#Headcanons: Carrion
muses-inn · 2 months
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In its early stages, Carrion would just destroy whatever piece of technology one attempts to give it. But later on, it will use cellphones or other means of communication to stay in touch with those it deems useful. It doesn't really bother with customisations though and prefers functionality.
It always maintains a slight dislike about technology and especially weapons. Weapons have been used against it extensively during its grand escape, and humans used their technology to experiment and study Carrion.
As far as it concerns the creature itself, it has no need for weapons or fancy technology anyway. It uses echolocation to stay in contact with its copies and also to find other beings. And it is quite powerful as it is already. Whatever technology it uses, it does mostly for the sake of blending in with the humans around it.
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muse-inn · 1 year
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Carrion learns and acquires memories through thin, thread-like extensions of its tentacles that penetrate its target's skin. The less resistance, the less painful it will be. But if someone harbors hostile intentions and fights it, the contact will end deadly unless its catch manages to free itself. It is sentient and its ability to learn fast makes it in fact intelligent too. It consumed multiple high-ranked scientists during its breakout, but it has yet to sort out all the new knowledge and learn how to not just transform into a human but also act and talk like one. It has seen memories, learned specific terms and words, but doesn't know what they mean or what context they have. But it will catch on quickly. Usually, it starts off in new threads with having eaten the scientists and processing that newly acquired knowledge. It struggles with taking a human's shape at first but gets the hang of it quickly. It will talk in chopped sentences initially before improving its manner of speech.
If the encounter is peaceful and without hostile intentions, Carrion will display a large amount of cautious curiosity and try to understand its new 'friend'. Its thoughts, memories, pulse, and body warmth. There's going to be a lot of groping and probing in that process, but it's all for the sake of science.
Even if it may forge a friendly affiliation with someone tho, Carrion is still dangerous. The Cephalopod-like creature is a sentient parasite and infests its surroundings and victims. It will spread by multiplying itself over and over before you know it. One wrong move can turn Carrion against a supposed friend and it will consume them without batting a lid. However, it is also capable of becoming protective over someone when it develops a possessive sense of 'this one belongs to me', and will destroy everyone and everything it deems a threat to them.
Hunter and Scavenger
Carrion is both, a hunter and scavenger. It can locate carcasses that are miles away and will eat them just like it eats living prey. It really doesn't matter in the end as long as it can eat and grow.
Invaded Locations If your muse descends into the laboratory Carrion was kept captive, or any other place it previously rampaged through, they will stumble over a bloodbath. Wherever there was life before, there will be blood, bones, ripped-off limbs, and guts all over the place. There will be a distinctive smell of decay. Carrion's maws, eyes, tentacles, and extensions are all over the place, wriggling through brickwork, cracks, and ventilation systems. Just to give you an idea of the terror they're about to face before even coming into direct contact with its core.
Weaknesses Carrion HATES fire and it will avoid flamethrowers like the pest. Fire hurts it a lot and will easily scorch its tentacles. It dislikes great heat in general and prefers cool or moderately tempered places. It also has a hard time dealing with sharp blades as long as it is small and weak.
The creature reproduces by splitting parts from itself. These parts will stay connected to the core but can act and operate on their own. It is like a clone hive. It can eventually adapt to other life forms and even go so far as to mimic their reproduction processes but usually considers these less efficient.
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yourfaveisafearavatar · 5 months
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The Monster AKA Carrion from Carrion is an Avatar of the Flesh
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michaela-o · 3 months
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A little fan art gift of Carrion for my lovely mutual @callsign-relic !!😻❤️
I really hope you like it !🥹❤️ i had so much fun drawing him and i abolutely LOVE his design !! (I also decided to add lil of myself bc i love your mean boi so much🥹🥹)
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fantomette22 · 10 months
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Queen of Crows 🐦‍⬛👑🩸
Have our dear Annalise with some crows! Yes total headcanon of mine. Especially the albino one! (I thought of Yuki ❄️ as a possible name).
I like imagined some Cainhurst nobles have pet crows. In this case, if an uncommon white crow was to be born, i believe it would make sense for the heir of the throne to be gifted such a rare bird. And you know symbolism and all.
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starflungwaddledee · 10 months
Would your Morpho Knight enjoy mud?
can't spell murder without murd!
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Every zone zine has:
A little diy pin design template section;
Chimp and Newsie's new station name and frequency ("because [they're] the only bugs in this goddamn place with any bedside manners, apparently 🙄"— NewsAGoGo);
Section on crews who haven't dialed the mothership after a clap or who cleared all channels for more than a couple months;
A TCM advert no editor remembers including or even drafting, but is undoubtedly there once the zine is published
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tubifexx · 11 months
@lettherebemonsters for This
First off, i haven't seen anyone RP the Clown, and thats a damn shame. Give him some loves :(
ANYWAYS, I could already see Carrion and Kenneth actually being decent towards each other. They always seem to cross paths and seeing how Carrion has no judgment, they find a lot to talk about. Kenneth rambles while both of them eat, Carrion just listens.
Now, Phyllis is going to see this abomination and just go " :) Our Child Now" It will not help that Carrion willingly goes to interact with them, eats whatever they give them and just chills.
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carr10n-exe · 1 year
Are you made of meat Super Meat Boy style or Vita Carnis style?
Vita Carnis style is closest I suppose. I apparently share great resemblance with tubifex worms. Don’t ask how I know any of this.
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I have this headcanon about Icarus and Ariadne, that really isn't supported by any actual ancient myth outside of them both being young people in Minos' court in Crete, but I like to think they were each other's first loves. Like that so-sweet-and-innocent, but yet still incredibly consuming and passionate puppy love, and part of Icarus' desperation in escape was about getting back to her, and then he died.
Icarus died exuberantly flying back to her, and she never really got over it.
So then Theseus came along, and woo'd her, and that was cool and all, she was excited to move forward, she helped him and was excited for their adventures, BUT THEN HE BETRAYED HER and straight up abandoned her in her sleep on Naxos. At this point, she's lost one true love to a tragic and prideful death, and one faithless love that had her betray her family and then dipped; she's devastated and just ready to die so that hopefully she might find Icarus again in the afterlife.
BUT OUT OF FUCKIN NOWHERE, Dionysus comes along and is just like "Ah yes, that beautiful flower, I want her to be my wife" And just *yoinks* her up to be his immortal bride. RUde.
And maybe overall he was good to her, and they were happy, but she never really got over what happened to Icarus, and she is constantly reminded by her immortal, godly life in the heavens that she is living his dream, which he was punished for chasing.
And yes, this idea started when I was listening to "I, Carrion" and I am currently being haunted by an "Ariadne's Version" of the song (see below)
I have wings now, love, and I always will I'm lashed and bound to life and so I carry on Cruel skies mock me with their brightest blue And it's the closest thing to you So I'll carry your carrion
If the wind turns, if I hit a squall I pray the ground to open up its arms to me
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da-shrimping-station · 4 months
Cats in Hell Headcanon
these have been in my drafts for a bit but never thought to publish it til i saw this post
CW: mentions of corpses and death
they're scavengers that feast on carrion and with the war, they've developed a taste for angel flesh
you can still feed them kibble and table scraps
but they'll go for corpses when it's available, which is more often than not
you can see a group of them linger on the edges of battlefields, waiting for their next meal
the devils are baffled that they incur no side effects from consuming angel flesh
their horns glow in the dark and it's a 50/50 on whether they'd let you touch it or not
if they let you, you get the cutest and loudest purring you'll ever hear
if they're not in the mood for it, be prepared to lose a finger or a chunk of flesh because they have serrated teeth and their claws are no joke
they're popular pets but with the war, a lot have been displaced and the population of strays have boomed
some devils would keep one or two as their companion but also because they're sensitive and can help detect angels
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muses-inn · 2 months
Humanity // If they're asked what 'humanity' means to them and how they would describe it, what would they answer? Do they love or hate humans? { For Carrion }
@mcltiples / meme
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Carrion has a very snarky view of the term 'humanity'. While it's obviously about being human, the creature wouldn't associate that term in a positive way. Humans would keep the creature captive to experiment on it after all, so 'humanity' also means a capability of being monsters in disguise themselves. As far as it considers the creature, it will scoff at people believing that 'humanity' is supposed to be a good thing. That being said, it may casually engage into somewhat philosophical conversations if one were to bring up that topic, but it will maintain a snide tone, while making fun of humans and their collective arrogance about being 'the superior species' on Earth when they're nothing but food in Carrion's eyes. Even if, you know, eating humans and merging with DNA that humans kept testing on would ultimately cause the creature to evolve as much as it ultimately did.
So yeah, it is not a big fan of humans. Hate might be a strong word here tough, but it definitely doesn't love them either. It needs them to a degree, but doesn't like them. It has taken up many human antics itself, but still wouldn't want to consider itself human other than just disguising as one for practical reasons.
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3zethe3zr · 9 months
STP Voices preening headcanons
These are mostly based off of my designs for the voices (silly little anthropomorphic corvids - each a different species with a different accessory) But i thought they were too fun not to share :]
Now, in some particular order:
Takes absolute shit care of themselves and their feathers:
Broken (Collared Crow)- I feel like this one is self-explanatory. Its Broken. His feathers are fifty shades of fucked up and hes trapped in too much self loathing to ever consider preening, social or not. The manacles have damaged his wing feathers to the point that even without the chains, he cannot fly. Cold (Common Raven)- Feeling nothing does not mean they experience any discomfort when unkempt and sees self maintenance as wholly boring. Is absolutely rank. Also considers social preening an absolute waste of time, is lucky to have Hunted as a bestie Cheated (Chough)- Never gets in horrid enough condition that Broken and Cold do, but somehow manages to be worse. Does not see the point in self maintenance when his feathers are just going to get fucked up in the future, but the second he feels he's too unkempt he will start complaining. Doesn't enjoy social preening either, so the others have to force him at metaphorical gunpoint, and he whines the entire time
Takes insanely good care of their feathers:
Opportunist (Eurasian Magpie)- First impressions matter! He is always ridiculously well put together and shiny. Wants the connections social preening could give (and maybe a friend), so tries to initiate it frequently. Often the one badgering Cheated to take care of himself by appealing to Cheateds' better nature. Cheated does not have a better nature. Hunted (Malayan Black Magpie)- Well maintained feathers have a fuck ton of benefits for a Weird Fucked Up Prey Creature so Hunted is insanely diligent about making sure every feather is in order, and gets cagey and on edge when this is not the case. Social Preening is its primary way of bonding and it greatly enjoys it. The one keeping Colds feathers from getting too nasty.
Perfectly average preening habits, nothing to write home about:
Hero (Carrion Crow)- Tries his best but often ends up a little scruffed up around the edges Skeptic (Taiwan Blue Magpie)- Normally keeps themselves very presentable, you can tell when their mind is occupied as they get unkept very quickly Contrarian (Steller's Jay)- Always looks perfect without having to try at all. Everyone else hates this.
Would have good care of their feathers BUT:
Paranoid (Rook)- Anxiety is a double-edged sword, he takes very good care of his feathers due to it, but can also over-preen and has a few bald patches. His gloves bend his wing feathers out of shape and that only stresses him out more. Does not trust any of the others to preen him. Smitten (Blue Jay)- His feathers are ridiculously well groomed, and he cares about looking good. However, he does not take that helmet off ever, and nobody else is allowed to take that helmet off- so his facial & head feathers are as fucked up, bent and grimy as Broken and Colds. Perhaps even worse. Outside of the helmet thing, he delights in social preening. Stubborn (Jackdaw)- Being in good condition means he can fight for longer, so preening is a worthwhile investment to make. Post fight, you're going to need a fucking construction crew to put him and all his feathers back into place. Doesnt enjoy social preening and gets fidgety and bored fast.
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thevelaryons · 11 months
Wait, what do you mean Laenor and Addam are "possibly implied to have the same sexuality"?
So this idea is based off GRRM's tendency to repeat/recycle certain themes for characters from the same family. Seriously, just look at any Westerosi family we get extensive details about and you'll see that GRRM employs this writing method quite often.
As I was saying in this post, Corlys' children are juxtaposed against each other: Addam to Laenor and Alyn to Laena. Fire & Blood makes it evident enough that Laenor is a gay man and with how he shares other parallels with Addam, the nature of their sexuality might be something they also have in common. Now obviously take this with a grain of salt because Fire & Blood tends to be ambiguous in how it presents information. I know there are people in fandom who consider Laenor to be bisexual though I personally (as a bisexual person) don't see it. I've always interpreted him as a gay man. We're given plenty of relevant information concerning Laenor's relationships to other men to reach this conclusion (he's described as preferring the company of exclusively men over women and the overall depiction of his relationships with Joffrey & Qarl all emphasize his homosexuality).
As for Addam, the text does present his "interactions" (using that term loosely) with other male characters in a certain light that leaves room for interpretation.
This moment with Benji having Addam's body taken to Raventree Hall (instead of returning him to Driftmark 😒):
At moonrise the riverlords abandoned the field to the carrion crows, fading back into the hills. One of them, the boy Ben Blackwood, carried with him the broken body of Ser Addam Velaryon, found dead beside his dragon. His bones would rest at Raventree Hall for eight years.
mirrors a similar moment with Loras & Renly, a gay couple:
“I buried him with mine own hands, in a place he showed me once when I was a squire at Storm’s End. No one shall ever find him there to disturb his rest.”
And it's not until 8 years after Addam's death that Benji actually returns his body back to Alyn who seems to have discovered the whereabouts of his brother's body at last. Now I doubt Benji just forgot he was keeping Addam's body back home. At the end of the war, he spent some time around Corlys, years later he and Alyn were together in the Vale, and even after that, they went on their road trip to King's Landing together. But it's not until some more years have passed that Benji finally returns Addam's body to his family. I just find his behaviour suspicious tbh. How do you forget you're keeping someone's dead body at home when you're spending considerable time around that person's family members?? All those chances Benji had to mention that Addam's body is with house Blackwood and he doesn't say anything until 8 years later when Alyn seems to have found out this information and gotten his brother's bones back. Putting aside my personal fave headcanon of Addam actually surviving Tumbleton and residing at the Isle of Faces for those 8 years, Benji's behaviour presents a parallel to that of Loras who buried his lover, Renly, and refused to divulge that information to anyone.
Then there is also the "mating dance" of Addam's dragon Seasmoke with Tessarion, ridden by another male, Daeron Targaryen:
One such said afterward that the flight of Tessarion and Seasmoke seemed more mating dance than battle. Perhaps it was.
Also this passage:
Who can know the heart of a dragon? Was it simple bloodlust that drove the Blue Queen to attack? Did the she-dragon come to help one of the combatants? If so, which? Some will claim that the bond between a dragon and dragonrider runs so deep that the beast shares his master’s loves and hates. But who was the ally here, and who the enemy? Does a riderless dragon know friend from foe?
The books do emphasize the close ties dragonriders have to their dragons (eg. when a dragonrider is hurt their dragon expresses the pain). Even such things as dragons mating with other dragons is only presented in 2 other instances:
Silverwing and Vermithor oft coiled about one another in the fields south of Tumbleton.
Rhaenyra’s dragon Syrax laid several clutches of eggs, doubtless the result of matings with Caraxes.
In all of these instances, the dragons are bonded to riders who are linked together (whether platonic or romantic): Jaehaerys & Alysanne were a married couple, Hugh & Ulf are also presented as a united front every step of the way in the books, Daemon & Rhaenyra are another married couple. So going off that pattern, Addam & Daeron's dragons having a mating dance would suggest a link between them too, either as allies or lovers. Since Addam torched Daeron's entire camp, I very much doubt they were allies. Though the lovers angle doesn't really work in this scenario either. The more likelier interpretation would be that of ex-lovers who knew each other before the war, hence the quote about the dragon sharing the rider's loves and hates.
Going back to my above linked post which you were inquiring about, Addam & Laenor having the same sexuality and yet being different in how they approach their positions as Corlys' heirs does present an interesting dichotomy. Because Laenor, due to his sexuality, does not fulfill the expected duty required of someone in his position (which btw I don't hold against him; I think Laenor exerting autonomy over his own life despite the closeted society he lived in is a great character detail). Meanwhile, Addam is described as "duty bound", so in this interpretation of him being attracted to men, despite his sexuality, he would be someone who always puts family expectations over his own wishes. That would primarily be due to his background as an illegitimate child but it does serve to contrast him once again with Laenor who grew up as his father's trueborn son.
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juubi · 1 month
One of my favorite headcanons for Kakashi is that his clan has close connections to wolves (well canines in general, but hear me out)... and that makes him sometimes crave raw meat BUT!! ...what if... there was a way to make it worse.
Tiny!Kashi stumbles upon carrion one day and is like "That's gross. I want to eat it- wait what" and then spends the whole day thinking 'that'ssofuckedupthat'ssofuckedupth-'
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Error Sans; the inside of the soul [Small warning for visible skeleton]
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Error Sans belongs to LoverofPiggies
This was a piece I made reflecting the inner feel of the soul of a being, which I represented with Error Sans. The flower on Error is called a carrion flower, which its smell represents one of rotten things. I think this flower helps show my headcanon for Error Sans since in my headcanon Error Sans’s soul is “rotting” away from his original form and original self (Geno) and being reborn as what he is; Destroyer of AU’S. The designs behind Error representing the blooming of new emotions through every stage of being reborn as a new person.
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