frick-yes-dragons · 1 year
some notes from Cissy's post-hoot
hunter bi and willow pan!!!!
Raine has moved into the owl house, whether or not they married Eda is up to fans' interpretation (Though Dana did mention marriage shouldn't be required to define love). In any case, they are in a loving relationship
odalia and Alador did promptly get a divorce <33
the blight kids live w Alador and only rarely visit Odalia, and don't put up with any of her shit
King's tower was built and hidden by someone with amnesia..... BAT QUEEN?
Hooty probably spends most of his time away from the owl house as port-a-hooty, with Lilith, working as a curator at the museum
stringbean has been visible in the show logo since the very first episode (!), visible in the S and the L when it's flipped upside down
The collector does visit the isles often and is in frequent contact with king (but there was no confirmation if they've found or interacted with the archivists)
no comments were made as to whether Vee and Masha are still dating, but Vee did definitely have a crush on them
Luz finished high school on the isles, spending weekends and holidays in the demon realm
Flapjack was a gift to Caleb from Evelyn, and was probably the turning point in both their relationship and in caleb's acceptance of magic
neither Hunter nor Eda know about Eda's relation to Evelyn and Caleb (but it was hinted Gwendolyn might...)
The shack behind Luz's house where the portal is was originally where Caleb and Phillip lived; it was basically a ruin until Eda fixed it up during her time in the human realm
eda carved Owlbert herself, AFTER she got cursed as a way of reclaiming and accepting the owlbeast
Raine's palisman was hidden as part of their violin (you can see the head in the scroll). It did not die when the violin got smashed, and Dell helped repair the staff
This is all I can remember for now, feel free to add anything that I missed! Hopefully we get more of these behind the scenes discussions of the show, if you haven't seen the video I've put the link under the break <33
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sepublic · 4 months
I just gotta say I love the pun of this episode’s title; I thought Homesick would allude to it being about Luz missing home, but it was actually a joke on Hooty being sick!
That said, we DID get what would’ve been our first look at Manny, as well as an early version of Camila lore! Turns out she was going to be a nurse, but in the end I think I like veterinarian better. Still, I remember discussing healing back during S1A as a potential track for Luz because of this, so to see that theme be apparent with both parents was cool!
Manny’s face being shrouded also seems to indicate that the dramatic reveal behind him -the illness- was always planned, at least since the pilots. Luz said he drove an ambulance, past tense, which seems like some dark irony given he probably needed one at one point. Remember how some of us theorized after Reaching Out that the Abomaton alarm reminded Luz of an ambulance siren related to her father? Man… On the plus side! We can guess Camila and Manny met through their professions, so we could try applying that to canon as well! Compassion is such a Noceda trait I love it.
Likewise, I appreciate how these two leaked storyboards have Luz and Eda covering for each other! One sticks their neck out because something means a lot for the other, but the other decides it’s not so important they’d sacrifice the one for it… With this episode, Eda doesn’t want Luz to look like a dunce but Luz is honest and can’t bear to see her mentor be mocked either, and is trying to take responsibility for what she feels is HER mistake too! It’s really sweet seeing Eda inadvertently teach Luz the Healing glyph.
Speaking of, it seems we would’ve gotten individual glyphs for all spells, as the fandom once assumed! I guess the show did glyph combos to explain why Luz doesn’t immediately find everything, as well as create a sort of fun system behind Luz having to mix and match things. And we even got to see what we always wanted; Luz making an ENORMOUS glyph around her enemy! Goes to show my speculation that since glyphs rely on the magic around them, they aren’t physically taxing; Something we see brought up with Eda’s own magic.
Caduceia reminded me of an early Hermonculus, being a teacher who didn’t really care much for the actual students and even seemed to enjoy mocking them! She looks like Raine, so much that I wonder if the design was repurposed for them because it was such a nice one! I dig the play on Caduceus, with Snakeslie as a palisman! Snakeslie looks so much like a worm on a string. Given Luz and Caduceia are both healers, it’s neat they have a snake in common, though Caduceia’s seems to allude to her being a snake (liar); Her palisman’s name is literally Snakeslie. Snakes lie. Glad to see Stringbean with the positive rep!
I also love the gag of King calling himself the King of whatever’s convenient, and it was really cute seeing him want to prove his own worth! Because two witches, it’d be easy to feel like he has nothing to offer, which is part of Sense and Insensivity in canon! There’s parallels between the A and B-plots, with Luz and King feeling ineffectual and their owl friend supporting them, only to be helped as well! Eda and Owlbert are linked and hell so are the demon hunters and Caduceia!
The House Demon lore was neat, even if it was stuff we already figured out with canon; House Demons being like hermit crabs, and also rare! Seeing healing magic be used to make someone sick and even control their mucus/phlegm was disgusting yet fascinating! And I was delighted to see the demon hunters again, they’re underrated side characters imo and we even got a crew nickname for another one of them!
I also like the bit of the moral here; That sometimes, it’s not that a student is bad or isn’t trying, sometimes the teacher is failing them. Maybe some people think this generation is raised too soft and coddled, but I think it’s an important reassurance for a lot of kids who struggle and blame themselves for it; I’ve taken teaching classes before, and we were taught to be vigilant with ourselves as potentially inadequate for students. It’s the onus of the teacher to adapt to a kid’s needs after all, and actually care!!!
What an unexpected delight! I never imagined the crew made storyboards for additional episodes and not just the pilot! This one has no voice alas, but it’s better than nothing and I feel storyboards have such a nice charm to themselves as well! I really thought the pilot would be my last episode review, but I keep getting pleasantly surprised and gifted by this show…!
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Post-Series Finale HCs: The Owl House (Spoiler!)
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(From days to weeks) Right after;
—Raine spends time between recovering and pitching ideas to rebuild the Isles, reconnecting with Eda. They find out what music range the Owl Beast spirit cannot handle to avoid making their girlfriend (later wife) go deaf. Happiest they have been in years since the breakup.
—To limited degree, witches can use magic outside their coven sigil now. The sigils cannot completely block other magic-types only just restrict it. Biles sacks are pretty fragile though.
—Several cults/religions tried to start up once people learned King was a living Titan. Eda shut them down before they could get established—the Collector has a few cults too.
—Hooty helps Lilith practice her own Harpy form. Has to catch her several times as the other half of Owl Beast is less sentient(?) than Eda’s own curse. It grows to be a Raven. He finds being in his “Porta-Hooty” mode to be more fun since he can hang out with Lily.
—Alador spends time catching up with his kids. He likes to study how various beasts and animal species are adapting to the raised left arm. (If the Abomination track wasn’t expected of his family, he would have joined the Beast track.)
—Luz does, in fact, keep a portion of her Titan form’s power. Being in direct contact with such immense power has left its mark. She has fangs and magic will spark off her fingers whenever she holds Stringbean. Her shouts are loud!
—The decision to tear down the ruins of Belos’ castle is pretty unanimous. They find several thousands of snails hidden away, remains of the Grimwalkers, and old wild magic texts.
—So much rebuilding to be done. Not just buildings but the entire infrastructure of the Boiling Isles. People outside the main cast wonder what in the realm happened for everything to crazy during the Day of Unity.
—Hunter does some soul-searching in between joint custody of the Nocedas, Clawthornes, Parks, and Darius (plus Eber). There is a lot to unpack in his life after everything that went down. He ponders what being a Grimwwalker means, processes Flapjack’s passing, and what he is going to do going forward. The poor boy is traumatized to high heaven being raised under Belos/child soldier/clone of Caleb Clawthorne.
(Yes. I headcanon that Caleb took Evelyn’s last name or they refer to him by that after finding out what his brother did.)
—Eda jokes about Hunter technically being her and Lillith’s however-many-greats-grandfather.
—Wrath has to go through a redemption arc. Seriously! He sees how much Braxas missed him and begrudgingly accepts that the coven system was wrong. It takes a few years though.
—The Collector does not go straight back to the siblings who left him alone. This idea is argued for by the main cast who want them to spend time being a kid. King begs him to stay.
(I do not know how to write pronouns for a person who has He/him and They/them).
—On a side note, everyone who was ever mean to King is now genuinely terrified of him. :)
—People wonder why the Titan’s left arm is stretched out toward the sky. Even Luz does...
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Four Years Later;
—The concept of carving a palistrum egg has boomed in popularity. Stringbean inspired many people to respect Palismen as individuals.
—Cultural trade between the Boiling Isles and Earth is still tentative. Unfortunately, Andrias’ invasion made humans wary of other realms. (We know ToH and Amphibia share a universe due to easter eggs. Might as well capitalize~)
—Gus secretly eats movie DVDs. He knows that they are supposed to be watched but they taste good. He will eat some on his lunch breaks.
—A president/representative has been put in charge of the Boiling Isles. Democracy is still new so there are a few kinks to work out. Each town has a few spokespeople for them to really give everyone a voice in how things are run.
—Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, Hunter, Eda, King, Lillith, Raine, and the others are still the main celebrities on the island. Their popularity has finally died down from fan-worship levels much to their relief (Raine, Hunter, & King mainly).
—King keeps discovering glyph types outside his parent/father’s elemental ones. The combo testing can get a little crazy since this is his new magic language! He is really excited to learn it.
—Funnily enough, future students of Eda’s have visited using the time pools. They never say anything too revealing about the future but the subtle picture they paint is chaotic.
—The Basilisks help the Unversity of Wild Magic keep from burning down/freezing/exploding/imploding/getting damaged by wild studies.
—Willow acts as a motivational speaker for young witches and demons in the Flyer Derby off-season. The still-new freedom of magic can be overwhelming in sheer choices to the kids.
—Camila can only handle a certain amount of the Boiling Isles’ otherness. She loves that her first kid found such an accepting second home, really she does! But it is still a lot to take in...
—The Collector took care of the Titantrappers years ago. Only the youngest members are more open to interacting with King.
—Eda still finds it ironic she became a teacher.
—Amity spends her days exploring the world, though she is always a call away from Luz and her friends. She did not expect to fall in love with exploring different Titan-civilizations.
—Viney has interned under Camila to learn about Earth animals. The difference in biology between the two realms plays a part in how she judges treating pets at her mythical pet clinic. Some species react adversely to magic being used on them which she learns cause of it.
—Hunter gives each past Golden Guard a name based on what little he could find about their personalities. He still sees their ghosts but in a “guardian angel” way. Is for sure dating Willow.
...It. It took a while for him to carve Waffles.
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luzswonderland · 1 year
Thoughts on “Watching and Dreaming” Part 2
I cannot stress how much I value Eda and Raine’s relationship ❤️
Raine whistling Eda’s Requiem while they were trapped was so sweet🥹
I’m happy that Raine was able to join in on the final battle. It really does show that Raine is officially apart of the Clawthorne unit😊
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The callback to Azura’s quote in the first episode really did it for me. I teared up🥹
“Don’t you want to make peace, Luz?”
Oh please, what a loser lmao 🙄
I love how Luz just stands there in silence and let’s nature take it’s course. She realizes that this is not her fight anymore
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Sweet justice is served 🙌🏾👏🏾 😊😭
“Well, we ain’t!”
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“That was extremely satisfying.”
You could say that again lol
And it’s finally over 😌
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The Hunter, Darius and Eberwolf moment ❤️
I’m glad the other coven heads were put in their place lol. Was kind of worried about that before the finale.
Lol at the one coven head trying to touch the throne anyway tho
This is bliss 😌🥰
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I was waiting for this moment for so long OMG! 😭🤗😩
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I’m glad the Collector found their way 🥹
I’m going to miss Luz doing magic through drawing glyphs. It made her unique in the Boiling Isles. At least she has Stringbean now to help her do magic though
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the epilogue at the end. They could have just ended the series with Luz overlooking the Boiling Isles, but they gave us more😭
Luz enrolling in a magic university 👏🏾
Look! All the adventures we did and didn’t get to see
I’m really curious about the Hooty one with Luz and Amity lmao
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“Luz, you saw them last week.” 😐
Loved that she maintained the balance of her life on Earth and the Boiling Isles
Things I loved in the montage ❤️:
The Nocedas buying the abandoned sack
Hunter making Palsimen
This Moment 😊
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Flapjack’s gravestone🥹
Lilith’s haircut
Amity’s entire new character design
Success in eliminating coven branding
Gus’ hairstyle 👏🏾
From former criminal of the Isles to headmaster of an educational institution. You love to see it😄
The chaos that Luz, King and Eda will cause now lol
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Also, Vee’s family was saved 🙌🏾
King’s necklace too❤️🥹
Luz spending her past four birthdays rebuilding the Isles demonstrates so much about her character. She never slowed down in the past four years.
The attempt at the Quinceanera was sweet? 
Gotta appreciate the effort at least😅
King doing glyph magic opens up a new range of possibilities
Potentially for a spin-off?!!
The four year time skip is such a breath of fresh air😤
The world building for this show is so good!
My favorite shot in the episode 🥹
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I love how the series ends with Luz thanking Eda and King for being there for her when things were confusing in her life. She found them at a time where she needed the most support and I love that for her. Not a lot of shows come full circle like this.
Love the collective “BYYYEEE!!!” at the end 😄🥹
It has been a pleasure doing these “Thoughts” on episodes over the past few years, I hope to one day I get a chance to do these again for The Owl House 😊🤗 BYYYYEEEE!!!!👋🏾👋🏾
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bugs-r-neat · 1 year
a little extra for the platinum bones week for species swap: just a few ideas for how the plot would work if they swapped.
On the collector:
- eda finds the collector as a baby, so that he can be in a weaker state and not know anything about the war
- instead of going to the titan island to find out more about his species, the collector finds an old collector book with a lot of missing pages
- in knocking on hooty's door, he discovers his star projectile power
- the titan trapper terrek sees the collector's video and invites him to the island, but luz and crew promptly leave after they learn about the atrocities being committed in their honor
- like how king was drawn to authority and having 'minions', the collector is really into collecting little items they find whenever they go out, and also he's one of those kids that chases animals and tries to catch them
- likes to write and read, so he and luz bond over azura
On king:
- he's trapped on his little island and becomes very lonely and bitter because of his lack of subjects
- belos finds a way to connect to king's dreams and promises to get him out of the island in exchange for knowledge
- he was a baby during the titan and was hidden away by his father to protect him from the other collectors
- since he knows about collector magic, he would know about the draining spell, so he could still tell belos about it
- once he is let out of the tower, he also goes a little overboard with power, since he would have more realized power than our king
- instead of the collector spies, they're like Jean luc (his guardian)
this was just spitballing, and if these ideas spark your interest, feel free to use them. I have no intention of actually writing this. just make sure to tell me if anyone does use this though, because I want to read it
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wendynoire · 1 year
Collector still didn't really know what Luz meant when she asked them if they knew what death meant to mortals. She died, and he couldn't fix her, but she fixed herself. That must be what death is for mortals, a state where they can't be fixed by him or the Archivists, but only by themselves, even if it took a while. And when Luz fixed herself she looked really cool and got really powerful for a while. But it made King and Eda really mad.
That's the understanding of death that he took with him as they returned to the stars and the Archivists.
Collector worked really hard to show kindness and understanding to their siblings, and to show them how much it helped to extend that to others. The Archivists were less than willing to listen to him though.
Collector was still the person in the games who played seeker and went down to see if they could be friends with the different creatures. Collector offered them kindness, understanding, and forgiveness, and played with them so they weren't scared. He didn't play with people like Belos, and they didn't meet anything else as powerful as the titans, but it was fun.
It had only been three years when Collector stopped by for Luz's King-cinera, they were shocked by how much she had changed. Perhaps because he was used to the Archivists preserving the people they met he really couldn't wrap his head around it. They had all changed, though not too much for Eda and King.
But three years wasn't enough for Collector to have matured enough to return to everyone in the Boiling Isles yet.
It was 100 years before Collector came back.
He was a little disappointed with the reception though. Sure, they had been gone for a long time, and had been very immature when they left, but he and Luz had made a pinky promise to try better together. Maybe Luz's friends wouldn't like him, but at least Luz, Eda and King should be greeting him.
But it was only King.
"Where is everyone?" Collector looked around, as though expecting them to come out.
"I'm sorry Collector." King seemed conflicted.
He really did look happy that Collector had returned, but he looked like he had just stopped crying. He was older, taller, his horns were much bigger, and he was starting to grow into his lanky limbs.
"Why? King, what's up?" Collector was getting worried, it can't have been like when Luz died, Eda and King lost it when that happened, now King just seems to have accepted whatever happened.
"They're gone, Collector. Mortals don't live as long as we do." King looked down at the bone he sat on. "I don't even think titans live as long as you do."
"But... But they can come back, right?" Collector started looking around more desperately, perhaps expecting Luz to come out in her titan form.
But they weren't coming.
"No, Collector. When humans and witches die they can't come back." King shook his head, looking at the Boiling Sea.
"But... But Luz did! Remember, she died protecting me, and- and my eyes went weird, and you and Eda got really mad, and then, and then she came back. She can do that again!" Collector's eyes were doing that thing again. He didn't understand why their eyes would leak, but this was the second time it happened and both times were when death was going on.
Perhaps he was allergic.
"No, Collector, that was a one time thing and she used my dad's power. He's gone now, she can't use his power to come back. Besides, it was time that killed her this time." King still wasn't looking at Collector.
"But you're a titan, can't you use your power to bring her back?" Collector grabbed King's paw.
"No, Collector, I can't." King was sounding angry now. "I know you're upset about them being gone, but so am I. You get to live in the stars with your siblings, but I am here alone. Hooty doesn't even stick around."
"I-" Collector stopped, they didn't know what to say. "I can stay here. The Archivists don't listen to me anyway, and when I was trapped they didn't even realise I was missing."
"Yeah." King sounded defeated, but he closed his paw over Collector's hand. "You can stay here."
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darkcrowprincess · 2 years
(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you.)
My new favorite the owl house episode is thanks to them!
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And here's why: First off I am obviously a lunter shipper. My number 1 favorite episode before this was hollow mind. What can I say I love lunter and I love angst and this episode has it. Has so much of it. It was such an amazingly good surprise!
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I honestly thought this episode was going to be just like a typical owl house episode: too much boring lumity that it overshadows everyone and everything else. Luz and Hunter are forced apart even though character wise it doesn't make sense. Forced unnecessary huntlow. Just basically everyone is a background character and lumity is front and center. I am pleased to say there was very little lumity! Or huntlow! We got to even focus on some actual good character lore in this episode. There was so much angst in this episode for Luz and Hunter! But mainly Luz's angst I want to talk about.
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Luz this whole episode is basically listening to anti hero and look what you made me do by Taylor Swift on repeat. She is so way downed by her secrets, her trauma, by what she believes is her fault. She misses Eda, King, and Hooty so much. She's depressed, she's angry, and she seems a little suicidal. The only people she really personally reaches out to in this episode is her Mother and Hunter. Her Mother is a given and I'm so happy for those moments with them( and God do I love Camila in this. Her personal arc in this episode was so good, and how we learn more about her and Luz. She is the real Mvp this episode Camila). But oh her and Hunter. It's more so like they are constantly reaching out for each other in this episode.
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Them being the only ones who know each other's secrets. It's just perfect! I eat that shit up. Even though they found out each others secrets by accident. I love how emotionally open they are for one another. How comfortable they are with one another. I love how they check up on each other. Make sure the other is ok. I just love how ride or die they've become for one another. This is part of why I ship them sooo much. Second of course is how lore connected this ship is. How much it mirrors Caleb and Evelyn. A Wittebane and a wild witch, a human and a witch, a human and a monster(witches and grimwalkers are monsters and that's not a bad thing. I love monsters) How Flapjack was used as a symbol of Caleb and Evelyn's love, how that mirrors the bond Hunter and Luz have because if it wasn't for Flapjack Hunter and Luz wouldn't have truly know each other ans Hunter's redemption arc wouldn't have started. Basically Flapjack also ties Hunter and Luz together to.
I love the creepiness of Belos in this episode. I love the tiny hints that we see what he's been doing the past few months. Than eventually we get to the climax and my favorite angsty trope happens: mind control!
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So basically this is Helos. Belos mind controling Hunter's body. Which he has been doing secretly almost the whole episode. And god the angst is so good this episode. But the unfortunate cost is the much beloved flapjack.
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I'm not surprised, I knew a character was probably going to die. And the one they could probably easily get away with without too much backlash would be flapjack. Still it hurts. Belos used Hunter's own body kill flapjack. Which caused Hunter to break control and finally stand up to Belos. Than finally the gang goes back to the demon realm, after of course my last favorite Lunter scene were Hunter's words are what comfort Luz and finally gets her to stop blaming herself:
"That's what Belos does he tricks people. If it wasn't you it would have been someone else. But than we wouldn't have someone to fight back. So let's do that. Let's fight back. Please for flapjack."
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Which had me squealing so much! God I love lunter so much. Overall this episode was so good. Good plot, good animation, good music( the background music for when Helos reveals Luz's secret to everyone in the graveyard is so amazing. Gave me chills!) good bit of lore drop and some more information about Caleb, Evelyn and Philip. And so much lunter! So happy!
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Part 2 of the changes to Season 2 for my Titan Luz AU
Coven Day Parade - Since Raine wasn't captured or pretending to be brainwashed, the rescue/kidnapping thing doesn't happen. Not sure if the Kikimora bit still happens, but I want Luz to encounter Terra, who is very interested in her due to (supposedly) being Raine's daughter.
Elsewhere and Elsewhen: rather than find a way back to the Human Realm, Luz is searching for clues about what she and King are. The trip to the past and meeting Philip are the same, though Luz does not reveal her true appearance or personal Glyphs. And this episode is the start of hints towards Luz's personal connection to the Collector. As for Eda's thing with her father, that probably goes the same unless I decide to change things. Maybe Eda wants Luz to try healing her father's injuries?
Any Sport in a Storm - Not sure how to change this one.
Reaching Out - This one probably goes about the same, with some differences. Since Eda doesn't need to interrogate Wrath about Raine, the Blabber potion is a prank.
Them's the Break, Kid - I think the only change is the circumstances that lead to this story being told. Maybe Raine is the one who tells the story and bonds with the kids.
Hollow Mind - Mostly the same. Since Luz's cloak wasn't damaged, they go to the Night Market for another reason. Luz and Hunter still end up in Belos' mind. Also, Luz finally remembers that she knows the Collector but keeps the connection secret and has doubts that The Collector might actually be evil.
Edge of the World - Mostly the same, but Luz feels unsafe amongst the Trappers cause she subconsciously remembers them hunting Titans. Bill was the leader back then and made a deal with the Collectors for immortality. When they escape, Luz kills Bill to protect King as Titan Magic cancels Collector Magic. The Emperor's Coven still attacks the Owl House (because Belos wants the Portal), but Eda still has her magic, so she manages to drive them off. If Lilith hasn't defected before, she does it now. Eda and Lilith still leave for the Knee because they know they'd keep coming, but Eda takes the Portal Door and other essential things (like Francios and the Palistrom wood).
Labyrinth Runners - this one stays the same for the moment.
O Titan, Where Are Though - Mostly starts out the same until Luz, King, and Hooty go to the Knee and reveal that Luz and King reveal that they are Titans. Lilith tries her worshiping stunt, but that gets nipped in the bud immediately. King and Luz share the 'I'm a freakin' God' angst, so maybe they meet Steve, who helps them.
Since Luz and Eda have no reason to break into the Precinct, I have a different thing that happens. Terra tracks the Owl House group down and attacks them, intending to kidnap Luz (and retrieve the Portal Door, but that's not her main priority). The group puts up a good fight, and Raine joins in because they got wind of Terra's plan and decided 'fuck being undercover! Imma gonna protect my family!" Unfortunately, Terra is stronger and restrains the group. Then she tries to kill Eda. Big mistake.
Seeing her mentor/second mother about to die causes Luz to enter Titan Rage Mode. Terra doesn't stand a chance, and Luz fuckin' kills her - either by mauling her or vaporizing her with a breath attack. But Terra manages to poison Luz and Eda, so the group takes them to the CATT hideout to recover.
Terra's death (though no one knows Terra is dead, only missing) so close to the Day of Unity really throws a wrench into Belos' plans, especially since he still doesn't have the Portal Door. Moreover, Raine is also missing, so he is down two Coven Heads - four if Ebewolf and Darius also decide to abscond.
I mean, he could try to find replacements, but there was a reason Raine wasn't replaced after getting captured in canon.
Yeah, canon really diverges now, and I have no idea what to do next.
Please share your thoughts and ideas.
Baby's first murders!
Jokes aside, I feel conflicted on that. On one hand, it's a little too dark and Luz will have to deal with that. On the other hand, it is characters who kinda deserve it!
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 years
The Owl House from Worst to Best:
Salutations, random people on the internet who certainly won't read this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck! I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
With The Owl House sort of returning in about a week, I figured that to celebrate, I would do the impossible: Rank the series from worst to best.
Why do I say that's impossible? Because The Owl House is one of those shows that makes me so happy that, while at its lowest...it's not that bad. Yes, even the episode you already know will be the worst isn't exactly the worst written episode in television's history. It's just that compared to the series at its highest, when you look at what's at the bottom, the cracks start to show.
So, you might as well say this is a "worst" to best list. Some might disagree, but hey, you try judging a show that makes you feel this happy.
Also, since I've talked about every episode in The Owl House, I'm not going in-depth on what I think about them. I'm using one to two sentences maximum. Three, if I really want to push it. If you really wanted to know what I think about each one, here’s a masterpost of every review I’ve ever made about The Owl House.
With that said, let's start this list off with, let's be honest, the one you already knew was going to be considered "the worst."
(Also, it goes without saying, but there’s going to be spoilers in this. That’s what happens when you talk about every episode of a series.)
40.  “Once Upon a Swap”-Again, it's not bad, as there are some decent jokes sprinkled in...but "Once Upon A Swap" is pointless. Other episodes at least have outstanding character interactions and plot relevance for me to consider them essential to the series. But this episode really is the one where if you cut it out, you'll miss nothing (just put Lilith revealing that she and Eda wanted to join the Emperor's Coven in another episode).
39. “Really Small Problems”-I love the exploration between King and Luz's relationship and appreciate that it was an accident that he shrunk Gus and Willow...and that's all the compliments I have. The jokes aren't as funny as they could have been, Tibbles really is the worst character in the show, and Eda's subplot is...painful. Not bad, but just below average isn't pretty either.
38. “Sense and Insensitivity”-I don't dig Luz and King's story about writing a book, nor do I enjoy how quickly it's resolved, but Eda and Lilith's B-plot saves this episode. You get a sense of how much they care about one another which, in turn, adds extra pain in "Agony of a Witch," making this episode a C+ to a B-.
37. “The First Day”-The pacing really is what kills this one. There's so much "The First Day" has to do, and the writers have so little time to do it that when they do some familiar story beats, it comes off as disingenuine and out of nowhere. Still love it, though, for the new characters introduced and the lesson being told, but that doesn’t automatically make this episode better.
36. “A Lying Witch and a Warden”-Yeah, the message is heavy-handed, and the pacing's all kinds of wonky, but I still say this pilot does its job in making us like the series while future episodes reveal why we should love it.
35. “Hooty’s Moving Hassle”-I was entertained by the shenanigans Luz, Gus, and Willow got into and felt the shock in that reveal of Willow and Amity's past friendship...but did Eda really need to be that incompetent? The Hexes Hold'em thing manages to come back later in a much better episode, but I don't know. I feel it would take more than Tibbles to trick Eda that easily.
34. “I Was A Teenage Abomination”-Initially, you don't care that Luz and Willow cheated because they were standing up to the mean, one-dimensional bully. But, now knowing who Amity is and why she acts the way that she does, you start to see that she has a right to be mad and that Luz and Willow really shouldn’t feel too proud of what they’ve done. At least this episode gets points for introducing the rest of our main cast and having a fun B-plot with King and Eda.
33. “Something Ventured, Someone Framed”-Why does Gus' first episode have to be a liar reveal story? It's not as bad as it could have been, but it does leave a sour impression of what Gus episodes could be. On the bright side, we see how determined Eda is to make Luz happy, which is always lovely.
32. “Witches Before Wizards”-This was the reality check that Luz needed to see that the Boiling Isles isn't a fantasy world she can just escape to. Are Eda and King a little too mean spirited when it comes to joshing on Luz about her being the chosen one? Maybe, but they hardly knew her at this point, and I feel like Eda and King coming to save Luz more than proves that they'll always be there for her despite the occasions they'll laugh at her.
31. “Adventures in the Elements”-King's B-plot of dealing with evil stuffed toys is funny, but having it hurts Luz's story. If we really got to see what she went through in training with Eda, it would make Luz's big outburst genuine and understandable rather than impatient and whiney. At least I still get chills (ha) at seeing her learn a second spell, so I guess things aren't too bad.
30. “Escape of the Palisman”-Luz's story is engaging, and King's is weirdly cute...but the overall episode didn't wow me, you know? It's hard to explain, but for me personally, "Escape of the Palismen" is missing that extra zip that makes it go from good to great.
29. “Any Sport in a Storm”-I loved the stuff with Hunter and Willow, showing so much about their characters while maybe sparking a relationship that could hopefully go somewhere...but that subplot with Luz and Amity is worse on a rewatch, oh my word! We do not need half an episode dedicated to why Amity has The Great Witch Azura books when a seven-second conversation of her finding them washed up on the shore or buying them off of Eda would work better. The stuff with Willow and Hunter at least saves this episode, but man, does that stuff with Luz and Amity sting.
28. “Enchanting Grom Fright”-A beautiful episode that digs deep into Luz and Amity's anxieties (mainly Luz's) while ending with an explicit reveal that made the entire LGBTQA+ community watching this feel their jaw drop. It's great...though I will admit, I feel like this episode gets worse the more I rewatch it. NOT BAD, but the cracks (King's subplot, how it takes place in one day when it feels like two, and the fact that they let children fight a monster) become more difficult to ignore despite how the incredible stuff makes me want to.
27. “Wing It Like Witches”-In this episode, Willow proves how much she's changed by going against Boscha, a character who doesn't want to change. Meanwhile, you have Amity doing the same thing by choosing to be a part of the wildness that is Luz's friend group instead of siding with such trivial things as social status. Some people remember this as the goofy sports episode with Amity acting as a gay disaster but, to me, "Wing it Like Witches" celebrates character growth and development, and I am all here for it.
26. “Lost in Language”-Sure, we get a "two idiots and a baby" subplot, but at least we get a great "don't judge a book by its cover" storyline that finally kickstarts Amity's road to redemption. You see, this is how the good stuff outweighs the bad: Having more good and less bad.
25. “The Intruder”-It has a decent spooky atmosphere that introduces Eda's curse and how it cleverly ties into a chronic illness allegory, to the point where fans debate that she shouldn't have it cured, thus telling you how impactful that allegory is. It still bothers me a bit that King takes most of the blame when Luz's attitude contributed to his error, but I don't find as much issue with it as I used to. It's all still great.
24. “Covention”-I still stand by this being the perfect episode to show a friend if you want to get them into The Owl House. "Covention" has most of our essential characters, features some stellar writing that makes the episodes before it pales in comparison, and it's early enough where it won't spoil much. If you want people to watch The Owl House, start here and then show them the rest of the series so they know the kind of quality they'll be signing up for.
23. “Them’s the Breaks, Kid”-A cute, fluffy episode that manages to be the most essential at the literal last minute. Hats off to these writers for expertly making something that gives us a break from the story while still giving us important story beats at the same time.
22. “Young Blood, Old Souls”-A solid, tense, and emotional ending to the first season even if Lilith's redemption and the overall story could have slowed down a bit.
21. “Keeping Up A-Fear-Ances”-This episode is really engaging in the beginning and jaw-dropping in the end. It's just the stuff in the middle that could have used a lot more polish.
20. “Separate Tides”-A solid beginning to the second season, catching fans up on what they missed between seasons and letting the characters adjust to these new shifts in the status quo. Not as spectacular as the rest of Season Two, but still pretty great.
19. “Escaping Expulsion”-We're finally officially introduced to Amity's parents, not only giving Amity one last test of her loyalty to Luz but showcasing Luz's loyalty to her friends with how far she'd go to help them. Now, maybe Eda acts a little too recklessly, and Gus and Willow get sidelined a little too hard...but the amount of excitement I felt in seeing Luz blush at Amity is immeasurable. So leave me alone if I consider "Escaping Expulsion" is worth ignoring those two valid criticisms!
18. “Understanding Willow”-An incredible episode that gives us great insights into both Willow and Amity, their histories, their friendship, and how they became the people they are today. And, hey, the B-plot doesn't detract too much from the A-plot's drama and story. That's a plus for a Season One episode.
17. “Follies at the Coven Day Parade”-This almost felt like a season premiere. It had big, epic scenes, some compelling character moments, and established a sense of dread that remains consistent with the rest of Season Two. It really is outstanding...too bad Luz desperately wanting to help Kikimora is too insane of a concept that it severely hurts the episode.
16. “Through the Looking Glass Ruins”-A Gus episode that gives his character much-needed development that also gives us a Lumity subplot about them being cute while developing their relationship? Can I get a "HECK YEAH?!"
15. “Eclipse Lake”-A great episode that allows our two redeemable characters to talk and bond, with Amity proving how much she's changed by trying to offer the same chance to Hunter, despite how he's not ready to take that step just yet. It's all good...but what's with writing Eda as an idiot and letting Gus and Willow get sidelined again?! C'mon, writers, you're better than this!
14. “Agony of a Witch”-This was a tense and emotionally painful episode that is only a taste of the kind of stuff we'll get in Season Two. There's nothing to complain about here. It's just too good.
13. “Hunting Palisman”-Hunter's kickstart to the path of redemption, paired with an episode that's more or less about Luz figuring out what she wants in life and confronting the fact that she doesn't think stuff through. It's a great character study about our protagonist and our favorite bad yet sad boy that may or may not have sparked an AU of mine. I can't help but have a warm spot for it.
12. “Echoes of the Past”-An episode that finally gives King some depth, making him more than just a comedic sidekick in everyone else's adventures while giving him a real purpose in life. I always felt like King was directionless in Season One as his whole "becoming a tyrant" never felt like nothing more than a child playing make-believe to me, so I'm grateful "Echoes of the Past" gave him a path to get started on. Even if said path took him to darker places.
11. “Eda’s Requiem”-This episode not only introduces a fan favorite with Raine but also provides some character depth to Eda as she struggles to hang onto the past rather than ignore her problems with the present. Eda goes out of her way to keep her kids with her forever and possibly rekindle an old flame, only for life to provide both good and bad surprises that allow Eda a chance to accept what life throws at her instead of letting things be the same. Such a great episode that's only shy of making the top ten because others are better than it.
10. “Elsewhere and Elsewhen”-Here, we get a celebration of Lilith's character growth in how much fun and respect she shares for Luz, set up to a major reveal that most of us had already seen coming, and a phenomenally performed and even better-written scene between Eda and her father. Initially, I felt that Eda talking with her dad should have been something for its own episode rather than being the subplot of another, but with how great it is, who am I to really complain? Especially with how great everything else is.
9. “Yesterday’s Lie”-A Luz solo adventure (which is already winning some points on that concept alone) that introduces fan-favorite #3, Vee, and proves, even more, why Camila is a great mom. The woman saw a scared child and took her in, and cried her heart out because her daughter has been in a strange, unfamiliar environment that is far from Camila's protection. If your takeaway from this episode is that Camila's an awful mom despite all the evidence proving otherwise...you're beyond help.
8. “Reaching Out”-The episode that finally shows us the pain that Luz is keeping deep inside herself and how she's willing to find ways to find distractions rather than deal with the pain she feels in her heart. We also get some great insights from the rest of the Blight family (primarily Edric, Amity, and even Alador). And while that's all good, I wouldn't go so far as to say that they don't steal away from what Luz is going through, as she still has her own time to mourn and decompress.
7. “Hollow Mind”-Easily the darkest episode in the show, giving us a glimpse inside the mind of a madman and witnessing the many crimes and murders he committed before rising to power. What's even better is that we are, not once, supposed to feel sympathetic toward Belos but instead feel fear towards what he's done and what he plans to do. And it would be the best episode if not for the fact that literally every episode after just gets better and better.
6. “Edge of the World”-This one (mostly) brings King's arc to a close, giving him the answers he's been searching for but in a way that shocked most and left others afraid, given the current environment that he is in.
5. “Labyrinth Runners”-This one proves that the rest of the characters can stand out on their own without our main trio, each of them getting so much development and proving how powerful they can be.
4. “O’ Titan, Where Art Thou?”-This one allows King the time he needs to cope with new surprises while upping the intensity and drama as Luz and Eda literally fight over whether they can defeat Belos.
3. “Clouds on the Horizon”-This one, despite partially setting up the big finale, still stands out on its own as an episode that brings Amity's arc regarding her family to a close, all in a way that's...satisfying, depending on how you perceived Alador. Still, I'll be damned if I ranked the episode with Lumity's first kiss any lower.
2. King’s Tide-And this one...was an intense finale that allowed every character to contribute in their own way, all while ending on a cliffhanger that left me with no idea how things would get resolved. Amphibia's "True Colors" at least left me with some clue, but with "King's Tide," I've got nothing, and I am both excited and scared to find out what happens next. And this would have been the best episode...but...
1. “Knock, Knock, Knockin’ on Hooty’s Door”-Let me explain (and I will have to break my rule for this): To me, the best episode for a show isn't one that has higher stakes or more hurtful emotions. Instead, the best episode is the one that features everything that's to love about the series. And that really is "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door." It has hilarious jokes, fantastic character insights, some real dark s**t, compelling drama, and some of the best LBGTQA+ representation, all through an adorable romance between two girls. And it accomplishes all of this while being an episode about Hooty. Hooty! The character we all wrote off as the comedy relief and nothing more manages to be the same character that gave us everything we could have ever wanted. If that doesn't prove how amazing The Owl House is and how "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door" is the best episode...I don't know what will. It's great, you all know it's great. Why bother debating on it?
And you might have noticed that it doesn't take long until I start singing an episode's praises more than I talk about what went south with it. That's because, as I've said, The Owl House doesn't really have bad episodes. Even as I made this list and saw where some episodes were ranked, I found myself thinking, "That's not fair. This episode should be that bad." And it's not about how one episode is good or even about how one was bad, but because some episodes are better than others. "Wing it Like Witches" isn't a poor episode because it's #27. It's there because it couldn't measure up with what's above it. And is that really something to complain about?
If The Owl House is still passable at its worst, then that tells me what I already know: We have nothing to worry about when it comes to Season Three. The writers might have less time, but they're competent enough to at least make something that’s a hoot in a half.
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darthkvznblogs · 1 year
Alright, they didn’t answer as much as I would have liked, though they might do more in the future, thankfully, but there were a few notable nuggets of info, even if Dana often invoked “death of the author”. For one, Willow is pan and Hunter bi, Raine’s Palisman was hidden in their instrument and repaired by Dell and Hunter, the rat seen in Clouds on the Horizon is Alador’s Palisman, Evelyn and Caleb are indeed the ancestors of the modern Clawthornes, but they and Hunter are unaware, Papa Titan’s full name is unpronounceable to humans and witches, Luz and Hunter confirmed to be like siblings, a maybe on Vee x Masha (they deserved more in the finale), the shack where the portal was is indeed where Caleb and Philip lived, the portal door’s eye is apparently at least representative of Papa Titan’s, “The Third Bill” on YouTube apparently got something right about Hooty (he was apparently the Titan’s tapeworm from what I’ve heard), Raine and Eda aren’t officially married but they “have” moved in together, and the Collector does indeed visit the aisles frequently, being genuinely close friends with King, so given how you felt about them leaving to begin with, I know you’re happy about that. Just wish that they’d talked more about the origins of the portal door and how magic with Palismen works, especially for humans like Luz, just for starters.
Alright, time to dig in on this one. Let's go point by point:
-Willow is pan and Hunter is bi: totally would've called it with Willow, though I'm actually kinda surprised with Hunter, I wouldn't have called that one. Cool to hear it, regardless!
-Raine's Palisman was hidden in their instrument and repaired by Dell and Hunter: very interesting. There's so much we didn't get to learn about Palismen, so I never would've guessed they could have that kind of modification, or that the staff part at least can be broken/repaired.
-The rat seen in Cloud on the Horizon is Alador's Palisman: I can't McF*cking believe it, that's hilarious
-Evelyn and Caleb are indeed the ancestors of the modern Clawthornes: we been knew, but good to have confirmation. Fuel for the pyre that is my headcanon that everyone is in a big messy family after the end hahaha
-Papa Titan's full name is unpronounceable to humans and witches: yeah, I kinda figured. I remember when people though he was called Yore because of that comment in the Titan Trapper episode, good times XD
-Luz and Hunter confirmed to be like siblings: I think people would riot otherwise, lol
-...a maybe on Vee and Masha: kinda surprised they outright said they aren't a thing (yet, at least), that's the kind of thing I'd just let the fandom headcanon about with no comment. I totally ship it, regardless!
-The shack where the portal was is indeed where Caleb and Philip lived: we been knew, also. Kind of a missed opportunity not to have Belos comment on it, but that's exactly the sort of thing that would've happened with more time, I guess
-The portal door’s eye is apparently at least representative of Papa Titan’s: I mean, I guess, but we know so very little about the portal and the Titan that it's really anyone's guess what that ultimately means
-“The Third Bill” on YouTube apparently got something right about Hooty (he was apparently the Titan’s tapeworm from what I’ve heard): LOL
-Raine and Eda aren’t officially married but they “have” moved in together: I mean this works perfectly for my vision for the Kverse, which is basically Raine going "this is my partner Eda, and this is Eda's partner Camila" :P anyway, marriage is just kinda superfluous sometimes, so I totally get it. They're an item, no matter the paperwork
-The Collector does indeed visit the Isles frequently, being genuinely close friends with King: still doesn't address the fact that it really is a weird choice IMHO to have him do his growing up off on his own or surrounded by a familiy that is clearly a bad influence, but I do appreciate that he at least visits often!
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I have started season 3! Here are my thoughts that I am adding to everytime I pause the first episode
SO, everyone appears to still have their powers, well Gus does. But last time Luz was there (Season 1 finale maybe? I forget when) Luz was unable to use the glyphs, which makes sense. No world magic in the Human Universe, but the magic people have magic in their heart thing (??) so, it makes sense they can still do magic
AND I FORGOT GUS IS A HUMAN NERD! He had the whole human club thing at Hexside, and now he gets to witness the magic that is bubble wrap, amazing. ALSO, this is a Gus fanpage, HE HELPED LUZ'S MUM WASH THE DISHES! I love him.
Hunter and Luz bonding over not telling the others things in their secret things. Poor little kids just confused. They don't deserve this.
"Thank you for providing us shelter ma'am" "Please never do that again" HUNTER YOU PRECIOUS CHILD, poor Luz's mum now has like, 6 kids (including Vee) overnight, she is struggling, especially with the magic terms and Belos and Collector story.
NEW INTRO IS SO COOL!!! And I never knew the studio that created TOH is called "Lumity Studios" BROOO, the studio just ships Luz and Amity the most huh
The human clothes are so great BUT HUNTER DRESSING UP AT FLAPJACK?! Iconic, love the onesie kiddo
Hunter in the mirror freaking out, bless him, I just want to hug and adopt him, WILLOW CUTTING HIS HAIR!! Also Hunter you ain't hiding this crush well YOU ARE BLUSHING EVERYTIME WILLOW IS NEAR
V saving the world one step at a time (teaching Gus how to use the fire extinguisher) as she should
.....They are so bad at cooking, bless them, Luz, Camilla and Vee look traumatised
(I have no idea if this is still the intro, going to be honest, the music is still going though so)
Luz and Amity dancing in the rain (so romantic I will sob) whilst Hunter and Gus are covered in mud and Vee laughs and Willow takes a picture, AHHH My feels. I love them. They are just kids and these scenes remind me of that
......The Hooty, Lilith, Eda and King drawings in Luz's notebook are making me go insane, holy hell, ONE) LUZ IS AN AMAZING DRAWER BUT TWO) DON'T GO MAKING ME MISS THEM, I WILL SOB
(Ah so it was just the intro, I apologise for such big notes on just the intro BUT IT WAS SO COOL!)
...THEY HAVE A VERSION OF DUOLINGO!?! Oh Hooty is going to LOVE this. AND VEE!! Vee is adorable I love her, she has basically perfected a WHOLE DIFFERENT LANGUAGE!
Gus' magic thing becoming an earring is also not being unnoticed, I am absolutely seeing it, and going insane over it, and now want it, despite not having my ears pierced, I also want to dress like how he is dressed, god someone tell me where Gus gets his human clothes from, his overall vibes are immaculate
Whatever Flapjack is looking for is also noted, I will keep this in mind, but please magic birdy, don't ruin these floors, they have just done this building back up (/lh)
Aww, so it really is Duolingo, with the threats and all!
"I never expected to be a mother of 6!" RIGHT?! Like, Camilla loves these kids with her whole heart I am sure.. BUT THIS POOR WOMAN, she needs a break
...Hunter that jumper is so- ....You know what, beautiful, well done kiddo
Do we think Flapjack isn't trying to find something and instead trying to draw something? Idk, the shapes of the cracks look similar (but that might just be, because they are cracks of the same material with the same material hitting it with the same force) OH NO, Well, I was close, ish (we will pretend), but he was instead trying to get what is underneath the floor? A box? A map?? OOOO, no guys, tell Luz
I love that Luz just has to go to school after it all, I wonder if Vee was going in her place for however long Luz was gone after summer ended. And Luz, pal, please don't cause a scene in your English Lit class, you'll get weird looks... Knew it
FUCKKKK The locker being full of Eda and King drawings and THE KING MODEL, is making me lose my mind, I MISS THEM!!!!!! How did you guys survive!?
"You were right in class, we read about too many crusty old dudes, give me books about crusty old women!" Feminism has peaked ladies, gentlemen and other guests, we cannot improve from this moment on
"I wish I knew how to make demon food for your friends. Would they prefer to drink blood?" Camilla supports demons and vampires, my supportive queen <3
AWW WAIT, Hunter's sewing is getting better!!! WELL DONE!! PROUD OF YOU SWEETIE! And the obsession with wolves? Relatable, I adore them too, we are one of the same, you're right Gus, happy Hunter is new, but we love him!
"Do you miss it?" "I miss knowing who I was supposed to be" Jesus Hunter! No need for such a hard hitting line to be used!
...Gus being obsessed with a book and accidentally hinting to Hunter he knows about the Grimwalker thing, was hilarious. But NOT as hilarious as Gus creating a whole shrine to this book series in a tiny closet in the basement, I love Gus
GOD I ALSO LOVE CAMILA, she is studying so many books and paper and making notes etc to help find something for them to eat I AM GOING INSANE
AND SHE IS DEFENDING LUZ SO MUCH AHHHH, I LOVE CAMILA SO MUCH, I also relate to little Luz, I too was weird and did weird stuff without realising it was weird, god I feel so sorry for Camilla, SHE IS A WONDERFUL PARENT, if I see anyone ever insulting her I will go feral, she is under my protection now, if she has 1 fan, its me, if she has 0, I am dead. SHE EVEN HAS THE SNAKE PJS FRAMED!! AND THE BI LOVE BRACELET! God I am going insane
..Hunter, babes, my pal, that sadly isn't human outfit, that is, fictional story outfit. BUT I APPRECIATE THE EFFORT! AWW Gus and Hunter bonding over being nerds is so sweet, I adore them, but Hunter, sadly the 90s was very wrong, we didn't get cool gadgets BUT we did get tumblr, so... yeahhhh.
"NO NO NO SPOILERSSSS!" Mood Hunter, me and you are trying to avoid spoilers to our new obsession like its the plague
"Even if I am not who I am supposed to be, I like who I am right now" GOD, WHAT HAVE WE TALKED ABOUT HUNTER! NO HARD HITTING LINES ON A MONDAY! There was no reason for that line to be so emotion-inducing
This green stuff is really getting on my nerves, let these kids have a break they already have enough trauma and angst to deal with (/j)
THEY HAVE A STATUE OF PHILIP!?! God damn stupid town.
...Demonic giraffes should have been expected with them banishing them, but hey, they are still cute
VEE YOU BRAVE SOUL, and I will come back to how much I love you in a minute, BUT THE OWNER/EMPLOYEE PERSON HAS NONBINARY FLAG NAILS ON! They are quite cool, love them, Vee clearly loves them too with that blush
"It's like you are reading each other's minds! You must have been friends forever!" GOD, Have I mentioned how much I love Vee? Amazing way to diffuse the tension and such, love her
AWW A SCRAPBOOK! Fuck, that's adorable. ALSO THEY ALL WATCHED DISENCHANTED TOGETHER?! Amazing. Love that they do movie nights. God they are all so cute together god damn it!
I know this searching through the house is meant to be intense, but the hooty and king masks combined with the HOUSE BEING SO BIG, SINCE WHEN IS IT SUCH A LARGE HOUSE AND NOT SOME TINY SHED is making me laugh
Maybe inside the wardrobe is Narnia! ..nevermind it was just a rat
Oh but couldn't Belos actually be there, but in the mirror like Luz and the Collector did? Which is why Hunter saw him there but he isn't actually in the house?
ANYWAY, I have gone through like, half the first episode and I have put a lot of thoughts here, so this is part 1 of s3 episode 1 reaction, will upload the second part when I finish the episode but YEAH, so far, absolutely loving this season, I like that its all blind reactions, I usually see stuff about the shows and that's what makes me watch it, but instead I am truly coming into this not knowing anything, which is fun!
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bloodpen-to-paper · 1 year
Review Blurbs: The Owl House Finale!
This is quite late but here it is, my assortment of random thoughts and screenshots from the finale.
-For one, the music was phenomenal; I feel like the crew really leaned into the fantasy elements for the soundtrack and it worked very well!
-The animation was gorgeous as usual, especially for the final battle (I adored everyone's outfits this episode). The finale went all out with the set and character designs so there is no shortage of stuff to draw once I get into sketching!
-Speaking of the final battle, you could tell they wanted something action packed but not repetitive to other final fight scenes. Luz wasn't just punching the hell out of Belos, she was aiming to separate him from the heart so he'd be powerless, while Eda helped her stronghold her way to him as King and Raine kept up defenses. Its an interesting juxtaposition from how Luz imagined her "epic fight scenes" from the very first episode of the show, where she's firing a bazooka at a giant monster with explosions going off and all the works; even though this final fight scene was flashy, the ultimate goal was to destabilize Belos into a weaker form so he couldn't cause any more harm, and I feel like that in itself show's Luz's growth as a person with a more grounded head on her shoulders.
-Very surprised that the show actually killed off Belos. Like, no imprisonment, no open-ended interpretation; they legit watched him corrode from acid rain and then curb stomped him to death. That's one helluva message to send in a kid's show (which I elaborated on in this post), and its very bold of the crew considering how strongly media tends to push for pacifism in children's content. Networks don't want kids thinking death is justified for bad people until they're at least old enough to understand the severity of taking a life, and I honestly can understand where they're coming from. However, that scene definitely did work very well when it comes to Luz's character (my thoughts are on the linked post) which is why I understand the decision to do it for the sake of storytelling. So yeah, very bold move that I think could've been executed better, but can't say I'm not very impressed.
-Ok, on to screenies!
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I am unhealthily obsessed with this look. Of course Mr./Ms. "but he does get his good looks from me" Titan would make sure Luz was dripped out in the most stylish final form possible lmao. I also like how her form of ultimate power includes all the magic glyphs being used at once, something I'm sure only the Titans could handle (well, the Titans + one funky little human).
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Funny frames for your serotonin (featuring King going into shock)
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We finally met the Titan! (Dilf detected) Seriously his vibe was great, he really is a laid back dad giving Luz uncle advice. Also loved how he is canonically nonbinary (he mentioned he was viewed as a king and a queen and that being called "dad" was not inherent to him but was acceptable). It was very poetic how we meet him through Luz and see him finally leave as a spirit; we want him to come back but we've known he was dead, and nothing could change that. At the very least, he got a final send off, and one last word in to his son through Luz. Gonna miss you Titan papa <;3 (Obligatory he looks and acts like Sans Undertale fuck you)
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Eda's chaotic smirk makes me weak in the knees. Dear god. Anyway
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Of course Hooty makes his return in the most extra way possible, that's why he's my favorite lmao
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Amity being disgusted by Hooty's existence, some things never change <3
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Alador finally got that hug! I remember people commenting on how important it was that when Amity was open to forgiving Alador for his parenting, he went for a hug and she rejected it, saying that they'd work on it. She set boundaries and opened up to her father when she was ready to, when she felt she could trust him again, which makes this hug all the more rewarding.
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Eda's a Headmaster! Very fitting for her that her whole journey since the start of the show was learning to become a mentor, and now she's the principle of her own school "The University of Wild Magic". Also love the new look (the pirate hook is so extra, and so very Eda).
That's about it! There were many parts of the finale that I feel others have gone over already so I'll leave that up to them. Thanks for reading and have a good one. Goodbye The Owl House, until next time!
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The Owl House For the Future Recap
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The gang tries to navigate the Collector’s new playground while dealing with the fallout of their fight with Belos. Spoilers below. 
Cause even the shortened season couldn’t even go without some controversy, Canadian itunes leaked the whole episode two weeks ago. Urg, anyway, like last episode we pick up from the end of King’s Tide, except from the Boiling Isles point of view. The Collector rains down stairs turning people into puppets, including Lilith and Hooty. Oh Hooty, We hardly knew thee.
Once back in the Isles, Camilia has a hard time dealing with both what is normal for the demon realm and what the Collector is doing. But I love her little mom moments with Luz. Willow is trying to be everyone’s rock but this causes her to push down her own fears about her missing Dads. Her stress manifests as planets popping up until she nearly smooshes herself with vines. Hunter summons the magic inside him and talks her down and allows her to cry. It’s so sweet. And they hold pinkies. Oh my shipping heart, let them get together!
Meanwhile at Hexside, the kids have predictably fallen into chaos. Boscha is the puppet Queen of Kikimora whose big villain plan is.. Hide in a high school and pretend to be a teenager. Luz doesn’t see her as a threat. Camilia hitting Kiki face with the bat is fantastic!  
And Boscha, whose friends were some of the only teens taken by the collector, just wants Amity back as queen bee so she could get some kind of normal. But Amity just isn't that person anymore. But she can save her friends. I do find it hilarious that Boscha just wants to be the beta bitch to Amity's queen bee. In the end she redeems herself by leading the other kids against Kikimora, which was a pretty fitting end for her.
Without any palismans to eat, Belos is now falling apart. He sees the ghosts of Caleb and the other Hunters; it's about 50/50 between hallucinations and actual ghosts.
Odalia has escaped puppetification by working with the Collector and by working with, she’s basically a nanny. It is going better for her than Preston Northwest’s attempt to work for Bill Cipher. No Picasso face! I still wonder where Alador is.
Eda and Lilith are being kept safe from the Collector by King. They don't do much here but it's nice to see them.
Now to talk about the Collector. I know I'm in the minority on this, but I’m deeply disappointed that they’re going with a ‘wowowo whiddle baby who doesn’t understand the stuff they’re doing’ character. I really love the sinister build up The Collector had when they were introduced. The creepy cloak when they trapped the owl beast up to his excitement at the day of unity in Hollow’s Mind. But this feels like a very different character. I guess there are more sinister evil Collectors mentioned in the lore, and the Collector who trapped the Owl beast and the Grand Huntsman could be different Collectors. I don’t know, I just didn’t want the big bad to get Steven Universed. We still have Belos at least.  
I do feel like Luz’s Palisman was a cheat too. Oh, a snake shifter. Cool would be cool if I knew what the hell that was Luz. I did love how the palisman got hatched though. I love Luz’s little realization that she just wanted to be understood. And Luz calling her mom a secret nerd! So cute.
I continue to be impressed at the show's ability to organically fit in as much plot as it does. It helps that it was a very lean show to begin with, sneaking in plot and set up in even fillery episodes. As opposed to Steven Universe and Star vs the Forces of We Evil which loved to take many brothers with characters that don't back. Which is fine in theory but it left their finals rushed and awkward when they got cut short. I mean we still got one more episode but we don't have much left to cover. Just Collector/Titan lore (differently involving that gold guy Luz saw in the in-between), maybe some more Belos/Clawthrone history, final battle, and the resolution. There is the Bat Queen stuff but that hasn't been brought up since early season two and will most likely to kept in their back pocket in case of a revival.
Grips about the Collector aside, a wonderful part two. 3 ½ out of 4.
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random-bi-writer · 2 years
My Reaction to Thanks To Them
Took me two days to finish my projects first before watching this but it is definetely worth the antagonising wait.
Spoilers for those who haven’t watched it yet.
And once again, Anne made me laugh.
Wait...there are sponges that aren’t yellow?
Get Some Therapy Challenge: Failed.
Nah, that british gay man who dresses like a straight person ain’t human to begin with.
Goddamit, of course he shows up.
I see a picture of what seems to be Luz slapping a cake on her dad’s face.
Child, you need to get out more often.
Why would they freak out- oh. right, Abominations...
I wonder if Disney let a full season, we would have a more in depth scene about Vee meeting the others for the first time instead of this.
Hallway of pictures. There’s the dad throwing baby Luz in the air (that explains a lot about Luz) Chat Noir cosplay, 
Hate that I can see the dad’s full face, but it’s too fucking small for me to stare at.
Pfft. I’m sorry, I had to rewatch this 5 times to make sure I’m not watching a fanmade amv instead of the episode. Also nice to include Hooty photobombing.
The amount of sadness with the drawings is just...
Designs. Gus, yes. Willow, maybe. Amity, maybe less dark colors and ditch the hat. Hunter, goofy boy.
Mirabel Madrigal.
Damn, that explains the haircut. Still miss the ahoge, though.
They’re so cute, especially Amity, I want to pinch her cheeks.
I prefer the non-romance cute. Lumity is so cute and wholesome that it’s disgusting.
Aww, the boys are having fun.
Willow looks like a mom with her hair down.
Is that spanish, I hear? I’m so proud.
I thought you were over that.
So Willow likes photography now.
Aww, Hooty’s there.
Vee is more babey when he speaks spanish.
Lmao. You’re gonna have three more kids once you meet King and the Twins. Maybe four, depending on the Collector. Or five, since Eda is kinda of a child sometimes. Wow, you’re gonna be busy.
Wouldn’t people find it suspicous to see four kids walking around town during school hours? Why aren’t they going to school, then again, it would cost a lot.
Luz, for the love of all things holy, get some therapy.
Pfft. Luz what the heck?
Aww, it’s nice to see other humans liking Luz...that better not be a prank...
Damn, imagine if Luz lost her dad from a car crash, this scene would have been really something.
Ugh, gross.
Dang. Nice, Hunter.
Babey Boy.
The back cover looks gay.
Flashbacks? Nice.
For some reason, I’m thinking of Marcy.
Oh, so it’s a nightmare.
Manny Noceda. Am I getting that right?
I’m gonna be honest, I have no idea what I should say about Camila’s nightmare.
Shit. I know this a serious moment, but look at the picture of Camila and Vee being cute together. Probably the last thing I should focus on.
You know that feeling where you feel like something’s bad is going to happen? I’m getting that from the egg.
Oh, god. That is disgusting and horrifying.
Hunter, no.
LMAO, Amity’s face!
Lmao, the Huntlow shippers are getting fed
Belos is gonna show up when Hunter’s alone, isn’t he?
God dammit, why am I always right? Can’t I be wrong for a change?
Lmao, Willow.
Are they watching Amphibia?
Gus is afraid of firelights. Amity is a mood with the circles.
Is the shadow fucking necesarry
Luz looks weird smiling like that.
Wait, that black haired actress looks like Luz.
Lmao, that’s saying it midly.
Huh, both of the siblings eyes glowed blue.
Fucking hell, he’s inside of him.
Damn, they went hard at the animation again.
Oh damn, having a basilisk on your team really is good.
No...no...No! Hunter and Flapjack deserve to be happy together!
Lumity call back, I don’t remember which episode..
Aww...I thought Vee would be coming.
Lmao, Vee.
So Thanks to Them is just Season 3A jumbled together.
Wait...Thanks to Them....Thanks to Disney...LMAO
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lampmanliveblogs · 2 years
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Oh, I see, that’s good news. Well, it's bad news for Hunter, but good news for the Owl House crew. When Amity cracked the key, she got some of the Titan’s Blood on her glove. They might be able to use that… though I’m not sure if it’s enough to build an entire portal out of.
We also see that Titan’s Blood is blue, which is neat I guess.
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Hold up, wait, no! You can’t just tease Little Rascal’s actual name and then not tell me! Hunter, young man! Come back here immediately or-or… I’ll tell your uncle!
Hunter can tell what Little Rascal is saying now at least, so that’s cool
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I was unsure if I should end on this image, or the image where Luz is holding the portal key. I decided to go with this one because Hunter, I’ve gathered* is a fan favorite.
(*pun unintended)
I did my little rewatch and here are some things I missed:
•In the first diary entry we’re shown, Philip says two things I missed. One, he says that he came to the Demon Realm through a portal lake, one of the ponds that reflect things from the Human Realm. Two, he says that he has to journey BACK to Eclipse Lake. So Philip Wittebane likely came through Eclipse Lake.
•Eda calls Gus Goops, which he mentioned she does before.
•Hunter says that ”[He] doesn’t speak palisman” to Little Rascal. At the end of the episode, he does.
•I recounted the footprints shown in the second diary entry and I was mistaken. There were four people with him to Eclipse Lake that never returned. One of them was wearing the same kind of shoes as Philip, so that threw me off. Come to think of it, we didn’t see any remains of those companions. Maybe they were crushed, buried or trapped in some tunnel we didn’t get to see. Or their remains were removed some time between then and the present. A lot can happen in a few hundred years after all.
I really loved this episode. The main thing of course was continuing with trying to force Hunter on to that redemption arc. We also got a bit more insight into how his mind works and what makes him tick and just how much Belos has twisted his self-image. It’s some quite disturbing stuff to think about. And although in the end, he rejected Amity’s offer, I think we still made some progress, as evidenced by his acceptance of Little Rascal as his palisman and being able to understand what it was saying.
We got a bit of lore about Titan’s Blood, Philip Wittebane and the portal door, so that’s nice.
Oh, and that’s right! We also got to see Belos without his mask! That’s huge! I thought for sure that’d be saved for the season finale when we find out his true identity.
The big standout moment to me was that big fight scene between Hunter and Amity & King. It was beautifully animated and choreographed and made great use of their respective magic powers. But really, the interactions between Amity & Hunter were pretty great throughout the episode and the fight served as a big exclamation point to that emotional build-up.
And another thing I thought was kinda neat was they there were a few subtle hints that Luz and Amity might be more than friends. Although I could be mistaken.
The next episode will mark the rough halfway point of the season, so I’m looking forward to that a lot. I’ll get to it… some time. Until then, take care of the planet Earth and remember that anything can happen in space!
<--Previous Episode: Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door
Next Episode: Eclipse Lake-->
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vinxwatches · 1 year
the owl house 3-3 watching and dreaming
seen some scenes small in thumbnails, but going into this largely blind. HYPE.
oh we're getting right into it. almost just going of the last scene from the previous episode into the next. ""we only have 55 minutes, no time to dilly dally."
the subtitles said father titan? and hooty is coming out of it's missing eye? WHAT? oh, and luz is bellos now?
oh fuck, that's a revelation on a bridge i remember rather well.
dream sequance? i worry not. that'd be too simple. illusion? maybe? doppelganger? hopefully. trying to teach a lesson the hard way? best case scenario. don't know if Luz can take this affirmation of her worst fears though.
ok, everyone is getting their worst fears.
combining bellos and raines voices are just... so very wrong.
he... doesn't understand mortality... that's just so scary.
i've not said "oh no" and "oh fuck" so many times in such a short time.
"this is so bad" on so many levels
ugh. UGH!..? no, no no no no you can't do this. i refuse to believe. this isn't real.... right?
hearing king roar... wow.
what? who the fuck are you?! you can't just show up. WEARING THAT?!
"oh fuck, oh fuck. HOLY SHIT!" genuinly did this out loud. there's no other way the owl house would have done a powerup. the BEST colour scheme!
this is the only show where i'm barely surprised the hero's attack the literal hart of their enemy. not metaphorically, not with friendship. no the literal beating heart is what needs to be destroyed.
belos disappearing from all of the isles. symbolism?
10 minutes of wrap up? awesome. that's what a good series deserves. it's what made the mlp finally work so well.
oh no. did they realy have to do that? why that for Luz? why can people never keep nice things? "our own way of doing things" ok, so not completely? Luz will figure out a way to do magic, one way or another?
also Luz is goth now? or at least a bit? i mean looks good on her of course. also not really surprising, yet still odd and cool and ?
fandom headcannon of willow and hunter is cannon? \o/ HOLY SHIT new Amity holy Lilith and more fandom ships seem confirmed i do also love that scars are allowed to from on good guys without it being a big deal. people just have scars, especially those that go through a lot. Holy Shit Eda YES, i love the king thing (no spoilers on that)
HOLY SHIT THAT WAS GREAT. not just finishing the story, but finishing off the story. that's something that many shows suck balls at. finishing the story in a satisfying way, but then not giving full closure, so even though the story is over it doesn't feel over for the characters, there's more you need to see, things you feel should still be resolved. but that did that amazingly too. they truly completed it. allowing you to move on. i mean i'll probably buy/download all of it or at least watch all of it again sometime not too far away, but i have the option not to.
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