#I NEED Sam and Betty to meet
deanwinchesterpregnant · 10 months
I would pay real money for a Supernatural/Riverdale crossover. PLEASE
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angellbarnes · 1 year
denial is best served hot
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day 2 - rivals
pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
summary: it's a competition between you two, always. every mission. this one, though, turns out a little differently than you'd expected.
word count: 3.8k
warnings: very very brief mention of blood, criminals, violence, 18+, dry humping, hands stuff but over clothes, utterly filthy dirty talk, horny asf Bucky
A/N: so I'm finally posting. day 2 of my 30 day writing challenge... 12 days later. but that's besides the point. the point is, it's posted and I wayy underestimated how busy I was going to feel after posting the first part. hopefully it'll be more regular from now on, but I think I'd rather take a lil more time on these fics and have the 30 days a bit more flexible, than rush out some that I know I could do so much better on. anyway, please enjoy☺️🤍
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You’re heading towards the meeting room after being called for a mission. The lift stops on Bucky’s floor and he steps in. You side eye each other as the doors close. It’s tense, but comfortable, as the atmosphere usually is between you two. 
“What do you think the mission is?” You ask him. 
“Whatever it is, just know that I’ll do it better.” You can sense his smirk while keeping your gaze forward. 
“In your dreams, Barnes.” The doors open and you pat his chest before walking off. “In your dreams.” 
He follows with a huff. 
A friendly rivalry is the way you two put it. It may not come across so friendly, but no harm has ever been done by it. Just a constant competition between you to prove who is the “better” Avenger. You even tried to get everyone to answer a questionnaire about it. To which you only got two replies: Sam who, with no hesitation, answered you, and Tony who simply wrote down his own name.
It all started during a mission, when you and Bucky had decided to take separate hallways, which conveniently had the same number of opposing agents down each, and see who could take them the fastest. The winner, so be it, was the one who reached the adjoining room first. He made it first, and you’d tried to argue your case, wiping blood from your face, and he’d come out clean as a whistle. You made it your mission, from then on, to prove his arrogant ass wrong, and smack the smug grin clean off his pretty face. He bragged about this for ages, and you desperately wanted something to boast, and humiliate him, about. 
Fury is waiting in the meeting room when you walk in. You seem to be the only ones there.
“Where’s everyone else?” You question.
“Oh, there is no one else.” Fury states. “It’s just going to be the two of you. We need to be as discreet as possible, so we want to keep numbers low.”
You and Bucky glance at each other, silent competition instantly arising.
“So, what is the mission?” Bucky enquires.��
“A guy, to put it simply.” Fury replies. “Or, an underground drug and crime lord associated with multiple different gangs, groups and countries and is very, very dangerous. Murder, torture, kidnap, fraud, theft, you name it, he’s done it. But this guy is damn hard to catch. We have a lead at the moment, the best one we’ve had, to an underground club. Criminals only, essentially. Called ‘The KillOut’.”
“Ohh, I get it. It’s like chill out, but kill out, right?” Bar the reason for it, you quite like the name.
“Wait a second, I recognise that name. I think I’ve been there. Before. As the Winter Soldier, that is.” Bucky says, a concerned frown upon his face.
“So, what, you’re sending us there? How will we even get in?” You ask. Fury taps the screen he’s holding, and projects it to the one behind. Two profiles show up.
‘Your new aliases.” He responds. “Bucky, I’m afraid you’ll be returning as the Winter Soldier. They already know you, admire you. We’ve got a new arm for you to wear that is identical to your old one. I know it’ll be hard, but you’re just gonna have to, ok?”
Bucky takes a deep breath and simply nods at Fury’s request.
“Y/L/N, you’re now going as Betty Smalls, a seemingly innocent but seductive accomplice of the Winter Soldier. You’re an angel by day but the devil by night, so be it. Make it believable, you two. Our aim is to get him alone, so we have a way of restraining him and taking him away. You have a few hours to prepare and get ready, and your outfits are waiting for you back upstairs.” And with that, Fury sends the two of you off again.
You both receive your profiles whilst in the lift, and a copy of the mission report and what needs to go down in order for it to be successful.
“Be prepared to fail, Barnes, and for me to rise from your ashes as the saviour for this team. Not even sure why you should bother coming along.” You tease.
“I’m the Winter Soldier, sweetheart. You wouldn’t even be able to attend without me.” He quips back.
“Fine. But that’s all you’re going to be good for.” 
“See you later, Betty.” Bucky says as he gets out on his floor. He turns and you simply salute him, with a ‘See ya, soldier’ as the doors close on you.
You reach your room and, sure enough, your outfit it layed out, with Nat holding a pair of strappy black heels beside.
“Pretty cute, huh?” She comments.
“Hmm.” You stare at the longline and elegant black dress, the long, white fur coat, and the heels once again and question what led you to this moment. “Hello, Betty.”
You get to the car that’s waiting for you, barely making it there with both of your ankles in one piece. Bucky is already there waiting. You’d be lying if you said he didn’t look hot as hell clad in leather like that, trousers clinging to his thick thighs. You clear your throat and compose your dirty thoughts as you approach.
“Wow,” he coos as he looks you up and down. “Betty looks good.” You wonder if the complement is for you too. Either way, you can feel a small butterfly going crazy in your stomach, having his eyes rake over you like that. He almost looks hungry.
“Take a picture, Buck. It’ll last longer.” You smirk, crossing your arms, unaware that it’s just enhanced your cleavage. Bucky has to tear his eyes away, feeling a sudden tightness in his trousers. “Anyway, Betty has almost broken both of her ankles in these ridiculous shoes. They’re something I should be looking at, not wearing.” You let yourself flop down into the backseat. Bucky chuckles and shuts your door, heading to the other side and sitting down beside you. You both put in your ear pieces and the driver starts the car.
“You guys ready?” Fury’s voice rings in your ear.
“Ready.” You say simultaneously. 
You both get out of the car, Bucky offering his arm, which you take, before heading to the entrance. There are two huge – huge – men covering the doors. Alas, you keep your confident visage. You’re a criminal now, remember?
“I’m not Bucky anymore, ok?” Bucky whispers, face oh so close to yours. A shiver runs through you. “Call me soldier, tonight. I don’t care how stupid it is, that’s how I am – was – known.” You turn your face, unaware of how close you’d be to him.
“Ok.” You breathe. You carry on walking towards the front of what looks like an abandoned warehouse.
You see the men squint at Bucky, perhaps recognising him. Then look to you. It seems your outfit is enough to distract them as they look at each other and begin whistling and commenting. You roll your eyes to yourself.
“Soldat.” They both say, standing tall in front of who they think is still the Winter Soldier. Bucky simply glares at them. “And who’s this treat?” One of them says, turning to you.
“Betty Smalls, pleased to meet you.” You smile seductively through your lashes, clinging to Bucky’s arm, one hand upon his chest.
“The pleasure is all ours, sweetheart.” You cringe at them but keep up the act.
“She’s with me.” Bucky deadpans to them. They both clear their throats, stepping to the side and opening the doors for them. You blow a kiss as you walk through, turning to wink at the other. God, men are so easy to fool in a tight dress and lipgloss.
You head down some stairs, turning left at the bottom and, there it is, above another door, a neon sign with the words “the KillOut” in glowing red.
‘Here we go.” You say to Bucky. He gives you a tight-lipped smile.
“Betty.” He says.
“Soldier.” And with that, he opens the door and you’re exposed to an entirely different world. A world full of people, criminals, who look just like anyone else would in a club. You keep your cool as Bucky leads you to the bar. There are many eyes on the two of you, whispers between everybody and the Winter Soldier and his girl walk through. All Bucky has to do is look at someone with his intense stare and they’ll move out the way. It’s kinda hot, you think to yourself.
“An old fashioned for me and a pornstar martini for the lady.” Bucky says to the bartender. You flash him a ‘seriously?’ look and he just winks back at you. So does the bartender when he hands you your glass. 
You take your drinks and Bucky stares a couple out of their seats in a booth in the corner of the bar. You have the view of the whole place from where you are. 
“There.” Bucky says, eyeing a man who’s just walked in, sitting himself at the bar. “That’s our guy.”
“You’ve located him?” Fury asks through the comms.
“Apparently so. But that is not who I was expecting.” His flamboyant style consists of a deep burgundy/pink suit, with, no doubt real, rhinestone detailing along his collar and lapels. His black suede boots have at least a two inch heel to them. His cheekbones shimmer under the dim lighting with highlight and his red eyeliner perfectly compliments his devilish looks. As well as that, you notice the way he crosses one leg over the other and delicately stirs his drink while eyeing up the bartender.
“Well, I never.” You say, leaning back into your seat and folding your arms.
“Ok, go and order me another drink and flirt with him. Our best option is for you to seduce him so we can get him alone.” You laugh a little too loudly and have to cover your mouth at his suggestion. He looks extremely confused at your outburst. “What?”
“I think you mean you need to seduce him.” You shortly reply.
“Excuse me?” He questions, sitting more upright to face you.
“Are you kidding me? Even a blind person could see that he’s oh, so clearly, gay, Barnes.” You're smiling excessively and his mouth has dropped. You smirk and prop his jaw back up so his mouth is shut. “What are you waiting for? Go get him, tiger.”
“Oh, I don’t think so, Y/L/N. I see what you’re doing. You’re trying to humiliate me, hit on this guy for your amusement. It’s not going to work. Now just go so we can get this mission over with.” You sigh at his ignorance, although that would be a good prank. Maybe another time.
“No, Buck, I’m not doing anything. Look at the guy. He’s one Madonna song away from voguing across the floor.” Your state. 
“Criminals can be over the top, you know? Just remember Zemo and his purple pimp coat.” He quips.
“Ok. What about the fact that he’s practically drooling over the bartender?” Your question is aimed rhetorically. Bucky is clearly struggling for an answer and the two of you become stuck in an intense staring contest. Neither planning on breaking first.
“Status report, guys? How’re we lookin’?” Fury asks.
“Bucky can’t accept the fact that our guy is clearly gay as all hell and is trying to get me to seduce him.” You reply, still not breaking eye contact.
“Wait, so let me get this straight. You two have gone to a bar, got yourselves a drink, sat yo’ asses down and have been arguing over whether the incredibly dangerous criminal we’re trying to capture is into fuckin’ men or women? Are you fucking kidding me?” Suddenly, Fury’s words send yours and Bucky’s eyes back to your target. “Get your heads together, agents, and will one of you, for the love of God, go and flirt with the enemy.” Fury cuts off and you’re left in silence. Bucky leans back in his seat and you raise a brow at him.
“Go. You heard the guy. Now, go ‘n’ flirt with the enemy.” He smirks. 
“Fine. I’ll go over. I’m going to have so much fun proving you wrong. My gaydar is never off.” You hold your glass up to Bucky as he scoffs, and saunter over to your target, who you know as Mr. Argot Boughley.
“Hey, honey. Saw you from the other side of the bar. Thought you looked lonely.” You wink at him and take a sip from your glass.
“Oh, I’m sorry babe, I’m not-”
“Oh, no, I know.” You cut the man off, chuckling. “I can tell a man’s man from a mile off. My friend, he’s shy, you see. But sweet as sugar once you get past the murderous tendency, am I right?” You point your glass towards Bucky, to which Argot’s eyes follow. You see him looking confused in his shadowy confinement of the corner booth. “Cute, right?”
“Mmm, as a puppy. I bet he looks good with blood on his hands.” He comments, side eyeing you with a smirk.
“Like you wouldn’t believe.” You play along. Whatever gets him captured and proves Bucky wrong. “He likes a confident guy. I’ll send him your way, shall I? You two look hot together, I can already tell.”
“Tell him I’ll have a drink, and maybe something more, waiting for him.” He winks, biting his lip as he drinks Bucky’s form with his eyes. You walk smugly over to Bucky and sit yourself back in the booth. He looks concerned.
“Well? Did he fall for you or not? Should get back over there so you can get him alone.” Bucky says, to which you just giggle.
“Oh, baby boy. Sweet, naive, baby Bucky. That man over there is as straight as a roundabout. I’m not doing anything for him, but I told him I’d send you over. And he’s got a drink waiting for you.” Bucky’s eyes widen at your words, and you relish in his confusion. He has no words coming out of his open mouth.
“He’s really gay, huh?” Bucky weakly accepts his defeat and you grin in response as he makes eye contact with Argot, who holds up the drink he’s ordered.
“Time to shine, Barnes. Get your gay on. And, whatever you do, don’t fuck it up.”
He takes a breath and, shaking his head at you, stands himself up and heads over to Argot. You sit back and let the scene in front of you unfold. 
Argot begins by caressing Bucky’s thigh and continuously leaning closer to him. To begin with, you’re chuckling to yourself, thinking of the things you’ll be able to tell the team when you get back, but Bucky seems surprisingly believable when he also leans closer to Argot. Bucky’s hand roams Argot’s thigh and torso, as he grins and charms the pants off of Argot. You find yourself frowning at the two of them, unsure of the twang of jealousy that creeps through you. Their faces grow closer and closer and, before you know it, they share a short, but sweet kiss. 
Props to Bucky for the commitment, though you now find yourself wanting another drink. A strong one.
You can’t help the way your jaw drops when Argot begins leading Bucky away from the bar and through a doorway that you assumed led to the bathroom. Clearing your throat and trying to look as discrete and nonchalant as possible, you follow shortly after. It’s acting. Bucky’s acting. So, why did your jealousy feel so real?
When you turn the corner, you’re met with a corridor littered with doors, each to a different room. They must be for everyone’s criminal meetings. Or, whatever. You roll your eyes at your internal monologue and talk into your comm.
“Buck, if you can answer me, which room are you in?” No response.
You start heading slowly down the corridor, hand lightly atop the blade tucked neatly beneath your dress. Your head is lowered, trying to focus on and make out the sounds coming from each room. And there were a lot. Yelling, negotiating, probably murdering, moaning, the lot, and then there it is. A deep thud. And a muffled ‘goddamnit’ from Bucky. 
“Bingo.” You say, staring at room 22. You groan when you find that the door is locked. You’re pressed up against it to see if you can hear anything else going on, when it’s unlocked and you go stumbling into Bucky.
“Steady.” He chuckles as you straighten yourself up. He shuts the door and locks it again. “Careful, I think you’re starting to fall for me.” He smirks, hands proudly on his hips. Your throat is dry but you manage a dirty look his way.
“What did you do to him?” You ask when you turn your focus to Argot. He’s out like a light.
“A simple dose of my fist in his face. Trust me, he’ll be out for hours.” He gets to work tying Argot’s hands behind his back, ready to get him out of here and most likely shut the rest of the club down.
“Huh, good work I guess.”
“I was going to keep him around for a bit longer to see if I could get some information out of him first but, uh. He, uh… He tried to…” Bucky’s stuttering like crazy and your grinning, arms crossed, head tilted, ready for him to admit his wrong. “He tried to kiss me. Again. And more. I don’t know, it was a reflex. But, whatever, you, uh, you were right.” He mumbles the last part and turns away sheepishly.
“I’m so sorry, Barnes, I missed that last part. I was what?” You move closer to him and wait for him to say it to your face.
“You were right about Argot.” He mumbles again.
“Nope, sorry. Didn’t catch that.” Suddenly his eyes grow wide and you’re slammed against the wall. His body is firmly pressed against yours, faces mere inches apart and breathing heavily. Your heart rate has most certainly doubled.
“I said, princess, that you. Were. Right.” His eyes bore into your soul and you honestly can’t tell any of your emotions apart anymore.
“That’s all I wanted to hear.” You squeak.
“But don’t get me wrong. You may have been right about Argot,” Oh no, his cocky voice is out. “but don’t think I didn’t notice the way your fist clenched around your glass when he touched me, or how you couldn’t bear the sight of him leaning in towards me, even more so when he kissed me. Bet you wished it was your hands, your lips, on me, huh?”
You’re speechless. He’s right. How can he be right? You take in a sharp breath and dare yourself to look into his piercing eyes.
“In your dreams, Barnes.” You just about make a sound. A very unconvincing one. So much so, Bucky chuckles at your weak excuse for a response. He brings his hand to caress your cheek.
“Babygirl, you can deny this all you want, but I sure as hell was picturing your lips when he kissed me. Darlin’ it’s the only way I could do it. Be honest, you’ve never thought about it? About this, about us? Tell me you haven’t, and I’ll back away right now.” He lowers himself to release his deep voice into your ear. “Right now.”
You’ve never wanted a man so bad. And you hate yourself for it.
You turn yourself to look at him, lust blanketing over both of you like a storm. A surge of emotions and desire, now taking over. “I hate you. Come here.” You grab his face and pull him to your lips. The kiss is deep, passionate, messy, and long overdue. 
Finally, the pent up tension that you’d each been denying is being released. And it couldn’t be hotter. Your hands roam each other like it’s life or death, just wanting to feel each other. Everywhere. Your lips don’t stop. Then he starts kissing, nipping and licking your neck, forcing moans from you. You pull his hips into you and his hard on presses up into you. You both groan and look into each other's eyes. He begins grinding against you and you resume the kiss, now peppered with moans in between. You tug on his hair and he releases an almost feral sound. You smirk up at him. He does the same in return as he slips his hand beneath your dress and lets his hands roam over your soaked panties.
“All this for me?” He whispers, nipping at your ear. The sensation of him rubbing the thin fabric over your clit has you arching and moaning against him. “Doll, I don’t know how I’ve gone this long without fucking you. I’ve thought about it, ya know? By myself. In bed, in the shower. But I knew my hand would never feel as good as you would wrapped around me. It’ll never be as good as having my cock inside that pretty pussy of yours. Isn’t that right, baby?” 
You’re a mess. From his words, from his actions. This man is going to ruin you. And you’re going to let him.
“Yes.” You gasp. “Bucky, fuck, thought about you too. Touched myself thinking ‘bout you. But this is so much better.” You palm his erection over his trousers and he groans deeply into your neck.
“Fuck, baby.” He breathes.
“By the way, I’m still gonna tell everyone about how I was right about Argot.”
“I swear, I’m-”
“Agents? It’s been a while. What the hell is going on over there and please, for the sake of my sanity, tell me that motherfucker is caught now.” Nick’s voice yells at both of you, clearly unaware of anything. Your hand flies to cover your mouth. You can’t help the chuckle that escapes your lips, and Bucky does the same. He brings his hand to his ear.
“Everything’s fine. We’ve got the guy. He’s down and ready to be brought back. You can send the other agents in to shut this place down.” Bucky replies. Cool, calm and collected. Like nothing else was going on.
“Finally. What in the hell took you so long?” Fury bites back.
“Uh, yeah, sorry about that. Things got a little… harder than we expected.” You roll your hips against Bucky and he clenches his jaw not to make a sound.
“Fine. Well, at least it’s done. Good work. You can head back to the compound now.”
You’re left in a silence, eyes devouring each other. Hungry for each other
Bucky leans back down to you, a growling undertone to his words “Guess we’ve gotta finish what we started back at the compound. I can’t wait to be inside you, doll.”
“Excuse me?” Fury’s voice is back and both your eyes widen. 
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trofysisters · 6 months
Решила поиграть в Симс 4, для чего взяла девушку, созданную для испытания Холостяк ещё в базовой игре.
(I decided to play The Sims 4, for which I took the girl created for the Bachelor challenge in the base game)
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Она немного изменилась с тех пор, нашла работу. Знакомьтесь, это Бэтти.
(She has changed a little since then, she found a job. Meet Betty)
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Как вы понимаете, сердце холостяка она не покорила, но желание найти любовь ее не покинуло. Она даже влюбилась в одного горячего парня - Давида (пациента из оконченного челленджа Психушка).
(As you understand, she did not win the bachelor’s heart, but the desire to find love did not leave her. She even fell in love with one hot guy - David (a patient from the completed Asylum challenge)
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Но тот даже слышать не хотел о ее чувствах.
(But he didn’t even want to hear about her feelings)
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А когда она приглашала его в кафе, он засматривался на других дам или убегал с ними знакомиться. Огромное спасибо @cubzikbuilds за прекрасные постройки!
(And when she invited him to a cafe, he looked at other ladies or ran away to meet them. Many thanks to @cubzikbuilds for the wonderful buildings!)
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На фестивале в Комореби Бэтти вообще его потеряла и сидела грустная в одиночестве, когда на нее обратим внимание интересный молодой сим.
(At the festival in Komorebi, Betty completely lost it and was sitting sad alone when an interesting young Sim noticed her)
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Красавца звали Сэмуэль Капоне, и он запал в ее сердечко. Бэтти даже пригласила его домой, и он разделил ее страсть к готовке. К тому же Сэм оказался трудолюбивым.
(The handsome man's name was Samuel Capone, and he fell into her heart. Betty even invited him home and he shared her passion for cooking. In addition, Sam turned out to be a hard worker)
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Девушка не знала, кого выбрать. Она любила обоих. Внезапно Давид сам позвонил и позвал на свидание, на Бэтти отказалась. Ей нужно было подумать, кто же ей больше подходит.
(The girl didn't know who to choose. She loved both. Suddenly David himself called and asked for a date, but Betty refused. She needed to think about who was best for her)
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Позже она пригласила подругу и Сэма в бассейн. Ах, какое у него тело! Подруга Бэтти наверняка обзавидовалась, что у нее такого мужчины нет.
(Later, she invited her friend and Sam to the pool. Oh, what a body he has! Betty's friend was probably jealous that she didn't have such a man)
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Давид, похоже, обиделся, поскольку сообщил, что ходил на свидание с другой, и у них любовь. Но Бэтти уже было всё равно.
(David seemed offended because he said that he went on a date with someone else and they were in love. But Betty didn't care anymore)
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Рядом с Сэмом ей хотелось меняется, быть такой же активной, как и он, хотя у нее были прекрасные рубенсовские формы
(Next to Sam, she wanted to change, to be as active as he was, although she had beautiful Rubensian forms)
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и Сэм любил ее такой, какой она была.
(and Sam loved her for who she was)
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Бэтти успела забыть о Давиде, но Давид не забыл о ней. Он начал настойчиво звать ее на свидание, а потом появился на пороге ее дома. Бэтти захлопнула дверь прямо перед его носом.
(Betty managed to forget about David, but David did not forget about her. He began persistently asking her out on a date, and then appeared on her doorstep. Betty slammed the door in his face)
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Тем временем Сэм предложил Бэтти стать парой и съехаться. У него оказалось почти 20 000 симолеонов, и он стремился заработать ещё больше для своей семьи.
(Meanwhile, Sam suggested to Betty that they become a couple and move in together. He had almost 20,000 Simoleons and was eager to earn even more for his family)
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Только он был фрилансеров, подрабатывал в Центре здоровья, где задерживали зарплату (реально, в Центре он ничего не заработал за весь день).
(Only he was a freelancer, working part-time at the Health Center, where his salary was delayed (in reality, he didn’t earn anything at the Center the whole day)
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Зато некоторые подработки приносили неплохие деньги, хоть и были смертельно опасны. Бэтти об этом он не говорил, чтобы не беспокоить.
(But some part-time jobs brought good money, even though they were deadly dangerous. He didn’t tell Betty about this so as not to bother her)
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Рядом со своим мужчиной девушка чувствовала себя счастливой и веселой.
(Next to her man, the girl felt happy and cheerful)
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Сэм состоял в клубе здорового образа жизни, который был создан много лет назад, когда случилась эпидемия излишнего веса у всех симов. Ему приходилось не только посещать занятия клуба, но и проводить их.
(Sam was a member of a healthy lifestyle club that was created many years ago when there was an epidemic of excess weight among all Sims. He had to not only attend club classes, but also conduct them)
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Бетти очень повезло с возлюбленным.
(Betty is very lucky with her lover)
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Надеюсь, они будут счастливы в дальнейшем.
(I hope they will be happy in the future)
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kaunis-sielu · 11 months
Sick: End
You stare up at him for a moment before it clicks that he’s up, he seems totally fine.
“St-Steve.” A sob breaks the word and he scoops you up off of the floor.
“Hi Sweetheart.” You pull his mouth to yours with your good arm and kiss him soundly.
“I fuckin’ missed the shit out of you.”
“Let’s get your arm taken care of then we can get back into this so we can make out some more later.” He offers and you laugh, you’re fairly certain it’s the first time you’ve really laughed since Sam got sick.
Steve carries you to the med bay and Helen nearly drops the equipment she’s using.
“Steve. You’re already back to normal?”
“I’m a little sore but other than that? I feel fine. Besides, my woman was getting her arm stomped on and I wasn’t going to let that happen.” Helen seems to realize you’re cradling your arm and she snaps out of her daze.
“Into the cradle.” She says before she announces, “Ladies. Rogers is up and ready to kick some ass.” You hear the cheer through your comm piece.
“Tony?” Pepper asks and you look over Steve’s shoulder at him.
“Not yet, but his vitals look great.” Shit, you suddenly realize that you never pulled the sleep off of Tony.
“Steve, I need to get the sleep off Tony. Now.” He doesn’t look thrilled but Steve changes direction and the second you pull the sleep away Tony’s eyes snap open and he sits up with a gasp.
“Pepper! He’s up!” You tell her and she laughs.
“Tell him I’ll be there as soon as this is over.”
“Tony relax, Pepper will be in soon.” You tell him as Steve brings you to the cradle. It’ll only take minutes for it to work, it’s an incredible piece of medical technology.
Once you’re out of the cradle you and Steve head back into the fight. It doesn’t take long to finish off the few stragglers and the girls come into the room, several give Steve a hug or in Carol’s case they shadow box one another. Pepper rushes to Tony and the two talk softly, he wipes some tears off her face.
“Is everyone okay?” You ask as Nat comes swaggering in and she nods. “Everyone is locked up downstairs and no major injuries, I’d call it a success.”
“Nox was hurt but we already put her in the cradle.” Helen says as she bustles past with all of the vials of vaccines. “Jemma! I need help administering these. Shuri and Betty can you get started on more?” The other three women jump into action and you follow Helen, pulling the sleep off of your friends, Steve follows closely behind you like a shadow. The second you pull the sleep off of the last man, a lower level agent whose name you don’t know, exhaustion rolls through you and Steve’s arm circles your waist like an iron band.
“You need to sleep Sweetheart.”
“I slept when you were sleeping.” You argue, you don’t want to leave the party.
“Nox, you went through a battle, used your powers there, were put in the cradle then used your powers again. I know it’s important to be around and see everyone but I’m worried about you.” When you just sigh softly he continues, “wanna just be selfish and have you all to myself Honey.” That’s what gets you. Steve rarely asks for anything, he’s rarely selfish and for him to admit that and ask for you alone is enough.
“Okay.” Steve weaves his fingers through yours then leads you out of the common room and to the elevator. Neither of you say anything until you get back to your room.
“Do you wanna shower?” You ask as the door swings shut behind you, Steve nods, tired eyes meeting yours.
“Join me?”
“Of course. I want you to sit down. We still don’t know all the shit this put you through.”
“Me?” He looks surprised, “you had to figure it all out, you had to save me.”
“I didn’t do anything you wouldn’t.” You tell him, as he follows you into the bathroom. You turn on the shower then start to peel off you clothes when you look over your shoulder at him Steve hasn’t moved. “Steve? You okay?”
“Yea, just thinking.” He says giving you a little half smile before stripping off his clothing and joining you in the shower. You spend most of the time under the hot spray just wrapped in his arms. You hadn’t been able to admit to yourself that this moment almost hadn’t been a possibility. It was a miracle that everything went well, not that it was easy but you had him back. Once you finish your shower you change into pajamas, boxers for him, underwear and one of his shirts for you.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” You ask him softly and Steve gives you a little half smile.
“Somehow I’m just fuckin’ exhausted.”
“I mean, they did put your body through a lot.” You tell him sliding onto your bed, “I missed the hell out of you.”
“I’m sorry that you had to go through that Sweetheart. I could hear you though, the whole time. It was like, I couldn’t just pull out of the fog enough to talk to you.” It sounds like hell,
“That sounds horrible.”
“I mean it wasn’t fun but at least I knew you were alive.” Your heart breaks for him, you know that he’s got lots of regrets from before you, things that he’s told you and some that he hasn’t, and you know that protecting you is high on his list of priorities.
“I love you.” You tell him carding your fingers through his hair,
“Then marry me?” Your hand stills in his hair and your eyes fly open.
“I’ve had a ring hidden in Buck’s room for a while, just kept waiting for the right time. But this made me think, what the hell am I waiting for?”
“You wanna marry me?” You breathe and he gives you a sweet smile.
“Hell yea I do Sweetheart. What do you say? Will you marry me?”
“Absolutely.” You tell him pressing your mouth to his. Steve pulls you flush against him and rolls you so you’re underneath him.
“Want me to go get that ring?” He asks when he pulls away, both of you breathing hard.
“Tomorrow. We both need sleep and so does Bucky.”
“Okay.” He agrees and you wrap your leg around his hip and twist him so that he falls to the bed next to you then you slide on top of him. Steve’s hands rest on your back as you lay on top of him you wait until he’s asleep before you finally fully relax and slowly fall asleep.
The next morning you wake up with Steve kneeling next to your bed with a ring in his hand. It’s an oval cut with small curly parts around the diamond and is set in gold.
“Didn’t wanna put it on you until you were awake but I didn’t want to wait either.” He says with a sheepish grin.
“What time is it?”
“In the morning? Steve.” You groan dropping your face into your pillow.
“Sooner you get this ring on the sooner we can go back to sleep.” He suggests and you can’t help the grin on your face. You give him your hand and he slips the ring on, you watch him as he does and the pleased look on his face makes your heart race.
“Perfect.” You mutter before holding it up and staring at it in the early morning light. “Now, get your ass back in this bed. You know the saying? Happy wife happy life.”
“Yes ma’am.” He says climbing back into bed with you, you lay with your head on his shoulder, his arm curled around you and your left hand on his chest. You watch as your hand raises and falls as he breathes and you can’t believe how fucking happy you are.
“Oh my god. We should go sleep on the couch like this and see who notices first.” You say but when you look up at him Steve is already asleep again. You smile softly then close your eyes, you’re going to marry him and you’re going to spend the rest of your life loving him.
Tag list:
@foxyjwls007 @andahugaroundtheneck @also-fangirlinsweden @pagina16ps @princesssterek @valsworldofcreativity @dumblani @inkedaztec @loving-life-my-way @animegirlgeeky @shinycupcakebaker @eralen @sophham @gh0stgurl @killcomet @wonderlandfandomkingdom @annielr @abschaffer2 @capsiclesdoll @patzammit @sass-masterkittenmama @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
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castielmydarling · 8 months
Suptober 2023-Day 13: Flirt
How You Doin'? 502 words on AO3 or below Summary: Dean and Cas try to relax at a bar post hunt. Its anything but relaxing for Dean.
Dean comes back from the bar with two beers. He hands one to Cas and slumps down on the stool across from him. “Fuck, I’m tired.” He says, exhausted. “I’m getting too old for this.”
Cas takes a drink. “Yes, that hunt was quite grueling. It’s the first I’ve really felt since coming back. My grace is usually enough to keep me from feeling the pain of being thrown around. I don’t like it.” He frowns.
Dean laughs, wincing as he does, probably has bruised ribs. Again. “Welcome to the club.” He looks down at his buzzing phone, groaning when he sees Sam’s name on the caller ID. “Shit. Sam and Eileen have been having issues with their case too. It’s too loud in here.” He says gesturing around the packed bar. “Last thing I need is someone overhearing me talking about killing things. I’ll be back.”
“I’ll be here.” Cas says, grateful Dean doesn’t expect him to follow.
Fifteen (long) minutes later Dean returns to see someone else sitting on his stool. What the fuck. He walks up to the table.
“Hey man, you’re in my seat.” He spits out. This guy definitely moved the stool closer. Dean’s pretty sure it was across the table when he left.
The guy gets up quickly, nearly falling over in the process. “Oh sorry, man. I just came over to compliment Castiel here on his coat. I really like it.”
“It’s a trench coat.” Dean replies irritated.
“Right. Gotta love the classics.” He says laughing nervously. “And then we got to talking.” He smiles back at Cas.
“And now you’re done.” Dean replies, taking his seat back. “That’s your cue to go.” He says harshly. Can’t this dude take a hint, thought Dean getting more annoyed by the second.
The guy looked down at Dean like he forgot he was there. “Right! Ok. Nice to meet you, Castiel. Great name by the way.” He tried reaching out to shake Cas’ hand but Dean pushed it away.
Cas waves at him. “Goodbye, Derek. It was nice meeting you.” He says, cordially.
“Bye, Castiel.” He hurried off when he caught sight of Dean’s glare.
“Derek?” Dean scoffs. “Really, Cas? Every time?”
Cas shrugs. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Dean. He came over because he liked my coat. I didn’t do anything.”
Dean rolled his eyes. “You know that was a line, right?”
“A line for what?” Cas tries to play it off innocently but Dean’s not fooled.
Just then a waiter comes over placing a drink in front of Cas. “From your friend.” She nodded at the bar.
Dean is ready to have words with Derek but when he looks over it's a woman raising her glass and winking at Cas. Cas raises his glass in thanks.
“Who’s that?!” Dean asks, incredulously.
“Betty. We had a nice conversation before Derek came over.” He says simply. He takes a sip of the drink “Mmmm…this is good.”
“That’s it. I’m not leaving you alone anymore.” Dean pouts.
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moonah-rose · 2 months
I had a very *emphasis on it* vivid dream that Charlotte Ritchie got a guest role in CBS Ghosts. It was so weird. Don't know who she was playing but the dream at least said she had a part.
I think I'd be so frustrated if she cameod as anyone other than Alison tbh.
Just because I don't feel like we got to say goodbye to her properly in the finale, Betty and the baby took up so much time. I need to see her vent to Sam about how much she loves her ghosts and misses them and isn't sure she made the right decision but meeting Sam and her ghosts helps somehow idk. I also would just want confirmation they both take place in the same universe.
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melsie-sims · 1 year
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The first town hall meeting took place on the very first day following the group’s arrival. They set up their campsite and got to discussing the nitty gritty.
As the designated leader of the new settlement, Betty Burns took charge of the situation and gave everyone their tasks.
“I know not everybody likes rock collecting and fishing, but today that’s what we’re all gonna do,” she explained. “As we make simoleons everyone will be able to focus on their respective skill sets and hobbies.”
While most of the discussion was focused on the work that needed to be done, some of the sims did start getting to know each other better.
💚 Positive First Impressions:
Betty x Janelle | Betty finds Janelle imaginative and Janelle finds Betty fun to be around.
Betty x Niya | Betty finds Niya strong-minded and Niya finds Betty fun to be around.
Betty x Shane | Betty finds Shane sophisticated and Shane finds Betty interesting. Shane has a one-sided crush on Betty.
Janelle x Sam | Janelle finds Sam imaginative and Janelle finds Sam cool.
Sam x Shane | Sam finds Shane sophisticated and Shane finds Sam responsible. 
💛 Mixed First Impressions:
Betty x Paxton | Betty finds Paxton rude but Paxton finds Betty fun to be around. 
Janelle x Paxton | Janelle finds Paxton sophisticated but Paxton finds Janelle weird.
Janelle x Shane | Janelle finds Shane independent and capable but Shane finds Janelle immature.
Niya x Paxton | Niya finds Paxton rude but Paxton finds Niya responsible.
Niya x Sam | Niya finds Sam imaginative but Sam finds Niya immature.
Niya x Shane | Niya finds Shane sophisticated but Shane finds Niya immature.
Sam x Betty | Sam finds Betty interesting but Betty finds Sam to be a nature maniac.
Sam x Paxton | Sam finds Paxton interesting but Paxton finds Sam to be a nature maniac. Sam has a one-sided crush on Paxton.
💔 Negative First Impressions: 
Paxton x Shane | Paxton finds Shane is egocentric and Shane finds Paxton untrustworthy.
Janelle x Niya | Janelle finds Niya pretentious and Niya finds Janelle is in dreamland.
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hella1975 · 1 year
Same playlist anon, I can’t wait until more of tams rolls out and you can explain them all in order and everything, I love hearing your explanations for taob songs. If there’s any in tams that can be explained so far or any in taob that you haven’t gotten to yet 👀👀 let’s hear em if you want. Also! The depollute me playlist has essentially become my spring playlist, I listened to it last April and again now and I know I found your taob playlist in spring 2021 and I think this one around the same time, whenever you had made it. It’s just light spring vibes idk, it was completely accidental so far but I love it
first part of this is going to be songs that got added for Vibes, aka they're just there because i think they feel very tamscore but you dont need to analyse the lyrics for any deep meaning and/or foreshadowing (bc i absolutely do put songs on playlists purely for foreshadowing in the hopes someone will see it and be unnerved hehe). there's some here where the lyrics ARE relevant, but it's either very surface level or doesn't really need much comment on it, so typically a lot of these carry themes of caretaking and sacrifice etc:
mary on a cross by ghost
everybody wants to rule the world by tears for fears (this is very atla coded anyway)
something in the orange by zach bryan
mind over matter by young the giant
soldier, poet, king by the oh hellos
no one won the war by matt maltese (!! heavy on this one)
come over by the crawlers
cleopatra by the lumineers
somewhere only we know by lily allen
meet me in the woods by lord huron
the view between villages by noah kahan
house of the rising sun by the animals (fun fact the most recent chapter was named 'bc rising sun has connotations of new beginnings etc etc' but mainly it's bc ive associated this song so strongly with tams that it wound up sneaking in)
tous les memes by stromae
mad world by tears for fears (why is tams zuko so tears for fears coded)
americano by lady gaga (for the more badass moments. they are feral)
9 to 5 by dolly parton. i am very funny
abraham's daughter by arcade fire (THE VIBES???)
california dreamin by the mamas and papas
the borders by sam fender
american pie by don mclean (this is quickly becoming THEE tams song in my head)
which leaves us with the below songs that are all on there for a specific Reason whether it be some lyrical analysis or some connection i have to the songs. if you're curious about any, please send an ask with the individual song bc id love to talk about it :) but in the interest of keeping this response at a reasonable length im gonna cut it off here lol:
rivers and roads by the head and the heart
waiting room by phoebe bridgers
evelyn evelyn by evelyn evelyn
down the river by the crane wives
scott street by phoebe bridgers
fine china by lana del rey
come by adrianne lenker
house song by searows
eleanor by cake bake betty
brother by cake bake betty
fourth of july by sufjan stevens
leader of the landslide by the lumineers
wicked game by chris isaak
the moon will sing by the crane wives
evergreen by ricky mitch and the coal miners
blood orange morning light by andrew montana
a better son/daughter by rilo kiley (!!)
bust by lomelda
the gold by phoebe bridgers (!!)
safe and sound by taylor swift
white blank page by mumford and sons
sick in the head by the lumineers
the cave by mumford and sons
dust bowl dance by mumford and sons
my tears ricochet by taylor swift
no surprises by radiohead (!!!!!!)
because dreaming costs money, my dear by mitski
slipping through my fingers by abba
ozymandias by sammy copley
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newcoralfarmer · 8 months
Day 1
Well first night went ok, I do need to see what I need to fix the cracks up though. They mailed me what I need; 50 wood and 20 stone, I think I can get all of that just from the farm itself.
I found a couple of interesting things while I did a little clearing, a geode and a coffer, no idea what to do with them just yet but I'll figure it out.
I planted some of the seeds, they were turnips and daisies, the packets said they didn't take long to grow which I guess is good? I wonder if they have farming books here? The most I remember about it was summers helping Grandpa water tomatoes and chasing the chickens… I wonder if I can get chickens? I wandered around a bit found some pretty flowers, and I found the General Store! Sam seems nice, and the Mayor was there to introduce us, also to encourage me to meet some of the townsfolk apparently I make them nervous? Here I was thinking they were excited.
Anyway the General store apparently sells seasonal seeds, so I'll have to go in at the start of ever season to see the new seeds. I picked up some potato seeds to plant.
Meeting new people… So far I've met Ben, who was in the General Store, he seems…nice? He said I had good vibes? So that's something. Oh and I saw the most adorable fluffy brown dog! His tag said his name was BonBon, 😍 so cute! I also ran into Alice! Gosh we used to play on the beach in Summer with her sister Suki, she's still here too, apparently they run the Inn now! Which…hasn't had much business? In the Town Square I met this adorable girl called Eva, apparently her names actually Everest I always thought that was a guys name. She also mentioned they don't get a lot of new faces. Finally an explanation, I ran into a charming woman while heading back to the farm, name of Betty, she was filling up some bird feeders and upon my introduction mentioned that there was oil spill near here. Which I do remember hearing about, but I guess I never realised it was here of all places. Grandma certainly didn't mention it when she offered me the farm.
I headed down to the beach, I wanted to see how bad it was, I was tired yesterday and didn't notice anything which…it's bad, there's oil and these weird like spiky root things, how the heck did I miss this? I guess Mum was right about how observant I'm not…she can never know. Anyway I did a little exploratory running around, found the Carpenters! So now I know where that is, also the forest… Oh man there are so many monkeys! Also a weird place with a danger sign that sounded like it had a fight going on inside… not sure what that was about.
Oh and I met a few other people, someone named Chaem who…honestly seemed pretty forthright, a lady name of Zarah who was using a metal detector and seemed surprised I'd moved here after the oil spill. A dapper person called Raj who mentioned they did coffee ☕? So I know where to go for a pick me up 🤩.
The forest also seems to do pretty good for mushrooms, I found some nice Shiitake and some canola to pop in my shipping bin. I also found wasabi 😫.
Finally after a long days work, I headed to bed. If I keep up this pace I should hopefully have enough wood and stone by either tomorrow or the next day. I just hope it doesn't rain.
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f-x-tion · 7 months
*Two robed, hooded cultists stand around a ritual circle with a third cultist floating in the circle glowing and speaking in gibberish. Their names are Dave, Keith and Sam.*
Cultist Dave taps his foot, then impatiently rolls up their robes sleeve to check their watch "How long is this going to take? I have a thing after this."
Cultist Keith pauses, than with a quisical tilt of their head asks "... A thing? We're literally communing with the dead to learn the true name of a reality destroying outer god of discord and chaos, and you wanna know when we can wrap it up?"
Cultist Dave sassily tilts his head right back while crossing their arms "I have a life outside of the cult Keith!"
they stare at each other for a awkward beat, the only sound is their floating glowy buddy Sam's strange gibberish talk filling the silence.
Cultist Keith breaks the stare-off first to look off to the side as they awkwardly shift their weight while raising their hands in a stoping motion of surrender "Ok geez, sorry. i didn't mean anything by it, no need to snap at me." after another short pause Keith trys to push past the tension and asks "Sooo... uh.. you have plans huh? What are you gonna be doing? gonna catch a movie or something?"
Cutist Dave hesitates and his crossed armed stance loosens a little at the question "... I have a cheese cake waiting for me in my freezer at home." they bite out shortly, clearly a little embarrassed by their admission.
Cultist Keith's raised hands slowly droop to his sides "it doesn't excuse you snapping at me, but.. ya ok, thats a good reason." Keith admits.
Any farther conversation is halted by their fellow cultist Sam as he abruptly stops speaking, glowing and floating all at the same time. he seems winded as he falls to his knees in the middle of the ritual circle he was floating above just a second ago.
Dave and Keith motion to help Sam up but before they even reach him he's already starting to stand on his own. Keith, unable to keep down his excitement starts word vomiting "Did it work? Are you alright? Did you get the name? Were the dead people cool?!" luckily Keith has enough self control to stop talking when Sam tiredly holds up his hand, silently asking him to stop talking.
"Yes it worked, yes im alright, yes i got the name." Sam says slowly, before geting a strange look on their face "they weren't really cool i guess, more strange and loud?" Sam seems strangely unsure about that.
Keith has many questions but before he can voice them Dave interrupts "Forget about that, we got the name?! A gods true name?! thats HUGE!" he exclaimed with undertones of disbelief "i don't even... Can it even be pronounced? or does it need sounds that mortals cant make to say it?" Dave excitedly says, clearly getting into it now that they have some results, cheese cake seemingly forgotten.
The strange look that Dave an Keith were beginning to recognize as confusion never left Sam's face, in fact Dave's questions only seem to make it worse "... No we can pronounce it." Sam says blankly "It's name is Betty."
Silence descends on the cultists as they process Sam's words. Keith and Dave both adopt Sam's dumfounded look "the chaos gods name is... Betty?" Cultist Keith asks in disbelief.
Sam's meets his fellow cultists eyes and his confusion somehow deepens, which considering he just revealed that a outer god shares a name with more than a few little old granny's is, frankly, very concerning. "Yep... a talking lemon told me so." Dave and Keith can only stare at Sam emotionlessly, what does that even mean???
Sam breaks eye contact and looks at the ceiling with a thousand yard stare and monotonously continues, sounding as lost as they felt "Betty is apparently the talking lemons vampire stepmom's adopted father's wife.
Keith and Dave stare at Sam, then look at each other and share a mutual nod "Alright, something definitely went wrong with that ritual." Keith says with certainty while he and Dave each take a arm and escort Sam away from the ritual circle as Sam continues to mumble explanations at them.
"The lemon said that Betty was originally human but then she made a wish with a magic crown that was made by a ice elemental. she saved the world from being destroyed by another chaos god, which also made her become that god for some reason? " Sam says under his breath. Dave comfortingly pats the arm hes using the lead Sam away and says "Its alright buddy, we get it." they continue walking for a moment before Dave continues "Tell you what, if you guys want to come over to my place, i have a piece of cheese cake with your names on them."
Keith silently nods his agreement and half a secound later Sam mutters "Acceptable" in a strangely high-pitched and screechy tone of voice.
Author note.
I was trying to match adventure times tone, if you get what i mean?
If it wasn't obvious this little story is set wayy after the finale of Adventure Time. Betty has been Golb or a while at this point and most of our favorite adventure time characters are hanging out in the afterlife by now. I cant decide if the cultist are from future Ooo or a alternate reality, it works either way i guess. I think we can all agree that of all the people who knew Simon and Betty in the afterlife Lemongrab would probably be among the most confusing to have get information from.
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I actually would pay for a Supernatural/Riverdale crossover forget the Sabrina crossover I NEED Betty Cooper & Sam Winchester to meet
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themculibrary · 7 months
Halloween Fics Masterlist 4
part one, part two, part three
a date with captain america (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor sam/bucky G, 2k
Summary: Bucky meets Sam while shopping for a Halloween costume for his son, and thinks he doesn't like him. But his opinion quickly changes when New York City is attacked once again, and Bucky finds out who Sam really is.
In which Sam has always been Captain America, The Avengers still exist but Steve isn't part of the team.
a day in the life (ao3) - powerfulowl (StuckyFlangst) steve/bucky E, 20k
Summary: Steve Rogers wakes up on Tuesday October 30 1956, and doesn't seem to remember his life that well. Why does every day feel so familiar? And why does he keep getting visited by tall, dark, handsome men who remind him of Bucky?
An Army Of Red (ao3) - MidnightShadeux frank/matt N/R, 42k
Summary: Foggy is ecstatic that people are dressing as Daredevil for Halloween. Matt and Frank are not.
Black Velvet (ao3) - royal_chandler steve/tony E, 1k
Summary: It's Halloween and Tony does too much of a remarkable job with Steve's costume.
Black Widow's Trick or Treat (ao3) - RABunzai clint/natasha T, 2k
Summary: Otherwise known as five (or six) times someone went dressed as the Black Widow to a Halloween party and the one time Natasha (accidentally) did.
bleed me dry (ao3) - crobby mj/peter M, 5k
Summary: “Okay, okay,” Peter concedes, “We’ll go to this so-called 'haunted house' on Halloween night at 10 o’clock to make it as spooky as possible. Meet at Flash’s house before? I’m assuming we can’t just take a subway there.”
“Yep,” Flash says, “It’s on a hill in the middle of a field.” he lowers his voice, “Where no one can hear you scream.”
The entire group laughs because what is this, some kind of cheap horror movie?
Betty snorts. “The only screaming will be from you when you see a rat and flip your shit, Flash.”
or, peter parker learns the meaning of fear.
Costume Party (ao3) - Fake_Ruby mj/shuri T, 1k
Summary: MJ and Shuri go to a costume party.
Ghouls Night Out (ao3) - seabird7 G, 638
Summary: “Anyway. So you show up at my trailer door in a Hulk costume—”
“Yeah, because they were all out of Captain Americas.”
“—asking me to go trick or treating with you.”
gives my hands the shape of angels (ao3) - GreyishBlue bucky/clint E, 4k
Summary: Halloween has always been Clint and Bucky’s favorite holiday. Since they moved in and started celebrating it together, every year has gotten more elaborate. Their apartment is strewn in decorations, practically dripping black and orange, bats and spider webs clinging to every spare corner.
Now with a continuation, the boys weren't done with me or these outfits. I apologize for nothing.
Halloween (ao3) - captainodonewithyou lincoln/daisy M, 5k
Summary: Lincoln and Daisy investigate an odd reading in a spooky old house that might just be haunted.
Halloween (ao3) - Axolotl7 phil/melinda, leo/jemma, lance/bobbi G, 13k
Summary: "The party was a good idea, Phil. The team needed it." She needed it too. Maybe more than he knows.
There's just one notable person missing that leaves a hole in her heart. She sighs softly, hopes he misses the maudlin route her thoughts have taken. She really does miss Daisy.
Halloween Accidents (ao3) - PumpkinDoodles darcy/brock E, 15k
Summary: Anonymous requested: "I wish you would write a fic where Darcy unexpectedly runs into Brock while he's undercover and to keep her from speaking and blowing his cover he kisses her."
Halloweenie 2021: Trick or Treat (ao3) - meepmorpperaltiago mj/peter G, 370
Summary: May babysits Peter and MJ’s son and he shows her his Halloween costume – adorableness ensues!
Halloween Menagerie (ao3) - KaleidoscopeEyez, LunarDust loki/sylvie T, 6k
Summary: It’s Halloween, and the Avengers have all gathered at the Sanctum Sanctorum for their annual Hulk-o-ween party. But after a shapeshifting spell goes wrong, it’s up to Loki and Sylvie to set things right.
Halloween Traditions (ao3) - MalevolentLighthouse G, 200
Summary: Pumpkin carving with the Barton family.
Love Bites (ao3) - wmblake harley/peter T, 1k
Summary: Harley expects Halloween to pass how it does most years: he watches as many horror movies as he can (usually bad ones) and hands out candy when kids knock on his door. Peter knocks on his door dressed as a vampire, and the night goes kind of differently. He doesn't end up paying so much attention to the horror movies.
Midgardian Costums (ao3) - Ruquas bruce/thor G, 516
Summary: While many Midgardian customs were strange, Thor found this one was one of the more wonderful ones.
The Lexa to my Clarke (ao3) - angstydisaster yelena/kate T, 2k
Summary: College AU where Yelena attends a Halloween party, dressed up as Clarke Griffin, and keeps getting told that her girlfriend has arrived? But she doesn't have a girlfriend? What are they talking about?
Tis Just a Fright (ao3) - Anonymous G, 671
Summary: Tony takes his sons to the Halloween Fair.
Trick or treating (myself to you) (ao3) - butter_boi tony/stephen E, 1k
Summary: I find a bottom Stephen underappreciated. Yes, I know it is July, but I made a Halloween Ironstrange fanfiction anyway. And why not put Stephen in a nurse costume with an incredibly horny Tony? First time writing an actual story, so I hope this goes well. Enjoy the chaos.
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magical-awesome-kid · 3 years
You know, I just finished the second half of Leverage: Redemption, and, I must say, I have so many ideas.
One thing I continue to head cannon: Eliot Spencer and Jacob Stone are still brothers. Eliot went to the army. Jacob stayed home to take care of the family business. Then life took many turns, and they wound up in their current careers - Eliot the head Hitter of Leverage International, and Jacob is helping train the new Librarians (they really should have been training Librarians in succession rather then wait for the last one to drop like a fly, and, well, a crew is often more versatile and brilliant then a single person - Eve, though, has her hands full getting her Guardians to keep up with the Librarians).
Now I get the extra bonus of having Noah Wyle being the Bad Lawyer turned Thief turned Good Lawyer Mr. Harry Wilson and the Ultimate Librarian with a Sword Flynn Carson.
Now, I COULD come up with another theory on how they're brothers or cousins or something... but my gods it would be funnier to have one of them come out of nowhere. It's just a weird occurrence in the timeline. A hiccup due to all the magic deals in. The two are identical in all ways, down to the magical signature and DNA. No one can figure out how the heck this works - Harry and Flynn have incredibly different lives and no seeming biological relationship, but STILL! If not for the mannerisms, they'd never be able to tell the two apart.
(Eve also catches wind of how Maria broke up with Eliot and completely went AWOL when she was faced with someone willing to do anything to do good, and said to the guy "Most people aren't like us - who can try to do good and change courses when the law won't get us there." She then offers him an ear for whenever he needs to talk about the deep shit he's been through because she gets it. Eliot would def pursue her if she wasn't married to Not-Harry and also dating Alec and Parker.)
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trashmouththeorist · 2 years
mcu peter sucks, im sorry
in terms of the spider-men/women/pigs, i don’t really have a favourite. however, i do have a LEAST favourite, and that is the MCU Peter Parker portrayed by Tom Holland.
The integrity of Spider-Man comes from that fact that he is a working-class hero, fights for the little guy, and his origin story.
and all that was destroyed once the MCU got involved.
why did they not use his origin story? does oscorp exist? harry osborn?? what?? who tf is ned? why does he have powers? why does this movie suck so much? Why are there zero stakes?
-on the ‘who tf is ned’ point, to clarify, i know who he is. ned leeds, the abusive husband of betty brant. then they make this OOC Ned date this OOC Betty. Huh?
where did ben go? why is stark here? why does he like stark? why didn’t he make his own suit? 
why is he everything spider-man is not?
the writers obviously noticed the problem, because in nwh, they rapidly back-pedaled to him being poor, making his own suits, and not having a billionaire on speed-dial to bail him out of his problems despite the billionaire still being a manipulative jackass and treating him like shit, while representing everything he stands against.
also, i did NOT like the idea of ‘mj’ being a collective spider-man gf term and just changing up the name. zendaya could’ve been mary-jane watson. michelle jones just...
i don’t even care about the fact she’s not a comic character - it’s just the fact they made her mj instead? when mary-jane is mj? idk i just didn’t like that. there are SO many comic characters he could’ve fallen in love with. it didn’t need to be this oc mj. i know people hate sam raimi mj, but she was still cool with sexist writing. comic mary-jane is such a badass. why did they not replicate that? why not ask zendaya to play original mary-jane? ‘cus she’s not white? that shit ain’t a ‘homage’ to the og mj, it’s just awful.
irondad as a concept needs to die already. please. im so done. peter is manipulated and ignored - CONSTANTLY - by Tony. that’s not acting like a father, it’s acting like a jackass. and he HAS  parental figure - aunt May. and he had a father figure - uncle Ben. irondad is creepy and reeks of grooming.
plus, they stole a bunch of concepts (for nwh too, but im not specifically talking about that) from miles morales and itsv. they copied the spider-men meeting each other, and copied miles’ personality for mcu peter. and somehow, miles is STILL more likeable. i miss the days when you could scroll through the peter parker tag without seeing tom holland and r*bert d*wney jr.
but also, literally every other spider-man would’ve been team cap. plus, andrew also said so. they’re working-class heroes. to argue against that is to be wrong. i don’t blame tom!peter for being manipulated and blackmailed. i blame the writers for being assholes, and most importantly, robert downey jr for his 15 million dollar profit off of 8 minutes of mediocre (at best) acting. -(also, saying - he’s such a good actor, he’s tony in real life! - literally makes him a bad actor with no range. someone reviewed dolittle, saying that it was so bad that it seemed like rdj was trying to sabotage his own movie. and i agree.) peter was manipulated and misinformed into being team tony. there is no variation of spider-man that would EVER be team iron-man. unless they’re fckign crazy.
also, tom holland said that if peter parker could bring anyone back from the dead, it would be tony st*rk. no btich.
also howard stark was really hot i just feel like saying that
tobey’s and andrew’s are actually ACCURATE spider-men, and the mcu needs to take notes.
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this quickly turned into a tony hate post, but he is the root of mcu peter’s main issues, so.
anyways, stan miles morales
a true icon.
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cherry-interlude · 3 years
Lana Del Rey Songs Categorised
I didn't include a few but that's covers/demos / sorted by vibe/lyrics / there are other versions of this that could be made
Bad Girl - Lana's bad girl songs that make you feel cool af
Summer of Sam
Making Out
Put Your Lips Together
Dum Dum
Kinda Outta Luck
Children of the Bad Revolution
Dangerous Girl
Girl That Got Away
Maha Maha
Hangin' Around
Catch and Release
Queen of the Gas Station
St Tropez
I Learned How To Make Love
Teen Romance
Prom Song (Gone Wrong)
Puppy Love
Television Heaven
Back To Tha Basics
Brooklyn Baby
Me and My Boyfriend
Sweet Romance - Somewhat gentle and cute romance songs
Starry Eyed
When I'm With You
Because of You
Daddy Issues
Tulsa Jesus Freak
Groupie Love
Lust For Life
Lucky Ones
Joshy and I
For K Part 2
You Mister
Coca Cola
How Do You Know Me So Well?
Stoplight Delite
Serious Romance - They have a more serious tone but they're genuinely romantic
Swan Song
Cinnamon Girl
Living Legend
True Love - Deep and romantic
Let Me Love You Like A Woman
Young and Beautiful
Life Is Beautiful
Venice Bitch
Love Song
Old Money
Off To The Races
Video Games
Never Let Me Go
On Our Way
Heartbreak - Songs for feeling all kinds of sad romantically
Fine China
French Restaurant
Hollywood's Dead
Your Band Is All The Rage
Some Things Last A Hard Time
Happiness Is A Butterfly
White Mustang
Norman Fucking Rockwell
Terrence Loves You
The Blackest Day
Cruel World
Dark Paradise
Summertime Sadness
Blue Jeans
Pawn Shop Blues
F You - Aimed for people who kind of suck
Tired of Singing the Blues
It's Not You It's Just Me
Damn You
In My Feelings
High By The Beach
In The Sun
So Legit
Seduction - Sexual songs generally
Trash Magic
Us Against The World
Meet Me In The Pale Moonlight
Playing Dangerous
Behind Closed Doors
You Can Be The Boss
Party Girl
Pussycat Kittycat
BBM Baby
Big Bad Wolf
Be My Daddy
Ooh Baby
Push Me Down
Daddy's Girl
Burning Desire
Mermaid Motel
Hey You
Body Electric
Kill Kill
Jimmy Gnecco
Wolf T-Shirt
Sad Romance - Kind of toxic romance or the darker side of romance
TV In Black and White
I Talk To Jesus
Colour Blue
Put The Radio On
My Best Days
Velvet Crowbar
Breaking Up Slowly
Fuck It I Love You
The Next Best American Record
The Greatest
Summer Bummer
Tomorrow Never Came
Shades of Cool
Black Beauty
Is This Happiness?
Million Dollar Man Pretty Baby
Drive By
Hey Blue Baby
Hawaiin Tropic
Axl Rose Husband
Butterflies Part 1
Heartshaped Chevrolet
How To Disappear
Dreamy - Aesthetically pleasing songs sonically, and a lot of Lana's songs are but these stand out the most
Yes To Heaven
Angels Forever Forever Angels
Ave Maria
Roses Bloom
Art Deco
West Coast
Guns and Roses
Bel Air
Cherry Blossom
Dangerous Love - Jealousy and obsession
Your Girl
Is It Wrong?
Jealous Girl
She's Not Me
Serial Killer
Caught You Boy
Criminal and Gangsta Love - The bad romances
Queen of Disaster
Beautiful Player
Crooked Cop
Hundred Dollar Bill
Gangsta Boy
Live or Die
Hit and Run
Ghetto Baby
Every Man Gets His Wish
Live Forever
Bad Boy
Match Made In Heaven
Bops - They're good for bopping
Roll With Me
Motel 6
Florida Kilos
Brite Lites
Diet Mountain Dew
Boom Like That
Starlet - A lot of Lana's songs feature starlets but these are the songs that let her shine as a star
Hollywood Dynamite
Fake Diamond
A Star For Nick
Strong - Being the stronger one in the relationship
Lift Your Eyes
Serene Queen
Break My Fall
Big Eyes
I Can Fly
Get Free
Mariner's Apartment Complex
All You Need
Junky Pride
There's Nothing To Be Sorry About
More Mountains
In Wendy
Wild One
Weird Vibe - They either sound creepy or just have an unsettling feel
C U L8r Alligator
You and Me
Let My Hair Down
Get Drunk
Betty Boop Boop
Raise Me Up (Mississippi South)
Jesus Is My Boyfriend
Hmm - They could go into other categories but they are songs that have darker, disturbing elements
Baby Blue Love
Roller Derby
Heavy Hitter
Boarding School
Put Me In A Movie
Sad Girl - Songs with a sad vibe
Last Girl on Earth
All Smiles
Wait For Life
Hope Is A Dangerous Thing For A Woman Like Me To Have - But I Have It
13 Beaches
Music To Watch Boys To
God Knows I Tried
Pretty When You Cry
This Is What Makes Us Girls
Without You
Oh Say Can You See
Born To Die
Valley of the Dolls
Stripper - Pure stripper theme
Go Go Dancer
Dance For Money
Midnite Dancer Girlfriend
Other Woman - Pure other woman theme
Other Woman
True Love On The Side
Sad Girl
Next To Me
Money/Fame/Materialism - Songs that revolve around those three things
Money Power Glory
Fucked My Way Up To The Top
Gods and Monsters
National Anthem
Breaking My Heart
Makes You Think - Deeper songs
God Bless America - And All The Beautiful Women In It
When The World Was At War We Kept Dancing
Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
Money Hunny
Looking For America
Songs That Sound Like Diary Entries - More personal tracks
I Must Be Stupid For Being So Happy
My Momma
Wild At Heart
Dark But Just A Game
Not All Who Wander Are Lost
White Dress
Run Motorcycle
Out With A Bang
Dance Til We Die
Bad Disease
Fordham Road
I Don't Wanna Go
For You
Try Tonight
You're Gonna Love Me
Outliers - They're more happy
Come When You Call Me
Birds of a Feather
Driving In Cars With Boys
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sortasirius · 4 years
“Inherit the Earth” and the Fakeout
Absolutely genius.  Amazing, iconic, legendary, something only our showrunner Andrew Dabb can pull off.
"But Lilly, the episode was so bad!  It was just the brothers, they didn’t look for Cas and Eileen!”
Let’s get into it.
An empty world.  No one left but Sam, Dean, and Jack.
So Dean ran, he somehow managed to pick himself up off the floor of the dungeon and meet up with Sam and Jack.  That jacket was this silent reminder.  Remember what I’ve been saying, Cas has occupied the negative space all season, this is no exception.
Dean can’t look either of them in the face, he’s doing that thing, where his eyes move everywhere BUT where he should look. 
“I couldn’t save anybody.”
Sam couldn’t save the world and Dean couldn’t save the one person that means the world to him.
“Where’s Cas?”
I think it’s there, in that pause where Dean tries to push down the emotions, continue the fight, not think about the memories he left in the bunker, that Jack realizes what must have happened. Jack is the only one that knows about the deal, he has to know what Cas not being there must mean.
“He saved me.  Billie was coming after us.  Cas summoned the Empty.  It took her...and took him.  Cas is gone.”
This may shock you, but I am GLAD they didn’t talk about Cas, especially with what happens at the end of the episode.  Cas is allowed to just take up unsaid space.  It’s obvious he’s missing with the way they blocked things, obvious he’s missing here.  This whole “oh well they don’t care about Cas because they didn’t talk about him”?  Malarkey.
“Jack I’m sorry.”
Guilt.  Regret.  Pain.  Dean will carry this with him for the rest of his life.  Not only that he lost Cas, but that Sam lost Cas, that Jack lost Cas.
That SHOT, with the distance between Jack and Sam where Cas is SUPPOSED TO BE, and then a zoom out to...THE WORLD.
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Okay, as usual, Bucklemming has the subtlety of a sledgehammer lmao.
Jack crying???  Praying to Cas????  Bruh?????
Also it’s just straight-up frightening for everything around my boy to die he is my baby son.
Also not to point out the incredibly obvious, but Dean starts drinking immediately, and continues drinking throughout the whole episode.  Grief arc 2.0 babey.
“We can what, Dean?  There’s no one left to save!  Everybody’s gone!”
“You can’t just give up.”
“What other choice do we have!”
Idk why, but for Sam, who’s the constant, the one who’s always had hope, through everything, through all these years, when he finally says this, when he finally loses his hope?  It hits the hardest.  Sam is the leader, so not only is he grieving the loss of Eileen, he is a general grieving the loss of his soldiers, his friends, the world that he feels the duty to save.
When they go to meet Chuck, I just can’t get that image of Dean, leaning against the car, handprint still on his jacket, staring at the ground out of my head.  It takes him a few seconds to catch up to Sam, like he’s pulled out of thoughts like deep dark water.  Remember friends, it doesn’t have to be loud to be powerful.
Chuck wearing BLACK?  FEAR.
“That’s right, the whole Cain and Abel thing.  Us dead, whatever.  I’ll kill Sam, Sam’ll kill me, we’ll kill each other.  Okay, you pick.  But first?  You gotta put everything back the way it was.  The people, the birds...Cas.  You gotta bring him back.”
Willing to kill his brother.  Willing to die.  Tears in his eyes, begging God to bring Cas back.
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And Chuck?  Chuck doesn’t care about their surrender, he knows he’s already got them beaten.  He cares about their pain, he cares about them suffering, because to him?  That’s the entertainment.  He’s not entertained by their found family, by their happiness, by their joy.  He wants them to suffer, all of them.
“Eternal shame.  Suffering.  And loneliness.”
And he leaves them with just that.  No hope, no family, just the three of them, broken, alone.  Jack locked in his bedroom, Sam trying desperately to make life “normal” again.  And Dean.  Dean who drank so much he passed out on the floor.
He doesn’t feel terrific, he feels like shit, because not only is he dealing with the shame of an empty planet, he’s dealing with the guilt of being back in the place where the Empty took Cas.
This whole thing with the dog was just absolutely heartwrenching shit and if I didn’t hate Chuck before, him snapping Miracle right in front of an already fragile Dean would seal that deal.
I just want everyone to know that this is a Jake Abel stan account.
“Daddy’s boy” is a big insult for my boy Dean to use considering his own past with his trash abusive father but I’ll allow it.
I do think it’s interesting, ending of his arc aside, that Michael is willing to help them now.  What changed?  Sure, he ended up trying to help Chuck, running back to his father, but why get back in the game?  I wonder if it has anything to do with the loss of Adam.  It’s an interesting parallel, a man loses his angel while an angel loses his human.
Everything is so DARK in the Bunker now too, even the lighting is loud.
When I tell you I lost my shit when I saw Cas was calling Dean, when I heard Misha’s voice??  I knew it didn’t make any sense but I didn’t care, I would’ve been one step behind Dean as he sprinted towards the door.
Fuck you, Eugenie.
I mean it’s torture not only to Dean, who looks beyond fucking crushed when it’s damn Lucifer at the door, but for us too.  Who the FUCK wanted Lucifer back?  And to tease Cas???  Garbage.
I mean...fam.  Listen, we know who’s writing this episode, this whole Betty thing is just like blatantly unnecessary but again, Eugenie loves Lucifer, gotta distract her with a shiny toy lmao.
It was cool to see Michael and Lucifer onscreen together.  It was a cool dynamic that we rarely got to see.
The whole episode is just twist after twist.  Listen, it’s their last episode so I guess they needed to fit in a season worth of twists in one episode.
Bye Lucifer.  We know Eugenie can’t bring him back.  Blessings to all.
This scene with Adam is the FOURTH scene where Dean is drinking...big yikes to my guy’s liver.
Here’s the thing about Michael.  He’s a mirror for Dean in season 5.  Loyal to an absent father.  He has never changed, but Dean has.  Dean is able to acknowledge now, the trauma that his father put him through, he was able to move past the need for pleasing him at any cost.  Michael and Chuck?  Are John and Dean, if Dean had never been allowed to grow.  And Chuck proves, like John did, that he would always put his wants (in John’s case “the mission”) over his children.
Also not to beat a dead horse but Michael’s death was also peak Eugenie.
Sam getting to punch Chuck in the face?  Thank you, he deserves that.
Obviously I don’t love any scene of my boys getting brutally beaten.  But what I love, what I will always love about them, is what Chuck hates about them:  they won’t ever give up.  They know they won’t win against him, they don’t even land any hits, but that’s not what matters.  What matters is their controller doesn’t control them anymore, that they really are free.  No matter how hard they get hit, the get back up.  It is their choice to stand up to him, no matter the cost.
The moment where Sam and Dean are supporting each other, covered in blood, and they look God in the face, and they laugh.  That is why I will love them unconditionally for the rest of my life.  That is who they are, they will never cow to the villain, whether that’s Azazel or Alastair or Zachariah or Lucifer or Amara or Death or Metatron or Cain or God.  They will always choose to stand up.
“Why are you smiling?”
“Because.  You lose.”
Chills.  What a line.
And Chuck is left, small, human, no longer a villain, no longer anything.
Gotta be real, woulda been nice to, idk, not see all this essential plot in a flashback, but I know I can only ask so much of Bucklemming.
For Dean to walk away from killing Chuck, right after he’s called him “the ultimate killer” is quite simply the most beautifully heartwrenching thing I could ever ask for.  Because that’s who Dean was under Chuck, that’s who Chuck wanted him to be.
And he would have before:
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But he’s heard some things since then, heard some things about how others see him.  Not as the killer, not as a monster, not as angry and broken or his daddy’s blunt instrument:
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I’m not saying that Dean doesn’t kill Chuck for Cas.  He doesn’t kill Chuck because he doesn’t think he has to anymore, he doesn’t kill Chuck because he listened to Cas, he took Cas’ words to heart.  He made the choice not to be the killer.
“See that’s not who I am, that’s not who we are.”
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And Chuck is angry, because he thought, after everything, even after losing, that he would still know Dean well enough to know that he would kill him.  But Chuck has never really known Dean, he has never understood where he’s really come from.  Cas understood, Sam and Jack understand, but Chuck never did, and writing off Dean as angry and broken is his biggest mistake, because that’s never been Dean.
“It’s not his power anymore.”
And it’s not just his physical power, it’s his power over the story, over the boys that’s the real power taken from him.
For Jack to be the one to bring everyone back, for him to be the hero of the story?  That’s poetic right there.  Now, I will say, I don’t think this story ends with him as God, because for him, the child, to take on this burden, it doesn’t make a ton of sense to me for his arc, but we shall see next week.  It felt pretty tied up, but there’s one major loose end: and that’s Jack seeing Cas again.
“Just you and me, going wherever the story takes us.  Just us.”
“Finally free.”
This doesn’t feel triumphant to me, it doesn’t feel like relief.  It feels like they’ve settled, like this is the best they’re going to get, so they might as well make the best of it, at least they have each other.
For Cas and Jack to be carved into the table?  I cry.
And for the montage, very similar to “Swan Song” to be set to “Runnin on Empty”?  Sorry but that’s just too sus to be ignored.
They packaged this episode as an ending, because for many, it might be.  The season’s story, the season about fighting Chuck is over.  So, you might be asking (or, well, screaming, judging by my replies lol), what’s left?  And that’s a good question, Chuck has been defeated, so what is left?  What’s left is what’s really mattered all season: the relationships that have been crafted over the years.  Dean and Sam’s unhappiness at the end of the episode, where “just you and me” sounded more of a grudging acceptance than anything else, is one of the clues that has to be looked at.  Why didn’t Sam find Eileen, why didn’t Jack bring back Cas?  Those two characters specifically are the ones we need to watch out for.  As I’ve said over and over again, peace, contentment, satisfaction, those don’t come from Sam and Dean on the open road together anymore.  They have a family, more of a family than they did when they started hunting together all those years ago, and that family is what holds them together.  They need each other, of course, but each other isn’t enough anymore.  Sam needs Eileen, Dean needs Cas.  That is where they will find their peace.
This episode, as many written by Bucklemming was sloppy, rushed, packed full of shit, and had little gems that we can talk about forever, but that was the end of the season, and next week?  Andrew Dabb brings us home, where Dean and Sam will finally be able to choose what they want for themselves, and that, my friends, is Eileen and Cas.
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