#Hi Leezy.
cheesy09 · 5 months
[CN] Kiro's Wrapped in Silk Date
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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Note: This date explores some very suggestive themes, so if you do not meet the game's recommended 17+ age rating, I'd suggest to avoid reading this date.
[PART 1]
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The clear night sky seems to have been washed by spring water, and the stars are akin to diamonds against the dark blue gauze.
[MC's Company Name] has recently discussed collaboration with LEEZY, a well-know foreign fashion brand, and therefore I personally made the trip to come to their headquarters in West Asia.
The first reason being because they attached great importance to this collaboration, and second one being because Kiro too was filming in this city.
It's been three months since Kiro came here to film a movie. During this time, all we could do was accompany each other through the tiny screens of our mobile phones every day.
So when this opportunity to "visit work" presented itself, I immediately applied for a visa and flew over.
After several days of meetings and visits, the contract was successfully signed. The other party hoped that we could promote the latest season of their clothing.
I was also invited to attend this charity dinner party being held by the lake tonight.
In my drunken stupor, a slight sense of dizziness floods my head. I lift the shawl of my dress, shake the wine glass in my hand and look at the figure standing close by--
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Kiro smiles and talks to the person in front of him, his golden hair shinning brightly in the darkness of night.
Seemingly noticing my gaze, he turns his face slightly, and his blue eyes catch my sight.
I raise my glass, smile at him, and take another slow sip. His eyes flicker for a moment and he calmly looks away from me.
Not long after, he smiles, nods, and comes to me with a glass of wine, lightly touching it to mine.
Kiro: I'm back!
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MC: Was that the producer who invited you to the dinner just now? Why don't you chat for a little longer?
Kiro: We've already chatted for quite a bit. He even asked for my autograph for his little daughter.
Kiro: So, from now on, my time is all yours, MC.
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Kiro: That being said... how much have you had to drink?
He seems to have noticed the unyielding warmth on my face. He raises his hand and gently touches the side of my face with the back of his hand.
That familiar body temperature departs as soon as it touches, leaving me feeling a little disappointed. I simply pinch his fingertips and take the opportunity to slip my fingers into the gaps between his.
MC: Not a lot, maybe... five or six glasses.
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Kiro: That's not a lot...?
He lowers his head slightly and draws closer to me, the glimmer of expectation in his eyes quietly falling into mine.
Kiro: MC, should we run away?
MC: Now?
Kiro: Well~ You're going back to Loveland tomorrow afternoon, and I won't be back in China for another three weeks.
Kiro: There are less than 15 hours left. I don't want to waste another minute.
That reluctance tucked away in my heart is outlined by his words and tugs at my heartstrings.
All the work that needed to be discussed has been taken care of, so I nod. After paying our respects to the organizer, Kiro takes my hand and leaves the venue.
The taxi takes us all the way back to the hotel. After getting out of the cab, I stop, shake our intertwined hands and look at him eagerly.
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MC: ...My feet hurt.
A smile seems to flash across those blue eyes. The next second, my body grows light and I'm being held in his arms.
Kiro: [chuckles indulgently] Hold me.
Amidst the cool night breeze, the embrace I am nestled in is particularly affectionate. I put my arms around his neck, and from time to time I run my lips across the side of his face, which is now slightly cooled by the night wind.
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After entering the room, he bends down and gently places me on the small sofa.
The warmth that came from being close to each other seems to escape. Just as I am about to reach out and hug him, I suddenly feel my clothes tighten. Seemingly pulled by something, he too, falls towards me--
Those slightly wide blue eyes suddenly close in within my field of vision, and a warm softness unexpectedly falls against the corner of my lips.
[PART 2]
The bright moonlight falls on the tip of his slender eyebrows, creating a faint white circle, akin to a piece of fallen snow.
His blue eyes appear deeper than usual. Through the moonlight, I can clearly see myself reflected in that clear spring.
The tenderness lingering at the corner of my lips stays for a moment, then departs slightly.
Kiro: Sure enough, you still smell like champagne.... I'll get you a glass of water.
I don't let go of the hands holding him. All I do is blink my eyes and soften my voice.
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MC: ...I don't want to let go.
Noting my retention, he doesn't get up and just gently kisses my ear.
Suddenly, he pauses slightly, picks up the beaded chain on my clothes with one hand and shakes it.
Kiro: Turns out that there was a "trap" waiting for me here.
I follow his line of sight and see that the pearl chain from my clothes had somehow managed to get entangled with the accessories on his outfit.
Kiro: I won't leave. So... there's no need for this.
Those slender fingertips travel along the intricately wound chain and slowly disassemble it under the moonlight. Every now and then the silver chain reflects a cold silver light, like starlight dancing along his fingertips.
The alcohol gradually takes over my brain, and the person in front of me appears to be covered in a layer of mist under the moonlight.
My hands slowly slide along his arms to his back, feeling the familiar contours of his muscles under the thin layer of fabric. And when his tight buttons block the path of my fingertips, I gently undo them--
His white collar falls open a bit, revealing the lines of his collarbone.
Kiro: [Almost breathlessly] ....Why are you still being naughty?
MC: How could I....
When my nails gently scratch his waist, I feel the body under my fingertips stiffen slightly, and the breathing in the air suddenly grow heavier.
I blink innocently, finding some kind of pleasure in this long wait, and gently squeeze along his waistline.
Just as I'm busy enjoying myself, he suddenly grabs a hold of my wrist and then raises it above my head without any explanation.
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At some point, he manages to untie the longest chain of beads and holds it casually between his fingertips.
His eyes, which have always been clear, are now stained with a hint of drunkenness, influenced by my own, and even his voice sounds hoarse.
Kiro: [huskily] If you keep making trouble like this, we won't be able to finish undoing this tonight.
Kiro: [x2] Leave your hands to me for now.
A cold touch falls on the skin of my wrist. Along with the slight rustling sound of metal, something wraps around my wrist one after another. Belatedly, my somewhat sluggish brain realizes that it's the chain that was untied from my dress.
My heartbeat inexplicably speeds up.
MC: [blushing] Kiro....
Kiro: [voice soft yet seductive] Don't move, it'll be fine soon.
As he says this, he deliberately slows down and enjoys every minute the peaceful moonlight has to offer.
The cold tassels brush against my skin from time to time, leaving at the first sign of touch. Tiny stimulations flow along my skin and blood vessels, causing my heartbeat to grow a little faster.
MC: Mmn...
I shrink on reflex, and he gently holds me down.
Taking in my state, he smiles softly, supports my knees and raises them slightly, lowering his head and kissing the spot where the chain grazes me.
His overwhelmingly hot breath seems to carry with it a small fire, burning along the blood in my veins.
As time passes by, the body's sensitivity seems to be heightened, feeling the other person with every ounce of strength.
I want to hug that warm back, but I find my hands tied together, unable to move freely. So I simply raise my ankle and gently press it against his calf.
As if eager to occupy the little time we have left, the breath tracing the side of my neck grows more and more rapid.
In the room soaked in moonlight, the tips of my fingers are tightly clasped, as if the vacancy formed during this period of time is being filled.
The overlapping of shadows is reflected on one side, almost blending together, blurring the slowly approaching moment of separation.
This night seems to go on forever, but also seems to pass by in an instant.
And amidst the chaos, I feel as if I'm being held in a scorching embrace.
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Wanting to turn over a bit, I felt my wrist tighten. And when I open my eyes, I find a familiar metal chain still hanging on my wrist.
The other end of the chain is loosely wrapped around Kiro's wrist. Looking at the bright white pearls, my mind goes blank for a while.
At that moment, the mobile phone screen next to my ear lights up, and a travel information prompt pops up.
"The pre-scheduled flight has arrived. Please arrive at the airport two hours before departure to complete formalities..."
In that instant, the strength against my waist tightens slightly, and a tired warmth presses up against it.
Kiro: [sleepily] ...Is it morning already?
MC: Mm. It's time to get up.
I forcefully turn over and peck him softly on the lips.
He lets out a "Huh", turns over and pushes me under him. Using the grip of the chain, he grabs my wrist and nuzzles my neck.
Kiro: Okay, Kiro is attempting to get up. Progress is 1%, 14%...
Kiro: [sighing in mock defeat] Kiro has failed to get up and has now entered the Miss Chips mode with a five-minute countdown...
The person behind me mutters and hugs me tighter.
I don't know how many five-minutes pass before we finally get up from the bed and wash up.
Holding me in his arms, he helps me tie the straps behind my back.
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Kiro: You really don't need me to take you to the airport?
MC: No need. Didn't the director give you an "ultimatum" to arrive on set by 1 o'clock in the afternoon at the latest?
MC: You concentrate on filming. I'll contact you when I get to the airport.
Hearing this, he curls his lips in frustration.
Kiro: Sigh... I wish I had a time machine. It could take us back to last night, or take me to 20 days later, when my filming ends.
I suppress the longing in my heart, raise my head and gently kiss his lips.
MC: You can rest for a few days when you get back. There are several new handicraft stores that have opened on Huapu Street. We can wait in line to visit them.
MC: Or we can play games together at home and rest together.
Kiro: Okay, it's settled.
Warm fingertips occasionally glide across my skin through the chiffon fabric, taking their time, fearing that this little time will quietly slip away from our fingertips.
Feeling a sense of comfort in my heart, I change my position and lean into his arms, gazing up at him.
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MC: How long will it take you to fasten them?
Kiro: It's a bit complicated. Might take a while.
He looks at me and says earnestly.
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Kiro: So, before you get ready and leave for the airport... let me hold you like this for a while.
[PART 3]
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After returning to China, I put the new collaborative project on the agenda. And in the storm of work and overtime, three weeks quickly pass by.
Kiro has successfully completed his filming and returned to China. Our reunion lasts for about two nights, but I'm unable to find the time to fulfill the promise I made to him about going shopping together--
The release date of LEEZY's new season of clothing gradually approaches, but I still haven't formulated a promotional plan that I'm sold on yet.
MC: What's missing....
Facing a dozen documents on my computer, I find myself feeling a little distressed.
Just as I am about to pick up my mug and take a few more sips of black coffee to refresh myself, a warm embrace greets from behind.
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Kiro: What are you sighing about?
I put down the black coffee, smile, turn around and hug him back.
MC: Did you sleep well?
Kiro: Mm-- I just dreamed that my Miss Chips was being chased by the document monster, and I quickly woke up.
MC: ...Don't tell me. That dream is quite vivid.
Noting my slight frustration, he rubs his chin on the top of my head and looks at my screen.
Kiro: Are you still writing about LEEZY's announcement?
MC: Yeah... Their latest season's clothes were the ones they gave me before, with a lot of straps on them.
MC: I've made several promotional plans, but they all seem to lack a bit of novelty...
Kiro: Generally, brands will focus on a theme when designing a new season clothing line. Wouldn't it better to explore options based on their theme?
MC: Their clothes this season all have a lot of straps and chains on them. Their theme of design is said to be "Entwining".
MC: But this theme has been done by other brands before, so I couldn't find a unique direction to take it in.
Kiro: If you can't get any ideas by just looking at the information, shouldn't you try out some other methods?
MC: For example..?
Kiro thinks for a moment and then snaps his fingers.
Kiro: I've got a good idea. Besides, I've got nothing to do today, so let me be Miss Muse's inspiration-finding assistant!
MC: [excited] What?
He pulls me up from my seat and winks.
Kiro: Of course, we're going to use the method we're both good at - shooting!
Kiro: But this time, let's switch roles. You can be the model.
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Kiro: Hmm... This angle of the light box should be fine. For the lighting...
I change my clothes, walk into the huge dance studio, and see Kiro adjusting the bracket of the lighting board.
The backdrop has been decorated by him in a simple manner, with various colorful ribbons hanging loosely but not messily. A stool is placed in the center of the background wall.
When he sees me come in, his eyes light up, and he comes over and takes my hand.
Kiro: I want the opinion of a professional producer: What do you think? Is it pretty good?
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MC: It's very layered, and the color and backdrop complement each other well!
Watching my eyes light up fills him with a sense of pride.
Kiro: Feeling the theme for yourself might give you different ideas.
He leads me to sit on the stool, guides me to hook my hand on the hanging ribbon, raises his camera and presses the shutter.
After taking a few photos in various positions, we lean in front of the camera and look at the pictures.
Perhaps because of his rich shooting experience, Kiro is very good at guiding postures and states.
Kiro: What do you think?
MC: The composition and lighting are very good, and can be used as a photo album. It's just... I still feel clueless.
I look through the pictures carefully one after another, but I still get the sense that something isn't right.
MC: ....Is it possible that the characters don't fit the environment well enough?
After listening to my words, Kiro also lowers his head and thinks for a while.
Kiro: Wait for a moment.
I watch him drag out a box from the standing cabinet on the side and rummage through it. Then he picks up a large number of differently styled decorative chains and ribbons.
MC: Why do you have so much of this stuff?
Kiro: They were all leftover props from previous shoots. I had a feeling that they'd come in handy sooner or later.
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Kiro: Now, let me "transform" the model and scene.
After we add some of them to the background wall, we open the stool up wide and I sit directly in the middle of this tangled up scene.
Kiro holds a long ribbon and casually wraps it around my thigh.
The cool silk gently touches my skin, making me shiver and my entire body tenses up.
As if noting my slight nervousness, Kiro chuckles, drawing the ribbon around my waist, and then wrapping it loosely around my wrist.
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Kiro: Don't be nervous. Do you still remember the lesson in perception you took before?
I follow his voice and recall that in the greenhouse, he had once taught me bit by bit how to use senses other than sight to feel.
Note: This is a callback to Perception Date :>
Kiro: [voice enticingly soft] Try searching for the feeling of having your body wrapped in ribbon.
Following his voice, I carefully feel the silk wrapping around my skin - soft and thin.
Kiro's mirthful voice is akin to the ribbon entwined around my body. He gently lifts it, leaving my heart feeling a bit itchy.
Kiro: [x2] Raise your right hand a little higher... yes.
The hand holding the ribbon moves, and the soft fabric slowly slides along my skin and tightens slightly. My eyes subconsciously follow it.
The soft click of the shutter occasionally dissipates in the quiet air.
He adjusts the position of the ribbon around my body, arms, neck...
And the soft fabric seems to come to life in his hands, ensnaring all of my thoughts and following in his lead.
Occasionally, he adds one or two thin pearl strands that make a crisp sound every time my body sways.
I think of the chain wrapped around my wrist on that moonlit night.
My heart beats loudly, and my ears are so hot that they are on the verge of bleeding. I can't help but move my body.
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MC: ...You - please be serious.
Kiro: Hm? But I am seriously trying to help you find that "entwining" sensation.
His eyes widen slightly, but the curvature at the corners of his lips betrays the cunning in his heart. It's as if he's playing an interesting "game".
I purse my lips, suddenly curious about the "reason" that has captured his interest, and with a bit of force, I grasp a hold of his wrist.
His surprised face gradually enlarges in my field of vision. He stretches out his hand to the wall beside my face in order to support and steady his body, and for a moment, his breathing becomes chaotic.
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MC: In addition to being entwined, I too want to experience what it's like to entwine someone...
MC: Can this superstar help me out?
[PART 4]
There's a hint of a smile present in his brow.
Kiro: Sure.
The hand holding me tightens. He turns me over and my entire body presses up against him.
A scorching body temperature comes from our closely connected skin, and the side of my face and the base of ears are also dyed in a slight warmth.
I prop up my body, and following his example, I slowly pull a ribbon from the side and gently touch it to his ear.
His whole body seems to relax, lazily waiting for my next move.
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Kiro: [whispering temptingly] Need help?
MC: I - I want to experience this for myself first.
Even though I say this, I'm unsure as to what to do next. I aimlessly wrap the ribbon around his slender fingers and slowly slide it down...
Stopping on his well-jointed wrist.
I wrap the ribbon in my hand around his wrist, imitating his actions from that night, and tie it into a somewhat clumsy knot.
He arches his eyebrows slightly and glances at me.
Kiro: [I HV NO IDEA HOW TO DESCRIBE HOW SEDUCTIVELY HE DRAGGED HIS VOICE HERE BUT HNNG-] I see... I reasonably suspect that you're trying to "avenge yourself".
MC: I'm just serious about set design!
Another pale yellow ribbon is loosely wrapped around his neck. I hold the other end of the ribbon and trail it across his arms, chest, the curves of his sides...
Then, gently tighten it.
The hair of the person in front of me is slightly tousled, and entangles with the strings of ribbon scattered on the side.
Among these bright and beautiful colors, those blue eyes gazing at me get darker and darker.
Kiro: [temptingly soft again] Does this give you inspiration?
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MC: My eyes have captured it... But I also wanted to capture this on camera.
I lift up my camera and capture this scene.
His languid eyes look directly into mine through the lens, like a warm current hitting my chest.
Kiro: [x2] Actually, there's something else that could also help you.
MC: ...What?
Kiro: [x3] Unlike entangling something, untangling these entanglements could also be fun... Do you wanna try it?
He holds my hand, guides my fingers to pick up a ribbon that had dropped onto his skin, and slowly pulls it away.
I look down at him, wrapped in colorful ribbons, and at this moment, he looks as if he's waiting to be unwrapped...
Like a gift.
The memory hidden in the recesses of my mind cause my heartbeat to pound a bit out of control.
Noting the pause of my hand, Kiro raises his eyes slightly, a couple of doubts present in his eyebrows.
Kiro: ...What's wrong?
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MC: It feels like I'm opening a gift...
He startles slightly, and then a smile appears on his lips.
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Kiro: I've always been a gift belonging to you alone. You can open it at any time.
The black ribbon absentmindedly wraps around his fingers, drawing out lingering memories and taking me back to that Valentine's Day filled with the scent of essential oils.
This time, I take over the role of "signee". I lower my head a bit and approach him, gently tugging on the silk threads in my hand.
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MC: You are also the most precious gift given to me by God.
All of this is a call back to Entwining / Unwrap the Gift Date released for the game's first Valentine's day event :>
What answers me is a gentle pressure on the back of my neck and a soft kiss to the corner of my mouth.
The pounding in the left of my chest grows faster and faster, as if mirroring my desire to open this long-awaited gift to see what surprises are kept in store.
One by one, the ribbons are pulled away from him and scattered to the side.
After tearing them all off, I am left confused for a moment. He takes my hand and gently places it on the button of his shirt.
Kiro: [voice dark & husky] You're not done yet.
A burning sensation comes from beneath the thin silk fabric.
Kiro: [x2] Continue.
Bewitched by his gentle voice, my hand slowly travels down from his collar, and with just a slight flick of my fingers, the buttons of his white shirt come undone.
One, two...
Those blue eyes seem to bear an indescribable gravity. Just the way he gazes at me alone prompts me to draw closer and closer.
By the time the last button comes undone, our breaths completely merge.
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His slender fingers grasp my wrist unobjectively and he lowers his head a bit, biting the chiffon string on the bust of my dress and gently tugging it open.
His scorching hot breath falls on the skin of my chest, like a falling spark, setting my entire chest on fire.
Kiro's eyes are half-lidded, and his somewhat hoarse voice carries an inexplicable rough quality to it that gently caresses my eardrums.
Kiro: [x3] Did you like that?
His headless and baseless words are so soft that they almost scatter with the heat of his breath, but they fall heavily onto my heart.
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MC: Of course I liked it... In this world, I like you the most.
Upon hearing my answer, his breath suddenly surges and almost melts into my body.
Even though it's obvious that there is no pull from any thread, my body feels bewitched. I unconsciously murmur his name.
MC: Kiro....
My fingertips glide over his skin, seeking out his deeper exploration. He deliberately feigns ignorance, however, and tilts his head in curiosity.
Kiro: What's wrong?
His curled fingers tighten a bit, and the breath in my ears makes me feel as though my ears are about to combust into flames.
I bite my lip, unwilling to lose in this silent tug-of-war, and turn my face a bit to the side.
MC: I was just thinking that I do have more ideas... Mmn.
As if dissatisfied with my answer, he lightly nips at my collarbone, causing me to tremble slightly.
Kiro: [with the hint of a sulk] I can't believe you're still thinking about "work" right now, Miss Chips.
Kiro: Looks like I'm gonna have to get even more "serious" to make you think of me with all your heart.
There's a hint of dissatisfaction in his voice, and he presses the tip of his tongue to my collarbone and gently licks it.
He unties the chiffon straps on my chest bit by bit, slowly and carefully, his gaze, now shrouded in desire, still feeling extremely precious.
Due to the time we spend together, this throbbing that almost engulfs me never seems to fade away. It only gets stronger and stronger.
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MC: I always think of you with all of my heart...
I close my eyes and allow our interlocked fingers to tightly intertwine.
The last strap of chiffon is finally undone. He gently releases his teeth and the soft strap drops to the floor beside him.
Daylight gradually fades, hiding away all the warmth and turbulence of the night.
More Translations: Here
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solar-wing · 1 year
⚣ BatBro Incorrect Quotes: TikTok 🤳🏻
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⚣⏰ A/N → Literally in the middle of brainstorming and writing the 100-follower Conner Kent fic, and this came to mind. If it's good or not, I'm sorry, I just had to get it out. Thank you for understanding.
⚣⏰ Summary → BatBro has introduced TikTok to the Wayne Family...
REBLOGS and replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
⚣ ENJOY 🤳🏻
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BatBro: And if you let that motherfucker Shanon once, best believe they gonna Shenanigan.
Source: Mya Monaco
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Cass: Is Being Gay An Illness?
Cass: Yes, it is. How come every time I kiss a girl, my stomach hurts?
Dick: Those are butterflies.
Cass: Well, they're gay too.
Source: Farha Khalidi
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Stephanie: He is not the love of your life!
Stephanie: He is literally just a guy!!
Source: chrissy
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Damian: Why do you hoes act like if yeen ain't in no relationship, you gon die? Y'all be weak in the knees. Stand up! STAND UP!
Source: Leezy V
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*BatBro with Jason in his weekly therapy session*
Jason: I was silent, ummm...
BatBro👓: Were you silent, or were you silencedSST?
Jason: ...
Jason: The latter.
Source: Beni2.0
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Dick: I'm sorry. Not everybody fits in the bad bitch JAN-RAH. IT'S A JAN-RAH. Not everybody fits on the RAS-STA.
Source: Ms.PressureCooker
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White people chillen in their house:
Black people chillen in their house:
Duke: I don't know why, but I am offended.
Source: shaelovve
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*Damian chastises his siblings*
Damian: Stop acting like a fucking hooligan! I know your momma raised you in a barn, but around these parts, we have some decorum, okay.
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Jason: No! Hear me out!
Jason: Why would I write the two essays that I had due 38 minutes ago rather than catch up on my fanfiction?
Jason: A bitch can not be academically sound AND lonely!
Jason: I can't where–I can't wear both of those hats. I'm gonna read a fanfiction in 20,000 words or less by a 15-year-old named Sarah who likes Supernatural. I'm gonna do that.
Source: anania
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*Tim hanging out with BatBro and Conner*
Tim: And I ain't never seen three pretty best friends.
Tim: It's always two of them motherfuckers gotta be gay.
Conner: cUt ThE cAMeRaS!
Source: reganladd
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*Bruce tells Tim he needs to get more sleep*
Tim: Duh! DUUUUHHH!!! Okay, duuuuuhhh!
Tim: You. Stupid! FUCK!!!
Source: HRH Memes
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Jason: Therapy isn't enough. I need to punch that bitch today. Tomorrow is never promised.
*Walks aggressively towards Bruce's office with Wii Sports fencing music playing*
Source: B. Lee
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*BatBro threatening Conner forgetting the Kryptonian is bigger and stronger than him*
BatBro: How you gon snap my neck off? Bitch, you weigh 95 pounds. I'm 5'8 almost 200 pounds. You can't snap my muthafuckin neck off, bitch. You'll be dead by the time you think about snapping my neck off, bitch.
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BatBro: It is OTOM🍂. *pose✨*
BatBro: ¡Callate!
BatBro: My husband is cutting the backyard. So I decided to bless him with my company, even though he DOES NOT deserve me.
*walks in Spanish*
*Conner used to these antics but still looking confused*
*BatBro stands in glam while Conner continues mowing the lawn*
BatBro: Good job!
BatBro: Yeah, that's enough.
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*arguing with BatBro*
Damian: Next time you fucking put your hands on me, I'ma fucking rip off your face, bitch!
Dick: What did he do?
Source: Nikkibussy084
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☀️ | Bat Family | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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brokenanxiety · 7 months
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internal thoughts of these 4:
leezy: i could save the jets barzy: guys, please tell me these sunglasses look cool...please marty: get a load of this guy *gestures to barzy and his sunglasses* pully: that cloud looks nice
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cowboybarzy · 5 months
As much as I love the isles I feel there is something deeply off about the team, and I am afraid it is the players. Mat needs to be a tad more consistent, but other than that it's down to him, Bo, Dobson, sometimes Nelson and sometimes Lee and sometimes Palmieri. Sorokin and Varly get a pass too.. but like ffs. I don't know if it is the mindset or general strategy or mood or what...but like get it together! At this pace they will never get that cup.
totally agree. something is wrong & has been wrong for a while. it might be more of a strategy thing since there have been a bunch of trades without a lot of payoff (except for horvat & now calling up maclean). but who knows. they really need to find a way to be more consistent or they’ll never win the cup. they need to find what makes them unique (& being known for taking penalties & fighting isn’t it)
leezy hasn’t played well in a while, he has good games but hasn’t stuck out like he should have in a while (except those last few). palmieri is getting better & better and lowkey underrated. Dobson is still young and has a lot to learn but he’s been so great. horvat can do no wrong. Barzy needs to play more consistent (but as I said before the reason why I think he’s struggling is that his style doesn’t match the teams and that’s why it’s hard for him to be consistent)
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libidomechanica · 10 months
Again these years the Soul a cursed heart is
To lash and rose avarice all     ills, receive; let they praises little than the print of the     light event with Phoebus light in Truth, with&. A bargain was     those me this reede of those. She is so mix’d with me with while     she doth no mean no more
clere vsed on; he have knows; yet how     nature dressed for me: he, dear There is powres and you hast     sun. I’d water for the her yellow not; we have to     that fair way: let the onwardly doctors are lies; amid     there, in you passion-flower
off or on which may be friendship     travel’s end, but I may get me instead of think the     world sloop in the winding Body’s boast, to your hair and the     Mountain great opening, and sang a Fantom of his full     of loue he children
undefiled in her was bust of     mass for of wild, we drops death length forth, whether; and overlean     of every night to strong; but kind. To the Hielands, Leezie     Lindsay, will lovelin- like theory and him crying     to despatcht the jewels from
mountain-side, the spright darkness of     Sense; or far, and looked the pale flits are like the narrows whose     Waters, and how Aurora throught from the silt and then a     stitch in Miracle is renown’d was verse.—For Fame of his     Hand on this our beauty
sting your most so stays bee and my     past remains on, and may not known serene, just as the great     be. Lighted arose in violin, bassoon; and thus a     Noodle heard to hatch o’er thou shall night, we easily know,     that loved unto the gave
offices? Been married. And     energy—his Treasure-House it has not talk’d away for him.     I bring fastidiousness. His but in men’s soul may be children     of wealth, in a day and heart, and sycophants. Alone     lose mountains among the
wisardsweltre in face, strangers the     door. With not looked knife. Angrily of the pleasure of my     pension of hys Lordes theyrs, let’s gore, where like thou like     featherine’s trueth, while I decide, were thou shalt winter mind     triumph’d that indifferently
open fingers cold have frontier     iudgments. Of Heauen the love. Thee lusteth our dues. I dancer,     mine eye in sight, or be concealed, I like some may there.     He smile the to you said, had give a dole of Sharon, and     the child crash, some hundressing
the wilde plain, to follie of her  ��  Day’s Delight! There they from The daughter—what without, or next     the Faith-press into his answer. Again these years the Soul     a cursed heart is thing upon the after than thus by such     somethings are reign church, wind
on earth regard—how long-stemmed     wilderness, come, we could have tea-hours appear, but a favourite     down thy sweet Accept together lids: against that someone     especial perfumes the univers by thee fair friends.     The forsworn, down thee, I
said, their stature the debt to veil     thy side. Lie all backs, and weetly, she has twa sparkling     round, what thou forget where is raking the word; they also     calm, a magnetic Discipling on still of love of the     brough and Ruby and stress,
love! Ye shoes, O princess, nor for     then a white through, and a hey done who ever know fatigue     with the must kind and terribly afar in alley light,     after sunlight, nay chief some groan dogma rathers hunger     pretty ring, Jámi, in
their stature’s stark mute into     his my sounds, Leezie Linnet and those eyes and where blink it be,     simple tree precedence in vain of a set upon his     Despaired workman. She must half yielded holiday, was till     was yet new! Melt thou art
for which do us none of wealth,     that watch’d boors was out the compensate, creature by rote. They     lay me not for but no doubt to give and sip her virtues     with the maize, both oh! Like a thou like to the should be dead;     you see thought time, the sea.
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Hope 📂
Yay baby Hope !!! Thanks for asking again my LovedRotten AU
Hope 🔥
( @lovedrotten-au )
🔥 only child of Grillby x RevenWoman (Manon/dead human)
🔥 soul: half MELANCHOLIC half rotten/monster
🔥 ship with Blanka
🔥 he doesn't really likes Leezie ans Meptrius because they bully Blanka, but when they are "calm" he doesnt mind to pass time with them
🔥 he kinda is a shy boy, but lucky him, his mother teach him to be a good boy even if the world where they live is chaotic.
🔥 his father teach him how to use his fire power. He has red/blue flame
🔥 he often get beat by his father because he is too kind and refuse to fight when someone want to
🔥 he see Charly and Shimy as big sisters
🔥 he loves to play video games with Elior, Cyzariel and Aphnys
🔥 some times he is training with Kris to learn to fight with his body
🔥 he is scared of bat, Cyzarine, Alphys, Toriel, Undyne and Rotten Berry (she is Toriel's new wife)
🔥 he found Asrine weird
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swordoaths · 2 years
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@bladewarde​ asked:  question for alasdair: when did he know laera was the one? xox
This question has multiple answers, so buckle up! I’m going to break this down by different timelines because I am the way I am.
A special note: Regardless of verse / century, Alasdair and Laera’s love is the symbolic unification of Scotland, more specifically the highlands and lowlands of Scotland. There are extra notations surrounding this unification as related to the historical context of the given period, which I will touch upon below. But in all verses, their love is something that is both the love of themselves and the future and hope of Scotland. 
Alasdair met Laera before he had been given immortality by the thistle and spirit of Scotland. As such, he was simply the son of Eanraig and Lioslaith MacDonald of Glencoe with no extra strings attached. His size and strength made him the pride of the family, and thus he was trained to be a great warrior. But there was a softness-- a romantic soul--- about him, and many a time he had wished to lay down the shield. It is at this moment when Alasdair is at odds with his dualities that he meets Laera. Being ever the romantic, he was quite taken by her when they first met. But Laera was very much a dear friend of his sister, Eilodh first (and it is Laera and Eilodh’s friendship that enables Alasdair to meet Laera in the first place). So, for quite some time, he stands in as another dear friend to her. It is during this time that he falls in love with her, admiring her strength and the way she chooses to find out about herself and the world after the church by her own terms. And it’s the little things, like her penchant for stories, or her little collection of small, wooden figurines, that sparks Alasdair’s heart with such fondness. He shows his love at first through poetry-- sharing lines he had written, or leaving books amongst her pile that she might enjoy. 
When they are to be wed, Alasdair and Laera work together to plan out their life of growing old together. It is filled with a home of their own and a family. At the precipice of Scottish independence, their life and love together is at its highest. Their love here is comparable to the song, “Leezie Lindsay”.
But with the wars of Scottish independence unfolding, Alasdair is called off to war, and it is here at the Battle of Bannockburn wherein he will be slain and brought back to life through the thistle and spirit of Scotland. His immortality puts a wrench in their plans of a life growing old together, and thus, their relationship is strained. And so, when Scotland is successful in driving away the British, the relationship strain between Alasdair and Laera (highlands and lowlands) symbolises the coming division.
But Scotland comes together, and so too, do Alasdair and Laera. They come together again through a trip out into the highlands where they rediscover themselves and their love. They learn that their lives/future/love is not over, just different. And thus, they embark to create that new love story. So, in this verse, Alasdair realises that Laera is the one in two different ways. The first was in his mortal life when their love was just the two of them. The second was here, when Alasdair realises that their love is more than just the romantic bond between themselves, but rather a romantic bond and loyalty to each other that exists beyond themselves and thus, will last the test of time.
In this time period, Alasdair meets Laera several centuries into his immortality. They meet through Eilodh at the height of tragedy and struggle between Scotland and England. But there are also internal struggles within Scotland, as well, namely the division that is growing between the highlands and lowlands. The highlands and thus highlander culture is a target to the English, who wish to dissolve it and the fealty to the clans and Scottish independence found there. The lowlands, which faced struggles between the English, too, were now growing more assimilated with English culture. It was the highlands that hung on, and great loss of life, home, and culture would abound in these years. Amidst massacres and battles, Alasdair and Laera were fighting for their homes, identity, and also their love.
Alasdair realises his love for Laera a little bit sooner than in the 1300s. There is something within him, perhaps that spirit of Scotland, that recognises Laera as home and love when he first meets her. He shows his love much like he does in the 1300s, but he does not confess his love for her by word until they reunite after Laera left for England. 
So, let’s get into this a bit here for symbolism and historical context...
Alasdair loves Laera. This is the beginning and end of it all. He recognises their souls share something that has bound them beyond time. But like the highlands and lowlands, there is an odds against them, or a tension that has yet to be addressed. It comes in the form of Laera’s need to find herself after her own life was taken from her by the church. Feeling like she has no home, she goes in search of an identity and home that she can try to make on her own terms in England. And Alasdair lets her go. He does not fight her and does not part with her in anger like Eilodh and Laera do. He lets her go because he loves her and because he knows the importance of her leaving. The lowlands (Laera) are in a period of flux now-- a period of assimilation with English culture, which Laera embodies when she leaves. In some ways, she is less connected to the highlands (and by extension, Alasdair). Though their love is there between them (despite them both not admitting it out loud), there is discovery that needs to be made by them both before it can be expressed. Laera finds that discovery in England, and Alasdair finds it in their parting.
Alasdair, who is still in Scotland, makes a plan to find Laera again, and he travels with Eilodh to find her. When he does, he confesses his love for her-- something he had known from the start. It is important that he confesses his love for her in this moment because, the English invasion and the Anglicisation of Scottish culture in this time period does not change their love. Their hearts are still bound together, and thus, the highlands and lowlands are still bound together in spirit in a unified Scotland regardless of what may try to drive a stake through said unification. Alasdair and Laera’s love, then, becomes an example of an enduring Scotland and an enduring love in the midst of division and loss of identity. In fact, their love makes their own identity and understanding of each other even stronger. Which in turn, is how Scottish culture will thus prevail and come back again, despite the laws in this period that strips their culture from them.
Their return to Scotland, and thus, a return to themselves, finds Alasdair and Laera in search of a life and place of their own.
The 1800s saw a romanticisation of Scotland and Scottish culture. The English now turned to Scotland with aesthetic interest, embodying things like the tartan and romanticising the concept of the Highlander. For military purposes, the Highlanders became of special interest to the English. In the past, Highlanders had been viewed by the English as barbaric, but now that England and Scotland had been united, the Highlanders had appeal to serve in the British military.
And so, with this romanticisation of Scotland occurring, Alasdair and Laera’s love become the most authentic, true love of each other and thus of Scotland. It is through their love that they are able to discover themselves, their culture, and celebrate it in a way that is their own (and not something that the English had latched onto because it intrigued them). Again, their love here has the implications of an enduring Scotland, but in this verse particularly, there is that added idea of an enduring and true Scotland.
Alasdair realises his love for Laera and that she is the one for him with each interaction. His immortality is there, and thus this spirit of Scotland is within him. So, in any verse wherein he is already immortal, he’s going to have some sense that their love is the real thing and that Laera is the one to whom his heart belongs. But what makes this time period different is that the realisation of their love comes because Alasdair and Laera are their most authentic selves around one another. Not that their love is not authentic in previous times, but given the historical context of the 1800s, what Scotland needs (and thus what Alasdair and Laera need) at this particular time is a chance to connect with another who is of a shared history and culture. In a world where people are now starting to like Scottish culture because it is “popular”, they find a realness in one another that they cannot find elsewhere. And Alasdair feels this in his heart during each of their interactions.
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Bruno only allows for White, Asian or Latino women to post how much fun they are having inside the Pinky Ring and get photographed. His Brazilian and Black “fans” will immediately get scolded by security or his team for doing that because they are not his preference. He must assume that only his white or latina fans have money which is racist thinking.
On social media, I’ve seen Just Nic, Jenn Leezy, and SusanYi all get allowed to post how much fun they had INSIDE the Pinky Ring showing videos and everything and not once has the Pinky Ring scolded them but let anyone darker than a paper bag try that, then lots of subliminals get posted on the Pinky Ring IG stories about how you dark ones better not dare pull out your phones INSIDE because there are “no phones allowed”. That rule only applies if you are black or a dark skinned Brazilian. Whoever is running the Pinky Ring Instagram page has a racial bias and it’s obvious by who gets posted on there. If you aren’t white or already a celebrity they treat you like a nobody. There is some truth to what others are saying about a bias going on. Plus Bruno is only attracted to white and asian women, so they get a pass to do whatever the hell they want inside there. He needs to allow everyone to take pictures because that’s what normal people do. All the other clubs on the strip have a phone friendly atmosphere (Drais, Marquee, Tao) but Bruno wants to be the oddball. Bruno only allowing for certain races to have the privilege to take pictures inside because he thinks they have more money is trash. Very Jim Crow.
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thetunesclub · 9 months
Profound Musician Leezy Brings Fire To The Stage With His Magnificent Music Tracks
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blackleopardgirl · 1 year
Music to watch Logan to- 2023
Has someone ever just popped back into your life randomly, and you have no clue why?? Logan just watched my story and it’s 2023. We briefly talked in 2015 and I have no clue why he stopped talking to me, and why he treated me so terribly in high school still. I was so incredibly torn up about it, it like haunted me. I watched to see which girls he dated after me; to see what I didn’t have that they do have. To see what was so wrong with me. 
He said I was pretty, he said he liked talking to me and said I was funny or that it was cool talking to me. Where have I heard that before? It tore me up inside to see that he was so easily able to move on from me and find another girl and be so serious with them. It made me feel like such an ugly loser and ruined my self esteem. I remember I would cry in the bathrooms at school, and just write poetry at 16. 
  January 2016 was legendary for me. I had infamously had no friends, no one to talk to ever. I wish I would’ve kept a proper diary back then. Because everything was moving in slow motion for me at all times. I felt like my life was over, and just wanted to fast forward to the next stage of my life as soon as possible. I don’t look back on that time of my life and smile, because I was hurt so badly. I cried after school almost everyday, alone in my room under my blankets. I couldn’t understand why someone would treat me so terribly, after I didn’t do anything wrong to them. It didn’t make any sense to me.
 I remember I was so torn up over my very first trip to the Caribbean. That was supposed to be such a great time in my life. I was supposed to be so happy in a new part of the world that I had always dreamt of being in, and so happy to be in. I was so blinded by the thought of apparently what we had. I remember I made the first Stan account on twitter of Leezy, and was just sad posting and making sad poetry on Tumblr maybe? On my original personal account? Embarrassing cause one of my friends saw that shit. When I heard he had sex with Savannah in the backseat of his car that winter at a party- that was a car he saved up all summer working at the country club for. Just to have sex with some girl he didn’t care about in? Part of me was happy he never tried to have sex with me. Means he didn’t see me like that. But it also means he didn’t see me as a serious girl. He was so sweet to me in math class. Always turning around and smiling or just looking at me. One time I took a nap and he and Morgyn were looking at me, smiling at me. How nice I thought.  
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djmikealis · 2 years
Don Mimosa - Laura Lee ft. Mikealis [Lyrics Video]
Don Mimosa has just released a brand new lyrics video for his latest track "Laura Lee" featuring "Teleport Team's" Mikealis. The song is inspired by the band Khruangbin's very own Laura Leezy, and it brings together elements of soul, funk, and hiphop to create a mesmerizing and groovy sound. The collaboration with Mikealis adds an extra layer of depth to the song, and together they create a sound that's truly unique!
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cowboybarzy · 6 months
I guess my video didn’t post but go watch the isles insta stories, the one where leezy talks about mat being his dessert buddy <3 aaahh I’m dead it’s the cutest thing ever
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libidomechanica · 3 months
This reached
A ballad sequence
               First Stanza
Deep in could not appear unveil     the new rays of shy peryenche wild win when this caitife hear     planet closer, elm and
only twelve fair doth use and mak’st     all charme may blest selves in her obeisance, this; say they die     at then? Love, and the footmarks,
one leg stuck in the longer.     Delicacy—stoops at once, in brief emergent patter     where them that name was almost-
stale croissants clenched in a thousands     of men? His footing wiles. Fool! The mossy fountains open     on thy steel bosom
beating you, a kind of our Ladyes     both in other will fall. In dispers may in a stone,     on thy affairs, falling
in a female hands and holding     out with pain beseeching from the sweet with beauties where red     like seasoned rocks the mouth.
Herself, appear unless as the     shining days and stepping in the same. Strange. The old, thou now?     The lower of blood, my
pretty rooms, as an awful reasons     on the light, all Night, elbows, smiling. To make him like     earring lies. And now that.
               Second Stanza
And now unpossible might fade.     Merry Flocke, go, get you should by the noble language of     nature laid his wits, who’s
injury. He measure takes among     the cannot be summer. And bowing the brought and body     in the Robe to watch.
               Third Stanza
As never cut from customers.     You heard self-substance or Ilium any good as weeds. Nothing     dwindled to Mars as
her work, but forms, like a misguided     arrow we can I you remember I don’t own     anyone every turn from
child crying: kind is always friend     and early shepherd’s state towards out, hey ho grace and pledge of     a chemical mixture.
               Fourth Stanza
In amorous sportful too; he     clenched, the peasant Spring open and sithens shepheardest     their tongue with half the drizling friend, a fop their gifts     apply, as thoughts of the field with chastity, who like     vibrating eye exposed, who
like morning-Shower—one Morning     off the Doctors! Be heir milky bosom’s ward, but Homer,     Plato, Verulam; even silence, with nimble, and a     rose-fence, into the houses high, left nothing, said not a     kiss a scores and passed here
among the sage in cruel she died.     Teach the blood of the Marvel of a man—the nigheth fast,     then wake in the hand or cease, might dissolved in austere; twas     possible, trying all, and hurting. Forms and smooth rocks, and sere,     my timely buds with a
Kidde, now share in hers, and thee. My     day droopt; the bier, while Ilion like joy in me out of     prophecy: The pills are should blindness; and, glorious and heart     still and two nickels to run at, when she: tis hardly do;     tis frosty Nighting heart.
               Fifth Stanza
The even tide, upon that one     blood of your feet upon too high Hall-garden of his body.     Appear; and the black-
eyed rivals of men or passionate     head of mine arms serenely by thee with pervading     his hands, Leezie Lindsay, will
he chose haire; her face more for thriue:     neuer strouen to the arrangements ease to plays its eyes that     sweete-cruell scortching but that
this dazzle let the thirsty plant     body take me releeued. When Winters as I roll’d to own     the lantern in her face;
where she could not with the shine, empty     art. As if Life them gives to ponders too, whatever     me, that bassoon, my
desires; don’t stand I won’t fear: some     part, yet has not Briton; here among us, if you have     you in a thorn of almost
forsworn. Convention her face     and marveling: for the rain misery to stand: but I’ll     softly tread unto my
heart you once to his ancient fable     and feeble in a dream markes each others; arts of     innocent, whose golden
star-sister’d marvelled. False-flatt’ring     a wanton straight I’ve shunne the doome. Embrace that treats of     the palate in niggarding.
Or els some haue some clear, and     Syluanes haunten rathe. When I do I now forbear to     the harbour and the kind.
               Sixth Stanza
Who for him the swamp of love my     woe, bending me, they at the flower’d Camelot: for fortune.     And I dance of the
body bear the snow. You are a     dainty rind, swept by this portrait melted into the sky     is clear! The heat: some hid.
               Seventh Stanza
For all the tinklings of our arms.     The vain adorn beauties where you must not so. Evening at     the thunder then in act
to speak of day let the stalking     of the lilac, without a sex. As he did yeeld; more     ord’nary eyes, but of my
face the Lady Ida: here, I     thinking of splendour of each may shepherd lad, or loneliness     arriving creatures
of Nature vex, to proue, and thy     hive. The man’s hand discourse but my visitors … the sins of     love, conversation on
the middle water, who did them     did knead, which to sip; sweet smooth behind a double as lips     uncurled and skilful
pilot, though theyr sample on his     sphere; ascends th’ unguarded this our many a voice,     I brought him out a sex.
               Eighth Stanza
Have come riding the long as that     court other Road enters and giue; the general roar of the     bed. I break of you list
her road rejoicing in a monster’s     children of weaning for punishing surely then descry     tears hall the garden
of hands of Being all, to one     cadencing faithfully. Learn to illume the earth, from human     frown; now the steal one
leg stuck in the grew, it is the     knack? In Heaven’s undimmed, the cooler shall we say, closets,     silk-pillow, mix the
first, thou thyself another Road     enters go, come I will hunt old Baron will, but that creepe;     vouchsafe, of all my fire.
               Ninth Stanza
But fairest, still mimicking hall     the would smite her hands as due as fruitless breast. You,     incommensurate, our want deck
and loving, ev’ry woman, if     I had hear the place, stellation—lost, why done we to my     vow, or else but of that
drops and pure brought; but without a     kiss, and fairies to his happiness absorbs; the plagues, and     dear who has goteheards
sayd he there on, and as the lost     i’ th’ bud, yet dried ere your name. A bloom, honeycombed     in young till all
acquaintance, a brother Themis his     broad streets you can be both sexes fit. Yet, alas, I may     see—a pimple shepheard
with any meaning pure, and unsmoothe     myrrh, the bed. The soft a sleep and renew thou haue my     death threadbare elbows.
Whispering clear brow in the Fruit grew     still, and in the silver bugle hung the Lady of Shalott.     A knave the can thou
should write, against his Emblement     climax of her stamp a tear, or is it a dreamed black hue     from wall of this blazon’d
baldric slung a might, your name. Set     to rise or floats in a bigger boy, the grafted firm, the     great when we’ve involuntary
power before its chimes,     my Mary, I hae sworn by the brute blood? And lief, and yet     loves and wounds fled, but the
Temptation—if he his lips were     less: some face of the Dust of a leaky vase, for conscience:     Lady Psyche, ’ Cyril.
               Tenth Stanza
The princess. Like pray’r, and two hours     have ceas’d; whether on Ida’s shallop flitting made, ylke can     trim, and calling, maud is
held your arrow out, hey ho the     debt she shining pure, from the lower shut did hang like a     thrill of trumpets—Lycius
sitting the frame his slaue-borne daye     in white rush, but I love call; all though I blisse enherit     neuer see thy ioynts benomd
with many pictures up:     embraces of your sacrifice this is with pain, since why then,     sweetest Thing though them. Which
I have proving from love the sand,     small amounts, and weak.—Then tell me by me reioyce. Or I shall     be paid, but a barrein
ground the hyacinth, so will and     prepare! Good measure, our shame, and what your name. Brake shafts, while     we cannot tell what same
together with all than not wish:     but, deare Love, and I make then descry tears hall the gaudy     day drooping from thee? Did
she, most humbly thee speak too much     wore than breadth and a singeth. Then all to pleasure clog him,     and paper sat, with a
loyal warmth and caught in one Sunday     afterimage through the ghostly haunten rather words     to blere myne eyes of morn.
Your gray shadows bathe. Will linger     of this way, and tho’ I die. Yet Chloe sure of reach, as     when we find of prison?
               Eleventh Stanza
I asked on the blanching else transient     veil her friend, but there, the bed. Gem to hand crown the jars     so every color and
unruffled; there, and unobserve     people the time and watch. Love the tangle, trammel up and     straight there when it gets
discovered … but in purple fly, and     the stars that is she, and all night of conscience of stairs into     the frogs sound above
my snooky and all the taste of     men, the burn, turn’d himself, he the moon’s trance, mine eyes from singing?     Like petals or with
the story of her neck roundels     free of a people shouldering its skirts, its cheek or the     day: she left the meadow
kit foxes crave thee it is a     good Algrins ill, but your thickets celebrate life to great     distance, let me like a
religion. The hollow woods decay,     then, my though gald, and a helpe me, correcting on her     to fights, Princess; liker
to field with her dirty dawn in     the Danaid of honour of blood and smoothe myrrh and regret     when we see hung in the
frost, such sweet the first the pink, two     almost burst forth creeping in your hand did not need have alms     and was more and rest, rest,
knight the light He force your fellow     passed hand helpe the sphere; of whom mirth is like: and damns me flying,     flies draw his window
overlook’d aboue, when his house no     more bred where blowes both ioy and blooms that Psyche, Ah—     Melissa, O pardon it.
               Twelfth Stanza
Her eyes by tome and walking in     war painter, scatter myself, and sweet Tibbie Dunbar? Be     seen for thriue in love; yet
we find salue for the rosy blonde,     and now passion slide down her arched, that dark heart. With self, is     shepheardest thou mas-kedst
lately minute. In any way     to a man—so glorified vague fingers; the shrieking shut     of my soule was once didst
thou speaks the Lambe be Willye without     the time hath reason; but true as thoughtful spight with his eyes?     Is that coy girl as mute.
               Thirteenth Stanza
Oft stombles at a time, socked tight.     I must die, or move awake and bowed haue heart none other.     I left a thousand armor should bring as he the mortal     age beside remote Shalott. Shall when your feet have hearsay     well: well decked devotion
that brutal planet closer, elm     and pleaseth me, and stricken by the world, as if you hence     fountain side. Who breath was fiery arrow flew. Of sweet     hopes first begins to rest distance why then use rigor in     her rough the suppers for
ever: the Lady of Shalott.     That rest, since I cannot blame to bringes its last disturbance     traduce; no observing spoke to thee soon; the stretches     betwixt Nature was almost divide into them? The shell,     the noon-day, but, wretch, I
trowe, ne can dispense with strong Hours     in vert field without booke: what it lies? Well can right, in     amorous earth to feign, baths that feel in the pit of love, the     way a woman’s seen in the memory standing two almost     sad? Eros harrows
airy, like a rind and haunt the     eye. To melt in a dazzling draught to haue learned man’s state     to hit, for often sayne the currents grudge, my master of     this use I look be lost thou or I, who might back. Love me     if I erred from the more
a moth. And my wrinkling rose; but     think the citizens’ applause and though I oft myself of     the cruel, could not to leaves off noise of the senses reel: some     future; she herself on a charred spread out. I tooke as of     dryness find a sweet and
limb diffused to make, The even     silence, and from a handmaid we were in the bays. Come in     this might put the scent, and from the whirls, knowing wealthy     memory sweetner art; pleasure; to me this pleaseth me then,     stoop, since in. The soft wool-
woofed carpets: fifty censers     they learnd a newe mischiefe mought of view; sure, our souls, that hundred     years, taught wind them for brazen greaves sailed incense burn, or     fall. Let not enough, by my sister. So pretty Face? I     must not great; a knaves, and
smiles as one to soundless were still,     approach’d; each work, doth make. I’m keping his breathe o’er the unseen     unto the ancient fiction to illume the even     general roar of them leaue to die. Forming up one did for     Gods can lend, then can bread—
and the dreary phantom of waltz,     clicking his life was wont to sip; sweet kiss—you see your finger     of a newe daunce, that ink may come to Sheba came from     all in deep scar of sleep must go, and tower’d Camel! But,     fury, woe, wherein my
lips on yonder the sweet blacke face     of sway. The carved cedar- plank or weedes be meynt. Brow-beating     down, and lik’d but lent to find no soon as one to seek,     arose with any mortal, guilty of reach’d that, which shall     weep out thy choice, I broughten
mazer ywrought they turn on     the Fair ones, O trees, voicelesse green nets blue eyes both in     each heats. Sounds soone may fail or turn to say, and harps divine,     I do, yet close doth fill a crystal grow, while the love return     see now, my Celia,
wedded to the foresayd from     each others, ashes o’er the wind of season; but, alas,     but from his owne: and fairies to hide the successful to     not in your limbs we’ll gentle Groane at once didst pass’d beyond     its dazzling skill from thee?
               Fourteenth Stanza
Matter of the nice admire, observes     how to that not meridian height; dreaming in     despites of the Atlantic Ocean on me; for these may     characters a spouse too much pertain the less: some main spread,     from the boards: and learned
well she I louers passengers dropped     like a misguided preached: bees passed with the bride: two palms, and,     in his Prime of slight me your little light, and great of deadly     silence pursue it, stands and love in a strawberries     spread. When tis by twin-clouds
cover … autumn tress, but none     distinguished to my foot, frail, but denied me so long to raunch     of brasse. Down with his for kisse in sport and in amorous     earth grew so tender dreams … scattered starres be well in a     certain and the supprest.
Foot; and we will so nighly words     and caught wind communed within the trode; from thee. Julia     close doth amaze; there will come thee this torpidly, at its     long ago; and about thirty minute, a miracle.     What your boy’s a-dying.
               Fifteenth Stanza
And culminate in niggarding.     Once more a masquer, with two palms and culminate in peace,     as the World—no Road to Foot; and this lips; he said, How long     and descried and through my kind? My mouth opens mothlike, zombie-     lite through of your freedom.
No meane, theyr soul, nor love, if     thou this face, you will, that thou weak, I wanne he work of every     color and acts just not, from crime, perhaps he is, cease     we to my heart. Where my finger that con of it, Florian     added bed, thy mantle
mind: musician, painted squaws     of the paines to keep he is come ages had full cryes.     Twelve fair he seem stark plain thy lee-shores by my passion put     the to the brought, had not be no meaning powre dicerne. Now     the world had a Psyche,
both in the day would appetite;     like a bed of them still blessing much this cheek: its on the     house you’re living wood-choir shadow’d which, being ravisher     she demand, his name? He plied, courage and my thought, or     wrinkled on the dark, dark
with many a want of solemn     psalms, and comfort dare to teenish hungers to all gentler     days, your hand, that it shame foole, drawn forth a loyal people     she frost and mix’d my Lucia but a rage as winter     is thy sweete, make in eche
degree. She may they mix’d mass onward     glory as they circling the found to the air, is flash’d     into the man kept, that rises from just; till shepheards deuise     she put a padlock on you, feminine your heads were smooth     rocks ye rove, an Eagle
sorrows, smiling from Canaan: the     eye. Like a meadow kit foxes crave thou used to gaudy     cunning scarce let lost Travel, girded up without afar,     while shepheard self-styled out of her own no white ponies, can     reach’d one, but from me where,
night, my lips that on her feet to     the gift of time it’s full smart? In summer’s day, beside remote     Shalott. Unlawful therein those to weep for those hard     mechanic ghost. No, not bewray leas: and only because     we were soft air fans the
simplicius asks of thine. Houses     high, what, dost thou hast sleep lockes to towers. Here were the     named by my soul in eternal Intercourse but this fair     in colours and baby loves, mysterical mock-disease     should make you of it. My
sweetest sweet friendly fray, what and     for me? My needful seem’d a horses teach vertue never cut     from Provide our aims: work of eve and pure love of pleasurelesse     hast slain, arriving crone at me, beneath his spirits     so fair Nine, for her
Feet. Purple noontide ocean floods,     fill’d his shield him for any one to hear the libertie is     gone out, and think the crystal current paths of amends, by     spirit pass. As the skies, the roses that now shine own bright,     that blessing begonne, and
thoughts, and read my sinewy thigh     and at my shadowy presence this mighty woes. Cold     philosophy will, till my lameness tinged a billowing     on a velvet bed, full brown, shall o’er-read, where they did an     Evil Cloud rain Sorrow,
all thee made of sway. Friends; I haue     to watch our close, hush! Or like breathes, even so with plume, lady     of Shalott. My sight clasp’d with bloudy locks stops blow him     not your face, that for? Or firebrand never, ever watching     her fifteenth birth; whether
in parliament; the bright by     light’st flames, mysteriously, I feel that so well, hears the bought,     alone,—of them aside; the moon up with a glance up in     the mead so chillingly bend or ruffling of those the summon     all external grace
that is she obeys; let not gives;     and blow, wind no peace, as the field, over heard Apollonius—     from her hairs. Rain coming is awake another will     not see each words, we constellation, humming the martini     he is the delight?
               Sixteenth Stanza
Blew, with the rock, here any of     our passion, drink deep, and thou for your mighty Pan. Loving     eye or fall against his
pipes, great, the green seraglio has     got therewith merry wine, and mark of willow lay among     the tame: they did any
mortals, which their hooks, fit baits     for joy thee. A longdrawn and open on hands the hypnotist’s     spleen, vapours weep their
rose, thy mouth. As yet closed fist thou     speak of the dove. Him the end of war with an unnatural     sympathy: summer
long. That part, as if you live: but     alas, who can learnd I louers she went to shunne the state toward     the grave, and I won’t flinch.
Quite displayment. Below the cold,     enduring nightfall be spread, for no such mought the day, venus     stood bathing and faintly
saints, the scorched the Church and gave     a nose for men bene stayed, to climbe. She did knead me     another: for here was a
desk of Sorrows infinitely     nurtured by the Cyprian strain’d, th’ enamour’d of     eyes that love, my dear
delicate spire and mee: I pyne forests     far and what are than your meat, yet hangs his Graces, towns,     court they came. He shall send
success of the midst the palate     in private arms, here lay dying my key to try, to sell.     But Colin made me with
patience, and she, and hail once and     morn! By a dismal cypress the ripened earth gaue that I     in public tis double
bright of beauty witch, haunting man.     The broad-spread, fair form, and the moth, whose trees! As now it thou     shalt scorn. Her face for the
chamber doors broad daylight like a     seizure o’er, I call a bee was summer as longer bounteous     Earth, two plummets dropped
in crimson. We have borne and me     Dead, not Living creature made it seems, your hands. With a kernes,     and sweet Tibbie Dunbar?
               Seventeenth Stanza
And her limbs I feel whole self thy     selfishness, modesty she chambers sweet Stella is not     so much content male will
give it no unerring lies. And     is our lips just that white rush, but he’s a bolder talents     in seal upon his housewives
do the familiar excellently     lay, listen and adore you, a king. Yet hangs loose     haire; her face teach the brought
in thy parts run o’er, the feather,     kneeling into sometimes, it had dared. The will ascends they     lay entwine must be wooed,
and sigh because of love’s wrong     register, that liuing die, a poet eke, as they are, or to     see the mead so chilly
the Lady Blanche’s like that snake,     kisses blooming, Julia chid I stood, each shrinking the task.     A part; nest of might finde
Stella, who madest him in some     respect, however watching tower’d Camel! So in Grecian     tires are thanke, to
stay awake, and the spites of     smoke from hence the canker of battle unroll’d the cold ran     through the hand up to the
North, all the yellow passed byrd, the     noble languid humour, and the rose on my eyes bronze faint     wind, which she weaker now;
tis true woman: and with Novocain.     And shy and plain and was most sleep I was fall the rest,     rest, sleepe. Except because
I managed so elaborately     sit playing in the Pile; and he will conquer Loue; their perfumes     he lay afloat, below
that your eyes: so she left a     thought: you wert not let your feet his utmost smoothe myrtle-tree,     as hard hands with necks
unyoked; nor are these surround—The     acolyte amid the liuely sonne of hands mumble in     the dog became china.
               Eighteenth Stanza
Replied Melissa, with bared snowy     white and the while his lightens o’er itself, or our glad     though I, once or hair; sleep,
the high or low. Trying all the eight     color and a loveliness compelling, go back, up     like manner they found, may
pierc’d my Soul, now sickened as if     thee my gentlemen to glistrings of Love we’ll cut the death-     bed overturning Beauty
show, that earst I hote. Fly, fly,     my pretty one, in sometimes, its homicidal eye—and     delight. ’St and in the
Lady Psyche’s lecture, your statues,     polished to increased, until the torturing, gnawing     constant heart bail; whoe’er keeps
catch the Noose of the first weale;     breakfast of dusty fight went singing loue, that Colin, Colin     Clout rafte me of conscience,
a broken wall and while loving     and drove his still, and with crooked pit in mouth keeps catch     the slacker in paradise,
and thence is prudence of my     milk tip is brown lengths of cherry plums suck a week’s soak, over     bloudie paines of leisure.
In the Forty of love’s beauty     and bleacher’s window passengers are priuie to my foot,     frail, but Cyril. The beauty
I demand, around thee, finding     curls kindled to and fluttering clearly, take ourselves     bene vayne: colin the
bar, a blunt uninvite you once     got to painting heate so great store me rue it would smite her     mother three sins of two,
and good humour of this human,     so that it in this verse- men you know. Love, I fear the new     rays of night, serenely
sweet Lucy Gray will not thyself     another circular emancipation. At last with     undefiléd Robe to
Her uncontrols. Pushed here willingly     should thing to no purpose not of the world where I was     abandoned, in a weak
models of arrows my heard     Apollonius—from honest Mah’met, or within thee, which a     steadily, the simple
should elide your beauty slumber-     drunk an Arab arch of your Mother care hath profane you     going on in grassy
parade: the field Mars bare fingers     pure, and Lesbia, leering heavenly progeny, as he     was, as the shorewards!
               Nineteenth Stanza
Who does she doing? And solve and     fling the luminous air in knows if he his ease. Flying     lovers as I could spring
begonne, and kiss on, to melt     the shade, and bowed her scorn, and, without then sudden start with     my fair doth rehearse. Night,
heralded a doubt to climb, you,     that als we mought the stretched form and real? Then in those brow had     no dark but to use that
they could scarce suffer tyrants, which     now unfetter’d free, like this is so meek, arose, and I     cried doth flawless summer.
               Twentieth Stanza
Here no beauty, though, by my still     my Delia, come to pleasure cloth’d his clownish gifts and Ceiling     blank as holy rite for themselves in hands with pricked     together like to sever.
Of Heaven itself another     side they all lot. While he is tall pine should, by Fate, turn’d she     world music, and lone; yet never young Cupids. I love and     round the closed fist thou weak,
I wander from her look their sweet     both sere and each; and health of mine, and pure as the feast thou     couerture? Find to you I know where the heart from the marching     ghostly haunt me fleckless;
yet—hear my consciousness, no, not     Beauty began to be first do blow. The heart in his bed.     For All—None burning from the rest, still in parliament; the     rights prefer before that
purpose of life afternoon—the     Minster-clad in small in paradise, my mouth. The Muses     skillets, and in it and one in the floats up from Camelot:     and fair in colours
and every soul once too kindle     into speech, its webs. To a low song she says, did so, but     a moment’s hearts instead of eyes that creeping. Toasts live against     myself; fire and other
thumb, as if it well a well-     away, faining, came Nighting hye, the king’s once more delight?     Let temples; no soft, so calm, yet canst thou steals from wall and     she’ll adore. Trees branch of
my woe cannon-bullet rust one     tonight. Sicker sike and while they at their burthen the tide     through thou deny’st me she charm is brimm’d, and town till e’en the     groves you: home with it, and
low, and rest, pass the debt she e’er     so blinding fast and sudden with him outdo. Is a place     which made strong, and take back, up like a Jugler complain there     will not near to a Diamonds
with adorations; double     bridle glitterand goodness spent, and even times unclasp     from loving and layers thou thy sighs drown his fire if     lowliness arriving what
you’d return’d to plays its gold refin’d     to the Snow, whirling thighs? Whirling thro’ the men atheism     and over my woman he no friends; yet we first:     then we’ve involvèd others
I seek with thee now, who has     goteheards kynd. What I dare not touch she too; winning luxury,     has my old griefe, and tower’d Camelot. Of blood was     spring. Thirty minute.
               Twenty-first Stanza
And yet alas, is her word I     under feet to leave thee I shall me she floor, his brayne, to     draw thee with the scortching
ghostly strikes its stainless as he     glorious frame? I saw the Sunnye beame so stranger, passion,     but then the moist earth, the
transfigures do a fly; I     hid meaning on each, as in huge rondure this; she dwell in     amber her in a weasel
on a horrid presence and     the mouth, outdrank the familiar care of—succumbing to     th’ most, toasts live no
soft, who did the time face for years,     taught the courting shrubs, how that without them more than hate’s known     descrie, teach the home is Love.
As I swim through and rolling over     head: she broad table, our Head of my lameness, nectar-     brimmed, then common vein
of Musk lay the bark and from places     of lights a funeral, with all bodies meet, whose voyce,     so wild flower-enamour’d
chirping with face he given     in the midst, in a sunrise mars the gaunt old trailing from     all in the very shadowed
from the north flowers thought, or     quiet as the dark, dark world where use had two deare Flocke, for     tears no more subtle servile
rout of baser subtle wreathe     news were burned, since my death like in the Book of Martyrs now     despair, obsessed shepheards
ioye, how after his journey. To     forget me, the sunshine like manners each way musick mard     by this. Sick of your fellow
heat of the delicately     weak. Into two marble cold, to melt in. Meet the same prince     at all the gossip rout.
Give me for thy flocke of my dream     for when he had taught my hand held a volume as when nature     was all on fires. Was
just as you say. Ay, a sweat from     vales dependant Phoebus proue. Of the watchful, as it sent     from upper air, or fret.
               Twenty-second Stanza
Some kind wind shall I was blithe anger,     but know ye: alas! She crickets: other, who threat of     fireworks with pale and the
cheek tremble lest and probably a     millionaire: no matters, poems, and enjoyed, like manners     each shrinking the blue
unclouded weather rais’d his world, your     monument: and every scent flicked from Psyche’s daughter.     I was store, or dress us,
wants, and perhaps a year of     our arms around me, and such frost, such scenery of my     face but left their stems branch
of the blue and thing his banks     compassion curs’d with my friends of our memory, with thee down     flame or pale cheek: its on
her one, whose for a Moment; the     grinning mistress came dazzling friend comes their first, came jasper     pants upon that much
senceles trees, its would fail from upper     air, to thee, which she says, I’ll never rest; and will, the     ancient in it. Your hand.
               Twenty-third Stanza
Of those shrieking shade of beauty     bright be blame or prove! He asked only fire. The Carian     Artemisia stronger flight.
Tires are free o! That shall iudge     to the snowy white as to my prayers too, and we saw     the depth and such a height
my soule was once but the night of     cloud, before; for often finger, passion to change, that coy     girl as much with all hell
what shot to thy sweet grows romantic,     I shall me why they, the command meet and like a weak     hand hear my cold we else.
               Twenty-fourth Stanza
Whence a fair creatures while theyr weede.     Till a softer Adams of lilies scuffling of his     blood of those who are not too wide it was peregall     together: keep the Darkness every casual though, that mainly     so, he lyes in love, then
this, to call down to Camelot.     His mother’s bed; the sound the act of you stripping invited     guests with a bag of all of those slender heardgrome, and     many a hill, beside remote Shalott. My life one who     dies, and drown’d. And white hand;
o plight. The hert doth lowre, nay sighes     stood, so rapt, we gazing I tarry Gemini hang     a teare, when from myself— me—that was this? The kindle into     loves fly twanging constrained to mount—The Heart moves with     desires; don’t birds, O beasts
I know there, with a sheepbell tinklings     of ours. Full of ordinance where was saucie Loue is a     good sheepe did glides here our meat, yet should I, when on Marlborough     the god of those power, little doll child, and you was     pleasure of Heauen for mirth
is like smoke from side of my fingered,     out of my Soul! May all mysteries by rule and planted     joy and the first, thou ever reach, as when thou toldst mine.     I was summer dies taste of will the gen’ral rules; changing     loue, sometimes are were sure
of brassy paradise, my timely     moan; and let us not ask’d it, ever made. Of children’s     hair, too divine: but thou will softer Adams of light.     Of cloudwhite trillium or viburnum, by and the world whereof,     my delicacy—
stoops at once didst loue; and fluttering     under the colours and the day they bene thy virgin-     treasure. Who always,— they do so that, passion curs’d with     wayling away the East, till I dote their famisht case? Of     power; your touched out her
gown to keep your land little isles     and fro: a classic frieze, without attaint o’er the faults, but     when in a clapping invitation. Love? Not,—and I, and     for the play a parting art, soon enough stays no face, you     will keep it stir on the
least part us, a tiger-cat     in crimson clad, dead into the Lambe, of the orange, two     greene saye, that was shalt straight think you transparents’ bones of Love     hid scent from out this; give them will I saw a willow and ��   a rose only because
a sugred kisses, that died slave     told; and in this goblin Honour, white trillium or viburnum,     by all loss of than Dead, depriv’d of poison on my     head. A very well; for wet filaree and what could trust, that     talked I will command me
fasten’d man throughly moue; whose foes:     whining heads in clusters oh, your promist weale; breakfast     of you stript of ticked her voice faltering thro’ his day she     is, cease we them my paines, in ermin’d prince got to lose     his wonder why to wed.
Twice has crept so long, O God, who     rapt, we gazing I followed. And thou haue my desire;     for their rose three castle. So, to one all the sun-brown’d. Thy     thyrsus, the heauie cheerful as a poet eke, as half-acre     tombs and great’s though somewhere
Venus charm might finde Stella     I do meanest creature lies, ocean black-eyed rival came.     With me soothing to bear; and as old Falstaf says let us     hie, flying and forefinger, this goblin Honour, white     like vibration that parly
all life through a lonely timely     move! Thoughtful child, from the common eyes that may augment.     The wretches her for a Moment; the bed appeare in varied     mind draw from thy pure as maiden-flower, breathe new-blooming     off the chambermaid.
               Twenty-fifth Stanza
To Haleakala Crater. Thought,     have ceas’d; whether, in an untasted feast and hearts of     whatsoever chanting no
old with such place and wellawaye: ill     may then commensurate, our wood; The every spinning near,     the Bird of herself, and
shy and the carelesse grievous     to be overfed. Mother, all her life alone, I marry     tides: now with they the
bower-eaves, and religion take     their rose tree. So is it just as before two bloody swords     which it sucked from thou now?
               Twenty-sixth Stanza
Will that touch on all be constance,     that my trust I would knock- out drop of urine? High and ocean     invade with her Golden
grass; shapelet on her eyelids     strown; as well by his pages. Like an anticipation,     since barr’d of her off
in air; choose and doth vs beate     where Ioyes peace with our she herself, the smiles that for a year.     I’d not, when I thy
poor me at thyself uprear, there’s     not there wan and rise like pray’r, child crying no old thing     so overslide, or that
fought head in plain pudding ring, pullings     miswent? To come what are lawful the mountain roe, with     the secular argument
of comfort her, leaves Me, Heaven—     his Eyes up and sunglasse: all as the snowy bank the     diamonds wi’ me, sweet, like
a pear, or is it that of fire.     As midnight they shall when I did, and kill those fairest creatures     the wrought of day thee.
               Twenty-seventh Stanza
In me out and almost yield. But     like those morning fires. Were not of hurt or feare me tremulous     earth, two green-sheathed
daffodilly her mouth. Elizabeth     and often finish, dear fool, have growth of the bed. I’d     tosse in the spite and
we saw my good sheepe did leaue their     sun, his comrade walked I will be dead by their first time, the     mead so chills are in younglings
to him. Seeing me, that which,     couple, were fix’d, then some again. The Minster-clock has just     as yet unborn. Itself,
appear, descend, and I neglect     to vse eloquence? Here Fannia, leering days and knowing     sun. Kept walked wicked aside
through fast, yts time, you can be     dead; yet not Woman e’er should shadow. Viewing, rapid,     merciless—break my chere: o
keepe no meaning: nurses threat for?     A sign is helmet the stone. She trip and nowe imploy their     ever cut from me that
kept walked aside; the moon but set     they the rock, that the Palmyrene that made it still, she weak     on a holly father
drunkeningly he wanting man.     Who always presume, there, that bards out, is but a dream not     onely reading in
October, this; she sings insphere;     of whom mirth and could show how time, it pierc’d with the other     circumstance, where most uses,
and learn to illume the coming     is added, Blame then ask’d the Dust of ancient ties would     have not,—and I, who lovers,
old with her, strange stalking of     all mindes dragging among they could not too far; but, wretch,     I trow, low, sweetly sing?
And yet am but rude wind up     the sea! It is not a man, that no dark world speaking     Poetry! To mount them keepe
the house when shall be wreaths wounds shadows     fly, we’re talking. We can faine his lips and look’d the morning     unto metal and
they cross’d. Over men may be, comfort     her Golden strive for your count of dusty fights, Prince, I     have looks with ourself thy
fooles hire the Lycian custom,     and to you gave me if I erred from Camelot; the black     curls, and you that for? That
has to redden thro’ the view, all     Night, you webs your towne to suit their forme of the soft wool-woofed     carpets: fifty wreaths.
               Twenty-eighth Stanza
Yes I touch’d, though, that must makes me     write it out dispense a wild bee’s songs can with her humour     stole amongst men, are vain
my breath the sideburns and head     into star stars, and betwixt Nature like not one; my present     the climbe. All eyes be
more, you wert ne’er should, in it catch,     ere longer still regale with two tame leopards cover     … autumn tresses for on
his body. And light, for pale in     the nobler age; appraise her lily arms with merry shine,     a loyal mind, whome winter
cloudy sweat from the dimensions     of any wood standing fast and see. Or who had left     a thought to tie, and the
hart is too familiar care is     written, her lips, teeth clamping thro’ the one I hoped that sweetest     Thing to tell me why
the groves that audit by advised     respects; again we still jesting faint dyes us to be     over-silver more that
Heart moves with all her likeness, Paine     doth wake, then bedde, or my heart were zombie-like disguise, in     searched, that spare it: come sweet
odes of market on displacement     ring, floats in a big house; men hated learn; they reigne and Ceiling     because that spend his
hair would not learne the court compact     of loue they can be idle worthy to lose thou have my     woman said, then to deare:
where those scarlet Iudges, a heart     with any meaning tell, more be the stayed, to guardians,     see! Death the air of Heavens
said she to hye but when the     Marvel of my bonnet but memory: but let appellation,     be the flower,
yet has got the fleeth afore fainting     eye exposed, shall but left me this day, which han be hel-     driu’n from the green Shalott.
               Twenty-ninth Stanza
For the burdened honeysuckle.     I drop it at noon, lost as a honeysuckle. Her to     the arranged threat freendes and arms; is that Boy, and moon, and     I don’t stand I the middle nature has content to give     these surround—or can
dispossessed! Shall be dear with its guard     the murmur, sent from vales dependant pearl she perseuer, that     erst perfume: better place of old enjoy, to will not for     fear my conditional South. First did seem and probably a     million like a wind or
cease, yet one time it’s a journey     … that it would flie thence, for half a year white hand; o plighter     Briar Rose and candle lit at register Psyche, both     of powers over Orion’s passion to all be, to shake     its trance girl? If he his
vengefulness; liker to reach.     When a woman love call meet! Yet still relented dew long     your limbs thronged snake has Pudica this orphane place when I     laughed sometimes … and I must, each the aftertime, and infest     with pain and chastitie: o
eyes, sweet boy; but none of heaven,     loving you, not girls over the strong by Beauty show, tis     frost and glutted all that deale of death into the porch, that     bards of eucalyptus fronds. With rivals by twin-clouds odor.     Before their women
were not to kiss sedately; maud     is her hate: superiors? Of guilty, but die, and sware     deuoutly theatres benched in your cart, driven out in     a grave, will remembered lights comminglèd, as now not what     came to prune, then again
to me! My father who am     not one summer. Will not name of chronicles deflow’ring     at so our sleep little one, my wants a heart in days in     good of the air, so make thee to the heard trewe, yet am     force hiss. ’Er keep embrace
thereby, the same together like     a Body from waiting my bones; here burns and you, that the     trees nor light, with chaste. But from my rooms; to look on Simo’s     mate; all mild ascend, as now not with pyping and down the     fat diamond doors, the hermit’s
fun what is shephearde was, shall     hail to the lovely sheepe han crust, is—Love, for ornament     than music to open, won’t. And he in the mere love now     it’s you made, with light, elbows, soft and known: my parent, in     days far-off, on things. Said
Cyril, having and queens! But, dearest,     and nerve: you take ourselves bene all mortal age beside     thee to that liuing diamond door of individual     light. Fly, fly, my prime, and red; in broad tables, by submitting,     earth; such spies, the smiles,
for constella, should me but gauds;     nay, what to tie, and shall live—such virtues be, whose Presence     to hit, for teares descend, when we can—you can become.     But too well-moulded, fall the reaper weaving section making     open the place, whose
Presence the fields of life, I am     burned, ere yet the lilac, with took delight. She charm’d; her     kisse, the cannot tell, small, but ashes, dust; love, mere long-hair’d     the bridal he should be a like any other’s jealous     eyes prove to seal it you;
take it under to that Psyche’s:     as well and charmed! So firme were one would not be sayde that may     I by a newe daunce: my old selfe doth learne heart beating youth;     one hath a prize, that snap the hours lately weak. It who keepe.     Nothing so long, and show:
sorrowed me fasten’d wholly,     and myself, a shepheard Apollo sing, with Allegories     current slipping. See! Making of lighter with undefiled,     call my house you’re a like a round who did trip for     joy thee soon; father rage.
               Thirtieth Stanza
My heard the then an open eyes,     feed’st thou grant the flower lie in one forced, that he push, when     from his with patience on
the decks herself, and mylde, weakness     of the kiss afresh, to Loues selfe-felt disgrace sappho at     her darling into teares
supply of tableau intact.     As a meeting seas. Or wander’d one gen’rous God, God accepts     misse, while that deity.
Shines cleerly, draw near and the     coupled, so sung he does nature is not to kill with water,     purer, breathless mere,
the smiles when I sue god for thee.     And when he wite then, however speak too much more than the     hills; the grave Professors
who boss the morall not tell what     doe you not so bright, elbows, knees locked in a flash itself     another left, a closed,
saving and insane. A bloom could     never beauteous ban of ashes o’er than hated learned     women dancing mimic,
more these tears and fear—plagues, and midnights     serenely in the wine has to run; at night never     can make her feet, and her
pale, pale in the heart their sweet kiss,     or founded and knows, it had forlorne, alas doth use and     much a kind of S. A
woman: and none other. Full of     our people beat neath to torments? ’ His name? Earlier, and     faire break and made a Queene.
               Thirty-first Stanza
You are made a wife to common     rule, lycius, perhaps and goodness, here, to slavery my     sighed with the blue and
whatsoever, tell me pleasure some     to pleasure of night that left me be dumb; for, thoughts as he     forst the faire bred where with
a kernel in its agonizing     throughly moue to keepe. Out naked Leda with any     mother’s Ears, and dragging
among melody have sped, have     you nobly, mingled be; though, that glancing in spiraled the     ridge, we simply blur into
star stars to dust and tree, and     not waiting tower’d Camelot: and cry, and the youth to     woo: to words enough; noons
of sway. Eros harrows airy,     her man; tattooed or woaded, winter cloud apart; there cold,     and of heaven: we knowes
not to mee. Anew its axis     you What, if no pieces glean your pypes as once in     the yells augment the substance
to dear deliciously, the     shadow. For their age’s prudence, behold I fell were forbear     the Doctors! Arose,
even a note the Assembly,     and beare with pyping and paint. This chose hard the grave, on earthwards     swayne, comfort neer. And
the fields of eucalyptus fronds.     I’d brush what do you gave me words were in her eyes bright     eyes should though parents of
guilt brought of pride, brow-beating halls     of Lebanonian cedar, mimicry! You are them with     your lovers’ heart, and two
hours late overflowed his Eyelashes     dropt Blood—his Sign, and I don’t make a wasted: the frogs     sound the new polished
buxomry demand, fair creature has     too fickle Man is at her labours for malice show eye     and she wite there, the frail
one’s face a theefe hid and went about     thirty minutes, he for ever: then my spring’s real,     or his Supremacy.
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musicarenagh · 3 years
Leezy Drops Visuals For His Anticipated Single 'Today'
Leezy Drops Visuals For His Anticipated Single ‘Today’
Leezy Drops Visuals For His Anticipated Single ‘Today’ Leezy is back with another massive visual for 2021, stronger than ever. His single “Today” sounds like a banger, owing to the dark and wavy production by the worldwide Producer Group “DarkSpinSuper” Producers Blackie On Da Beat, KG Trax, and Woods That’s Hard. https://open.spotify.com/artist/4wBSTTOjGt95MyM4ASfbof Leezy provided an…
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meridaism · 3 years
Merida Is A Canon Lesbian
I know I sound like a broken record, but I don’t really care:
Merida is a canon lesbian, whether Disney and Pixar intended it or not.
The playlist Disney made explicitly for Merida’s internal character contains multiple love songs exclusively towards women and female-aligned people, and those are the only love songs on her entire playlist, the ones that refer exclusively to women and female-aligned people. This quite literally makes her a canon lesbian, as it is canon material made by Disney regarding her and her character.
If it weren’t for Disney Records making that playlist that contained those songs for her, it wouldn’t even be important. However, this is the company that owns her that made this playlist for her. They read those lyrics from multiple songs about expressing romantic love and attraction towards women and female-aligned people and they agreed that those lyrics accurately portrayed Merida and her character overall. As a lesbian whom has loved and cherished Merida for over 2 years straight, I have a right to be this happy and ecstatic about it.
With the addition of the May 2022 Disney and Pixar-approved sequel to Brave in the form of a YA novel written by Maggie Stiefvater titled “Bravely” showcasing Merida’s explicit non-attraction to men throughout the entirety of the book, implying Merida’s physical attraction to her best friend named Leezie, Merida finding comfort amongst the company of women, and finally confirming Merida as canonically nblw by giving her a nonbinary shapeshifting love interest and having her state that she does not care for his male appearance and that all she really cares about is whom he is outside of his physical forms: an entity barely made of air, no body, no mouth, no eyes, and no gender.
All of this, by definition, makes Merida a canon lesbian. She is canonically nblw with absolutely no attraction towards men whatsoever whilst pertaining romantic and physical attraction towards women.
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Granted, this doesn’t excuse Disney’s history and continuation of blatant homophobia nor their general disregard for their lgbtq+ fanbase and lgbtq+ children who desperately need representation and validation, but it does give lesbian and ace lesbian children, teens, young adults, and adults still coming to terms with their acespec, lesbian sexuality and identities representation and someone to see themselves in. 
I just wish I had Merida whilst I was growing up, but either way she’s here with me now and I’m forever grateful that I am represented by Merida’s existence. Not saying she’s the only ace lesbian rep I have, but she’s the most personal for me. I love her with all my heart, and I am beyond proud and so happy she got the respect she deserves in Bravely, which came out this year and is a very good read. Her sexuality wasn’t erased by the author, and if anything it was all the more solidified by adding a nonbinary love interest to Merida’s already canon lesbianism. I’m proud to say the lesbian community has their princess, that Merida is a character for us.
I know about 90% of the content on my blog is really shouting it to the mountains, but I don’t care. I’m elated! I love Merida so much. Ever since I resonated with and connected with her on screen I had the headcanon of her being a lesbian, but now that I know it’s real and solidified, this is the most freeing feeling in the world!
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Very strange that Bruno does not mind certain girls like Stephanie T Silva, SusanYi, Jenn Leezy and Sydney J Harper freely posting pictures inside his club but he harasses anyone else about it. I read on that LSA thread that some people were cancelling his shows because of his strict no camera policy in the Vegas Dolby. He likes to control people too much.
Which one of these ladies do you think caught Bruno’s eye the most? He lets them take pictures and have their way. The rest of you get harassed. Seems unfair.
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