#Hope this art lives up to your standards lol
literallyjusttoa · 1 year
I love your work so much i can't even describe it, it's giving me a warm and comfy vibe <3 I recently remembered Apollo is the god of mice, so i was wondering... can you please draw him holding a lil mouse and being amazed by its preciousness ? I would be so blessed if you did
Ooh ohh this isn't exactly what you said but this gave me an idea.
When those close to the Lord Apollo pray for his presence, he will often come with a companion. Sometimes, it will be one of his sacred red cattle. Sometimes, the divine wolf, Kitrinomavros. Sometimes, he will fly down with ravens, or his arrival will be punctuated by the trilling song of locusts. But with only his closest circle, Apollo will arrive with ...
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His pet mouse.
Apollo insists that this mouse is very important, but no one has quite figured out what he means by that.
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art · 2 years
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Creator Spotlight: @min-play​
I’m Min! I’m an animator and storyboard  rti t who also posts comics and fan art online. So far, I have worked on the Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and LEGO Monkie Kid. I run on AAA batteries.
Check out our interview with Min below!
How did you get your start in animation and storyboarding?
Fanart! My hyperfixations kept me drawing and posting online since I was around 16. Later I dropped my Computer Science degree to study animation. After graduating, I worked as an In-between Animator, Key Animator, and Storyboard Artist. My fanart of a couple funny skeletons played a big role in getting hired.
What do you wish you knew when you first started out creating content that you know now?
It’s ok to make mistakes. All the flaws in a drawing make it look much more interesting. Also, it’s a lot more fun than spending ages perfecting one line.
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Have you ever had an art block? If so, how did you overcome it?
I always get 3 different flavors of art block (that I remember):
Art block from perfectionism
Sometimes there’s this self-enforced pressure that what you make has to be of a certain standard. Gotta loosen up and forgive yourself for not meeting an imaginary quality. Do it for the fun of it. Instead of thinking’ needs to be better,’ think ‘eh good enough lol.’ It’s cool to strive for improvement! Just don’t do it to the point it becomes self-deprecating.
Art block from burnout
Art hibernation! It’s ok to take breaks. Not every waking moment needs to be productive. Treat yourself to something yummy, hang out with people you’re comfortable with, or pick up a new anime series. Take the time to get some well-deserved rest.
Art block while drawing as a full-time job
Switch your ‘drive.’ If you’re running off on passion or interest as a motivator for work, that’s great! I do too! But also, it’s finicky. Set up routines for when that high runs out. I have a ‘Do task’ mode where I play a song or a movie I already watched on loop in the background (sometimes for weeks on end). I don’t know why but it helps me concentrate. Last week, it was the movie Cars.
These are personal methods and may not work for everyone, but I hope it helps!
What are 3 things you can’t live without as a creator?
Music + Noise-canceling headphones + Big blanket = Comfort force field
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What is a medium that you have always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
Does blacksmithing count as a medium? I’d like to try it out at least once, though.
How do you want to evolve as a creator?
To connect with other creators more. Especially writers. They are so powerful.
Warm tones or cool tones?
Cool tones! Especially this one particular blend of blue and green.
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
So maaaanyy. At the top of my head, though: @northpen​. I am obsessed with their vivid-imagery writing style, and immaculate characterizations. Their character banters always have me in a gigglefit. They have this fic I binged in one sitting and left me crying and empty in a good way.
Thank you for such amazing answers, Min! You can check out more of Min’s creations over at @min-play​!
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dom1re · 2 months
Hi 👋🏽 I so admire your arts too!! If it’s ok, I’d love to know more about your approach to shading and rendering. I always find your use of colour so calming and complementary. 💖💖
Whereas I tend to be over saturated and why I often draw in greyscale
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When I read that you liked my arts too I died. I was down on the floor. Crying tears of joy. Then I realized I have a response to draft so I got up.
So here ya go!! I hope you find something interesting here. I organized it into 3 parts for easier reading:
Rendering Overview
Picking Colors
Shading (or winging it and hoping for the best)
Also if anyone has any tips I'm all ears!! I’m always trying to optimize my process, make it quicker + cleaner
Rendering Overview
My current rendering process on Procreate (click and swipe):
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1. Rough sketches
This is where I try to get the anatomy and pose right. I can get up to 3 reps in here depending on how refined I want it to be. Yep I care a lot about my lines...
2. Clean line
... coz it's my favorite part!! I get such a dopamine rush seeing the sketches come together into a clean line lol. Here I use the Selection Tool and Liquify to resize and adjust the forms (gotta move away from doing this too much tho)
3. Color
First I create a flat base layer and color over it using Clipping Mask (pretty standard I think). Then I divvy my drawing into as many layers as possible - one each for skin, hair, shirt, waistcoat, trousers, etc - as I color them all. More on this below.
4. Shade
ewww shading... my least favorite part. I use Multiply layers and gray colors, again pretty standard. I usually have 1-3 layers here, stacked on one another, depending on the desired depth. More on this below.
5. Finishing touches
This stage involves a lot of small (but important imo) things, which vary depending on the drawing:
Tinting lines (Because shading makes the colors darker, lines need to get darker too)
Highlights on hair, face, clothes, eyes, etc. I can never make up my mind between Overlay/Hard Light/Soft Light layers for this
Little wisps of hair or lighting effects 
and voila I have something to share with the world. wooo
Picking Colors
Ok about my colors… I wish I had some fancy technique to show but tbh I just eyeball them and try them out a bunch. Now if I’m using a reference I could use the color picker, but I don't like to coz the results are way off for whatever reasons (ex. lighting in the img). Anyways it doesn’t have to be the same color as the reference; as long as the colors “make sense” to me I'm happy.
But what if the colors I chose are too saturated or too dark? I use the Adjustment Tools for this. I can just select the layer (or an area using the Selection Tool) and edit its darkness and saturation. I found this way easier than painting over or color-dropping repeatedly.
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This is why I leverage as many layers as possible. It allows a modular control on my rendering - I can change the color of my character’s skin, eyes, or waistcoat patterns and keep all other components unaffected and clean. Sometimes I have like 100+ layers and it drives me batshit crazy but the pros still outweigh the cons. Or so I tell myself
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( + I would love to understand grayscale and use it as freely as u do. I watched bunch of vids on it but something about it just hasn’t stuck with me yet 😔)
Shading I guess
Similar to coloring, I create several Multiply layers and stack them together for depth. For example:
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This is again for that modular control but honestly I wouldn't be doing this if I was good at shading... I feel so lost every time, I just don't know how it works. But one ‘hack’ I’ve come up with is shading skins and clothes differently. I use reddish gray for skin (and brown/red hair), and just gray for everything else.
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The character feels more lively and natural with a bit of red undertones in their skin. I don't think this is the best way to render skins though. Just a little shortcut til I get to study the topic more.
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Something else I do to get over my fear of shading is using good references. I’m always lurking on Pinterest for them but alas, I can’t always find that perfect image with perfect lighting and poses. It’s kinda sad funny how the quality of my rendering depends so much on the reference:
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(it's not a 'bad' reference per se - I chose it really for the pose, not for shading)
At the end of the day tho I’m just a learning artist so I try not to be too harsh on myself. Someday I'll render shiny shoes and shirt creases without refs. I yearn for that day 
Well on that cheerful note thanks for coming to my Ted Talk your interest in my rendering approach! I’ve been wanting to document it for my own records so this was great.
I picked up digital illustration just last year and self-learning it has been a fun but lonely process. If you have any tips or more questions talk to me ANYONE PLEASE I’m dying to talk about it if you can't tell by the sheer length of this post. For which I'm sorry but hopefully it wasn’t too dense a read ok I’m really done now bye!! 
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satancopilotsmytardis · 5 months
Hiya! So, in one of your five point AU worldbuilding prompts, you came up with the idea of Shig and Dabi raising Shoto, and now that idea is living in my head, because that kid would be an absolute menace.😆 Just imagining: Shoto would start UA as a Level 20 Deadpan Snarker (thanks to Dabi) and no patience for bullshit, and then it would get worse. He'd already have a solid foundation in martial arts from training, but Shig would've taught him fun assassin tricks on top of that. And, just by living with those two, he'll know more about 'adult topics' than he probably should-- which he combines with the deadpan expression to bamboozle other adults (Midnight is the only one who thinks this is funny). All that, combined with a natural distrust for authority, and he'd be a hell-class all by himself. Then parent-teacher conference time rolls around.
Dabi: "Has he killed anyone yet?"
Aizawa: "W-What? No, of course not!"
Shig: "Then he's already exceeded our expectations. Can we go home now?"
Thank you for all the lovely AU stories, they were so fun to read and daydream about during work. 😅
Lol I hope I get a chance to work on this one some day, cause I definitely have it in my head that Shoto would have gotten in an actual fist fight with Bakugo on like day 1 of classes because he's such an asshole in early MHA.
He also has a habit of raising his hand during hero studies and being like, "That's the PR version of events. According to first-hand accounts, the hero broke 8 hero licensing ordinances, which caused injuries in one of the civilians on-site, which resulted in them needing life-long assisted care. He was sued for it, but the HPSC settled out of court so that the hero didn't lose his license."
He gets into so much trouble early on that he ends up being the "problem child" of class 1-A. And on one of the many trips that Dabi and Shig have to take to the school to fund out what's going on, Dabi asks why he's bothering to go to school to be a hero when clearly he's got all of the issues with heroes that they do. And Shoto tells him that if no one is around to hold the heroes to a higher standard among their own, then no one will ever manage to make them change
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tallymonster · 7 months
Memories of Us Chapter 16
AO3 Link || Masterlist
Tags: @justporo @satanicspinosaurus @sleepy-timaeus @davenswitcher @wayward-hel @hereliesblackdragon @misscrissfemmefatale
Slowly getting my updates out lol sorry for the shitty upload schedule. Blame my depression 😘
Thanks as always to @cheesy-cryptid for blessing me with their permission to use their art as the launching pad to this fic that has helped me deal with my grief. Also to my besties @micropoe10 and @tragedybunny for indulging me and for being my main support system when the sadness takes my mind over. I owe you guys my life. 🫂❤️
Anyway, enjoy!
In the evening, Astarion takes his leave. They part with a kiss as he departs in the cloak of growing darkness. Octavia sits alone in her house, the dull cracking of the firewood soothed the ache she felt. She meant to tell Astarion her secret, but he instead surprised her with one of his own.
Octavia could have never imagined the dinner with Astarion ending in an even more complicated situation. As she takes it all in, she notices the mess around her.
The wine bottles and glasses are still on the table, there are cushions upturned on the floor, and her underwear is still on the armrest. She takes a second to chuckle at the entirety of these last two days. How quickly the tables had turned.
Octavia begins to collect the confetti of garbage around her when she hears a knock at her door. “Oh shit, please don't tell me he came back for something.” she groans. Tying her hair back, she exhales and swings the door open. She's surprised to see Gale of all people, in front of her with a bag.
“Good evening! By the look on your face, I gather you forgot about you asking me to come over a couple of days ago? Maybe you even forgot about the whole ‘showing me the journal you were bequeathed by your mother and revealing more of your past to me’ that you mentioned?” Gale finishes with a smile.
After a few rapid blinks from Octavia, he holds up the bag and says “I brought booze?” Octavia smiles and opens the door wider, allowing him to pass her. “Come on in friend, you and I happen to have a few interesting things to talk about.”
Gale steps through and sees the small disaster area that she calls a living room. He grimaces and turns to her, “This is not what I remember it looking like in here? Are your living quarters usually this disheveled??”
Octavia scoffs and feigns offense. She picks up one of the cushions near the coffee table and throws it towards Gale, missing him. “Damn it!” she laughs, playfully stomping on the ground. “I was hoping I smacked you so I could tell Astarion! He would never let you live that down.”
Gale pours himself a drink, “Haha yes laugh it up at my expense, but when I do things like this-” He snaps his finger and within seconds Octavia’s living room is perfect. “You would be a right mess without me. Admit it.” Gale smirks with a playful laugh, he was right, though.
Octavia grabs Gale’s glass and drinks it, “You wizards and your magic cleaning spells. Show off, probably don't even know how to clean your dishes properly.” He stares at her with a challenging look, he lifts up his hand and places his thumb and forefinger together.
“Please, if you want to antagonize me, I could revert it to your previous standards?” Gale’s eyes turn mischievous, he glances at her waiting for a reaction.
“You wouldn't dare, then I can't show you the book that you wanted to see.” Octavia says teasing his need for knowledge. Gale opens his mouth to say something, but does a double take when he notices Octavia’s bra peeking out of the corner of the couch.
Gale lets out a scandalized laugh, his head thrown back along with his eyebrows. “Wow, with the way your undergarments are stuffed in the cushions, you’d think you had sex with Astarion!” He reaches down and grabs the piece of forgotten clothing and holds it out like a freshly caught fish. “Gods, you couldn't even bother to grab this? If I could have seen it, my spell would have picked it up for you, oh well.”
Octavia snatches her bra back and throws it towards her bathroom. Her face fully flushed, she ignored Gale’s question and walked towards her bookshelf. “Oh GODS! You did, didn't you, Octavia?” Gale followed behind her, dropping the bag softly at the end of the coffee table.
“Octavia, talk to me… what happened between you two?” Gale asks with a softer, yet suspicious tone. Octavia continues to look through her bookshelf picking out a brown, worn leather bound book. She turns back to Gale and sighs.
“Gale…” she starts and grimaces. “Octavia…” he answers. The two of them stay locked in a stare, neither one wanting to crack, until Octavia begins to giggle. Her cheeks flush and her eyes remain closed. She places the book on her forehead shielding her face from Gale.
“Took you long enough. I was wondering if it would happen soon or if two would just keep pining away for another six months.” Gale laughs as he pulls the book away from Octavia’s grasp.
He turns to sit on the couch as Octavia grabs another bottle out of Gale’s bag. She joins him, sitting down calmly and says, “Do you have more in there? I have a lot to talk to you about, in particular…” Octavia opens the bottle and takes a long drink from it, exhaling loudly once she swallows the alcohol. “How long have you known about Astarion being a vampire?”
Gale's eyes widen in shock, he turns to Octavia, his face is completely blank aside from the giant frown on his lips. “WHAT? I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN?” Gale nervously looks around, gripping Octavia’s book tightly in his hands. His eyes darted back and forth trying to focus on something other than Octavia.
“Gale, please don't keep lying to me. Besides, Astarion already told me himself.” Octavia takes her time pouring the wine into the other empty glass on the table. There's so much she wants to know, but Gale isn't the person to ask. “Why didn't you tell me? I thought we were friends, I opened up to you about my family. The least-”
“Stop. Stop right there.” Gale holds up his hand, “That was not my story to tell you, Octavia. You know damn well I wouldn't dare cross any of Astarion’s boundaries. This was something he explicitly told me not to tell you.”
Gale places the book down, giving Octavia the look a disappointed parent gives their delinquent teen.
“Why do you insist on testing boundaries? I get that you feel lied to, but I can't risk my friendship with him for you. He and I have an understanding that I have never had with anyone else. I can't really explain it, but it feels like he and I have been friends in another life. Who knows?” Gale shrugs, and leans back. “Anyway, I'm happy you two are doing well. Next time please grab your underwear before I come over?”
Octavia is quiet, she looks down at the book on the table, she picks it up along with the glass of wine. She hands the book to Gale and takes a sip of her drink. Gale’s eyes linger on Octavia’s wrist before she remembers the two puncture wounds on it. She retracts her hand and covers it up under the knitted cardigan she wore.
She could feel her face flush, how the hell would she be able to explain that away?
“You know what, I’m not even going to ask nor do I care. What you and Astarion do when you two are alone is entirely NONE of my business.” There was a brief pause, Octavia was about to say something before Gale cut her off. “How did it feel though? When he bit you?”
Octavia smirked and shot him a playful look, Gale swallowed and laughed, “You can't blame me, I'm a lover of knowledge, and well….can't say I haven't been a little curious…not many people remember what happened to the vampires in the Underdark. By the change in your expression I'm guessing you don't either?”
Octavia shakes her head, she heard stories from her family about the runaway spawn that were freed when her great grandmother was out on her adventure. Their plight at the hands of that evil bastard Cazador. The way they looked at her with hunger and fear. “I only know a little from stories my grandmother told me, what do you know?”
Gale looks at her with a forlorn stare, he bites his lips and his brows knit in a sorrowful expression. “Those people, the thousands of victims of such cruelty, a lot of them died when they were on their trek to the Underdark. Astarion has told me stories from when he would visit them. He has friends, family, people he knew who didn't make it. You and I were lucky and fortunate enough to have parents, a home, friends, the luxury of a life well lived. He doesn't. At least not one he remembers fondly.”
Octavia is shocked at what Gale tells her, she had no idea the type of horrific events that would have led Astarion to where he is now. “Gods…” she breathes out, her heart aching at the images being conjured in her mind.
“Please believe me when I tell you that I've been pushing him to try to open up to you and trust you. He’s not the type of person to put it all out there immediately.” Gale places his hand on Octavia’s shoulder, “Give him time to feel comfortable and you will get your answers. Now please, can I read this incredibly interesting journal you told me about??”
Octavia laughs softly, she leans over, grabs the book on the table a hands it to Gale. She sighs and takes a drink. Her mind is still buzzing, she can't think about those things and place Astarion in the middle of it. He's such a guarded person and now it was all making sense.
Gale leafs through the journal carefully, stopping and throwing his head back a little. His eyes flit back and forth for a few moments before he glances back at Octavia.
“Quote ‘Gale is nice enough, but he talks way too much. He and I shared a moment in the Weave earlier tonight. I felt this wonderful power flowing throughout my body . Like I was being held in a blanket of pure magic and ecstasy. My mind couldn't help imagine Gale kissing me. I mean he is pretty good looking, not gonna lie, he has these beautiful brown eyes that just seem to burn with his emotions….it's just…I don't really see myself with him…not when there's others who are capturing my attention much more ardently.’”
Octavia and Gale sat in an awkward silence for a few moments before the both of them broke out in a fit of laughter. The irony of Gale hitting on her at the night of the fundraiser coming back to them. “Guess it runs in the family then?” Octavia manages to say in the middle of her giggles, she wipes a tear at the corner of her eye and presses her hand to her cheek.
“That's so embarrassing, I'm so embarrassed for my great grandfather. What do they call that? Secondhand embassment?? Oh gods, have I apologized enough for that? I'm so sorry, I was so drunk.” Gale laughs and flips through the pages some more. He takes a drink and points out another passage.
He pushed the book onto Octavia’s hands, pointing to the paragraph in the middle of the page. Octavia begins to read it as Gale adjusted his reading glasses. “ Tonight, I had a little run in with the newest member of our little group. Turns out he's a vampire!” Octavia almost drops the book in her hands as Gale stares at her.
“Oh my GODS , no one ever mentioned a VAMPIRE in the party? Do you think Astarion knows who it is?? Do you think it could be someone connected to Cazador? I can't believe this..” Octavia’s hands tremble slightly as she looks down at the page.
“Octavia, there's no way he wouldn't know who it was, we could-” Gale begins to speak excitedly, but is cut off by Octavia who curtly responds, “No. We can't open up that old wound. You literally just gave me a whole lecture about respecting his boundaries, it seems very hypocritical of us to go prying into things when all we have is speculation.”
Gale nods and takes the book from her hands again. He flips for a minute until he lands on another passage mentioning the vampire in the group. “Here's another one..’ Tonight he seemed more distant…I figured that he was hungry again, but he didn't want to feed on my blood like the last couple of nights. Maybe I'll see what’s going on when he comes back.
I truly think there's something else going on with him, there's no way he can survive on the little he's been eating lately. Even with the abundant livestock and wild animals around. It seems that after Moonrise he's been pulling away from me more.
I thought it was just the whole thing with that creepy Drow lady or just being in the Shadow-cursed Lands messing with his head but…
I just don't know what to say or do anymore, we have to find out what this all means for him. I love him too much to let him down. We can figure this out together, I know we can.’ Huh, seems Tav was letting this vampire feed on her blood? Sounds like a terrible idea.” Gale passes the book back to Octavia, she places it on her lap and lets her mind wander.
She plays with the edge of the cover, letting the texture of the old leather ground her some. She starts to scratch at the corner with her nail, flicking the material until she feels it crack. Octavia gasps and stares down at the book.
“Octavia? What's wrong? Something else in there?” Gale looks back at her with concern. Octavia holds the book up as the cover separates from the corner. She glances back at Gale who throws his hands up in the air. They both stare at the book before Octavia rips the old leather cover off.
Gale gasps as if someone just slapped his mother, he clasps both hands on his mouth and shoots up on the couch. “What have you done?? That's a piece of history! We could have put that in the museum! I cannot believe you just destroyed-”
Octavia shoots him an annoyed look “Gale, I can destroy as many of my family heirlooms as I want. If you want to scold me on the historical integrity, you can do so after we solve this mystery. Now shut up and look at this!!”
She places the cover face up on the table, the crackled leather has evidence of I'm being tampered with previously. She placed the book cloth lined shell next to it and stared at the symbols and notes drawn all over both pieces.
‘eyes like knives that cut deep from within me. they sunk into me and never let me go. You must find out. I know that if you figured this out, you can find him and put this longing I've had to rest.’
Gale and Octavia stare at each other. In trying to solve one mystery it seems like they've uncovered possibly two more? From trying to find the subject in the paintings, the log book Astarion gave to Octavia, and now this secret that was hidden deep within the roots of Octavia’s family tree.
Octavia grabs her wine glass and throws back the rest of the liquid, swallowing with a hiss. Gale was preoccupied with the book cloth shell, he had his hands clasped together with two fingers sticking up in front of his lips. He had a look of quiet contemplation, serious and determined.
Gale hums and sighs, he sucks his teeth and leans back. “Something fucky is going on with this book…give me a little room.”
Suddenly he lifts both hands, placing them parallel to the table surface. He takes a few deep breaths, closes his eyes, and speaks words in a language Octavia has never heard before.
As he speaks, a faint lilac light surrounds the book and cover. The light begins to glow and pulse as Gale continues to speak. Octavia has no idea what the fuck is even happening but she's too stunned to speak. She watches as some faint words begin to rise up from the paper and cloth.
Gale finishes the spell and exhales shakily, he rolls his shoulders and places his hands down. He opens his eyes and looks at Octavia. She notices little bits of energy crackling along the tips of his hair. He shakes his head and she watches as the sparkles fly off and land in various places along her living room. “Sorry, I still haven't gotten the hang of controlling the energy blasts.”
Gale and Octavia laugh as he blows a little spark off the tip of his nose. He blinks rapidly and smiles at her bashfully. “Let's see what we uncovered, eh?” Octavia nods and turns to look back at the book.
On the spine of the book there were some glyphs drawn, Gale carefully picks up the book and inspects them. His brows shoot up in surprise, he looks at Octavia, his eyes wide as the plates in Octavia’s kitchen.
He turns to look at her, his expression completely astounded. “You have to see this.” He hands her the book as she looks at the cover. Along the spine she sees a string of words written in quick succession.
In this book, I have hidden my truth.
The words are there for you to find him.
I need to know what happened.
My star, my heart.
I await you in death.
However long it takes.
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adobe-outdesign · 6 months
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Jetsams are sharks, and are meant to be kind of a counterpart/natural predator to the dolphin-like Flotsam; to the point where the two looked near-identical. Nowadays there are more differences, with the Jetsam sporting two fins, sharp teeth, slightly different markings, and an upright posture. Personally, I like to think of these two as a case of mimicry, with the Jetsam having evolved to trick Flotsam from a distance.
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Visually, the Jetsam has a nice tough look to it that gives it a lot of personality, and the way it sits upright plus the two fins gives it a bit more uniqueness so it isn't just a normal shark. My only issue with it is that the gray underbelly is a bit too dark and low-contrast. Gray as the accent color is fine; it just needed to be a lighter tint.
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The Jetsam benefited quite a bit from customization, as its old art was starting to get very dated and needed a redraw anyway. The new Jetsam looks a little less tough, but the smile is nice as it shows off their teeth, and it gives them a fun kind of mischievous look. The overall look didn't change much, but the head has been changed significantly to have a much better, less wonky shape to it, and the markings now stop above the mouth instead of near the eyebrow. The shape of the hind fins have also been improved, and they're one of the only pets who can make the customization fists look good.
Favorite Colours:
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Maraquan: How do you make an underwater version of something that already lives in the water? Make it into a deep-sea fish, obviously! The overall design is easily recognizable as a Jetsam, but its been given a horizontal posture with bioluminescence and an angler fish light/teeth. The palette is great, using neutral browns and greys for the body and bright neon blues for the accent color. My only nitpick with it is that the teeth feel a bit busy and don't quite make sense if you look at them too long, but overall, this is a great design.
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Pastel: The pastel Jetsam is just plain pretty, using a soft pink and turquoise palette. What really makes it work is that instead of using flat colors, it employs subtle gradients so the turquoise becomes blue in areas and the pink gets some subtle highlights. On top of that, it's also given a sunlight-under-water ripple texture, with a few small speckles on areas like the eyebrows and tail. A lot of effort went into this design compared to your standard pastel pet, and it really paid off.
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Toy: Alright yeah, this one's just fun. The pool floatie idea is a great concept that works perfectly for the colour, and the execution is also really solid, including lots of raised plastic ridges, seams, and plenty of highlights to give it that plastic look.
My only issue with it is that weird handle on the side of the head. I guess some shark toys have these, but I've never seen one personally and it honestly just looks distracting and kind of out of place. Also, I do wish it was semi-transparent (think like the good Jelly-coloured pets), but that's not a big deal. Still a really good colour regardless.
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BONUS: The robot Jetsam has a mostly red and white palette with a few black accents, and it works really well for this pet. I love the visor, and the patterning on the fins is really neat. Both versions are fine; the UC/styled version looks a bit more robotic, but the customized version reads a bit better overall.
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bitegore · 5 months
@cleverthylacine re: this post and particularly the bit about reparative readings
(I think we're getting off topic and wanted to avoid clogging OP's feed lol)
I think there's a tendency toward what I can really only describe as call-to-action-to-Fix-Fandom attitudes when it comes to discussing any kind of -isms in fandom when, like. in my view it doesn't actually do anyone any good. Fandom is very big and people are small and largely the biases in society will be reflected in fandom no matter what we as individuals are up to, especially if we're up in arms because of A Post (fleeting, unserious motivation). I prefer to look at common forms of fannish misogyny where it crops up in my own behavior as an indicator of actual attitudes rather than some sort of checklist of Things To Fix In My Fannish Output. I care way, way more about treating the actual women in my life with respect and care than I do about the female fictional characters I think are fun to write about, you know?
So I like really don't trouble myself over whether or not I'm trying half as hard to read into female fictional characters as their make counterparts, I'm with you on that. Fandom is full of people who are enjoying their fictional women because they like them and not out of some misplaced sense of obligation. When I start doing fic and art with female characters it's because I like the characters, not because I'm compensating. But I like having discrepancies pointed out because it helps me set my barometer for what I might be fucking up with my actual friends and acquaintances in real life, which I think is a lot more important and generally relevant to my life anyway.
This is a lot of words to say 'i'm with you' - not only do i think no one should be obligated to do reparative readings on female characters just because it 'evens it out' or w/e, but honestly I think it's an active distraction from the part of the problem worth caring about, which is that it shows a bias in thinking.
I don't really know. As much as I enjoy fandom and it's a big part of my life, I'm pretty intimately aware it's not that important on the grand scale of things. And as much as I enjoy fiction, i'm of the impression that it reveals more about us than we think it does, so even if you do everything on the list to Eradicate All Traces Of Misogyny, the misogyny will keep sneaking back in until you just... are not writing women with misogyny in your heart and mind. It's a barometer for personal improvement more than anything else, the way I look at things. And certainly in concept but I'd like to also hope in reality, I like having the knowledge toward where I can try to be better instead of flying blind. If I stop being misogynistic, then my fic will be less misogynistic too, but like, I have so many better reasons to not want to be misogynistic!
I also think pressuring people to change the things they have fun with for the sake of Not Being a Bigot (prescriptive, & according to my handy-dandy list which I will hand down from on high...) tends to piss me specifically off, and I like to live by a standard of "not enough significant statistical variance from the mean exists in me to consider this a wholly unique behavior or attitude" so I would also assume that other people feel much the same way. So i also don't like to treat any "xyz is misogynistic" as a hard fast rule anyway, because then I'll get mad and start doing it out of spite while also aiming to make it not misogynistic somehow, which might spawn ideas but doesn't really do me or anyone else any good anyway. (That's definitely not a universal issue and i wouldn't be shocked if there are people who badly want the list because it makes them feel more comfortable writing or something; good for them, we're in totally different categories vis a vis fannish bigotry and how we can work on not doing it and the approaches we take will have to reflect that.)
I had one other thing but I think I forgot it. Uhhh something something it's harder to do reparative readings to compensate for misogynistic writing than it is to do it for flat writing with male characters because a lot of the time it either requires you to work with stereotypes you don't like or to outright dismiss elements of characterization and many of us don't want to do either, when background whiteguys tend to just have a handful of extremely neutral traits and nothing else; this is also part of why it can be hard to do the same for characters of color or characters that are clearly meant to be homophobic stereotypes or whatever, I won't fault anyone for not wanting to put their hands in that. nWFC Elita is a pretty good example of that, honestly - I don't remember a lot about the show because I didn't like it and i watched it one time several years ago lol, but I remember walking away with the impression we were supposed to think of her as Optimus's nagging wife, and annoying and overly negative, even though she was right on all counts every fucking time. I'm not writing nWFC-continuity fic because i have absolutely no interest in doing so, and I don't particularly want to carry that characterization over to any other continuity because - why would I? I like Elita-1 better in basically everything else, and she is broadly always Pretty Damn Competent (at least in theory). But in nWFC i can square the circle by comparing her cynicism to, like, Ratchet, who is equally convinced Optimus is making all the wrong moves. Suddenly she doesn't have to be the annoying nag, she's the last lone voice of real legitimate pushback in Autobot HQ, which has been bleeding dissenters as they're ignored, or whatever. And honestly I do like that. But contrast it with, uhhhh... trying to pick a random character here idk it's cheating if i pick bayverse characters... idk let me pick on IDW. If you want to work with the female character from All Hail Megatron, whose name I can't remember but who I genuinely liked, you have to deal with the fact that she falls head over heels for Spike fucking Witwicky right after meeting him and that her job is largely to deliver motivational speeches to the more important male background characters whose names I also can't remember. You absolutely can read depth into her, and I do because I think it's interesting that there's a character who lives through a horrifically traumatic upending of her life and then realizes that the only way everyone will survive is to stick together and immediately makes it her job to make sure they do, but, like, "woman exists as footstool for man's power & place in the plot" is one of the oldest misogynistic tropes in the book. I wouldn't blame literally anyone for not wanting to work around that, and it's... literally her entire role in the plot, so it's also really fucking hard to try and read out or compensate for. I genuinely do not think she even speaks to another woman in the entire comic. I think my point got muddied in the miles of examples; my thinking is that at the end of the day no one is getting paid for this and I don't think it's really an even playing field between male and female characters to reparatively-read-into anyway.
Last final thing is that the tropes that interest me in a character don't often tend to be done in female characters or when they're approached they take on distinctly misogynistic overtones. i really like characters who talk a big game, brag often, are deeply vain, and are not actually half as good as they claim they are... "woman thinks she has skills and is really good at things, but is Put In Her Place by a Man" is also one of my least favorite tropes ever. It's hard to work around that. There's just not much you can do when an entire concept has been all but poisoned for you.
inb4 "he said its ok to be a misogynist!" he said its important to focus on real life & fixing your heart first instead of hoping other people will tell you what not to write to look like you're not a misogynist ^-^
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gravegrime · 1 year
I remember sharing this thought on twitter about storytelling as a meme like a month ago and ever since then I’ve wanted to expand on it somewhere that had the character limit for it.  Somewhere like here!  lol
This is a long one lads so feel free to skip on by if you’re not interested in all the very opinionated things I have to say.
Storytelling fills me with a firey passion that very little else does.  Being whisked away to a world full of interesting people I can observe going about their lives is something I don’t think I can ever get tired of.  With this passion, as it always does for me, comes a deep desire to analyze and understand the process on a fundemental level.  This process of discover has lead me down an interesting path that I feel many in the communities I swim will find controversial; which is a shame because I do believe the conclusions I’ve come to are true and correct.
I lead my little rant with this preamble because I want anyone who ends up reading this to know that I’m not here out of malice or contempt for the artform.  Storytelling is my life and I feel that people’s good intentions may be hurting the craft as a whole.  If you do end up reading the whole thing feel absolutely feel to argue against me or whatever you want.  Having and breeding discussion is something else I live for!
On this journey I’ve had analyzing the storytelling craft I’ve come to the conclusion that there are things about storytelling that are good practices and bad practices.  I wholeheartedly reject the pervasive ideas in the art and writing community that there is not better or worse story and everything is just different.  Honestly I’m a bit insulted by the notion.  You should have pride in your craft and try to hold the quality of your work high!  If you feel your stories don’t reach that quality bar you’re looking for work to get better at what you do!  I don’t understand how someone could claim to, ‘strive to always be a better story teller’ while also believing stories have no intrinsic values outside of what an individual reader might feel about the work.  The only conclusion that can be came to is that stories do have intrinsic qualities within them that can be judged accordingly.
Of course this invites the idea that because people value different things their standards for what makes a good story would differ.  This is true but only on a scale of personal enjoyment.  I propose that there is a standard one can apply to their work outside of individual enjoyment that can be used to judge the quality of a work.
Much like in carpentry you’d judge the quality of a chair based on it’s materials, sturdiness, and mastery of the craft, you can also judge a story by a similiar metric.  Consistency is king when it comes to stories.  Rules not being broken is essential to not having stakes and payoffs fall flat.  Characters need to stay consistent to their ideals and goals if there is to be a character at all.  Goals and ideals can shift over the course of a story of course, but how well crafted a transition is entirely predicated on the consistency of the information we’re provided.  It would be poor storytelling to have a character randomly shift goals without some established impetus.  Storytelling quality is essentially how well one can juggle consistency with the complexity of the story they’re telling.  It seems perfectly reasonable if you had two stories that are equally consistent but one is more complex it would be a better work because they achieved more.
I can, and likely will at some point, go on for hours and hours and hours about how complex and intricate the craft of storytelling is.  Like I said it’s one of my biggest passions.  I think I’ll leave this little rant establishing my basic standard here though.  I hope it might spark some interesting discussions about the craft or at least give someone some food for though :)
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biconickyoshi · 5 months
ive already put a comment on ur fic but i couldnt let it go without saying that i *literally* cant watch the main show without thinking about your fic and i wish that i could like. watch a version of the show that was your fic xD like ive been ranting and raving to my friends the entire time id been reading it and telling them to read it and i was planning on trying to get back into art so i could make some art of the boys, i am like. a changed person. this will be living in the back of my head rent free for the rest of eternity LMAO if you ever get like, doubtful of your skills or anything or unsure if people actually like anything youve wrote, i am here to tell u to not be cus i am *living* for this fic im running around in circles rereading it and getting zoomies lmfao, it is literally one of my fave fics of all time and ive been in fandom spaces for half my life now, its THAT GOOD (also anyone who follows you, you guys need to go read it honestly, IT NEEDS MORE HITS AND KUDOS AND AAAAGFAHGAF) im sorry if this ask is dumb or anything but. i had to let u know that u have CHANGED ME lmfao keep up the good work! i wish my brain worked the way yours does xD
Aaaaa it's so flattering to hear all of this anon!!! T-T Thank you so much!! I too very much wish there was a version of my show that was my fic lmao, I would loveeee to see so many scenes animated! Also it makes me SO happy to know that you're telling your friends about The Avatar and the Fire Prince!!! If you ever draw any fan art, pleaseeee mention me in the post and feel free to use "the avatar and the fire prince" and/or "taatfp" as a tag to help me find it! :)
Thank you so much for the encouraging words as well - I try not to get too in my head with worrying about whether or not people will like what I have planned for future plotlines, or if I'm writing in a way that stays true to the spirit/plot of the OG show while still being different enough to be entertaining/engaging... AtLA is such a precious piece of media to me, so I hold myself to very high standards, which can be detrimental when I just want to get a chapter out but I keep rereading it and finding little things "wrong" that need to be fixed lol.
Anyways this is NOT a dumb ask at all anon! I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to send this to me, and I apologize for not getting to it sooner! I've been a bit swamped with asks and comments recently so I've been trying to answer them in small chunks at a time haha
Hope you have a great day, and I'm super excited for you to see what I have planned for the future of TAatFP! :) <3
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citylawns · 6 months
World doesnt need the beauty standard saying how poor they are for being the standard as much as it doesnt need millionaires saying how bad they have it with packed wallets
I would switch places with you in a heartbeat if I could but instead Im stuck with the reflection i hate and half of my life taken away by disordered eating and shame but go off queen, tell us how bad you have it for being skinny
Hi there ! I’m sorry you’re feeling this agony about yourself - eating disorders are truly insidious and I’ve got many friends who have survived them and had experience myself.
But anyway, you have definitely misread or misunderstood something I’ve said ! I have never claimed, nor do I think, that it’s “hard” being skinny! Thats not to say it’s not without many issues and my reactions and frustrations about how people talk about my body are real, but I’m very much aware of the way different women’s bodies are treated online and in public. if you have a look through my blog you’ll see I’ve said time and time again how I am privileged for thinness and how my face and body have literally made me money as a model as well as speaking about the odd relationship to this with the bad experiences I’ve had (sexual assault from an employer).
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I’m guessing you’ve been confused by this post? It was referring to the fact I don’t post photos of myself because of the way my appearance becomes the focus from my online audience instead of the things I spend more time talking about and posting like music and literature and art. I’m tired of talking about politics then being asked for weight loss tips. It’s crazy because idk why people think I would condone starvation given everything I have been through and write about on here??? I am frustrated when people praise me for my body because I make no effort with it and don’t think there should be such things as beauty standards, that make women compete with each other and form a hierarchy. This obviously doesn’t mean it’s “hard” being skinny, it’s just true that there are negative experiences when as a woman you’re trying to say something important or show your creative work and you’re just continually reduced to your body. It’s very misogynist. Because of this any femme presenting person finds their appearance becomes their focus from their audience online - no matter what we post.
My emotions about people (often female customers and girls with eating disorders) commenting horrible things about my weight are real and are allowed to be shared on my personal blog that is about me and my experiences. But just sharing my personal experience is very obviously not an insinuation that there is any structural disadvantage of being thin! It’s a structural disadvantage of being a woman - and within that there are always women who have lived experiences both better and worse than you. Again, im completely positive you’ve misread something because it would be very odd tell someone they aren’t allowed to talk about how patriarchy and ED culture affects them lol
You can see these posts if you scroll through my blog but I’ve recently explained I don’t give out appearance tips because 1. I don’t do anything/find it boring and redundant to talk about given it’s the only thing the world wants to talk about, but more importantly 2. Systematic privilege allows me to be low maintenance and it would be hypocritical of me to pretend otherwise !
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I hope that’s cleared things up!! ❤️
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truloveskiss · 22 days
hii cyn, me again!
i have some academia-related questions this time 😊
i assume you're going to university/college? if you are, do you know what you're going to study (+ backup option/s?) and how you figured that out?
how did you choose subjects for gcse? and subjects for year 12?
also, what is sl maths ai?
thank you so much! from jae xoxo
hello welcome back!!!!
i assume you're going to university/college? if you are, do you know what you're going to study (+ backup option/s?) and how you figured that out? i am!! i plan to study law :) honestly i figured it out thanks to my mom LOL ive always known i didnt wanna do stem because while im not the worst in it and get good grades if i try i gen couldn't give two shits ab a single science LMAOOO 😭 ive always been into more creative + humanities subjects which is why i love english and psychology! i told her this & she was like "why not law?" and i had an epiphany like YES why Not law???? ive always been interested in matters involving people and how they behave & am super observant n detail oriented which i think is a good fit!!!! i specifically want to go into international law & also hope to help make the lives of women and children better but idk if thats too ambitious LOL 😣 i dont have a backup tho theres nth else im interested in that'd make good money soz guys i know we should go after our dreams but i also would like to have a stable income yk 😭
how did you choose subjects for gcse? and subjects for year 12? ok so for gcse i think i was 13 when choosing and also the first person in my family to be doing gcses which means i had NO ONE to consult and just chose what interested me 😣 back when i was 13 i really wanted to do architecture so at first i acc picked business, compsci and art but my dad wanted me doing a language instead of art so he forced me to do french LOL and then when i went to school i discovered i HATEDDDD business so much its acc so so boring u guys 😭 and ended up switching to psychology in dec!!! i also had english lang, english lit, maths and triple science cz those were mandatory for me (triple science isnt mandatory but my school made certain people do it and i was one of them 😭 absolute nightmare u guys) i acc wanted to switch compsci to history back in early y10 but i had a hard time switching from business to psych because the teacher i talked to was SO mean to me ab it so i just powered thru it 😭 i regret letting her control my future like that tho so never again 🫡 im acc quite lucky the subjects i ended up w work out quite well for law cz i had no clue what i was doing when picking 😫 for y12 i acc had some sense in me since i was 15 picking those out & knew for sure i wanted to do law so i just picked subjects that align w that! def check several university/college websites to see if there are any mandatory subjects u have to take to enrol in a course before picking your subjects !! for law the majority of universities i checked just required at least one essay subject & history was heavily recommended by several people so thats what i went for!!!! (also because i wanted to do history so bad at gcse)
also, what is sl maths ai? sl maths ai stands for standard level maths applications and interpretations!! in the ib program, there are standard level and higher level subjects :) you choose 6 subjects and do 3 as hl and 3 as sl (some people do 4 hl 2 sl though!!) theres also maths analysis and approaches but my school doesnt offer that one LOL 😭 idc tho because apparently ai is easier n im not going into stem so it doesnt matter much for me but ive heard that if youre going into stem doing aa is MUCH better
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calebs-hangout-corner · 8 months
(Long happy/?? rant incoming. Sorry, I just saw your account and had to talk to someone about this)
Ough. I've been thinking about when I read the original The Ghost Next Door book and it honest-to-God changed my mind or something because no book I've read so far is as of high reputation in my mind as that. Maybe it was because I was younger and hadn't read as much, but I have had it in my head for like a month now to Get That Book for myself. My school library has like twenty or so of the books but not that one!! When I saw the Goosebumps collection I was like "NO WAYYYY" but then I got really disappointed when it wasn't there. I need to ask the librarian if they can get it LOL.
Anyway, I remembered it again after going through a nostalgia blog and I searched the tag. Lo and behold, there was your blog! I don't remember any of the other plots very well (from the ones I read; the bookshelf where I originally read it was TINY and barely ever had GB books), nor any of the characters aside from Hannah and Danny, but nevertheless I'm enjoying your Goosebumps art and content a lot. Btw your art style is awesome. :D
I'm now desperate to find somewhere to watch the original 90's show. I've seen it's on Google Play or whatever and Microsoft, but I need to look into that. Help is appreciated, if you know where.
But I guess my question is: what books do you recommend? I like both the standard and the choose your own adventure ones (idk if there are any others). I read/started reading The Haunted Mask, The Werewolf of Fever Swamp, Welcome to Camp Nightmare, The Ghost Next Door (duh), Let's Get Invisible, Monster Blood, The Cuckoo Clock of Doom, The Girl Who Cried Monster (I think. That's the one where the guy eats the bugs or whatever, right?), Escape From Camp Run-for-Your-Life, You Can't Scare Me, Scream of the Evil Genie and/or Be Careful What You Wish For (one of them, lol, maybe both. I think it involved a cola can?).
Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks for reading this long-as-hell ask and also thank you if you respond! Obviously, no pressure. Hope you have a great week and good things come your way!
P.S., you got me to start listening to the Goosebumps the Musical: Phantom of the Auditorium soundtrack and it's so good.
-👻🪐 (I hope emoji anons are okay, just in case there's a follow-up ask or something)
Hello!!! This message is very sweet and I had fun reading it, thank you! I'm sorry it took me a day to respond, I was a little busy!
I hope you're successful in finding the book. My library has the opposite problem: It has no books except Ghost Next Door (germany doesn't really sell them anymore, so they're hard to come by, even in libraries). Also, all the Goosebumps episodes you can find on YouTube somewhere! There's many reuploads of them.
As for books I'd recommend, you've already read a few of the ones I really like! But if you need more my favorites you haven't read from the series' you mentioned liking include:
- Phantom of the Auditorium (but like the book version! Very good, very fun, really emphasises the "the gang shares one braincell" part)
- Werewolf Skin
- Calling All Creeps
- Night of the Living Dummy 1 and 2, I've heard the third is good too but that one actually didn't manage to hold my attention, but maybe it will for you!
- Welcome To Dead House (This one's fun)
- Piano Lessons Can Be Murder (I just think it's neat)
- A Night In Terror Tower (Again, I just think it's neat!!), This one also has a "Give Yourself Goosebumps" sequel book "Return To Terror Tower) I recommend aswell!
- Beware, The Snowman!
As for the Give Yourself Goosebumps books I'm like "Please Don't Feed The Vampire"
Those are the books I'm fond of. It's a bit of a list, I hope you don't mind!
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verawhisk · 1 year
my drawing process (thank you @pepper-ika!)
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i draw and colour for a long long time. i don't do the traditional sketch + lineart + colour -- sketches are hard to line, they're kind of time-consuming and usually they end up better than the lineart, so i just draw like normal and clean it up before colouring. i start at the head and end at around the feet, kinda like a person showering (lol). here i'm using your typical pencil brush you can find in any standard art program.
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a tip i got from another artist was to colour using a thick, opaque pen brush that varies a lot in width. it saves a Lot of time. before they showed me that, i made the mistake of using a soft, painterly brush to colour my art. it hurt my wrist because i had to press really hard to get flat colour -- when all that time i could have just been using a pen brush! also, i start with soft colours because they're nicer to look at.
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2. i do colourful midtones like redness in the skin or maybe a blue five o clock shadow if they have one. from this point onward, i use a flat square-ish brush combined with a painterly smudger and a soft airbrush.
i read somewhere that you should apply perfume on the moistest parts of your body so i kind of use that same idea when drawing redness. usually i do it where skin meets skin: folded arms, a crunched back, closed hands, and that place where the thighs touch the buttcheeks, lolol. and of course: the nose, lips, and ears. it makes the skin look real and warm and lively!
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3. i lay down my shadows and lights, usually in that order. and at this point, i'm throwing extra shadow on wrinkles, fat, bumps, lumps, etc. a body without rolls is like an angel without wings!
also i smudge like CRAZY here. just like how it's impossible to have "too much gravy" on your chicken, it's impossible to have "too much blending" when you're drawing skin. blend that ish.
when it comes to the colour of the shadows, i always make shadows the base colour but darker and more saturated, and i move the hue a little to the left (for example: orange goes to red, green goes to yellow, purple goes to blue). i do that with, like, every colour. i can't tell if it's lazy or not but at this point i'm too scared to ask.
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4. finally i make some minor adjustments like liquifying to fix lopsided eyes or oversized heads/hands. when i was in high school, my art teacher would say "great, but watch the size of the feet, hands, and neck," lolol. he was right ofc. when i go "hm... that looks a little weird," i have to trust that gut feeling because when i do fix it, it ends up looking way better. here is a horrifying gif illustrating that.
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alternatively you could do a messy line and color, then do a whole paintover like i did here. this is awesome for details because you dont have to go back and change the lineart - you just paint over and add whatever you want and redraw the line to fit it.
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i dont really use the different layer modes that much. in this one i used a gradient map of the drawing as an overlay. idk if that really does anything major but it does create a new range of colors to play with. i also used a multiply layer to cast a big shadow over the card (layer 8) because it has this tiiiny little pattern that would be a pain in the butt to draw shadows over. everything else is pretty standard.
(and no i dont name my layers... yes i will be changing my name and moving countries)
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another thing worth noting: i use airbrushing A LOT. i remember reading somewhere that using airbrushes is like. a cardinal sin. it’s not, man. it’s great. airbrushes and smudging are dope and i use them all the time.
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i hope you found this helpful! have a great weekend <3
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wundrousarts · 1 year
hi I hope this doesn’t sound like a demand lol but I love how you draw jupiter and I hope you draw him more
your art is so cool by the way I really like your character lineup 🥺
Thank you so much!! I literally never draw Jupiter, on account of my inability to draw 1. adult men and 2. beards, BUT it’s something I need to / want to get better at. The only other time I’ve drawn him was that lineup which I did super quick, so it was fun to try and think of an actual design so I can try to draw him more!
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[ID: Three half-colored digital sketches of Jupiter North from Nevermoor. They show him as a kid with messy hair, a young adult with a mullet and mustache, and an adult with longer hair and a fuller beard. End ID.]
Details on my Jupiter design / headcanons (?) for his life under the cut:
I started with the middle— in my layers, I dubbed him to be “teen” Jupiter, originally intending for him as a senior scholar, but as time went on I figured he was more like, early 20s young adult Jove. The Wunsoc sweater is just still there on the adults because I didn’t want to redraw <3
I feel like Wunsoc, especially with Dearborn and Murgatroyd prowling the halls, holds its student’s appearances to a certain standard. Sure, society members are representatives of the society for the rest of their lives once they graduate, but their time in school is their first introduction to that life. It's their debut as society members. We see this in a lot of stuff with Holliday, in Hollowpox and in the one Silverborn snippet, how she's manufacturing an image for Mog and co. and physical appearance plays a part in it.
Going with this: I feel like Wunsoc would expect their students to keep their appearance clean and approachable somewhat. Jupiter gives me a vibe of the kid who had a crazy growth spurt, and was able to grow a beard before graduating– BUT I don't know if Wunsoc (really just the Scholar Mistresses) would be crazy for that. So I imagine that he's relatively clean-shaven for the most part, nowhere near modern Jove, and then starts to grow out his facial hair a bit more as a senior scholar where I imagine things would lax a bit, and then just commit fully to growing a beard once he properly graduates.
So young adult Jupiter is perhaps in his early 20s, a somewhat recent Wunsoc graduate. I'm a mullet Jupiter truther, where his hair is longer in the back, and had to represent that. Younger Jove's is messier and more fun; he's not too concerned about his image as he hasn't quite reached that laundry list of titles and accolades yet.
Present-day adult Jupiter is still rocking the mullet style, just now it's longer and styled a bit more professionally. But let's be real– it doesn't stay this way. It totally gets easily messed up from his hats, and Jove loves to have fun and entertain people, Plus, he's a busy man, constantly stressed and running around. While the hair here might be great for say, a formal meeting or a magazine cover, the hair most folks end up seeing him with tends to be a bit more wild. He definitely starts to resemble his younger self's hair more after a rowdy night or a stressful endeavor.
Kid Jupiter– not much to say here, tbh. I figured I'd stick with the longer hair he has as an adult, kinda rowdy. Not a mullet yet, though! I was thinking of the part in Nevermoor where he starts talking about the rules he broke and stuff he got up to as a Wunsoc student, and how Hawthorne started taking notes, and made his hair similar to the rowdy hair of our favorite bestie. However, while Hawthorne's hair is curly, I'm of the belief that Jupiter's hair is definitely pretty straight. So no curlicues for him </3
Hopefully now that I've started to nail down a design for Jupiter, I can draw him more!! I always have soooo many Nevermoor ideas circling around in my brain. I love thinking about designs for various characters and the reasonings behind different aspects of their appearance.
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bogkeep · 1 year
Do you have any advice or resources on pricing commissions/commissions in general? I've been thinking of starting comms
I hope this is an okay thing to ask lol
PS: luv ur art!
for resources, there's this video (subtitled but not transcribed sorry) which lays it out really well! there used to be a really good twitter thread by yoshi yoshitani, but it seems to be deleted.
here's some general experience/advice:
- IN A PERFECT WORLD we would all price our commissions well and fairly and comparable to industry standard, buuuuuut i get why most of us don't. compared to industry standard my $130 character portraits are also underpriced, and while i AM steadily upping my prices (my first comms were $40 for a fully colored and shaded fullbody. oof) 1) i need to consider what audience i have and who will be able to commission me, and 2) i mostly do commissions for some extra pocket money, not to make a living. i think my prices are comparable to many fellow internet artists in the same sphere.
- the way i price my commissions are that the MINIMUM amount needs to be the amount i have to be paid to feel like a commission is worth doing (taking into account my limited amount of time and energy to work on art, if i take paid $50 but then spend several days to complete it i will grow resentful and stretch myself too thin for too little), and the MAXIMUM is "at what point will the price paralyze me because i feel like I don't feel like i can make something worth that amount."
- working on a commission WILL take longer than just working on a Fun Piece For Yourself, both because you're putting in extra effort trying to make it worth the money you're given, and because you will spend time communicating with your client. you will get a better grip on your timeframe after you have more experience doing commissions.
- you're not just taking paid for the art itself, but client communications, your experience and expertise which has taken years to build, revisions, tools, etc.
- something they JUST told us in clock school: sometimes you get clock repairs that cost less than your quote and you might feel bad about this, but you will definitely do clock repairs that cost a lot more than your quote. THIS IS HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE, THIS IS HOW YOU BREAK EVEN. when you give a quote at the beginning you don't know how much the work is going to take and estimates are always rough, but you're using your time and expertise to offer a service and you need money to live.
- your prices/quote can have wriggle room like "will cost X amount but Y for Extra Detailed Stuff Like Wings/Fancy Outfit/Background Detail"
- don't offer commissions you don't wanna do! i used to offer a wide range of styles and price categories, including some really cheap sketch options, and i don't Regret doing those per se but nowadays i only offer a narrowed down selection. I don't have time to do fullbodies with full backgrounds, so even if it's something i CAN do and people WOULD pay me for, I don't HAVE to do that.
- its okay, encouraged even, to adjust your prices as you go along and get more experienced at doing commissions. it's pretty normal to start out with low prices to get the hang of it (tattoo apprentices do tattoos for lower prices unil they're done with their training, and doing commissions is its own skill)
- if someone thinks your prices are too high, you don't want them as your clients to begin with. dealing with shitty commissioners is rarely worth the pay, and higher prices tend to result in better and more respectful clients.
i hope im not forgetting something hope this helps
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dashielldeveron · 2 months
1000000% agree with you about your takes on the mha ending, it sits so wrong with me that toga, touya and tenko don’t get to be redeemed but don’t get to even survive??? Like they victims of abuse stemming bc of hero society and they don’t even get to live in the ‘new’ ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’changed’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ world LMAO that’s fucked. ESPECIALLY WHEN NO 1 ABUSER ENDEAVOUR GETS TO NOT ONLY LIVE BUT HAVE THE REDEMPTION ARC??? and to a lesser extent overhaul too??? Like ik he isn’t redeemed in anyway but he gets to live?? The message is soooo depressing when the two most prominent abuse figures get to live but the victims aren’t even worthy of a second chance. This is why we have fanworks ig.
( also this is completely unrelated but who do you think had the best pro hero redesign.for me I think kaminari looks very. nice. and bkgs bomb tassel hair tie things r cute. Also idk why hori felt the need to do a aizawa shinsou hair transplant 😭😭😭😭 like
shinsou: where is mr aizawa???
mic: who do u think gave you the hair….)
listen,.,..,i can excuse murder (touya), but i draw the line at child abuse (endeavor) lol. i hadn't even been thinking about overhaul!!! yeah, why does he get to live when, out of the the villains besides AFO, he's the one with the worst intentions?? why give us a found family if they're gonna be torn apart forever?? sigh. how would you have approached the endeavour and overhaul stuff??
at this point, i kind of hope we all stay in collective denial and keep our fandom standard of, like, baku/todo/deku as the top three heroes, complete with OFA. it's not that i'm mad deku lost OFA; that could make sense narratively, but it's that he gets iron man-ed up that pisses me off. it's like a retraction that being quirkless is fine, since deku needs that power to hang out with his friends. sigh. sigh. sigh.
well! i'm finally glad yaoyorozu got fabric to cover her boobs. she deserves it. i liked the flashes of jirou, eri, and sero that we got. and this is me projecting, but a lot of them having long hair down while they fight seems impractical. i know hair growth/cutting is a primary way to show time has passed, but i especially think mina could have trouble with her longer hair--looks cool but might get in the way of her acid.
and i will say that i much prefer aizawa's and shinsou's old hairstyles. and lololol kirishima looks like he's drawn in a completely different manga with how detailed and buff he looks; good for him. i need to yank bakugou's explosion tassel things i need to bite them grrr grr bite bite bite definitely not the design i was expecting but definitely interesting!!!! and that closeup panel we got of shouto.... 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 what a h*nds*me man. despite the weird storytelling choices lately, the art remains very, very beautiful. hori is very good at drawing interesting designs and beautiful people, and there must be an odd pressure to draw really well when your whole cast is hot. so, at least the art hasn't fallen off.
i hope we can all keep making fun art even though the series has been strange at the end!!! thanks for your thoughts; i need to hear everyone's take on this bizarre turn of events
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