#Home water filers
Tucson Irrigation Sprinkler System
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Source: https://plumbingservicetucson.blogspot.com/2022/12/tucson-irrigation-sprinkler-system.html
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honeytonedhottie · 4 months
at home spa day⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🌸
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do a sheet mask/clay mask
do facial steaming
use an eye mask
ice your face
use a gua sha or do a facial exercise
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do some dry brushing before your shower
use a sweet smelling body butter
use leftover essence or serums from sheet masks on your hands
dry brush your hands
massage lotions onto your hands
take a bubble bath
take a regular bath with salts or bath milks
take a sound healing bath with frequencies
begin by dry brushing ur hands
wash ur hands thoroughly and with intention
push back those cuticles
cut the very tip of ur nails
use the nail filer and shape ur nails
use ur nail strengthener and once its dry apply a cuticle oil
wash feet
soak your feet in warm/hot water
cut and file nails
use vaseline and wear fuzzy socks
do an oil pulling with coconut oil
use a tongue scraper
oil your hair
use a hair mask
wear your hair in a protective style
wash your hair
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light a scented candle
use a humidifier
play subliminals in the background
make a self care playlist
read a good book
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bunnyboyjuice · 5 months
Getou x his pink gf pt 2 ₊˚⊹ᰔ
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Getou x black fem reader, silliness ensues, read and Getou being mushy and in love
Pt 1 of the headcanons 🎀
These two are taking over my thoughts I might write something about them soon enough 🫶🏽💕
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Getou listening to you ramble to him about different skincare products and how they affect his skin differently. “So this one’s an exfoliant it’s supposed to remove the dead skin on your face and clear out your pores!” He just looks at you with so much love in his eyes he feels blessed to even have you making a skin care routine for him. “Wow look who’s glowing.” Shoko says sarcastically with a grin “was it your little girlfriend again.” “Yea she got me a new skincare routine and now my face looks..better Idk I just let her work her magic.” He says with a shrug and a grin.
He will let you manicure his nails lord knows he needs to be pampered so you’re just the person to it. He comes back to school with freshly painted nails with a little skull charm on them or a little Sanrio charm. He thinks it’s so cute when you try to match his interest with his nails. “Do you still want them to be black this time?” You ask as you rummage around your nail kit for the nail filer. “Yes baby I don’t want my nails to stand out too much but next time I promise you can paint them pink. “Ok I’ll hold you to it.” You say filling down Getou’s nails and gently cleaning them before painting them.
Loves that you have so many things that remind you of him every time you got out with your friends you always come home with one or two items that remind you of Getou. “So you have a little collection of things that remind you of me?” He felt his heart swell in his chest as he looked at the collection of miscellaneous plushies and trinkets that remind you a him.
He loves watching you wear his old clothes they barely even fit you but you complain and whine at him when he asks you to change “but this shirt is comfortable!” You whine not wanting to change out of your boyfriends old shirt but it was affecting him in way you didn’t even know. He could see your pretty tits peeking out of you the shirt if moved even a little bit. But he couldn’t argue with you so he just had to bite his lip and suffer.
He will listen to you rant about your interests he loves hearing you talk about things. “Getou look look! It’s Manta Rays jumping out of the water isn’t it cool also look at these cuttlefish change colors!” He will sit there and listen to you talk about how Manta Rays are one of the smartest sea creatures and how they have to swim to stay alive. He will in-fact find a way to take you to the aquarium so you can point out all the fish you know and pet the sting rays.
He loves watching you get all dolled up when you have to go out with your friends his heart is racing when you show him your little pink dress and the nails you did to match with your outfit. “Ok I’m ready to go now!” You say with your arms open Getou knew what time it was he loved when you would leave him covered in kisses before you left. It was a cute thing you started when you would have to leave Getou and kiss him goodbye but felt like one kiss wasn’t enough so you ended up just kissing his face all over.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Royal Pain Part 3
Hello! I was going to post this yesterday but I thought I would be busier for WIP Wednesday which only two people participated in (sad author noises). And then I was waffling about putting up a meta about Steve’s parents (I ended up just saving it in my ‘bit of everything’ file). And then I realized it was super late and should put this up before I forget again.
This next part is for @weirdandabsurd42  who mentioned being excited to see Wayne and was thusly added (because I almost forgot to put him there, oops!), thereby creating one of my favorite lines I’ve ever written so...thanks! 
Part 1 Part 2
Steve closed up his shop with a spring in his step and a grumpy Robin following behind.
“I can’t believe you are dragging me to a metal concert,” she groused as she locked the door behind her.
“You don’t have to come,” Steve said with a grin. “You can stay home on a Saturday, all by yourself with a pint of ice cream and the latest rom-com.”
Robin glared at him. “You know that I have to come with you so you don’t throw yourself at Eddie.”
Steve rolled his eyes as they walked to his car. “I’m not going to throw myself at him.”
Robin clutched her hands to her chest. “Oh that’s right I forgot! You already have!”
Steve glared at her. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“No?” she asked, sliding into the car. “So what do you call offering to do his back tattoo?”
Steve already in the car, hit his head on his steering wheel. “Fucccckkkk.” He hit it over and over. “Why did I do that? Why did he agree? What am I going to do?”
Robin rubbed his back. “I think this is good thing for you. If you do well on his wings then you can start doing large pieces again. And if not, then you know it’s not something you can do and you’ll never do another one ever again.”
Steve sighed and wrapped his arms around the steering wheel. “I just wanted him to like me.”
“As person, as friend or as a boyfriend?” Robin asked seriously.
“All of the above?” Steve said raising his head to look at her. “Apparently the first one has been met. I’d take the second one, but I would love the last one more than anything.”
“Well this weekend will be a great opportunity to test the waters and see how he feels. Because even if he wants to be friends now, there’s still a chance he might want something more in the future. Just don’t bank on it.”
Steve nodded. “Yeah.” He took a deep breath. “Yeah, okay.” He turned the key and pulled out of their parking lot.
“This would be a good time to get a couple of apprentices of your own,” she said after a few miles of silence. “You’re going to be spending a lot of hours on Eddie’s tattoo and you’re going to need someone to pick up the slack.”
Steve let out a shuddering sigh. “I know. I’ll start putting out feelers in the community and see what’s out there.”
Robin nodded. “We’ll put up filers at the local colleges and universities as well as putting it up on our website. I’ll talk to Will and see what he can come up with for both.”
“I know he’ll turn it down but offer him the usual rates for that sort of thing,” Steve agreed.
Robin laughed. “Fingers crossed he’ll accept this time.”
Eddie walked into his apartment and flopped face first into his couch. It had been such a whirlwind day. He wasn’t even sure he could function. That really was the downside to having a full time gig. Having all this free time.
Because yeah, Eddie and the rest of Corroded Coffin practiced nearly every day, and they were always coming up with new music, it just wasn’t the same as full time job. He didn’t have to do anything but show up and perform two nights a week. He could phone it in if he wanted.
Not that he would. Just...that he could. Which meant on days when his head was spiraling he could stew for days and never leave this couch.
He rolled over and pulled out his phone and dialed that familiar number.
“Munson residence!” came the gruff familiar voice.
“When are you going to at least get a caller ID, old man!” Eddie crowed.
“Shut it, boy,” Wayne growled. “I have one and it works just fine, the greeting is polite. Something I thought I raised you better in.”
Eddie giggled. “You love me.”
“Lord help me, but I do,” Wayne agreed. “You calling to talk or to listen?”
It was something that they had established long before Eddie left Hawkins to live on his own in the big city. Long before before Eddie took three years to graduate. Long before Al Munson abandoned his son on his baby brother’s door step for one last job. A job that would land him in prison. They had this code. Well, not really a code.
Just this thing between them. When Eddie had a rough day, he would call Wayne. But depending on the swirling of emotions going through his head, sometimes he just need to hear Wayne talk about his day. Gossip about his neighbors. Let the words flow over him until he felt at ease enough to go to sleep.
Other nights, though. The really bad ones. The ones where Eddie needed advice, he would talk. Sometimes Eddie would figure it out on his own, other times he would need Wayne to give him advice. This was one of those nights.
“Talk,” Eddie breathed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Wha’cha got, Ed?” Wayne asked gently.
And Eddie just let it all spill out. The tattoos, Steve, the band, feeling like they had stagnated.
“That’s a lot on your plate, boy,” Wayne said. “I can see why you wanted to share.”
Eddie let out a shuddering sigh. “I don’t know what to do about...well any of it to be honest.”
Wayne hummed. “When was the last time you went out and did something fun? Something for just yourself? And don’t say get a tattoo because that’s part of the tangled mess right now.”
Eddie blinked. When was the last time he had gone out for drinks, saw a movie, or even listened to music other than his own? “I’m not sure.”
“Well there you go,” Wayne said. “Creativity isn’t endless, boy. It’s a well and you’re going through a drought because you aren’t taking in any influences other then that feedback loop you’re on.”
“It doesn’t have to be with your friends or even that boy you’ve got your eye on,” Wayne explained. “Just go out and have fun for yourself, ya hear?”
“Yeah,” Eddie said, already feeling lighter. “Thanks, Uncle Wayne.”
“Rest well, okay?” Wayne murmured.
“You too.”
Jeff shook his head and rolled his eyes as he watched Eddie play with his rings, his knee bouncing up and down.
“Chill!” Gareth growled. “For fuck’s sake. We are professionals, we’ve done this twice a week for years. What’s got your panties in a twist this time?”
Jeff wagged his eyebrows. “This time pretty boy Steve Harrington is going to be in the crowd. With a girl no less.”
“She’s gay,” Eddie bit out. “A literal flaming lesbian. I just have to pass the best friend test with her. And considering she wanted me to get his number, I’m pretty sure I don’t have to work that hard.”
“I noticed you didn’t deny that you’re nervous about Pretty Boy being in the audience tonight,” Brian teased.
Eddie threw up his hands in the air and leapt to his feet. “All right, yeah. I’m nervous. Even when I did have boyfriends that would show up, I knew they liked the music. But I have no idea if Steve is just being nice or if he’s actually interested in hearing us play.”
Jeff cocked his head. “Yeah, I can see how you might be worried he won’t like it. But if he doesn’t, isn’t better you know that now, before your feelings get in too deep?”
Eddie’s lip quivered. “Yes. I mean, of course. But it still makes me feel like crawling out of my skin, okay?”
“Okay,” Gareth said. “So do what you do best and throw yourself into the music. Let it wash over you. You are a consummate performer. So kick ass.”
Eddie nodded and the nod slowly turned into a head bang with him playing air guitar. By the time the knock came to let them know it was time, Eddie was ready to go out there and rock.
Steve hadn’t been to The Nightmare Holes before. It hadn’t even been on his radar at all. That was so weird, especially since it was almost literally doors down from Robin and his favorite club.
Well that was until they were dropped off in front of a large concrete building that didn’t look like a bar from the outside at any stretch of the imagination. In fact the only thing that stuck out at all was a neon sign with a large arrow pointing to a set of stairs leading down proclaiming this to be The Nightmare Holes.
When they got into the bar, Steve realized that they were going to stick out like a sore thumb. With Steve looking prep and Robin looking punk, they were going to be murdered before Eddie even got on stage.
They were saved by a goddess if you believed Robin later. This pretty woman in a tank top and tight leather pants with four inch heeled boots came up to them.
“Hey!” she greeted warmly. “You must be Stevie, right?”
Steve nodded. “I’m afraid you’re one up on me. You know me, but I don’t know you.”
She smiled much to Robin’s chagrin. “I’m Miranda, girlfriend of the rhythm guitarist, Jeff Lawrence. He was worried that Eddie might have forgotten to tell you that wearing your usual clothes might make you stand out.” She waved her hands at them. Both Robin and Steve blushed. “You aren’t too bad actually. I was think you would be much worse the way Jeff was going on.”
“He only saw us at work,” Robin explained once she picked her jaw up off the ground. “He might have assumed that we wear that on the regular.”
Miranda nodded. “You can do this one of two ways. Stay dressed as you are as big middle finger to conformity no matter who’s conforming to what or you come with me and I can tweak your looks enough that you don’t stand out as much.”
Steve looked down at his clothes and tilted his head. “I think I’m going to give conformity the middle finger, thanks. I’ve been bucking what people think a tattoo artist should look like for years. I’m not going to change that for one little concert.”
Miranda nodded appreciatively. “Good on you. How about you, princess? You gonna give conformity the middle finger, too?”
Robin looked down at her clothes and blushed. “I think most metalheads would say a punk is being a step too far.”
Miranda laughed. “You’re probably right. Let’s go see if I can metal you up a bit.”
The two ladies came back a few minutes later. Robin still had her chunky jewelry and smudged makeup. But her billowy plaid pants were replaced by tight black jeans and instead of her vest, she wore a black jacket. Her hair had been tamed to a more relaxed style.
Steve grinned at her. “Looking good, Robs!”
Robin blushed. “I made a new friend.”
Miranda laughed. “Thanks for that.” She looked around and then leaned forward conspiratorially. “Just a little secret between us new besties.”
Steve and Robin shared a glance, but both nodded.
“I don’t like metal music, either,” she whispered and winked. She turned around so she faced the stage. “But I’m here because my Jeffie does. So if you don’t like the music, because hey, you might not, don’t sweat it. They put on a good show and we’re here for them.” She jutted her chin up at the stage just as the house lights went down and the stage lights went up.
Standing the spotlight was Eddie. He wore a slashed up band shirt, tight jeans, and his leather jacket. A jacket Steve was about to learn wasn’t going to feature long. About twenty minutes into the show, the jacket was gone and Steve could see a peek of the new tattoo through the slits in the shirt.
He licked his lips slowly. Ooh...that was tantalizing. And then Eddie threw caution and his shirt to the wind and everyone saw Eddie’s new tattoo.
Robin turned to Steve wide-eyed. “Holy shit, it blends seamlessly into the rest of the tattoos, like it was there first.”
Miranda peered around Robin to look at Steve, too. “Yeah, man. You did a hell of a job. You should be proud of that.”
Steve was. No doubt. But he was prouder of the fact that Eddie wanted everyone to see it. It melted his heart and settled at the base of his spine, like he had drank a cup of hot chocolate all at once.
And that was when Steve realized he would do anything for Eddie. Even if that meant just being friends.
My new favorite line? * “Lord help me, but I do,” Wayne agreed. “You calling to talk or to listen?” * It’s just so...Wayne, you know?
Part 4  Part 5 Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11 Part 12  Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16 Part 17  Part 18 Part 19  Part 20  Part 21 Part 22  Part 23  Part 24  Part 25 Part 26  Part 27  Part 28  Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk @renaissan-vvitch @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @aizawa-emma  @yikes-a-bee @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @archermightbegay @hallucinatedjosten 
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moonlight-fan2008 · 2 months
Moonlight rewatch for millionth time
Episode 8 random thoughts and feelings I had while rewatching again: cause I’m bored and have nothing else to do or watch. And I love this show
Unfortunately Shepherd’s followers would be (and are) a thing in real life. Like I know why people like him get followers but still like why?
I wish we got to explore more of Audrey’s relationship with Beth in later episodes just like “oh I spoke to Audrey the other day…” I’m hoping she was able to recover and finally get the rest she needs
Audrey “I just want to feel safe” followed by Beth immediately taking her to Mick
Again so sad humans are buttholes and torment survivors of heinous crimes like geez what’s wrong with people
Mick’s face after Beth told him she always felt safe after being kidnapped
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He looks like he’s about to come clean then decides against it
I know Morgan/Coraline was just testing the waters so to speak to see how Beth and Mick feel about each other but even Lola and now Audrey pick up on the budding romance between them
This is also the second episode in a row that Josh is missing from and when Audrey asks if there’s anything going on between Beth and Mick. Beth gives a cheeky little smile and an eyebrow raise then is like oh yeah Josh when asked about his toothbrush. Again making it obvious to me that the writers always knew Beth and Mick were going to be together (or maybe I just have my shipping goggles on)
I like Beth’s home decor there’s a boho/natural vibe to it.
“Wow me without my checkbook” sassy pants
“I did nothing illegal” uh I’m pretty sure putting people’s address on the internet and suggesting someone “off” then is illegal
I like how Mick uses his pretty privilege from time to time to get people to help him or do something he needs
You now that I think about it I don’t think Father Garza’s name was ever on that list that was sent to Ben Talbot, maybe since he was a priest he was not on the radar but Donnavan Shepherds name was on the list
“That’s Spanish by the way… for keep her out of my stuff”
I like how Mick hesitated to take the machete with him and doesn’t take it but that end biting him in the butt later on
What’s through the gray door Mick?
I also wish we got to see more of his house. Like we know he at least has two bathrooms upstairs as he took a shower in one and Coraline took a shower in a different one in episode 9
36 years since Mick’s last confession which makes that 1971 so he would have been a vampire at that time. I wonder what happened to make him go to confession and also have that be the last time. I’m basing that off the fact that this episode happens in 2007 same time it aired (not exact date but generally around that time)
I wonder what the other papers were in Beth’s file, some looked like filers of some sort
I like how Mick instantly knows that something is wrong just because Beth’s voice sounds off
Adios psycho it wasn’t fun.
Together by the Kin was such a good choice for this scene
I wonder how much money Mick shells out for his loft
Second kiss
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
I like to think the subway lair has some better quality of life features that weren't present in the old lair like clean running g water that didn't have to go through a special filer Donnie made, proper central heating, multiple shower stalls and toilets so they don't have to wait in line for Leo to get out of his 4 hour long shower, etc.
yeah, as sad as it was to loose their family home, the fact that they now have a clean slate to work off of is pretty nice.
Thank you!
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As soon as he so much as mentions a tooth ache to April, she is hauling him into a dentist office lol
Thank you!
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
"Permission to come aboard?" Hermes calls, flittering above the ship "I got other deliveries to make today!" If given permission, the god perches himself on the railing of the upper deck. "That's better. I have to tell you, I hate flying over the ocean. Salt water is just awful on my curls. Look how ridged they've gotten. Ugh! I'm going to run out of conditioner if I have to keep delivering here." Anything for his darling baby cousin though.
"Oh! Right, I'm here for a delivery." the god bemuses, jumping off the rail to land on the deck itself as he reaches into his satchel. "I have Yule gifts, courtesy of my darling baby cousin!"
The first gift he hands to Ruixiong. It's wrapped in bright red paper with a gold ribbon. Inside is a copy of Journey to the West, and within the cover is a signed photograph from Chang'e herself.
For the captain and his wife, private VIP booth tickets to one of the final Broadway showings of Phantom of the Opera.
For Rashid, a box of sweet chocolates from his home region and a bottle of pristine wine. The label on the bottle shows that it's from Dionysus' top brand.
For Giovanni, a wooden box, a top it is a teddy bear with golden fur, dressed in a suit with sticks to hit the xylophone sitting in front of it. On the back of the box is a key that when turned, will cause the bear to "play" a tune on his instrument.
"Ah! One more thing." Hermes remains in front of Giovanni as he digs back into his bag "I was delivering Apophis' gifts to his daughter, and while I was there, her brother asked if I could deliver this as well." The god huffs, setting his bag down as he struggles for a moment to take the present out. What the Hell did that boy put in here?? Finally, the god hefts out an oddly shaped box that he sets on the deck with a loud THUD! "There!"
Inside is a set of brand new, and heavy, cast iron, hand crafted cookery. A somewhat apology gift from Warden for having taken a bite out of Giovanni's last set.
For Guy, a luxurious long black leather coat with a silk magenta inseam and accents. The brand name listed on the collar is the French brand, De Bonne Facture.
Hermes stops in front of Phoebus, and glares at the man for a moment before holding up... A silver stamp. "Place this stamp on the middle of any door, and you'll be granted access to Sacara's pocket dimension. You can visit her at any time." he says, about to hand the gift over, but snatches it back for a moment as he leans in close to whisper "Understand that, from a god, this is a great sign of trust, and if you use it to hurt my baby cousin, in anyway, then know that, as the God of Pathways and Direction, there is no hiding from me."
With a smile, Hermes hands the stamp over "Here you go!" He then turns to start walking away "Now then, if you have anything to give me to deliver, I suggest you fetch it now before I change my mind. I don't typically deliver for mortals, you know." Taking out a filer, Hermes makes sure his nails are still pristine.
The god pauses in thought "I think I'm forgetting something. Oh! Yes, I know!" Hermes claps his hands "Tanga! You can go ahead with Soc's favor now!" With that, Demonia would lurch suddenly, as the waves of the ocean gently held her. Carefully and expertly, any grime, pests, and crustaceans clinging to Demonia's hull beneath the waves would be wiped clean. Once pristine, the ocean would release the ship, and she would be left to sail freely once more.
"Thank you, Tanga!" Hermes calls. He then looks back at the crew "Now, about those deliveries?"
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"Oh, tell me about it!" Phoebus responds to Hermes upon mentioning salt water on curls. He runs his fingers throw his own. "It can get annoyingly frizzy and dry and unmanageable, I can barely keep it up in a ponytail as is!"
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"Oh, uh...."
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"Permission granted. Welcome aboard, Lord Hermes," Captain Frascona states as he tips his hat while allowing the Messenger God board the ship. "We're assuming you're speaking about Shylow? We are always open for family of hers to come drop by."
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"Ohhh, presents! Thank you so very kindly, Lord Hermes! And Merry Christmas!"
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"Hell yeah! Merry Christmas! And thanks, sir! Xiè xiè nín!" Ruixiong takes the gift with both hands but otherwise takes it right away, remembering he is facing a Greek God. He does not, as per Chinese tradition, open it in front of Hermes, however.
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"Ohh!! That is right! Phantom will be having its last show very soon! We ought to catch it before it's over!"
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"We will, thanks to the gifts given to us. Thank the sender of this for us, Lord Hermes. We would love to attend this showing in person before it's over."
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"I'm going to cry over 'That's All I Ask Of You' again, aren't I?" Abena starts to get a little weepy...
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.....And Rashid grumbles at her. "Please, not here. Not in front of the Messenger God. If you two are going to start singing, do it someplace else."
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He then looks onto the chocolates given as well as the wine. "Ahh, very nice! Dionysus sounds like someone who'd be very fun to attend parties with. Please give him my thanks."
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Giovanni looks onto the heavy cast iron cooking set. He didn't need the apology note, he's just happy to have something this nice to cook with. "I will remember this always!! I need to cook up a storm right now!!"
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"O-oh, uh...." Phoebus thought as he is visibly being sent into a panic as Hermes would be coming up to him. Looking at the rest of the Crew, he breaks into an absolute cold sweat as he accepts the gift, with both hands awkwardly extended.
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"We do have gifts, actually. They're very simple, and may not be much in comparison, but they are gifts from pirates living at sea." Josep would then wave at Ruixiong to bring over the gifts... and one sent intended to be given in private. With a wave, Hermes may be sent off...
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....and Phoebus screams in a panic. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! I DIDN'T HAVE ANYTHING FOR SACARA!!!"
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"Then what are you waiting for?! Get a gift for her then, you idiot!!"
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"RIGHT AWAY!!" As La Demonia groans with joy being freed of critters making a home on her hulls, Phoebus presses the silver stamp to the door for Soc's dimension...
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...While the Crew realizes Phoebus has just absolutely forgotten to bring a gift at all. Josep sighs. "..............................There he goes."
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"...Josep. What are we going to do with Guy's gift?" Abena sorrowfully asks as he holds onto the leather coat intended for Guy.
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Josep feels his heart sink upon seeing the gift, knowing full well Guy would have loved it and wear it to the point of breaking down. "Just... hold onto it, amor. We'll wait for him to come home. Whenever he is ready...."
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Taiwan ro filer plant for home PENTAPURE ro water filter price in Pakistan
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purplewood4 · 12 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: CLSEVXY facial cleansing system with Nails Decorator Filing Set.
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judygehrlich · 10 months
5217 Taylor Lake Lane, Liberty Township, OH from Judy Gehrlich on Vimeo.
See the Property Website! judygehrlichmediagroup.com/5217-Taylor-Lake-Ln :: Terry Hartke - RE/MAX Preferred Group, LLC - 1-513-535-8232 :: Fantastic 3 or 4 bedroom, 3 full bath, Custom built ranch home w/finished W/O lower level . Offers all "The Bells & Whistles". Located on a beautiful 1.0088 acre wooded cul-de-sac lot w/gorgeous landscaping. Property connects to catch & release pond. Approx. 3300 sq. ft. open-split bedroom floor plan. Foyer, great room, dining room & kitchen have vaulted ceilings. Foyer w/HWF, coat closet & chandelier. Great room w/gas fireplace, recess lights, ceiling fan & plant shelves w/electric outlets/on switches for your decor. Eat-in Custom gourmet kitchen w/Cherry cabinets w/pull out drawers, custom pantry, counter breakfast bar island w/down draft gas Jenn-Air cooktop, recess & pendant lights, tile flooring. All appliances stay including washer, dryer & freezer in laundry room. Formal dining room w/chandelier. Owners suite w/9x6 W/I closet w/pocket door & motion light, W/I shower w/seat, soaking tub w/wall TV, double sink w/counter height vanity. Laundry/mud room w/storage cabinets. Finished W/O lower level w/custom bar, refrigerator, plumbed for wet bar, computer desk in closet w/electric & lighting, rec room/billiard area w/built-in mug shelf, family room w/electric fireplace, 4th bedroom & full bath. UPDATES: Roof-2023. LL freshly painted-2023. HWH-2022. Dishwasher-2022. HVAC w/ humidifier-2019. ADDITIONAL FEATURES: 100% cotton insulation, central vacuum system, leaf filers on gutters, Wi-Fi programmable thermostat w/phone APP, built-in speakers, LL Bose sound system w/sound insulation between floors, exterior speakers, water softener, Atrium doors W/O from kitchen to 2 tiered deck w/Pergola, LL Atrium door W/O to patio pre-wired for hot tub, solid panel interior doors, attic storage over 2 car garage w/wood floor & drop down stairs, Ledgestone front exterior, covered front porch w/recess lights, 10x14 shed w/electric, play set. Items that can stay with home are as follows: Peter Vittallie pool table, 5 lower level bar chairs, 4 lower level family room Lazy Boy recliners, coffee table & electric fireplace.
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Use 3 in 1 Mixer Taps for Comfort, Saving Water and Energy
Reputable water filter companies offer various spare parts such as gunmetal grey stainless steel 3 in 1 mixer taps with spray and water filter, black stainless steel 3 in 1 mixer spray Taps, brushed stainless steel 3 in 1 mixer spray taps and more at competitive prices. These suppliers ensure that their new mixer taps are very functional with 360 degrees swivel for greater mobility and use with an easy to access the spray. The water filter is accessible by turning on the smaller tap on the left hand side of the mixer up and down 45 degrees with the water is being dispensed through the middle of the crossbar of the tap.
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These companies also supply replacements water filter cartridges in Australia to ensure unlimited unspoiled drinking water supply readily available at home. These suppliers also guarantee their team is always available to install filter cartridges in your home, fridge, sink or caravan. They can supply water filters and water-filter replacement cartridges in various lengths and diameters to ensure that they have the perfect products to meet your specifications. They can provide you three types of cartridges such as sediment water-filter cartridges, carbon-water filter cartridges and Aklaline water filter cartridges.  Cartridges for sediment water filters that  made to minimize and eliminate physical particles from source water that are greater than a certain size.
Importance of Buying 3 in 1 Mixer Taps with Spray and Water Filter:
Verified links indicate that the pull-down sprayer on your kitchen tap has a dual mode setting that allows you to go quickly from a non-splash stream to a forceful spray. The black kitchen mixer tap has a 360-degree range of motion. These kitchen mixer taps are soft without cracking and incredibly flexible. This neatly fits into the holder and slides out easily for flexible use. It delivers a wide variety of motions. Due to the sprayer's smooth flow, a spray and stream produced.  There are two flow rates, and there is a halfway stop to effectively restricts the flow and saves both water and energy. These three-in-one mixer taps are now offering in black, brushed chrome, and gunmetal grey. 
In conclusion, filer companies offer various filter systems and spare parts.  Someone looking for these products and installation should contact a nearby water filter company. 
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waterfiltergurus · 11 months
Does Clearly Filtered Remove PFAS? (What You Need to Know)
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Clearly Filtered sells a range of popular water filers that are known for their ability to remove hundreds of contaminants - often massively outcompeting their competitors.  We know that the Clearly Filtered filters are capable, but can they remove PFAS? And which Clearly Filtered products are tested for PFAS removal? We’ve shared everything you need to know in this guide.  🚱 How Do PFAS Get Into Drinking Water? Before we discuss the Clearly Filtered water filters’ ability to reduce PFAS, let’s look at how these chemicals even end up in our water supplies in the first place.  There are a few ways that PFAS enter the environment, where they’re likely to eventually pollute our water: - Through industrial release to soil, water, or air - Through leaching from landfills - Through discharges from wastewater treatment facilities - Through runoff from certain fire-fighting foams Although PFAS are no longer used widely in the US, these chemicals are still imported into the country, and they’re present in many consumer products in our homes.  So, PFAS still end up in our landfills, and they linger in the environment for decades (that’s why they’re known as “forever chemicals”). That means even the PFAS that polluted our soils and land years ago are capable of traveling into our water supplies today.  But wait - isn’t public water treated to make it safe to drink? Yes, but most water treatment plants don’t provide comprehensive or thorough filtration that entirely eliminates PFAS. That’s why public drinking water supplies around the country still contain traces of these dangerous chemicals.  🩺 What Are the Potential Health Risks of PFAS? There’s a lot that we still don’t know about how PFAS may affect our health, and we only have limited research and information that applies to the most common types of PFAS (like PFOS, GenX, and PFOS).   A 2021 review of the research into the health effects of PFAS reported that PFAS exposure was linked to an increased likelihood of:  - Suppressed immune function - Developmental and reproductive outcomes - Testicular cancer - Thyroid cancer/disease - Liver and kidney cancer/disease - Dysregulation of lipids and insulin As we continue to research the human health effects of PFAS, it’s likely that more concerning data will emerge in the coming years.  🧪 How Can I Test for PFAS in My Water? If you’re serious about testing your water for PFAS, we strongly advise using a certified laboratory water test kit for the job.  A laboratory test provides the level of detail and accuracy you’ll be looking for if you want to get a clear understanding of the types and concentrations of PFAS chemicals in your drinking water.  As you’d expect, this sort of testing doesn’t come cheap. There’s a free alternative if you’re on a municipal water supply: check your water utility’s most recent Consumer Confidence Report. This should list the PFAS that your supplier has tested for, and the concentration of PFAS detected in the testing.  🤔 So, Does Clearly Filtered Filter Out PFAS? Clearly Filtered sells a variety of water filters, including pitchers, water bottles, under-sink systems, and inline fridge filters.  Of these filters, the following can reduce or remove PFAS:  - The Clearly Filtered Under-Sink Filtration System - The Clearly Filtered Water Filter Pitcher - The Clearly Filtered Inline Fridge Filter The Clearly Filtered water bottle filter is the only system that hasn’t been tested to reduce PFAS. Clearly Filtered says this filter can remove PFAS, but testing hasn’t yet been completed.  Clearly Filtered shares handy data sheets that display the test results for each of its water filter systems. You can use these sheets to determine which PFAS chemicals are removed by which filter, and at what percentage of removal.  🔎 What Types Of PFAS Does Clearly Filtered Remove?  Clearly Filtered is one of the best water filter brands for PFAS removal because it doesn’t just tick a box by testing its filters to remove PFOS and PFOA, as many other manufacturers do.  The Clearly Filtered water filters have been tested and deemed capable of removing a range of PFAS chemicals. We’ve listed the types of PFAS removed by each Clearly Filtered water filter below.  The Clearly Filtered Under-Sink Filtration System can reduce:  The Clearly Filtered Water Filter Pitcher can reduce: The Clearly Filtered Inline Fridge Filter can reduce: The contaminant removal range for these chemicals is >95.0%-99.8%, depending on the filter type and the chemical in question.  ⚗️ How Does Clearly Filtered Remove PFAS? According to Clearly Filtered, its Affinity Filtration media is mainly responsible for reducing PFAS. This media is proprietary, and Clearly Filtered hasn’t disclosed exactly what it’s made of.  Below, we’ve discussed what we do know about Clearly Filtered’s water filters, and how these design elements may enable PFAS reduction.  The Clearly Filtered water filters are made from coconut shell granular activated carbon (GAC) media and other proprietary filtration media. Carbon media - particularly GAC media - is endorsed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as being one of the best water treatment technologies for reducing PFAS in drinking water.  When water flows through an activated carbon filter, certain contaminants are pulled into the media, while water molecules pass through the pores. This process is known as adsorption.  Although not disclosed by Clearly Filtered, we think the brand’s filters also use ion exchange resin (likely the “heavy metals” filter media), which is also deemed capable of PFAS reduction by the EPA. Anion exchange resins have a positive charge and attract negatively charged contaminants, including PFAS.  🚰 Other PFAS Water Filters We recommend the Clearly Filtered Inline Fridge Filter, Under-Sink Filtration System, and Water Pitcher Filter as the best filters for anyone looking specifically at these filter types. Clearly Filtered offers a superior contaminant removal performance, and you won’t find many other filters that can remove as many PFAS chemicals - not to mention hundreds of other contaminants.  However, if you’re keen to keep your options open and you want to know how else you can reduce PFAS in your water, we recommend:  - Reverse osmosis filters - Remove around 90-95% of PFAS - Water distiller units - Remove up to 99% of PFAS Reverse osmosis systems filter water more comprehensively than any of the Clearly Filtered systems. They’re considered the most effective at PFAS removal, but at a price - they also waste water and remove healthy alkaline minerals from water.  Water distillers are another effective water purification method, but they’re very slow to produce even a small batch of water, and they also remove healthy minerals and ions.  More Content: - Debunking Myths About Brita Filters and PFAS Removal - Assessing Zero Water Filters and PFAS Removal - 6 Highly Rated Water Filters for PFAs ( ) ❔FAQ Can the Clearly Filtered water filters remove GenX? Only the Clearly Filtered water filter pitcher has been tested to remove GenX. That suggests to us that the Clearly Filtered under-sink and inline fridge filters aren’t capable of reducing this chemical.  Is Clearly Filtered certified for PFAS removal? Yes, the Clearly Filtered pitcher filter is certified by the WQA to remove up to 99.5% PFAS from drinking water in compliance with NSF Standards. That means you can rely on the filter to do what it’s advertised to do.  Read the full article
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purplewood4 · 12 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: CLSEVXY facial cleansing system with Nails Decorator Filing Set.
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spabeautyhealthy · 1 year
How to do make basic nail at home only 60 min
As we all know, nail art is a very popular trend. A beautiful, artistic nail set will help women become more confident, beautiful, and outstanding. Instead of spending a lot of money at nail salons, you can use that money to invest in a nail kit and do it yourself at home with the nail set that you like best. Why not?
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Some notes about self study nail art at home
Learning nail art at home requires more than just following instructions; it demands resilience and persistence. It is more complex than buying nail polish and applying it to your nails. If it were that easy, everyone could do it effortlessly. Before you begin, you must familiarize yourself with the necessary tools and materials. Start by learning the basics and understanding what is essential for this craft. We have provided a comprehensive list below to assist you in this endeavor.
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Furthermore, it is crucial to prioritize safety and protect yourself from the toxic chemicals present in nail products. Daily exposure or even brief contact can have adverse effects on your body. Therefore, wearing rubber gloves, glasses, and masks is imperative to shield yourself during the nail art process. Lastly, create a conducive environment for doing your nails. Ensure the area is well-ventilated, comfortable, and conducive to your mental well-being. This will enhance your overall experience and enable you to focus on the task at hand.
The necessary tools when making your own nails at home
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Necessary tools Nail polish: The first and indispensable item when doing nails. There are three main types of paint: Primer (base polish): Effectively prevents natural nails from direct contact with the paint color, avoiding long-term yellowing of nails. Nail polish (gel polish): You can prioritize the colors you like. Glossy (top paint): Helps the nail set to be more durable. Skin-picking pliers, nail filers, hand clippers, nail clippers, and corner removers: These tools are usually sold in sets and packed in a convenient portable box. LED lamp for drying gel: When using gel polish, it can only dry when the LED light shines on it. False nails: Choose good, high-quality nails Powder, Gel for nails: Has the same effect as false nails. For those with brittle, brittle, and short nails. Nail Brush: A brush with a reasonable length will help you easily paint textures on your nails. Nail decorations such as beads, nail stickers, glitter, and foil;… (if you want to "delight" your nails, you can invest in these products. Cotton swabs, foil, tape, sponges, … Essential chemicals Acetone: A specialized chemical for cleaning. When doing nails, acetone is used to remove nail polish or mixed with gel polish to increase the color of the paint. It is also the main ingredient in commonly used nail polishes. Sulfur: Use to ripen the powder when applying powder to nails or attaching stones with powder. When using these chemicals, it is inevitable to affect health. To limit the bad effects, here are some things you can do: Always read the product label and follow the manufacturer's instructions. Choose quality products. Ventilate the working environment. Avoid product contact with skin and eyes: wear long sleeves or gloves. Wash hands before eating, drinking, applying makeup, etc. Always wear a mask to protect the respiratory organs.
Step 8 how to do basic nail art at home very easy
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We will guide you through the detailed steps to make the most straightforward nail design, a plain nail model, then instructions on how to do ombre nails, french nails, and nail cut-outs, … will be in the next section. Later! Step 1: Soak your hands/feet in warm water Soaking hands and feet in warm water will help soften the excess skin and soften the dirt and residue on the nails and feet. Facilitates trimming of dead skin around the nail and pushing dead cells on the nail. A reasonable soaking time is from 5 to 10 minutes. In particular, if you want to enjoy this moment, add a herbal idea to soak with; creating a relaxing scent as well as good for the body. Step 2: Trim nails and excess skin After the hands and feet have been soaked in warm water, pat dry. Using a nail trimming kit, cut away excess skin and damaged nails, and remove stains deep in the corners. Cut and file your nails to your favorite shape. Note that after trimming it evenly, the longer the nail, the more beautiful and easier it is to paint and shape, and the easier it will be to style the nail. Step 3: Clean cuticle and nail care After the nails have been cleaned, trim and file to the shape you want. The next step is to clean the cuticle and apply a coat of conditioner/primer to the cut skin to help clean the nail thoroughly and protect the nail before the next coat of paint. Wait a bit for it to dry! Step 4: Paint the background It is recommended to paint a thin layer on the nail; if it is a gel polish, it must be lighter than the normal polish. During the painting process, do not let the polish stick to the nails or spread to other areas of the skin. Please wait for it to dry, then go to step 5! Step 5: Paint color Opt for a paint color that genuinely resonates with your taste. It seems that young individuals particularly favor pastel shades. Apply a light sweep of the chosen color onto your nails, cleaning the brush 2-3 times to achieve an even and standard color. Initially, you may notice some streaks that create an uneven and bothersome appearance. However, it's essential to understand that this is a regular occurrence and resist the temptation to apply a second coat to rectify the streaks. Adding another layer will only lead to clumping and worsen the overall look. Once the first coat is applied, patiently wait for the paint to dry. The same principles apply when working with gel polish. After using the initial coat, place the nail under a UV lamp for approximately 60-90 seconds to allow the gel to dry. When applying the paint, ensure a steady hand and avoid shaking or concentrating too much on a single spot. This will prevent the nails from becoming thick and unnatural in appearance. Step 6: Coating This layer helps protect the paint color from fading and keeps the paint sticking longer. After the nails are dry, apply a coat of topcoat to the entire nail, including the fingertips, and should only use one coat and then let it dry completely. For gel polish, after coating, put your hands in UV light for the 60s to completely dry the paint. Step 7: Clean up any remaining paint stains Check for any paint stains on the outside or the skin around the nail. Using a cotton ball or swab, soak the isopropyl alcohol solution and gently wipe away any remaining residue. Be careful not to lose the polish on your nails! Step 8: Finish the job with a protective layer of cuticle oil Apply a layer of cuticle oil to the skin around the nail to make the nail stronger and stronger.
8 Step how to do your own nails at home with gel
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To do your own nails at home with gel, you can follow these steps:
Cut and file your nails to your preferred shape.
Apply cuticle oil to your nail beds.
Buff your nails.
Paint a base coat on your nails.
Apply 1-2 layers of gel nail polish; cure each layer under a UV or LED lamp.
Apply a clear top coat to protect the color.
Finish off with good cuticle oil.
Remove the polish whenever you want by soaking cotton balls in acetone and wrapping them around each nail with tin foil
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions or if there’s anything else I can help you with.
How long does it take for gel nails to dry?
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Gel nail polish can take anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes to dry, depending on the gel product used and method of application. For best results, it is recommended that you use a UV or LED light to help speed up the drying process. When you dry your gel nails under a UV lamp, their base coat will take between 60 and 90 seconds to harden, while their topcoat takes another 60-90 seconds to dry. With an LED gel nail polish lamp, the first layer of your gel polish will dry within 30 seconds, while the second layer takes another half a minute to harden
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions or if there’s anything else I can help you with.
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Utah Homestead Exemption
Utah Homestead Exemption
Under the Utah exemption system, homeowners may exempt up to $30,000 of their home or other property covered by the homestead exemption. You may use the homestead exemption to protect more than one parcel of land, but you may protect up to one acre only.
Doubling for Married Couples
If you file a joint bankruptcy with your spouse in Utah, you can double the homestead exemption to protect up to $60,000 in your home. In Utah, the homestead exemption applies to real property, including your home or mobile home. You may also protect water rights that you own, if the water is used for domestic or irrigation purposes. In order to use the $30,000 exemption to protect your home, it must be your primary personal residence. Utah law permits you to protect property that is not your primary personal residence, but if you don’t live in the property, the exemption amount is limited to $5,000. The homestead exemption also applies to sale proceeds for up to one year after the property is sold.
Can You Use the Federal Bankruptcy Exemptions in Utah?
Some states allow bankruptcy filers to use the federal bankruptcy exemptions instead of the state exemptions. Utah is not one of those states. If you reside in Utah, you must use the state exemptions.
Homestead Declarations
In Utah, you must file a homestead declaration (a form filed with the county recorder’s office to put on record your right to a homestead exemption) in order to claim the homestead exemption. Contact your county recorder for information on how to file a homestead declaration. Refer to the Utah Code Section 78B-5-504 for the information you are required to include in your homestead declaration.
Other Information About the Utah Homestead Exemption
In Utah, you cannot use the homestead exemption to protect your property from debts due to property taxes or assessments, purchase (such as a mortgage), child support, or liens that you allowed against your property by mutual contract.
Homestead Exceptions
Unfortunately, Utah’s homestead exemption laws might not protect you from every creditor. There are four general exceptions under which you may still be forced to sell or forfeit property or real estate: • If there was a pre-existing lien on the property before the establishment of homestead; • If the homestead property was specifically pledged as credit for a mortgage; • If you owe past due taxes to the State of Utah and Utah counties or municipalities; or • If you owe money to mechanics, contractors, or builders for work performed in repairing or improving the property.
Additionally, these homestead protections exist as state laws, and federal income tax liens may be superior to Utah’s homestead exemptions. Under the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause, state laws are subject to federal override if there is an overlap or a conflict of law. However, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has generally been averse to foreclose on a citizen’s home to collect on a tax debt. Instead, the IRS usually gets involved only if a homestead property is mortgaged or sold off before the federal tax lien has expired. The homestead exemption is a legal provision that helps shield a home from some creditors following the death of a homeowner’s spouse or the declaration of bankruptcy. The homestead tax exemption can also provide surviving spouses with ongoing property tax relief, which is done on a graduated scale so that homes with lower assessed values benefit the most.
The homestead exemption is helpful since it is designed to provide both physical shelter and financial protection, which can block the forced sale of a primary residence. However, the homestead exemption does not prevent or stop a bank foreclosure if the homeowner defaults on their mortgage. Foreclosure occurs when a bank takes possession of a home due to failure to make timely mortgage payments.
How Property Taxes Work
If you’re not familiar with property taxes, here’s a quick refresher. The value of your home will be assessed, and then a property tax rate will be applied to that assessed value. You can appeal the value if you think it’s too high, but in general property tax bills are what they are. Property tax rates fluctuate according to the decisions and needs of the tax authorities in your area. If the city decides it needs more funds, property tax rates may increase. Sometimes, residents can vote on these rate changes and in other cases the decision is made with public input but doesn’t require public consent.
How Homestead Tax Exemptions Work
Homestead tax exemptions shelter a certain dollar amount or percentage of home value from property taxes. They’re called “homestead” exemptions because they apply to primary residences, not rental properties or investment properties. You must live in the home to qualify for the tax break. Some states exempt a certain percentage of a home’s value from property taxes, while other states exempt a set dollar amount. If your state uses a percentage method, the exemption will be more valuable to homeowners with more valuable homes. If your state uses a flat dollar amount for its exemption, the exemption will be more valuable to homeowners with less expensive homes.
Who’s Eligible for the Homestead Tax Exemption?
In some states, you’ll get the homestead exemption (or a bigger one) if your income is low, you’re a senior, you have a disability or you are a veteran. In most cases, these exemptions can’t be combined if you fall into more than one category. Some states also set an upper limit on the value of homes that can qualify for exemptions. State governments can’t directly affect property tax rates because rates are set at the local level. So statewide homestead tax exemptions are a way for state governments to lower property tax bills indirectly. They do this to encourage homeownership, keep residents happy and give a property tax discount to people in need of a tax break.
What Kinds of Exemptions Are Available?
There are multiple kinds of homestead exemptions available, and they vary by location. Some exemptions are mandatory state-wide, while others are “local option,” meaning it is up to the county or city government to decide the extent of the exemption.
 School taxes: All residence homestead owners are allowed a $25,000 homestead exemption from their home’s value for school taxes.  County taxes: If a county collects a special tax for farm-to-market roads or flood control, a residence homestead is allowed to receive a $3,000 exemption for this tax. If the county grants an optional exemption for homeowners age 65 or older or disabled, the owners will receive only the local-option exemption.  Age 65 or older and disabled exemptions: Individuals age 65 or older or disabled residence homestead owners qualify for a $10,000 homestead exemption for school taxes, in addition to the $25,000 exemption for all homeowners. If the owner qualifies for both the $10,000 exemption for age 65 or older homeowners and the $10,000 exemption for disabled homeowners, the owner must choose one or the other for school taxes. The owner cannot receive both exemptions.  Optional percentage exemptions: Any taxing unit, including a city, county, school, or special district, may offer an exemption of up to 20 percent of a home’s value. But, no matter what the percentage is, the amount of an optional exemption cannot be less than $5,000. Each taxing unit decides if it will offer the exemption and at what percentage. This percentage exemption is added to any other home exemption for which an owner qualifies. The taxing unit must decide before July 1 of the tax year to offer this exemption.  Optional age 65 or older or disabled exemptions: Any taxing unit may offer an additional exemption amount of at least $3,000 for taxpayers’ age 65 or older and/or disabled.
Who Qualifies for an Exemption?
Any homeowner in the state of Utah can qualify for a homestead exemption, so long as you meet the following criteria:  You own your home as of January 1 of the tax year and reside in it as your primary residence.  You are an individual homeowner, not a corporation or business entity.  You did not claim any other property for homestead exemption in the same tax year.
How to Apply For a Homestead Exemption
Applying for a homestead exemption may sound complicated, but with a two-step process and familiarity with the deadlines, you can save thousands of dollars on your property taxes.
Steps to Apply
 Download the Residence Homestead Exemption Application from your county appraisal district’s website and fill it out.  Mail your completed form, along with all required documents, to your county appraisal district. Required Documents To complete your Residence Homestead Exemption Application, you will need  The Residence Homestead Exemption Application for your county appraisal district.  A copy of your valid Utah driver’s license or identification card with an address matching your homestead address.
Manufactured homeowners must also provide one of the following:  A copy of the Utah Department of Housing and Community Affairs statement of ownership.  A copy of the sales purchase agreement, other applicable contract or agreement or payment receipt.  A sworn affidavit indicating that you are the owner of the manufactured home and the seller did not provide you with the applicable contract or agreement.
Selling or Buying a Home with an Existing Homestead Exemption
Very few people buy or sell a home on January 1, so property taxes can get confusing in that first year as both the buyer and seller will owe taxes on the property, pursuant to their time in ownership. Homestead exemptions will also apply to those taxes, so it’s important to know the rules. For properties with standard homestead exemptions in place, those exemptions will usually remain for the year of the sale and the taxes will reflect those exemptions, benefitting both seller and buyer. The buyer will then have to apply for a homestead exemption in the following year as the new owner of the property. It is important to note that any homestead cap in place will be removed when the new homestead exemption is applied for and this can cause a significant jump in property taxes that first year as the home will be taxed based on its full appraised value.
If the property has an Age 65 or Older or Disability exemption, the exemption will only stay in place for the year if the qualifying person does not establish a homestead exemption on their new property during that year or if the new owner qualifies for that exemption in their own right.
If those criteria are not met, the taxes will be prorated and the homestead exemption will only be in effect during the time when the qualifying party owned the property. Again, property taxes in this situation could be much higher than what was paid the previous year.
Other Property Tax Exemptions
There are a number of additional partial or absolute property tax exemptions available to Texas property owners. They offer exemptions for a variety of circumstances, including inherited property owned by multiple parties, solar and wind-powered improvements, and properties owned by charitable organizations, to name a few.
Benefits of Homesteading Your Primary Residence
Homesteading your principal residence has many advantages. Below are three reasons why you should definitely consider checking to see if your property qualifies for the homestead tax exemption.
1. Tax Exemptions Everyone loves a property tax cut. Homesteading a house in Florida grants you a property tax exemption that is based on the assessed value of your property. It is currently possible to have up to $25,000-$50,000 deducted from your property’s assessed taxable value.
2. Protection of Your Property A property that has been homesteaded is protected from forced sale to satisfy debts for personal loans. This means that if you wind up owing any credit card companies an enormous amount of money; they are forbidden from coming after your home. However, homesteading your property does not protect you from foreclosures for not paying your property taxes, mortgages, homeowners association fees, and construction fees. Even with a shield, it is always a good idea to pay off your debts in a timely manner.
3. Protection for Your Family Homesteading your property guarantees that your family will still have a home after you are gone. Homesteading ensures that if you are married and pass away, your surviving spouse and children will inherit the estate. Even if a will states otherwise the operation of law will protect your family from being displaced from their home. The signature of both spouses is required on all documents in a homesteaded property. Even if the property is titled in one spouse’s name only.
Free Initial Consultation with Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you!
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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imbpromakeup · 1 year
Easy Techniques To The Increase Nail Strength And Nail Extension
Strong, healthy nails can be a sign of general health, but they aren't always as robust as we'd like.
Yet we may always alter our habits and way of life to assist strengthen our nails and get them to the desired state.
Nail Extensions Services in Lucknow
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Imb Pro Makeup is a professional Beauty Salon & Nail Spa in Lucknow, India that provides Best Nail Extensions Services in Lucknow.  We specialize in all types of nail extensions done by experts with the best quality products & services.
Best Nail Extensions Services in Lucknow. We provide the best nail extension in lucknow with very reasonable price as per your needs. Our main motto is to provide you quality products along with our services. We are also providing all kinds of nail art manicure and pedicure services for women and men
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Regular moisturising of the hands and nails is advised.
Regularly moisturising your hands with hand cream will help stop further degradation of the nails' integrity. Brittle nails can be nourished, moisturised, and healed with the help of cuticle oil.
Cuticle care: How to maintain healthy nails?
It's not a good idea to fidget and pull at your cuticles, especially in the opposite direction of their growth. Stop the mission now! Instead, soak your nails in warm, soapy water to maintain supple cuticles and clean nails. Every other day, spend a few minutes doing this, and then conclude by nourishing your cuticles with cuticle oil.
Minimize your water exposure | Natural nail care advice
Long-term immersion in water could weaken and brittle your nails. Use gloves when cleaning the dishes, and when having a bath, try to keep your hands out of the water. Of course, it's difficult to avoid constantly dipping your hands in water, but it's something to be aware of.
Make them as brief as you can | Natural Nail Care Advice
If you're having problems with weak nails, you might want to think about trimming them while you strengthen them. Since there are fewer exposed edges to break, shorter nails are less prone to break. Moreover, there is less surface area to absorb chemicals and water. To avoid snagging after trimming, lightly round the edges using a nail filer.
The right method of removal is crucial | Nail Care Advice
For good reason, gel paints and artificial nails are more popular than regular polishes. We can understand the appeal because they are beautiful and have a wonderful finish, and they also last a lot longer. Yet, your natural nail bed could suffer if the proper removal method is not used. Avoid peeling or removing it yourself if the nail breaks or the nail paint chips. This will just cause the layers of the nail to peel off, which is painful! So go to your salon and let the professionals handle it while you leave them alone. Get advice from your manicurist on how to handle an emergency at home if you find yourself in one.
Maintaining Hydration: Natural Nail Care Advice
Water consumption is essential for overall health, including the health of the nails. Nails can become brittle and easily break and peel if they don't get enough moisture. They can keep their wetness and be strong if they drink enough water.
learn the technique for filing nails
Use a soft nail file to keep the edges of your nails smooth. Rougher grains put the nail at danger for ripping, which can result in peeling and hangnails. File your nails in one direction with long, swift (but gentle) strokes.
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