#Hellboy / Hero with Good Publicity
chronivore · 11 months
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Hellboy / Hero with Good Publicity
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themailedfist-blog · 1 year
Pulptober 13th: Hero with Good Publicity - Hellboy
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Red brought to you today by Felipe Massafera, Richard Corben, and Paolo Rivera
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krinsbez · 2 years
Presenting...Pulptober 2023
A few months late, and I’m not quite happy with it, but behold:
1-The Shadow/Master of the Mind
2-Doc Savage/Famous Name
3-The Green Hornet/A Rainbow of Justice
4-The Avenger/With A Little Help From My Friends
5-John Carter/All For Love
6-The Lone Ranger/The Mask Does What The Badge Couldn’t
7-The Spider/Tortured Justice
8-Nita Van Sloan/Remember The Ladies
9-John Blacksad/Heroes Don’t Have To Be Human
10-The Grey Seal/Gone But Not Quite Forgotten
11-Domino Lady/Born From Vengeance, Driven To Justice
12-The Punisher/Veteran Justice
13-Hellboy/Hero With Good Publicity
14-Arsene Lupin/The Lawless Bringing Law
15-Tintin/Humor and Heroism
16-The Blackhawks/Men of War
17-Dejah Thoris/Beauty and Badassery
18-The Rocketeer/Average Joe Justice
19-Ogon Bat/Weird Justice
20-Solomon Kane/Learning A Lesson
21-Conan/Adventures Finds You
22-Sheena/Justice From The Jungle
23-The Question/Find The Truth
24-Shang Chi/Master of the Martial Arts
25-Nycatlope/Better Crimefighting Through Science
26- The Phantom/Justice Never Dies
27-G-8/Brushes With Horror
28-The Green Lama/Where Science and Supernatural Collide
29-Jules De Grandin/Ghost Breaker
30-Athena Voltaire/Throwback Heroes
31-Batman/Gizmos & Gadgets
G-D willing, I will self-Rb tomorrow to make sure everyone gets properly tagged.
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paragonrobits · 3 years
i wish i could transmit my thoughts directly to text form because i can never seem to get it down in the detail i have when i think of these ideas but anyway: for that combined comics universe idea I’ve been kicking around, consider heroes first appearing during the decade they were originally published (especially if thematically appropriate), with an attitude towards doing interesting things with character dynamics
a few examples:
1. Wonder Woman, Batman and Captain Marvel/Shazam (NOT Superman, and incidentally Billy would later pass on the name to an alien superhero he regarded as a successor, and then to Carol Danvers) first appeared in the 1930s, corresponding to their original publication dates. Wonder Woman was, in the distant mythological past, a violent Kratos-esque figure on par with typical Greek heroes, but later calmed down significantly into the technical pacifist and icon of universal love, and she swayed her fellow amazons from their following of Ares (as is mythologically appropriate)
2. Batman has stayed alive all this time due to the use of the Lazarus pits, though he is admittedly not entirely comfortable with it, and he’s pulled some weird shenanigans to avoid the question of how he’s still so young as Bruce Wayne. (The tabloids joke, ‘only bruce wayne could somehow fall right into a rejuvanating mythical fluid that’s supposed to make you bonkers’.) The pessimism and cynicism applied to him is a VERY recent development as a result of growing frustration with Gotham apparently being cursed, and a lot of personal stress and heartbreak, mapping to the events of A Death In The Family.
3. Superman is a relatively recent fixture, only coming in the last few decades in-universe or so, to enforce the idea of him as a new hotshot on the block and with a ton of power and idealism winning over people after a long period of setbacks that had many superheroes discouraged.
4. On the Marvel side of things, Bruce Banner first appeared during the 1960s, fitting an age of interest in atomic power in America... and people coming to understand its horrific consequences. After the accident, a good portion of the American Southwest was transformed into a vast Green Door to some hellish otherworld, its energies mutating countless creatures and people into gamma mutates. Bruce, the first of them, has spent a lot of time first trying to cure them, and then helping thme to accept what they are. The other classic members of the Hulk family (Betty Ross/Red Harpy, Rick Jones/A-Bomb, and technically Thunderbolt Ross/Red Hulk depending on how you look at it) also transformed at this time. Since then Hulk went into space, saved Sakaar, and settled into a more peaceful mindset, coming back with a family; his Warbound, including his son Skaar. Betty has a complex relationship with Caeira but its pretty polyamorous.
5. for more independent stuff: science hero Atomic Robo and Hellboy, paranormal investigator, first started appearing roughly around the same time and since they’ve been alive this whole time and reasonably active, there’s a frequent embarrassing amount of times where they had to argue about which cases was in whose jurisdiction; sometimes a dimensional anomaly is Weird Science and sometimes it’s a genuine ghost that won’t piss off. Hellboy takes an attitude of ‘hey whatever works’ and doesn’t mind that much, but Robo is strangely defensive about the whole thing.
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drazzilder · 3 years
A Winter’s Flight
By Drazzzilder 
Chapter 8: Snow
Winter has taken over Japan this year. Almost the whole country is covered in a fresh blanket of white powder. Shoto and Natsuo are home for winter break and Fuyumi is visiting as well. You and Enji took the initiative to plan a vacation at a ski resort for the whole family, even managing to convince Enji to let Keigo come as well. You could practically hear Keigo yelling in excitement when you texted him the news.
E: “Is everyone ready? We need to leave soon so we don’t miss the Shinkansen.” He yells from the first floor.
F: “Almost! I’m just closing my suit case now!”
N: Coming down the stairs followed by Shoto “I don’t know what’s the big rush, we can just teleport there if we miss the train.”
S: “We used his powers before.”
Z: “You can’t rely on us for everything. You need to learn how to time manage.”  
K: “I might be a mess according to your father but at least I’m on time. You all have been spoiled by Hellboy’s quirk.”
(Y/N): “I know I spoil them; I can’t help it. But we really need to leaving soon.”
F: “Coming!” She says running down the stairs. She trips over her feet and is about to tumble down but a few feathers quickly catch her and her suitcase.
K: “Careful!” He slowly lowers her back to the ground. He looks at her face which is flush with embarrassment.
F: “Thank you. I was in a rush and I guess I tripped over myself.”
Z: “Please be careful, we don’t want you to get hurt before you even get to the resort.”
E: “Now that everyone is ready, let’s go.”
You all leave the house and manage to just make the train. You and Enji are sitting right next to each other while Zaheer is facing you both, taking up 2 seats. Shoto and Natsuo are sitting next to each-other on the other side of the train while Fuyumi and Keigo are sitting behind them. You put Enji near the window to prevent him from turning back to look at the two constantly.
F: “I’m really excited you are coming with us.”
K: “I am too! I don’t know how (Y/N) managed to convince your father to let me come. He must have used some of that demonic power on him.”
F: “No need. My father loves him so much that if (Y/N) ask for something, he would make it happen no matter what.”
K: “I think it’s strange seeing him in love. I mean, look at them up there.” At this point Keigo is looking and you and Enji. Enji has wrapped his arm around you while you hold his other hand in his lap. Your free hand is holding your phone, watching a video together. “It’s kind of adorable when you see it. Such a large, imposing man absolutely in love with someone. It is nice to see him happy. When I was a kid, he was just grumpy looking all the time.”
F: “He has a tendency to be private about his personal life. They are definitely more open about their relationship now but for a while it was hidden. He was afraid of what the public would think; being married to a woman then a man. But, I am happy (Y/N) came into our life. Without him, my father might not be here.”
K: “What do you mean?”
F: “All that stuff I told you, he regretted it so much it was eating him alive. (Y/N) was there to help him process it. It was strange seeing him with a man at first but after a while we saw what he was doing for dad, we know why they fell in love. Now I can’t imagine the two not together.”
K: “I’m glad to hear everything worked out. I did want to know, what is it like living with a demon?”
F: “Hmmm, other than he looks different, Zaheer acts just like us. He is just another member of the family.”
K: “That’s boring…” he pouts. “Wait, I just realized. He has a wedding ring on too?”
F: “Technically only Dad and (Y/N) are married but my father gave Zaheer a ring as a symbolic gesture. He does live inside of (Y/N) after all.”
K: “Awww, does he like Endeavor too?”
F: “Yes. It might be strange, but this is our family.”
K: “Anything else about the big guy?”
F: “He does break things but that’s just because he is so big. He is really fun when you get to know him. Even Natsuo likes him, which I can’t say about a lot of people.”
K: “Kinda wanna see him at home being all silly. I only see him when he is being a hero.”
F: “You will probably see that on this trip. Why are you so interested in Zaheer?”
K: “I just think it’s strange that a demon acts like he does.”
F: “He loves (Y/N) and Enji so much, he would never hurt them.”
K: “Eh… I guess that makes sense.”
F: “That doesn’t mean he won’t come after you if you make him mad. He is quite a force to reckoned with.”
(Y/N): “Don’t worry so much. They are fine.”
E: “I can’t believe I said yes to him coming.” He gruffs.
Z: “I can. You always say yes to (Y/N).”
E: “I know… I can’t help it.”
(Y/N): “I didn’t ask him to come just for Fuyumi. I wanted Keigo and you to try to get along.”
E: “What?!” His glasses begin to fog.
Z: “Calm down. We don’t want the whole train to hear you.”
(Y/N): “You don’t have to hang out but just see what he does for her. Maybe you can see why she likes him. Come on, give him a chance. For me?” You bat your eyes at him, all goofy like.
E: “Fine…. But only for you.” He kisses you on the lips.
It isn’t long till everyone arrives at the ski resort. It is high in the mountains, fresh snow everywhere. Everyone wastes no time getting onto the slopes. Shoto and Natsuo had no problem getting up the mountain but down was another story for Natsuo where Shoto was a natural at the snowboard. Zaheer had the hardest time trying to find equipment to rend but they eventually found something that fits his size, hopefully he doesn’t break the skis. You and Enji just skied down some smaller slopes, keeping things calm. You had to, on more than one occasion, remind Enji not to use his fire on the mountain. Keigo and Fuyumi went all the way to the top to try the black diamond slope. She was a little afraid but Keigo wasn’t. The fresh powder made for a great ski down the mountain. She did fall twice but he was there to help her up. Everyone met for lunch in the cabin Enji rented. Afterwards, they went back to the mountain again.
F: “I’m having a lot of fun, Keigo. I never have skied before.”
K: “You’re a natural! I knew it would be a good time with you.”
F: “Maybe my dad will lighten up seeing how much fun we are having together.”
K: “Eh… we can hope. Come on, we got time for one more run, want to try the triple black diamond?”
F: “I don’t know….”
K: Opening his wings “Don’t worry, I got you.”
F: “Alright. Why not.”
Once at the top, the two stand looking down the intense slope. Fuyumi is having second thoughts but Keigo holds her hand to help her. They slowly start moving forward and let gravity take them down the mountain. The two are going down at a good pace when something seems off. There is a rumbling coming from behind them. It is an avalanche! The snow is approaching so fast the two don’t have any time to react other than Keigo flying to Fuyumi and wrapping his wings around the two. The two are engulf in a mountain of snow as they tumble down the slope. Keigo is ok but Fuyumi starts to feel a little sick from all of the tumbling and falling they are doing in the snow. Soon there is no sign of light anymore as the they fall deeper into the powder. Almost as fast as the snow started moving, it stopped and everything is silent and dark.
K: “Are you ok?”
F: “I think I’m ok. How are we going to get out of here?”
K: “My feathers should do the trick…” He tries to move but is completely still. The snow has compacted so tightly around the two that he can’t even move his feathers. “Um… I guess we are stuck. Any ideas?”
F: “I have one…. Zaheer, can you hear me? Please? We are trapped.”
K: “What? He can’t hear you?”
F: “Remember, we are marked. Maybe he can sense something is wrong.”
In the cold silence, the two wait. They are scared but at least they have each other for comfort. Not much time passes and they start to hear rumbling again. This time, it is coming from right above them as they hear what sounds like digging and yelling. Soon, the darkness is broken with a bright light. A large red hand reaches for the two and pulls them out.
Z: Pulling the both of them close to warm them: “Are you ok!?”
F: “A little shaken up but we are fine.”
K: “Wait, how did you know we were here?”
F: “Like I said, we are marked, he can find us anywhere.”
Z: Now fully hugging the both tight while crying “When I sensed you under the snow, I panicked. I was afraid I wasn’t going to make it in time. Please don’t do that again. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t make it in time. I know I might not be your parent but I care for you too, Fuyumi.”
K: “Calm down big guy, we are ok. I managed to protect us with my wings. I think we are done with skiing today.”
F: “Yeah. Do you mind teleporting us back to the cabin?”
Z: “Not at all. You know I am going to have to tell your fathers about this, right?” He says after he manages to calm down.
F: “I know, just try to ease it on them.”
E: “YOU WERE IN AN AVALACHE?!” Enji is practically about to break Fuyuimi in half with how tight he is hugging her.
(Y/N): “Normally I would say Enji is overreacting but this is serious. You could have died!”
K: “I was there. I used my wings to protect us.”
E: He releases Fuyumi from his titan grip and starts hugging Keigo “Thank you, thank you for protecting her.”
N: “Wow! Dad, are you ok? This is a little out of the norm with for you.”
(Y/N): “He is still processing the car accident and this isn’t helping. His emotions are raw right now, give him some time. Also thank you Zaheer for rescuing them.”
Z: “Of course.”
E: Regaining his composer “Yes. Thank you Zaheer. I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to get that emotional.”
F: “Its ok, we understand. Hearing that news would be jarring for any parent.”
(Y/N): “Why don’t we all relax in the hot tub for the evening.”
K: “Sounds good to me.”
The rest of the trip is much more relaxing. No one went down the mountain the rest of the trip out of fear for how Enji might react. They relaxing in the cabin, went to the spa, and even had karaoke night. The children didn’t know who was funnier to watch singing, Keigo or Zaheer. At the end of the week, everyone was ready to go back home. The train ride home was quiet and Keigo finally left to go home himself.
  Next Chapter
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rodpupo2 · 3 years
Research: Project Finish
Tim Sale
Tim Sale is a famous comic book artist, who had worked in several titles along with the writer Jeff Loeb, including Batman, Spider-Man, Superman, Daredevil, and many others.
Tim Sale was born in may of 1956, in New York, where he studied visual arts, spent a good time of his life in Seattle, and today he lives in California.
For some years he drew his art privately, only to please himself. When he found himself working at a fast food in his late twenties, however, he decided to try to sell some of his work. This led to an association with Thives’ World Graphics, a fantasy anthology series, where he illustrated stories.
What most marks his work is the dramatic aspect that he manages to obtain in the characterization of his characters and in the scenarios he creates, making the stories unique and immortalizing the characters.
The union of Sale’s art with Loeb’s engaging narrative has become the perfect marriage for mysterious plots.
One of the most striking characters worked by Sale was Batman, which he drew “The Long Halloween”, “Dark Victory” and “Halloween”. He was able to fully transfigure the dark aura of Gotham and his Dark Knight. He also worked with Superman in the saga “ Superman for All Seasons”.
Both of The Long Halloween and For All Seasons are what is known as “Year one” comics. These works take their heroes back in time to their earliest days of crime fighters.
His main tool is watercolor, which he uses with mastery. Sale's palette of colors is something really impressive, always drawing and painting his characters very delicately, and calmly. His style is very cartoonish, although this does not diminish his art in any way, on the contrary, his style is very unique and characteristic.
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Pedro Franz
Is a Brazilian comic book artist, who was born in Santa Catarina and has a degree in design.
He has been publishing several comic books and participating in exhibitions in Brazil and abroad. As an illustrator, he has published works several magazines and books, and regularly collaborates with the Piauí magazine. As a graphic designer, he is a contributor to the Par (Ent) Esis platform. He has comics translated and published in English and Spanish, and has good international recognition, thanks to his publications.
But what is most impressive in Pedro's art, perhaps is his intensive use of colors. Mixing various shades of different colors, mixing different compositions. In addition to sometimes using characters from pop culture, with his elaborate style.
Despite liking traditional comics, he has always published and worked for national publishers, often with authorial works.
Perhaps his best known work, which was even published in the United States is the comic “Suburbia”.
Suburbia tells the story of Conceição, a girls daughter of enslaved rural workers, who flees to Rio de Janeiro in the early 1990s. In the city, Conceição begins to work as a cleaner and to get involved in the world of funk, slums and poverty.
His drawings are extremely surreal, not exactly following a traditional way of making comics, with several images spread across the page, with different shapes and sizes, with extremely strong colors, mainly valuing blue, purple, yellow and red, as his main colors.
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Richard Corben
Richard Corben was one of the contributors of elevating the comics to the category of Art, and of its unparalleled style of great influence among many current artists.
Richard Vance Corben was born in Missouri, United States on October 1940, in a family of farmers in the middle west ( where he started reading comics), and lived in Kansas City. There he studied Fine Arts, got married, had a girl and started working in local cinematography animation company. At the same time, he started to create and publish some underground fanzines. From the begging it was clear that he was interested in science fiction, eroticism, and total rejection of institutions ( the Army, the Church, etc), mixed with a lot of humor.
At a young age, Corben was an aficionado of bodybuilding, just like everyone who was interested in a persons aesthetics. The first character that he created, was Rowlf, a dog who took on a human form. In the beginning of the 1970s he amplified his work ( and his fame) in some underground magazines. And in 1971 he started working for the Heavy Metal publisher where he created one of his most famous characters, Den a large muscular man, who was always naked, and always after some adventure.
Corben has a very particular style, with unsettling mixture of caricatured, often satirical grotesque and intense,convincing realism. Never before had such wildly cartoonish worlds proved so convincing.
Also he can handle an exponentially higher standard because of his ability to use colour to show the effect of light on whatever he’s depicting. The way that he mixes light and colors in certain panels to differentiate those elements from each other, is something to admire.
Corben worked in a few mainstream comics, he always preferred to work with authorial works or working in specific themes like fantasy and science fiction comics and not so much on superheroes.
But probably the most famous mainstream comic that ever worked was the character Hellboy, along with writer Mike Mignola.
Hellboy is a series of comics that has a lot of mysticism, Norse mythology, horror and monsters. Something Corben certainly agreed to do, without thinking twice.
Richard Corben is one of my favorite artists, with a style that is perhaps not as realistic as an Alex Ross for example, but the humor and beauty that he puts in his characters is very unique.
Corben died on December 2, 2020, leaving a great legacy, for the world of comics and arts, with a very unique style and extremely stunning worlds.
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Charlie Allard 
Charlie Adlard is a British comic book artist, who have worked on the comic industry for over 25 years. He spent the majority of his time since 2003 working in The Walking Dead along side with writer Robert Kirkman , until the last issue on 2019 He started reading comics when he was very young, and he said that he was very lucky to have influences of American comics and the more high art, such as Asterix and Tin Tin. He was fascinated by European comic books artists like Moebius, Alberto Uderzo and Herge. He started his career as many British artists and writers, working on 2000 AD, with characters such as Judge Dredd, Armitage and eventually Savage. In the United States he started working with the X Files, Astronauts in trouble, and of course The Walking Dead. Adlard started in The Walking Dead from issue 7, and brought a slightly different style, from the previous artist. Adlard's art is very cartoonish, but the universe of The Walking Dead still doesn't get silly because of it. Quite the opposite, the dirt and rot that Adlerd puts on his characters and the world, only sustains what a horrible world it is to live in. Many readers complain about Adlard's style, being very simple, that his characters are very similar, and sometimes it is difficult to identify them. But I believe that although his style does not vary much, when it comes time to show a horde of zombies, a devastated city, people feeling despair, and extremely disturbing scenes, Adlard manages to excel. Adlard's main tool is ink. All The Walking Dead magazines are in black and white, and he manages to give a lot of depth to the scenarios and characters using only a few ink stains. Today Adlard is doing some comics, mainly for DC, but says that he does not intend to work with Kirkman and zombies again, because he wants to explore other themes, and to innovate his drawing skills.
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Zaha Hadid
Zaha Hadid was one of the most important and well known figures in contemporary architecture and design. With a singular trajectory, marked by a versatile, bold and out of the box style, she was the first woman to receive Pritzker Prize for architecture and was also the only female representative honored by the Royal Institute of British Architects with a golden medal. Zaha Hadid was born in Iraq, more precisely in the city of Halloween, in Bagdá, in the year 1950. Her family was of high class, her father being an important politician and her mother an artist. Still young, she traveled and studied in other places of the world, like London and Switzerland, but it was in her native land the she got her first formation, when she graduated in mathematics. At the age of 22, in 1972, she enrolled in one of the most famous independent schools of architecture in London, and there she gave the starting point to her career by studying and creating an important connection with the Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas, a figure that encouraged her and opened the doors for opportunities. Later in the 1980s, Zaha Hadid decided to open her own office. This, Zaha Hadid Architects was born, which made her name and talent recognized worldwide. Known for her works with futuristic lines, clean and pure forms, as well as the fragmentation of architectural design. Her projects and discussions raise issues that put architecture and its future to the test. This is because the architect seeks in her works to interrelate design, architecture and urbanism. I knew Hadid and some of her works, but it was the recommendation of my teacher Lauren, that I should look for this architect. As my project takes place in the future, she recommended that I look at some works by Zaha Hadid to get inspiration when creating the scenario for the comic. I find it very interesting how her works have this futuristic aesthetic , because it reminds me of science fiction films like Blade Runner with those skyscrapers and buildings with different shapes and sizes that are extremely imaginative that could only exist in films. With unique works and projects, famous for their exuberance, futuristic elements, curves, non linear shapes, distortions and fragmentations, Hadid inspired and generated fascination both for her constructions around the world.
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Syd Mead
Syd Mead was a designer, best known for working on films such as Aliens, Blade Runner, Tron and Star trek. Mead was born in Minnesota, United States, on July of 1933, but five years later he moved to a second house in the western of United States prior to graduating from High School in Colorado in 1951. Some years later, he did the Art Center School in Los Angeles, where he graduated with great distinction in 1959. He was immediately recruited by  the Ford Motor Company. At Ford he worked in the advanced styling department, creating futuristic concept car designs. But his imagination went beyond cars and he began to imagine clothes, helmets, buildings and scenery from hyper advanced civilization. After Ford, he also worked in other big companies like Chrysler, Sony and Phillips. After that he started migrating to the concept art world of movies. Mead is really important for generation of writers of science fiction, because many of them were influenced by Mead’s colorful paintings. Mead never wrote a novel or short story. He imagined the future in his mind and turned that imagination into illustrations. In 1979 he designed the extraterrestrial spaceship for the first film “Star Trek” in the cinema. Ridley Scott called Mead to design the buildings and flying cars of the futuristic Los Angeles “Blade Runner” in 1982. In 1986 he was hired to design the space station and vehicles of the movie Aliens directed by James Cameron. Almost at the same time, the designer created the electronic world of “Tron” for Disney studios. The same ones who hired him in 2014 to design the futuristic city of “Tomorrowland”. Mead died in 2019 after three years of lymphoma, he was 86 years old. He was a great influence for many designers and science fiction writers and illustrators, due for his creative worlds and automobiles , Elon Musk quotes Mead as one of his major influences, on visions of the automotive future and design in general.
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Transmetropolitan by Warren Ellis and Darick Robertson 
Transmetropolitan is a comic written by the British writer Warren Ellis and the American illustrator Darick Robertson, published by the Vertigo label, and falls within the cyberpunk genre, and the problems that rampant technology will cause us.
Throughout the 60 issues of Transmetropolitan, Ellis and Robertson build a chaotic and brilliantly alive future, presenting a sci-fi society with a peculiar mix of elements of cyberpunk, political dystopias, bioengineering and transhumanism, sexuality, economics and much more.
In a dystopia, in a not so distant future, the journalist Spider Jerusalem is isolated for fiver years in a hut in the forest, but he has to return to the city to earn some money.
Throughout the comic, amid a nihilistic aura that humanity has no salvation, the author- Warren Ellis - criticizes the consumerism and futility. The illustrations, of Darick Robertson, is full of excesses as the environment should be, a brand of the style of the 1990s.
The search for the truth is the central theme of this work, and in the midst of all this we found ourselves in a investigative odyssey that involves the lowest scum of that society ( thieves, murderers and rapists) until reaches the highest of the scum ( the presidency).
This background allows the work to touch on the most profound social themes, and without fear of saying what needs to be criticized, this is where Transmetropolitan shines, and provoke deep reflections on issues such as racism, the influence of media, the power of religions, the education, and many other themes.
In short, Transmetropolitan dissects and criticizes everything, it points out the flaws, the lies and the hypocrisy of each one. It’s a study about the problems of democratic society in the 21th century.
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Jon Mcnaught 
Jon Mcnaught was born in 1985, London, England. He work with drawing comics, and work as an illustrator, printmaker and lecturer. After spending several years on the Falkland Islands during his childhood, which will inspire his second book, Pebble island. The book pass years after the war, where he tries to recreate his childhood, with aspects of his curiosity, when he was exploring abandon bunkers, where it was just part of landscape, or somewhere where he could play. His work has essentially been landscape print-making (often situated in the city), but with quite simple intention of capturing the sense of space, light, time etc. His work is mostly about that, places that he was interested in depicting, and trying to reproduce the visual. He want the characters to feel like elements of a landscape or an environment ( he preferes to focus more on the background, than the characters itself). But usually he uses figures and postures to suggest expressions rather than close ups showing facial features. What I like about Mcnaught's work is that they are simple designs, but the colors are very vivid. The way he constructs the scenarios is very invective, because it doesn’t need to be extremely detailed, he just needs a few lines to show what he is talking about.
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phantom-le6 · 3 years
Episode Reviews - Batman: The Animated Series Season 1 (4 of 10)
Carrying on our look at the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, we present a fourth round of episode reviews, this time starting with a two-parter that introduced one of Batman’s stranger foes to the series.
Episode 20: Feat of Clay (Part 1)
Plot (as given by me):
Lucius Fox of Wayne Enterprises is lured to a secret meeting with a man who claims to be Bruce Wayne, who wants evidence the company has gathered about businessman Roland Daggett trying to take over Wayne Enterprises through insider trading.  The meeting turns out to be a set-up, but Batman’s interference ensures Fox manages to live.  However, the men escape and the injured Fox identifies Wayne as being complicit in the set-up.
 In reality, the man who set Fox up is Matt Hagan, an actor who is forced to carry out errands for Daggett in order to ensure a supply of an experimental chemical compound called “Renuyu”.  The compound makes skin highly malleable, enabling Hagan or any other user to rearrange their features as they choose.  However, the compound is also highly addictive, and Hagan needs it to cover facial disfigurements following an accident he had years ago.  Daggett insists that his men, Raymond Bell and ‘Germs’, eliminate Hagan for his incompetence, relying on Hagan’s addition to draw him to them rather than try to find Hagan, who was a noted master of disguise even before using the compound.
 As predicted, Hagan breaks into Daggett Pharmaceuticals and is caught by Bell and Germs.  They expose him to an overdose of the compound and then leave him in his car, where the compound begins to alter Hagan.  Meanwhile, Batman has learned his alter ego of Bruce Wayne was impersonated for the attack on Fox, and has remembered Bell, who is distinguished by the radio headset he wears to monitor police radio frequencies.  Batman uses this to flush Bell out by pretending to be a police radio operator.  Cornering Bell with the Batwing, Batman interrogates him about the impersonation of Wayne.  Bell confirms Wayne was impersonated, but passes out before confirming the identity of the imposter.  The arrival of the police forces Batman to abandon his efforts with Bell.
 Later, Bruce sneaks into Fox’s room at the hospital, but Fox panics and alerts the police officers outside his room, resulting in Bruce’s arrest.  Meanwhile, Hagan’s friend and stand-in Teddy Lupus tracks Hagan to Daggett’s factory, where he finds the overdose has transformed Hagan into a clay-like monster. Seeing himself in the rear-view mirror of his car, Hagan roars in horror.
Apparently, there have been several villains who have taken the name of Clayface over the course of Batman’s history in the comics, of which four had already made appearances in comics by the time this series came round.  What the series does is combine the occupation of the original Clayface Basil Karlo, namely being an actor, with the name of the second Clayface Matt Hagan, and then throws in an original origin story for the character.  Well, for the character it’s original, but for the show as a whole it’s not very original.  As the DC Animated Universe wiki rightly points out, this two-part episode shares a lot of common plot points with the ‘Two-Face’ two-part episode. Even the structure is roughly similar in that part 1 is set-up for a transformation that the principal villain then seeks retribution for in part 2.
 However, Hagan isn’t as easy to empathise with and root for compared to Harvey Dent.  While Dent was a crusading crime-fighter who was normally a good guy, and who was also friends with Bruce Wayne, Hagan comes off as someone who was probably a bit of a jerk to begin with, and who would probably be working for a creep like Daggett even if the chemicals that ultimately transform him weren’t addictive.  In essence, Hagan’s arc is like one big warning about the dangers of getting too caught up in one’s looks too much.  That said, he is well-voiced by actor Ron Perlman (yes, I mean the first cinematic Hellboy and Blade II villain Ron Perlman).  Other notable actors who have guest roles across this two-parter are Ed Begley Jr. (too many credits to name, but guest appearances in the West Wing, CSI Miami and Star Trek: Voyager number among them), and the now-late Ed Asner voicing Roland Daggett (Asner being most notable in voice acting outside of this series for Carl in Disney & Pixar’s Up!).
 Overall, it’s a decent part 1 with some very good guest talent alongside the show’s regulars.  It just lacks a bit in originality, and for that it’s only able to score 8 out of 10.
Episode 21: Feat of Clay (Part 2)
Plot (as given by me):
In his trailer at the film studio, Hagan wallows in self-pity and despair as he recalls how after his accident, Daggett conned him into being a test subject for his experimental compound.  Walking past posters on his wall, Hagan’s face changes to mimic the posters without him being aware of it.  Teddy points this out, and Hagan realises he can now make himself look like anyone, even simulating clothing out of his body. However, doing this requires intense concentration, and when Teddy disturbs Hagan, the disfigured actor lashes out, realising his career cannot be salvaged.
 Meanwhile, Wayne is released on bail, enabling him to continue his investigation as Batman, and Daggett insists that Germs kill Fox, despite the fact that Fox is in hospital and Germs earned his nickname by being a germophobe.  Hagan also deduces Daggett will try to have Fox killed, and plans to kill the assassin so he can take their place, the better to then kill Daggett.  As a result, all three men end up at the hospital. Batman intercepts Germs and manages to corner him in a room where viral and bacterial cultures are being stored for analysis, and uses this to coax Germs into revealing it was Matt Hagan who impersonated Bruce Wayne during the original ambush on Fox.
 Before Germs can reveal how Hagan pulled off the deception, a police officer appears to apparently arrest Germs.  However, it swiftly turns out the office is Hagan in disguise; he abducts Germs and takes him to the roof, intent on throwing him to his death.  Batman pursues and saves Germs, and the dark knight is startled when he sees Hagan’s face change on reflex to try and mirror his own.  Hagan uses his shape-shifting powers to try and kill Batman, but the effort soon exhausts him and he is forced to flee.  Elsewhere, Hagan finalises his plans to kill Daggett, and knocks out Teddy when he tries to talk him out of it.
 Later, Roland Daggett appears on a talk show hosted by TV journalist Summer Gleeson to promote “Renuyu” to the public.  When Summer takes questions from the audience, an overweight woman in the audience storms the stage, grilling Daggett about the chemical’s side-effects and addictive properties.  The woman then transforms, revealing it is actually Hagan in disguise, and the audience flees in terror.  Hagan, now calling himself “Clayface”, attacks Daggett, but Batman intervenes.  A fight ensues between the two that moves from the stage to the control room, Batman subduing Daggett along the way.
 In the control room, Batman activates videos of Hagan’s films, causing him to shape-shift out of control as his body tries to emulate all the varying and conflicting characters at once.  The police arrive as Hagan’s out-of-control changing continues, and they see his face briefly become that of Bruce Wayne. Hagan then smashes the control consoles, electrocuting himself.  He laments that he never got a death scene this good when he was still an actor, and won’t be around to read the notices.  While Wayne is cleared of all wrong-doing, Batman experiments on a piece of Clayface left behind and realises electricity has no effect on it. Combined with the actor’s choice of words, Batman realises Hagan gave them all a fake death; his body at the police morgue turns out to be an empty shell, and elsewhere a disguised Clayface laughs at his seeming triumph.
As I noted with part 1, the whole Clayface intro two-part story is quite derivative in its plot structure, having so many parallels to the Two-Face intro episodes that to a casual glance, they could appear identical.  However, part 2 does compensate for this with more than just a great cast of guest voices like part 1 did.  In part 2, we see Clayface show off his powers, and that’s where this episode comes to really stand out.  Unlike some DC heroes, Batman faces a rogues’ gallery composed almost entirely of otherwise normal people who are either just insane human beings or some form of professional criminal.  As a result, he’s often challenged more by their insanity or something technical they’ve done.
 Clayface, on the other hand, opens our animated Batman up to facing a foe who presents a challenge because he has a physical super-power that the caper crusader has to contend with.  Metahumans aren’t the norm for Batman solo adventures, but it’s fun to see them because they serve as evidence for why someone like Batman ultimately ends up as a member of the Justice League.  It’s his ability to get through the initial clash, learn from it and be prepared the next time around that ensures Batman can win even against a super-powered adversary.  However, even with this we’re not quite up to top marks, but we’re close.  I’d give this episode 9 out of 10.
Episode 22: Joker’s Favour
Plot (as given by me):
Average Gothamite Charlie Collins is coming home from a bad day at work when he is cut off on the freeway by multiple drivers, including Batman and officers of the GCPD.  However, the one that compels Charlie to return the favour complete with a string of abuse turns out to be the Joker.  Horrified at his mistake, Charlie then tries to flee, but the clown prince of crime pursues him.  Charlie, in the heat of the moment, states he’ll do anything to make amends, and the Joker agrees, stating that at some future time, he’ll ask a favour of Charlie.
 Two years later, Commissioner Gordon is to be honoured with a testimonial, something that sits ill with the Joker, and he plans to crash the festivities.  Despite having two henchmen and a right-hand woman in the form of one Harley Quinn, Joker decides to call in the favour owed to him by Charlie Collins. Charlie has moved cities and changed names, but the Joker has managed to keep track of the man, and insists Charlie return to Gotham if he doesn’t want his wife and son hurt.  At Gordon’s testimonial, which is being held at the Gotham Peregrinators Club, Charlie’s favour for the Joker is open the door for Harley while she pushes a giant cake in.  However, Charlie decides to try and warn Batman, and uses a club exhibit to make an improvised bat-signal.
 Charlie performs his task as Harley brings the cake in, disguised as a uniform cop.  However, Charlie finds his hand is now glued to the handle, and the cake emits a gas that paralyses everyone not involved in the Joker’s scheme (the Joker’s men, Harley and Charlie all wear gas-masks while Joker springs up from inside the cake).  The Joker pins a bomb to Commissioner Gordon’s suit and leaves with Harley and his men, planning to kill Charlie along with the assembled officers. However, Batman arrives, having spotted the improvised bat-signal as he’d been leaving the club as Bruce Wayne. At Charlie’s warning, he uses his grapnel gun to shoot the bomb outside, which results in the destruction of the Joker’s getaway van, after which he frees Charlie from the door, telling him to stay with the recovering police officers while he tackles the Joker.
 Batman is quick to take down Joker’s henchmen and Harley while Joker gets outside.  There, he is confronted by Charlie, who in mad desperation threatens the Joker with one of his own bombs that was thrown clear of the van.  Joker pleads for Batman to save him, and the dark knight appears in time to apparently talk Charlie down.  However, Charlie soon tosses the device to the ground, where it turns out to be a gag bomb instead of a real one.  While an amused Batman takes the Joker into custody, Charlie looks forward to returning to his normal life.
This episode has quite a lot going for it. For starters, it’s another Joker episode, which are generally sure bets to be interesting once any Batman show knows what they’re doing with the character.  Second, it’s a Joker episode with a very interesting premise of putting an everyman kind of character in the middle of everything.  That alone helps the episode to stand out as something different, and that’s before we consider that the everyman character is being voiced by Ed Begley Jr.  In and of itself, that last point might not seem like much, but if you compare Charlie Collins to the character Begley was voicing in the ‘Feat of Clay’ two-part episode, it shows this chap has an impressive range for voice-acting.
 However, all of this is relative pre-amble to the fact that this is the episode that first featured the show’s major break-out original character of Harley Quinn.  From the simple act of episode writer Paul Dini creating Harley as a guest character for this episode, her character has taken Batman’s original medium of comics and all other Batman mediums by storm.  It’s hard to believe given the episode isn’t giving her a proper intro with origin story and all the rest, but luckily the show would later address that. However, I think that just goes to show how strong the character was, or possibly just how much Batman lore must have needed that character without maybe realising it.  Factoring all this in, I’d say this episode is another top scorer; 10 out of 10.
Episode 23: Vendetta
Plot (as given by me):
Convict “Spider” Conway is being transported from Stonegate to give evidence against crime lord Rupert Thorne, but the transport boat is blown up by a bomb mid-transport.  The officers on board spotted the bomb and got off in time, but Conway is missing and everyone begins to assume the worst.  When Batman finds a toothpick like those used by Detective Harvey Bullock at the Stonegate Penitentiary docks, and later learns Bullock was once suspected of taking bribes from Thorne, he assumes something even worse; that Bullock planted the bomb himself.
 Bullock is taken off the Thorne/Conway case because of this unsavoury history, while Batman goes to interrogate Thorne.  The crime lord claims he wasn’t involved and that Conway’s testimony won’t damage him at all.  This seems to confirm Batman’s theory that Bullock blew up the boat to prevent anything come to light about his own past with Thorne, but Commissioner Gordon is adamant Bullock is clean.  However, when someone dressed like Bullock abducts another criminal, Joey “The Snail” Martin, from his police cell, Bullock is arrested.
 Batman examines another piece of evidence found at the docks, a scale which looks reptilian but has human cellular structure. A chance phrase of Alfred’s combined with the scale gives Batman an idea.  He eventually discovers Joey and Spider have been hidden in a cave with an underwater access and confronts their abductor, who identifies himself as a former professional wrestler named Killer Croc.  Croc was apparently born part-crocodile, which gives him a massive strength advantage.  Despite this, Batman is able to tie Croc up long enough to capture Joey and Spider and leave.
 Back at the Batcave, Batman is able to trace Croc’s past; he became a pro-wrestler after a stint as a side-show attraction, then turned to crime when he came to Gotham.  Initially penny-ante, Croc was later arrested by Bullock and convicted based on the testimony of Spidey and Joey.  Realising this, Batman intercepts Croc when he tries to corner Bullock in the detective’s car, after Bullock has been released on bail.  Batman and Croc take their battle into the sewers, where Batman ultimately wins, bringing Croc back to the surface for Bullock to take in. Bullock soon returns to duty with all charges against him formally dropped.
Here we get a fairly simple, but nonetheless decent, intro episode for another of the metahuman monsters that occasionally get a spot in the Batman rogues’ gallery.  This time it’s Killer Croc, who has a fairly simple backstory and doesn’t require the kind of introductions we’ve seen for many of Batman’s other foes. The backstory for Croc is so simple, in fact, that it doesn’t lose anything from being worked into a Bullock frame-up plot that allows us to also see a major supporting character in Batman lore developed further.  My only criticism would be that Croc’s proper name of Waylon Jones from the comics isn’t used, and that right at the end he gets identified as ‘Killer Croc Morgan’ by the news reporter.  It might seem like a minor niggle to some, but between that and the frame-up seeming a bit advanced for the simplistic Croc, I give this episode just 8 out of 10.
Episode 24: Fear of Victory
Plot (as given by me):
Amidst reports of star athletes having panic attacks that cause them to lose, Dick Grayson’s college room-mate and American football player Brian Rogers is on the verge of being signed into the professional American football leagues.  As they discuss this, Brian receives a strange telegram wishing him luck, but also reminding him that only a fool knows no fear.  Later at a crucial game, Brian suffers a panic attack of his own, and later when Dick is out as Robin assisting Batman, he has a panic attack while scaling the side of a skyscraper to tackle two thieves.
 Investigating Dick’s college dorm, Batman discovers the telegram is coated in a substance that is blocked by their gloves. Performing an experiment back at the Batcave, Batman deduces that the chemical is activated by adrenalin, causing major panic during moments of major excitement such as high-pressure sporting contests.  The nature of the chemical clearly indicates the Scarecrow, but Robin contends that Scarecrow is supposed to be locked up at Arkham Asylum.  A visit there swiftly reveals, however, that Scarecrow has escaped and somehow terrorised an orderly into keeping the escape a secret.
 Elsewhere, a man identifying himself only as ‘Lucky’ collects another big win from Leon the Bookie, who sends his enforcer after the man to find out how he is managing to win so many bets.  Lucky turns out to be the Scarecrow, and uses another drugged telegram to cow the enforcer into submission.  Batman explains to Commissioner Gordon that in order to finance his fear experiments, Scarecrow is drugging top athletes and then betting against them or their teams, depending on the sport in question.  That knight, Gotham’s professional American football team the Gotham Knights have a game that Scarecrow is likely to target, so Batman goes to intervene, Robin going along despite not yet having recovered from the fear chemical himself.
 At the game, Robin spots the disguised Scarecrow entering and follows, quickly deducing that this time, Scarecrow has tampered with a player’s helmet rather than going for the telegram trick again. Watching the game from the lighting scaffold in the stadium roof, Scarecrow is puzzled as the targeted player doesn’t have a panic attack, and is then surprised when Batman confronts him. Scarecrow threatens to drop a vial of fear toxin on the crowd if Batman doesn’t back off, but then opts to drop it to keep Batman too busy to follow him.  However, the vial lands on a lower platform instead.
 A scuffle ensues that causes the vial to fall towards the crowd, but Robin arrives in time to swing out and catch the vial, overcoming his panic attacks and saving the day.  He also reveals he was the one who swapped out the dosed helmet for a safe one.  Scarecrow is swiftly returned to Arkham and Brian Rodgers is signed up to play professional American football.
Quick bit of house-keeping; as a Brit, I cannot stand how Americans call actual football ‘soccer’ and their version of football, well, football.  After all, football is supposed to be played, as the name implies, with one’s feet.  Why the Americans apply this name to their version when they almost never use their feet to move the ball is just silly to me. Also, given the shape of the ball, I’d say what they’re really playing is rugby, albeit with a better set-up in terms of ensuring player protection and, hopefully, no stupid rules prohibiting passes in the direction players are meant to run.  So, for anyone wondering why I’ve insisted on using the term ‘American football’ all through the plot outline above, that’s why.
 So, that having now been explained, let’s consider the episode proper.  While this was the first episode to be aired featuring Robin, it’s the second from a production stand-point, and in all honesty it’s one episode that might have been better going ahead of the earlier Robin episode ‘Christmas with the Joker’.  The fact that Dick is at college, and thus less available to act as Robin, is more directly shown here, so really this should have been made as well as aired first, then the Christmas episode done later on both counts.  Robin’s arc in the story about overcoming fears is a decent, albeit highly cliché one that at times slightly undercuts the episode’s quality.
 To some degree, the return of Scarecrow with a more terrifying appearance helps compensate for this, but then also undercutting the episode is the obviousness that the Scarecrow is the culprit.  Between the episode title (and title card), not to mention the series of fear-related incidents with top athletes, it’s somewhat painful having to wait for Batman to make the connection the audience made five minutes earlier at least.  It’s like watching any episode of Columbo, where the audience gets to see what actually happened first and then has to wait ages for the detective to work it out.
 That way of presenting mysteries is almost as daft as calling a sport football if it’s not going to involve primarily foot-on-ball contact.  The audience should always be in sync with or behind the detective, and if you get there ahead of them, it should be from your own deduction, not because the book, TV episode or film spoils the solution for you while making the detective work for it.  Overall, this isn’t the best episode of the series by any means, and I give it just 5 out of 10.
Episode 25: The Clock King
Plot (as given by me):
Hamilton Hill, the future Mayor of Gotham, catches a subway to work at his law firm, and finds himself sitting opposite businessman and efficiency expert Temple Fugate, who is preparing for a hearing regarding a judgement of $20 million dollars against his company.  Hill warns Fugate that he needs to unwind a bit before the court hearing or the judge may rule against him by misreading his tension as guilt. Taking Hill’s advice, Fugate takes his coffee break 15 minutes later than normal and goes to the park instead of staying in the office.  This leads to mishaps that result in him appearing late and dishevelled, prompting the judge to rule summarily against Fugate, causing the demise of his business.
 Seven years later, Hill is now mayor of Gotham and in the process of starting a re-election campaign.  On his way to a fund-raiser for the campaign, Hill is detained when traffic lights at an intersection are tampered with, and at the same time a poster mocking Hill is unveiled on the side of a building.  Bruce Wayne is also caught in the traffic mishap, and spies the culprit on a nearby rooftop. He attempts to interfere as Batman, but the culprit (Fugate now lightly disguised as the timing-obsessed Clock King) manages to escape through his expert use of timing.
 Batman’s investigations of the traffic incident soon give him Fugate’s name, and when a bank is the subject of a targeted black-out to disable its time locks, the dark knight deduces this to also be Fugate’s work. At the bank’s vault, Batman is trapped inside by Fugate, who reveals via audio recording that he has left a high-speed vacuum pump to drain the vault’s air.  The pump will take less time than Batman’s cutting torch, and it’s rigged with a vibration-sensitive explosive to prevent Batman tampering with it.  However, Batman is able to break open the audio cassette and use the magnetic ribbon to rig up a pulley system; using this, he moves the pump to the vault door and then sets it off by hitting it with a batarang.
 The bank vault, however, was ultimately successful in that while Batman is getting free, Fugate sabotages the opening of a Gotham subway station by making two subway trains crash at the station.  Only minor injuries are reported, but in the confusion the mayor has gone missing.  Batman, hearing of this and recalling Fugate having a lot of plans of a clock tower, swiftly realises Fugate has kidnapped Hill and taken him to the tower.
 At the clock tower, Fugate has tied Hill to the clock hands, which will crush Hill at 3:15; the time Hill suggested Fugate take his coffee break at seven years earlier.  As Hill’s law firm represented the plaintiffs in the case against Fugate, the timing-obsessed criminal has become convinced Hill’s advice was deliberate sabotage, and thus he various crimes throughout the day have been about exacting revenge on Hill. Batman arrives and engages Fugate in combat inside the workings of the giant clock, until Fugate’s clock-hand sword jams the gears, causing a catastrophic collapse.  Batman and Hill escape, and while there is no sign of Fugate in the aftermath, Batman believes that a man with Fugate’s use of timing could easily have escaped as well.
While the main antagonist of this episode shares his codename and use of timing with a DC Comics villain that was mainly a foe of Green Arrow, this show puts a different person behind the name and modus operandi, complete with a different origin story.  It’s a decent story, and one that certainly breaks a major convention of the series by having Batman operate in the daytime instead of being a strictly night-time crime fighter.  However, that sort of change is good because it adds somewhat to the variety of the show while also taking the main character out of his comfort zone a bit. On a personal note, I also enjoy this episode because what happens to Fugate illustrates why if you’re someone who is worried about being somewhere on time, you should never listen to any advice that might put you behind schedule.
 Hill might think what he’s suggesting will help Fugate, but it’s clear he’s not really engaged with Fugate and doesn’t understand the man.  Anyone who is this good with timing clearly needs everything to run like, well, clockwork in order to be relaxed.  I know because I’m often the same way and can’t stand the idea of being late to anything even where it might be the social norm.  If being late is going to cause someone anxiety, don’t try to suggest that they do anything that’s going to risk making them late.  Don’t tell them to have their break at another time or to get out of their routine; let them stay in their routine because odds are they need that routine just to keep calm.
 As much as Fugate goes overboard on the revenge, Hill deserves the opening salvo of the traffic incident and poster graffiti, and so does anyone who tries to advise others on how to calm down without knowing them.  Also, changes in routine and getting outside won’t help if the source of anxiety still exists.  Anxiety, like every problem in existence, has only solution; deal with the problem at its source.  Got an illness?  Go for whatever treatment wipes it out or lets your immune system do so.  Don’t like the current government?  Vote to change who runs it and get everyone you can to vote the same way?  Want to stop discrimination of any kind?  Fight every kind actively, aggressively and never, ever just say ‘I’m not that kind of bigot’ and then do nothing else.  Problems are only ever solved by action, not evasion.
 So overall, this is a good episode with an interesting premise and a story that highlights the folly of giving well-meant advice if you don’t really know the person you’re advising.  It’s not one of the highlights of the series, but I’d be hard-pressed to consider it a flop of any kind.  I’d say about 8 out of 10 for this one.
Episode 26: Appointment in Crime Alley
Plot (as given by me):
Roland Daggett wants to buy up and redevelop Gotham’s Park Row, a formerly nice area of the city that has now become a slum so infested with crime that it is better known as Crime Alley.  However, most of the residents of the area cannot afford to live anywhere else, so they are resisting Daggett’s plans.  To that end, Daggett hires an arsonist known as Nitro to destroy the slum and make it look like a faulty gas main ruptured.  Daggett asks that the explosion occur that evening at 9pm, which is when Daggett will be otherwise occupied giving his speech to the Gotham Better Business Council.
 Bruce Wayne deduces Daggett is up to something as he watches news commentary on the Park Row situation, but he has his own appointment to keep in the area an hour prior to Daggett’s deadline, one he has apparently never failed to make.  Bruce heads to the area as Batman, but is delayed when a girl comes running out of an apartment building screaming for help.  Batman enters the apartment to find three crooks trying to terrorise the girl’s mother out of the place.  The dark knight swiftly defeats the crooks and learns they’ve been strong-arming everyone in Crime Alley to leave, suggesting they may be working for Daggett.
 Meanwhile, Crime Alley resident and physician Dr Leslie Thompkins realises Batman is running late and sets out to look for him, insisting to her friend Maggie that she’ll be alright, having lived in the area for 30 years.  However, Leslie is abducted and tied up by Nitro and Daggett’s henchman Crocker when she discovers them rigging explosives in a condemned building.  When Batman learns Leslie has gone out in search of him after he was delayed, he begins to search for her.  He is then delayed when a desperate Crime Alley resident holds a clerk from Daggett Industries hostage for serving him eviction papers.  Batman manages to diffuse the situation and resumes his search for Leslie.
 A check of Leslie’s apartment reveals nothing, apart from a scrapbook that explains the nature of her relationship to Batman; Crime Alley was where Bruce’s parents were shot and killed, and Leslie was there to comfort the grieving Bruce, being a colleague of Bruce’s father as well as a local resident.  Seeing a homeless man staring through the window, Batman confronts him and learns of Leslie’s abduction.  He is delayed getting to her by having to stop an out-of-control tram trolley, which forces him to abandon the Batmobile and finish his journey on foot.
 Finding Crocker and Nitro in the midst of completing their work, Batman locks them inside their own van and diffuses the bombs Leslie is tied up next to.  Leslie urges Batman to forget her and get everyone out of a nearby hotel that has become a sanctuary for many people with nowhere else to live.  As Daggett gives his speech, sections of Crime Alley explode, but when Daggett later appears on the scene, it turns out all the residents and most of the buildings are still ok.  Only a few condemned buildings are taken out by the blasts, and Daggett’s men are under arrest.  However, Daggett denies any involvement and pins the blame on the neighbourhood’s high crime rate.
 As Daggett leaves, Leslie urges Batman to let it go, and the pair walk away to keep their appointment, each laying a rose at the place where Bruce’s parents were murdered years before.
When it comes to adapting Batman’s supporting cast from the comics, there are a few characters who get over-looked in most versions, and Dr Leslie Thompkins is a major oversight in most incarnations. While Alfred’s place as Batman’s butler and Bruce Wayne’s surrogate father figure is generally ensured in every iteration of the character, the surrogate mother role played by Leslie is less featured.  The fact that this series actually bothered to include her at all, and does so with such accuracy to the source material, is another example of why this show remains so iconic and definitive in terms of Batman adaptations.
 Of course, the key to making this work is two-fold.  First, the episode is apparently based on a specific comic-book story, which wasn’t something this series or later DC animated universe productions did very often. Second, they had Diana Muldaur, better known to Trek audiences as Dr Kate Polaski from season two of Star Trek: TNG, voicing Leslie, and while I didn’t generally care for her TNG character, she brings the right warmth and kindliness to her role in this episode. We also get Ed Asner back as Roland Daggett, which helps to ensure Rupert Thorne isn’t the only animated series original criminal that’s getting repeat appearances.  It also gives the episode a suitably notable antagonist to keep it interesting.  Overall, I’m inclined to put this one in the top-scorers club for this series; 10 out of 10.
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runolllo-fanboygirl · 4 years
I have a lil request lmao. Can someone help me come up with nicknames that Sonic would give Zombieman, for me to use in my writing later? The context is: I have this Zombieman & Sonic centered fic where Zombieman is no longer a hero so Sonic finds it silly and uncomfortable to call him Zombieman at all, it's not like it's his actual name it was just his hero name... but he refuses to call him 66 because of reasons (even when zombieman insists it’s fine), so instead Sonic uses all kinds of nicks (also because trying to get a reaction from 66 is simply fun to him.)
So can I get ideas for those nicks? Sonic is this mix of being so old schoold with his ninja activities but also really modern about his  fashion and shit, but someone on discord did reming me that he’s also terrible at thinking up names (he called his baby boar ”PIG” ok). So, some of my own ideas for nicknames involve:
- Referencing characters from classy dark movies and books like, Van Helsing, Vlad, Addams family nam, Frankenstein, Nosferatu  (Sonic half-jokes about Genus & Zombieman being vampires because of their aparent youth and immortality, before knowing better, and then Zombieman mentions that he killed an actual Vampire once, hence a lot of the nicks related to vampires and such. Feel free to add more!)
- I'm also using like, famous dark monster hunters and shit from even games... Constantine, Blade, Dante, Beltmont, Tomb Raider (or even just Lara Croft if given the chance... you think calling him Doomguy or Hellboy would be a streech? haha). Oh and of course, Deadpool ha ha.
- Also just nicks referencing his looks or whatever is fine. I've had Sonic call him stuff in the fic like "Good morning, Pale Face" and "Get them, Red Eyes" (or "Are you conscious yet, Bunch of Burnt Ribs" while he's regenerating from a explosion asdf). Some of the other names I thought of are Cold Hands, Leather Belts, Lumberjack. So yeah I don't know, any nicks you think that could fit. Also if you would like, tell me what are your fave out of the ones I listed XD I have too many ideas for these nicknames but most of them don't quite convince me XD
Also this is a public post and I’m asking people to let me use their ideas after all, so anyone else feel free to use them as well! 
Thanks for your time!
Ok here are some of the ideas I’ve gotten so far ha ha!
- If you look at the replies on this very post, you’ll see user @phywhy with their galaxy brain idea: “If you want a Japanese "pun" then you could have a nickname be Rokurokubi. It's a type of yokai, and has 6-6 in it. It's the one with a really long neck/detachable head.”
- Discord friends had all these ideas for now: Jeebs, Uncle Fester, Mr. X, Murdoc, Guns McGee, Guns-for-lungs, Solomon Grundy, Cryptkeeper, Goosebumps, Freddy Krueger, Trent Reznor, Rob Zombie, Smoker, Edgelord, Gray (and I entiredly read the last one WRONG and thought my friend was suggesting Sonic just calls Zombieman GAY lmaooo).
- User @freebakeryfireroad said “Sonic would probably say something redundant, it would be funny if he said “ok I won’t call zombieman, I’ll call” dead man alive “, and zombie man it would be like: isn’t it technically the same thing?” lmaooo  
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rpgsandbox · 5 years
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Since the dawn of time, humankind has struggled to survive the ravages of nature, the frailty of the body, and the cruel whims of fate. This is known by all. But what only the initiated know is that nature and its attendant miseries are the least of our concerns. There exist powers, realms, beyond the comprehension of a sane mind, and the dark corners of the earth are home to the twisted offspring of these powers, and to exiles from these realms.
How has humanity survived in the face of threats whose very names can sear our souls? Some say by the grace of God, some say by mere luck or by the strength of the human spirit. All these speakers are wrong. We survive because we have captured some few of these supernatural threats and put them to use. Humanity has stolen a dark fire from gods it cannot comprehend, and wields it desperately against the coming night.
ORPHEUS, a secretive paramilitary organization tracing its roots to ancient history, strives to maintain a monopoly on deployable paranormal power, operating in strike teams and secret cells around the globe. Their methods are ruthless, their resources bottomless, and their directive simple: Assess, Contain, Employ. The ORPHEUS Protocol is a tabletop role playing game in which players explore a world of eldritch horror, occult espionage, and shadowy paramilitary engagement. To this end, players take on the role of a supernaturally augmented or impeccably skilled operative with a role in ORPHEUS's eternal mission to protect the world and consolidate its supernatural power in the process. These operatives investigate strange occurrences, navigate dangerous social situations with cunning and finesse, and do battle with forces inconceivable to the unbroken human psyche.
Players familiar with The X-Files, Twin Peaks, Hellboy, Cosmic Horror Fiction, or even the Jason Bourne films should have a good idea of the game's intended feel. ORPHEUS Operatives must attempt to make sense of the impossible and insulate the “normal” world from factors it is woefully unequipped to handle. Players will infiltrate cults, prevent terror attacks, catalogue mind-shattering metaphysical phenomena, and kill and be killed by creatures that should not be, all the while engaging with a tense and delicately balanced system of resource management that mechanically models the operative’s dwindling internal reserves, the mounting dread of the supernatural, and their luck just plain running out.
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The ORPHEUS Protocol is tabletop roleplaying game that has been in development for nearly 5 years. Rob Stith, the designer, was struck by the tension that the mechanics of games like Dread, Call of Cthulhu, and Don’t Walk in Winter Wood could bring to a standard RPG experience, and wished to combine that feeling with the tactical decision making found in many Euro-style board games, and set to work on creating a horror-thriller role playing game whose foundation lay on resource management mechanics. Rather than go through closed beta testing, The ORPHEUS Protocol’s main beta test has been recorded, edited, and produced as an Actual Play podcast covering a continuous, sprawling narrative of global occult conspiracy, and has been airing weekly since 2016, with well over 100 episodes and counting.
The unique thrill of The ORPHEUS Protocol rests on the use of multiple, interlocking systems of resource management that play out over different time frames. The different scopes of these different systems allows The ORPHEUS Protocol to be played in a longform campaign style, as well as more focused, episodic adventures or one-shots that place more emphasis on the more short-term, immediate systems. Multiverse-spanning epics as well as contained slasher film-style stories can, and have, been played to the horrified delight of players and GMs alike using The ORPHEUS Protocol.
The book itself will be run 300-400 pages (depending on stretch goals), and will be full-size, full-color, and professionally illustrated. The book will cover the game’s rules, character creation, setting information, and advice for GM’s to get the most out of the game’s systems as well as how to adapt the setting and system to make something all their own. Some of our stretch goals will allow us to invite writers from some of your favorite role playing products and Actual Play podcasts to contribute adventure seeds, dark mysteries, horrific creatures, and other terrifying delights.
In addition to the hardcover book, the game will also be offered as a traditional PDF, and on the Roll20 marketplace. The Roll20 format is discussed in more detail below.
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The ORPHEUS Protocol runs on an original system designed by Rob Stith specifically to model the mounting dread and desperation experienced by people in over their heads in the kind of horrific and tense situations one would expect from the cosmic horror-paramilitary espionage setting. To achieve this effect, as many aspects of the game as possible are put directly into the players’ hands as resources they must make tense, important decisions with. On a moment-to-moment basis in combat, the players must decide how to spend their Initiative to best approach the current crisis. Within a Scene, players must decide the most opportune time to make use of the special mechanical advantages granted to them by their skills. Players also have pools of Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Strain, which represent their inner reserves, toughness, and luck in these different areas, and they must decide how and when to spend these resources; they confer great advantages, but can be spent much faster than they are regained if one isn’t careful. To make matters more tense, Strain not only increases a player’s effectiveness, but can also be used to buy down incoming damage, leaving the player to make hard choices about whether to go all-in on offense, or save Strain to weather the storm. On an even longer time scale, players must decide how much to make use of their supernatural abilities, if they have them; for tapping into unnatural powers grants a powerful edge, but slowly drains the player character’s humanity, making them more and more an inhuman manifestation of the strange forces that strengthen them.
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Adventures and campaigns in The ORPHEUS Protocol focus on three distinct, but interwoven avenues of challenge: Investigation, Combat, and Social Influence. Each aspect is equally important, and often equally deadly.
ORPHEUS operatives are more than soldiers. They must investigate bizarre happenings around the globe, and attempt to understand the eldritch and the unexplainable. The work of an ORPHEUS operative combines some of the most challenging aspects of a private detection, crime scene investigation, scientific research, antiquarian study, and other disciplines, all the while carrying the risk of the operative learning too much of the truth and losing their mind.
ORPHEUS operatives are often called upon to solve problems very directly, as well. Shootouts with vicious drug gangs, deadly engagements with private corporate strike teams, and direct, violent confrontation with creatures whose very existence blasphemes against the concept of nature are all an expected part of the job.
Social Influence
Just as deadly and tense as any occult mystery or desperate spate of violence, however, are the delicate social situations ORPHEUS operatives can find themselves in. Cult infiltration, corporate espionage, clandestine meetings with informants, and other such tasks can pit the operative’s life and safety against one small slip of the tongue or one failed bluff.
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If you are interested in seeing more of what The ORPHEUS Protocol can do, feel free to check out our playtest document.  It includes the basic rules, 5 sample characters, advice for GMs; everything needed to get a taste of the game.
DriveThruRPG - ORPHEOUS Protocol Playtest
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The beta testing process for The ORPHEUS Protocol has taken a rather unusual shape. I've been running a campaign for the last 3 years, and producing our sessions into an Actual Play podcast. In this way, an ongoing series of windows into the game's development are available for free to the public. The campaign is an intricate and epic story of eldritch monstrosities, corporate skulduggery, and heroes facing desperate odds.
The show can be found HERE, and can also be found on iTunes (Apple Podcasts), Stitcher, or your podcast app of choice.
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The ORPHEUS Protocol will be released in the traditional formats of PDF and hardcover, however we are also working in conjunction with Roll20 on this project. Roll20 is the world’s largest Virtual Tabletop, with over 3 million users. Virtual tabletops are an ever increasing part of the RPG community, with millions of people that have their game experience solely on these platforms.
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The ORPHEUS Protocol will be built for complete incorporation into the Roll20 platform. This includes Roll20 specific character sheets, an in-platform rules compendium, and more. The Roll20 version will be a seamless digital product that will provide the best possible online play experience for The ORPHEUS Protocol.
Kickstarter campaign ends: Fri, June 7 2019 3:00 AM BST
Website: [The Orpheus Protocol] [twitter]
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Calling for dedicated roleplayers with a passion for writing
Hello! My name is Aaliyah or Ally for short, and I will cut right to the chase. I am looking for a mature role-player, preferably 21+ but will also accept 18+ (just to be sure that you are of legal age, otherwise it’ll be very uncomfortable).

As I am 26 years of age with 12 years of experience, I hope to meet someone who shares my passion in creative writing, as well as formulating interesting plots and characters. 

In case you are curious about me as a person, I am a full-time student and a young writer who works at the gym on the side, but also enjoys other creative outlets such as drawing. Usually my schedule is fairly full, including the attendance of friends or family. However I always have ample time for a good roleplay. :) 

I am seeking a literate writer who is committed to a long-term partnership, and by that I truly mean it. Please do not respond if you are uncertain of upholding a stable roleplay. Furthermore, I’ve noticed the “ghosting after the first few messages“ trope is a fairly widespread issue in the roleplaying scene / community. I would like to implore you from refraining it. I’ve grown quite irritated by it lately and rather like to avoid it in the near future. That way we don’t waste anyone’s time. Thank you in advance. If you are hitting a hiatus, that’s completely fine! A simple message of putting things on hold is completely sufficient, but I would like to keep in touch in case the story bears great potential. Now I have a wish, or as other say it, a certain craving for something new and fresh. And that something is quite specific, as my interests are a little unorthodox. Not the typical ‘Marvel, DC, My Hero Academia, etc’ type of stick. (Not to throw shade on them! They are great! Just not my cup of tea at the moment)

I heavily enjoy video-games, tv-shows, comics, films, books, the list goes on. Hopefully I can attract some kindred spirits. 
 I do roleplay both Canon and Original!

So if there’s no luck in finding a fitting Canon based story, we can always switch to original world building. First, I like to list all of my heavy cravings and interests. The ones marked in bold are usually the ones I am very willing to do.

Harry Potter Next Gen (original character cast)
True Blood
Vampire Hunter D (or Manga / Anime)
Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
Game of Thrones
Dragon Age (from Origins to current instalment)
Devil May Cry
Infamous series
The Darkness
Star Wars the Old Republic

Lore Olympus
True Beauty
The Darkness
Alita Battle Angel
Vampire Hunter D
TV-Shows live action:
True Blood
The Boys
Game of Thrones (Open for discussion. Still haven’t recovered from the season finale however…)
TV-Shows animated:
Castlevania (Netflix adaptation)
Devil May Cry (Anime adaptation)
Demon Slayer (I have only started watching this)
FMA Brotherhood
Jojo’s bizarre adventure
Black lagoon
As for original plots, I am very keen on urban and gothic fantasy, but also mythology as well as horror and crime and action. I have plenty of ideas up my sleeve, some of them quite fleshed out and some of them being concepts in the making. Either way, I would rather have these ideas introduced throughout email or whatever platform we choose to communicate on. Themes for an original story I am most inclined to do are:
Supernatural / Metaphysical (Demons, Angels, Spirits, Monsters, etc.)
Sci-Fi & fantasy (Aliens coming in contact with unsuspecting earthlings during the middle ages / ancient time-periods)
Urban fantasy mixed with high school / college themes (similar to Supernatural with local monsters, creatures, etc)
Now onto the qualities of what my roleplaying partner should have.
What it all entails: What the Partnership should be: I strongly encourage an active roleplayer who is not afraid of sharing 50% of ideas, plotting, length, detail but most important of all, passion. A bird cannot fly with only one wing. Communication: I love making new friends and brainstorming, and communication is the bedrock of it all. It strengthens our compatibility and the story. Should there be anything that might bother you, or if you think you are left out in some type of way (be it a mistake on my part or if we’re both at fault here), simply tell me. It really doesn’t bother me rewriting certain scenes to better fit the narrative. We can always exchange opinions and see what would benefit the story most. The Way of Writing: No one-liners. No text-talk. No half-assed replies. And certainly no ‘quality over quantity’ when you can have both. I don’t expect anyone to write a novel, absolutely not. I don’t either, but if I get the feeling of my partner wavering in their effort and not investing as much as I do, I have to give them the chop, unfortunately. Too often have I encountered partners who showed strong enthusiasm at first, but after a while… they slacked and eventually only put the adequate effort into their side of things whilst completely disregarding my characters. I hope to avoid this in the future. And now to myself and how I write: My writing: Third person perspective usually, although I have made some exceptions in my years of writing. My style is wide-ranging and flexible, which means that frequently, word count will go up 1000+ per reply - though it also depends on the given situation and partner. And yes, I do double, preferably even, most likely in a canon universe. However this again wholly depends on the type of story, partner and cast of characters. I am very open and willing to discuss.

Rating: So you are writing with some of mature age. I have 12 years of writing under my belt. There will be violence, there will be swearing, gore, intimacy, uncomfortable topics, drama, conflict and other dark themes included when you are writing with me. I have few limits but I will respect the boundaries of my partner. And lastly, I won’t fade to black or skip out on the nitty gritty, unless it doesn’t serve a particular purpose in forwarding the story.
Characters: I write canon as well as OC characters. Faceclaims, GIFs, drawings, mood boards or just a plain physical description is absolutely sufficient. Characters should be written as opulent, flawed, unique, talented, heroic, villainous, spiteful, angry, and everything in-between. In other words, don’t be scared of making them flawed.
Romance: Openly play and accept characters of both genders, preferable m x f pairings, but I am open to m x m and f x f relationships as well. I have more experience with m x f relationships, so I might be more adaptable with this one. If the chemistry of two characters compel me, I’m on board with it! When it comes to sexual scenarios and intimacy (intercourse, foreplay, all that funny business). I encourage eroticism, but always in a tasteful, sensual manner (that goes for romance as well), though it is never the main focus of any of my stories, rather a tool to further the plot. Erotica is welcome but never the focus of any kind of roleplay. Content: Drama, violence, sex, metamorphosis, symbolism, action, romance, pretty much everything is a-okay. I am not explicitly bothered by certain subjects that may be uncomfortable for the general public. Roleplays are fictional stories and we best keep treating them as such. If there are things you are uncomfortable with, name them and I shall respect those boundaries. But don’t be surprised when suddenly one of our characters bites the dust, or gets tortured, etc. It may be difficult to write and read, but it is all part of the story and a tool for furthering the plot. My roleplays imply and involve brutality, mayhem, psychological and physical altercations among other things. But I also endorse beauty, serenity and placid moments for our characters to grow in. I love it when it comes full circle… everyone- and everything has a beautiful and hideous side. Again, this is mature and I am not here to coddle, I am here for a challenge. Should I hit a hiatus myself, I will inform you as soon as possible. :)

Platforms I usually roleplay on are email and google-docs. I also have Discord in case for plotting and chatting outside of the RP. Though Google Hangouts has proven itself as a sufficient chat-medium for such things, so I rather stay with that one. 

When you message me, please use the given codenames so I know what you like to specify in.
Blue Rose: Canon 

Red Feather: Original 

I’d be happy to receive a small description of yourself and what your passions are! :) Message me here: EMAIL: [email protected] I am very excited to hear from you! Sincerely yours -Ally
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vintagerpg · 5 years
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What a wonderful, unfairly forgotten gem Iron Crown Enterprise’s Robin Hood (1987) is. And despite the name, it contains two campaigns of distinct character. One, obviously, centers on Robin Hood and his adventures in Nottingham and hits the expected beats (influenced more by the British TV show of the time than other interpretations of Mr. Hood). The other, pure fiction, is an outlaw sandbox set in the Forest of Dean amid a Welsh civil war, where characters can, without the guidance of legend, forge their own destiny.
Both campaign are presented in the same fashion, with a timeline of events, a gazetteer of interesting places and five scenarios. Coupled with the rest of the book, there is plenty of material for a GM to put together their own scenarios. A number of folktales are included to spur that process along (including the one Mike Mignola drew on for the birth of Hellboy, funny enough) and all you’d need is to open one of the billion books on English legends to come up with more. The book aims to be semi-historic (like Pendragon, magic is intended to reside in the hands of NPCs and the GM, not the players) and is set during the period beginning with the Norman Conquest in 1066 and ending with the end of King John’s reign in 1216. A good amount of space is given over to detailing life during that period and seems like a clear forerunner to the green D&D historical sourcebooks.  
There are notes on running the campaigns using ICE’s fantasy-geared systems – Rolemaster, Fantasy Hero and MERP – I am not conversant in the former two, but the MERP rules seem to have been modified quite a bit. It would be just as easy to use Pendragon or even D&D to run the material in the book, though.
Oh, and the art! Angus McBride delivers a wonderful cover and Denis Loubet does all the interiors – I love his line work.
It all just comes together so well. I think this might be my favorite ICE publication.
Join us on Patreon!
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collectorscorner · 5 years
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CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday 1/15/2020 Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores. email - [email protected] Subscription Membership & Free Membership Card : Collectors Corner's No Obligation (FREE) Membership Card or FREE (In Store) & ONLINE Subscription Membership saves you 10% Off ALL Bagged & Boarded Comic Book Back Issues, Board Games, Graphic Novels, Manga & Special Orders. Plus Never miss a comic again! Computerized and organized + you can add and cancel titles on your subscription list from home on your own time, or in the store when you pick up your comics at : Maryland's Coolest Stores! Since 2001. 3 Convenient Locations - CC PARKVILLE HQ 7911 Harford Rd Parkville, MD 21234 CC BALTIMORE - OUTPOST 403 North Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201 CC BEL AIR - OUTPOST 17 N. Main St. Bel Air, MD 21014 www.collectorscornermd.com NEW ARRIVALS : Wednesday 1/15/2020 ABSTRACT STUDIOS Five Years #7, $$3.99 AC COMICS 21st Centurions #1, $$5.95 ACTION LAB ENTERTAINMENT Adventures Of Mickey And Maj Volume 1 Time Space Magic GN, $$8.99 Miranda Fantasyland Tour Guide GN, $$11.99 Nutmeg Volume 5 Spring The Good Dine Young TP, $$11.99 Princeless Volume 9 Love Yourself TP, $$14.99 AFTERSHOCK COMICS Descendent Volume 1 TP, $$16.99 Killer Groove Volume 1 TP, $$16.99 Midnight Vista #5, $$3.99 Orphan Age Volume 1 TP, $$16.99 AHOY COMICS Second Coming #6 (Of 6), $$3.99 ALTERNA COMICS Adventures Of Mr. Crypt And Baron Rat #3 (Of 3), $$1.50 Alterna Giants Blood Realm Volume 1 Dark Covenant, $$4.99 Alterna Giants Blood Realm Volume 2 Shadowed Kingdom, $$4.99 Alterna Giants The Mighty Mascots Volume 1, $$4.99 Cyko KO Volume 2 #3 (Of 3), $$1.50 Gods And Gears #2 (Of 4), $$1.50 ICYMI #11, $$0.99 ICYMI #12, $$0.99 It Came Out On A Wednesday #10, $$1.99 Midnight Mystery Volume 2 City Of Ghosts #4, $$1.50 Void Walker #2 (Of 4), $$1.50 Wicked Righteous Volume 2 #4 (Of 6), $$1.50 AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY PRODUCTIONS Rocky And Bullwinkle Seen On TV #2 (Cover A S. 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Tomasi TP, $$29.99 Question The Deaths Of Vic Sage #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Denys Cowan & Bill Sienkiewicz), $$6.99 Question The Deaths Of Vic Sage #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Eduardo Risso), $AR RWBY #4 (Of 7)(Cover A Sarah Stone), $$3.99 RWBY #4 (Of 7)(Cover B Stanley Artgerm Lau), $AR Scooby Apocalypse Volume 6 TP, $$16.99 Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #7 (Of 12)(Cover A Steve Lieber), $$3.99 Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #7 (Of 12)(Cover B Ben Oliver), $AR Teen Titans #38 (Cover A Bernard Chang), $$3.99 Teen Titans #38 (Cover B Khary Randolph), $AR DIAMOND PUBLICATIONS Diamond Bookshelf #31, $AR DRAWN AND QUARTERLY Kitaro Volume 7 The Trial Of Kitaro GN, $$15.95 DYNAMIC FORCES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #100 (Kevin Eastman Variant Cover), $AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Secret History Of The Foot Clan #1 (Of 4)(Kevin Eastman Variant Cover), $AR DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT Bettie Page Unbound #9 (Cover A John Royle), $$3.99 Bettie Page Unbound #9 (Cover B Scott Chantler), $$3.99 Bettie Page Unbound #9 (Cover C Jerome K. 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Moore Virgin Variant), $AR Bettie Page Unbound #9 (Cover J John Royle Virgin Variant), $AR Bettie Page Unbound #9 (Cover K John Royle Black & White Virgin Variant), $AR Bettie Page Unbound #9 (Cover L Scott Chantler Virgin Variant), $AR James Bond #2 (Cover A Jim Cheung), $$3.99 James Bond #2 (Cover B Jim Cheung Black & White Variant), $AR James Bond #2 (Cover D Jim Cheung Black & White Tint Virgin Variant), $AR James Bond #2 (Cover E Jim Cheung Pencil Variant), $AR James Bond #2 (Cover F Jim Cheung Vintage Paperback Variant), $AR Nancy Drew The Palace Of Wisdom HC, $$17.99 Vampirella Red Sonja #5 (Cover A Julian Totino Tedesco), $$3.99 Vampirella Red Sonja #5 (Cover B Babs Tarr), $$3.99 Vampirella Red Sonja #5 (Cover C Ben Oliver), $$3.99 Vampirella Red Sonja #5 (Cover D Leonardo Romero & Jordie Bellaire), $$3.99 Vampirella Red Sonja #5 (Cover E Shannon Kingston Cosplay Variant), $$3.99 Vampirella Red Sonja #5 (Cover F Drew Moss Then And Now Variant), $$3.99 Vampirella Red Sonja #5 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Figuarts Action Figure, $AR Umbrella Academy Hazel And Cha Cha Mug, $AR X-Men Legends Wolverine/Jean/Cyclops 6 Inch Action Figure 3 Pack, $AR Yamato 2202 GX-89 Garmillas Space Cruiser Soul Of Chogokin, $AR
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retiredhq · 5 years
Hi, hopefully this question isn't too frustrating to answer (if so, I'm sorry)! What elements from the inspiration sources' universe will be in the rpg's lore? IE: do cops wear masks like in Watchmen? Are only gov-affiliated superheroes/vigilantes legal, kinda like in The Incredibles and Avengers? Has tech also enabled more intricate transportation? etc. Of course, this isn't so much for the application process, but more to satisfy my curiosity that can't get enough of this group!
All of these are very good questions which is why it took me a while to answer this because I want to address it fully. For most of the inspirations I’m taking moments or the general vibe and adopting/adapting it for this rp. 
The Avengers & X-Men - This one is fairly obvious. We’re inundated by Marvel properties so it’s very hard to do a superhero rp without being influenced by Marvel. I just love the retro feel of the old comics. Steve Rogers was a huge inspiration for Captain Kick and I want to channel the ‘flying monkeys’ element. Where the team goes from puppets to actual  heroes. And I love X-Men: First Class so the idea of a group of very different people living together at a government facility and having fun with their powers is something I wanted to incorporate. 
Hellboy - The team dynamic from Hellboy was the primary element I wanted to draw upon. Hellboy, Abe Sapien, Liz and Tom are such an interesting team and I liked the idea of people with very different abilities trying to work together and often failing to be a cohesive unit. They’re a strange sort of family. Also living at a government facility was something I adopted. The themes of media interference, acceptance from the public, and self-acceptance are also very relevant especially for our non-human character. Plus I just love the early 2000s action movie feel since it’s what raised me. 
Watchmen - I saw the 2008 Watchmen movie recently and really liked it for the first two minutes and then was very disappointed by the rest. But I loved the 80s aesthetics, Cold War politics, and the idea of a superhero team reuniting after disbanding. So those are the throughlines to this rp. But I wanted to write something where the main characters, the ‘heroes’ were much more likable and genuinely trying to do the right thing despite a corrupt system. So while it will have similarly dystopian tone, the characters will be the light in the darkness. 
The Incredibles - Once again I’m just a a sucker for the idea of retired heroes that knew each other very well back in the day try and relive their youth. But there’s always the hang up of the lives they’ve made for themselves and also just the drawbacks of aging. I love the thought of the characters being nostalgic for the good old days but also understanding that nothing about what they do is sustainable. 
Stranger Things - Russians and an extra-dimensional portal in the 80s. I think this one speaks for itself. 
Men in Black - The overall humor of Men in Black is something I would really love to channel in this rp. A team of people who by this point are just like ‘This might as well happen, adult life is already so goddamn weird.’ Commander Price specifically draws upon Men in Black because they deal with all of the strange mutants, aliens, and unclassified beings that the government confiscates. 
Only government facilitated heroes are legal. Any human will be discouraged by the law to participate in hero activities (much like how it exists in our world - it’s hard to fight crime without breaking the law). And any mutants or aliens are brought to the bureau. ‘Kidnapped’ and ‘imprisoned’ are probably the right words for it. 
And tech has allowed for some enhanced transportation but it’s volatile and experimental (and extremely expensive to make). So only Monarch has really reaped the benefits of that with her mechanical wings (they have enough power to keep her in the air for six hours). Otherwise, just assume it’s regular 2003! 
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krinsbez · 1 year
Pulptober 2023 Themes Elaborated, Part Three
Bit late, but here goes!
First, links to Part One and Part Two
11-Domino Lady/Born From Vengeance, Driven To Justice: Honestly, this is another straightforward one, exactly what it says on the tin. Alternates: Judex*+, El Sombra+, Darkman*
12-The Punisher/Veteran Justice: It will not surprise y'all to learn that quite a few Pulp Heroes picked up the skills and abilities they use in their war against crime fighting in more traditional wars. Today is for them. Alternates: Secret Agent "X", John Reese
13-Hellboy/Hero With Good Publicity: Not every Pulp Hero operates in the shadows. Quite a few of them not only do their thing out in the open, they are famous, and oft-times popular with the public. Today is for them. Mystery, Inc., The Chimera Brigade+*
14-Arsene Lupin/The Lawless Bringing Law: Many Pulp Heroes are technically on the wrong side of the law, but these take it a step further; they are, or were, professional criminals; thieves, gangsters, pirates, smugglers, hitmen...they made their living breaking the law, but that doesn't make them any less heroic or willing to do the right thing when needed. Alternates: Bandette, The Goon, Modesty Blaise
15-Tintin/Humor and Heroism: Traditionally, stories of Pulp Heroes are adventure stories, meant to thrill and excite. But sometimes, they're also meant to make you laugh. Alternates: Breckinridge Ellkins*, Paperinik, Lupin III*
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 years
The Worst of 2019 (So Far)
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And now we get to the opposite of yesterday’s post: the worst of what we’ve seen so far. Time to give them a proper thrashing before they (hopefully) fade into obscurity. Disappointingly, there's a general lack of films that were bad but in an interesting way. Mostly, it’s either been the same sorta dreck we usually get with a couple of unusually offensive stories and a couple of soul-crushingly bad superhero flicks. Curious? Read on.
10. Serenity
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I like to save my #10 spot on the “Worst of” list for a movie that has a chance of becoming a favorite among those who love bad movies. Serenity is competently enough made that it does not belong in the same category as The Identical or Runaway. It’s another kind of bad movie, the kind that baffles anyone who sees it and who will have film historians scratching their heads in the future. It’s not quite on the same level as 2017’s “The Book of Henry” but close. Top-notch actors at the top of their career in a story so poorly conceived it would’ve been brilliant if it weren’t awful and utterly absurd.
The revelation that everything we've been seeing is actually part of a video game programmed by an angry teen who hates his abusive father, and that his actions are tied to those of Matthew McConaughey's character is the kind of nutty decision someone at some point should've questioned. My advice? Surprise some unsuspecting friends with it. Periodically pause the movie so they can write down how they think it'll all fit together and then watch their faces as they're proved wrong.
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9. After
I’m not going to remember After down the line so this is my opportunity to give it another flogging. I can’t believe fan-fictions of real people is a real thing and that one of them was deemed legitimate and popular enough to be turned into a movie. It plays out like the clone of a clone of a clone of Twilight. At least that movie had danger in the form of vampires and werewolves. This has nothing to offer except embarrassing drama and a prepubescent’s idea of what romance and love look like. I saw it in the theater with a friend and thank goodness she was there; it made what would've been a chore... slightly more bearable.
8. Dumbo
I’ve already gone on about how I feel about Disney’s string of live-action remakes. For the most part, they fail to validate their own existences; they’re just copies of the original but with “real” actors dancing around animated backgrounds, objects and locations instead of everything being traditionally animated. Dumbo isn’t like Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast. It does try new things. It diverges from the source material significantly in the worst way. The titular character winds up playing second banana to a bunch of circus performers no one cares about and in the end didn’t contain an inkling of the emotion the 1941 version did.
7. Dark Phoenix
This one’s a triple-whammy. Not only was it a deeply disappointing way for Fox’s X-Men series to end, it retreaded old material in a way that was worse than X-Men 3: The Last Stand AND it was a box office bomb. By the time the story finally comes alive… it’s just about over. The whole thing feels like a mistake, bringing in aliens and asking us to invest in characters we just haven’t had enough time to fall in love with. Makes me wonder what the future of the characters is going to be like. Yes there are a number of heroes and heroines we haven’t yet seen, but are people going to care, even when the brand gets a new coat of paint from Marvel Studios?
6. Men in Black: International
Was anyone asking for the Men in Black series to return? Maybe if they'd had a dynamite story this could’ve overcome the public’s general disinterest, but this was an extremely generic plot you could figure out easily minutes in and lost touch with what endeared us to the first. Even with the combined forces of Tessa Thompson and Chris Hemsworth failed, it to generate many laughs. Worse, to make sure I got any references or Easter egg it might drop, I re-watched all of the previous Men in Black movies, including the horrific Men in Black 2.
5. Replicas
This movie goes about itself in such a convoluted way. First, Keanu Reeves plays a scientist working for a company that wants to transplant the mind of dead soldiers into androids. Then, his family is killed in a car crash, prompting him to use the mind transfer tech to put their memories into new clone bodies of themselves. Problem is, he only has the means to clone three out of four family members. This means he has to erase all memories of his youngest daughter from the others’ brains. Following me so far? Good because it keeps going from there. Actually, that’s just the start of it. It’s a classic case of TMSGO - too much sh*t goin’ on. Even with all that, it STILLL managed to have gaping plot holes. No surprise it came and went as quietly as possible.
4. Hellboy
This one hurt. I wanted to see a superhero horror film badly. The early interviews I read about them wanting to adapt Mike Mignola’s books more closely than the Del Toro films got me excited. I was a little apprehensive when the trailers showed some goofy stuff but I figured these were included to draw people in. I should've listened to that sinking feeling. The actual film is awful, one giant mistake after another. Without a doubt, this featured the year’s worst special effects and even this I could've forgiven but the would-be humorous tone was badly misjudged and the story bloated with way too many elements that might've worked... if we weren't also trying to tell the character's origin at the same time. Hellboy ends with a teaser promising more and there’s no way we would’ve seen a sequel even if this had made money at the box office. Cool demons though, for what it’s worth.
3. Shaft
Looking back, I’m struggling to think of anything worth seeing in Shaft. I hated the film’s approach at comedy, particularly when it reverted Samuel L. Jackson’s John Shaft into the kind of man who proudly doesn’t understand modern sensibilities and spews out one homophobic joke after another. The plot was uninspired and uninteresting - not to mention generic - and none of it felt like it belonged on the big screen. On the upside, it prompted me to view the original trilogy with Richard Roundtree and those were enjoyable.
2. Simmba
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Simmba is unlikely to be on the “Worst of 2019” list next January. It probably won’t be at the #2 spot. The film mixes two wildly different tones but not well. It begins as a romantic crime comedy, a dated one, sure. Simmba staging a phoney crime in order for the woman he’s attracted to to call him for help and then use the call as an excuse to stay with her through the night is creepy but I guess it might’ve passed like 20 years ago in North America. What makes this a bad film is the way it then introduces a character’s gang rape and murder as a way to prompt the anti-hero onto a righteous path. From there, it turns into this vigilante revenge film that has disturbing implications. You probably haven’t heard of it before now, much less seen it. I don’t recommend you check it out.
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Runner Ups:
A controversial choice, as many casual filmgoers seem to have fallen madly in love with it (similar to the way they ate up 2017’s Beauty and the Beast) but honestly, what does this film do better than 1992’s Aladdin? Add an unmemorable song for Princess Jasmine to sing? Reduce the number of talking animals in order to give us more… nothing? Pile on the CGI to the point you wonder why it was made with live-actors in the first place? Like the innumerable direct-to-video sequels of classic films who've been all but forgotten, I tell you this Arabbian adventure won't endure.
So much potential squandered on a boring story. It didn’t take an astute viewer to recognize the film was crippled by the studio failing to obtain the rights to Tolkien’s actual work. I get the feeling we'll see another shot at a biography of J.R.R. Tolkien in a couple of years and this will be the Christopher Robin to the much superior Goodbye Christopher Robin.
The Hustle
It’s an unfunny comedy, what more is there to say? Rebel Wilson makes yet another bad career choice playing the same character she always plays. I only realized it was a remake of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels while writing my review, which is unfortunate. Hopefully I can expunge this film from my memory soon enough and forget anything it might’ve spoiled about the original Bedtime Story or the 1988 remake.
1. Unplanned
The numerous instances of technical incompetence - mostly coming from the performers who are given lackluster material - would be enough to condemn Unplanned to this list. What made me hate the film is the way it blatantly lies and attempts to manipulate the audience into further entrenching themselves in a certain point of view through cheap, manipulative means. I can respect that genuine passion was poured into the project but the way it goes about it is shameful. Do not go see it, even if you're curious.
Yuck. That last one really left a bad taste in my mouth so I'm going to talk about a movie I did enjoy and am enthusiastic to direct you towards Alita: Battle Angel. Rosa Salazar as the titular Alita impressed me and I really dug the action scenes. I'll also right a wrong from last year by reminding you to find and watch Paddington and Paddington 2, both movies I should've put on my "Best of" lists the years they came out. I don't know what I was thinking but I keep coming back to these in my head. They're excellent for kids and adults.
And with that said, the list is over. Back to our regularly-scheduled film reviews until something big comes up. Thoughts or comments on the list are welcome and I hope you enjoyed reading.
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drazzilder · 3 years
A Hellish Encounter
By Drazzilder 
Chapter 43: Hero Charts
It’s now been a few months since the All of One incident. The public still doesn’t trust you even though you do your best to save as many people as you can. It has gotten so bad that even Enji is starting to receive some of the hate for abusing his family even though he has clearly changed. Some of the citizens would even tell you they want another hero to save them but you still do what’s right. At the end of each day, you go home after hero work feeling defeated but you continue knowing it’s the right thing to do.
The Hero Billboard Chart JP is starting and you are getting nervous. You don’t care about your own ranking, at this point your thinking you’re near the bottom because how people perceive you. Endeavor’s ranking is more important to you, you still want him to be the Number 2 hero but your worried you’re brining him down. He says he doesn’t care about that anymore but you still want him to be the best he can be.
“I hope you keep your spot, Enji.”
“Don’t worry about it, I don’t even care about it anymore. I just care that you’re here. I know it has been rough on the both of you for the past few months.”
Standing behind both of you “We will be fine. I just wish we could find that video. I know you have been trying but I don’t think we are going to find it.”
“Every lead comes up dry. I asked the United States government myself, nothing. All Might has even been looking but nothing. I’m sorry I can’t help any further.” He says as he pulls you close with one arm.
“I know, thank you. Don’t worry about it… now shhhhh; it’s starting.”
The ceremony starts as they begin with an opening statement and the list of heroes gets announced. They start with number 10 and begin working their way down to 1. As each hero gets announced, your heart starts racing more and more. At the number 2 spot, your about to pass out from nervousness when they call Enji’s name. You sigh with relief as he walks on stage but there are boos from the crowd. You feel for him but you know he can handle it. All Might is then called to be the Number 1 but when he walks on stage, something is different. He is in his small form, something the public has never seen before. The whole country is in shock as they see All Might walking out in his hero suit. He takes the microphone and looks at the crowd.
“Good afternoon. I know this might come as a shock to all of you. It may not look like it but I am All Might. This is what I normally look like outside of hero work. I am showing this to you all because I am retiring.” The crowd collectively gasps as Enji looks to All Might in shock himself.
“Please, let me explain my reasoning. I believe there is a hero that can replace me. I know some of you might be thinking Endeavor but I have someone else in mind. Hellboy, please come on stage with Zaheer.”
You look at All Might with eyes wide open. You are in total shock from what has transpired in front of you that you didn’t hear his command. Zaheer teleports both of you on stage next to All Might. The crowd becomes loud again with boos and disapproval. All Might raises his hand to silence the them before he speaks.
“I know you all must be thinking I am crazy, but I want Hellboy to be the number 1 hero, he deserves it more than anyone. Before you cast judgement or begin to doubt my decision, I have something to show you. Dr. Lisa, the video of you don’t mind.” “
“Dr. Lisa?” You say as you turn to see her walking towards you with Jason and Greg. You rush over to them and hug them. “YOU’RE ALIVE!” You practically scream with your racing emotions.
Jason: “We heard you were having a rough time so we came to help.”
(Y/N): “What?”
Greg: “We heard about Adam.”
(Y/N): “I’m sorry I couldn’t find you. I was so worried about you every day.”
Jason: “Its ok, we understand. We know your happy now.”
“As much as I would like to have a family reunion right now, we have to show the crowd this tape. Everyone, please watch this video.”  Lisa says as she walks towards All Might.
The screen behind you flickers and a video starts playing. It is the video, or combination of tapes, of you saving everyone at the stadium. You are clearly in frame talking over the microphone to the crowd and saving everyone. Every event of that day seems to have been recorded, even you coming back to the shelter and dying in Adam’s arms. Once the video stops, you look back to the audience in front of you; completely still with deafening silence.
“You see, Hellboy has been saving people for a long time. That was when he was only 29 and still on the run from the United States when he took action to safe those in need. He didn’t care about the consequences, he died saving everyone. A true hero will sacrifice themselves in order to save those in trouble. I can’t think of a better replacement for me.” All Might then looks at you and hands you the microphone. You look out at the crowd and freeze, unsure of what to do next. Then you feel a pressure on both of your shoulders, Enji and Zaheer each have a hand on you to support you, to encourage you.
“Thank you All Might. I know many of you still don’t believe in me. Maybe that video changed your mind, maybe it didn’t. But what I can tell you is that I am going to work day and night trying to save everyone that I can. I am a hero. I know my powers come from a dark place but that doesn’t matter, how I was raised doesn’t matter, what matters is how I act. If All Might is willing to leave hero work because I am here, that should say something. Let me prove to you all what I am capable of.”
The room is quiet again. Your heart starts to race wondering if the all of this was for nothing until one person starts clapping. It’s Midnight. She stands and proudly looks at you while clapping loudly. Then more join in the clapping and more and more until the room is fulling engulfed in the sounds of clapping and cheering. You smile and look at Zaheer who also is smiling. Enji turns you around and pulls you close. In the heat of the moment, he kisses you on the lips. The crowd cheers even louder at this as you pull away. “I love you, Enji.”
“I love you too, (Y/N).”
The rest of the day was filled with excitement. The kids were home getting a small party ready, it was for Enji’s hero placement but they quickly tried to change everything to celebrate the both of you. You got to say goodbye to Jason, Greg and Lisa before they had to go. You will miss them but you understand they didn’t want to be in the public eye. You now have contact with them and they said to visit every so often. Back at the house, you are enjoying being with your family, laughing and smiling almost the whole day. You disappear for a while until Enji noticed and calls for Zaheer to take him to you. He finds you’re at the beach watching the sunset, the same beach you always go to. He just looks at you until the sun completely sets. You turn to him and he goes red with embracement realizing he was staring at you. You pat the ground next to you, signaling him to sit down and wrap his arm around you. Zaheer then sits on the opposite side to wrap his arm around the both of you.
“You know the sun always reminds me of you.
“Why is that?”
“The sun is always so warm and bright, always there when we need it, just like you.”
“And I’ll will always be there for you…. Are you ok? You have been here a while.”
“Yea…I’m just thinking.”
“Don’t worry about being number, I wouldn’t want anyone else to be ahead of me.” He says as he kisses you on the cheek.
“I’m not thinking about that. I know you said no more secrets but there is one last one I need to tell you.”
“That’s alright, you’re telling me now.”
“You know I am basically a demon now, right?”
“And I have the powers of a demon, teleporting, speaking different languages, and more.”
“Ok? Is there a new power?”
“Not exactly. When I accepted the power fully, I accepted my greatest fear.”
“What are you saying?” Enji says raising an eye brow.
“I’m immortal now.”
“Ok? That’s your greatest fear?”
“Not exactly, my greatest fear is watching everyone I love die around me. It’s not a matter of if but when. And I can never see you in the afterlife. I’ll just be here alone watching the world go by as I slowly lose everyone I care for.
“I’m so sorry (Y/N), I wouldn’t want to wish that on anyone.”
“But there is something I can do. If Zaheer separates from me fully, I will die.”
“I know, but why?”
“When you pass away, I want to stay here long enough to make sure our children are ok. After that, Zaheer and I have agreed to separate so you are not alone.”
“I would wait for you no matter how long it takes.” He rests his chin on your head as he pulls you closer. “I just have one question. Do you know where we will end up?” He says looking at Zaheer.
“I cannot say for sure but I know down is not in the cards for you both.”
“What about Zaheer, he will be here by himself?”
“My last secret is that I am a demon, well… not fully.”
“You are half angel, aren’t you?”
“Wait, how did you know, Enji?”
“All for One and Brilron said something about you being a misfit and with the book Rei gave us, I did some research. No demon has gold hair or casts golden spells. Other spirits never bothered you when we went to temples so you had to be different.”
“My father was demon and my mother was an angel. I was a forbidden child, something either side didn’t want. That is why I didn’t have a name; I was abandoned by my parents. I guess All for One knew that when he found me wondering alone on this world. He treated me well for a while then he started those experiments. The only reason I ever wanted to take over someone was to kill him. This is also why I have more power than other demons, being a combination of the two gives me the powers of both. I only look like a demon because I take more after the demon side, red skin and horns…”
“It explains why you act so much different than any other demon. But why did the demonic energy try to take me over so much?” You say snuggling into him.
“My spells and curses come from my mother’s side but are fueled by the demonic energy from my father. That type of energy naturally wants to take over people. It’s only because I’m half demon that we can control it as well as we can. If I was fully demon, you would have lost control a long time ago.”
“Makes sense to me.” You say looking up at him.
“But it does mean I should be able to go wherever you both go. It might take some time but I can make it work.”
“I know this is a lot for you take in Enji, please understand I am telling you this now so it’s not a shock later.”
“I kind of figured something like this might happen. I know you’re going to be ok; we are going to be ok. Just promise to not leave too early, please protect our children.”
“Of course, I will. I love them so much.” You then pull Enji’s glasses off and kiss him on the lips for what feels like forever.
“Do you think Rei and Adam are waiting for us?” Enji asks looking into your eyes.
“I do, I know they are waiting, however long it takes.”
“Come on, let’s go home. I bet kids are getting worried.” Enji says as he gets up. You get up and hug him tight followed by Zaheer and all of you disappear into the night.
The End
Thank you to all of my readers!
Special Thanks to:
@stormcallart for her art for the cover
@frenchbreads-writing for some of the ideas used in the story
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