dreamsholdpowers · 3 months
Maybe meant to meet, but not to be
Akaashi x Fem Reader
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(I don't own the image)
~Warnings : ANGST, my shitty writing (this is my first time writing please be kind), Breakup (I'm going through one and have no idea how to cope so suffer with me)
~Word count: 1,297. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-Life was going perfect, or so you believed. Your relationship with your boyfriend was about to hit 2 year mark in a few months and you couldn't be happier. -You had already started planning about things to do and places to take him, you had been saving for a while from a part time job you did in a nearby shop and had managed to save enough for a nice evening and some books that you wished to gift him. -But, Life is never that simple is it? Just a month before your 2 year anniversary. Akaashi, your ever doting and loving boyfriend texts that he's coming over in about half an hour. -You get up and start tidying the place as good as you can. Who in their right mind would give up a chance to spend time with their boyfriend given his hectic schedule that consists of Volleyball practices and school work and dealing with his energetic bestfriend Bokuto. - As it was a little tradition between both of you to just sit down and decompress and talk about everything and nothing while cuddling. -Or that's what you thought, -You were arranging some books on the bookshelves when you heard a knock on the door, giddy with happiness you make your way to the door opening it for your boyfriend who let himself in without a word. "That's weird" you thought to yourself cause usually your boyfriend greets you with a hug or a kiss on the forehead. You dismiss it thinking it he must be occupied thinking about something. "Earth to Keiji? you wave a hand in front of your boyfriend's face, "What's got you so occupied love? A penny for your thoughts?" You teased him, nudging his shoulders with yours. "Nothing Y/N" He seems tensed about something so you ask "Is there something bothering you love?" You ask. "I need to talk about something, we should sit down" He says, fiddling with his fingers. "Okay Keiji, but what's wrong?" you asked taking a seat beside him on the couch, holding his hands and rubbing your thumb over his knuckles. "What's bothering you?" You asked him softly, trying to look into his eyes that were looking everywhere but at your face. "I can't do this anymore Y/N" you knew, you knew what that meant, what that sentence meant but you couldn't believe it, not one bit. you hoped you heard it wrong. Swallowing the lump in your throat, "Can't do what Love?" you asked with the most firm voice you could, gripping his hand tightly. "This, I-I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry." you couldn't believe your ears. It was like the world was praying a cruel joke, it was then that his eyes finally met yours, you saw tears, sadness, while yours held disbelief, pain and betrayal. "B-But why?" Your voice came out broken, "Why so suddenly Keiji? Everything was going good, w-we were happy then why?" You whispered. As if saying it too loud would break you entirely apart, it would make it real. Something you weren't able to digest. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry sunshine. But I can't do it anymore. I don't feel anything. You didn't deserve any of this, I am sorry for doing this to you. But continuing would just cause both of us pain." "I don't- how? Why?-" You break down, crying. One hand clenching his jacket while the other hand is over your mouth. Biting your palm to muffle your sobs. You just couldn't believe it. Why? How? What went wrong? Were you not good enough? Was it something you did? You thought it was going good, that you you both were happy. "I'm so sorry for doing it this way, you're deserving of so much more sunshine. I am not the one for you, I don't feel it anymore. I'm sorry" He replies softly. He turns removes the palm, caressing it with such familiarity that just brought more tears. Wiping your tears. he places your hand on his heart. It beats calmly, way too calmly for your liking.
And you sob harder. He pulls you into a hug, it pains him to see you like this. The girl that cherished him, understood him and his silence, the girl that loved him, his faults and flaws. It hurts him to be the cause of your pain but some things need to be done. Staying with him would hurt you more. Maybe when you move on, You'll find someone that cherishes you the way you cherished him, who would love you more, more than he ever could, who would choose you everyday cause that's what you deserve. Cause you deserve someone who would give you the world and that is not Keiji. No one knows the amount of time that's passed with him holding you and you crying into his chest. "I'm sorry sunshine, that it has to be this way. You deserve so much more than what I can give you" He whispered softly looking into your glistening e/c orbs. You cling to him tightly with no intention of letting him go. "But you're all I want! Please, d-don't do this Keiji. Please" You cried into his shoulder. He pulls away, wiping your tears with his thumbs. "shh sunshine, I didn't want it to be this way. I never wanted to hurt you like this. I hope someday you'll find it in yourself to forgive me" You cried harder, your voice cracked as you said "You p-promised me forever Keiji!" He could only muster a small smile, with tears running down both of your cheeks. Foreheads touching "I know, but sometimes forever isn't forever Y/N" He gets up, You hold his shirt tightly with no intention to let go. "We can sort it please. Please don't go." He gently removes your fingers, and places one final chaste kiss to your lips. "I'm so sorry Y/N for the pain I've caused but sometimes it's maybe just meant to meet and not to be." just before he leaves, you hold his hand "Just answer me this Keiji." he looks at you and nods "Ask" you take a deep breath, trying to firm up your voice as much as you can "Do you at any point regret us? This relationship?" He looks at you with a small sad smile on this face and shakes his head "Never. If anything I'm happy it happened." his answer leaves you feeling all sorts of things- sadness, a bitter feeling of relief, warm, yet pain and agony. he leaves the through the door and within the span of an hour your whole world collapsed . - And you're sitting in the living room with the broken pieces of yourself crying and wondering how to even function, cause he didn't just leave alone. He took half of your soul with you. - You're remembering everything about your relationship- your fights, the first time he told you that he loved you, the time you both walked alongside the sea shore, the time you both walked in the rain and the sky had a pinkish hue, the time he helped you through your panic attacks. the times he held you when you cried, how he taught you love, the way he taught you patience how he stayed up studying with you. -There is so much that he has done, that's why you called him angel. Your angel that you just lost. And your heart doesn't know what to do or how to deal with it. -It came as a shock to everyone that knew you. And you're so tired. You have no idea what to do with life anymore or how to start functioning. - For now, you'd just try to survive through the days, learning how to live without him in your life. You do wish that you can stop crying but how can you? when everything near you always reminds you of him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tbh idk what did I do here. this is my first fic please be a lil nice. English isn't my first language. my bf and I broke up yesterday and I'm still not able to process it. This was an outlet to my own breakup and some sentences are what was told to me. Hope whoever is reading this has a good day <333
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 6 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 91... You have been warned...! 👌
This chapter was very interesting and quite informative...!! 😲
And though I was not too feeling well this morning (and I still feel a little unwell now), I still wanna discuss today's chapter...! So let's talk about it, shall we? 😊
This chapter begins with Anya heading off to school and Yor going to an event that her city hall job is helping with... And before they head off, they greet the Authens...! 😊
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And I just love that Anya calls Sigmund and Barbara "Grandpa Siggy and Granny Barb"...! 😆 It's both so adorable and continues their new found relationship from the previous chapter!! 🤗
And this might be a little off topic, but I've noticed that we haven't really seen Twilight go to work since the mole arc... 😲 I mean, it could just be that we aren't seeing him go to work, but this also makes me wonder if WISE actually gave him a break for once! 😅
Anyway, back to chapter...!! 😁
At the event, we see Yor's coworkers, Dominic (who we haven't seen since Mission 24 I believe, which was FOREVER AGO 😵) and even McMahon...!! 😁 The event is a charity event to help disabled veterans and the Lady Patriots Society is gonna be there... Hearing that, Yor remembers that Melinda is apart of that group:
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Yor tells her coworkers that she's met Melinda and is even her friend, but they believe her and Dominic even suggests that she might not even show up. Then...:
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We see that Millie has an issue with being here... But then, these ladies from the Lady Patriots Society started to butt in, even saying things like this:
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This saddens me because I know that there are people that are like this in real life that belittle others because "they had it worse"... Though not everyone has suffered through the horrors of war, it doesn't mean that what they've been through is less painful...
After that, Millie shares her thoughts...:
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...And those women start to berate her...:
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But my girl Yor steps in to defend Millie...!:
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Then one those horrible women were going to attack them, but Melinda steps in to stop her...!
Yor's coworkers see that Yor was telling the truth about her and Melinda being friends, but Millie gets upset by this... In Millie's eyes, since Melinda is the wife of Donovan Desmond, the man who started the war, then Yor is not a good person for being associated with her... But, McMahon refutes Millie's claims about Donovan...:
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This is a very interesting development... 🤔 If memory serves me right, we've never truly gotten confirmation about how started the war, but we knew that Donovan was involved with it... I feel like there's something else going on here, but my brain is really jumbled up today from being sick to really think on about this development for to much...! 😩
Melinda then adds this:
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Millie then apologizes to Melinda, and decides to stay and help out the event... Lastly, Millie thanks Yor for helping her out today and makes me hope that they'll become true friends in the future...!! 💗
And that was Mission 91, it made love Millie as a character more than before and even Melinda a little as well...!! 😄 This chapter was quite the serious one, so not that many funny moments time around, but that's what I love about this series...!! 🤗 Endo always seems to maintain a fantastic balance of serious and comedic moments in my opinion, that's why I feel that Spy X Family is unlike any other...!! 💗
I really wanted this review come out sooner, but I woke up feeling horrible... I know I don't have to release something about the new chapter on the day it comes out, but I have a bad habit of procrastinating projects, and these reviews are my way push out of that habit, by making myself write a review before it gets too late it the day...! I typically get mad at myself for missing the deadline that I set for myself, but since the next chapter comes out on Christmas Eve, I might postpone my review until Tuesday the 26th because Christmas is my favorite holiday, but we'll see...! 😉
Sorry for rambling about my personal stuff, but I'll see you all tomorrow when I talk about the anime because I should probably lay back down and try to feel better!! 😷 So until the next Mission, take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! BYE!! 👋
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mellonyheart · 6 months
This is the most self projecting thing I've ever written because guess what my body gave me for Christmas? Yaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy. Fuck my life. I still had to cook Christmas dinner too.
Mammon x Reader, first person pov, sfw, swearing because fuck is my favorite word today, slight angst, probably poorly edited. Edit: forgot to add 'reader is fem bodied. Whoops. Edit2: Actually gender is meaningless here and Reader could just as easily be suffering from menstrual cramps or a chronic disease/condition. So gn? The point is Reader has cramps. It's not specified what kind. Only that they hurt bad enough to not be able to enjoy going out.
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This wasn't how I wanted to spend my Christmas.
I was supposed to greet the boys at breakfast. We'd eat and hold back our excitement (some better than others) about the coming festivities. I was going to help with Christmas dinner. I was going to bake a truckload of Christmas cookies! We were going to decorate them together. It was going to be a chaotic blast! It wasn't supposed to end up like this....
My body seemed to have other ideas as I was now confined to my room by cramps. It's not fair! As if it wasn't bad enough I can't be in my (real) room but the boys were out spreading Christmas cheer for the rest of Devildom without me. And I was really looking forward to it!
It was hard to fight the tears as I remembered how Solomon left early to help out in my stead. I hope they can keep him away from the kitchen. That would be a disaster. Were the brothers missing me? They were right?
I missed them. I missed the present. I missed being a part of their wild world. I miss Mammon.
And now I really am crying. In no small part from the pain in my belly as much as my heart. My phone was suspiciously quiet too. Were they busy? Did something happen? Crap... you never know in the Devildom. Something is always coming up. I wanted to be a part of it. Why was fate so cruel?
I rolled over, still dwelling on my miserable thoughts. The pain killer was barely working. If I ever find this Nightbringer person (demon? Angel? Whatever...) I'm going to give them an earful. Not that my current situation was their fault but it makes me feel (infinitesimally) better to blame the entity that put me here.
Knock knock
Nope. Don't even think about it Solo. I'm asleep and I'm not eating your "soup".
Knock knock
I'm sleeping. Go away.
I could have sworn I heard a curse on the other side of my door but it was too quiet to make out. Weird. Solomon didn't usually curse.
I got a text message.
You awake?
It's cool if you're not.
The Great Mammon just thought it'd be a good idea to check in on ya. You should be grateful I'm such a nice guy.
Just thought I'd say Merry Christmas.
"Wait!" I shouted as I threw open my door and there was Mammon halfway down the hall looking back at me with a startled expression.
...Just in time for another cramp. Ow.
"So ya were awake! Hang on... are ya okay?!" Mammon rushed to back to me, likely noticing my distress. He helped me back to bed and as he tried to take a step back I held his sleeve. Such soft fabric... if I wasn't miserable right now I would complement his santa outfit. It was perfectly... him.
"Thanks Mammon. But uh... what are you doing here?" I had to know. Why couldn't I let myself just be happy that he was here?
"Is that any way to greet someone who came all the way here to see ya?! And look at ya... fallin' over and stuff. Wait. Does that make me a hero?"
"Sure. My Christmas hero. Doesn't answer my question though." How is it that he can make me smile so easily? That has to be a super power. Maybe he is a hero.
"Do I really need a reason to see ya?! Gimme a break would ya?!" He huffed. I could guess what he was really doing here. His golden heart was always clear to me.
"I'm glad you came. Thank you. I was actually getting pretty lonely." Honesty was easy with Mammon. Even if he couldn't be honest himself. He was blushing and looking away from me. Damn he was cute.
"Y-yeah... well I figured you'd be lonely without me. I mean... well it just sucks ya got sick on Christmas. It ain't right." And by all things holy and unholy he looked at me like he meant it. He did mean it. Mammon really could be ridiculously sweet. Maybe too sweet because I can feel the tears coming back.
"H-hey! I didn't mean to... I wasn't tryin' to..." Poor Mammon. He was panicking. I really did try to explain that it wasn't that he said something wrong. It was just hormones going a bit overboard. But talking is hard when you're trying not to sob because the demon you love is too sweet for his own good. So I just hugged him. Hard. If he wasn't a demon, probably too hard but how else can I express that I love him so much I want us to meld into one person? I'm emotional. Don't hold it against me.
Mammon tried to calm me down. He hugged me back and kept saying anything he thought would be soothing in his own Mammon way.
"Hey. Ya good?" He asked as I finally calmed. My eyes hurt.
"Yeah. I'm sorry Mammon. This probably wasn't what you had in mind when you came over." My face felt puffy and I could really use a snack and some hydration.
"Don't worry about it. Are ya sure you're okay?" Anyone who says Mammon only cares about himself is an idiot.
"Yes. You're the best Mammon. I really need you to know that." I wiped my face and attempted a normal, definitely not wet, smile.
"Come on... don't get all sweet on me. Oh! I almost forgot!" Mammon suddenly dashed back into the hallway. After a moment he came back with a small festively colored bag and a thermos. "Here. I got this for ya. I uh... wanted to give it to ya before the others got here."
"Hold on... the others?" I asked, bewildered.
"Aw crap... that was supposed to be a surprise! Ya gotta pretend to be surprised when the others call ya down. I was supposed to check how ya were feeling so we can throw ya a party downstairs. Ya know, because you probably don't feel like walkin' to the House of Lamentation or the castle. And then Solomon said you didn't want to teleport so..."
I should have known. I love them. All of them. And they love me. Of course they would try to plan a surprise party so that I didn't feel left out. I feel like the luckiest human of all time. Dumb hormones can't stop me from having a good Christmas.
"Mammon?" I interrupted him from his rambling.
"Huh? What is it?"
"Can I kiss you?"
"H-huh?! H-hold on! You haven't even opened your present yet!" Fuck he's cute when he blushes.
"Can I kiss you after I open my present?"
"S-sure, whatever you want! Just open it already!" Mammon pressed the bag in my direction as to put as much distance between it and himself. He looked at me expectantly.
Inside the bag was... cookies. Clearly handmade. They certainly weren't made or decorated by Luke or Barbatos. One was a touch burned.
"You made me cookies?" I asked.
"Tis' the season right? Look! That one is you and that one is me. I threw in a couple Christmasy shapes too. Ya gotta try 'em though!" He looked nervous despite sounding so excited. I bet he brought these privately because his brothers made fun of his amateur baking skills. And he made mini us!
I took a bite of a Christmas tree.
"It's good."
"Yeah?! I mean I tried extra hard to get the shapes right and Luke had to help me with the decoratin' but they look good right?!" He smiled like the first sunrise in Devildom. So I kissed him.
Then as he got flustered and admonished me for the surprise attack I made cookie us kiss too.
Marry Christmas.
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shadowphoenixrider · 13 days
"You owe me a kiss." From the gentle prompts
(thank you!)
"So are we going to agree that taunting Wolverine was a terrible idea?" Shadow folded her arms, raising an eyebrow as Gambit left the Danger Room, with significantly more holes in his trench-coat than he started with.
"Gambit still came out on top!" He insisted, wiping away the blood oozing out of a cheek cut. "Just...made a coupla mistakes, s'all."
Shadow rolled her eyes, leading him back to the locker room.
"He almost split your ear in two, Gambit. I could repair that, sure, but if you're going to start misbehaving solely because you know I'll bail you out, I'm going to start asking for payment for my services."
"Gambit a perfect gentleman!" The Cajun claimed, sitting on the bench in front of her. "He never misbehave in his life!"
Shadow's eyebrows lifted so high they almost disappeared into her hair.
"Okay, didn't know you suffered a concussion in there too! Maybe don't headbutt the guy with metal bones?"
Gambit blinked up at her, pouting slightly and reaching out to her.
"Aw chère, take pity on ol' Gambit," he said, trying to look as innocent as possible, even with black and red eyes. "He jus' try'n make ya smile."
She sighed, shaking her head and stepping forward, letting him loop his arms around her waist.
"You are such hard work sometimes." She cupped his cheeks, unable to stop herself smiling when he gazed adoringly up at her.
"But worth it, mon amie?"
"Always, Cajun." She smiled warmly, holding his gaze as her powers flowed into her hands, warm as his skin, only breaking contact when her eyes slid closed and she crossed into his body.
Despite the kicking Gambit had taken in the Danger Room, he'd mostly managed to avoid injury, and it didn't take Shadow long to close up the wound to his face and in other parts of his body, soothing his bruises and other pains from overexerted muscles. She soon rose back up into her own body, and when she opened her eyes, she was greeted by Gambit admiring her, gently rubbing his thumb against her hand.
"Hello, beautiful." He murmured softly.
Shadow smirked back at him.
"You're not buttering me up that easily, Cajun." She replied. "You owe me a kiss."
Gambit blinked widely at her.
"Oh, takin' payments already, mon amie?" He asked. "Not even a grace period for Gambit?"
"Gambit thought it'd be smart to wind up the guy with a short temper and metal claws." She raised an eyebrow at him again. "So. Payment. Kiss. Gimme."
He chuckled richly, slowly rising from the bench and tangling a hand into her hair.
"Ah, I think I can agree wit dat, chère." Gambit purred, pulling her into a deep kiss.
Outside, Logan rolled his eyes.
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personasdestinyy · 3 months
Sorrowful Love | Ch#3 | JJK
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; All he desires is vengeance.
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: thriller, angst, love at first sight, au! sexting
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook × Sena oc!
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: This story contains explicit language, graphic violence(murders, blood etc), and other mature content, If you are easily affected by such themes, it might be best to avoid reading it.
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.3k+
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𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭⇢
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Sena's Pov:
It's been a whole week of non-stop hustle and bustle, and today, as I reluctantly opened my eyes at 8:00 am to start another day at work, I was greeted by a pounding headache and an achy body. It felt as if every single part of me was screaming in pain. To make matters worse, I had a strong suspicion that I was running a fever.
Realizing that going to work in such a state was out of the question, I reached for my phone on the table beside me. With a heavy heart, I composed a message to one of my colleague, explaining my deteriorating health and requesting a two-day absence. After sending the message, I placed my phone back on the table, feeling a mix of relief and disappointment.
As I sat there, tears began to well up in my eyes. The realization hit me hard - when I'm sick, it often feels like I'm all alone. The thought of reaching out to someone for help seemed daunting, as if they would only look at me with pity and sympathy. So, I kept my suffering to myself, silently battling through the pain.
I get up from bed to fetch some medicine, but as I take each step, a dull ache pulses through my body. I shuffle over to the kitchen cabinet, my hand reaching out to open it. Inside, I find the painkiller I desperately need. With a sigh of relief, I grab a tablet and then head to the refrigerator for a water bottle. I twist off the cap, taking a long sip of water before swallowing the pill. Sitting down on the kitchen stool, I cradle my chin in my hands, hoping for some relief.
After a few moments, the pain begins to subside slightly. I rise from the stool and make my way to the bathroom to freshen up. Once I'm feeling a bit more presentable, I select a sky blue crop top and a pair of blue trousers from the wardrobe. After changing, I slip on a pair of my sneakers, secure my mask in place, and grab my phone from the table along with my handbag from the dressing table.
Stepping outside, I make my way to the medical supply store to pick up some much-needed medication.
After a brisk 5-minute walk, I finally reached the pharmacy, eager to pick up my much-needed medication. As I push open the door, a mysterious figure materializes out of thin air, startling or fluttering me to the core. My heart instantly goes into overdrive, pounding against my chest like a wild animal trying to break free. I can't quite fathom why this stranger's sudden appearance has such a profound effect on me, but as he walks past me, time seems to stand still and my gaze fixates on his back.
Feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment, I gave myself gentle pats on my cheeks to regain my composure. Determined not to let my emotions get the best of me, I take a deep breath and step into the pharmacy. As I make my way towards the counter, I can't help but notice that the enigmatic stranger is already standing there. Once again, my eyes are drawn to his back, and I can't help but marvel at how it manages to send my pulse racing like a Formula 1 car.
Shaking off my fascination, I focus on my purpose and head straight for the counter, and stand right beside with this captivating stranger.
My mind was supposed to be focused on my purpose, but instead, it seemed to have a mind of its own. As I stood there, waiting, I couldn't help but mentally compare my height to his. And of course, I came up short in comparison. It was as if my heart was playing tricks on me, refusing to listen to reason. I tried to ignore the rapid beating in my chest, but it was impossible.
Then, something unexpected happened. He started talking to the pharmacist right in front of me. His voice was like music to my ears, so captivating and wonderful. At that moment, I felt a surge of emotions. It was as if I was falling in love with him right then and there. My heart skipped a beat, and I couldn't help but be mesmerized by his presence.
As I continued to stare at him, I couldn't help but notice every little detail. His jawline was so perfectly chiseled, his side posture exuded confidence, and his hair was effortlessly stylish. Everything about him seemed perfect, and it made my heart flutter.
But then, he looked directly at me. It was as if time stood still, and everything around me faded into the background. At that moment, I felt a mixture of excitement and fear. Excitement because he acknowledged my presence, and fear because I was afraid of what he might be thinking of me.
"Uh, you have been staring at me for two minutes straight. May I ask you why?" he asked, his eyes filled with curiosity. It was at that moment that I realized just how long I had been lost in my thoughts, fixated on him. Panic washed over me, and I desperately searched for an excuse.
"Ahh, I'm sorry," I stammered, avoiding eye contact. "I didn't mean to... I was just... I'm sorry." I quickly turned around without purchasing medication, not daring to look at him again, and hastily made my way out of the pharmacy.
As I walked away, my heart still racing, I couldn't help but wonder what could have been. Maybe one day, fate would bring us together again..
As I finally reached my apartment, my heart continued to race, pounding in my chest for the entire five minutes it took me to get there. The adrenaline coursing through my veins made me feel both excited and anxious. Seeking some relief, I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle. The simple act of drinking the water felt like a temporary distraction from the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me.
But no matter how hard I tried to focus on the task, thoughts of him consumed my mind. It was as if his presence lingered in every corner of my thoughts, driving me to the brink of insanity. I couldn't understand what was happening to me. Was it love? Infatuation? Or something else entirely? All I knew was that my heart couldn't seem to calm down.
Placing my palm over my chest, I could feel the rapid thumping of my heart beneath my touch. It was beating far too quickly, as if trying to escape the confines of my ribcage. I knew I had to find a way to suppress these overwhelming emotions, at least for now. So, I took a deep breath and tried to push them aside.
How foolish of me? I forgot to buy the medicine, the reason I went to the pharmacy, but I came back with a fast beating heart and still aching body from fever. And there's nothing I can do now, I can't go again to the pharmacy.
‘because I'm lazy’
I made my way to the bedroom, seeking solace in the comfort of my bed. I settled down, making myself cozy amidst the soft blankets and pillows. As I did, I reached into the bag’s pocket and pulled out my phone. With a quick swipe, I unlocked the screen and opened Instagram, hoping to find some distraction in the colorful world of social media.
But as the app loaded, a sudden realization hit me like a bolt of lightning. I had completely forgotten about the painting I had been meaning to order, one that maybe would capture the essence of my tumultuous emotions. Without wasting another second, I accessed my contact list and scrolled until I found 'jungkook' name on my contacts.
With a mix of anticipation and nervousness, I tapped on his name and then on the call icon. The phone began to ring, and with each passing second, my heart rate seemed to rise once more.
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© 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲𝐲 (𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐝)
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lonelyvomit · 4 months
Hi, lovely Abby, I hope you are okay! I wanted to stop by to say hi and also to talk a bit about Niko. I was at Forum last week for the gig/meet & greet. Since it was possible to get the album that day, I got my copy and I decided to have it signed during the meet & greet.
I was using Finnish to greet them. When it was Niko's turn, he took my copy from Aleksi and we greeted each other, as he started signing. And he asked me: "Mitä kuuluu?" This was so unexpected! It was only the second time we were meeting each other. The first time was very brief and over a year and a half ago! So, I was trying to find something positive to tell him but, huh...
The thing is that I have been suffering from a very serious case of nerve pain since January. I was on sick leave for almost a month and had returned to work just 2 days prior the gig/m&g. I have to take a strong medicine several times/day to be able to leave almost normally - I still get bad aches, so I have to pay attention not to overexert myself.
So, yeah, sadly nothing positive to tell him. I settled for "hyvää" and dared returning the question, "entä sä?" He paused his signing to look at me with a little smile and finished his signing, happily telling me what he had lately done. Then, instead of giving my copy to Olli, he gave it back to me, while looking at me in the eyes and I thanked him. This wasn't much but it made me feel appreciated and it helped, considering the situation I'm currently in.
He and Joonas have been the kindests. Olli was totally sprawled over his chair, seemingly happy to be there, when I greeted him. It was nice to meet Aleksi again and to finally meet Tommi. He couldn't be there when I first met them, so my copy of LOTSAD is missing his signature, but I'm okay with that. Getting their signatures is actually just an excuse to meet them.
It's probably not helping to tell you nice things about Niko, but you're the only one "I know" who can get it. 💐🌸🪷🌼🪻
- your flower anon, who often thinks about you and who hopes life is treating you well ❤️
I'm going to SCREAM
first of all HI it's so good to hear from you again 🥺🖤 I'm sorry for what you've been going through but I'm happy the medication helps and you can at least do some normal life stuff 🤲🖤
now pls whyyyyYYYYY does Niko have to be so fucking cute 😭💔 like I am trying so hard to move on with my life and every time he takes a social media break I think this is it this time it's for real and then. he dares to show his dumb face again and be adorable and I'm right back where I started down horrendous for that man 😔💔😭 mf simply will not leave my frontal lobe without a lobotomy
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criticallyobs · 7 months
Z WHOLEHEARTEDLY recommends...
As I mentioned in Episode #21 of our Dangerous Romance podcast I love this song so much. The melody is so pretty and catching in a way that is both uplifting but also strangely melancholic.
When listening to it, for me it invokes images of dappled sunshine and a warm summer breeze, it has such a vibe that I feel like I'm not doing it justice.
Positioned in the first episode around the five-minute mark, only the instrumental was used, and yet the lyrics work so beautifully for them also.
I found an AI-written article about the meaning of the lyrics and I was just going 'YES, YES, YES!!!' the whole time I was reading it. (I love it when my obsessive insanity is backed up by things more intelligent than me.)
I want to share some bits from it here:
'The song "Infinity" by Bluma Petersen (featuring Nadja Alsén) explores themes of self-discovery, growth, and the enduring nature of love. The song begins with a greeting to emotions, indicating a renewed awareness and connection to one's own feelings. The reference to oceans and rain symbolizes the vastness and fluidity of emotions. The singer acknowledges their familiarity with their own patterns and identity, expressing that they are aware of their own circles and name.'
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'The chorus, "Reform and rise to be so free, In time we seize infinity," conveys a message of personal transformation and liberation. It suggests that by embracing change and evolution, one can achieve a sense of ultimate freedom and boundlessness.
The verses continue to explore various themes. The mention of borders being out of order and being out of pain suggests breaking free from limitations and past suffering.'
Kang and Sailom both endure such substantial and life-changing character development, as they navigate first their friendship and then their romantic relationship and again when they're separated.
Sailom needed to break free of his strict self-imposed limitations and learn how to ask for help and also to allow the people who love him to care for him.
Kang needed to break away from his own self-doubt and fear while learning to understand that expectations can be a dangerous thing.
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'The lyrics also touch upon the idea of fighting and holding the line, which could imply overcoming obstacles or standing up for oneself. The references to never hiding and never lying indicate a commitment to authenticity and honesty in relationships.'
Honestly, this song could have been written for them.
We spoke many times about the honesty between Kang and Sailom in moments when it mattered. Except for direct feelings, as they struggled to express both their love and fear, they were honest with each other.
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'The repeated lines about coming home and going strong suggest a sense of reunion and strength within a romantic relationship. It implies that despite their individual journeys, they still find solace and support with each other. The conclusion of the song emphasizes the idea of limitless love, with the repetition of "infinity" signifying its eternal nature.
Overall, "Infinity" embodies a message of personal growth, perseverance, and the undying power of love. It encourages embracing change, facing challenges, and finding strength in relationships to achieve a sense of freedom and seize the infinite possibilities that life offers.'
This AI-written article makes me wonder if this particular AI has somehow become sentient and is a fan of Dangerous Romance and has devoured our podcast, because when I was reading the article it was like it was inteligently speaking on why I loved this song and why it couldn't have been more perfect both for that moment in the show and Kang and Sailom's relationship.
The fact that this song was chosen by someone involved in this show and they chose to only include the instrument piece at the start of the song both impresses and kind of angers me.
It's such a good fit - Did they not realize it? Or is this just one more way the Dangerous Romance crew made it known that they are far superior to other productions by encouraging its viewers to engage and really dig into this show?
The song ends much like the show with love and freedom to be themselves together, which will last an infinity.
The way the show ends with Kang coming back to Sailom who has become his home, and in return, Sailom coming to Kang in the hotel room to embrace past fears and hurts lends itself very well to the ideas of home and strength we see mentioned at the end of the song.
A line I somehow missed with my many screenshots "Now we're ready to be whole." Oh, my poor Kanghan Sailom heart.
I love this idea of them feeling equal to each other in the end because they make up each other's missing pieces and now when they're together they're whole.
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iam93percentstardust · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this (or when you feel up to it!), reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love!
Ooh fun! I'm gonna go with semi-recent fics from the last year or so (with one exception) because 230+ fics means I have a lot of faves and narrowing it down is a pain.
Steve starts making his way back towards the directions of the cars, wanting to greet her, only to stop dead when he realizes who her date is. Natasha has brought Tony with her. Tony of the pictures, of the stories, of Steve’s infatuated little heart even though he’s never met him in person.
I love writing celebrity aus and this one was particularly fun because I wrote something I don't normally do with celebrity!Steve and nonfamous!Tony. Plus I got to write Natasha and Tony besties, which is always a lot of fun, and got to include a shout-out to my childhood best friend (and I always enjoy when I can work in references to my own life).
Death by a Thousand Cuts
“Tony?” Pepper asks, and he can tell just by the look on her face that whatever she has to tell him, it isn’t good. “What?” he asks. She looks uncharacteristically hesitant. Pepper isn’t supposed to be hesitant. She’s supposed to be barge-in, guns-blazing, unapologetically confident. “The news leaked,” she says eventually.
And now the flip side! Pop star Tony currently owns my entire heart, and I love the idea of breaking up and making up but with the added complication of having to do it on the global stage. There's just something extra delicious about Steve and Tony having to work things out when they have all these people shouting on Twitter and TikTok about how they're better off on their own.
Dear Juliet
When Steve Rogers is given a chance to accompany his friends to Verona, Italy, he's expecting to spend a few days wandering through vineyards and probably seeing at least one Shakespeare performance (and if he's lucky, finding some inspiration for his next webcomic). He isn't expecting the handsome brown-eyed man who works with Juliet's Secretaries or the decades-old love letter that he finds behind a loose brick underneath Juliet's balcony or that the response he sends to Dame Margaret Carter will be answered, not by another letter, but by the sender herself showing up in Verona. He isn't expecting that he'll get caught up in a whirlwind adventure to help Peggy search for her lost love, the woman she left long ago, her beloved Maria.
My current baby! Dear Juliet is an idea that's been sitting in my to-be-written folder for literal years. It was one of the very first ideas that I had for this fandom, and I've been chomping at the bit to write it since 2018. It kept getting put off though, first because I was working on three separate long fics at the same time and then I got caught up with all these other long fics over the years, but after I finished up MRaMRN last year, I told myself that once I was done with my long fic break, I was going to write Dear Juliet. And now it's finally here!
Tied Together With a Smile
“Captain Rogers, this is my sub, Maria,” Howard managed through a strangled voice. “And my son—” “I’m Tony,” YouKnowWhoIAm said, boldly sticking his hand out for Steve to shake. He took it, automatically raising it to his lips to kiss, the way he’d been taught to greet unattached subs as a child. It had fallen out of fashion while Steve was in the ice, and he’d mostly trained himself out of the impulse, but he just couldn’t resist when he saw Tony.
Age difference! Social media AU! Dom/sub verse! Art by two of my favorite artists in this fandom! I feel like this fic has everything that I love, and I pretty regularly go back to reread it.
Marvels Unsolved
A Buzzfeed Unsolved AU starring Tony and Bucky as two ghost hunters searching for truth and Sam as their long-suffering cameraman
Here's my little exception to the five fics because this isn't a fic, it's a verse, but I just love it so much. It's such a rare pair (I think I've written a third of the fics for this pairing), and someone once told me that I wasted a great AU idea on this pairing, but this verse is easily one of my favorite things I've ever written. I'm planning on wrapping it up next year, but I will very much miss it once it's over (and hey, if you like this verse, keep an eye out in October for another installment and a hint of a greater plot!).
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junebug-the · 1 year
Corrupted Memories, Part 1
An excerpt from my setting, written entirely to try to inspire myself to return to writing for it. This is not a happy story. -Junebug
Exomilia was gorgeous this time of year.
The vibrant glows of its aurora bathed the capitol in waves of colors, turning an already festive city into a glowing hub of activity. Not even the projected view from the cockpit of Aluni's personal ship could dim the colors as it drifted down through the atmosphere.
Al–ni turned away from the cockpit as his pilot brought them down towards the towering skyscraper that was the headquarters of the company that sponsored the planet's colonization—Exomilia Solutions. With them at the helm, Exomilia had turned into a cement hellscape. There's nothing left of the land under it, the sprawl's gonna kill the rest. People are going to suffer and the suits are gonna laugh and take their entourages off-world and leave them all to die. Even me.
The hydraulics of the landing ramp hissed as it opened, allowing more of the vibrant colors into A––ni's slitted eyes. Even with the slight ache as his eyes adjusted, he straightened his loose shirt and held his feathery antennae high in a smile as he stepped down the ramp.
Awaiting him on the landing pad was another Dopteran, dressed in a sleek suit that caused the puff of gray fur on his chest to frame his head like an extra collar. His lower pair of arms uncrossed from behind him, spread wide in a happy greeting. "A–––i, it's wonderful to see you back here safe and sound!"
Him. Him. He who colonized this world and drained it of resources. He who decided to break this planet over his knees and leave it so ruined a single beat of his wings would shatter every structure on its surface. A–––– still couldn't figure out what project or reason needed every ounce of the planet's resources. It ate at him like a starved nymph in Exomilia's streets.
He– Mirel grinned at him, antennae high and jaws slightly flexed in that awful way he did it. Like a feral ancestor in Doptera's jungles, ready to strike. "You could not have picked a better time. If you'll look towards the streets, we have a situation on our hands."
He looked.
A flood of people were leaving the headquarters and its surrounding buildings. Even with the aurora, he could make out all the colors and patterns and wing and antennae shapes of a fair number of Dopteran subspecies. All of them, walking and flying away from Solutions, from their jobs. From Mirel.
––––– curled their antennae and splayed them in confusion, and hoped it was enough of a show. Inside, they couldn't have been happier.
"Didn't a festival start under the aurora?" they asked with only a glance a Mirel. "I know that's... more than usual, but wouldn't they be leaving to take part around this time anyway?
"I know you have your... fascination with them." Mirel's tone was low. Cold. They could hear a hint of a growl as it escaped his throat. "And without you, I doubt that festival would have cropped up."
Dopterans were a predator species. Hunters. Every muscle in –––––'s body told them to flee to run run run, run this time, he won't catch you, get it out out out, get it out! Their twin hearts trembled in panic.
Mirel rested his upper right arm on their shoulders, and that festering grin returned. "Of course, it does motivate them. And with those implants gaining popularity, they could keep track of every event, isn't that right?"
No, no, no, not again, not again, not again–
<I'm getting an increase in brain activity.>
"Genius little things you made, –––––. Truly genius."
<Clamp down on that code, we've almost got it.>
"But, I would like to solve this problem, this lack of work. And I think you'll love the experience."
<Wiping it now—>
The implant activated. Every thought in their mind burned away as pain filled every neuron from their bones to their chitin. Half the crowd screamed as they were wiped away. People fell from the air. ––––– collapsed to their knees and screamed with them as static rimmed their eyes.
<Get a handle on it!>
Mirel stood above them, his jaw spread wide in a hungry sneer. Blood-blue light bathed his maw. "You never were loyal to me, to Exomilia, or to Solutions, were you, –––––?
"But you will be. You'll be perfect."
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hanako-san · 1 year
Hey it’s the same anon who came up with the surviving sister oc idea I just had an add on thought to that of the surviving sister having a son that goes to school with Nene
I have an idea for your fanfic, a bit.. my idea.. I have no idea if you'll like it, but I hope so.
I got the idea of their interaction and how it started. I wanted to start with the rescue of Hanako by his nephew. So little thought I hope you like it. As for the names of the characters - these are the names given to them by lovely anon-san, whom I met and greet😊
The Yugi twins had a younger sister Ichigo who survived what happened. Her life was full of sadness and trauma she went through, but she found happiness. She told her husband and son about everything, who was very similar to Amane - the older twin. Akane - that was the name of the son, he went to Kamome's school and his classmate was Nene. Every day in Akane's class he saw his own uncle and pretended not to see him and covered his face with a book and glanced at his uncle always and felt embarrassed when he teased Yashiro or hugged her. Akane watched Amane successfully avoiding meeting his uncle. Hanako knew that someone was watching him - he felt it, but he's been trying to push these thoughts aside for some time now and he started to think he was going crazy and it all seems to him, until one event…
Amane fulfilled his duties as Hanako. The Mokkes have been stealing things again even though their rumor has been changed. When he looked in the bag, he was left with something that made him pale - the bracelet that belonged to Teru, he swallowed in fear. Hanako decided to give it to Kou in his head, while he wondered how Mokke managed to steal the entire bracelet, lost in thought, he did not notice Teru pointing his sword at him. "Be careful!!!!" Someone shouted Akane grabbed Amane's hand and ran with him straight and as far as possible, Teru's bracelet fell out of Amane's hand. Amane and Akane stopped at the school playground. Akane had his back to his uncle. "Who are you…" Amane broke the awkward silence "Hi…" he turned to him "uncle" he added looking at him with an angry look When Amane looked at the boy's face, he didn't know what to do, he stood still, his conjunctiva stopped working. He saw 3 clones in front of him, this 3 clone had some differences but a striking similarity" After a long time, some information reached him. "Did you call me uncle?" He said questioningly in surprise "Yes.. I'm the son of Ichigo, your younger sister and Uncle Tsukasa" He said looking him straight in the eyes Then Amane understood everything. He suspected that she was the only survivor of what had happened. "I'm so glad," he said with relief in his voice and a smile "You're glad. You killed Tsukasa…you know what she's going through? She still suffers. She loves you, you and Uncle Tsukasa. She forgave you but I'm not going to" He said angrily in anger "Ah.. I understand.." He said covering half of his face, his sad mouth showing. It hurt him to be despised by his nephew, but he knew he had a right to hate him for his mother's pain and hurt. He understood it, but he felt his dead heart tearing apart. "You have the right to hate me," he added, grabbing his mudnruek on his chest and kneading hard. "That's what I would have told you months ago. Now… I don't hate you, but I'm angry with you. Tell me why?" He added more calmly "Even Mom doesn't know why…" He added "I promised someone that someday I'd tell you everything, so I promise you too, and by the way, how do you see me. Our family doesn't have that ability." "I almost died once and since then I can see ghosts and other supernatural things" He replied "I promise you will tell me everything" He asked just to be sure "Sure… I won't break my promise," he said They both shook hands as a sign of agreement. Since then, Amane and Akane have gotten to know each other better and better. Akane talked a lot about his mother, it made Amane feel happiness fill him.
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the moon
date: sometime in november 2023 I'm turning 18 in just about two months, time runs through my fingers faster than I can get a hold of it. time swiftly fades into memories beneath my feet, and when I look back, all there is to see are dark, void and empty thoughts, that lead to my throne made of scars and tears, which I kneel upon since I'm not worthy of it anymore. Time has passed, and I've changed, I cant mock life while it does its move anymore, I've got to sit quietly and avoid checkmate. Even though I have grown resilient, my mind feels like a sinking ship in the far, obscure waters overthinking has taken me to. My lungs slowly fill with the crystalline water I've been drowning in, as every single bit of my energy is drained by the unnecessary crying of my mind. I've been clean of self harm for seven months, and sober for a week, I'm slowly regaining the ability to feel the sun projecting itself onto my skin, the fine and soft dirt I walk on, the smell of daffodils, the chilly subtle breeze and the joyful chorus of birds greeting me with a new day. And even then, I feel so purposeless, I don't have anywhere to return once I leave this rehab facility other than my old life, tainted by the corrupting, crippling addiction I fell into. I never thought I would make it this far, never thought I would make it to my 18th birthday, I promised I would kill myself ever since I was 6; here I stand though, quiet and still, my future inches away from my face, challenging me to venture into the unknown. I'm weak, small, too feminine to be a man and too masculine to be a woman, needy for love and attention, wishing someone would hold me and tell me it'll be okay. Hoping to make it one more day without overdosing. Even if I wasn't gay or trans, even if I was strong and threatening, even if I was confident and fearless I'd still feel like I'm at a disadvantage against the world. I never prepared myself for being here, never thought of this outcome, never saw it coming or wished for it, but I've regained my life when I expected it the least. I owe it to myself. For every time I slowly slit my thighs, laughing and crying in extreme mania as I'd hear the rip of my skin. For every blunt and acid tab, for every pill and cigarette, for every shot and and drink. I owe this day to my mother, who I've made cry and sob uncontrollably every time I end up at the hospital unconscious because I had lost control of my life once more, I've made her break every time the police called her crushing the tiny bit of hope and innocence she saw in me. I let myself get lost in a downwards, tightening never ending downwards spiral of drugs, self harm, sex work, hookups, alcohol and mental illness. Lost in the middle of nowhere with no friends, tools, shelter or money. I ventured into the unknown thinking that I wouldn't make it back. But I did. the moon rose, enlightened the way out and gave me hope. Now I know I can go and explore the world empty handed and alone, I know the moon will rise and take me home when I get lost. I do not with to kneel upon the throne I build with self induced pain and suffering once more. I'm not coming back.
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danger-noodle-uwu · 3 years
I'm new to tumblr so is this how you do request? May I request the brothers forgetting mc's birthday and later remembering it. How would they react? Maybe they were busy or something. Your choice if you wanna do the dateables too.
Trigger warning
Mentions of Angst/sad/slight comfort
Busy almost all the time, the first-born barely spent time with our dear Mc. He would try to finish the work only for more to be slammed on his desk.
Never would his brothers acknowledge his efforts or the sacrifices he made for them. Instead they'd mock him. Mock him for being absent at all family times. Mock him for doing what he does.
It was once again such a time, such a day. They didn't bother to care what the day has held for his beloved. It was their birth.
The birth of the one who truly changed his life along with his brothers. It was such a blessing yet he forgot about it. Entirely.
The Avatar of pride was strong, Lucifer wasn't. He was weak. Vulnerable. Especially against his brothers whom he adored with his entire being.
And the mocking words had stabbed him deeply, which made his current state as to how it was. Drunk. Wounded. Crying.
Rubbing his eyes, he awoke to a mess of his office which screamed the need for cleanliness.
During the process, he found the calender. A sweet calender gifted him by his doll.
A smile had crept on his face as he lifted it for what? Perhaps to calm the unsettling feeling in his bones that told him to run but where he didn't know?
While their lover was, Mc wilted much like a delicate flower would if the sun stopped shinning, they were laying curled on the floor of his room. Mc needed him.
How could he forget his own lover's birthday?! even after he promised... it hurts.. so much...
Yesterday. The poor human cut the cake wished themselves a happy birthday when he didn't...crying...in pain...
The realization hit hard. He ran to Mc's room as fast as he could. A shiver ran his spine and the horror in his stomach grew as each and every step was taken.
Yet could not find them, so he went over to his office expecting a fuming Mc.
He was once again not right, for his beloved was breaking down as he took them into his arms. Consoling.
He apologised and comforted them. Reassuring them over and over again. Reminding them his heart still is with them and no-could ever take it away.
He later threw a party, just like how you wanted. You. Him. And the growing fragrance of the candles surrounding you both.
Though late as it may have been, it was the best birthday the innocent human had. Smiling while he kissed your knuckles, he asked for your hand in marriage.
Never had you expected this...
"I Found the reason for my smile, the day I found you. Will you let me be the reason for your smile and marry me, my love?"
As most had expected, he forgot your birthday due to witches or the modeling gig, he did not.
Instead he forgot about preparing your birthday gifts. His excitement had always gotten the best of him.
The Avatar of greed did not have enough budget to prepare the gift you dearly wished for, therefore multiple part-time jobs and skipping RAD became more often.
Despite the scolding, he didn't bother and worked on, just imagining the smile you'd make once you saw what he got you.
''I'll make Mc smile. Just one more hour extra and the budget would be*chef's kiss* '' he thought as his co-workers packed their belongings up.
It was late night and the moons shined brightly over the streets of devildom however he wasn't much worried because it was not like your birthday the next day. (it was)
Stretching his arms, he woke up around 1:35 pm due to his fucked up sleep schedule, only to be greeted by your excited figure cuddling him.
Grey-haired demon thought it was the Delirium before the day itself. He was wrong.
At first he acted totally oblivious to the fact any special day was just around the corner. He knew that surprises even more better!!
And then your great mammon ignored you for a while to rid of the risk of you following him to the destination.
Though his plan was to get your hopes down, he ended up making you cry. It hurts a lot especially when the love of your life forgets your birthday afterall you gave him everything he wanted on his.
The visit was successful. He even had extras left to treat you!!!
The was big achievement for someone who hated working to the slightest, to work for 3 weeks and multiple jobs!!!
But before he left, the seller mocked him about being a damned day late for this gift could have been sold at a better price if not booked.
That is when it all clicked and he panicked. Today was your birthday! Oh shit!!
He rushed home back to you. As he ran, he planned how to ask for your forgiveness.
" Oi Mc I'm sorry!--Oh hell no!!" "Mc I fucked I am sorry, please forgive afterall I'm your first man.--fuck this shit imma just play smooth."
Panting, he paused right before the door of your room and knocked lightly. Seeking your permission to enter.
You lazily opened the door for him, tired after shedding many tears for him.
Mammon instantly knew what to do. "Oi Mc I'm sorry for not wishing ya' a happy birthday earlier but I was busy buyin you somethin', here darlin' close your eyes."
Hearing his apology, you felt oddly happy and followed his request. Soon you felt a soft cold metal cling to your wrist. A bracelet, huh.?
"Open y'er eyes, human." On your wrist was bracelet that said 'His human' and another matching one was on his wrist which said 'Their stupid' . (Now isn't that adorable?)
"I was savin' up for this, so ya' better appreciate it. Hmph!" Giggling you yelled 'I love you' at him making him blush immediately.
However, when he spoke, he spoke genuinely and not in tsundere.
"Ya' make my life worth living. You bring smiles to my face, and y'er touch shows me how much you love me and care for me. Y'er my friend and my lover. Happy Birthday!"
With envy filled to the brim, Leviathan was very focused upon you and having your attention only for himself. To not let anyone snatch you away for they could better be than him, he'd make notes to treat you like royalty and improve his guilt-tripping habits.
Guilt, regret, shame. His heart screamed within the confines of his chest, as he rubbed your back assuring you that he still loved and will continue to do so.
It was his envy. It had always been his envy. Who always held him captive like a bird in a cage, he struggled to break free. He just couldn't.
The fault was his for if he hadn't given in to the jealousy named poison, you would be happily celebrating your birthday rather than crying in his embrace.
The fault was his for if he hadn't screamed at your friends who just came to congratulate you about getting in a relationship with the demon you very much loved and to wish you a birthday.
They left because of him. Not because he humiliated them but he forgot his own lover's birthday and called them a pathetic cheater, as they didn't feel like reminding of what the day was. They had left off with their friends, returning at HOL at night only to get yelled at.
Caring friends as they were, they tried convincing Mc to leave which his love refused. So, they left pitying the poor human.
No-matter how much Mc begged her companions to stay, they didn't.
Oh the suffering for His Normie, they ran upto him vulnerable-ly and started hitting him weakly, breaking down. Why was he? Why was he like this?! Why must he always leave you crying due to his envy?!
"Hey easy...calm down please, I'm sorry. I really am sorry, please forgive me and I promise I will make everything right. Please." "How..?" "Please trust me. My love." "Are you sure..?" "Yes...yes...I love you..."
Could you really trust his statement? You wondered. He could forget his word much like how he forgot your birthday.
The great admiral of hell's navy was true to his word, and successfully united you again with those who almost abandoned you or it seemed like--but no they were just disappointed. They were never going to do such a thing.
The meet went smoothly, and soon the the sun was setting casting shadows along with dying light, it was a dreamy sight for anyone.
Leviathan had known that he still had to make upto you properly and therefore, he took you to the cosmos of frodane.
Red, blue, yellow, any colour you could possibly think of was there, shining as brightly you were.
Taking in a shaky breath, the Avatar of envy gave you a bouquet, each flower consisting different scent which complimented the other.
The shimmer in your eyes gave you away and he gave you a sweetly addicting kiss while mumuring...
"I always cause some mess. It is never your fault. I’m sorry for making you feel unhappy. I cannot believe that I cause hurt to you. You are my only hope for my life. I promise you that I will do my best to make a better version of myself for you, my 3rd waifu~"
And here we go... the pain and the suffering. Lol
Hope you like it and stay safe everyone. ♡♡♡
Have a good day!
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joansiefics · 3 years
Hey!! I just saw your prompt post and I was wondering if I could request prompts 2 and 4 from the angst section with Steve Rogers? Fluffy ending? I'm just really in the Steve mood rn. Thanks❤️😘
No Bed Of Roses
Prompt 2: "don't you hurt a single hair on her head"
Prompt 4: "I don't know where I am... please help"
SUMMARY: You get kidnapped on your way home from running errands and Steve comes to save you.
WARNINGS: Explicit  Descriptions of Torturing (Cutting, Dislocations...), Kidnapping, Chloroform, Blood, Mentions of Death, Guns
A/N: The expression "no bed of roses" means not pleasant at all. And seeing that this fic is about an anniversary I accentuated and incorporated flowers in the fic. I'm sorry it took so long to write your request, but I hope you like the final product.
Add yourself to my TAGLIST
~Flower #1: Peony - means Marriage~
You just finished decorating - roses strewn over the tablecloth accompanied by lit candles and fairy lights hanging by the entrance. It was your first marriage anniversary and you wanted it to be special. There were still three hours left before Steve would be home and you were almost done, you just needed to make your famous pumpkin pie. "Dang it!" you spoke aloud when you noticed your flour wasn't enough for the recipe. You rushed to the door and grabbed your keys on the way out.
You payed for the flour, thanked the cashier and rushed back to your car. A few meters away from your car, you searched your purse for your keys and unfortunately didn't notice the two men creeping up on you.
~Flower #2: Aconite - means Be Cautious~
A calloused hand enclosed around your mouth, muffling your cries for help, as the other arm snaked around your waist, preventing you from escaping. Another man's hand came into your peripheral vision, a torn rag in his hand. You struggled against the arm around your waist, screaming against his filthy, sour tasting hand and kicking your legs wildly. The rag was forced into your face, even though you twisted your head from left to right, holding your breath and doing everything in your power to escape the drowsiness. After about five minutes of useless struggling, black spots started to cloud your vision, the fight fully escaped from your body and you fell numb into your attacker's arms.
~Flower #3: White Rose - means Silence~
When you opened your eyes, the dark was exchanged for more darkness. You relied on your hearing to inform you of your surroundings - a dripping faucet, the roof's thermal expansion and contraction and silence. The sudden presence of a fluorescent light directed directly into your eyes had you squinting. "Sleeping Beauty finally awakes" a loud voice booms from somewhere in front of you. You try opening your eyes against the bright light to find the source of the goosebump-eliciting voice. "Who are you and what do you what from me?" you strenuously ask. A dry cough threatens to escape your parched throat and makes you gag, before you collect the most possible saliva to swallow. "We'll leave our identity a riddle for you to figure out while we wait for your Captain to show up"
'No, no, no, no...HYDRA...Steve fought so hard against them, he'll be devastated' you think "Well, then I'll have all the time in the world, he's not coming to save me" you say, hoping that it came across more convincing than it felt "We both know you're lying princess" "Don't call me princess" you seethe. "We need to do something about your snarky remarks, princess." he tuts as he walks to the corner of the room and for the first time you see the trolley decorated with tools. "With what do you want to start?" he asks fake politely. "You choose" you say with fake bravery masking your utter terror. "Let's see if we can shut your pretty mouth up first." He picks up a knife and slowly stalks towards you.
~Flower #4: Marigold - means Pain~
When he gets to you, he forces your mouth open - his long fingernails digging into your soft, rosy cheeks. He musters up all his saliva, stores it at the tip of his tongue and spits the ball of slime into the back of your throat. You choke on the warm liquid, traveling down your throat as he shakes your head to ensure that you swallowed all the given saliva. Once you swallowed everything you look your kidnapper in the eyes "thank you so much, I was so thirsty" "Let's see if you'll be so outspoken when I cut your tongue" he digs his nails deeper, drawing blood as you try to close your mouth. He forces the knife's blade into your mouth.
The cut is made at the tip of your tongue - not deep enough to cut the tip off, but just deep enough to let it bleed profusely. A scream escapes your lungs and the tears sting behind your eyes. "Not so brave now sweetheart, huh?" he mocks. He takes a phone out of his pocket and clicks on a number. The phone rings once and then the other person picks up "Hello?" the person, you recognize as Steve, unsurely greets. "Captain, we have your pretty little wife over here" "Don't you hurt a single hair on her head!!" Steve yells fumingly. "Oops, too late" "let me talk to her" Steve urgently orders, hands clenched into fists. "No, no, no captain...why don't I show you" your kidnapper switches the call over to video call and focuses the camera on you. He grabs your cheeks again, forcing your mouth open. Then he grabs a pair of pliers and pull at the tip of your tongue, to show Steve the damage that has been done.
You don't know when your tears started falling - maybe when you saw Steve or maybe when your tongue was cut into, but they were now flowing down your cheeks, stinging in the crescent shaped cuts of your kidnapper's nails. "Just hold on sweetheart, I'm going to get you out of there okay?" 'He is probably still at work... how long have I been here? Less than three hours?' You attempted to speak but you rather hissed at the pain when your tongue touched your upper palate. Steve's heart clenched at the sight of your fear stricken face, contorting in pain. "Here's the deal, we let your pretty princess go free when you hand yourself in" the kidnapper speaks up. "Deal, but I swear if you hurt her even more I won't hesitate to kill you" and with that Steve hangs up.
~Flower #5: Balsamine - means Impatient~
"I think he forgot about you princess" the kidnapper says, impatiently looking at his watch and walking the room up and down. When nearly twenty minutes have passed since the phone call, your kidnapper lost patience. He harshly yanked you up, by your hair, from the chair and pulled you after him - your feet sweeping the floor clean. At the other side of the room he let go of your hair and kicked you over onto your stomach. He gripped your tied up wrists and cut the rope loose, only to secure your wrists with a much stronger and longer rope. You could feel the sisal rubbing over your already lacerated wrists and feel the blood trickling down your fingers.
When your kidnapper was sure that you could not escape the bonds, he hauled you up by holding the other side of the rope. He lead you to a contraption where he made you climb the three stairs upwards. He positioned you that your back was to the pole-like-contraption and then tied the longer end of the rope (behind your back) to it. He quickly got off and pulled the handle which made the platform disappear from your under your feet and you fell with a big force to the ground, being pulled back by the rope just before your feet could touch the ground. You screamed as you felt your shoulder pop out of its socket - the pain electrifying every cell in your body.
~Flower #6: Iris - means Faith & Hope~
You have no idea how long you've been hanging from a rope - a shoulder dislocated, probably a broken rib, lacerated wrists and a slit tongue. The distant sound of gunshots alert your kidnapper, but you hang numbly and exhausted. 'Where's Steve? I know he'll come for me, it's just a matter of time' you try to talk some sense into yourself, before you completely think that Steve has abandoned you. "Don't let them get the girl, she's our only leverage!!" your kidnapper yells through his comms to the soldiers, but he is met with static. "Your captain has come to rescue you... and now we have him right where we want him. He'll pay for all the destruction he caused." he has a disgusting smirk on his face, eyes glowing with evilness. "Sir, we need you on the field, all our backup is dead!" a panicked voice makes its way through the static and over the comms. "Stay right here you filthy female and don't make a sound or I won't hesitate to cut out your entire tongue out when I get back" he snarls before running out to the battlefield.
'If I yell someone might hear me and save me, or that freak will come back and cut out my tongue. Maybe I'll die when he does that, then I won't have to suffer anymore... it's worth a try' and then you start yelling with every ounce of energy and air left in your lungs. "Heeeeelp!!!" you cry out. The sound of your cries echoes through the room and into the hallway just outside the room. "Y/N?!" it takes a moment before you realize that it's not your echo boomeranging but someone calling out to you. "I don't know where I am...please help me!!!" you yell.
Steve follows your voice as the other Avengers fight of more HYDRA agents. When he enters the room and sees your hanging figure his heart breaks into pieces, shattering on the floor. "Y/N?" he carefully asks, to make his presence known. He slowly walks closer to you, purposely making his steps louder for you to hear and not to startle you. You lift your head up a bit, seeing Steve, before your head falls back down, your chin touching your collar bone. Steve assesses the entire contraption as he takes a few more steps closer to you.
~Flower #7: Gladiolus - means Heroism~
When Steve is standing in front of you, he carefully lifts your chin to make you look him in the eyes. "Steve" you whisper, throat dry, lips sticking together and tongue aching. "I'm here sweetheart" he comforts you, because he knows you'll need it to pull the next part off. "Sweetheart, I need you to listen to me" "hmn" you acknowledge him. "I'm going to cut the rope from this contraption and I'm going to hold you so you don't fall, I just need you to trust me and work with me" "okay" your small voice, make tears burn at the back of Steve's eyes and he has to fight hard to suppress them. He snakes an arm around your waist and cuts the rope, making you fall over his broad shoulders (fireman style carrying). A disgruntled sound leaves your throat when your shoulder flops around limply. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Steve apologizes.
He carries you to the middle of the room and lays you down. He takes of his jacket, folds it and put it under your head as a pillow. "Sweetheart?" he lightly shakes your uninjured shoulder to get your attention. "Can you tell me where it hurts?" you nod your head 'no' before closing your eyes again. "I know you're tired, but you gotta stay awake just a little while longer okay?" You open your eyes again and Steve asks the same question "can you tell me where it hurts, sweetheart?" "my tongue" Steve knows about your tongue, but he lets you finish. "my shoulder" he saw your shoulder was out out of place when he cut the rope loose. "my ribs and my wrists" "Is that all?" Steve asks, and you just give him a simple nod, too tired and sore to talk.
"I'm going to first take a look at your shoulder" Steve says. He quickly informs the team of your whereabouts and then focuses all his attention back to you. He lifts your arm up, supports your shoulder with his one hand and pulls as hard as he can towards him. A high pitched scream leaves you, once again. "It's done, it's done" Steve cooes as he rubs his hands over your arms.
Just them Bucky and Natasha arrives at the scene. "It's all clear" Bucky relays to Steve. "Thanks guys" Steve thanks, gently picking you up bridal style and carrying you to the Quinjet.
At the compound you were professionally taken care of. And later that night, you woke up to the soft 40's music playing in the background, Steve holding your hand and flowers next to your bed, with a note attached to it - "I love you so much Y/N, and nothing will ever take you away from me" You lightly tugged at Steve's hands and he woke up, but before he could speak you put your finger over his lips. "Just lie with me, please"
TAGLIST: (if your name is crossed out, I couldn't tag you)
@buckyzzrogers @buckyandstevesbitch @ooopsthiswasnotsupposedtohappen @marvelouslyriddikulus
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crappycamille · 3 years
On Stand-By (bakugou x reader)
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minors DNI
warnings: 18+, voyeurism/exhibitionism, somnophilia-ish (not really), unprotected sex, masterbation
Bakugou couldn't have been dreading a mission more. Why the hell did his agency have to put him, of all people, on this task. Okay fine- he knew that he was the one most fit for the mission but still. This was a pain in the ass.
The Commission was having trouble with a smaller gang of criminals. The mission was for him to wait on stand-by in a small apartment adjacent to the building where the gang's hideout was. Nothing Bakugou couldn't handle on his own, but still, the Commission had to put you on the job too. It wasn't that Bakugou didn't like you, in fact, it was quite the opposite. He always had a hard time controlling himself whenever you were around.
How the hell was he supposed to control himself when you always strolled into his agency in that skin-tight hero suit of yours? When you would come in and shamelessly flirt with his friends. He would see your fights on the news, but he couldn't even focus because with every kick your ass jiggled in such a delicious way. And when that bubbly butt came strolling into his office it took everything in his power to not take you right on his desk.
His pants tightened at the thought of you fucked dumb underneath him. Imagining what your pretty face would look like contorted into a fucked out expression. He wanted to ruin you. However, Bakugou needed to keep it professional. The Commission would often pair the two of you together since you were one of the few people who could keep up with him in combat and agility. Another reason why Bakugou sought after you. So when he heard he would have to be stuck in an apartment with you all day for two weeks he couldn't help but complain.
To make matters worse, when he showed up at the apartment there was only one bedroom. The couch was way too small for either of you to sleep comfortably. So, the two of you had to sleep in the same bed. His assistant sure got an ear full.
The first couple of days weren't bad. The two of you tried to spend the time as far away from each other as possible within the small studio apartment. Aside from simple greetings, neither of you talked to each other very often. Either one of you getting out of the shared bed as soon as you woke up to wordlessly make breakfast. You knew Bakugou well, so if keeping your distance would keep him in a decent mood for longer... the better for you both.
The instructions were to not leave the apartment by any means. The two of you were just supposed to wait for the call. And all Bakugou could do was hope that it was sooner than later.
Everything seemed to be going fine... that is until Bakugou woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of your slutty little fingers deep in your cunt. He couldn't believe his ears. Were you really masturbating with him right next to you?
You were almost too quiet to hear... almost.
You weren't making much noise aside from your labored breathing and the occasional whispered mewl. What gave you away was the not-so-quiet sound of your pussy. It was clear that you were drenched. Bakugou had to do everything in his power to not groan out as he imagined how wet you were.
He was painfully erect, but he didn't dare move a muscle in fear that you would figure out he was awake. He relished in the sounds of your cunt, wishing he could see it for himself.
He listened to you finish and quickly scurry over to the bathroom before falling back asleep. All while leaving him with a painful hard-on for the rest of the night. You were making this so difficult for him.
You went on during the day regularly, clearly unaware you had been caught. But each night the same thing happened. Bakugou would wake up to the sound of you. Some nights were quick and others you took your time to tease yourself. All while he would quietly palm himself to gain some relief. All of it was driving him crazy.
But then. Then... he heard it. Clear as day... His name.
"B-Bakugou" the sound came out as a breathy moan. It was a lot less subtle and quiet than you had intended it to be. Too lost in pleasure to realize the blond next to you heard you cry out for him. A sound that shot straight to his cock. A sound that made him feral.
He snapped.
In one swift motion, he pushed himself on top of you. A hand coming to grab the hand you had been teasing yourself with to keep it in place. A way of showing you he knew what you were doing.
Your eyes shot open wide in surprise, fear written all over your face as his predatory vermillion eyes glared down at you.
"B-B-Bakugou! It's not what it looks-"
"It's not what?" His voice deep and rasped. "It's not me catching you knuckles deep in your pussy being a fucking pervert?" Your pussy fluttered at his crude words. Taking your wrist into his large hand he brought your fingers, soaked in your essence, up to his mouth to suck on them. Groaning out at finally being able to taste you.
"It's not me catching you moan my name while you get yourself off while I was 'sleeping' next to you? Hm? Fucking slut. I bet you wanted to be caught."
"N-No I-"
"N-No I-" he mocked, a smirk gracing his face as he watched you squirm with humiliation. "Quit acting like you haven't been doing this all week." Your eyes widened at the realization he had heard you the entire time.
He began to rut against your clothed crotch, needing to alleviate the ache of his cock. Your hips matching his pace. Grinding against him with need. "What's the matter?" he said with a mocking pout. "Didn't think I'd notice?"
But Bakugou did fail to notice. He failed to notice that you felt the same way about him as he did you. He failed to notice when you would come to his agency more often than what was needed, just to see him. That you went out of your way to impress him on missions. That you would go out of your way to look good for him. That you would often stare for far longer than you were supposed to.
Being in such close quarters with him caused so much tension to well-up in you. You knew it was wrong. You hadn't intended to get caught, you just needed a way to relieve yourself. But in all honesty the thrill of getting off right next to the man you yearn for added to the pleasure. And being in the same bed as the handsome blond with his broad, sculpted back facing you made your lewd imagination run wild.
Your mind was brought back to the present as you felt your shorts being pulled down your legs. Before you could even react, Bakugou's strong hands pried your knees apart to reveal your sopping cunt to his hungry eyes.
He had waited so long for this.
"Bakugou wait-" He cut you off with a sharp slap to your inner thigh.
"It's Katsuki to you. Wanna hear you say my name. Got it." He said as he pressed a lasting kiss to your clit. The act was so gentle it seemed almost uncharacteristic. You couldn't help but nod senselessly, not entirely sure what you were agreeing to.
Before you knew it, the "gentle Katsuki" was gone. Two fingers slid into your slick entrance and began to rapidly pump against your velvet walls.
You immediately clamped down around his fingers due to the sudden intrusion. Your hips trying to get away from the surge of pleasure.
"Ah ah ah. Don't run away." A sadistic grin plaster on his face. "Be a good girl and take it."
"Oh fuck!" a strangled moan released from your lips. "It's too much!"
"Too much?" he said with a mocking laugh. "How the hell do you expected to take my cock if you can't take my fingers, hah?" In reality, Bakugou knew he was torturing you. Giving you no time to even think. Confusing you with going between being gentle and rough within a matter of seconds.
He wanted you to suffer, at least a little. After a week of making him suffer. Making him fight against himself for wanting to hold back. But most of all he was just enjoying seeing you squirm. As much as he imagined you in a state of pleasure, you far exceeded his expectations.
Your eyes half-lidded, struggling to keep them open as your eyes roll back. Eyebrows knitted together. Drool spilling at the corner of you of your gaping mouth that's moaning out his name just like he asked more like commanded. Fuck, you were so sexy.
You had already been teasing yourself. Edging yourself closer and closer to an orgasm, so you were already so close. The pressure building was like no other.
"So close! So close! I'm gonna cum, Katsuki." As much as Bakugou wanted to deny you relief, much like you unintentionally did to him, he couldn't bear to hold back any longer. He wanted to see you come fully undone. He brought his face down to lap and suck on your clit. Pushing you further over the edge.
"Do it. Cum all over me." The pressure snapped inside you. Breaking like a dam. You squirted all over. All over his face, his hands, and the bed.
"Holy shit!" He groaned; his hands never stopping. Working you to elongate your climax. Your hips bucking up to meet the thrust of his hands. His own hips bucking against the bed.
He swears he could cream just from the sight of you squirting like that.
Your hands curl into his hair to pull him into a needy kiss. Your slick dribbling down Bakugou's chin. He can feel your clit steadily throbbing from the overstimulation.
"Please Katsuki. I need it." You whine. "Need to feel you."
Bakugou couldn't wait any longer. He couldn't tease you for a second more. He was so hard it hurt.
"I know you do baby. I know. I need it too." He hurriedly releases his cock from the confines of his shorts. Sighing in relief as he rubs himself against your wet folds. Your hands were all over each other. Grabbing and groping at whatever you could. Both of you were so needy.
You've both wanted this for so, so long.
You hiss when you felt the stretch from Bakugou's thick cock. Bakugou wanted nothing more than to pound into you, but he felt as though he was going to cum any second. Your warm, velvety walls already fluttering around him.
"So fucking tight." He said through a groan. "Relax a little, will ya, you're choking me." He said pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
Tears prick your eyes as he begins to move. Snapping his hips up to press the tip of his cock to your cervix in a way no one else has.
"Fuck yeah. So good, you're being so good for me." his praises coming out in mumbles as began to get lost in his own pleasure. "Come on, gimme one more. Cum for me like a good little slut."
"Nuh-uh. I can't." You cried out.
"You can and you will." His hand reached around to circle your puffy clit. Throaty grunts leaving Bakugou as your walls fluttered around him. "Shit. That's it, pretty girl. I want you to cum on my cock."
Your nails dug deep into Bakugou, holding on for dear life. "Cum with me Katsuki! Please. Want you to cum inside me!"
Pleasure clouded Bakugou's vision as pushes himself to fuck you through your orgasm, but he's not far after. Hips stuttering before he painted your walls white.
A sigh leaving him when he finally comes back to his senses, slipping out of you with a hiss as the cold air hits him. But holy- if he looked at you for too long he would get hard again. Seeing his cum leak out of you was a like a dream come true.
Maybe being on stand-by wasn't so bad after all.
a/n: thank you for reading. this is my first fic so feedback is welcomed and appreciated
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molotovmetro · 2 years
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Prompts by @a-crumb-of-whump
Prompt: Missing and presumed dead + Rescued
I feel like this is a bit rusty, but here's my first whump piece! I combined two prompts because I felt like it fit the idea i had. Its definitely not my best work, but it was fun to write and I'm kinda proud of it! It's a little tame though 😅
Words: 857
Warnings: whump, graphic descriptions of violence, depressed thoughts,f fear if abandonment
Whumpee shivers in the cold cell, rubbing their chained arms in the hope it warms them up a bit, but they know it's no use. They're not even sure how long they've been here. There are no windows, and Whumper doesn't seem to be feeding them regularly. Probably on purpose, to keep them disoriented. Sometimes he comes back every other hour to torment them, other times he stays away for what feels like days.
But Whumpee, despite their suffering, isn't giving up. Their friends will come for them soon!
Today Whumper brought a bag with him. He greeted Whumpee as cheerfully as he always does, like they're his friend instead of someone chained on his basement, and pulled something out of it. A tripod, Whumpee noticed as he set it up. Their blood ran cold. As they suspected, a camera soon followed.
Is he going to show this to their friends? Whumpee doesn't want them to see them like this... What if they see how pathetic they are and won't come to rescue them? Or they see what Whumper is capable of and they don't want to take the risk?
Their thoughts get cut off by Whumper's disgustingly happy voice. "Well, my dear Whumpee, we are going to have so much fun today!" He said as he gets closer to the shivering victim with a menacing grin.
"N-no, please- I-" Whumpee gets the wind knocked out of them by a strong kick to the ribs and falls onto their side.
"Did I give you permission to speak, you pathetic vermin?" He yelled, its always terrifying to Whumpee how his mood can switch from fake happiness to rage like that in an instant. Whumper bring back the grin as he takes a step back with his hands held together behind his back, and gestured to the camera he set up. "I'd reccomend you to be on your best behaviour! After all, we have an audience today!"
Whumpee still has no idea how long they've been here, but it must have been months now.
Their friends never came.
Maybe the tapes that Whumper undoubtedly send them scared them off, maybe they just don't care anymore.
They're not sure what's the worst; the cold, the hunger, the pain from their injuries, or the hopeless betrayal they're feeling right now.
They barely react when Whumper cuts them again. What does it matter, they're stuck here anyway. This is what the rest if their life will look like. They'll never see another sunset, or pet their cat,
Or see their friends.
Whumper pulls away from them with a sigh. "I didn't expect you to break this soon. This is hardly any fun..." he puts his fist to his chin. "Maybe I should truly starve you a bit... Will that get a reaction from you?" He asks and tilts his head as if he expects an answer. "A little bit of begging? No? Hmm... I'll have to give it a think, I suppose. I'll come back tomorrow, hopefully you'll be in a better mood. This is rather sad, really."
Whumpee watches him turn and leave. It is rather sad. Their entire life is rather sad.
They start to shake as they huff out a few breaths, soon falling into full-on laughter.
God they're messed up. They just got tortured, and the torturer just... left because of how pathetic they are. They shouldn't be laughing right now. But they are, and they don't even remember the last time they laughed like this.
It seems Whumper is trying the 'starving them' route. They haven't seen him in days. Or, they guess it has been days, at least. They don't know, and honestly, they don't really care.
A sound breaks through the usual silence. It sounds like some kind of siren or alarm in the distance. Did that fool burn something? Hopefully it wasn't their food...
Whumpee's eyes widen, they can hear multiple pairs of hurried footsteps get near.
Multiple pairs. More than one person...
Whumpee isn't stupid enough to hope it's their friends. They gave up a long time ago. Maybe it's the cops? Or maybe Whumper brought someone...
The door slams open. Whumpee would've flinched at the sound if they weren't so paralyzed by the sight before them.
It actually was them. They came, they actually came!
The small group rushes forward as soon as they spot their friend, and the leader of their little group carefully but urgently pulls them into an embrace. Snapping back to reality, tears stream down Whumpee's face like a dam broke as they sob into their friends shoulder. "Yo- You came! I th-thought you ga-gave up on me!"
"God, we're so, so sorry Whumpee. We thought he killed you, we didn't know you were here."
They didn't know? They didn't abandon them...
Whumpee was clearly too weak to stand, so the strongest of the group gently picked them up in a bridal carry. The leader leads them out of the building, their other friends dutifully guarding their sides and backs to make sure there are no unpleasant surprises.
They're finally going home.
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
ataraxia. - ch. 4 [ diluc x reader ]
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ch. 4 - adjustment pairing: diluc x gn!reader warnings: mention of injuries, mentions of murder, mentions of familial passing. not beta read. words: ~2.2k words fic masterlist [ prev ] - [ next ]
chapter summary: you're not used to company and diluc is awkward. but hey, things are beginning to become normal, right?
a/n: mmm. slow burn. begrudging allies. not much happens in this chapter, but i promise things will speed up soon. :)
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for the four days diluc is bedridden, two of which he is able to actually walk around miniscule amounts, the rocking chair in the guest room becomes your dining chair and your lap serves as your dinner table. sure, it's slightly messy, but even diluc, who you can tell likely isn't the one for conversation normally, enjoys your company. despite the walls he puts up, he is still able to hold a conversation.
however, for all the information you reveal about yourself, you learn little about diluc. when you talk about your farm, he's more knowledgeable than the average townsperson, which leads you to believe he grew up near agriculture. however, his formal method of speaking steers you away from such conclusions, unable to pinpoint where exactly the overlap between a farming background and a background of what seems to be an elite overlap.
you are mostly the one talking to him. it doesn't take a genius to realize that he isn't a fan of small talk and would rather just sit in silence, but you wish to know exactly who is taking up the spare bedroom in your house. like a hardboiled egg, diluc fails to crack upon the impact of your words. instead, he expertly maneuvers his way out of any question you might throw at him.
if only he could have maneuvered his way out of the fatui, you think bitterly, irritated with the entire situation at hand. if diluc hadn't gotten himself injured, then you wouldn't be the one dealing with a guilty conscience if you threw him out. curse your parents for instilling basic human morals in you.
however, apart from dropping off books, accompanying him to the bathroom (where you wait outside respectfully, of course), and serving him breakfast and lunch, you don't interact with diluc very often. you find that he's easy to ignore.
once he starts walking, of course, that's a different story. the redhead is tall and his hair is a brilliant vermillion. it sticks out against the soft green grasses like a sore thumb and shines in the light. even in the comfort of your cottage, it stands out against the dull decor, fading paint, and worn furniture. diluc's crutches click against the floor with each step he takes and his presence is no longer quiet.
he's the type to always stay moving, even if his body says otherwise.
once he's comfortable with walking again, diluc interrupts you as you start making dinner. despite sharing the same house, the two of you scarcely speak with nor acknowledge each other out of meal times, so the sudden noise of his voice causes you to jolt in shock.
"may i help you cook?" diluc asks. after you get over your initial scare, you realize that his words didn't sound like much of a question. the words are more of a formality than anything and you realize that he will not let this go until you say yes. which, of course, you don't, because you're not allowed to let some stranger come into your house and order you around, even if it would ease your workload.
"go sit back down," you urge and you hear diluc sigh as he realizes that you aren't going to budge either. despite your order, he lingers, the corners of his lips twitching with annoyance. of course he's not going to budge either, you think. asshole.
so, in response to his stubbornness, you decide to throw it back in his face.
"are you saying my cooking is bad?" you challenge and diluc's eyes widen as his uninjured foot shifts backwards slightly. despite his balancing act on crutches, diluc still manages to take a step back at your challenging tone.
"what? no. i'm not," diluc backtracks his words and you feel slightly bad at the way he sounds on edge, but you weren't about to have this borderline stranger interrupt your cooking when he needed to rest.
"then go sit down." you say and diluc, surprisingly, folds and walks over to the dining table where he once lay just a few days ago. you glance over as he sits down in a chair and he stares at you, folding his arms over his chest and leaning back in the chair. you pause your cooking and stare back. unlike usual, diluc is the one to break the silence.
"why did you save me?" diluc's question is abrupt. you swirl the wooden spoon in the pot in front of you while attempting to think of an answer.
"dead bodies are a pain to deal with," you respond as you take the spoon out of the dish and tap it on the side to remove any excess liquid. diluc lets out a soft huff of amusement at your words, yet that fails to ease the current resentment you hold towards him.
"is that all?" diluc asks. you look over at him once more with raised eyebrows as you drop the spoon into the small pile of the day's dirty dishes.
"do you not believe me?" you say, yet your voice lacks the embittered tone from earlier. you can't blame diluc if he doesn't. you barely believe anything he says to begin with.
"i am just curious as to your answer," diluc says. you can tell it pains him to watch you prepare dinner without any assistance from him whatsoever, yet he can leave his heroics for another time.
if you were being honest, you didn't quite know the answer to his question yourself. sure, you could pull a half-baked lie out of your ass about how you could 'never let someone suffer' if you saw them in the condition he had been in. it would be honorable to have such notions, but you had never been the type to play hero. after life had handed you such an awful fate, you could take what semblance of normalcy you could get.
and yet, you had thrown it all away on a rainy day to save a man you had never interacted with before. you had thrown away your safety. if the fatui were to find the two of you, your throat would be slashed and your body would never be found. you would die not the death of a hero, but the death of a fool.
you look back down at the pot of food in front of you, watching as the soup boils and bubbles within. why had you saved diluc? on that fateful stormy day, why had your roughened heart softened to let in a man who seemed to be more trouble than he was worth? you weren't honorable. you would never be. you couldn't be.
the timer you had set earlier, mechanically ticking away next to the heated pot, dings, signaling the dish's completion. it snaps you out of your thoughts and you blink as you remember where you are. wordlessly, you extinguish the fire that fuels the stove and take a step back, allowing the soup to cool.
"when i find the answer," you say slowly, voice far softer. "i'll be sure to let you know."
the air has a light breeze to it, making the typical morning chill just a bit fiercer than usual. you slip on a coat for that reason and depart your bedroom. you glance at the closed door to the spare room. by now, it was no longer an extra bedroom. rather, diluc would be its sole occupier for the next several months.
today marks ten days since diluc made his rather unceremonious arrival to your doorstep. it also marks the first day since the two of you came to an agreement about diluc's living situation for the foreseeable future. you had agreed, like a damned fool, to let him stay for the next several months. worst of all, you had offered.
the conversation had been short. the redhead had offered to pay rent. you declined. the redhead then insisted on paying rent. you declined once more, albeit more harshly. the two of you came to a begrudging agreement. you wanted nothing in return, while diluc wanted to reward your hospitality. therefore, you two had decided that diluc would pay for groceries
you provided him with the ideal hiding place. a worn down little farm was no fit for a man of his status. you still weren't sure who he was, but claymore wielders weren't exactly those born into unaffluent conditions. it was a peculiar choice of weapon, therefore typically only used by those who could afford both the training and the heaping chunks of metal that claymores required.
plus, his manners were impeccable, aside from his insistence on trying to repay his weird debt to you or whatever he told himself. to you, diluc owed you nothing. as long as you made it out of this situation alive, you wouldn't care. and if you didn't live? who cares? you would be dead.
it's not like there was anyone to cry over the death of the little isolated farmer in the fields of fontaine.
you snap out of your daze as diluc's door creeps open. he wears the only spare outfit you had that would fit him. an old, blank white shirt. he wears the pants he arrived in, albeit with the leg cropped severely on one side to accommodate for his cast that now traverses the entire expanse of his leg.
it's rather ugly, if you say so yourself.
"i'll pick you up clothes the next time i head to the market," you blurt and diluc stares at you, still half-asleep and struggling to comprehend your words.
"good morning to you too," he responds, completely unenthused. you stare unapologetically at him. you probably should have greeted him, yet it's too late to backtrack.
"there's food in the pantry," you tell him, before walking to the hall closet and taking out your worn work boots. "i will be off the premises today. if somebody finds you, you're the only one that lives here. got it?"
diluc nods and you walk down the hall, entering the kitchen once more. you sit down at the dining table, perched sideways on one of its chairs and shimmy on your shoes. diluc follows after you and hovers, watching from the hallway entrance as you get ready to leave.
diluc parts his lips as if he wants to say something, yet can't figure out the words. you let out a sigh as you decide to indulge him, even though you don't really care about whatever he has to say to you. if it was important, he would say it.
"what?" you ask, standing up and smoothing out the fabric of your pants.
"could i request something additional from the grocery?" diluc asks and you look at him blankly.
"you're the one paying for the groceries," you remind him. "so, uh, yeah."
diluc glances away from you, cheeks flushing slightly. "i would appreciate if you could pick up some grape juice."
"grape juice?" you ask, slowly. an odd request from a man who is ripped to the high heavens, yet you have realized that diluc himself is an odd man. stoic and reserved, yet odd nonetheless. "sure. got a brand preference?"
diluc's vermillion gaze snaps upward to meet your eyes, who look at him with absolute disinterest. somehow, this seems to calm his slight embarrassment at asking for such a childish beverage.
"dawn winery, if they sell it," diluc responds before glancing over once more.
"dawn winery?" you echo and diluc looks slightly nervous at your interrogation. "isn't that like... super expensive?"
"oh," diluc responds. "i can afford it."
you stare at him. maybe you should have charged him rent if he can afford that overpriced, not very good grape juice.
"got it," you confirm, still slightly weirded out by his awkwardness over the whole thing. "anything else?" you shuffle over to the doorway and glance back over your shoulder, patting your coat pocket to ensure the bag of mora was tucked in your pocket.
diluc clears his throat.
"return safe, okay?" his order is softly spoken. you nod.
"i'll try," you say and slip out of the door. it was just a simple grocery run. if anything was going to threaten your safety, it would be staying in the house with diluc. after all, the fatui couldn't accuse you of anything if you weren't caught in the house alongside him.
for a man who had multiple broken bones, diluc was rather worried about people that weren't him. you didn't quite understand it but, despite the way his righteousness and self-sacrificial attitude bothered you, you found yourself admiring it. such a personality would result in statues being made of him, should his heroism actually be vocalized.
yet somehow, the honorable prince that diluc was a few steps (and non-broken bones) was somehow relying on the humble farmer for survival. you only hope it won't bite him in the ass.
but, most of all, you only hope that you won't grow attached.
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