#Henry Matter
genuinelyshallow · 10 months
Kissinger had a horrifying list of crimes against many countries, Vietnam and Cambodia and many more. Words aren't enough to describe the horrors.
Though, one of which I find is not talked about much is the ones against Palestine.
The bastard is one of the main reasons why Israel was able to do all of those genocides
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Suffer in Hell, Henry
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repmet · 8 months
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Firstprince + hugs
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For those who read both
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foureverbrave · 1 year
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Red, White, & Royal Blue + Heartstopper title cards
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fairycosmos · 1 year
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happy place by emily henry
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weirdlookindog · 5 days
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"Wherever she looked, Fred's eyes were studying her, his hands reaching for her"
Henry Enoch Sharp (1912-2019) - Illustration for E. K. Jarvis' 'A Matter of Principle'
(Fantastic Adventures Vol.13 #4, April 1951)
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eileensdress · 2 years
Youre laughing. Henry Cavill quit the Witcher because of Superman and then immediately got dropped from Superman and you’re laughing.
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kineticallyanywhere · 5 months
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Time & Space pages 1-2 ( This is the start || ao3 (not yet!) || next ) Starts less than 24 hours after the death of Willy Stampler. With the job done, there's finally time to sort some things out. They just need the right amount of space.
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enter-the-phantom · 4 months
Okay, sit down, Tumblr. Let me get on my soapbox for a moment.
I want to talk about Windows95Man and Henri Piispanen and why we should all be applauding them. And no, this isn’t another “crown the pantsless Finn” shitpost.
I know I joke about my love for these two a lot, and I’ve kind of become the Windows95Man guy this week, but with all the drama and chaos going on, they really do deserve recognition for what they did. And I’m so dead serious about that. There is a reason I adore this stupid act so goddamn much.
This competition was a shitshow and was very stressful, for the performers as well as the audience. It was tense and hostile, and even when our favorites for the win were performing, we could never really relax because we wanted so badly for them to beat the team that should not have been there and that was turning this into a nightmare for everyone involved. We were so scared of the points and the voting at every turn, wondering if the EBU was going to pull another stunt. It was miserable even when our favorites did well. And we are all heartbroken for Joost. It was a disgrace and it wasn’t fun.
Now. “No Rules!” was the joke entry and it never stood a chance in hell and everyone knew it. I guarantee you they knew it and they never expected to get this far. But for a few minutes, everyone got to forget about the cruelty and the politics and the unfair treatment and the harassment, and just watch a crazy dude run around pantsless on stage. We got to be consumed by pure, unbridled joy and happiness for a few minutes, together, because this entry wasn’t a threat to anyone’s win and never set out to be. They did not come here to win—according to Teemu himself, they came to spread a few moments of joy to a world and an audience that desperately needed it. That is all they came to do. And that is a beautiful, beautiful thing.
It is such a deeply moving and wonderful thing to watch people laughing together with the people they hated only moments ago. The way the crowd roared when that stupid denim egg opened was a truly emotional moment in a way I can’t quite express. No matter what flag they were waving, everyone in that audience was singing along and cheering on these two madmen, united in the sheer hilarity and chaos of those few minutes. When that man’s shorts descended from the rafters and he lit those sparklers, we weren’t crying for Joost or worrying about the final outcome or panicking. We were laughing, and we were laughing together. Laughter is healing and it’s unifying. And it may have been only a few moments in a week that was bitter and stressful for all involved, but that is worth something to unite people in such a way.
According to all sources, the Finnish team was nothing but kind and warm to everyone and did exactly what they set out to do. They can go home with their heads held high knowing they made people smile. I have so much deep respect for these two and their team for being the joy and fun this competition was so sorely missing. They never lost that spark and that drive to make people happy, because that was their only goal. And it’s probably melodramatic because I’m a performer myself. But they are my heroes for it. And I mean that with all the sincerity I have.
With all the drama and the horrible things happening in this organisation and the world at large, I just don’t want us to forget two of the unsung heroes just because their entry was never a real contender. They deserve better than that, because they more than succeeded in what they came out here to do.
All the love and all the applause in the world to Teemu Keisteri and Henri Piispanen, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. 🇫🇮❤️👖
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hollivens · 5 months
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firstprincess 🎀
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hawkeyeslaughter · 5 months
no thoughts only hawkeye , klinger , and sidney having a late night “ remember when henry … “ session when everyone else around the poker table has fallen asleep
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sxnshxnxxnddxxsxxs · 3 months
if you wanna give duke a super, cool
give him like steel, not because they’re black, but because black people find community with one another *shocking*.
but also please remember that duke is a super in his own right (i personally think that his light powers include the ability to move at the speed of light or at least should develop that way) and specifically he is cass’s super.
because he and cass are besties.
like lowkey it’s hilarious that wfa put cass and kon’s brief dating history above cass and duke’s very well established close friendship for who cass considers to be her super (especially when it’s becoming apparent that some people didn’t know that cass and kon dating was canon).
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fruchtfliege · 2 months
babe, don't cry... Teen Wolf Psych!AU 👀
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gatogotica · 8 months
psych is actually so fucked up for the mommy issues they gave shawn. like idolizing her for so so long simply based on the fact she’s not henry (which is a whole other can of worms). she’s never in a single childhood flashback. she’s never mentioned even off-handedly. nobody calls her when shawn got shot, or really any of the other countless times shawn was hurt or in danger. like she sincerely in every sense of the word was a deadbeat and shawn refused to allow himself to see it because he had to hold on to the belief he had his mom to cling to because, again, she wasn’t his dad
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definatelymrhyde · 27 days
Oh boy do I have news for you…
So are we just leaving Jekyll tied to the chair???
(More talking under the cut)
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Lanyon not being able to belive at all that Jekyll and Hyde are the same person is perfect. I personally adore the fact that that he couldn’t find it in himself to think that Jekyll, one of Londons FINEST gentleman, and HIS best friend is the culprit for his own situation.
Because I think anyone else would have reacted the same way. Nobody wants to belive it could be a loved one’s fault for the situation they are in, especially one as severere as the situation Jekyll is in.
Lanyon does not have it in him to belive that Jekyll could possibly have done this. He KNOWS it had to have been one of those cooky, eccentric, mad science lodgers..
Well, little does he know he’s gonna have a hard pill to swallow :)
Jekyll did this to himself!! And Lanyon, despite telling his beloved Henry to let him know if he “ever went to far”, will be stuck knowing that his beloved Henry did not in fact let him know, or trust him enough to. And Lanyon could do nothing to help.
The person he hates most and the person he loves most are the same person and this is a terrifying moment for him!
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echooefrost · 9 months
Hey, Are you feeling gut punched from the lastest update? Me too! But do not fear because I am here to remind you that this beautiful moment still happened and that no matter how many more heart shredding curveballs Sage can throw at us, we still got this.
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Tried to replicate the lighting here, and I think I did it?? Not sure how I feel about the background, oh well it is what it is
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