#How to Save $750 and Get Healthy
hi! I have a character that loses a lot of blood, to the point of passing out. He’s found and healed, but can’t get a blood transfusion for all the missing blood. Could his body make enough blood soon enough so that he doesn’t die? If not, how much blood can he lose before needing a transfusion? Thanks in advance!
Here are all my current blood posts/asks, in no particular order:
Bleeding on Blood Thinners
Blood Transfusion Reactions
Transfusion Reaction Protocol
Coconut Water Transfusion
General Blood Loss Chart
Swallowing Blood
How X-Stat Works
Internal Bleeding (also info on bone injuries)
Blood Donation and Banking
Person-to-Person Blood Transfusion
Blood Loss from Shallow Wounds
Stopping Blood Loss
Low Resource Blood Donor Matching
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A class 2 hemorrhage would probably be your best bet. That would be about 750-1500ml of blood loss, which is a LOT of blood to look at, and also not so much that they'd absolutely need a blood transfusion to save their life.
They may have slight confusion and significant weakness for several days-weeks. It will take 3-6 months to completely replace the lost red blood cells, but less than 24 hours to replace blood volume as long as the person can drink fluids and drinks enough of them. Fortunately, a healthy body can adjust to function with fewer red blood cells, so symptoms of not having enough won't last that long.
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jeppiner · 19 days
Ways I save money:
I have lived low income for a very long time and this is how I save money. Personal care: I leave my hair long and put it up if I want it out of the way, only cutting the ends maybe once a year or less. No dye, no "styles", no lotions/potions, no hot appliances. Simple and healthy. I never do mani/pedi unless I do it myself, but no polishes. I only use a one skin moisturizer. Also no make-up. I am 60 and people can't believe how young I look. Shoot if I look that young, why gob it up with expensive bottles and tubes of stuff nobody needs putting MY money into some company's pocket. I need my money. They don't.
Clothing: I only buy what I need and sometimes it is used or given to me as a gift. I wear it until it falls apart. I don't have many clothes. How many shirts can you wear at once? One, right? So how many clothes do you really need. I would say I maybe spend $100-200/yr on clothes, probably most socks and underwear. I have a coat I've been wearing for 40 years. Still looks great because it was a good coat. Laundry is only done when it is dirty. I did buy a small portable washer because the laundromat is a killer. This cost $350 and saves me $900/yr. I dry everything outside on a drying rack or inside on the same rack in the winter. My clothes don't wear out as quickly.
Housing: We rent and we rent less than maybe what we want and then make do. If they approve a mortgage for 200,000, buy a house for 150,000. If you can afford 1000 for rent, only spend 750. You get my drift. Always live under what you can afford because all the maintenance, insurance, taxes, and upkeep will also be less. This way you can save. I seriously have very few cleaning products. A bit of all purpose cleaner (I honestly just dilute ammonia with water) goes a long way. Nobody needs all the potions people create. I have simply used hot water on the floors. How sterile does a floor have to be? You're going to walk on it immediately and it will be dirty again, so really, who cares. I have the same old furniture I have had for years. Decent quality, well taken care of, and its lasted decades. Some of it was my grandmother's or mother's. It still works.
Food: LEARN TO COOK FROM SCRATCH. EAT LESS (I can guarantee most people eat way too much of all the wrong things). FINISH IT ALL AND USE THE LEFTOVERS. I buy stuff on clearance, even fruits and veg and quickly process them, stew them, blanch and freeze them, or whatever is appropriate. I have gotten a whole box of fruit and veg for $5 and not one bit of it is wasted in this way. Beans and pulses are good protein. Learn to cook them. Never buy processed, pre-cooked, out of the box foods. You are paying for someone else to do the work. Make a big batch of something and eat it all week, or freeze the remainder and make something different mid-week. LEARN TO COOK. LEARN TO COOK. LEARN TO COOK. Shop the sales at one store only. What's on sale/clearance is what I am eating this week, but this only applies to fruit/veg, meat/dairy, and simple foods. Junk food on sale still isn't food. If you have to make all your own cakes and cookies, you'll eat less, because you can't be bothered. Don't buy ready made.
Transportation: Buy used, no-fun, and buy cash if you can. Keep it until it literally gives up the ghost. Keep it maintained. If you can't afford to do this, you can't afford a car SO GET RID OF IT. Any place that is within a 30 minute walk, WALK, don't waste the gas. You DO need the exercise. Combine errands or do errands to or from work so you aren't making extra trips. Obey traffic rules at all times, it keeps your insurance low. I have a 2012 Civic and pay under $70/month.
Time: STOP WASTING IT. Take all social media off your phone. Take all shopping apps off your phone. Throw away all advertising that comes into the house immediately. Get ad-blockers so you're not tempted to bloody shop. Your money belongs in your pocket, not theirs. No matter what they tell you, they're not doing you favours. If you aren't in front of a screen, you can cook, do laundry, clean your home, mend, iron, and take care of what is yours so it last longer. GET OFF SOCIAL MEDIA THAT WASTES YOUR TIME. The only thing I have is Tumblr and I am on it maybe a half hour every couple of days.
Entertainment: Use the library. Everything in it is free: movies, books, audiobooks, games, stuff, TV shows, printing costs only a few cents and saves you on stupid dried out ink for your printer you rarely use. Play board games or video games. I can rent both at the library. Visit your local pool, park, join a community sports team, take a hike, go to the beach. If it costs a lot, somebody is benefiting more than you. Change your way of thinking. Instead of thinking "a nice dinner out with a few drinks and a show $$$", think instead of going for a walk with a friend/family and maybe grabbing an ice-cream and a coffee at McDonalds or somewhere cheap. You'll have just as great of a conversation and your bank account won't look like a yawning empty cavern.
I guarantee you that I am just as happy as you, and probably, because I have no debt at all, I might even be more happy than you. Think about it.
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sivasaravanachits · 1 year
Does ICICI Bank Check CIBIL Credit Score Before Opening Saving Account?
Are you planning to open a saving account with ICICI Bank and wondering if they check your CIBIL credit score before approving your account? Well, you are at the right place. As a leading private sector bank in India, ICICI Bank is known for offering a range of financial services, including saving accounts, credit cards, loans, and more. To ensure the safety and security of their customer's funds, ICICI Bank might check your credit history before opening a saving account. In this blog, we will discuss the ICICI Bank's CIBIL score requirement for opening a saving account and everything around it.
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Firstly, let us understand what is CIBIL score and how it works. CIBIL (Credit Information Bureau India Limited) is India's first credit information company that maintains credit records of all individuals and businesses that have availed of loans or credit cards from banks and other financial institutions. CIBIL score ranges between 300 and 900 and represents your creditworthiness or the likelihood of you repaying your debts. A higher score indicates that you are a responsible borrower and increases the chances of getting a loan or credit card approved.
Now, coming to the main question- yes, ICICI Bank checks your CIBIL score before approving your saving account application. Having a good CIBIL score of 750 and above increases the likelihood of your saving account application getting approved. However, having a low CIBIL score can lead to rejection or lower interest rates for your saving account. ICICI Bank also offers a free credit score check online through their website, which can help you understand your credit history and improve your score.
Apart from the CIBIL score, ICICI Bank also checks your past credit history, income, and other factors before approving your saving account application. If you have a good credit history and have a regular source of income, the chances of your application getting approved are high. ICICI Bank also offers different types of saving accounts, such as Basic Savings Bank Account, Regular Savings Account, and more, which have different eligibility requirements.
Must Read This: Can we open a savings account in SBI through online?
In case your saving account application gets rejected due to a low CIBIL score or any other reason, there are ways to improve your score. Firstly, Guaranteed Interest Account ensure that you pay all your dues, EMIs, and credit card bills on time. Delayed or missed payments can have a negative impact on your score. Secondly, maintain a healthy credit utilization ratio, which is the amount of credit you have used compared to the credit limit. Keeping it under 30% is ideal. Lastly, avoid applying for too many loans or credit cards at once, as it can signal financial distress and lower your score.
To sum it up, the ICICI Bank does check your CIBIL score before approving your saving account application, along with other factors such as credit history and income. Having a good CIBIL score of 750 and above increases the chances of your application getting approved, while a low score can lead to rejection or lower interest rates. It is essential to maintain a healthy credit score to avail of the best financial services from banks and other institutions. We hope this guide helps you understand the ICICI Bank's CIBIL score requirement for opening saving accounts and ways to improve your score.
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duefactory · 1 year
what is cibil score 
A Credit Information Bureau (CIBIL) score, also known as a credit score or credit rating, is a numerical representation of an individual's creditworthiness. It plays a critical role in the financial world, influencing decisions made by lenders, banks, credit card companies, and even landlords. In this comprehensive explanation, we will delve into the details of CIBIL scores, their importance, how they are calculated, and tips to improve your score.
Understanding CIBIL Score:
A CIBIL score is a three-digit number typically ranging from 300 to 900 in India. It reflects your credit history and provides potential lenders with an assessment of your credit risk. In essence, it tells lenders how likely you are to repay your debts based on your past financial behavior.
Here's a breakdown of what different score ranges generally signify:
300-600: A score in this range is considered poor. It suggests a high credit risk and may result in difficulties in securing credit or loans.
601-750: Scores in this range are fair to good. They indicate a moderate credit risk, and individuals falling within this range may be eligible for credit, but with less favorable terms.
751-900: A score in this range is excellent. It represents a low credit risk, and individuals with such scores typically receive the most favorable lending terms.
Importance of CIBIL Score:
The CIBIL score holds significant importance in the financial world for several reasons:
Lending Decisions: Banks and financial institutions rely heavily on CIBIL scores when evaluating loan applications. Your chances of getting a loan are build by a better CIBIL score.
Interest Rates: Your CIBIL score influences the interest rate you are offered. A higher score often results in lower interest rates, saving you money on loans and credit cards.
Credit Card Approvals: Credit card companies use CIBIL scores to determine eligibility and credit limits for cardholders.
Renting Accommodation: Landlords often check CIBIL scores when selecting tenants, as it provides insight into their financial responsibility.
Loan Amounts: A good CIBIL score can lead to higher loan amounts and more favorable terms.
How CIBIL Scores are Calculated:
CIBIL scores are calculated based on your credit history, which is gathered from various sources:
Credit Report: CIBIL collects information from credit bureaus and lenders, including details about your credit accounts, loans, and credit cards.
Payment History: This is one of the most critical factors. It tracks whether you've made timely payments on your debts. Late payments or defaults can significantly lower your score.
Credit Utilization Ratio: This ratio compares your credit card balances to your credit limit. High utilization can negatively affect your score.
Credit Mix: Having a mix of different types of credit, such as loans and credit cards, can positively impact your score.
Length of Credit History: The longer your credit history, the more data there is to evaluate your financial responsibility.
New Credit: Opening multiple new credit accounts in a short period can indicate financial distress and lower your score.
Factors that do NOT Impact Your CIBIL Score:
It's essential to understand that certain financial behaviors do not affect your CIBIL score. These include:
Savings and Checking Accounts: Your bank balances and transactions in these accounts are not considered when calculating your credit score.
Employment History: Your job and employment history do not influence your credit score.
Income Level: The amount of money you earn is not a factor in your CIBIL score.
Tips to Improve Your CIBIL Score:
If you have a low CIBIL score or want to maintain a high one, here are some tips:
Pay Bills on Time: Ensure that you make all your credit card payments and loan EMIs on time.
Manage Credit Utilization: Keep your credit card balances well below the credit limit to maintain a healthy credit utilization ratio.
Maintain a Mix of Credit: A diverse credit portfolio can have a positive impact. However, don't open new accounts unnecessarily.
Regularly Check Your Credit Report: Review your credit report for errors or discrepancies and dispute any inaccuracies with the credit bureau.
Limit Credit Applications: Avoid applying for multiple credit cards or loans within a short period.
Close Unused Credit Cards: If you have multiple credit cards, consider closing those you don't use to simplify your credit profile.
Settle Outstanding Debts: Try to settle any outstanding debts or negotiate with creditors for more favorable repayment terms.
Seek Professional Help: If you're struggling with debts, consider seeking assistance from a credit counseling agency.
Your CIBIL score is a crucial financial indicator that has a significant impact on your ability to secure loans, credit cards, and even housing. Understanding how it's calculated, what it signifies, and how to improve it is essential for managing your financial life effectively. Regularly monitoring your credit report and practicing responsible financial behavior can help you achieve and maintain a healthy CIBIL score, ultimately providing you with more financial opportunities and favorable terms.
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What's the procedure for a test tube baby in gurgaon & how much it costs?
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A test-tube baby is conceived by an advancing human reproduction that happens outside a woman's body. The baby is conceived in the IVF laboratory through an In-Vitro fertilization (IVF) fertility procedure. Test tube baby is a non-essential expression for babies reproduced using artificial reproduction technique. The embryo is not formed in a woman's fallopian tube; it is formed in a glass tube, which is why it is called a test-tube baby. Generally, the eggs and sperm are fertilized in a petri dish and not in a glass tube.
It is a standard test tube baby process & the estimated test tube baby cost gurgaon for this process ranges from INR 1 75 000 to INR 1 90 000. The couple must meet the fertility expert to get the exact test tube baby price in gurgaon, duration of the process, success rates, etc.
How does the test tube baby with donor eggs procedure work?
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While performing the test tube baby with donor eggs, the experts borrow the eggs from young, healthy & fertile women & artificially inseminate them in an IVF lab until an embryo develops. Once the embryo is formed, the skilled embryologist places the embryo/s into the birth mother's uterus to establish a successful pregnancy. The test tube baby cost with a donor egg ranges from INR 4 750 000 to INR 5 00 000. The couple must speak to the fertility expert before opting for an egg donor procedure because a fertility expert can guide them better that which fertility procedure is helpful for couples to conceive a baby.
How does the test tube baby with donor sperm procedure work?
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While performing the test tube baby with donor sperm, the experts use the donor sperm to fertilize a woman's eggs in the IVF lab artificially. Once eggs are fertilized & an embryo is formed, the trained embryologist will implant the formed embryo/s into the birth mother's uterus & wait for pregnancy to occur. The test tube baby cost gurgaon with donor sperm ranges from INR 2 00 000 to INR 2 40 000. A couple planning to conceive a baby through a sperm donor fertility procedure must speak to the fertility expert before making any decisions.
Why do people from other countries prefer the test tube baby process at a World Fertility Services?
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People from other countries prefer the test tube baby process at World Fertility Services for the following reasons. These are:
Cost-effective treatments: World Fertility Services is a clinic where people will get affordable test tube baby in gurgaon, which help many couples below the poverty line enjoy the phase of parenthood.
Success rates: The success rates of the test tube baby in gurgaon at World Fertility Services are high compared to other countries because fertility experts at this clinic use the latest & advanced technologies to treat infertility issues. Also, this clinic has experienced and qualified fertility professionals who make successful conception possible for couples of growing ages.
Less waiting time: If a couple needs a sperm, egg, or embryo donor for their treatment, the waiting time is less & they don't have to stand in long queues because the representative of this clinic sends the couple's requirement via email, & if couples found the requirements are matched, they visit the fertility clinic to begin the procedure.
Positive energy: People whosoever visit the World Fertility Services experience the positive vibes around them, & couples see that fertility experts, counsellors, and other medical staff are taking care of individuals personally & helping them to understand the test tube baby in gurgaon procedure so that couple concentrates on the treatment to achieve a successful outcome.
Services offered: A World Fertility Services is where people will get world-class facilities under one roof, saving their time, energy, & money. The couple gets the best counsellors who make their journey comfortable & pleasant, which allows them to focus on their treatment. The experts & other staff members are available 24*7 so couples can get all essential medications necessary for the treatment.
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World Fertility Services of blessings for people who cannot conceive a baby naturally & struggling for a long to have a baby. The experts at this centre are highly skilled & trained and make pregnancies possible for couples of growing ages who other fertility clinics rejected. The experts use high-end equipment purchased from the international market to deliver the highest success rates at a reasonable cost.
The test tube baby process is very reasonable at this clinic and can be easily afforded by people below the poverty line to enjoy the parenthood phase happily. The expert of this clinic wishes to spread happiness worldwide & they wish everyone on this planet can experience the joy of parenthood.
Read More: https://worldfertilityservices.com/test-tube-baby-cost-in-gurgaon/
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rolligun · 2 years
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howtofightwrite · 3 years
Hello! Thanks for running this (very helpful) blog! So, if a character was to loose a decent ammount of blood (enough to make them loose conciousness, etc, but not actually die.) what would the recovery process for that look like? How long would they be unconcious? How soon would they be able to stand/move? The character in quesion is very physically fit, and the blood loss was due to a wound in the side/abdomen area via a sword, if that is relavent. Thanks for answering!
Probably never, barring necromancy.
So, loss of consciousness from blood loss usually means you've lost over two liters of blood. That's about 40% of the blood in your body. If you're loosing blood fast enough to pass out, chances are, without immediate medical attention, you're going to die.
Getting stabbed in the abdomen in a really bad wound. There's a lot of organs in there that are simultaneously vital for keeping you alive and healthy, but also exceptionally adept at killing you when abused. Your kidneys and liver are basically large repositories of blood waiting to end your life from internal hemorrhaging. Your intestines are just waiting to put you into septic shock and kill you if they're nicked by a blade. Your stomach is something you really don't want to see ruptured.
Lower abdominal wounds aren't just really dangerous, they're actually pretty nasty and graphic. This is a lot of stuff you do not want to damage. And will require some pretty advanced surgery to survive and recover.
So, stepping away from that for a moment, if a character suffers a wound, and is bleeding severely enough for them to lose consciousness at a relatively rapid pace, it will kill them. As mentioned earlier, losing more than about 2 liters will cause you to lose consciousness, but fatal bloodloss ranges from 2.5L to 4L lost (depending on the individual.) At best, they lost consciousness half-way to dying, and they will bleed out in roughly the same amount of time.
There's some potential situations, where the victim is able to seal off a wound in the field before passing out. For example, if they stabbed through the arm and had been losing blood, but had the presence of mind to cauterize the wound before losing consciousness, they might recover. (Though, this wouldn't apply to an abdominal wound.)
Multiple (relatively) minor wounds might be able clot, saving their life, even if the cumulative bloodloss would have been fatal eventually. This is especially true if they lose consciousness some time after the injuries. However, this is a somewhat artificial situation, because the character would need to lose enough blood to go into hypovolemic shock, while also managing the rate of bloodloss carefully enough as to avoid killing them. It could happen, I'm almost positive that it has happened, but engineering that situation is tricky.
Beyond that, it's worth remembering that hypovolemic shock is actually pretty debilitating long before you lose consciousness, slip into a coma and die.
(Keep in mind, these are modern medical terms and wouldn't apply in a fantasy setting.) Hypovolemia is grouped into 4 stages.
Stage 1 is up to 750mL lost. The victim will appear pale, but otherwise they're fin. They may feel terrible, and drained, but this is the stage where they're still functional.
Stage 2 is 750-1500mL, at this point the victim will start to experience anxiety, and they will start to experience mild tachycardia, and their respiration will increase.
Stage 3 is from 1500mL to 2L, and at this point the victim will start suffering serious cognitive impairment, they'll be confused, their heart rate will be roughly double what it should be, their respiration rate will be significantly increased.
With Stage 4, loss of consciousness, coma, death. Technically, you can be in stage 4 without losing consciousness. Though the mental state is not great. There's also more severe tachycardia, their skin may appear mottled (with some patches appearing completely drained of blood), breathing will be very rapid and shallow. This is someone who is dying and you can see it.
If you are losing a lot of blood, and you lose consciousness, it's over, you're dead. As a result, your body does everything it can to delay that from happening. Even by Stage 2, you're not going to be in fighting shape. You can't just keep fighting through that much bloodloss.
When it comes to recovery, there is a trick. Your body can produce plasma pretty quickly. You can recover the loss of 2L of blood in 24 to 48 hours, sort of. The problem is that your body is only producing plasma to bring the volume back up. Actually replacing the lost blood will take a lot longer. Probably 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the individual.
I'm not 100% sure what the symptoms would be for someone having that much plasma in their circulatory system. It wouldn't be life threatening, but would be unpleasant. I'm pretty sure fatigue, headaches, visual and auditory hallucinations are on the table, but I'd need to do a lot more digging into this specific situation to be completely certain. Regardless, symptoms would drop off pretty quickly over the weeks as their blood plasma levels evened out.
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gothickyle · 2 years
fluff comfort, trauma mention
Wc: 750
It’s been a while since I’ve written something Bc of school so this is really bad, sorry
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While taking a bath, I heard the front door open. I knew it was my husband when he shouted “HONEY I'M HOME!” He says that every single time and it always brings a smile to my face. Years of being in abusive and uncomfortable relationships and finally finding myself in a healthy relationship is something I am very proud of.
Levi opened the bathroom door and found me there. “That smells nice, are you using the bath bomb you bought last week?” He gave me a kiss on the cheek and I replied with “Yeah, it's a birthday cake flavor. If you're hungry, I made pasta. I left you a plate of it in the microwave.”
“Alright, thank you for making it for me, your cooking is the best baby.”
And with that, I fell into a dark pit of black.
For the past few days, I keep having flashbacks of my past. I was abused by my step dad in many forms which developed my many abusive relationships in my early 20s.I was so lost that when i met my husband, Levi, at the time, I thought he was just gonna be like the others.
In my life I've been judged for everything. My looks,education,relationships,mental health, etc. Most of it was from my mother who never believed when I told her what her husband did to me. I tried to forgive my mother for not believing me and i wanted to have a good relationship with her.
When it was time to introduce Levi to my mother, she judged. She told me I looked like a fool because he was just gonna use me like all the other men and he's way too good for me because he has a lot of money and comes from a successful and well known family.
When it came to meeting his mother, I was so scared. Thinking I wasn’t good enough. I was proven wrong though. I consider her my mom and when we got married, she walked me down the aisle and everything.
I remember when I met Levi, my whole life changed. He knows about my past and childhood and he's helped me heal. My life is going so well right now that it feels so good and now I feel like something might happen. My thoughts keep making me more insecure like I was before.
I feel like I'm suffocating and I don't wanna ruin things.
I was on the bed after an hour of taking my bath. I was waiting for Levi to come. He was eating and watching tv at this time. He works so hard that I feel like I just sit around and do nothing. He told me that if I want to work after we got married that's fine but he makes a lot of money and said that I don't need to have a job because he will always take care of me.
I don’t mind that but I feel like people judge me. I think that's my biggest problem
While being in my delusional mind, I felt an arm wrap around my arm. ”What’s that pretty head of yours thinking about? Did you not hear me calling you baby?”
“Sorry, I've just been out of it these past few days.” Levi and I were getting more comfy on the bed and he wrapped the blanket on us.
“I've noticed, are you feeling okay? Do you wanna tell me something?”
There's a lot of things I wanna say. I don't wanna say them because I feel like I am too much.
“I know how you get when you're feeling bad, just tell me. Everything is gonna be okay.”
I felt the tears come out my eyes and Levi moved me over so he could see my face. I told him about everything and all of my bad ideas went away. He knows how to comfort me and how to bring me down. It’s like he was meant to save me from this cruel world. He made a promise to me to always keep me safe and i definatiny feel it. I need to learn how to love myself and to stop thinking everyone is judging me. Even if they are, why should I care? It's my life and it's been perfect since I met my husband. The night was so calming to us and we enjoyed every second of it.
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roobylavender · 2 years
what are the main conflicts between bruce and talia in the post-lexcorp area? also you are so right in the seeing relationships with tension instead of just unrealistic idyllic "bliss", it's so much more rewarding when there is tension and having to work to get through things. two different people with different goals making the mutual decision to understand each other. relationships where love is a deliberate, conscious choice!!
trust and faith, imo. bruce is someone who generally has faith in talia's good intentions, and that's why he's quick to ally with her whenever their paths cross, even in situations where they're originally at odds. but the problem is that his faith is to an extent conditional. so long as she's even moderately attached to her father he doesn't trust himself to be with her bc of the potential complications. and he has a right to that obv, but at the same time it's not what talia deserves, esp as someone who eventually grows to dread being within her father's vicinity and could use an out like being with bruce, considering she has no other connections. when bruce does give her that option, in dc #750, it's too little, too late. talia leaves on horseback and insists on forging her own path, to the point that she conveniently avoids meeting bruce face-to-face even once during her lexcorp tenure (there is their meeting in hush, but we all know it's ooc and not in line with anything else that transpires between them during that era, so) despite indirectly helping him. she ends up exhausted, embittered, isolated. so in the aftermath there is a lot of fractured trust that has to be rebuilt on bruce's end so that talia isn't made to feel like she'll only ever be the product of her father's actions
on the flip side, though, provided we're trying to overlap lexcorp era with lost days/under the red hood era in some sensible capacity (a missed opportunity from editorial, alas, although maybe for the better considering winick was already on his weird talia kissing jason agenda by that time, tragically), there is also a fractured trust that has to be rebuilt on talia's end as well. for whatever her good intentions, she indirectly brings the red hood to fruition. she hides the truth of jason's resurrection from bruce. she hides the truth of her own involvement in his progression thereafter. and in an ideal world obv i would have loved for her to confront jason after his insane stint trying to kill the joker, maybe convince him to forge another, healthier path, but even then: she has to confront bruce someday about what she has already "allowed" to happen. she has to take ownership of those things. she has to take ownership of hiding damian. she has to potentially figure out how to work with him again when they try to save damian from ra's, despite all of the secrets and apprehensions between them
so bruce and talia have a lot of faith in each other as people, at the core. they always will. but their trust in each other is shot to hell by the time lexcorp era is over, and repairing that will take time and effort that they've never really had before bc their meetings with each other are so often clandestine and chaotic. trying to help jason, working to save damian. those are circumstances that could cause their paths to overlap in a more long-term manner and that would really force them to confront some of the subconscious issues plaguing their relationship despite the very real love they have for each other. and that could probably help them actually be friends for once. they zoomed through the in-love and married stages very quickly, and it was hardly healthy, esp for talia. i wish writers were more willing to address that 
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alicehattera03 · 4 years
can i request an lp au in which Anastacius reveals himself, the truth abt Jenette and gave Claude's locked memories back on his bday banquet, Anastacius took all of Claude's dark magic and mana leaving him unable to fight back. Claude and everyone was terrified but suddenly, Athanasia barges in, and they thought that the princess they disrespected and mocked was going to save them from the previous emperor but she was actually an accomplice. i love you and don't forget to take care of youself!
ANON LP VERSE UGH SO GOOD- ILY 2!!! I WILL TAKE CARE OF MYSELF AHHH TYSM!!!! YOU TOO, STAY SAFE AND HEALTHY!!!! (Cause this is dedicated to anon and novel claude who said I will drink poison if it’s you who gave it to me- MM mayhaps we were robbed-)
Fandom: WMMAP/Who made me a princess
Ship/Genre: No ship, gen/ LP AU, angst
Word count: 750
The audience room is terrifyingly cold. Their emotions running high and rampant as hundreds of eyes look from one end of the room to the other, their breaths stifled, hoping to kill their presence in the standstill that two people were currently having in front of them. 
Two emperors locked eyes on the other, and everything was still. 
And then Claude’s hand reaches out with a speed that he didn’t know he still had, his mana crackling with a fury that would raze the empire to the ground, and finds himself choking on the mass of dark mana that surrounded him. Anastasius quirks his lips up, amused by his little brother’s futile struggle, and decides to give him the one thing he might have desired most, perhaps that too was in the past. But he would still give it to him. 
Locked in place as he feels his throat close up from the suffocating mana that was leaving him, Claude feels something pierce his head, and he lurches forward, eyes wide. Diana- Athanasia, chimera- fakefalseitcouldn’tbefakefakeithadtobefaKEFAKE. 
Athanasia enters the room, her gem eyes were cold, as if not seeing the hundreds of nobles begging for mercy, and her heels click against the floor before it meets soft carpeting. “It’s her highness, Athanasia! Please, your highness, save us! Please!” Their voices are filled with a light, strange feeling. Hope. Something she had long since forgotten it seems. When she refuses to answer them, they backpedal. 
Her heart winces at the way they plead for her to look their way, how they were sorry for laughing at her, so sorry for disrespecting her- but she blocks her ears and continues fowards. She stands next to Anastasius, looking up at him with an odd look in her eyes, and he pats her on the shoulder. “Go on then, dear niece.” The nobles fall silent at the sight, their princess wasn’t on their side. A feeling of collective betrayal falls over the crowd, and some can’t understand why she would choose to do such a thing. But those with a conscience look away, for they know why.
She hadn’t been on the side of the angels or the demons. She was only on her own side. And when they hadn’t helped her, of course she wouldn’t help them. She was only here for one thing, and then she would say her farewells to this empire. It had to be done. 
“This was always going to happen, daddy. One way or another, I was going to leave you.” A tear slides down her cheek, her eyes still cold as her voice, and she doesn’t seem to notice the salt upon her lips as she continues. “But still, I thought of you as a good father for these years.” He shakes on the throne, the memories still rushing through his head. His voice escapes him at last. “Athanasia, wait-” A small smile on her face, she could feel freedom licking at her ankles. “In the end, this was how we were meant to be. Goodbye, daddy.”
As if it couldn’t get any worse, Claude was powerless against everything that was happening, he couldn’t speak, his voice was cut, and he watched as Athanasia moved further and further away after getting Anastasius’s approval.. Just like that time at her debutante. But he knew that this time, if she moved out of his sight, he would never see her again. The fates- ah the fates were cruel, you see. 
Anastasius watches his niece leave her father behind, silently laughing on the inside because until the very end, he never tells her that her father’s memories had returned. He wonders to himself, would she too, break apart if he tells her of what she’s done?
 He chuckles before setting fire to the room. He could always build a new throne room. Black magic swirling up to the ceiling as he slammed the doors shut to the sound of screams, and desperate pounding as he watches the smoke escape from the small gaps under the doors. Exhilarating. 
A single sentence repeating in his mind, the mortal body that locks him in place releases him as he passes. “Goodbye, daddy.” He hadn’t wanted to hear that again. Never again. And the lone figure sits upon the throne, surrounded by figures dancing within the blackened flames of Anastasius, and his gem eyes still stare at the doors as his flesh melts away, exposing bone as Claude rasps out his last words.
                                            “Goodbye, Athanasia.”
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financecoach · 4 years
What do you do with your take home pay? Whether you get paid in cash, check, payroll check or direct deposit you have bills to pay. The typical order of where our cash goes is to Food, Shelter and everything else. It’s the everything else where the decision making takes place. We have to make good decisions or some of the bills are not going to get paid. Living payday to payday is a stressful existence. Always having that voice in your head saying “what happens if I get sick, or lose my job, or get my hours cut…” is a miserable daily grind.
How do we get off that wheel?
Let’s put aside for now that we want a better job or higher paying job. Let’s focus on what we have direct control over right now! Here are just some of the areas to explore.
Rent or Mortgage payment – If you are still living with your parents and they don’t charge you go to #2! If you are renting, is the rent about 20%-25% of your monthly take home pay? If the rent is higher, then you are paying too much. Example: If your monthly take home is $3000, your rent should be around $750.
Car Payment – Are you driving a vehicle that is draining your wallet? An old beater that requires a lot of repairs is costing you potentially more than the cost of a low mileage lease on a Honda Civic or Toyota Corolla. Making the right decision on weighing the pros and cons of choosing reliable transportation within our financial ability is something a Financial Coach can assist with.
Food and Beverage – We all should be eating healthy and not overspending. Sometimes those two option don’t go together. Typically, we do not realize that the $3-$5 daily Latte or Cappuccino is cutting into our monthly budget. 3 days a week at $5 a day adds up to $60 per month. Reallocating $50-$60 on healthier food can make us feel better and help us keep some weight off. Or, how about that nightly cocktail at your favorite hangout for happy hour. Add that up and ask yourself can those dollars be reallocated to a better choice?
Car Insurance – 15 minutes will save you a lot of money. Not endorsing a specific brand, but when is the last time you reevaluated your car insurance coverages and cost? Over time these dollars add up to a ton of money.
Subscriptions – In the digital age, we are paying for Internet, Cable TV, Netflix, Hulu, Apple Music or Sirius XM, Amazon Prime Membership Etc. Add all this up and ask yourself if having all these services is worth it, or can these dollars be reallocated?
The Ultimate Goal
These are just some of the questions we can explore and make some different decisions to get to the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is having enough cash left over after paying all the bills, including paying our credit cards off in full every month, to save at least 6 months of living expenses in an emergency fund. After we establish the emergency fund we can think about making some other investments.
This is a permanent way of life. You need to commit to it. Keeping your eye on the prize in the long run gives you the opportunity to do what you want, when you want to do it. It’s Financial Freedom. You do not have to be a millionaire to become financially unburdened on a monthly basis.
Let’s talk about the methods on how to achieve the ultimate goal. First, you might consider downloading the Budget Worksheet and fill it out. It’s an easy way to determine where you can make improvements in your financial life. Work with us further and we’ll immediately give you credit for the cost of the Budget Worksheet.
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Nutritional MLM Supplements N
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capo-cedes · 5 years
Let The Festivities Begin.
INVOLVED: Mercedes D'onofrio, Nicholas D’onofrio, Al Mazomanie, Donna Mazomanie, Rebecca Mazomanie, Paul D’onofrio, Bernice D’onofrio, & Freddie D’angelo. TIME FRAME: Saturday, February 22nd, 2020. LOCATION: NY Venue; New York City, New York. NOTES: Mercedes and Nicholas host an Engagement Party. 
As the limousine pulled up to the venue Mercedes grabbed her bag and she stepped out of the vehicle, standing up on her heels. She grabbed Freddie’s hand moving forward towards the entrance as she adjusted the fur coat, placing the hood of the coat over her head blocking the snowfall from messing up her pin curls. The venue was booming for such short notice, but she didn’t expect it not to be either, Al’s youngest daughter was getting married and to none other than Nicholas D’onofrio it was the place to be in NYC and not to mention an event you didn’t want to miss. She licked her red painted lips, pulling down her squint dress as she looked back for her husband waiting to enter with him. Weeks of eating and sleeping caused the dress to cling to her in places she hadn’t meant to emphasize before however, her husband loved it so she guessed everyone else, Rebecca especially, would have to just accept it and love it too.
Nicholas gazed thoughtfully at the majesty of the venue his wife had so dutifully picked out. Oops, his fiancée. He must remember that. No one knew they were already husband and wife. And tonight, was supposed to be their engagement party. Left to his own devices, less would have always been more. Only he hadn't married a less type of woman. So, he resigned himself to this night and all the others she had cooked up for them in the future. His cold green eyes warmed as they slid from the building to land on Red. He stepped from the car, rising up to tower over the woman even in heels. "You know," He said one last look at the entrance, awash in red roses, with petals leading up the walk. "We could always skip this charade and just tell everyone; we're married and that I have already knocked you up. It would save time." He said wrapping his arms around his wife from behind. "And money." He grinned, not actually caring one wit how much the woman spent.
Mercedes looked over her shoulder at her husband as he wrapped her up in his strong arms. She listened to his words and provided him with a kind smirk before she said “Al would kill me” to him gently. Her father liked the traditional standpoint to everything, how ironic. “We have to do it right, you know that” she told him with a smirk as she pulled away from him grabbing his hand and lacing their fingers. “Come on” she said pecking his lips, smudge proof red lipstick a godsend as she tugged him towards the entrance happily. “And please put on a happy face daddy, you’ve pretended with more for less” she said with a raised domineering brow. “Especially if you want pussy tonight” she added with a purr as she moved into the building happily. She dropped her hood finally and allowed Freddie to take her coat and purse as if on cue, revealing the gown fully and her well put together hair. She looked to her husband, well fiancé tonight, and smirked. Music was blaring and people were chattering. She guessed it was their time to shine.
Nicholas rubbed over Red's midsection where his child grew. Odd as the thought was, he'd kill the man who didn't follow traditions with his potential daughter. He grunted, "I know." And he did. Respect was everything, besides fear that is. And even now he had a healthy dose of both for the crime boss. Al slipped from his mind as Red kissed him, playfully. He shook his head. "The things I do for love" he recited as he allowed Red to pull him up the walkway. He bit his lip but couldn't hide his smile. "You deny me over a smile?" He asked coolly as they entered the warmth of the building. His head swiveled from side to side as he removed his jacket. He knew everyone that would be at this party, nevertheless, he surveyed the room memorizing every detail. You never knew when a quick getaway would be needed. Smoothing down the front of his hand-sewn, tailored tux, he checked the gun tucked in the small of his back. He was about to issue instructions to Freddie, when his eyes fell on Red. One step back, he marveled at every inch of the woman, literally in red tonight. Stepping up to her smoothly, he interlocked their fingers once more. His green eyes held her honey brown ones, burned with unbridled desire.  He brought the back of her hand to his lips, kissing it softly. "Twenty-nine minutes." He told her as he led her forward.  "Cause in thirty, that dress is coming off." His voice was deadly serious, as he smiled entering the hall.    
“It’s hard to deny you over anything these days” Mercedes said as she moved to straighten his tie a bit in his tux. “You look handsome” she said pecking his lips again at his words she chuckled at him shaking her head as the double doors opened and revealed them to a multitude of people. “Shit” she mumbled under her breath, his happened to be a jab at Rebecca but it grew into so much more as she stepped forward with his fingers laced tightly as she looked around the large crowd booming with excitement for their arrival. Body to body, she moved through the crowd greeting a few people she thought she knew, some she actually desired to see there before Al wrapped her up his arms hugging her tightly to his chest, a cigar and glass of Scotch in one hand.
“You look stunning!” Al said to Mercedes “Nicky my boy” he greeted letting Mercedes go to hug the man something he would not have ever been caught dead doing. “I am so happy, you two have no idea what a happy man you make me” he told them both as he placed the cigar between his lips and wrapped his arms around them moving through the crowd. “Everybody who’s anybody is here” he said before he looked to Mercedes pecking her cheek. “Your mother has been talking about how happy she is to finally watch someone walk down the aisle all night!”
Mercedes allowed Al to wrap her up in his arms, eyes wide as she patted his back gently. As he pulled away, she fixed her dress and looked to Nicky with a bit of shock laced in her smile as he greeted her, husband who would soon be her husband, again? She walked with the man smirking as she looked around for her dear sister. She looked over to Nicholas as she chuckled to herself lightly, Al was drunk, drunk and hyped up on a family celebration. She was amused. “You two can’t possibly be more excited than Nicky and I” she retorted with a smirk at her father.
The doors to the hall swung open, revealing an event, unparalleled by any New York or the Mazomanie family had held in over a decade. He should have known the guest list would swell, this was after all, the event of the year. Nicholas itched between his shoulder blades; security was in place. He was sure of that. But it still wrangled him that he no longer had a trusted second in command to hold the soldier’s reins. He glanced back at Freddie, who for tonight had the command of all guards. Well, if something were to happen, he’d get Red and the baby out. Nicholas could live or die assured in that knowledge. The music was just barely audible over the murmur of the crowd. Richly dressed people laughed as waiters snaked through there number offering glasses of pale wine and finger foods to guests. Still, though, who the hell were all these people? Nicholas thought. More or less, tugged forward by his wife. He nodded graciously at person after person. He didn’t really see them though. Instead with each step he marked the Mazomanie family. Vittorio, Steven, Willie, Monica, he counted off. They were easy to find.  Where the crowd seemed to swirl like a whirlpool, in the center you’d find a capo. Everyone and their seconds in command were present. Everyone but, Rebecca. The woman’s name alone churned his stomach. His mood lifted further as he identified New Jersey's Governor Phil Murphy, and New York's police Commissioner Dermot F. Shea in attendance. At least, for the moment, he could content himself that, no one in the five boroughs of New York, or the suburbs of New Jersey would be fool hearted enough to try anything tonight.
The smell of Gurkha His Majesty’s Reserve wafted towards Nicholas' nose. Only one man in New York smoked $750 cigars, Don Al Mazomanie. Nicholas let Red's hand slip from his own as the man greeted his daughter. Smiling as if the compliment on her beauty had anything to do with him. He added his own, “she's positively glowing,” he said, smirking evilly at Red. Nicholas’ heart thumped nervously in his chest, as the Don turned his affections on him. He clapped the man on his back, sharing the shocked expression painted on his wife’s face. Stiffly, he greeted his father-in-law, holding to formalities. “Don.” Out of the impromptu embrace, Al moved them through the crowd. Everyone instinctively opened out around them. Only refilling the gap after they’d passed. Nicholas pulled at his cuff links smiling, then idly touched the back of his neck. In a sea of people, he had the very unpleasant feeling that someone was watching them, coldly.  
"Happy, happy couple…" Rebecca tsked. The stem of the wine glass cracked in her grasp. She watched the show tucked away in a corner of the room. She’d make an appearance, but only when she wanted to be seen. She shook the glass from her hand, and turned her palm up, blood draining across her porcelain white skin. Why was it the wrong person always had to bleed. She snatched a napkin from the table and dabbed the blood away as she once again found her father, lovingly escorting the happy couple to their place of honor. The stupid bitch had stayed. She wondered why? Or rather how Nicholas had managed to deceive her sister. No way would Tiny's pride have allowed her to stay with the man. So, there had to be deception involved. She could fix that. And Mercedes had given her the perfect venue to do so. She smirked. Already preparing her toast.
Mercedes tucked her lips away at Nicholas words, looking to her father as she tucked a curl back in place as he guided them towards her mother essentially. “Dad who are half of these people?” she asked him nervously. She knew her father would never put any of them in harms way but there were too many bodies to be able to wash your eyes over everyone and there was a mighty big price on her head rather her husband and father knew that or not. Might she also add, she couldn’t find her dear sister anywhere, but she knew Al wouldn’t let her out of not coming. “Where is Rebecca?” she asked him gently “I haven’t seen my sister in days” she played along.
Al looked to Mercedes and he pulled the cigar from his mouth, he tossed back his drink and sat it on a tray as he moved for their massive table in the center of the room. “Family!” he exclaimed happily as he looked around them before he said “my daughter is getting married” he told her hugging her close “this is a sight for anyone to see and quite evidently a gossip piece for others. Tiny, New York loves you, you know that” he reminded. He looked at Nicholas and said “isn’t that right Nicky? '' easily before he approached his wife finally having treaded through the crowd. “Your sister is, somewhere around here. Sure, to have a drink in her hand” he told her. “Never mind her” he waved off knowingly as he spun Mercedes around for his wife “look at her, pure perfection” he told her.
Donna looked at Mercedes as she approached, the woman was ‘glowing’, and she batted her lashes. Chuckling as Al spun the woman around, and she took her in “you look beautiful” she said looking to her husband and then Mercedes. She stood up and hugged the girl tightly to her pecking her cheek sweetly “you do look ravishing dear” she said grabbing her hands and looking her over. The friction caused by her husband in her household was never okay with her, but Al ran the show and she sat and looked pretty. That was her job as his wife. She looked over at Nicholas and said “hi” sweetly hugging the boy as well “you look handsome Nicky” she said using his pet name. “You two complement each other so well” she said through red painted lips.
Nicholas didn't doubt the Don's pronouncement of the family. But there were a few, big Whig heavy hitters in the room, that he was sure where there out of respect and for business. He licked his full lips, however, and said nothing. Al spun his fairy-tale for his daughter and Nicholas nodded along. She deserved this crowd. His wife was a queen. "Absolutely!" He agreed without hesitation. His ears perked up when Rebecca's name was tossed out. He wanted to find the woman, they needed to have a conversation. Underboss or not. Nicholas, stepped into Donna's grasp, hugging the woman appropriately before stepping away. "Thank you. And might I add you look lovely tonight Mrs. M."  
Mercedes spun with her father slowly on her high heels and she hugged her mother lovingly, she happened to be the only person Red could say without a doubt tried to pour love into her. She happened to be the glue that kept them all together and Mercedes appreciated that. “Thank you” she said at her words she smiled looking over at Nicholas, she guessed they did complement each other very well. She looked around again however as her mother and Nicholas spoke, she was lurking somewhere in the middle of all of this she knew Rebecca too well to know that she was close by somewhere. Licking her lips, she looked at the photos of her and Nicholas that adorned the space. Massive professional portraits taken of them, one in particular she loved was of her hugging him from behind, his cheek was painted with prints from her red covered lips. She smiled at that before she looked back at the small group and said “daddy” cutely “Nicky and I have to go greet some other guest” she sung out.
Donna smirked at Nicholas kindly “thank you dear” she said patting his shoulder before she moved to seat herself once more. She looked to Mercedes knowingly and smirked at her before she looked at her husband “come, sit” she said grabbing his hand, he was a cup away from being under the table though she knew for him it was a huge celebration.
Al looked at Mercedes and he nodded “of course” he told her pecking her cheek again. “Go on you two” he said waving them off letting his wife guide him to his seat and he parked his butt in it resting his cigar aside and grabbing another drink.
Nicholas smiled, stepping easily up behind the matriarch, he held her chair as she resumed her seat. Surrounded by Mercedes' family, he wondered for the first time, where his mother and brothers were. He looked around the room trying to pick them out in the crowd with no luck. Moving to take Mercedes hand. "She's right. If you see my mother, would you please point her in our direction." He said, respectfully to Al and Donna.
Mercedes smirked as her husband and she held his hand as they moved from her father. “He’s half past drunk” she said to him as she looked back at Al “not to mention I don’t know a good portion of these people and I don’t like that” she told Nicholas as she looked around them again. “I sent out invites, I didn’t expect him to make this into this big thing Nicky I am sorry” she said having stopped them in the middle of the floor and she looked at his face expectantly. He hated this shit she knew that already and she didn’t know how long his good boy act would last. “We won’t stay long” she told him.
Nicholas waded out into the sea of people, most of his concentration on finding his mother among the crowd. He heard Red but wasn't really paying her complete attention. "Al will do as he likes." He concluded, knowing full well, how the man operated. Once they stopped, Nicholas looked down at his wife, his face a mixture of wonder and astonishment. He brought his hand up to her face and kissed her softly. Something he realized he'd never done in such an open place, in front of these people. "It's fine, Red." He said gently. "We'll stay as long as you like. Or until I can't stand the sight of that dress on you any longer." He grinned, hand moving dangerously low on her waist. "Let’s see if we can find my mother."
Paul needed an in. Four years older than Nicholas, he'd been a soldier longer then his brother had been a part of the family. Yet, he stood lower. A fact that bothered him more than his other two brothers. He'd have sold Nicholas into slavery like Joseph from the bible. Shit, even if he succeeded the story would have ended up the same. With Nicholas exactly where he was now. Even though he had to admit with Nicholas, basically taking over their father's place, their power had grown. And now this marriage was pure genius. He would have married the older sister personally, but Nicholas had to have a reason for picking Mercedes over Underboss Rebecca. He found Rebecca easily near the back of the room. Maybe the woman just didn't like his brother. He knew she was a ball buster. But so was Tiny. He thought, rubbing his chin. He found Nicholas in the crowd easily, Red always stood out, and tonight she was the only woman in a full-length red gown. He moved towards the pair, quickly. It was time to make his move.  "Nicky baby. This is quite some party. Tiny. I can't believe you got this man to settle down." It was known among the family that no one was to ever speak of Sara. As far as Nicholas was concerned, Mercedes was his first and only wife.
As Nicholas kissed her among the waves of human bodies, she kissed him back sweetly closing her eyes for a time before she looked up at him. Nodding her head, she agreed with what he said, again he was playing along, and she could respect that. At the mention of his mother she nodded her head at him and said “right” as she grabbed his hand again. Mercedes looked at Nicholas brother and she smiled as he greeted them both. “Nice to see you Paul” she replied easily to him and she chuckled at his remark resting her hand on Nicholas chest cutely “well you know what they say about true love” she replied nestled to her husband’s side. “We were just wondering where all of you were” she said easily as she pushed a curl back gently.
Nicholas turned as his brother, made his appearance. His arm went around Red's waist, holding her tight against him, for no other reason than he liked the feel of her tucked there. "I was beginning to think you all weren't here. Where's mom?" He asked in a tone more business than a party.
"I most certainly do not." Paul said, shaking his head in fear. "And I hope I never have to. I'll leave that kind of thing for people like you and Nicky here." Paul threw his head over his shoulder. "This way. I'll take you to her." He said, placing himself in front of Nicholas and Mercedes he made his way through the crowd, "Andrea's here with her new boyfriend. I have a good feeling about this one, Nicky. She really wants you to meet him." He said, idly as he led the way. "Mama!" He called, stepping aside, "I brought your baby boy and his fiancée."
Bernice turned away from her conversation with her daughter, piercing emerald eyes, taking in her youngest son and his new ... Fiancée. She wasn't sure about this union. She'd known Tiny since she was a girl in pigtails, but she heard stories about the woman she'd become and wasn't yet convinced she knew how to be a wife to Nicholas. Mercedes was a Capo and despite all this love shit. Two bosses together weren’t a good idea. If things went sour, it would be her baby's life on the line, not Mercedes. "I see you've learned the meaning of fashionably late." She moved and hugged her son. "I'll have to decide if I like this new Nicholas." She said releasing him to hug Mercedes. "My dear, you are a vision." She hesitated and touched the woman's face. Staring into her eyes intently, she licked her lips knowingly. "Baby, give mother a moment alone with your fiancée." She said, pulling Mercedes away from the group of men. The older woman crooked a finger at her own personal guard, instructing them to stay vigilant.
Nicholas laughed, drawing his mother from the floor into his hug. "You always said I was too serious. I'm trying to loosen up." He said, releasing the shorter woman. He looked to his mother curiously, but nodded, kissing the back of Red's hand as she was led away. He turned, all business back to Paul. "Have you seen the Underboss. I need to have a word with her." He whispered, intently to Paul, as they moved over to his sister.
Paul nodded, quick as a flash, "You want me to take you to her? She has been hiding out in the back most of the night."
Nicholas kissed Andrea on the cheek, as his cold green eyes looked over her new boyfriend. "Yeah," He said to Paul with a quick nod. He ignored Andrea's friend’s outstretched hand. "I'll be right back." He told the man, in a tone that said motherfucker you better be here when I return.
Mercedes snorted at Paul “aw, Paul” she cooed “a little love never hurt anyone” she joked as she patted her husband’s chest gently. At the mention of his mother, Red followed Nicholas hand and hand as she looked around them again, she still hadn’t spotted her damn sister, cursing her small stature and hers as well at this point. As they approached the woman Red looked to her with a bright smile on her face, she always wanted a large family, a tight knit one at that. And despite herself she wanted to be connected to everyone, essentially for their child’s sake if nothing more. As mother and son hugged, Red let his hand go, she’d never ever picture her coming before his mother and she wouldn’t try. Just as Nicholas respectfully couldn’t come before Al, right? As the woman approached her, looked to her with a bright smile “it is always a delight to stand before just unchanging beauty” she breathed “the years have been impeccable to you” she complimented. As the woman whisked her away from Nicholas, she looked back at him and then looked to his mother.
Bernice turned, finger covering her painted lips, staring Mercedes straight in the eyes. She sighed and lowered her finger. "May I speak frankly?" She asked the young woman, hand tapping against her thigh.
As promised Paul led Nicholas directly to Rebecca. He clapped the man proudly on the back. "Stay here. And make sure no one, not even Mercedes disturbs us." He said, before walking away from his brother. "Underboss...” He greeted once close to the woman. His word lacked even a slither of respect and he knew it.
Rebecca saw them come. A pack of wolves moving together across the floor. And here she thought she'd have to send for Nicholas. She heard the scorn in his tone and laughed. "Nicky, Nicky, Nicky..." She purred, sitting back in her seat. "I never thought you had it in you." She said clapping her hands together. There was no use for mincing words with the man, he was ever blunt as an anvil. "Did you come hoping to persuade me to keep our secrets?"
Mercedes licked her painted lip, though nothing was going to budge it from moving. She wondered where his mother was going with this but nonetheless, she nodded her head. “Of course,” she replied “I respect nothing more than the truth from people” she said to the older woman. Now, thanks to love she had shed a lot of her evil ways, he softened places of her that had been hardened over the years but at the end of the day. Everyone had to know Red, would be Red, she demanded respect, cherish honesty, and wise beyond her measures. She clasped her hands in front of her as she walked with the woman essentially parting the red sea as she did.
Bernice's perfect eyebrow rose, "Thank you." She said, liking the girl’s response. Her husband was a whole lot of unspeakable shit. But the one thing he always was with her was honest. Even when she hadn't wanted him to be. She took Mercedes by the arm and moved as if no one else was in the room. "Nicholas is my baby. Of all my son's he's the one, I thought wouldn't end up in this life. How wrong I was..." She shrugged, moving on. "Now that he is, I worry about him. I know I can't make his decisions for him. He is stubborn and headstrong. He got that from both me and his father." She laughed, fondly remembering her husband. With a sigh, she stopped to look at the woman seriously, "He needs gentleness and understanding when he's alone at home. He needs a wife... Are you that? Can a woman on your level walk the path of a leader and mob wife?"
Nicholas' fingers itched, he walked around the table and sat on the edge. "No..." He said simply, staring hard down at the woman. Noting the stained napkin on the table, "I came to ask why? Why? Did you feel the need to tell Mercedes anything?"
Rebecca felt the cold edge in Nicholas' voice, but she sat back straight refusing to be cowed. "My sweet sister... She deserved to know the truth. That her fiancé was a double dipping bastard that doesn't really love her. I know you Nicholas. I've tasted you. I know how you long and thirst for power. And soon she'll know it too. Make your offer and if I like it. I might not ruin this night too."
The smug bitch thought she knew him. He leaned close to her and whispered into her ear, "You can stop calling Michael. People don't tend to answer calls from the cemetery." She stiffened and Nicholas smiled. He pulled Rebecca up out of her seat, not rough, just a brother and sister talking. "I told Red the truth. I told her that you were pathetic, and that you used your position to slither into my bed. I told her I never wanted you." He found his wife and mother chatting together. "All these people are here for her. She's carrying my child and your own father loves her more. Why the fuck would I need you for anything?"
Nodding her head, she tried to follow the direction the woman was going in, never mind the fact that she much rather be sitting down considering the 6-inch heels she had on, but she made do. As she went on to explain her thoughts on Nicholas, Red nodded her head at the woman her hands still clasped in front of her as she followed along with her. As she described the man to a T, she nodded her head again at her looking over to her with a smirk. However, when she started to explain her son’s needs and that he ultimately needed a wife Mercedes chuckled at Bernice. What the hell did the woman think she was going to be to him? A doormat? A toy? A fucking trophy? Had she not known all this time that this was her damn show, hell this was her World and her son was just lucky enough to live among other people that graveled at her feet. No, no. Nicholas had been placed on a high pedestal, she would forsake Al for him. Tame yourself, Mercedes said in her head. Nicholas was her husband and she’d do anything for him, they were now equals in life. “I was raised to believe women can do it all Mrs. D’onofrio” she said with a pleasant smile on her face though she wanted nothing more than to slap the bitch before her. “Anyone who is unsure of that, and shares my gender, wouldn’t know the first thing to being a woman at all” she retorted. “I assure you mother D’onofrio, Nicholas is well taken care of. Unlike his last devotee, rest knowing I know my status and place… we happen to just complement each other in that way. The World is at our feet, we are just getting started” she breathed as she looked up, seeing her husband and Rebecca she narrowed her eyes somewhat before she looked back down at his mother. “You aren’t sure of me mother D’onofrio?” she asked the woman as she began to move once more, this time she had her arm resting gently around the woman’s waist, such a subtle gesture yet alarming for her men waiting and watching.
Bernice chuckled, "Women can't do it all my dear. That's foolishness and nonsense." She said eyes hard on the woman. "Sara wasn't a woman, dear. Oh, she was pretty and buxom the way my son prefers, but the day he married her I started plotting her death." She throughout casually, absolutely serious. "She was going to be a beautiful doormat at best.  Allowing my son to spawn as many bastards as he could as long as he came home. My husband was a monster, but he was my monster. I asked if you can be a boss and still allow my son the room to be his own man. There is a difference. Very few women in this room can say with authority that their husbands don't cheat. Mine did. But what I can say is he only did so once." She said with a deadly grace. "I see that you love him. I simply worry that your strength will drown his passion. We women can't do it all, but we must know how to use what we have to lead our husband's subtly. Most of the time when done properly, they think it's all their idea."
A vast emptiness opened up in Rebecca’s soul. She blinked back hot tears unable to get out of Nicholas’s grip. "Let me go Nicholas or I swear..."
"You swear what?" Nicholas hissed, finding Al and Donna in the room. "Do you believe for a second that anyone in this room will shed a tear for your ass? Huh?"  He said grabbing her hand in his, he squeezed. "That little stunt of yours was a true blessing. Al, Mercedes, everyone knows how vindictive and hateful you really are. Try to come for Mercedes' happiness again and trust me, Underboss or not, I won't hesitate, to reunite you with Michael myself" he said feeling the blood from her hand spilling into his. He grabbed her napkin and wiped away her blood before, moving away from her without a backwards look.
As the woman went on to speak her mind, she allowed her too, lord knows by now her tongue would be in her hand otherwise if she didn’t want her to. She looked at Freddie and she gave him a wink, he need not be concerned, her arm was removed from the woman and she tucked some hair behind her ear. Freddie stood down and instead he circled Nicholas and Rebecca as Mercedes had told him to, keeping a safe distance, Freddie knew despite her new outlook Red would never trust the two especially when together. Mercedes looked to Nicholas' mother and they found themselves somewhere near a drink station. She couldn’t drink however she did grab some water. Taking a sip Mercedes told her the best way she knew how “I can only hope your son can be my husband and still allow me to live my passion” she said cutely back to her. This wasn’t a man’s world she didn’t know what fucking decade the woman was in but in the world, she lived in women can conquer or be conquered. She bowed to Nicholas willingly, but now, he could be dead and on plenty occasions the laser was aimed right for his head. “Now that is something we can agree on how else could I have managed to make a man who likes to keep such a low profile buy into all of this” she said looking around before she gazed upon her, a crown could be placed at her head. Nicholas would do anything for her, his mother had no idea. She allowed him to think everything moved through him in that house, bullshit. “Nicholas is in great hands, drink, be merry” she said as she watched Freddie double back around. “Celebrate, your son, your baby boy” she mused “is marrying the only woman who loves him more than his mother” she said pecking the woman’s cheek as she moved to walk away from her patting her shoulder kindly as she did. The hag was a fucking clown, shit, her kid would have to deal with him and her alone, she would be damned if he or she followed behind a dumb bitch who didn’t think their mother could conquer the world by day and cook their father a warm meal by night. She was Mercedes-fucking-Francis, if she kept it up, she’d learn herself why her son nicknamed her Red. She cracked her neck agitatedly as she toed through the crowd “where the hell is Sam” she breathed to herself.
Another more powerful fool. That's who her son had chosen. Bernice let out a tired breath. "Next time tell your man to watch the dot on his own head. Before preparing to kill someone else. And for heaven's sake, get some subtle clues. I want to actually see my grandchild born. Seems like I've been waiting forever for Nicholas to grant me one." She said coolly, still trying to decide if she liked the woman it was too late, as it had been with Sara. The girl too had missed the point of their conversation. She almost felt a pang of regret. At least she could have simply killed Sara. "Father Johnson sends his best, dear." She added at the woman's back.
Rebecca's lip twitched as Nicholas moved away from her. She swallowed thickly, trying to unhear all the things he'd said to her. He thought he'd won. She'd show him, she'd show them all. "Shame to hear about Michael" she said, softly as Nicholas tried to leave. "You know he never said a word about you in bed. No matter how convincing I was. Did he tell you that before you killed him?" Rebecca's voice broke into a sob. "You killed your best friend for nothing. I owned Sara." She wiped the blood from her hand again, and pushed past Nicholas, almost running to the restroom.
Nicholas froze in his tracks. He bit down on the inside of his lip, until the sharp metallic taste of blood filled his mouth. He'd killed Michael for nothing. He felt sick. After Rebecca had run off, he spat the glob of blood from his mouth. Then walked up to Paul, almost in a daze. "I want you to come to the house first thing in the morning. I have a job for you." He said, lowering his head.
His mother caught her off guard and so she had to backtrack, walking up on the woman. Red had never been small; in height yes, weight wise no and because of who she was she also never had to use her weight as a bullying method but in this moment Mercedes used all of it to back Bernice up against a space in which they both could speak to each other on a more personal level. “What?” she asked her, a brow raised “what are you talking about Bernice?” she said, addressing her on a level that tossed out all kindness, the buttering up of the woman, and the care of what role she played in her life right now. “What red dot?” she said one eye squinting, whoever or whatever she was talking about had to be handled, there was nothing standing in the way of her protecting her husband. “Look Bernice” she said with a chuckle “stop talking in riddles you are starting to piss me off” she told her as her eyes glowed before her. “How do you know all of this?” she asked her, talking with her hands confused. No matter the fact that she was in her usual disguise there was still fire behind her eyes. “Don’t worry about a child, we have that covered” she told her, “we are just trying to play our roles in all of this. My father would not like that fact before we walk down the aisle. So, keep that between you and I” she said pointing between them. “I am less worried about him or her right now, let's switch back to Nicky and tell me whatever it is that you know” she said as she instinctively pushed Freddie away from her side, she could feel him breathing down her neck by now. She knew why he was there; he could smell her anguish from across a football field, it was his job. “Fly” she commanded him all bark and bite in her voice, she was agitated. “As a matter-of-fact you go get my hus-fiance and bring him to me please,” she said to Freddie before she looked back at his mother.
Bernice didn't move from her spot; she folded her arms in front of her and waited. She watched the girl, quizzical. Eyes shifting as she thought about her question for a moment. "The one aimed at the back of his head." Bernice said, pointing to Freddie. "I find it rather unnerving to be marked as a target by one of my children's intendeds. Especially in the middle of an engagement party." She said, putting air quotes around the words. "I mean I've heard of quick to anger. But seriously dear, what would have been your recourse for that action?" She said nonchalantly. "Maybe to have Nicholas kill half the room?" She pondered the thought while studying the woman. Try as she might she couldn’t decide if that was a good or bad thing. "You misunderstood. The question had nothing to do with Nicholas and everything to do with you. And you, my dear, are exactly the person I knew you to be. Congratulations on both counts." She said, eyes going to her stomach. "Make sure you take plenty of vitamins and get lots of rest."
Nicholas squeezed his brother's shoulder once more, "Let's..." He trailed off as Freddie approached that wild look of worry, he always got where his wife was concerned. Quickly Nicholas scanned the room for Mercedes finding her corned with what looked like his mother. Confused. Nicholas didn't wait for Freddie, he cut his own path through the crowd. He approached the women, slipped in behind Red wrapping his arms around her from behind. "Are you okay?" He whispered in her ear, panic clear in his voice.
Mercedes turned her nose up at the woman as she continued to speak, her implication was preposterous, her love for Freddie was that of a sister and brother however if the man ever thought to move in a direction she didn’t ask him to she would deliver his body to his family herself. “Absurdity” she replied to her, her entire demeanor had changed now Bernice wasn’t talking to Mercedes anymore, she was talking to Red. Freddie was on high alert because of her it had nothing to do with Nicholas, she had screwed up and hadn’t stepped foot outside of their home since but here she was in the heart of the city with hundreds of moving bodies. “You are thinking too much you should leave that for someone with a large capacity to do so” she equipped. “No one here finds you a target… especially considering there’s nothing about you Bernice that would make me skittish” she roared silently, an evil grin dancing across her face slowly. Her smile fell however “you are challenging something you can’t overthrow… do you find that smart Bernice?” she asked her next. “That’s just the thing about people like you, even my father perhaps is blind to; the love we share. This isn’t a freak show put on display Bernice '' she said shaking her head at the woman as she moved her hand to her face gently, she caressed it. “This is passion, unyielding desire to be ever close that our hearts fuse as one” she spoke poetically as her grip tightened on the woman’s face. “It’s not puppy love or even the act of a gullible woman standing beside a nothing less man hoping one day he’d love her more than his stash of thin blonde toys” she said her chest rising and falling, her mouth fixed into a snarl. “This is inseparable” she said pronouncing every syllable in the word. “No one, and nothing. Is. And will ever. Come between me and my husband” she said, letting slip as she finally decided to remove the nails digging into the woman’s flesh as she dropped her hand. Nicholas walked up behind her wrapping his arm around her midsection and she didn’t answer his question, instead she pulled her eyes from his mother and said. “You are right as always my King” she coed sweetly to him. “We should have just told the world that we are already married and pregnant” she said as she pulled his arm from around her and she smiled up at him pecking his face. “The only thing is you said it would save time and money, and now I believe it would have only saved me a headache” she said looking back to his mother as she patted his chest before walking away. That was her cue to go she said to herself as she left them where they stood, she swapped a glance with Freddie and she finally dropped her shoulders and swallowed for the first time.
Everything the woman said was wind, literally blowing the breeze. No real queen needed to remind peasants who she was. Only crazed, careless ones did. She made no effort to move, or resist. That was pointless. Better to let people believe they understand you even if they don't. Bernice touched her face once the girl let go and raised an eyebrow.
The conversation was blurred and confusing to Nicholas. "We should have what?" He said as he absently rubbed Mercedes stomach. Leaning into her kiss, her frowned once he saw the welts that were rising quickly on his mother's cheeks. As Red walked away Nicholas grabbed his mother by her face. "What happened?" He questioned, cold as a winter's day.
Bernice swatted Nicholas' hand away from her face. "Nothing. Nothing." She said, lowering her eyes from her son's. "Well, when I hugged the girl, I realized that she was pregnant." She shrugged. "Father Johnson let slip weeks ago you to had gotten married. So, one and one equaled two."
Nicholas moved his hand and stood up to his full height. "The marks mother what the hell happened to your face. What else did you say to her? It had to be more than that!" He snapped, demanding a straight answer.  
Bernice looked up at her son then. Matching eyes mirroring each other in intensity. She twisted her mouth, then finally sighed. "I asked if she'd let you be your own man." She said simply. "From that I got a lot of things from her that I don't understand." She said looking the way Tiny had fled. "I'd wish your sister had her strength... But then again, you know how I feel about..." She coughed tempering her words knowing Nicholas' love for the woman.
"Red's the perfect wife. Too perfect sometime." Nicholas said, shaking his head. "You had no cause to meddle. I know how to conduct my own affairs. I don't need a handler or a keeper. You have Andrea and Paul to keep in line. Not me. Or my wife. Nicholas wiped is hand over his face. "I honestly thought you two would get along."
"I'm a mother." Bernice snapped. "Name one who doesn't meddle from time to time. It's our right. I really never intended to upset her so. God knows I didn't expect a full-blown display of unholy power." She chuckled. Her face softened, there was an anguish in her son, that wasn't from this interaction. Something else was troubling him. "I never said, I didn't like her." Reaching out for his hand, she squeezed it gently. "I know my approval or wishes don't really matter to you. But for what it's worth, she is strong, domineering, beautiful, a leader and she loves you. I respect that and for now that's enough. You better go." She squeezed Nicholas' hand again, then moved away from him, gliding off as if the world was unchanged.
Nicholas massaged his forehead. Too much bullshit was happening all at once. Red, his mother, Rebecca... And Michael. He rubbed his eyes, "Paul."  He called, feeling his eyes on him. "I'm about to leave. Don't forget I need you at the house first thing in the morning." He reminded the man. Wading through the crowd. He found Mercedes. "It's time to go." He said grabbing her hand and making his way towards the door.
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spiritmobility-blog · 5 years
Buying a Second Hand Mobility Scooter
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Buying a high specification, second hand mobility scooter could cost you as much as buying a cheap, new one. The advantage is basically that you are getting a more expensive scooter at a great price. It is worth considering that a well-maintained scooter is possibly better than one that is new and untested, although if you are buying new then the reputation of the retailer you buy it from can also give you confidence as to the quality of the scooter that they recommend. There are various questions that you need to think about before buying any piece of mobility scooter, whether it is old or new:
Is it a necessity? Why do I need one? Can I enjoy life properly without one? Yes, you may be able to enjoy your life without a scooter, but that may be limited due to lack of mobility. So the assumption is that it is a necessity, for the simple fact that it allows you to live a normal life-or something quite close to it.
So we know that second hand mobility scooters are a worthy long term investment for the disabled and the elderly but it is usually advisable to go for a new one; similar to a car usually gives more mileage. Unfortunately not everyone can afford a brand new scooter and paying 750 pounds or more may seem a little too steep. Fortunately, many second hand scooters function just as well, and can last you quite a while. The kind of scooter you want to buy depends on its intended use. Whether it is for short trips to the convenient store and back, moving around your house and garden or longer trips around the neighbourhood.
The quality of used scooters vary significantly. You can have anything from slightly used to completely old, and everything in between. Second hand dealer's purchase used mobility scooters from various sources, so you will have a healthy variety to choose from. The trick is to know exactly what use you are intending to put the scooter too i.e how often do you intend to use it, what the kind of terrain do you intend to use it on and if you are planning to use a scooter indoors then does it have a small turning circle to enable you you manoeuvre it around. Another thing to consider is that different scooters fit different sizes. If you have a large frame, then the four-wheeler will suit you best, it has a larger frame-as opposed to one with three wheels, which is more useful in small spaces.
Buying a used mobility scooter from a retailer has its benefits, one being the fact that most retailers will give you a 6 month warranty on parts, and they are fitted with new batteries on delivery. Be on the look out for bargains, which come around every so often-you can always catch a deal when you go for used merchandise.
So what other advantages are there?
You get a high value product, with a cheaper price tag. Some second hand scooters are only slightly used, and still have some warranty period left. You get to save a lot of money, without compromising the standards on quality. Second hand scooters also come readily equipped. Many of the previous owners add certain accessories to the scooters, and this saves you additional costs. You get a well equipped scooter, at a bargain! The purchasing process is fairly simpler. You have to save for a long while to be able to afford a new scooter, then you have to buy the extras after that. A second hand scooter is usually just a simple pay-purchase process with all the add ons you are likely to need. One other avenue for buying a used mobility scooter is to take a look at your local classifieds or even take a look at eBay where there are many second hand mobility scooters for sale every day. You will also find retailers selling their scooters on eBay so you get the best of both worlds with used and new scooters available on the same site. If you consider buying from a person as opposed to a retailer then as a tip make sure that you ask as many questions as you can think of the seller prior to auction ending so that you can ascertain as to whether the mobility scooter is good value or not. Don't be afraid of asking for more photographs or anything about its history as if the seller is keen to sell they will be happy to oblige.
Don't forget that if you buy a mobility scooter from eBay that you may have to pick it up yourself so try and ensure that the vendor that you engage in a transaction with is relatively local and that you have the means to make the pick up.
To summarise therefore buying a used mobility scooter has many of the issues that you have with buying a new one in that you have to ascertain the purpose for which it is required and then find the scooter that fits that purpose but there is one main advantage and generally speaking that is the price. You can buy a used Electric wheelchair  mobility scooter from a retailer and get a nice discount with a warranty or you can go direct to a previous owner and then it is possible to pick up an almost new scooter at a significant discount to the retail price and you may have the added bonus of additional fixtures being added to it by the previous owner.
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royaltides · 6 years
You wanted war! prologue
The Citizens of Lithuania thought the war never get to them.
They thought they were safe. They thought their alliance would hold. They never considered the Germans would attack them. They were unprotected, unprepared and helpless. The occupation lasted for less than a month until all of Lithuania was occupied and under a brutal Nazi regime.
Gray Fullbuster was a young boy of 15 who lived with his parents in a small house at the edge of the village in Lithuania. On the other side of their town was a vast forest that could have been lost inside it if you didn't know it very well.
His mother, Mika, was a pretty short woman with dark hair and kind brown eyes. She was one of the friendliest people he knew, but Gray was not precisely objective. He loved her more than anything else in the world.
His father, Silver, on the other hand, was large, muscular and fat at the same time, with a teasing smile and sparkling eyes. The long beard and the yarmulke on his head declared his religion. Like all Fullbusters, they were a jews. Gray loved his father even though he got on his nerves and bothered him all the time.
They were a regular family that lived happily even throw the difficult times. His father worked in the woods, and his mother cleaned the house and took care of Gray. Like most families in the village.
In the past two months, the young boy has caught a disease that has made him lean and thin compared to the young man who he was a few months ago. What Gray didn't know was that he was lucky to be ill. Otherwise, he would not have been able to avoid the fate that awaited the entire Jewish community in his village.
Their village was not very big, but it was not small. It was inhabited by some 2,000 people, of whom about 750 were Jews. A week after the occupation of Lithuania, Nazi forces came to their village and began to take small groups of Jews, approximately 100 Jews at a time. Silver's father, Silver, had a sharp hearing. He got up every night and said he heard voices, but Gray and Mika told him he was imagining things and went back to sleep. On the third day, the Nazis came to take more Jews; families began to ask when their loved ones would return, the soldiers didn't react while they were pushed into a truck and drove to an unknown destination.
The Fullbuster family was one of the only Jewish families still intact. Maybe because they were such a small family. Still, their luck runs out, and they brought it up to the stinking truck, the stains on the sides seemed to be vomit dried up. The little drops on the floor were sweat from people who were there before them.
"Dad?" Gray whispered to his father, who seemed to be in deep thought. Silver looked at his young twin. They both had the same face; only Silver looked older with his beard. Gray did not take after his father body structure. Even when he was healthy, he was thinner with small shoulders.
"Where are they taking us?" Gray asked, trying not to express the fear in his voice. Silver looked at him anxiously, and at that moment the truck stopped. The door slammed open. Mika jumped in alarm on the other side of Gray. Silver looked out, and the realization settled on his face. He saw a soldier no more than 18 standing and counting the people getting off the vehicle. "Stay behind me at all times," Silver said seriously in Yiddish. Gray understood him. They always spoke in Yiddish when they wanted other people not to understand them. "Why?" Gray answered in Yiddish and stood behind his father. Because of his size, his father hid him completely, even his shadow being swallowed up by his father's shadow. The soldiers couldn't see him.
The soldiers marched the group into the depths of the forest, where a vast pit was waiting for them in the damp soil. It seems that his mother also understood what was happening because she began to cry quietly.
"what is going on here?" Gray asked in a whisper, terrified by his mother's reaction and lack of knowledge.
"The sounds I heard at night are shots, that's why the people didn't go back to the village, they'll kill us all. Gray, my son, if you stand behind me, you can survive, wait until twilight, until they leave. You must survive. "
Gray stared at his father's massive back. He felt the tears rise and escape from his eyes. "I can't do that," he said weeping. "I can't live without you," he cried quietly.
Mika looked at him with sad eyes, she wanted to hug her only son, but any suspicious movement could reveal the fact that he was there with them. "my great Lord, may you take care of my only son whom I love beyond imagination." She prayed to the sky in Yiddish. Gray understood her. She wanted him to do it, to save himself for them. Gray hated the idea. He hated the fact that these were their last minutes together.
"I love you so much," he whispered to the wind that carried his message. He saw his mother take over a whimper and his father stood up with pride.
"You must survive" These were the last words of his father to Gray before the shooting began. The soldier who counted them off the truck shot Silver in the chest, and he fell back with Gray behind him, unharmed. His mother was already dead with his eyes open in the pit when they fall. Of the 100 people who came there, all were buried underground in a mass grave.
Gray waited patiently among the bodies of people he had known all his life, trying not to cry or utter a word, so the Nazis didn't know he had survived. He stayed there for hours and hours until he heard the trucks leave. As soon as all three vehicles were gone, Gray began to pray his way up, stepping on bodies of people that he saw alive in less than a day, neighbors and acquaintances. As soon as he reached the ground that covered a pit, he dug his way up. His nails were dirty, muddy and bloody.
Gray came out of the pit quickly and covered the hole he had made on the ground that the soldiers wouldn't know someone had come out of the enormous grave.
He felt someone behind him and without knowing Gray felt metal against his temple. "Are you one of them ?!" A voice full of venom asked him while he was about to pull the trigger. All Gray could think of was that his parents had sacrificed their lives for him and he could not survive a day without them.
"Lyon" an authoritarian voice shouted. Gray cursed his luck. It's not just one soldier! They are at least two, how can he get out of this situation ?!
Gray raised his hands in surrender and tried to think of something to do to get him out of this mess. How he could escape and reach the cave his father had told him about when he was little. The thought of his father, lying in this pit, dead, made him tremble with the intensity of his feelings, but Gray locked those feelings for the moment. Until he could mourn on his parents quietly.
"His hands." The authoritative voice turned soft and tender, the weapon attached to his temple slowly removed. Gray began to turn around to see his catches.
Something about this situation shouted to him that they were not his enemies. Otherwise, they would just shoot him and return him to the pit he left.
"You survived it? How?" A boy with white hair and slanted eyes said. He looked older than him in a year or two at the most. He wore clumsy clothes and held a small pistol, on his back was a large bag of Soviet soldiers, just as the soldier's of Lithuania carried with them before the occupation.
"Lyon! Get your gun out of sight!" A woman in her mid-30s barked at the boy who was quick to do what she said.
In contrast to the boy, the woman wore a neat, clean uniform. She was confident with her short brown hair and athletic body, on her waist was a belt with a gun and a big rifle behind her back.
"Yes, ma'am!" The boy replied and moved back with dread.
She approached the confused Gray, how could a woman be a soldier in the Nazi army? They would not let it happen.
She examined him carefully and apparently what she saw on his face was for her liking because suddenly she smiled at him and reached out a hand to help him up. "Lieutenant Ur Milkovich" She introduced herself as befits a military woman, with confidence and firm voice.
Gray whispered his name before become silent, turning the sight in front of him. This woman saved him from this guy with the gun, and she was a lieutenant in the army while they were standing on the grave of 100 people below them in the middle of the night in the wild forest. Gray rushed fro the pit to respect the people lying beneath them.
"Boy stop!" He heard the lieutenant shout to him, but Gray didn't stop walking. As soon as he was out of the pit's boundaries, he stopped and waited (hoping) that they would follow him.
Gray stared at them while they kept standing there talking about what they thought was right to discuss about. Gray began to get annoyed.
Do not they see that they are standing over a grave ?!
Gray felt his face burn with anger. They just stand there on his parents without shame.
"Are you going to move away or what ?!" Gray shouted at them. The two must have thought he had fled and was astounded that he was still there.
"Move from where?" The pale boy answered in the same angry tone.
Gray clenched his fists ready to attack the inconsiderate child. "You stand in the grave of my parents!" Gray hissed venomously. He felt angry tears falling from his eyes. He didn't know whether they were anger or sadness. Can be a combination of both.
The lieutenant gasped and began to walk toward Gray, the boy looking at him in surprise before he started running until he came close to Gray, only a few steps away.
"You were in a firing pit?" The boy asked and pointed to the ground in front of them, Gray looked away and started sobbing as he remembered his long hours in the hole he had just left.
The lieutenant embraced her abruptly. "Join us; we'll help you." Ur whispered as she consoled him, Gray finally felt it was a good time to take out all the pain and sadness of what had happened today, he was safe and warm in the lieutenant's embrace.
The boy, Lyon sat down beside the trees until Gray calmed down. They led him toward the depths of the forest, toward the cave his father had told him about from early age.
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