#I Have Nothing
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"wow the fandom im in is kinda dead" *moves to another dead fandom*
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ao3screenshotss · 21 days
genuinely curious what does everyone do while ao3 is down cause i’m bored out of my mind
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mountainshroom · 7 months
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I don’t have any valentines day art mb but i did do thesee
(also have a nice wednesday all my lovely aroaces 🫶)
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teecupangel · 7 months
Once upon a meadow, in the heart of the Enchanted Forest, lived a curious rabbit and a vibrant blue bird. The rabbit was known for his insatiable appetite for stories, while the bird had a talent for composing beautiful songs. One day, they discovered an ancient oak tree with a magical mailbox that promised to deliver letters to any faraway places.
Excitement sparkled in the rabbits eyes as he hopped around the bird. "Let's write many letters to put in it! Imagine the tales and tunes we could share!"
The bird, with a melodious chirp, agreed, and they began crafting heartfelt letters under the rustling leaves of the old oak tree. The rabbit added his whimsical anecdotes, and the bird penned verses that echoed through the enchanted meadow.
They wrote as much as they can and placed it in the mailbox hoping anyone could stumble upon some of the letters. Some were replied sooner, others took time but one specific letter was found by a courier and in haste did he went to deliver it.
Inside it says: "Desmond turns into a lamb. You could do whatever you want I just want to see Desmond as a lamb because symbolism lmao."
At the age of fourteen, the recruits of the Brotherhood were required to present a kill to the mentor. It could be any kind of animal but the Brotherhood preferred it to be some kind of animal that can be cooked and shared to everyone.
It was a way to prepare them to the inevitable time that they must take the life of another.
Their kill must always be in the presence of an Assassin of Master rank or higher. Someone who can provide guidance and protection for unforeseen circumstances.
They would usually be someone connected to the recruit, the one who found them or a blood relative.
Altaïr had neither.
Had his father been alive, he would have been the one to guide Altaïr.
Al Mualim, who had taken over Umar’s duties since Altaïr was eleven, could not do it. It would have been seen as something more in the eyes of many Assassins.
So the duty befell Faheem Al-Sayf as one of the few remaining Assassins to have known Umar Ibn-La'Ahad back in Alamut that was still of good body necessary for this tradition.
Tomorrow, he would do the same for his oldest son.
Faheem had never interacted with the young Ibn-La'Ahad. Those blindly loyal eyes trained at Al Mualim reminded him too much of Umar, making his mind annoyed and his heart ached in equal measure.
It was a travesty for him to be in charge of the young boy’s first kill. He and Umar had opinions and they were, for most part, on opposite sides. What their brothers call friendship was build on mutual annoyance and the stubborn desire to win against their opponent’s opinions.
Umar had been closer to Ahmad, the man who dogged at Umar’s every step.
But both of them were dead.
And it was small mercies that Ahmad’s boy would be guided by another than Faheem due to scheduling conflicts.
Faheem could feel a headache coming.
He knew something was wrong the moment they exited Masyaf and went to a nearby woods to hunt, only for a lamb of pure white color to come tumbling out of the bushes and run towards Altaïr, letting out sweet sounds as if trying to talk to the boy.
The boy had froze for a moment and locked eyes with the lamb before he began to pet the animal, slowly at first, seemingly in a trance or just plain confuse by what was happening.
When Faheem said that they were lucky and ordered Altaïr to make it quick and painless, both the boy and the lamb turned towards him with wide eyes.
Faheem felt like he was the villain all of a sudden.
“Altaïr…” Faheem rubbed his face before letting out a sigh.
If it was Malik, he would have told the boy to remember his mission and he knew his son would do it.
If it was Kadar, he would have done the same and his youngest would do it as well with tears streaming down his face, apologizing over and over again.
They would both get over it quickly enough.
But he didn’t know about Altaïr.
All he heard about Altaïr was that he was the best of the recruits and never complained over anything, no matter how hard or unfair training becomes.
But he also saw the way the boy’s face softened and the small smile he gave when he started to pet the lamb.
A bleeding heart was nothing but a weakness in the eyes of the Brotherhood and their master.
It might be harsh but Faheem needed to curb such a weakness before it leads to Altaïr’s downfall.
“Altaïr…” Faheem knew it was not his place to say such things. For a moment, he wished he could curse Umar for accepting his death so easily, “You must throw away what feelings you have for that animal. You cannot afford to be weak.”
Altaïr’s hands trembled before they gripped the lamb’s neck. The lamb stared at him with eyes that made Faheem uncomfortable.
There was intelligence in those eyes.
And understanding.
The lamb shook Altaïr’s hands off and bumped his head against the bow strapped on Altaïr’s back.
A quick death.
Was… was the lamb asking for a quick death?
Faheem stared at the lamb and realized…
Why was it alone?
Why did it approach them?
Why did it approach Altaïr?
Faheem watched as the lamb walked away from them, turning around and letting out a sound towards Altaïr as if…
“Altaïr, wait!” Faheem ordered as Altaïr followed the lamb but the boy did not listen.
The lamb began to run and Altaïr chased after it.
Faheem chased them but the woods seemed to be against him for some reason.
Altaïr was following the lamb’s steps better than him as it led them to the more dense part of the woods.
By the time he caught up to them, he froze when he realized that the lamb had led them to the claws of a wild bear.
There had been sightings of it from worried villagers and the Brotherhood had guessed that bandits had captured it from somewhere but had either left it or they had grown too greedy and the bear managed to escape.
“Altaïr!” Faheem shouted as he ran towards the boy who held the bow in his hands.
Faheem stopped when he noticed the determined expression on the boy’s face as he nocked an arrow.
The lamb was running in circles…
It was bait.
The bear was chasing it and it knew it.
Altaïr fired one arrow, hitting the bear in the eye. He quickly fired another arrow, striking the bear between the eyes.
Altaïr didn’t falter nor slow down, striking the bear on the face with all the arrows he had.
The bear fell on the ground with a loud thump before Altaïr could fire his third to the last arrow.
The lamb slowly made its way towards the bear and tapped its head with a hoof before jumping back quickly. When it didn’t move, the lamb ran towards Altaïr and let out a loud energetic sound.
Altaïr returned the bow to his back before petting the lamb’s head as he said, “The Brotherhood do not accept unnecessary deaths.”
Altaïr turned to stare at Faheem and, for a moment, Faheem saw Umar’s face.
The same annoying face of that idiot who believed in the drivel he was saying with such faith that he would defend it to the bitter end.
“If caring for this one means I am weak…” Altaïr’s determination and stubbornness were clear in his face as he said, “Then I just have to become stronger than anyone else.”
“Strong enough to be weak just this once.”
That wasn’t how it goes.
Faheem knew he should say it but…
Instead, he sighed.
“Protecting the innocents is part of our duty as an Assassin.” Faheem said instead as he rubbed his face.
He was getting the same headache he always had when he was dealing with Umar.
How annoying.
He turned around as he said, “It’s your kill so you drag it back to Masyaf.”
The sound that came from the sheep sounded a bit like a thank you.
Faheem shook his head.
He was thinking too hard about this.
If the boy wanted to have a pet lamb…
Faheem wasn’t anything to the boy. He had no say in this.
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad would have to take care of this himself.
= For those interested in the alchemist that sometimes appears in this tumblr =
“I… I don’t think we’re allowed to deliver any kind of living creature.” The courier said as he looked at the big innocent eyes looking up to him.
“It’s not a real creature.” The alchemist said absentmindedly, seemingly looking for something inside that huge container that was even bigger in the inside, “It’s a golem. Pretty much just clay imitating life.”
“Well this ‘clay imitating life’ looks and acts like a lamb.” The courier countered, “So unless you make the proper arrangement mandatory for shipping live creatures which includes enough food to cover the longest estimate for the entire delivery trip, a cage large enough for the creature to walk around a bit and-”
The alchemist let out a long suffering sigh and went towards the nearby table. They picked up some kind of long ribbon and a piece of paper, quickly writing something in it before walking towards the lamb.
The courier watched in horror, eyes widening and mouth gaping, as the alchemist just… struck their entire arm into the lamb. The lamb didn’t make any noise but there was some kind of squelching sound that made the courier want to gag. The alchemist pulled their arm out and the lamb froze, eyes glazing into nothingness. The alchemist shook their clay-covered hand before covering what seemed to be some kind of wooden trinket in the rough shape of a four-legged creature in their hand with the paper they wrote. Afterwards, they used the ribbon to secure both the paper and the trinket before tying it around the lamb’s neck.
“There.” The alchemist patted the lamb’s head and walked back to the container as they said, “Now it’s just a normal clay statue.”
It looked more like a taxidermy but… the courier wasn’t going to say anything more. He simply sighed and took the… statue… while saying, “I’ll place the order slip on the table before leaving.”
The alchemist simply waved a hand instead of answering him.
He sighed once more.
Thank the stars this was his last stop for today.
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kaleidoscopiccc · 22 days
I feel like I’m very safely in the top 0.0001% of ride the cyclone fans am I correct in this assumption
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jarsarahere · 4 months
I envy people who have never experienced what it’s like to be truly lonely, because it’s an evil thing. It aches your heart, your real, actual, beating heart. I just want to be loved.
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echoingkarma · 1 year
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Cringetober Day 11 - Yandere
Can you escape this time?
Bonus art of John from a few months ago I never posted:
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ragx17 · 1 year
I envy people that have good relationships with family and friends. Always a constant reminder of what I don’t have.
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thecowboykatsuki-anon · 7 months
My mom would have turned 51 on Wednesday. And just like that I’m angry and hurting all over again. This is not fair. It’s not fair. It’s not fair. It’s. Not. Fair.
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sunshinechay · 8 months
I knew Charlie’s death was coming but damn. Watching it happen and watching the fallout was so emotional.
Will try to write my thoughts down better after work when my brain finally comes online
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l8rhader · 7 months
Hello, newcomers to the Renee Rapp-bit hole!
May I present this for your enjoyment?
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rosicheeks · 30 days
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disruptxrr · 6 months
aaugh i need to come up with a movie idea…
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teecupangel · 2 years
Just thought of something funny: protocreed but it’s the Desmond can eat poes au. Like Alex sees this guy who is making the virus go all: information?!? Mutation!?! Food!? What is!? And is like whatever I can eat him/talk to him/whatever easily, he looks harmless. Desmond: *kills a bunch of guys and then EATS the sphere of solid metal they were guarding.* Alex: … What
The 'Desmond Eats His Problems Away' Idea.
This feels like it would end up with Alex sorta wanting to eat Desmond because he's curious if he can inherit Desmond's ability to eat non-biological things while Desmond sorta wants to try eating Alex because he believes Alex may be some kind of sentient POE but, at the same time, since he has a sentience, Desmond's like "it would be weird to eat him" even though he just spent his time eating weird shit anyway.
Then this entire situation gets more complicated when they both meet the one.
The only.
The eldritch devourer of everything.
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bunnihearted · 5 months
my life is so fkn meaningless nd boring im so fkn pathetic nd useless yada yada i should just die
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fleetways · 5 months
it’s my birthday :3
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