bethhiraeth · 1 year
I love being a writer. Last night I spent at least two hours researching the Victorian and modern-day spiritual meanings of flowers and various foods for one sentence in my story. I could tell you exactly what a human would be going through at any given stage of blood loss, and how a body reacts after death. Poisons are a given knowledge, stab wounds obligatory. "What do you mean it's 'antisocial' to discuss the best way to hide a body?"
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luckycharming · 4 months
Not trying to be messy or bitchy on main, but why don't y'all review fanfics anymore? Why don't y'all comment on the stories y'all have read and liked? Like, deadass, as a writer/creator myself, if I slave away and put my whole ass pussy into creating and crafting these really good stories, and nobody reviews them, what's my incentive to keep creating?
And I've heard it be said thousands of times that you should do it for fun! You should do it because blah blah blah! And I get it! I really! It's not good to create solely because of x, y, and z and that's valid, but! I'm also doing this shit for free. Like, fanfic authors bust their asses writing for free. This is a free consumption, and I'm just saying, if you like or love the stories written, why can't y'all let it be known? Why can't y'all comment and review it? It literally doesn't take even a third of the effort it took the writers themselves to write the damn shit.
I remember when I first got into fanfiction and I was in awe, okay? There were so many wonderful stories and authors and you bet your right testicle I made sure I left reviews. Hell, I would even PM them and let them know that hey, I really loved that fic you wrote! This is what it meant to me and thank you so much for not only writing it, but being brave enough to share it with the world because regardless of the ship/fandom/etc., that takes guts!
And y'all won't even do the bare minimum. And then have the nerve to wonder why the quality of writing is shit or why people are leaving the fandom spaces. It makes no sense that stories that are so horribly written and out of character have hundreds, if not thousands of reviews, but the actual good shit barely has fifty, and that's me being generous.
I'm just tired of putting all this effort into shit that I'm not getting anything back from because it's not enough to love what you do. Like, why is it bad that I want people to leave long or nice comments on my work? Why is that me being greedy to want some positive engagement on my content? Or unless I write for popular ships, people won't read my shit? Which isn't bad, because if I like a ship, regardless of if it's popular or canon or so on and so forth, I'm gonna ship it, but still.
And not even that's a guarantee that people will read it, and I don't like don't gimmicky shit. I don't like feeling like I have to dim the quality of my work to get people to fuck with my shit, and it's not me being insecure in my writing because I'm a damn good writer. I know what I bring to the fucking table, but how are we supposed to keep the fandom spaces alive if nobody's engaging with shit anymore?
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haveihitanerve · 6 days
the most infuriating thing about being a writer (besides being a writer) is daydreaming a scene in your story/book/whatever the hell it is and being like 'yes this is beautiful okay perf' and actually getting the motivation to sit down and write it... only to realize it only works in movie format
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geekforhorror · 6 days
clearing out my inbox asks one by one and writing them is hands down one of the best feelings as a writer :)
feel free to send some asks and make them as filthy as you want because i genuinely love when you guys do!!
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certifiablyinsanez · 2 months
I just wanted to say that my posts have been garnering a lot of attention lately and I just wanted to say this to everyone, especially writers. Because I’ve always wanted to be a published author. I’ve always craved that validation to be valued by the community, especially as a queer, neurodivergent person. So all the lovely things you’ve said about my writing makes me feel extremely seen and recognized, which gives me a wonderful sense of peace. Thank you for all the sweet things you’ve said to me. 💜
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
pls know that I have really bad insomnia, and that not everything on my fics is always correct or actually happened because I’m 99% of the time I’m sleep deprived as hell 😭 so I just make stuff up as I go sometimes
And even right now I’m sleep deprived as hell trying to get through as many requests as I can 🙏🏽 please be patient and DONT request things twice because I’ll get to your request soon
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addisonstars · 10 months
“james the plant dad”
written for day 6 of septmeber for @jegulus-microfic with the prompt “houseplant”
403 words
“Love, what's this? Don’t tell me it’s another-” Regulus walks in his house to find James waiting for him in the kitchen with a plant in a shiny new pot, waiting to be named and potted by James.
“It’s another houseplant!” James says excitedly. Recently, James has felt like adopting something of his own, and houseplants were readily available for him to care for. The people of this generation would call him a “plant dad,” and James was a-okay with that. 
Regulus however, was not. “I told you, if you got one more of these things I would start slowly giving them away.” Regulus states plainly. He picks one up of his plants, inspecting it. “Looks like this one is the first one to go,” and Regulus walks over to the trashcan and tosses the plant into the can. 
James tries to stop him, running after him once he realizes what he is doing with the plant. Unfortunately, he doesn't make it in time to stop Regulus. James practically cries when Reg throws away the plant. “Babe, the fuck, that was Zack, you can’t throw his away,” he whines, sticking his arm into the trash to dig it out. 
Regulus stops him before he gets too far, pulling his arm out of the trashcan. “I think it’s about time we had a time about these little plant guys if you are for starters, naming them, and two, sticking your hand into the trash to dig out Zack,” Reg motions to the trash for emphasis, “i might go as far to say that there’s a little issue here Jamie.” 
“But-” James starts. 
“No buts.” Regulus says. “I’m not saying now, but I’m saying that this little adopting plant idea has gotten out of hand. I really don’t appreciate them taking up my space.” Regulus sighs. 
Recently, he’s found them just about everywhere, from the dining room table, the coffee table, the shower, and on top of his books. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t find it annoying. 
“Just think about maybe donating one or ten, and potting some of them, ok?” 
“Yeah, but,” James whines. Reg cuts him a sharp glance and James agrees. “I guess I can get rid of one or two of them.” 
“Thank you James,” Regulus says, hugging him. “And you really don’t think it got out of place, like at all?” 
“Not at all,” James says laughing. 
couldnt decide which one to make the plant dad lol :D
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snipersfucker · 1 year
i really am watching youtube videos of cars doing multiple fucking flips on highways and crashing into things just to be able to accurately describe it in a fic im working on.
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koolaidoverliving · 22 days
character so cute i have GOT to write them sucking dick
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imaginingmoonlight · 1 month
I fear I ate in English language paper 1 today.
I basically just wrote my OC’s backstory for the creative writing 💖💅✨
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Hello everyone!
I just want to say a thank you to those that have commissioned me so far. Of course I really appreciate your love, support and care and I enjoy forming bonds with you all.
I am blessed to have run into the few of you!
@thezboss @infinitelystoic1996 @hanaotaku95 @eternallyanxiousandstressed
Thank each one of you! ❤️ You all have helped me so much already.
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milfsloverblog · 1 year
Currently wrapping up Life Eternal (Part 2) and I’m UGLY SOBBING 😀
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cevansbaby-dove · 4 months
Omg this song
Thanks @bookishtheaterlover7 for this link! i love it!
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artistic-scribbles · 6 months
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these aren’t notes, this is a whole-ass essay T_T
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The good news about being chronically ill and depressed is that it is GREAT writing material. I'm going to write my man Asran so brilliantly.
Bad news is: I have to stop being chronically and depressed to utilise this material to its fullest. Gah.
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hella1975 · 2 years
my mum: what are your plans today :)
me pausing the documentary im watching about sword forging and the playlist on youtube im halfway through about different metals and their qualities when being smithed: what
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