#Get Healthy
sugarfreeicedlatte · 5 months
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The time will pass anyway.
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eleonora144 · 4 months
When things got really bad for me I made a list of everything I would miss if I left. I made it very specific and detailed so that I could really see it in my mind. Things I wrote was:
-See my siblings graduate
-Attend their wedding and meet their kids
-Hear my friend laugh
-Listen to music
-Walk in nature
-Hear the sound of waves and birds
-Feel the sun on my face
These are just a few things I put on my list but it really helped me a lot so I encourage you to do the same. You don’t need to be in the situation I was in but if you are I really recommend doing this. Every one can benefit from a bit of perspective on what we want in life and what we enjoy doing. I for example started going on walks more often to remind my self what I would be missing but also because it made me happy.
Write down what makes you happy and focus on that💗 Most importantly it gets better, it really does so don’t make a permanent solution for a temporary problem.
You’ve got this!!!
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I hope one day you actually educate yourself and are able to go into a deeper breath of the problems at hand. Really sick of the blogs or people on the internet where it's clear that they did not do any research and are just pirating familiar viewpoints that they picked up from the same people who are self-masbutory pseudo intellectuals who feel intelligent for repeating bare bones statements and their audience feels intelligent for repeating bare bones statements. I mean the fact your blog is themed around spreading misinformation and harmful stuff about fat people and to fat people was enough and then I got to your posts complaining about people tearing down monuments and that was like the nail on the coffin. LMFAOO. Please grow and change as a person 🙏 fuck off until then! Blogs like this and people like you is why eating disorders are a thing. You people claim to care about mental health but are doing things that make people mentally ill in a thousand ways and mental illness kills people on the daily. Maybe, just maybe, fat people aren't mentally ill because they are fat, they aren't insecure because they are fat, but because people like you exist. And maybe try to go to verifiable sources for your information, not random right Wingers on the internet or articles with clear bad bias towards fat people. You're on the wrong side being fatphobic. Ever heard of a fascist who was pro fat people? No? I wonder why 🤔
Wow alot to unpack here.
All the information I have you can find online in the .gov or either public research medical studies that you can read. Such as
Any people who have done the research and testing can be found there.
This has nothing to do with the "right wingers". Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean that there wasn't researched done on it Hun. They are also credible.
As for mental health well that's still new in regards to research. Last I checked only 5 dos volumes have been made. You see it takes time to figure out what the heck is going on with the human body let alone the brain. As we keep on living there is an adaptation process as well. Not to mention environmental/social changes that cause different outcomes to how humans react. Heck depression wasn't even a thought until recent. There are just too many factors to what could be causing mental disorders, and it's not just because someone's feelings were hurt. At the end of the day they are just words on here, so why get triggered? Unless it was something that happened in the past, and from there you just do deduction. I literally have had to do that myself. I figured out that I have suppressed certain things that have happened in the past, and reasons as to why it caused panic attacks or binge eating. There isn't a pill to make that disappear unless you actually have a chemical malfunction in the brain, and those cases aren't as common as once thought. 🤷🏻‍♀️ You have to do the work on yourself and use exercises to help with the process, and it's not a short period of doing this but years possibly.
As for the tearing down monuments blog I did. The full article shortened, was me stating that since we are getting rid of certain parts of history we are doomed to repeat. That's a saying for a reason, and hurt feelings isn't going to change what happened in the past.
Fascism has nothing to do with the health problems that people are facing due to unhealthy eating and living. It's hard work to not take shortcuts for health. I'm not saying that I haven't fallen into it, because I have and am still trying to get healthy before it becomes irreversible. Once your health goes down it goes down fast. There have already been a couple pro fat activists that have either changed their livelihood or just straight up die. Being fat is not sustainable, and comes with more cons than pros.
Facts have been served to your wishy washy anon comment/question.
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avocados-and-co · 2 years
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shannonyl · 2 years
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Some wonderful spring blends. Contact me for more information
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eccentricphilosoph · 1 year
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VENT: Millennials and Gen Z Need to Stop Being So “Introverted”, Especially Americans
The one thing I dislike about Millennials and Gen Z is that they act like they’re so damn shy like everyone is gonna hurt them or whatever😑 Especially the adults. You’re an ADULT now. You can overcome.
You can deal with people and you should. I can’t even have a fun dinner or cocktail party because you Millennials “hate people” even though a party will have my friends who are truly good people who I painstakingly choose. You have to work with people and people can be fun if you would just stop being so into yourself and your mental problems and your “introvertedness”. We all have mental problems. How are an entire two generations TRUE “introverts”? The internet isn’t an excuse. We are hard wired to need other people to survive, being a hermit isn’t normal. “Oh but I’m an introvert. I need my safe space. I hate people.” That isn’t normal. Get help where you can
I just passed a Gen Z adult in a hallway and she wouldn’t even move until I was right up on her and said “excuse me” and she move *six inches* for me to SQUEEZE by and she didn’t even look at me besides a quick eye glance. Even in Japan someone would be more accommodating and they usually hardly interact with strangers! Jfc
I’m an ambivert with ADHD, PMDD, depression, anxiety, been betrayed by several friends, have been in several bad relationships, have had bad family experiences, have been harassed, bullied, have chronic fatigue syndrome, have been sexually assaulted and harassed, have been careerless for nearly a decade, had professors treat me poorly in university, etc. so I get it! I’ve been there, but life is fun when you share it with many others.
I just am sick and tired of my own damn generation being so boring and defensive and being bad friends all the time! I look at my parents having fun mature parties with friends all these decades only wishing I could do that, but I can’t. I see them going on group outings and trips with friends and I can’t do that either. I also want to make better friends but no one wants that because they’re all too defensive about their “private lives”. Millennials are so damn flaky and boring and self-centered (as in they think a lot about themselves and what’s going on with themselves) and I’m getting so so tired of it.
Young Gen X still has kids, so they’re not easy to hang out with and anyone older than that is like my parents’ age which, rn is still weird to me tbh…
Millennials are also so flaky too. If you don’t keep them on the line, they just go away or they tell you they’re just too tired or busy or whatever. They make poor friends because they’re not there when you need actual help with something because it’s “too much” for their fragile being with their “mental problems” or they can’t trust people because they’re “jaded”.
Like jfc it’s a CYCLE. If you are an introverted selfish person, that’s the kind of people you’ll be around too because they learned it from those around them. If you learn to be better, then people end up becoming better.
Just. Please. Grow. Up. Get. Help. Be. A. Real. Friend. Be. Better.
Do you realize you’re BLOCKING out people who can UNDERSTAND YOU?
Inb4 all the excuses of mental health or being betrayed all the time or being jaded or being really and truly introverted.
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kathyloves2read · 1 year
April 25, 2023 - Robert Irvine’s Fit Crunch Bar
My friend gave me this bar to try. She kind of liked it and wanted to know my thoughts. Cross section The cross section made me excited to eat the bar. The macros – 190 calories per bar, 8 g fat, 200 mg Sodium, 14 g carbs, 1 g fiber, 16 G protein. Not horrible but not the best. Now for the taste. It was DELICIOUS! However, it was not filling. A Snickers holds me over better but also has worse…
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althenyxmindscape · 2 years
Random Thought #7
Everyone has bad days, and you don’t choose when they happen, so you might have to go about your day-to-day life even if you feel miserable, and that’s alright, even if instead of days they are weeks…or months. I’ve had some nasty couple of days lately, and I had to suck it up, didn’t quite accomplish that, but no matter what, if I learned anything from the past is that I should feel miserable…I should let it happen and not deny it because pretending every day of your life should be good definitely does not help, it only makes it worse, because it will never be like that. So yeah I had a couple of breakdowns, and yes I indeed didn’t seem a fucking mess to others. Still, the fact is that I feel whatever I feel no matter how I show myself to the rest of the world, and by allowing myself to suffer when I needed to Years ago, I put myself together faster now, so the tricks my mind plays on me might never leave me, but moments like these remind me that they have stopped controlling my life. Sure it sucks to not be yourself momentarily, but it just makes you appreciate more the person you chose to become.
A decade ago I doubted constantly whether I would make it this far, and honestly days like today and yesterday, and I don’t remember how many more before that, I questioned myself again, just like fifteen years ago I couldn’t see beyond the end of the day, and even that was hard. Now I know it’s not me thinking that, ‘cause I’m not my depression, nobody is just their mental disorders, just like overcoming them is not the same for everyone, and it doesn’t take the same amount of time.
Five years ago I wanted to be someone that could say that it does get better, and I thought I needed to achieve certain things to find that promised ideal, but my accomplishments are mine to know, and only comprehensive and knowledgeable to those who truly know me. I didn’t need to reach what others painted for me, and it does get better, each day that I get to snap myself out of that trance of doom it does, I just had to keep going, and keep changing what I thought I knew. I can only hope that everyone struggling notices what “better” means to them, and holds onto that.
So embrace your bad days as part of the process that got you to improve, celebrate your better you, and see the better self of people around you, see beyond the coping the world sometimes demands of us, celebrate them, that too can keep you going.
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patmccashin · 2 years
How to Get Sober Without AA
If your New Years Resolution is to quit drinking and get healthy, you'll want to check this out!
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seelenstrom · 10 days
you are allowed to take up space
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mamashrek · 3 months
The Journey
Posted on July 2nd
I'm stating my health journey. I need to do this for myself and I'm going to, but I wanted to do this publicly to not only share my journey but so I have more accountability. Full disclosure, I don't know what I'm doing. If you have tips or personal experiences, bad or good, please share. Not just for me but other people going through their health journey. Losing or gaining weight, taking care of yourself, physically or mentally, everyone's journey is different. What works for someone doesn't mean it'll work for you. But it might, so please share.
Part of my journey is weight loss. Not just weight loss but better eating and water intake especially.
My name is Mamashrek, I am 20 and I weigh 222 pounds (as of July 1st, 2024). I am not at my heaviest weight, but I am really unhealthy right now and that needs to change.
I will be using this post as a platform to post ALL updates, questions, stories and comments. my main focus is positivity but not all instances will be.
Again, I don't know what I'm doing but I'm going to better myself for sure. This is NOT advice; this is a journey so... take that as you will. Even though it says weekly most things are updated daily
Site I used to take size measurements
Measurements (Weekly)
July 1st- July 6th
July 7th- July 13th
Weight (Weekly)
July 1st- July 6th
Notes of week of July 1st
July 7th- July 13th
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arr-jim-lad · 9 months
i cant even properly explain how it emotionally affects me when my cat comes up to me for cuddles. small creature walks up to me, a giant, in search of a gentle touch, because he trusts me completely. that is what love is. that is what the universe is built for. i want to cry
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drink-mpwr · 6 months
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Thank you for dropping by for a visit. We are inspired by people, like you, who love their preferred coffee, tea and hot chocolate, and who also enjoy the proven health/wellness benefits of mushrooms.
We’ve been market testing our M-PWR Functional Mushroom Creamer for the past six months and are confident you’ll love our first M-PWR Blend, Focus + Stamina. We’ve got big plans for you and M-PWR! We hope you’ll follow us as we plan to bring all the exciting benefits of mushroom superfoods to your chosen hot beverages and beyond.
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stuckinapril · 8 months
Honestly the cliche advice is true. If you fill your life w things you’re passionate about, if you challenge yourself every day, if you give your own opinion of yourself more weight than you do other people’s opinions of you, you will actually thrive. Like no one can tell u anything
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rivenishot-66 · 9 months
my skin is getting better and I'm so happy, but also I'm worried that my acne came back. I have some acne scars and my skin have some redness, I try to make them disappear but it's hard...
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kathyloves2read · 2 years
February 8, 2023 - Quest Protein Bar taste test- White Chocolate Raspberry
So today I tasted the white chocolate raspberry flavor of the Quest Protein Bar. First the macros: Serving size 1 bar, calories 190, Fat 8g, saturated fat 3g, trans fat 0g, cholesterol 5mg, sodium 250mg, total carbs 22g, dietary fiber 13g, total sugars 1g, protein 20g. The numbers look good but how does it taste? DELICIOUS!!!! It reminded me of raspberry cheesecake. No artificial after taste.…
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