#Hidden Secrets
reality-detective · 2 months
Is there a dark truth about Bob Ross? 🤔
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small-z24 · 19 days
One-Shot: Bargain in the Shadows Pt. 1
Y/N, a prisoner, strikes a bargain with Azriel to share information about a dark prophecy. Navigating mistrust and hostility, she hides a critical secret about her role in the prophecy, determined to find a way to save Prythian without sacrificing herself.
Word Count: 2328
Warnings: This one-shot contains themes of imprisonment, tension, and deception. It features complex relationships, flirtation, and manipulation. Reader discretion is advised.
Y/N paced the small, dimly lit cell in the Night Court’s prison. The stone walls were cold and unyielding, but she refused to let her discomfort show. She knew they wanted information from her—information about a prophecy she had stumbled upon. And she had every intention of using that information to her advantage.
The door to her cell creaked open, and she turned to see a tall, dark figure standing in the doorway. Azriel, the spymaster of the Night Court, entered with an air of quiet authority. His shadows whispered around him, as if alive and sensing the tension in the room.
“Y/N,” he greeted, his voice calm but firm. “I’m here to ask you some questions.”
She crossed her arms, leaning against the wall with a smirk. “I figured as much. And what makes you think I’ll just spill my secrets?”
Azriel’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he maintained his composure. “Because it’s in your best interest. The information you have could help prevent a catastrophe.”
Y/N chuckled, her tone dripping with sarcasm. “Oh, I’m sure it could. But what’s in it for me?”
He took a step closer, his shadows curling around him protectively. “You’re currently a prisoner in the Night Court. Cooperate, and we can make your stay more... comfortable.”
She raised an eyebrow, intrigued but not willing to show it. “Comfortable, how?”
Azriel met her gaze, his expression unreadable. “You’ll be moved to the House of Wind. You’ll have freedom within its walls, access to the city, and a chance to prove yourself.”
Y/N considered his offer, her mind racing. The House of Wind was a far cry from this dank cell. It would give her a chance to gather more information, to plan her next move. But she needed to maintain the upper hand.
“Fine,” she said finally, her voice laced with defiance. “I’ll tell you what I know. But I want guarantees.”
Azriel inclined his head slightly. “Name your terms.”
She straightened, her eyes locking onto his. “I want your word that I won’t be harmed. And if I help you, I want a full pardon and safe passage out of the Night Court once this is over.”
He studied her for a moment, then nodded. “You have my word. Now, tell me about the prophecy.”
Y/N sighed, running a hand through her hair. “The prophecy speaks of a great darkness that will spread across Prythian. It mentions a power that can stop it, hidden in the heart of the Night Court. But the details are vague.”
Azriel listened intently, his expression focused. “Go on.”
“There’s a key,” she continued. “A relic that can unlock this power. Without it, the darkness cannot be stopped. The prophecy says the key is hidden in a place of shadows and secrets.”
Azriel’s eyes flickered with recognition. “The Court of Nightmares.”
She nodded. “Precisely. But it’s not just about finding the key. The prophecy also mentions a chosen one who can wield this power. Someone with a connection to the shadows.”
He frowned, his mind racing. “A connection to the shadows...”
Y/N watched him carefully, sensing his unease. “Do you know who it might be?”
Azriel shook his head slowly. “I have some ideas, but nothing concrete. We need to find this key and the chosen one quickly.”
She smirked, her confidence returning. “Looks like you need me more than I need you, then.”
He met her gaze, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. “For now. But remember, Y/N, this is a delicate alliance. Betray us, and the consequences will be severe.”
She pushed off the wall, stepping closer to him. “I wouldn’t dream of it. Now, get me out of this cell and into that House of Wind you promised.”
Azriel nodded and turned to leave, gesturing for her to follow. As they walked through the winding corridors of the prison, Y/N couldn’t help but feel a sense of exhilaration. She had struck a bargain with the Night Court’s spymaster, and now she had a chance to prove her worth.
They arrived at the House of Wind, its grandeur and beauty a stark contrast to the prison she had just left. Azriel led her to a comfortable room, complete with a large bed and a view of the city below.
“This will be your room,” he said, his tone still businesslike. “You’ll have freedom within the House and the city, but you’ll be accompanied by guards at all times.”
Y/N nodded, taking in her new surroundings. “Fair enough. Now, let’s get to work.”
Azriel’s gaze softened slightly, and he extended his hand. “Welcome to the Night Court, Y/N.”
She shook his hand, a spark of understanding passing between them. “Thank you, Azriel. Let’s hope this alliance is a fruitful one.”
As they began their work, Y/N couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement. The stakes were high, but she thrived in situations like this. And with Azriel by her side, she knew they had a fighting chance to unravel the prophecy and stop the impending darkness.
In the shadows of the Night Court, an unlikely partnership had been forged. And together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead.
Y/N settled into the House of Wind with surprising ease. The grandeur of the place was impressive, and the freedom to move around—albeit with guards—was a far cry from the dank cell she had previously occupied. However, the real challenge was about to begin: meeting the rest of the Night Court.
Azriel led her into the grand dining room where Rhysand, Feyre, Cassian, Mor, and Amren were gathered. Their conversations halted as she entered, and six pairs of eyes turned to scrutinize her. Y/N held her head high, meeting their gazes with an unwavering confidence.
“This is Y/N,” Azriel introduced her, his voice even. “She’ll be staying with us for the time being and assisting with some... delicate matters.”
Rhysand stood, his presence commanding. “Welcome, Y/N. I trust Azriel has explained the terms of your stay.”
Y/N’s lips curved into a sly smile. “He has. And I must say, it’s quite the upgrade from my previous accommodations.”
Feyre, standing beside Rhysand, eyed Y/N warily. “We’ll see if you can be trusted,” she said, her tone cool.
Y/N’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “I suppose that’s fair. Trust is earned, after all.”
Cassian’s gaze was hard, his muscles tensed. Mor and Amren looked equally unimpressed. Y/N reveled in their hostility, knowing that it only made her more determined to find a way out of her predicament.
Rhysand gestured to an empty seat beside him. “Join us for dinner, Y/N. We have much to discuss.”
She glided to the chair, her movements graceful and deliberate. “Thank you, Rhysand,” she purred, sitting down and crossing her legs. She made sure her tone was a touch too familiar, a touch too flirty, just to see Feyre’s reaction.
Feyre’s eyes narrowed, but she said nothing, her fingers tightening around her fork.
Throughout the meal, Y/N engaged in light conversation, her charm and wit on full display. She caught Rhysand’s eye several times, her flirtatious remarks growing bolder. “You know, Rhysand, you’re quite different from the stories I’ve heard about the High Lord of the Night Court,” she said, her voice playful.
Rhysand raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. “Oh? And what stories are those?”
Y/N leaned in slightly, her voice lowering. “Stories of a ruthless, cunning ruler. But you seem rather... hospitable.”
Feyre’s jaw tightened, and Y/N could feel the tension in the air. She reveled in it, her eyes flickering to Azriel, who watched her with an unreadable expression.
“And you, Azriel,” Y/N said, turning her attention to him. “You’ve been such a gracious host. I’m almost starting to like it here.”
Azriel’s eyes darkened, and his shadows curled around him protectively. “Don’t get too comfortable,” he replied, his voice a warning.
Y/N’s smile widened. “Oh, I won’t. But I must say, your shadows seem to have taken quite a liking to me.” She reached out, her fingers dancing through the shadows that lingered around her.
The shadows responded, swirling around her hand in a playful manner. Azriel’s jaw clenched, and he looked away, clearly uncomfortable.
Cassian couldn’t hold back any longer. “What exactly do you know about this prophecy?” he demanded, his tone accusatory.
Y/N leaned back in her chair, her eyes gleaming. “All in good time, Cassian. I’m here to help, remember?”
Mor scoffed, her eyes filled with disdain. “You’re here because we need information. Don’t think for a second that we trust you.”
Y/N met her gaze, unflinching. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
After dinner, Rhysand suggested they move to the sitting room to continue their discussions. Y/N followed, still playing with Azriel’s shadows as they moved. The shadows seemed to enjoy her presence, much to Azriel’s dismay.
Once they were seated, Rhysand leaned forward. “We need to understand the specifics of the prophecy and the key. The Court of Nightmares is a dangerous place, and we can’t afford any mistakes.”
Y/N nodded, her expression turning serious. “The prophecy is vague, but it’s clear about one thing: the key is hidden in a place of shadows and secrets. The Court of Nightmares fits that description perfectly.”
“And the chosen one?” Feyre asked, her voice soft but firm.
Y/N glanced at Azriel, a knowing smile on her lips. “The chosen one is someone with a deep connection to the shadows. Someone who can wield them as easily as breathing.”
All eyes turned to Azriel, who stiffened under their scrutiny. “I’ll do whatever it takes to find this key and stop the impending darkness,” he said, his voice resolute.
Y/N’s gaze softened slightly, masking the turmoil inside her. She knew the truth—that she was the chosen one. The prophecy demanded a great sacrifice, one she wasn’t ready to make. She needed time to find another way, to avoid the fate that awaited her.
As the meeting continued, Y/N couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to this prophecy than she had let on. She needed to find a crack in the Night Court’s unity, a way to secure her freedom once and for all.
But for now, she would play along, enjoying the game of cat and mouse she had started. And with every flirtatious remark, every playful touch of Azriel’s shadows, she felt herself inching closer to her goal.
The Night Court members didn’t trust her, and she didn’t care. She had a plan, and she would see it through to the end. Even if it meant breaking a few hearts along the way.
The days turned into weeks, and Y/N found herself growing more accustomed to life in the House of Wind. The Night Court members remained wary of her, and she relished their discomfort. Her interactions with Azriel became a constant dance of tension and curiosity.
One evening, as Y/N was practicing with Azriel’s shadows in the courtyard, Rhysand approached her. His demeanor was relaxed, but Y/N knew better than to let her guard down.
“Enjoying yourself?” Rhysand asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Y/N looked up, her fingers still playing with the shadows. “They seem to like me. Unlike the rest of your court.”
Rhysand chuckled. “You’re not making it easy for them to trust you.”
She shrugged, her expression indifferent. “Trust is earned, remember?”
He studied her for a moment, his eyes piercing. “What are you really after, Y/N? You’re hiding something.”
Her heart skipped a beat, but she kept her face neutral. “I’ve told you everything I know about the prophecy.”
Rhysand’s gaze didn’t waver. “Have you? Or are you keeping something back?”
Y/N felt a chill run down her spine. He was getting too close to the truth. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Rhysand’s expression softened slightly, but his eyes remained sharp. “We need you, Y/N. If there’s something you’re not telling us, it could mean the difference between victory and defeat.”
She met his gaze, her resolve hardening. “I’ve given you everything you need. Now it’s up to you to use it.”
As Rhysand walked away, Y/N felt the weight of her secret pressing down on her. She had to find another way, a way to fulfill the prophecy without sacrificing herself.
Later that night, as she wandered the halls, she encountered Azriel. He was standing by a window, his gaze distant. The moonlight cast a soft glow over his features, highlighting the shadows that seemed to cling to him.
“Can’t sleep?” she asked, approaching him.
Azriel turned to face her, his expression guarded. “Just thinking.”
She leaned against the window frame, her eyes searching his. “About the prophecy?”
He nodded, his eyes darkening. “It’s weighing on all of us. The idea that one of us might have to make a great sacrifice... it’s not easy to accept.”
Y/N’s heart ached at his words. She wanted to tell him the truth, to share the burden she carried. But she couldn’t—she wasn’t ready to face the consequences.
Instead, she reached out, her fingers brushing against his arm. “We’ll find a way, Azriel. Together.”
He looked down at her, his gaze softening. “I hope you’re right.”
As they stood there, the silence between them filled with unspoken words, Y/N felt a flicker of hope. Maybe, just maybe, they could find a way to change the prophecy’s outcome.
But for now, she would continue to play her part, biding her time and searching for a way to save herself—and everyone else.
In the shadows of the Night Court, an unlikely partnership had been forged. And together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, even if it meant confronting the darkest truths about themselves.
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rennymayflower · 2 months
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xpl0r · 2 months
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Inner wounds are more difficult to see because they don't leave visible scars.
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Marines and Sailors…
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magical-mistakes-vm · 7 months
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“Other than the fact that she has no clue what she’s doing and needs your help with the magical part, she really doesn’t need you standing up for herself, does she?” Baldur asked once they were in the kitchenette on the top floor.  He was impressed, which didn’t happen often.  Most women looked at the three powerful warlocks to defend them and played “damsel in distress” to get attention, but it seemed that Mahala was not the usual female in any way.
“No, she doesn’t.  You can see she has a voice of her own, and isn’t afraid of using it; you can imagine that last night I too was put in my place at least once.  Once she knows how to control her powers, use potions, craft runes, and encant spells, she’ll be almost as powerful as the three of us.  With her stubbornness and tenacity, she will be a force to be reckoned with.  I’m honestly glad she is on our side.   I wasn’t being glib when I said she’s going to be my assistant.”  He cast a look over at Baldur with a smirk, then turned back to the reason he was there.  Vollrath filled the mug in his hand with hot water and poured in some sugar.  He remembered how she liked her coffee, so he was hoping she liked tea just as sweet.
“Das Lionessa Der Nachtnebel, hearing her roar was interesting…” Elmar said, making Baldur look at him then start shaking his head. Elmar raised his brows and started smirking.  There was no doubt in his mind, not after how Vollrath kept acting around her.
“No. You’re joking.  No, right?  Very funny.”  Baldur rolled his eyes, assuming Elmar was just being an ass again.  “Don’t even start with that just because Vol finally has found a woman he is…falling in love with? And can stand his grouchy ass, let alone stand UP to his grouchy ass.” Even he was finding it hard to define what the fuck he had been watching in Vollrath’s office. Elmar couldn’t be right; could he?
“Might want to tell the ancients and ancestors that, and be prepared for an argument.  Her mother called her “little lioness”, and I think you just saw she can roar even without using any powers.  She had no problem standing up to me last night, even when I was trying to make her back down; and she just set you two in your place without even having to raise her voice.  He’s the second one to call her that in less than 24 hours, and I hadn’t thought about that prophecy for…years.” Vollrath turned around and leaned back against the counter.  He had hoped that one of them would correct him on his feelings, but instead Elmar had reinforced it.  Now he was sure of it. 
 “Come on, Baldur, it’s pretty clear and logical.  It would explain what's going on with Vol.” Elmar gestured to Vollrath with his head.  ”Think about it, Mr. Freeze here suddenly thaws over a random unknown and untrained witch he just met last night?  Spent the night with her and not in a sexual way.  That is hardly the man we have known since we were kids..  Unless….” He raised his brows, tilted his head, and grinned.
Baldur looked between them. “You really think she is? Seriously?” His brows drew together as he considered it.  They were both making too much sense.  If she was, then there was a  lot of shit that was about to go down.  He’d stand by his friends through whatever, but it could get very ugly.
“I think she is.” Vollrath didn’t hesitate, as he bobbed the tea bag in the scalding water.  He’d done a lot of thinking, and it made sense.  It also made everything that was happening make sense.  
“I’m going to go with that as well.” Elmar said.  “Who else could thaw the Ice King and get him to kiss…" he grabbed his chest as he felt the wind suddenly knocked out of him.  Shaking his head, he looked at the other two. "Please tell me that was one of you two being an ass?"
Vollrath said nothing but set down the mug and immediately took off out of the room at a dead sprint with the other two men on his heels. Since it hadn't been any of the three of them, that meant there was only one room on the floor that it could have come from, Vollrath’s office.  None of them knew who had caused it, but there was no way it was good.  It had been a great use of power, and no one in the building should be doing that for any reason.
The scene in the office brought Vollrath to an abrupt halt, but Baldur and Elmar split up both to avoid him and due to what they were witnessing in front of them.  The conference table was overturned and a Coven warlock, Jonathan, was on the ground near one end.  Mahala was in the back corner of the office behind Vollrath’s desk, huddled up in Vollrath’s suit coat and trying to become one with the carpet.  Her dark hair hung in front of her face like a curtain, hiding her eyes from view, but it was clear she was shaking.  Baldur slowly approached Mahala, putting himself in front of her so he was all she could see, while Elmar was over with Johnathan. 
"Would someone like to tell me what the fuck just went on in here?" Vollrath demanded in a voice that left no doubt that he was enraged.   This was one instance that being the Master Warlock of the Coven had its major drawbacks.  He couldn’t be the one to go to Mahala, he had to remain impartial until he knew what happened.  His heart was back in that corner and now Baldur had blocked his view; he was hating that all he could see was Baldur's back.  Worry lanced through him with each step his friend took, but he knew that the woman that he was coming to love…yes, love was the word for it…was in good hands.
"That damn sneaky bitch attacked me." Jonathan announced in a clearly irritated and confrontational tone, trying to move away from Elmar, whose brow creased at the declaration.  Vollrath’s head whipped to look at him at Jonatha’s declaration, pinning him with an intense stare.    "Came in to deliver reports on the progress of the Marshall project and she was rifling through your desk.  When I tried to stop her, well you see what she did!" His arms gestured to the disaster the room was now in.
Elmar’s eyes met Vollrath’s and he shook his head.  Two and two were equalling six, and the powerful warlock didn't like it.  If she had that kind of control and knowledge, why would she have not guarded earlier?  Why get to the point of passing out over Vollrath’s jealousy? No, Jonathan's story wasn't right.  Elmar may have just met Mahala, but he would take her side instantly over what had been said by a warlock that had been in the Coven for decades.  There was more going on, and until he knew what that more was, he wasn’t going to accept that as the story.  He had been in a position of leadership too long.
"Band him." Vollrath ordered, not needing Elmar to actually say that he didn’t believe Jonathan.  It had been clear on his friend’s face.  He didn’t believe the other warlock either.  Something wasn’t adding up with his story, based on the woman he knew and the way he’d said it happened. Mahala might have the power to have destroyed his office, and more, but she didn’t have the knowledge of HOW to do it.  Her training hadn’t started yet.  
Vollrath turned his attention to Bladur, who was still very slowly approaching Mahala.  He could only see Baldur’s back, which frustrated him and made him wonder what was going on for his friend to be moving so slowly.  Was there something he didn’t know? "Bal?"
"Working on it.  Don't want on my ass, V.  I don’t believe his story, but she can still kick me." Baldur called over his shoulder, then turned his attention back to Mahala who was trying her best to disappear into Vollrath’s suit coat. While he didn’t believe what Jonathan said was the complete truth, something had caused chaos in Vollrath’s office, and Mahala did have a shit ton of raw power.  If she was defending herself she may have done it without realizing it.  There had to be some explanation and he needed to keep her calm and trusting him enough to find out what it was..
Finally closer to her, he crouched down, still making sure that he was all she could see.  An enraged Vollrath was intimidating even to him; since she was already scared, it was the last thing she needed.   "Look at me, babygirl. That's it. You're safe. We're back from the other room.  Can you tell me what happened?"  She shook her head and Baldur wanted to hit something. Why wouldn't she talk?  If she was refusing to cooperate, it was going to make things exponentially harder.  "Mahala, you've got to tell your…." He stopped when he realized that she was sobbing and gesturing to her throat, but there was no sound.  She wasn't refusing to tell him, she literally couldn’t. FUCK!  If Vollrath was mad about the teasing, this was going to send him into an apoplectic fit.
"Vollrath, would you please take Jonathan down to containment?   I think Elmar and I will be fine here." Baldur prayed his friend didn't come over to find out why he wanted him out of the room.  He reached out his fingers to brush just the tips of Mahala’s as they rested on the floor.  He needed her to know he wasn’t going to hurt her and also to remain calm till Vollrath was out of the room.   They'd fix what was wrong, but he needed Vollrath not to be losing his shit at the time. 
"Why?" Something was wrong, Baldur wasn’t telling him something, and Vollrath didn’t like it.  He couldn’t hear Mahala talking to his friend.  He only had heard Baldur’s voice.  With the slight confrontation earlier, he was sure he should be able to hear her.  What were they hiding from him?
"Trust me." Baldur closed his eyes and prayed to the ancients to help them.  “Just please take him out of the room.”  He leaned forward and laced his fingers with Mahala’s keeping his eyes on hers.  They would figure out how to fix this, but he needed Vollrath out of the room so they could.
Jonathan started to protest the request by saying that he was being treated like the guilty one when she had attacked him;  and that seemed all Vollrath needed to get him to drag the warlock from the room.  Now Baldur and Elmar only had a short time till he'd be back to figure out what was wrong and fix it.  No doubt Vollrath would be as quick as possible since he couldn’t have missed something was very wrong.
"She can't make a sound." Baldur scooped the frightened woman up off of the floor and took her over to the couch.  "If it's not her boyfriend trying to give her a stroke, one of his employees is trying to kill her." Gently he once more laid her down.
"Trust us, sweetheart.   We may be assholes, but we would never purposefully hurt you, and Vol will lose his mind if you're badly hurt.  We’re going to figure out how to fix whatever is wrong." Elmar gently took her hands to get them to release Vollrath’s jacket.  When it fell open, both warlocks swore under their breath.  Her entire throat was a mottled purple and red bruise.   "I'd say she hit him in self defense.  That is an ugly bruise."  Elmar’s words came out slow as he took in what was in front of him and tried not to follow Vollrath down to containment.
"Good bet." Baldur sighed as he agreed, his finger gently traced over the skin of her throat.  The bruise was beginning to swell, but held no residual magic that he could detect  "I can't find any magic tether or spell remaining.  Enchantment of some kind? He's got a wrought iron band on, he can't be holding her by force.  See if you can find something over in the mess.  Vol's going to be back any second and it’s going to get ugly fast." He saw Elmar’s shadow move as the other warlock went to try and see if he could find a talisman or other object.
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jediaxis101 · 5 days
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Must Watch if you like the Truth, Tap Below:
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reality-detective · 1 year
Hidden behind a 16th-century painting known as 'Life of San Severo' in an Italian church, the workers found an even older painting of St. George killing the Dragon, or maybe he's killing the reptile.
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It's up for you to decide. 🤔
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iamwinklebottom · 2 months
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weirdwriter69 · 8 months
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This was an old phone booth hidden behind a vending machine at my university. Some cool shit right there
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xpl0r · 1 year
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Moody forest
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Imagine you dating cole sprouse but you have a huge secret only your parents knows .
Y/N Meghan Ulrich is An Canadian - American Actress. She is the daughter of Canadian Actress Neve Campbell and American Actor Skeet Ulrich.
Born : January 8th, 1990 ( age 27 years ) Lynchburg, VA
Height: 5'10''
Partner : Cole Sprouse ( 2017-) , Austin Butler ( 2009- 2016)
Children : 1
October 14th, 2017
You dated someone before me ," Cole asked ?
Yeah. I had dated Austin Butler for about seven years ," You said with a smile.
When you mention Austin. Your smile got so big," Cole said as he look at you .
What. I have history with Austin. We dated for seven years and we were engaged," You said with a sad smile.
You two were engaged ," Cole asked as the jealously filled his voice.
Yeah we were at the end ," You sighs.
Are you two still friends. " Cole asked ?
Yeah. We are good friends even after our breakup," You said with a smile.
Did you and Austin plan on having kids while you two dated ," Cole asked ?
Um ," You sai as you were cut off by someone yelling your name.
Austin ," You said as you look at him.
That's Austin ," Cole said as he stare at your ex with jealously .
Who is that ," KJ asked as he look at Austin.
That's Austin Butler. He is y/n ex ," Skeet said as his dark eyes look at you .
What does she see in cole? I would date Austin again before I date Cole ," KJ said as he stare at you .
Skeet look at him before his eyes was back on you .
Hi. What are you doing here," You asked as you walk up to him.
It's your turn to have Charlie," Austin said with a sly smile as he hands over your and his one-year-old daughter.
Hi baby girl .I missed you so much," You said with a smile as you rub her back .
Charlie's big blue eyes look up at you.
How are you and cole," Austin asked with an awkward smile.
It's ok. He gets mad when I talk about you ," You sighs.
I'm sorry," Austin said as he look at you.
It's ok. I have a history with you and cole doesn't understand that," You said as you smiled at him.
Ik that you are with cole. I do miss being around you," Austin said as he gave you a sad smile.
I do to," You said with a smile.
Time to go y/n. Who's child ," Cole said as he glared at Austin.
Remember when you said that if Austin and I ever planned on having kids while we dated ," You said with a grin.
Yeah why ," Cole said as he look at you.
This is Charlie. She is Mine and Austin's Daughter," You said with a grin.
Ik that you two had history and were engaged. But you two have a kid together," Cole said as he look at you.
Yeah we do,” You said with a smile.
Wow ,” Cole mumbled .
A Few Days Later. October 18th, 2017
Y/N Ulrich and Ex Austin Butler were spotted together last night after Y/N Ulrich and Cole Sprouse Break Up.
How does Cole Sprouse feel about this?
Did Y/N and Austin still have feelings towards each other. Tell us in the comments .
Who you like better with Y/N. Cole or Austin.
Four Years Later. September 24th, 2021
Y/N Meghan Ulrich is An Canadian - American Actress. She is the daughter of Canadian Actress Neve Campbell and American Actor Skeet Ulrich.
Born : January 8th, 1990 ( age 31 years ) Lynchburg, VA
Height: 5'10''
Spouse : Austin Butler (m.2017)
Children: 2
Y/n ,” A voice said .
You turn around and see your ex Cole Sprouse and his friend KJ .
Cole,” You said with an awkward smile.
Hi. It has been four years since we broke up ,” Cole sighs.
Yeah it has. You probably moved on ,” You said.
No. I couldn't bc I still have feelings for you and I'm sorry,” Cole said.
What,” You said as you look at him.
I still have feelings for you. Please tell me that you feel the same about me,” Cole said as he look at you.
There you are honey ,” Austin said with a smile as he wrapped his arms around you .
Cole. You remember Austin ,” You said with a smile.
Yeah I do. Why is his hair black ,” Cole asked ?
He is going to play Elvis Presley in the new movie Elvis ,” You said with a smile.
What is your answer to my question ,” Cole said
What question ,” Austin asked as he look at you then cole.
Cole still has feelings for me ,” You told him.
Oh I see ,” Austin said as he look at you then cole.
What do you care so much about her response? How is it even your business ,” Cole said with a grin.
I'm her husband and the father of her children. So it's my business ,” Austin said as he grinned at him.
Husband? You two got married ,” Cole said as he look at you with sadness .
After we broke up. Austin and I start to talk again. We have so much history together and we had a child together. after a couple of weeks dating again. We had got married in Vegas , “ You said with a smile.
I'm happy for you two ,” Cole said with a fake smile.
Thank you ,” You said with a sly smile as you lean against your husband.
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beautyarchive · 1 year
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Sara Martins in the ‘Hidden Secrets’ episode of Death in Paradise.
I want to be a detective.
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slut4poets · 8 months
You hide for them not to find you cold but
Your hiding spot’s not the best, you can’t fit in it
It’s not for you, but you still play hide and seek with yourself
Are you waiting for someone else to find you?
Isolating yourself from your friends and family, you can’t find your place anymore
Is there no place for you no more?
Do you understand what you’re doing?
No one will save you if you don’t make the effort too
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