#So I made the boss a shark too
themintman · 7 months
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I am loosingmy marbels
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heartbeetz · 3 months
I NEED to get back into oc f/os. I just remembered my old casino themed anthro shark guy. He never got a solid enough ref sheet (or lore, really) for me to feel comfortable making him one of my f/os but maybe I should remedy that at some point. Big Jack.........
#his name is Jasper Roulette but everyone calls him Big Jack#he's a ''professional'' underground gambler and great white 'card shark'#insists he's an ex crime boss but won't tell anyone what that entailed#well... he WILL. but it's a different story every time. always a lie and often over the top#nobody knows for sure if any of it's true or not. but pretty much everyone either 100% believes it or is too scared to contest it#bc his persona around other casino goers is this rough and tough type guy and he has the looks and talk to back it up#really though even IF it's true he's pretty harmless now. his whole thing is ''yeah I used to do that but I'm turning my life around''#which others are skeptical about but is mostly true. he's kinda just chilling#he's a cheat and a showoff and an asshole but he's more intimidating than he is dangerous#and he has way more money than he cares to do anything with (where he got it who's to say) so he doesn't mind just handing it out#he was the first character I made for a little game / visual novel I wanted to make at one point but ended up giving up on#it was just about sharks in an underground casino#the idea was you could play little mini games and have conversations with them#and if you made the conversation go in the ''right'' direction there'd be little collectibles that opened new paths#but it never went anywhere other than some ideas and a very rough drawing of Big Jack (which actually came first lol)#unfortunately I designed him IMMEDIATELY before I got super into Sparker as one of my f/os so he got swept under the rug real bad#sorry sharky 😔#roz posts
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snenbubs · 7 months
I have to do EVERYTHING myself. Tell me, you guys, why nobody is simping for Mammon??? He is hawt and i lobe him so here are some Mammon (Helluva Boss) x GN Reader headcannons :] Jst sm romantic stuff 🫠
Its all lowk ooc cuz he's an asshole but I'm delulu so lets go.
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♡ I need to be honest w/ you guys, he's the sin of greed. This man is an inherently selfish lover. But its okay it checks out.
♡ With that, he's a very greedy lover and he wants all of you whenever he can;
- Hands are always on you, and he has four of them! All the better to hold you with, seriously, one hand will be wrapped securely around your waist whilst the other rests atop of your head.
- I reckon he'd be fond of carrying you, I mean, he's HUGE, and assuming that you're an average sized demon, shark, hellhound or sinner or whatever you are, he's gonna tower over you like a baguette to a croissant. But he wants your face close to his. The solution to this? Hold. When he's not busy, your in his arms, or on his shoulder.
- His persona is very touchy feely so he can get away with a lot of this in public! And I think he's a big fan of PDA. He likes asserting the fact that you are his, he's quite possesive in that aspect.
♡ In addition to this, webs;
- The giant spider has webs.
- His webs are a weird sort of pride, when he sees them on you. He's one of the only demons who can make them, and so when they're on you, its essentially a statement of possesion.
- Its nothing too 'out there' maybe just a bracelet, or a necklace, or a hairtie (if you have hair 🧑‍🦲) But its somewhere people can see.
- If someone tries to flirt with you whilst your wearing it then he has an excuse to get all pissy.
- He isn't against tying you up if the two of you are having a moment and you try to get away. Whatever else you need to do, it can wait. He's the king of greed and he wants to indulge.
♡ He's enjoys having everything, but he also enjoys YOU having everything so expect to be bathed in lavish gifts and prizes;
- Most of the time he won't be able to go with you personally, so he'll send one of his assistants to take you shopping.
Only the best places for you.
- He knows exactly what you like too! He has a person who keeps track of all the things you like, follows you around and takes note of the things you appear interested in. This has lead to a few Birthdays where you were shocked to find a gift you hadn't even mentioned to Mammon yet.
♡ There is never a moment where you may feel he doesn't love you. Ever since he asserted himself into your life, it has been made extremely clear;
- He's very busy and doesn't always have the time for you, so, whenever he is free he ensures you will be at his side.
- He's good at hiding his feelings but he'll slip up, quite often actually, when it comes to you. He'll find himself staring, in awe, at your astounding presence.
- He's not good with his words, though, he never knows what to say to you, or how to express his feelings so its the gestures that count. Mostly buying you things, as I said before, but it gets the point across.
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biteofcherry · 1 year
Just reread Room with a View and I loved it the second time just as much as the first. Just wanted to tell you ❤️. I've always wondered where/how Bucky and Steve find their assistant? And does she know that she's signing up for from the beginning? If you're feeling inspired, I'd love a drabble. If not, any fragmented thoughts?
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Fringe Benefit
pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader x Steve Rogers
summary: Steve and Bucky wanted to start looking for an assistant right after their visit to Ari, but unexpected business complications limited their time to organize a search. Luckily, the opportunity presented itself to them on a silver platter… You presented yourself, begging to squeeze in a ten minutes meeting in their busy schedule
warnings: dark Steve Rogers dark Bucky Barnes; dub-con; manipulation; forced orgasm; blowjob; deepthroating; power imbalance; explicit sexual situations; praise kink; breeding kink;
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You came to their building - a forefront to businesses that you know are more illegal and dangerous than exclusive properties they deal with - five times, before a stuffy desk clerk written down your name in the calendar.
A small window for a very short meeting, possibly a dismissal, two weeks in the waiting.
You were patient, but in this case time was sensitive. Because money was sensitive.
A part of you wanted to drop it, not clean your younger brother's messes once again. Sense of responsibility made you cave in. As well awareness that if Noah can't pay his debts the sharks would turn your way to settle it, anyway.
You preferred to get ahead of things. Maybe your readiness to cooperate and a solid plan you've made would help you save life.
Barnes and Rogers were businessmen. Lethal mob bosses, but that was a sort of business too. And you knew how to deal with difficult clients as well demanding bosses.
So you poised yourself in calm, controlled demeanor as you sat down on a leather chair in front of a huge desk, holding your head high as two pairs of blue eyes settled on you.
Those eyes were more lively than you expected. Instead of sleazy, older men you thought you'd see, stinking of cigars, with greasy stains on their chins; you faced two men in their prime.
Handsome, to express it chastely. Fucking hot, if you'd describe them to your friends.
In their late thirties, maybe early forties; one with neatly trimmed beard, the other with some scruff. Perfectly tailored suits on lean, muscled bodies. They both had blue eyes; one an icy shade that cut through you, the other the depths of ocean that swallowed you whole.
They were watchful. Assessing your every gesture and tick.
Predators in vigil.
It's been a long while since anyone studied you so intensely. It made you feel uneasy, but also sent a hot wave through your bloodstream.
For a second you dropped your gaze to the folder you held on your lap, your hands gently clasped over it. Somehow you managed not to shiver.
You lifted your head up, meeting their gazes evenly. You weren't dumb enough to throw them an open challenge, but you hoped to look confident.
You wanted to introduce yourself, but Mr Rogers was faster, greeting you in a way that suggested they already knew a lot about you. More than just your first and last name. Probably did a background check on you. For the meeting purposes, you assumed.
After taking an encouraging breath, you began presenting your idea for a solution regarding your brother's debt.
All summed up and divided into regular payments, with extra interest included of course. And a big deposit right away, all your savings ready to give to them.
"You're very thorough." Mr Barnes commented, taking the folder from you when you pushed it forward, but not opening it.
"Indeed, she is." Mr Rogers nodded, rubbing his lip in thought. "A dedicated, hardworking girl, aren't you, doll?"
You frowned at the sweet, condescending nickname. You considered reminding him you had a name, but letting it go was a small price for leaving this meeting victorious.
"It's a good proposition," Rogers continued, "but has a few disadvantages. The main one is that there's a small chance your brother finds a job with decent salary to match yours, so you can pay us in the time you promise."
"Shitty brother at that," joined Barnes, "to burden his sister with this kind of debt. You sure want to take it up on yourself?"
He didn't sound as if he was only mocking Noah. No, there was an undertone of displeasure and annoyance, like he truly couldn't imagine causing a sister any grief or trouble.
"Me not taking it won't change the fact it falls on me anyway if Noah fails to deliver."
You weren't naive to think their wrath would skip Noah's family, if he failed. Or that you could go to the police with it. You were quite sure they had many high-ups on their payroll.
Rogers and Barnes exchanged looks. Something passed between them, though you weren't sure what they debated on silently.
"Since you have the spine and honor to come to us on your own and propose something actually smart," Rogers opened a drawer and pulled out a printed document, "we want to give you a counter-offer."
"Which is?" You narrowed your eyes as he slid papers across the desk towards you.
"As it happens, we have an open spot for a personal assistant. For us." Barnes smiled. It was as charming, as lethal.
"Long hours, including after hours if we wish. But we'd pay you double what you earn now. Also provide paid vacation and sick days, medical care. Bonuses of various kinds." Rogers' smooth voice tempted to trust their offer.
"That- that makes no sense." You shook your head, trying (and failing) to take your eyes away from his.
"You'd be paying me and I would be paying it back to you as compensation for my brother's debt. Your own money returning to you. Where's the gain?"
"Oh, doll," Barnes licked his lips as he leaned forward, "we will reap many benefits from your service."
"Benefits?" You swallowed hard, trying not to react impulsively to the implication behind his words.
Your mind instantly flashed with sinful images; indecent demands and harassment that should outrage you.
But then you reminded yourself that these men probably had stunning girlfriends, or even had a different beauty in their beds every weekend. They could afford the most exclusive escorts, if they wanted to. They wouldn't hire an assistant just to fuck her dumb.
Instead, you thought of all the other ways businessmen and businesswomen benefited from having a personal assistant. You vaguely remembered that from the time you worked as one right after college - not only assisting in the business area, but picking up laundry, buying coffee, buying gifts for girlfriends because they forgot to.
"Yes." Rogers smiled for the first time. "We'll make certain what you do for us is worth every penny of your brother's debt."
They allowed you twenty four hours to think on their offer.
Considering what you would gain, not only in your own payment, but with their proposed salary your brother's debt could be payed much much sooner, lifting the heavy burden from your shoulders.
Money wise, it was a gift like a star from the sky.
You feared participating in the other side of their business, but you told yourself they wouldn't take a meager assistant to a crime scene.
Though maybe you'll have to wash the blood off their shirts. That you could do, you supposed.
So you agreed.
In the first few days your work passed just as you predicted - long hours of trotting between their office and various places they sent you on errands.
But you were a quick learner and memorized their coffee and snack choices after three days; as well the fact Mr Barnes liked to sit in the armchair after a tougher negotiation and listen to music, and Mr Rogers went to the old boxing gym that was rarely frequented by anyone.
You ordered lunch for them if they were in the office. Twice they came back from whatever business they've been dealing with in the field, with pastries for you. Which was thoughtful and sweet, you thought.
Yes, the work was tiring and sometimes hectic (keeping up with their long strides proved to be a little difficult for you), but not as awful or blood-filled as you feared at first.
It was after about two weeks when you entered their office, pen and pad in hand, ready to take more requests for the rest of the day.
"Anything particular for lunch that you wish?" You asked, walking right into the center of the room.
You smiled - not only a false, practiced grimace, but their handsome faces and the crinkles in the corners of their eyes when they smiled in return always made you content.
Focused on Mr Barnes leaning against the desk watching you like a hawk, you didn't notice Mr Rogers closing the door behind you and locking it.
"As a matter of fact, I've been craving something for many days now." Barnes said, curling a finger at you and motioning for you to step closer.
You felt a rush of heat wash over you. His words, spoken in that low, seductive voice, and his beckoning weren't that subtle.
"Um," you bit your lip, feeling your cheeks flush. But you made little steps forward. "I- I can order anything you wish, Mr Barnes."
"No," he chuckled and suddenly grabbed you by the hips, pulling you close. "We will be ordering. Anything we wish."
"That's inappropriate, sir." You laughed nervously and tried to step away, though your resistance wasn't as fierce as it should.
"If you consider that inappropriate," Rogers' voice resounded in your ear as he slid behind you, caging you between the two of them-
"I wonder what you'll think of all the things we're going to do to you."
"S-sir," you trembled as Barnes traced your lips with his finger, as Rogers' tongue flicked your earlobe. "You shouldn't- I shouldn't-"
You shouldn't want it.
A part of you didn't, the scared part that feared awful things being done to you. Those two men killed without blinking, they made people disappear and suffer. They could break you.
The rest of you roused with thrill and anticipation. Your skin pebbling with goosebumps where their hands started roaming.
"You can use our first names, doll. And may I remind you of paragraph seven, point five of our contract." Rogers whispered, rolling the fabric of your pencil skirt up.
"Assistant will also fulfill requests and see to the well being of employers in matters regarding health and body."
"But-" a gasp interrupted your own words when Steve sucked on your earlobe at the same time that Bucky slid a finger past your lips.
"And our bodies really need your assistance right now." Bucky chuckled, slowly pulling his finger from your mouth.
He replaced it with his own lips. Soft, but demanding. A kiss that went deeper and rougher than you ever experienced before.
Then Steve's mouth was on your neck, licking and biting. And they both chuckled when you made a helpless sound as they began pulling your panties down your legs.
Everything was a haze of sensations and chaos of adrenaline buzzing through you. The world slipped from your grasp, as did your control over yourself. Your body was pliant in their hold. You wouldn't stand a chance even if you tried to fight them off, they were much stronger. Bigger. Dangerous.
And for some insane reason it made you wetter.
They pushed you onto your knees. Cold floor harsh under your knees, pressed suit pants and shiny shoes appearing in your vision.
Steve forced your legs to part wider and slipped his hand up your thigh, right over to your slick folds. He had his other hand weaved into your hair, holding a fistful in a strong grip.
Bucky's fingers were in your hair, too. Only slightly gentler in their hold.
They both moved your head back and forth over Bucky's cock.
"For someone who says they shouldn't do it, you enjoy it a lot, doll." Steve laughed cruelly, pushing two fingers into you.
Your whine resonated on Bucky's dick, a pleasant groan falling from his lips at the sensation.
Your hands clawed at Bucky's thighs, nails scratching his skin, but he didn't seem to mind it.
"And you look like you're loving every second of it, too." He patted your cheek.
Your started tearing up - from gagging every time Bucky pushed deeper and deeper into your mouth, and from the growing tension Steve's ministrations provoked.
His fingers inside you curled and his thumb rubbed merciless circles over your clit, pushing you steadily toward the precipice.
"That's it," Steve rasped in your ear. "You're going to cum with a cock down your throat."
Your moan sounded gargled as you choked on Bucky's dick when the head of it bumped the back of your throat. Tears streamed down your cheeks, smudging your make up.
"You'll learn to love it, dollface." Bucky cooed at you, pushing right back in after giving you a second to catch your breath.
"Learn to associate having our cocks in your mouth with ultimate pleasure." Steve mouthed on your shoulder, his fingers never ceasing in their torment.
And he was driving you towards climax expertly.
Your sounds pitched higher, your body shaking as you felt tension coiling in your belly. Steve kept urging you on, murmuring dark, filthy promises of breaking you.
Bucky slowed his movements, but each time he drove his hips into your face, forcing his cock down your throat.
He withdrew partly, keeping his dick on your tongue as he held your head in place, when Steve growled - "She's gonna cum now."
You don't know if it was his command, or maybe you really were right on the edge, but you shattered right after he spoke those words. A loud, pitiful keen, partially muffled by the dick in your mouth; tears falling freely.
Your body seized, but Steve quickly let go of your hair and wrapped a strong arm around you, holding you to him. His fingers were still buried in your soaked cunt, thumb giving your pulsing clit some reprieve.
Your head throbbed with white noise, your lungs burned. Everything slowly settled down, your consciousness falling back into your body.
Before you had a chance to calm down fully, Steve's thumb on your clit started moving again. In wicked eights this time.
"N-no-" your weak objection was cut short by a cock pushing back into your throat.
Bucky gripped the sides of your head harsher, pushing his hips forward. He forced you to swallow him to the root, his balls slapping your chin.
He didn't withdraw fully now, only rocked against your face, keeping himself at the back of your mouth. Each push forced strings of saliva to dribble out of your lips and down your chin, smearing on his sack.
Steve set a different rhythm on your clit now, somehow managing to arouse it all anew.
One of your hands tried to blindly grab his wrist when he thrust a third finger inside you.
"Take it, doll." He ordered, moving his digits ruthlessly despite your attempts to stop him.
"It's only three fingers. My cock will stretch you wider when I take your tight cunt."
You didn't know if Bucky finished first and that's what set you off again, soundlessly screaming as he spilled down your throat; or if Steve pushed you over the edge and your helpless, choking sounds made Bucky burst.
He groaned loudly, rutting his hips against your face as he came. Then withdrew slightly, keeping his still spurting cock on your tongue.
His icy gaze turned warmer as he watched you from above, admiring your ruined state and the pool of white cum sliding down the back of your tongue.
Steve pulled his fingers out of your sopping pussy at the same time that Bucky finally eased out of your mouth completely. The squelching sound of your cunt flushed you with embarrassment.
"Kiss the tip," Bucky's voice was soft, but you knew it was an order nonetheless.
You hesitated only a second, mostly due to tiredness. Steve slapped your puffed pussy in reprimand, causing you to squeak and lean forward instantly, placing a kiss on the head of Bucky's softening cock.
"Good girl." Their praise made your head swim. Or maybe it was the post-orgasmic exhaustion.
"You're perfect." Steve kissed your temple.
He was surprisingly gentle as he helped you up. Your legs slightly wobbled as you straightened and Steve quickly slipped an arm under your knees, picking you up bridal style.
You snuggled to him as he moved around the room. You heard some shuffling, items being moved away.
Then you were being lowered down, cool, solid surface beneath your back. A sound of chair being moved and a telling jangle of buckle belt being undone.
Steve's face appeared above you as you blinked your eyes open. He tapped your cheek a few times, rousing you back to consciousness.
Someone's hands moved up your legs - Bucky, you realized. He spread your thighs open, his hot breath puffing over your swollen, wet folds.
Steve gripped under your chin and forced you to tilt your head back.
"Ask me to fuck your mouth." His fingers wrapped around your throat.
He didn't clench them; his hold merely a reminder of who was in charge, and how easily he could hurt you.
"P-please, Steve, fuck my mouth." Your voice cracked.
You weren't sure there was enough air in your lugs left to survive another cock down your throat.
"More." Steve demanded. "I know you can beg prettily, doll."
Bucky nipped on the sensitive skin of your folds, making you yelp.
Seemed one would always punish you, if you didn't obey the other one.
"Please!" You babbled. "Please, Steve, feed me your cock. Fuck my mouth and fill my belly with your cum."
"Oh, we will." There was a dark undertone to Steve's chuckle as he guided the tip of his dick toward your parted lips. "We'll fill your belly plenty, little doll."
You thought he meant coming down your throat.
He did. But he also meant more.
Soon you'd find out.
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runnning-outof-time · 4 months
Another little request, please don't mind the spam if you don't feel inspired c: <3 "I didn't get your name" + Arthur please!
Thanks so much for sending some extra Arthur in, Shark @call-sign-shark ! I greatly appreciate it! I know I said it before, but it was fun to end this celebration off by showing some love to him…and I wouldn’t be writing for Arthur Shelby if I didn’t add some of his violent self into one of these stories. That’s where I went with this one…trust me, it makes sense…….I think. I hope you like it! Enjoy! :)
Oh and this is the last blurb of this celebration! Thank you to all who read these!! I can’t believe I’ve finally finished writing them!
Part of my 3.5k Celebration — find more stories here!
What A Way to Meet Your Boss
Arthur Shelby x Reader
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Warnings: language, series typical violence, use of derogatory name
Word Count: around 1k (I’m too lazy to find the count)
Summary: (Y/N) meets one of her bosses in a rather…unconventional way. Or maybe it’s very conventional considering the company she works for.
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(Y/N) had just finished her tasks for the evening. She made sure that all of her materials were put in places where she could quickly find them tomorrow before grabbing her coat and purse. She exited the Shelby Company Limited building then, ready to get home and relax.
But of course, Birmingham had different plans for her.
“Women as pretty as you shouldn’t be walking alone at night,” a man’s voice came from the darkness of the alleyway she’d just passed. (Y/N) willed her feet to keep walking, knowing that things would turn bad if she stopped and entertained this man. Maybe he’d give up.
But it didn’t pan out that way.
Shoes then scuffed on the concrete as his quick steps were heard behind her. “I’m fuckin’ talkin’ to you, bitch,” he sneered. (Y/N) quickened her pace. “Fuckin’ get back here!” His angered words were accompanied by a rough hand, and (Y/N) was left defenceless as the man effortlessly pulled her back and into his grips. Her eyes widened as the man’s forearm came into contact with her throat. “Gonna make you pay for ignoring me,” he seethed, his mouth right against her ear. “How about you make it easy for yourself?”
The man couldn’t follow through on what he was going to do because the next thing he knew, he was getting the wind knocked out of him; his arms falling slack from (Y/N)’s frame. She didn’t even stop to look and see what had happened, instead moving as fast as she could to get away from the altercation just as it sounded like someone started to deliver a barrage of punches onto her assailant.
It didn’t take (Y/N) long to notice that there wasn’t even much of a fight when she did finally turn around. The man who had his arm wrapped around her neck seconds ago was now curled into a ball on the ground as he tried to stop the madman that had come to her rescue. Even she flinched as the second man landed one more vicious punch before standing tall over the beaten man.
“Please, please…please be done,” the man pleaded, his voice and body shaking.
“You should know better than to fuck with the Peaky Blinders,” the man standing above him bellowed, his voice one that (Y/N) was familiar with, but couldn’t quite put the name to.
“I…I didn’t know that she was a Peaky woman, Mr. Shelby,” the man made an excuse, still pleading for his life. He couldn’t tell if the animal of a man standing above him was finished or not. Hell, he should have known better than to choose to hang around this part of town. Who would have known there would have been a Shelby in the area though, let alone the worst out there all?
“Peaky woman or not, you lay another fucking finger on any woman and I’ll fucking cut them off. You understand me?” the Shelby man threatened.
“Yes, yes,” the man on the ground was nodding his head profusely within seconds of hearing the other’s threats…which should really be considered promises.
“Now get the fuck outta here before I decide to do it now.” That was all the man needed to hear to scramble to his feet and hurry away from the area. It was evident in his limp that he’d been beaten pretty badly, but that didn’t stop him from running as fast as he could. The man left behind couldn’t help but chuckle as he watched him leave. When he’d finally turned a corner and was out of sight, the man turned to (Y/N). “You alright?” he asked, making his way over to her then.
“Yeah,” she answered with an exhaled breath. “You came before he could do anything. Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me,” he brushed her gratitude off, shaking his head slightly. His peaked cap had been returned to his head and was now pulled down, shielding his eyes from her, but she couldn’t miss his prominent mustache. “I could walk you home if you want,” he offered.
“I live a block away,” she answered, a polite smile present on her face.
“Safe travels,” he nodded to her, starting to turn back towards the company building the she’d just left.
“I didn’t get your name,” she quickly called after him, the words leaving her mouth before she could think better of them. She knew he was a Shelby man, but she didn’t know which Shelby man he was.
Her voice made the man stop and turn back to face her. “Arthur Shelby,” he answered simply, lifting his head enough for her to catch a glimpse his full features as they were illuminated by the streetlight.
“Thank you, Mr. Shelby,” she thanked him again, sending a grateful smile his way.
“Happy to have ya workin’ for us, love,” he said, sending a closed mouth smile her way before turning again so that he could walk back to the building she’d left a short while ago.
(Y/N) watched him enter the building before she turned and hurried the rest of her way home. She let out a sigh of relief once she was behind her locked door. What a way to meet your boss, she thought to herself, shaking her head as she headed to her bedroom. What a way indeed.
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*tags in reblog so that hopefully they get sent out
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plush-rabbit · 4 months
Weighted Bodies
Pt. 2 to Foggy Minds Word Count: 3.2K A/N: I had some requests for part two of foggy minds so i came up with this!! -
There’s a knock on your door. It’s quick, and curt and you rush towards the door with a pep in your step, your first instinct at such a knock to believe that it’s a package. But you stop short, and you remember that you hadn’t ordered anything. More knocks follow- rapid and heavier than before and you step back. 
You’ve made your payments for the month. You can’t think that it would be any loan sharks- you’re dumb, but you’re not dumb enough to make those types of decisions. Your stomach twists and you think it’s a client who found you- it wouldn’t be the first time, but you can’t afford to move. Maybe if you’re quiet, whoever is behind the door will leave. The knocks come again, heavier and pounding on the door, and you turn, grabbing at a picture frame, the metal ridges digging into the palm of your hand. You just have to stay quiet-
“Oi!” You flinch at the voice. “It’s me!” Your eyes squint, and you can recognize the voice. “Let me in, will ya? This who fucking place reeks of death and shit.” Oh, you can recognize the voice. “Hurry up!” The banging continues, and you place the picture frame down, and you go to open the door. 
He may be wearing a different mask, but you recognize his voice. “What are you doing here?”
“Took you long enough.” He brushes past you and he takes up the whole room. He cranes his neck, walking everywhere and laying down on your couch, resting his head on a decorative pillow. “Your place sucks, by the way. I had some bitch offer to blow me for crack.”
You close the door behind you, securing the locks. You catch the look of disgust on his mask as he analyzes your home. 
“How did you know where I live?” You ask hesitantly, your hands playing with the bottom of your shorts. 
“Your boss,” he says casually, picking up a decorative statue on the end table. “All I had to do was throw money at him, and he gave me the address and-” he digs into his pocket, and pulls out a few condoms. They’re fisted into his hand, and without a care, he tosses them  towards you. They scatter on the ground. You stare at the contraceptives, and back at him, your face growing warm. He clears his throat. “I’m here now, so you’re welcome or whatever.”
“Why-” your voice catches- “Why are you here, Adam?” His mask is emotive, a brief look of wide eyes is quickly replaced by a neutral look. “We just- You usually wait for like a week before and after Extermination Day, so- so what is this?”
He looks at you for a second. And then two. And then five, and when you squirm and look away from him, he snorts. “You could use better couches. You got a sweet puss, can’t you afford something better? Fuck, I know I’m paying way too much for you still to be living in this shithole.”
You’re fine with the comments being made during your line of work, but hearing it out loud in your home, makes everything feel so perverse. Your chest burns, the flames all consuming and making it harder to breathe. “It’s cozy,” you defend.
“It’s a fucking studio.” 
“Well lucky for you, I am moving out.” He turns to you, and places his feet on the worn coffee table. “I uh- I went to the Hazbin Hotel.” You wish he didn’t show up. You’ve never had a client here, not in your personal home. “The princess allowed me to stay, so I’ll probably move out maybe in a few weeks?” You talk to fill the silence. Usually he can be so expressive with the mask, but now, he can’t get a read on him.. Is it because it’s a new mask? Because he hasn’t figured out the wiring or however the mask works? “I mean, it’s not like it matters to you. You don’t- You shouldn’t even be here.” You shake your head. “But um,” you clear your throat, “yeah.” You think you’d rather suck him off at this point than continue to talk. 
“She’s letting you move in?” He sounds taken aback.
You shrug. “It took some convincing.” Your nails scratch along your thighs, and you can breathe a bit easier. “It was like she didn’t want me to. But I guess I looked pathetic enough that she felt bad for me.” You give a weak laugh. “But uh- They have a friend of mine- Angel- so he kinda helped, but even he seemed,” you pause, “weird about it.”
He’s silent. You shuffle your weight between each leg, and you think you’ve said too much. You open your mouth, trying to remedy the situation, but you’re interrupted.
“I’m hungry,” he tells you, grabbing at your remote and flipping through the channels.
You narrow your eyes in confusion. “Okay?”
“Make me something to eat.”
Every part of you is screaming to tell him to leave. To go back to Heaven- that there must be a price to pay for him visiting Hell for- for you. The thought of him visiting for you makes your heart beat against your ribs, drumming loudly behind the ivory cages. He’s visiting for leisure. That’s it. Not for you, but for fun. To annoy you- to annoy a resident of Hell. 
But he’s made himself comfortable. And you hate to admit it- even to yourself- but you like the company. Even if said company is rather brutish. 
“I’m making food because I’m hungry, not because you told me,” you huff, turning on your heel to walk to the adjacent kitchen.
“Yeah, whatever,” he scoffs.
The plates sit empty, and the television is turned on. The program isn’t anything new, something you’ve seen countless times, same format, different people. It’s boring, and with the swell of your stomach from the savory meal you just had, you could fall asleep. You think you are falling asleep. Your eyes are heavy and your mind is filled with static and mothballs, far too thick for you to be aware as Adam lets his hand rest beside yours. The side of his finger touches yours, and you want to hold his hand.
“If you want to be redeemed, I could probably pull a few strings.” He doesn’t turn around, and you think you dreamt what he just told you. You look at him, and you don’t know if you heard him or not. He looks away from the television, and his hand stays beside yours. 
“What?” You ask with sleep laced into your voice.
“I doubt Sera or Lute would be happy-” you recognize Lute, but you haven’t heard of Sera- “but whatever. They can go fuck themselves if they say anything.” He says the words quietly, held together as if they should have never been uttered, a prayer under the ceiling of your home, the yellow lights nothing like the sunlight from above.
“Are you-” your voice cracks, and you clear your throat- “Are you being for real?”
“Why the fuck would I say it in the first place?” His wings flutter, feathers bristling against the worn couch. He sounds offended that you think he would say this. But what else are you meant to think?
“That’s-” your voice is soft, and filled with doubt and hurt. He turns to you, and he’s waiting and watching. “I can’t do that.” You shake your head. “That’s not fair to Angel. He’s been trying real hard-”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” His voice has lost the gentleness that it held before, the soft whisper is gone and replaced with something sharp and cold, and he looks at you through his mask. 
You realize he hasn't removed it in all the time he’s been here.
“Angel- He’s making progress and he’s doing good despite-”
“The porn demon sucks cocks all day-”
“You don’t get to call him that,” you say defensively. “He does what he does because he has to. When you sell your soul, you don’t get to say no.” You pull your hand away from where it was, and you move away from him. “And if he’s the porn demon then what the fuck am I?”
“Don’t be stupid,” he sneers. You flinch at the words. “You’re a sinner. Take the fucking offer.” His mask glitches, and you wonder if it’s made of a cheaper grade. However, you doubt Adam would wear anything less than excellence. “We come down to slaughter you for funsies, and you’re telling me that because you feel bad for the porn demon you aren’t going to take the opportunity to be a winner?”
“It’s just-”
“You’re a Sinner,” he hisses out your name like it’s something grotesque on his tongue, his eyes narrowed and his wings curling behind him. “You don’t have to tough it out in the dirt like this. You could be living it up, we could be fucking on literal clouds.” 
You look away. You forget your place. You forget that he visits not to spend time with you, but to fuck you. You’ve been used for as long as you can remember, and it hasn’t stopped. A part of you hoped that Adam wasn’t entirely like that. That one some deep, hidden, part of him, that he liked you as a Sinner, that he liked you. That perhaps because he was an angel, he had some decency in him.
“Adam,” you speak softly, your eyes fixating on a plate.
“You’re being mean.” You roll your bottom lip between your teeth. “Meaner than usual.”
“I’m being honest.” 
“You’re still being mean,” you tell him, shoulders raised and the food in your stomach churning. 
He huffs. “I don’t know why you’d rather stay at this shithole. And then you’re going over to the princess’s hotel? Sinners are meant to stay down here. That bitch isn’t gonna save anyone.” His words are cold, and he hasn’t looked away from you. “You think you’re going to be redeemed?”
“Well-” you drag out, looking away from him. You aren’t sure. You want to believe that people can be redeemed, but a part of you knows that you’re only moving because it gets you free lodging. Rent isn’t cheap, and living in a hotel sounds fun. 
“Let me give it to you straight,” he practically snarls. The venom in his voice is laid thick onto his words. “You aren’t.” His wings flap and the feathers prick themselves, the soft form they held, now rough and looking as if they were made for fighting rather than holding. “I’m giving you a chance to take the easy road and become an angel, but you’re too fucking dumb to even say yes.”
Your throat tightens, and your eyes burn with heavy tears. “I think you should leave.”
“Fuck you.” He grabs your wrist and you’re reminded that despite the physical appearance of him looking so man- he’s far more than that. “You think because I fuck you twice a year, that it makes you special?” His wings flare out, the golden feathers suddenly so cold. His voice is cold, and he presses his face closer to yours, teeth bared and a scowl ruining his pretty face.
Something awful twists at your stomach, nails piercing into your guts and innards, and leaving you filled with bile. “You quite literally asked me if I wanted to be redeemed,” you say quietly, spitting the words out. “Excuse me for thinking I’m so special.” The words are heavy and weak as they escape. 
The eyes of the mask narrow, and his wings curl in, and you wonder just how powerful they are. “You’re a good fuck. That’s it. I get to rough you up, you beg for me.” His hand tightens around your wrist. “I’m offering it because it’s hard to find someone so fucking pathetic like you. Go to that hotel or don’t. Next extermination, I swear,” his words are filled with malice, “if I see you,” his nails dig into your skin, “I’ll be the one to-”
“The one to what?” You interject, your eyes glossy and voice wavering. “What? You’ll kill me? Fuck you, Adam. You- You come down here and act like you’re so much better than anyone else here-” you yank your hand back and clasp your other hand over the wrist- “well you aren’t.” Your chest rises and falls, your teeth bared in a desperate attempt to make yourself look dangerous. But with the tears in your eyes, and every fiber in your being begging you to run, to scream and hide away, you know you don’t even appear to be a threat. 
You sit on the opposite end of the couch, holding your wrist, and trying not to cry. You can’t give him that satisfaction. But your legs bounce, and they won’t stop, no matter how much you try. You should have kicked him out before, you could have lied about having plans. You should have screamed for help- though you doubt your neighbors would actually do something about it.
“Why did you come here, Adam?” You ask, looking down at the ground. “We had something good going on.” You tuck your legs under yourself, biting at the inside of your cheeks, grimacing when you bite too harshly. “Even if I wanted to be a Winner, I wouldn’t- I’d be lost up there.”
He’s quiet for far too long and the rejection makes you close in on yourself. 
“I wouldn’t kill you.” Your eyes glance over to him for a moment, but he’s turned his head the other way. “I didn’t mean it.” His hand goes to curve over where his usual horns are, but they flutter in the air, falling until they grasp onto the curved steel bone of his new mask. “You wouldn’t be lost,” he tells you, his face turned towards the wall in front of him. His voice is tight, almost as if he’s embarrassed to be telling you what he’s saying now. His wings flutter, gold shimmering in a wave. He clears his throat, and looks away. “A bunch of the angels are on the welcoming committee.”
“There’s a welcoming committee?”
“It’s fucking lame. We have some guy sing a song about how everyone in Heaven is hot, and he just flies around.” He sounds annoyed, the eyes of his mask forming a thin line of glowing dots, and you snort. “I’m telling you it’s fucking torture to listen to the damn song every time we get a new soul.” He waves his hand in the air, agitation light in his voice. 
“When I arrived in Hell, it sucked.” He looks at you. You don’t like to talk about your arrival to Hell. Not to your friends, not to anyone. You hardly like to think about it yourself. “I uh-” you smile bitterly- “I was so upset. I was in hell. It was hot. The noises were loud. And I-” you stop, the feeling of loneliness making your body feel detached- “I was hungry.” You hadn’t realized just how loneliness was so consuming.
“What do you remember?” He probes.
You pause. You remember being terrified and alone; wanting someone to take you in their arms and tell you that you were safe; you remember wanting it all to be a dream. “I remember the pain of landing here.” You watch as his wings unfurl, one spilling over the armrest of your couch, the other careful to not smack you. It brushes against you, and you look at them memorized, the patterns of the feather delicacy etched upon him. “I think I’d take a song any day.” You remember taking jobs that you had never thought you’d ever take.
“Come ‘ere,” he tells you. You crawl towards him, and he touches you, his hands steady and holding you firmly as they situate you above him, letting you sit on his lap. The glowing eyes make your own look away, the gaze of him far too much, too empty and unclear for you to feel comfortable. You know your place. A pet for him when he wants it. Going to heaven would only further cement your place at the ground that he stands on. His hands grab yours and they guide you to the end of his mask. “Take it off.” 
It’s a heavy mask. You wish you could examine it, even if you aren’t sure what any of it would mean, but you want to study it, to let your finger trace over the features. Your attention is pulled back to him, and you thin your lips. 
He’s always been difficult to look at. His eyes are gold, shimmering and shining under your lights, how hair tousled and set from being confined in the mask, and you can’t stand to look at him. You close your eyes, and your hands ghost over his cheeks, tensing and choosing to rest over his clothed shoulders. Your lips meld, and your hands tighten over his shoulders. It’s soft, his stubble tickling your chin. You murmur his name, repeated when he kisses your neck, his name muttered like a prayer, your hands clawing and grasping at him. You shut your eyes, your body curling into his touch, lips desperate to find his again. You need him. You crave him. You wish he’d stop grabbing at your skin, but every touch is feverish, flaming your body more than it already has. 
You kiss him with want. You kiss him like you’re alone all over again, wanting to commit him to memory.
Your eyes grow heavier, sleep wrapping itself around you like a warm blanket, or perhaps it’s his wing, curled around you, spilling over your body and your sofa. Each blink grows longer, and you nestle to the side of him, clinging to his warmth. “When are you moving to the hotel?” His voice is soft, the tips of his hands scratching up and down your arm. You mumble your answer, letting your eyes come to a close. “The hotel fucking sucks. The whole idea of it does. It's like she wants you to die.” Your brows furrow with each passing word. The words are lost on you, your mind too foggy with sleep to pick apart the words and piece the clues together. “Lilith’s brat is only setting you up for failure.”
“‘M used to it,” you mumble. “‘S no big deal, Ads.” You wish he’d stop talking. You’re tired, can’t he hear it in your voice? 
“It’s fucking dumb,” he spits. 
“Adam,” you whine, your legs tensing and squeezing around his own, “‘M tired.” You feel the gust of his wings, a ghost of a touch making your skin prick in chills. 
“Stop talking.” His feathers are soft, and you always forget just how they feel despite touching them quite a few times. They curl around you, a heavy blanket or warmth, the soft hints of cologne and musk envelop you, and he’s soft under you, tender and gentle, his hands tracking into your skin, invisible tattoos kissed onto you. “I can do whatever I want in Heaven.”
“Mhm, sounds great,” you whisper, your body heavy above his, limp with sleep and full with sin and unknowing. 
You're pulled closer to him, and you welcome his warmth and his comfort. “Even if you don't want to be redeemed, you can stay up there. I'll have you taken care of. No one would say shit.”
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urfavlarry · 3 months
Male!Carmilla Carmine x gn!reader
warnings: bad grammar, swearing
A/N: This one is a bit short sorryy 😭
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Being a worker at one of the most powerful overlords company really was.. something. Especially when you were the CEOs most trusted assistant. You handled almost everything; scheduling meetings, working on paperwork, working on the new ideas the boss has and go to meetings with the boss and his daughters. You’ve worked there ever since you could remember, taking care of his daughters since they were little. You liked the job, but it was tiring and you had to deal with really.. how can you say it lightly.. idiots. People constantly doubted you and your skills or just toyed with you as if you were some side whore they could use.
“He’s only keeping you around for your looks.”
“He doesnt think you’re skilled”
“When he gets bored of you he will just kill you off.”
Those are some things you hear at least once a week. But you learned to ignore it. You knew your boss had a bit of a temper, but you knwo he cares about his people more than anything, especially his daughters. He was hardworking and he was a passionate person, always coming up with ideas and working day and night. It didn’t have to look like it but he cared about most of his employees, yet you were told he favored you more so over the others, but you didn’t really see it.
Today was a particularly busy day, you were buried in the depths of paperwork and you were just counting down the papers and prayed you hopefully finish at 1am at least. It was 2 hours after your shift and your hand ached from all the writing and your eyes were drooping. A sudden knock on the door wakes you up and every bit of sleepiness leaves your body in an instant. You straighten yourself and dust off your clothes and yell a weak “come in”. And there he was, your boss. He had a stern look on his face and he walked up to your desk. He eyes you closely and a low voice with an Italian accent starts to speak; “Y/N, would you mind telling me what time it is?” He says and circles around you like a shark watching his prey. “1:43am, sir.” You say and look down at the almost finished pile of papers. He sighs and crosses his arms over his chest; “And could you kindly explain to me why the hell you are still working?” You stumble over your words and make up a really weak excuse and he looks at you unamused; “Sir I’ll just fini—”“Ah, ah. The only thing you are finishing is working. Pack up and go home before I make you leave myself, and we wouldn’t want that would we?” He says and ushers you out of your office, making you comply since he did have a bit of a temper. “Oh and Y/N I have a meeting tommorow with some company, they want me to model my products or something I could have cared less what those idiots had to say.” He says and walks with you to the exit of the company, his hand on your waist, pulling you closer to his body. “I’ll have to leave the other responsobilities to you while I’m gone, but I’m sure you can handle it, that’s why you’re my asistant.” He says a bit too smoothly as it made your stomach turn.
Your face feels a bit hot and he spins you around, smirking down at you. “But, maybe you could come to my office after I get back.” You stutter over your words and you internally slap yourself; “Sir but that would be after my shift.” He shrugs and dips you, face inches away from yours. “Then I guess I’ll have to pay you extra for the service hm? Amore mio~” His hands wander up to your cheek and pulls you closer, your lips touching. His lips were a bit rough, your soft ones moving in sync with his. You pull away when you suddenly hear a voice calling for him, needing him urgently. He mumbles some swears under his breath but calms down and pulls you up. He kisses your cheek and smiles, something he doesn’t really do often. “Good night la mía vita~” He says and leaves you on the streets of hell.
You walk to your apartment and kick off your shoes, finally relaxing in bed when you feel something in your pocket; a piece of paper. It was a phone number written in neat handwriting and you smile, quickly adding it into your phone.
- Can’t wait to hear your lovely voice Amore~”
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vivwritesfics · 16 days
BOB AND BUN PLEEEEEASE! Sick and stubborn bun, bun having a meltdown and Bob helping or Bun and Bob aquarium trip where she info dumps all about the sharks and he is just heart eyes 😍 ~nursesainz
beb you know i can't resist these two (I have also decided that her father is Beau Simpson btw)
Bob and Bun
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In her defence, she wouldn't have been like this if her father didn't insist on seeing her. She would have been laying in bed, sipping water between naps.
But no, her father had called her in and she had to say yes.
That morning Bob watched as she rushed around, getting dressed and doing her makeup. She didn't look well, that was clear. But the makeup made her look (and feel) slightly less dead. "Bunny, please," he said when she raced past him.
He grabbed her wrist, holding her still as he pulled her into him. "Stay here today, tell your dad that you're sick. He'll understand."
The noise that was pulled from her lips was pathetic and she hated herself for it. "I can't," she mumbled and pulled away from him. Grabbing one of Bob's jumpers, one that was reserved for their lazy days on the couch, she fished her shoes from the bottom of the wardrobe and pulled them onto her feet.
Bob couldn't help but feel as though he was marching her to the chopping block, being the one to drive her to see her father. He kept his hand on her thigh as he drove her, thumb moving in such a soothing way that she was falling asleep.
When Bob pulled up outside of the office, he didn't want to wake her. He was gentle as he squeezed her hand and called her name. "C'mon, Bun, we're here," he said as her eyes moved open.
Placing her mouth into the crook of her elbow, she coughed. "Bun," he whispered, dropping her hand.
It was no secret that they were together, but Bob was, admittedly, a little scared of Beau Simpson. His boss was Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell, and Pete's boss was Beau Simpson. "I love you," he said quietly as he stopped at his office door.
She didn't hear him as she headed towards her fathers office.
Bob didn't know what happened in that office. He could only imagine that she was too sick to have a proper conversation. That was how it looked when they were in the bedroom that morning.
What was stopping Bob from marching down there and dragging her home? Oh, because she was Beau Simpson's daughter. Because Beau Simpson would pull out his gun and blow off Bob's head the minute he opened the door.
Bob didn't mean to flinch when his phone rang. But he had been so wrapped up in his own thoughts that it had startled him. Him. Bob Floyd, the arms dealer for the Dagger Squad.
"Yeah?" He asked when he answered the phone.
"Simpson wants you," said his receptionist.
Fuck. Bob was out of his seat within seconds. He slipped his phone into his pocket and marched out of his office. When he walked down the hall, somebody tried to stop him to discuss ammunition of all things, but Bob ignored them and continued on to Simpson's office.
He sucked in a breath and knocked on the door. "Enter," Beau Simpson called.
Bob pushed open the door and walked into Beau Simpson's office. He tried not to let his eyes move to his Bunny, looking ready to drop at any minute. He kept his eyes on Beau Simpson, sat forward with his hands clasped together.
"Floyd," Beau Simpson said, his voice low. Bob swallowed. "My daughter is sick. Now, I was going to ask for Cyclone or Maverick to escort her back to her apartment, but she insisted that, for some reason, I call my arms dealer."
Bob couldn't help but look to her. His Bunny. She'd asked for him specifically.
"Now, I don't want to know why she's calling for you, Floyd. Just take her home and make sure she gets better," he said and returned his eyes to the paperwork in front of him.
Bob swallowed. "Yes sir," he said said and approached her.
"Floyd," she mumbled and reached for him.
He said nothing as he pulled her to her feet, supporting her as he walked her out of the office. "Oh, Bun," he whispered the moment the door to her fathers office shut.
"I've let him down," she mumbled as they walked out of the building.
Bob shook his head as he fished his keys from his pocket. "You haven't, Bun. Not in the slightest. You can't blame yourself if you're sick."
The noise she made gave no indication as to whether she agreed or not. She climbed into the car and Bob felt her burning forehead. A frown crossed his face.
He drove her home much in the same manner that he'd drove her there, hand on her thigh, thumb moving in a soothing manner that had her sleeping. He didn't have the radio on and kept the A/C vents turned towards her.
He didn't wake her until he absolutely had to. It was gentle again, soft voice, gentle touches. Bob helped her to get into the apartment, his grip on her tight but still gentle. "Let's get y' in bed," he mumbled and took her to the bedroom.
The moment Bob sat her down, she laid down on the bed and shut her eyes. She kept her eyes shut as Bob got her changed into her pyjamas. "Y' want something to eat?" He asked and she nodded.
"Toast, please," she mumbled as she crawled beneath the blankets. "With butter and some tea?"
Bob took care of his Bunny. He got her toast and tea, and sat with her while she ate. When he felt her burning forehead he grabbed a wet flannel and pressed it to her skin.
"I've got you, Bun," he said again and again that night.
Bob tried to kiss her. He tried to lean down and press his lips to her own, but she turned her head away. "Floyd, stop it," she mumbled as she pushed on his chest. "I don't wanna get you sick."
"Don't care, Bun," he replied as he laid beside her, fingers moving through her hair. "You can take care of me when I get sick.
She thought about it for just a moment before she kissed him. It was just for a second, less than a second, before she pulled away and turned, facing away from him. "If you get sick, it's on you," she said and he kissed her shoulder.
TGM Taglist: @biancathecool
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0mysticmidnight0 · 3 months
~Mystically Broken AU - Chapter 1~
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You trembled as the taxi took you to a dark street, filled with crime. Robbery, Arson, right in the day light. You felt nervous. The taxi stopped at the tallest building. Once you left the taxi and entered the building, you turned around to glance at the Taxi, two people robbed the driver.. You hurried to your destination. You enter the Elevator, hopping nothing wrong happens.
~Flash Back~
You sat in your boss's office, expecting your paycheck for the month. She looked at you rather nervously. "As you know, our company has been slowly crumbling, we've been losing clients and we haven't been strengthening any business ties. Luckily! We have a few people wiling to help us, under a few conditions." You glanced at her nervously. "Who are these people exactly?" She gulped and looked away, She wasn't usually this cautious. You were worried. "You'll find out soon! They arranged a meeting for us to discuss the terms and conditions. You are coming with me since you are our top employee and one of our representatives!" She smiles enthusiastically. It felt odd, you wanted to know more about them. But you felt like she'd avoid the question. "That's great.." You smiled nervously. Why did your fellow representative have to be sick on THIS day?! You knew you should've spent more time in bed..
You gulped as you tapped the button on the elevator. The top floor. The elevator door shut loudly. Who were these people? Why was this place so shady and creepy. You had the feeling that whoever your boss made a contract with isn't really a nice guy. The elevator made an abrupt stop as it opened. You walk out of the elevator and looked around. The floor was glass and it looked like an aquarium? You couldn't see any fish until you saw a.. robot shark.. then another and another.. The room was dimly lit and looked up to see the city's four most wanted criminals and your boss looking at you. "You made it!" your boss's voice muffled you were too in shock and you looked at the four criminals infront of you. "Let's get this over with, my time will not be wasted by your incompetence." Donatello, Mechanical genius, One of the smartest and deadly criminals due to his understanding of technology. He creates deadly weapons that cause mass destruction. it was rumored he uses petty criminals for his experiments.. Who am i kidding, he probably does. He glared you down like he couldn't tolerate your presence. "Donnie, stop your growling. You're gonna scare away the prey." Leonardo, One of if not the person with highest bodycount. He's killed hundreds, thousands to get what he wants. But he always manages to hide the evidence. One of the best Manipulaters. He's hard to catch, people say he just vanishes. He nudges his twin while laughing. He looks at you like he wanted to devour you whole. "Why don't you idiots shut up! Don't listen to them."
Raphael, a literal tank that could take hundreds of people at once. The strongest when it came to raw strength and battle strategy. If you ever cross him or do something that upsets him, prepare to deal with his terrible and DEADLY temper. He glared at Donatello and Leonardo as they shut their mouths. You hear a voice from behind you.. You gasped when you saw who it was. "Well, don't you look fun?"
MichelAngelo, The best at deceiving others and persuading them to do his bidding. He locks people up for fun and calls them his playthings. He kills anyone who steps in his way. He commits daily vandalism. He wouldn't kill anyone right away, he'd slowly drive them to the brink of insanity because it's fun to watch them fall apart. What had your boss gotten you into?! "Now, take a seat. Cynthia here tells us you have experience addressing crowds and dealing with rumors about your company. Dealing with any evidence regarding your companies misdeeds." It was true you were the one dealing with false rumors and false evidence.. That's how you became one of the representatives. But you had a gut feeling they were gonna take advantage of that. "I have been the one dealing with those issues but that was because they were mostly false! I can't defend something when i know it's wrong." You wanted to stand your ground. That was a bad choice. you turned to your side and gulp. There was a sword or katana.. an odachi. There was an odachi to your neck. "All of us have to do things we don't want to do to survive in this cruel world. Do as we say and we'll keep our end of the deal, alright?" Your boss, Cynthia just looks at you nervously, her gaze telling you to accept their condition. "Or we'll have to slowly destroy you one by one.. " His laugh echoing through the room. "Make this quick so i don't have to spend another moment with these imbeciles." you gulped and slowly nodded as you still felt the Odachi's sharp end to your throat. "We need you to destroy all criminal records. No matter how many times i delete it from the governments system, the people of new york still spread these awful rumors. who knew word of mouth could be so, infuriating. we need you to-"
"Ughh.. Donnie! English!" "Just get to the point already!" "I was JUST getting to that. We need you to accompany us to some governmental parties this year. They host four parties each year. One of us will accompany you and we need you to speak for us and claim our innocence." "But you aren't innocent! I-" You felt the Odachi go closer to your throat. "Hold your tongue." "Precisely, Complaints of the people to the government make us a target. So much so that they arranged an elite super force or a group of highly trained professionals after us." "We ain't getting anythin' done when we knows a buncha' creeps watchin' us!" "Do you think you can get the job done? It is pretty fun!" Your boss looked at you apologetically.
You nodded and the Odachi was pulled away and you took a sigh of relief.. What did you get yourself into.?
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
another taiju request cause I just found out something and i had this idea. So it’s canon that taiju likes sharks so imagine the reader one day showing up to his house and says he bought something special for him and go to change real quick and taiju is probably thinking something else but when the the reader walks out he’s in this cute shark onesie and starts acting like a shark and says “but that’s not all look” and pulls out a shark onesie for taiju and maybe Hakkai and yuzuha come home to see the reader and taiju acting like sharks while wearing the shark onesie and taiju start playfully chasing Hakkai while the reader is playing the jaws theme in the background
Meanwhile yuzuha is secretly recording this beautiful moment
Sorry it's so short and not exactly what you wanted. I'm writing Draken's Brother part 5. Haitani Baby Brother part 3. I'm also writing the D.L x V.K. crossover. And I'm trying to write something special for having 200 followers. But i hope you Enjoy!
Shark Attack
Taiju x Male Reader
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When (Name) texted Taiju he had a surprise waiting for him at home. Yhe Black Dragons could tell their boss was excited. He was constantly checking the time on his phone. Since (Name) had gone shopping with his younger siblings. So he was excited to see what (Name) had gotten him. He wasn't going to lie. He hopes it's something "special".
His phone buzzed and Taiju almost fell over trying to get his phone out of his pocket. The gang members all sweatdropped. This was their mighty leader? When he saw it was a text from (Name) informing him they were home. The members had never seen their boss run so fast. "He does remember we have a meeting in like an hour right?" Kokonoi asked looking at his best friend who shrugged.
"He left with a smile. (Name) probably has something to do with it." Inui replied looking back at him. Kokonoi cringed. "Hey that's my cousin! I don't want to know what they're up to like that." The look of disgust and the shiver Kokonoi had as enough to explain his answer. He'd walked in on them too many times.
I mean how else are you supposed to react when you find out your cousin is EXTREMELY flexible. By walking in on your boss blowing your cousins back out on his kitchen counter. Please Kokonoi never wanted to see something like that again. But did when he got invite to swim at (Name)'s house and found his cousin preaching Taiju's name like he was a Saint in the hot tub!
Back with Taiju who had just pulled into the drive way of his and (Name)'s house. He turned off his bike and made his way inside. Expecting an empty house for his surprise but only to see both of his younger siblings playing what he guessed was a new game (Name) probably got Hakki. "I'm home" He called out. The two siblings barely looked away from the TV answering with a quiet "Welcome home."
(Name) came out of the kitchen with a new apron on. Considering Taiju ripped the other one off him last week. Taiju cringed remembering the smack and lecture he got for destroying the apron which apparently was a birthday gift from his siblings. "Babe! I wasn't expecting you to be home so soon! Don't you have a meeting soon?"
Taiju shrugged. If it meant spending more time with his (Name) he didn't care about some meeting. Inui and Kokonoi can take care of it. "I got your message that you had a surprise for me?" (Name)'s face lit up and he squealed kissing Taiju's cheek before running upstairs. Taiju confused smiled loving how happy (Name) seems to be.
It didn't take long for (Name) to return. Taiju was expecting a revealing outfit. Like maybe a crop top and those shorts Taiju has been trying to convince (Name) to get. But no. (Name) came hopping down the stairs in a full suit. A full shark onesie. Taiju froze staring at him. (Name) giggled catching his attention. "That's not all~" (Name) pulled from behind his back an even bigger shark onesie. Taiju smirked widely. God does he love him.
(Name): *playing jaws music from his phone*
Hakki: *running away with tear filled eyes*
Taiju: *chasing after Hakki in the shark onesie* I'm gonna eat you!
Yuzuha: *recording to sent to Kokonoi and Mitsuya*
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My Helluva Theory
(AKA mixed characters in Helluva Boss)
So, my friends and I were hanging out and discussing Helluva Boss over a call. I had Google Images open and something struck me looking at Blitzø's family photo.
His mom is a succubus.
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Her horns struck me as weird. All other imps have the striped horns with the white bands indicating gender difference. I started looking up crowd shots and confirmed so. However, guess who has the thin, all black horns?
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She also, notably, has no white features as imps do. Succubi lack these white freckles and whatnot entirely. Most of all, she has their pupiled eyes.
This sent me down an insane rabbit hole of digging deeper. There are PLENTY of mixed characters throughout the show that I think have flown under the radar, and I really want to talk about them. Some might really surprise you.
Following this, I started looking into Blitzø (and Barbie by extension). This post helped point out lots of features on Blitz:
It reiterates lots of the points I just made, and adds some. Blitzø has lots of unique features that make him very un-imp-like. His feet and eyes, namely, along with a heart theme in lots of his objects. He is also canonically stated to be AMAZING in bed.
Next, my friend pointed out that Fizzaroli has the same eyes as Blitz. At first we were scared this broke the theory, but looking into it, Fizz has some of the same characteristics as Blitz that makes me think they might've been childhood friends partially because they are both half succubus.
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The pupiled eyes are our best piece of evidence since his adult form is mostly robotic, but the sharp boots on a child stick out to me still. Fizz also grows up to be a sex icon in Hell despite his shtick clearly being a clown. Fizz is probably also a half succubus.
Also, why is the circus symbol clearly a heart? Could it be because notably both succubi and imps worked there, along with their mixed children?
I had also heard talk of Striker being half something. I think his design speaks for itself: the distinct snout, the ringed eyes, his long and spiked tail. I thought he might be a loan shark at first, but this is a half-imp-half-snake.
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He is clearly different from Butch, the half imp loan shark who has the smaller imp stature and lacks the two large fangs.
Striker's attempt to connect with Blitz, another half-imp who climbed up the ladder, makes lots of sense now.
Those are those in the main cast I could pick out, but there are minor characters I wanted to pick apart. To start off, Glitz and Glam.
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These are not loan sharks. They lack key features all loan sharks appear to have. They do not have tails nor the distinct snouts. Their eyes are not ringed. However, the aquatic theme is still very apparent, and their skin is pale. I figured they are probably succubi-sharks. Their horns (which the sharks DO have) have the black pattern on the tips that some succubi have, and the shapes match. They have wings, another distinct succubus feature.
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Their song is about transactional sex, a combo of both the themes of loan sharks and succubi.
A wrench was thrown into my theory, though: Stu, the loan shark, is canonically a half succubus. Also, this background character from episode 4.
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They are very different! The pink, the heart tail, the present snout, the ringed eyes. They look nothing like the other pair.
So, Glitz and Glam are not sharks. They are part possessor, which are eel-like demons. Marcella has similar glowing spots in her hair and this background character has the same eyes as Glitz and Glam.
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I do not think Glitz and Glam are full possessors, though. Their horns are succubi horns and, as far as we know, only succubi usually have wings. Their faces are also still very flat.
The Ozzie bouncer MIGHT be a succubus mix.
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He has white features that are too pale to be scars, the x's which may or may not be clothes, the striped horns, and no irises. However, he has the wings. This could be mitigated by the fact that imps can earn a pair of wings, so he may simply be an accomplished imp.
But if Blitz and Fizz are half succubi, why does this one look so different? The answer is in the parents. Ligers and Tigons are different depending on which parent is which.
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Similar, but clearly different.
I have no idea how to end this, but it was most of what I have figured out after lots of digging. I think it's really fascinating! It makes me appreciate Vizi and the team's designs a lot.
I have a few people to thank in the comments that pointed out some problems which I've amended, such as how imps can get wings. Thank you guys!!
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sageourplanetmeow · 5 days
Ahem, so I have decided that in preparation for the possibility that I do commissions as part of a future job that I am going to practice doing that but for free. So the floor is open, go nuts with it! Basically go on the thing on my blog that says ‘Free Comissions’ and request something if you want.
It can be: a short comic, sketch or art piece and you can choose whether I do it on paper or digitally. For comics, there may be some possibility that I make an animatic but it would have to be relatively simple since I am still not that good at that. Practice would be nice though :>
Stuff I Would NOT Like To Do:
Revealing outfits
Right wing propaganda
Discriminatory/offensive content
Heavy HEAVY gore
Things I Would Prefer To Do:
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
The Owl House
MLP Gen 4 (preferably as humans but I’ll take a swing at their pony forms even if it’s difficult)
The Ghost And Molly McGee
The Amazing Digital Circus
Carmen Sandiego
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (the mutes would be difficult to draw especially Scarlamagne but I’d still be cool with trying)
Octonauts/Octonauts: Above & Beyond
Ducktales (either ducks or human versions would be fine)
Sophia The First (sue me Cedric is great)
Secret Life Of Boys (It’s a BBC thing)
Wallace and Gromit (it would have to be comical though because I don’t know how easy angst would be to draw)
The Emperors New Groove
Steven Universe
Dodger (the BBC series)
Hercules (Disney)
DC Superhero Girls (preferably the newer ones)
Thunderbirds (1960, I mean they’re puppets so it would be hard but I like them so)
Sherlock Holmes (black and white one or the BBC series)
Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (I find them hard to draw but I love Donatello so I would do my best)
Moral Orel (I haven’t drawn anyone from there yet so it might take some experimenting but again this would be cool to do)
Murder Most Unladylike
Greek Myths
Picture Of Dorian Grey
Empires SMP
FNAF Security Breach (preferably Sun and Moon)
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
Tangled The Series
Disney Movies I dunno
Circe (by Madeline Miller) and the Odyssey
The Wizard Of Ozz
Cats (animals)
Sharks (less easy)
Minecraft Buildings but drawn
Your OCs
My OCs
Designs for certain concepts
Fanart of fan fictions/covers/illustrations for them (they might not be a consistent thing)
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kekaki-cupcakes · 21 days
hello and congrats on 250 followers! I’m so happy for u! Anyways can I request a WILFLOWER ✩°˖🫐 ⋆。˚꩜ about a (blonde) daughter of Poseidon? Idk if this is really what you’re looking for but I figured I’d put in the request anyways. Okay thank u have a nice day <3
thanks hun <3 nice to see a daughter of poseidon round here Xx
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-claw clips made out of seashells.
-definitely collects those giant blue shark teddies from Ikea and named them after all your friends.
-horses around CHB come up to you all the time. they're very polite and call you 'boss' or 'misses in charge' but sometimes they mistake your hair for straw and try and take a bite. it's not their fault.
-wear the newest edition of the orange shirts the Aphrodite have been tye-dying into personalised colours after Nico complained there was no black option. probably blue [of course] or cream or maybe greens and pinks.
-Percy get's a cabinmate. Yay! now he has to clean up after himself.
-could definitely fight with throwing ninja star things shaped like starfishes with the little bumps on them too. if they break in half the celestial bronze just grows back.
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cubicle-eyes · 1 year
Hey, I’m the anon that requested the last Crimson one shot! Ty for taking my request! I will gladly ask for more, as I’m still obsessing over him atm! Could you do some hcs of him with a socially awkward/anxious reader? It may be a bit weird but it would mean a lot! And pwease make him nice (to us) :3. Thanks! ❤️ 😈
Crimson Knolastname x GN!Reader Headcanonss
Also this reader is anxious, there is references to pulling your own hair, chewing your nails, biting your knuckles
TW because this us an 18+ show I'm writing about. It may include cussing, sexual themes, and more.
Y/N sat on the floor underneath Crimson's desk, back pressed against the side where the drawers lay, writing in their journal to make scenarios and possible reactions. Most of them were either too obscure or made Y/N sound more confident, but it helped a lot. They glanced up at Crimson silently, watching him type on the computer, face unnaturally calm. Y/N scoot around so the side of their head rest against his leg, continuing to write as the typing slowed because one hand rest on
Y/N's head.
- Crimson doesn't entirely understand the concept of deep-rooted anxiety or any reason for being shy other than lying
- it takes some time for him to understand but when he does he becomes very protective
- Y/N: live laugh love
crimson: bite maim kill
- he trues to make you laugh if he notices you getting tense, but sometimes it doesn't help
- he doesn't know what to do when you won't talk to him, sitting in silence and bouncing your leg
Crimson gave up on trying to actually communicate and slid down the wall to sit next to Y/N with a sigh, taking his hat off and leaning his head against the wall. Y/N was messing with their hair, tugging and detailing the strands until they came out between their fingers. Crimson watched silently for a moment.
"You can't do that anymore, honey. You'll go bald."
"Maybe that's the point."
"It's not."
He reached over and took Y/N's hands away carefully. Y/N was prone to yank away violently when they were acting like this. There was a bandaid over several of Y/N's fingertips where they had chewed the nails down too far before Crim could stop them. He sighed, pulling Y/N closer, resting Y/N's hands on his knee.
"Where's your journal?"
- he definetly learns little breathing techniques with you because Chaz used to make fun of you
- of course he can't anymore-
- but he likes it and catches himself using them when he gets over-angry at a stupid worker when shooting them doesn't help
- he notices you biting your knuckles one day when you're talking with a few of his colleagues
Y/N nods absently, not really paying attention to the conversation as it happened. The attention was directed directly to them, since the conversation was about their bosses new lover, but Y/N felt more like an object then a person. They bit down particularly hard after a question about their sex life and winced, pulling their knuckle away in suprise. Crimson appeared immediately, wrapping a damp paper towel around it and glaring at the loan sharks.
"That's not a real appropriate question, is it fellas?"
A chorus of apologies and excuses were made, but Crimson paid them no mind. He shot the question asker and Y/N smiled faintly as the others scrambled quickly.
Crim applied more pressure to the bleeding knuckle and Y/N pulled away, recoiling.
"No, it's okay. I was a little too late to get that stupid finger out of your mouth."
"It's okay. I didn't even realize."
"You have a million little fidget things, you don't even use them."
The question was surly, but Y/N simply ignored it. They held Crimson's hand, using their thumb to play with his.
"I guess I just like your hands better."
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murderluv23 · 8 months
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Teen Fizz is fucking adorable!! Ahhh!!
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They're BROTHERS, your honor!! Need more Fizz and Blitz together. They're too cute.
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LOVE the voice they gave Mammon. He was fucking hilarious.
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Loved these bitches the moment they appeared. Literally said I loved her design then switched to "their" mid sentence. Their song was kickass and the visuals, holy fuck! Gorgeous animation as always, Helluva Boss!
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THIS SCENE MADE FALL IN LOVE WITH FIZZAROLLI EVEN MORE!! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! This bitch knows ASL?? And sat down with a kid and fucking made his day by signing back and giving him a hype boost!! STOP!! I'm going to cry! THIS IS SO WHOLESOME!! Fizz, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! YOU DERSERVE THE WORLD! YOUR HEART IS MADE OF CUPCAKES!! I CAN'T! I NEED TO PUNCH A WALL!! (Viv, I hate kids, so props for getting this reaction out of me. That's how well executed it was. Seriously, really appreciate this completely uneeded but sugary sweet bit of representation here.)
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Look at that smile. Look at how gentle he is with this kid. Ugh, I can't. Also it's not lost on me that he has broken horns, too. Get you a man like Fizzarolli. If your partner isn't like Fizzarolli- drop them. They're trash.
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Was frothing at the fucking mouth! Get the fuck away from my precious baby. Don't you touch him with your filthy hands! Bitch, you're out here wearing the same clothes from fifteen years ago. You're a hazard in every sense of the word. Back up before you give this poor man 95 diseases, you fertilizing internet shark. Fuck's sake, Fizzarolli's sense of smell must've been murdered in this scene. Along with everyone else's.
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Love the protectiveness from Blitz this episode. So sweet. He's so soft with his buddy.
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blackopals-world · 1 year
Shark in the Water part 1
Part 2 Part 3
OnsenOwner!femYuu x Azul Ashengrotto
Part 2 of the Onsen!Yuu series (part 1)
Azul isn't a fan of competition, especially when they steal away his best girls to work for them. He'll have to learn to share if he wants the benefits of having a business partner.
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It was a good day for business so far and the girls were drawing in a crowd. Not that Yuu was slacking or anything. Entertaining guests was something of an art and training up proper hostesses took time.
Honestly, these boys may not know much about women but even they know empty flattery and fake compliments. The Pomefiore trainees are too used to being praised rather than praising others. Some guys are into that but most aren't. The Octavinelle girls so far have exceeded expectations and their customer service skills are properly honed.
"Goldien fix your posture, " Yuu reprimanded "and Volx keep those ears turned up. If a customer sees those droopy fox ears then they might lose interest."
The firey fox strained to keep her ears perked as she continued her training.
Yuu sighed, tea serving was an art but it was lost on the trainees.
"Why does all this matter. If we are doing our job why do we have to be so stiff?" Volx asked indignantly.
Yuu narrowed her eyes at the impedance.
The fox's mind suddenly caught up with her mouth as she bowed lowly with her forehead to the floor.
"Sorry, Mistress! I didn't mean to insult you." She said meekly.
Yuu didn't give her permission to raise.
"I suppose that is a fair question. Do you think this Onsen runs on hopes and dreams? It runs on profit. The springs alone don't make enough to pay your salaries. We make money on our services and that requires labor. If you girls perform half-heartedly who would return? You need to charm them into coming back again and again. You need more than just looks. You need charm and you were chosen those unique charms. " Yuu explained but had to cut it short when one of the hostesses notified her of a guest.
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As Yuu made her way to her waiting guest she greeted customers. Each of the hostesses bowed their heads and acknowledged their Mistress.
Yuu asked one to bring her a bottle of umeshu.
Waiting in Yuu's office was none other than the Octavinelle Warden himself who was no doubt going through her things but pretending to be gazing at the decor.
"What a surprise I wasn't expecting a guest, let alone one that pretends to come alone." Yuu was no fool, Leech twins were here somewhere.
Azul shrugged, pretending to know nothing.
"Who knows, they were quite intrigued with your Onsen and wished to try it." He said taking a seat.
"Azul, you are not amusing. If you intend to intimate me its not working. If you are trying to shake down my girls I want you and your men out of my spa. If one of their hairs is out of place you have my word that this ends badly." Yuu didn't play with Azul of all people, not when the situation was dangerous.
"You have my word that they mean no harm." He said with little sincerity.
"Your word means little to me," Yuu said coldly.
There was a crash from down the hall. and girl's cry.
Yuu immediately bolted to see poor Tilly sprawled out on the floor, a bottle of umeshu shattered and Floyd standing over her.
This looked bad.
"Out! Out! All of you, out! You are banned from stepping foot on my property again!" Yuu screamed as she help the mouse girl up.
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The tweels felt a cold chill crawl up their spines after the long quiet walk back to their dorm. Azul was silent the entire time.
"So," the warden began as the doors to the lounge closed "What part of just look around don't you get? We needed information and you got the bright idea of just tripping a girl?!"
Floyd threw his hands up in surrender
"I swear she tripped on her own! It's not my fault she's clumsy." Floyd whined, for once he was innocent.
"Might I add, their boss seemed pretty upset already. Azul might have already ticked her off." Jade said
Azul sighed, either way, they could no longer investigate the hot spring themselves and the girls they sent there were tight-lipped. Leave it to Octavinelle students to look out for their best interests first.
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The next day an apology letter fell on Azul's desk. The misunderstanding was cleared up and while Yuu was willing to have another meeting it would have to be somewhere on neutral ground. Like a nice Italian restaurant in town, tonight at 8.
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