natjennie · 1 year
"he was my bodyguard. he was the best man at my wedding. he was my friend" "to be a vampire is my dream, to be your familiar would be my honor" "we have a long history guillermo" "I know you better than almost anybody" IS ANYONE LISTENING CAN ANYONE HEAR ME HELLO HELLO IS ANYBODY THERE
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favorite-lie · 8 months
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DONATE HERE: https://boosty.to/favorite_lie
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800-dick-pics · 10 months
Help me take care of my Black Disabled Elder!!!
I have been caretaking for one of my elders (without pay) because there is nobody else but me to do it. I NEED at the very least $175 to be able to take them to doctors and PT appointments. Its getting urgent! I do not have enough money to take them to PT TOMORROW DEC 8TH!!! If there is nobody there to help my family member then they will be UNABLE TO HEAL FROM MAJOR SURGERY! Please just help if you can. I am so stressed about making this appointment.
$175 GOAL!!!
CA: $sleepyhen
VN: wildwotko
DM 4 P@ypal
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baseheadattack · 6 months
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late but this was for trans visibility day !!
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batwynn · 4 months
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Hello! You may know me as Batwynn or Brahn from around the internets. I’ve created this Kofi fund for a friend who is in a really bad situation with their parents and must remain anonymous for their safety. Right now, their most urgent need is to get their emotional support cat and best friend to the vet. It is VERY urgent as the cat is passing some blood in her urine. EVERY donation will receive a free art from me, but you must come give me your request info via Tumblr, Instagram, twitter, etc! More info: They need funds both to get to the vet and for blood work, urine tests, and the general vet fees. The next goal will be to get them both out of the unsafe environment they are currently trapped in with their parents. Any additional donations will go directly towards moving out asap.
Important note: Some of you might know who this is for as we share a fandom, but please be aware that they need to remain anonymous for their safety and to make sure any funds they receive aren't stolen by their abusers.
As always, every little bit helps! I will keep everyone updated here and on Kofi, and please don't hesitate to message me with your donation art request! If you are unable to donate, please signal boost this as much as possible! You never know who could see it and make a HUGE difference for them!
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subukunojess · 6 months
Help Me and My Family With Billing and Returning to School
Hello. My name is Jessica. I am a 30 autistic asexual Hispanic woman who is currently working on a Master's degree in Professional and Creative Writing. I usually do not do this, but I really need help.
A few months ago, my family and I moved upstate and bought our first home after living in apartments every since I was born. We lived in public housing for twenty years until a miracle happened and we were able to get a home which I am striving for it to be our forever home where we will be safe and happy.
A lot of things happened recently:
The new bills we have to pay plus paying for mortgage has taken a toll on us.
Due to mental and emotional health issues, I messed up my last semester and I have a debt of $6,300.00 US dollars as of this day (4/12) will go to collections since I didn't have the $523 to do a payment plan.
My grandmother passed away weeks ago and with sudden financial decisions, we had to cut down on a lot of expenses.
Currently, I am working in a part-time job that I use my checks to pay for my bills and to help pay my family's bills. With my deteriorating self-esteem and increased stress, it is difficult for me to support my family.
Please help me so that my family and I won't be homeless. I need money to pay off my debt so I can continue my education, finish my degree, and maintain a more stable life.
My goal is $10,000. $6,300 will pay off my college debt while the rest will be used to pay our bills and mortgage. Please share and support however you can. I am also going to look into doing commissions.
GOAL: 20/10,000
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wulfricgrayscale · 5 days
Girl who desperately needs $40 before midnight so she doesn't lose her apartment voice: Hey guys how's it going
Anyway sorry for being Cringe and posting like this again but my leads on jobs have been falling through and comms are few and far between so if you can throw a few dollars at me I will do a silly little dance, thank you
Lank below, please share if you can
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actualredleader · 8 months
I hate having to ask for this, but it's not for me. It's for my baby Morris. On Sunday night, he had to be rushed to the emergency vet and was found to have 3 slipped lumbar discs leading to him being unable to use his back legs. We were sent home with steroids and pain killers, told to give him crate rest and monitor him. The following Tuesday night, his condition worsened. We returned to the emergency vet was were given 5 more medications. We are currently unable to afford any transfers to the animal hospital, and were told to keep him on his meds and monitor closely at home for any signs of improvement. If he worsens, then we will have to see a neurologist to discuss surgery and possibly putting him down.
I've owned Morris since I was 16. He's been with me through everything. He's been my constant through loved ones deaths, near homelessness, abuse, assault, and other traumas. I don't want to just give up on him. He's my baby. He still has a fight in him. I've started a GoFundMe to try to raise any money to cover estimated cost for surgery and treatment for him. ALL funds will we going towards helping him get better and recover. Please please please help us out, I can't lose my cat. Anything is appreciated, even if it's just sharing this around.
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If you can’t commission me, please reblog this and spread the word! I greatly appreciate when people signal boost my posts and all that! And for all of you guys following me still, I appreciate you all being there for me. I sincerely hope we can continue this journey together if possible.
I give special thanks to @camdynlovesakuandrashou for sincerely helping me out with this template. I can’t thank him enough for helping me with this situation! 🩷✨
If you’re interested please DM me and I’ll accept payment through PayPal. I’ll gladly fill in each slot. 🌹✨
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venomgaia · 6 months
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Help me get my sibling settled!!!
tldr, last tuesday-ish (March 19th) my family's house caught fire! While everyone is okay, a lot of stuff was destroyed and/or stolen and the house itself is unlivable for the forseeable future. Whatever could be salvaged has been, and the house will be going under construction in the next few months, which is when we'll decide what to do.
While my family has found temporary housing for the time being, they don't have enough permanant space to fully house my sibling @mudcabbagekitty /@clockwork-phantasm. I want to fly them to where I live right now, just for a few months until a more stable solution gets sorted out!
Because of this, I'm temporarily opening commissions for the forseeable future!
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Chibis, experimental, and sketchpages are unlimited for now, but please ask for one at a time. Fullbody piece slots are currently open! (0/3)
Thank you!
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traumatizeddykeboy · 11 months
Emergency post. I have nowhere long term left to turn. I am on the verge of being homeless. I've been asked to leave my current living space. If anyone has any resources or is willing to help please please please reach out. I don't want to be homeless again.
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favorite-lie · 1 year
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PLEASE SHARE THIS POST !!! (repost due to a HUGE price drop)
we have about a month to collect the needed amount, and simply sharing this post will help us A LOT !!!
I know the previous one was shared a lot which I'm DEEPLY thankful for, however, this NEEDS TO BE RESHARED due to a massive price change I've made, I hope it's okay!
also I want to say thank you to everyone who has donated already! there have been no commissioners so far, but quite a few who have donated!! thank you all for everything <3 we already have around 100!
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boxwinebaddie · 1 month
so i was shooting the shit with the girlies in the group chat earlier and we were talking about the great outdoors, which, of course, are great to everyone...EXCEPT JERSEYKYLE who is basically a spoiled brat and pampered house cat and the only thing he thinks would be great about the outdoors...is if one of them would Fucking OPEN and take him back inside to civilization, cable tv and air conditioning.
like i think in the future when j.k. is working his full-time guidance counsellor job ( mr. bro, you are everything to me, baby ) they coerce him ( probably with pastries, paid vacation time and peer pressure ) into chaperoning the 5th grade weekend overnight camping fieldtrip, which ravenstanley marsh, of course, tells him is a great idea and it’d be fun to be out in the forest....It Was NAUGHT.
i am picturing him in like the big puffy orange jacket and like the grown up version of the green ushanka/ear muffs, shivering, snifflin, shrieking, crying about bears or red, blotchy, completely sunburned, totally bugging about bugs, tear-gassing everything with insecticide,
ready to End It All...
meanwhile future ravenstan, who i like to think went back to school, minored in wildlife, became an badass emergency travel veterinarian, is constantly on the move and on location ( and by that i mean like srsly impoverished third world countries, the amazon rainforest, rural new zealand where they desperately need vets, australia with all the shit that can fkn Kill You, buttfuck -40 siberia saving the polar bears )
working with non-profit wildlife protection and conservation efforts, has a little squad of hyper-vigilant zoomanitarian search and rescue emergency animal doctors that specifically head to dangerous places doing intense emt roadside surgeries, goth boy apothecary hot boy shit, foraging for supplies, making life-saving medicine out of tiny mushrooms and pieces of tree bark, running through fields with possible landmines in it to save endangered species, going full emo indistana jones adventuring and saving the world as captain stanet in no mans land w/ all his tattoos and piercings ( hero KING! )
...just pointing and laughing at teacher yersey when he finally gets thirty min of service on the helicopter flying out of snake island, brazil having nearly escaped having his flesh melted off by pit vipers doing important smart boy science research on different poisons and his fiancé calls him bc he got a bug bite and he thinks he's Cooked.
live laugh love ravesey style, everybody.
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angelinatoybox · 2 months
Please help me keep my apartment!
Hello!! My name is Jaszmine and I am asking for help so that I do not lose my apartment this month. I have another account on here but I am unfortunately too shy to ask for help but since I am in an emergency situation I can't afford to feel that way right now.
TLDR and gofundme link on the bottom:
To start, I was finally able to leave an abusive home that I lived in for the past 24 years. I got my first apartment in June and it was the first major thing I had ever done for myself. But unfortunately, a few days before I was about to move in, my big sister passed away. My life had been going further downhill since then. Two months prior to all of this, at my then new job, they had started extreme budget cuts which largely effected our hours. I am supposed to be full-time and worked 36 hours a week. Very shortly after I had gotten hired, my hours went down to 21 hours per week. (more below)
At first this was somewhat manageable, then coincidentally, two weeks after I had moved into my apartment and my sister had died, I had received an email telling me that my wages were soon to be garnished for student loans… STUDENT LOANS. They had informed me that they would be taking 25% from my already short paychecks- my checks that were already small due to them cutting hours. I had the organization that was garnishing me, under their advising, to send them my paystubs and expenses so that they can lower the percentage that were taking and/or completely stop- but they denied twice. Despite seeing how little my checks were compared to my rent, on top of my other utilities.
My account has been in overdraft for months. I am not able to get food for myself at all. I have applied for food stamps and have been denied twice. They said I make too much which is insane to me, because I have absolutely zero spending money. I don’t even have spare change.
I have applied for so many jobs ever since they have been cutting hours. I have been turned down by each and every one. I have two more job interviews coming up that I am PRAYING goes through because my whole situation literally depends on it. I have asked for more hours at work and they always respond that there are none to give and that there are absolutely no shifts to pick up. I have tried food pantries and I am unable to get transportation to go out there. I cannot even afford a bus pass.
In the past two weeks, I have already received an eviction notice on my door- and mind you, I JUST moved into this apartment. I have finally been able to get a court date to file for hardship for my wage garnishment case, and I am extremely anxious about how I am going to be able to make it there. I have no friends or family who live around me who are able to take me.
My next paycheck comes on the 31st of this month, and I already know that the very little that I am going to get with this check will be going entirely towards my rent. My electric, phone and water bill are going to be cut off and this will be another month that I have very little to no food in my fridge. I am just praying that its at least enough to cover my rent. I absolutely cannot afford to lose this apartment. Shelters are unfortunately not an option for me and I absolutely do not wish to go back to my previous residence. I'm hoping that this job I am interviewing for comes through because it really make all of the difference with how my current situation is going.
TDLR: I moved into a new apt in June, my work hours have been cut since April and my wages are getting garnished for student loans. I have little to no food and I am needing enough to cover the rest of my rent for the month of August.
Anything helps! And I am deeply grateful for everyone who donates and/or took the time to read this. Thank you!!
I can also take:
Chime and cashapp: $jpjpow
Paypal: @jaszminepowell
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zumicho · 3 months
I just finished writing wdo choose what’s next….
otc or stamped
+ for those waiting for white denim overalls it will be out 2nite !!!! last ep & epilogue (hehe hi ness)
stamped is conventionally funnier / a more fun read but off the charts has a very very very special place in my heart so I do really need help deciding
otc is something I’d love to turn into a movie one day — aspiring (emphasis on aspiring) prod. speaking AA imagine a soulmate au with A24 inspired colorgrading
OOPS RANT.. what im trying to say is i love OTC’s story but stamped’s yn is LITERALLY ME ??? HELP???
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gentlelarkspur · 1 year
This is my cat Hank. He's 9 years old and I love him like the stars.
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Hank was diagnosed with lymphoma this week. It took about a month of blood tests, ultrasounds, a cytology, and an oncology visit.
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I adopted Hank when I was in the middle of a mental health crisis, and I just needed something to give me a reason to be here. I drove from Los Angeles to Riverside CA because I had seen a gorgeous long-haired lilac pointed kitten that was going to be at a rescue event. By the time I got to the event, that kitten had already been adopted, but I stuck around to look at the others. My sister had come out to help me choose a kitten, and she was actually the one who picked up Hank. He crawled all over my sister and I and sat on my shoulder purring, and that's when I decided to take him home.
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My sister is also the one who named him. We were both watching The Vlogbrothers together, and she named him Hank because he was curious, friendly, and loved "talking". He hates being alone, and you can always find him in a five foot radius of me or mom.
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It doesn't matter what you're doing, he needs to be the center of attention. Which is only fair, I mean look at him:
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Hank has seen me through a severe mental health crisis, my mother's stroke, two years of treatment for an autoimmune disorder that wrecked my body, the worst of the pandemic, and my bother's suicide. He means the world to me. The fact that a bunch of imaginary numbers in a computer somewhere can determine whether he even gets a CHANCE to beat this cancer is a horrific, awful thing that is tearing my heart apart. I can't do this alone.
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Please reblog this.
Please share it.
If you're in a place to do so, please consider donating.
I know he's just one small cat in a world full of people and animals in need. But I'm the only voice this little furball has, so I'm pleading on his behalf: please help me help him have a fighting chance. There's no guarantee he can beat it, but without treatment then there's no chance at all. I am doing everything I can, but I can't do it alone.
Thank you.
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