGI tear
Not Santiago doing Claudias accent rearding from her diary. lol BITCH
"You do not know this girl!."She is a stranger and Louis knows how turning a stranger feels like now
The over acting! "THE GREAT LAWS FORBID IT" So clear he was trying to paint himself in a great light but we can be relatively certain that lestat did not say this since both Claudia and Louis repeat that Lestat didn't tell them anything regarding laws or even other vampires existence. There would have been more questions if he did
I DO believed he warned him but not to the extent we see and I'm sure Louis didn't bargin himself like that. How could be?
She asked if I was an Angel.Me? oh my poor Saint Louis
Look at her our beautiful little daughter as he drags her half dead body on the floor. ugh??
What is this look that Armand is giving Louis when he says thats how it happened but I didn't think it at the time. I don't trust him at all. IS THAT HOW IT HAPPENED OR IS IT HOW ARMAND WANTS YOU TO THINK IT HAPPENED TO COMPOUND YOUR GUILT ABOUT HER TURNING?
I hate this?! is it all lies??
Holy crap DREAMSTAT!?
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Louis slightly shakes his head in agreement when Lestat at first we just slammed each other around the town house. Seven years of compromise, denail it all gave way...The reached a tipping point they drove each other crazy. I can see it happening like Lestat decribes maybe not over the top villain vibes but definitely getting ugly like that. And like someone mentioned in the short chat I was in earlier- Louis is capable of making good on those threats. Look what happened with the alderman, the guy in the cruising park.
I can't believe the fall was not explained away or a mistaken memory like i thought and was absolutely not worthy of forgiveness...but i guess maybe in a fucked up way Louis thought it was penance for withholding admittance of his love even as Lestat begged him in the sky
The apolgy was a little melodramatic and had me thinking it might be in the script but Daniel said it was not on the page, Maybe Sam couldn't rein it in at that moment lol
How fucking sad Claudia's trail isn't even about her. The talks to both Louis and Lestat at multiple points and they don't or barely acknowledge her. Truly a pawn in their fucked up romance
Lestat looked physically sick when Claudia and Louis were pleading to him. You gonna accept my apology. Is this your big revenge. If he could I think he would have stopped it but I think the vamps were controlling him in a way( like they were doing with Claudia and Louis OR its the Sophies choice everyone is quoting. Its Louis or Claudia and he is choosing Louis
Mr I could not prevent it looking around the trail crowd pleased curiosity
I am so happy to proven wrong and Madeline choose Claudia.I was thinking that it might be another bombshell it would be revealed that she was only interested in vampirism. Finally she is 1st
Madeline flipping off the jury. Good girl
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Claudia cursing the audience in her final moments on earth. yes girl!
I feel like the look shared between Claudia and Lestat right after was you liked that and his response look was that was quite good.
Oh how I hoped Lestat would at least try to save her..break script again but he almost looks immobilzed-again the vamps?
Claudia's death was horrid with better effects that Louis burn away earlier in the season.Ugh
How fuckin disrespectful they leave their ashes on stage like that. THEY HAVE TO SCATTER THEM!
Wow I can't believe I survived episode 7 with out crying. Definitely some close calls but I didn't.It was unexpectedly funny and Claudia going out like a G! helped a lot. Amazing episode.
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irlkdj · 2 years
I’d like to start with Kim Dokja. From the very beginning of the novel, he made the claim that it was easier to be alone. That is was “comfortable.” Despite this proclamation, he lays his life down time and time again for his companions. He /chooses/ a harder path: a path of love, a path that he was never shown personally.
"I really don't understand it. Why are you helping me, Hyunsung hyung and the noonas? If you are alone... you would be able to survive better."
He could calmly speak such words before his death. Maybe this kid's mind was already dead.
"Yes, you are right." Another ground rat fell to the ground with its head cut off. "It is comfortable to live alone, eat alone and survive alone. But..."
The “But..” really takes me out because he’s saying it is easier. But I don’t want easy. I want you. I want all the problems that come with saving you. I want to die for you. I want to be with you until the end of this.
He makes the conscious choice to protect his companions, shielding them best he can from the dangers of the scenarios, even if it comes at the cost of his own life. He doesn’t ever consider the unhealable wounds his companions are left with when he sacrifices himself. I think this is him attempting to protect people the way he yearned to be protected. I see this especially with Shin Yoosung, Lee Gilyoung, and Lee Jihye. 
“I saw the party members screaming in despair.
[ Why are you trying to save them? You can see the ending even if you live alone. ]
‘The ending is only meaningful if they are there.’”
“It was all planned and ahjussi used us for your purpose. Let's say we are characters of that damn Ways of Survival and everything is set!" Lee Jihye was crying, watching me while biting her pallid lips. ‘Then… why did you throw your life away for us so many times?’”
“Answer me! If we are really characters in a fictional novel, why did you die for us over and over?”
“Tell me that I did good until now – whether I made the wrong choices or not, whether I would get to see the desired conclusion when I reach the end of this story or not.”
“Kim Dokja's salvation was cruel. Like rescuing a drowning person with a blade, those saved by him were inflicted an unhealable wound.”
Now I’d like to talk about Han Sooyoung. The woman who made the conscious choice to save that boy who thought he couldn’t be saved. I want to remind you, Kim Dokja isn’t anyone extraordinary. Which is why Han Sooyoung’s love for him is so.. special. At the end of the day, Kim Dokja was just a kid struggling with abuse and the arrest of his mother. A kid who liked to read. A lot of Kim Dokja’s story is about learning that it’s actually /okay/ to let people care about you. It’s not selfish to want people to love you, or to yearn for a family. To wish you could’ve had more than you did. Han Sooyoung gave up every single one of her nights and slept her days away to write for him. To most, Kim Dokja was just a lousy employee, a quiet guy who wasted his days away on his phone. But to Han Sooyoung, that man was worth destroying the entire world for. She made the /choice/ to save him. Her actions prove that you don’t need to be amazing to be worth saving. You don’t need to be the “main character,” and you don’t need to sacrifice yourself to be worthy of the care others so desperately want to give you. Sometimes, people just genuinely love you. Even when it feels impossible, or as if we are undeserving. Han Sooyoung making that decision. The decision to save Kim Dokja, to /love/ him. I think that’s one of the most powerful things we can do as human beings. To choose to be there for someone. To choose to show up every day. To /choose/ to do things that hurt because we want to ensure the wellbeing and happiness of another. Han Sooyoung would do it all over again. She wouldn’t take a moment back. 
This brings me to YooHan—something we need to talk about more. Han Sooyoung essentially crafted Yoo Joonghyuk, looked at him and said: I am going to destroy your life to save someone. And Yoo Joonghyuk said: okay, I will let you destroy me. I will watch my world fall to pieces over and over again. I will suffer. I will be put through agony. I will question why any of this is happening to me. I will struggle every day with the meaning of my miserable life. And I will carry this burden with you. Han Sooyoung and Yoo Joonghyuk did everything they could to save that lonely Kim Dokja. I often think about secretive plotter when he found out about Oldest Dream. When he was exposed to the reality of his agony, when his tormentor was finally revealed. But when he set his eyes upon that sad, pathetic, lonely little boy crying and repeating “I am Yoo Joonghyuk,” it was all.. okay. His story had saved someone. Secretive plotter who has been drowning in an eternal misery was almost.. content. And Kim Dokj was confused by his reaction. He couldn’t comprehend why Secretive Plotter wasn’t lashing out at Oldest Dream as Dokja had tried to do. This couldn’t possible be the ending he wanted, right? How could he be okay with this. He should kill that monster. That /monster/. He should end his miserable life for all the torment he put him through. That monster.. is me. I am a monster. Who could love us. Who /would/ love something so vile and useless. Who would possibly care about the well being of me. 
Yes. Han Sooyoung created Yoo Joonghyuk. And much of his story is about his sense of agency, struggling between the lines of what was written for him, and the choices he made based off his own free will. And while Yoo Joonghyuk was written /for/ Kim Dokja, Han Sooyoung never wrote that he would /love/ Kim Dokja. Again, he made a conscious decision. He made the conscious choice to love that man. Yoo Joonghyuk always felt as though things were out of his control, like his actions were not his own—a puppet, just as Secretive Plotter described him. But he /did/ make his own choices. He loved his companions. He loved Han Sooyoung. He loved Kim Dokja.
Han Sooyoung /chose/ to write that story. Kim Dokja /chose/ to read it. And to some extent, Yoo Joonghyuk /chose/ to live it. 
I think orv has a lot of themes. But at its core I really do believe it’s about learning that even when we feel like the worst person, the most horrible, disgusting, and unlovable monster on planet earth, someone out there will choose to love you. Again, I say choose intentionally here. To choose to remember the things someone loves. To choose to be there when they need you. To /choose/ to shoulder their burdens despite your own which you are already carrying. Someone out there wants you to exist. Someone out there wants you to live. Orv teaches its readers that if we are all a little patient, maybe someday someone will choose to love you. Someone will decide that yes, you are worth moving Heaven and Hell for. I love you, despite your issues. I choose to love you because you can’t love yourself. I will show you how much I love you when words can’t express it. One day, I hope someone writes a story for you. And I hope that one day, you will no longer be lonely. And finally, understand what it feels like to be loved. 
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cyberrgirlsblog · 10 months
candle ligth part 3
sorry for the LONG ASS wait like fr, idk how many ppl read this but yea . the hole thing ive written is dead ass like 29,000 words or some shit like that, i got carried away.
Part 3
(TW) cussing, mentions how a dead body looks
Not beta read!!!!!!!
1929, 3 weeks before the planned assassination. And 7 weeks since (y/n) and duke last saw eachother
“What the fuck” I said looking down at the front steps of my house, my hand covering my mouth in shock and horror. I look down to find the body of a dead boy in front of my door.
“First day living in small heith and this is the shit that happens I mean like the fuck. I don't know who sent that and who that person was but that's fucked up man.” I said my voice breaking while paseing around my room, my hands shaking. Ash was sitting on my bed listening to me tentatively. Fez would've been here if it wasn't for him going to visit his girlfriend Lexi in the USA for the week. Even though I was talking about this like it was an everyday occurrence it still shook me to my core. It was unnerving.
“You think it's got something with us working more closely with the peaky,” Ash said, looking at me. I called him as soon as it happened along with Tommy but his maid picked up saying he was out but she would let him know when he came back. I looked at Ash and nodded.
“Maybe, I mean it's the most probable option. But we still got a body to deal with. I mean if we call the cops what the hell do we do about this shit." I said while I paced around my room. As the old boards creaked under my feet.
“If we call the fucking cops Fez will kill us Don't be a dumb ass. Look, we take the body and put it in an incinerator. Pay the workers to keep their mouths shut and we'll see what happens.” Ash said before lighting a cigarette. He offered me one but I declined.
“Yea but should we figure out who the dude is? I mean I'm already in enough shit with fez. Dude barely even lets me leave the house without someone he knows coming with me.” I said sitting down next to Ash, letting my head fall back into the wall, and sighing. 
—-----------3rd person pov
Since you went to the carnival fez has been more on edge about trusting you. Thinking back on it you should have asked Ada to be an alibi for you if Fez ever called her about your where abouts. She told him she was at her house and didn't even know about a carnival happening. Fez was pissed when he found out that you had lied to him. But you also hated how there was a double standard when it came to you and Ash. He could go out for hours and not even come home for days and Fez is rarely ever worried but if you leave and don't come home before night time all of a sudden you have Fez and his friends looking for you. You hated how he acted but a small part of you understood why.
When you were 11 you and Ash went to the bank to withdraw the money your grandma had not yet withdrawn. You and Ash got separated, Ash came home crying telling Fez how someone had grabbed you and taken you away. The man was someone who worked with Mouse and your older brother hadn't paid the fair amount that he was supposed to for some of the product that was bought from Mouse.
Mouse took you and locked you up in a room in some house that looked like it was a personal haven for rats to stay in. It wasn't till a couple of hours later that a bag was put over your head and you were retired back to Fez, Ash, and your grandma.
Ever since then, Fez has been paranoid about you, and it would be a lie to say those events haven't affected you in any way. 
That is one of the reasons you asked Ash to teach you how to fight and started to carry a gun at all times.
(y/n) looks over at ash ‘’ you think that it could be-’’
“No, if it is im gonna kill him the second I see him or his friend and anyways we stopped doing business with him for almost a year,” Ash said while looking at the wall in front of him. 
“Ash, this is something he would do. It's fucked up but it's true you and I both know that,’’ she said looking over at Ash. 
His eyebrows creased and he clenched his fits. Memories going back to the day he saw you, his sister snatched up by some guy and he couldn't do anything to stop it from happening. He knew he wouldn't let anything like that happen again to you.
“Ash you know it's not gonna happen again right? I won't let it happen, you won't let it happen, shit fez will make sure it doesn't happen,” she said turning her head to face the door of the room.
“And anyways it could just have something to do with Tommy or some shit. And maybe I'm just being delusional by saying that other shit. But hey I got this if it ever comes down to it” (y/n) said before lifting her coat jacket revealing the holster that held her gun.
Ash looked down at her gun before looking up and slowly nodding his head. They had an understanding of each other that only siblings could have. Suddenly there was a knock on the door downstairs.
Ash and (Y/n)  look at each other before getting up from the bed and going downstairs.
(y/n) heart started beating faster than normal, her hands felt clammy and she could feel a cold sweat. Ash was the same, once they got downstairs they got to the door. Ash reach for his gun while (y/n) opened the door.
The knocking happened again this time harder and louder. (Y/n) and Ash held their breath before (y/n) slowly twisted the doorknob
“Fuck Pol you scared the shit out of us,” she said before letting out a breath of relief and opening the door just enough for her to get in. 
“I got a call about what happened from Tommy's maid,” she said while looking at us her eyes glazing around.
—------------------1st person
“Weres your brother,” she said, I and Ash looked at each other. We were looking into each other's eyes for a quick second before answering.
“He's in the U.S.’’ I said looking at Pol. 
“Anyway come we put the body in the kitchen. It's i really brutal sight.” I said before I and Ash started walking towards the kitchen with Pol right behind us. Once we got there I heard Pol breathe in a quick breath. 
The man's body was anything but pretty half of his face was disfigured and his arm was bent in an unnatural position. His clothes were ragged and slightly burnt. Blood had dried on his head from where his head wound was.
“I-i think I may know who that is,” Pol said before taking a shaky step back. 
“Pol who is it, we need to know please,” I said looking at her while scratching the skin on my arm almost to the point of drawing blood until ash stopped me from going any further.
“He was a boy who worked for the peaky blinders about the same age as Finn. We need to call the family. Do you guys have a phone.’’ she asked while looking back at the boy's body. I pointed at the phone on the table stand and she went to make a call.
—------------------- 3 hrs later, 2nd person
I sat on the couch in the living room staring at the radio as it played static. Pure static is all I could listen to, it helped clear my mind and fuzz it out better than the other channels did. All you could think about was the boy who was just at the kitchen table. His name was Jimmy walsh he was 16 years old and his family had moved from Ireland to the Uk. he was working with the Peakys to help his family earn money. His body wasn't supposed to be at your doorstep, it was supposed to be at the betting shop's doorstep.
I wondered if he had any friends and if he wanted to go to school once his family had made enough money. If he had a lover, if he had any siblings, and how many he had. When thinking about him though you couldn't help but have your mind go to Duke. it had been a while since you had seen him.
Was he alive, was he well? Did he still work at the fairground or did he get a new job? As these questions plagued your mind. My leg started to shake and the tapping from my foot started to get louder and louder. 
A hand was laid on my shoulder causing me to jump my heart stopping for a second before looking at the person who had done that. When I looked I expected to see ash but instead, I saw Polly.
“Jesus Pol you scared me,” you said while covering your face with your hands. 
“I'm sorry (Y/n) wasn't my intention but I just want to check on you. I tried to find your brother but I think he went to the pub.” she while removing my hand from my face and wiping away the tears from my face which I had failed to notice.
I looked at her in the eyes while trying to form words but all that came out were sobs painful sobs of everything that had built up in for the past years. Pol lay my head on her shoulder and hugged me with one hand on my head and the other on my upper back.
“N-no I not” I let out in shaky breaths that were uneven and tears streaming down my face.
“Ssh try to catch your breath.” pol said while rubbing my back.
“He was j-just a kid. A bit older than me a-and ash. He had a family that loved him and he's gone. It's all so fucked up Pol.” I said while burying my face in her shoulder even more.
“It is, it is, he was an innocent boy who was killed. You shouldn't have seen that and he shouldn't have died.” Polly said while running her hand up and down my hair.
We just sat there for what felt like forever. I wanted to ask who she thought had done it. I wanted to ask if I could do anything to help but in the end, I knew it would all be futile. From what Fez told me, peaky business was peaky business and not to ask questions. Don't get our family deeper than we already are. 
After a while, Polly withdrew from the hug. She looked me in the eyes and wiped the remaining tears from my face and gave me a smile I could only imagine a mother could give her daughter.
“How about this? You stay at my house for tonight and your brother can as well. I dont want you or your brother to stay here alone for now,” she said
“Pol it's fine we can handle ourselves. You already have a lot on your plate. I don't want to burden you anymore,” I said with an unsure voice. 
“Nonsense your welcome at my home anytime you like.” she said looking in my eyes before heading toward the front door.
“Well come on we're going to find your brother,” she said again, she opened the door and stepped outside, holding the door for me while I followed.
“He is probably at the garrison getting shit-faced or something,” i said walking next her while looking around slightly chuckling.
“Well we will see, how about this tomorrow you and me and maybe ash will go out for the day.” she says trying to lighten the mood, i look at her a laugh slightly.
“Sure why not but are you sure I mean me and ash were sorting things out at the house since we just got it we don't really have money to by-,” I say but am quickly cut off by pol
“Nonsense I will pay for anything you or your brother need okay,” she says while looking at me kindly. We walk through the street towards the garrison. It is musty and complex to breathe but it is what I have become slightly used to when it comes to Birmingham. The buildings are coated by years of smoke and children play in coal piles. If you look close enough you might mistake the falling ash for snow on Christmas day.
As (Y/n) and Polly continued walking towards the garrison, they passed by familiar faces in the neighborhood. Some nodded in acknowledgment while others gave them suspicious glances.it seemed Living in Small Heath, one could never be too sure who was a friend and who was an enemy. They finally reached the garrison, a place where many of the Shelby family members and their associates gathered. Inside, the atmosphere was thick with smoke and the smell of whiskey.
 Polly's eyes scanned the room, searching for Ash, but he wasn't among the crowd. “Guess he's not here,” (Y/n) said, feeling slightly disappointed. Polly nodded, “Well, let's give him some more time. In the meantime, why don't we sit down and have a drink?” 
she suggested, gesturing towards an empty table in the corner. They sat down, and Polly signaled for a drink. The bartender quickly poured them a couple of glasses of whiskey. (Y/n) took a sip, feeling the warmth of the liquid spread through her body. It was a welcome distraction from the chaos of the day. As they chatted and waited for Tommy, (Y/n) couldn't help but admire Polly's strength. Despite the loss of her own children and all the hardships she'd faced, Polly remained resilient and fiercely protective of those she cared about.
 Soon, Tommy arrived at the garrison, looking troubled. His eyes met (Y/n)'s, and he gave her a small smile, a rare thing to see from him unless you were his childre, family or lover. He then turned to Polly and greeted her with a hug. “I heard about what happened at your place,” Tommy said in a low voice. Polly nodded, “Yes, it's a terrible situation. We're going to need to be cautious and keep an eye on things. (Y/n) and Ash needs protection.” “I'll make sure they have it,” Tommy replied, his expression stern.
“It's fine we can protect ourselves besides I think it was targeted at you guys more than it was at me, Ash or Fez,” i say while looking down slightly to scared to look them in the eyes as i could feel the gazes on me
 “But we need to find out who did this and why. This was clearly about sending a message that and we won't be pushed around.” As they discussed their next steps, (Y/n) felt a mix of fear and determination. She knew she had to protect herself and her brother, but she also wanted justice for Jimmy's death. She couldn't bear the thought of another innocent life being lost because of the dangerous world they were caught up in. 
Later Ash walked into the garrison looking around (y/n) caught her brother's eyes and waved him over to where she, Pol and Tommy were sitting, she ordered some drinks for everyone and continued to listen to Pol and Tommy talk. 
The night wore on, and they continued to strategize, knowing that they had to be cautious in their every move. By the time they left the garrison, it was already late, and the streets of Small Heath were dimly lit. “Come with me,” Polly said to (Y/n) and Ash as they walked towards her house. “You'll stay with me for the night, and we'll figure out a plan together.”
 (Y/n) nodded, feeling grateful for the support she was receiving from Polly and Tommy. Even though they were just business associates; they were treating her and Ash with more kindes than she thought they were owed but she felt happy at the same time, she was happy to have her brother with her as well and in the dangerous world they lived in, family meant everything. As they reached Polly's house, (Y/n) felt a mix of emotions. The events of the day had been overwhelming, and in her mind, the weight of the world seemed to rest on her shoulders. 
By the time they got to pols house (y/n) felt exhausted and was slightly using ash as a walking support. Pol lead them up to the room they would sleep in it was spacious, there were two twin-sized beds with a desk put in between the 2 beds. A window looking outside that let the moonlight shine through and 2 closets on either sides of the beds
1st person 
“Well I hope this is alright with you 2 i'll see you in the morning,” she said before leaving the room and closing the door. Me and ash having taken off our shoes once we originally got in the house walked to the different closets silently and got in them to change our clothes for the night, we brush our teeth and did whatever either of us usually did for our night routine 
A moment passed by with neither of them saying anything until Ash decided to speak.
“You think this is a sign,” Ash said looking up at the ceiling, I looked over at him 
“What do you mean,” I ask confused, Ash turns his head to look at me
“Maybe we should've stayed in the US and never left, maybe things would be better.” Ash said before looking back up at the ceiling.
“I don't think anywhere would be better for us ash, I mean the shit our family is involved with, no matter how far we run I don't think we'll ever be able to run away from what's coming,” I said while looking at Ash. he looked over at me with a gaze I knew all to well a gaze I had given him many times before when I felt helpless or confused. 
“Whatever it is i'll make sure it doesn't hurt you Fez or grandma, ok ash, family above everything,” I said smiling at him.
“Oh also (y/n) when you went to that carnival who were you really with.” Ash said, his eyes filled with curiosity and mischive. 
“Uhh… don't snitch to fez but it was a guy named Duke he worked at the circus but I haven't talked to him or seen him for a while and I have no way of contacting him, he was a cool dude thought i'd like to get to know him more,” I said, I could feel myself start to feel slightly happy at the thought of seeing him again 
“Yeah, I bet you would like to get to know him better hmm,” Ash said jokingly, I shook my head with disgust
“Ew Ash what the fuck I barely know him, don't say shit like that.” I said covering my face in emmbarsesment and rolling over in my bed. I could hear Ash laugh, so I took one of the pillows and threw it at him, I could hear a tiny ow before he shut up. 
“Night ash,” I said to him before closing my eyes. “Night,” he said back to me 
As I closed my eyes my mind drifted back to Duke. I wondered where he was, he hadn't ever left my mind ever since the day I first met him, there seemed to be a lot about him. I wanted to know he was very quiet about his life. Which could only make me wonder about him. I missed him oddly enough, I missed him like I missed Rue or Maddie. They were like family to me, I only hoped they were ok. 
Same night Dukes pov
 Duke let out a sneeze as he sat in the dimly lit circus tent filled with the scent of sawdust and anticipation as the performers prepared for their acts. Among them, Duke Shelby couldn't help but feel a weird peculiar tingling in his chest, and it wasn't because of the show. It had been quite some time since he last saw (y/n), the girl he had met outside the circus grounds months ago.  As he brushed down the sleek black coat of a circus horse, Duke's thoughts kept wandering back to that fateful encounter.
 He remembered how he had stumbled upon (y/n) while she was walking to small heath. She asked if he could help her get there on his horse-drawn carriage to her intended destination, with the promise of payment. he was curios by her demeanor, how she would space out, how she would ramble without thought but stop before she revealed too much, she interested him even in his usually reserved demeanor. 
He had invited her to come to the circus while it was in town, hoping to talk to her more. It was an impulsive decision, driven by a desire to know her better and, perhaps, to impress her.  But things didn't go as he had hoped. (y/n) seemed to enjoy the circus initially, her eyes shining with wonder at the daring acrobatics and mesmerizing performances. Yet, after a little while, she excused herself and left, offering only vague reasons for her sudden departure.
  He went about his duties that night, trying to focus on the work he had to do. Yet, behind the straight seemingly bored face, his mind kept wandering back to (y/n). He wondered where she was, what she was doing, and if she ever thought about him.
  Duke thought it was dumb of him to think of someone he barely knew, someone who probably didn't remember him. Perhaps she already had forgotten about him, just like he should forget about her. Duke felt a sense of longing mixed with apprehension and anger. He couldn't shake off the thought that he wanted to see (y/n) again, to talk to her, to understand more about her, if anything. But for now, he could only hope that fate would bring them together again and that maybe, just maybe, the thoughts he had would not remain unknown forever.
The horse neighed slightly as he brushed its black coat of hair. He had always liked horses so he had no problem taking care of one for the fairground. He hadn't seen Esme in a while and still thought back to her reaction at your name almost like she new who you were or knew of you.
“Duke how's the horse coming along?” yelled Dukes boss, he turned away from the horse to spare a glance at his boss
“She's almost done.” Duke mumbled out before looking back at the horse and continued to brush her. He felt a tap on the shoulder and turned around as his boss placed his payment for the week in his hand,  2 pounds.
“Next fair will be by small heath in a week after this one, you'll get your full payment tomorrow.” said the boss before turning around and leaving the makeshift stable/tent. 
“Mhm, good to know.” Duke said lazily while he continued to brush the horse, by this point he hoped his boss was leaving. The whole reason he chose to take care of the horses was because he got to be away from people. They pissed him off. He likes horses better than most people anyways.
He felt intrigued by the idea of returning to small heath, mainly because it might give him the opportunity to see you again and have more conversations with you. The memory of your address crossed his mind, making him contemplate the possibility of visiting to check if you were around. Despite acknowledging that it might come across as creepy, he couldn't help but entertain the thought.
He finished brushing the horse and put everything away, he started walking to his caravan as he did he heard the sound of cars leaving and people talking. It was loud and annoying, underwhelming almost, soon he heard footsteps behind 
“Did you hear about that boy found dead” said a boy behind duke seemingly talking to his friends, duke started walking slower to hear the conversation going on behind him
“Oh yea it was dead kid found on somebody's doorstep right?’’ said the other boy
“Yea and apparently the peaky's got something to do with it, I heard polly gray went to the house he found there were two people there, a boy and a girl maybe 14 or 15. I think they work for the peakys or maybe they killed the boy.” said the other boy, by the time they started talking more about what had happened they had walked past Duke.
He watched them as they walked past him the last thing he could hear was that apparently the body was found in small heath birmingham. He shrugged and continued to walk to his caravan.
He got in and laid on his bedspread. He stared at the ceiling unmoving, he stared at the cracks in the wood and listened to the wind blow through the tents and nearby trees. He wondered if he would ever have more to life than being a fairground worker.
He wanted to travel the mountains, all of them, here in Britain and maybe the rest of the world. As he closed his eyes his mind went to you and wondered how you were doing. Soon he let the embrace of sleep take him to a quiet darkness as the candle light danced on the walls.
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dottie-writes-tmnt · 3 months
Universal Struggle
This is part 7 of my fic A New Kind of Familiar. Tags and other chapters can be found here!
Some people just want things their way. Others are struggling to get by. And some are so used to fighting that it seems that is all they can do.
Cw for discussions of suicide, and ofc 12!Leo being an asshole over it. Ruby also has a panic attack
When Donnie opened his eyes and saw the roof of the lair, he wanted to fucking cry. He ached in different places and there was a heart monitor beeping. He felt tears gathering in his eyes and he whined, squeezing his eyes shut. And then he heard the voice of Splinter Jr. Great.
“Why the fuck did you do that? You think you can just screw up like that and then, what, kill yourself so you don’t have to fix it?!”
He didn’t even consider answering. Maybe if he didn’t say anything, Leo would leave.
“Or maybe you did this all on purpose. You got Raph out of the way so the attention would all be on you, and then when you decided you didn’t like the type of attention you were getting, you pulled this stunt so someone would find you and then everyone would baby—“
“You think I did this for attention?” he asked, voice quiet as he sat up and turned to watch Leo pace towards him.
“Yes, either that or you’re just purely selfish.”
“You are a fucking imbecile. Leo, I did not plan to fucking live. By the time you were supposed to come try to harass the portal machine into working, I would’ve been dead. So I guess Mikey found me?”
“So you were being fucking selfish! You don’t get to leave and run away from this! You made our brother disappear, and now you have to get him back!”
“I DON’T KNOW HOW!!” he yelled. “You guys always put everything on me! I know this was my fault, but I don’t know everything! Why doesn’t the perfect leader try his hand at it? I hate all of you! I don’t fucking care what you want, Leo, when all I am to you is a fucking machine! And that’s still what I am! Now Raph’s gone and Splinter Junior’s lost his way again!”
“You fucking—“
“Stop it!”
They both turned to the door to see Mikey crying. The turtle sniffed, looking between them before walking closer.
“I-I…um…I-if you fight, Donnie won’t get better as quickly, Leo.”
The blue coded turtle simply gave Donnie a glare.
“Don’t try that again.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it. Waking up to your face after a failed attempt is not something I want to repeat,” he muttered.
“At least my face didn’t drive my crush away from me,” the eldest called over his shoulder, the doors shutting. Donnie, honestly, didn’t care about that comment.
He was truly being selfish with the whole thing, wasn’t he? He just… No matter whether he deserved to live or not, he supposed that he had to get Raph back. He had to do that much, since he was the reason his brother was gone in the first place.
Leo reached after him, wailing about the greater good, while Ruby grinned evilly. In his hands was a Jupiter Jim comic, and the slider was begging him to give it back. Ruby, of course, was going to steal it away for himself.
“Fine, I will return your comic, if! You admit that Chrome Dome is superior!”
The slider groaned. “Keep it!”
He cackled, walking away with the comic. Ruby didn’t know what he expected when he saw the big lights on in his room even though he never turned the big lights on, but it was not to see this world’s Splinter standing there.
Immediately, he straightened up, leftover smile gone from his face and shaky hands hidden behind his back.
“Why are you in my room?”
The rat looked at him, expression unreadable, expression unreadable.
“I wish to speak to you, Raphael.”
“About what?” He shoved down the swirling emotions growing in his chest. Now was not the time.
“I wish to know why you avoid me. Is it something I have done or is it something your own version of myself has—“
“My Splinter’s fucking dead,” he interrupted, hoping that was enough to get the mutant off his back.
It wasn’t. The other went on to say he was sorry for Ruby’s loss then started talking about some other bullcrap that he wasn’t listening to, only tuning in when a phrase exited the other’s mouth.
“—my son, and—“
“I am not your fucking kid,” he growled, glaring. “And you don’t care about me. You’re only pretending to because your kids like me.”
“That is not true! Any version of Raphael is a son of mine, and I am not pretending. I worry for you, my son,” the other said, and he started to speak again, the rat cutting him off. “You are so angry all the time, and you become destructive. You yell, you break things, you hurt others. It is like you become a whole new person. Something evil takes hold. Clearly there is something wrong and I simply wish to—“
“SHUT THE FUCK UP,” he yelled before he could stop himself, the hurt swirling in his gut turning into some something else. “You do not get to say things about me, you fucking sick bastard! You’re a fucking dick, and I want you out of my room, now. I don’t know what you—“
“I am only trying to—“
“Stop cutting me off, you—!”
“Do not—!”
He lost control.
It was only for a second. He screamed, winding back to punch the rat, but he stopped. His breathing shortened. Then he heard the footsteps of the others running and he couldn’t think. He couldn’t breathe. There were voices around him, muffled and concerned, and his panic grew, his ears ringing.
He was still the same asshole he always had been, and being here didn’t change that. A voice came too close and he punched on pure reflex, vision clearing enough to see the slider back away and make a little noise of surprise. Now all eyes were on him. And, his fear decided for him as it transformed, it was time to put on a show.
“Get the fuck away from me,” he snapped, eyes wide and looking wildly around at the people around him. His breathing was erratic, heart beating fast.
They all obeyed, surprisingly, except one. The rat came closer, touching his arm. The other began to speak, getting cut off by a cowardly, explosive Ruby.
“Don’t fucking touch me! Why the fuck won’t you just listen to me!? But I guess you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t make me feel like I’d prefer hell over interacting with your ass, huh, Splinter? Things have to be your way or they’re wrong, and you don’t wanna hear any options that don’t match your fucking own, and I am sick of it,” he growled, wrestling his way out of the room. “I can’t wait until you follow in my Splinter’s footsteps.”
No, wait, why the fuck did he say that. He smacked a hand over his mouth, backing up. He didn’t want to see what their reactions would be, running off before he got the chance.
In the place of his anger was white hot shame and pure fear. He leapt his way up the ladder, throwing open the manhole cover and climbing up the fire escape quickly. He still couldn’t breathe, but he ran anyway.
There was nothing freeing about running across the rooftops when he was frantically trying to get away from something. He fell more than he would’ve liked, scraping himself in the process, before he finally collapsed, lungs burning and eyes leaking as his stomach turned, choked gasps coming from him as he sat there, on his hands and knees on top of a roof and with his words playing in his head over and over. His chest heaved as he tried to get air into his lungs and they rejected it each time.
Something vibrating on him scared the shit out of him, and he yelped, frantically digging for the thing and pulling out his phone. Leo was calling. He pressed the decline button as his sobs finally broke through, making themselves at home between his shaky, choked off gasps.
“Ruby? Whoah, buddy, you need to breathe. Do you know where you are?”
Apparently he pressed answer instead because of how badly he was shaking. He was going to dig himself into a hole and never come out. A pitiful attempt at an apology crawled out his mouth. The other clicked his tongue.
“No, don’t apologize. Where are you?”
He looked around, unsurprised to find the area unfamiliar.
“D-don’t…don’t know,” he managed, and the slider was silent for a moment. God, he was fucking pathetic. Leo was gonna make fun of him and tell everyone how fucking pathetic he was. And he was selfish, too.
He was crying because, what? He was the one who said that fucking awful thing to this world’s Splinter.
“That’s okay,” the mutant responded. “Just breathe for a bit, okay? In…out. Good job, repeat. In…”
After he calmed down enough to speak, the slider had him describe what was around him.
“Okay, I think I know where you are. Do you want me to come meet you or would you rather someone else? Raph maybe?”
He simply whined, curled up between an HVAC and the wall.
“Whichever,” he muttered after a while, exhaustion coursing through him.
He rubbed his hands on his legs roughly, letting his head fall to rest against the HVAC. It was a habit he picked up a while ago when he got upset. Self soothing. His brothers called him weird for it, along with his other habits.
“Okay, I’m on my way.”
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misteria247 · 2 years
How would the rise turtles react in they saw 2012 splinter spirit?
Hmmm that's a good question Anon. I think.......personally they'd all have mixed feelings about it.
Raph if he ever met the spirit of 12 Splinter would probably be a mess. After all even though this rat mutant isn't technically his father he's also kinda is and having heard the story of this man's death and seeing how it effected his and his brothers counterpart's would make him a complete emotional mess. But he'd also want to know exactly who 12 Splinter was and would most likely try to talk to him, just to see if there were hints of his pops within this spirit of the man who raised his friends and official newest little brothers, them being older be damned. He'd learn as much as he could about 12 Splinter and try to get to know him somewhat so he can better understand him and his personality. Raph would probably be also very hurt that 12 Splinter even if unwilling had left his family behind. Raph knows that logically he couldn't foresee it happening but as someone who's entire being focuses around family he'd be incredibly hurt emotionally by the events that tore 12 Splinter away from his brothers and at how Raphael carries the guilt of his father's death.
Mikey if he ever met 12 Splinter's spirit would undoubtedly cry. I'm talking bawling and trying to hug him kind of crying. After all this is a variation of his dad, a variation of the man who loved them and raised them from infancy. He'd be a bawling mess, filled with grief for the other turtles who had lost the very thing that he and his brothers still had. He wouldn't say much to him, just too busy sobbing and grieving for the man who died for him but in another reality different from his back home. Perhaps after his breakdown he'd want to ask questions and get to know the rat even if he is a spirit, after all this is the man who raised his best friend Michelangelo and his brothers and since the older turtles are like family this would extend to 12 Splinter as well. He'd do his best to get to know this older rat dad because that's what families do. And just like with Draxum he'd do his best to get a bond between them even if he's nothing but a ghost.
Donnie on the other hand if he met 12 Splinter's spirit would be rather conflicted with it. After all magic, ghosts and mystics weren't exactly in his forte of knowledge and seeing this dead version of his papa would give him very mixed feelings. He'd probably try to ask 12 Splinter a bunch of questions and looking at everything from a logical perspective rather than the emotional one. If he looked at it from an emotional one, he'd start to think about Donatello and his brothers, and start to think about how they have struggled since his death. He'd think about it and emotionally he'd most likely be angry at 12 Splinter's spirit. Because while logically he knows that 12 Splinter and his sons couldn't have stopped him from being murdered he'd feel as if the rat Sensei had abandoned the older turtles in a way. Donnie knows that this simply isn't the case, but emotionally he can't help but feel this slight frustration towards 12 Splinter. So he'd only look at everything from a logical standpoint as to avoid opening up that can of worms in the emotional department. Especially when he knows that he can't really blame 12 Splinter for what had happened and knowing that it'd upset the older turtles who are also his brothers now. The last thing he'd want is to upset them further, they'd already been through enough.
Leo would probably be very uncomfortable and conflicted with it. If he ever met 12 Splinter's spirit Leo would probably end up bombarding him with questions, like why he and Leonardo were chosen as leaders and why they were the only ones who could really do the job and not anyone else. But once he got those questions out of his system and possibly answered I believe that Leo much like Donnie would keep his distance from the spirit of his Sensei in another world. After all he's not a believer of ghosts and he already has a somewhat strained relationship with his own dad back home and the last thing he'd want is to make 12 Splinter have the same kind of relationship with him respectably. But that would only be one of the reasons he'd keep his distance. Another reason he'd do so is because deep down much like his twin and older brother he would be a little bit angry and hurt by the way things had turned out even though he knows it was out of their control. And it wouldn't help that having gotten close to his older counterpart he had been able to witness the full extent of just how much 12 Splinter's death had really effected Leonardo and how at only eighteen years old it'd put him in a position where he now had to lead his family as well as teach them and basically become like their father. Basically Leo would feel a sense of betrayal on behalf of his newest family members and we all know that when someone he loves gets hurt he doesn't let it go easily.
At least that's how I see it going should it ever happen.
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blackiraven · 1 year
Surprise with your own version, please!
Wow! Is anyone really interested in this? So, what's in the surprise box? My OC! It's going to be a big story🎁✨
The echo of the hail of shots still sounded in my head. The air was saturated with the smell of gunpowder, metal and blood. The beams of flashlights crawled into every corner in search of our souls, and tall figures with shiny badges loudly ordered us to stop. How useless. I was faster than them. If it weren't for the heavy and important burden on my shoulders, I would happily kill everyone. The shot Nygma, whom I carried further and further away, growled in pain and through clenched teeth threw curses at the police side. I agreed with him and was already thinking about how I would get to each of them and execute them for such impudence. Riddler had just managed to get out of Arkham, put on his new suit and breathed freedom into his lungs, and they crept up like rats.
"We'll be at your place soon. Be patient a little longer." holding the wounded body tightly, I quickly turned into narrow and dark alleys, scaring away real rats with my stomp. Nygma's lair was not so far away, we just need to cover up or confuse our tracks.
“What?.. No… no! Kha! We need… another place." Edward had already started coughing up blood, but for some reason he was against me going to his lair. Is he afraid that we will be noticed after all? But I'm not going to put his life on the line.
"We don't have time! You urgently need surgery!" I shouted sullenly and discontentedly, but Nygma quickly passed out and could not answer me. Silence is a sign of agreement, so I built an approximate short path and followed it with maximum speed.
All the passwords to the doors were carefully stored in my head, copies of the keys Edward once with difficulty, but still gave me. A small protective maze was overcome by me in exactly a minute. The last door swung open, and I ran into an ordinary hallway. For some reason, lights were on in all the rooms, as if someone had lived here during the long absence of Riddler. What a pity that the owner can't open the veil of secrets now. For the first seconds there was dead silence, and then, to my surprise, someone's footsteps rang out. What?! How can this be?!
"Sir! Sir! You're finally back!" a joyful cry rang through the apartment, its source getting closer and closer to me. What should I do?! Who is this?! Why didn't Edward tell me anything?! A boy ran out to meet me. Long dark brown hair, blue pajamas, in his hands was a plush toy. The boy looked to be about six or seven years old. A smile of happiness shone on his face.
"I missed you so much…" the child stopped abruptly and, seeing me, turned pale and numb. The toy fell to the floor. Small hands rested on trembling lips, tearful green eyes examined me from head to toe. My mask and suit only made things worse. We looked at each other in silence and dumbfounded. When he saw the bloody body, he cried out in fright and shook all over.
"Hurry up! Bring the first aid kit here!" I shout rudely and through wild shortness of breath unexpectedly for myself. We can't get distracted, Edward needs urgent help. All questions will be asked later. Need to be patient a little. My head started to split from the flow of thoughts, but I continued to stay on my feet. The boy quickly nodded his head and rushed towards the Riddler's office. Meanwhile, I ran into the kitchen, threw off everything unnecessary from the dining table and laid Nygma on a flat surface. The jacket and the reddened shirt had to be torn to get to the blooming and bleeding wound on the left side of the abdomen. Damn, the bullet is stuck, we'll have to take it out! At that moment, he suddenly woke up and groaned in pain. Turning around, I saw a child frozen in the doorway, holding a large red box with both hands and whimpering.
"What are you standing for?! Hurry up and come here! Or do you want him to die?!" I growled at him in a commanding tone.
"No!" holding back a heart-rending roar, the boy ran up to me and handed me a first aid kit. I take the box and get everything I need for the operation.
"Argh! A… hah? You?.. Damn…" Edward said in a fading and creaking voice, noticing the presence of a child. How long has he been living here? Why did Riddler decide on such an act?..
"Kha-kha! Ngh… don't look at it… kha… Go away, p-p-please. Everything is going to be fine with me… a-a-a… it will be fine." due to the fact that he talked a lot, the bloody cough intensified and frightened the little boy. Edward was worried about him… very much. For some reason, it annoyed me.
"No, let him stay! I could use some help." I insisted stubbornly and pulled the mask off my head. The sobbing child looked first at me, then at Nygma.
"It's still… umgh… too early for him to see this. Kha-kha! Idiot!"
"He should know what it is! If next time I won't be around?! What can he do?!"
"Sir… I…"
"No! Please… umph! Go away…" the last hysterical words squeezed out of his chest with ragged, hoarse sighs. Without any strength, Edward stared at the ceiling with his eyes closed, and tears rolled down his cheeks. What a tragedy! And why am I involved in this?..
"Decide for yourself now. If anything, I can handle it." I take off my rag gloves and treat my hands with alcohol, trying not to look at the child at all. I was infuriated by his innocence, his tears, so I wanted to push him into the harsh reality, but at the same time I understood that he could only get in the way.
"I… I'll stay!" he squeaked, wiping the tears on his cheeks with his sleeves. The boy resolutely clenched his fists and tried not to cry anymore, which surprised me. He showed a desire for new and useful knowledge and an understanding that he really could not help Riddler alone.
"Then give it to him first. One pill at a time." I threw him two packs of painkillers and antibiotics, simultaneously laying out the necessary tools on the edge of the table. Nodding once, the boy ran for a glass of water and, lifting Edward's head a little, gave him medicine.
"Of course, I can see that you are very small. But. Try to hold him down a little bit, okay?" I take a deep breath, preparing myself, and thoroughly moisten a piece of gauze with peroxide. Swallowing a lump of tension, the child grabbed Nygma's shoulders with both hands and pressed him to the table. Well, the operation begins, and the fate of the villain has thrown me a little assistant. With one sharp movement, I tightly apply a fragrant cloth to the wound. The patient instantly revived and screamed at the top of his throat from the burning pain. He was shaking his head furiously, wriggling his whole body and waving his limbs. I immediately threw away the bloody gauze, wrapped my arms around Edward's legs and held him firmly from falling. The boy did not have enough strength, so he leaned his whole body on his chest. The exposed flesh hissed, the blood foamed, but Nygma gradually calmed down. After treating the wound, I wiped the sweat from my forehead and picked up a pair of tweezers.
"Listen, he's got a bullet stuck in his body, and I'm going to get it out now."
"Is it… is it going to hurt?"
"Is it going to fucking hurt… Ready?"
"Yes…" in anticipation of the most terrible boy, he took Edward by the hand and squeezed his eyes shut. The thin silver tweezers slowly sank into the torn meat, from which nasty slimy sounds were heard and children's castles in the air were destroyed. Blood gushed out again, but the tweezers were actively digging and continued to sink into the wound.
"A-a-a!" the patient screamed with unimaginable force. New portions of torment tormented his body in all directions. The crunch of a child's brush, which he was clutching with a trap, was heard. The boy burst into tears, but did not make a sound. Is this the first time you've heard such melodies? This is just the beginning…
"I found this. I'll take it out now." I was in full concentration and tried to ignore most of the agony of Nygma. But my heart still shrank to a shapeless lump. Smoothly, but with all my efforts, I begin to pull out the captured bullet.
"Aahhh! Fuck! Mha-a-aha-a!"
"Hold on, Edward! Be patient! A little more!" after a couple of seconds that seemed like an eternity, the bullet was finally pulled out of the wound. He shook, then abruptly went limp and swallowed his scream, remaining only able to breathe quickly with his head thrown back.
"Here! Good… good. You're doing great, Edward." I whispered with light joy and stroked his sweat-soaked hair. All my hands were covered in blood, the child looked at them with horror, he was numb and panicked breathing. His eyes were glazed, empty, his lips were moving soundlessly, his legs were unsteadily giving way, and his head was heavy and fell on the table.
"Hey? Hey?! Are you sick?" I run up to the boy irritably, pick him up and shake him slightly, removing the strands of hair stuck to his face.
"Hold on, breathe deeply. He still has a wound to sew up." I lightly slapped the child on the cheeks. In response, he shook his head, as if throwing off dizziness and confusion for a while.
"We don't have much time. You agreed to it yourself, so be patient with all your might. Do you understand?" his weak endurance irritated me and I did not want to give any discounts because of his small age. Not at a time like this. By the scruff of the neck, I dragged the boy to the other side of the table, pulled a chair closer with my foot and put the child on it for convenience.
"Here. Wipe off the blood. Carefully. Don't touch the wound." I sternly pointed out to him and shoved a fresh gauze rag into his trembling hands.
"Uh-huh…" he squeaked excitedly and with light movements began to perform this task. The child tried very hard and held his breath, so as not to hurt the sore spot. Fresh blood scared him, he categorically did not want to touch it. Meanwhile, I was opening packages with threads and a special bent needle, but I still carefully monitored the movements of the child. Any mistake he makes will inflame me, I will be very angry and it's not a fact that I can restrain myself. Perhaps he understands this and feels the full weight of my strict attitude with his whole small, flimsy back.
"Am I doing everything right?.."
"You could say that. And now treat your hands, hold the edges of the wound and bring them closer."
"W-w-what?! Hold the wound?!" after a shocked sob, the boy lost the power of speech and stared with open eyes at the rough hole in the flesh.
"Yes, damn it! Hold this, and I'll sew it up. Hurry up!" I push the wayward student in the back and pour cold alcohol on his hands. He began to whimper long, but still rubbed his hands and put twitching fingers on the torn skin. After the first attempts to connect the edges of his hand, Edward's blood quickly covered it. The child sobbed, sniffed, but continued to endure. I loomed over him like a soaring hawk over a defenseless vole.
"Good. Stay in this position." I lean towards the pulsating bud and make the first smooth stitches. The sight of the needle piercing the skin and pulling a black thread through it made the boy close his eyes and turn away. But his hands seemed to freeze. No mistake, although I expected them. Is this Edward's special upbringing? What a pity that he can't tell me anything now because of the strong effect of the pills. Gradually, because of the oppressive silence, the boy began to get nervous again.
"Hush. Don't move. Try to imagine that we're just sewing up a plush toy. Like that. Half is already ready." I use the first association that came to mind, suitable for a child. My rudeness calmed down by itself. The words no longer had such a strong effect on my partner in misfortune, so I put my palm on his, suppressing the trembling and helping the boy cope with an important mission. He shuddered once and looked at me. Something alive flashed in the boy's eyes. He could have smiled, but the situation was not right now, and he knew it perfectly well.
"Look, this way the seam turns out to be smoother, and the probability of its opened up becomes minimal."
"Is it bad if the seam splits?"
"If help is provided in time, it is not critical. But it's unpleasant. Pain again, bleeding, a scar may remain."
"And with sir… does this happen often?"
"And with you too, yes?"
"Well, yes. This has already become commonplace for us."
"Does sir help you as well?"
"Oh. I think that's enough questions already! That's it, you can take your hands off." the overly curious little boy quickly pressed his hands to his chest, and I finished the last stitch, cut the thread and made a small knot.
"I did it… I did it." with his eyes closed, he whispered encouragement and reassured himself.
"It remains only to bandage everything well. Will you hold him?" the bloody instruments were replaced by snow-white clean bandages and thick napkins. Shaking my hands, I lifted Edward's torso and handed him over to the child. He immediately snuggled up to Nygma and buried his wet face in his shoulder, looking for calm and quietly rejoicing at his return. A barely perceptible plaintive whine tried to wake him up, but to no avail. While the failed surgical assistant held Edward in a sitting position, I quickly bandaged his waist. In some ways, we are still similar. Riddler is so dear to us. Is it good?
The mysterious boy chose to stay in the kitchen while I carried Edward to the bedroom and changed his reddened clothes. He's probably still coming in a state of shock. I know this place well and new details instantly caught my eye, even the semi-darkness could not hide them. A lot of children's things appeared here. Toys, books, and several shelves in the closet were occupied by small-sized clothes. Children's drawings. There were a lot of them. Basically, the child drew either himself or Riddler, or himself together with him. But among these harmless objects there were textbooks, notebooks with mathematical problems, mechanical parts and simple drawings made for children's perception. You're teaching him hard. What for? Is this some new plan of yours? My frown gaze and fell on the peacefully sleeping Nygma. I want to scream, I want to hit him. Why… why didn't you tell me anything?! Who is this boy?! Is he really your son, or do I just think he looks like you? My hands clung to Edward's shoulders with a willingness to brazenly and with maximum selfishness shake all the answers out of him, but at the last moment I was able to stop myself. "Another riddle of yours, Nygma…" I exhale with difficulty and stroke his head and cheeks.
The children's crying growing in the other room did not allow me to collapse next to Riddler, hold him to me and finally relax, forget myself. I had to go back. My body ached from fatigue, my legs were swollen, my hands were shaking, everything was blurred before my eyes from time to time, and my head was spinning. The boy was sitting on a chair and howling loudly, sniffing and wheezing. His reddened face was soaked with new tears, and small hands clutched his chest and buried themselves in his pajamas.
"What's the problem? It's already over." I walk up to him with heavy steps and look down puzzled. In response, he stretched out his arms and showed me his bloodstained palms. It's almost dried out, embedded in the skin and got under the nails. That's what scared the child.
"Do you see blood for the first time?"
"Someone else's and… so much – yes."
"Are you scared?"
"Huh? Y-y-yes…"
"Then listen to me carefully." my voice became quieter, I squatted down in front of the boy and took his hands so that he could see that our palms became the same after the whole operation.
"This fear is your new lesson. And you should remember this for the rest of your life. What has just happened should not remain a painful scar. This is a new stage that cannot be abandoned. Do you understand me?" the pathetic crying stopped abruptly. It became quiet, the child thought and looked at me, then at his hands, then at the table with a large brown spot and a bullet extracted.
"Yes… I get it." with his head bowed, he squeezed my fingers tightly. Under the scarlet layers, I saw something unusual on the back of his right palm. It was a real mark in the form of a question mark. Were you seriously capable of that, Edward?.. I can't even believe that this crybaby could survive such terrible pain.
"Good. Now try to calm down. Think about how all this helped Edward." I free one hand and use my sleeve to wipe the tears from the boy's cheeks. Suddenly, the child jumped off the chair and hugged me, almost knocking me down. I gasped, pursed my lips, but still hugged him back and stroked his head a couple of times. If only it would end quickly. Oh, you little and nimble lamb…
"Sh-h-h. Don't waste your strength on tears. Let's go wash up." I got up to my full height and went towards the bath. The child actively jumped after me and took my hand.
"Is sir going to be okay?"
"If you ask less, then yes."
The two of us stood in front of the sink and thoroughly washed our hands with plenty of soap. The boy enjoyed the voluminous foam and floral aroma. Sometimes we looked at each other, each time about to say something, but changed our minds at the last moment.
"Um… my name is John. Jonathan Crane." I gave out in one breath and then rinsed my face with cool water.
"And my name is Leslie Mcgee." it was also difficult or awkward for him to introduce himself, although in theory it seemed easier than simple. He has a different last name! A heavy boulder has just fallen off my shoulders. When Leslie found out my name, he beamed with happiness and began to smile broadly.
"How old are you?"
"Really? I thought you were younger."
"No, I'm really-really ten!"
"And do you know who Edward is and what he does?"
"Yes. That's how I met sir. And I… often saw him… taken away by the police or… Batman."
"Why do you call him "sir"?"
"Because sir likes it! And I call him "Mr. Riddler" before."
"Well, that's Edward's style."
Leslie repeated after me and also washed his face. His attention completely switched to me, the boy was examining my suit, thinking about something, and his eyes were shining because of the appearance of a new "friend". With children, everything is so simple. All the circumstances of our acquaintance have already gone into the background.
"Mr. Crane, you and sir are friends, right?"
"I don't have an exact answer for you. It's a long and complicated story."
"Oh, sorry…"
"It's all right. If Edward didn't tell you anything about me, then it's too early for you to know."
"Because I'm still small?"
"Because you're still small."
The boy constantly followed me and wouldn't let go of my arm or sleeve. Even when I plopped down on the sofa in the living room, he settled down next to me.
"Mr. Crane! Mr. Crane, can I go to sir?" holding my hand, Leslie looked at me with puppy dog eyes.
"No." I replied dryly and closed my tired eyes.
"Please… I haven't seen him for so long. I'll be very careful!" Leslie was whining insistently under my ear and nuzzling my shoulder.
"Hmm… then tell me what the mark on your hand is." from my exchange offer, the child quieted down for a while, which allowed me to tune in to a nap.
"Um… well… sir did it. But I agreed to it myself!"
"And what does it mean?"
"It's… um…"
"Come on, Mr. Mcgee, I'm not letting you go until you tell me."
"It means that I was able to pass many tests and solve many riddles. And then I started living here. And I'm very happy here! I've never been so happy…"
"I see. You can go."
"Thank you very much, Mr. Crane!"
Through the drowsiness that had fallen on me, I felt Leslie hug me tightly in gratitude, then jumped off the couch and ran away. Now I was left alone, and a small competitor took a comfortable and soft place next to Edward. Where did you pick up this devoted puppy? Does he have parents? What fate have you built for him? When Nygma wakes up, I will immediately squeeze him in some corner so that he can not avoid my questions in any way.
After an indefinite time, an incomprehensible sound was heard. Getting closer to me, the noise gradually became clearer. It was the patter of small feet. Silence, no screaming or crying. Then my back stopped hurting, and my head lay on something soft. It got warmer. Did he bring a blanket for me?
"Here. It will be more convenient for you, Mr. Crane. I hope we are good friends now."
Well, I hope you liked my Leslie. And, as usual, if you want to know more details or get a little story from me, ask is open👀👉👈
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