#I MISS YOU VI sorry i never responded to this
deprivedmusicaljunkie · 5 months
Can we have a moment to Tan Bionica, argentinian band that literally wrote a song just for Wolf and Ze'ev Kesley himself only???
Every morning of luck, although this one no longer counts I'm going to count it as one more day that I did not live. Your absence feels so strong, multiplies what death means And it took over the whole sky from our garden. Dawn princess, you were darkened I dreamed of writing you a poem, but i destroyed it Now paint your own colors, i ask you to not cry Don't ever forget everything that made us this way. - And like that, i had to leave. I prepared all your things just for you Lets put away the awkward hours. And maybe its the secret perfume the roses have That reminds me: the things that happen, hurt me - To have you, and untie you from your worst parts Doesn't mean that you have to walk away from your life like this Stop absorbing yourself, stop losing and hating yourself Because there's a moon for every single night in Paris. - And like that, i had to leave And like that, I got so lost. I will miss your stubborn mornings Oh, the things that happen are hurting me - I prepared my own grave I don't want to lose you, or anything worst Miracle nurses will help me Because all the things that happen, hurt me
"Las cosas que pasan" - Tan Bionica
there’s a moon for every single night in paris ??? um yeah this is them
if we’re talking wolflet coded songs in spanish let me suggest yo no te pido la luna… como un tatuaje vivo / impregnarme en tu ser / no borrarme de ti like that’s literally talking about wolf’s lsop tattoo and when the lunar doctors altered his memory :/// and then ofc the whole chorus is about the moon. “robarme esa estrella que vemos tú y yo al hacer el amor” is like when cress asked if scarlet was wolf’s alpha star. also the singer was secretly Homosexual in the 80s and that’s just even more wolflet coded imo
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pimosworld · 6 months
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The ties that bind
Pairing- Dave York x f!reader x Frankie Morales
Series Summary-Dave is a private investigator who tracks down soulmates. He's tasked to find Frankie's, but what happens when he finds you and wants you all to himself?
CW-18+,MDNI, NSFW, Smut,Fluff, shameless flirting, sexual tension, MMF dynamics, MM flirting, oral (f) receiving, unprotected piv, cream pie, aftercare
A/N- I’m sorry I made you guys wait so long for this but I promise it was worth it. We just have a few chapters left before I say goodbye to these three and I’m glad they finally figured it out.
[Main Masterlist][Series Masterlist]
Not beta read
Chapter VI
“I know you’ve explained it already but repeat it back to me.” You bite your fingernails as you pace in front of the couch. 
  “Honey I can explain it to you a thousand times, you’re still going to have to hear it from them.” Alicia says after her attempt at calming you down. The story Santi told her sounded so far-fetched you didn’t believe it at first and then you needed to hear it again to be sure.  
  “I just find it hard to believe they would go through such great lengths for me.” You narrowly miss the pillow she throws at your head from her spot on the couch. 
  “I told you about talking down on yourself.” She points a finger at you. “You’re a fucking catch and you have the upper hand so talk to them and see where it goes.” 
  It sounds easy enough but you weren’t even sure where to begin. You’re just glad your current predicament didn’t seem to be affecting Alicia and Santiago’s relationship. You loved seeing her so happy and told her not to worry about you. You had plenty of time to think since you spent most nights alone while he whisked her off on dates. 
  You were taking your sweet time responding to Dave and Frankie wanting them to squirm a little after what they put you through. You did appreciate their persistence. The daily good morning texts even with no response from you. Flowers overflowing your apartment and the record store. Your boss had stopped by on a rare occasion and raved about how you’d been decorating the place. You wanted to turn down the money he left knowing how expensive flowers were and you didn’t have it in you to even begin to explain where they all came from. 
  After a week and a half they were slowly wearing you down. Frankie sent you his attempt at a selfie while he was in the helicopter in his aviators. He cut off half his face but it still had you weak in the knees. 
  Frankie: image 
  Frankie: just in case you forgot what i look like 
  You wanted to respond so badly but you opted to just like the photo. 
  Dave: thinking of you 
  The extreme close up of the hummingbird practically brought tears to your eyes, but that could also be your hormones. You can see the vibrant colors on its back and the blur of its wings as it feeds from a petunia in the park. 
  It was inevitable that you were going to cave, but you wanted it to be on your terms. Over the course of the next week you spoke to both of them separately. You called them and heard both of their stories…the truth this time. As bizarre as the whole thing sounded you were relieved when their explanation matched up and you could tell they were being genuine. You’ve never heard two men apologize so much in your life. 
  Dave had to return home for a few days and Frankie was busy with work so you decided to meet at the end of the week to all talk in person about what you were going to do going forward. 
  “You’re gonna be late if you keep fussing with it.” Alicia says perched on your dresser as you fidget with the little black dress she let you borrow. As uncomfortable as it was in the beginning, wearing her clothes always brought out another side of you. 
  “I’m just taking a page out of your book.” You point at her in the mirror. “Fashionably late…plus I want them to squirm a little.” 
  She stares at you with an incredulous look on her face. “What have I done to you?” 
  In all honesty she’s given you a boost of confidence that you sorely needed over the years of your friendship. You’ve learned to ask for the things you want and not take no for an answer. You’d spent years being told you weren’t good enough or didn’t fit the part by your step mom and your ex and ultimately the rejection from your dad had you really believing those things were true. 
  Anyone else may have grown tired of constantly reminding you that you deserve to take up space. She never did and would be there every step of the way to prove it to you time and time again. 
  You suppose that’s why she’s such a good fit for Santi. He needed someone to be his match, to challenge him when no one else would. To show him what it was like to laugh again and enjoy the little things. 
  You put the finishing touches on your makeup as she hops down from the dresser. “You call me either way.”
  “Of course.” You wave your phone in front of her face as she crosses her arms. 
  “Just know I’m extremely jealous of you right now.” She trails behind you as you make your way to the front door a little wobbly in your heels. 
  “Nothing to be jealous of…this could all crash and burn in my face.” A sudden wave of fear waves over you at the prospect but you shove that down. 
  “I highly doubt that hon.” She spins you once and places a kiss on your forehead. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” She’s leaning precariously in the doorway as you step out into the hallway. 
  “Would you do this?” You ask sheepishly. 
  “In a heartbeat.” The door shuts in your face and you’re left in the quiet. Only the sound of your heels clicking on the ground echo as you head to the elevator. 
  “If you’re gonna keep fussing with your tie you might as well not wear one.” Dave says as Frankie pulls uncomfortably at the collar of his dress shirt. 
  They’re sitting in the lounge where you all agreed to meet to discuss things and Frankie hasn’t been this nervous since his pilots exam. Dave is the picture of calm as he relaxes back in the blue crushed velvet seat. 
  “Where am I gonna put it?” Frankie aggressively rips the tie from his neck. 
  “Put it in your pocket or something.” Dave bites out as he leans forward to take a sip of his drink. 
  The two of them probably look ridiculous sitting here bickering. It’s been an uncomfortable few minutes since they finished their conversation about how the night could go. 
  Frankie was preparing for you to tell him that you would need to think things over for awhile since they lied to you initially and he didn’t come to you genuinely and say who he was from the beginning. 
  Dave was prepared for you to tell him that you were obviously going to choose your soulmate and that he was a creep for leading you on and basically stalking you in the process. He seems calm on the outside but inside he’s cursing the thought of returning to his lonely life of helping others find what he so desperately missed. 
  Frankie leans forward as he glances at his watch. “We said seven right? It’s been a little while.” He wrings his hands together nervously. “What if she doesn’t show?” 
  Dave swirls the glass in his hand as he looks over at Frankie. “Relax…she’ll be here.” 
  They both turn their heads as the sound of heels on marble floors sound in the room. 
  It’s serendipitous walking into the hotel lounge where weeks ago you and Alicia tried and failed at finding love. The very same lounge where you both decided that this was it and you were probably going to end up marrying each other and riding off into the sunset. 
  You see them before they see you. 
  Dave is sitting back in the chair, legs spread wide with a glass of amber liquid twirling in his hand. He’s wearing a fitted black suit with his hair combed back. Frankie looks about as nervous as you feel as he leans forward muttering something to Dave. You can’t hear his reply but he looks unbothered. He’s ditched his signature cap and his loose brown curls are styled somewhat to frame his face. He’s got on black slacks and his white dress shirt is unbuttoned a little so you can see a sliver of his tan chest peeking out. If you were a weaker woman you’d forgo any conversation and ask for Dave’s room key right now. 
  It’s the click.click.click of your heels that brings their attention to you as you approach the table. 
  “Holy shit.” Dave speaks first and for all his practiced effort to keep it cool his resolve quickly crumbles as he sees you approach wearing  something entirely not you but such a welcome surprise. 
  He would tell Frankie to close his mouth if his wasn’t hanging agape at the short silk, black dress. The barely there straps that he could break with his teeth and the front plunging low enough to see your sternum. 
  You’re standing there expectantly and he quickly realizes neither have them have spoken a word since you waltzed up to them. 
  Just as Frankie is about to speak a waiter appears at your side. “Excuse me miss, would you like something to drink?” His eyes linger over you a second too long Dave’s nostrils flare in annoyance. 
  “Gin and tonic with lime please.” You say politely as you sit in the open seat in front of them. Doing your best to cross your ankles to not give them a view you’re not ready for. The dress rides up your thighs as you sit on the soft velvet seat and Frankie’s eyes flit briefly to them as he clears his throat and adjusts in his seat. 
  You’ve barely said a word and you’ve got both men wrapped around your finger. You’re completely unaware of the predicament you’ve been in since your little stunt at the country bar and this is only making it worse. 
  “So I suppose you both have some things to say before I tell you my thoughts.” There’s a slight air of confidence to your tone as you survey both men. 
  Frankie glances at Dave before clearing his throat. “Listen, I'm sure you’re sick of hearing our apologies.” You nod once before letting him continue. “I still have to say I’m sorry for lying to you. I wrongly assumed you would just toss Dave aside.” 
  “Thanks.” Dave responds dryly and you have to suppress your laugh. It’s obvious they’ve formed some sort of connection that hopefully plays into your favor. 
  The waiter returns with your drink trying to gauge whatever interaction is playing out in front of him. You all awkwardly wait until he’s out of ear shot to continue. 
  “Anyways…everything else I told you was the truth. Including the fact that I think I’m falling in love with you.” The last part is rushed out as your eyes go wide. A small part of you thought you might be moving too fast, but the feelings you were developing for both of them were hard to deny. 
  Frankie wishes the floor would swallow him up whole right now. His practiced speech went out the window when he saw you walk in the room. 
  You take a sip of your drink and direct your attention to Dave. 
  “I don’t regret what I did.” Dave states matter of factly as Frankie brings his head up from staring at the floor. Of all the things you expected him to say it certainly wasn’t that. “If I could do it all over again the only thing I would do differently is tell you who I was as soon as Frankie met you.” His voice is low as he leans in a little closer. “Even if you never want to speak to me again, I’m glad I did all those things for you and I never lied when I said I care about you a lot. So much that it scares me.” 
  You finish the rest of your drink and sit back in your seat. This is really starting to feel like an episode of the bachelor and if they don’t accept your proposal you suppose more than one person is going to get hurt. 
  “Well…” You fidget with your hands momentarily as your voice shakes a little. “I appreciate your honesty…even if it’s a little late. I’m relieved to know that you feel the same way about me that I feel about you.” 
  Frankie feels like he can breathe a sigh of relief that he didn’t just make a complete fool of himself. 
  “I’m not choosing.” You say with finality and Dave raises an eyebrow at you from across the table. “I don’t think I should have to after what you two put me through. So if you want out, now is your chance.” 
  You’re all three or four drinks deep, now the only ones in the hotel lounge. You’ve been swapping horrible dating stories and they’ve been swapping some more classified stories that you don’t care to remember for fear of your personal safety. These two unassuming and charming men have seen some things in their lifetime that you would never have imagined. It’s thrilling in a way to know how dangerous they are but when it comes to you they’re inculpable. 
  Neither one budged when you told them you weren’t going to choose and now that you’re sitting here a little more comfortable sharing the loveseat with Frankie as Dave relaxes back in the chair next to you it almost seems like this is how it was supposed to be. 
  Frankie’s strong hands rub small circles along the exposed part of your thigh. “So he calls you hummingbird?” 
  “That was our secret.” You say playfully to Dave as he brushes his fingers along your knuckles. 
  “Well, you share the tattoo with Francisco so I figured I should tell him.” He turns your hand over in his tracing the lines of the tattoo on your wrist. 
  “You don’t have to call me Francisco.” Frankie’s breath is hot on your neck as he’s moved a little closer to you. 
  “What if I want to?” Dave’s voice is anything but innocent as you watch a moment pass between him and Frankie. 
  This could work. 
  Frankie leans in whispering something as his lips brush your ear. He has to resist biting it as he sees the goosebumps raise on your skin at the close contact. Something in the air has shifted throughout the night and he’s done trying to overthink it. 
  “Who’s telling secrets now.” Dave grabs your foot that was trailing up his leg, your heels have been long discarded. His hands start to kneed and rub and you have to stifle a moan at how good it feels. 
  “I was just telling her what hummingbird means in Spanish…so we can have our own little name.” Frankie’s feeling bold as he kisses your neck. “Isn’t that right?” 
  You’re not sure if it’s the alcohol or the sensation of both of their hands on you but a pleasant buzz is running through your body. 
  A throat clears behind you and you lean your head back against Frankie as you lock eyes with the waiter. He looks a little annoyed but straightens up Dave and Frankie put their attention on him. 
  “The lounge is closing for the night so-“
  “Charge it to my room please. Dave York, Capri Penthouse suite.” Dave cuts him off and he’s gone before he could finish his sentence. 
  It’s quiet for a moment as you wait to see who’s going to speak first. You definitely don’t want the night to end yet but you have no idea where their heads are at. You exhale and look them dead in the eyes before you lose the courage to say what you’ve been wanting since they both walked into your lives. 
“I want you both.” They nod at each other but you’re certain they don’t interpret your true meaning. 
“We’re yours.” Dave says genuinely as he looks at Frankie. 
“Tonight.” It’s not a question, more of a statement as they both look at you wide eyed. Frankie tenses behind you and Dave’s shocked expression has you a little worried. It’s bold and so unlike you, you’re sick of doing the predictable thing. You want them and they clearly want you so these are your terms. 
Dave slides forward in his chair. “You’ve been drinking…” he whispers as if you’re not the only ones left in the lounge. “We don’t want to take advantage.” He emphasizes we….assuming Frankie feels the same and he nods at him. 
“We’ve all been drinking… and I made up my mind last night.” You gather your purse in your hand and start to stand. “Unless you don’t want to and we can discuss this at a later…”
“No.” “No.” You have to chuckle at their sudden enthusiasm. 
Frankie’s mind already starts to wander to all the things they could do to you. Things they could show you. All the ways he could make you come apart. Two hands are better than one and four hands….
It’s a little shocking to Dave that this scenario had never crossed his mind but it’s clear neither of them were about to let this opportunity pass them by, if even for one night. 
“I’ll give you two a moment to talk, I need to make a phone call.” You walk just out of ear shot to call Alicia who is no doubt picking up on the first ring.
“I didn’t bring a change of clothes.” You can hear her sigh and probably shaking her head on the other end of the line. 
“Clothes!…that’s what you’re worried about right now? I will bring you a change of clothes in the morning if you manage to pull this off.” 
You’re standing at the edge of the lounge door, not wanting to turn around and see whatever heated conversation could be going on behind you. 
“I’m mostly stalling, and mentally preparing myself to call a ride home in case they think this is crazy.” This is crazy right, how was this the next logical step in your brain. It all sounded right bouncing around in your head throughout the week and now your nerves seem to be getting the best of you. 
“Deep breaths…I doubt anyone with two eyes would turn down and offer like this.” Alicia mumbles something incoherent on the other end but you can take a guess as to what she may have said. 
You duck your head as some loud guests enter the lobby heading back to their room after a night on the town. You don’t know why you’re shying away, it’s not as if they could possibly know what’s going on behind you. 
“You said this would go one of two ways.” Frankie says as he fidgets with the label on his empty beer. 
“I know what I said…it’s just of course I didn’t expect…do you not want-“ Dave’s brief moment of clarity cuts through the sexual tension. Not even realizing what he’s asking of Frankie who’s already given up so much. 
“No, of course I want this.” His voice is sure and it’s the first time he actually says out loud the thing he’s been thinking since that first day in the coffee shop when he met Dave. Nothing in his wildest dreams would’ve imagined him here in this exact scenario. 
They’re both quiet for a moment, a little hesitant after admitting something that most men wouldn’t be brave enough to counter. It feels like that moment when you’re lucid and you don’t want to wake up because the dream is just too good. The lights in the lounge are perfectly dim casting a shadow along the walls. You’re standing there against the doorway, looking adorable and exposed in your shirt black dress and your heels haphazardly buckled because you didn’t want to walk barefoot away from the proposition you just dropped in their waiting laps. 
“Have you ever?” Dave asks timidly no ridicule evident in his tone. 
“Yes, but I didn’t care about them this way.” Once or twice when he was stationed overseas because Pope wrangled him into it, long before he was married. “I doubt she ever has.” 
Dave surveys you for a moment as you chance a look over your shoulder. “There’s no need to rush this, if this isn’t going to be the only time. I think it’s fair if you take the lead.” 
Frankie should be nervous or anxious at the prospect of your first time together being watched by Dave. There’s something else drumming below the surface as his voyeuristic tendencies start to rear  their head. Frankie adjusts himself trying to hide his excitement as Dave’s eyes linger too long on him. 
You’re glad you walked away to give you and them a moment to collect yourselves. You didn’t want to be present for any uncomfortable conversation if either of them decided this was just too much.
You can see it in their eyes as you approach, it’s clear what decision they’ve made. 
“So boys…are we doing this?” 
Frankie stands and takes your hand in his as Dave slides the room key out of his pocket. “Baby…we’re all yours.”
“You wore this to talk?” Dave’s fingers lift the strap of your lace bra as he slides down, brushing his thumb across your nipple through the soft fabric. 
“What can I say? I like to be prepared.” You bite your lip as small goosebumps raise across your skin. 
Frankie has to shake his head at the sentiment. The act you put on is not as innocent as he previously thought. Maybe your friend gave you a little push in the right direction. 
He’ll have to thank her later when she doesn’t want to kill him. 
Both of them standing in front of you, patiently waiting for your next move has you feeling a little exposed. 
Dave can sense some hesitation from you, you’re staring anywhere but at them as your hand covers your stomach. 
His hand cups your face, as he brushes his thumb across your jaw. “We don’t have to do this hummingbird.” You can see it in his eyes, how deeply he cares for you in that moment. 
“No, I want to…it’s just. I’ve never done this before.” You gesture between the two men and laugh a little. 
They both hold such serious faces then, not wanting to make a joke of your vulnerability. You are opening this part of yourself to both of them. 
Dave leans in, his lips brushing yours as you melt into the kiss. He turns your jaw slightly and Frankie is at your side, his large palm replacing yours across your stomach and then caressing your hip. 
His forehead meets yours for a moment, just breathing you in before he dives in for a kiss.  It’s like shockwaves whenever you touch him, the feeling skates down your spine into your toes and you’re leaning into his touch. 
Dave presses you impossibly closer, the growing bulge in his pants pressed against your back and the added pressure of his hand kneading your breast. You reach your hand back, reveling in the way Dave moans into your ear as you palm his cock through his jeans. The other hand tangled in Frankie’s hair as he pulls your bottom lip between his teeth. 
“We’re gonna take real good care of you baby, aren’t we Dave?” His breath ghosts over your lips in a whisper. 
Dave just hums in response, he’s letting Frankie take the control. He wants him to have this with you. He’s already been given the world, now's not the time to get greedy. 
“Lay down on the bed.” Frankie hooks his finger around you, making quick work of your bra before he lets you go. 
You haven’t been this exposed for anyone since your ex and he used to look at you in disgust, all the tattoos that weren’t his. 
They’re staring at you now like a painting in a museum. It almost takes your breath away at the thought of him finally seeing his artwork adorned on the body meant solely for him. 
“Jesus…you’re beautiful.” Frankie half whispers to himself as you sit on the edge of the bed, gesturing to their clothes. 
They almost mirror each other as they strip their dress shirts and slacks. You’re practically salivating at the two of them stripped down to their matching black boxers and tan bodies. Dave looks over to Frankie and whistles and you can see the red flush creep up his neck. It’s a relief to know you weren’t the only one this nervous. 
Frankie nods his head and Dave takes the spot behind you against the pillows. He crooks a finger at you to join him and you crawl over settling in the spot between his legs. You lay your body back against him and you can feel his hard cock through his boxers as he adjusts to get you more comfortable. 
“We’ll go slow…this time.” Frankie says as he crawls on the bed, fitting his broad shoulders between your legs. His fingers hook into the lace of your panties as he slowly slides them down your legs. His eyes are dark as he sets them on his prize and you swear you see him lick his lips. 
Your ex would go down on you occasionally but you could tell he was unsure of himself and so you never really could enjoy it. 
Frankie takes his time as he kisses at your stomach and nips at your thigh. Dave’s strong hands knead your breast and you giggle a little as he whispers in your ear that he knows you’re ticklish. The laughter dies in your throat as Frankie licks a stripe through your slit. His groan reverberates through you as you let out a soft whimper. Your senses are on overdrive as Dave’s hands work your body and Frankie’s mouth devours you whole. 
Frankie doesn’t care that he has to share with the way you’re looking at him and the sweet noises you’re making he thinks he’s died and gone to heaven. You cry out his name as your hands tug on his curls. He’ll do anything to have you say his name a thousand times over while his face is buried between your thighs. “Fuck…Frankie I’m gonna come.” You pant out between breaths. 
“Come for me hermosa, I want to hear you.” He dips two fingers into your pussy as his tongue works circles around your clit. 
Dave’s not sure how he thought tonight would go. He hoped you would forgive them both and maybe find a way for everyone to get what they want. He didn’t expect to have you splayed out in front of him while Frankie takes you apart. 
He’s always thought himself confident in the bedroom but he may have to ask Frankie what exactly he’s doing to elicit these noises. His cock twitches at every moan and whimper as you squirm against him. 
You arch your back into him and whine, he can tell you’re close the way your whole body shakes. 
“I’ve got you baby, you can let go.”
It has to be Dave in your ear because Frankie hasn’t come up for air. You can feel the coil tighten inside as your fingers grip his hair. He growls as you pull him closer. 
He’s missed this feeling, the craving for someone so bad you can feel it in your gut. 
He can taste it on his tongue, the moment you break and cry out his name. Your voice is hoarse and he’s barely had his fill of you. 
He looks up from between your thighs and locks eyes with Dave. Your chest is heaving as he holds you close trying to calm your breathing. there isn’t an ounce of regret in the way he’s looking at you both. Like this is exactly what’s been missing from his life. 
Frankie rubs his hands down your body, slowly bringing you back to him. He kisses that crease of soft skin before he raises up and captures your lips in his, letting you taste yourself on his tongue. “Don’t you taste so good?” He rasps against your lips. 
“Mhm.” Is all you can manage as Frankie squeezes your thigh, dimpling your skin between his fingers. 
“I think Dave wants a taste.” Frankie nudges you back as Dave moves down beside you. 
You can feel Frankie take the spot on the other side as Dave takes your chin between his thumb and forefinger. Gently holding you there while you catch your breath. When he presses his lips to yours it’s softer than you would imagine. The hard set line of his jaw and his intense stare don’t let on to the tender touch of his hand. 
His hand drifts from your chin to cup the back of your head further deepening the kiss as you both moan at the sensation. He’s achingly hard against your stomach as he rolls his hips into you, pulling you impossibly closer. 
You reach down and palm him through his boxers but he carefully grabs your hand pulling it up to his lips, placing a kiss to your palm. “Not tonight hummingbird.” You tense up at the slight rejection but he’s quick to assure you. “You’ve already made me the happiest man alive, I can be patient and wait my turn.” He looks over your shoulder to Frankie with some unspoken words as they effortlessly roll you to face him. 
Frankie’s hair is a wild mess as you reach over and run your fingers through it. “Sorry about this.” 
Dave laughs as he presses his lips to your shoulder. “I don’t know, I kinda like it.” 
If there was a competition on who could make Frankie blush, Dave would be winning by a landslide. 
Frankie suddenly looks a little shy. “We can stop now, if you want too.” 
“No Frankie…I need you.” You surge forward and kiss him as you feel two fingers dip into your entrance. A small gasp leaves your lips as Dave works your open. Frankie’s pulling his boxers down in one swift movement as you try not to balk at the sheer size of him. 
“I’m gonna go slow okay?” His breath fans across your face as you nod. Dave groans behind you as he pulls his fingers out dragging them slowly up and circling your clit. You whine and drop your head back on his shoulder as he lifts your leg over Frankie’s hip. 
You only let the two of them talk briefly about tonight and yet it’s like they’ve mapped it out for weeks. They have the blueprint to your body’s every need and they work together like they’ve studied you for years. You’re not afraid to call it what it is anymore…it feels even more than love to you the way you all fit within each other. Dave at your back and Frankie at your front, looking at you with those puppy dog eyes like you’re the only thing keeping him tethered to this world. 
Frankie reaches between you to grip his cock, sliding the tip between your lips as you shudder. He pushes in slowly, experimentally rolling his hips as you grip his shoulders. Dave is nearly silent behind you as he places his hand along your abdomen, feeling the way you breathe. You grit your teeth at the slight pain that gives way to pleasure as he buries himself to the hilt. You wait there a moment, your foreheads pressed together as he tries to catch his breath. 
“Frankie please…” A stray tear rolls down your face as the sensation takes over your body. The feeling of Frankie’s cock inside you has you clenching around him.
“Fuck me…” Frankie hisses and Dave has to chuckle at the sentiment of you fucking him. “You’re so tight baby.” 
Frankie starts a slow agonizing pace and you can feel every ridge and vein as he drags his cock in and out, his eyes flit down to where you’re connected so he can watch the way your pussy takes him so well. He’s not going to last the way you feel right now and the way Dave’s looking at him. You bury your head into his neck, crying out his name as he picks up the pace, his grip tightens on your hips as Dave squeezes your stomach making Frankie jerk his head up to him. 
He can feel him and he knows it, your legs pull him in further as you match his thrusts and he finally locks eyes with Dave. He can see it in his eyes and he hopes he’s not wrong as Frankie leans in kissing him feverishly. He’s dizzy with the scent of you and Dave on his tongue. 
“Oh fuck Frankie.” You’re shaking as you whine into his neck. 
“You gonna come for me?” Dave’s voice cuts through the moans and sharp breaths and Frankie doesn’t know who he means but he’s dangerously close. 
Dave’s hand trails down from your stomach to rub your clit, his hand is pressed between your bodies and Frankie bites down on his lip to keep from coming right then, he wants to wait for you. He has too. 
It’s delirium having them all over you, inside you. You open your mouth as a silent scream leaves it, Frankie’s lips are on yours breathing it in as you come apart in his arms. You can feel his hips stuttering as Dave grips his arm. “Mierda, díme.” 
“English Francisco.” Dave grits out behind you. 
“Come inside me please…” Frankie groans as he pulses hot ropes of cum inside your pussy as you flutter with the aftershocks. You can feel a warm wet spot on your back as you cling to Frankie, his cock still pulsing inside you as you whimper at the overstimulation. 
It takes you all a minute to come down from your high and Dave rolls out of the king size bed to the en-suite bathroom. Frankie’s kissing your sweat soaked forehead as you rub circles on his back, still tangled up in him. 
“Okay lovebirds, I need to clean you up.” Dave says as he dips onto the side of the bed, wiping your back carefully with a warm washcloth. You glance at him over your shoulder as he blushes. “Not a word.” You laugh and mock zipping your lips. 
There’s a moment after he’s done where you’re unsure where to go from here. You can tell Frankie feels the same as he sits on the edge of the bed. 
Dave clears his throat as he takes his spot on the other side of you. “Generally speaking people sleep under the covers.” He pulls them back as you and Frankie deflate, his relieved smile etched across his face. It feels right between them, maybe a little hot at the moment but you know it’s where you’re supposed to be. 
You nestle in between the two of them as your eyes start to drift off to sleep. 
“Hermosa?” Frankie’s sleepy voice sounds from behind you. “You speak Spanish?” 
“In a pinch.” 
Dave snorts into the pillow as you both burst out into laughter. Ya this feels right
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated
Taglist- @missladym1981 @legendary-pink-dot @brittmb115 @christinamadsen @heavennumber2 @anoverwhelmingdin @guelyury @hannahkatharine @heareball @vabeachazn @frogjumps-world @jessthebaker @littlenosoul @adriennemichelle98 @syrupsstuff @pixielou5 @runningmom94
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d8tl55c · 5 months
what if VI part 3 is just a weird fever dream flashback of all the reasons victim thinks he's right and his actions are completely justified
the first bit exactly explains how he survived his Flash file deleting, logically and clearly (clinically? detached from the emotion of the experience?), but the animation quality and/or style and tone are completely different to recent AvA, like something's missing, or this memory isn't all there anymore.
and think Meet the Pyro level of over-positivity in the beginning
leaning the ways of the city. snippets of how Rocket Corp. came to be, then built up over time.
maybe the mercs are victim's buddies like how orange has CG (credit for this idea to someone else.. ill find it... ghhgh it's a fanart post i think? i saw it so long ago.....(edit: so so sorry it's hopeless it's buried DEEP in my likes and i can't find it on vic or agent's tags- if someone else knows what it is that'd help ill link it later ANYWAY))?
most importantly, he learns that he's got charm and a knack for bringing other people together to do what he wants
interspersed with more and more doubts that are, at first, crushed into nothing - he'll never forget why he's doing this - but are getting louder in his ear
until the first test of the Box or a similar prototype of one of his worrying technologies: it goes bad.
unnamed worker 427 gets hurt in some horrifying way or whatever.
it's vic's call whether or not to continue.
this would be the first big step in the right direction, but is it... y'know... still the right direction?
vic realizes the little voice buzzing furiously in his ear all the time is too appalled to respond.
it's quiet for once.
huh. that's... nice.
they go ahead.
unreality of the vfx, editing, sound effects gets way worse from here. the colors are too strong or too washed out, there's tunnel vision vignettes hiding just enough detail from view to let you imagine what might be back there, and reports from hundreds of tests of various tech that you'd REALLY WANT TO GO 100% RIGHT with long sections redacted, and a thick sharpie lying next to the stack on vic's desk.
the only actually nice parts are like... slice of life of the nice parts of working in a big office building. setting up fun stuff to keep employee morale up (inspiration: RC company event shirts made by someone else lol) and such. but it's never too long before the work continues.
and things are going perfectly to plan.
whatever is left of the "voice" that was keeping him in check is now small and helpless
sometimes he practices fighting in his head with vicious fantasies of beating it down-
anyway im curious about his perspective on all this
the description saying, "Anything goes, in The Box" on part 2 was SO CHILLING when i noticed it(!!!!!!), not to mention the contents of the ep itself- and id love a microscope pointed at his head, in a fic or somehow jammed into canon.
his favorite weapon is a WHIP guys?????
WHAT is going on in there
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novankenn · 7 months
OMG!!! (VI)
A/N : Yes... yes another one... will this be the last one? Don't look at me like that! This COULD be the last one! It could! Don't laugh... This can totally be the last one!
( Series Chapter List )
Nora and Pyrrha felt a little... deceptive. Neither could or would admit they had their "episode" due to seeing Joan in a very alluring maid costume. So they just ambushed her with a barrage of questions about what she had been up to.
"I... um... I have a job." Joan fidgeted, an obvious tell-tale sign she wasn't being... completely honest.
"A job?" Nora asked, burying any thought of needling Joan about what she was really doing. "What type of job?"
"Just a job."
"So that's what's taking up all your free time?" Pyrrha asked, fighting her own anti-lying response, of blurting out "I'm Sorry!"
"Yes. It takes a lot of time, and preparation but I like it, and it helps me cover my tuition and living costs." Joan pouted "Seeing as I don't have any scholarships or sponsors."
"Joan... you could have come to us. We would have helped." Nora offered.
"Nora's right, Joan. If you need help, we'll be glad to help."
"Thank you, but I can't rely on you guys for everything." Joan commented, "You guys already help me out so much... I just needed to do this for myself."
"We understand. Just make sure you're doing... a job... you actually like. Don't do something you're not comfortable doing just because you need money."
"Oh, I love this job." Joan beamed Nora and Pyrrha with a blinding smile. "It takes a lot of time, but it's so fun to do!"
Joan didn't see Pyrrha flinch, but Nora did. It was a direct hit to Pyrrha's feelings, and mental image of her crush. Nora knew this was a bad sign. A bad, bad sign, and she would need to step in for some damage control.
"I'm... I'm glad you found something you like doing so much." Pyrrha responded through clenched teeth.
"I'm so glad you approve!" Joan chirped as she hopped forward and pulled Pyrrha into her ample chest.
"So are you done work? If you are we should go get something to eat." Nora asked.
"I think..." Joan released Pyrrha and checked her scroll, "Shit!"
"J... Joan?" Nora stammered out, having never heard JNPR's fearless leader swear, once ever.
"Sorry, I have a stream... er... I mean a shift to do." Joan shoved her scroll back into her pocket. "Later or tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow would be lovely." Pyrrha chimed in.
"Tomorrow sounds good." Nora added.
Joan beamed her pair of friends another 1000 watt smile, before rushing off. Nora and Pyrrha looked at each other, before rushing back to JNPR's dorm. Bursting through the door, the pair rushed over to Pyrrha's blood stained bed, and grabbed her scroll.
"Ewwwwwww" Pyrrha cringed as she used only two fingers to lift her scroll from the mess it had been dropped in. "Ummmmm..."
"Use my scroll?" Nora asked.
Nora reached into her pocket and pulled out her clean scroll, and handed it to Pyrrha so she could log into GoldenAngel(Joan)'s stream.
"PYR!" Nora shrieked.
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"I must resist." Nora grunted as she turned from Pyrrha's downed form to the video stream, "You don';t KNOW the power you hold Joan!"
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"I'm back!" The chat exploded with comments and requests. "You missed me! Oh thank you! Kisses!"
Nora struggled, between watching, helping Pyrrha and succumbing to Joan's charms herself.
"I have BIG NEWS!" GoldenAngel(Joan) giggled out, "I'm setting up an ONLY-FANS!"
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Once again in under twelve hours Pyrrha and Nora found themselves waking up in the infirmary, this time with an extremely distraught Joan and a slightly annoyed Ren waiting on them.
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ashbrat488 · 1 year
Flower In The Desert - Chapter 16
Captain Syverson Fanfic
Violet dragged herself out of bed, the sound of the waves entering through the open patio doors of her bedroom. She exited her bedroom in the rental she shared with Matt for a few days, their getaway to visit the gulf and relax.
The aroma of coffee wafted into her senses as she entered the kitchen, but it hit her with a wave of nausea. Matt turned to her, concern evident in his eyes. "Are you okay?"
"Just not feeling great. How did you sleep?"
"Honestly, I haven't slept that well in so long." He offered her a cup of coffee that she promptly declined, leaping to her feet to make a quick dash to the nearest bathroom. "Vi?" He knocked softly on the door as he heard her groan, followed by the sound of running water.
He waited patiently as she opened the door with a frown. "Must have eaten something that didn't sit well with me last night. Can you make me some tea?"
Violet grabbed a blanket from the couch and settled into a chair on the patio, gazing out at the water. After a few minutes, she smiled up at Matt as he handed her a cup of tea and took a seat beside her. "Thanks. So, how are you, Matt?"
"Um... alright I guess. Still feels like we did nothing."
"Yeah," she offered with a sigh before taking a sip of her tea. "We join the service because we think we're going to be helping people. But we never stop to ask if they want our help..."
"I guess I never thought of it like that until now." Matt leaned back in his chair as they both sat in silence for a few minutes. "Have you kept in touch with Syverson?"
"Yeah, we chat every few days. He said it's even worse there now that we're gone."
Matt sighed, glancing at her. "So what is it with you two?"
Violet chuckled, her cheeks slightly flushed as she set her tea on the small table between them. "He worked under my dad at the start of his military career, so I was around him a lot. I was very obviously smitten with him. And he was sweet, but completely respectful. When I saw him again in the desert, I don't know. It just clicked for both of us..."
"Well, at least something good happened then, huh?"
"Right," she responded with a grin, glancing back to the water as a wave of melancholy washed over her. "Hopefully he'll be back soon..."
"I hope he makes it back to you safely, Violet."
"Yeah... me too." Violet stood up, stumbling slightly as dizziness overcame her. She caught herself, falling back onto the chair, and Matt quickly rose to his feet beside her.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Just stood up too fast is all." She waved his concern away and walked into the house ahead of him. "Let's go down to the beach for a while."
Violet and Matt were sharing a laugh as she unlocked the door to the rental when she heard her phone ringing from inside. "Shit." She quickly opened the door and grabbed her phone from the coffee table where she'd left it. "Hello?"
"Eddie..." She smiled at Matt as she entered her bedroom for privacy. "I haven't heard your voice in a few days. I miss it."
Syverson sighed. "I know, baby. I'm sorry."
She took a seat on the edge of the bed, her hand unconsciously resting on her stomach, sensing the stress in his voice. "Are you alright?"
"Not really. You?"
"Yes... I'm in the Gulf with Matt until tomorrow. I wish we had time to have an actual conversation."
"I know, flower. I'm sorry."
Violet stood up to pace with a sigh. "We need to talk about something, Eddie..."
"Okay..." he responded apprehensively. "What's the matter?"
"Nothing is the matter. I just--" Her voice got cut off by the sound of gunfire on the other line, causing her to freeze in her spot. "SY?!"
"Fuck! I have to g--"
The line fell silent after the sound of an explosion, and she continued to yell into the phone. "Sy? Eddie? EDDIE?!"
Matt opened the bedroom door upon hearing her screaming into the phone. "Vi? What's the matter?"
She dragged her eyes up to him, her cheeks already wet with tears, as she held up the phone. "It's Sy... he..." She brought her hand up to her chest, her breaths growing rapid. Matt rushed across the room just in time to catch her as she blacked out, fainting into his arms.
Chapter 17
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
Eidolon Chapter 7: Connection
Series: Eidolon
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: None right now, busy being haunted
Rating: MA
Warnings: HORROR
Word Count: 1,933
A/N: I have chapter 8 done and chapter 9 almost done. It might be over by chapter 10. Hope to have everything done and posted by Halloween.
My other stuff: Master List.
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The redheaded witch turned at the rustling sound behind her. She knew she was alone in the woods.
There was only one creature at the palace that could have found her without making a sound.
Olivia took in the sight in front of her. The creature looked for all the world like a normal woman. Naked, and crying. The short hairs on the back of her neck stood up as dread crawled down her spine, “What is it?”
“Drake….he didn’t use the amulet….I tried to stop…..”
Olivia turned on her heel and sprinted for the palace, her heart pounding in her ears. The adrenaline dumping into her system gave her the extra speed she needed to clear the edge of the woods and make the palace entrance in what had to be record time.
Guards moved aside as she flew through the hallways and up the grand staircase.
She burst through the door of Liam’s room, panic crushing her chest, tears stinging her eyes.
“Drake!” She cried as she dropped to her knees next to him, “You stupid, stupid man!”
She checked for a pulse. He was alive.
She opened her third eye and scanned his aura. It had been severely depleted, but there were thin fragmented wisps still clinging stubbornly to him.
Finally, his intractable stubbornness paid off. He might yet live.
She murmured a spell over Liam to break the effects of the elixir and wake him. He sat up in alarm, “What happened?”
“It’s Drake! I think I can save him, but I need your help!”
Drake could hear his friends, but not respond. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t talk, he couldn’t wake up.
“Goddamn it, Drake! I fucking told you!” Liam’s voice.
Then Liv’s, “Help me move him onto the bed.”
He sank in and out of darkness.
A glass was held to his lips. A slightly bitter and faintly sweet liquid slid down his throat. He felt his life force reattach itself. But it was weak.
They still didn’t know he could hear them.
“That’s it. That’s all I can do. Now we have to wait for the replenishing spell to work. His aura has to regrow itself.”
“How long will that take?”
“I’m not sure. Hours. Days. Weeks. I’ve never done one before.”
He slid into darkness again.
She was there, in the darkness.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Live. Please live! I love you.”
The queen sat at her table on a dais in the front surveying the room while she sipped her wine. She was looking for someone. The someone that made her pulse race. Not her husband.
Merida Theron Rys had married for duty and political expediency, not love. King Brawen Rys was a decent king by all measures, but he was old enough to be her father, and then some.
She’d done her duty, she had borne three heirs for him and she was done. Done gracing his bed, done letting him touch her. She didn’t care if he had affairs. Let him. As long as he left her alone, she was happy.
But she was still a youngish woman. Maybe there was a hint of grey here and there, the errant strand of silver that she plucked out and tossed away, but she was still young enough to burn with want and desire. To crave the touch of someone closer to her age, closer to her type, someone who excited things within her.
Her eyes widened and a smile curved up her lips as she spotted him across the room. Sir Gawain Brunswick. Knight of the Realm and a member of the Royal Guard.
Tonight, his armor was gone, replaced with a simple tunic and cloak in the colors of his house. He was the younger son of a poor, minor house so he’d made a way, and a name, for himself with the sword. 
He glanced up toward the dais, catching her eye. She smiled at him. He nodded then turned his attention back to the ballroom full of eligible young women. Many of the young noble women vied for his attention.
Merida did not miss the way his face lit up when the serving girl approached him. Nor did she miss the way his eyes followed her as she retreated, the desire clear for all to see.
She burned with jealousy.
At the end of the night, the serving girl slipped quietly out of the ballroom and down the hallway. Gawain followed discreetly behind her. Merida followed quietly behind him.
He caught up with her halfway down the hallway to the servant’s quarters. The queen pressed herself to the wall around the corner, listening.
The younger woman giggled as Gawain pulled her into his arms, “Why are you running away from me, Rezna?”
“I don’t want to get caught!”
“We’re doing nothing wrong!” He protested.
“It’s a well known secret that the queen fancies you. I don’t want to get fired, I need this job!”
“I’ll take care of you! Marry me, Rezna!”
The girl giggled again, “Why would you want to marry me when you could have your choice of any lady at court, the queen included?”
“They don’t interest me!”
“But I know you’ve lain with many of them, including the queen.”
“Once!” He told her, “And most of her ladies in waiting as well but that was different!”
“How?” She teased, a lilting quality in her voice. She knew she had his heart.
“You are the only one I love, and I haven’t looked at another woman since the first time you glanced in my direction! I mean it, Rezna, marry me!”
He nuzzled into the side of her neck before stumbling backwards down the hall and pulling her through the door into her bedroom.
Merida wiped away the tears of rage from her cheeks and made her way back to her own quarters. Her rooms were royal, luxurious, sumptuous. He could be here, sleeping in the softest feather bed, eating the freshest fruits, drinking the finest wines, with her. But instead, he was in a cramped room with a small hay stuffed mattress cavorting with a servant. A peasant.
It was her fault. The girl.
“Ralto!” She screamed for her guard.
“Yes, Your Majesty?”
“Fetch me the witch from the cells. Bring her to my rooms.”
Liam tossed and turned in the bed in guest room across the hall. He had pretended to drink the elixir to calm Liv down. She was distracted taking care of Drake in his room.
He gave up on sleep and kicked out of the covers, getting up to pace the floor.
She would come. She had to. He needed answers.
He wasn’t even surprised. She always just appeared like that.
It was the first time she had appeared to him while he was wide awake though. There was no mistaking this for a dream.
“You’re real.” He breathed out.
“Real enough.” She replied, stepping forward.
He took a step back.
Regret flittered behind her eyes, “You’re scared of me now.”
“I…I just want answers.”
“I’ll give them to you but…” She took another tentative step toward him.
He didn’t move away this time, “But?”
“I need to feed first….I’m sorry. It isn’t my choice. This is how they made me.”
“I have no desire to end up unconscious…or dead.”
“You won’t. I promise. I couldn’t kill you if I wanted to, and I don’t want to.”
“Why?” He asked as she took another step closer. His breathing accelerated as the magic enveloped him, “Why am I immune to it?”
He wasn’t immune to all of it. Her nearness sent desire crashing through him, it made him reckless, heedless of his own danger. Sweat broke out along his brow and across the palms of his hands. He couldn’t resist her. She would drink from him, she would deplete his energy, drain his lifeforce, but not all the way. He wouldn’t die.
“I’ll tell you everything.” She promised as her hand caressed his cheek, “Now that I’m almost whole again. Now that I have my memories, and my voice, now that I can stay solid for a period of time after feeding. But I must feed, Liam, I have to! I can only go so long without it, or I lose control and attack indiscriminately.”
“As opposed to when you attack me? That’s targeted?” He already knew it was. She had sought him out from day one.
“Do you experience it as an attack?” Her voice was crushed velvet across his skin.
He shivered, “No.”
He gave her what she wanted willingly.
Her eyes glittered as she brought her mouth to his, “Please. I need you.”
He pulled her into his arms, surrendering to her, as he always did.
He drowned in his desire for her. She fed. This time, she stayed solid, in his arms, after it was over.
He pulled her close and held her, just like he would a real lover. His hands ran over her arms, “You killed those men.”
“I did. But I didn’t want to!” She had been too weak, when she first escaped her prison, to reach him. She’d had to take whoever came when she called.
“You said that before. That it wasn’t your fault. What wasn’t your fault?”
“Any of it!” The words exploded from her mouth with vehemence, “I asked for none of this!”
“My friend….Drake….”
Her bottom lip quivered. Fresh tears filled her eyes, “I didn’t mean to!”
“You feed on sex? Desire?”
“Yes, desire, and the things that come with it, or the things it can turn into. Desire is the bait, once ensnared I can feed on many things, but I prefer to feed on that which brings pleasure to the victim.” All strong emotion could be traced back to the life source, a bridge to the aura.
“But you can control it?”
“I can’t!” She insisted. She had to feed. And she had to feed on men’s sexual desire. It was all part of spell that had been twisted to curse her.
“But you never hurt me. I don’t die.”
“Because you can’t! You are immune! The only choice I make is to seek you out, so that I can feed without killing.”
He felt an inexplicable disappointment ping through him, “Is that the only reason?”
“It’s commendable that you seek out the one man that you can’t kill. That tells me that you have a conscience, that you really don’t want to do what you do. But is that the only reason you seek me out?” He held his breath, like an idiot. Was he really concerned about whether or not a succubus, one who had almost killed his best friend, had feelings for him?
He felt like a fool. Yet, he was concerned about exactly that.
“No.” She whispered, “You are not the only man in this palace that is immune to the effects of my….attack.”
“I’m not?” His eyes turned to stare into her hers, stunned amazement coloring them.
“Your father is immune as well.”
Liam drew away in shock, “So this is a genetic thing?”
“Not exactly.”
“But Drake…you didn’t kill him!”
“I almost did.”
“He’s not immune?”
“You said you can’t control it, that you must feed.”
“That’s correct.”
“But you stopped. Liv said you stopped just short of killing him.”
“I…did, didn’t I?”
Was that hope he saw in her face?
She talked far into the night. She told him her story, as she remembered it.
He fell asleep holding her.
When he woke up, she was gone.
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zoemaywrites · 2 years
day in the life of y/n
Absolute pure fluff and giggles
932 words
TW: Harry being too cuddly
Waking up to a buzzing noise is never the way anyone wants to wake up, not even y/n. She rolled over, to find the source of this incessant noise, finding it was her phone, not her alarm, as she had previously believed. 
"Hello?" Her groggy voice sounded through the receiver. Harry always loved her morning voice, so sweet and innocent, just like her.
"Hey baby, did I wake you up?" He questioned, though clearly knowing the answer.
"No no, Harry, you're fine. What's up?" She sat upright, rubbing at her eyes and yawning. She looked over to the clock finding it was 11 am. She wasn't surprised, she had always been a late sleeper.
"I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight? Order takeout, watch a movie, have some of that nice wine you like?" He questioned.
"Well, I have a super hot date tonight with my glassware and polishing, but I'm sure I could find some time to fit you in," she giggled in reply, looking across her dirty bedroom. She really needed to clean this place up, it was getting embarrassing.
"Well, if you can squeeze me in," Harry continued to play along, "I'm thinking 6.30 would be good? I will have chipotle all ready and dolled up for you."
"I guess I could do then, I'll see you later, yeah?" she teased.
"See you then, baby, love you."
"Love you too Harry." She ended the phone call and sighed. Right, she thought, time to get to work. 
She spent a few hours cleaning dishes and picking up dirty clothes from the floor, finally having made some progress around the apartment. It wasn't perfect, but it was acceptable. She found herself sitting at the table, a mug of coffee in one hand, and colouring pens in the other. Y/n wasn't an artist, that was for sure, but she always made cute little decorations for the cafe at Halloween and Christmas. She adored working at the Cafe, it was the best job she had ever had, and even though she knew this wasn't the career she wanted forever, she was happy to be there for the moment. It was her life, the cafe, she worked there, had friends there, and somehow, it felt like a sort of home. 
As it was only 2 pm, she decided to pop over to the cafe, it was only a ten-minute drive, and the coffee she made when she got there was worth it all. She sat in the car, put on some tunes and began driving, not forgetting the decorations she made earlier. 
Once she got to the cafe, she parked and headed inside. It was a quiet day, being a Tuesday afternoon. Nichola, the owner and mum to Violet, greeted her, a big warm smile on her face.
"How are you doing poppet?" Nichola asked, reaching round to hug her.
"I'm doing good thank you Nic, and you?" she replied, already making her way over to her favourite person, Violet, squeezing her tightly, giving her a quick peck on the head.
"Very good thanks, love!" she replied before going over to the counter to serve a customer. 
"How're you doing Vi," she asked, still encased in the hug.
"I'm okay, you know how it is with Luke at the moment - not fun."
"Aww, I'm sorry. Maybe we can hang out tomorrow?" y/n replied, sympathetic to violets situation, having been living through it with her.
"Tonight? After work?" She asked hopefully.
"I'm sorry, I have plans with Harry, but definitely tomorrow, yeah?" she responded, feeling bad.
"Ooh, that's fine, little miss I-love-harry-more-than-my-bestie," she teased. Y/n rolled her eyes playfully, as she began to make her coffee. 
"Whatever," she giggled.
Y/n spent a couple more hours at the cafe, chatting to Vi and Nic, and helping out when the afterschool rush came about, before heading out to go see Harry.
She arrived at Harry's house, knocking on the door a couple of times before he opened up and greeted her with a big kiss.
"How's it going baby?" He asked, settling into the couch, a glass of wine splashing around in his hand.
"It's good, I saw Vi and Nic today, helped out a bit," she said settling into his lap, facing him.
"Mm, is that so?" he pecked her cheek, feeling very cuddly.
"Yeah, we talked a lot about Luke, you know, the luke. I honestly don't get why she's so involved with him, he's a dick!" She began to say before harry cut her off with a loud gasp. It wasn't often Y/n used coarse language, but he knew that meant she was serious about the subject. She giggled and gave him a soft slap.
"But he is, like he's messing her around all the time and talking shit about her to her friends," she was about to say more before harry began gasping again. She rolled her eyes and smiled at him.
"My baby," he slapped his hand over his heart, "my Y/n, using such horrible language about another human being? Who has she become? Where's my innocent baby gone?" He jokingly questioned, feigning a heart attack. She rolled her eyes again, for what felt like the millionth time in the past minute. And nuzzled her head into his shoulder, trying to stifle her laughter, albeit badly. He chuckled, kissing the side of her head.
"I'm only joking baby, Luke is a dick."
"Mhmm, and a mean one too," she responded lowly, tickling harry's neck.
"I know baby, I know," he responded.
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independentzaun · 2 years
In one universe, things were better.
No one stopped me writing this drabble  and now you all get to deal with this. For context complete 110% AU, the drowning of Silco happened, him and Vander have been apart for years, Vander has recently adopted Vi and Powder but needs help. Got it? Okay. Let’s go.
Not going to lie would love to turn this idea into an RP BUT ANYWAYS
Looking up as one of his minions opened his office door Silco blinked in surprise. “What in the deepest dark are you doing?” The last thing he expected was to have someone just shoving their way into not just his office, but his home office in his house. The man who’d opened the door stammered out. “He, he’s not taking no for an answer Sir! He demands to see you!” Silco frowned pulling off the reading glasses he had on as he started to stand with one hand reaching into a desk drawer for a knife just in case. “Who?”
The man at the door had no chance to respond as all of a sudden he was shoved aside by a tall broad man in a brown coat. “Silco, please, you have to hear me out. I just…” Immediately interrupting the man who had apparently just shoved his way past two guards, and all of Silco’s house was a very exasperated and down right angry voice as Silco waved his hand. “Hear you out? Last time I agreed to hear you out Vander you fucking drowned me! You think you can just come into my house, and make demands of me? I trusted you, and you betrayed me.” Vander suddenly slammed his hands down onto Silco’s desk leaning in and looked pleadingly at Silco. For a moment Silco was reminded of some huge dog trying with all it’s might to look cute so it could get a treat.
“I’m sorry Silco. What I did to you, I’ve never forgiven myself. Please though, you had a younger sibling I know you did and I need help. Will you at least hear me out? We had something once, between us, Silco. It’s about children, two children, two Zaun Children.”
Silco’s hand tightened on the dagger he was holding as seconds passed and he stared at Vander trying to decide if this was a trick or not. “Some day I’m going to kill you, and take everything you have Vander.” It was an angry threat that perhaps some day in the future might become a strangely playful inside joke. At that moment however it was a sincere threat from a hurt, angry man whose eye throbbed in pain. All the same the dagger was slowly placed on the desk as Silco took a breath. “All the same you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t truly feel you had to be, and yes I did have a sibling once. Why does that...wait...Vander what did you do?” Vander let out a breath of relief and dragged a chair over it dropping down into without any care for the sudden protesting creak it offered due to his size. “Two girls, one named Vi and the other Powder. They… look you know that last fight Zaun had with Piltover? The one that got really bad? Vi, and Powder got orphaned so I took them in. I’ve had them both with me for about a month, and I’m running the Last Drop. Wish I had you looking over the books, all those fucking numbers, but anyways. So things are going decent with Vi. She misses her parents as does Powder which is understandable, but Vi is kind of, well, like me. I’m pretty sure she’s gona be a fighter like me when she gets bigger all punching and what not.” There was a distinct lack of interest on Silco’s face be it faked or real, and Vander hurried the story up. “Powder though there’s something in that girl that I don’t know how to deal with. I can’t connect with her the same way as Vi, and I don’t think she’s been eating enough. I don’t… I don’t think it’s on purpose or anything, but there’s something I’m just not getting and if something doesn’t change I think Powder is going to end up hurt. I barely know what to do with Vi, and no idea what to do with Powder. I just, I need help. Sil. I need help with both of them. You always said the sons and daughters of Zaun deserved better, well I’m trying to give these two daughters of Zaun better. So can you at least give me some advice or something?” Silco didn’t comment on the nickname he hadn’t heard for years. One that only Vander had ever used for that matter. Fingers tapping on his desk for a moment his face was unreadable before finally he stood. “I want to meet these two girls. Let’s go… and Vander if this is some kind of a game…” Vander shook his head, and the two men found themselves walking for the first time in years side by side. Silco’s sleeves rolled up closer to his elbow, and his lanky frame looking all the smaller for being next to Vander. There was no friendly banter as they moved, but there was an odd cohesion between the two as they stayed perfectly in step. Maybe they were no longer friends, but once upon a time the two men had forged a bond that on some level still showed.
Stepping into the small home Vander now shared with his adopted daughters Silco raised an eyebrow glancing at Vander who shrugged and called for Vi and powder. Both came down with Vi leading the way and being loud and happy to see Vander. Powder was behind her however with her head down and small hands poking at some small little mechanical object. Vander introduced Silco to Vi and the two nodded to each other with a touch of wariness. Silco wondering in the back of his head if one day Vi might be a problem for him the way Vander was, and Vi wondering why this weird looking creepy man   was standing next to Vander so comfortably. Powder didn’t look up however until Silco crouched down tilting his head a bit almost going to one knee and offered a gentle smile.
“Hello, little girl.” For the first time Powder looked up at him, and blinked seeming to see something in the odd man who had lowered himself down to her height. Not something adults really ever did.
“What are you working on there?” Swallowing Powder slowly held out the center of what would one day be a small walking monkey. The only hint of what it’d be come one lone foot that from time to time twitched back and forth as some gear was hit.
“Oh. Well I can’t wait to see how it is when you finish it. Can you tell me your name? I’m, friends, with Vander. It’s okay. My name is Sil…”
Before he got his name fully out suddenly there was a small blue haired ball slamming into him, and for the first time in he couldn’t remember how long there was someone hugging him. She was crying and small hands grasping at his vest and suddenly he was literally on his ass looking shocked. Silco glanced at Vander for a moment who looked just as shocked and started to murmur something about how Powder hadn’t managed to cry since he’d brought the two girls home except in her sleep. With Vander not moving though Silco found his arms going around Powder and his voice slipping out.
“It’s okay… We will show them. We will show them all.”
Vi’s eyes widened a bit and she swallowed before looking up at Vander who had a thoughtful look on his face, and simply nodded with a hand dropping down onto Vi’s shoulder to offer a comforting squeeze. Vander had been right. There was something there that Silco could recognize in Powder, or perhaps Powder in Silco. Either way maybe… maybe now he had a chance to make things right between him and Silco. Maybe all four of them… Swallowing Vander broke the growing silence. “Why don’t you stay? For dinner I mean. The four of us. We don’t have anything fancy, but you and I have had worse.” Silco’s arms squeezed gently at Powder before loosening enough to let her go should she want. Powder did not move however, and Silco quietly resigned himself to staying on that floor for at least another few minutes. Hearing Vander his immediate impulse was to tell the man to fuck off but with the blue haired little girl clutching at him he just couldn’t bring himself to do so, and not quite believing himself or what was happening he looked up to Vander and nodded.
“Alright. I’ll stay… For dinner.”
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snnydcysarch · 9 months
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respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag nine others that you would like to get to know a little bit better.
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--- MUSE NAME ;; sonny munroe
--- PREFERRED COMMUNICATIONS / discord or tumblr messages for out of character chat? ;; discord for mutuals just cause i never get my tumblr ims
--- EXPERIENCE / how long you’ve roleplayed ;; ah shit... i want to say since like.... 2012??? i was a baby and should have not been here kjbrgskjgbrekg
--- PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE / fluff, smut, or angst? ;; yes
plagiarism. whether it be a character or a plot idea, don't steal from anybody. people work hard on their characters and plots. i understand not many plots can be considered original, but everyone comes up with their own twists. stop stealing.
white washing. as a poc person, i have dealt with a lot of racism both irl and on tumblr. it was to a point i took two years off of this hellsite. so do not change a poc character into a white one. we've been erased as it is. and if you struggle trying to match a character to its race, do not feel afraid to ask someone for help on it. there are also websites that show you an fc's ethnicity as well.
not knowing where the line is between mun and muse. they are two completely different things.
god modding. for the love of all that is chuck, do not control what anyone else's character does!! we all control our own characters and that's how it should be. this also means doing something crazy that someone else may not approve of so if you want to do something, ask first.
force ship, simple as that
anon hate. seriously, that kind of negativity should never be welcomed nor encouraged. we all come here to escape as it is so just let everyone have fun writing.
people acting better than others. i'm sorry but no one is superior over anyone else.
lack of communication. we're all grown adults here. if there's a problem, just communicate.
trash talking someone's portrayal. realistically, we all interpret canon characters differently than others and that is okay. no one's version is right or wrong. no one is the "chanel/walmart" version.
shit stirrers. people don't get along sometimes, it happens. but don't be someone who fuels the fire between two people when all they wanted was to clear the air and talk.
rushing people to reply and shaming them when they don't reply fast enough. everyone has real lives and can't always get to it. now a simple nudge to let someone know they replied maybe weeks later just in case they missed it is fine. but if you're going to put pressure on people? stop.
using mental health as an excuse to be a shitty person. many people here suffer with different kinds of disorders and that is no one's fault. but that does not mean it's a pass to be a horrible person. you choose how to treat people around you. you choose whether or not to be a good person.
i can go on and on, but we don't have time for that so here is the rest of the list on the top of my head: self victimizing, ignoring triggers, trying to control your rp partners, bullying, not understanding that rping is a hobby and not a jobby, lack of respect for female characters both canon and oc, ect.
--- PLOTS OR MEMES? ;; yes
--- LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES? ;; it actually depends on my mood and on the thread. i love long replies cause there's more to work with. but short replies are fun for crack energy.
--- BEST TIME TO WRITE? ;; when my muse is strong kjhbsrekjgbkb
--- ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE? ;; i would say a little bit! just like sonny, i do everything i can to make people happy, even if it means wearing myself out. i also find myself being treated poorly by people i am close with irl just like sonny and her castmates. clumsy? oh absolutely. but also like sonny, i'm not afraid to stand up for myself and my friends. sonny is a lot friendlier than me tho krebgksrjebg
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STOLEN FROM : @vitaegratis
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purplelupins · 2 years
Sweet Dreams
|The Black Phone|
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V
Part VI
Grabber/Albert x fem!reader
Summery: Getting away from her life as a human punching bag took her somewhere she never could have imagined. But it seemed that even a basement with a masked man watching her could become home.
Warnings: depictions of physical and verbal abuse, manipulation, pet names, power imbalance, sexual tension, mild swearing, mentions of medical trauma, nsfw
This is a nsfw DARK story so if you are a minor DO NOT ENGAGE. If you are offended or triggered by the mentioned material, DO NOT ENGAGE. Simple as that. Please note that I do not condone what the Grabber has done in cannon, and I am only using him as a character in my story. If you message me with negativity or harassment, I will not respond. This is Tumblr, not Twitter. Please block the Grabber x reader tag if you are disgusted.
Albert had just finished his coffee, and was pulling on his uniform shirt when he heard Sampson’s bark.
He waited a moment, expecting to hear that sweet voice to tell Sampson to be quiet. For her to open the door and come find him; tell him all about her walk or an idea she had, and touch him like it didn’t turn her on until he had her folded in half begging for him to let her come…but the door never opened. Albert slowly walked to the front door, and looked out the window.
Fire erupted in his veins.
Sampson was there alone, barking and standing on his hind legs. Albert wrenched the door open and he looked around outside as fury filled him. His hands shook.
She was gone.
She had tricked him.
All this time, she wanted to leave.
Without a second thought, Albert pulled Sampson inside, threw the door shut, climbed into his van, and peeled out to speed down the road. He knew where she must have been when she ran, judging by how long it had taken Sampson to get back. He started there at the main road. Before that day, he loved that part of her walk when he went with her- she hated it. It made her feel exposed; like anyone could see her. But she also had a certain love for it because that had been the first time they saw one another. Normally he would have grinned at the memory of having his bunny run into his arms for the first time, but not that morning. That morning he began to wonder if it was all a lie.
He thought about her smiles, giggles, terrible jokes and tears that she had shared with him.
He hated how easily she had lulled him into her comfortable lies. Most of all he hated how he felt hurt by it.
Albert searched everywhere he could, but she wasn’t anywhere to be found, and he knew every place she could have possibly gone. He looked down every road possible, and finally went into town to see if she was stupider than he thought and tried to find safety in numbers. It wasn’t until he passed by the local coffee shop that he heard something that made him slam on his breaks.
He leaned out of his window to the three officers standing by their cruiser and plastered on his best friendly neighbour face. “Morning officers!” He called. They turned to him and gave him a nod. “Sorry to eavesdrop but I thought I heard you say something about a missing girl found, hey?” He asked as casually as possible.
One of them nodded though the others looked apprehensive. It didn’t matter, he only needed one rat to give in.
“Oh yeah. Heard it on the radio- they found her walking some dog like it was a normal day and took her right to the station. Apparently she took a fucking chunk out of one of the officers arms!” They all laughed a little.
He felt something shift inside him.
“She wasn’t running into the officer’s arms to take her home?” Albert asked joining in their laughter, though his smile didn’t reach his eyes.
“Nope…it’s for her own good though y’know…stupid thing doesn’t know what’s best for her.” An other one added.
Albert’s eye twitched. He didn’t know anything about his sweet girl. They needed to shut up.
“Christ…kids these days eh?” He rasped but he didn’t wait for a response before he took off towards the station.
Albert was sure his steering wheel would snap under the pressure of his grip. He was surprised he wasn’t pulled over for a ticket as his foot put the gas petal down to the floor the entire drive there.
He slammed the van into park outside the building and leapt out, marching up to the doors. He pushed them open, the door slamming with a loud thwack against the wall. The officer at the front reception looked up at him, then the two other officers standing by the desk.
While he knew he should keep his composure as best as possible, Albert could taste the adrenaline on his tongue and feel the anger he had in his skin. He took a long shallow breath as he approached the counter, ignoring the staring officers to the side.
Get to work for once you rats
“Morning. There’s a girl you brought in. Where is she?” He tried to stay calm, but it didn’t work.
The two officers standing exchanged a look. “Who are you?” They asked to the side of him. He sucked in an irritated breath.
“I’m her guardian.” He rasped.
The two men elbowed each other and it was then that Albert noticed the bandage on one of their arms.
One of these men took my y/n.
“Jesus…she took a chunk outta my arm.” The man held his arm up that was now bandage that had a red stain seeping through.
Something began to switch inside him at the first hand admission.
“She really fought back? Why didn’t she just go easily?” Albert found himself asking. He needed to hear what happened from a neutral party before he heard hers. If this had been to deceive him, she still might lie.
“She fucking bolted at first. We had to run to grab her and haul her into the car. She bit me and I’m pretty sure she got a couple jabs at my partner in the other room.” The officer said shaking his head. Albert hung onto every word.
The receptionist broke into the conversation, “We called her father already, he’s comin-“
“No.” Albert snapped, “No, she’s coming with me. Go get her. Ask her for the person she wants to see. She’ll say Albert.”
The receptionist looked at Mathewson and he nodded to tell Allans. He stood and walked to the door that separated the main lobby, then as soon as the door cracked open. Albert heard her.
He smirked at that. His fingertips buzzed.
That’s my girl…Give them hell.
A moment later, another officer came through the door. Albert thought he had seen him in the area before.
“Who’re you?” The officer asked.
Albert’s eye twitched. “Doesn’t matter who I am, let me see her.” He bit, slamming his fist onto the counter, before sucking in a breath and becoming eerily calm, “Go and ask her who she wants to see. If she says my name, she comes with me. If not, she’s all yours to continue biting officers who can’t defend themselves against little girls.” He said pointedly.
The officer who had just come out looked over at the three others, then back to Albert. “Name?” He asked finally.
“Albert.” He snapped, running an irritated hand through his hair.
The man nodded and slowly went back into the cell room, eyeing Albert wearily. Albert crossed his arms and stared at the door. His adrenaline was at a high and he was ready to explode.
If she didn’t come out those doors, said she didn’t want to see him, he wouldn’t care. He would find her. He would watch her until he could corner her and drag her back. She belonged to him, and if she didn’t want him, no one could have her.
A few moments passed, then the door opened and the officer walked out alone. Albert sucked in a breath and was about to turn and leave, but then stopped in his tracks when out came his sweet girl, looking around the room until her eyes found him; he watched her run up to him. She leapt into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist, not daring to let go. “They-they took me- I didn’t wanna go they just took me and I-“ she hiccuped and began sobbing into his shoulder.
Albert felt a foreign vibration in his limbs as he held her.
He let out a long sigh, and knelt to his knees to cradle her.
“Shhh…I’ve got you bunny.” He cooed for her so gently it might have seemed paternal to most, but underneath brewed a raging fire. Albert pulled away for a moment to look at her and held her cheek in one hand; he inspected her red eyes, her blotchy skin... His eye twitched when he saw the discolouration on her opposite cheek. A bruise. His eyes snapped to Mathewson, “Is that true?” He nodded to the bandage.
The officer scoffed.
“Sure as hell is. That bi-“ he stopped when he saw the look of murder in Albert’s eyes, “…that girl bit my arm. I was fucking bleeding everywhere and she threw up in my partner’s cruiser! Took the both of us to even get her in there too. She started runnin’ away with that dog of hers…if you raised her to be like that you oughta have a firm conversation with her.” His mouth ran out of his control, and it was all Albert needed to hear, though he was barely listening.
“Then why does she have a bruise on her cheek?” He asked, pulling her face from his neck again, and setting her down beside him as they slowly stood up. She was shaking and clinging to him as tightly as she could when she remembered being taken away against her will; but even with her red eyes, she glared at the officers. Albert tilted her head to the side to get a better look. She leaned into his touch and stared up at him as if he was the only other person in the world.
“Hmm?” He hummed, then looked back to the men in uniform, “If you were just upholding the law then why the FUCK is there a goddamn bruise on her cheek?” His outburst made the officers flinch. But she didn’t. She just stared.
“Hey now…it was self defence you know- she bit my partner!” Allans said defensively.
“Oh well that’s fine then.” Albert mocked them. “What’s your name?” He looked over at Allans, suddenly very calm.
The officer in question was rooted to the spot when he stared back into Albert’s eyes. That look he gave him was the same cold and dead stare he had seen from the girl beside him. Murderous.
“O-Officer Peter Allans.” He said finally, shifting uncomfortably.
Albert nodded. “And you?” He turned to Mathewson.
This one saw the look of fear in his partners eyes, and was even more hesitant, and Albert was running out of time. And patience.
“I said what’s your name, coward?” Albert seethed.
The man blinked and stared back into Albert’s blue eyes.
“Gilbert Mathewson…But look, hey, we don’t want any trouble sir. We were just-“
“Doing your job. Right.” Albert nodded, “Well now I’m going to do mine. Let’s go sweetie.” He pulled y/n to his side and she held him like her life depended on it.
To keep up with the charade, she even looked up at him and said, “Okay daddy.” And buried her face into the side of his chest as he took her out. She failed to feel him pause at the title, or see how his pupils dilated. It was so sudden that he almost didn’t process it.
It was like the air was sucked out of his lungs.Something about the sound of that word coming from her sweet mouth made a shiver run up his spine as he led her away.
But he couldn’t think of that now. He needed to hold her.
As soon as they were outside and away from view, he pulled her back into his arms and kissed her. Tears ran down her face and she held him, moving her lips against his. It was quick, but sent the message they both wanted to.
He let her down, kissed her one more time on the head and pulled her to the van; started it up fast. His brain was already working. “Do you think anyone is at home?” He asked as he pulled out of the parking lot.
She blinked and pinched her brows. “…what do you mean?” Her mind was still playing catch-up.
“Your family’s home. Is anyone there? What’s their schedule?” He said.
Her eyes widened, “It’s Thursday…” she checked her new wrist watch, “8 o’clock…no. Mom is taking my sister to school and dad would have been just leaving for work…but he got the call…he’ll probably be down at the station for a while.”
Albert nodded sharply. “Direct me there.”
“Why are we going there?” She asked fearfully.
Albert reached over and took her hand in his.
“We’re getting you whatever you need, sweetie. Anything you’ve missed. Now tell me how to get there.” His voice was as calm as he could make it, but she knew he was still reeling from what those officers did.
Y/n was horrified at the idea of going back there, but she trusted him to keep her safe.
Albert walked down the side street from the van, and through the front yard. Just as she had said, there was a spare key under the doormat, and he let himself in. He felt a rush being in the same place where she had been…he knew that was the same door she threw open that night she chose him.
Albert found himself looking around for a moment. His eyes fell on the stairs, and he made his way up to where she said her room was. She had told him it probably would be renovated by then, but to his surprise it was just a little messy.
He stood there and stared at her bed. She had told him her father used to bend her over there and whip her until his arm was tired. Albert sucked in a breath. He drank in the space where his sweet girl had been tortured.
Then he remembered why he was there. Albert opened her nightstand, and found her small wallet there under some papers, just as she had said. Next he found her rucksack in her closet and went through her drawers, pulling out the certain items she had told him about, plus a fluffy little bear on her bed. He also kept a couple panties for himself.
Then he found a notepad on a shelf, and began writing.
“Your daughter is at 7742 south Irving St. Tell no one. Bring this note.”
He read it over one more time and nodded his head to himself before going to her father’s chair in the living room, and tucking it to the side of the cushion so it would crinkle when he sat.
Albert left the house, taking care to not be spotted by any neighbours, and walked calmly back to the van parked two blocks away.
As soon as he pulled the door open to the van, y/n almost jumped into his lap. “Did it go okay?” She asked, turning to him.
The engine revved and he wore an invigorated smile. “Peachy keen! The place was barely touched.” He said, and pulled away. “Just got in, got your things and got out. Oh I also found this little stuffed bear I thought you might like.” He pointed to the rucksack.
Y/n gasped.
“You didn’t! Really?” She gushed and grabbed the bag and opened it to find the very same stuffed bear that she had left behind. “You’re just a big softie!” She smiled and leaned over to Albert to kiss his cheek. He hummed.
She didn’t need to know about the note.
Not yet.
He helped her into the house and he watched her embrace the dog that was supposed to intimidate her. Albert took her hand and led her into the bedroom where he opened the bag and showed her each item. She smiled and kissed him again. “You’re the best. Thank you.” She whispered. But then, as he went to leave her to sort through her things, she wrapped her arms around his middle and squeezed. “I thought I wasn’t going to see you again.” She whispered.
He turned in her grasp. “Me too, bunny…thought you scampered away from me.” His voice was calm and light, but she knew his meaning was anything but.
“I wouldn’t…I couldn’t!” She pulled away to look at him, desperately trying to remind him that she was his.
And he knew it.
He nodded and kissed her forehead. “I know sweetie…I know. Why don’t I join you in the morning from now on hmm? I miss you anyways.” He purred, stroking her back.
Come on sweetie…come on you know you can’t say no to me.
She nodded quickly. “Yes please.” She smiled and kissed his cheek.
So polite. Such a good girl…I could never let you go.
Albert kissed her one more time, then walked into the other room to the phone to tell the shop he wouldn’t make it. He wasn’t about to leave her alone after what happened. While he did believe her on some level that she wouldnt leave, he needed to make sure she was truthful.
Besides, that evening they would likely have a guest.
Once he hung up, he heard her humming that song again, and he slowly followed the sound. He leaned against the doorframe of the bedroom and watched her fold her clothes neatly and stack her books and little items she wanted.
Then he remembered that moment in the police station. His pupils dilated at the thought.
“Bunny?” He said after a minute.
“Yes?” She replied joyfully.
“What was that you called me? At the station.” He asked casually, slowly walking into the room.
She thought for a moment, then remembered; it had just slipped out in the moment. But she couldn’t bring herself to say it now that her fear wasn’t clouding her mind and she wasn’t desperately trying to leave town.
“I…I don’t remember.” She lied, taking some clothes to the closet. He circled her, and sat down on the bed.
“You called me daddy.” He stated, leaning back on the mattress with his back against the headboard.
She froze. She had half hoped he didn’t remember and was actually asking her what she had said, but that was out the window. He could feel her cheeks heat up from there. “Well…I…I was just trying to tell them that you were my guardian. I didn’t want them to doubt you and take me away again.”
“Ahh I see…” he nodded in understanding, “Look at me.” He murmured. And she couldn’t.
He knew she couldn’t.
He sucked in an irritated breath. “Look at Daddy.” At that her eyes snapped to his.
He felt that serge of control he chased everyday fill him up at her compliance.
Seeing her so responsive to his demand made a part of his restraint with her snap clean in two. He sucked in another deep breath that turned into a growl and he calmly patted the bed beside him. “Come here sweetie.” He said gently. Her eyes were wide, and she felt like a deer caught in the headlights. He was never like that. He was always straight to the point.
This was new.
But finally, she started walking. She took the several steps towards his side, and while he wanted to grab her and pull her to him, this was a new game. So he waited, squeezing his fist so tight he thought his nails might break skin. Painfully slowly, she slipped one leg over his thighs, then the other so she hopped to his other side. She sat next to him, and smoothed out her skirt innocently, waiting for his next move.
His nostrils flared as he watched her- such a polite, sweet little thing. “That was quite the slap they gave you today, little one.” He murmured, moving to lean against the headboard on his side so he could see her.
“Slaps…they gave me two…they really hurt…” she said, biting the inside of her cheek.
God he loved it when she did that.
“Did they now? I’m sorry, sweetheart…want me to make you feel better?” He whispered, moving a little closer, and placing his hand on her thigh. He would store the two slap information for later.
He wanted to see what she would do. Was she going to give into this new game?
Albert watched her toy with her skirt’s hem, then finally she looked over at him. Her breath caught in her throat.
“Yes please, daddy.” She breathed.
There was barely any colour left in his eyes. The older man sighed through his nose and nodded. His calm exterior was the perfect mask to hide the carnal thirst inside him.
“Why don’t you undress for me, hmm?“ He cooed, brushing some hair from her face.
She nodded eagerly, and quickly rid herself of her clothes. Albert focused on his breathing to not snap, but as she slipped off her panties, a wet line of slick connected her pussy to the fabric. She was soaked.
That was it.
His eye twitched.
“Get the fuck over here.” He rasped.
She stared at him and threw the panties away before clambering onto his strong thighs.
Albert made quick work of unbuckling his belt, and she all but ripped his shirt off.
He irritatedly threw his remaining clothes away and pulled her sweet little body to his, and slipped inside her with a single thrust. He let his eyes shut momentarily and a groan slipped from him as he listened to her adorable whines.
“That feels good doesn’t it, bunny?” He purred in her ear as he held under her butt to rock her up and down his length.
She nodded helplessly.
“Is daddy making the pain go away?” His voice turned rough.
“Y-yes.” Her breath hitched. One of the best sounds she made.
Albert smirked and stretched one of his thumbs to rub against her little clit, and he was rewarded with her grip on his shoulder tightening and a violent clench of her pussy.
He chuckled darkly at the control he had over her body. Even she couldn’t do what he did.
“Are you going to be my good girl and let daddy make you come? Hmm?” He rasped as she started to meet this thrusts.
She whimpered and nodded, “Y-yes please daddy!”
Her mind began to go numb and ecstasy took over. All she could feel was him inside her. Him holding her.
It was all him.
His cock slipped so easily in and out of her that she would have felt embarrassed if it weren’t for her being completely intoxicated by the man beneath her. His thumb stroking her so perfectly, his hands holding her like a vice. His blue eyes boring into hers. His strong chest heaving as he ruined her for any other living being.
With her mind full of him, she let go. She didn’t have a choice- her body wouldn’t have listened to her even if she had tried.
“Atta Girl…that’s my girl. Fuck…” he growled.
He continued to rub her even after she came, and when she tried to pull his hand away when it became too much for her, he pushed her down onto the bed and buried himself inside her again. Tears welled in her eyes as another orgasm pooled inside her.
“Pl-please daddy...” She gasped.
“What? Is it too much?” He mocked her, “Feels too fucking good? Beg. Scream. You're just gonna cum a few more times for me.”
Y/n stared up at the man above her, and nodded again. “Okay daddy.”
And just as he had told her, she came three more times.
She came five seconds before he filled her up with his cum, and sucked a purple bruise onto her neck.
She came again when he cleaned her up with a washcloth, but was greedy and began tasting her. Sucking and licking her sweetness until she was a whimpering mess.
And she came one last time when her sweet little mewls were too much for him as he was buried between her legs, and he had to be inside her one more time. His cum dripped down her thighs for an hour even after they had showered. They laid in an early afternoon haze of euphoria. They barely even moved for the rest of the day.
The odd neighbour passed by, and looked through the slightly open curtains in the front room as they always did, but they didn’t see that girl they had started to notice inside. They knew Albert, but they didn’t know her. They supposed she was just a maid of some kind. It wasn’t until late that evening that the house looked to have any life in it at all, save for the odd bark from that big black dog he kept.
Around half passed ten that night, a brown and white 1970 Ford F100 truck drove past 7742, and parked up the road. A man with poor posture hopped out, and walked with an uneven gait towards that old brick house. He checked the note he had been told to bring with him, though in his altered state, it was difficult to read at all. He only had one thing on his mind: haul that bitch of a daughter of his back home to remind her of who she was.
What she was.
A worthless piece of trash.
The man stood at the front lawn, and checked the address one more time before harnessing his anger and marching up to the door. He rapped impolitely and crossed his arms as he waited. He could hear an old record by Ritchie Valens playing, and found himself distracted by it until the booming bark of what he guessed to be a massive dog came from right at the door. He heard some scratches too before it stopped and the door swung open.
He was met with a man far taller than himself, and perhaps a little younger, but not much judging by his greying hair.
“Can I help you?” The man asked from the doorway, looking out past the man on his doorstep.
“Uh…yea I got this note, shit-“ he quickly unfolded the paper, tearing it a little in his inebriated state. The other man stared at him in distain.
“You’re Stewart?” He asked.
“Yeah.” Stewart responded. “And you are…?”
“Al. Come in.” Albert said shortly and stood to the side to let the other man in. As the door shut, Stewart took a look around the living room, every hair on his sweaty body standing on end. If hadn’t drank that whiskey he would have noticed how stupid he was.
“She’s been hiding in my basement…my dog fucking found her. Sorry about the note…didn’t know what the hell was going on.” Al ran his hand through his hair and looked down shaking his head.
Stewart nodded and darted his eyes around, “Fucking sounds like her, that little whore. You know I’m pretty sure she fucked every guy in town? Good thing I fixed ‘er…” his words were slurred, and Albert could barely contain himself. He hated alcoholics. He hated them more than he hated himself. But he had a job to do.
“She’s down here, after you.” Albert took him to the door to the basement and opened it up before gesturing for the other man to go first. Stewart nodded and clumsily made his way down the stairs, rolling his shoulders as he readied himself to put that daughter of his into place.
“What is this some kinda bunker from the war?” He asked as they reached the thick door.
Albert laughed lightly. “Something like that. Just push on the door there, I had it locked so she wouldn’t run.” He nodded to the handle.
“Many thanks to you…” Stewart slurred, then paused as he pushed on the heavy door. “Say you look real familiar…”
Albert watched the door past him and sucked in a breath at the sight that Stewart had yet to see.
“I’m told I had that sort of face…” he murmured, and put a hand on the man’s back.
When Stewart finally turned away from Albert and faced the basement, he clenched his hands into fists at the sight of his daughter sitting on an old mattress, still in the same pyjamas as she had run away in.
His nostrils flared and he shook as his veins pumped with anger.
“There you are you bitch-“ Stewart was about to take a step toward her, but was cut short when his hands were taken behind his back, and the crack of metal cuffs echoed in the small space.
He tried to wrench his hands free, but it was too late. “What the fuck-“ he spat.
But the basement door was already being slammed shut, leaving the three of them to exist in their own dim little world under ground.
“Hi dad.”
Stewart whipped back around to where his daughter was sitting, but his pupils constricted when he saw her this time.
She was standing.
In one hand, she held a belt with a buckle that caught the light.
In the other hand was a well used axe- it’s blade a little dull.
But that wasn’t what made Stewart l/n freeze.
It was the demonic mask she wore. Horns protruding from her temples and a deep frown where her mouth should have been. He couldn’t even see her eyes.
But he wouldn’t let them see he was close to pissing in his pants.
He turned back to Albert who was fiddling with something in his hands. “What the fuck is this? Huh-“
Tsk tsk.
He snapped his head back to the young woman, watching him predatorily.
“Such language, Stewie…you know you always raised me to have manners…maybe you should listen to yourself for once?” She said sickly sweet, slowly approaching him.
He scoffed and looked around, barely noticing Albert, “What are you gonna do huh? Try and kill me, scare me? Well it ain’t gonna work-“
A searing pain made him lose his words as he fell to his knees. From behind him, Albert pulled out the knife he had stabbed into one of Stewart’s ankles.
This was his bunny’s game, but he wasn’t going to run the risk of that glutton hurting her.
“What the fuck!” Stewart screamed. The pain coupled with his state of mind made for a poor cocktail of confusion.
She clicked her tongue at him.
“Dad…you should really pay attention.” She was just a foot from him now. “What was it you always told me before you would beat me…? Oh! Or the time you took away my god given right over my body at that hospital? Hmm what was it.” She tapped her chin as she pretended to think, and threw the axe down beside her with a heavy thud.
“What was it?” She whispered, circling him. As she passed behind him, Albert extended his hand to her masked cheek, and stoked it tenderly before he walked to the wall on the side and crouched to watch. He too slipped on a mask- the lower half of the smiling one. He was watching her every move, entranced.
Stewart didn’t answer at first and he received a single lashing from the belt.
“I said, what. Was. It?” She seethed, grabbing a handful of his thinning hair.
He sucked in a breath, “This is for -“
“Bingo!” She released him and clapped, “This is for your own good. Well dad, this is for your own good.” She chimed.
Albert’s breathing became laboured as he watched his sweet bunny fulfil her desires. Her needs. He just wanted to help her, and when he told her about the note, she had accepted, and he had plugged her full with more cum than before. He was helping to set her free from her worst fears.
“Hey now…wha-what are you doing there pumpkin?” He eyed the belt as she raised it again.
She tilted her head to the side.
“Aww we’re using pet names now? That’s cute.” She came behind him and kicked his back so he fell forward. “Well then daddio, what this is…is retribution.” Her sweet voice lost its life, in its place was nothing short of a cold blade cutting into his mind, but to Albert it was music to his ears.
“Y/n honey you don’t have to-“ Stewart began to plead. Gone was the front he had put on. In its place was a scared little pathetic man who had finally peed himself.
“Oh but I do dad I-“ thwack,“ -really-“thwack, “-really-,” thwack, “-do!” She seethed, panting.
Albert watched her like she was the only person in the world.
Y/n could see the blood seeping through the tears in his shirt, but she wanted more. She pressed down hard on a particularly deep gash thanks to the buckle; it was right around where the one on her back that had refused to close forever was.
Snot and tears mixed together on Stewart’s face. “Please…y/n-“
“No. You don’t get to say my name. “ she rounded him and let him try to look up. “I don’t think you understand what it is that’s going to happen. And that’s okay. Just know that this is going to kill you. I could do it quickly…but Dad?” She stooped down so she was a little closer to his wretched face, and pulled the axe towards her, holding it in her hands.
“W-what?” He asked breathlessly.
She sighed, “I want this to really hurt.”
Not a soul heard what happened down in that basement that evening. There was a file opened for the missing man, which was closed as quickly as his daughter’s. What the city of Denver did know was he was not missed. Barely a blip. Barely a whisper.
His wife and daughter moved on. Quite happily too in a new town hours away.
No one questioned the vacant house across from 7742 or how one night there was a man disappearing inside with a bag of trash, and reappeared without it.
A few brows were raised when two officers went missing, but again, things happened and the cases were closed within five months.
A few neighbours were curious about the beautiful young woman who now lived with Albert. They would often see her tending to her beautiful garden that had seemed to sprout over night; she was even cheeky enough to wink at the old ladies who asked what her secret was to get her flowers to grow so vibrantly. She would tell them that it was a secret of hers that would die with her. It was a blessing that the flowers covered the smell.
At first they found her a little odd, especially with how she seemed to just appear, but after she visited almost every house in the block with fresh cookies, they stopped asking.
What the neighborhood knew was that Albert- the strange, quiet man who had lived there his whole life- seemed happy. On more than one occasion, that sweet young woman would run out after Albert as he left for work and she would jump into his arms for one last kiss.
They never went anywhere without each other except for work.
They took strolls through the neighbourhood with that big old dog of theirs, and people would always note the look of adoration in the older man’s eyes as he watched that sweet, sweet girl.
At the grocery store, people would stare and the odd emboldened person would ask them how they were so happy after seeing the gold bands on their fingers.
To which they would smile at one another and Albert would just say shyly, “Oh you know, common interests and communication.” And kiss her temple.
“And trust!” She would chirp and hold his arm.
Most of the families who saw them hated them. They would grumble about how they were probably faking it all. How it was like they were some happy dream.
They hated it.
They hated them.
But oh that couple really was just the sweetest.
The sweetest of dreams.
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sevikasupremacy · 2 years
Through The Phone - Vi x F!Reader | Modern AU |
Word: 677
Warnings: Masturbation, phone sex, fingering
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Summary: Vi helps you build up your orgasm through the phone.
“Hnghhh…” Your eyebrows furrowed in frustration as you circled your hardening bud in a brisk motion.
It had been only a few weeks since Vi had left for a business trip, leaving you alone in your shared apartment. Even though the two of you were still able to keep in touch, it wasn’t fulfilling all of your needs. Without her, you couldn’t get rid of this familiar tension in your stomach that was begging for release.
You never thought of doing anything about it until tonight, finding yourself sprawled on the bed, your clothes scattered on the floor.
“Oh Vi…” Your legs were spread wide as you continued playing with yourself, your fingers exploring the aroused area.
“Vi please…” Your lips tightened into a thin line as you focused on pleasuring yourself. But it wasn’t enough.
You wanted Vi. Only her.
As your finger slowly dipped down to your throbbing entrance, your other hand found its way to your breast, fondling it. Just before you could take things any further, a loud buzz from your phone made you flinch.
Your eyes lit up up the moment you saw who the caller was.
“Y/N! Baby! Miss me~?” A voice could be heard coming from your phone.
“H-Hey Vi, how’s your trip so far?” You tried to keep your voice stable as you continued moving your hand, slowly pushing your finger inside you. You let out a small gasp but immediately try to cover it up with a cough.
As Vi continued rambling on the phone about her day, you made sure to keep quiet as you pumped your finger in and out in a slow and agonizing speed. You bit your lip, trying not to let out any moans or whimpers.
“Baby you alright? You’re awfully quiet.”
“Yeah I’m fine. Just… tired.” You cleared your throat. Hearing Vi’s voice wasn’t making things better. You felt even more… sexually frustrated.
“Just keep talking about your day. Anything else happened..?” You need to hear her voice. As you put her on speaker before placing your phone onto the pillow beside you, you fastened your pace. Your other hand was now covering your mouth.
What else could you do? You were aching to release this tension for a while and this was the only way you could think of.
After a while you didn’t even realized that Vi had already stopped talking. Everything was silent. But you were too distracted to notice that.
“Y/N are you touching yourself?”
Vi’s voice made you stopped. You hesitantly squeaked a ‘yes’ to her question before going quiet.
Is she angry? Why wasn’t she responding?
“I’m sorry I—“
“Keep going.”
Your eyes widened from the unexpected response. But you did what you were told.
Your finger went back down to your aching hole once again. This time, you made sure to let out all the noises for your girlfriend to hear.
“Mhm, there you go baby,” You could hear Vi cooing at you, “Imagine it’s my finger yeah?”
You let out a soft moan, carrying on with your self care.
“Just imagine that I’m the one doing this to you… how deep my fingers go into you… or when I use my tongue…” Vi’s raspy voice was making you more aroused, enough for you to feel a familiar knot in your abdomen.
“Go ahead baby. Cum for me. I want to hear you.”
Your other hand was on your breast, teasing your nipple as you fastened your pace with your finger that was inside you. That moment when you started to feel overwhelmed by the immense pleasure, all those tension released, coursing thorough your body like electricity.
You moaned Vi’s name, your eyes rolling back, finally feeling relieved. You slowly gathered yourself before opening your eyes once again, your body sticky from the sweat.
“Vi..?” You turned your head to look at your phone with half-lidded eyes.
“This is the only fun you’re getting. Wait until I come home Y/N. I’ll make sure you won’t be able to walk the next day.”
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holysmokesblog · 3 years
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Vi x reader
Words: 0,4
Summary: Vi comes back from the dead and you must deal with the news
Note: Hi! Okay, it's the first time I've posted on this platform that I can't understand in a language that I don't quite understand either, my first language is Spanish, so if you find any spelling mistakes, excuse yourself, I hope you enjoy that
Part 2 / Part 3
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"Let me pass" you demanded from the boy who was in charge of guarding the door. You were completely crazy, you had to check if the rumors were true.
"I can't do that, Ekko asked not to let anyone pass" the boy apologized without leaving the door.
"Is it her? Is what they say true?" The boy did not respond and it was enough for you, you pushed him with all your strength away from the door, you did not understand where you got so much restrained strength, but you had to urgently find out who is still behind the door. The boy yelled at you to stop before you opened the door wide. And there it was. It was true, Vi had returned from the dead.
Ekko turned to look at you, but you weren't even paying attention, you were just looking at the pink haired girl in front of you. Without asking to help it, your eyes let out a dozen tears.
"I tried to stop her" The boy at the door rushed in "I'm so sorry"
You almost ran to where she was, Vi got up just before you pounced on her and hugged each other.
"Fuck, I thought you were dead," you could barely stutter. You hid your face in her neck wanting never to be separated from her, shit, you had dreamed of this moment without ever imagining that one day it could come true.
"I missed you too Cupcake" I hug you tighter. "You're too small" and I tugged on Ekko's arm to add him to the hug.
"When did you take them off?" Ekko asked in surprise.
"Since you started whining" replied smugly.
Ekko was the first to walk away, you barely took distance holding her face "How is it possible? We all thought you were dead" She had grown so much, abandoning those traits of adolescence to transform into a complete woman, for a moment I was wondering if you too you had changed so much.
"I'll explain everything baby, I promise" She kissed your head lovingly "Damn it! Not a day has passed without me thinking of you"
A million questions flooded your head again, as if she continued to hold what she said the last night they saw her or if she already knew about Powder, now Jinx. But you allowed yourself to sink back into their warmth, and it was as if not a day had passed, as if they were still on that dirty ceiling where they said goodbye for the last time.
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not allowed, interlude | 20220617
drabble: ‘not allowed’ series; fluff actually just crack tbh pairing(s): est. relationship jungkook x reader
You know what you enjoy doing? That's right, browsing Jeon Jungkook's Twiiter tag. For... reasons.
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv | part v | part vi | part vii | part viii | part ix | part x | part xi | part xii | part xiii
sorry not sorry JK, I just have to tease you about the infamous mattress allegations
“ARMY are making fun of me again! They made fun of me because the hyungs exaggerated about my stuff and now they’re making fun of me because I defended myself on VLIVE!”
You tittered about on your phone, distracted. “Oh no.”
The loud voice continued as if you said nothing at all. “You need to tell them to stop!”
“I’m not in charge of ARMY, they cannot be controlled. Oddly similar to BTS, I must say. I guess you do take after what you love, huh. And, besides, I think it’s kind of funny.”
“It’s so unfair!”
You tried not to snicker, barely maintaining your serious tone. “Well, Jungkook, you know what they say, all’s fair in love and war, and ARMY love you very much, so it can’t be helped.”
“That’s not how you use that!”
You looked up from the amusing tweet, your wide eyes meeting the biggest peepers. Framed by dark furrowed brows was the scrunched-up face of Jeon Jungkook, who did not look the least bit amused.
“How do you use it then?” you asked, your voice full of bewilderment, asking to be enlightened.
Jungkook’s mildly angry expression dropped, now also riddled with confusion, because, as expected. “Uh… I dunno.”
You blinked at him.
He blinked at you.
You went back to your phone and copied the link to the funny tweet. Then you sent it to the group chat.
“Also!” Jungkook yelled. “I heard there’s a secret group chat!”
You gasped dramatically, clutching your phone twice as tightly. “No! Who’s in it?”
You gasped again, nearly falling out of the chair in your exaggerated antics, fully prepared to deny these false accusations that were quite frankly slander and defamation. Not quite unlike… someone else on VLIVE the other day. Huh.
“And the hyungs!” He stomped over to the dining table where you were sitting (thankfully, no laundry there today, maybe he had been inspired to put it somewhere else after being exposed) and you quickly scrambled off the chair, darting to the other side to put some distance between you and the fearsome double bunny. “I heard you send them memes! That’s how they find out this stuff!”
“What are you talking about? Hope-ah and Taehyung are on social media all the time! It’s all them, I tell you!”
You looked down at your phone and typed quickly, running from side to side as Jungkook tried to corner you. Who told him?! The messages came in fast. Not me, no way! And I haven’t said anything, followed by, kekeke, ARMY are so funny, and then how would he know? Two people didn’t respond: Kim Namjoon, most likely reading at this time, and Min Yoongi, who never responded to shit, unless he had been drinking or genuinely found whatever it was funny as fuck. He was hard to amuse, but never mind that.
Wait, no.
The last person responded.
This was supposed to be a secret? Oop.
“KIM TAEHYUNG,” you yelled, running around the kitchen island.
Jungkook tackled you from behind and picked you up, shoving his chin onto your shoulder to read what was on your phone.
“Ow, Jungkook, that’s my ear!”
“Oh shit, sorry, sorry,” he sputtered, drawing back and planting kisses everywhere, all over your hair and neck, missing your ear entirely with your squirming, and you were laughing, thinking it was forgotten, except for the fact he was still holding you and not putting you down. Welp. Still in trouble.
Jungkook leaned in close, whispering dangerously low. “I knew it.”
“Technically, you didn’t know because it was a secret chat,” you whispered back, gripping your phone very tightly.
He breathed on your neck, as unsexy and creepy as possible, but he was still Jeon Jungkook and therefore you were still wildly attracted to him, so some additional weirdness did not do much to deter that. He was always weird. Eccentric, some might say (Yoongi, even). You turned your head as far as you could and grinned your apology, which was more a sorry-I-got-caught than asking forgiveness for your grievance.
Can’t imagine where you learned that from.
Jungkook squinted at you, seeing his own expression reflected back at him.
“I knew they knew too much. A secret group chat is not allowed, noona.” His eyebrows raised then furrowed, peering at your phone. “Why are you called Spoons in the group chat?”
“I can’t use my real name, obviously.”
Jungkook let you down but his arms remained solidly around your waist. “But why Spoons? That’s random.”
“Oh, because in that game you guys made, BTS In The SEOM, the little hands are basically circles, I mean, there’s no fingers, so they reminded me of a spoon. The spoony hands. Spoons.”
There was a long silence.
“Yes, Jungkook?”
“That’s the weirdest thinking I’ve ever heard.”
“True, but it’s not me that has eight mattresses in their home.”
Jungkook roared your name but by then you had wiggled out of his loosened grasp and were bravely running away.
drabble some In The SEOM nonsense, lol
drabbles masterpost | masterpost
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dadbodosamu · 3 years
only you || part v
Stepdad!Osamu x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: spit, semi-public sex, alcohol, oral (f+m receiving), male masturbation, female masturbation, daddy kink, breeding kink, squirting, hair pulling, cum eating
5.6k words
part i || part ii || part iii || part iv || part v || part vi || extras || only you, too
“Can’t I just stay the night?” Atsumu groaned as he got dressed.
“We’re going out tonight,” Osamu said, throwing Atsumu’s shirt at him.
You rolled over in the bed, pulling the blanket over your nude form. You propped yourself up on your elbow, appreciating Osamu’s strong body as he pulled his boxers up.
“Good morning, baby,” Osamu said, smiling as he leaned down to peck your lips.
“Mmm, morning,” you hummed. “What time is it?”
“Five in the afternoon,” he said. “You only slept for a few hours.”
You nodded, stretching out and yawning. “I’m going to shower,” you mumbled, sitting up.
You looked at Atsumu, who was still standing in your room.
“What?” He asked, finally noticing you staring at him.
“Get out,” you said, gesturing towards the door.
“Like I wasn’t just balls deep in yer pussy,” he grumbled, crossing his arms and walking out.
“Like you didn’t nearly cum in your pants while I choked you!” You called after him. You smiled as you heard him grumbling from the hallway.
“Ya okay?” Osamu asked.
You shrugged as you stood up on wobbly legs. “A little sore.”
You took a step towards your bathroom and your knees buckled. Thankfully, Osamu managed to grab your waist before you could fall.
“Let me help ya,” he said, holding you steady as you shakily walked to the bathroom. He sat you on the edge of the tub as he started the shower.
“I’ve got it from here,” you said. Your legs shook as you stood up but they stayed under you.
“Call if ya need me,” Osamu said, helping you into the shower.
You showered quickly. You brushed your teeth and fixed your hair before joining the twins in the living room.
“You never said where we were going tonight,” you said, curling up by Osamu on the couch. “How should I dress?”
“Casual,” he said, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you closer. “What you’re wearing now is fine.”
You glanced down at the sundress you were wearing. It was longer than your other one, so it already had Osamu’s stamp of approval.
You nodded and rested your head on his shoulder.
“We’re getting dinner? Great, where are we going?” Atsumu asked, plopping down next to you.
“We’re getting dinner and yer goin’ home,” Osamu said.
“Worth a try,” Atsumu said, shrugging. “Kiss goodbye?”
“I’m gonna kick yer ass,” Osamu said. Atsumu stood with a smirk.
“Not even a lil one?” Atsumu said. You smiled and stood up, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Don’t forget to cover that bruise on your throat,” you said, sitting back down. Atsumu whipped out his phone, swearing loudly when he saw the hand-shaped bruise across his neck.
“Damn it, what am I supposed to tell the boys?” Atsumu asked.
You shrugged as you cuddled into Osamu’s side.
“That you like getting choked by cute girls?” You suggested. “Nothing to be ashamed of.”
Atsumu groaned out a goodbye as he left.
Osamu pulled you into his lap and peppered kisses on your face as you giggled.
“Not that I don’t like it, but what was that for?” You asked, smiling after he kissed your lips.
“What, I can’t kiss my girlfriend?” Osamu asked, kissing your nose again. “Just wanna remind ya who ya belong to.”
“Never forgot,” you said, pecking his lips. “Need I remind you whose name I was moaning the whole time?”
You cupped his face and peppered him with kisses. “I love you, Miya Osamu.”
“I love ya,” Osamu said, kissing your lips one more time. “Let me go get dressed and we can go eat.”
“I guess I can let you go,” you said, moving off his lap. You laid on the couch, watching him walk down the hallway.
You checked your phone, responding to a few messages from your school friends and checking your socials. As expected, your mom’s ‘it’s complicated’ status had garnered a lot of attention. Comments ranging from ‘oh, i’m sorry sweetie’ to ‘i never liked him anyway’ to, to your joy, ‘he was too young for you anyway, don’t you have a daughter his age?’.
You cackled as you scrolled through the comments. Your mom had even responded to some, stating ‘he knows what he did’. You rolled your eyes and closed your facebook.
“Ready?” Osamu asked, stepping in front of you.
“When you are,” you said.
The restaurant was small and cozy, with the scent of fresh bread filling the air. You smiled as Osamu led you to a table in a secluded corner, pulling out your seat for you before sitting across from you.
“Everything here is fantastic,” Osamu said as you read over the menu. “My friend from uni runs this place, he’s almost a better chef than I am.”
“Almost?” You questioned. “So humble, Osamu.”
“Miya-kun!” A man exclaimed, rushing towards your table.
“Takahashi-kun,” Osamu greeted, smiling at the man.
“It’s been a while!” Takahashi said. “This the wife?”
You winced.
“Ah, not yet,” Osamu said. “I’m actually in the process of getting a divorce. This is my girlfriend, L/n Y/n.”
You smiled widely. “Hi, nice to meet you,” you said.
“Nice to meet you! It’s nice that you managed to get Miya to drag you out here, he rarely makes time to come visit his old friends,” Takahashi said. “I think I met the wife once? Maybe twice.”
“I have my own restaurant to run,” Osamu said. Takahashi rolled his eyes. “You can also visit me.”
“I have my own restaurant to run,” Takahashi said with a small laugh. “Speaking of, what can I start you off with?”
Your food came out quickly. Takahashi made polite conversation before leaving you two by yourselves.
“So, tell me about your childhood,” you said. “I feel like we only ever talk about me.”
“What do ya wanna know?” Osamu asked, taking a bite of his rice.
“What are your parents like?” You asked.
“My ma raised us alone,” Osamu said. He smiled before continuing. “Our dad wasn’t that great, he left when we were still babies.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you said.
Osamu shrugged. “He wasn’t a great guy, anyway. Leaving was probably the best thing he ever did for us. He used to abuse my ma. He tried to come back when Tsumu and I were in high school, but we ran him off.”
“Ran him off?” You asked.
“He got a lil too hands-on with ma, and Tsumu and I kicked his ass out the door and told him not to come back,” Osamu said. “And that was the last time we saw him.”
You hummed. “Good for you, then.”
“But yeah, ma raised us by herself, never remarried or anything. She worked two jobs just to support us and put us through volleyball,” Osamu said. “But she never missed a game.”
“She sounds great,” you said, taking a sip of your drink.
“She is,” Osamu said, smiling fondly. “I can’t wait for ya to meet her.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” you said, smiling. “Tell me something else, I want to know everything.”
Osamu smiled at you before reaching across the table and grabbing your free hand.
“Tsumu and I have always been really competitive,” Osamu started. You smiled at him as he spoke.
“I really enjoyed the food,” you told Takahashi as he cleared off your table. “And thank you for the dessert, it was amazing.
“Anything for a friend!” Takahashi exclaimed, stacking the two empty plates in his hands. “And don’t worry about the bill, consider it on the house.”
“I owe you one,” Osamu said.
“I’ll take salted salmon onigiri and your miso soup any day of the week,” Takahashi said, smiling widely. “It was nice meeting you, and Miya-kun, it was nice seeing you again. Don’t be a stranger!”
“I’ll try to come by more often,” Osamu said. You both stood after Takahashi disappeared into the kitchen. Osamu grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the restaurant.
“That was nice,” you said, swinging yours and Osamu’s arms.
“It was,” Osamu agreed. “What do ya want to do now?”
“I don’t know, do you have anything in mind?” You asked.
“There’s a club I like that’s not too far from here,” Osamu said.
“That sounds fun,” you said, smiling. “You’re buying the first round of drinks.”
“Deal,” Osamu said. He stopped abruptly, tugging you into his chest and leaning down. “I love ya.” He pecked your lips.
“You keep saying that like the world’ll end if you don’t,” you teased, standing on your tiptoes to kiss him again.
“Jus’ don’t want ya to forget,” Osamu mumbled. “Gotta remind ya.”
“I think it’s sweet,” you said. You intertwined your fingers with his and brought his hand up to your lips. “I love you, too.”
You smiled as Osamu handed you a glass.
“One vodka cran for my princess,” he said, sliding into the booth next to you.
“Thank you,” you said. You took a sip of your drink and made a face. “A little light on the cran.”
“Lightweight,” Osamu teased. He tossed back his glass of whiskey and shivered. “Ugh.”
“Lightweight,” you mocked, elbowing his side. You downed your drink. “Dance with me?”
“Of course, anything my princess wants,” Osamu said. He pulled you out of the booth and onto the dance floor.
Osamu’s hands rested on your hips as you ground against him. It wasn’t long before Osamu was turning you around, pulling you against his body as his hips moved to the beat. Your bodies moved together, grinding and bumping against each other as the two of you felt the rhythm.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down to face you.
“Ya look like a goddess,” Osamu breathed in your ear. “Every guy in this club has his eyes on ya.”
You let out a shaky moan as Osamu’s hips dragged against yours.
“Come on,” Osamu mumbled, pulling you through the dancing bodies.
Osamu led you into the bathroom, locking the door behind you. He sat you on the edge of the sink, lips slotting against yours sloppily.
“Samu,” you said, running your hands up his shirt as he pushed your dress up around your waist. “Wanna feel you.”
“Later, princess,” he said, pushing his jeans down just enough to release his cock. “Gotta be in ya.”
He tugged your panties to the side and pressed the head of his cock flush against your entrance.
“I love ya,” he said, pecking your lips before pushing into you. You let out a high moan as he stretched you.
“Gen-gentle,” you stuttered. “Still sore from earlier.”
“Oh, princess, I got ya,” Osamu said, tip kissing your cervix. He held you tightly against him as he slowly thrusted into you. You moaned softly as you rested your head against his chest.
“Love ya so much, jus’ wanna fill ya with my babies,” Osamu said. You moaned, wrapping your legs around him and pulling him in deeper.
“Love you,” you moaned, kissing his neck. Osamu reached between you and rubbed your clit slowly, in time with his thrusts.
“Not gonna last,” he groaned. The fingers on your clit sped up. “Cream around my cock, princess.”
Your hands clenched in Osamu’s shirt as your stomach tightens. Your thighs trembled as you moaned in his ear.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Osamu groaned. His cock twitched as your walls clamped around him. You came with a soft moan, burying your face in his neck as Osamu filled you with cum.
“Samu,” you whined as he pulled out. A mix of yours and his cum slowly leaked out of your stretched hole.
“Hold on,” Osamu said, kneeling in front of you. He tossed your legs over his shoulders and licked a bold stripe up your cum coated folds.
“Osamu!” You exclaimed, legs twitching as his tongue licked deep into your hole. You moaned as he ate you out like a man starved, slurping up cum and spreading your pussy lips with his fingers to lick deeper.
“Taste so good with my cum leakin’ outta ya,” Osamu moaned. He stood up and kissed you, pushing cum into your waiting mouth. You moaned and swallowed instinctively.
You hummed and kissed him again. “Mmm, thank you,” you mumbled against his lips.
“Come on, I’m about ready to get ya outta that dress,” Osamu said, lifting you off the sink. Your legs shook as you stood up, and Osamu wrapped his arm around you to keep you steady.
“Let’s go home,” you said, smiling at him.
“Baby, no,” Osamu groaned as you sat up in your bed. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you back down against his chest.
“We’re supposed to meet the boys in an hour,” you said, struggling to escape Osamu’s iron grip around you. “I need to shower and get my stuff together.”
“Can’t we just cancel?” Osamu asked, holding you tighter. “Just, I wanna spend the day with ya. We can do whatever ya want.”
“Baby, we still have three free days before my mom gets back,” you said. “Let’s just go play this game and then we can come back home and spend the rest of the day in bed.”
Osamu pouted but let you go.
“Thank you,” you said, crawling over him. You pecked his lips before you rolled out of bed. “Come shower with me?”
Osamu was up immediately, following you to your bathroom.
Your shower lasted longer than it should’ve, thanks to Osamu. As soon as the water hit your body, his lips were glued to your skin, his hands on your waist. Before you knew it, you were pressed against the cool, shower wall as he fucked you from behind.
“We’re gonna be late,” you complained as you got dressed.
“Didn’t hear ya complainin’ when ya were cummin’ ‘round my cock, princess,” Osamu said, kissing your head.
You swatted him away, glaring at him.
“You’re insatiable,” you grumbled, tossing a pair of black spandex shorts in your gym bag.
“I’ll show ya insatiable,” he said, hugging you from behind. His hand slipped down the front of your skirt, teasing the edge of your panties as he sucked on your neck.
“Samu, no,” you said, making no move to push him off. You bucked against his hand as his fingers circled your clit.
“Come on, baby,” Osamu mumbled, lips pressed against your skin. “Let me make ya cum one more time.”
You huffed. “Five minutes, then we’re leaving.”
“More than enough.”
“Hey, hey, hey!” Bokuto exclaimed, hugging you tightly as you walked onto the court.
“Bokkun!” You exclaimed, smiling widely as he spun you around.
“Y/n-chan!” Hinata exclaimed, hugging you as soon as Bokuto sat you down.
“My favourite niece!” Atsumu shouted, running across the court to greet you. Sakusa followed after him, offering you a casual nod as Atsumu hugged you.
“I might as well not even be here,” Osamu said, crossing his arms.
“Osamu-kun!” Hinata exclaimed, throwing himself at the man. Osamu immediately caught him, and tossed him back on his feet.
“Just a hello would’ve been fine,” Osamu said.
You giggled as he walked over to you, gluing himself to your side.
“Let us go change and we can get started,” you said.
“Locker rooms are that way,” Sakusa said, pointing towards the end of the gym. “Hope you don’t mind using the men’s, the women’s is locked up today.”
“It’s fine,” you said, shrugging. You followed Osamu into the locker rooms and changed quickly.
“Hey,” Osamu called before you could walk out. You turned towards him. “I love ya.” He pecked your lips before following you out of the locker rooms.
“Okay, let’s play!” You exclaimed, clapping your hands together.
Hinata whooped loudly as he jogged towards you.
“We’re gonna crush them!” He exclaimed. Bokuto high fived you both as Osamu joined Atsumu and Sakusa.
“Let’s warm up first,” you said, smiling.
You stretched out, rolling your shoulders before getting into position. You set a few balls for both boys before Sakusa called for the game to start.
The game lasted five sets, your team winning three of them. After Hinata scored the last point, Bokuto pulled you into a tight hug, spinning you around.
“Aha! Suck it!” You shouted once Bokuto put you down. Atsumu flipped you off, smiling regardless.
“We let you win,” Osamu said, ducking under the net. You rolled your eyes as he pulled you into a hug.
“Oh, sure,” you said.
“No hugging the enemy!” Atsumu exclaimed. Sakusa slapped him on the back of the head before hugging you quickly.
“You’re good, probably better than Atsumu,” Sakusa said. You smiled widely.
“Thanks,” you said as Osamu wrapped his arm around your waist. Bokuto and Hinata both gave you a look.
“I have something to tell ya,” Osamu said. You cocked an eyebrow as you looked up at him. “M/n and I are getting a divorce.”
“Finally,” Bokuto groaned. “I couldn’t take her hitting on me every time we saw each other.”
“So, you’re with her daughter now?” Sakusa asked. Your face heated up as Osamu nodded.
“And this isn’t just you trying to get back at her for trying to sleep with us?” Sakusa asked.
“No, I love Y/n,” Osamu said, glancing down at you with a smile.
“And I love you,” you said.
“As sweet as that is, isn’t it a little fast?” Sakusa asked.
“Probably,” you said. “But who cares? My mom’ll probably be remarried by the end of the year.”
“We know the relationship is a little taboo,” Osamu said, “but we just can’t help it.”
“Pay up,” Hinata said, grinning widely as he held his hand out to Bokuto.
“Fuck you,” Bokuto grumbled, handing a bill over to Hinata.
“What exactly did you two bet on?” You asked.
“When you two would get together,” Hinata said. “Bokuto-kun bet it would be the next time you visited.”
“Should’ve known Osamu-kun would move fast,” Bokuto said, hair drooping.
“Atsumu obviously already knew,” Sakusa said. Atsumu smiled widely.
“It’s a twin thing,” he said.
“Shut up, you literally caught us,” you said, shoving the blond twin.
“But it was my twin senses which led me to catching you,” Atsumu said. You rolled your eyes.
“Anyway, lunch?” You asked.
“Baby, you promised,” Osamu groaned as you sat up in bed.
“Promised what?” You asked, stretching your arms out.
“We could spend one of our days in bed,” Osamu said, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you back down.
“One, I never promised that,” you said. “And two, I need to pee. Then I’ll come right back to bed.”
“Fine,” Osamu said, pouting. He released you from his hold. You hopped up and walked to the bathroom. You showered quickly and brushed your teeth before redressing in your pajamas (Osamu’s t-shirt and a pair of his boxers).
“Ya take too long,” Osamu grumbled as you crawled back into your bed. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest.
“I took ten minutes to shower and wash off, sue me,” you said, rolling your eyes.
Osamu rolled over, pulling you on top of him. “Why wash off when I’m about to make ya dirty again?”
You laughed. “That was so bad, Samu.”
Osamu pushed your shirt up and over your head, tossing it to the floor. He grabbed your breasts, squeezing them and teasing your nipples with his fingers.
“Samu,” you moaned, running your hands over his broad chest. “Let me.”
Osamu pulled his hands away from your skin as you leaned down. Your plush lips wrapped around his left nipple, your tongue teasing the cool, metal barbell as you pinched his other nipple with your fingers.
“Fuck,” Osamu hissed, lowly. His back arched as your free hand drifted to his half hard dick. You palmed him through his boxers, heart racing as you felt him harden beneath your touch.
You pulled back, a string of saliva still connecting you to Osamu. You pinched his swollen, spit-covered nipple, drawing out a high pitched moan from him as you switched to the other.
“Baby,” Osamu breathed, tugging your hair as you suckled his nipple. You hummed in response. “Feels good.”
You smiled against his skin as you continued to palm him. You pushed his boxers down, freeing his cock. You pulled away, straddling him.
“Wanna watch you,” you said, running your hands over his soft stomach.
“Watch me what, baby?” He asked, settling his hands on your hips.
“Wanna watch you get off,” you said. “Please, Samu, I wanna watch you touch yourself.”
“Why would I do that when yer right here?” He asked, moving your hips so you ground against his cock.
“Please,” you begged. “Please, I wanna know what you look like when you’re getting yourself off. Please, daddy, for me.”
Osamu sighed. “Fine, just for ya, princess.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” you said, leaning down and kissing him. You moved off of him, watching as he kicked his boxers off.
Osamu wrapped his hand around the base of his cock and let out a shaky breath. He pumped himself once, twice before letting his free hand drift to his puffy nipples.
“Y/n,” he moaned, softly as you leaned back, pushing your hand under the waistband of Osamu’s boxers you were wearing.
“I’m right here, baby,” you said, reaching out with your free hand to touch his shoulder. He relaxed at your touch and pumped his length slowly.
“Doesn’t feel like ya,” Osamu whined as he thumbed his slit. You pressed two fingers against your clit as he gathered precum on his thumb.
“Let me taste,” you said, grabbing his arm. He lifted his hand to your face, letting you suck his thumb into your mouth, licking the precum away.
“Just want ya to touch me,” Osamu said as you hollowed your cheeks around his thumb.
“After you get yourself off,” you said, rubbing your clit in slow circles. Osamu whined as you let out a soft moan.
“Samu,” you moaned, rubbing your clit. “Let me see you.”
Osamu gripped his cock once again. Precum leaked down the side as he slowly pumped himself.
“Baby, take ‘em off,” he said, tugging at the boxers you were wearing. You pushed them down and spread your legs as Osamu watched you dip your fingers into your wet heat.
“Fuck,” he groaned, pinching his nipple and pumping his length faster. His thumb teased the metal barbell as he moaned.
“Samu,” you said, holding your wet fingers up to his face. He groaned at the scent and sucked your fingers into his mouth, licking them clean as he gently squeezed his balls.
“Please, please, I want you to touch me,” he moaned as you pulled your fingers away. You pushed his hands away and straddled him. His cock slotted neatly in your wet folds as you ground against him. You moaned as the head of his cock rubbed against your clit.
“So fuckin’ wet,” Osamu groaned, intertwining your fingers with his. “Just for me, isn’t that right, baby?”
“Just for you,” you moaned, rolling your hips furiously.
“Let me fuck ya,” he said. “Need to be in yer sweet cunt.”
You shook your head. “Sore from yesterday.”
Osamu’s head fell back with a groan. “And with any luck ya will be sore the rest of yer life.”
“Just- just cockwarming,” you said. Osamu nodded and carefully slid the tip into your wet heat.
“Son ofa bitch,” Osamu swore as your gummy walls clenched around him. He slowly bottomed out as you moaned in his ear.
“Oh,” you moaned as his fat cock stretched and molded your cunt. You wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned your forehead against his. “Feels so good.”
“Takin’ my cock so well,” Osamu breathed. He wrapped his arms around you and leaned back against the headboard, holding you closely. “Good girl.”
Your walls tightened at his praise. You sighed as you rested against Osamu’s chest.
“I want this forever,” you mumbled.
“My cock?”
“You, dummy,” you said, smiling as you looked up at him. “I want you forever.”
“Ya can’t say shit like that,” Osamu said, rolling his hips. “Makes me wanna flip ya over and put yer ankles over my shoulders.”
“Do it,” you challenged. Osamu groaned as he flipped you over.
“Yer askin’ for it, lil girl,” he said, pushing your knees up to your chest. You moaned as he pulled out, only to snap his hips against your ass.
“Samu!” You exclaimed as he split you open over his cock.
“I love ya, baby,” he grunted, grabbing your ankles. You cried out as he spread your legs out. You fisted the sheets beneath you as he pounded into you.
“L-Love you,” you stuttered. His cock hit every spot in you, without trying. The cool metal that teased your walls only added to the stimulation.
“Want ya to squirt all over my cock, baby,” he said, putting one of your legs over his shoulder as he reached down to slap your clit. You squealed as he slapped it again before rubbing two fingers over it.
“S-Samu!” You cried as he pulled out. He grabbed your ankles with one hand and pushed them up, folding you in half.
“Such a cute, lil pussy,” he cooed, rubbing his fingers down your slit. Your walls fluttered around nothing. “She’s just cryin’ fer me.”
“Samu, please,” you cried. Osamu leaned down and spat directly in your hole before shoving three fingers in you.
“Clenchin’ ‘round my fingers like a whore,” he said. “Ya want my cock, baby?”
“Please, please!” You moaned loudly. “Samu, please, I want your cock in me!”
“Oh?” He asked, pressing the head of his cock against your clenching hole. He ran the head through your folds, pausing to tease your swollen clit and fluttering hole.
“Daddy!” You cried. “Daddy, I want it!”
Osamu pushed forward, shoving his cock in your tight core. You moaned as he bottomed out, the tip of his cock pressed against your cervix.
“Does my baby feel better with daddy’s cock in her?” Osamu cooed, dropping your legs on his shoulders.
You nodded. “Love daddy’s cock in me,” you moaned.
“I know, baby,” Osamu said. “Ya were made to take my cock. Isn’t that right, princess? Yer just a sweet, lil cocksleeve, meant to take daddy’s cock whenever he wants.”
“‘m jus’ daddy’s cocksleeve,” you moaned. “I was made to take daddy’s cock.”
“Good girl,” Osamu praised, slowly thrusting into you. “Yer gonna be my lil housewife, pregnant with my babies.”
You moaned, unable to speak as Osamu shoved three of his fingers in your mouth.
“Suck,” he ordered. You hollowed your cheeks, tears running down your cheeks as you gagged on his fingers. “Good girl.”
“Wanna be your good, little, housewife,” you moaned as he pulled his fingers away.
“Aw, baby, ya will be,” he said. He reached down to circle your clit. “Cream around my cock, baby.”
“Daddy,” you whined as your stomach tightened. Osamu thrusted into you harder. You cried out as your walls clamped around him, juices gushing.
“There’s my girl,” Osamu said, continuing to thrust into you. You whimpered as his cock twitched inside you.
“Cum in me, daddy, please,” you begged. “Breed me, breed me, I want you to fill me up!”
“Gonna give ya my babies,” he grunted. Osamu moaned loudly as your walls fluttered around him, finally milking an orgasm from him. His balls tightened as he filled you up. Cum dripped down your skin as he fucked you through his orgasm.
“Too much, too much,” you whined as Osamu rubbed your clit.
“Just one more,” he said. You whined as he pulled out. Quickly, before his cum could leak out, he pushed his fingers in you.
“Samu!” You whimpered as his thumb rubbed over your overly sensitive clit.
“Come on,” he grunted, rubbing your clit faster. You moaned loudly.
“Samu, Samu, Samu!” You moaned. He leaned down and wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking harshly as he fingered you.
“Cum in my mouth, princess,” he murmured. Your thighs shook as his tongue pressed against your clit.
“Samu!” You exclaimed as you squirted into his open mouth. A mixture of your juices and his cum dripped onto the sheets and down Osamu’s chin.
“That’s my good girl,” Osamu said, wiping his face with the back of his hand.
“You’re too much,” you huffed, relaxing into the bed. Osamu smiled at you as he laid next to you.
“Breakfast in bed?” He asked. You shook your head.
“We have to clean these sheets,” you said, glancing down at the wet spot below you.
“But then we can get back in bed, right?” Osamu asked.
You smiled and nodded. “After we eat and wash the sheets, sure. And you need a shower, you smell like sex.”
“Join me?” He asked.
“No funny business, Miya Osamu.”
“Omurice and onion soup for one princess,” Osamu said, setting a plate in front of you. You smiled at the cute, panda-shaped omurice.
“Thank you,” you said. Osamu sat next to you with his own plate.
“I was thinking tomorrow we could go visit the Izanagi shrine,” Osamu said, slurping his soup.
“I’ve never been to the Izanagi shrine,” you said.
“It’s dedicated to Izanagi and Izanami,” Osamu said. You nodded.
“Sounds good,” you said. “Izanami is the goddess of creation and death isn’t she?”
“Yeah,” he said. “Izanagi was her husband. The moon and sun were born from his eyes.”
“That sounds interesting,” you said. “I’ll go.”
You ate in silence, apart from music playing from the tv in the living room.
“Back to bed?” Osamu asked after washing the dishes. You smiled and nodded.
“Back to bed,” you confirmed. Osamu lifted you easily and pecked your lips as he carried you back to bed. The freshly made bed was quickly ruined as Osamu laid you on your back, gently.
He kissed you softly before kissing down your neck. He made quick work of removing your tank top and sucking your left nipple into his mouth as he teased the other with his fingers. You moaned softly as he switched then continued to kiss down your stomach.
“Samu,” you said softly, threading your fingers in his hair.
“Jus’ let me take care of ya,” he breathed, running his fingers down your thighs, pulling your underwear down. You sighed as Osamu kissed up your inner thigh, stopping at your pubic area.
“Such a pretty pussy,” Osamu said, running his finger through your folds. “Gonna make ya cum on my tongue, princess.”
“Samu,” you moaned as he licked broadly up your slit. He moved your legs over his shoulders and wrapped his lips around your clit. He alternated between teasing it with his tongue and sucking at it softly.
“One or two?” Osamu asked.
“Two,” you said.
Osamu slowly pushed two fingers in your opening. Your mouth fell open with a low moan as he scissored you open and tongued at your clit.
“Osamu,” you moaned, tugging his hair. Osamu groaned, vibrating against your clit. “Oh?”
You gave another experimental tug, receiving the same response.
“Ya keep pulling my hair and I’m gonna fuck ya without finishing down here,” Osamu said, pulling away from you. You stared him in the eyes and pulled his hair again.
He moaned then glared up at you. “I wanted to treat ya real nice before I fucked ya again.”
“And I just want you in me,” you said. Osamu crawled up your body, hovering over you as he kissed you deeply.
“What my princess wants, she gets,” Osamu said. He kicked off his boxers and flipped you over so that you were on top.
“Want you in my mouth,” you mumbled, staring down at his hard cock. Your mouth was watering as his cock rested against his lower stomach, head swollen and dark pink, leaking precum.
“What was that, baby?” Osamu asked.
“Wanna suck you off,” you said, looking up at him. You scrambled down the mattress before he could say anything, spreading his legs slightly.
“G’head, baby,” he said, putting his hands behind his head as you placed a kitten lick to the leaking tip. You moaned at the salty taste.
You ran your tongue down his length, stopping to tease his balls. Osamu hissed as you sucked one in your mouth, gently running your tongue around it.
“Fuck, baby,” Osamu said, reaching down to grab your hair. You pulled back and pumped his cock once, twice, three times before taking the tip in your mouth. You hollowed your cheeks as you pumped the rest of his length.
“I know ya can take more than that,” Osamu said. You ignored him as your hand came up to play with his balls.
“Leave me alone,” you said, pulling back. “Just let me make you feel good.”
You took the tip back in your mouth, swirling your tongue around it. Slowly, you took more of his cock in your mouth until he hit the back of your throat. Tears burned at your eyes as you gagged. Osamu groaned and bucked his hips.
“Good girl,” Osamu groaned, pulling your hair gently. You moaned around him, bobbing your head and wrapping your hand around whatever couldn’t fit in your mouth. Your other hand squeezed his balls lightly.
“Fuck, gonna cum,” Osamu grunted as his balls tightened in your hand. You pulled back.
“Cum in my mouth,” you said. You wrapped your lips around the tip and sucked. Your tongue swirled around, moaning at the taste of his precum.
“Fuck, fuck,” Osamu swore, pushing your head down his length as he came down your throat. You swallowed most of it before crawling up the bed and meeting Osamu with a messy kiss. Spit and cum ran down your chins as your tongues danced together.
“I love you,” you mumbled, as Osamu wiped your chin clean with a discarded shirt before wiping his own.
“I love you, too, baby.”
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maximons · 3 years
All Is Lost
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Summary: Zombies have taken over the world, humanity on the edge of extinction. All hope was lost. Despite that, Wanda couldn’t seem to let go of Y/n, who had fallen victim to the plague herself.
Word Count: 2,263
Genre: Angst
Requested?: No
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, death, cannibalism, suicide, mentions of blood. Spoilers for Ep. 5 of What If...?
A/N: I know, I know, I’m gonna get into the stuff I promised soon. But for now, the Zombies episode inspired me and this came out. If you haven’t seen the episode yet, go watch it. Its amazing and depressing. Also this is DARK guys, probably the darkest thing I’ve ever written, so...Happy Reading!
The Zombie apocalypse was always something everyone joked about, but never something that anyone could actually predict.
Everything happened so quickly, Wanda could barely keep up. It’s hard to believe that everything was so normal only two weeks ago. Now, she was locked away with Vision in an abandoned military base in New Jersey. Desperate to survive for as long as possible while Vision worked on a cure.
Some of his experiments had been a success, most notably Scott Lang who he was able to revert back from his zombified state. However, the man was now only a severed head.
Despite the success, Vision was less than optimistic. For one, Scott was one of the first infected. While the cure worked on him, the android theorized that the disease has mutated greatly since then, and it was likely impossible to cure everyone. And even if he could, the technology to do so is beyond human comprehension and therefore doesn’t exist.
Vision might have all but given up hope, but Wanda didn’t. She couldn’t. She refused to give up on you.
Wanda and you have been best friends for as long as Wanda had been an Avenger. You were already a member of the team and greeted her with an open mind and open arms, despite all she had done. You had fire powers, and while your powers weren’t identical to Wanda’s, you still offered some basic tips and tricks to keep such explosive powers at bay.
It wasn’t a surprise that she fell in love with you.
But her stupid fear had to get in the way, and when you came to confess your own feelings for her, she panicked and rejected you. You were so heartbroken, Wanda didn’t need to read your mind to know that.
And it kills her everyday knowing that that was the last interaction she had with you. The last one with you as yourself anyway.
All that remained now was the flesh hungry, blood thirsty monster that wore your, now rotting, skin.
This wasn’t you, she knows that. She looked into your mind and saw no trace of the woman you once were, the one she loved with all her heart. She couldn’t feel you, you were gone.
Despite this, Wanda couldn’t let you go. She couldn’t handle losing you entirely. She already lost almost everyone.
She managed to convince Vision to keep you in the base for testing. You were locked behind a large steel door, with only a window to see you through. But you were here, and that’s all Wanda cared about.
The cure wasn’t working for you. Your powers caused it to incinerate when it entered your system, proving it to be ineffective. Still, she refused to give up.
Vision thought it best to terminate you after the failed tests, but Wanda begged him not to. Knowing he couldn’t overpower her, and sensing his friend’s distress with anything that comes to you, he agreed. As long as Wanda had it under control.
She doubted he knew that she was luring innocent survivors into the base so you could feed on them, but she did what she had to do.
Wanda spent most of her days sitting outside of your cell. The first few days, you were ravenous. Banging on the walls and trying to burn them down, growling and screeching with the inhuman noise that took over your vocal chords, but you didn’t manage to break free. After a while, it seemed you have given up, and just sat in place. Only moving when Wanda opened the cell and let some of your ‘food’ in.
There were times where Wanda thought that maybe, just maybe, the cure was working more than they thought. You seemed to have recognized her, your facial expressions formed into ones that she had recognized and missed dearly. But that hope quickly died when she would peek into your head and still sense nothing.
“Hey, Y/n.” Wanda walked up to outside your cell and sat cross-legged like she did everyday. Your head rose, staring at her with your now glowing yellow eyes. “Still no progress on the cure, but don’t worry, I’m not giving up yet.” You offered no response, not that she expected one. “It’s hard. It’s only getting worse out there...” She sighed as she trailed off. She raised her hand to the glass, like she always did. “I’m going to figure it out...we’re gonna get you back to normal, and I’m going to tell you every day how much I love you. I miss you so much, but...we’re almost there. I can feel it...” Wanda’s voice started choking up, as tears ran down her face. “We deserve our happy ending.”
Her hand was still pressed against the glass as she finished her speech. She was about to lower it, but then something unexpected happened. You stared at her hand curiously, beginning to raise your own. Wanda watched, smile forming on her face as your arm made it’s way to the glass. 
“Wanda! Please come here, we have a situation.” You had almost pressed your hand against Wanda’s, when Vision’s voice interrupted. Your attention turned to the direction it came from and you let out a growl, clearly angry at the interruption. Wanda sighed in disappointment, but she tried not to let it take over. You still showed massive improvement, something worth reporting back to Vision. “It’s okay.” She soothed you. “I’m going to go see what he wants then I’ll be right back, okay? I know you’re hungry, I’ll get you some food too.” You didn’t offer a response as she walked off.
“Vis! I have to tell you-” Wanda began as she walked into the main room, but cut herself off at the new faces. She didn’t recognize the bald woman with the spear or the wimpy looking man in a workers uniform, but she was familiar with Peter. What surprised her most though, was Bruce Banner. A man she hasn’t seen in over three years. “What is going on?”
“I ran into them outside the premises. Apparently word has gotten out about the cure.” Vision answered before turning his attention back to the guests. “As I told you, I am afraid we cannot help you. The cure seems to be a moot point.”
“Well, what about-” Peter began, but he was interrupted by a new voice.
“For something you have no hope for, you sure don’t have a problem bringing in new test subjects.” Wanda recognized Bucky Barnes’ voice. She turned around, and her eyes widened as she saw King T’challa on his arm, struggling to stand on his one remaining leg.
“My king! We thought you dead.” The bald woman exclaimed in relief and surprise.
“Your highness. I was not aware you were in the base.” Vision said, confused on how that got by him. It didn’t take him long to figure out why. “Wanda...”
“I’m sorry.” Wanda whispered, knowing she was caught. “The cure wasn’t working on Y/n, and in order to keep her at bay, I had to feed her.”
“So you fed her our King?” A spear was raised to her throat, threateningly.
“It was nothing personal, I promise. I have her under control and the cure is starting to work, I know it. We just need a little more time!”
“Why not just kill her? You lured innocent people to their deaths just for her when there a couple million more Zombies out there that you could use for testing. Ones that have a chance of being cured.” The whole room went quiet after Bucky said that.
“Uh oh. Shouldn’t have said that.” Wanda heard Scott say, but she was too busy glaring at Bucky. Her eyes started to go red, but before she could do anything, she noticed the spear held to her throat begin to glow red and melt. The woman dropped the spear as it began to burn her hands.
“Did it just suddenly get like, super hot?” Peter asked as he began to fan himself.
“Oh no...” Wanda trailed off. She looked up to notice the steal walls that led to your cell begin to melt. “You’ve done it now...she hasn’t eaten in days.” Before anyone could respond, the steel doors melted completely. The man in the uniform was unfortunate enough to be standing in front of it, as a strong burst of flame shot out and incinerated him on the spot. Only a second later, you flew out the door, covered in flames as you hovered above everyone.
Wanda watched in horror as you began to fight everyone. They weren’t holding up very well, and that’s when Wanda finally realized what she had done. This wasn’t you, and if you were still here, you would hate to see your body be used to attack and kill others.
“Vision! Get us out of here!” She heard Bruce yell, and Vision shot a blast towards the wall, blowing it up and letting everyone out. Wanda turned her focus back to you, you watched them starting to escape and you began to fly after them, but a red mist surrounded you before you could. You turned your head, starting to growl, but stopped when you saw it was Wanda.
“Y/n. Stop...” You tilted your head, still struggling to move as Wanda came closer. She took a chance and reached up, gently placing a hand on your face. “I am so sorry...you never deserved this...” Your face softened at the touch, beginning to show the signs of emotion that Wanda desperately held onto. However, it was clear now that it was too late.
You snapped out of it, as you managed to break free from Wanda’s hold. You opened your mouth wide, intent on biting and feeding on her, but something stopped you. You hesitated, and Wanda noticed. You settled for pushing her aside to the ground as you reignited yourself and flew out of the base.
Wanda picked herself up after a moment, intent on stopping you. She ran past Okoye’s body, charred and eaten, but she was sure there was little time until she turned. She ran faster to where you were, now facing off against Bucky. She sprinted further, about to take off and fly when she paused.
Vision was face down on the ground. She kneeled next to him, glowing red hand turning over his body, afraid of what she’ll see. Once he was turned, Wanda gasped at the sight. The mind stone was torn out of his head.
“Oh no...no, no, no...” She held his body, tears slowly building as she mourned the loss of her best friend. She had officially lost everything. “I am so sorry Vis...I’m going to make this right, I promise.”
She heard Bucky scream. She looked over to see you start to feed on him. She saw Bruce, Peter, Scott and T’challa in the distance, making their way to the jet. They were your next target.
No. Wanda wasn’t going to let that happen. It ends now.
She used her powers to propel herself forward, landing directly in your path. You growled at her yet again as she used her powers to hold you. “Y/n...please, stop.” You struggled to get out of the hold, but Wanda held on. “This isn’t you...you wouldn’t want this...I love you more than anything, and I’m so sorry...I hope one day, you’ll forgive me.” 
Wanda used her powers to grab the gun laying by Bucky’s side. She held in to your head, ready to pull the trigger...but she couldn’t. She let out a scream of frustration and dropped her hold on both you and the gun. The gun fell to the ground, but you haven’t moved.
“I can’t do it...I...I’m not strong enough...” Wanda began crying, shutting her eyes and waited for you to finish her off. She failed everyone, no one deserved death more than her. She opened her eyes when nothing came. You stood, staring at her with a tilt of your head. The yellow of your eyes dimming as you stared.
“W....Wan...” You struggled to let out, but it was enough for Wanda to hear. She cried even harder. She was right, you were almost there...but it was too late now.
You took in your surroundings as best you could, you didn’t have a lot of awareness, but you knew enough to piece everything together. You saw the influx of zombies starting to enter to base.  Everyone needed to get away. You turned back to Wanda, and you knew what you had to do. You felt the little control you had start to slip away.
You bent down and picked up the discarded gun. You shakily pointed it to your temple, the control slipping away faster and faster. “Love....you....I...sorry...” You managed to croak out. Before you could lose control completely, you pulled the trigger.
Wanda watched in horror as you shot yourself in the head. Pieces of your brain landing on her, your blood drenching her. She looked down to see your body, half your face still together, but you were gone. Truly gone.
She knelt down sobbing, as she held your body. After a moment she looked up to see the Hulk appear as the zombies began to overwhelm the base. She saw the jet take off, and she gave a weak smile. They got away. Wanda’s job was done. This is where her story ends. All was lost for her.
So when the zombies finally reached her, she didn’t fight back. Accepting her death with open arms.
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lilacmooon · 2 years
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sorry I disappeared. work got crazy. but i'm gonna try and catch up. we will see! finished this one finally for Angstpril. Find the full thing (with the song in the end notes) here
Angstpril 2022 - Day 13: Never Enough
Stones, buried deep in the earth of Air Temple Island, began to vibrate far below her feet as her heart rate increased. Lin could almost hear the great, wrenching screech of stone against stone, against hard-packed dirt and silt, against the roots of the trees that started to topple over as the earth shifted violently beneath them. Tenzin looked around anxiously, his grey eyes flashing with fear.
“Lin, please.” Tenzin urged her. “Calm down.”
Those two words. That was it. That was all it took for her to fall over into a blind rage at the pleading yet still somehow pious sound of his voice. Several large stones burst from the ground, loud as explosions. The quaking of the earth unsettled Tenzin on his feet and he leapt into the air, circling her on his glider.
“Get the fuck back down here, you coward!” Lin roared. “You don’t get to run away from this.”
Earth and bits of stone dusted her clothes and skin and hair as the giant boulders around her began to crack and rupture, as fragile as bird eggs. She wasn’t even sure why she had summoned them to her. Lin knew she couldn’t attack Tenzin. No matter what he had done. She knew that she couldn’t hurl boulders at the temple and greenhouse and other surrounding buildings. Someone could get hurt. But still, her rage and her disbelief and her sorrow was burning so fiercely, just under her skin. It was so heavy and piercing and agonizingly profound. It felt so much like plummeting, falling — this twisting, pulling heartbreak in her chest — that she had only been able to reach out and grab desperately for whatever she could feel to just try and make it stop.
Lin hurled the biggest chunk of earth into the bay, narrowly missing Tenzin who twisted in the air. Another was sent into the vacant gazebo nearby, the sound of splintering wood and shattering rock booming out into the quiet afternoon. By now, a small crowd of acolytes had gathered by the entrance of the temple, looking on with extreme concern. One of them must have ran to get Aang or Katara. They both appeared just as Lin bent a cloud of dust and sharpened pebbles aimed directly for Tenzin’s glider when he swooped lower to avoid another falling tree. A blast of air padded his fall and he stumbled clumsily to his feet before her, his glider in tatters beside him.
“Lin, you have to stop this.” Tenzin growled at her, his voice a mixture of anger, shame, and fear. “I know this is difficult to hear. Difficult to accept. I wish it didn’t have to be this way. I never wanted to hurt you.”
“Oh really?” Lin laughed darkly and more fractures cut through the earth beneath them, making him flinch. “I’m sorry, but, how was I supposed to take this all, Tenzin?”
Tenzin sputtered and stuttered but in the end he didn’t respond. The furrow in his brow was deep and creased. Earth and dust streaked his robes from her sudden onslaught just moments before. Aang started walking towards the two young benders but Katara stopped him at the bottom of the stairs to the courtyard. They both looked on, worried, but Lin couldn’t process that just yet. Couldn’t process the idea of having an audience for this particular humiliation. All she could focus on was Tenzin and the nearly petulant way he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Was I supposed to say ‘Congratulations on your child bride! I hope she’s old enough to give you the dozens of air-babies you so desperately, violently want. Let me just get out of your way’? Would that be more appropriate for you, Tenzin? Am I not allowed to be furious with you?” Lin asked. Another fracture split the earth, threatening to unseat the last remaining tree in their vicinity.
“No…I—” Tenzin muttered, refusing to meet her eyes now.
“You what?” Lin spat out, cursing the tears that sprung up at the edges of her eyes, surrounding the almost pitiful visage of him with a hazy, pain filled fog. A tortured vignette, standing before her. “You thought I would just forget all the times you promised me that you would always love me? Even though we both knew I could never give you what you wanted? Forget the way you wouldn’t let me end things years ago because you’d assured me that I was more than enough? That you and I were enough? Just as we were?”
“I do love you, Lin.” Tenzin’s voice shook, deep and filled with emotion. Having to see Lin like this in front of him, so filled with fury and a cutting, piercing hurt, it was almost too much for him to bear. He had never seen her look like this. Never saw her cry. Not once. Knowing that she was in this much pain because of him? He could barely stand it. Still, he knew nothing he could say would ever be enough to soothe her right now. Maybe not ever. “But things change.”
“They didn’t change for me, Tenzin!” Lin yelled, biting back the sob that tore through her chest, feeling it scratched and hooked into her throat. “I have always been who I said I was. I told you everything. Gave you everything I was able to give. I never hid anything from you. I would never put you through a betrayal like this.”
“Lin, I’m sorry.” Tenzin whispered, tears were falling into his beard but she wouldn’t let them invoke any empathy in her. Not right now. Not anymore. “This isn’t easy for me either.”
Lin’s fists clenched hard at her sides, her arms shaking, nails biting into her palm. Aang must have sensed that one more word from Tenzin might just send Air Temple Island crumbling apart, falling back into the sea, because he stepped forward then.
“What’s going on here?” Aang asked, his voice low and serious.
He waved the acolytes that had gathered by the temple away, leaving him, Lin, Tenzin, and Katara alone in the courtyard. Aang’s comforting and steady presence, the hint of sadness and disappointment in his eyes as he looked around the destroyed courtyard, and then between Tenzin and Lin, it was too much. This all was too much. Katara’s warm, gentle touch at her back as she tried to ease Lin's shaking, tried to bring her closer, finally brought her out of her daze. Lin flinched away from her, skirting the many earthen voids that her boulders had left behind along with the fallen trees.
“You tell them.” Lin hissed out, jutting her chin out in Tenzin’s direction, clenching her jaw tight to keep from losing it all over again. “I don’t belong here anymore anyway.”
Katara and Aang called after her as she made her way down the hill to the dock but she ignored them. The ache in her chest was bitter and caustic, thick and pressing at the edges of her resolve. Every little bit of willpower she had left was being spent preventing herself from breaking down. Lin stared blankly at the blue water of the bay, exhausted and worn. Suddenly, even standing felt like a feat so she sat down on the wood of the dock, warmed by the strong summer sun. Despite all of the raw and astringent emotions that had just utterly throttled her, Lin was finding it impossible to fully process this as reality. How does one transition from what was supposed to be just another normal afternoon spent with the person you love to complete and total devastation? How does one recover from the absolute annihilation of a nearly decade long love? Of being told that…you would just never be enough. Not for him and not for anyone. In a matter of minutes, Lin had lost not only her best friend and lover, but her family too. Her sense of peace, her other home. The one that had felt more like home than her own ever had. It was impossible to cope with. Especially when she couldn’t even conceive it.
Slowly, as she boarded the ferry and let it carry her across the water, it all started to settle in. It sunk, weighted and bitter, into the pit of her stomach. The aching bite of it chewing at her more and more as the city grew closer and closer. The sickening feeling brought on by it all lingered within her persistently, for weeks. Lin avoided reading the papers, ignored all the comments traded back and forth not so quietly behind her back at work, neglected all the phone calls and letters from Katara and Tenzin. But still, the dull stab of it persisted. She had taken to walking in the park at night, unable to sleep with the incessant tugging of her insecurities, her fears, and her unwavering anger about the whole wretched thing. It was easy to deny how sad she was too, lonely and heartbroken, when she buried it underneath such a flaming and ferocious fury. It blanketed every other hurtful feeling inside her, scorched it all away beneath the onerous onslaught, like lava swallowing a village until nothing, not a single thing, is left alive.
The unmistakable bellow of a sky bison vibrated in the air above her head, pulling her violently from her thoughts. Spirits, could she not even take a walk alone in the park without him haunting her?
“Beat it, Tenzin.” Lin growled out as the bison landed heavily in front of her. “Or this time, you will be pulling rock shards out of your stupid bald head and not just your glider.”
“Lin?” Aang’s voice called as he stood in the saddle. “I thought that might be you.”
Lin stiffened, taken aback, suddenly glad she had refrained from using all the expletives that had been perched and ready on the tip of her tongue. Something told her that Aang would not have appreciated them being hurled at him. Not in the slightest. Appa let out a great, long-suffering sigh that caused Lin to smile weakly, small and lopsided as the wind of it ruffled her hair. She stepped forward and pressed her forehead to his nose, feeling his warm breath breeze against her face as he huffed and puffed at her.
“I missed you too,” she told Appa softly. Then Lin turned to face Aang as he stepped to the ground gracefully from the saddle. She was trying hard to quell the fluttering in her chest at his sudden presence. And the brief pang in her heart that had pierced through her at the thought of the person she had feared she would be forced to face, for a moment. “Did you need something from me?”
Lin was half hoping that some sort of calamity had struck the city, unbeknownst to her, during her short walk through the park. Something that she could rush off to help with in order to avoid the conversation currently playing out behind Aang’s concerned, grey eyes.
“Not particularly, no.” Aang admitted with the air of somebody who wanted to say more but was waiting patiently for the right opportunity to say it. Lin forced herself not to sigh in exasperation as Aang continued. “But now that you mention it, I suppose I could use some help with some things on the island. Things that can only be mended by the skills of an earthbender?”
“I don’t know.” Lin said tightly, flinching slightly at the mention of the havoc she had wreaked just a few weeks ago. The guilt that came along with her destruction of the courtyard spread, cold and thick in her chest. An icy balm to her fiery fury.
“You could come by tomorrow.” Aang pressed on gently, skillfully. “Tenzin will be tied up in the city all day with council business. And if I remember correctly, tomorrow is one of your weekly scheduled days off?”
“It is.”
“Excellent. So I will see you in the morning?”
“I suppose you will.” Lin relented with a sigh, uncrossing her arms so she could give Appa a pat before Aang climbed back into the saddle. “Goodnight, Uncle Aang. Appa.”
With a warm rush of air, they both took to the sky once more, leaving Lin alone to combat against the prickling, uncomfortable longing to just go home that lingered with her despite her best efforts. The island wasn’t her home any longer. If it ever even had been to begin with. Lin needed to focus on cleaning up her mess and that was all. Hoping for anything else was just going to make it harder to move on from what she had lost. A life filled with family, love, and belonging. The kind of life that she knew she would never be enough for.
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