thefuzzyaya · 1 year
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Get in loser, we are going to multiverse
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makelemonade · 2 months
Things they do when they're in love but haven't realized it yet
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Characters; Aether, Albedo, Alhaitham, Ayato, Childe, Cyno, Diluc, Dottore, Itto, Neuvillete, Thoma, Pantalone.
Warnings; GN!Reader, mentions of pretty/handsome, cologne/perfume, the notebook (that movie killed me It's a warning I can't), mentions of crying, mentions of past injuries, annoying kids, lowk stalking in childe's part LOOL
under the cut!
Aether- Notices every physical and mental detail about you more than the average person.
He notices the way there’s a slight limp in your walk due to a past injury, and he can notice when you also try to hide it.
He notices how each day you always try a new hairstyle because you thrive for praise and compliments. Of course because you’re so loved, everyone compliments you, and he notices the way that when he does too, you’re more flustered than usual.
He knows you start to tap your finger down on any platform whenever you’re feeling nervous or even zoning out. He also notices that when you get annoyed, you bite your lip to hold back anything.
He knows that whenever you’re lectured at or given a talking-down to, you try to hide your tears, but the side of your lip trembles. He knows that once your alone within your own privacy, you let the tears fall. He’s literally seen you catch them with your mouth once.
He notices that whenever he gives you some sort of gift, you’re at a loss for words and you don’t know whether you want to make the first move after months of pining.
He notices, so now maybe he can act on it.
Alhaitham- Starts to read books or watch movies/shows he’s heard you talk about.
He spends most of his time in libraries, looking around for anything that piques his interest. He notices the title of a book, something you’ve mentioned before.
You both have complete opposite tastes, but maybe romance books could do him some good.
Since then, he’s been looking around libraries for every book he’s heard you mention. He even starts to write down a list.
Shows and movies as well. On a rainy day that he stays in his home and his roommate isn’t being annoying, he likes to lounge on his couch and watch something.
He notices once again another title you’ve mentioned; The Notebook.
No hesitation, he decides to watch it, and by the end, he’s nearly crying.
“Are you crying?” His roommate asks. 
“Shut up!”
At some point he brings up that he’s watched almost all the movies and read all the books you’ve mentioned and you don’t know if he was genuinely bored and did so or because he really was interested in you.
Your thoughts are answered when he asks if you want to go see a romance movie coming out.
Albedo- Starts to become mesmerized when he watches you study or work
He loves the way you look so focused- the way your nose scrunches up when you get confused at a question or really anything, or how when you feel lost, your hand moves up to your cheek as you just stare down at the question.
You’re so focused to the point that sometimes you forget he’s even there but in fully honesty- he doesn’t care. As long as he can stare at you without you noticing, he’s fine with it.
Sometimes, he forgets about his own work. You just look so pretty when you’re focused- he wishes it was on him.
At some point, the staring becomes too obvious and you look up ti find him just staring at you, and his face comes of one of surprise when he sees he’s been caught.
“W-would you like some help?” He asked, nothing your nose had scrunched up just seconds ago.
You smiled. “Yes, please.”
Ayato- Seeing you with kids makes him feel something.
He sees how you treat kids with such kindness and adoration- as if you’ve met your favourite hero. Whenever you take strolls, you love to stop by the park and push some kids on the swings; It’s to the point all the parents know you and the kids love you.
Whenever you hear a child cry, you get sad. Whenever you hear a child laugh, it makes you smile- It makes him smile too, being honest.
He loves how you’re so attentive to them, that one day when one of the kids falls and scrapes his knee and starts to cry, you’re immediately there comforting them, putting a bandaid on their knee and telling them it’ll be all better.
You pretend to play “shop” with the kids to the point even he is dragged in by one of them.
“Are you two married?” One of the children ask one day, which then causes a bombard of questions from the rest while they all say things like
“Is he nice?”
“Does he treat you well?”
“You two are sooo perfect!”
“Can he play with us more?”
Ayato only smiles at you and you smile back.
Childe- He always looks for you in a public setting
Whenever he goes out, whether it to be to run errands, go somewhere with his brother or just something for work, he always wondering if you’ll be there.
Most of the time you aren’t- it’s a small chance you’d be at a random toy shop that his brother was non-stop talking about, but he’s always on the lookout.
Parties that friends invite him too, he always asks if you’ll be there or he’ll just look for you the moment he arrives, praying and hoping to God that you’ll be there.
Maybeeee it’s stalking, but he starts to go to places he’s heard you mention in hope of seeing you. Even if it’s a place he has no reason to be at, he’ll still go.
For the first time one day, instead of him noticing you and going up to you, you’re the first to notice him and go up to him, starting a conversation.
Cyno- He always wants to make you laugh
He sucks at making jokes- he knows this, everyone knows this, but it always makes him feel warm inside whenever you let out a giggle or a loud cackle at his jokes- even If they were horrible or made sense, something about it always lightened you up.
So, even though everyone else hates it, he continues to go with them, just in hopes of hearing you giggle- it’s so cute!
He’ll even start to think of new jokes, new types of humour just for you, and he’ll always go with the ones that make you laugh the most.
He may update his whole humour for you, but who cares!
Then, he notices that you started using his own jokes, which makes him cackle just as loud as you.
Diluc- Nicknames
If anyone were to ever call Diluc something other than his name, he’d lost his shit. EVERYONE knew this, and not even Kaeya would test him- the closest he’s ever used a nickname was “Luc” and Diluc was ready to fight him.
But you, well, he just doesn’t seem to care. Whether it be Luc, Didi, Lulu, and even pookie, he’s completely fine with it.
Everyone knows he has to has something for you, but he doesn’t even realize it himself. It just brings a warm feeling to his face when he hears a nickname come out of your mouth.
Then one day, he randomly starts to call you nicknames, and you feel the same warmth he does.
Dottore- Drops anything for you
Dottore is a hard-working man. He hardly takes breaks, and he’s always up to something. So, it’s hard to speak to him on most days, that it even makes you upset as his friend.
His coworker mentions something about you being upset and he immediately puts down any work he’s holding and asks where you are. He would never do that for anyone, but you? He didn’t know why, but he just felt the need to be at your side.
He tells you to text him whenever you need something, and he’ll answer. He just won’t answer the other 100 texts from other people and continue to leave them on delivered.
You’re bored? Come work with him. You’re hungry? Go get some food together. It’s to the point that work is no longer his main priority.
You ask him one day if he’d like to go to dinner, and before you could finish your sentence about knowing he was a hard working man and was never free, he immediately says yes.
Itto- Anything that smells like you reminds him of you
Itto has a good nose- it’s a blessing and a curse.
When it comes to smelling something similar to you, whether it be your shampoo, conditioner, body wash, cologne, perfume or mist, he considers it to be a blessing.
He could be anywhere really; In a random shop, and if someone walks by and has the SLIGHTEST smell smilier to yours, he’ll almost think its you and now all he can think about is you.
It’s to the point it becomes his favourite smell, and he finds himself buying items similar.
You notice his efforts, and give him a gift one day. It was full of everything you used to smell the way you do.
He’ll use it everyday.
Neuvillete- The way you act doesn’t bother him
The Iudex was not a patient man. Anyone who acted immaturely, whether it be like a child or an insolent teenager, he’ll became so annoyed.
But you? Act however you want, he does not care. Instead, he’ll just laugh, enjoying your antics.
You’re acting like a child? Okay, not his problem, he’s fine with it. But if Furina came in here acting like a child he’d kick her out in and instant. Even if a literal child came in he’d kick them out in an instant.
He finds himself finding comfort in the way you act sometimes. He doesn’t know how to explain it, but he thinks it’s the fact he knows you’re comfortable enough near him to act the way you do.
Then one day, you decide to be calm for a day, and sit and talk with him normally, and even if it’s a change, he’s still happy nonetheless.
Thoma- Everything reminds him of you.
The flowers? They’re as pretty/handsome as you.
The window? Sometimes he imagines you’re outside.
The floor? He’ll remember both of you hiding out at parties and sitting on floors.
Money? He’ll remember the time you bought him lunch because he forgot his wallet and you refused to let him pay you back.
The sky? It brings him comfort to know you both see the same sky.
The stars? As bright as you.
He gets a gift from you one day, telling him that It reminded you of him, and he could only give a heartfelt laugh.
Pantalone- Whatever you look at, you’ll find it within your belongings in the next week.
He’s a perceptive, rich man. You may only be friends but he loves to spoil you.
He sees you staring at a necklace for over 2 seconds? Bought immediately, and of course he’ll place it around your neck.
Trinkets you think look cool? The next time you both hang out at your hose, you’ll mysteriously find it within your home.
If you have an event coming up and he hears you describe what you’d like to wear, he’ll be looking through every store and buying whatever is similar to the description.
He stares at flowers, wondering if he should give them to you or if it was weird. He’s heard you talk about wanting flowers once, but maybe not now
Yet he is met with you holding out the same flowers to him 2 days later, stating you saw him staring at them for quite a while.
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cupidddd-d · 8 months
you waste your time on daft pretty boys
in which spencer reid is so smart, but he's so dumb!
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if you had a quarter for every time you tried flirting with spencer reid and he obliviously rebuffed your attempts, you'd have enough money to buy a yacht.
at first, it started with you innocently brushing his arm when you had to walk past him. you'd make eye contact with him across the room. he thought nothing of it.
and then you purposely wore a pair of shoes that were practically falling apart, all so you could fall into his arms and bat your eyelashes at him as he caught you. he caught you, but he immediately set you back on your feet, almost as if he was afraid to touch you for more than a second.
"you should be more careful," he laughed, somehow still completely clueless to the fact that you were putting the moves on him.
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"i mean, i don't get it! i've been flirting with him all week, and nothing! why isn't he just taking the hint?" you complained to morgan as you slumped down in your cubicle.
spencer being late only ever happened once in a blue moon, but he was late today. and you needed to take full advantage of his absence to pester morgan for advice.
"honestly, you're wasting your time here. if you're not going to be direct with him, he'll never get the hint. the kid's like a robot," morgan shrugged, twirling his pen in the air.
"it's true," prentiss agreed as she walked by, overhearing your conversation. "his iq gets slashed to nothing when it comes to romance. you need to be upfront with him."
"but it's so embarrassing!" you whined, dropping your head on your desk with defeat. "what if he rejects me?"
"the answer's always gonna be no if you never ask," prentiss raised her eyebrows at you knowingly.
you groaned dramatically at her words, weakly slapping your desk a few times to further express your point. "fine, but if he rejects me, i'm changing my name and moving to costa rica. i'll start a new life, and you'll never see me again!" you threaten them both, pointing your index finger at them.
"yeah, yeah," morgan smirked smugly, interlacing his hands behind his head as he leaned back.
"shut up, baldie!" you retorted, just because you had to get the last word in.
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"so...spencer," you say awkwardly, standing over his cubicle. everyone except hotch had gone home, and you two were the only ones still working in the bullpen.
"yeah?" his smile was so sweet and so welcoming, but it had never intimidated you before the way it does now.
"um, okay. so basically morgan and prentiss were telling me to be upfront with you because i've been flirting with you like, this whole week, and you haven't gotten the hint yet. spencer, i think you're a great guy, and i really like being around you. do you maybe...want to go out sometime? as a date?" you rambled nervously, feeling a hot blush creep up your cheeks.
you watched spencer fumble for words for what seemed like hours. his mouth parted, then it closed again. he just blinked at you, a little squeaking noise coming out of his mouth as he blushed red, from his neck to the tips of his ears.
"y-yeah, i'd like that! l-like, a lot!" he squeaked, turning a lovely shade of fire engine red. "w-we could w-watch um, a movie! does f-friday work? c-cool, okay!"
he dashed off before you could say anything, but friday did work for you, so you just stood there in disbelief.
"yeah, cool, okay..." you echoed, a giddy smile on your face.
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victoria-grimesss · 10 months
tear you apart - part V
->Pairing: König x fem!reader
->Words: 2.4K
->Warning: MDNI!, fluff, König is in love, soft sensual romantic smut, somnophilia, oral (female receiving) 
->A/N: Not as long as the other parts but I have big plans for the next one :)
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The ride back to the base is uneventful, well not as eventful as the ride there. You chat and learn more about König and he learns about you. You share each other's favorite food and movie genre. You hold hands like a real couple and he brings your hand to his covered mouth to kiss it. 
The romantics end at the entrance of the base. He’s a gentleman and carries your bag back to your room, he leaves with a hand on your hip and a whisper of promises later, then returns to his. No-one seemed to notice you were gone and you were fine with that. 
The afternoon light filters through your window and there’s a thin layer of dust on the dresser, you note to clean later before inspections, not that you use your room often anymore.
When you leave your room, König plays heavily on your mind. He says such sweet things to you, and his actions prove his words. Hard to believe this is all real sometimes.
The gym is buzzing at this time, a group of new recruits train at the sparring mats, that’s marked with a flag in your mind where König first touched you. Now it’s a bunch of newbies scrambling and thrashing around. 
You start at one of the machines and you amuse yourself by watching the new people work, your time flows by.
The locker room is just as busy, it’s a bit irritating to bump into other sweaty people when you just want to shower. 
The warm water soothes your muscles and you close your eyes and imagine you’re back at König’s place. You’d rather be there. You imagine settling down with him, kicking up your feet beside him and watching some cheesy movie cuddled up. Maybe you’d get a couple chickens, plant some veggies, watch him chop wood…
Some other women laugh loudly outside the shower door and you snap back to where you are, not in his cozy hillside cabin with a meadow, you’re in the military shower with something suspicious growing in the corner. Your feet squeak in the shower shoes, you shut off the water and you towel dry off, dressing quickly.
The intercom goes off overhead, your name and König’s are listed as are a few others to meet in the briefing room. Your hair is still damp and pulled tightly into a bun when you enter the room, König isn't here yet but your captain and a few others are seated.
You greet your captain and sit, preparing for the meeting.
König enters,
All eyes shift on him, he is in charge after all and that thought has you buzzing with pride. Top of the food chain and he's all yours, the others don’t know he took you to his private home and kissed every part of you. They don’t know how many nights he’s taken you in this building. Sure, they know the surface level facts, it’s frowned upon, your relationship. But who in the world is going to go against König. Who would dare approach him, look him dead in the eyes and tell him he can’t be with the woman he loves? 
So you sit a little straighter, your hands crossed on the table as you sit pretty and await his every word. His eyes haven't left you since he entered so he knows. 
“There is intel that needs to be gathered in an enemy targeted area, the people present in the room have been declared as more competent for the job.”
He goes on to explain the job and what will happen, in and out.
Next week you, along with the others will be shipped out. It’s your first mission since transfer and being alongside König eases your nerves and boosts your confidence in the team.
His eyes flit to you every now and then and you meet them, he speaks confidently, shoulders back and head high he towers over all else. You’re in love.
Everyone stands and leaves the room besides König and you, serving a hot dish of deja-vu.
You walk slower to the open door and you wait before leaving and he of course shoots a hand out to block you, his eyes are humorous.
“Haven't we done this before?” You tease.
“Ah and this time is more delightful than the last.” His other hand is on your hip now his thumb moving circles.
One of your hands moves to his chest, you eye the hallway to make sure you’re free of watchers.
“That was nice, seeing your place.”
“Yea? I’ll take you again soon, promise.”
His eyes burn into yours and your mind swims with thoughts of him.
“You kill me you know?” He’s smiling under his mask.
“Really? How so?”
“Each moment I am away from you I yearn to be with you. When I entered this room I only saw you. I have never encountered someone who has enraptured me and you do. I am confident in your ability in the field but I still worry.”
Your hand moves up and strokes his shoulder.
“I’ll have you by my side, as well as an amazing team you put together. No need to worry my love.”
He glides his hand smoothly for your hip to your waist.
“You’re right Schatz.”
He ponders for a minute and holds you close, his nose resting on the top of your head as he inhales and files your scent away in his memory. He’s a highly trained military colonel, he’s seen loss on a large scale and seen so many coffins enter the ground. It makes sense to have you on this mission but he’s sure he’ll have trouble sleeping.
“I hate to part with you but I have much to do before we leave. Look over the file ok? Be ready.” 
He leaves you with a kiss to your hand under the mask, and you savor it.
It’s raining when you’re out in the courtyard this time, not as cold as when you first got here but there’s still a bite with the wind. Your hood is over your head and you just stand in the rain feeling it hit your jacket and roll off. The sun has set by now and most are asleep or in the mess-hall, you always take every little thing in, soak up each small quality life gives you before a mission. The way the air smells when it rains, smells the same as the body wash you got König, he says it’s his favorite now and you wonder if it’s just because it was a gift. 
König approaches arms outstretched to you and you enter them, enveloped in the smell of him and the way the rain hits his helmet and glides off, never even hitting you.
“Standing out in the rain you’re going to get sick.”
“You don’t actually believe that do you?” 
You laugh into his chest.
“Ah, well you hear something from your mother for so many years you start believing it.” He sounds deep in thought.
“Come, let’s get to bed yea?”
His hand on the small of your back guides you to his room where you spend each night. 
“I’m going to shower, I’ll be out momentarily.”
You hum in agreement and once he’s in the bathroom you strip and throw on one of his shirts and crawl into bed. 
You’re not mad or upset you haven't seen his face yet. You’ve seen every other part of him besides that and he’s expressed before he would show himself when he’s ready and you would wait a million years.
You sometimes daydream when you wake up before him and watch him sleep what lays under the mask. His eyes are blue and his eyebrows are lighter, you’ve felt his lips and you close your eyes and paint an image of him and each one is more perfect than the last.
He opens the door and steam surrounds him,
He wears that plain black mask as before, no shirt, and seductive gray sweatpants. 
He pulls the covers back and you make room for him, awaiting his arrival. 
“You know.. where I’m from, gray sweatpants on a guy is equivalent to women's lingerie.” 
You smirk at him and your eyes rake over him as he lies besides you.
“Really? Well, I hope you’re enjoying my apparel then.” 
He’s amused at your words. You yawn and stretch cuddling into his side.
“Very much so, I’m always checking you out.”
He strokes your hair until you fall asleep in his arms, the rain outside soothing both of you.
You’re dreaming.
You’re in a field of lavender, the smell is all-encompassing, and the sun shines bright, there's a slight breeze but not enough to be an annoyance. Then you feel it, warmth and wetness down below. You’re on your knees like you were at König’s place. You look down and he’s there laid underneath you licking so softly you could cry. His eyes are locked on you as you start to rock your hips on his mouth. 
He hums and closes his eyes, hands holding even tighter on your thighs. 
You roll your hips again and the tip of his nose brushes you and you whine. 
He’s bracing you down on top of him like if you leave he’ll die. 
You moan and rock and he licks and sucks until you’re throwing your head back.
You gasp awake König’s name leaving your mouth so fluidly and loudly you feel like you’ve come through water up for air. Your hands fly down to his head and you try to push him away, the stimulation being too much but he growls and holds you close.
“Fuck König please, I can’t.-
“You will.”
He hardly sucks in any air as he speaks before diving back in.
He slips a finger in and removes his mouth looking at you writhing in his sheets.
“You just looked so good, so beautiful in my bed you can't blame me for it. I kissed your head, then your cheek and neck and I kept kissing you lower and wanted to make you feel the love you give to me each day. I want to keep you satisfied and happy.”
You’re hiccupping and whining, hips bucking as he strokes the spot within you and makes you melt. 
“You look even better like this, with my fingers deep inside you I can feel how my words affect you, feel how you get tighter when I say how good you are for me.”
You clench around him and he sounds satisfied, smug even. 
He latches his mouth back onto you and your foot catches on his shoulder to push him away but his hand is placed in the crook of your knee and he holds your leg back, it gives him even more access to you and he takes pleasure in diving in further. 
His breathing is ragged, and he sounds more desperate than you do. Maybe he is, because his hips drag themselves on the bed trying to relieve some of the tension within him.
You cum again on his tongue and he only then drags himself back, his mouth leaves burning kisses up your body again and you kiss him passionately, arms wrapping around his neck and he takes off his clothes and helps you discard of yours as well.
You lie with him naked and willing.
The rain is beating on the window and roof and the room is stuffy but you just want him.
“König please.”
“I know mein liebling I know.”
He kisses your neck softly as he enters you and you both sigh in relief.
He seats himself inside you fully, both of his forearms braced beside you, caging you in and your eyes meet as he raises his head from your neck.
His movements are slow as he savors the way he slides out of you nearly all the way and then enters back agonizingly slow.
“God, you hear that? Hear how wet you are fuuck.”
And you do hear it, his slow movements only amplifying it. His left hand cups your face and you kiss his thumb that's stroking lines from your cheek to your lips. 
His other hand caresses you sweetly finding purchase on your leg as he hooks it on his hip to find himself deeper within you. You moan into his mouth as he captures it with his. His tongue enters your mouth and his hand once at your hip laces his fingers with yours and places it next to your head.
His pace grows faster and your moans in his mouth grow louder and you both grip each-others hands tighter. 
He pulls away to look at you as he feels you getting tighter around him.
“I live for you, you know that right? I breath for you, I wake up and only think of you, and when we leave I will kill any man or woman that will try to take you from me, you’re so strong and so beautiful Mein Herz you fulfill me.”
Tears brim your eyes, not from pain but from true unadulterated love.
The overstimulation, approaching orgasm and König looking at you like that after saying things like that bring you to say what you long thought.
“Fuck König I love you.”
His pace stutters and he throbs within you and you clench once more before you both are reaching the end at the same time. 
“Fuck fuck fuck I love you too Y/N, god more than life itself I love you.” 
He says it through gasps and groans and he kisses you so hard afterwards your head is spinning. 
You breathe into each other then you laugh, and then he does.
He kisses your face in a million places.
I love you. A kiss to your forehead. I love you. A kiss to your nose. I love you.
He pulls back and you see him smiling, his teeth exposed and eyes nearly closed with how hard he’s smiling.
He hugs you tightly, he never wants to let go.
“Meine Liebe, du bist diejenige, ich werde dich eines Tages heiraten.”
You don’t know what he said, the German he’s teaching you is still juvenile but you’ll get there.
“I love you.” 
You say it again, it feels good.
His eyes are filled with stars.
“That sounds beautiful coming from your mouth, I never want to stop hearing it ok? I love you too.”
Another night ends, staved off the looming thought of the mission and all the possibilities and outcomes you lay there with him, basking in the afterglow giggling like children about silly jokes and he teases you for your accent when you say words in his language.
The rain beats on the roof, the room is warm, and you are in love.
Tag List: @theredviolets , @saint-chlorine , @cndy-l0v3
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peachyloveswriting · 1 year
hiiiiii can u do a kyle x f!reader smut? literally anything i just need some good smut 😣
MOVIE NIGHT --- (Kyle Brovloski)
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SUMMARY: Kyle gets extremely horny during movie night with the boys.
WARNING: Smut, all stories aged up unless stated otherwise, degradation, praise, mirror kink or whatever, penis in vagina sex. I am in no way good at writing smut so fair warning.
In the living room, I can hear the low chatter of the boys getting settled in for movie night while they wait on me. Tonight we're all supposed to watch a movie marathon and pass out halfway through and technically, I'm not supposed to be here. Boys night's only, but Kyle insisted I come with. So I agreed. Walking out of the bathroom in one of Kyle's oversized shirts and a pair of comfy shorts, I make my way over to the couch. A whistle flies through the air, heads snap in my direction.
"looking sexy beautiful!" Kenny cheers.
Heat raises to my cheeks, smiling sheepishly I lift my hand and wave him off. The others chuckle. "It should be nice having a mediator here tonight." Stan sighs. He's laying on the floor in front of the table, behind him on the couch is Kyle and Butters, and right in front of the couch in Eric. Hands grab my waist, pulling me onto the couch. I find Kyle's chest against my back, he's pulled me onto his lap.
"No! Just as always, Kyle has ruined boys night!" Eric fusses. He gathers his feet beneath himself and stands, stretching up for the light string on the fan. Tugging it with a click, the room falls dark apart from the lit TV screen. He nestles back down onto the floor.
"Shut up Fatass I haven't ruined anything!" Kyle hisses behind me. His grip on my hips tighten. Reaching beside me to the blanket on the couch, I pull it over both of our laps and comfortably lean back against him, the back of my head rests on his shoulder. He sighs before pressing a chaste kiss to my temple. Smiling sweetly, I press a soft kiss to his cheek before looking back at the screen.
"Just try not to commit murder, okay?"
That was that and afterwards, silence fills the room and a movie softly begins to play. Everyone, including me, is enthralled by the movie. No one's said anything yet, we're all too intrigued. It's some romance Sci-fi about aliens invading. However, beneath me and in-between Kyle's legs I can feel his dick harden. At first I hadn't taken notice of it, as it wasn't as bad but I kept shifting to get comfortable. His discomfort is noted when I hear a low groan of pleasure in my ear, it's deep and muted. His hips are lifting for further contact. Involuntarily, my clit throbs with the beat of my heart and I push back against his rising hips. Thankfully everyone's too sucked into the movie to realize what's about to happen right beside them, and the darkness covers us.
Kyle's hot breath fans over my ear. "I'm losing it babe." He growls. I shudder in response and spread my legs just comfortably enough that his knee slips between them.
"Just wait a little longer." I urge.
The leg I'm sitting on starts to bounce, it's quick and unrelenting in its pressure against my already throbbing clit. It warms my gut, pushing my crotch harshly into his knee. I bite my lip softly and grip the blanket covering our laps. Like a fire lighting slowly, it begins to burn bright. Against my ear I hear Kyle. "You just look so damn good in my shirt." He whispers. It's just low enough that no one in the room even bats an eye, except me. Squirming and pressing myself against him I reach my hand back, grasping at the shirt on his shoulder.
"Kyle." I warn. I keep my voice low and try not to drag any attention to myself. Leaning my head back I turn to hide my face in his neck. Abruptly he stopped bouncing his knee, the hands on my hips are slowly sliding to my legs. Again I shift under the blanket, pressing my ass against his hardening erection. He releases a stressed breath, the hot air puffing out onto my shoulder. His rough hands are sliding between my thighs, lightly tugging at the plump skin to pull them apart more.
"That's it, open your legs for me like a good girl." He coos right as I Let him pry my legs open. Letting go of his shirt and dropping my hand back, I grasp his hand and lift my head to turn and glance back at him. "Are you sure about this?" Getting caught is way too much of a risk but I can't help the anticipation that's in my stomach when I think about it. He grins devilishly at me, half lidded eyes look back at me. "Yes, I'm sure angel."
His hand frees itself from my grasp and works its way down between my legs where it presses against my clothed cunt. For a while he stays doing that, his fingers rubbing me through my shorts. I find myself lost in the moment, my lips pressed tightly in anticipation for what he does next. Gently his hand pulls away and slides up just above the waistband of the shorts. He doesn't wait for my confirmation before he slips his hand under into my shorts and bottoms. Softly, Kyle's fingertips brush against my entrance before pressing down and sliding to the sensitive bud. I suck in a sharp breath and brace myself against him.
"You're so wet." He breathlessly laughs in my ear. "Does this turn you on? When I play with you like this in front of my friends?" Kyle taunts. Pleasure is radiating from his finger encircling my clit, I buck my hips and grind back against him biting my lip trying to keep quiet. "Yeah, you like that don't you baby? Feels good... My fingers are toying with you, inside of you, all while my friends are clueless." At that his hand slips down to my entrance and presses in without a moment's hesitation. I gasp in surprise, my back arches into his touch. Frantic, I look over at the others. Stan glances at me but looks away to go back to watching the movie.
Feeling me look away, Kyle curls his finger inside of me, I jolt at the sudden press of pleasure and reach back grabbing the back of his neck. My head is thrown back against his shoulder, mouth open with a silent moan before turning and biting my lip.
"That's it." He purrs. "Don't pay attention to them. Let them watch if they want."
A whimper slips past my lips but it's drowned out by the sounds of the movie. His teeth sink into the crook of my neck, biting and sucking before he raises his head again. "Shh, don't make a noise." He curls his finger again, the pleasure jolts my hips forward before I lower them back against him. Ever so slowly his finger thrusts into me, the pace is so slow but I just can't seem to breathe in deep enough. Suddenly a second finger slips inside of me adding onto the first. Just to keep the gasp from escaping again I bite my lip even harder. I know I have to be close to drawing blood but it feels so good. If I open my mouth I'm bound to make a noise everyone will hear.
The pace stays the same but the pleasure never leaves. It builds and builds, creating a tight knot in my stomach. My breaths come more shallow, my legs shaking, and back arches against him. The pleasure comes in waves, my hips gyrating against his hand. I blink, pressing the back of my head further against my shoulder. I can feel my climax coming and coming fast. Abruptly, it's torn from me. His fingers slip from inside me just for him to bring them up to his mouth. He smirks down at me, his tongue winding around the slink on his fingers. Harshly, I rut against his leg searching for any friction.
"Please." I whine.
After he finishes licking my juices from his fingers, he leans down into my ear. "Please what? Use your words baby. Tell me what you want."
Reaching down I lift my hips up to slide my hands under me. Frantically, I grab the button of his jeans and undo it. Kyle doesn't stop me, instead he looks me in my eyes as I undo the zipper. Just as I reach down to my shorts he pushes me back into his lap. "Use your words. Speak to me." He presses.
"God... Kyle. Fuck me, please." I whisper.
Without second thought he pulls the blanket off of us and pushes me to stand. "Using the bathroom, be right back." No one even bats an eye at us as he takes my hand and pulls me back towards the bathroom. Reaching the door he pushes it open and tugs me inside with him. Closing it behind him he locks it and turns back to face me. We wasted no time finding our bodies pressed into one another. His hands pull my hips close while I grasp his curly hair, only deepening the kiss. His tongue explores my mouth while he tugs my shorts and bottoms off of me. Hastily I pull my lips away and lean down to pull them off the rest of the way. As I do he slips his own pants off as well, leaving his cock to present itself to me when I stand back up.
"Fuck me Kyle." I plead again. Wrapping my hand around his cock and rubbing it softly I look back up at him and step closer. The breath in his throat hitches before he pulls me back into a heated kiss. Roughly, his hand slipped up my shirt groping my breasts and pinching my nipples. Gasping into the kiss, a soft moan escapes me. I can feel his cock bobbing against my stomach, the temptation to have him take me right now is irresistible. He seems to read my mind as he takes me and turns me around. I brace against the counter, his hips lining up against mine while my eyes meet his in the mirror.
"Watch me fuck you slut." He growls. Without warning he slips inside of me. Loudly gasping I reach back to find purchase on anything onto to hand my hand pushed against my back and held there roughly. Snapping his hips into my pussy harshly, he grunts with each thrust. He's fast and unrelenting, pulling soft moans from me with every move. The pleasure melts into my gut and spreads all throughout my body. I can't find the courage to look at myself in the mirror and instead close my eyes.
"look at yourself." Kyle orders behind me. I don't listen, instead opting to look at the floor instead. The rocking of my body stops abruptly when he lays an open palm on my behind. Whining, I bite my lip and lift my head looking at him in the mirror. His eyes meet mine again and immediately the slapping of skin returns to the air. "That's right, slut. Don't stop watching me while I fuck you."
The pleasure rocking through me makes it hard to keep my eyes on him, watching the way he's pounding into me at speeds I hadn't thought possible. Growing tighter in my gut is the knot, it's building even more than before, the rise of pleasure giving way to a shocking end. I clench around him, pulling a long groan from him. He doesn't stop the snapping of his hips while I grasp at the counter so hard my knuckles turn white. A wave of extraordinary pleasure washes over me. Eyes rolling back and walls fluttering around him I reach my end. The pleasure is so burning hot, the heat in my lower abdomen feels like summer. I can feel myself spill around his cock, his name falls from my lips. A stutter rises in his thrusts and he pulls out, his cum coating my ass.
Panting, I stand to turn and face him. Without pausing his lips find mine again in a slow and soft kiss. Without my list coated mind I can feel the softness of his lips on mind and the way his hands carefully caress my sides. He pulls away, breathless from the exertion.
"I love you so much."
I smile, my chest squeezing tightly. "I love you too."
He helps me clean up the aftermath, his touches soft and loving while he wipes me clean. Tossing the rag to the floor he picks up my bottoms and shorts to slide them back on my legs. "You don't have to do that Kyle." I reach down to swat him away and grab my clothes. He pulls them away from me and scowls. "Let me."
With a heavy sigh I lift my foot and step into the bottom and the shorts one by one. Standing he slips them up and smiles sweetly at me. Pressing a chaste kiss to my lips he walks over to his own clothes and begins to pull them up. At this time we both hear a knock on the door.
"Are you done yet dude? I have to shit." Stan says from the outside.
With wide eyes Kyle looks back at me, softly, I shake my head. "Yeah. Be out in a minute." He called back before readjusting his belt buckle. He smiles back at me and motions for me to follow. Happily I do so allowing him to lead me from the bathroom while Stan watches in shock.
"Dude! They fucked!"
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cheeseyberg · 1 year
Part 1 Part 2
Steve is annoyed. He's trying his hardest not to be but there it is, burning low in his throat as he bites back another bitchy comment that he would really love to let fly. He keeps reminding himself that they are kids, teenagers who have been stunted by trauma and may be a little immature in areas that don't involve fighting interdimensional beings. They deserve time spent ragging on each other and if they want to include him in the teasing then that really is proof that they accept him.
But he's not an idiot, just because he's a little bit slower than the nerds who he has adopted doesn't mean he's stupid. He takes the average amount of time to make connections, it's not his fault his friend's brains all run at the speed of a supercomputer.
"Henderson, I'm not going to tell you again, watch your tone dude!" Steve allows the half bitchy comment to land in a lull of conversation so all the brats hear it, "Besides, I haven't agreed to anything yet so I don't know why you're all arguing who gets stuck with me."
The whole thing had started with the opening of a new café in town. It was across from the arcade so naturally the kids clocked it immediately and had been anxiously awaiting the grand opening. Plans were made, funds were acquired, rides were begged for and the end result was that Steve, Eddie and Nancy shared babysitting duty on the opening day. It had been a pleasant day really, Steve was happy to have adults to talk to while the kids terrorized the new shop owners. This may have been where it started to go off the rails, he realizes now. Once the lovely couple had realized they had been invaded by baby geniuses they became enamored and in a clear bid to appease and possibly distract, the next time they had visited there were signs up announcing a weekly trivia night.
The problem was the team size limits. No more than six people to a team, and Erica had made it very clear that she would not be the odd man out because of her age. In fairness, the party hadn't even suggested it, they knew Erica was a force to be reckoned with and so the splitting into two teams had commenced and now she was a hot commodity that both teams wanted. Steve was having the opposite problem.
"Nobody is questioning your numerous good qualities Steve, I'm just saying that picking you first on my team isn't like a brilliant strategic move," Dustin stumbled over the words trying to make it clear that he wasn't wanted without putting his free rides in jeopardy.
"Enough! Nobody agreed that you got to be a team captain anyway and you're being a butthead. Here's how this is going to work, adults are the team captains," Eddie's edict was met with a flurry of protests from The Party yet he continued. "Complain all you want but the more whining I hear about it, the worse it is for your characters during the next campaign!"
That shut them up, Steve wondered what he had ever done before Eddie joined their family and had real leverage to hold over them to get them to behave. Gave in, was the answer but he preferred to ignore that part.
"I'm a captain and Steve's a captain-"
"Wooooow, why aren't Robin and Nancy the captains, you misogynist?!" Max was spending too much time with Robin in Steve's opinion.
"You're spending too much time with Robin, first of all. Secondly, Robin and Nancy aren't here so they forfeit the rights to team captain. As I was saying, Steve and I are captains and we will divide you as evenly as we can. Even with Robin and Nancy we still have an odd number so we'll have to split 6 and 5 to a team. Tomorrow at movie night we'll roll to see who gets more players and then we'll divide our teams with everyone present. What say you Stevie?" Eddie ended his proclamation by turning to look at Steve, who realized he was blushing a bit at having Eddie defend him to the assembly of assholes.
"Sounds good Eds," of course he was going to agree when it was Eddie asking. He turned back to the table in time to catch a raised eyebrow between Max and El but chose to ignore it. "And, as captain and procurer of the movies, I'm vetoing any horror movies so don't even try it!"
"Freddy's Revenge is finally out though! I thought we agreed to watch it!?" Eddie's protest was the loudest.
"A creepy burned dude who kills you in your mind dreams? No thanks, we absolutely did not agree to that and I'm vetoing it forever. Watch that shit with Robin, besides, it doesn't even have Johnny Depp in it so what's the point?" Steve catches another look between the girls but this time Erica joins in, he's not sure what caused it that time. Maybe the reference to Vecna was too much. "Come on guys, seriously, pick something happy for once."
"'Mind dreams' says the team captain," he catches Mike muttering under his breath and stares him down until he gets a half shrug which is as good as he can expect as an apology from the teen.
Part 2 Part 3
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I've been dreaming of the Loyalist of Clubs.
There are so many regrets born out of ignorance. So many bonds lost to time.
He wishes he could have done more then.
How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die?
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“Wh-What’s happening, Trey?”
The question comes from the boy huddled on the guest bed. He’s smallish and demure, like a rose bud yet to bloom. His eyes and cheeks are the same color as his hair—red, from crying.
Trey awkwardly peels himself away from the door. Even shut, shouting is audible from beyond it.
“HE KIDNAPPED MY SON!! Bring him back this instant, or I’ll call the authorities!”
“Ma’am, please calm down. They’re children—”
Trey pictures Mrs. Rosehearts as a balloon, bright red and inflated with hot air. The more she screams, the more air leaks put of her twisted mouth. She shrinks and shrinks until she poofs out of existence.
It doesn’t feel right to stand, so he sits on the bed beside his friend. The frame groans from their combined weights, light as they are.
“… I’m not sure,” Trey admits. “I saw you upset and grabbed your hand and ran. I didn’t want you to be stuck in that situation anymore.”
He pats a pillow. Attempts to comfort his friend.
“You can stay here.” Forever, if you want. But he doesn’t say that, only hopes it in his heart. The solution is so simple in his kid mind. “At least until your mom isn’t mad anymore.”
“Is that… allowed?”
“Sure it is. My parents won’t mind—er, probably. They like having new people over. We’ll pretend it’s a normal sleepover.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s when you sleep over at another person’s house—that’s where the name comes from. You stay up late, watch movies, play games, eat snacks, and then fall asleep together.”
Riddle’s eyes widen. “That sounds like breaking so many rules,” he says nervously.
“Those are the rules for sleepovers. The point is to have fun.”
“Fun…” Riddle nibbles on his lip, drawing his knees closer to his torso. He hugs his legs, collapsing into himself with a sniff. “I-I don’t know—I don’t like not knowing. I’m scared, Trey. Mama is so angry with me. I’m not supposed to…”
“It’s okay to not know. No one knows everything.”
“Mama does. Everyone says so. That’s why she’s always right.”
“That’s not true. I know she’s wrong about this—about us, and about Che’nya.” He grabs Riddle’s clammy hand and squeezes. “She can’t keep us three from being friends.”
“We are…?”
“Yup.” Trey pokes him, then points to himself, “We’re friends. And friends stick up for each other, watch each other’s backs.”
Riddle hesitates. “Is that… the rule?”
“You can think of it like that if you want. But I didn’t do any of this because of some rule, I did it because I wanted to help you somehow, any way I can."
"B-But we're just kids. What can we do?"
Trey worriedly glances at the door--the adults' voices haven't quieted at all--then at Riddle and the stress deeply etched into his round face. This isn't a good place for him right now either.
"We could... go over to Che'nya's. He and his grandpa will be happy to see us, and we can all have that sleepover.”
Riddle looks bewildered at the mere suggestion. "We're going to leave?"
"Shouldn't be too hard. We've already played hooky before," Trey says, tugging him up and off the bed by the arm. "Besides, a walk can help take your mind off of things."
We can be ourselves. We can forget our worries. Everything can be as it was.
Riddle’s eyes are wide with alarm. His knees wobble, and Trey catches him.
“It’ll be fine! I’ll be with you all the way—so if we get yelled at, we can be yelled at together. You won’t be alone.”
Not ever again.
Riddle responds in a shaky mew. His cheeks are wet from crying, and his words trembling—but his trust is firm. “O-Okay… I believe in you. Let’s go. Let’s go see Che’nya.”
Trey smiles reassuringly. “Alright, we’ll escape through the window. It’s a classic. You know how to do it safely by now, right?”
The two boys scramble to the bedroom window, undoing its latch and sliding it up. Trey leads the charge, easily clearing the sill. He looks back, urging Riddle to follow.
The threshold is daunting, less the boundary between inside and out and more like the bridge to a world unknown. When Riddle charges at the open window, he expects to smack into the wall. To fall, to fail.
The ground rumbles,
Splintering, fissures appearing.
“You got this!!” Trey cheers from the other side.
Riddle vaults too early and slips.
Panic shoots through him like a bolt of lightning.
Something erupts from out of the floor, racing under the boy to break his fall. Riddle lands on a thick, cushy stalk, leaves twisting around it. Above him, a giant head of petals--blue, bell-shaped, and ringing.
Another flower sprouts by the boy's feet, bearing a crimson mouth--two lips, pulled back in a laugh. "Frolic, rejoice," says the Tulip. "Be free.”
“Free, free,” a patch of tiny, shrinking violets choruses.
“To dance around the posies and spin daisy chains and search for four leaf clovers.”
“We’ll lift you up when you’re down.”
Plants are poking out from every inch of the guest room, making their own quips and banter. Trey should be startled, but instead he laughs and waves for Riddle.
He waves back shyly, then gasps. His feet find something squishy yet solid under them.
Mushrooms with flat caps, a whole flight of them, in ascending height. The boy clumsily crosses them, each step sending up a cloud of fat, lazy spores. Riddle sneezes, nearly careening off the side—but a wall of snapping dragons or sly gloves in foxes closes in, surprisingly gentle as they support him.
He hops over the sill with ease.
And the flowers follow.
It’s a rainbow come alive, color sprawling over the roads and knitting rooftops with new lattice designs. Some designs dare to go higher and flashier: beanstalks that pierce the clouds, fruit clusters so heavy they bend and droop, petals dripping with jewels. Even the air is more jubilant, filled with shimmering particles--pollen?
Sunshine opens on Riddle’s face.
“Whaaaa~ So pretty!!”
“Isn’t it?” Trey’s grin is so wide his teeth ache. “We should hurry and get Che’nya so he can see this too.”
“It’s going to take so long to wade through all of this.”
“Fine by me." Trey grabs his friend's hand. It feels so small in his, and he thinks of a seed in need of water and light. "We can take our time to stop and smell the roses!”
His other hand reaches out and finds the stem of a large passing dandelion tuft. It forms an umbrella from its fuzzy white tendrils, the perfect shape for sailing on the wind.
Trey and Riddle squeal as they're whisked off.
Up, up, and away, where their troubles can't chase them.
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dimepdf · 2 years
pls write a smut where you go to buy drugs off eddie in the woods like chrissy and end up fucking in the woods
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? synopsis. when you go into the woods to get drugs from Hawkins bad-boy Eddie Munson, you run into a minor snag. You don't have any cash, but Eddie, being the sweetheart that he is, puts an offer on the table that you just can't resist: you. author's note. i just want you to know that this was saved in my drafts as "omg omg omg what the FUOCK." so i just had to post this for my mental health.
[ ❥ ] pairing. eddie munson x reader
[ ❥ ] word count. 3.6k
[ ❥ ] genre & warnings. 18+, afab reader, pet names(princess, pretty girl, etc.), nerd!reader, semi-public sex, mentions of drugs, throat fucking, corruption kink, blowjobs, hand kink, praise kink, messy everything, hair-pulling, impact play, unprotected sex, table sex, choking, slight dumbifcation, soft!eddie, cum eating, masturbation, handjob, pwp
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"Holy shit, Y/N." Eddie moaned, gripping the end of the table to keep his knees from buckling as you slipped just a few more inches of his cock down your throat, gagging on each inch.
"You don't know what you're doing to me, pretty girl." He was muttering as his fingers tangled in a knot of your hair.
Just moments ago, you were striding across the lunchroom with your best friend by your side, her fingers trembling with anxiety as you both approached Eddie's table.
His normal entourage of friends was giving you an odd look, having already stood there for merely seconds, and yet you had already felt out of place.
Eddie gave you both an odd look, and you felt your friend flinch, standing so close to you the moment he had made eye contact with her. You had to admit, from the sidelines, it was a painfully cringe-worthy thing to watch.
"We want to buy some, stuff...and someone told us that you were the person to see for it." You spoke slowly and leaned down to whisper.
The moment you had pulled away, your eyes clenched shut just for a second, wallowing in the embarrassment of your stumbling question.
Eddie was quick to piece together your request, his brow raised as he glanced over your appearance.
Never in his life had he thought that someone as prompt and put-together as you would even want to be seen standing as close to him as you were to him.
Eddie agreed but told you that he never did his "business" on school grounds for obvious legal reasons and gave you the time and place to meet him after school.
As you walked away back to your table of friends with a beaming smile, giving them a thumbs up.
He was more convinced that the entire thing would most likely be some type of undercover setup, not seeing you as the type to do anything during the weekends but studying currently not seeing you ever getting high.
"Operation best sleepover ever is a go!" Your friend celebrated.
It was a very out-of-character plot for your normally very strict group of friends, though you would be the one to convince everyone that you were seniors and still haven't been to a single high school party because you are too busy having movie marathons and staying up late to study for quizzes to do normal teenager things.
You wanted to do something fun to finish off your senior year, and if that meant buying drugs from Eddie Munson in the creepy woods, then you were willing to take that risk.
You were clutching onto the straps of your backpack as you descended down the dirt path alone. Your friend chickened out on the hard part.
The girl was convinced that Eddie Munson was some type of devil worshiper, along with everyone else that sat at his table, still having the creeps from what had unfolded earlier in the lunchroom.
As you continued your steps all the way until you came into view of the planned table, only the sound of nature and passing animals were heard from the woods.
Your nerves were heightened when you noticed the curly-haired man waiting for you at the picnic table, his chin resting in the palm of his hand, a bored expression written all over his face, his eyes shifting over at you the moment you walked into view.
The distance left was a bit awkward as you bowed your head and picked up your pace to sit down across from him.
"Okay, so what did you want?" There was a pause as Eddie's fingers drummed over the tin lunchbox perched in the middle of you, a beat of silence before you couldn't realize that you knew absolutely nothing about buying or doing drugs.
"Um, is there like one that makes you...laugh a lot, I guess?" The question came off with a child-like innocence as your lashes fluttered and your tone was so soft and nervous.
Eddie swore you were whispering to him. He tried to make sense of the situation, his eyes squinting at you and his lips pulled into a thin line, not quite able to figure out why, of all people, would you ever want to get into doing drugs.
You were just so adorable to him, Eddie comparing you to a big-eyed kitten the way you were trying to avoid looking at him yet failing to stare directly at the rings that shone on his fingers.
"Your eyes are really pretty." Eddie blurted, wanting to see how you would react to the sudden compliment.
Your eyes only flicked to meet him as he watched your chest rise and fall at a more dramatic pace. Eddie smirked at that.
"Okay, how about we start you off with something more tamed. How would you like that pretty princess?" He was shuffling through the contents of his lunchbox, only taking glances at your fidgeting state.
Your mind was spinning from the nicknames, let alone the sudden bold flirting. You were starting to feel a bit light-headed.
Presenting a pretty moderate-sized bag of weed, Eddie sizes it off as enough to share with at least three other people, plus you. Just as your hands reach for the bag, he pulls back.
"Ah, ah, same time exchange, pretty girl, can't have you ripping me off now can we?" You felt just a tinge of embarrassment, your mouth gaping as you nodded your head in agreement to the payment.
Shuffling through your backpack for your wallet, you slowly realized all you had was your card and not cash, cursing your parents for having you be so responsible.
It was then that Eddie suggested other payment options. His tone darkened as he leaned in closer to your face, shamelessly biting his lip and making a show of him staring at your mouth.
You let him reach his hand out to caress your face. The cool steel of his rings contrasted with your flushed face, his rough thumb dragging along the bottom of your lip as he winked.
That was the moment you found yourself on your knees in the dirt, Eddie's pants undone and his cock drawn out from the hole in his boxers.
Your hands gripping the jean material of his thighs as your eyes watered and your mascara threatened to streak down your cheeks whenever he thrust his entire length down your throat, your nose tickled by the dark brassy hairs of his pubes.
Your tongue was circling the underside of his tip. Eddie's cock was quite large, at least in comparison to all the other guys penis you'd seen (which were mostly just pictures shown in health books). You were surprised he could even fit it all in your mouth.
You pulled back just a little more, replacing the rest of what you hadn't put in your mouth with the grip of your hand.
You couldn't help but moan. Eddie felt the vibration against his cock, throwing his head back and thrusting against your mouth, forcing his cock further down your throat without much warming.
You gagged. This one was more serious than the others. Eddie snapped from his trance and pulled enough for his cock to spring from your lips, giving you time to breathe as he held a fist full of your hair.
His breathing was rough as he glanced down, watching you coughing.
"Shit, are you good?" Something about your puffy cheeks and watery eyes from choking makes him look down at you in pure neediness.
You nodded up at him, shifting your knees as they were starting to get numb from resting against the dirt for so long.
You didn't want to admit that it had been the most sexually exciting thing you've done since you would pause the TV screen of your favorite celebrity crush, placing your lips against the static just to fit in the fantasy of kissing them.
In middle school, you were a different breed of hormonal. Whatever he had done had woken something inside of you, something growing in heat in your lower stomach. Whether Eddie had meant to do it or not, all you knew was that you wanted him to do it again.
"Can you fuck my mouth?" Eddie's eyes widened as his mouth formed into a smirk that you were starting to get familiar with. He had never expected to awaken such a different side of you, a side that had not matched your innocent looks.
It was like Eddie had awoken the beast inside of you. God did he love it.
"It's all yours, pretty girl. Go ahead and take it, just like that princess." There was more than enough invitation for you to open your mouth, your pink tongue sticking out promptly. You were being obedient.
Eddie's devil-like smirk carved into his mouth as he tried not to paint white all over your face at the sight.
Sliding his shaft into your hot, wet mouth, he hissed suddenly, the slight feeling of your teeth grazing against his tip sending a shiver down his spine as he had to recollect his footing.
From the sloppiest of spit rolling down your chin and how you would try to control your gagging struggle a bit to get into the groove of breathing through your nose, you stayed well grounded, letting him guide his hips to thrust in and out of your mouth.
"Awe, fuck...just like that." Eddie was merciful at first, just seeking the feeling of having the most innocent looking girl on her knees, loving the sight of you in a filthy position. He was going to drink it all in.
But you thought otherwise.
Wanting him to handle you with rough intentions, you wanted to feel the cool metal of his fingered decorated fingers wrap around your neck, trailing all over your skin.
Your mind was clouded with so much pure lust that the last thing you needed from Eddie right now was for him to be gentle with you.
Surging your head forward as he pulled away, feeling his fingers fist in your hair, his pace picking up a string of swears blurting from his mouth.
His grasp around your hair was tight, holding you in place enough for him to snap his hips into your mouth every time he hit the back of your throat.
You couldn't help but let out a lewd moan, getting so aroused over the male using your mouth to his heart's content. Feeling your underwear damp at just the thought of what else he would do to you.
Your mouth is dripping with your own saliva, your lips and chin glistening with a messy shine of spit.
"H–holy shit." Eddie was struggling to keep his eyes open, loving the sight of his dick disappearing in your hollow cheeks. as if you could tell he was starting when you looked up at him, your eyes wet with the threat of tears.
Eddie shivered, beginning to piston into your poor sore mouth at a faster pace. The wet sounds coming from your mouth only encouraged him.
You pull away, falling into a coughing fit as you hurry to catch your breath, your face a mess covered in your saliva.
Eddie sighs, losing the grasp on your hair, his hand stroking his cock, his wrist twisting as his fingers wrapped in the sticky coat of spit you had left on his length, not even inches away from your face.
Your mouth started to water at the sight of him. "Maybe I should just cum on that pretty face of yours, cover you in my cum? You'd love that, huh princess?" Eddie grunted, his tongue sticking out just a tad as his mouth opened, peering down at you.
You felt your thoughts flatline, your lashes fluttering as your brain struggled to process the completely lewd things he had said.
Something had switched in your brain, almost as if Eddie had turned the knob, making you driven by your horny desires.
Your mouth opened to speak only to close as your gaze was drawn to the man shamelessly pleasuring himself just inches away from your adorable yet confused expression.
"Yes...please." Your doe eyes looked up at him with a new set of determination, "Atta girl." He chuckled, guiding his cock back into the familiar warmth of your mouth.
"I wonder if your friends know what you're doing right now. Did you tell them that you're getting your pretty little throat fucked in the woods?" You didn't know what your friends would think and honestly didn't care at the moment, knowing the group of strict, prompt girls would have a heart attack at the sight of you.
"Fucking Christ, you feel so good." Just the idea of sex throws them into a frenzy.
The whole idea of doing drugs during a sleepover is an idea that took you months of convincing, let alone the entire school day for your friend to gain the courage to walk up to Eddie during lunch.
But there was just something about the whole teacher's pet being a slut for the school's outcast cliche that just made your back arch.
You hum around his cock, your tongue teasing the tip, dragging along the underside, coaxing a moan out of Eddie, your hand making work of the inches you weren't able to have in your mouth.
The wet noise from the suction of your lips is extremely lewd as they blend in harmony with Eddie's deep grunting.
"Stand up," Eddie commanded.
His dick drops from your lips with a lewd pop, tapping the side of your cheek with the tips of his finger, and you eagerly follow suit, standing from your knees, your stance unsteady as his hands find the curves of your hips, guiding you next to the picnic table.
You could feel him grinding into your backside.
The height difference, having his cock grinding against your lower back as Eddie reached a hand around your neck, tilting your head back and placing a sloppy kiss on your mouth, the other snaking under your shirt and squeezing your breast through your bra.
The weight of him pushing up against you, making your hips collide at an uncomfortable angle with the edge of the table.
"We're in public, you know?" You muttered, suddenly remembering how exposed you felt scanning the field of trees around as Eddie pecked a wet trail of kisses down your neck that left you weak in the knees.
"You didn't seem to care about that when my dick was in your mouth." Checkmate, shutting you right up as you bit your lip and tilted your head to the side, exposing more of your neck on display to him. Pushing yourself against him as your back arched.
"You're such a fucking tease." Eddie hissed, his fingers snaking to the front of your jeans, making quick work of your zipper as you shimmed your jeans down to your knees.
His hand trailed up your back and guided you to bend over the table, your arms cushioning against the rough wooden surface. Your heartbeat picked up pace as you gasped, feeling Eddie smack the plush of your thigh.
"You know, you look really good like this." The feeling of his cold, rough fingers needing the plush skin of your ass sent a shiver down your spine.
Eddie spread your ass with his hands before smacking it with a flat palm.
You whimper at the slight sting, not wanting to admit that he had unlocked a whole list of new kinks for you. "You're too pretty for me. I feel like I'm gonna' break you." Eddie sighs, his cock twitching in his grasp.
"You don't have to be gentle. I won't break." You rasped out, feeling his eyes trailing all over your exposed body.
Your back arches, feeling Eddie take the words of encouragement and hook your pants to the side with his pointer finger, burying himself deep inside of you.
"You're gonna be the death of me, lady." He murmurs, his eyes squeezing shut, setting his hands flat against the table at your sides.
He's more gentle than he was with your mouth, his thrusts cautious, his arm hooking over your lower stomach, helping your wobbling legs to keep standing as he stuffs you completely full, with an exhale of relief passing from his lips as he bottoms out inside of your warm walls.
"S—shit," he sighs, leaning forward, his chest resting on your back. The feeling of the pant of his breath fanning against the back of your neck, while he was balls deep inside of you, was a sensation that you wanted to engrave in your brain forever.
His thrust starts slow, rolling his hips against yours, the intense feeling making your knees buck at the feeling of his cock rubbing against all the places that made you feel like you were floating.
"—ah, Eddie." You croaked out, his hand reaching to grip around your neck, resting the entirety of his weight on top of you, tilting your head up.
"How do you expect me not to cum when you whine my name like that?" He grunts into your ear as he picks up his pace, using his thighs to spread your legs apart to thrust deeper inside of you. His slim hips slap against your ass as it perfectly bounces against his pelvis.
Your moans are soft and breathy, your knees weakening as he aims for the gummy spot inside of you that causes your entire body to react.
"Yes, yes—right t-there." Your voice comes out as a whine, pushing your hips back into his thrusts.
Eddie grabs the plush of your thigh, guiding your leg up and resting it against the table to angle himself inside of you deeper, the force of his thrust making your hips smack against the table's edge, the pain only adding more to your intense build-up of pleasure.
Eddie watches you with his mouth agape, his lips swollen from biting down on them to keep from being too loud, wanting to hear every little noise that slipped from your lips.
"Let me hear you, baby." Eddie grunts. The lewd sound of skin slapping and your pathetic whimpers are floating through the air and deeper into the woods.
Your hips are already bruised from being slammed into the table repeatedly.
Eddie piston's himself in and out of you his shaft covered in a creamy layer making a mess of your throbbing entrance.
The sensation of his fingers digging into the skin of your neck, your mouth falling open, your moans turning into punched out grunts, the build-up of pleasure becomes unbearable for the both of you.
"You gotta let go, princess," Eddie whispered. You suddenly became aware of how hard you were chasing your own orgasm, your hands fisting against the table.
"I can't, I can't." It felt like you were about to explode. The molten hot bubble that rested inside you was only getting bigger, your head spinning as you grind against Eddie, working toward that unbearable heat that left your toes curling.
"Go on, pretty girl, just like that." His voice was breathless as his hands unwrapped from your neck and between your legs, his rough fingers rubbing circles against your sensitive clit, the gesture making your knees buck, resting your entire weight against the table.
"Come on, lady, you earned it; take it." Eddie grinds himself deeper inside of you, his chest resting on your back as you lay his entire weight on top of you.
His cock molds your walls, gripping your hips. The feeling of his fingernails digging into your skin only adds fuel to the fire inside of you.
The slow build up of your body finally gives in to the pleasure as your legs tremble, your back arching as you bite into the sleeve of your shirt, your orgasm unrolling hard as every part of your body trembles as Eddie fucks you through your orgasm.
"There you go, baby," he says, slowly pulling out of you. You weren't sure how, but Eddie managed to sit you down on the bench, his hand clasping firmly around your jaw as it was automatic how quickly your mouth expected the familiar length to have been down your throat already.
"Are you ready for your reward?" Eddie grunted, and you watched with your eyes halfway open as his ringed hand gripped the base of his cock and jerked desperately.
"Ugh, baby, I can't-please—" Eddie slumps his chest forward as his hips stutter, his body reacting as if he had fallen into a daze as his cum had painted your face within seconds.
At first, catching whatever had landed in your mouth. You flinched as some rolled down your face and into your eye.
"Shit, sorry, hold on." Eddie apologized, using his thumb to wipe it away from your eye, his thumb dipping into your mouth as your tongue wrapped around it, cleaning his fingers.
Time felt nonexistent as you sat there with a slight throb of soreness between your legs. Not too long ago, you had been laying on your stomach getting your guts rearranged.
It was a little hard for you to try to regain your composure. Not only did Eddie Munson just give you a facial, but he also fucked you outside in the woods for drugs.
The embarrassment was beginning to settle in as your eyes reopened and you became very aware of the warmth painting your cheeks and chin.
Eddie smirked down at you, seemingly content, and you were torn between being mortified and extremely turned on.
"Aren't you gonna thank me, princess? I just gave you a makeover free of charge."
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probablynot-john · 6 months
I had the stupidest AU idea where Kallus is a ballet dancer, and Zeb is a hip hop dancer. Kind of like a reverse flash dance because that movie sucks.
Kallus lives his entire life around an extremely rigid schedule. His parents put him in ballet when he was about 3, but he just loved it, so he stuck with it. Unfortunately, as he got older he had to push himself farther and harder to keep up. Plus, keeping up with the very strict body regulations is very difficult for someone of his size, so his attempts to keep his weight down manifest in some very unhealthy ways. Also Thrawn shows up as a new choreographer and just starts bullying everyone, buy he really hates Kallus (I haven't quite figured out why yet, but dance teachers don't always need a reason to hate you)
Zeb has been a long time member of Ghost Alliance Gym, where he teaches hip hop classes with the specter dance group (him Kanan and Hera are all like co teachers). It's a fun after-school rec program to give kids something to do, so it's way more affordable and less snooty than Imperial Dance up town. Zeb actually used to be in a cultural dance group years ago, until the school was forced to shut down (I'm going to pretend that lasat dancing is like Ukrainian dancing because that's what I have the most experience with, and it's my AU and I can do what I want).
They meet when they both go to the shoe store because they wore holes in their dance shoes.
Zeb: so you're a dancer?
Kallus: how perceptive *but in kind of a flirty way*
Zeb so what kind of dancing do you do, like zumba?
Kallus: *slightly offended* no, I dance! Not 'cheerleading', not 'jazzerscize'. Dance!
(Based off a real conversation my mom had with her co-worker)
Eventually Kallus has to decide if he's gonna go support Zeb and go watch his performance at the rec-center, or follow his contract and perform the Nut Cracker (hehe) at the theater.
Zeb has to decide if he's going to go support Kallus and watch him in the theater, or be in his little holiday concert. Even though at this point they're fighting, they still care about eachother.
I don't know, I thought this would be a fun holiday story based off my 16+ years of dance experience (including but not limited to hip hop, tap, ballet, Ukrainian, acro and more). But no one was ever as mean to me as Thrawn is to Kallus, and I never worried about how my body shape fits into the dance.
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Word count 1,800
You were dreading the day you had to move in with your aunt Claudia and cousin Dustin. You hadn't actually seen Dustin since he was about 4 years old, now he was a freshman in high school. You had to pack up your life and move to a whole other state since your mother and father decided that they were moving to Europe and you didn't want to go with them and you couldn't afford a place of your own just yet, then came the brilliant idea of moving in with your aunt until you get enough funds to pay your own way.
You packed up the last of your things in your dodge charger, you mainly only took your clothes and your vinyls. You hugged your parents goodbye and set off to do the 9 hour journey.
Meanwhile in Hawkins, Dustin has not shut up about you coming to live with them, everyone has been hearing about you for about a week now. The whole gang are sat in the Henderson's basement watching a movie to pass the time. Dustin turns towards Steve and smiles "she should be on the road now!" Steve slowly looks towards Dustin "I know, you told me about 20 minutes ago." Steve replies with a sarcastic smile. Dustin rolls his eyes and turns back to the TV and continues watching the movie. By the time you arrive in Hawkins it was 9pm, Dustin greets you at the door.
"Hi Y/N!" Dustin says slightly too loudly for 9pm.
You smile and set you bag down on the front porch "Hey Dusty, long time no see" you hold your arms out for a hug which Dustin jumps at. You give him an extra squeeze and look over his shoulder were Claudia has moved into the hallway "Hi Aunt Claudia" you smile and wave.
"Hi darling" she says with a smile "Dustin why don't you show Y/N her room?"
Dustin turns and starts making his way to your new room with you following him. As you walk in, Dustin stays stood at the doorway "I'll let you get settled in Y/N" he smiles and closes the door. You set your suitcase on the bed and let out a really deep breath and tilt your head back with your eyes closed. You slowly start to unpack some of your essential clothes, and pick out the teddy bear that your mom got you when you were a toddler and place it on your new pillow.
The weeks pass by and you end up getting a job in a small bakery in town. You have met the rest of the gang, but haven't spent much time with them. One afternoon, you are stood behind the counter at your job, it has been a very slow day, you don't remember a time that you have felt this bored. You have also been flicking a piece of scrunched up napkin about on the counter top when you hear the bell above the door chime. You glance up and notice the curly mop of hair under the baseball cap of your younger cousin.
"Hey Dusty," you straighten up and smile "what can I get for you today?" You look over to the glass display case. Dustin follows you gaze and puts a finger on his chin as he hums in thought. As he is about to answer, the bell chimes again and you look over to the door to see most of the gang walking in "Dustin, did you leave everyone behind to get in here first?" You laugh.
Dustin glances at you and smirks "well I wanted first pick and they were taking too long" You laugh and lean over the counter and knock his cap down a little.
"Such a little shit" you mumble to Dustin. "Hi everyone" you address everyone else. Mike, Lucas and Max lift their hands in greeting. Eddie smiles and salutes you. Steve smiles a little "Hi Y/N" he is stood at the back of the group so you barely hear him.
Everyone asked for a pastry or cake of some kind and you place each one on a plate for them. You punch the price into the cash register "so that will be..... 7.75" you look at Dustin and hold your hand out and smile.
"So Y/N, I dont actually have any money" Dustin says as he takes a massive bite out of the brownie he ordered. Eddie reaches his hand over Dustin's head and holds out two 5 dollar notes. You reach up and smile at him "Thank you" you then pop open the cash register and get the change out. You hand it back to eddie who automatically puts it in your tip jar, you catch his eye and he sends you a small wink with a smile. You smile and look down at your hands briefly. "Enjoy your treats guys" you look at Dustin "see you at home Dusty" you knock his cap off and giggle.
"Yeah yeah see you at home" Dustin rolls his eyes and picks his cap up and puts it back on, while he holds his brownie in his mouth. As they are leaving, Dustin leans back through the open door "Y/N, we are having our movie night at our house tonight. You can join if you want."
"Sorry Dust, I can't tonight. I have a date" you say with a frown "maybe I can come to the next one?"
Dustin looks down at his feet "oh, yeah sure!" He then leaves and runs to catch up with the group. You let out a sigh and grab the cloth to start wiping down the counters.
Later that evening, you are in your bedroom getting ready for your date. You can hear everyone starting to arrive. You swipe the last layer of gloss over your lips and smack them together. You pick up your bag and head downstairs. You make your way over to the door and pick up your keys “okay Dustin. I'm going now. I'll be back later” you shout into the living room where everyone was getting ready to watch the first movie. Dustin looks up and furrows his brows when he notices your keys in your hand.
“You're driving yourself there?” He questions.
You look down at your keys and then back up in confusion “yeah… why?” You drag out.
Dustin rolls his eyes “because that's a shitty date. He should have picked you up to take you to wherever you are going.” Once he says this, Steve, Eddie and Robin turn their heads to you. They take notice of the short dress you are wearing and how it hugs you in all the right places and the plunging neckline. Steve's eyes widen ever so slightly and he averts his gaze to the door behind you. Eddie swallows harshly and sneakily looks you up and down. Robin waves at you and smiles “he is right Y/N. Your date should have picked you up at least” Robin says with a pointed look in her eyes.
You roll your eyes and take a deep breath “I didn't want him to pick me up, okay? I just wanted to drive myself because I just have a feeling that this date is going to be a shitty one.” You slightly mumble and look at Dustin “so I'm going now. If you make a mess, clean it up. Bye” you lift your hand in a semi wave and open the front door.
Your date goes relatively well, he was some guy that came into the bakery most mornings. His name was Brandon and he works in the office buildings. You tried your hardest to stay interested in his conversations all evening but after a while talking about his love of golf and how his dad owns 2 boats gets a bit boring. You take a sip of your water and smile at him “I'm really sorry to do this, but I have to go because my little cousin is at home and I need to get back to him” you lie a little. You get your purse out and offer him your half of the bill. He looks at the money and then at you “Don't offend me like that. I have to pay.” He takes out his credit card and places it on the table.
You look down at your bag and roll your eyes. Men and their old fashioned ways. You think to yourself. You finish your water and place your napkin on the table. “Thanks again for the nice evening.” You smile at him and stand up.
He looks up at you “I'll call you?” He says it in almost a questioning way and you just nod at him. As you walk out of the restaurant you make a mental note to tell Dustin to tell him that you aren't in if he answers that phone call.
You drive back to your house, you have your music loud and just trying to cheer yourself up after your shitty date. You pull into your driveway and can see the light from the TV still on in the living room. You walk up to the front door and unlock it. When you step inside, that everyone is completely paying attention to the horror movie that is playing and didn't even notice you coming in. You instantly recognise it as one of your favourite movies: Halloween. You sneak up behind Dustin and lean over the sofa and say in his ear at the same time the character on screen does “But you can't kill the boogeyman!”. Dustin screams and jumps up onto his feet and turns to face you. You laugh and grip onto the sofa. Dustin has a hand on his chest and is breathing heavily.
“I hate you. I hate you.” He chants breathily. You keep giggling to yourself as you make your way into the kitchen. As you are getting yourself a glass of water, Eddie walks in and smiles “didn't take you for a horror fan”. You turn around and smile at him “I'm a person of many surprises” you say with a smirk. Eddie steps towards you and you have to tilt your head back a little to keep eye contact. When he gets almost toe to toe with you he leans down slightly. “Maybe I could see some of those surprises?” He whispers and places a hand on your waist. Your smile grows wider and you slowly nod. Eddie is about to place his lips on yours as you hear “Eddie, come on man. How long does it take to get some water?” You sigh lightly and Eddie squeezes your side.
“Maybe later sweetheart” he says and then kisses your cheek. You watch him go into the living room again and then make your way upstairs to have a shower and get ready for bed.
Maybe you will grow to really like Hawkins after all..
Please let me know if you enjoyed this. :)
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happilychaengs · 2 years
Sana - The Scent of You
first post that's not a repost!
though i wrote it kind of late so i didn't proofread
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"Seriously? Again?" You mumbled under your breath as you saw Sana peer through the door.
Of course she has to be sneaky about it. Why wouldn't she? Its not like it's driving a stake through your heart every time. You felt like just her dirty little secret that she hides away. Under wraps, you were hers. All hers. But outside of that, you were a nobody. She doesn't speak to you, not even a glance towards your direction and yet she decides she can waltz right in as if nothing's happened.
You've had enough.
It broke your heart when you saw that smile on her face as she looked at you but you steeled yourself. She quickly shut the door behind her and smiled when she could smell your perfume wafting through the air. It was subtle yet sweet, enough to ease her worries. She walked towards you with open arms, expecting your warm embrace but you weren't having it. Not now.
"Is my happiness a joke to you?"
Her eyes widened from your tone. "What do you mean by that? What's wrong?"
"Are you serious? What's wrong?" You mocked, "You haven't even realized it yet? I'm tired of this. Tired of us."
"What? Why? Everything's been going great."
"Yes, for you! What about me? You only come here when it's convenient for you. One day you make me feel like the world and the next you treat me like I'm nothing!"
"We've talked about this!" She groaned, "You know how my job is! I can't let people know about us!"
You scoffed, "So what? It's been two years Sana! Two years! Two years of dealing with your excuses! Two years of watching everyone else be happy with their girlfriend!
"I'm thinking about you! Do you have any idea the amount of backlash we'll get? Especially you!"
"Do you seriously think I've never thought about it? I've been ready the moment we got together but this isn't about me! This is about you!"
"..." She tried saying something but nothing came out of her mouth. She stood silent. You were right. Deep down, she was scared. She was scared of what it would mean if she revealed you to the world. What it would mean for her career.
Obviously you weren't getting an answer from her, so you took matters into your own hands. If she didn't have the guts to say anything, you would.
"This isn't working anymore, Sana. For neither of us." you went to pick up your phone and your keys, "I'm leaving."
She grabbed your arm, "What? Why? We can fix this!" Her voice getting more desperate as she finally realized the repercussions of her actions.
"No. We can't. Let me go Sana."
"Please Y/N... I'll do anything."
"Then can we go on a date publicly? Can we watch a movie together? Can we do anything at all?"
"..." She went quiet again.
You let out a small laugh as you shook your head. "It'll never work for us Sana." You shook her grip off your arm as you started walking to the door.
"Wai-" she almost bit her tongue. She wanted to tell you stop, to talk about it more, to calm down, and to fix it together but she knew she would be wrong to. She hasn't been treating you like you deserved, for a long time now. You could do better. She needed to let you go even if it meant hurting herself in the process. Even if it was more than she could take. It was the right thing to do.
She fell to her knees as she watched you finally close the door without even looking back, forever taking pieces of her shattered heart with you. The scent of you already fading as tears cascaded down her face.
Even through it all, her mind was wandering. She tried to put her finger on what kind of perfume you used before sobbing harder. Right. She gave you that.
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Kindred Spirits
Jade West x Reader
You put the final touches to your locker door as students started piling into the halls of Hollywood Arts. Dark surroundings leading to a portal with lush colors spilling out. Certainly a good statement to make, you supposed. You gave the painted door a few flaps of your fan before cautiously opening your locker to get what you needed for your classes. As soon as you shut your locker, you hear a voice behind you.
"Whoa! That's really cool. I like your door."
Turning around, you face a pretty, thin Latina smiling wide as she surveys your locker. The corner of your lips turn up a bit in response.
"Thanks. Just finished it, actually."
"Oh! No wonder I haven't seen it yet." She held out her hand. "I'm Tori. Nice to meet ya."
Her wide smile was infectious as you take her hand and shake. "Name's Y/n. Just transferred from the East Coast." After the moment, you pull out your schedule.
"Hey, can you actually help me find my classes? I haven't had a chance to snoop around." You let out a soft chuckle. Tori looks over to scan the paper in your hand.
"Looks like we share a few classes together. Including Sikowitz. Awesome! Let's go. I can lead you around." You let out a sigh of relief, glad to not have to wander the halls aimlessly.
"'Preciate it."
Before you knew it, lunch arrived and Tori invited you to join her and her friends. However, as soon as the two of you walked up to the table, a voice spoke up.
"Who's your new pet, Vega?"
Your eyebrows furrowed at the question. You just stare confusingly at the pale goth across from you. Tori hurriedly replies "D-don't mind Jade. She's a little... Rough around the edges."
"Unlike my scissors. No rough edges on this baby."
Tori just ignores her and pulls attention from the rest of the group. "This is Y/n. They just transferred, so I'm showing them around."
"Oh miss Sweet Sally Peaches is doing her duty as a goody two-shoes do-gooder!"
"I don't talk like that!" Tori huffed. Jade only smirked, having pushed Tori's buttons. "Anyway! That's Cat, Robbie and Rex, Andre and Beck." Each nodded or waved in greeting as they were introduced. You thought it was fairly odd that the puppet got an introduction as well, but you just figured it was a thing. With a smile, you joined the table, staying quiet as the group made their plans.
"Oh, Tori" exclaimed the redhead known as Cat. "Did you tell Y/n about movie night?" Tori could only get a couple words in before Cat railroaded her.
"We're having a movie night this weekend where we all bring a movie then pick which one to watch at random!" You were amazed that the explanation was all in one breath. You took a moment to process her words.
"I'm pretty sure most of my movies are still packed up," you say, scratching the back of your head in slight embarrassment. "But if you guys are willing, I'd still like to join." Everyone (except Jade) agreed excitedly. Then Andre made a suggestion.
"Hey, how 'bout you choose the movie? We'll bring 'em, you pick 'em! And no pressure. We generally all enjoy whatever movie. Except for Jade." Said girl gave a sarcastic smile in response. You were just happy to be able to get involved with new friends.
"Sure. Sounds like fun."
With a round of yays, the bell rang and everyone made their way to their respective classes. Your first day and you already had friends and plans. You were definitely looking forward to the weekend.
It seemed as though the week sped by in no time. Getting used to a new school and settling into your new home kept you incredibly busy. Now, you were ready to hang out with your new friends. In fact, you were on your way to the Vega residence. The passenger seat was filled with snacks and drinks. Since you weren't bringing a movie to choose, you could at least provide treats.
You pulled into the Vega driveway and parked behind several cars. It seems as though some of the others had arrived. You grabbed all of the foodstuffs in your car and made your way to the front door. Determined to only make one trip, your arms were full so you kicked the door in an effort to knock. It took a moment for the door to open, but as soon as it did, you were suddenly relieved of your baggage.
"Oh. Hi guys... Uh thanks."
"Snap! You got, like, everything!" Andre excitedly went through the bags, passing them over to the other boys to rifle through.
"Yeah... I didn't know what everyone liked so I just snagged whatever I could." You watched in awe as the bags were torn apart. Tori walked up next to you, smiling at the boys' antics.
You turn only to see a red blur crash into Tori. You side step to avoid the flailing limbs as Tori actually manages to keep both her and Cat up. The Latina wheezes out a small hi before sending the shorter girl towards the snack table. You can tell that it was going to be an exhausting night.
The front door closes, drawing your attention to the last member of the group, Jade.
"Alright. Let's get this over with. The quicker I deal with you lot watching a crappy movie, the better." She grumbles, taking a seat on the nearest sofa.
"Why? Did you bring a crappy movie?" You couldn't help it. Jade had left it open to the comment. But it really surprised you how easy it left your mouth, considering how new you were to the group. Jade raised an eyebrow and everyone froze in anticipation.
The dark-haired beauty slowly stood up and stalked towards you until she was right in your face. With her boots on, she had the height advantage of an inch or so. You stood your ground, but you could feel your heart beat faster. It wasn't clear whether it was out of fear or something else. This was something you decided to deal with another day. You had a scary goth staring at you.
"You get a pass this time. Only until you pick a movie. If you pick a crappy movie, I will destroy you." She leaned closer, forcing you back a bit so you wouldn't be touching noses. "Understood?"
You could only nod, giving her a half smile. Jade narrows her eyes at you and turns away. You missed the near imperceptible impressed smirk.
Eventually, everyone gathers around the coffee table and lays out the movies that were brought. One by one, you take a look, either reading the synopsis of movies you haven't watched, or your opinion on ones you have. One movie remained and as soon as you see what it was, you immediately light up.
"Oh whaaat!? I didn't know 'The Scissoring' had a director's cut!"
Everyone gawked at you as you read the back of the movie box. Soon, everyone's eyes moved to Jade. She was surprised, but had a growing smirk on her face. "Looks like we have a winner." Everyone just lets out a loud groan.
The group was split into two groups. Andre, Cat, Beck, Robbie and Tori were on the sofa, huddled under blankets, pillows and snacks. You and Jade, on the other hand, were on the loveseat, engrossed in the horror movie playing on the screen. Jade intermittently whispers commentary and trivia to you as the movies played, keeping quiet during footage you haven't seen. At some point, she nudged your foot to get your attention. Not wanting to look away from the movie, you just lean back towards the girl with a "hm?"
"Wanna scare the weenies?"
For the first time since the movie started, you glance over at Jade. In the dark room, her face was only illuminated by the tv, but her eyes glisten with mischief. You're taken aback slightly at how close she was and you're glad the darkness was hiding your blush. Once you gather your bearings, you glanced at the rest of the gang. Tori, Cat and Robbie were hiding behind various pillows while Andre and Beck were trying to act tough. A grin spreads on your face as you look back at Jade.
"I'll follow your lead."
With darkness as your cover, you manage to sneak your way behind the scared group. The plan was to time the prank with the movie's dialogue. You settle yourself and listen for the cue.
'Why are you doing this?' the pretty girl says. 'W-we never did anything to you.'
The dead girl slides forward unnaturally and grips the pretty girl's neck, her scissors poised to strike.
'Never?' The dead girl slowly stalks forward, spinning a pair of bloody scissors in her hand. 'You don't remember terrorizing me? Leaving me traumatized? Leaving me for dead?'
The larger of the two groups huddled closer as the scene intensifies. Jade shifts ever so slightly to get into position, getting her own scissors ready.
The dead girl slides unnaturally towards the pretty girl and grips her neck, the scissors poised to strike.
As the girls on the screen let out blood curdling screams, you and Jade strike, letting out your own terrifying screams. Everyone, except for Beck who just stands up and walks out the front door, screams in terror and collapses into a heap on the floor. By the end of it, you were having trouble breathing from how hard you were laughing.
"That wasn't funny!" Tori recovered the quickest. "Seriously! I almost wazzed my pants."
"I think I did wazz my pants...." Robbie piped up from the ground. Everyone took a step back from him.
Jade sat back down with a self-satisfied smirk. "That's something I've been planning for ages. Worth it."
You recover from your laughing fit soon enough and pull Tori into an apologetic hug. "I'm sorry." Tori pouted as she refused to hug you back. "It was too good of an opportunity to pass up." You held onto the Latina until she gave in and hugged back.
Jade clears her throat, causing you two to part and look at her. She was ejecting the movie from the DVD player and putting it back in the case.
"Jade, what are you doing? We haven't finished the movie." You asked, genuinely curious.
"Well, now that I got my excellent scare, I don't wanna spend anymore time with you losers." She gestures with the movie box as she walks towards the door. "So, I'm gonna watch the rest of this movie at home." You frowned, sad that you couldn't finish the rest of the movie.
"Awww dang. Can I borrow it at some time so I can finish it?" Jade just looks at you, eyebrow cocked.
"You're not going to join me?" Everyone whips their head towards Jade. Beck even comes back into the house to gawk in surprise. Jade just looks confused. "What? I actually like this one," she said, pointing to you. "No one else likes what I like. So I'm gonna keep them around."
You grin before grabbing a few bags of snacks and a case of soda. "I'll follow you to your place, yeah?" The goth nods and pushes past Beck to leave. You follow soon after, waving to the rest of the gang. "See you guys at school!"
As the door closes, the group all exchange looks, unsure of what just went on.
"Uh..." Beck starts. "Jade made a friend?"
Andre grimaces. "Are we gonna have two Jades now?"
Tori pipes in. "No. Y/n is really nice. Maybe they'll make Jade a bit nicer?" Everyone thinks for a moment before laughing.
"Jade? Nice? Naaaaahhhh."
| Next
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freakdeerr · 14 days
Brendan got me to watch the show Stella yesterday, which I somehow missed despite my best friend in 2005 being obsessed with Michael Ian Black and David Wain around that time (and I can't even ask them about it now because we haven't been on speaking terms for a decade), and me generally being familiar with all 3 main cast members/creators and their work (also just realized Michael Showalter directed the horny age-gap relationship Anne Hathaway movie that my instagram feed would not shut up about like a month ago). To be fair it did just sort of get released, cancelled and then fell off the face of the earth.
It's extremely enjoyable! The main thing that keeps getting me is everyone is doing such phenomenally stupid line readings but it works so well. Michael Showalter especially does so many goofy voices and I love it. (Wow really not selling it but imagine if someone doing stupid annoying voices was pitch perfect for the tone and delivery every time lmao)
Haven't watched it all yet and a few bits tickled my memory so I have definitely at least seen like clips of it or screenshots at least before at some point, but wow really great. It's been a while since I've watched something new because I mostly just veg out to youtube videos for hours every day (and it has definitely made me worse & dumber).
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ninjadeathblade · 8 months
Moulin Rouge Discotrain AU (part nine)
Summary: (Post-game canon) The Conductor and DJ Grooves agree to finally work on a movie together. They come up with 'Moulin Rouge', a musical drama filled with romance. Over time the two directors grow closer and discover that maybe they don't hate each other as much.
Beginning | Previous | Next
Word count: 555
Warnings: None
Author's notes: I wrote this earlier today because I want to get to Conductor's casting. But the chapters with him and Grooves being cast were too close together so take this. Not the best I could've done but better stuff will come soon. Enjoy. :)
Conductor scanned over what he'd planned for the end of the movie.
Satine would die in Christian's arms after they'd reconciled their love for one another.
The show would have been performed.
The Duke would end up alone, and almost everyone would get the happy ending they wanted.
Satine would use her final breaths to tell Christian to share their story.
And it would cut back to the narration at the beginning, with Christian using the typewriter.
Conductor flipped back to the beginning of the script and began writing in the opening monologue.
"The Moulin Rouge. A night club, a dance hall and a bordello, ruled over by Harold Zidler," he said as he wrote it down.
"A kingdom of nightmare pleasures where the rich and powerful played with the young and beautiful creatures of the underworld."
A floorboard creaked and the Conductor looked up sharply.
Grooves guiltily stood at the side of the room, near the door, almost blending in due to his dark jacket.
"How long have you been there?" The owl asked.
"Long enough to find out you talk to yourself while writing," Grooves said, tone playful as he crossed over and sat down near Conductor.
"I don't always. Just helps sometimes," Conductor mumbled. "Shouldn't you be rehearsing?"
Embarrassment flashed across Grooves' features. "I thought I'd come check on you. I haven't seen you out of your office all day."
Conductor sighed, putting down his pen and resting his head in one hand.
"I'm fine. I've got yer jacket if you still want it back. Sorry I didn't return it sooner."
Grooves shook his head. "Hey, it's my fault for not coming here sooner to get it back."
"Can I be honest?"
"It feels weird seeing you out of it," Conductor admitted, a sheepish grin on his face.
"Aw, Connie, you think so?" Grooves laughed, sunglasses slipping down his beak slightly as he leant forwards.
Conductor gently hit the penguin with his free hand.
"Don't call me that," he replied, trying to not start laughing as well.
"What, you don't like it…Connie?" Grooves teased.
Conductor couldn't help the laughter that burst out of him.
"Ha! I knew it!" Grooves shook with laughter.
A knock on the door startled them both as they tried to quieten their amusement.
Conductor strode over to the door, opening it a crack. "Yes?"
"I'm looking for Grooves. Have you seen him anywhere?" Snatcher asked.
Despite what he had said before, the ghost had stuck with his same regal look.
Conductor glanced back into his office, watching as Grooves shook his head.
"No. Did yer check his office?" Conductor lied.
"Not yet. I was about to but thought I should check with you first," Snatcher explained.
"Go on then. I haven't seen him so there's no point in you hangin' around." Conductor shut the door, walking back over to Grooves.
They sat in silence together for a few moments before speaking.
"Why did you really come here?" Conductor asked gently. Grooves sighed, taking off his sunglasses and rubbing his eyes.
"Where the little girl brought in a couple more of her friends, it just- the place feels like chaos. I just wanted somewhere quiet and safe," Grooves admitted, putting his sunglasses back on.
"Well, you can always come to my office if you need it."
"Thanks Connie."
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brainyxbat · 1 month
Chapter 3: The Heroes' Reunion! His Name is Fire Fist Ace!
(episode 94/95)
In Nanohana, the crew came across a salesman with an interesting, yet suspicious offer. "A solid-gold apple?!" Chopper gaped.
"1,000 years of life?!" Usopp gawked. "For real?! For real?! You found it in some ancient ruins?!"
"Yep, sure did!" The salesman claimed. "It's a legendary artifact of an ancient civilization!"
"One bite, and we can live 1,000 years?!" Chopper exclaimed.
"Yep! It's the truth! I give you my word!"
"Awesome!" Chopper and Usopp gushed together.
"I see you have very sharp eyes! In that case, I'll part with it for the one-time price of 1,000 berries!" He winked.
"1,000 berries?! You got yourself a deal!"
Nami punched them both to the ground. "Honestly, now! What're you thinking?!"
Venus had a closer look, and raised an eyebrow. "Smells weird." The salesman started to panic.
"Yeah, I wouldn't take him seriously if I were you." Zoro pulled a curtain back, revealing another man painting an ordinary apple gold.
"Hey! Let go!" Usopp fussed, as Nami dragged him and Chopper away. "I was about to live 1,000 years for only 1,000 berries!"
"Quit wasting time, and look for Luffy!" She ordered. "We're done shopping, so we leave for the next town the minute we find him!"
"Where did Luffy run off to, anyway?" Zoro wondered aloud.
"Shut up, you two!"
"Wait, Nami!" Venus ahead of him to catch up to the navigator. "I haven't found a spell book on sand yet!"
"Wait for the movie!" She retorted angrily.
"Monkey D. Luffy?" Everyone's attention turned to a woman addressing their captain.
She was talking to a tall, black-haired young man with a purple Jolly Roger tattoo on his back bearing a white beard, and wore an orange hat. "He might be here in town. I've been looking for him for a while now."
"Hmm. Never seen him. Oh, but if you're looking for someone, ask at the restaurant up ahead," She suggested, "The owner there knows a lot of people."
"Much appreciated," He bowed respectfully, "The restaurant, huh? I was just feeling hungry, anyways."
The crew watched, as he made his leave. "Who's that?" Chopper asked. "He looks incredibly strong."
"Why's he looking for Luffy?" Usopp wondered aloud.
"Maybe he's a bounty hunter?" Nami guessed.
"No, he's not," Zoro replied, and kept his eyes on him. Specifically, his tattoo. "That mark..." Everyone turned to him. "As a former pirate-hunter, there's no way I wouldn't recognize it." Before he could clarify, Venus noticed him tense up, and step back. "No... it couldn't be!"
"Zoro?" She turned to him in concern.
He watched a certain spectacled, short-haired woman reprimanding a sword salesman. "It is her!"
Tashigi, from Loguetown.
"I didn't realize you were Roronoa Zoro, and a pirate. You... you lied to me! A rogue like you can't be allowed to own a renowned sword! I'll collect your sword, the legendary Wado Ichimonji!"
"What is that woman doing here?!" When she turned in his direction, he panicked, and ducked behind a giant vase.
"Are you okay, Zoro?" Venus asked.
"What're you doing?" Nami approached him with Usopp and Chopper.
"Why're you hiding?" Usopp added.
Zoro didn't answer, as he kept watching her. That woman spells nothing, but trouble! Dammit!
Venus' eye widened, and leaped down behind the swordsman, when an all too familiar face approached the Marine. "Hey, Tashigi."
Smoker stood behind her, lugging unconscious pirates on his shoulders. "Captain Smoker!"
He threw the large men to the ground. "Small fry pirates. They thought they could act like big-shots around me, so I took care of 'em."
"Even in such a distant land, your distaste for pirates is unfaltering!" She remarked.
"If you have time for pointless chit-chat, have the royal army take 'em!" He ordered.
She quickly straightened up. "Y-yes, sir!"
"There doesn't seem to be any word yet of Straw Hat Luffy having come to this country." The crew listened in from behind the pot. "But don't let your guard down. They will show up; I'm sure of it."
They ducked back into hiding. "Smoker? That's the Marine captain from Loguetown!" Nami whispered.
Usopp put his hand over his mouth. "Are you saying he followed us all the way here from Loguetown?!"
"It would seem so," Zoro grimaced, "And then there's that man. Things could get ugly quick. Where is that idiot?!"
Back at their former meeting spot, Vivi was waiting with Sanji and Karoo. "Where could Luffy-san have gone?"
"Geez!" Sanji griped. "He's always such a high-maintenance captain!" He perked up at the crew approaching. "Oh! Nami-san, Venus-chan!"
"Hey, now! This is bad! It feels like we'll be in big trouble if we don't get moving quick!" Usopp said.
"Big trouble?" Sanji asked.
"The Marines are here," Nami clarified.
"The Marines?!" Vivi exclaimed.
"And a strange man!" Chopper added.
"Let's just find Luffy as quickly as possible, and leave town!" Nami ordered.
Zoro turned to his right, and his eyes widened. "Hey! Hide!"
They were confused, but did so nonetheless. "What for?!"
"What is it?!"
"Get back here!" They heard the familiar shouts.
"The Marines!"
"There seems to be a big commotion!" Usopp remarked.
"Don't let him escape! After him!"
"Some idiot pirate must be running around town or something," Sanji assumed nonchalantly.
"Idiot pirate?!" Everyone exclaimed simultaneously.
"Get back here, Straw Hat!"
They all turned, and saw a familiar face run past. "It's you?!"
Luffy stopped upon spotting the crew, and smiled happily. "Heya! Zoro!" He saw them peeking around the rubble, and made a beeline, to their dismay. "Oh! Is that where you guys are?!"
"You idiot! Go get rid of them first!"
"There's the Straw Hat crew! Over there!"
"Eep!" Venus squeaked.
"So, what should we do now?!" Usopp asked nervously.
"We have to run, obviously!" Nami retorted.
"Hurry! To the ship!" Vivi added, as they gathered everything they needed.
"What're you doing?!" Luffy ran past them. "Let's get back!"
"Hey, you!" They followed after him.
"Stop!" The Marines ordered.
"Don't let them escape!"
"Fall back!"
Venus panicked, and hid amongst the crew when Smoker joined the chase. "Straw Hat is mine!"
"Yikes! Yikes! Here he comes!"
"White Blow!"
"Uh oh!" Luffy ran faster when a smoke-riding fist was heading right for him.
"There's no escape!"
"Heat Haze!" A fiery blaze stopped Smoker's attack, surprising the crew into stopping, Luffy gaping in shock.
"You, huh?" Smoker glared.
"Give it up." The man grinned confidently, as fire billowed from his body. "You may be smoke, but I'm fire. A fight between your power and mine would never end."
"He had Devil Fruit powers?!" Zoro exclaimed.
"Who is he, anyways?!" Usopp wondered aloud. "Why is he helping us?!"
"Ace?!" Luffy gawked.
He turned back to him with a smirk. "You haven't changed a bit, Luffy."
"Ace?! Is that you, Ace?! You ate a Devil Fruit?!"
"Yep! The Flare-Flare Fruit!
"Captain Smoker! We're securing the perimeter!"
Ace stood between the crew, and the Marines. "Anyways, we can't chat like this! I'll catch up! You guys run! I'll hold these guys off! Go!"
"Let's go!" Luffy immediately complied.
"Yeah!" Usopp followed with the rest.
"But, Luffy!" Nami exclaimed.
"Who is that guy?!" Sanji asked.
A small smile grew on Venus' face after she glanced back at Ace. "He's kinda cute."
"Not the time for that!" Nami raged.
"I don't get it," Smoker glared, "Why are you helping Straw Hat?"
Ace smirked pridefully. "It's natural for a big brother to worry about his bungling kid brother."
"What? Brother? You mean to say-?" Ace defiantly ignited some more fire. "Move, Portgas D. Ace!"
He didn't move. "I'm afraid that's a no-can-do." The Marines stepped back when his whole body burst into flames.
"Wait, Luffy! Who is he?!" Nami asked. "Is he an acquaintance of yours?!"
"Yeah!" Luffy beamed brightly through his sprint. "He's my brother!" The crew would only gape silently in shock, as they ran behind him.
Ace summoned an entire wall of fire before them, blocking their path. "Fire Fist Ace," An undercover officer remarked.
"To think you're Straw Hat's brother," Smoker remarked, and prepared a counterattack. "White... Spark!" That sent the billowing flames spinning in the air, creating a fire/smoke twister.
The crew looked back at hearing the concerned citizens, and saw the twister. "What in the world is happening?" Chopper asked.
"It's a fight between flame and smoke?!" Usopp exclaimed.
"He did say he ate the Flare-Flare Fruit," Sanji recalled.
"But Luffy!" Nami said to the captain. "Is it true that guy's your brother?!"
"Yeah! His name's Ace!"
"You having a brother isn't that surprising, but what's he doing in the Grand Line?!" Zoro asked, lugging a barrel.
"Ace is a pirate! He left the island three years before me to find the One Piece!"
Everyone stared in surprise, before remembering what they were doing. "A-anyways, let's hurry back to the ship!" Nami ordered. "Let's escape before anyone comes after us!"
"Yes, Nami-san!" Sanji agreed, and the sprint commenced.
Luffy was running backwards, as he kept watching. The twister turned into a ball of smoke, spitting out large embers. "Still, I never thought I'd see Ace in a place like this!"
"The path splits into two!" Usopp pointed out.
"Usopp, left!" Nami commanded. "Hear me, guys?!"
"Yes, Nami-san!" Sanji complied, as Luffy slipped off to the left. "I'll follow you wherever you go!"
"Enough, pervy cook!" Zoro exclaimed with annoyance.
"Cool!" Luffy kept watching, oblivious to being alone again. "The fireball's gone even higher!"
Meanwhile, the rest made it to the Merry. "Hurry, and load the stuff!" Vivi urged. "We're leaving right away."
"Hurry!" Usopp ordered. "Set the sails!"
As everyone scattered, Chopper turned to Vivi, now small again, as they both lugged small sacks. "S-say, are we leaving again just after we finally reached the island?"
"Yes. We only stopped by this town to get what we're going to need. Now we're going to head up the river into the interior of Alabasta. Our next destination is Erumalu, the City of Green."
"Hurry!" Zoro pulled the anchor up.
"Pick up the pace!" Sanji pulled the sail down.
"All set!" Usopp readied the rudder.
"Okay! Let's set sail!" Nami announced.
"Uh, guys?" Venus spoke up, stopping everyone. "Are we missing someone?"
"Yeah," Nami confirmed, "We're missing approximately one person."
"That moron!" Zoro complained.
"I-is it really okay to set sail without Luffy?" Chopper asked in concern.
"The Marines will be all over the harbors," Nami replied, "We need to hide the ship first."
"There should be a cave ahead that's hidden from view!" Vivi said.
"So we'll wait for things to cool down, then look for Luffy," Sanji decided.
"Yeesh!" Usopp griped. "He's always, always causing trouble like this!"
Zoro groaned in irritation. "He's a real reliable captain."
Venus sat cross-legged on the prow, her cheeks blushing just a bit, as she rested one on her knuckles. "I hope Ace will be with him when we find him; he's dreamy."
Usopp rested his biceps on the deck railing, sulking after hearing her. His feelings of jealousy were pushed away by a familiar hand grabbing the side rail. "I'm back!" Luffy launched himself on deck, knocking Sanji and Chopper down.
"Sanji-san! Tony-kun!" Vivi exclaimed.
"Oh, come on!" Usopp stared in surprise.
"Not again," Zoro facepalmed.
"You guys okay?" Venus looked back from the prow.
Luffy laughed, as he sat up. "Sorry 'bout that, Sanji, Chopper!"
An angry Sanji shot up, and had him by the front of his vest. "Do you not know how to learn your lesson?! I oughta gut you whole!"
"Yeah!" Nami agreed. "Do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused?! Try to act somewhat like a captain!"
He looked up at her, his smile gone. "Sorry."
Venus slid down to the deck eagerly. "Hey, is Ace with you?"
"Oh, that's right! Ace!" He looked over the side he came from.
"I guess he's not," Venus frowned in disappointment.
"Your brother was with you?" Zoro asked.
Usopp approached them with concern. "Is it okay to just leave him there?"
"I guess he'll be okay!" Luffy beamed. "Ace is strong!"
"He's strong?" Chopper asked in awe.
"Yeah! He hadn't eaten the Flare-Flare Fruit a long time ago, but I still never beat him in a single fight! He's real strong, Ace is!"
"Amazing!" A starry-eyed Venus swooned.
"There's a flesh-and-blood person you could never beat?!" Nami exclaimed.
"I guess the big brother of a monster is an even bigger monster," Usopp remarked.
"That's right! I lost all the time!" Luffy laughed. "But I'd win now if I tried!"
"I assume that's another groundless claim," Zoro snarked.
Behind him, a certain someone shot up. "Who..." Ace landed on the railing. "Can win what now?!"
The crew was quiet for a moment in surprise. "Oh! Ace!" Luffy beamed. "This is the crew I was talking about!"
"Oh! Thank you all for taking care of my little brother!"
"Eh? Oh, not at all," They bowed.
"He might be a bit much for you to handle too, but..."
"No, not at all."
"Take god care of 'im."
"It's our pleasure!" Venus almost floated over, her hands clasped together.
"Enough!" Nami yanked her away.
"You probably have lots of catching up to do," Sanji guessed, "Why don't you come in? I'll make some tea."
"No, uhh, that's okay," Ace kindly turned him down, "Don't do it on account of me." Grinning widely, he pointed his finger to Sanji.
On cue, he flinched in surprise when his cigarette lit up out of nowhere. "T-talk about unexpected," Usopp commented.
"That's for sure," Zoro agreed.
"I would've expected him to be as reckless as Luffy," Usopp continued.
"No, this sensible man can't possibly be Luffy's brother!" Nami added.
"He's a nice guy who cares about his brother!" Zoro exclaimed.
"Brothers can be so wonderful!" Chopper cried.
"He's so handsome," Venus gushed.
"The sea is just full of surprises," Sanji remarked.
"Come now, everyone!" Vivi intervened.
"See!" Luffy beamed. "Aren't these guys neat?!"
The fun moment was interrupted by a horde of ships approaching them, all bearing a certain Jolly Roger with wings and swords. "Baroque Works!" Vivi exclaimed. "Those are the Billions' ships!"
"Fire Fist Ace, and Straw Hat Luffy!" One of the agents shouted. "Don't think you can get away!"
"We'll show you what Baroque Works' Billions are made of!"
"Those guys again?" Luffy asked calmly.
"Luffy," Ace caught his attention, "I'll clean them up."
At that, he jumped down on a small boat tied to the Merry, and sailed off. "What's he going to do?" Nami wondered aloud.
"Especially in that little boat," Usopp added.
Zoro watched with crossed arms. "Let's see how skilled this Second Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates really is!"
"Here he comes! Fire Fist Ace!"
"Just try to get past five of our ships, if you can!"
With a smirk, he leaped straight up off his boat. "He jumped!" Nami exclaimed.
He flipped through the air effortlessly, arms straight out like a bird. "F-fire!"
"Shoot him into the ocean!"
Ace flew over one of the ships, and landed back on his boat after it reemerged. "Fire Fist!" He launched a giant fireball, annihilating every one of the ships, and tipped his hat up with a smirk.
"Whoa!" The crew looked on in awe, Luffy smiling brightly.
"Woohoo!" Everyone cheered.
"Ace is one of us now!" Usopp exclaimed, hiding his jealousy.
"Cheers!" He, Luffy, and Chopper clinked their mugs together.
"Who said I was joining you?"
Ignoring his rejection, the three downed their beverages. "Here's to delicious drinks!" Usopp changed the reason.
"Don't worry about it!" Nami happily assured him. "They're always looking for an excuse to drink to!"
"Medicine is horrible!" Everyone laughed, before Luffy turned to his brother.
"Ace! Are you sure you won't join us?"
"I'm chasing a certain man." Ace downed his own drink. "His name's Blackbeard."
"Blackbeard?!" Usopp exclaimed.
"He's the pirate who attacked the Drum Kingdom!" Vivi recalled.
"He used to be a member of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, one of my men. But he committed the worst possible sin on a pirate ship: he killed a crewmember, and jumped ship. So, as the commander, I gotta find and get rid of him."
"So that's why you're chasing after him?" Usopp asked.
"I came here, because I caught word that Blackbeard was seen in Yuba."
"Then your destination is the same as ours!" Nami realized, Vivi and showed him a map of Alabasta, pointing to Nanohana.
"We've just entered the Sandora River." Her finger moved to their upcoming destination. "First, we'll land at Erumalu, then head into the interior of Alabasta to reach Yuba here!" She pointed to an X by Yuba. "The leader of the rebel army is in Yuba."
"I see. So you're headed to Yuba next."
"I'll follow Nami-san, Venus-chan, and Vivi-chan wherever they go!" Sanji swooned.
"Get lost, Love Cook," Zoro grumbled.
"Say what, you-?!"
"A-anyways!" Nami cut in, before a fight could start. "It looks like we can travel together for a short while!"
"Yay!" Venus cheered.
"Yeah, yeah!" Usopp agreed. "His brother is more than welcome here!"
Luffy laughed happily, and held his mug out. "Let's have a fun time, Ace!"
"Yeah!" Everyone tapped their mugs together in celebration.
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argreion · 3 months
Ok, I'm gonna have a real moment with y'all.
Honestly, think I hit a creative block. I haven't been able to 'actually' draw. Or even write, and writing is pretty fun for me. However, it's also like I don't have the right words to describe certain things. Or a certain skill to show my emotions through art. (Or the will to even draw anymore, and I've done it ever since I was five. Always been a creative baby.)
Besides, I struggle to even look at this account and honestly want to disappear from the Internet. It's fun to look around, it's fun to interact, it's fun just be on Tumblr (usually). Yet I feel like I fucked myself into a literal corner of just... Feeling forced?
I want to put things I enjoy here. Like, CHILDISH things. Disney movies, animated shows, literal nostalgia for me. I unironically still watch things like that cause they help me cope. Kinda want to keep this account... Mature? (I'm pretty goofy in general, and that's always been me. So half-way mature.)
I know everyone is going to tell me it's ok but deep down I feel weird for it. Probably won't shake this feeling for a bit.
Just wanted to be honest with everyone. Still struggle with that people pleaser inside of me and having to kind of cage up or whatever?? Walls up?? (Dunno at this point.)
Hate this feeling sm. So sorry to drop this on you guys as well. Feel so much better, even if I shouldn't be sharing emotions or my thoughts online 💀
(Why is this hard, nobody is gonna jump me for saying how I feel like. Brain shut up, just be happy.)
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